#raph my insecurities
nexischillin · 2 years
Yknow when you kin all 4 of the turtles from rottmnt? No. just me okay
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notemaker · 10 months
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Uncle Raph!! Page 1 - Previous Me: I'll just draw a cute scene where Casey worries and tries to rub Raph's frown away haha. One, two pages max. Me, 17 pages later:
CASEY SAID THE THING!! RAPH'S THING!! Anyway everyone give one big hurrah to CJ for being the most nephew ever.
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donnieluvsthings · 2 years
also okay i havent seen EVERY version of tmnt but theres usually a theme for the leo-raph arguments, so i think its safe to say that once again rise does a classic tmnt thing but completely in its own way. like ah yes leo and raph arguing while donnie and mikey eavesdrop! except donnie and mikey actually try to interfere when leo and raph start fighting.
and theyre not arguing over who would be the better leader, its not “angsty lone wolf nightwatcher” raph vs “overbearing and arrogant but with repressed insecurities” leo. its “older brother whos scared bc hes under lots of pressure to protect his family and takes it very seriously” raph vs “too-chill-too-cocky doesnt really listen to his team” leo. just. its the same thing TECHNICALLY but rise does it all so that its basically new and i love it so much
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this-is-turtles · 9 months
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I got you brother...
Listen....listen... @2aceofspades's drawings are just too good, and I had a mighty need to color this absolute heart wrenching drawing
If yall havent checked out Ace's art yet, what are you doing with your life, go give them all the looove
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asummersday · 1 year
local author is absolutely obsessed with raph and leo's relationship following the end of season 2 and is making it everyone's problem, more at 11!
#theyre so fascinating to me#let me pull up my notes on them so i can ramble like a crazy person in the tags#heres the thing. raph is the eldest sibling. its his job to keep his little brothers safe#and hes been the leader their whole lives. like they were clearly allowed to do whatever they wanted with little parental supervision#so it would be the most obvious and natural choice for the oldest to be the leader#and like clearly the others are on board (at least during canon events)#and leos the most supportive of raph and his leadership out of all of them. constantly hyping him up. even calling on mind raph#because leo trusts raphs judgement (more than his own id go so far as to say tbh)#(i genuinely believe that leo has always looked up to raph since they were very young.)#so i think leo would see him being promoted to leader as undeserved. unearned. it belongs to raph because hes always been there for them.#(~impostor syndrome babey)#meanwhile raph is struggling to find where he belongs on the team now that hes not the leader#i think raph would have liked to have someone guide him through being leader because its HARD!!! ur choices can and WILL have consequences#so hes trying to be that for leo. he tries to be there the way no one was there so that leo doesnt struggle the way raph did#and also its a good way to ignore having to process how HE feels about the demotion#bc it was so unexpected there would obviously be feelings of guilt and self-doubt and 'was i good enough'#and obviously raph isnt going to tell his brothers how hes struggling to find his place on the team now#because hes the oldest and the oldest sibling is the shoulder to lean on. not there to dump their insecurities on their little siblings#the problem is that leo isnt raph#and raph is so focused on helping leo and not dealing with his own stuff that he forgets that.#i think raph sees himself as the leader of the team and the smashy guy. the powerhouse#(i say that with the belief that raph is the HEART of the team btw. only he doesnt know that lmao)#leo himself is also projecting a little onto raph. like i really do believe he thinks raph hates him for 'stealing' his role#(its bullshit but like. brains are dumb sometimes so)#leo seeks out validation but ESPECIALLY raph's validation (like donnie tbh)#to leo a leader is someone you can count on. and he doesnt see himself as reliable#rottmnt#ataimw#rottmnt raph#rottmnt leo
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zapvendo · 1 year
rise leo . . I think I'm finally learning to appreciate him.
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lactoseintolerentswag · 8 months
Rise Characterizations Pt. 2!!
In the first part I went over my character writing notes for Raph, so we're doing Leo next!!!
Leo Character Notes
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Language Habits:
First the obvious, makes a lot of puns and one-liners. Think corny super hero movies
Does poke at New Jersey often in said one-liners
Mumbles/talks to himself out loud often
Starts a Lot of his sentences with, "Okay--"
Often will add on, "haha, you're hilarious", when he's trying to tease or antagonize someone
Similarly to Raph he will also verbalize his attacks/actions, "kick and punch"/"punch and kick", "land safely"/"and he sticks the landing"
Also will verbalize when he's trying to make a portal, "come on portal", "it's portal time", "portal power jitsu"
We all know "hachi machi"
Tendency to also make noises when fighting, "yah"/"wah!"/"hah!"
That little ohohoho laugh can signify as his battle cry/excitement, or his nervousness depending on context
Same case as the above with "hoh boy"
Will stutter on words to emphasize them, "l-l-l-l-lame!"
The first to jump onto an "I told you so" or "I was right"
Mixes Spanish into his sentences, most notably "bueno", "vamanos", "hermano(s)"
Messes up science terminology, "reprogramulating"
Says "indubitably" when he's up to something (which Raph recognizes)
Out of all the brothers, he does poke fun the most
Refers to himself as "Leon"
Refers to others (mostly strangers/acquaintances) as "bub"/"bud", or "chief"
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Dramatic, Leo will always play things up 110%. Sometimes this is to cover up his insecurities, to cheer up his brothers, or to annoy said brothers. Also plays into his extreme responses to stressful situations
The fun brother, aka mikey's advocate. He takes his role seriously as the face man, who keeps things fun and cool for his brothers. It's an easy role, and he gets to make his family laugh or roll their eyes. He's. Sillay
Perceptive, this is why he knows exactly what buttons to push, but he's not a great communicator when it comes to the bigger picture. This also plays into his manipulativeness that he uses to put chaos into his family (i.e. lair games), puppet villains (i.e. Big Mama) into his motives, and change the battlefield
A closet nerd, implied to remember more jupiter jim lore than the rest of his brothers and has a ready to go impression of the reptiles of planet reptilica
Competitive to a fault, he tends to get lost in the competition when it comes to his brothers. Part of his dramatism is showing off, and he's weak to being called or associated with the term "champion". Competition is a way he gauges his self worth
Has a strong desire for the inherent admiration and trust of his peers, more than outright praise (both are wanted) unlike Donnie. This damages his communication skills because he just expects his brothers to trust him while he puts on a persona of nonchalance as protection from failure
Defensive, of himself through being snippy or sarcastic, but also defensive of his brothers' own well-being. He may be the one to poke the most fun, but he's also the one to jump to his siblings' defense out of any of the brothers. Sort of an "only I can do so and so to blank" mindset
Martyr complex, prioritizes the safety of his family over his own safety
Gets attached to people he considers family Quickly, those he doesn't consider a part of his family he has little sympathy for but once that connection is there he's already ready to use his body as a shield
Freeze response, tends to freeze up in response to danger or stress. Often shown to curl into a ball or stand silently (as opposed to his constant chatter)
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The third to unlock his mystic powers
Nicknames: "baby blue" by splinter, "nardo" by donnie
Sweats an ungodly amount
Uses spit to annoy his brothers/enemies (licking an item to claim it as his, wet willies)
Can beat box
Always chooses left in mazes or when lost
Next up will be Donnie :>
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xtreklx · 10 months
You're hurt ~ Ninja Turtles x reader
Headcanon: Bayverse Turtles x reader
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: SFW, angst + a little fluff, mention of injury
A/N: really appreciate all of the love shown to my last headcanon post, so I thought I'd do another one! switching up the tone tho and doing a little bit of angst ~ hope you enjoy!
we all know that Leo probably has the best handle on his emotions of all the turtle brothers
so when he sees your injured form, on the outside he probably looks a healthy amount of concerned 
but inside he is absolutely going beserk
like amber alert sounds going off in his brain fr
he asks Donnie what to do as they quickly tend to your injury but as they work, there is a ringing in his ears 
when you wake up from being unconscious, the first thing he does is let out a big sigh of relief, and then "how're you holding up, princess? can I do anything for you?"
and when you smile softly back at him and say "I'm okay now, love, I promise" his heart is going to shatter and then put itself back together again all at once
he is so quick to do anything and everything to alleviate your pain
while you are healing, of course he takes the main shift in caring for you
he is constantly refilling your water bottle, bringing you food or tea, changing out your bandages
he'll even sit on the chair next to your bed and read to you, just to take your mind off of any pain you may be experiencing
our guy in blue is very motherly and nurturing in that way
but lowkey, he will take any chance he gets to step out of the room because of how much it pains him to see you like this
he'll lean against the wall outside of the lab/infirmary and rub his temples, furrowing his brow ridge and holding in tears
his most precious, delicate flower, trampled by the cruel, outside world
but he won't let you see his pre-grief; you only see him with a smile on his face
it's only when you start making visible progress with your injury that he starts to feel okay again
because the physical proof that you are going to recover reassures him that he is not going to lose you any time soon
omg when Big Red saw you injured... his world literally came to a halt
like record scratch type of halt
his biggest fear in the whole wide world is losing his family, and you are a part of his family now
so he is simply beside himself with fear and worry and is absolutely desperate and angry until he knows that you're going to make it
he will be snapping at whoever is tending to your wounds, if anyone tries to pull him away from you he WILL FIGHT THEM
he is very not okay and very emotional
once he gets a moment alone, he will definitely let the emotions take over and cry to himself
when you first wake up, he will say or do whatever he can to make you feel tough, because he doesn't want you feeling weak while down for the count
"damn, you really showed 'em, huh tiger? you shoulda seen the guy, he was limpin' away after the stunt you pulled."
swears up and down that he will kill whoever touched you, and even though raph is a violent guy, he's not a killer. but he 100% means what he says
however, a big part of him is going to blame himself. for not being with you, for letting you get in the way of danger, for even allowing you to be a part of a life like this to begin with.
but you can read the big guy like a book. so you give him a knowing smile and tenderly reassure him: "I wouldn't do a thing differently. I love you, and I want to be with you no matter what."
you got him fucked up, that's for sure
and while you are healing he is in no way shape or form leaving your side for a SECOND
he will fall asleep next to your infirmary bed, he will eat meals next to you, he will do whatever Donnie tells him to, but he will not be able to physically bear leaving your side
man's top quality is his loyalty, and while his fears or insecurities may get the best of him every once in a while, he's in it too deep now, and he'll do anything to be by your side
as we expect, Donnie is able to keep his head on straight when he sees that you're injured
he knows that he has to have his wits about him because he's the only qualified medic of the group
but deep, deep down he is in full-on panic mode
Don keeps different groups of tabs open in his brain (like on a google chrome browser), and while one of the groups is flipping through every medical textbook he has ever read, another group is just going "Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N--"
over and over again like a computer system error
his brothers are trying to help him tend to your injuries but he is extremely strict with whatever they do and has a very hard time letting go of the reins
as he's talking to them, he looks concentrated and steady, but his voice will not stop cracking
once he has decided that you are stable and going to be okay is when he breaks down
he's definitely also a crier, and can't help but think about how he almost lost you and can't function without you
but he gets a hold of himself, continues to chronically monitor your vitals and pain levels, and then immediately gets to work on a new invention to keep you safe
when you first wake up, now that he's feeling a little more confident with your condition, he'll say something silly to cheer you up, like "well hello to my newest little experiment"
and you'll smile back at him with a joking "hi, Doctor Dee", insisting that you're fine as he asks you a bunch of analytical questions about your symptoms
after he's done playing doctor, he'll just sit next to you for a moment in silence, looking apprehensive
but you know exactly what he's thinking, so you say "you're my hero, Donatello. you know that, don't you?" 
he gets so blushy and flustered at that, but has the biggest smile on his face 
surprisingly, when Mikey sees you hurt, he goes quiet
you would think that with our goofball in orange, his reaction would be super over-the-top and dramatic
no, mans goes dead silent
he never gave much thought to what his fears in life were before this, but he has realized that one of his biggest fears has just come true
he asks Donnie what he needs to do, and he doesn't think he has ever sounded more desperate in his life
he does his tasks immediately and with the utmost attention to detail, no protests and no questions asked
his brothers have never seen him like this before in their lives: so focused and concerned and quiet
they'll tell you about it later, as a testament to how much the guy lives and breathes for you
once Don has confirmed that you are stable and going to be okay, he lets out the biggest sigh of relief and overall goes back to his old self
when you wake up from unconsciousness, you're a little confused as to what happened, and he just goes "you got hurt on your way down from heaven, angel!"
he does everything he can to comfort you and make you smile and relieve your pain while you're recovering
he'll bring his speaker in and play you some of your favorite songs, sometime putting on elaborate performances to get you to laugh
he'll try and cuddle with you in your hospital bed and whine when Donnie protests
"awe come on, Doctor Dee! help a dude out a little!"
but he'll be successful whenever Donnie is sleeping or too engrossed in one of his other projects, and he'll lay next to you and stroke your hair
but whenever he remembers that moment when he thought he had lost you, he will go dark for a moment or two
and he will do whatever it takes to ensure that it never happens again.
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noirleo · 11 months
Oooo, can i plz hear all your jealousy HC for the bayverse boys? :3 hope ur week is going well!
oh my god yes
jealous turtles from most to least ◡̈
(all turtles + reader are adults ♡)
1. raph
c’mon, did you expect anyone else?
being a middle child with three brothers, raph grew up sharing everything he had—his food, his clothes, his personal space. so when he finds someone he has feelings for, he makes a point that he’s not going to share with anyone.
his brothers prefer to take more subtle, graceful methods of claiming their s/os when they feel threatened. raphael does not have a subtle bone in his body.
if someone tries to hit on you while he’s there, he will physically put himself in between the two of you, glaring down at his prey target until they take the hint (and probably flexing his crossed arms as he does so. he doesnt do all of that lifting for nothing).
vern tried to chat you up, once, when you first met. raph swiftly handled it, and you’re not exactly sure what was said, but vern now makes a point to keep a very conservative amount of space between you and him at all times.
a lot of his jealousy comes from insecurity—he definitely thinks you could do better, find someone you could actually walk around with, show off to your friends and go on vacations with.
so how does he cope? by proving his indispensability to you. when you date raph, you don’t lift a finger. need something from the top cabinet? he’s got it in his hands before you even have to ask. want to see a sold out concert? how convenient, he just managed to find some floor seats for you and your friends
don’t ask how he got them, it’s really best for everyone if you don’t actually know (both legally and ethically speaking).
asking someone else for help (god forbid you ask vern or one of his brothers, especially leo) will probably end up in some icy silent treatment and very short yes/no answers to questions that can only be cured by insistent apologies and lots of kisses
2. mikey
oh, our beloved little mikey
mikey spouts confidence, but much like raphael, he is deeply afraid that you’ll leave him for someone whose complexion is a little less green
while raph’s jealousy is defensive, mikey’s is pleading. he needs a lot of verbal reassurance that you’re his, nobody else’s
even when he’s not feeling jealous or insecure about the relationship, he just likes to hear you say it—and once you do, he’ll believe it wholeheartedly, all doubts and anxieties set aside (for the time being, at least)
when you’re around others (and even when you’re not) mikey is extremely physically affectionate, and probably will mention to anyone who will listen in a very unsubtle manner that the two of you are dating and really, really happy together, thank you very much
if you’re sitting, you’re sitting on his lap (or so close that you might as well be). if you’re standing, you can bet that he’s got an arm slung around your waist or your shoulder—just so everyone in the room is clear who you came with and who you’re leaving with
3. donnie
donnie’s jealousy is quiet. he’s much less outward about his feelings of jealousy than raph or mikey, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
when you mention a creepy guy from one of your classes getting a little too close for your comfort, he’ll nod and empathize; little do you know, he’s got the guy’s social security number, address, and name of his childhood pet pulled up on his laptop within seconds.
mysteriously, he doesn’t really show up for class anymore. rumours float around about some pretty shady things hes done being sent to the dean, president, and every RA on campus.
you confront donnie, and he just shrugs innocently. huh, weird, guess it’s a good thing you guys don’t hang out anymore then right? and then he’ll change the subject, but the triumphant gleam in his eye doesn’t go unnoticed
if someone starts to get flirtatious with you while donnie’s around though? all bets are off.
standing at 6’8 and made of pure lean muscle, donnie is fully aware of how intimidating he is, and it radiates off of him.
all it takes is one glare, leering from over your shoulder, and suddenly the person trying to flirt with you has some very important business to handle on the opposite side of the room for the rest of the night.
when you turn around to see donnie standing behind you, one hand on the small of your back, he’s back to his relaxed, smiley self
4. leo
leo is definitely the least jealous of his brothers. he’s confident, bordering on arrogant, and knows what he brings to the table.
i mean, c’mon. the barista who wrote their number on your coffee cup may be cute and share your taste in music, but how many times have they saved new york from an alien invasion? can they do anything to protect you in the event of a foot clan takeover?
didn’t think so.
communicating and trust are monumental to leonardo. right off the bat, he’s very straightforward about his intentions with you, and expects the same level of loyalty from his partner
leo’s trust isn’t easily earned so if he trusts you, then he does so completely and wholeheartedly. if you say that you and someone else are just friends, then he won’t think twice about it
that’s not to say he never gets jealous though. he’s just much more lowkey about it than the others
if you mention offhand being catcalled on your way to the lair one night, you’ll have a private escort for the foreseeable future
hes not big on pda, but you can bet that if he catches someone else’s scent on you, especially another guy, he’ll be extra cuddly when he sees you
he’ll for sure try to play it off though and subtly give you something that smells like him. oh, you seem cold, here’s one of his hoodies that he conveniently had on hand. go ahead and put it on. he’s just looking out for you, no ulterior motives here.
you see right through him, but you’re willing to look the other way for some extra snuggles.
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oozedninjas · 6 months
Master post of all my writings. TW: dark content + NSFW I MDNI I all my readers are female by default unless specified otherwise.
All characters are depicted mid-twenties and older. Any bitching about this matter equals instant block ♡
Art inspired by my writings is more than appreciated, but please add in your description the link to my post, or submit it to my inbox ♡
Please don't spam like, reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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✪ Popular posts SFW + NSFW
Who fell first and who fell harder (across the mutant verses)
How would they sound in bed? (across the mutant verses)
How would they fuck your brains out? (across the mutant verses)
Hard crush (Leo and Raph crushing on you, 2007)
How would they eat you out? (2007)
Turtle’s favorite sex positions (general verses)
Turtles when they're mad at you! (general verses)
✪ Short thirsts and HC
Grown-ups HC (2007)
Lovely things they do for you (2007)
Realizing they are in love (Bayverse)
Red flags! toxic hc (general verses)
Their significant other is a nightwatcher fan! (2007) I p2
Biggest insecurities are when it comes to dating (Bayverse)
Their O faces I NSFW I Bayverse
Marking HC I NSFW (general)
Cock warming HC I NSFW (2007)
How to blow Donnie, a guide! I NSFW (2003)
Soft toy play | NSFW (2007) Leo centered
Raph has a wet dream about you | NSFW (general verses)
✪ Seasonal Specials
You know, hot Valentine, kinktober, no-nut-November, creampie December...
✪ Dark Library
Compilation of dark fics, requested, or otherwise!
✪ General suggestive and smut stuff
Ghost Bridal (2007)
18+ I NSFW I Mating cycles I 10 years after the 2007 movie I You lend a hand with his mating season
Yum, baby yum (general verses)
18+ I Making out Headcanons that are not precisely written in hc format I suggestive I General verses
Ninja's Heartstrings (2007)
18+ I The first part of a trio smut I suggestive? I You're in love with Leo and Raph but refuse to choose just one.
Snap call (2007)
18+ | You send him nudes while he is on patrol, and Raph isn't quite happy about it. | Nightwatcher Raphael x fem reader
I wanted you to be my first (general verses)
18+ | Short thirst of their first time with f!reader
What do they love in bed? (2007)
18+ | General preferences
First time churring (2012)
18+ | Title is pretty self-explanatory
✪ Fluff??? Here???
Raph is mustering the courage to confess his feelings, but nothing goes as he plans after your birthday party.
Would they love you if you were a worm?
✪ Pieces of art from my writings:
Red Night
Get a room! (incorrect quote)
Updated: 02/May/2024 | All content published here belongs to oozedninjas™ Do not repost my work.
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gonetoforks · 1 month
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Introducing; Yuichi Usagi-Cuddles!
There’s a slight typo in his basic character bio, (first, grey image) other than “yuich,” his family in America lives in the part of the hidden city under Jersey. He lives in Jersey. He’s a Jersian. So in terms of leosagi, it’s gonna be an enemies-to-lovers comedy-of-errors muahahahaha!!
More (a LOT more) info about him as his own guy under the cutoff :D ⬇️
Basically; He’s a silly guy! I feel like his kinda buffoonish, embarrassing personality in canon is simultaneously PERFECT for Rise’s writing style & grievously underrated in fanon depictions. So he’s this clownish type of character, haha.
Okay, time to go hyperfixation mode.
Adhd & his stubborn attitude;
He has ADHD! Executive function issues makes it hard for him to start tasks & manage himself, so he relies on his teams (the Mad Dogs when he’s training & the Rise equivalent to his canon friend group on his own time) to not only instruct him, but also hold him accountable & keep him on task. He’s body-doubling without even realizing it.
Although, he resents the things he does to accommodate his disability. He doesn’t notice that doing the things he does genuinely helps or why so he thinks he’s using them as a crutch because of incompetence. Every time he gets stubborn and ignores the things he needs to do, he crashes and burns. When he was new in town with no teacher & no friends who liked martial arts, he became a huge sad sack until the kraang invasion.
His character arc is about being able to rely on other people & accommodations. That relying on a bit more help than other people doesn’t make you incompetent, choosing to seek out the support you need so you can do your best is the true mature thing to do. I was inspired by canon Yuichi’s struggles with paying attention and Rise’s themes of cooperation. (& also my own experience with adhd and learning with executive function issues & junk)
Relationships w/ the turtles;
The Mad Dogs agree to let him like, intern with them? So he can see what it’s like to be a vigilante, they offer him advice and they occasionally go on low to mid-tier missions with his help. They take him on cause they think more heroes and allies out there, the less work they have to do haha. Also, one of the writers mentioned a season 3 would have them adjusting to being ~official heroes,~ I think this would be them trying to be “real.”
He’s closest friends with Mikey out of the whole group! (Adhd solidarity) Then it goes Donnie -> Raph -> and finally Leo (for now muahaha)
I tried to give Leosagi an interesting dynamic with constructing his character like this; They have similar insecurities from drawing self-worth from technical capabilities that they can develop past together, but Leo is clever and calculating about it vs Yuichi being rash and impulsive. So like smart x stupid but they’re the same actually.
His Family in Jersey;
He speaks english fluently because he’s visited his American family frequently his whole life, they’re very close. He has an accent though since he mainly speaks Japanese.
I haven’t fleshed out this concept enough, but I think members of his jersey/Cuddles half of the family would be spoofs of characters from the original yojimbo comics, implied to be reincarnations? Except Miyamoto ofc. (i’ll explain later..)
Reusing the ninja orphans plotline from the original show, his family utilizes their cute appearances to run an orphanage too. They wonder why this Chizu lady is constantly showing up with unhoused children, but they’re just grateful they’re safe now.
Everyone in his family HATES Mrs. Cuddles, they all think she’s in prison and are happy about it. She might’ve given him that scratch on his face.
He is gay.
Thank you for your time.
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It’s kind of tragic that so many members of the Hamato clan feel insecure about their place in the family.
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Donnie: I’m the science guy, if mystic powers can do everything I can do but better then why would you guys even need me?
In the episode Donnie vs Witchtown, Donnie admitted to feeling insecure over his place in his family & how ‘useful’ he was to them.
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Leo: I need my brainy guy and my smashing guy and my eats peanut butter with his fingers guy, I’m nothing without them
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Leo: How come nobody trusts me? None of you guys have any faith in me, why?
In the episode Portal Jacked, Leo admits that he doesn’t think he has any value without his brothers & in the episode Many Unhappy Returns Leo admits that he feels as though his family doesn’t trust him.
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Mikey: I had it in my hands I was literally ready to leave! What part of ‘by myself’ don’t you understand?
The episode Hot Soup the Game also shows that Mikey feels as though his family don’t trust him, with Mikey feeling as though his family don’t trust him enough to be able to do things on his own.
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April: I’m not- I’m not one of you
Even though the Hamato’s have always viewed April as family in the episode Anatawa Hitorijanai April admit that she hadn’t thought of herself as fully part of the family until Karai reassures her that she is.
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Raph: Why can’t I do this? I’m failing you
The episode Anataway Hitorijanai Raph also admits that he thinks he’s failing his family when he doesn’t know how to protect them.
The Hamato clan loves each other so much but they are still so insecure about their places within the family
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punkeccentricenigma · 9 months
Rise!Boys accidentally confess their love to Reader.
Relationship status: Romantic
Reader prounouns: They/Them
TW: Slight angst for Raph's part, Some grammatical errors because english is not my first language.
Author's note: Just enjoy lol.
.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆.
◇ Ever since Leo realized his feelings, his casual demeanor towards [Y.N] had turned into almost aggressively flirting.
◇ Despite not wanting to rush into confessing his feelings, he was practically a simp for that person..
◇ But he also teased them often, of course, not on a seriously offensive level. Just light pokes and prods.
◇ I'm sure he bragged to anyone about his not-yet relationship with [Y.N].
"Oh, and I recently won a unicorn plushie for them, and they were really delighted! WE'RE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER!"
"Pepino, get the hell out of here."
◇ Just as Donatello had enough of his (non-)twin, he now wanted to dig a hole to hell and throw him in there to finally get some rest.
◇ Anyway, the accidental confession happened one night when neither he nor [Y.N] could sleep.
◇ They were sending each other various memes through Discord in bulk. This boosted his confidence even more, leading to him typing 'I love you.'
◇ Of course, he hadn't sent it yet; his mind was suddenly filled with not-so-good thoughts. What if they don't feel the same? What if they laugh at him?? Or something worse?!
◇ Despite his persona, the boy was full of insecurities, from his looks to his personality, but with them... he felt good about himself.
◇ But would such a confession be too simple? The boy decided to wait at least one day before confessing his love.
◇ But fate said 'nuh-uh,' and his phone fell on Leo's face, causing panic. Due to his carelessness, he held the device wrong, resulting in the accidental sending of the ill-fated message.
"No, no, no, NO!" His voice trembled as he tried to delete the message immediately. Unfortunately, the app froze to his disadvantage. "Damn it!"
◇ When he managed to reopen the app, there was a new message.
◇ "... You are not joking, right?"
◇ This night would last even longer than a turtle had anticipated.
◇ I think it happened during the attack on their home by Shredder. Absolute chaos, a storm of emotions, the perfect situation for an imperfect love confession.
◇ "Raph, have you lost your mind?!" [Y.N] began, full of outrage. "Why didn't you let me stay? Splinter and Draxum need help!"
The turtle furrowed his brow bones, looking down at the shorter person with regret. "It was the only way, I'm sure they'll handle it."
"And what if they don't? What if they needed our help right now?"
◇ No matter how advanced [Y.N]'s combat skills were, Raphael was even more opposed to the idea.
◇ "Nothing will happen to them!" Raphael raised his voice, as if trying to convince not only the teenager but himself. "And stop arguing with me; I'm the leader here, and I make the decisions!"
"Damn it, I don't understand you! I could handle it, and you would have more time to plan; I'm not needed here!!"
◇ Just a reminder, everyone present was watching this argument.
◇ "Yes, you are!"
"No, I'm not!"
"You are! I don't want to lose you like Gram Gram; I love you too much!" His angry red face suddenly turned shocked. Oh, oh. Did he really just say that??
◇ His dark eyes met the teenage counterpart's. Their whole face was red, and their determination to sacrifice themself slowly faded from their eyes.
"... Fine," [Y.N] muttered and sat down in the seat next to Michelangelo.
◇ When all this chaos is over, they'll have to talk, this time more calmly.
◇ Donnie has a need to be as organized as possible, so before suggesting anything, he has to plan everything out and make sure that any confession of feelings will go perfectly.
◇ Of course, he had a large folder with potential scenarios that could happen before and after the confession. It had a bit of a vibe from his previous reincarnation, but much less scary and obsessive - he simply felt strong discomfort without preparation.
◇ Leo likes to tease him about it, by the way.
◇ Anyway, there was one situation the boy didn't anticipate. One night, he had been working on another invention all night, aimed at stealing another battery from the Purple Dragons, and in the morning, he fell asleep at his desk, or rather, he was half-unconscious.
◇ "Dee, come to bed." Raphael's voice echoed through the lab, gently shaking the sleepy Soft-shell's naked shoulder. In response, he got some sluggish syllables and a hiss. "You can't sit here like this; it's not healthy." "And sitting here all night is unhealthy enough," he added quietly.
"Get lost..." That's all the turtle understood. Raph rolled his eyes and moved away from his brother a bit.
"I'm not going to struggle; I'm sleep-deprived myself," the red-loving enthusiast said, picking up his phone.
◇ And so [Y.N] appeared in the lair, as the ultimate weapon.
◇ "Donnie! Get up! Lie down in bed!" The teenager themself was not well-rested, considering the early hour, but they tried not to sound irritated. Donnie mumbled something again and straightened up in his chair.
"Raphaello, leave me alone," Donnie started, putting his hands on the keyboard. Apparently, he had no intention of opening his eyes. "I still need to make a few changes to the code..."
"Wait, do you think I'm Raph??" [Y.N] asked in surprise, pointing at themself. Did their voice really sound so manly and deep?? Since when??
"And you're talking in the third person again; I've told you that it's no longer fashionable." Donnie tried not to hit his head against the desk even a little, wanting to at least be somewhat awake. The human wanted to say something, correct him, but gave up with a certain idea in their mind.
◇ they had noticed strange aspects of their friend's behavior lately. He was more open to their, often grabbing their hand or hugging their despite his usual aversion to it, he made various devices for their that made quite an impression on their... there had to be something to it!
◇ "Hey, buddy," the human leaned lazily against the desk, trying their best to mimic the speech style of the oldest of the brothers. "Do you, you know, have something going on with our best, most wonderful human friend??"
"You mean April?" Ouch, that hurt, even though [Y.N] felt the same way. "She's our almost-sister, Raph, yuck."
◇ "Oh, no! [Y.N], I meant [Y.N]!" The teenager corrected themself, slightly annoyed. It was weird.
"What about them? I already told you." No! Not like that!
"Ahahah, you know I have a bad memory when I'm not stressed!"
"Mh..." Pause. Did they say something wrong? Donatello is overly smart; he should figure out what's wrong! How will they explain this? "Everything's fine; my plan will be initiated in half a year at the latest." Plan? What plan??
"Rendezvous plan, duh," Donnie replied, resting his head on his hand. "I know you advised against it, but I can't do it differently. I need everything to be tip-top before I confess my feelings to them."
◇ "..."
◇ "..."
◇ "Raph...?"
◇ [Y.N] remained silent, trying to control their sudden heartbeat and their face turning as red as a strawberry.
◇ Playing the role of Dr. Delicate Touch, the boy knew perfectly well what he felt and wanted to confess his love, but the natural fear of rejection also got to him.
◇ He wanted to think this all through. He wanted to do it as smoothly and charmingly as possible, but not in a way that made it seem like he didn't care. He didn't want to throw such important words to the wind!
◇ His artist's soul played a significant role here. Every time he felt great, he had to sketch something related to love.
◇ Just woke up from a fantastic dream? He had to quickly grab his sketchbook and sketch [Y.N] in a floral wreath.
◇ He was on patrol and saw their favorite cafe? He started sketching the teenager drinking coffee in the nearby sand with his finger, taking a picture of it as a keepsake.
◇ Spending quality time with [Y.N]? He convinced them to start painting each other with his favorite markers, and under the pretext of light fun, he drew orange hearts on their cheeks.
◇ It was all fun until there was an 'accident' during one of the previously mentioned activities.
◇ So, Mikey and [Y.N] were in his new room after Shredder's attack, and he needed help with some unique decoration.
◇ "Wait, isn't that a neon banner from the nearby store??" The teenager asked, pointing at the mentioned thing, peeking out from behind the boy.
"I neither confirm nor deny it!" Mikey laughed, shrugging his shoulders. "You have to admit it fits perfectly."
"Mhm, but I doubt you'll fall asleep with this," [Y.N] said skeptically, picking up one of the cardboard boxes that contained a surplus of notebook-like items. "Where does this go?"
"Oh! Just put it next to the cabinet; I'll put them in the drawers in a sec."
The human nodded, and as they took a few more steps, they tripped over the cables lying on the floor. they fell to the ground with a squeak, dropping the box less than half a meter in front of them.
"Are you okay??" The orange-loving enthusiast quickly ran to his friend, helping them get up as they groaned in pain.
"Yeah, I think so..." Their voice trailed off, surprising Mikey, who followed their gaze.
◇ His pupils immediately narrowed upon seeing an open sketchbook with many drawings and sketches of [Y.N], with a predominant theme of love.
"IT'S NOTHING!" The teenager shouted, hastily picking up the sketchbook from the floor and pressing it against his plastron.
◇ Their faces both turned equally red with excessive thinking.
◇ Oops.
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sprite-writes-fanfic · 3 months
hey so how do you think the 2003 tmnt boys would deal with having dated their s/o for two years now, is anniversary, and the brothers, or April or Casey asks, “so 2 years, do you two think you’ll last longer?” And s/o is just like “I’d marry this one if I could”?
This ask 🥺🥺 I feel my mind already racing with headcanons that I need to get out GAH!!
The topic of marriage?!
🐢💙❤️2003 TMNT x Reader💜🧡🐢
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Word Count: 1054
CW: Gender-neutral reader, they/them is used but you can replace them with your pronouns! Topics of marriage are brought up! Mushy turtles, pure fluff ahead!
You and your partner have been together in probably the best relationship you’ve ever been in. It’s always had its ups and downs, but you two have always pushed through! And now your second anniversary is arriving soon and neither of you can’t wait to proceed with your future together!
Well, during a conversation between you, the guys, April and Casey, the question of, “So, two years… Do you guys think you’ll last longer?” Causing April to shoot Casey a small glare when he asked this, (let’s be honest he didn’t mean it in an insensitive way he’s just asking because it’s a genuine question).
Without missing a beat, you were quick to answer, “I’d marry him if I could.” A smile playing on your lips, not really noticing the subtle squeeze on your hand from your partner.
💙 Leo is over THE MOON! You would want to marry him?! Really?! Any insecurity of you possibly thinking about ever wanting somebody else is gone in an instance. You want him, and only him, and this man couldn’t be any happier.
💙 He’s thinking about it the whole time and is noticeably more spaced out because of it. He is on cloud nine and is absolutely fantasizing about the wedding you guys could have…
💙 Later that night you and him lay in his bed snuggled up together, the candles flickering softly as you read and he rested on you, his head in your lap. Finally, you ask him, “Hey, Leo? You okay? You’ve been out of it a lot tonight.”
💙 Leo could only smile up at you, “Oh, it’s nothing, just thinking about what you said earlier.” And once it hit you, you couldn’t help but blush a bit and smile with him.
💙 He was extra cuddly and affectionate towards you for the following months (along with being more protective too), he just could not get that memory out of his head. I wouldn’t be surprised if he popped the question leading up those months. <3
❤️ Raph’s ego grew more along with the swelling in his chest. This giant turtle had some insecurities, I mean, as a mutant turtle growing up with the possibility of never being able to live a normal life like any average Joe?
❤️ He’s thrilled at the thought that you’d want to marry him because he’s definitely thought about it too. Getting some slice of normalcy. You know how I mentioned how he’s daydreamed about your first date? Well after the first year, he daydreamed about your future together too.
❤️ Get married, settle down, maybe even start a family, whether it be through somehow making a kid, adopting an actual child or just having fur-babies to be your kids.
❤️ Either way, he’s stoked, and he’s CONFIDENT TOO, oh man you just gave him ammo to tease you with, (don’t worry he’ll stop if you ask him to). He will definitely say things like, “I don’t blame you for wanting to marry me, I mean, look at me!” While flexing, making you laugh as he softly smirked.
❤️ Actually grows more overprotective over you too! Like… It’s surprising. He was already overprotective of you, but now he’s just more overprotective. He wants his future spouse to be safe after all! And ain’t nothin’ gonna touch you when Raph’s around and ready to brawl with any criminal who tries to hurt you.
💜 Donnie froze a moment as he heard this, and his whole brain paused before quietly glancing over at you in a shy manner. Marriage? Oh man, he didn’t predict this as a result of tonight’s get-together!
💜 Don’t worry, he’s actually really mushy inside. He feels like a schoolgirl getting all squirmy and bashful because her crush confessed to her! He ends up getting more fidgety with your hands and stutters a bit.
💜 It’ll be on his mind for a good while, but as of now, he’s too shy to bring it up to you. Not until it slips up during your actual anniversary anyways. He was ranting as always about something, and well, that ended up slipping out. It honestly surprised you that he was thinking about that, it was really endearing.
💜 And trust me, it’ll always be running through his mind for a long time, he just hopes your opinion will stay the same throughout the years. But until then, Donnie decided to make the both of you promise rings! He presented it to you one day, feeling warm when you seemed so excited about it. “I want to marry you, but I’m also not 100% ready for marriage either. But when the day comes, I’ll propose with the prettiest of rings.”
💜 You made his century when he saw you wear that ring everyday. To him it meant that you were willing to wait until he was ready too, and he was thankful for that patience you gifted him with, and he was looking forward to what came in your future together.
🧡 Mikey would just as casually say with a laugh, “Oh yeah! Me too! … WAIT REALLY?!” And he jumped up and grabbed your hands excitedly. You had only see this kind of excitement when Donnie had built the Shell Raiser all those years ago.
🧡 Bro is so excited, “Why not now?!” And now you were in a bit of shock, and Raph was quick to but-in, “You need to propose with a ring, knucklehead!” Now Mikey is pouting. You end up hugging him and comforting him.
🧡 But in no-means is he deterred by Raph’s comment, he is now determined, and he’s been talking with April about what he should do, and that’s when suggested, “Why not make your own ring?” He stared a moment before he was quick to go, “April, you’re a genius!”
🧡 With Mikey though, he’s easy to get side-tracked and distracted often, and when it came to things that took a lot of time, he got frustrated easily. But he wasn’t gonna give up!
🧡 When he finally finished, (with Donnie’s help after he begged the poor man), he was basically vibrating with excitement! He was stoked and wanted to propose right away, but with April and his brother’s advice, he figured he’d find a more romantic way of doing it… He might put that ring in your slice of pizza, let’s be honest.
GAAH, gonna be honest, I was a little stumped with Mikey last night and had to sleep on it, change some things, all that fun jazz. Once again spoiling Mikey’s moment, but maybe at some point I’ll make proposal headcanons! Also, if you want, I’m thinking of making a taglist, if you want to be tagged, let me know!
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homeheroine · 10 months
Hey I was wondering how do you think the turtles from rottmnt would deal with them saying that they don’t think a human would ever date them. And their crush is very blunt “You’re so stupid for thinking that” normally crush isn’t the type to insult and before the turtles can say anything crush says this, “I’m human and I want to go on dates with you”?
Thanks for the request this is a good one!
author's note : this has not been read through so I apologize for anything that doesnt make sense. I'll come back and edit it later. enjoy! <3.
"With my charm no one could resist me anyway." A cheeky smirk plastered across Leo's face as he landed onto the couch was enough to make the whole group groan.
"Nardo, no more of this please." Donnie sighed, taking a seat in his usual spot for movie night.
This seemed to be Leo's favorite topic of discussion these days. It's not the conversation itself that made everyone hate it, it was just the way Leo had such smugness about it. This was a sensitive topic for the turtles for obvious reasons. And as much as Leo talked about romance as if he had it in the bag, everyone knew from their late night convos that Leo was just as insecure, if not even more than the rest of them.
You had just reached the lair when this conversation began. You were in charge of pizza tonight and you had come with full arms. Stumbling into the kitchen you placed the pizza's on the counter. It didn't take long for you to hear the voices of the bickering brothers from the next room over as you quietly made your way to them. Pushing back the curtain you were able to catch a specific turtle rattle off an interesting comment.
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Raph :
"All I'm say'n is, I can't imagine any human wanting to be with a mutant. Especially one that looks like me. If anything they would wanna be far from me! My spikes wouldn't make me a very cuddly partner haha..." Raph's laugh falls at the end. His face changed into something a little more sad.
"Dude, you look like a kicked puppy." You say crossing your arms while leaning against the entrance's frame.
"AH! WHA- HI. *ahem* hey Y/N. I didn't see you there." Raph jumped at your sudden appearance. Snapping his blushed face toward your figure that stood next to him. His brothers laughed at your coincidental appearance. It was no secret the way Raph felt about you, well except to you, and the fact that you appeared next to the giant pining turtle might as well have been scripted in a romcom.
You gave the room a weird look then turned to Raph, unable to help what you would say next. "I knew you were a little dumb, but that has to be one of the dumbest things I've heard you say." Your scowl followed you as you left the room. "I'm getting pizza."
Raph's face said it all. The brothers burst out into laughter after your exit. "You gonna take care of that whole situation big bro?" Leo said through laughs.
Raph blinked, quickly taking glances over his shoulder as he loudly whispered to his brothers. "Did you tell them!?" They laughed harder.
"Why on earth would that comment make you think that they would know?"
"Man I- ah I DON'T KNOW. Forget you guys." He said exasperated. The snapping turtle made his way to the kitchen stumbling in embarrassment and in an effort to escape his laughing brothers.
You were there, standing behind the counter gathering cups, napkins and the pizza boxes for movie night. Your arms were full and everything you were carrying was ready to topple over.
"mmmmm ahh AH!" You cried out trying to keep you and the items balanced. Taking another step, you and your treats leaned ready to fall. Just before gravity took you, your momentum was gently stopped. Looking up to see the hero that saved you from your fall you meet the eyes of Raph, who smiled nervously down to you. "Heyyy..."
"Raph." You said flatly. "Thanks."
He gave you an apprehensive chuckle. "For sure." Taking some of the boxes off the top of your stack he eyed you. "Are ya uhh... mad at me?"
It was your turn to eye him. "No."
"Okayy. Then uh what was that whole comment in the projector room? You were joshin with me right?" He placed the stack of pizza boxes down on the counter. His eyes met the floor. "I'm not sure I've ever heard you come after someone like that, maybe against Leo, but not me." He coughed, trying to clear the air of the thick tension.
"Sure Raph." You said bluntly grabbing some more paper plates from the cabinets. You cursed yourself in your mind. Why'd you say anything in the first place?? Now you were gonna have to explain yourself.
He paused, then in a quick breath added, "When why do you still sound upset? Are ya sure you're not mad? Cuz ya know. We can... we can always talk. I don't wanna upset you, like ever. And I'll understand if you dont wanna talk too. Just-just uh l-let me know if I ever make ya mad or somethin--"
You interrupted him, "Enough! I get it Raph thanks." He was spewing nonsense, clearly overthinking the situation. His face was sunken and his posture was rigid. What was making him so anxious? You sighed, knowing his nasty overthinking habit. You should clarify before he becomes a mess. Well, more of a mess. "I just can't understand, why do you think like that?"
He was confused. "Think like what?"
You sighed again, annoyed that he couldn't see the reason for your frustration. "I'm a human and I wanna go on dates with you."
Raph's face went blank. His heart stopped in his chest. "Wha-"
You took a long drawn breath in. It's now or never I guess. "Don't you get it Raph? I like you!" There was a long pause.
"You- you like me?" His eyes widened as a smile crawled to his face. His posture slowly became larger and un-slumped again.
"Oh my god Raph. OF COURSE I DO. Not only are you dumb, but you're also dense as hell too!" You yell in a flustered anger.
He didn't know what to say, his face was burning and his body felt weak. Needing to ground himself by holding onto the edge of the counter. You liked him. You liked him! "Man... I dunno what to say. I'm cheesin like mad hard." He was right too. He was smiling so hard he looked like he was about to cry. Your face was getting redder and redder by the moment as well. His expression was too much. You turned away from him attempting to hide your blush.
"I never thought I would ever have a chance with you, Y/N. I just thought... I dunno... like you would ever even look my way. Being a mutant and all."
"Raph, you should know more than anyone that the way someone looks shouldn't keep anyone from thinking about them differently than anyone else. But... you're more than just anyone else to me."
Now he was crying. You turned to look at him and watched the tears roll down his face. "Raph!" you rushed to him coming close to his chest, waving your hands in his face like you would try to wipe away his tears. "Ah jeez. Don't cry please."
He bent down to your level wrapping you in a tight hug. "I like you too."
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Donnie :
"The day Donnie gets a partner before me, let me know cause I'll have a bet to pay up." Leo says, kicking his feet back onto the coffee table.
"That's not very nice Leo." Mikey said. You walked into the projector room, placing some of the pizza boxes you brought onto said coffee table.
"Well tell me I'm wrong!" He says opening an eye at you. "Not only is he the least best looking twin but he's also a mutant! No human would ever be interested in someone like him."
Donnie rolled his eyes. Not unfamiliar with being the butt of Leo's "jokes". "First of all, I'm not your twin. And second of all that comment brings zero new data to the conversation. Humans still look at us with caution. All of us. Even after all we do for this city." He said in a matter of a fact tone.
You didn't even have time to think before the words spilled from your lips, "Well, I'm a human and I like Donnie." All eyes were on you suddenly. Hearing your voice spill out the words before you got a chance to edit them was unlike you, your face burned. "Wha- what I mean is, Donnie is an incredible inventor and scientist what's not to like right? Wait- no no, what I meant was," Your incoherent rambling was not helping you regain your composer. All seemed to gain a sudden knowing, all except for Mikey would tackle Donnie into a hug. "Well I~ am a mutant and Donnie~ is my second favorite brother so I like him too."
"Second favorite!?" The three others said in unison.
You sighed, thankful for Mikey's unknowing save of your unconfessed feelings. The boys had completely forgotten about your comment and were instead engrossed in finding out who Mikey's favorite brother was.
Movie night continued as usual after that; the boys lip synced scenes, the usual spill happened, and Leo, Raph and Mikey eventually fell asleep. You and Donnie remained awake almost every time this happened. He pulled all nighters all the time and you couldn't spend the night over at the lair so you would wait till the boys fell asleep to leave. This was the time when you and Donnie always decided to have your weird 2 am conversations. High on laziness and lips loose from feeling sleepy. You yawned as you stretched, the credits rolling on the now finished movie. You looked over to Donnie who was awake per the usual.
"I'm gonna head out the others are asleep and I'm exhausted." You said. You weren't really as tired as usual, you just wanted to get out of there. Mikey's diversion may have made the others forget but you were sure Donnie would interrogate you the moment he remembered. He watched you get to your feet and pick up your blanket. He got up, coming over to you, a little closer than usual you observed, and grabbed the end of the blanket that hung from your arms. His voice was soft as he spoke. "Let me help you fold this."
"Oh, sure." You smiled softly at him, hoping this wasn't his way of trapping you for a moment longer. He seemed really quiet, something you hoped was just sleepiness. His brow was furrowed and he looked like he was thinking.
You both finished folding the blanket and you began walking to the lair's exit. This was your chance to leave! You prepared the push past the projector room's curtain when you heard him, faintly.
"Y/N." Shit, you thought, "Can we talk?"
You froze. "Yea... yeah we can talk." you sighed, defeated.
He nodded and you two walked through the curtains. You followed him through the lair and eventually to the exit. He was gonna walk you out. Your nerves were on fire. You swear he made you wait to start talking for dramatic effect, you were starting to overthink as you both walked in silence through the tunnels. Was he gonna talk or was this conversation up to you all of a sudden?? God you hated when he did this and your fear of him figuring out your feelings only made this feel more and more planned. Is he playing with you?
You breathed in to begin talking, the silence eating you up, "Don-", but before you could get the words out he began. "Thank you." He said simply.
"Huh?" You said, without thinking again.
He turned his face to you with a slight smile on his face. "For standing up for me against Leo.... Not that I needed it cause I had the situation handled but it was very refreshing to have Leo eat-th his words." He added quickly.
You smiled, relieved that he didn't bring up the undertones of your mishap. His smile was genuine and as much as he said he "had it handled" you've been close friends long enough to know that some of things that Leo says can really cut deep sometimes. It was nice to know that what you said was enough to get a heartfelt thank you from bad boy Othello Von Ryan. Even if it was an accident, it was genuine! You bumped him with your shoulder in a playful manner.
"You getting soft on me, Von Ryan?" you said, smirking a little.
"Please." He teased back.
The walk was silent again, though the air was calm. So you thought.
"So" He started. "You like me?"
You sputtered, coughing on air. "Wha-! Donnie please." You pleaded in a way you hoped he didn't see as begging.
"I'm curious, did you mean those things?" He strolled in front of you, walking backwards to meet your gaze. "That I'm an incredible scientist and what was it? Oh! And "what's not to like." Hmm?" He quoted you, a smug grin growing on his face.
You blushed hard. God whyyy. Turning your face away to escape his gaze. Your silence he took as an invitation to tease you further.
"Oh come on. Don't be like that!" He cried, chasing your gaze by tilting his head. "Do you have anything else to say? Or is the mutant thing scaring you off?"
"You're so dumb." You threw at him. Getting annoyed that this "mutant problem" kept getting brought up.
"Yea dumb. The mutant thing doesn't mean anything to me. What you are doesn't matter to me. I just like you for you." you cried exasperated. "I'd go on a date with you without even thinking twice!"
You did it again, speaking without thinking. You slapped a hand over your mouth, looking helplessly into Donnie's eyes.
He blinked at you, just as surprised, his expression changing to one more serious just as your tone did. "Do you actually you like me?" His face blooming into a shade similar to yours.
This was gonna be a long walk home.
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Leo :
"I'm the king of charm! .....I could get anyone." Leo said confidently falling into his spot on the couch. The brothers rolled their eyes.
You were agitated with that comment, me my be your crush but even you wanna to see Leo knocked down a peg. "Last I checked Leo, you have never successfully "charmed" anyone." You said casually, walking over to the coffee table and grabbing a bottle of soda off of it. A blatant lie because you were absolutely pining for him, but that was beside the point. "For being the self proclaimed face man of the team, you really get no play uh?" The room busted out in a unison of "oooooo" and "burnnned" at your quip to toward Leo. His face crinkled up at your comment and he crossed his arms, pouting. And maybe even blushing a little?
"Dang Leo got burned!!" Mikey exclaimed, poking his older brother's face. Raph chuckled, trying to hold in his laughter. Donnie openly cackled at your words.
"Whatever, you guys wouldn't know charm if it hit you square in the face. And it's me hitting you square in the face. I'm charm!!" He yelled out exasperated.
"Mkay then Nardo." you said taking a seat next to him. "No hard feelings?" You said offering a soda to him. He looked at you, taking in your expression. It was calm, with no malice. His expression, though, changed from one of skepticism to something more mischievous. He took the can from you gently brushing his fingers against yours and leaned in close, too close. "Don't tempt me Y/N or you'll be the first person I charm." He whispered to you. Your eyes were blown wide. He winked at you before turning to the movie projection.
If you thought that was just an empty threat, you were sorely wrong. The whole rest of the night had been just moments upon moments of Leo doing anything he could to see a blush spread across your face; fake yawning to wrap his arm around your shoulders, brushing your hand everytime you both grabbed some popcorn. Even lip syncing scenes from the movie of the characters proclaiming their love for the other.
This. is. ridiculous.
As the credits rolled on the third movie of the night was when Leo decided to get really bold.
"Yo Leo!" Raph called from the other side of the couch. "It's your turn to pick a movie." Raph launched the remote over to Leo who caught it easily. The striped turtle scrolled through the offered movies for a bit of time before deciding on something. You mindlessly scrolled on your phone not offering any attention to his selection, in hopes he wouldn't make a scene when the lights illuminated the room again.
The lights dimmed as the movie began again and everyone settled back into their spots. You looked up at the movie knowing what it was the moment you laid your eyes on it. The Princess Bride. Of course he would pick that movie. It was so Leo. You made a small chuckle at the selection.
"Something funny, Buttercup?" Leo turned to you smirking.
You blushed at the name. Was he gonna play this out like you two were the main love interests from the movie? "Uhh and I assume you are supposed to be Westley then?" You answered, raising a sarcastic brow.
Instead of answering he inched closer. Strategically during a dark part of the movie to avoid the eyes of his brothers. "Only if you want me to be, Princess." His face was inches from yours, you blushed fiercely both at the name and his words. "What are you doing Leo?" You sunk farther into the couch trying to escape him, only causing him to chase you more. He wasn't done yet. The room went dark again because of the movie and the last thing you saw were his eyes. Shining with mischief. Your heart raced in anticipation. What was he planning??
You didn't even have time to think before you felt hands around your waist pulling you down. Leo was right above you. Hands placed on each side of your head as he gazed down into your wide shot eyes. Your breath caught and you swore your heart stopped beating. You cursed yourself for your expression, sure that whatever it looked like was exactly what he wanted. You only knew this because of the way his smug smile seemed to stretch further. He bent his arms to lean down into your personal space even further. Close enough to whisper into your ear "So what is it Y/N? Are you charmed~ yet?" His voice oozed with smugness. And god were you so over it.
"I- I have to go!" You abruptly stood up pushing him off of you. You stormed across the room directly in front of the screen. Catching the attention of the other brothers who watched you storm off. "You good Y/N?" Mikey called after you as you left. "Peachy." You spat, a little more frustration came through in your voice than you had intended. You left without explaining yourself. It didn't take long till the others turned their heads toward Leo. Who looked shocked? Upset? Disappointed? Nervous even? He watched you leave a sudden worry growing in this chest. Was that too far?
"Leo. What the hell did you do to make them so upset?" Raph asked, pausing the movie. "Was this pay back from earlier?"
Leo didn't answer his older brother, only getting up to chase after you. Were you leaving?
You were a mess, as you made your way through the lair. You didn't know where you were going, you just needed to get away. Your face was burning and your heart was on fire. What was that! Pay back? You regretted ever having made that burn to him. If this was the price, you weren't sure if you wanted to pay more or if you wanted a complete refund. God he made your head hurt. It wasn't even the flirting or the attention, it was just the undertones of it all. Was he doing this just to get back at you or did this cheesy flirting actually mean something to him? You hated that he played with you like this. And how smug he was about it too.
"Y/N! Wait."
Oh god, please no.
"Y/N! Don't leave!" Leo portaled after you effectively misjudging the distance and opened his portal directly in front of you blocking your path. As he emerged through the portal he ran straight into you, toppling both of you to the ground. You landed in a similar situation as you were on the couch a few moments ago.
Leo looked at you surprised by the outcome of the portaling "skills". He smiled sheepishly, laughing a little. "haha sorry bout' that". You scowled unhappy to be in the same situation you just ran from.
"Leo! Get off!"
He retracted himself almost immediately. You stood up, brushing yourself off, you eyed him, waiting for whatever he was gonna rub in your face next.
"Y/N. I'm so sorry." He jumbled out of the way as he helped you to your feet, holding onto your hand as he did. His apology pricked your eyes. Was Leo seriously apologizing instead of ratting off some excuse to cover his ass? He was nervous? His face was downturned and his body language was not like his usual self at all. That wasn't even one of his pretend flamboyant face man apologies either. Was this a genuine Leo apology? "I'm sorry Y/N.... I wanted to-... I-.... I don't know what I wanted... I'm sorry about everything, really."
"It's ok. I get it. I embarrassed you, you wanted to get even." You told him. You didn't wanna accept his apology, but god did you need to leave. You looked down noticing that Leo was still holding onto your hand from when he helped you up. "Uh, Leo? You gonna let go?"
"Hm? Oh! Yeah." He hesitated before letting your hand drop to your side. He seemed off, was this another game?
You were skeptical of his unusual behavior. "Leo are you messing with me?" You ask, squinting at him.
"What? No! Y/N I-, I-." He huffed in frustration, he clearly had something he wanted to say but his pride just wouldn't allow it. He breathed out, collecting himself. "Y/N, I'm sorry for what I did but honestly I would do it again in a heartbeat." At this he began avoiding your gaze. "I did want to get back at you at first that's why I started it, but..." He faltered, preparing himself for what he was about to say. "Listen I'm just gonna lay it all out on the table now Y/N."
You stared at him confused. He took your hand again, this time both of his. He looked deeply into your eyes, but not like before. He was pleading this time. Begging for you to hear him out. You silently nodded awaiting his words.
"I talk big game like a lot, you know this but... I'm honestly scared. When we became friends Y/N I was so excited I thought you were so cool and I wanted to do everything other than be myself so that you would think I was cool too. I didn't want to disappoint you with how I actually was. And when I uh.. started to.. um, develop... feelings for you that fear just multiplied."
Your eyes widened at his confession, you would have never guessed. All this time he was trying to be cool for you?
He continued, unable to look you in the eyes while he watched his hand rub circles into yours. "I accepted a long time ago that humans were not ever gonna like us, like me. But being with you is the best feeling and you give me hope for a relationship between mutants and humans. You get me, you laugh at my jokes, you like the same movies, and you always know exactly what to say to make me feel like I'm a hero." He was smiling a little now, reminiscing about the times you've had together. Your heart was melting at his words.
"I dont think a human would even wanna be with a mutant. Especially one as go-good looking as you." It was his turn to blush now. "Being able to flirt with you today as a "game" was everything I actually wish I could do." He looked up at you squeezing your hand affectionately as he said his next line, "it wasn't a game to me."
Your eyes softened for him, placing your free hand on top of his. Your next words were meant to be teasing but they came out more blunt than you intended. "I'm a human and I wanna go out with you."
There was a pregnant pause before you heard him speak again. His hands stopped and dropped to your shoulders making you gasp and look up at him. When you looked up he was towering over you. His face was unreadable. "Why?" was all he asked.
You chuckled a little at his question, feeling more confident because of his confession. "Cause I like you Leo. You are cool. You're my hero." His face was shining from the praise that fell from your lips. Never would he have thought you would have had this locked away from. He didn't even reply, instead wrapping his arms around you tight. He rubbed his face into your neck. And for a moment you two stayed like that. You could feel a smile forming on his face as he spoke.
"So I guess you were wrong uh?"
"wrong? about what?"
He pulled back from the hug so he could take a look at you. "I did charm you."
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Mikey :
"Y/N! You're here!!" Mikey cheered, his excitement was evident by the way he perked up on the couch and patted the spot next to him enthusiastically. "Come sit next to me!!"
You and Mikey loved movie night and it was always you two who cuddled up on the couch together to watch. This was your tradition and it was even weird not to have you glued together sharing popcorn and pizza.
Mikey seemed completely unfazed by the conversation that the rest were having and with your arrival it seemed the topic was pushed away. For now.
The screen produced by projectors glow was the only thing that lit up the room by the time you all had finished your fifth movie. Making it Mikey's turn to pick once again. Now was the time when Leo and Raph would have usually fallen asleep and Donnie would be death scrolling through his phone.
You and the box turtle were comfortably cuddled together under a blanket. You laid on his chest plastron while he laid on his back with his hand drawing mindless shapes onto your back. His usual high energy temperament was chilled when it came to this time and he was honestly very quiet during these times. Making a comment here or there and laughing at the funny moments. But tonight he was different. The shine in his eyes was less bright and he kinda just stared into the scenes.
Beauty and the Beast was what he picked. A classic Mikey pick. This was one of his favorite movies, he would sing the lyrics to the songs, sometimes get up and dance like he was Bell or even Beast. He loved this movie, but today he did none of that. He laid quietly, watching the movie, concentrated with a furrowed brow. Very unlike him, you noted.
You traced the colorful drawings he painted on his shell, thinking. Dragging your sleepy eyes from the scene of Bell and Beast dancing and looked up at him. His eyes were watering and his lip quivered from beneath his teeth. Looked like he was gonna explode with tears in any second.
"Mikey!" You whisper yelled, frantically raising yourself off of him in order to get closer to his cup his face. He was forced to look at you now. He seemed to not have expected you to be awake or even to notice him. Maybe he was trying to cry quietly?
"Y/N?!? I didn't know you were awake still." He said frantically wiping his tears away. You grabbed his face, pulling him close to you. "You've been acting weird all night and now you're crying??" You searched his eyes for anything while he avoided your gaze. His hands came around your wrist that was holding his face, ready to pull them down gently. The moment loaded with tension was broken when you both turned to look at the scene that suddenly caught both your attention. Bell and Beast were sitting on the balcony when Beast asked Bell if she was happy with him and when she said yes the tears hanging from Mikey's eyes fell freely onto your hands that still held his face. He tightened his grip around your wrists ever so slightly and turned to you again, looking you in the eyes as he said between chokes, "T--t-tHey'Re s-so bE-beAUtIfuL."
You smiled a little as his wholesome response, taking him into your arms and easing the both of you deeper into the couch cushions. You held him under your arm and grabbed his hand with your other. He instinctively pressed his cheek to your shoulder and you leaned your cheek on the top of his head. He cried more incoherent phrases until his sobs turned to sniffs. "Bell is so sweet and kind, she doesn't care he's a beast, it doesn't matter to her! And Beast, he just wants to be loved and accepted! And Bell gives that to him and and... and." His ranting fell off as he seemed to compose a new idea in his head. "I'm not sure any human would love a monster like that in real life. I'm not sure any human would want to be with... a mutant monster... like me."
You froze, ceasing your comforting motions and took in the gravity of his words. You never thought he cared what humans thought of him, he didn't even put in his two cents when his brothers talked about stuff like this. He even ignored the conversation entirely! How long has this been eating him up?
"Why do you think that?" You asked softly but curiously.
He seemed surprised that you would ask, you could feel him tense a little under your arm. He breathed in a deep breath and pushed out from your warm embrace. He placed his hands by your sides on the couch and looked at you close. "Humans are not as sweet as Bell is. And I know that a human, like you, would never want to be with me."
"I'm a human and I wanna be with you." You said it way more bluntly than you had meant to. Mikey's eyes widened, but he stayed just as close.
"You want to be with me? I'm a monster."
"You're not a monster! That's such a stupid thought." You were upset now. Who made him feel like he was a monster. You'd beat them up!
He smiled, tears rolling down his face once again. "Not many are as kind as you Y/N."
footnote : thank you so much for requesting! please keep them coming! this was really fun to write! I hope this is what you had in mind.
taglist : @leafyturtle
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 2 months
More Headcanons: Personality Quirks
• calm and collected but also very stubborn. it's his way or the high way until you prove him otherwise
• feelings aren't foreign but definitely aren't something he's particularly good at. he's guarded when he's confronted with someone who's heart is on their sleeve
• feelings, that being said, aren't a sign of weakness in his eyes. go ahead, be angry or be sad, but get it together cause shit needs done
• only truly comforting if you're full blown sobbing, and depending on your relationship, big bro leo or soft boyfriend leo come out
• best at de-escalation unless he's the one fighting with the other person
• hates, hates, hates being wrong (i don't make the rules) but weirdly not afraid to apologize for being wrong, in his own way of course
• he hates the word sorry and believes it's just a word. since he's a man of few words, he prefers to show he's sorry. (i've mentioned it before and i'll die on this hill, king of acts of service)
• can dish advice like it's candy but for the life of him can't take his own advice
• the patience of an absolute saint, unless you're one of his brothers
• confrontation is his middle name
• sarcastic but very thoughtful and very appreciative
• besides mikey, he gets the most depressed because he feels like his only identity is a leader at times
• he strikes me as the kind of guy that just comes up out of nowhere and says "need some help with that?"
• willing to try anything once, open minded to an extent if it's not dangerous
• extremely trustworthy and loyal
• hothead but the most sensitive out of all the brothers. very quick to cry
• feelings, like mikey, are shown on his sleeve. he makes it everyone's problem
• bad at communication...that's all i gotta say on that
• unhealthy projector of feelings but is willing to hear tips on how to do better
• the type to start crying if you start crying
• not the most patient in the world but if you're new something he tries (keyword: tries) to be as patient as possible
• he gets awkward if he knows he hurt someone's feelings and has to apologize. very bad at words and not the best at showing he's truly sorry
• horrible at advice
• chronic gaslighter in some situations (i don't make the rules)
• he truly does try to better himself if you call him out on his bs, he's able to hold himself accountable..in his own way
• even though he's a hothead, once you start crying, immediately he stops. the first sight of your lip quivering and he's shut up cause he crossed the line and he knows it
• doesn't mind confrontation
• loyal, loyal, loyal
• type to hold a grudge forever and never forget
• the "where's my hug at" guy
• his intelligence is his strongest suite but sometimes it goes to his head...literally
• very awkward with feelings and has no idea what to do in situations that call for comfort
• unless he's very comfortable with you, he will send you to someone else if you're upset so he doesn't upset you more
• not emotional but also not not emotional
• doesn't like confrontation at all unless you're nice about it
• best at communication out of all the guys because if he's bothered, he makes it very known
• besides mikey, he's very easily manipulated
• chronic overthinker
• very insecure in his abilities as a ninja
• hates to talk about his feelings and bottles them up until he explodes
• not one to get angry but he is the passive aggressive king
• germaphobe (no elabortion...he just is)
• he's very kind and very helpful when the situation calls for it
• he's the most gentle of all the guys
• definitely on the spectrum (not sure which, but he's definitely on one)
• number one most emotional out of all the brothers and doesn't show it
• jokester but is able to have meaningful and deep conversations the best
• most empathetic and compassionate but too quick to trust
• explosive temper that only comes out when his family or friends are in life threatening danger
• feelings are worn on his sleeve and he isn't ashamed to show them
• boundaries are an extreme work in progress (do with that what you will)
• sometimes is unable to decifer when not to make a joke
• will take jokes as far as they'll go to the point where the offense level is very questionable
• apologizes until it gets incredibly annoying
• will never be afraid to share his opinion but will always be quick to point out the good
• he cries all the time with no shame
• actually a very analytical and extreme outside the box thinker
• the "i had him/her first" friend if you get into a relationship
• very good listener when needed, but selective hearing most of the time
• he has adhd. nothing further needed.
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