#ratio brain rot is real
pinkeos · 1 month
bf!ratio who models for your paintings. despite having made a number of sculptures of himself, the thought of seeing himself in the perspective of his lover still brings him joy.
and the fact that you had your undivided attention on him? taking in every detail and murmuring soft lovesick praises? yes, please.
“you’re breathtaking.” you commented, hands placing themselves on his body, gently guiding him to a pose you deemed perfect for your painting (to be honest, he could pose in any way and it'll still be perfect).
“i know.” he replied, body going lax as your hands hover over him, hoping you wouldn't point out the soft redness of his cheeks.
your soft chuckle sounded heavenly to his ears, lightly shivering at the way your fingers danced over the exposed skin of his bicep, taking your time to feel every curve and dip of his muscles. you were obvious in your affections for him, while he was the complete opposite, being so subtle that others would question if you truly were dating or not.
“for the anatomy.” you murmured, a lame excuse to feel his soft skin, only earning a hum from him.
your hands traveled to his hips, guiding it to a pose as well. the way you purposefully dragged your hand over his body, touching him in a way that he was quite sure was more than innocent, he was convinced you were trying to rile him up.
“there. that's perfect, hold that pose for me.” your hands backed away from him, making the man fight back a noise of displeasure at the loss of contact. however, the loving kiss you placed on his shoulder blade took him aback.
“thank you, love.”
“hmph, im just returning the favor.” he replied, referring to the time you also modeled for him for a sculpture.
and speaking of, he'd surely pay you back for your teasing the next time you model for him.
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sillygooberdoober · 1 month
watch as i dump my little thing i made
WOF spoilers, not finished
Fleeting Flames
Mark was panting as he'd bolt from side to side against the scorching hive walls, his senses scrambled and alert with his eyes wide as hed grasp onto a silky rope, climbing it as his wings flailed around like a panicked wasp on its own, his lat muscles sore.
He'd climb to the top, as a cloud of gray smoke was rushing across the hive, turning his head around to be met with the equally terrified and distressed roars and movements from dragons below.
He'd begin coughing excessively from the smoke particles before shifting his focus and darting towards a outer platform, clenching his talons against the railings as he'd pushed his hind legs up onto the rails, gazing downwards to see the dry savanna wildfire roaring below, as his wings settled and opened wide, attempting to take a deep breath before being cut off by the smoke, coughing loudly.
He'd begin trembling, his vision becoming blurred before he lept off the balcony in a gawky manner as his translucent, white wasp-like wings caught onto a quick gale, beating his wings as he regained composure and properly caught onto the wind current and glided. He saw hivewings near the blazed hive spiral like distressed bees, the connective bridges to the pair of hives beside it being ignited in the inferno. He'd close his eyes, calming down as he soon flapped and glided himself across dragonfly bay, not so sure what was ahead but was far better than Pantala's current state.
PART ONE: Coastal Confrontation.
He'd pant heavily, his wings trembling alongside his other limbs as he landed onto the cold shore near the ice kingdom. He could see his breath a bit, not all that much as he was one step away from collapsing onto the silky grains of the shoreline.
He'd sit down, his tail swaying before he heard something, as his ears perked.
He'd glare at a certain direction for a moment, freezing as a chill went down his spine whilst trembling as he sat down.
He shivered, glancing around as he felt a near by presence, his tail swaying back and forth rapidly, letting out a katydid-like hiss, his tongue clicking against his teeth.
He wasnt alone.
Something, or someone was watching him.
He'd slowly got up and regained his stance as he would gaze around the area, surveying nearly every movement.
Quickly, and seemly out of thin air, a sparkly, towering and bulky gray dragon appeared infront of him, he'd screech in terror as he'd jump back and darted his stinger towards the odd dragon, as it slithered inbetween one of the sparkly, sharp scales near its shoulder blade as it froze quickly, its pupils becoming sharp. He would examine the strange spikey dragon. Sparkly, Tall, muscular and sharp with a necklace with a sliver ring in the middle, held by a wiry black rope-like string placed along his neck, the ring on his chest-And a pair of slightly larger, dark gray clear circular glasses. Odd, he'd think.
Not soon after, the spikey, towering dragon would regain control in his muscles, letting out puff of cold air as he trembled and dipped his head whilst glaring at him, its eyes fixated on his own.
What. Just. Happened.
His thoughts were racing as he couldnt properly think of what to do next, his muscles tingling while staring at it.
Two pairs of transparent wings on each side. Forehead horn. Antennae. Stinger.
It looks mutated, as the tingling subsided before raising his body up, shifting his glittery light grey wings against his body in a formal fashion, making him appear more elegant and menacing at the same time, snorting out cold air from his nostrils as he'd stare down at the dragon.
He thought for a moment, raising his right front limb and putting his talons against his temple, thinking that was awfully a rude thing to describe a unique dragon.
He'd put his talons back onto the warm sand, shifting them as he'd click his other talons, awaiting for it to make some sort of reaction. It looked frozen out of sheer fear.
It then backed away, its black tongue hitting against his teeth with its wings vibrated violently before snorting abruptly.
Wallter let out a grumble and a low hiss of his own, planting his talons into the sand.
It let out a slight hiss in response to his own, sounding alike to a disturbed tenlined june beetle, its tail flinching so slightly as it scrunched his snout, baring its teeth so slightly whilst focusing his gaze on him.
After a short staring contest, it raised a eyebrow at this dragon. It seemed a bit confuzzled about his appearance, equally as he was of its own.
What was this.. Creature? He'd think. His thought process was fast and darting, giving him a headache as he was face to face with an.. Peculiar dragon.
This was strange.
Freezing. Bitter. Nothing of the sorts.
He'd stare at this dragon for a prolonged period of time, before blinking and swaying his tail, shifting it to the side as sand sprinkled onto his pale brown scales with minor wavy patterns resembling that of oak wood.
The dragon then finally spoke, his talons clicking a bit in nervousness, with a southern accent. So, erm.. Whaddya' doin' here, strange lookin'… He'd pause for a moment, his talons digging into the sand before resuming. Dragon..? I can't exactly tell wha' yer are.
Wallter raised a eyebrow, surprised this.. ''Thing'' Actually spoke. Hed notice his talons digging into the sand as he spoke with a light british accent. That's not the nicest thing to say to a new dragon, don't you think, my.. He'd glance around a bit, scratching the back of his neck. Buzzing acquaintance? ' '
He'd let out a loud chuckle, before speaking again. Well.. Arent yer' quite a comedian, Glitterin' dragon, Speakin' of that, what is yer' name? I go by Mark, Mark th' hivewing. He'd move closer, opening up his palm awaiting for a shake.
Aha! Arent you just a exquisite dragon, aren't you? I go by Wallter, Wallter the icewing. He'd shake Mark's talons, cracking a sweet smile.
Mark felt something particular for that sophisticated Icewing. He could nearly put his talon on it, but it clearly was more than a mere companionship.
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starlightsylph · 1 year
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For yours is the Fourteenth seat—the seat of Azem.
I'm doing a replay of Endwalker, now that it's been a year since I was emotionally wrecked on release, and I was struck by how one of the Traveler summoning scenes just about brought my catgirl Ashka's mismatched eyes back to the same amber color. So I kept myself occupied while waiting in the trial's DPS queue~
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I’ve finally settled on a design for human Tobias! And I’m feeling confident enough to post him because he is my son and he’s adorable. I call this one “Showing Your Bird Boyfriend That A Few Days Before He Permanently Became A Bird You All Went To The Beach And You Took A Photo Of Him Which He Forgot In All The Following Trauma” and it’s traditional art because my digital drawing skills straight up suck. I’m currently confined with plague so I may be posting my designs for the the other animorphs in human form over the next few days as well.
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draconic-desire · 3 months
Ad Experimentum
Yandere Dr. Ratio x Reader
Veritas catches you reading one of your dirty books.
Warnings: Implied kidnapping, forced imprisonment, NSFW scenes being read aloud, Dr. Ratio being a dick as always
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Within the confines of Veritas’s home, you feel like a mouse in a maze, reduced to a caged animal, always under scrutiny and experimentation.
Escape is impossible. Dr. Ratio has ensured that you’re never out of his reach, even though he acts as if you are the burden and he didn’t kidnap you and imprison you in his home. Sometimes you wonder why he even keeps you; surely he has better things to do than to quip at your inadequacy or lack of genius. But alas, the pretentious prick seems keen on pushing every one of your buttons to see how you tick. You might even call it intimacy if he wasn’t so clinical and judgmental about it all.
Because physical escape is impossible, you’ve turned to escaping within the confines of your own mind.
Books provided the perfect retreat. You’ve since abandoned any non-fiction to focus on fantasy, to worlds that effortlessly whisk you away. Novels that depict true, romantic love, not the twisted ownership you’ve grown used to. Like you’re some pet to be controlled and prodded at, like Pavlov’s dog, waiting and drooling for its master’s hand at the ring of a bell.
So, in your hopes to feel something real, you’ve started to delve into stories that are a bit…spicier.
With the latest read in your hand, your eyes skim hungrily over the pages as the tension between the protagonists builds. The lovers begin to undress each other, the one spreading his partner’s pussy as she grinds into his hand—
Veritas effortlessly plucks the book from your hands, earning a cry of protest. You try to snatch it back, but, with the help of his towering height, he dangles it just out of reach. “What in the heavens is this?”
The way he holds the book between his thumb and pointer finger, as if merely touching it would taint his self-proclaimed perfect set of knowledge, was almost comedic. You would laugh if he wasn’t such a condescending asshole.
Instead, you scowl. “Give it back.”
He merely hums and turns the novel in his hands, inspecting the cover. Licking his thumb, he flips to your bookmarked page and begins reading aloud. “My hand caressed her core as I speared her with two, thick fingers. She moaned and arched into my palm in response, causing my cock to twitch in anticipation. God, I wanted to taste her arousal. Her pussy was perfect, so wet and tight and ready for me to claim, to fuck.”
Embarrassment rages across your cheeks like a burn. You fling yourself at him, pounding your fists against his chest when he lifts the book out of your reach easily. “Stop, just stop.”
Amused, Dr. Ratio continues to narrate the scene in painstaking detail. “I lowered my head, letting my tongue swirl around her clit and rendering her voice to nothing but pitiful mewls. She tasted like heaven, like my own personal feast. I buried my tongue in her, then, and held her hips as she bucked into my mouth, begging for release—”
“I will do anything,” you beg, face in your palms, “just please stop.”
Finally, mercifully, Veritas closes the book and lowers it down enough for you to snatch it back. You cradle it against your chest, heart pounding and palms sweaty with a chaotic blend of shame, anger, and relief that it was over.
“This is what you indulge in while I’m working? Though you are hardly an intellectual exception, I believed you to be above this brain-rotting nonsense, (Y/n).”
In spite of your embarrassment, you boldly meet his golden eyes. “And what do you care? I enjoy it, and it’s not meant for you. Go stick your nose in a dictionary for all I care.”
“At least I’d be learning something,” he sneers in return, looking down his nose at you. He sniffs, tilting his chin up. “What do those books have that I can’t offer you?”
You still, observing his features. Now that the fun of teasing you has worn off, his eyes flare with loathing. With a jolt, you realize it is not aimed at you but at…the book?
Wordlessly, you glance between Dr. Ratio and your novel. Then, a stilted laugh escapes your lips. “Wait.. Are you seriously jealous of a book?”
“Don’t be preposterous,” he scoffs, though you notice his white-knuckled grip against the back of the armchair you were previously lounging in. “I would never stoop so low as to associate myself with that plebeian filth. I simply wanted to ascertain your reaction to it being read aloud.”
You resist the desperate urge to roll your eyes. “Fine, then. Please leave me to my uneducated filth.” You spin around, intent on finding a new place to finish your reading.
“Not so fast.” Veritas is on you quicker than a cobra, large hands gripping both your shoulders. “Perhaps all is not lost. We may yet transform this circumstance into an educational opportunity for you.”
A chill runs down your spine at the heavy touch, and a sudden sense of foreboding warns you to run. You’re all too aware you’re the mouse being fed to the snake in this moment.
Veritas spins you to face him, eyes slowly trailing down your form, as if taking you in with a new perspective. “I believe an experiment is due.”
You go rigid. “I’m sorry?”
“If you’re so intent on reading about all those fantasies in your books, let’s go ahead and put them to the test, shall we?”
At his clear implication, you yelp and make a run for it. In that moment Veritas strikes, fisting your hair with one hand and cupping your chin with the other as he presses your body flush against his own. You can already feel his hard desire digging into your back.
“Here’s my hypothesis,” he purrs in your ear. “I predict that by the end of tonight, you too will be begging for my cum, whether you want to or not.”
His theory, as always, was proven to be correct.
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st4rrth0ughts · 5 months
its my first time requesting so im a bit nervous..!
i've been seeing dr ratio practically EVERYWHERE and its been rotting my brain inside and out. i just need to see him fucked out his mind by m!reader while desperately trying to reading to read the book he picked up earlier, something about about a math theory? we all know he's blabbering until his speech becomes incoherent...
i was thinking the setting could be in his office(?) feel free to ignore this if you're uncomfortable with it 😭
don't be nervous, everyone is welcome here <33 real this man needs to be tied down and put in his place, we are robbed of more sub ratio fics TT-TT a/n: two veritas fics bc this man deserves it
imagine handing veritas a book, giving the man a challenge. he has to get through the entire thing while you fuck him from behind. Of course, being the person that he is, he takes up the challenge immediately, and you grin, knowing that stupid smirk would be wiped away in a instant.
You start off slow, grabbing his waist as your cock teases his entrance, making veritas's breath hitch as he reads through the first pages, leaning forward on his desk as his hands flip through the book leisurely, only for his movements to stiffen as a small gasp escapes him when your tip slides in. He stops reading for a brief moment, only for you to give him a harsh slap to his ass, threatening to leave him like this for the rest of the day, making him stammer as he continues on the book.
Slowly, your movements become more frantic, veritas can feel your cock pound into him, hitting his cervix as he leans forward, crying out as you smack his ass again, tutting your tongue as you pull away, causing Veritas to whine out as he quickly fumbles over the book's last few pages. Your honestly quite proud of him, and every good boy deserves a reward, don't they?
Lifting his hips just so that his feet were dangling over the floor, and slamming into his tight heat, causing the red eyed professor to wail out as he stutters over the last sentence, immediately dropping the book as he begs for you to hurry up and make him cum. After a few more harsh thrusts, he squirts hard, eyes rolling back as he lets out a downright pornographic moan. Oh, but you weren't done yet, afterall, you haven't had your fill yet!
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moonsaver · 1 month
I don't know if you feel uncomfortable/weirded out with this, but if you do! Please do delete this if you want, it's your choice!!
Imagine a child, it can be one of those children in Penacony or other planets. But I pick the child from the Penacony! Walking up to Ratio and S/O, who is probably bickering as per usual or just enjoying one of another times (Secretly, since Ratio wants to be a secretive or this is same past-rebelious but now Professor S/O!)
As the child tugs on S/O, calling them pretty and hugs them. THEN PROCEEDED TO BE LIKE "kay now, you're my parent/mother/father"
"Hey miss/mister/mx! You look very pretty/handsome/unique! Will you be my parent?"
"oh, you're going to be my dad as well/other father/other parent!
OR THE OTHER WAY, HOGGING S/O ATTENTION. Clinging On S/O, regardless how many times S/O tries to get the kid back at their actual and real parents here, and would sometimes spend time hanging out with the kid while also trying to search for the kid parent
Hello anon! Always happy to answer brain rots and imagines and rambles hehe. Glad to see you back in my inbox!
Also, so cute hehe.
I imagine Dr. Ratio is actually pretty good with kids. The thing with kids is most of them love asking a shit ton of questions, the most ridiculous kinds at that. And you know those people who are so damn smart and knowledgeable in their field they start thinking about possibilities of ridiculous ideas as actually plausible? Veritas would kind of teeter on that when it comes to kids and their imagination. I just can't help but imagine kids crawling all over him while he has a rubber duck in his hand and explains like.. hawking radiation to a kid who's just staring blankly at him.
Honestly, kids would love him. Hes the strange, serious man who always bends down and tells you really confusing but fun stuff about things and seems to know everything. To them, hes the "actual adult".
I imagine, in the case a lost child approaches him or him with his s/o, his first instinct would be just to gauge the general state. He'll simply watch as you pick up the kid and coo at him and all the willy nilly stuff, just glancing over and checking for injuries, signs of anxiety or confusion, frustration, or fear. After he's done looking over, he'd try to ask the child about where their parents are when they perk up about how both of you are their parents now.
Well.. he doesn't know how to respond. You see his eyebrows raise slightly at the kid's remark, but he brushes it off, and starts telling the child all about your embarassing history if you were the rebellious professor!s/o. If you aren't, just about any silly memories he has of you are at the tip of his tongue, and that you really aren't suited for a parental figure. Even if you try and shut him up, he'll simply turn to the kid like, "do not let those who oppress you, silence you." Or something lol.
He doesn't mind the child being all over his s/o, telling them how pretty they are, asking them if they want to be their parent, and so on. Kids are silly, and illogical. It's in their nature to say anything that comes to mind. Of course.. he's slightly sour inside that your conversation was cut short, and now the child's hogging all your attention, but he vehemently pushes it down, simply resolving to search for their parents with you.
It's not soon before the both of you finally find them. Veritas gives them a stern, subtle warning about losing their child while you comfort them, bidding your farewell. It slightly annoys Veritas when the child clings to you, refusing to let go, and all his parents do is laugh it off, saying "they're just very social!" Or something. He has better things to be doing, really. He just walks off and lets you take care of things from there.
If you ask him if he's jealous, he won't say anything, and stare deadpan into your eyes before shrugging it off and changing the topic back to what you both were discussing before. Both of you can have more productive conversations, really.
Although.. his thoughts teeter a bit, and he shortly ponders over what kids with you would be like.. would he want children? Maybe one.. or two.. or even three..
Ugh, he's thinking too far ahead. He resigns to simply paying attention in the present, and listening to you ramble instead.
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jojorice · 3 months
Love your juicy aventio art-🛐🙏🏻❤️✨🫶🏻
Also imagine Aventurine kissing Dr Ratio’s cheek to tease him but he returns the favor by kissing Aventurine’s lips, backfiring the teasing👀
(possibly ends up with a make-out session ahEM-😳🤭)
AHHH TY!! That makes me so happy to hear��❤️ the aventio brain rot is REAL 😭
ALDJSLS that would be so cute 😩 teasing aven -> flustered aven?? Confident ratio? Steamy make out session? fLirTy AvEn? Wow the options are endless 🫠😔💅
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gach-artblog · 2 months
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Prince Kakavasha from asteroid S-IV and Jelena the rose 👑🌹✨
They fit these roles so well you have no idea how much brain rot about this crossover I've been having these days. For other roles, here are some of my casting:
Dr. Ratio as the pilot (due to his realistic approach to life and him being a "friend" of Aventurine)
Trailblazer as the fox (because, them, raccoon?)
Acheron as the snake ( because of the snake motif and she's the one who slashed Aventurine to send him to the real Penacony, just like how the snake bit the little prince to send him home)
Sparkle as the roses in the garden
For other Penacony characters... I don't really have a fitting role in mind for them yet. But let me know what your thoughts of the casting are! What role would they play?
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nimmee · 2 years
I have been having Nanamin brain rot for last few days. Okay I couldn't stop all these ideas are absolutely overwhelming me so here we go with part 3 of Nanamin Kento headcanons
Continued from part 2
25. His mother and his maternal grandfather taught him to cook. Let's talk Bread making, baking and all things sweet, he has been making bread since he was 10. His mom owned a pastry shop because she loved baking and he helped around as he grew up. Also he took up cooking classes in high school (that being jujustsu tech, they do provide with more normal forms of education because well, they do train kids for jujustsu sorcery but kids need real life skills too. ), for two reasons he loved cooking and to distract himself from the terrible stress and grief of losing Yu and then Geto.
26. Geto scouted both Yu and Nanamin, even though Geto was too young, yet sometimes Geto, Gojo, Shoko or Utahime would go with principal Yaga to scout kids. Although Geto turned all Conservative after his identity crisis he still absolutely believed in protecting and training sorcerer kids to control their negetive emotions especially those who come from non sorcerer families. The reason being most of those kids would have been labelled schizophrenic or druggies by general public if they weren't properly trained or informed about their shaman powers. Also explains why he lost it when he saw those two little girls abused to the point of death. Geto always liked Nanamin as a junior. He had a soft corner in his heart for Nanamin. (would write more about Geto's pov when I write his head canons)
27. Nanami catches cold easily. And list of his sick food is pretty short. His sick food list includes chicken stew with butter rice with some crushed black pepper. Congi. Tomatoe soup and toast. Cauliflower soup with some macaroni and cheese in it (not in obnoxious amount just the right amount) . Chicken noodle soup. (just imagine : Nanamin wrapped in a fluffy blanket sitting under a kotatsu with a bowl of chicken noodle soup on the table while his comfort movie plays. His hair tousled. Him in his comfiest pjs. *sighs in Cuteness * this man needs a warm hug)
28. He can forge his own knives. His paternal grandfather forged all kinds of knives, from katanas to wood carving knives. He taught a teenage Kento to forge knives. Later he learnt to imbue cursed energy into his knives when he came to jujustsu tech. The blade he uses is handmade by him.
29. The tie he wears was handmade by his maternal grandmother. She was a very skilled seamstress. She had made him two leopard print ties, a small one because he was 7 years old, and a adult sized tie if he wanted to wear it later. Why leopard print you ask, Nanamin loved leopards as a child, that's why.
30. Kento is a man of many interests. Some interests have already been disclosed but this one might seem over the top cliche. He has a knack for photography. It makes sense because photography deals a lot with ratio and given his cursed technique he naturally understands prepectives and angles. Gojo being Gojo, exploits this quality of Nanamin to its fullest, even annoyed Nanamin complies. Half of the Instagram post on Gojo's account are taken by Nanamin. Also his knack for architecture came in handy too. Also...Bonsai ? Yes he loves the idea but hasn't yet come around to practice it.
Bonus : 31. Kento doesn't have a type when it comes to dating. He believes it's pretty spontaneous and doesn't always has to have a set in stone rules to fall in love. As long as they can work together and are compatible he's absolutely satisfied.
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melverie · 4 months
for the wip ask game
Flower on a High Peak? Days Long Past?
and why does it sound so interesting👀
Aaaahhh candy!! I'm so sorry this took a bit but Flower on a High Peak drove me crazy because I could not for the life of me come up with a good summary that didn't involve explaining half of Assassination Classroom?? Only to then remember that almost all of the actual plot of AssClass plays the most minor of roles imaginable in my fic???? Sometimes I don't think when I start working on things
ANYWAY onto the fics
Flower on a High Peak (fanfic)
As mentioned, this is one of the two fanfics that aren't Obey Me-related, but rather for Assassination Classroom! I at one point used to have like.....15-ish AssClass WIPs at once? Someone help me 😭
((Also, real quick--Asano is the family name))
Anyway, it's about Asano who has had a ghost companion called Ikeda ever since he was four years old. They are bound together by an invisible thread that, if ever broken, is said to forever break the living's person soul. The next decade passes without incident, but once they discover in what way Ikeda's life (or rather, his death) has been an integral part to the Asano household, it finally threatens to snap once and for all
I can't give you an exact age for this one since I've only ever handwritten it, but I know it's several years old. I think maybe 5 or 6 years.....? It's definitely the second oldest one on the list tho
Days Long Past (fanfic)
Hey, the newest one in the entire line-up!
What inspired this one was my brain coming up with this exchange:
Father: I do not remember you being so hateful. Lucifer: That 'hate' is nothing but the love you took from me. My corps has been rotting alongside hers the day you chose to abandon me. Her blood will forever cling to your hands, Oh Divine "Creator". You killed her. You killed me.
And then I thought 'hey, this would be a cool fanfic idea'. And then it spiraled from there
So essentially, it's about OG Lucifer suddenly finding himself in the Celestial Realm long before the Great Celestial War will take place, finally getting to yell at Father and realizing that ultimately, he's happier now as a demon than he would have been if he continued being an angel
Or as I described it to a few friends: og Lucifer suddenly finds himself in the Celestial Realm in a time before the Great Celestial War & he just met Father again & he was giving Luci shit for being super pissed at him & then Luci is like "don't care + didn't ask + ratio + I've never been happier bitch"
This one would feature the other brothers + Lilith as children btw, so it would have a lot of fluff >:)
As for the title, this was the only one I didn't already have one for since I only came up with the idea itself like five days ago. I had to come up with one at the spot and this was the first thing I thought of 😭
-> to the WIP ask game
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clearcloudlesssky · 5 months
Aventurine and Dr. Ratio haisbdjsbskahdhd
I cannot be normal about them and neither can the rest of the fandom but. My brain rot is particularly terrible right now. The fanart (and the official art for the lightcone Ofc ofc) is so good and they are Space Haikaveh and Aventurine is so fun as a character omg I can’t wait for his release
… Oh god I’m whipped and nobody is even shipping the two of them at full force yet
Sorry about this little message lol I just needed to ramble. This isn’t even all of my thoughts lol I could write an essay…
REAL. that lightcone….
anyway dr ratio all day any day (until sampo and kafka come along)
you should share more of your thoughts, minie >:)
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ceruark · 1 month
Welcome to my requests page!
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Here are some general things to keep in mind when making a request:
All stories/headcanons will be written in second person POV. 
I will default to a gender-neutral reader, and use they/them pronouns if the reader is ever referred to in the third person. If you would like to make any specific requests regarding the reader’s gender and/or pronouns, please make them clear in your message.
I try to stay as close to canon as possible for most of these characters, but ultimately, my writing reflects my interpretation of the character. Please be understanding.
I will write yandere content. Yandere content includes elements of stalking, abduction, dub-con, etc. If this makes you uncomfortable, you may mute the “#yandere x reader” tag, or the “#ceru.yan” if you still wish to see my other content. However, if you find it would better suit you to mute or block me, please feel free to.
Disclaimer: Of course, I do not condone any of the actions or themes portrayed in these stories/headcanons in real life.
Do NOT interact with this blog if you are younger than 16. Do NOT interact with or request any NSFW content if you are younger than 18. If I find out you are violating either or both of these rules, I will block you.
You may request a scenario or headcanons for any character listed below:
Honkai: Star Rail: Acheron, Argenti, Aventurine, Black Swan, Blade, Boothill, Bronya, Dan Heng, Dr. Ratio, Gepard, Himeko, Jing Yuan, Jingliu, Kafka, Luocha, March 7th, Robin, Ruan Mei, Sampo, Seele, Serval, Sunday, Topaz
If you want a character to be portrayed as yandere, please make sure to indicate that in your request. Bolded characters are more likely to be accepted.
More fandoms may be added later, but currently, this is where my brain rot is.
I’m open to writing a lot of things, but here are list of things I will not write, under any circumstances:
P*dophilia, Inc*st, and Pseudo-Inc*st
N*crophilia, Z*ophilia
Hardcore kinks, or anything involving vomit, piss, or excrement
Non-Con (Dub-Con OK)
Please note that just because you submit a request, it does not mean I will fulfill it. My drive for writing entirely depends on how inspired I am by the idea, so there is no guarantee on when or if I’ll get a request done. Additionally, I’m still exploring what I am and am not comfortable writing outside of the things not on the ‘Hard-NOs’ list, so please be patient with me. I will not write something if I find it makes me uncomfortable, even if it is not on the list.
Thanks for making it this far! I look forward to seeing what you have for me :D
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stickyspeckledlight · 3 months
your fic is super amazing!!!! But kinda curious abt smthg: just how insane is the reader at the end?
Ahhh ty for the compliment and ask! I’m blown away by the reception to Onset like, a TON. Making me blush more than the man the myth the legend aventur—nah, who am I kidding, no one can make me blush more than Thomas the Tank engine (jk if that wasn’t clear. I won’t shame y’all if any of you are train fuckers, so dw train fuckers)
ahem, back on topic
Well, as per the fic, Onset!darling has, well,
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So, yeah, they might have lost a screw or two.
ofc, it’s a bit more nuanced than just laughing a bunch or obsession. I sorta alluded to it with the ratio voice line with my recent uh, Drabble? Head canon? I’ll just say hypothetical voice lines fine. But Onset!darling is, and very critically, aware:
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With ‘cotton,’ they could generally disassociate from the situation—but, as time went on and as they just got so, so tired, ‘cotton’ became a way for them to try and delay this insanity, and was their only real source of any kind of rationality in dealing with the situation. In other words, overtime, ‘cotton’ also became a tool of denial—which they were painful self aware of. Aventurine was right, he may have been the one to light the spark, but it was ultimately Onset!darling who gave themselves the final push off the deep end because of how much they spiral. so, post confession and embracing themselves as two sides of the same coin to Aven, they still have that awareness. In a sense, they are still You…but they are really ‘you,’ ifykyk. They feel sorry about what happened to You, but it’s like, “damn, bro. That blows.” Kinda the same way you say to an acquaintance you don’t dislike, but don’t really know all too well when they tell you about something unfortunate happening to them. At times they will mourn what happened to You, because they know that how they are right now isn’t healthy or good and is the result of a very selfish man’s desire. But. They are content and happy with that very same man. Obsessed with him like he is with them. Simply put, they don’t care about You as themselves, but rather as like another person, sort of like a friend. But Onset!darling is especially selfish in the present, so even if they have moments where they mourn the death of an innocent, they have no problems with continuing on and being content and happy with their current situation.
It’s something I want to explore more with some subsequent stuff (because brain rot go brrrr).
Oh yeah I think I’ll create a new tag for my fic, since I still wanna explore it: Destroyed Onset. I am so good at this
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prpfs · 5 months
❄️23!F looking for some Snowjanus shippers from the ballad of songbirds and snakes! Looking to play Coriolanus against a Sejanus but am not opposed to playing Sejanus if you prefer. NSFW is my main plot point but I’d also like to delve into their relationship, the deeper meaning behind it, etc. the brain rot is real. I want Coriolanus discovering that he likes him and maybe even being awful to Sejanus because he’s pissed about it. Probably 50/50 ratio for smut and plot. I’m a sucker for it all. I’m super laid back so please don’t be afraid to reach out! I also like to chat ooc and send memes or talk about the plot! I look forward to hopefully finding some new writing friends!
like if you're interested and op will reach out
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New Year, New Intro Post
Or my first one. Honestly don’t remember if I made one of these before. Anywho.
Call me Nico (as in Nico Robin, for my fellow One Piece fans). I’m 30, POC, asexual, somewhere on the aromantic spectrum, and bi. In terms of lee to ler ratio, I’d say it’s about 60/40, give or take. Used to be more active on here, then took a semi-break for a bit (lot happened last year 🥲🫠). Hoping to be more active on here and make new friends.
Some interests of mine:
-Anime: I already mentioned One Piece, but I also never get tired of talking about FMA: Brotherhood (Royai especially will have my heart forever). Feel free to ask about anything else I’ve seen cuz I’ve seen a lot
-Kpop: ult groups are A.C.E and Shinee (and EXO brain rot has been real for some months now), but I stan a lot of other groups, too
-Baking: pretty new to this, so any ideas/tips are welcome and appreciated
-Music in general: I was a choir kid for a few years, so I also enjoy talking about singing and such
-Funkos: I have 100+ and counting. No I don’t have a problem what do you mean
Feel free to send me asks or messages. Another quick note: I do struggle with mental health issues, so if I disappear for a bit/don’t respond for a while, brain’s just probably being mean to me. Also, I can be awkward af, so bear with me
Okay I think that’s it. If you’ve made it this far, here’s a cookie 🍪 k bye for now 👋🏾
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