#rare mad niki moment
butchdykekondraki · 2 years
btw we support xenogenders and mogai L + ratio + half of our system uses xenos and/or mogai terms + i See you anon whos bashing arkh for being angelkin+divinekin im gonna fucking Kill You btw (:
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xaenhypen · 5 months
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Niki drabble
Pairing: nonidol!niki x fem!reader
Warnings: violince(not towards reader),
It all started when you were about to buy a Mountain Dew from a vending machine but didn't have enough to do so
Riki had seen this and bought it for you without showing any emotion, he was the schools trouble maker, he'd be in fights and he was a jerk
He was coldhearted at times
you started dating him a few months later and he was nice to only you (he was a jerk to others)
You heard commotion coming from the halls and decided to check it out only to see your boyfriend Riki punching a guy in the face
“RIKI!“ *i shout as i run towards the scene*
*Riki would punch the guy in the face one more time before turning around to look at you and smirked*
"Howdy there my little sweet heart, I'm just taking care of a problem *
*The guy he was hitting was already passed out*
“stop! Omg!” *i look at the guy passed out on the floor* “why did you do that?”
*Riki would raise an eyebrow, thinking to himself for a few seconds before looking back at you*
Riki: "Simple, he was being a creep to you."
*He'd reach his hand towards you wanting you to approach*
*i stand still with a weird expretion* “w-what?”
*He'd raise his eyebrows confused by your reaction*
Riki: "He was staring at you, and even when you noticed he kept on going he was a massive creep and creep deserves a good old fashioned ass whooping"
*Riki would look at you with an innocent face*
“Oh my..” *i take his wrist pulling him after me into a classrom thats closed off*
*Riki would keep a neutral expression as you yank him inside of the classroom, he'd look around curiously*
Riki: "What's the sudden rush my dear?"
“You cant go around beating people up?!” *i shout whisper as i look him directly in the eyes*
*Riki would give a small chuckle as he'd lean his body against the wall, he'd seem like he didn't have a care in the world*
Riki: "Why not? I am helping out my girlfriend, and he deserved it, he was being a massive creep."
*i rolled my eyes and turned my back to him*
*Riki would walk up to you and gently turn you back around and would lean against you, he'd put a hand on your hip*
Riki: "You're still upset about what I did hm?»
*i mumble* “yes”
*Riki would kiss your forehead, you'd notice this was a rare moment of kindness by Riki, he'd let go of your hip*
Riki: "Hey... look, I just wanted to protect you, so I got upset, besides... he deserved it"
*my jaw dropped* “funny.. cause last time i checked i have no backside”
*Riki would try to pull you into a hug, he doesn't like seeing you mad*
Riki: "Just accept it darling, I was just protecting you, I'd do anything for you, you're the most important person in my life."
“Tha-“ *i stop* “actually no. Make it up to me”
*Riki would look at you curiously, a small smile appearing on his face*
Riki: "Oh really? Well alright, how can I make it up to you?"
* His smile grew a little bigger*
*i think. For a long time smiling*
*Riki would wait for you to answer, now waiting to see what he can make up to you for punching a guy in the face*
Riki: "Well? What do you have in mind for how I can make it up to you?"
*Riki would freeze when you touch his chest, his eyes widening slightly*
Riki: "U-uhm... You sure that's going to... uhm... well, you know? Alright then I suppose, is this... really going to make you happy my darling?"
“Take me home, and make me dinner”
*Riki would nod with a smile* “whatever you want daring”
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iamgrape · 4 months
»»————- Panda Niki Shiina  ————-««
Character: panda! (Context: like his panda card) Niki Shiina
Content: HC.
Gift: @sh1rakin
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Pandas are very rare you always thought as you stare at your certain panda lover who's cooking for his self proclaimed fox husband (Rinne) some buns.
You look at your Google search about panda mating and about them being too lazy to even bother to do it.
Hence of them being rare, because they don't breed from being too comfortable to rather do stuff they like.
"... I Guess not this year." You mumble as you sigh in the nth time.
"What is not this year, sweetie?" Niki looks up from his cooking as he heard your sigh and words. Rinne looks up to you as he take some buns as Niki is busy looking at you.
"... nothing." You look at him, giving him an hard stare before you rolled your eyes with a pout.
"Ehh... I think it's not just nothing. Sorry if I don't understand what you wanna say, honey." Niki apologize with a scratch on his hair. He tried to think what are you trying to imply but you only pout as you reach out to get another bun. Rinne sneakingly stood up and went behind you to look at your phone screen before going back to his chair as he pretend to get water.
">:T it's nothing...!" You stood up and left. But you give a peak at the door way when he don't follow. Before you glare at him and that hateful rinne who's laughing his ass off from the drama in front of his buns.
"...d-did I do something wrong... Ahh... By just thinking of them hating me makes me so hungry..." He mumble as he held two buns in two hands and start eating his hunger yet he doesn't feel satisfied at all.
"I'm still hungry... I hope they won't be mad at me..." He start to cook more food as rinne sneakers and laugh each time Niki think his 'hunger' would be satisfied with 'food'
" it's really hilarious how your being compare to a regular panda." Rinne says with a very insulting smile. He does sees your phone Google search earlier.
"Well, I see the very much similarities in this heated season. :P poor little bee. Doesn't know it doesn't apply to panda people lol." Rinne shrugged his shoulders as he Express his deep sorry for you, Niki can mate all year round through this is just the peak of the season.
But does he have mindset in such thing? Not really, unless his slapped across the face or better yet get yelled at how you would like him to fuck you or else its just loving you Romantically and food in his mind.
"..." Niki suddenly stop mixing stuff in pot when hunger takes the best of him. He felt his going to try to 'eat' you if you ever try to come near him, which odd as it always all people who approaches him but why is it you specifically in this hunger?
"oi, Amagi#1 your lil bro is outside." You who went out of the kitchen heard the doorbell and saw hiiro who is looking for his brother. You hatefully went back to the kitchen to get the stupid older brother of his from this stupid dense chef's kitchen.
"sugar plum..." Once again Niki have use his list of food endearment for you but this time his voice sound so huskily...? you look at him as Rinne stood up and tap your shoulder.
"good luck, little bee." He sneakers as he left with his brother and locking the door behind him. He won't come back till few days time as his a good friend who would let his friend have his good time.
"Niki what's wrong--" you notice something off about Niki but as you approach him, you were quickly pulled toward him. "I-im... Hungry...." He kisses your nape, he felt warm yet it's not do bad as his skin made contact against yours, he felt chill and cannot help but grumble... Wanting to feel more yet not understanding what he want at the moment.
"I want you...." He held your bosom as you jump and circle your legs against his waist liking how his quite affectionate at the moment, yet looking at the blushing face of Niki that breathing heavily with his nails pinching your tight.
"Hmmm~" You moan as he rub his hardness against your private. His eyes slight and suddenly went for a deep sloppy heated kiss.
As you two make out in the kitchen, he suddenly stop and quickly run to the stove to turn it off. "Oh no I burn it." He sigh as he can smell how It burn just now. You pout as the moment was destroyed. But sigh when you remember this is Niki. You were about to go fix your own problem when Niki who just clean the stove and turn off all the equipment-- went and carried you in his arms.
"Sorry about that~ but we can continue in the bedroom if you want my muffin~" he smiles at you as he open his eyes, you can see that even so he stop himself earlier his still lost in the feeling of heat and lust.
He just don't want to burn the house down with you in it.
"ah?" You where surprised but soon found yourself in the bed room with Niki loaming over you.
"Shall we continue?"
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ramzawrites · 3 years
requesting an angsty fic where reader is schlatts kid and they have the same features as him, namely the horns so people avoid them because of what schlatt did, it leads to reader hating their horns and cutting them off/ ripping them out and someone finds them crying, covered in blood with their horns just on the ground or smth, set after schlatts death btw
A Painful Reminder - Dad!Schlatt and Reader - Part 1
Part 2
Pairings: none
Characters included: Quackity, Niki, (mentioned) Schlatt, (mentioned) Techno
Warnings: self harm (destroying own horns with a blunt object), mention of blood, abondenment, depression, cursing
Series: an angst request!
Summary: Y/N is the child of Schlatt and after his death tried their best to deal with the grief. Hoping to connect with people only to painfully realize that their horns are a painful reminder to everyone for Schlatt’s rule and therefore try to stay as far as possible from them.
Words count: 2428
Authors Note: I hope this is fine! I struggled a bit with it and I think you can tell, I apologize for that. I’m honestly not that good with angst but if you enjoy it I’m happy!! Please give me feedback on how to get better at angst :o
I love you guys and please take care of yourself 💙
After Schlatt died and Pogtopia effectively won the war against Manberg only for the nation to get blown up by Wilbur, the people tried their best to rebuild with the help of Tubbo as the new president.
There was a new sense of hope that swept through the nation. They all suffered greatly to get to this place but this was a turning point for most. A time for healing. A time for rebuilding what was lost. A time for grief.
While Y/N spent most of their time building up their own home inside L’Manberg, they were struggling a lot with grief.
They mourned for the loss of the only parent they had in their life, Schlatt.
The president of Manburg, the tyrant that died surrounded by his enemies inside a van. The only parent of Y/N.
The relationship between the two was complicated to say the least. Deep inside they still loved their father but he brought so much pain and even bloodshed on people that they couldn’t in good conscience support him.
For the longest time they tried their best trying to persuade him, that he would change his way but he never listened. Either too full with his own ego or too drunk to care. The last straw that broke the camel’s back for Y/N was when Schlatt ordered Tubbo’s execution.
The emotions they felt while they yelled and wailed at Schlatt to stop this madness was still fresh in their mind whenever their thoughts lingered back to that day. Quackity had to  physically restrain and pull them back on Schlatt’s orders.
It was the moment they realized that there was no way for them to reach Schlatt anymore. He was set in his way and nothing could change that.
After their death to Technoblade’s blood lust during the festival, they ran away and spoke with Tommy. Y/N didn’t want to kill Schlatt but they saw in Pogtopia a chance to stop him. Make him see what he has done. Make him responsible for his actions.
Only this never came to pass. Schlatt died inside a dirty van. A heart attack or a stroke. Y/N didn’t know, nor did they care. He was dead either way.
While everyone was rebuilding and trying to fall back into a normal day to day life. Y/N was lost. They didn’t feel particularly close to anyone nor did the other seem to trust them. Their eyes were always drawn towards Y/N’s horns resting on their head.
During Schlatt’s rule they became somewhat of a symbol. A symbol for himself, for pain, for blood, for tyranny. So when Y/N walked around town the others couldn’t help but stare at these oh so similar horns that reminded them of a past best forgotten.
It made Y/N unsure of themself. It was a physical proof of their connection to their father. It was a double edged sword. In the past they loved that they inherited similar Hybrid traits like their father but now it was the reason why everyone seemed to avoid them.
The people wanted to move on but these damn horns pulled them back whenever their eyes fell on them. Y/N wasn’t stupid. They noticed this pretty fast.
Hell, if anything the funeral was the best proof for that. Bad tried his best to keep everyone under control and have a proper funeral but everyone was too busy celebrating. Talking about stealing his bones. Destroying a picture of him.
All while Y/N sat in the back. They had hoped they could use this funeral as a way to finally say goodbye, let go off the pain and regret but all this chaos just made them realize that the people will never properly accept them due to their relation with Schlatt.
Schlatt may have put all of the people through a horrible and unforgivable time but he effectively snuffed out any chance for Y/N to live a normal life between these people. This legacy of his for Y/N stung almost deeper than all the time he insulted them or flat out ignored them. It made them wonder if he ever realized what he did to his own child. Even if he did Y/N wasn’t sure he cared enough to do anything about it.
Y/N wrung their hands as they stood in front of Niki’s and Puffy’s flower shop. The money ready in their hands so this transaction could happen faster but even so they were too nervous to step in.
After some mental pep talk they finally slowly pushed the wooden door open. To their horror it begun creaking which made them wince. There was no way Niki hasn’t noticed them walking in seeing how she stood at the counter but still Y/N didn’t want to put more attention on themself than they absolutely had to.
“Oh.” Was all Niki said. She almost sounded disappointed. Y/N realized that she probably would have happily greeted anyone else coming into the shop but them.
Their eyes were glued to the ground. As they suddenly became overly aware of their horns, it felt like their weight increased immensely. Almost as if they tried to press down on Y/N. It made them feel as small and worthless as possible under the gaze of other people.
Y/N put the money on the counter as soon as they reached it “A full bouquet of purple hyacinth, please.”
“Alright.” Niki immediately moved away in order to make the bouquet ready. Though Y/N didn’t watch, they were now staring at the wood of the counter. Following he natural lines of it with their eyes as they patiently waited.
After a few minutes Niki placed the flowers in front of Y/N which pulled them out of their thoughts and made them look up. Niki forced a smile on but she still looked almost stern. Soft crevices building up as her eyebrows formed a painful frown.
“This is too much.” Niki begun pushing some of the money back towards Y/N but they shook their head.
“It’s a tip.”
Picking the flowers up into their arms they tried to put on a genuine smile before turning around to walk out of the shop.
Before they exited the shop they could hear Niki say a soft “Thanks.”
That was basically how every conversation with anyone went. Only short and the most necessary words. At first Y/N tried to start genuine conversation but they soon noticed how the others wouldn’t react. Just trying to get as fast as possible through this conversation. Their eyes always directed on Y/N’s horns.
After Y/N placed the flowers in front of Schlatt’s grave, like they did every week, they made their way towards the river.
Sometimes they would spend their time there since it’s a bit farther away from the city, so it was rare to see someone else hanging out there. Y/N mostly used this place to fish in peace. If they fished anywhere near the others their stares and frowns weighed too heavy down on them.
As they sat at the bank of the river, preparing their fishing line, their eyes fell unto their own reflection.
Dark circles adorned their eyes from their countless restless nights. Only falling asleep after hours of crying.
They couldn’t help but put the blame on their horns. Their god damn horns. Y/N hated them. Hated them so much. What would their life be like without them? Would the others still eye them so incredibly cautiously? Would they give Y/N a chance? After all Y/N was vocal about the fact that they didn’t support any of Schlatt’s decisions. For the longest time they tried to help the others through the hard times!
Yet, now as he was dead, they only showed Y/N the cold shoulder. If it wasn’t Y/N themself then the reason has to entirely lay on the horns. It was a too strong reminder of Schlatt.
A sob escaped Y/N’s lips. Tears now falling down their cheeks onto the green grass. No one was around so they didn’t mind crying loudly like this.
It was just so unfair. They did everything they could and yet all they reaped was disdain from the people and in a sick twist Y/N couldn’t even fault them for it. Whenever they saw their own reflection, their own eyes would be drawn to their dark horns after all.
Back in the day they were always happy looking at them but now they were the reason for Y/N being abandoned by everyone. They used to be somewhat good friends with Quackity due to his position as Schlatt’s Vice President and even he ignored them as soon as Schlatt was dead.
They had no one and at fault were these stupid, ugly horns.
Y/N let the fishing rod fall to the ground as they continued staring at their reflection. Trembling as they sobbed. Feeling so lonely with no way out.
What could they do? Put on a hat? There is no hat big enough to hide their horns. No, the horns had to go. There was no other way.
Shakily their hand snaked through the grass towards the water. Slowly submerging it into the ice cold liquid as the hand continued searching for something. As their hand landed on a stone that fit perfectly in their palm they held it in front of their face. Inspecting it.
As if to test it they softly tapped the stone against the tip of their horn. Their head moving with it. It felt weird. It didn’t hurt, of course, but it was still a weird feeling as the soft vibration traveled through it.
Letting out a shaky breath they reached back with their arm. The stone in an iron grip.
They hated this.
They hated everything about this but what could they possibly do? What could they do to get a proper chance at a normal conversation with Niki while buying flowers? A proper chance to talk with Quackity again, the man who was right there with them as all the bullshit happened.
All they wanted was a real chance to connect with people.
Y/N let out a sobbing scream as the stone collided with their horn, ripping off a good part of the tip.
It softly splashed into the water. Getting stuck between rocks, slowly rocking with the water stream.
“I don’t want to be alone anymore.” They stammered between sobs as they once again pulled their arm back in order to strike the horn again.
And again.
Their arm and hand hurt from constantly colliding with the hard material. A huge headache was now spreading through their head as they were sitting between broken pieces of what used to make up their horn.
But they weren’t done yet. The other side had to go as well.
With every new blow their whimpers would increase as well. At first a result of their hopelessness but it soon turned into an expression of pain. But they couldn’t give up. They had to keep going.
They had to get rid off this legacy Schlatt left them with.
After a particularly harsh blow they suddenly felt something warm slide down the side of their head.
Letting the stone fall down onto the ground they frantically stared at their own reflection in the water. It was blood.
Shocked they let out a shaky laugh. As much as it hurt and was horrible to look at, there weren’t any rest pieces of the horn resting on their head. So they picked the rock back up and with a blood curdling scream they slammed it into the other horn again, trying to get rid of the rest properly.
And it worked.
They were light headed from the pain, bleeding and crying but the horns were gone.
They were finally free of the curse.
“Finally.” They mumbled to themself only to finally take the time to rest and cry. They cried their god damn heart out. It was as if all the stress from the last couple of months finally jumped off their back.
Y/N’s back hit the soft ground as they slammed back, staring at the leaves up above them. Dancing with the wind and only occasionally giving away to the sun that was shining down on them.
Dark red blood staining the green grass. Their eyes growing heavier the more they continued to cry and hyperventilate. This pain is nothing. From this point on everything has to get better. It has to.
There was an audible gasp.
It wasn’t Y/N but they were too tired to look where it came from.
“Y/N? What the hell did you do? What happened? By Ender you are bleeding!” it was a male voice. Quackity? They weren’t too sure. Too delirious to tell.
Strong hands fell on their arms and pushed them up in a sitting position. Their head rolled back and they finally looked into Quackity’s pale face. So, they were right after all.
One of his arms went around their back in order to hold the crying Y/N upright as he took a better look at the wounds.
“I have to get you to someone who knows how to make healing pots. Maybe regeneration? Hell if I know. Did you do this? Your hands are covered in blood.” He was frantic.
Y/N shakily moved their hands up in order to grab Quackity’s hand that was holding their head in place and pushed it away from them, smearing his hand with their own blood “Don’t worry. I freed myself. The horns are gone. Now, you guys don’t have to be reminded of him anymore. We can all finally live in peace. No more reminders to him.”
Quackity’s eyes widened. His mouth opened up in an expression of pure shock. He hated that he could tell immediately what they meant exactly. After the war he did avoid them as much as he could. As Y/N said they, or rather their horns, reminded him too much of Schlatt and he needed time to heal but he never imagined this could lead to this.
He felt incredibly guilty. Realizing that he never really thought about what everyone’s behavior did to Y/N.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. We’ll find a way to help you.” His arm went under Y/N’s legs and with some straining he managed to get back up, holding them in his arms. Y/N leaned their head against Quackity’s chest, staining it with their blood in the process.
“See. It’s already working.” They whispered just before passing out.
“Fuck.” Quackity had to find someone who knew how to heal them as soon as possible. Jogging back into the city calling frantically out for help.
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stealanity · 3 years
[ enhypen ] ꕤ their s/o being mad at them
genre : angst if you squint, fluff
ꕤ lee heeseung ,
he knows you don't get angry often
so when that happens, he doesn't really know how to act
he doesn't know if he should approach you and try to work things out
or if he should leave you alone to calm you down
after a few minutes of thinking, he decides to do a bit of both
sliding his hand in yours without saying a word, he strokes the back of your hand with his thumb, in a reassuring gesture, just so you know he's there
« i'm sorry, i didn't want you to be mad at me. »
his sweet voice never fails to appease you in any moment
you end up excusing him and snuggling up in his arms
ꕤ park jongseong ,
if you're mad at him, he's gonna get mad at you as well
if you yell at him, he will also yell at you
if you ignore him, he will ignore you
jay is like a copy cat
but he is definitely the one who will crack the first
« honey listen i'm sorry, please don't be mad. »
order your favorite food for to be forgiven
and it works every time
ꕤ sim jake ,
being the clown that he is, jake rarely takes you seriously when you're mad
« you're playing a joke on me, aren't you? »
but when he sees that you put on your coat and leave slamming the door
he knew you weren't kidding
sending you lots of messages to apologize and know where you are
and when you are finally back, he runs to take you in his arms
« i'm so so so so so sorry baby, don't go away like that anymore, okay? »
cook you a good dinner to be forgiven
ꕤ park sunghoon ,
don't understand that you are mad at first
he finally understands when he hears you sigh several times near him
« what? why are you sighing? »
when you didn't answer, he decided to leave you alone
he prefers that you relax before talking with you
but he's still trying to find the reason why you're mad at him
when he finally remembers, he goes to make you a hot drink (like hot chocolate)
and when he brings you the tray, he leaves a little piece of paper with an « i'm sorry » written on
ꕤ kim sunoo ,
when you're mad at him, he didn't really mind
because he knows that you won't be mad at him for too long
as if you could anyway
if you gave him the no talk treatment, he approached you to back hug you
if you act like you didn't care, he put lots of butterfly kisses on your cheeks
« oh come onnnn, don't be mad. »
he knows you can't resist him for long
ꕤ yang jungwon ,
very observant so he knows exactly why you are mad at him
if you're out, he'll take the opportunity to set up a cute date in your apartment
like movie night in the middle of your living room, with lots of cushions and light
if you're not, he will take you for a walk outside
despite the fact that you ignore him because you are mad, he won't let go of your hand
still thinking about the best way to be forgiven
he ends up kissing the back of your hand, then your nose, then your cheek
before whispering a sincere sorry near your lips
ꕤ nishimura niki ,
he's still young, and despite his maturity, understanding some things was still difficult
confused and don't know how to react
he lets you calm down in your corner, while he isolates himself
always scared of losing you
send you love messages so you know he's still there
he waits for you to come back to him so that he can apologize
« i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to make you angry. »
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plutos-planetarium · 3 years
c!sbi + reader; meeting + bonding? time !
in this, you're related to niki !
c: philza, wilbur, techno, tommy
you met the boys through wil actually
wilbur came around your house a lot when you were growing up
though you didn't talk a whole whole lot, due to you being socially anxious, you still felt fairly close to wil :)
it took a while for you to meet everyone
wilbur had to babysit you for a few hours, n so he took you to his home
phil was the only person home that day
n due to his fatherly nature, you had gotten close to him quite quickly
wil got bored n left the room lmao
so you stayed with phil for a while
helping him make lunch before his other children came
about five minutes into your break, as you were sitting on the counter eating fruit snacks
tommy came in
very loudly too :/
he scared you and you almost fell lol
as soon as he turned the corner into the kitchen
"wot the fock"
after a few silent moments
he began screaming about how there was a stranger eating his fruit snack
though he sure as hell shut up when techno walked in
you were quite terrified at the moment
there was a child screeching at you and a very intimidating man behind him
and why were all these boys so tall??
anyway, after phil calmed down tommy
you n him brought the lunch into the living room
all of you ate in silence, besides wil and phil thanking you for doing food
since you only had niki and wil growing up, it was nice to have a real father figure to look up to
you often helped the man cook meal for the boys !
you had also managed to learn a few things about potions while watching him
and surprised him with a regen potion one day he cried a little bit
it was nice to have another person who had some common sence
philza quite enjoyed being around you
you were always very helpful, and eager to learn things
the two of you occasionally sat on the porch as he would tell you stories
there was one story, that you had asked him to re-tell you about a million times
it was about how him and kristin met
you always found the story so fascinating and got so excited when he would tell it
you and wil definitely got closer after a bit
staying in his room and watching him play his guitar
you helped him with his songs alot
you had eventually convinced him to teach you a bit
though he acted like he was annoyed, you could tell he enjoyed it
you also helped him with house chores !
which rarely ever got done because you were to busy dancing to the music and singing into broom handles
made him a guitar pick when his finally broke
his initials were carved into it so that "nobody could steal it since it has his name on it"
gave you the biggest hug :( /pos
being around wilbur is always just so fun
to say you were scared of him at first was an understatement
you were terrified
that was until you had seen him outside, reading a book near a tree
he looked so peaceful? how could he be scary what?
so you decided to join him
this became a recurring thing
not talking much unless you both were at that tree
he usually read to you while you picked up flowers and such
made him a pretty flower crown hndujsn
you also really liked carl!
helped techno groom him
he really enjoyed spending time w you
well,,, it took a while for you and tommy to get along
he just didn't like you :/
rude ass bitch smh
but when he was finally okay with you
you helped him out a lot
whether it was creating chaos or going mining, you were there
mining was probably your favorite thing to do with tommy
it was quite relaxing actually
he didn't usually keep his loud persona around you
you both got excited over finding even the most basic ores
there was a time where you had fallen off the side of a short ravine
and i don't think tommy has ever panicked that much
thankfully, you weren't very hurt
but while you were recovering, he stayed with you alot
he was so worried when you fell, and just wants to make sure you'll be safe now
he also shares his fruit snacks w you :D
movie nights were a very common thing
they almost always invited you and niki over
though niki couldn't attend very often, she always had you bring them something from the bakery
the boys all loved having you over
even though it usually added more chaos
"no! (y/n) put the bowl down"
"if you guys don't stop fighting i will take your fruit snacks away"
tommy was always the first person to fall asleep :/
and then get mad when the movie was over and he missed it
but he also got mad when you woke him up??
what do you want from us tommy, please
moving on
lots of food fights happened-
techno usually started them by throwing popcorn at wil-
mmmh yay now we'll have to spend 3 hours cleaning the house
phil, tech, n tommy are the ones who clean because, again, you and wil are dancing
it's always really nice having you over though
you and niki are like family to them :D
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
*whispers* oh, hi!
can I request a little thing with Niki Lauda and his beautiful curls? Maybe Niki and the reader going on a roadtrip together and stoping somewhere for the night? 🥺👀
Bouncy Road Trip [Niki Lauda x Reader]
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Words Count: 1.6k
Author’s note: It is my first time venturing into Niki’s mind, I hope I did him and your request right ❤️
“Well, it seems a bit late to think again” he remarked, as always his character would strike, even with you.
You chuckled, too used to his antics to really get mad about it.The two of you decided to go to the next race by car, something easy, a road trip to get there directly, enjoy the city, the food, have time to study the car and the track while others are still enjoying the whole set of parties and interviews that followed the race that just ended.
“You were happy to miss Hunt’s drunk hugs” you told him and he responded with a little shake of his shoulders, a parody of a shiver.You came to the idea that he enjoyed to play this rivalry thing way more than he admitted. 
It was something that gave him an edge, something to joke about easily in order to keep his focus on the cars and the changes he wanted to do.You got into the car, you’d drive first because he was just out of the race and wasn’t up to do it again.You were hyped to do the road trip, to be together in such a small space, to be allowed to be so close for such a long time.
You put on your favourite radio station, settled comfortably your seat and wore your sunglasses.
Road trip mood: on.
The sad part was how Niki road trip mood was: nap.
He was rightfully tired after the race, after the nervous days that came before it, but you couldn’t help to feel a bit upset about it.It was typical Niki, reasonable priorities over feelings, he probably didn’t even suspect all those expectations you set up for such a small event.So you drove quality, enjoyed the music and the soft breeze, you looked at him from time to time as he snored lightly, his soft curls unruly moving over his face.
Focus, the road is ahead.
After a couple of hours you felt a warm hand cover yours changing the gear.
“If you want to kill this car you could just run into a tree and make it quicker” Niki grumbled sleepily straightening his posture cracking his neck from side to side.
“Where are we?” He asked as he picked the map rubbing his eyes with his hand as you pointed at it on the map and you smirked
“Good morning anyway sleepyhead” you said shaking your head lightly.Usual Niki.He studied the map silently picking a bottle of water you stacked on side to have a sip, his unruly curls bouncing lightly catching your eyes once more.
“You have seen the race, didn’t you?”You were surprised by the question “of course”
“Do you think he deserved it? Honest to God, I just need an honest opinion of somebody that is utterly deficient of keeping a car for good”
You let out a breathy chuckle staring ahead, it was a compliment and you knew it, it was just his way of complimenting you, to tell you that he knows you have no bias.
“I think he didn’t, but around the beginning he did got the best of your attention” you say after a moment “I mean, he provokes you always and your starts are always a bit off, you’re not in the right mind, I can see how you change along the race and then you show your true colours”
He listens and doesn’t add anything.Maybe you have offended him, maybe not, he rarely lets you know.“At the next gas station let’s stretch our legs a bit, I am hungry” he says and you nod quietly.
When at the station you went to the bathroom first as Niki brought a couple of sandwiches and some snack, along with more water.
“Liquorice, for real?” You ask him looking inside of the bag
 “So you can avoid smoking and pestering the car and your lungs” he groans back as he ate quietly looking at you.You look at him as there’s no aggression from him, it is just Niki worrying for your health, in Niki’s way.He is still upset about coming second, again. It was starting to rub him in the wrong way.
“You know, I have seen there’s this exhibition in the local museum, we should see that, on a free afternoon while the mechanics apply the changes you like, I read that the museums here are open until 10 pm in summer”
He looks at you and nods slowly  “Only if you play the guide”
“Sounds like a deal then” you smirk and he makes half of a smile, he is content.You move close to him as your hand moves toward those unruly curls that scream to be touched, but he stands up throwing the trash in the closest bin.
The second half of the drive before your stop at the motel is on Niki, but you can’t sleep. Sure you put on your sunglasses and got nuzzled on the passenger seat but you couldn’t look away from him, everything was perfect: from the relaxation of driving at a comfort speed to the engine singing for him, the smoothness of the drive made it feel unreal, like you weren’t even moving but you were only still. You moved up taking your book, you opened it up, it was a poetry book but one of your favourite female authors, you leaned your back comfortably as you started reading. Niki looked at you moving his beautiful long fingers over the radio lowering the volume.
“Read out loud”
You were surprised by such a request, but you did.He listened, he was passive but focused on those words letting those unroll over him.You could see his mind was feeling guilty, anger for losing soon turning into that quiet silence he pulled himself into, the guilty one.He had high standard for himself and for others, but on himself he was the hardest and, most of the times, the cruelest. 
The sun was going down and you put the book away staring at him once more, you leaned in, his eyes showing that sad frustration and your hand moved on its own mean over an action you have been craving throughout the day slowly reaching for his head and digging your fingers into his hair. A soft breath of relaxation left his lips, your fingers trailing through the bottom of his head just above his neck and up again.
He rolls lightly his shoulders not commenting your action, but he is clearly enjoying it. So you keep going, you brush your fingers slow and nice, you pull the curls a bit only to make more room to your fingers, you move your hand up on his temple and slowly scratch on the side of his temple going back into the curls.He licks his lips lightly relaxing over your attentions. The radio is still low, nobody is letting out a sound.
He curses as he yanks the wheel suddenly and you almost get thrown on the back of the car by the sudden motion.He almost missed the exit to go to your motel.You settle yourself back in place quietly, bend down to recollect your book that flew on the car floor.
Once he parked Niki was the first to leave the car to collect your bags, you leaned your back on the seat staring in front of you nibbling on the bottom of your lip. Maybe it wasn’t the right moment, you never knew with Niki. Maybe you fucked it up.
Once you settled into your room you got some room service, the tv was on some old 50’s film in black and white, Niki digging on some chicken salad finally in his comfortable night clothes and a night vest.You were used to the silences, you were used to share those with him, but sometimes it was gutting, you kept wondering if you messed up. If you did something wrong or what was the thing you did wrong. Your own insecurities eating you alive. Once he finished his dinner you showered putting on some night clothing and resting on the big bed beside him as you watched the movie.Then he slowly moved down resting his head on your lap.He looked up at you from that position, the blue light of the screen the only source of illumination.You stare back at his eyes moving your head on side with a little smirk, it looks like somebody enjoyed it back in the car.
But you don’t tease him, you learned not to, and you just go back to that process. He closes his eyes enjoying it. Your hands also enjoying to be back to unruly those wild curls he always tamed, the freedom to be able to do something so simple and so intimate.
“You know I need you right?” He says softly, not even opening one eye, you keep touching his curls, but this time you let him be the one without confirms.He opened his eyes as he slowly looked up at you raising onto his arms.
“You’re my soft side, you’re the art and the beauty and the poetry. I cannot be that, I am not that, but you are, and you, you do me good, you do me better, make me better”
You smile, because he never speaks up, but when he does, he just blows you away.You lean in for a well earned kiss, your hand slowly slipping behind his neck as he pushes you down on the bed.
Tags: @cazzyimagines @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing
Let me know if anybody wants to be added and I will 💕
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hatzuikhaz-art · 2 years
Wip of a Fundy centric oneshot Im writing, if he had been a child during the early DSMP days
If he was being honest, Fundy didnt remember much of his "father". At least, not the version of his father everyone talked about in tranquil mourning.
For the world, Wilbur Soot had been a hero. An idealist who started a whole country to keep his son and younger brother safe. A president with strong ideals who never gave up on his country, even after being exiled.
The mad man who blew up said country acted more like his father than any other version of Wilbur the public talked about.
Fox hybrids didn't grow up as humans did. By the time he was two, Fundy had grown up the equivalent of eight human years, and the clock was ticking. It came to logic that any human parent would have chosen to spend the short time they had to enjoy their child's childhood by spending time with them and cherishing the small moments. Wilbur rarely spent time alone with Fundy, too busy building a country and fighting his wars, too obsessed with his legacy on the SMP to remember he had a child to care for.
Instead, when Fundy tried to think of memories with his dad, Tommy was always the person who came to mind.
Tommy playing with him because Wilbur was too busy, building Blackstone walls and lying to his own father about his grand creations.
Tommy teaching him how to write his name because Wilbur was writing a declaration of independence for a country that still didn't have a name.
Tommy holding his hand as they walked to the final control room, reassuring Fundy who had always feared the dark that everything would be ok.
Tommy consoling Fundy after a nightmare, inviting him to sleep with him even though his room was on the other side of the white house.
Tommy hearing Schlatt exiling Wilbur and him and immediately handing Fundy over to Nikki, hugging him one last time before bolting. Fundy was sure if Wilbur were holding him during the speech, he would have ended up on the floor or worse.
They spent a year in that Prime forsaken ravine, and by the time he followed Niki down, Fundy was almost the same age as Tommy. He couldn't help but notice the grimace his uncle made when he realized how much time of Fundy's life he and Wilbur had lost. The president couldn't give half a fuck.
Even though Fundy was twelve now, Tommy still let him move to his bed at night when the noises of the ravine became too scary to handle. His uncle still hugged him tightly and let him steal all the blankets even though Fundy had his own fur as extra protection against the ravine's cold air.
When L'manburg was blown to smithereens and Fund cried for his dad out of fear, it wasn't Wilbur the one he was calling for. It wasn't Wilbur the one who found him in the middle of the chaos and picked him up before running away from the TNT for dear life. It wasn't Wilbur who, after making sure the explosions had stopped, lowered Fundy to the ground to check him over for injuries.
Wilbur may have been his biological father, but he was not his dad. That silent title would always go to the guy who raised him, even though he was still a kid himself. Because Tommy had only been twelve years old himself when Fundy was born, but he still was the only one who cared for him first and foremost.
When Dream called for Tommy's exile, Fundy was fifteen. He could see history repeating itself, and on that final night before the negotiations, he once again held onto his uncle for dear life, letting the silent tears say everything he couldn't. Tommy said nothing as he rubbed his back, the familiar motion soothing Fundy in a way Wilbur would have never accomplished.
When Tommy was escorted out of Lmanburg, Fundy was finally old enough to live by himself. A part of him was all too aware his uncle had been the same age as him when Wilbur started a revolutionary war and roped him in as his right-hand man.
Maybe that's why he didn't hesitate before joining the butcher army. Maybe that's why, when faced with someone who looked just like his deceased father, Fundy didn't waver as he guided Technoblade to the execution cage. Maybe in another life, Techno would have had a similar role in his life as Tommy, but this wasn't that life, and Fundy just wanted to forget.
It was a year after the foiled execution that Fundy could finally see Tommy again.
Down in the community house's ruins, Tommy looked so small and scared, terrified of the man in green in front of him. Fundy was twenty years old, and his dad uncle was so much younger than him it made him wince. Tommy looked around, and when his eye's laid upon Fundy's, the wight of the world seemed to roll off the teen's shoulders. Only for a grimace to take its place when he realized Fundy was no longer the teen he left behind.
For a moment the Fox wanted to correct that, to tell Tommy that he was still Fundy, that he still needed him. Deep down, Fundy knew that was a lie. A year did a lot to change a person, and now Fundy was not a kid anymore.
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lvyu · 3 years
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pairing ➞ smp, dreamwastaken x reader
note ➞ re.. repost because old blog went poof and i need to link the full to the original, so if you saw this twice then that’s why (this is an incomplete version and more of a brainstorm)
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imagine being his partner during the events of the dream smp, helping him build up his little kingdom. it starts out wonderful, relationship wise, though there are difficult nights where he comes home exhausted and just needy for your touch.
he wasn’t too keen on being affectionate in public, but the stress of meeting new people and building up a community definitely lowered his dislike for it— or at least made him more willing.
once he came back from building this new place with sapnap and george, bad and you were left at the community home to do some chores. it was well into the night when they returned, sapnap and george immediately collapsing on the nearby beds (which you really should move soon), whilst dream made his way over to you, immediately wrapping his arms around you once close enough.
the gesture was unexpected, but appreciated and reciprocated regardless.
and eventually, new people started to appear and of course, dream welcomes them– they don’t pose a threat. until they do.
the people of l’manberg, as they call themselves, start to go against rules and soon a war erupts. you were never really a person for violence, so naturally you offered to try to reason with them. yet, they stood their ground, they demanded freedom and independence.
“should we just ... let them have it? dream, it’s only a small piece of land and technically they’d still be under our rule...”
oh, of course, the first mistake.
dream didn’t see it the same way you did, causing the first real arguement between the two of you. the others had been just joking or about a petty matter, but that... that one felt different, almost as if it was sealing a promise. the next night he came to your room and laid next to you, hoping you were asleep, though you weren’t.
“this isn’t easy” he spoke. you shifted onto your side to face him, bringing your hand up to cradle his cheek. he so rarely took off his mask when not in private, though he was so beautiful, really.
“..‘m sorry” he hummed in response.
the rest of the war was... a complicated time.
you didn’t bring up a possible compromise with l’manberg again, instead having to sit back and watch as one of their own betrayed them. though eret was a kind man, power was more valuable in this world than any amount of kindness.
out of pity, you visited the citizens of l’manberg. tommy’s immediate reaction was to yell at you, saying how you were a spy and a wronging. wilbur calmed him down and welcomed you, though keeping you out of the walls.
“i’m not one for wars, wilbur. surely you know that.” you tried to explain.
“they’re with dream! fucking dream—”
wilbur held up a hand, sending tommy into an abrupt stop.
“i know you’re not.”
they still weren’t very trusting, but wilbur, against tommy’s wishes, showed you the places near l’manberg. more specifically, niki and jack’s place, which they still considered l’manberg though technically outside of the walls. niki and you got along quite well, both a little hesitant about the war, though her a little less than you.
the day of eret’s betrayal was difficult for them, four of them losing a life. four of which you considered to be good friends by then. tubbo and tommy being so young too... they shouldn’t have had to suffer that, they shouldn’t have to go through any of this. none of them should have to.
it wouldn’t hurt to question him about it, you thought. it’d only been a couple hours since the incident and your heart still ached a little. “hey dream?”
“m, yeah, my love?” he was happy, you could tell he was happy– after murder.
you took a deep breath, getting his attention. “you okay? i know you’re not one to condone... violence, but i thought you’d be happier that we’ve won this battle.”
“dream...” you grabbed one of his hands he‘d laid the table, squeezing tightly.
“what... why... who was it?”
he paused. “who was what?”
“who did you kill? sapnap told me earlier each one of you took on one– and don’t get mad at him, i bugged him about for a while. he was pretty resilient.” a small laugh left his lips.
a few seconds passed before he spoke up. “it was tommy.”
he felt you squeeze tighter, almost feeling guilty for doing this to you. “i’m—”
“i love you, so, so much. d’you know that, dream?” you whispered, any louder and you felt you would have lost yourself. he nodded, mumbling a me too. there was a hint of sadness to your tone, and if he didn’t know you he’d think you were just being a loving partner. “and i think it’s my bedtime, so goodnight.”
a feeling of loneliness creeped on him, growing the quieter your footsteps got until they simply stopped. he brushed his right hand over his left, trying to feel whatever warmth you had left behind. so warm, he thought to himself, closing his eyes and letting himself get lost in a fantasy.
a fantasy including you happily standing by his side looking over a beautiful world you’ve built, and he promised himself he’d make that fantasy a reality someday.
you struggled to make amends with the citizens of l’manberg after the final control room. the look on tubbo’s face when he first saw you again would forever haunt you. he wasn’t a fragile porcelain doll to be taken care of, only making his reaction even more concerning. almost immediately he froze, tightening his hold on the documents he was carrying.
“y-you... um...” he was keeping himself close and far from you. it was subtle, but you noticed it nonetheless.
“tubbo! have you seen wilbur?”
he looked at the documents and back to you. “caravan...”
you offered a smile to ease his worries and thanked him. the moment you lifted your hand to wave goodbye, he flinched and backed away, hiding his face. your smile quickly turned into a look of worry.
... he didn’t deserve to feel like that.
“hey, i didn’t mean to– i’m sorry, hey, you okay?” he nodded, making a joke about it and walking off before you could stop him, still holding the documents close.
tommy was a different situation, he reverted back to his loud and aggressive self. fundy didn’t know you as well, but his actions and feelings were heavily influenced by those of his friends and father. niki and jack, not being the ones to suffer most the day, still remained friendly with you, but more cautious.
and wilbur... wilbur thought it’d be best for everyone if you were cut off from him— the leading man of l’manberg.
he wasn’t to blame, none of them were, and you knew that, but you couldn’t help but feel alone when they rejected you. they were just trying to protect themselves.
dream was a smart man, but not one known to be truthful, not even to himself.
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butchdykekondraki · 2 years
LITERALLY. im a transfem in a cis mans body i am on the verge of riot.
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
I was going to actually post this before asks closed (didn’t get the chance), but Teddy Bear Anon, you are one of my favorite people and a magnificent creature. You get my vibe. 
About Bad canonically being Sapnap’s dad I feel like that has so much extra angst potential when we consider the rest of the found family. Like. Sapnap, Tommy, and Fundy all have dads who started with the best of intentions but for one reason or another ended up slowly becoming a danger to them. I imagine Tommy and Fundy one day showing up with a cake and telling Sapnap “We regretfully welcome you to the shit dad club” and Sapnap is torn between being upset still and laughing over the absurdity of the situation.
Bonus points if Tommy made the cake using a recipe book that Niki gave him, the last gift Niki ever gave to Tommy. Tommy was originally a really bad cook/baker but after the egg really started to take over he went full survivalist. Leaning to cook was necessary but learning to bake was something he did as a way to raise everyone’s spirits. He’s never gotten the flavor quite to match with Niki’s perfectly but everyone agrees he’s gotten pretty decent in terms of skills. He and Fundy in particular will sometimes just spend an entire day in silence baking and then quietly eat their creations while reflecting on the friends they’ve made and lost over the course of L'manberg’s lifetime. When the group got back to the past and Niki made cookies for Tommy and Fundy the pair very nearly started crying.
Tommy is in an interesting position as a character since he did commit a lot of minor crimes and acted as a general nuisance but he was also still a child. (A very traumatized one considering I canonize SMP Earth with its unlimited lives but even more wars. Including against God. Tommy fought God just let me have this.) He acknowledges the moments when he went over the line and has tried to apologize. In particular at some point before the egg fully takes over he pulls aside Jack and tells him that he’s sorry for the way he acted when he was still in exile, taking one of Jack’s lives and all. Jack and Niki in particular are an interesting subject to address and a painful one for immune!Tommy to think about when he sees younger Niki because the three never fully tossed out the hatchet but it was obvious in the eyes of someone like Sam that both of them were growing more and more hesitant to hurt Tommy. It was made worse by the fact neither were even marginally immune, and it didn’t take long for the egg to get to them.
He never stopped being chaotic. Tommy at his core is just that kind of person. He did, however, grow up enough to act in a more mature manner. Started to recognize what’s too much. In particular he became a lot less violent and willing to lash out after Sam Nook in essence reparented him. He’s still an absolute wild card of a person, which in the eyes of Sam and Sapnap is a good thing. For this au I think we should actually address Tommy having severe ptsd and during the building of his hotel/the early days of the egg before it becomes a noticeable threat it shows. He’s a lot more subdued. Shows of aggression all carry a kind of desperation and his typical jokes feel flat. Lashing out at people slowly becomes more of a defense mechanism to see if someone’s going to leave or betray him, to test the limits of how nice they’re willing to be. After all, nice people have only ever been nice to Tommy when they wanted something from him. His eyes, especially after L'manberg is blow sky high, are well and truly gray. The first time Tommy genuinely laughs after filling Sapnap’s room with chickens is considered celebration worthy to them. His pranks take on a more hermitcraft-esque feel to them which honestly makes them more funny.
By the time they get to the past Tommy has recovered, but he still carries the kind of maturity that like Teddy Bear mentioned is reminiscent of age swap Tommy. When he gets especially stressed though, Immune!Tommy will slip into moments where he acts as tired and done with the world as age swap Tommy. With that said, most of the time he just acts like a more mature Tommy. Nothing could ever completely erase his unique vibe which Ranboo has gone on record as describing “Willing to fight God deaf, blind, and backwards just to prove a point." 
Immune Fundy and Tommy get on really well once Fundy manages to catch up with the rest of the group. It gets to the point where everyone from the past is kinda shocked since smp Fundy and Tommy do not get along. At all. Literally the first night Fundy’s back someone goes to wake them up and they find Fundy asleep on top of Tommy which is a wild experience since this Tommy is a goliath who often refuses to take off his full Netherite max enchant armor. He really becomes a "looks like he could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll” kinda mans.
Also, yeah, this is Dream’s retirement arc. He is literally just sitting in the corner watching Tommy dote on his younger self and Tubbo before completely pile driving two of the most powerful people on the server straight into the dirt. At some point Tommy sits down with past Punz. He tells this Punz that their Punz died protecting him and Tubbo and that Tommy never got to properly thank their Punz so he’s going to thank this Punz. Tommy then gives Punz an entire stack of Netherite. If we’re gonna go ahead and agree on Phoenix Tommy then Tommy is fire proof, meaning he probably spent a large amount of time in the nether to avoid the egg crew and get rare supplies. Meaning he also probably did a lot of mining just to distract himself and it resulted in him being loaded. Tommy used to have a fear of tnt and explosives but he seems like the type of mad lad to say “exposure therapy” and make a massive cavern in the underbelly of the nether.
I think it would also be really interesting to dedicate like, a couple of chapters to other people’s perspectives. I kind of want to set the time they arrive in the past partway through the Pogtopia arc since I like mildly unhinged but not completely gone Wilbur. Plus then it also makes more sense for Techno to be there. Just prefer the aesthetic really. I want to have Wilbur see this version of Tommy and come to a sudden “oh” moment. I want to have a moment where Tubbo looks between his Tommy and this new Tommy, seeing himself nowhere to be found, and has enough what the fuck moments to become aggressively protective of his own Tommy. Especially if immune!Tommy ever admits to the past Tubbo why he is the way he is, what he faced under the thumb of the people he trusted. Which, out of everyone on the server, Tubbo would be the first one from the past to actively learn. 
I am fully on board with Tommy knowing how to sew. That should just automatically be canon in literally ever AU. Tommy for all intents and purposes is still Phil’s child for me. Survival runs in the family the same way that chaos does, so he’s got a ton of basic survival skills that he just doesn’t show off because it’s still Tommy. He would have been completely fine in exile if it wasn’t for Dream. Whenever someone ruins their clothes in the Immune group they automatically go to Tommy and at first the past versions are very confused (except for past Tommy and Tubbo obviously) and then Tommy’s just “Sapnap this is beyond ruined it can’t be saved, let me make you something new” and within a couple days he makes Sapnap a completely new outfit. Like maybe Sapnap fell into a lava pool because Blaze Sapnap Supremacy and his clothes are beyond saving and everyone is beyond baffled when Tommy just acts like this is a weekly occurrence. He’s memorized Sapnap’s measurements and style tastes and already had a new outfit in the works for him that Sapnap immediately adores upon it being presented to him. It takes about a week for past Eret to learn that Tommy stress sews new clothing and he cannot think of a better model. Eret has never had such a full closet. Eret has everything from three piece suits to ball gowns now. Eret lives in terror of the days where Tommy disappears god knows where with Fundy and the two reappear with a new wardrobe for the entire god damn server. 
Speaking of disappearing I really like the idea of part phoenix and part tanuki Tommy for a couple reasons. Being a Tanuki he’d have access to enough magic to hide his hybrid traits, which if they’ve been present for long enough would be a necessity to him. Additionally think about Fundy and Tommy building a den under Church Prime that slowly turns into a maze. Think about it. It starts off simple and then they both start digging more and it gets deeper and deeper and more complicate and the two just refer to it as their den and the only ones who are fully aware of the connotations of that word are Sam, Sapnap, and Ranboo who remember the absolute hell that was trying to navigate the original. Just Fundy and Tommy bonding over the fact they are literally the only creatures on this server that have this catacomb memorized and at the end of the catacomb is their saferoom which connects to rail way that the two spent a month straight on. It goes at least 25k blocks from spawn and it’s a final emergency resort in case they can’t stop the egg and the Immunes needs to regroup and essentially try again (if they keep bringing their younger selves with them then hopefully they’ll finally get an army large enough to stop this, but everyone really hopes it doesn’t come to that.)
I’m working on the first chapter of my fic right now actually if I’m gonna be honest and phoenix Tommy is absolutely without question canon to it but I’ve still been going back and forth on if I want him to be part tanuki as well or just blessed/favored by one like Teddy Bear mentioned. I’m also tucking away the whole thing about the magma blood for later use. Phoenix Tommy just makes sense. They used to call him Zombie Kid for a reason back on SMP Earth, he just literally does not die ever unless he decides he does.
~Snapdragon & Firefly
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enha-woodzies · 3 years
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starring: enhypen ft. i-land daniel
pairing: jungwon x fem!reader x sunghoon
genres: royal au, romance, angst, slowburn, 18th century setting
word count: 2.5k
taglist: @serendipitysung (betareader) @angeljungwon @en-sun @affectionaterainoflove @renkiv @softforjungwoo @jislix @fluffi @gyeraniee @stxrryemxlys
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To be promenaded in front of the entire ton is one of every lady’s desires. From the piercing stares of the envious, to the love-struck looks of those smitten by the pair, the two most-loved couple of this season gracefully saunters from the cemented pathway and down to the grassy lawn, ever so politely greeting Northumberland with their warmest and charming presence.
The young marquess joins the young miss’ family under the canopy near the lake. With a hand draping over Sunghoon’s arm, Lord Niki mutters swears to the gods for lightning to strike upon the chap, as the gagging sight of his sister along with his most despised douche is gradually sucking the life out of him.
“Good morning!” Sunghoon greets the family and so did Lady Park. Jay gives away a polite nod followed by a toast of the teacup, whereas the almost always brooding Niki responds with an exaggerated rolling of his eyes.
“Your Grace. Always the charmer, aren't we?” Niki jeers to which Jay chokes on his warm, jasmine tea.
“The smoothest at being one, Riki.” The name rolls naturally off his tongue like a snake’s hiss that roused Niki’s ire. The boy could feel the crescendo of his spite, yet he eases it casually with a sly smirk.
“Smooth like a snake, perhaps? I anticipate those fangs in action.” Niki surprisingly snaps back. Jay clears his throat as he whispers to Niki in hopes to prevent him from further fumes, although he knows it would be of no use.
Sunghoon scoffs in return, “need I remind you that I shall deliver if provoked. However tempting that may be right now, I regret to inform you that I’m only here to promenade your sister and impress your dear mother.”
“I do hope she turns you down in the most painful way possible, Your Grace. I find my sister's taste in men quite genteel. Surely, you're aware of how opposed you are to that considering your…” Niki walks closer to the marquess to give an exclusive barb against his ear, “nasty record.” He brushes off imaginary dust off Sunghoon’s shoulder before bumping against it, “Good day to you two!”
“Oh dear, your brother is making me worried. Is he alright?” Lady Park whispers to Jay and the gent soothes their mother by softly massaging her hands, rubbing circles on the back of her palm, “he's just going through puberty, mother.”
“Is that so? I don't remember you having those episodes before. Furthermore, I apologize, Your Grace. Rest assured it won't happen again. I will definitely see to it.”
“No worries entirely. It's Niki after all, he may be a tough handful but as far as I recall he's completely-”
“Held back? Are those the words you were going for?” Jay cuts off. 
“You're quite forgetting the fact that I’m right here.” Y/n attempts to intrude only to be silenced by her brother once again. With his head held high, Jay saunters up to Sunghoon, who is almost the same height as him. Locking eyes with the chap, he simpers, “come, Your Grace, I require a brief moment with you. Excuse us for a bit, sis.”
And with that, the men left the canopy, leaving Y/n and her mother utterly baffled with the uncalled tension.
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The sound of paper being folded into an almost crumple echoes around the parlour, where the only sound that existed prior was deafening silence from the three men sitting across each other.
The culprit was none other than Yang Jungwon, who appears to be insulted from what he just read. Throwing off the now crumpled paper, Daniel perfectly catches it mid-air and opens it in haste.
Sunoo takes a gander at the Daily Tattle’s contents that Daniel incoherently mutters. Jungwon carefully studies his brother's reaction as Sunoo’s smile quickly transforms into shock, followed by the furrowing of his eyebrows with his mouth ajar; the final gesture, shooting a questioning look-- with his mouth still ajar-- at one of the scandal’s subjects.
“Surely, me asking two dances from you was already too cheap but, one, brother? Are you seriously being expensive right now?" The eldest exclaims.
"One that is very exclusive and controversial, might I add." Daniel chimes in. “What was all that about?"
"Remind me why I need to explain myself to the both of you?" Jungwon monotonously replies with his eyes fixed on the book he was now reading.
“Because we ought to know?”
“Well, if not to us, at least to Y/n?"
“Good god. Why is she in this conversation all of a sudden?"
"Because you pulled a dick move on her and we ought to know what's going on inside that brain of yours! You're so dense. Must we shake you up to shrug off those lil rust in there?"
"Oh, shut up, Daniel."
“That thing you did there? With her? Was very unlikely of you, Jungwon." Sunoo stands from his seat and transfers to Jungwon’s side on the couch.
"Well, what is like me then?"
"Spit it out or Daniel and I are gonna have to annoy you for the whole week.”
Jungwon slams the book on the couch and lets out an exasperated sigh before grunting out loud. "I just wanted to be alone with her, okay?! Are you pleased now?"
"Wait. You like her, don't you?”
“No, I don't! And I would never for heaven's sake."
“But you want to be alone with her. Isn't that what people do when they're in love?" Daniel rubs his chin in thought.
“Oh, god! Whatever lets the both of you sleep at night then. Assume the worst for all I care." The heated gent lifts himself up from the couch and strides towards the exit.
“Where are you going?”
“Away from the two of you. You won't stop annoying me either way, so I’m gonna get myself some cleaner air.” Jungwon slams the door shut behind him for a relieving walk to the woods.
“Now he's mad.”
“All we ever said was the truth, didn't we?”
“He is pretty rusty, alright.”
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Y/n visits the Kielder Forest once again to run away from the stressful men of this morning’s promenade. She could've stayed in her fortress, but because of their foolish ruse, she had to show up. Now her brothers had to meddle with the already confusing mess.
Pages from the borrowed Austen book are now being flicked through again. She couldn't concentrate no matter how hard she tried, as Niki’s words still lingered in her mind.
“What nasty record could he have?” She mutters under her breath. Soon after, crunching of leaves startles her, and she realizes her whispers weren't the only noise around. Y/n dashes out of her sheer fort only to be welcomed by her most coveted man ever.
"What are you doing here?!" Jungwon asks in an angry kind of worry.
"What are you doing here?"
"Taking a walk, obviously?"
"Well, I’m reading. Obviously." Y/n sassily blinks at him, to which he returns a slightly puzzled look.
"You're much aware that you shouldn't be here, let alone unchaperoned, right?"
"Well, good thing you're here!"
Y/n crouches down to re enter her fort now that she has a guest. She softly taps the extra pillow, gesturing Jungwon to join her in a momentary bliss. One that is very rare when it comes to the both of them, and something that the young miss has found herself accustomed to now. When it comes to Jungwon, he'll just leave her begging for more.
Was it simply luck that had caused him to turn down this pathway? Whatever it was, he didn't feel the need to complain. As of now, all he ever wanted was a piece of mind from his brother's interrogations about him and Y/n. Not fully realizing that the very person who triggered him to rush out of his house would be the one he was impossibly hoping to run into.
"You still have that?" Jungwon points his lips to the book she was flipping. She had borrowed it from him and had yet to return it after all these years.
"Are the inclusions still there?" He continues. Although he wishes he didn't. He recalls all the little notes he left on his favorite pages just to get his feelings across and now he chuckles at the mere thought of him playing Romeo.
"They are. They're kind of tattered now, but they're still comprehensible. You do have a remarkable penmanship after all, something that's very impossible to miss."
The boy chuckles at the thought. "You do mean those things you wrote here, right?" She concerningly asks to which Jungwon only shrugs his shoulder with lips shut tight. "Well, don't mind me 'cause I'd like to think that you did."
"Suit yourself." He mutters. Little did she know he was smiling to himself with flushed cheeks.
The boy looks around the interior of the fort while whistling to the air, followed by a few jabberjays mocking his tune. They chuckle over the memory and realize they had traveled back in time.
"Jay's going to get aggressive with me on fencing once he hears about this. I've been conspiring to keep his sister hidden." He playfully smirks.
"Do you remember we used to do this in the garden lawn? Playing hide and seek just to get a glimpse of Jay's maddening face." Y/n reminisces the good old times they both used to share. Although there were petty fights here and there, what conquered most was their endearing bond.
Jungwon looks over as he vividly remembers that exact memory, "and we ended up building a fort out of the picnic sheets we used to hide in and officially made it our castle" he adds.
"I've forgotten what it's like to feel young." Y/n lets out a deep sigh, minding the pressure she's bearing now that she's about to be offered to the life-long commitment that is marriage.
Jungwon looks over her, feeling all concerned with the worries that she might be facing as of late; things that he wouldn't have any knowledge of as a man.
Society has dictated women's place in the world as persons who are supposed to be emotional, submissive, and homely; something very opposed to those of men. Knowing Y/n well enough and how she enjoys her liberty, her own principles, Jungwon worries her future companion, if not him, would find her very indifferent and of no use in the long run.
And it pains him to think that she wouldn't be well off with someone even worse than him.
She deserves more and he knows that fully well.
"Well, I, for one, miss moments like this more than anything." He lightens the mood in hopes of seeing that beautiful smile on her face.
As he turns to her, the two lock eyes. In that moment, Yang Jungwon swore of laying out his long-hidden sentiments. Under normal circumstances, he would speak his mind. But with Y/n looking at him like this, he would most likely fuck things up.
And he fails himself yet again.
"So uhh… you and the duke-to-be, huh? That must be thrilling." He looks away and pretends to play with the twigs on the ground.
"Y-Yeah! Yeah, indeed, it is. The promenade went well today… before the two decided to sabotage it."
"Do tell."
"We're all aware of how Niki ultimately detests the marquess, aren’t we? He kind of uhh… insulted the man in front of mother."
"And… Jay?"
"Stole the marquess from me to have a word with him."
"I reckon he had many words with him."
Y/n chagrins at the imagination of Jay going head to head with the marquess. Being the overprotective one, Jay will go out of his way to expel threats in the family.
"You seem to be clearly aware of that. Yet you entertained His Grace anyway. I pity Niki. He must be going through a loophole of shit again, now that his dear sister's off strutting with that man." Jungwon blurts out, though he wishes he never did… again.
He is clearly rusty and he kind of admits it now.
"That man? Whatever's the matter with all of you?! You dare speak of him like you know what happened between him and my brother-"
"Y/n, we all went to the same university. What makes you think I know nothing?"
"That man you're referring to was just the man who saved me from an embarrassing night, no thanks to you."
Jungwon scoffs at her pettiness.
"Don't turn away with those remarks now. You toyed with me that night, left me there with nothing but utter shame to bring home. I'm sure you're very proud of that now."
Promenading would be every woman's desire, indeed. But being ghosted or fled from is something that every woman fears, especially when they've been shunned by someone they adore the most. Such shame and reproach haunts them for almost the rest of their lives, especially when the ton won't let them sleep at night with that reminder.
"Have you not at least any bit of politeness left in you? You must be ashamed, asking my brother for such favor that you cannot even put through yourself."
"I have my reasons."
"I highly doubt they're even valid." Y/n retorts. Jungwon sighs in exasperation, finding the situation rather unnecessary that he'd rather keep his mouth shut. She deserves to let her anger out after all.
"Whatever happened to you?" She mutters under her breath, looking over to the boy who kept his head hung low with his elbows leaning on his raised knees. "Sometimes, I look at you and see a completely different person. You know, I never learned to read your mind, Jungwon. So stop giving me all these silent treatments as if something happened even though nothing ever did."
Jungwon lets out a sharp exhale before poking his cheek with his tongue. "Stop seeing Sunghoon then. If you care so much about your brother, stop frolicking around with that scoundrel."
Y/n scoffs at him, followed by the rolling of her eyes, trying to stifle an untimely tear from falling.
"You're unbelievable! Just so you know, I've wasted many sleepless nights crying because of your stupid ass, and I still do for heaven's sake! But now it's very clear to me that there's no amount of crying left that I can do for you!"
Y/n groans heavily before standing up from the pillow she was sitting on, throwing the Austen book hardly on the cold ground.
"So much for hearing nothing but the truth from you, huh? I despise you, Jung. Very much."
She runs off from the boy for what seemed like the nth time. For the past years, this exact scene had happened. Jungwon closes his eyes and lets himself fall harshly on the pillows. He raises a hand over his head, looking at the gaps between his fingers thinking of how he let her slip away, again. He drowns himself in deep thoughts, all the while trusting that Y/n will forget this day ever happened, like before.
He knows she will.
At least, that's what he tells himself.
Though deep down, his stomach churns in fear.
And there's no one to blame but his damning pride.
*send me an ask or a message if you wish to be added on this series' taglist!
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wokestraightpuffy · 3 years
Hallo, i hope you are alright and that my ask aren’t annoying but I wanted to ask do you have any c!puffy headcannons? —🤡
as for c!puffy headcanons, i am not the best person to ever organize their thoughts properly but ill try my best >:’D
ahaha. this got. super complex and way too long and more of like an introspective study to puffy now instead of harmless fun headcanons so, uh. under read more <3 (also reminder this is all /rp and /dsmp)
* i like to think that she has a hero complex, but its a bit different since she never really sees herself as an ‘important’ part of the story, not the main character but a support one, hence ‘im fine with being the side character’ or how she’s said she doesnt care what happens to her and would gladly sacrifice(?) herself if there werent other people she had to protect. girl u need therapy urself <3
* though very open with how she feels and never afraid to say when someone/something is upsetting her, ‘opening up’ is still a whole mountain climb for her, apparently. like, she’d rant about the egg, get mad at the eggpire, let off some steam by committing arson or exploding stuff, she’ll rarely ever talk about how much the stuff that upset her actually HURT her. does that make sense? LIKE, she’ll lash out, she’ll get mad, she’ll take NO SHIT thrown at her face, but to show the kinda vulnerability of dealing with that? to cry about it talk about those feelings with someone? I think she’d rather eat her own foot lol
* adding onto the thing above, she doesnt necessarily actually realize this about herself. less of actively doing it and rather growing... used to the ‘cycle of violence’ in the smp as they call it. and the fact that rarely have people really asked, that no one’s actually available for that, w her losing her closest friends, bad and ant, sam being busy w the warden stuff... and niki. yeah. there’s foolish, but i doubt she’d ever see venting to someone she considers her son appealing
* also. puffy is just sometimes... really bad at conveying sadness. i think she’s a rare crier. id go as far to say that shes even more emotionally constipated than dream, lol (but maybe not while the guy’s in his prison arc) and that she’d be the type of person to tell you its okay to cry but beat herself up over something if she let a tear slip in a heated moment
* speaking of sadness. she’ll only ever actually Be Sad if she’s alone or with someone she doesnt necessarily care the opinions of. yknow how she mourned for tommy and blamed herself? those dialogue bits? yeah, those are only times shed actually be vulnerable
* puffy’s go to response to the egg and how its fucked up her relationship w her friends is pure fury. but, going off of her line about ‘failing bad and ant’ i like to think that she probably hates herself the most about it. THAT IS A STRONG WORD LOL BUT YEAH. she yells and curses and gets mad, but sometimes i wonder if the words she had spat before were more directed to herself
* THIS GIRL HAS SELF-IDENTITY PROBLEMS. CAN WE GET A HELL YEAH FOR THAT CHAT? outside of having no goddamn clue about where she came from, how she got here and who she even is, scrounging up a role for herself in a server with a war on the background and traumatized kids got her resignedly coerced into thinking that she is only a Parent. Only good enough when she’s actually doing something Useful for people. SO. when she finds that ship? of having a crew and having a curse? OF FINDING OUT SHE MIGHT HAVE/ HAVE HAD A MOM THATS WAITING FOR HER?  the sense of control she has on herself is absolutely crushed. shattered, and she’s left to pick up the pieces w no one to talk abt it with <3
* adding onto the above, it’s why the line ‘I’m supposed to be mama puffy. me.’ hurts me so much! so yes! please cry with me :D
* also to add more on the fact that she thinks she’s only worth something when she’s being useful, puffy literally contemplated leaving the server, thinking that it wouldnt matter leaving since no one really needs her anyway, since she’s failed so many people. bad and ant, tommy, dream. shes said how foolish can take care of himself on how tubbo and ranboo have each other, how she and niki have drifted so far away from each that it might as well be a break up.
HOOOOOOOOOO OBOY . anon youve really given me the perfect chance to ramble huh? sorry for the rather incomprehensible brainrot, here’s more lighthearted headcanons about puffy asdhfkd
* she cannot stand still sometimes. she always has to be doing something extra, walking when the prime path is right there? shed rather go through tedious little holes or hop and balance onto fences to get where shes going. she’ll mindlessly fix up the path when there are holes or mismatched wood, and one time went on a long, long LONG journey cleaning up the paths tommy purposely DESTROYED near lmanburg and even added cobblestone sidings which werent there before
* puffys a bit of a sentimental person. writing in her log to clear her thoughts sometimes and cared enough to try and preserve lmanburg with the glass sheet and trying to find possible surviving artifacts of history to respect it, even though she’s never been a part of it. its also why, when doomsday happened and lmanburg got permanently poofed, she began to appreciate the buildings that are still standing and began taking more pics 
* she’s not used to being... what do you call it, um, cared for? she’d deflect compliments sometimes, when shes having a particular bad day, like, she’d laugh nervously and change the subject, sometimes she’d outright deny it, most days she’d jokingly say ‘staphhh it’ and add a very genuine thanks. my point being is, do something for puffy that is mildly nice and she’d keep that moment in her heart forever. 
* also funny story regarding the above. u know how karl is notorious for stealing her materials? and how puffy was contemplating doing something in retaliation for them? karl says hi for once when she joins the server and she goes ‘alright fine youre safe for saying hi’ LOL THIS WAS PROBABLY A BIT META WISE but something about this implying that the bare minimum or LESS is enough to make puffy forgive someone is very sad and funny at the same time for me. girl really said ‘oh you said hi to me? thats nice all the crimes youve ever done towards me is now forgiven. <3’ (this is a bit of an exaggeration on my part, ofc, i just think its funny LMAO) 
* ironically, despite being the ‘captain’, whenever riding a boat with someone, she prefers being on the backseat and letting them drive. ig shes just there for the ride i suppose, her and her uber drivers :3
 * she either has a rather unhealthy obsession with baked potatoes or she just doesnt wanna waste eret’s massive potato farm
* idc what cc!puffy says is c!puffy will always and forever be 5′2″ in my HEART. u are the shortest member, u cannot change this <3
* shes really fond of animals/ neutral mobs. she often baby talks to them and they help boost her mood a lot when shes having a bad day :D
* up to this day, the little secret rooms she’s created around the server have all been yet to be discovered, unless the one under bad’s house has been found. she rarely ever really keeps tabs on them, and more often than not they are just collecting dust. she still visits sometimes and cleans them up ofc
* she still genuinely thinks dream can change. cc!puffy’s line about that, ‘i’m his last hope.’ really makes me think about this a lot. 
* ive seen people talk abt it a bit but the headcanon that puffy acts as the server mom to fill the ‘void’ of her missing her mom makes me cry at night /hj
* she really likes her rainbow onesie! i headcanon that eret gave her that along w the sunglasses, but she started wearing that less when she found her old captains uniform. shes never really said why, though, and nobody ever really bothered to ask
* god bless this woman but sometimes the server members get on her nerves sometimes so she goes out of her way to traverse along far away from the main community to maybe commit a few crimes. let off some steam. these take a few days but she always returns
i probably have a lot more hcs but i cant remember them >_> THIS IS A LOT ANYWAY. HOPE U ENJOYED MY BRAIN VOMIT. IF U READ THIS FAR ILU THANK U
if there are mistakes it is bc i am crying and cannot see my keyboard and also i am sleep deprived /hj
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siriannatan · 3 years
Beeduo Oneshots #1 - Scars
Wilbur was back and alive.
Tubbo wasn't sure what to think about it at first. It gave Tommy something to do, following the former mad leader of the revolution to make sure he didn't hurt anyone. He really regretted not banning them both  from Snowchester. Luckily the mansion was done before that. Michael locked safely in his room, away from Wilbur and Tommy's undue influence.
He was supposed to be free to roam around the huge manor whit him and Ranboo and instead the three of them were hiding in the tiny piglin's room...
Wilbur was back and his sole purpose was tormenting Tubbo in his own home. Far from anywhere and anyone.
Snowchester was supposed to be safe from conflict and madmen. He couldn't even go to his secret laboratory in the basement. During the construction Tubbo managed to sneak couple secret rooms for himself and Ranboo and now regretted not putting a panic room for them. At the time he thought that Ranboo had enough of those.
Wilbur was send by Dream as a revenge for Tubbo getting married to his most useful tool, without permission? For not inviting him to the wedding which didn't even happen. They just kind of signed some papers with Eret in his castle.
Tubbo didn't deserve being confined to one room in his huge mansion and a panic attack every five seconds from fireworks exploding outside. At least he was stuck with his family.
Ranboo didn't seem to notice Tubbo flinching every time firework exploded over the bay, he busied himself with trying to teach Michael how to say dad from some book Phil gave him when he was moving to the mansion as his main residence.
It was rare for Tubbo to see his husband happy. It was rare for them to spend time like this, not having to gather resources or deny people inviting them to their countries, without Tommy pulling them around.
"We're such pushovers," Tubbo muttered squeezing one of huge pillows Ranboo insisted they get for Michael, At this point Tubbo was pretty much wrapped around it like a snake, mostly to hide how each firework blast made him jump a little.
"I guess we are, pushed into ou son's bedroom by two vagabonds" Ranboo smiled, "We should have never shown this place to anyone but Foolish and maybe Philza." Ranboo seemed to nod in agreement.
"Do your scars ever hurt? Aside when you get hurt first," Tubbo mumbled abandoning the comfort of the pillow and crawling closer to his little family, he refused to succumb to Wilbur's nonsense.
"Not really, only for a few days. Do yours bother you much?" At this point he gave up on his son' lesson, Michael was more interested in his blocks than in the big heavy book.
"Sometime... Have I ever told you how I got them?" Tubbo asked suddenly leaning onto Ranboo as more fireworks exploded.
"I don't think you did. There was never really time to talk about stuff like this."
"Remember when Quackity wanted to execute you?" Tubbo asked Ranboo just nodded, listening with care.
"Back when Schlatt was the president there was a festival. I was tasked with decorating it, and I was supposed to give a speech.  All while being a spy for Wilbur and Tommy... I wasn't w very good spy, even Fundy was better at gathering information... meh.. The point is Ranboo, Schlatt noticed I was up to something and when I was giving my speech..."
Tubbo stopped for a moment as a rather loud firework exploded over the icy bay outside.
"When I was giving my speech Schlatt and Quackity locked me in a yellow concrete box... And then called up Technoblade and ordered him to 'take me out', he did his best to buy Tommy and Wilbur time to come up with something but they did nothing and I died. In a loud colourful explosion. At least Schlatt and Quackity also died..."
"And you accepted Quackity into your cabinet? And Tommy still calls himself your friend?!" Ranboo was furious. "How bad is it that I'm friends with Techno and Phil?'
"He had a fist fight with Techno over it. And I don't blame Techno. I only blame Schlatt, Wilbur and maybe Tommy, there was nothing Techno could do at that point, he wasn't as stacked as when he was helping Dream," Tubbo jut shrugged "That's why I outlawed fireworks from L'Manburg when I became the president."
Ranboo just sat there silently as more explosions could be heard in the distance.
"You know what the actual worst part is? That it was my no good father that ordered me to be executed."
Ranboo looked at Tubbo shocked. He knew about his relation to the second president, he was probably only person the knew aside from Tubbo himself and maybe Dream, Dream knew everything going on. He had no word, "Should I punch Wilbur and Tommy for you?" he asked causing Tubbo to burst out laughing. Somehow he didn't notice they were both whispering that whole time.
"No  need, I'm fine, it's almost Michael's lunch time, we should get on that, they should run out of ammo soon... I hope."
"We can always invite Techno, they seem to be avoiding him" Ranboo proposed poking Tubbo's horns. They were starting to curl like Schlatt's.
"Invite Phil and Niki too, you can have your Syndicate, sorry 'book club' meeting in the library,"
Ranboo  laughed awkwardly at that, he had no idea where Tubbo knew about that from, he still invited them, and as he guessed the vision of Technoblade coming scared both Tommy and Wilbur away. Or maybe it was the fact that Philza was also coming to visit?
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innittowinit · 3 years
Abandoned amusement parks are the best place for young children  (chapter 22)
Fic summary:
Techno, Tommy, Wilbur and Phil have been hanging out at the abandoned amusement park in the woods since they moved in. Techno likes knowing he's definitely alone with his brothers Tommy likes climbing on the old rides Wilbur likes having a place to play his music Phil likes spending time with his younger brothers
That is, until a group of brothers calling themselves the 'dream team' move in down the road. Will the sleepy boys give in and share the park or will they succeed in scaring the new kids off?
Chapter summary:
It's wednesday. Eret was still plauging on their mind's and yet they still had to meet up with the Dream Team
Chapter word count: 2123
Something just.. wasn’t right.
They had shown up invited this time, had made extra sure they weren’t being threatening (he hadn’t even brought his nerf guns!) and had watched multiple videos on how you're supposed to treat your friends and still, the ‘sleepy bois’ were acting like they didn’t want to be here.
Or maybe it was like 2/4 of the brothers who didn't want to be there. Techno and Wilbur were both acting off, very off. For a while, Dream had panicked that this may have been their fault, that he or his brothers may have done something unintentionally horrible enough to completely destroy the only sembilience of trust they had - but the more he watched them, they seemed more sad than angry, more hurt than annoyed.
The first warning sign had been Wilbur snapping at Dream.
While watching Techno play some game about farming on his DS, Wilbur sat braiding a section of his hair. Recently he had been trying to learn from both Niki and various youtube tutorials, the action of doing someone’s hair was strangely relaxing and it often left him a little upset at the fact that he had no sisters. What he did have instead was Techno and -in his opinion- Techno’s hair was far prettier than any of the girl’s in their class.
Braiding got hard and confusing but it calmed him down, the repetitive action felt similar to how he felt while clicking on a fidget toy but slower. It kept his hands busy but he had to keep his mind active to make sure he was keeping it aesthetically pleasing, it was really just a nice way to wind down. Plus! Techno liked it too!
The events of earlier that day still plagued his mind. It hurt so incredibly much to try and accept that someone he had trusted so much would betray them so easily. Was Eret ever their friend? Was it a joke from the beginning? Would there ever be anyone who would want to actually be their friend? It sure as hell didn’t feel like it. Everybody would always say they loved them then leave, just like Eret, just like their parents.
Being with his brother helped though, it reminded him that, despite everything, he had three people who were always going to love him and have his back.
Tommy was always going to be chaotically positive. Phil was always going to be strangely parental. Techno was always going to be his best friend.
As much as he believed that blood was thicker than water, the human body couldn’t survive on it’s blood alone, it needed water too. He had his brothers but friends like Niki were unfortunately far too rare.
The comfort of being alone with his brother was quickly cut short as Dream had approached, clad in a green hoodie and a new mask. It looked hand made, like they had paper mached it around a balloon and drew on the face with a sharpie, there were also a couple stickers stuck to it but they were pretty small and looked like they were from shows that Wilbur hadn’t watched. Still though, he looked happier than the last time they saw him (that wasn’t hard to do though, he had his mask this time.)
“Hey guys” The boy had hummed as he sat down near the twins, pulling his knees up on the bench and holding them close to his chest. “Why’re you alone? We were going to play bulldog in the forest if you want to join in”
Wilbur just stared back at him, talking felt like such a hassle right now, he didn’t even want to deal with it. It was just so exhausting.
“Uhm...so you don’t wanna talk.. That’s fine uh” Dream had spluttered out, clearly not expecting such a non-response from Wilbur who was usually the most eloquent one out of the four brothers. “That’s fine, that’s cool. You don’t need to talk if you dont wanna!”
Wilbur almost felt bad. Almost. It was clear that Dream was making an effort, it was clear he was trying his best, if this had been when they first met Dream would have likely made fun of him for not talking but he had learnt from spending so much time with them that sometimes people just didn’t want to talk. As nice as it was to know he was trying to be helpful, Wilbur really just did not want to talk to anyone right now. In all honesty, he didn’t even want to talk to Techno. All he wanted was to sit silently and braid his brother’s hair.
“So uh” Dream cleared his throat, looking to Techno this time when he finally accepted Wilbur wouldn't be communicating with him. “Do you two wanna play bulldog with us? Phil and Tommy are gonna play”
Techno took one look at Wilbur and shook his head. Personally, he wouldn’t mind playing with them, making some new friends might be nice after everything that had just happened but Wilbur was just very clearly not up for talking to anyone.
Sometimes people were upset, sometimes you just needed some time to strop and get out all the negative emotions. Techno wasn’t in any position to tell Wilbur he couldn’t feel the way he felt.
“Oh? Do you want us to wait until you’re finished with your DS? What’re you playin’?”
Shuffling over on the bench, Dream tried to take a peek at the game, seeing Techno tapping quickly on different buttons as his character farmed some crops. It didn’t look too interesting but hey! He had learnt that he shouldn’t insult people for what they enjoy.
“Jesus fucking Christ Dream!” Wilbur finally snapped, pushing the boy away roughly. Maybe he was being a bit short-tempered and mean, maybe they had specifically set up this day so they wouldn’t end up fighting but god dammit Wilbur was upset and he was absolutely ready to make that everybody else's problem.
“Just go away! We don’t want to play your stupid game!”
It was clear that Dream had been a little upset by what Wilbur had said, staggering back a little and getting up from where he had been sitting. Despite the fact that neither boy could see his face they could somehow still read his expression, maybe because he was overly expressive with his body parts to make up for the covered face.
“Oh um.. Okay I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pressure you”
Techno sighed, giving Dream a sympathetic look as if to say sorry and then giving Wilbur a bit of a stern glance, clearly upset with his brother for getting mad like that.
Wilbur didn’t care.
Techno could furrow his brows all he wanted, Wilbur was mad.
=== The second warning was a passing comment made by Wilbur.
This time, the twins had finally decided to join in with the group, it had been right after everyone else had finished playing Bulldog so they were pretty out of breath, meaning all they were doing was sitting around talking.
Tommy was leading the conversation, hopping around and pointing to all his favourite climbing places, every now and then he’d grab someone by the hand and tug them up to show them something. It felt like he really just could not be tired out. Even so, the boy was good at reading people, it wouldn’t be surprising if he was acting extra energetic because he had noticed his big brothers being upset and wanted to give them the chance to pull back from talking if they felt like it. He was young, yes, but out of all four brothers he was probably the one who was best at understanding his own emotions.
“So over there is the big dipper!” He was jumping up and down as he pointed to a large blue drop tower that was partially under the ground. “It goes up super high but then it goes into this big pit! Sometimes I like to climb to the top and sit there!”
Phil’s eyes went wide “Tommy you what?!”
George wasn’t too interested in this explanation of the rides, if he was being honest, he was just sleepy from doing so much exercise after already walking around all day at school. The boy flopped backwards into the dirt, taking off his sunglasses and folding them besides him as he closed his eyes.
It felt nice to just lay in the sun, his brothers teased him a lot for always being so sleepy (it wasn’t uncommon that he would miss appointments or commitments because he hadn’t set an alarm) but it was just so nice and so relaxing to just ignore the outside world for a moment and think. Sometimes he felt like he’d probably be good at meditating but then again his brother’s would absolutely not leave him to chill out long enough for that.
He had been expecting to be either left alone to doze off in the sun, or for one of his brother’s to tug him up and make him stay awake, what he was not expecting was for Wilbur and Techno to join him in laying down.
“The sun is nice today” Techno had mumbled as he closed his eyes, clearly getting a little more comfortable with the boys than he had been previously.
Understandably, George was shocked to hear him talking but he decided that maybe it would help if he didn’t bring attention to it and make it a big deal, he knew Dream was only able to show his face in their house if everyone made sure not to comment on his birthmark, if they did the mask was always brought back out.
“Yeah..it’s nice but it makes me tired.”
Wilbur nodded,George was right a lot of the time; it felt light and warm, unlike the humid air that had caused him to snap earlier. Honestly he felt a little bad about it, he had obviously hurt Dream and he didn’t even apologise. Phil would surely be disappointed in him if he heard about what happened.
“I don't understand why you guys are trying to be our friends” Wilbur confessed, scooching up a little closer to Techno so he could hold his hand. “I understand liking Phil and Tommy but why us? Nobody likes us. Sometimes I wish you would stop trying, I already know how this is gonna end”
Wilbur rubbed at his eyes with his free hand but it wasn’t like the other two could tell since they had their eyes closed thankfully. George wanted to object, to tell them that they did like them and that this wasn’t going to end how he thought it would but he couldn’t bring himself to say it. He didn’t know what Wil meant when he said how it would end and it wasn’t like he could just tell them they were wrong about their previous experiences with people. He ended up pondering what he could say for so long that by the time he had a plan laid out in his mind it had been too long to reply and he had already unknowingly made the decision to just stay quiet.
Dream had heard him though. Dream had seen him rubbing at his eyes. Dream had noticed how he held onto Techno before talking about it.
Something was definitely wrong.
Eventually Dream decided that enough was enough.
Today was the day when they would finally talk it out, there should be no upset, no turmoil, no arguments, and yet here they were, upset.
At first, he had been tempted to just call them out in front of everyone but under better thought he realised that was most likely a very very bad idea. He wanted to help, not make things worse.
Instead, he just waited for Tommy to drag his brothers and Phil over to the ‘white house’, saying he had to show them around. It seemed like Techno and Wilbur were planning on staying back so really it was the perfect time to talk to them about it.
Once everyone else had left and was out of ear-shot, Dream made his way back over to the boys, absolutely ready to get yelled at again (which really he didn’t mind if it helped Wilbur feel better). This time though, he didn’t sit down; he just stood in front of them and crossed his arms, wanting them to know he was being serious.
“Wilbur. You’re obviously upset, okay? I understand if you’re mad we’re in your park and we’ll leave if you want us to but can you please just talk to us first?”
Wilbur sighed and rested his head on Techno’s shoulder.
Something wasn't right.
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smkkbert · 4 years
Time for a story - Dangerous Liaisons
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“What would I do without you?”
Oliver smiled when he took the two milk cartons from Addie and Connor. The two toddlers smiled happily about the compliment. They were at that age to love helping in the house or the garden or whatever else the adults did. Of course their help usually caused things to take much longer, but Oliver didn’t mind.
Sometimes he really wished that he would have been given the chance to help as a child. Only Raisa had ever let him help with anything without making him feel like he was annoying. Maybe that had been part of the reason why he hadn’t given a damn anymore in his youth. If his help had meant that he was only in the way, it had seemed reasonable to not offer any more help eventually.
“Can we get more?”
“You could get two tins of sieved tomatoes.” Looking at Addie’s frowning face, he scrunched up his nose, trying to find the right words to explain that to Addie and Connor. “You know, the red tin that daddy always adds to his special spaghetti sauce.”
Addie thought about it for a moment before she nodded her head. Grabbing Connor’s hand, she pulled him to some shelves then. Oliver grinned, watching them disappear in some aisle.
Connor was only a day older than Addie. To say they were the same age was hitting the bull’s eye quite exactly. Because of that and because of the many playdates Lyla and Felicity had made for the two of them, they were best friends already now. Whenever there was a party that everyone of the Arrow Family attended, they always found themselves immediately. They had just gown up to become good friends. If their mothers had anything to say about it, they would certainly wish for them to become more than just friends.
Thinking about it, Oliver had to admit that there was something very sweet about the thought of Connor and Addie falling in love with each other. The Queens and Diggles had been through quite some tough times together. They were connected in ways that barely anyone would understand. Adding a little love story to it would be the little cherry on top. It would make their story almost ready to be used as a foundation for a movie.
With a shake of his head, Oliver got into the waiting line. He knew that Felicity and Lyla, just like him and John, wouldn’t mind if their families got connected like that. If it didn’t happen, neither of them would push for it. After all, they loved their kids too much to put their own romantics daydreams or their needs and wishes above the wellbeing of their children.
It only took a couple seconds more before Addie and Connor came running back. Each of them was carrying a can of sieved tomatoes in their hands. Once they stopped in front of them, Oliver put them into his cart and smiled at the both of them.
“You really are the best shopping assistants I could have asked for.”
Addie nodded proudly and high-fived Connor. “We really are.”
Chuckling, Oliver lifted her into his arms and kissed her cheek. Addie hadn’t always been the easiest to take care of. As a baby, she had driven him and Felicity insane because they hadn’t been able to guess what she had wanted and needed. She had been crying for hours without ever giving them a pause, and nothing could have helped to calm her down.
Now, it was quite different from that though. Addie was still not easy to take care of because she was stubborn and feisty, and she knew exactly what she wanted and what she didn’t want, but she was easier to calm down now than she had been back then. At least now she could tell them what she was thinking.
While Oliver was stroking his fingers through Connor’s short hair, he noticed that Addie’s focus had changed. She was smiling at something or someone behind him. The slight blush on her face and the way she looked away from whatever or whoever she was looking at told Oliver that she liked whatever she was seeing.
When Oliver turned his head back over his shoulder to follow his daughter’s gaze, he realized that she was keeping eye contact with some guy. He was standing a couple of feet behind them in line. Whenever Addie was looking in his direction, he was smiling or making faces though. Olive guessed that he was either a dad himself or that he had at least some toddlers in his close environment. Otherwise, he would never be this good at it. Most guys in their twenties didn’t know what to do with toddlers after all, and Oliver couldn’t really hold it against them. He had been no different at that age either.
Addie became uncalm quite soon, so Oliver let her back down to the floor. She leaned herself against his leg and wrapped both of her arms around his leg tightly. Again, Oliver looked into the direction of the man, Addie had been kind of flirting with. He was throwing Addie an air kiss by kissing the palm of his hand and blowing the kiss in her direction. Addie squealed excited, but she was hiding her reddened face against his legs nonetheless.
It was kind of sweet, Oliver thought to himself, especially because it was a rather rare view to see Addie so shy. Still, he had to admit that he wasn’t too happy about the whole situation. The thought that even his youngest daughter was now flirting with strangers reminded him that she was one day – even if it was taking two decades – finding someone she loved and start a family of her own. He was nowhere ready to face it, considering that he was nowhere ready to have his oldest son go to college somewhere far away from home either.
Since Addie was kind of struggling in his arms. Oliver kissed her cheek once more and let her down to the floor. Addie still held onto his legs, but she also continued looking at the stranger.
While Oliver wasn’t happy about the situation, Connor seemed to really hate it. As soon as Addie was standing next to him, he hit her. Addie seemed to be anything but pleased about it. She frowned at her friend angrily and hit him right back.
“No, no, no,” Oliver said when Connor lunched out again already and lifted him into his arms, “we don’t hit each other.”
“Addie- Addie-“
Connor seemed to be out of words which was kind of amusing to Oliver. He knew exactly what jealousy was like. He had experienced it himself more than once. In his marriage with Felicity, there had been so many moments that he had felt jealous. Only lately, he had realized that it was a completely useless emotion. That was why he had chosen to let go of all jealousy and trust Felicity a hundred percent. He knew that, if she was flirting with someone else, it never meant anything.
As Connor started crying, Oliver put his hand to the back of his head and pushed his face against his shoulder. Connor cried against it quietly.
“I know it sucks when the girl you love is seeing some other guy,” Oliver whispered to Connor’s ear, “but you have to woo her now instead of angering her.”
Connor frowned at him. “Woo her?”
“You have to be little, charming prince. You have to make her smile a lot.”
Connor’s frown deepened briefly, but he soon smiled and nodded his head. Oliver looked at him encouragingly once more before he kissed his cheek and set him back to the floor. The young boy took a step towards Addie, but she shot him an angry look and hid her face against Oliver’s leg.
“Addie, I’m sorry,” Connor said and put his hand to her back, rubbing it up and down, “forgive me?”
Addie frowned at Connor angrily once more. She couldn’t be mad with him for too long though. Connor was her best friend, and she always wanted to reconcile with him quickly. That was why she turned towards him and let him hug her.
Oliver smiled at the sight. The kids were still so young, but their hearts could already carry so much love. Oliver could only hope that they would never lose that.
“We do a princess tea party at home, okay?”
Addie nodded, excited about the idea. “With tea and crackers and feather boas.”
Connor nodded his head. “Okay.”
When Addie started getting their supplies onto the counter, Connor turned his head towards Oliver once more. Oliver winked at him. Connor was without any doubt a good boy, and Oliver knew that, if time passed, Addie’s heart would be safe with him.
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A short chapter before the angst storyline begins!
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