antiweabooos94 · 2 years
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ratkid-kelp · 1 year
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Cute Onyx
I tried to get a bit more of a polished look on this one :)
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syskid terms
We were recently looking through the kid terms made by primirly @systemtermz and @syskid-terms-archive and some other blogs that made syskid terms so we diced to putt them all in one place so that we could find them easier and thought that peple might like this post so that they can find them more easier - plush
were a bit late with updating who coined what so thank you for you patience (we had to work a lot and had a birthday so thats why it took so long) also thank you for the people that let us know that not all terms where made by systermz -plush
(also please let us know if we forgot any to put any terms on here)
(updated on 29/12/2023)
terms made by @systemtermz
A young Headmate who holds trauma related to being forced to fit in.
A young headmate that holds isolation related trauma.
A young headmate who holds trauma related to childhood mental illness and suicidal ideation.
A young alter that holds trauma related to medical neglect.
A young headmate who holds trauma related to trafficking
(Baby) Shoebillkid
A young alter that holds trauma/memories/feelings related to being unwanted.
A young alter who holds trauma related to their parents fighting all of the time.
A young headmate who holds trauma related to being called “lazy” or “slow” and told that they aren’t trying hard enough or doing enough or never feeling like enough for people.
They can be very self conscious and may hold things like imposter syndrome or feel the need to get things right first try.
A young alter who holds therapy related trauma
A young headmate that holds cultural trauma. This can include being disconnected from your culture (forcefully or naturally), your culture dying, being persecuted because of it, etc.
A young headmate who holds racial trauma.
A young headmate who holds trauma related to being disabled.
A young headmate who holds trauma related to foster care/adoption.
A young headmate who holds trauma related to car accidents.
A young Headmate who holds trauma related to watching someone be murdered.
This doesn’t have to be IRL or real, it could be related to shock sites/video or being a very young kid and watching a horror movie without understanding what it is.
A young headmate who holds trauma related to RAMCOA
A young headmate who holds trauma related to being in a cult.
A young headmate who holds trauma related to parental neglect.
A young headmate who hold trauma related to loss/grief/mourning.
A young headmate who has multiple -kid labels/holds multiple traumas.
A young headmate who holds familial religious trauma.
A young headmate who holds trauma related to sexual religious trauma.
A young headmate who holds trauma related to a school related injury and the medical and neglect trauma that came after.
A young headmate who holds trauma related to the bodies parents living vicariously through their child.
A young headmate who holds trauma related to being forced to be a parent or therapist to ones parents.
Foxkid is a young headmate who holds trauma related to strict parents and needing to be sneaky
A young headmate who holds trauma related to sex work.
A young headmate who holds trauma related to growing up with chronic pain.
A young headmate who holds trauma related to having your emotions ignored and/or invalidated.
A young headmate who holds trauma related to being called a spoiled brat.
Flag is meant to be redesigned if desired
A young headmate that holds trauma related to failed suicide attempts.
A young headmate who holds trauma related to not being believed, being called a liar, and/or being told that their trauma was not real or not that bad.
Loch Ness (kid/alter)
An alter who holds trauma related to having photos taken of them, usually forcefully/without consent. This can make them afraid of/nervous for photographs and videos.
A young headmate who holds trauma related to physical abuse. This can cause them to be incredibly distrusting, flinch often, and hide.
A young headmate who holds trauma related to experiencing or witnessing violence, like war or domestic abuse.
A young headmate who prefers to be outside rather than inside due to trauma.
A young headmate who holds trauma related to neurodivergence
A young headmate who holds trauma related to school/education, including bully’s.
A young Headmate who holds trauma related to being poor, including food and housing insecurities.
A young headmate who holds trauma related to being “parentified”/having to take care of younger siblings.
terms by @syskid-terms-archive
An énbarrkid is a term under whalekid, meaning a syskid/system little who holds trauma related to being disconnected from their Irish culture
A joeykid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to natural disasters in any way and/or the loss surrounding them
A selkiekid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to conspiracy theories, conspiracy theory cults, dark web conspiracy theories, etc
A jackalkid is a syskid who holds trauma related to losing a family member in a manner unrelated to death. This term is related to and may be considered a subset of cardinalkid
Examples include but are not limited to: loss due to distance, abandonment, cut contact, etc
A lemurkid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to being lied to by family members. May be used as a subset of labels such as doekid (our doekid post is currently down)
A goosekid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to moving, which may be used in conjunction with other terms. Examples include but are not limited to: moving due to job insecurity, natural disaster, military, foster care, etc
A yorkiekid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to having body modifications against their will or without their consent. This may be considered a subset of other terms
A combination of leopardkid and crowkid, a leopardcrowkid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to financial abuse or trauma following a divorce.
This includes but is not limited to: child support issues, manipulation via finances, one parent keeping the other in a poor financial situation, etc
A ferretkid is a syskid/system little that has trauma related to eating disorders. This is not confined to any specific eating disorder(s) or aspect(s) of them
A clownfishkid is a syskid/system little that holds any sort of trauma related to gender. This includes but is not limited to: dealing with dysphoria, transphobia, misogyny, forced gender roles, etc
A wolfkid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to siblings. Can be considered a subset of doekid
Includes but is not limited to: sibling abuse, being neglected in favor of sibling(s), loss of sibling(s), etc
An antkid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to feeling powerless. This includes but is not limited to system related feelings, feeling as if they have no control or power over their life, etc
A spiderkid is a syskid/system little who holds trauma related to torment. This is similar to bullying found in pupkid, however it is not confined to school related things
A crowkid is a syskid/system little who holds any sort of financial trauma. This may overlap with bearkid, though also includes but is not limited to: financial abuse, robbery, financial restrictions, etc
A salamanderkid is a syskid/system little who holds trauma related to emotional neglect. Can be considered a subset of bunnykid
A puffinkid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to emotionally incestuous relationships. May be considered a subset of doekid
A dragonflykid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to BDSM in any way. This is considered a subset of swankid
TW: grooming mentions
A fawnkid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to grooming/being groomed, often developing an unhealthy view or relationship with adults. May or may not be considered a subset of other terms
A mothkid is a syskid/system little who holds trauma related to executive dysfunction, insomnia, and/or fatigue
A batkid is a syskid/system little that holds fear/trauma/anxiety/etc related to constant bad dreams or nightmares
A dolphinkid is a syskid/system little who holds trauma related to Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP)
TW drug use mentions
A beekid is a syskid/system little that holds drug related trauma. This includes but is not limited to: family drug issues, watching someone OD, underage drug use, addiction, etc
A rainfrogkid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to glass children/being a glass child
A glass child is a sibling of a kid(s) with disabilities, often causing them to be neglected while their caregivers are more focused on the kid(s) with higher support needs
An elephantkid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to verbal and/or emotional abuse. This often related to the kind of abuse where threats of harm and/or death become “the norm” or part of daily life
A budgiekid is a syskid/system little who holds trauma related to ex-partners. This label may be used in conjunction with other labels, such as bunnykid, mantiskid, swankid, etc.
A polarbearkid is a syskid/system little who holds trauma related to being locked in their room, outside, in a closet, etc. May or may not be considered a subset of bunnykid
A capykid is a syskid/system little who has trauma related to toxic friends, often being forced into a sort of “pet” role within a group
Cattlekid or Calfkid
A cattlekid/calfkid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to cancer, having cancer, cancer treatment, etc
An eelkid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma unknown to others/nobody knows what trauma they hold
A tortisekid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to losing friends, perhaps feeling isolated as a result
A leopardkid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to parents divorcing or being divorced, as well as anything else related
A ducklingkid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to COCSA. May be considered a subset of swankid
A crockid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to childhood psychosis and/or psychotic disorders
A cuckookid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to being separated from their parents and being brought up by an unsafe guardian(s)
TW: suicide and s/h mentions
A pheonixkid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to self harm, suicide attempts, and/or the aftermath of said topics
A mantiskid is a system little that holds trauma related to gaslighting, victim blaming, being a scapegoat, or anything similar
Pantherkid is a system little that holds trauma related to CPD/DCFS/CPS or other similar organizations
An owlkid is a system little that holds any trauma related to the internet.
Examples include but are not limited to: online abuse, shock sites, seeing nsfw or nsfl material as a kid, etc
TW: suicide mentions
A chameleonkid is a system little who holds trauma related to others committing suicide or having to prevent a suicide
made by @doelike
A young Headmate who holds medical/health related trauma, making them more scared/anxious of medical related things like shots, checkups, and dentistry.
A young headmate that holds any kind of family trauma, which effects their behavior by making them more attached to or repulsed by familial figures.
A young headmate who holds mature trauma, usually sexual trauma
made by @fabledlands
A young headmate who holds trauma related to religion.
made by @closedcaskets
A young headmate who hold trauma related to abandonment and/or neglect, making them either easily trusting or easily distrusting, flighty or easily attached.
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multigenponies · 7 months
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Hi! Mod Lovenote here :) I’m 19 years old and my pronouns are she/her. My main blog is @ratkid-kelp if you want to check it out!
I grew up with dvds of G1 and G3 so I love those ponies the most, but G4 has a special place in my heart too.
My biggest inspiration when I’m drawing ponies is Andy Price, I love his work on the IDW comics.
My favorite ponies are G1 Galaxy, Masquerade, and Bright Eyes, G2 Medicin, G3 August Breeze, and G4 Twilight Sparkle.
I’m glad to be here!
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systemtermz · 9 months
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Reclaimed from an end0 term
Flag is meant to be redesigned if desired
Not to be confused with Ratkid
A headmate that is actually sweet and kind but gets a bad reputation/is treated poorly due to their role, source, and/or appearance. There could also be other factors.
(This Blog was created to repost terms for the convenience and comfort of others. If you remake a reclaimed flag please tag me.)
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inbarfink · 1 year
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Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations - Ron DeLite (Yusaku Amasugi) + Mask☆DeMasque (Kamen Mask) Concept Art
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Wait was that the inception point of that double-eyepatch concept that eventually became Lang's sunglasses???
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loiswasadevil · 4 days
Lois I love your icon it's so !!
Thank you It was made by @ratkid-kelp I love it It's my Favorite Art of me I've ever seen. It so clearly represents the sorrow and Anguish of having A Devil's Heart while highlighting its raw Power.
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syskid-terms-archive · 9 months
Does this work for you? /gq
Thank you! /gen
I must have missed that one. Adding it to the google doc and the queue now :)
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fnafhs antis in a nutshell:
(hates kids, and hates kids enjoying things)
calls you a "ratkid"
posts those pieces of fanart of the fnaf animatronics killing the fhs characters
° True. Ableism was never funny. If you somehow hate this series or hate the fanbase, please, don't be an ableist
° Yeah, those types of antis are literally have nothing to do with their pathetic life that they hate kids doing what they love
° I haven't seen any fnafhs anti calling the fnafhs fandom bunch of "ratkids". Probably on the spanish side of anti fnafhs...
° Yeah, those anti fnafhs fanart are so cringy. Plus, they're not always creative. It's screams edgy, if I'm gonna be making an anti fnafhs fanart, I'm gonna make it humorous while making fun of fnafhs.
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graffitiporn-org · 1 year
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sixonenueve · 6 months
¿Cara de aburrida? Nooo reina, todo lo contrario tiene cara de hacer todo divertido de alguna u otra forma
No me haga seguir viendo su foto que me enamoro más y no quiero que me rompan el cora de nueo
noooo anoncito q dices, encima soy ratkid 🐁 ajajsjsj aveces soy un poquito divertida pero siempre termino aburriendo a todos pipipi
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weeping-gospels · 2 years
dont you think your ratkid could be raised in a safer environment? away from the other skaven? you know they eat their own young?
“ Da..well… “
An uncomfortable roll of her shoulders, then she presses on,
“ Ratkin need to stay within some vicinity of ratkin. Ratfolk, ratkin, rodentia, Skaven, there is no difference — they are all simply the same distinction of rattus norvegicus, but I will not get into the scientific standpoint of them all right now.
My true point is — they are social creatures that need to be with another of their kind. Skaven are relentlessly attached to one another whether they favor it or not. Born into whelp pits of dozens, die nearby another or smited by another or given the cold hand of death by you guessed it, another one of their brethren. The different clans prosper from one another. The councils are bred from one another. The hierarchy was created and taught by another. I would not be able to raise one of their kind without them having at least one Skaven nearby to learn from.
A rat learning from an undead would not make them a rat at all. They need to have some example in this Fated Place in order to survive. No ratkin can harbor my undead, shamanic power — but they do have a better chance at survival learning from a Stormvermin or Plague Barer. Of course, with me by their side as well, I can assure you there will be no cannibalism at play.
Someone has to be the peacemaker here — and that will be me. An overseer of the young but not allowing it to stray too far from it’s origins. “
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ratkid-kelp · 2 months
I love that your name is ratkid and you draw tf art, cuz Starscream is absolutely a rat (which is how I figured out that Steve Buscemi would voice him; I read some post once that Steve Buscemi just plays rats, and so I saw his name before his role in tf one was revealed in the cast and I’m like ‘well Starscream is absolutely a rat so I guess he’s him’ and voila! I was right!).
(Also the writers hate him and the fans think he’s adorable and is that not how rats are treated irl?)
You are making the real connections here. Starscream is just like a rat, jumping around in the corner looking for a food, very jealous. You can have this speedpaint :)
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comeupkid415 · 2 years
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Userp ratkid
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bufoland · 6 years
El Regreso de la Revista Trauko Sin duda Trauko fue (y es) un cómic misceláneo underground, cuyo espíritu era de descartuchar al Chile de fines de los 80's y contribuir con un granito de arena para acabar con la Dictadura Militar. Video extendido en: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63_wFyVpX_k @revistatrauko #comics #ninorata #ratkid #underground #revistatrauko #contracultura #bufoland #puertomontt #chile #meliwaren https://www.instagram.com/p/BvSPeIVgBA_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1llrrirb2y822
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systemtermz · 10 months
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Flag is meant to be redesigned if desired
Not to be confused with Mousekid
A young headmate who holds trauma related to foster care/adoption.
(This Blog was created to repost terms for the convenience and comfort of others. If you remake a reclaimed flag please tag me.)
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