#raphael santiago gif
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Raphael taking a liking towards you
(Raphael x fem!reader)
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embroideredlove · 2 months
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i shall not name but i will shame
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los-geckos · 2 years
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SHADOWHUNTERS ↳ 1.05: "Moo Shu to Go"
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thelostgirl21 · 1 year
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defectivevillain · 1 year
bound by blood
paring: Raphael Santiago/Reader
synopsis: As you’re recovering from top surgery, you realize you’re bored out of your mind. You decide to visit Raphael and an interesting conversation ensues.
The reader’s gender identity is unspecified, but they do undergo top surgery. [This is completely and unabashedly self-indulgent.]
ao3 version
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warnings: blood, mentions of surgery
Raphael Santiago is far from the most friendly person you’ve ever met, but you’ve never considered him to be rude. He’s always gruff and blunt, but he never acts above anyone else and he makes an effort—albeit a miniscule one—to make conversation with you. The more you get to know him, the more you realize that he’s a good guy. So when you walk into the Hotel Dumort one day to visit Raphael, you certainly aren’t expecting him to react with profound disgust.
“What?” You ask self consciously, not sure what’s prompting him to display such a reaction. Raphael isn’t super expressive in the first place, so the thought of him reacting so viscerally is throwing you for a loop.
“You reek,” Raphael says through gritted teeth. His hands grip the counter with frightening strength and his head is tilted down to avoid your gaze. You blink at him a few times, trying to process his comment. When you finally do, it’s hard not to be offended. You manage to make your voice sound calm.
“Sorry, I’m not allowed to shower yet; that’s probably why,” you grimace, itching at the binder on your chest. It’s far from comfortable, but thankfully, the pain has been decreasing with time as you expected it would. You’re counting down the days until you return to the doctor and get the binder and bandages removed.
“No,” Raphael says with a shake of his head. It sounds as if it’s hard for him to speak. You give him a moment to evidently regain his composure. “It’s… blood.”
“Oh, yeah,” you remark casually. Raphael gives you an absolutely murderous glare at that. “What?” You ask. “I just had surgery, so… it’s kind of unavoidable.”
“It’s so strong,” Raphael says, placing a hand over his nose.
“Probably because of these,” you explain, bringing the drains out of the confines of your pockets. Raphael’s eyes go comically wide and you watch in confusion as he slaps a hand over his mouth and turns his head to the side.
“Why would you show me?!” Raphael hisses, his voice sounding slightly warbled from behind his palm.
“Because you asked?” You respond with furrowed brows. Raphael is steadily avoiding eye contact. There’s a bead of sweat trickling down his temple and he looks to be in pain. “What, do you want the blood?”
“...No.” He’s never sounded less convincing. You huff in amusement.
“You can have it,” you offer. Truthfully, the blood serves no purpose anymore. Once it’s expelled from your body, you’re supposed to dispose of it. However, you suppose you shouldn’t let it go to waste—not when your vampire companion so rarely gets to drink human blood. You know Raphael well enough to know that he’d never harm a human and drink their blood, so he’s likely been drinking rodent or animal blood for as long as he’s been a vampire. Perhaps human blood will increase his strength. You’re not entirely sure—you’re no expert on blood or vampirism.
“Are you sure?” Raphael mutteres, drawing you out of your thoughts. He’s still steadily avoiding eye contact, as if willing you to drop the conversation and forget the interaction. Unfortunately for him, you’re too stubborn to let it go.
“It’s of no use to me, now,” you shrug, looking at him expectantly. Despite the clear resistance he’s showing, Raphael’s eyes are blown wide and his pupils are dilated in evident hunger. You can’t imagine how much strength he must have to resist the blood that is right in front of him.
Raphael doesn’t speak for a few moments. You sigh, before taking a few steps towards the bathroom. You then realize that you don’t hear any footsteps and, when you turn back around, Raphael is frozen in the same position as before. “What?” You ask, gesturing impatiently for him to follow. “Come on; don’t back out now.”
“Right.” Raphael responds with frightening sincerity. He follows you at a rather unusual distance. You’re grateful that Raphael seems to be controlling his urges for your benefit, but you can only hope that he isn’t causing himself any physical pain. Although, when you think about it, Raphael is easily one of the most composed and practiced vampires you know. There’s no way he would lose control in such a manner, you reassure yourself internally.
Once you make it to the bathroom, you pull the first drain out of your pocket. Raphael watches from his position leaning against the doorway. There’s a complex expression on his face. You tear your gaze away from him and carefully line up the drain with the measuring instrument you were given, before squeezing and allowing the blood to fall into the capsule. Thankfully, the process is painless. When you’re finished, you squint at the tiny numbers on the side of the container—only for Raphael to take it from your hand and drink all the blood in one fell swoop.
“...I didn’t get to measure it,” you remark regretfully.
“Sorry.” The vampire grimaces. His fangs glimmer in the dim lighting of the bathroom. He has the grace to look mildly embarrassed and remorseful. You resist a well-intentioned laugh at the genuine concern and regret on his face.
“It’s fine; just… let me measure this one, okay?” Raphael nods. You feel a bit nervous when you notice his gaze burning into the side of your face, but you manage to replicate the process with the drain on your other side. This time, you get a measurement of the amount of blood. Raphael is clenching his fists so hard that it looks as if he could break a knuckle. You push the capsule towards him on the counter and he grabs it with unfathomable speed, before drinking it without hesitation. He doesn’t shotgun it in the same reckless manner he did before; rather, Raphael pauses and turns to look at you for a fleeting moment.
“This feels… intimate,” Raphael remarks vaguely. You freeze and stare at him, wondering if you misheard him. He’s avoiding eye contact with you again, which convinces you that you heard his statement correctly.
“Do you want it to be intimate?” You hum, surprised by how confident and unbothered you sound. Surely, your rapid heartbeat will betray your confident facade—your heart is jackhammering in your chest right now. Raphael finishes draining the blood before wiping a hand over his lips and leveling you with an incredulous gaze. You stare back at him without hesitation. The vampire seems to need a moment to process the implications of what you just said.
“Yes,” Raphael finally answers. You stare at him in surprise. He’s staring at some unknown point in the mirror. When you try to make eye contact with him, the vampire is quick to avert his gaze. “But… I’m not interested in sex.” Silence settles in the air. For a long moment, there is nothing but a strange tension. It takes you several moments to realize that Raphael is waiting for a response from you. You blink at him a few times.
“Okay,” you eventually say, wondering why the vampire looks so high-strung and defensive right now. Had he really expected you to react poorly? Perhaps he’s had bad experiences in the past. The thought makes your stomach turn.
“That’s it?” He asks, a hint of wariness in his voice.
“I don’t plan on forcing you to do anything you’re not comfortable with,” you say.  It seems as if there’s a physical relief that Raphael experiences after that admission. His shoulders relax and the grimace on his face softens. He had been clenching his fists at his sides, and he moves to loosen them. For a long moment, there is nothing but silence. You busy yourself with washing your hands and valiantly pretend not to notice Raphael staring at you the entire time. It isn’t until you move to leave the bathroom that he seems to snap out of his trance. The vampire places a hand on your shoulder.
“Next time,” Raphael breaks off, as if the effort of speaking is laborious. His hand slips from your shoulder and falls back to his side. Raphael looks uncharacteristically restless. “I can help you empty them.”
“The drains?” You ask for clarification. The vampire nods. “Okay. You have to give me time to make measurements, though.”
Raphael rolls his eyes, letting you know exactly what he thinks of that idea.
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maldeldest · 3 months
My Top 10 Shadowhunters characters (Show only)
10. Jonathan Morgenstern
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9. Luke Garroway
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8. Maia Roberts
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7. Jace Herondale
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6. Clary Fairchild
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5. Simon Lewis
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4. Raphael Santiago
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3. 🥉 Alec Lightwood
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2. 🥈 Izzy Lightwood
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1. 🥇 Magnus Bane
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shrewind2 · 2 years
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Shadowhunters 3x22: All Good Things  
Free to use.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Vampires I desperately need to see interacting with each other…
Jerry Dandridge:
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Damon Salvatore:
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Marcel Gerard:
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Raphael Santiago:
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Eric Northman:
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Lestat de Lioncourt:
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an-empty-table · 2 years
Warlock's movements🧙🏻‍♂️
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22 notes · View notes
rxdscarf · 2 years
i saw people do this and i thought it was fun, so here are 10 characters i identify with but i won't tell you why
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tagging @neverlivedneverdied @janiedean @averagemartian @rogerzsteven @portinaris @nessarosefiction and whoever else wants to do this 🤗
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foreveryoungadult · 9 years
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Shadowhunters S1.E09 “Rise Up”
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Magnus looking out for you
(Magnus x fem!reader)
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hiddenpxpercuts · 1 year
@devilsmenu (Raphael)
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"Oh, my apologies. I think I zoned out for a moment and I didn't hear a word you said." Raphael admitted with a shrug. It wasn't the other's fault, really. Raphael had been in his own head lately.
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los-geckos · 2 years
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SHADOWHUNTERS ↳ 1.02: "The Descent Into Hell Isn't Easy"
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thelostgirl21 · 1 year
Watching the episode "Beside Still Water" (2.20), I've just realised something...
Is it me, or has the Malec fandom (myself included) somehow collectively managed to forget one rather essential aspect of the wish Valentine was trying to make to Raziel before Clary successfully stopped him from doing so?!
Because, in virtually every alternate universe scenario (ex: fanfiction, story outline, discussions, etc.) I've read where Valentine does succeed in making his wish, said scenario tends to assume that Magnus (Simon, Luke...) would die, and Alec & co. would be left behind to mourn the loss of all Downworlders.
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Except the immediate death of all Downworlders was only one part of the wish Valentine intended to make... The scene actually goes:
RAZIEL: It has been a thousand years since I was last summoned to this place. Why do you summon me now, Nephilim?
VALENTINE: My Lord Raziel, the great men and women in the lineage of Shadowhunters, which you have created here, have failed in their mission to rid this world of demon scum.
RAZIEL: I see you are impatient. What is it you ask of me?
VALENTINE: Immediate death of all evil-blooded creatures, demon and Downworlder alike, as well as the disloyal Shadowhunters who protect them.
RAZIEL: The destruction of the souled creatures of the Downworld, and of our own Nephilim, that is not Heaven’s wish.
RAZIEL: But thou who spills thy blood, thou shalt compel from me an action.
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Doesn't it mean that, should Valentine have succeeded in completing his wish, only the Shadowhunters believing in the righteousness of his cause would have survived?
Because technically, protecting Downworlders is part of a Shadowhunter's duty. Even those that are filled with prejudice generally agree that it is their responsibility to keep the Downworld safe and wouldn't wish to destroy them all. They just fear and generally don't trust them. And they sure aren't loyal to the Circle.
Sure, when creating an alternate universe, there's nothing wrong with the author wishing to alter more than a single element of it.
If you wish to have Clary fail to stop Valentine from making his wish to Raziel, while also changing the nature and intent of the wish itself, it's no problem at all! By all means!
What surprises me is the fact that I can't recall having ever read a single "Clary failed to stop Valentine from making the wish" story where Alec, Isabelle, Clary, and/or any Clave member that ever dared oppose Valentine's vision (a.k.a. the "disloyal Shadowhunters who protect [Downworlders]") all suddenly died alongside Magnus, Simon, Luke, Maia, and the rest of the Downworld when the wish was made.
Actually, I literally had to do a double take while watching the scene to make sure that I had heard right.
It's like the image of Magnus suddenly dropping dead right in front of Alec when Valentine successfully makes the wish (and all the angst and despair that typically follows it), is something that I've seen done so often in fandom that my brain had totally erased the part where Valentine's wish also included the immediate death of all "disloyal Shadowhunters who protect [Downworlders]" as well!!!
It's uncanny!
I've just realised that if an author was to write an A.U. where the ONLY THING changing about that Lake Lyn scene was Clary failing to stop Valentine from properly making that wish, both Magnus and Alec would be killed by it!
So would Clary, Isabelle, Maryse, Robert, Andrew, Lydia, Imogen, etc.
As tragic as that would be, part of me can't help but find the idea of a bunch of Downworlders and Shadowhunters suddenly all entering the afterlife together with no real prior warning somewhat hilarious!
Valentine: [Spills blood and makes wish.]
Everyone in the Shadow World that didn't agree with the Circle's ideals: [Dies.]
Raziel: It is done.
Alec: Wait. Where are we? What happened? Why does this look like some weird Downworlders-Shadowhunters convention, and what's with all the white?
Magnus: Don't panic, but I think we're dead.
Alec: What?
Isabelle: [Sighs.] Most likely.
Clary: Yeah, sorry. Valentine wished for the immediate death of all Downworlders and the Shadowhunters who protect them. I couldn't stop him.
Alec: Oh. [Small pause as he appears to consider it.] Okay then.
Magnus: Okay?
Alec: Yeah. Okay.
Magnus: You were killed by a member of your own kind simply for not wishing all Downworlders dead, Alexander! How is any of this [Gestures at the huge gathering around them.] OKAY?!
Alec: I just went through the soul-wrenching agony of feeling my parabatai die; meaning there was a very good chance that his attempt to stop Valentine had failed. Ever since, I've been utterly terrified that the man I love would just suddenly drop dead in my arms! Instead, I'm here, you're here, my soul feels whole again, I can sense Jace's presence nearby - meaning he must be here somewhere, too - my whole family [Gets distracted by something he sees in the distance.] HEY MOM! [Waves.] OVER HERE! [Brings his attention back to Magnus.] seems to be here, also... So yeah... I'm not happy that everyone I've ever cared about just died - or that the Mundane world is now at the mercy of the Circle - sure! But... Okay, I guess.
Maryse: [Waves back enthusiastically, looking relieved to see familiar faces, and quickly proceeds to make her way to them.]
Magnus: [Stunned.] I...
Clary: Yeah... The man you love dying in your arms? Not recommending it. Can't say I'm too upset that I won't have to go through the whole grieving process that usually comes after, though... Can you really sense Jace?
Alec: Yeah, don't worry, he'll turn up. We probably landed on opposite sides of... [Gestures at their surroundings.] whatever this place is. Best stay put, 'cause I know the little impulsive shit won't, and then we'll just be chasing each other around...
Maryse: [Hugs her two children as soon as she reaches them, then Clary, before surprising an already stunned Magnus by offering him a big heartfelt hug, too.] Is everyone okay? Have you seen Max?
Alec: Not yet, but there seems to be a rather large gathering of Shadowhunters from the L.A. Institute over there.
Isabelle: And we're good, Mom.
Maryse: Good? [Visually checks on everybody again.] Good. [Gestures towards the gathering Alec just mentioned.] Is it okay if I just leave for a moment to go find your youngest brother?
Alec: Sure! By the way, if you come across Jace, could you please let him know we're here?
Maryse: Of course! I'll be right back! [Briefly turns towards Magnus.] It's so good to see you, Magnus. Well, not that I'm happy you're - you know - dead. But I'm just glad that Valentine was wrong and, wherever we are, or are going, our spirits apparently still belong together.
Magnus: [Mightily confused, much to Alec and Isabelle's amusement.] Ah... Likewise?
Maryse: And I'm glad you two found each other again. [Smiles, looking at her eldest and Magnus in turn, before giving Magnus two affectionate pats on the shoulder and leaving in search of her youngest son.]
Magnus: Actually, we're...
Imogen: Lightwood! There you are!
Isabelle: [Sighs.] Figures...
Alec: [Mumbles.] Well, good to know she apparently was trying to protect the Downworld...
Imogen: I've been talking with Jia, and our latest intel never said anything about Valentine planning to wipe out a bunch of Clave members alongside Downworlders! Have you or his daughter been keeping information from us? [Starts speaking to him in hushed tones.] Word has it she was with Valentine when he made his wish. [Sends a suspicious side glance Clary's way.] How do we know we can trust her?
Clary: Hey! I'm right here!
Alec: First, she's family. Second -
Magnus: [Still trying to process what Alec had previously said, as well as his mother's reaction to seeing him.] Sorry to interrupt, but you still love me?
Alec: Of course, I still love you! Nephilim love once, Magnus. Well, maybe not polyamourous or aromantic ones - but most typically do. And even if that wasn't true, I know I've only ever truly fallen in love once in my whole life, and I can't imagine ever not loving you in the afterlife, either.
Magnus: [Incredulously.] Even after all of this? [Gestures to all the people that died, in part because Shadowhunters and Downworlders had stopped working together to stop Valentine.] After I lost faith in us, and pushed you away in favor of my people, thinking you were holding me back from doing what was necessary to protect them?
Alec: I gave you reason to doubt my word, and you were scared, Magnus... [Takes a small step towards Magnus to gently grab and hold his hands, and tenderly look in his eyes.] You don't stop loving someone just because they are afraid of making a mistake trusting you. You either find a way to win their trust back, or respect their boundaries if you believe you can't or don't know how to do that yet.
Magnus: [Gaze softens.] Alexander, I...
Imogen: [Rudely interrupts.] Look, it's all very touching, but that still doesn't explain why you believe we can still trust her! [Points towards Clary.]
Clary: [Sighs heavily.] Yup! Still here...
Alec: [Rolls eyes at Imogen, rather pointedly, and reluctantly lets go of Magnus' hands, whispering to him.] Sorry, just... hold that thought. [Back to Imogen.] As I was saying: First, she's family and I'd trust her with my - well - afterlife, I suppose. Second, Valentine killed Jace right in front of her! Pretty sure she felt very little sympathy for him after that - biological father or not!
Imogen: [Gasps.] Jace is dead, too? Are you sure?
Alec: [Incredulously.] I felt him die. [Gestures at himself.] Parabatai, remember? He and Clary were at Lake Lyn on a mission to stop Valentine from making the wish when it happened, and they both died trying to stop him. I mean, look around! You do realize that every single Shadowhunter on Earth died alongside the Downworld - except for Circle members and sympathizers - right?
Imogen: What?!
Clary: Yeah, I was there when Valentine made his wish. The immediate death of all Shadowhunters protecting the Downworld was a big part of it. And since watching over the safety of the Shadow World was pretty much our duty as Shadowhunters...
Imogen: [Finally acknowledging her presence.] Come with me! We have to report this to Jia and the rest of the Council at once!
Clary: [Incredulously.] What Council? We're dead! The Downworld no longer exists, and the Mundanes are out of our reach!
Imogen: [In shock, mostly to herself.] My grandson is dead... the whole Herondale bloodline has ended, again... For good this time... Shadowhunters have failed in their Heavenly mission, and the Clave is no more... How could we let this happen?
Clary: [Pats her back in mock sympathy.] There, there...
Isabelle: [Shrugging and looking very unimpressed.] By wasting time pointing fingers and trying to blame others for the Clave's mistakes, instead of improving on communications and collaboration with the Downworld in hopes of actually defeating Valentine?
Imogen: [Glares.]
Simon: [Suddenly showing up after having caught the end of their conversation.] Wait. Are you telling me that anyone here is actually surprised that Valentine was never planning on allowing those with the actual power and resources to hunt him down and hold him accountable for committing mass genocide to live after he made the wish?!
Alec: The dead guy's got a point.
Simon: Seriously?!
Alec: [Shrugs with a small amused smirk.]
Jace: [Making his way through the thick crowd.] Alright, sorry... Coming through... Look man, I got here first, and I'm trying to reach my girlfriend and my parabatai over there! So, unless you want me to make you move...
Clary and Alec: JACE! [Both rush over to throw themselves in his arms, nearly knocking him and a bunch of innocent bystanders over.]
Jace: Whoa! Easy! You'd think you guys thought I was dead or something! OW!
Alec: [Having slightly pulled back to hit him over the head.] Not funny, Jace! I felt the bond break, you dumbass!
Jace: [Wincing apologetically.] Yeah, that must have been unpleas - OW!
Clary: [Having just hit him, too.] And I watched you die.
Jace: [Rubs the back of his head awkwardly.] Okay, sorry. Too soon?
Alec: [Still visibly shaken and close to tears, throwing himself back into Jace's arm alongside Clary.] Just don't ever do something like that again. I told you to be careful?
Jace: [Tightening his hold on his parabatai.] I know, and I swear I was! Leaving you behind felt like a part of me was being torn apart, too, by the way. I'm sorry we lost, but I'm glad you're here. Death would have been Hell without you.
Clary: [Hugging them both, slightly amused.] You guys let me know if you need a moment?
Jace: [Almost possessively crushing them both in his embrace.] Nope! You two aren't going anywhere! I need both my soul and my heart here with me, thank you very much! At least for a few more minutes.
Alec: Good thing I no longer need to breathe. Clary: [Chuckling.] You and me both!
Imogen: [Wisely chooses to observe the very emotional reunion from a distance.]
Simon: So, Magnus, have you and Alec gotten back together yet?
Isabelle: Simon! We barely all just got here!
Simon: And they haven't even kissed yet? I mean, come on! What are they waiting for? I get you're upset that Alec didn't tell you about the Soul Sword right away, Magnus. But with the Clave threatening to take his position away, and Robert having used it as leverage against them...
Isabelle: [Warningly.] Simon...
Simon: What?
Isabelle: [Stares back pointedly.]
Simon: Wait. Was I not supposed to have known about that?
Isabelle: [Sighs.] I might, indeed, have forgotten to ask Alec for permission before telling you...
Simon: Oops.
Magnus: Telling me what? What is he talking about?
Robert: [Joining them with Maryse and Max.] The only reason Alec didn't take the fall and lose his position over Valentine escaping while in his custody was because I threatened the Clave to let Alec know about us having lost the Soul Sword, and they were scared the minute he did, he would let the Downworld leaders of New York know as well.
Magnus: Are you telling me that Alec wasn't supposed to know about the Soul Sword when I came to the Institute to have dinner with him, and the Clave indirectly finding out he did might have landed you both in hot water?
Robert: There's a bit more to it, but that could have been a possibility, yeah...
Luke: [Having finally reached them, Raphael in tow.] Told you Alec was trying, and we should have continued to trust him...
Magnus: Mistakes were made...
Raphael: Yeah, he probably needed a moment to figure out how to navigate that whole mess with the Clave… You know, in hindsight, we'd have stood a better chance continuing to work with the New York Institute rather than accepting the Seelie Queen's terms...
Magnus: I have regrets...
Luke: To be fair, she did say that the Seelie Court had been beyond the reach of the Angels and their powers for quite some time now, and promised us all asylum...
Simon: [Scoffs.] Pretty sure she just meant the Seelie Court had been beyond the reach of the Angels and their powers for quite some time because the Angels had shown no interest in reaching them for quite some time, too!
Magnus: [Blinks a few times as it suddenly dawns on him.] Oh.
Luke: ...
Raphael: Yeah. I can't believe any of us fell for that.
Meliorn: If that's any comfort, the Queen's been heavily sulking in that corner over there ever since we all got here...
Isabelle: [Almost jumps back, caught off guard by the sound of Meliorn's voice talking right next to her.] Okay, where are you all suddenly coming from?
Raphael: [Ignoring Isabelle's question, and pretty much having decided not to question anything that happens in this place anymore.] It is a bit of a comfort, actually.
Luke: Yeah...
Simon: Yup! Not to be the petty one, but serves her well!
Alec: [Returning to their small group and going to hug Max and his father.] Have I missed anything interesting?
Isabelle: [Shrugs with an amused smirk] Just Simon proving he's got more brains than all of us combined, apparently.
Alec: [Confused.] What?
Luke: He detected the hidden lie in the promise that the Seelie Queen made to keep the Downworld safe from Valentine upon hearing it right away, while we'd all missed it.
Simon: To be fair, after that whole kissing stunt she pulled on us, I've been expecting the worst from her.
Alec: We should always expect the worst from her.
Luke: Yeah, expecting the worst from the Seelie Queen is pretty much "Shadowhunting 101".
Simon: You know, I'm curious... Alec, if the Queen swore to you "You'll be safe in our realm. It has been beyond the reach of the Angels for millennia now", what would be the first thought that would pop to your mind?
Alec: That the Angels have had no interest in interacting with Seelies for millennia, so there's been no attempt on their part to reach it, and that you'll be safe from any Seelies attempting to harm you while you're down there, why?
Simon: [Breaks into a self-satisfied smile.] See!
Magnus: [Groans.] Okay, now you're just rubbing it in.
Alec: [Confused, while looking at all the other members of the Downworld Cabinet.] Wait. Did any of you actually fall for that?!
Magnus, Raphael, and Luke: [Trying to make themselves very small and all avoiding Alec's gaze.]
Meliorn: I didn't! To be fair, that's why the Queen had me temporarily removed from the Cabinet - or more appropriately put under house arrest. She was concerned I might experience a... conflict of loyalty over her intentions of siding with Valentine.
Isabelle: You mean she was concerned you'd attempt to warn us?
Meliorn: Well, she was pretty confident that her Alliance with Valentine, and promise that we'd just keep to our own realm - steering clear of Circle members and Mundanes on Earth- would ensure our safety as well as that of those that had chosen to take Sanctuary with us. But I knew he could lie... [Pauses.] Plus, you might all be credulous idiots - well, except the Daylighter and Mr. Lightwood here, apparently - but I may have grown rather fond of you lot.
Raphael: Are you still unable to lie, or...?
Meliorn: [Sighs and rolls his eyes.] Would you be unwilling to take my word that I didn't wish any of you dead even if I could? I mean, despite working for the Clave, Isabelle's always been willing to bend the rules and protect us at great personal risk. Her brother seemed to be coming around and trying to change the system from within... With the right type of support, I had hope he might succeed... At least, it kept things from being boring.
Luke: Sadly, now we'll never know...
Magnus: All because I overreacted, and pulled out too fast...
Simon: [Snorts.]
Isabelle: [Hits him, trying her own best not to laugh.]
Raphael: [Rolls eyes and sighs heavily.] Sexuals.
Magnus: [Eyes going wide while finishing his sentence.] ...of the Cabinet and the Accords! Lilith!
Alec: [Glares at Simon and his little sister.] Really?! I'll have you know that Magnus isn't - [Suddenly remembers he's got nothing to prove, and really couldn't care less what anyone might think of his love life.] - You know what? Never mind.
Simon: [Stifling his laughter.] Sorry.
Isabelle: [Regaining control over her own emotions.] It's been a long day. [Looks around.] Hey, where's Maia?
Simon: We came across some guy named Kyle on our way here.
Luke: Jordan Kyle?
Simon: Yeah. Apparently, they used to date, and he's the one that accidentally changed her into a werewolf, then left. There seemed to be lots of tension and unresolved business between these two, so I thought it best to give them some privacy.
Raphael: And you're not scared he might try to win her back?
Simon: [Shrugs.] Truthfully? I don't know if it's a side effect of being dead, or what... But I don't feel especially possessive over those I love right now? Kind of like... I don't see why her opening her heart to someone else should replace or remove my own space from hers, or make her love me any less. At this point, I just want all of us to be happy together and find our own peace, you know?
Meliorn: [Nods.] I do. So, once we've settled in this new plane of existence, would you and Isabelle be both interested in joining me to explore what unearthly delights the afterlife might have to offer us?
Simon: [Stunned.] I...
Isabelle: [Laughs and shakes her head bemusedly] You're not wasting any time!
Meliorn: [Shrugs, while smiling warmly and sharing in her amusement.] What can I say? There's obviously an easy chemistry between you two and, from what I've heard, your question about Maia wasn't entirely devoid of interest.
Simon: [Actively thinking this over...] I might need to discuss it with Maia first, and I've never been with a guy before, but... I mean... Well, I'm not sure about being sexually attracted to you, but I'm strangely okay about the idea of sharing an intimate moment and cuddling, at least... Does that make any sense?
Raphael: Yeah. Tons of sense. I'm really not into sex, but emotional intimacy, cuddling, and closeness is often good, regardless of gender.
Isabelle: [Smiles dreamily.] Raphael's cuddles are amazing. And this has nothing to do with the yin fen, by the way.
Meliorn: I'm into pretty much everything - even when not directly involved - although I'd never enjoy watching or sharing while knowing it makes anyone uncomfortable. If all agree, I say Raphael should be welcome to join us for cuddles, if he wishes!
Raphael: [Considering.] Maybe I will... Although, it may take some time for me to get used to the idea of cuddling up to a group of people...
Isabelle: Hey. We can start by spending some time on our own, too. Or even stop there if you're not comfortable going any further. Like Simon said, I don't think developing our own more exclusive relationships in a place like this would ever take away from anything else my heart might be comfortable sharing with others.
Simon: Agreed. No one should ever feel pressure to do anything they may not want to.
Raphael: [Blushing lightly.] Thanks. I'm not saying "no" to getting close to anyone else. It's just a lot of new things to adapt to for now, and I've always been someone that enjoys taking my time to build friendships. Even on the romantic front, such connections occasionally happen, but they don't exactly do so frequently, nor easily.
Simon: Yeah, I get why suddenly getting close to a bunch of people might be a little overwhelming in that context.
Raphael: Might have an easier time cuddling up to you, though.
Simon: [Shocked.] Me?!
Maia: [Showing up with Jordan, holding each others' arms, looking relaxed and happy.] Don't sound so surprised. You're a pretty amazing guy that makes people easily feel loved and safe. I mean, we might have been joking that everyone wants to have sex with Jace, but I think an even higher number of us just want to cuddle you up!
Clary: [Returning with Jace, looking slightly out of breath, despite not needing it, hair a bit tousled.] Who wants to have sex with Jace now?
Meliorn: I do.
Magnus: I don't.
Raphael: Me neither.
Alec: I thought I once did.
Maia: Been there. Done that. Might want to do it again.
Jordan: Yeah, I can see the appeal.
Luke: Bit young.
Raphael: Give it a few hundred years.
Luke: Still, we've got a bit of a father and son - or at least weird uncle - vibe going on...
Maryse: I think Robert and I will both pass.
Robert: Amen to that.
Isabelle: Yeah, and with the whole brother thing, for me that'd be too weird...
Max: Ew...
Jace: [Mock glaring at Max.] Geez! Thanks, bud!
Max: You're my big brother!
Jace: [Playfully ruffles his hair.] I know! Just messing with you!
Simon: I... might?
Isabelle: [Shocked, but also greatly amused by the admission.] Really?!
Simon: Truthfully?! There's a lot I'm questioning right now.
Imogen: I don't. He's my grandson.
Simon: [Confused, looking at Isabelle.] Wait. She's still here?
Isabelle: [Shrugs.] Apparently.
Jace: Well, as flattering as all the attention is - and I can't believe this is coming from me - but it would appear that I've been having rather strong monogamous instincts lately.
Meliorn: And we shall all respect that.
Clary: [Teasingly gasps in shock.] But what about your Bookclub?
Jace: [Leaning in to tenderly kiss her.] I'm sure they'll find something else to read.
Max: [To Robert.] So... If you can have more than one girlfriend or boyfriend, why did you cheat on Mom?
Maryse: Max!
Robert: Because the Clave's traditions would have us believe that it is wrong and against the will of the Angels - that everything about our lives has to be about resisting our impulses, leading with our heads, and putting duty above all else.
Alec: Yet I'm pretty sure that what hurt Mom the most isn't that you fell in love with someone else, too, Dad; but that you lied about it, and tried to keep it away from her rather than addressing the issue as partners.
Maryse: It's true. Although I've been so conditioned by the Clave to believe that loyalty and exclusivity in a matrimonial partnership between Shadowhunters is everything, that I might have wished to get divorced either way. Oddly enough, I think Robert and I have always been better together as friends.
Robert: I couldn't agree more.
Max: Okay, but if I wanted to have two girlfriends... Or a boyfriend and girlfriend?
Isabelle: [Laughs.] How about you start with one? You'll know if polyamory feels right when you get there.
Max: What about you, Alec?
Alec: I've got nothing against polyamory, and I'll admit to perhaps being a bit of a closeted "hugger", but -
Simon: I knew it!
Alec: [Fixes Simon with a stern stare over his sudden interruption.]
Simon: [Recoils sheepishly.] Sorry... [Grins, as he playfully decides to put Alec's declaration to the test.] Come here! [Starts to move closer with his arms held wide open.]
Alec: [Says nothing, but rolls his eyes and groans - pretending to be annoyed - yet still walks right into Simon's open embrace and wraps his own around him in a big, heartfelt hug.]
Simon: [Momentarily freezes and isn't exactly sure how to respond, because, to be honest, he was expecting Alec to back away from him and/or firmly tell him "no", like Jace had, once.]
Alec: [Closes his eyes and lets out a satisfied hum, relaxing further into the embrace, while making no indication that he's intending to let go anytime soon - or ever.]
Isabelle: [Is trying not to laugh.]
Simon: [Awkwardly shifts a bit, only causing Alec to tighten his hold to keep him firmly in place and hide his nose in the crook of his neck.]
Magnus: [Can barely breathe while doing his best to contain his laughter as well.]
Simon: [Whispering.] Izzy? Izzy, what do I do? He's not letting go, Izzy.
Isabelle: [Biting the interior or her mouth to help her stay in control.] Yeah, you might be stuck there for a while...
Maryse: [Chuckles.] Pretty sure he and Jace hugging it out could well last 10 minutes, sometimes.
Simon: [Eyes go wide as he mouths back "10 minutes"? to Izzy.]
Magnus: [Is now wheezing.]
Alec: [Shoulders start shaking lightly as he starts struggling to keep himself from laughing, too.] Yeah, but we're parabatai. Want me to let you go?
Simon: [Hesitates.] Yeah. Maybe? I mean, it's nice and all, but you basically went from being unable to remember my name and looking at me like you want me dead, to giving me one of the biggest hugs anyone's ever offered me in my life!
Alec: [Chuckles and moves back, but still briefly holds Simon's arms to steady him, only fully letting go once he's sure he's found his balance and is solidly standing on his own.] Can't want you dead now that you already are, Simon.
Simon: [Frowns.] Good point. [Realizes.] Hey! You said Simon!
Alec: [Smiles knowingly while shrugging it off.] I did. [Moves back to return his attention towards his little brother.] So yeah, I'm fine with hugging my family and close friends, but I'm pretty sure I'm rather strongly on the monogamous end of the spectrum as far as romance and sexuality goes...
Simon: [To Izzy.] Wait. Did your brother imply I'm part of his "family and close friends" group?
Isabelle: [Amused]. You mean, you didn't know?
Luke: Yeah, even I caught the exasperated big brother vibes rolling off him in waves whenever you're around.
Raphael: Or the way he'll get all worked up about you getting yourself into trouble, and express worry that you'll be doing anything impulsive and stupid that will only make his work harder.
Magnus: Pretty sure I even caught him saying "That little shit! I swear, next time I see him, I'm going to wring his neck!" once, before taking off to go fix one of the messes you'd inadvertently caused.
Isabelle: That bad, huh? Usually, that's the kind of talk he uses while referring to Jace.
Maryse: You've never had an overprotective big brother looking after you, have you?
Simon: No. Just one big sister. No brother.
Maryse: That explains so much.
Alec: [Eyes widen in distress as it suddenly dawns on him.] Oh, shit. Simon, I'm so sorry...
Magnus: [Looking at Alec with concern.] What is it?
Alec: [A little helplessly.] His sister, and his mother, they're...
Simon: [Looking a bit dejected, too.] Mundanes, I know...
Alec: [Taking this apparently really hard.] And we've left them all behind with a bunch of sociopath Circle members, and no one to protect them.
Luke: Well, at least the Circle was always about cleansing Earth from demonic influence to keep the Mundane world safe.
Raphael: Yes, until they all collectively decide that "demonic influence" isn't only defined by the presence or absence of demonic blood, and that anyone with "impure ideologies" must be cleansed...
Magnus: Somehow, if you're trying to be reassuring, I don't believe this is helping, my Dear Raphael.
Raphael: [Confused.] Is "being reassuring" what we are supposed to be doing?
Magnus: [Points towards Alec that seems to be starting to have a bit of a mental breakdown, and Simon's increasingly concerned looks.]
Raphael: Oh. Right.
Alec: [Mostly to himself, starting to pace...] I was so relieved that everyone I loved was safe - [Winces slightly, as he realizes that "being dead" might not be what people would typically considered "safe".] relatively speaking - that I was starting to forget about all those people we were supposed to protect, and that got left behind...
Magnus: Alec, they they aren't all your responsibility.
Alec: Aren't they?! Nephilim were created to protect the world from demon, and we just -
Sudden booming voice resonating in the white space: This is Raziel speaking. I am receiving an abnormally heavy volume of prayed requests for answers right now. This is thus a public service announcement. First, my apologies over what happened, but I did not have the power to refuse to grant anyone the wish as proper procedures had been followed; a mistake we angels shall try to avoid making in the future. Due to the current volume of new arrivals, your souls have all been placed in a temporary waiting area. If you are here, that means you aren't going to any Hell dimension. If some of you suddenly start glowing and vanishing - no worries - that only means your own corner of Heaven has been properly set to welcome you, and you should all be joining your friends and families in a timely manner. In response to the horrific nature of the wish that was made, please take note that all surviving Nephilim have been utterly stripped of their runes, sight, and any angelic powers, and all further attempts to contact or summon us shall be properly ignored.
[Pauses as the sound of collective cheering in the room would have made it difficult for even Raziel's voice to be heard.]
Raziel: Those that come to genuinely see the errors of their ways and repent might be granted salvation. Others shall be lost. Mundanes should be safe from any demon that has been killed through the wish until they fully reform in Hell dimensions and somehow attempt to return to Earth, but we expect this to take a few centuries. Until then, we shall be monitoring the situation.
Simon: [Looking relieved at the news.] Well, this is reassuring.
Alec: [Looking relieved, too, but still reeling a bit.] Yeah... Yeah, this is good. I mean, if Circle members are just a bunch of jerks without powers, Mundanes should be able to look after themselves, right?
Simon: Sure! Plus, I mean, a few centuries is a long time, you know? Long enough for them to start World War IV and possibly nuke the planet.
Clary: You know, Simon's right. Demons possibly returning to Earth in a few hundred years is likely not the first thing Mundanes should be worrying about right now.
Izzy: Well, that sure is a very uplifting thought.
Alec: Yeah... [Sarcastically.] I'm feeling much better about it now, thanks.
Simon: Anytime, bro'!
Alec: So, basically you're telling me the Earth is doomed regardless of anything we did?
Clary: Most likely.
Alec: Great.
Magnus: [Wrapping his arms around himself.] Well, at least, you're not the one that let his personal issues get in the way of his ability to think clearly, and made a terrible mistake that ended up indirectly costing all of us our lives, and breaking your heart in the process.
Alec: [Concerned and confused, taking a small step towards him while searching for his gaze.] How is any of what's happening here your fault, Magnus?
Magnus: [Hugging himself tighter.] Simon and you saw right through the Seelie Queen's hidden lie right away, Alexander! If I'd let you explain how you found out about the missing Soul Sword in the first place, if I'd known the Clave had been threatening to take the Institute from you, I...
Alec: [Interrupting while going to stand right in front of him, trying to get all of his attention.] Yeah, but you didn't know. And part of the reasons you didn't know is because I thought keeping my own problems from you would protect you from being under more stress after everything that had happened with the Clave and Valentine. [Grabs and tenderly hold one of his hands again.] Point is, we all made what we believed to be the best choices we could make with whatever knowledge and resources we had available at the time.
Magnus: [Stares back a him, listening attentively, but still looking unsure.]
Alec: [Reaches with one hand to cup Magnus' cheek with his free hand.] All I know is that I don't think I could have lived without you, and I'm pretty sure I simply can't move on without you now, either. [Almost pleading with him.] Magnus, I love you.
Magnus: [Gaze softening, reaching to cover Alec's hand with his own and closing his eyes for a moment.] I love you, too, Alexander.
Alec: [Beams back at him.] Good. Then I need you to let go of that guilt, and trust me when I tell you that things are going to be okay, alright?
Magnus: [Nods and lifts his head to kiss him, wrapping his hands around his neck.]
Alec: [Meets Magnus' lips halfway, securely wrapping his own arms around his back, holding him close.]
Simon: Ah, guys, I think you're...
Isabelle: Shh... Don't ruin the moment...
Alec and Magnus: [Keep on passionately kissing while the light that's started to surround them gets brighter and brighter, and...]
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Simon: Yup! They're gone!
Isabelle: It's alright, we'll catch up...
Jace: [With his arm wrapped around Clary's shoulders, him and her having both started to glow, too] Yeah, about that... Hope you won't be mad if Clary and I just...?
Isabelle: [Laughs while shaking her head fondly at the sight.] I know, I know, where he goest, you will go, and where he lodgest, you will lodge, and all of that.
Jace: [Returns her laugh, as the light surrounding him and Clary intensify, pointing towards Isabelle.] You seem to forget something else, too. Three go in... [Winks back at her before vanishing with Clary.]
Isabelle: [Noticing that she's also started glowing.] Three come out. [Extends her hand towards Simon.] Want to catch a ride?
Simon: [Laughs, and reaches for her hand, pulling her closer.] Think it'll work? [Quickly finds himself bathed in light, too.]
Isabelle: [Smiles smugly, leaning against his chest, looking up.] Looks like it.
Simon: [Briefly looks away at the rest of the group.] Hope you guys won't mind if we...?
Meliorn: No, you guys go right ahead!
Luke: Sure, you know. Just save us a seat, or a cloud, of whatever we're supposed to be sitting on when we get there.
Maia: Yeah, you can go ahead and kiss her!
Simon: T-t-that's... Wait, that's not what I asked! [The glow surrounding him and Isabelle keep growing brighter.]
Isabelle: Yes, but Mr. Simon Simon Lewis, would you like to? Unless you no longer think I'm hot?
Simon: [Chuckles and brings his attention back to her.] Oh no, you're still and always have been hot... And glowing... Wow, you're just glowing so bright right now! Think we - [Gets interrupted by Isabelle finally locking lips with him, to the sound of their friends cheering.]
Catarina: [Arrives with Madzie in tow, just as Simon and Isabelle are disappearing together in the middle of a heated embrace.] Hey guys! So if that was Isabelle, and Alec's not here, I suppose that means he and Magnus already moved on?
Raphael: [Nods.] Yeah.
Catarina: [Sighs.] Damnit. Madzie's been asking to see Alec and we've been searching for them ever since we got here.
Maryse: Yeah, you just missed them. My only kid that has yet to cross over is Max, over here.
Madzie: [Perks up as she leaves Catarina's side to go stand in front of Max, and extend her hand to him.] You're Alec's little brother? I'm Madzie.
Max: [Smiles back at her and shakes her hand.] Yeah, I'm Max. Nice to meet you, Madzie. Whoa? Are those gills? They look so cool!
Madzie: [Beams back at him and starts glowing. Max, too.]
Max: [Still holding her hand.] Wait. Are you doing that, or are we...?
Madzie: [Shakes her head "no".] Not the one doing it. [Turns towards Catarina with a questioning look.] Mom?
Catarina: [Reassuringly.] It's alright, Kiddo. You two go right ahead, we'll be there in a moment.
Madzie: [Spontaneously throws herself into Max's arms, hugging him.] Are you scared? It's okay. I'll protect you.
Max: [Chuckles and protectively wraps his arms around the Warlock child.] Yeah, I know you will.
Maryse: [Watches as the two vanish, amused.] Yeah, he must like her. Max didn't even argue about having completed his Shadowhunter training, and being the one supposed to keep her safe.
Robert: [Thoughtfully.] I was just thinking that.
Raphael: [Slightly annoyed.] So, are we all supposed to form couples before we're allowed to move on? Because I'm going to be stuck here for a very, very long time.
Catarina: [Rolling her eyes.] God, I sure hope not! But, you know, just in case. [Goes to Raphael's side and wraps and arm around his waist.]
Raphael: [Glares back at her, but doesn't try to move away from the embrace.] Seriously?
Catarina: Would you rather cross over on your own?
Raphael: [Challengingly holds her gaze, but stays silent.]
Catarina: [Smugly.] Just what I thought. Besides, Magnus would be upset if I didn't make sure his kids didn't get lost somewhere on their way home.
Raphael: [Sighs] I hate you.
Catarina: [Chuckles.] No you don't.
Imogen: [Outraged.] What are you doing, Seelie?
Meliorn: [Innocently, while linking arms together with her.] What? If Raphael's theory is correct, you'll be stuck here a very long time otherwise.
Imogen: [Still unimpressed.] And why is that?
Meliorn: [Chuckles.] Most people tend to run away at the sight of thorns. [Lifts one of her hands to bring a gentleman's kiss to it.] While we Seelies know thorns are meant to protect a much gentler, softer, pliant core...
Imogen: [Blushes, taken aback by the compliment, having obviously not expected it.]
Luke: [Having started to glow while standing on his own.] Yeah, I might have to put a question mark on that theory...
Maryse: Oooh! Wait up! [Moves to Luke's side to go wrap an arm around his waist.]
Luke: [Laughs and makes room for her, while putting his own arm around her shoulders and holding her firmly against his side.]
Maryse: [Smiles up at him.] Hope you don't mind. Kinda want to make sure all the kids are okay.
Luke: [Smiles back.] Not at all. [Extends his hand towards Robert.] Robert?
Robert: [Shrugs.] Why not? [Reaches for Luke's hand, coming to stand next to them.]
Catarina: [Points to someone in the distance.] Is that Lorenzo Rey making out with a curly blonde guy over there?
Raphael: [Nods.] Yeah, probably a good thing Magnus left early.
Maryse: [Follows Catarina and Raphael's gazes, as the light surrounding her, Luke, and Robert keeps on glowing brighter.] Oh! The curly blonde guy's named Andrew Underhill, by the way!
Catarina: You know him? A Shadowhunter?
Maryse: [Nods.] One of our best.
Catarina: [Bemusedly.] What is it with Warlocks and Shadowhunters, lately?
Raphael: [Notices that Lorenzo and Andrew have started glowing, too.] I don't know, but I'm not kissing you to see if it'll allow us to leave faster.
Catarina: [Gives him a pointed glare, while Luke, Maryse, and Robert vanish together.]
Maia: Ah, I wouldn't worry about that too much. [Looks around, as she notices that everyone else in their small group has also started to glow.] I think we're all catching the next ride.
Imogen: [Not listening to anyone in the group, too busy making out with Meliorn while attempting to start loosening his armor, Meliorn eagerly doing the same with her shirt.]
Raphael: Okay, he really wasn't kidding about being into pretty much anything.
Catarina: I... Don't think I can ever unsee that.
Jordan: Right there with you.
Maia: Here's hoping they show up somewhere in their own private room when get to the other side.
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takaraphoenix · 3 months
10 Ships Featuring POC
I got tagged by @blairwaldcrf - thank you, this one's always a blast. Not reusing any ships that I listed on previous takes of this game! ;)
1. Shadowhunters – Raphael Santiago/Jace Herondale
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2. Teen Wolf – Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes
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3. Titans – Donna Troy/Kory Anders
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4. Fantasy High – Ayda Aguefort/Fig Faeth
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5. Unsleeping City – Ricky Matsui/Esther Sinclair
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6. Doctor Who – Doctor/Rogue
(this is. my first. Doctor ship. I have never shipped the Doctor with anyone before but holy shit this and their chemistry hit hard)
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7. One Piece – Roronoa Zoro/Monkey D. Luffy
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8. Fire Country – Manny Perez/Bode Donovan
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9. Shadow & Bone – Inej Ghafa/Alina Starkov
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10. Grey’s Anatomy – Taryn Helm/Mika Yasuda
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Tagging everyone who wants to do it!!
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