tintinology · 1 year
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I’m so sorry
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theblotofink · 2 years
she's just the sweetest
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sys-garden · 2 years
i remember this one dream i had months ago where tintin got stuck on a dating show. the contestants were haddock, chang, skut, and calculus but he thought it was trivial game and just told tintin trival facts instead of like wooing him. and it was hosted by someone but for the life of me i can’t remember who. I think it was someone unhinged like it was either abdullah, rastapopulous, or bianca. it might’ve been chang?? but he was also a contestent???
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Rastapopulous: What's up guys? I'm back
Tintin: What the- you can't be here! Youre dead! I literally saw you die!
Rastapopulous: Death is a social construct.
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dragonsarecool · 2 years
Whumptober Day 2 - Caged
Two: Caged
A/N: Follows Ramo Nash's version of 'Alph Art'.
I've interpreted this prompt to be more of a 'buried-alive-within-a-cage' scenario, so I hope it's okay. This is my slightly-darker version of how I think this scene could've gone. I've also written this with Tintin being aware of Rastapopoulos's identity.
It wasn't often that he became claustrophobic. Even being tied up in the hold of a rocket thousands of miles away from Earth was nothing compared to this.
Tintin stared up at the sides of his wooden prison, the tall slabs of wood towering over his head. Rastapopoulos had been clever in constructing an appropriate prison to bury him alive in, for there was no way he could knock the sides down, and no handholds for him to use to climb out. He couldn't stop the panic rising in his throat as he heard Rastapopoulos's men around all sides of the box, aggressively hammering the nails in. They're literally hammering the nails into my coffin…
He knew he was in trouble as soon as the first henchmen said he was to become a 'César'. His worries only grew once Rastapopoulos had explained how exactly a César was made, with the ingredients involving one captured reporter and a large amount of polyester. He'd forced himself to gaze Rastapopoulos in the eye as the final slab of wood was lifted into place, intending for his fury to be the last memory the villain had of him.
In reality, he glared to hide the tears of fear threatening to fall from his eyes.
Gingerly, he reached out to touch the sides of the box, discovering it was slightly wider than his armspan. Even though it was definitely not the smallest of prisons, the claustrophobia quickly began overwhelming him as he desperately pressed against the wooden walls, praying that they would budge.
It was a futile manoeuvre, yet he did it anyway. He couldn't explain why, but he supposed it was an attempt to maintain some level of control.
Rastapopulous voice made him freeze. "Okay! We're ready to go!"
He broke out in a cold sweat.
That's it. I'm going to die. Alone.
Tintin was about to cry out to his captors when the polyester slammed into him from behind. The wind was knocked out of his lungs as he collapsed to his feet, gasping at the force of the impact. As soon as the polyester made contact with his skin he began to scream, realising that Rastapopulos lied about the temperature. This is not a comfortable bath…Must be at least fifty degrees…My skin is on fire…oh, mon Dieu, save me! Save me! HELP!
His anxiety went into overdrive once he managed to stand himself upright, watching in wide-eyed terror at the steadily-rising mass of polyester. He'd wrenched as much of his skin out of the painfully-hot substance as he could, but the heat he could feel through his clothes was unbearable. His feet were quickly glued to the wooden floor as the polyester sloshed over his ankles and poured into his shoes.
Any remains of dignity quickly flew out of the top of his cage, for he vainly tried to fight the urge to hyperventilate. As a last desperate measure, he began to slap the sides of the box, though it was completely useless being pinned with his back to the wall.
"Finally!" Rastapopoulos began to cackle. "Tintin, I have beaten you! Finally!"
Tintin's chest hurt as he heaved for air. He admitted defeat and allowed himself to cry, the hot tears burning his cheeks as the polyester began to burn into his thighs. Normally he was a master of using words to escape a situation, but his throat had seemingly closed over. All he wanted was to scream at Rastapopoulos and beg him to change his mind, but he knew it would achieve nothing.
His heart began to beat faster than he ever thought possible. The roar of the machine boomed in his ears as it continued to create his tomb.
The polyester had risen to his calves when he heard the familiar sound of Snowy growling, and the joyful sound of someone experiencing the brunt of his faithful dog's jaws. Snowy! Oh, my dear friend…
"Okay, game over! Hands up!" The gruff voice of the Captain floated over the top of his prison, as did the click of a handgun. "Now, where's Tintin?"
"Captain!" Tintin cried, fighting vainly as the polyester glued his arms to his sides. His elbows were locked as he relied on his upper body strength to struggle. "Is that you?!"
"Yes, it's me!" Haddock yelled. "I got your note and-"
"Hurry, Captain, help me!" Tintin's voice cracked as he yelled. The polyester quickly rose to his shoulder blades, pressing his sweater against his skin; the lower half of his body was in agony as the heat tore through his clothing. A clump of polyester fell onto his head, and he thrust forward violently to throw it off, only for it to have become stuck to his hair. "Quick! Stop the machine!"
"Stop it? How-"
"CAPTAIN! I CAN'T BREATHE!" Tintin screamed. It took all his remaining effort to force his lungs to expand, the polyester wrapping its deadly tendrils around his chest. It felt as though he were being squeezed through the tightest tube in existence; he writhed painfully in the polyester, the hyperventilating now restricted to rapid gasps of air. Oh, mon Dieu, help me…
"You!" Haddock seemed to be shouting at one of Rastapopoulos's men. "You're going to turn off this infernal machine!"
"Once the valve is open, the mass of plastic running through it makes it impossible to close." Tintin assumed the voice belonged to a henchman, who had likely given the Captain a sinister grin.
The polyester was now sitting at the base of his chin, the agonising substance dripping down the inside of his sweater onto his chest. Its grip around his neck tightened and his torso was compressed to point of almost immobility. He began to wheeze loudly as he desperately tried to inhale. Captain!
If he could've jumped in shock when an axe nearly cut through his skull, he definitely would've gone through the roof. Unable to turn his neck, Tintin mustered what strength he had left and shrieked. "STOP! ARE YOU MAD?!"
Whatever the reply was went unheard, for Tintin could only focus on keeping his head tilted above the ascending sea of death. It was as though the polyester was seeping into each individual pore; the smell had become noxious and did nothing to help his nausea. His head pounded in protest of inhaling the fumes; all he could taste was the chemicals.
He had a brief thought as the burning plastic washed over his mouth and sealed his lips shut that he wished he was taller.
He thought he could hear the sounds of the Captain struggling with someone or something, and kept praying that he wasn't being overpowered. The polyester washed over his earlobes, and he blinked away the hot tears falling from his eyes faster than the polyester. "MMMHMM!" CAPTAIN! HELP! PLEASE I DON'T WANNA DIE NOT LIKE THIS CAPTAIN PLEASE CAPTAIN-
The blazing plastic quickly filled his ears and blocked off his nostrils. He wriggled and squirmed to no avail as he distraughtly tried to breathe. He wasn't sure why he bothered trying, for his body was firmly glued into place; the nerves and muscles in his limbs merely twitched under his burning skin. Guess I'll make a good César…
It quickly began to grow dark, both from the lack of oxygen and the polyester covering his eyes. He gave a weak, muffled moan as he vaguely felt vibrations resonating through the sea of plastic. I…can't…Cap…
He thought he was being pulled backwards, but wasn't completely sure. He also thought someone was pulling him out by the arms and hurriedly brushing the polyester from his face.
In an instant, he could breathe. He felt his nostrils expand as he let out a muffled gasp, only for that air to be exhaled as the polyester was wiped away from his mouth. His skin felt raw and burnt, but he seemed to barely notice it. His chest jerked painfully as he heaved for oxygen. Alive…am I…
"-tin! Tintin!" The Captain's voice suddenly appeared. "Tintin! Say something, lad!"
He must've cleared my ears…
Tintin felt he was floating. He had difficulty getting his jaw to work, as it still felt glued together, but managed to let out an indistinct mumble.
"Hurrah! He's alive! Tintin!" Haddock screamed for joy.
Against his better judgement, Tintin attempted to pry his eyes open. Despite him remembering to shut them before the polyester burnt them, they still felt raw and scorched. He realised he was leaning against Haddock's chest, with his friend's beard tickling the top of his head. Despite having been released from his prison, he still couldn't shake the feeling he was immobilised. He weakly tried to spread his fingers, but his oxygen-deprived brain was unable to make them obey.
"Do you think you'll be alright to run?" Haddock asked hurriedly before shaking his head. "No, no, of course you're not. You probably can't even hear me."
Before Tintin could even try to formulate a response, he felt himself being lifted into the Captain's arms, his own limbs tucked in close to his body. He could hear Snowy yapping excitedly from somewhere beneath him, though this rapidly faded as his scalded and tortured body finally wore out, and he fell into unconsciousness.
Haddock watched as Tintin's head drooped onto his chest. He noticed the skin on the younger man's neck had already begun to blister in an unusual pattern, and that the dark red patches across his arms were beginning to develop segments of brown spotting.
Swallowing his fear, Haddock clutched his friend closer. "Thundering typhoons, lad, we better get you to a hospital…"
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love how rasta is supposed to be the main villain that makes tintin genuinely the most angry but he dresses like the last person on earth i would take seriously 
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tauruswiftie · 4 years
what the tintin character you vibed with as an 8 year old says about you
tintin: you like mayonnaise sandwiches. you think you’re crafty (you’re not)
haddock: you have so many issues. you are a fucking mess
calculus: you are one edgy ass motherfucker you probably hardcore believe in astrology too
thompson/thomson: your vibes are off the CHART you’re just wilding always
snowy: you are the 🥺 emoji personified but also you always wanna fight
castafiore: you’re an e-girl/e-boy now
nestor: you just want everyone around you to shut the fuck up
chang: you are the epitome of lawful good
rastapopulous: you are so goddamn ratty go moisturize or something
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incomingalbatross · 5 years
Okay, so the fact that A) Tintin books were not translated in the order they were written and B) some of the earlier ones were also redrawn usually just leads to confusion... In Cigars of the Pharaoh, for instance
Snowy mentions Marlinspike
Tintin says it’s not the first time he and Rastapopulous have met when it REALLY IS
The sheik has a copy of Destination Moon. Which, apart from the fourth-wall breaking, HASN’T HAPPENED YET.
However, adding Allan and his henchman as the drug-smuggling sailors actually works really well. In Allan’s three original appearances, he’s 1) drug-smuggling, 2) slave-trading in the employ of this story’s villain, 3) right-hand man of the same villain in a kidnapping scheme. So this actually makes sense as a pre-Crab job for him!
Furthermore, he and Tintin never actually see each other here, if I remember correctly, so it doesn’t contradict their original meeting at all. This was honestly a really smooth use of an established character in the redraw.
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beanskelly · 6 years
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Finally got around to drawing my tintin oc. He’s a movie star and used to work for Rastapopulous. Yes, I ship him with Tintin
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mosaic03 · 3 years
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Rastapopulous, Dr.Muller,Allan, Colonel Sponsz, Bobby Smiles, Bird Brothers, Al Capone, Red Rackham, Chiquito, Sakkharine (not a villain), Mitsuhirato and Bohlwinkel from Shooting Star.
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unbrokengstring · 5 years
Blue Lotus and its Prequel
Part one~ [SPOILERS DUH..(!)] Why Hergè thought to make a prequel to the Blue Lotus? This can be answered as follows. If we see Tintin arriving straight in Shanghai, then the story would begin thus; an agent from Mr. Wang visits him at 26, Labrador Rd and gets attacked. Wouldn't such an opening complicate matters? Wouldn't it raise questions like, "did Rastapopulous's drug ring operate worldwide", etc.? Now, take Tintin to South Asia. See how the plot becomes easy to handle? However, this creates a new gap which again needs to be explained; how did the protagonist end up in India? What made Tintin leave the comforts of his apartment, and travel so far..? Come to think of it, /was/ he living in an apartment..? Or... was this a time /before/ he settled there..? All we know is, at the begining of Cigars of the Pharaoh, he is on board a giant cruise ship, "going on a holiday". It is left to the reader to decide how he ended up in sea. The following passage gives one theory; frustrated from the increasing differences of ideals between him and his family, young Tintin decides to leave for good. He begins to work as a reporter for a local newspaper. This position he holds for some time (maybe a year or two?). From his small allowance, and what he had saved earlier (we can see him as someone who always tried to save what he could, right from childhood, can't we?), he's able to get by. He saves a puppy from the gutter, and christenes him as Snowy; who becomes the companion to his new, and quite lonely life. It is also here that he meets the Interpol detectives, Thomson and Thompson. Here's a curious thought: although they're depicted as identical twins, their different surnames suggests that they're not related, right...? (Assuming we usually see names likeThomson, Thompson, Johnson as surnames, ofc.) So... can't we assume that they're two men, who /look/ the same and work (and live) together..? We all know they both live in the same house.... Anyway, Tintin is inspired by them, but soon realises they aren't always too smart. Still, being the sweetheart he is, he stays friendly with them, and often helps them to solve cases. They become his friends. After working for sometime as a boy-reporter, he's met with circumstances where he decides to take a break and spend a small part of his earnings. This leads him to where we actually find him; on board a cruise ship, looking forward to a journey along the Arabian and Southern Asian coasts. In many ways, this sounds like a fitting, and believable explanation. It allows us to feel most connected with Tintin. Now he's gong to face his first "real" adventure, where he's out of his comfort zone, and finds himself in situations where he has to find ways to escape, alone.
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beanskelly · 6 years
Hey, Adrien looks super cool! You've really matched Herge's style and he's got such a neat vibe about him. Can you tell me a little bit more about him?
Oh I would love to. I already made a post about him earlier but I’ll gladly put it in this ask
His character is still under development. This is probably the latest installment—-Adrien Wilder is a famous Hollywood Actor. He grew up and lived in Philadelphia when he wasn’t working on movies before moving to Europe after some time. Adrien displays a laid back disposition, usually wearing his shirt sleeves rolled up and tie loose. He acts amicably around others during work while displaying an air of confidence, but is secretly hiding great anxiety due to the stress of Movie work and hiding the fact that he’s a homosexual. During his time before meeting Tintin he is especially friendly and sometimes flirts with his female costars, earning him the moniker “Cassanova Wilder”. He first meets Tintin during “Cigars of the Pharoah” after Tintin inadvertently ruins a shot in a film. After meeting with Rastapopulous, Adrien pulls him aside and gives him a tip about finding a Pharoahs Emblem in Rastapopulous’s tent after going in to discuss a contract renewal. Adrien then offers Tintin a ride to Cario, which he refuses because Adrien had to get back to work. After the events of “CotP” Adrien finds out about Rastapopulous’s drug smuggling business and quits to protect his own reputation. In another adventure, Tintin finds himself in Adriens trailer to escape being captured by security guards who also happened to be involved with Rastapopulous’s drug smuggling. After being found out Adrien tells them that Tintin is here for an interview on his newest upcoming movie and scolds the security guards for being so rough.
Adrien cares about his reputation a little more than anyone else would. His mother was a mad prostitute and his father was a drunkard. He saved up his money to leave for Los Angeles to become an actor. He only arrived with a small suitcase and his grandfathers pocket watch. To make himself appear more interesting to the public, his first agent suggested that Adrien claim that the watch is a piece of a puzzle to acquiring the deed to his grandfathers lavish estate. Adrien, despite coming from nothing, agreed, but this would prove to be troublesome in the later years of his career.Relationship with TintinAfter what had happened the last time they met, they finally meet for an official interview in Brussels before Adrien leaves for home. They remain penpals afterwards. Feeling bad that Tintin never got his vacation, he offers to lend him his vacation home in the Rocky mountains.
Adrien found himself having feelings for Tintin, but pushed them away in fear of his reputation as an actor. If anyone found out surely he would be done for and lose the closest friend he has.
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beanskelly · 6 years
Adrien Wilder Character development
Adrien Wilder is a famous Hollywood Actor. He grew up and lived in Philadelphia when he wasn’t working on movies before moving to Europe after some time.
Adrien displays a laid back disposition, usually wearing his shirt sleeves rolled up and tie loose. He acts amicably around others during work while displaying an air of confidence, but is secretly hiding great anxiety due to the stress of Movie work and hiding the fact that he’s a homosexual. During his time before meeting Tintin he is especially friendly and sometimes flirts with his female costars, earning him the moniker “Cassanova Wilder”.
He first meets Tintin during “Cigars of the Pharoah” after Tintin inadvertently ruins a shot in a film. After meeting with Rastapopulous, Adrien pulls him aside and gives him a tip about finding a Pharoahs Emblem in Rastapopulous’s tent after going in to discuss a contract renewal. Adrien then offers Tintin a ride to Cario, which he refuses because Adrien had to get back to work. After the events of “CotP” Adrien finds out about Rastapopulous’s drug smuggling business and quits to protect his own reputation.
In another adventure, Tintin finds himself in Adriens trailer to escape being captured by security guards who also happened to be involved with Rastapopulous’s drug smuggling. After being found out Adrien tells them that Tintin is here for an interview on his newest upcoming movie and scolds the security guards for being so rough.
Adrien cares about his reputation a little more than anyone else would. His mother was a mad prostitute and his father was a drunkard. He saved up his money to leave for Los Angeles to become an actor. He only arrived with a small suitcase and his grandfathers pocket watch. To make himself appear more interesting to the public, his first agent suggested that Adrien claim that the watch is a piece of a puzzle to acquiring the deed to his grandfathers lavish estate. Adrien, despite coming from nothing, agreed, but this would prove to be troublesome in the later years of his career.
Relationship with Tintin
After what had happened the last time they met, they finally meet for an official interview in Brussels before Adrien leaves for home. They remain penpals afterwards. Feeling bad that Tintin never got his vacation, he offers to lend him his vacation home in the Rocky mountains.
Adrien found himself having feelings for Tintin, but pushed them away in fear of his reputation as an actor. If anyone found out surely he would be done for and lose the closest friend he has.
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