licensedqueerio · 2 years
So it's that time of year again (my favorite time of year) where the weather is freezing and it's starting to snow. *So* please feel free to send in some cute holiday prompts! I'm currently in the process of writing a Gareth Emerson x Reader fic involving ice skating but I could always use more requests. Can be headcanons or fics or anything else.
The characters I write for are here, and my rules are here.
Happy Holidays everyone <3
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licensedqueerio · 2 years
Gareth Emerson Headcanons No One Asked For
So these are just my headcanons, that could totally be out of character, but idk. I wish we had more content with him
Also, some info isn't correct like their ages, but idc. I wrote this super late at night so it's probably unorganized and stuff, but I hope you enjoy
(i also update this whenever I think of something else abt him)
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• His full name is Gareth Benjamin Emerson II bc I said so
• that's where Gareth The Great comes from
• he wants the distinction that he's the great one
• he's the middle child
• his sister, Carys is three years older than him and moved out to go to college
• his other sister, Gwyneth is 8
• his parents are bigshot lawyers in Indianapolis so most of the time it's only him and Gwyn at home
• idk I love the idea of older brother Gareth
• (Gareth puts Gwyn in after school programs, which is how he does Hellfire)
• He matches other people's energies. Like the energy someone gives him is the energy he throws back
• Ex: when Jason yelled at him and Gareth yelled back the exact same way
• The man is brutally honest
• Unnecessarily brutal tho
• He can and will insult someone by complete accident
• He's also super aggressive when he plays the drums
• Slamming on his kit and screaming to their newest song
• As one does
• He breaks his sticks ridiculously often
• (He likes to throw them around, especially at Eddie)
• Speaking of Eddie
• They met when they were decently young
• Around middle school
• Gareth was the kid who was effortlessly cool
• Eddie, on the other hand, was trying SO HARD to be cool
• He was going for the whole punk rock thing when he buzzed his head
• He made it his mission to befriend Gareth at any cost
• But Gareth HATED him
• Well, hatred is a strong word. He didn't care for Eddie like Eddie cared for him
• Gareth just wanted to be by his lonesome, as edgy middle schoolers do
• But Eddie is persistent and will not leave this boy alone
• It doesn't matter that Gareth is two years younger than him
• He wants Gareth to be his friend and that's final
• They eventually become friends when they realize they both like D&D
• When they get to highschool tho
• The dynamic flips
• Since Eddie's older, he has two years to become the Cool Kid that attracts the other freaks and weirdos
• Gareth was kinda scared they wouldn't be friends anymore
• But Eddie doesn't let go of Gareth
• They're besties
• Gareth was Eddie's first bandmate and the first member of Hellfire
• Gareths 'queer awakening' was Eddie but nothing ever happen other than a kiss or two when Eddie was high
• Gareth doesn't do drugs
• He drinks tho
• He has a very strange moral code that only he understands
• Also he was the first one to get a car out of all his friends
• He drives like a mad man
• Do not let this man behind the wheel
• Speed limits are merely a suggestion
• He also doesn't know what it means to gradually brake. He slams on those bitches
• (only when Gwyn's not in the car, he's not an irresponsible brother, thank you very much)
• He gets better eventually
• Eddie learns to drive so he can properly teach Gareth (who taught himself)
• He constantly taps the steering wheel
• Even if there's no music playing
• Gareth is loud and he is chaotic
• He probablys has some sort of undiagnosed adhd
• But y'know, it's the 80s. Mental illness doesn't exist or whatever
• Gareth is just trying to live his life's you know?
• Oh also, this boy has attitude for DAYS
• Like holy shit
• He can talk shit like no one else
• It's only when he's really mad tho
• He just runs his mouth and he doesn't know when to stop
• But the things he says are genuinely true and his insults hit home and it pisses the other person off
• As a result, Gareth is decently fast bc getting beat up isn't fun
• He's got into his share of fights tho
• But he usually avoids them
• He's more bark than bite. But his bark is totally worse
• He either had a septum or a nose ring
• He's the type to judge movies the entire time it's on
• He makes smartass comments under his breath
• Laughs at inappropriate times
• (Like when a character dies)
• He only drinks red drinks
• Or from red cans
• Dr pepper is his best friend
• He also loves cherry anything
• He'd be the red character
But now onto some dating hcs
• He likes to hold hands
• He's just a big fan of physical contact
• He also loves when his hair is played with
• His love language is gift giving
• Well moreso just giving in general
• His rings, clothes, etc
• He just gives them to his partner randomly
• he collects rocks
• He's been doing it since he was a kid
• He probably has one of those jars that you put a rock in when ur happy
• He has a lot of rocks in his jar
• He's given all his friends a rock
• Eddie has several
• His partner also has many
• He would be so happy to find out you actually keep them
• Whenever you guys go on a date, he gives you a rock
• He also has a rock and he writes the date on it
• He starts a new jar just for the date-rocks
• Those are extra special, he finds the best rocks he can for you and him
• But moving on from rocks
• He invites you to his shows
• And band practice
• Eddie hates it bc he gets distracted
• But he gets so happy when he sees you watching him play
• He plays extra well
• Once he can take his eyes off you that is
• But let's rewind to the beginning of your relationship
• You meet him through Eddie
• After a few days of hanging out together he invited you to dinner
• (You order takeout and go back to his place)
• It's nice, it's just the two of you in his bedroom, the dim tv illuminating it
• He confesses to you right when you take a drink of whatever it is you're drinking
• You choke
• And Gareth ofc laughs bc that's who he is
• But you say you like him back and viola
• You're dating
• He's fond of drive-in movie dates
• Even though it's like an hour drive to the next city where the theater is
• He's a movie geek
• It's definitely his sister's fault
• Both of them
• You think it's adorable tho
• And you're sitting next to him just cracking up at his commentary
• Bc really, it's entertaining
• He calls you all kinds of different nicknames
• He's looking for one to stick
• So he just had a continual rotating arsenal of nicknames that he likes to use
• Your nicknames for him usually revolve around drumming
• He's not amused
• You are tho, teasing him is your favorite pastime
• And he just stares at you with his flat, deadpan look
• His arms crossed and everything
• He teases you back ofc, but sometimes you can't tell when he's joking bc of his tone
• But that's what makes it fun
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licensedqueerio · 2 years
Can i ask for gareth! Just like general dating headcanons. (they/them) pronouns please!
So I have written dating headcanons for Gareth in this post, but I have a few more :)
Also, oddly enough I'm kinda shit at writing headcanons but y'know what, it's fine. I hope you enjoy anyways :)
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So we've established he likes physical contact
if you two are in the same classes he always sits next to you
and you two have been separated on multiple occasions for talking
and then he'll chuck balled up pieces of paper at you behind the teachers back
and when you uncrumple the paper, it says 'hi' or smth
so you write back and chuck the paper back at him when the teacher turns around again
and you'll go back and forth until you get caught
you two almost went a whole class period without getting caught
until Gareth, who was laughing when he threw the paper, miscalculated and ended up hitting the teacher in the back of the head
you of course, laughed
and the two of you ended up with detention
(but its totally worth it)
but when you two do sit together in class
or just at lunch
he's either holding your hand under the table, or tapping his fingers against your thigh
and when you kiss, his hands slip under your top and just rest against your skin
it drives you crazy and the little shit knows it
that's why he does it
he drives the both of you to and from school, even before you start dating
he likes to bunk off first period and grab cherry slushies with you
his first period is math, which he despises
which is kind of weird considering he loves chem
anyways yeah
so your attendance is kind of all over the place bc of him
(but if you ever complained or anything he'd turn into a model student real quick)
outside of school you hang out a lot
and on days when neither of you are busy, you go on cute little dates
they don't have to be anything fancy
in fact they could be super simple and spontaneous and you'll both love it
he gives you his stuff randomly. Literally anything he owns he can and will give you
he gave you his favorite ring
you wear it on a chain so you don't lose it
but he doesn't just give you jewelry or clothes or whatever
he gives you books he's read and doesn't want anymore
(he 100% writes in books. It's like the movie thing, he needs his commentary and thoughts to be known)
he's given you posters for your room, that you definitely hung up
oh and don't forget the rocks
some of them are painted
some have dates on them
he once tried to be cute when asking you on a date
he came over late and threw a rock at your window like they do in the movies
except he underestimated his own strength and totally broke your window
luckily your parents weren't home so you didn't get murdered
but that weekend you and him learned how to replace a window before your parents got home
but anyways, you kept the rock he threw as a keepsake
and to tease him with
it's in the 'most prized possession' part of your growing rock collection
but once again. Moving on from the rocks
if you show any sort of interest in the drums, there he is
he teaches you how to play and how spin the sticks in a super cool way
he loves that you love something he'd passionate about
same thing with Hellfire
if you show interest in wanting to join, or learn more about dnd he's there, eagerly teaching you
if you were to ever join a campaign he would be SO HAPPY
like bouncing-in-his-seat-can't-sit-still sort of happy
he just loves when you show interest in his interests
he's not a quiet lover
he wants everyone to know about your relationship, wants people to know that he has the best parter
and he doesn't go out of his way to like, mention it
but if he's asked, he'll go on a whole rant about how much he loves you and how great you are
it's really precious
he once did it without knowing you were in the room and got so embarrassed he didn't talk to you for the rest of the night
hes big on cuddling when you share a bed
only problem with that is he's a blanket hog
which would be usually fine since you're cuddling, right?
he's as chaotic asleep as when he's awake
he moves so much it's ridiculous
and he hogs the blanket!
and when you mention it in the morning?
he denies it
he tells you you were just dreaming and then he'll kiss you so you forget about it
he's an ass like that
you still love him though
he flirts with you incessantly
even tho you're already dating
he uses silly pick up lines on you
or just flirts as though he's only just met you
he's so cute
since he's in Hellfire and friends with Eddie, he's definitely labeled a freak
so you're either one, or you become one once you start dating him
but he will defend you're honor to the end, he doesn't let anyone insult you
he'll punch them in the mouth without hesitation
you find it entertaining, especially when you end up running for your lives afterwards
but that's the cost of dating Gareth Emerson
It's totally worth it
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licensedqueerio · 3 years
My LOV Headcanons
TW: Abuse, strong language, unhealthy coping mechanisms,
Members included: Touya, Toga, Tomura, Compress, Mustard
I might make another part, but I these are the few I had a bunch of headcanons for
Touya Todoroki|Dabi
Touya and Natsuo are twins
Neither knows whos oldest
Touya says it's him, btu Natsuo's convinced it's him because he's bigger
Endeavor only pushed Touya since Natsuo didn't have the right quirk
Touya hated Natsuo for a long time bc Endeavor never trained him, but forced Touya to rip his body apart day in and day out
He got over it eventually
When he ran away, he tried to take Shouto with him
Natsou interfered
He said Shouto was "too little" to be on the run with Touya
(who was only about 14 mind you)
So Touya blames himself for Shouto's scar
Touya's 'scars' are fireproof skin grafts
It's a hack job, he had to get them done by some sketchy doctor because his skin got so bad
Touya lives on energy drinks and spite
He's such an asshole too
But not in like, a mean way??
He's like an annoying older brother
The league is on rotation for chores
Touya is the best at laundry
(obv he's an older brother)
He also reluctantly does the dishes
He has to wear those yellow gloves bc of his scars and stuff
He's also the only one who really knows how to cook, besides Compress
He has pink hair, that's the real reason why he dyed it
His hair started off as red when he was a baby
But it just got lighter and lighter
(Like when some blondes are born with red hair)
And it just stayed pink, instead of turning white like he hoped it would
Touya's also small
Always has been
His body was never as good as he wanted it to be
Endeavor had hated it
Hated his size and that as powerful as Touya’s quirk was, he couldn’t use it because his body couldn’t handle it
So naturally, Touya hated it too
He used to have a lot of problems with his body, in how he perceived it
It got better after he met Tomura, but he'll always hate his height
Which is why he wears his boots, that make him a good five inches taller
He has a really high pain tolerance because of all the training he went through
But he lost feeling in parts of his body because of his quirk
He also doesn't have fingerprints, they're all burned off
He despises the cold even though he literally doesn't get cold
Tomura Shigaraki
He's allergic to a bunch of things
Plus his skin is super sensitive
All the laundry is super soft bc both he and Touya have really sensitive skin
He takes a ridiculous amount of showers
That's part of the reason why he's skins so dry
But the showering and itching go hand in hand
He'll feel the need to get clean, even if he's just showered he'll go shower in the hottest water he can tolerate and scrub his skin raw
Then he'll pick at his dry skin and scratch until he's bleeding
And the cycle starts over
He has anxiety
Which doesn't help the whole picking at his skin thing
He gets overstimulated really easily
When that happens he gets snappy and irate at every little thing
Thats when it's time for him to retreat into his room and distract himself
Or go out and cause destruction just to calm down
He hates the cold with a burning passion
His dad would do that thing
Whenever Tomura misbehaved or did something he didn't like, he'd put him outside, no matter the weather
He'd tell him not to come back in until he had a better attitude or was ready to behave
And then those long days where he was on the streets in the cold
He just hates the cold and the memories it drudges up
(coincidentally why his showers are so hot)
He spends the winter miserable in bed under a bunch of blankets
Until he gets with Touya
Then he gets to cuddle under blankets with his own personal heater
He's lucky and doesn't have to partake in the chore rotation
He claims it's bc he's the leader and doesn't have to do any boring house work
But it's really because laundry and dishes will make his skin worse
(and after they asked him to do the dishes, a suspicious amount of dishes magically disappeared)
But he helps out sometimes
In his own way
He also can't read!
Kurogiri tried to teach him
But after Tomura almost decayed him, he sort of gave up
Tomura is such a fucking dad
He refuses to admit it
But he is!
He cares so much about the kids
It's honestly really sweet
He cares about them sm
Himiko Toga
When taking things from Himiko, don't hold them above your head
She will punch you in the gut to get you to bend down and take it
(She's done it to Touya a bunch)
Her side of the car has a child lock bc she's jumped out of the car one too many times
She isn't allowed to do the dishes bc she breaks everything
(most of their plates are now plastic bc of her)
She can do laundry tho
It's her favorite chore
She really wants to do 'normal' teenager things
So once, when Mustard was a little older, she took him on a joyride
She got an earful from Touya and Tomura once they got back
But she has no regrets
Every night she takes her hair down and brushes it exactly 100 times
Magne used to do it for her
Eventually, Touya began to do it for her
Which turned into Touya learning to braid so he could do her hair
Himiko and Monoma are twins
She changed her name after she ran away
Monoma thought she died up until the training camp
Himiko cried when she saw him
Now they have bi-weekly meetups
He's ftm trans
He outright refuses to eat anything yellow and/or green
He's American!!
He was a hero-hopeful
He was in one of the best hero schools in America
To make a long story short, villains attacked and killed someone close to him
So he responded in kind
The heroes didn't like that, so he ran
He ended up in Japan when he was 14, and was quickly found by Himiko
Who then introduced him to the League
And here he is now
His quirk allows him to produce all toxic gasses
His favorite is mustard gas
Consequently, that's where his name came from
He's also immune to a lot of toxins bc of his quirk
But at the same time he can make his voice raspy if he abuses his quirk
(he can hold the gas in his throat and wreck his voice)
But he doesn't care, bc it helps his dysphoria
He's a little asshole and will argue and throw a fit about doing the dishes when it's his week
(but does them anyways)
Mr. Compress|Atsuhiro Sako
He's the luckiest of them all
He gets to go out into the real world without consequence
No ones seen his face, all he has to do is take off the mask and he's good
Which is why he's the one who makes all the grocery runs
He hates it, actually and complains about being the errand boy
But it's what's most convenient
At least he gets out of other chores
He's stupidly flexible
He was apart of the circus at one point in his life, when he was a teenager
So yeah! Circus skills!
He wanted to be a magician as a kid actually
Which...somehow led him to the circus but y'know
How he ended up with the league is a mystery
He's yet to delve too far into his own backstory with the League
But as the eldest (other than Kurogiri) he cares a lot
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