cecils-dragons · 10 months
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Had a funny idea so I had to draw it, probably(not really) something that happened after Rahal first started to help Donovan out. Holding these two tight for their good dumb vibes.
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mbav3rdseason · 3 months
I’m sorry, I can’t get behind the idea of Sidney and Randy being in a relationship.
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theoscelosaurus · 2 months
I love. Absolutely love. Seeing some ransid take on a post and being like. Huh. I know that person. That's one of the first account i ever blocked😊✨ turns out their political takes are just as awful as their fandom ones. good ridance
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cambriancutie · 1 year
some absolute ransid posts in the drafts. am i really that annoying
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stimton-archive · 1 month
Tumblr deleted my goddamn account, here's an attempt at remaking the pinned post
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Quick information: Please don't interact with my blog if:
anti endogenic, syscourse blogger
pr*ship/anti-anti/supporter, support fictional CSAM
h*rry potter/dream smp/pizza t*wer defender or dedicated blog
transr*ce/ransID/transage, radqueef, IRL yandere, self-identified fujo/fudan, supporter
support s*icide baiting
against any of the following: mspec gays & lesbians, nonbinary gays & lesbians/lesboys, MOGAI/xenogenders/neopronouns, reclaiming the Q word
you say "standard DNI criteria" instead of telling people your boundaries
you don't source stim GIFs/take GIFs from Google/Pinterest
I do not care if you disagree with one of these, don't send me discourse, it is not healthy for me to see
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When you use the stim content I made:
Credit me, always. Proper credit in stimboards is linking back to the post where I posted it. Do not do other shit like just @'ing my entire blog, "ask me for the source!", "source in tags" etc, that is not proper crediting.
"But now that your blog got deleted this means links are broken!" Yes. I'm aware. It's still not proper credit to obfuscate the source<3
Do not repost my content on TikTok or Pinterest. Ever. I'm not comfortable with it, please respect that.
You can use my GIFs as avatars on Spacehey, in your Carrds and Rentrys, on your Neocities, etc. Link back!
This should go without saying, but please don't use my content if you are on my DNI! It feels weird for someone who I wouldn't be comfortable interacting with me directly benefiting from resources I made, you know? You're gaining likes/reblogs/follows/etc from your stimboards after all!
I don't take requests anymore, I'm sorry!
Please support me and help me pay bills by commissioning me, using my Carrd premium referral link, or checking out the stuff in my Ko-Fi shop
Tumblr fucking deleted my whole ass account and I'm never gonna get it back. I have plans to repost all of the GIFs I made but not the stimboards. If you have an original GIF or a stimboard I made, PLEASE help me by showing me the post. (Please @ me, don't send it in an ask)
Blogs that I had where I posted original GIFs and stimboards: Stimton, crystal-stims (at least a couple boards there), malice-stims
Other blogs I had where I didn't post any/much original content: i-fucking-love-calligraphy-stims, wearestimmy, deleted-stim-gifs
Blogs I still have (with other mods on the team): @prideflagstim
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nm-mattuz · 2 months
I came up with this while playing stamina mode and apparently King K. Roll is crazy good in it.
Please read in the DKC show K. Rool's voice.
You know I am the king so you cannot compare.
You are more ransid than my dirty underwear.
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ineffable-bisexual · 5 years
I just noticed I now have over 3700 followers??? How??? Oh my goodness, HELLO YA’LL!
This gives me a chance to plug my fics! xD
Follow this link for lots of angst, fluff, and good ole smut in my different fandoms! Enjoy!
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symeona · 2 years
If I hear one more thing about Aristotle I will bite someone
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dogcoding · 5 years
vibe check
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brentjayspiner · 8 years
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A2- Arik and anyone ( I picked nigel cause they're cute as fuck in the SLS au) A3 -Ransid ( gay dads au cause they'd never be this sweet in canon) C1- Daforge cause they're so sweet
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depravity-disposed · 3 years
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“Oh..~! Excuse me....~”
LLex apologized, almost in a ditzy fashion, his code dictating the nessesary response to such an unmerited, and quite vulgur, complement to the lively lump of his current user squirming up in his inflated middle..
Whatever response, if they did give one infact, couldn’t be heard over the steady sloshing of his artificial stomach, which was little more than an idle bag of gelatinous material designed for short, yet sensual sessions if his partner so desired.. albeit, a bit more cramped than what they’d expected at first.
The apprehension he first felt upon feeling them stir within soon faded away once his sensors had started converting thier movements into a gradual incline of sexual arousal. For a moment, LLex worried about the impending consequences of letting his awareness slip, but little by little, as he soon caught ear of the muffled moaning coming from his bulging gut, he found himself starting to loose to his mounting sexual desires as he began to rock and hump against his user’s tucked away form...
For a while, they both basked to the rhythms of each other’s opposing motions, effectively serving to both get themselves AND the other off at the same time..
Until a light humming of something internal activating slowly caught his attention, his partner’s once lustful movements, now descending into frantic, studderjng spasms as the once moldible interior started to clamp and tighten around them...
“Ooooh noo....” The bot mumbled as he quickly realized what was about to happen, “... I knew this was gonna happen... you accidentally activated my sanitization mode....” LLex informing little too late as his abdomen began to rhythmically compact and contract, not like it wasn’t certainly dooming his now trapped “snack” as a  corrosive, yet sterilizing fluid starting flowing into the cramped area...
Surprisingly, the sensation of, what was essentially his own form of digestion, seemed to grant the same results as when he’d been humping the now shrinking mass mere moments ago, a sudden and deep groan from the mechanical organ making him let out an elongated moan of pleasure as his belly shook like jelly. The cushioning helps proved no match against the desperate flailing of a panicked user, leaving the tucked up person to quake the masticating middle in a flurry of morphing protrusions...
LLex couldn’t help but grind against the jerky movements of his suffocating client as his systems quickly started to melt them into little more than a meaty broth, the stew sizzling and popping as what was left was broken down by bio engineered enzymes that effectively turned that person shaped bulge into nothing but a chymeral creamy sludge that could be processed into a considerable amount of biofuel for later....
All the while they screamed from inside, as more and more of them became unrecognizable by the minute, aided by the persistent and steady rocking of thier pred’s hips as, to thier disbelief, he continued to get off to thier hopeless situation...
“Fuuuck.... I never thought.... this could feel.....~” he never trully finished his sentence really, a small belch slipping out, the taste of his partner’s fermenting flesh scattering his mind to the wind as he picked up the pace of his thrusts....
“AH~! LIKE THAT~!! YOU’LL MAKE ME-?!” LLex’s euphoric moan erupting out without warning then as he began to loose control of his faculties before finally tipping over the edge as his prey gave one last hardy kick in an attempt to turn this situation to thier favor...
Of course this only served to allow the android to finally orgasm after all this time, but it also created a hush of hot, thick, and ransid air to force itself up and out to taint the air outside, cutting off the moan, but adding to the already intense pleasure as the bot simply moaned, as best as he could, into the belch as it thundered through his already overstimulated body...
The lingering spasms of his hips and muscles made noticeable cracking sound from the bones finally starting to give way as the user had no doubt expired by now, the lack of air accompanied by the hostile conditions finally catching up with them...
the feeling of satisfaction amazing, as LLex found himself nodding off soon after manually and thoroughly compacting the bubbling protein into a meaty ball that could easily be worked down quicker than it would’ve prior....
LLex lazily smiled to himself, the thought of how he’d just ultimately dominated his lover making him even more aroused as sleepy as he was, no doubt leaving him to dream about the next time he’d planned to experience this outstanding feeling...
But this time, on purpose....~
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spread-the-jam · 3 years
Stale White Hollow Butterfly
Stale bites at the wasted
Bitter taste of stinging reprise
Causticly withering
Kaoticly ransid
Rhetoric prize
Emulsivly clouded glowing with pride
Grazing cigglicle pennance
Spiraling intertwind
Washed over in reids
Stowik divides
Doused in blue blood
Chasing stark white moolight
Raw as the chains of the changing tides
Blacken the sun
Stench of death become one
Septic convultions
Amonium rinse
Phosphates over rined
Sulphuric ammel
Lysergic retrograde
Bringing the dead back to life
Rotting corpses buzzing with locusts
Whiplash of the mind
Chasing stinging metals
Butterflying my insides
Screaming and curling
That never subsides
Beneath the crustations
Between my glassy hollow eyes
Cold hearted cold cycles
Cold filtered dry limes
Caking off temples
Peeling away centred in brine
Tapestrys of the aienchent
Tourched and torcherd traced through modern times
Lith up the lights
Stiched up one at a time
Candidly oceananic
Swollowing the last of mans sediment
To feel
To become
To emerse
In red brown green black purple and white
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cxlviiii · 4 years
Matthew MacDell’s one liners from Season 1 of Big Mouth
“Too bad he can’t afford tweezers for that unibrowww”
“They’re a gaggle of ransid cunts”
“Nick and Andrew! You’re friends again! Nick’s pants are gone, the teachers look poor. What the FUCK is going on?!”
“Sounds like he FINGERED her”
“Coach Steve lives in a joke of an apartment near the airport”
Everybody Bleeds
“Can’t wait to see which one of these dopes forgot their permission slips”
“You look great as always, you post-racial power couple”
“Listen to me, nick. You’re a cute little nugget, and you’re funny, sometimes. But you’re tiny and you need a hook.”
“You and male lesbian are middle-of-the-bus people.”
“You smell like an Israeli disco”
“Tilt to the right if you wanna see a grown man in a minions tshirt”
“I’m above this, so i’m not gonna comment”
“It was less of a period and more of an exclamation point”
Am I Gay?
“Oh look, the lost and found became a person.”
“I’m the only gay person you KNOW you know.”
“You SUCK at being straight”
“I have morning announcements, and you have... like a pear shape.”
“Nick, tell us, in your own tiny words- who dumped who?”
“Look at you. Walking into rooms, declaring things.”
“Everything in the gay community is a ‘thing’. Also, byeeeeeeee”
“Yeah, Maury. He’s the fucking man. And he’s only a monster when he does coke.”
Requiem for a wet dream
“We just need a third- like an idiot to make fun of.”
“His geisha giggle weirds me out. I was thinking male freida.”
“He’s like a sexy Neanderthal”
“Ah, Marnie. Shoutout to Girls!” (Allusion to a show that Andrew Rannells (Matthews voice actor) was in)
“Okay, we’re changing our project. How no sex for 30 years changes the male posture”
“And we didn’t want to be blamed for your suicide”
I survived Jessie’s Bat Mitzvah// The Head Push
“You’ve been a busy little asshole, haven’t you?”
“You have appeared to have killed an old man. Congratulations!”
“I truly envy your ability to bat away every one of my insults”
“People are horribleeee!”
“No one is truly happyyyy”
“The man rode on a bus for 20 minutes in a wrestling singlet and didn’t ask a single question”
“You’re thinking of a window, you orangutang”
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allygodot · 4 years
The narrative over on Kristahlia Week is of course absurd, but I can’t help but feel there is something meaningfully tragic about it. Do not misinterpret me, I do believe this is the deserved outcome for their constant propagation of hateful ideas, but I can’t help but feel there is something almost poignant about the themes of betrayal underlying the whole ordeal. I myself know what it is like to be stabbed in the back by someone you trust, although I was able to heal and am now completely unphazed my tragic past, something which I am unsure if the moderators of this blog can accomplish. After all, what happened to them was just while my treatment was completely undeserved, but I suppose that is how the wheel of fortune turns, if you’ll excuse the pagan imagery. Regardless, as ransid as that blog may be it just might serve as a valuable cautionary tale.
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imsofuckingtiredgod · 5 years
Your blog is ransid, such as the tallest
I have no idea what you just said and I refuse to question it. thank you for this addition to my life
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acrylicnafternoons · 5 years
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