#ravenbell exchange
kinetic-elaboration · 4 years
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A Documentary History of the U.S.S.S. Arkadia
A Ravenbell New Year Year Fanfiction Exchange Gift ( @ravenbell-exchange​) for @justbecauseyoubelievesomething​
Bellamy/Raven, ~1.6k words, Rated T
[image description: 3x3 moodboard showing Raven, a closeup of a spaceship, and Bellamy on the top row; closeups of round white objects that look like planets, a neon Epcot scene, and a desert on the second row; and a desert, a closeup of a roundish robot, and a variety of neon planets on a black background on the third row.]
Prompt: sci-fi/space au where Bellamy and Raven are (fr)enemies-to-lovers serving on the same ship, with bonus for time travel/time loop adventures.
Fic below or READ ON AO3.
Recently declassified Earth Space Probe Agency file for the United States Star Ship Arkadia:
Originally commissioned: 2570
Decommissioned: 2580
Recommissioned: 2588
Crew (2588):
           Captain Nathan Miller
           First Officer Anya Woods
           Chief Engineer Raven Reyes
           Pilot Octavia Blake
           Ship’s Doctor Clarke Griffin
           Chief Anthropologist Bellamy Blake
           Computer system and A.I. unit engineered by Monty Green
           Additional crew: see page 18
Mission parameters: To conduct further research on 6 planets recently identified as showing signs of habitability. To conduct scientific research with the goal of proving or disproving the existence of previous alien life. If warranted, to conduct further anthropological research with the ultimate goal of reconstructing said alien societies.
Mission duration: 3 years
Excerpts from Signs of Life: A Documentary Exploration of the Strange Second Life of the U.S.S.S. Arkadia (dir. Madi Griffin, 2608):
Monty Green (A.I. Specialist, U.S.S.S. Arkadia): Oh, we were always breaking down. That ship was dug out of the junk pile for that mission—which shows you just how important anyone, even ESPA, thought it was at the time. The only thing we really had going for us was the A.I., and I’m not just saying that because I designed it. At least it was new. Raven was holding the physical ship together with duct tape and glue, and we were lucky if we could sustain warp speed, more often than not. I don’t think there was a single member of the crew who didn’t think, at least once, ‘we’re going to get stranded on one of these God-forsaken planets someday.’
Most of us were basically done by the end of the first six months. I mean, we were tired. We felt like we’d been pulled out of the junk pile too, in a way. If ESPA really valued us, wouldn’t we have been doing anything else? But I will say, Bellamy was devoted from start to finish. He really believed.
And I’m not sure she would have admitted it, but I think Raven really did, too.
John Murphy (Prisoner #4862, Polis Federal Penitentiary, Maryland):
[long silence]
What do you want me to say? I was a pirate? Damn right I was. Looking for f---ing treasure in the last great unknown.
I was also a hero.
Who do you think sold them that key?
Chief Engineer Reyes’s Log (found on Planet Alpha 3, 6/15/2589) (heavily distorted): Six—eighteen—twenty-five-eighty-nine. Have traveled down the mountain, still dealing with treacherous pathways following that freak rainstorm. Still maybe one day’s travel from the shuttle drop off point. I already know it won’t be there. Attempts to contact the ship remain futile. It’s not that they’re not answering, it’s that [inaudible]. Even Bellamy agrees with me by now. That stubborn [inaudible]. We’re alone. Stranded. And, excuse the language, whoever finds this—fucked.
Partial Inventory of Photographs from the Air and Space Museum Exhibition on the U.S.S.S. Arkadia:
Senior officers photographed on the day before launch. From left to right, back row: B. Blake, Reyes, Miller, Woods. From left to right, front row: Griffin, O. Blake.
Christmas Party, 2588, candids captured by ship’s computer: First Officer Griffin making disgusted face at lopsided gingerbread cake from ship’s food processors; Officers B. Blake and Reyes, caught beneath mistletoe, kissing awkwardly; Captain Miller and Officer O. Blake laughing raucously; Officer B. Blake, scowling, looking off camera, while Officer Green talks.
Officer Blake’s official photographs of Planet Alpha 3: red granite mountains against a crystalline blue sky; a torrential rainstorm, as seen from the mouth of a cave; close-ups of paved streets, recently uncovered, still strewn with dirt; close-ups of a variety of artifacts, seemingly electronic in nature; several shots of a red granite stone with a shallow square cut out of its center, and deep markings cut in the back.
Senior officers photographed on the day of the Arkadia’s return. From left to right: Griffin, Miller, Woods, Green, O. Blake.
Personal log of Chief Anthropologist Bellamy Blake: Twelve-one-twenty-five-eighty-eight. Journey to next planet delayed. Again. I have plenty to do, just sorting and organizing all of the artifacts we photographed and data we collected at Alpha Two, but, I admit, I am irritated. Even Miller seems fine with our snail’s pace. Griffin seems most concerned we won’t make it home at all. And the other anthropologists treat this whole assignment like they’re doing time in a penal colony. Am I a fool for thinking this is the most amazing and important work I’ve ever done?
Reyes thinks the whole thing is depressing. She calls the artifacts from Alpha Two ‘proof of dead aliens.’ Of course this is the same woman who treats the Arkadia as if it were alive. She’s certifiable.
At least she’s passionate, though.
Octavia Blake (Pilot, U.S.S.S. Arkadia, interviewed for Signs of Life, 2608): Yeah, they hated each other. Used to fight about just about everything. Really annoying. We used to joke—used to joke—it’s actually kind of funny—because they were so—[mimics explosion]—together, but if they actually agreed on anything, not even Miller could override them—we used to joke they were the most fearsome duo in our corner of the universe.
They hated that. Being called a duo.
But actually, you know. I knew my brother really well. I think he… you know, he respected her. He had respect for her. So I think it was probably all right that they… got stranded out there together. Or whatever happened to them.
ARKADIAForum Post; May 1, 2600
RE: ***That*** Pic
Yes, I know. It’s been talked about to death. But since Santiago’s article came out attempting to debunk the whole thing, I just had to look at it again.
First, I agree that it’s been doctored. But in my opinion, it’s been blurred. There’s no reason those two figures in the back should be so much harder to identify than anyone else. I mean it’s a big group shot! But we still know who everyone is, we can identify the President, ALL the Senators, ALL the Congressmen, ALL the other random people, but not these two???
Not to go over the same ground we ALL know but look again at the photo from the day before the Arkadia’s launch, and the photo from the bill signing event. You can see the shape of their faces is exactly the same, and you can almost see Blake’s freckles in the second photo, too.
Also want to give a shoutout to mechastation88 for digging up these two official portraits of Blake and Reyes from their early ESPA days. The similarities are, I think, pretty undeniable.
Nathan Miller (Captain, U.S.S.S. Arkadia, interviewed for Signs of Life, 2608): Oh, sure, there are conspiracy theories out there. There are always going to be conspiracy theories. I get out a kick out of them, honestly.
(Interviewer, off-screen: Have you seen the infamous photograph?)
Miller: The one of President Clinton signing the bill that created ESPA? Of course I have.
(Interviewer: And do you have any comment on that?)
Miller: …Come on, Madi. You know I can’t answer that.
John Murphy (interviewed for Signs of Life, 2608):
(Interviewer, off-screen: So you believe—)
Murphy: That we’re in space at all because of them? Yes.
(Interviewer: You seem awfully confident—)
Murphy: That’s because I am. Never been more sure of anything in my life. You’d be too, if you saw that freaky rock and met those two—explorers, sons of b-----, whatever you want to call them.
From the personal files of Senator Marcus Kane (1945 – 2029) (to be donated to the University of Connecticut 50 years after his death):
Memo 8/5/1995: Coming up on the 5-year anniversary of the dismantling of NASA, and the dream of a replacement agency appears already dead. Post-Cold-War society will be a more dull, less informed, less curious—perhaps more dangerous?—place.
Some minor excitement: agenda disrupted due to unexpected interruption from two protestors, who made their way into Congressional offices after sneaking in with an authorized tour. Meeting with Wallace rescheduled for next Wednesday.
Meeting with protestors (or whoever they actually are) scheduled for Tuesday.
Classified ESPA File #6268Z:
High-resolution photograph of the signing of S198, the bill officially authorizing the creation of ESPA, into law on September 1, 1995.
Attached: official photographs of Lt. Cmdr. Bellamy Blake and Lt. Cmdr. Raven Reyes, 2588.
Encyclopedia Entry on Bellamy Blake: B. 2553. Disappeared 2589. Married to Gina Martin from 2579-2582. PhD in Anthropology, Columbia University, 2581. Joined the Earth Space Probe Agency in 2583; highest rank attained: Lieutenant Commander. Member of the U.S.S.S. Arkadia’s mission to investigate potential alien life on 6 unnamed planets (known as Alpha 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) from 2588 until his disappearance in 2589.
Encyclopedia Entry on Raven Reyes: B. 2555. Disappeared 2589. PhD in Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2582. Joined the Earth Space Probe Agency in 2582; highest rank attained: Lieutenant Commander. Member of the U.S.S.S. Arkadia’s mission to investigate potential alien life on 6 unnamed planets (known as Alpha 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) from 2588 until her disappearance in 2589.
Excerpt from the obituary column, Alexandria Times, August 2, 2049:
Bradley Blake, 90, of Alexandria, passed away on Thursday, July 9, in his home, after a short illness. Bellamy worked at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., from 1995 until his retirement in 2029. He is survived by his wife of 53 years, Ramona Reyes. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, August 7.
Clarke Griffin (Chief Medical Officer, U.S.S.S. Arkadia, interviewed for Signs of Life, 2608): No, I don’t know. I’m not going to speculate about what happened. I’ll tell you this: I knew them both, better than almost anyone. And they’re survivors.
They’re survivors. They survived.
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ravenbell-exchange · 5 years
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Welcome to Week 1 of Ravenbell Mixed Media Month:           Canon & Canon Divergence Prompts!
Below are the prompts submitted for this theme. Any media submissions are welcome, and these can include, but are not limited to: fic, podfic, fanart, fanvids, fanmixes, graphics, gif sets, manips, meta or headcanons. 
Raven actually dies in Mount Weather and Bellamy is absolutely heartbroken. I really want to see him be mad honestly, he always forgives other people in fanfics so to see Bellamy have a little anger towards any situation regarding raven is good and fresh
raven tells bell about her family sort of like she’s letting everything off her chest
Bellamy Blake + you save everyone, but who saves you?
Jordan wakes up Bellamy and Raven instead.
Post S4 on the Ark: Bellamy teaches Raven about mythology, Raven attempts to teach Bellamy about mechanics.
Post S4 on the Ark: things they miss about earth.
S1 and the liberal use of “cute” by Bellamy to describe Raven.
Bellamy reflecting to Raven’s “you want to lead them? Show them you give a damn” moment.
Grounders AU. Bellamy and Raven were born in the same city, and the nuclear catastrophe happens when they’re still kids. Fifteen years later, they find themselves in separate settlements that grew on the remnants of their city, and they are the first ones to reach out and form an alliance.
Further Information
- Post to the Ravenbell Mixed Media Month Ao3 collection. - Tag your creations with #ravenbell exchange to have them included in the End of Month Round Up post. - Read up about the challenge here. - Got a question? Message raiindust or ask at @ravenbell-exchange.
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wells-jaha · 6 years
the waking/ ravenbell exchange/ 5.4k/ for andrea
summary: There were ten color options for the eyes of the Mechanic Android 2034. The user of license number 483756 had gone for a deep brown, a warm colour that actually wasn’t used a lot for this specific model. Most people went with the brown green the advertising showed it with. aka Braven Android AU
trigger warnings: murder, descriptions of bodies, bad treatment of Androids
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finnicks · 6 years
( fic ) like a forest around a castle
like a forest around a castle the 100 | bellamy/raven; raven, bellamy, monty, harper, murphy, emori, echo | 5318, pg. i'm afraid of being left behind. or the one with the defining moments between bellamy and raven during that first year on the ring. | written for @wells-jaha for the @ravenbell-exchange. set in the first year post-season 4′s finale, with no season 5 spoilers. i hope you like this! it was fun to write to your amazing prompt. ♥︎
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laufire · 6 years
dear ravenbell exchange author
First of all, I want you to have fun with whatever it is you end up writing for me. I tried to keep the prompts relatively open so you could play around with them, adapt them to your own style (partly because, whenever I tried something more specific, I ended up wanting to write it myself lol). You can use any rating you feel like too (well, except in prompt 4, for obvious reasons xD). In case you have any questions, my inbox is open.
Prompt 1: Braven + Mythology AU. Specially if they’re still humans who get mixed up in some Gods Drama™. Feel free to use any mythology/interpretation you see fit. I’m partial to Egyptian mythology because I was That Kid, but Greek/Roman mythology is Bellamy’s Thing. Anything less Western-centric is more than welcome too. 
Prompt 2: Raven + her love for science. Can be gen if you want, but I’d obviously love it if you include Braven too. Preferably canon-verse, unless it ends up mixed with one of the crossovers I’ll pick later?
Prompt 3: Braven Historical AU of your choosing. Again, pick whatever appeals to you. Whichever historical period you’re most obsessed with/know about the most (and it’s not like there’s a shortage of history nerds here), will be gr10 for me. 
Prompt 4: Post-s4 canon divergence: all the sex in space. Zero-G sex, kinky sex, healing emotional sex. Just. Sex. I mean, make it emotional/introspective instead of PWP if you want, that’s more to my liking too. But I’m just saying, they Deserve This. If you’re not comfortable with the highest rating, Mature works fine.
Prompt 5: Bellamy/Raven/Shaw – Canon Divergent AU: Different First Meeting (as in, Shaw meets Braven/the Space7 in a different way). I am a sucker for poly ships and lately I’ve been craving some of this one, but I get that a lot of people haven’t caught up with this season (your loss IMO xD), so this is purely a shot in the dark in case I get lucky xD.
General things: I love the Space Fam, Sinclair, the Jahas, Octavia. I can’t stand Clarke for the life of me, so not including her in the story is probably your best bet xD. I wouldn’t want them to cheat on other people, or read kinks of humiliation, watersports and the like. I’m not fond of Soulmate AUs or Modern/Workplace AUs. And PLEASE never erase Raven’s disability. 
Now, on crossovers. I’ve edited this list 8 times because once I wrote one down I wanted to write it myself because, as established before, I’m greedy af. Alas. Btw, for my fusion AUs I love when people manage to bring emotional arcs/moments from the original canon (The 100) into the new universe. I live for that shit.
Sherlock Holmes AU. Raven is Sherlock, ofc. Bonus points if Bellamy is Adler xD. Preferably historical or even better, futuristic/sci fi type, instead of Modern.
The Martian AU. I recently rewatched it and I want fic about Braven stranded in space now xD. Could be paired with prompt 2?
Star Trek AU. Literally anything you can give me. Frankly, it’s been years since I watched any of the shows (minus a few eps of Discovery), so I don’t remember half the jargon/setting/etc., you could get away with anything.
Just have fun with the story, and message me if you need me to clarify anything ^^
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ichabodcranemills · 4 years
@ravenbell-exchange had a New Year’s exchange even, I got inspired by some of the prompts, so I’ll be writing ficlets based on them. 1st chapter is up!
Prompt from autobot: Delinquent Winter: It’s snowing, so the delinquents decide to start a snowball fight. Raven and Bellamy really go at each other. Bellamy ends up getting a cut on his lip from an icy snowball, and Raven decides to remedy that with a kiss.
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bishiestylesl · 3 years
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STORYLINE: Fia flopped down for lunch in the Great Hall of Hogwarts and sighed, "Has anyone seen Doyle? He's missing again." Her Griffendor roommates exchanged knowing looks. "You didn't hear? He reversed the word order of a spell, its some kind of learning disability, and summoned a small Dementor." Fia's eyes grew wide. All color drained from her face. "Shut up. He did not!" The other girl nodded, "It's true. Lucian's mom reported him to the Ministry of Magic. She demanded he get expelled immediately. You would think those slimy Slytherins would love to have a Dementor for a pet, and..." Fia suddenly stood up and slammed her fist into the table. "Don't talk about Doyle that way! He's wonderful!" She ran out of the hall to her favorite tree and sunk down to think. This was horrible. It wasn't right to kick him out of school for one mistake. Poor Doyle. She pulled from her pocket a treasured doodle drawing. Doyle made it on a lunch napkin. When no one was looking, she stole it. She traced the lines with her finger. He was really talented. It wasn't right he was getting kicked out....  Suddenly, an idea hit her! She raced to the library, grabbed a book of spells on casting magic by drawing symbols (instead of using chants), and raced to the Slytherin Dorms. She banged on the door like mad. "I need to see Doyle!" It was unlike her to be so bold. The Slytherin boys were annoyed. They told her it was too late, and to go away. But she refused to accept Doyle was already gone, so they showed her his empty dorm. It was only then her shoulders fell. "...but, I have the perfect plan to save him...."
EVENTS: Wizarding Faire, Midnight Order
Designers shown:  ALTAIR, Insomnia Angel, AERTH, Viki, Persephone, A Fantastical Notion, RavenBell, Cute or Die!, LeLUTKA, Maitreya, R.icielli, Raindale, Disorderly, PandaFace, Pitaya, HEXtraordinary, Eclectica Curiosities, Static, Candle and Cauldron, Devin Vaughn,
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becketted · 7 years
Ravenbell May Day: Wishes
To be honest there are many Braven fics that give me exactly what I want from this fandom (fixing the show’s worldbuilding and racism) but I still have some cravings :)
1. Greaser AU. I asked this for the exchange i know, but come on, Raven as a 1950s mechanic and Bellamy in leather :)))
2. I always wanted a fic where when Raven and Bellamy had sex in s1 they just kept hooking up and go through the events of s1 and s2 kind of together (including Finn’s death) but they’re also a mess cause they entered the relationship for the wrong reasons so it’s all angsty but it’s okay because they fall in love in the process anyway.
3. Fic where they are separated but are thinking about each other and missing each other all the time (very “platonically” of course) because I love this kind of fic and I don’t think I’ve seen enough of it in this fandom.
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 years
A Different Kind of Ghost
A Ravenbell New Year Fanfiction Exchange Gift (@ravenbell-exchange) for @ravenbells.
Bellamy/Raven, 3k, Rated T
Summary: Bellamy and Raven used to take on the jobs that no one else wanted or could do: finding people who did not want to be found and objects that seemed permanently lost. Then she found a mentor, and something like a home. When he needed to leave, she had to stay.
Now Raven is a recluse, bitter with her own loss, and Bellamy is finally ready to come home.
A Bellamy/Raven exes-to-lovers steampunk au.
Raven yanks a chair back from the table roughly, so that it lands facing out, facing him, and then sits down. She sits with her left leg extended straight out ahead of her. The only sign that she's nervous is the way she taps her fingertip against the shining gears of her brace.
"Is this about a job?" she asks. "Something you can't do yourself?"
Bellamy allows himself to smile. To her, it will look rueful, like a taunt or a dare, but to him it feels fond.
Instead of answering, he says, "It took a while to figure out where you were. Then when I did, I had to laugh. Right outside Arkadia? Really?” He tilts his head just enough to catch her eye. “I never thought you were the type to return home."
"I wouldn't say this is right outside." She squints at him, drops her gaze down to his feet and then lets it wander slowly up. "No one uses this old road anymore. Not unless they're coming to see me."
"For a job."
"The kinds of jobs I do now."
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ravenbell-exchange · 5 years
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Welcome to Week 3 of Ravenbell Mixed Media Month:         Alternate Universe!
Below are the prompts submitted for this theme. Any media submissions are welcome, and these can include, but are not limited to: fic, podfic, fanart, fanvids, fanmixes, graphics, gif sets, manips, meta or headcanons.
Mythology AU: Artemis & Orion.
Lecture/Tutorial room bingo for annoying things your professor/TA says (bonus for Bellamy as TA and Raven as the student who organises the bingo).
muse a is assigned to be muse b’s partner in an undercover assignment.
“Buddy, we are in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, I specialize in botany in unfavorable terrain and I just saw you make a sword out of PVC pipe and string; we’re definitely teaming up” au
Ancient Rome AU of any kind. Give me commoners trying to forge a life and avoid the attention of the Empire, or high power aristocrats forging an alliance to take over the republic. How about a widowed Empress making a big for the throne with one of the generals? Possibilities are endless!
A modern AU where they play Dungeons and Dragons with a group of friends.
A modern AU where they talk about sex: discuss boundaries, safe sex, toys, past experiences. I’m not looking for dirty talk or characters trying to turn each other on. Just conversations surrounding their sex life.
Steampunk aesthetic, can be a drawing or a story.
Braven + going shopping for furniture
Time Travellers Wife AU?
Co workers AU
Raven + Bellamy + 1950s AU
College AU: Bellamy chooses a “sensible” major, but then adds a minor in history because he wants something for the soul.
Obligatory Braven coffee shop AU.
Further Information
- Week 1: Canon & Canon Divergence Prompts - Week 2: Words, Sayings & Quotes Prompts - Post to the Ravenbell Mixed Media Month Ao3 collection. - Tag your creations with #ravenbell exchange to have them included in the End of Month Round Up post. - Read up about the challenge here. - Got a question? Message raiindust or ask at @ravenbell-exchange.
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wells-jaha · 6 years
Dear Ravenbell Exchange Author,
this is just a small letter about what I would like to see (apart from Raven and Bellamy making out maybe)
What I Like: I live for a little drama, for characters dealing with their problems and issues, for sadness and the hurting that comes when trying to deal with trauma, however I like a Happy Ending just as well, it can be an open ending, but the pain and drama should’ve a purpose; I love Wells (who would’ve thought) and would prefer if he existed in the fanfiction in some way; I do not care about Canon a lot, unless you mean Season 1, THEN I might care a little; Possible Genderqueer Bellamy, Sexy! Making! Out!; Gina > Echo
A Prompt I did not include even though I still had a fifth slot open because it’s a little complicated and messy: “Raven's goal was to create an AI so intelligent, it would develop its own conciousness and become human. She had not expected to fall in love with it.”
Another Random Music Prompt: something around the song Nobody by Mitski because I think it fits Raven very well. Especially the lyrics:
And I don't want your pity I just want somebody near me Guess I'm a coward I just want to feel alright
What I Do Not Like: Character bashing just for the sake of character bashing (if you dislike a character so much that you cannot stand them being in the fanfic, do not write them in); gore; Straight Monty; Erasing Raven’s disability
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laufire · 7 years
How about top 5 Raven scenes that should have happened in canon but didn't?
(These are strictly canon-compliant because otherwise, I don’t think I could limit myself to five LOL)
-I always wanted a pre-series flashback on the Ark. Not an actual retcon (since it’s very likely that could taint their first meeting for me), but something like an “almost” meeting of sorts, because I’m a sucker for that kind of stuff.
-I mourn even a tiny little scene of Raven trying to tease Bellamy about their ONS. He’d obviously get hilariously flustered and it would be so adorably awkward for both of them LOL.
-A scene where Raven is having a really bad leg day (around that time where she was angry and in pain and lashing out at everyone and everything) and Bellamy is silently and firmly there for her.
-I’ve talked about this before, but I want to see the scene where Bellamy tells Raven about his mother. I want this one* so much I already have 500+ words written about it.
-Related to that, I would’ve liked having a scene of them in season three between just the two of them after what happened wit A.L.I.E.!Raven. I like that they didn’t have Raven wallowing in guilt or apologizing about what happened (I don’t like having my faves feeling genuinely guilty even when they’ve actually done anything wrong, because I have Issues™, and performative guilt doesn’t suit Raven), but c’mon. I know I often talk about how I love that when those two interact everyone else in the room becomes background noise, but minus the A.L.I.E.!Raven scene, before the “always”, the last conversation those two had in a room, alone together and breathing in the same space, was in SEASON ONE.
(*one, I say, as if writing this down hadn’t made me want to write them all)
ETA: I just realized I read BRAVEN scenes instead of Raven scenes LOL. So I’ll probably do one for Raven only tomorrow when I’m more inspired xD
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kinselllas · 6 years
In any other universe, with any other timeline, they could be happy.
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ao3feed-the100 · 6 years
First Time's A Charm
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2psu4Ya
by semele
Modern AU. Bellamy is a virgin, and it generally isn't a big deal. Except one day he becomes curious, and his friend Raven is very wonderful.
Written for Ravenbell Fic Exchange.
Words: 3257, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bellamy Blake, Raven Reyes
Relationships: Bellamy Blake/Raven Reyes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2psu4Ya
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finnicks · 6 years
( fic ) some ruins are known as wonders of the world
some ruins are known as wonders of the world the 100 | bellamy/raven; raven, bellamy, echo, emori, murphy, monty, harper. | 3839, pg. it's like starting new again. or the one where the ground is quiet and spacekru road trip their way to bunkerkru. | written for @raiindust for the @ravenbell-exchange. this is a season 5 au, with no spoilers for season 5 in it. i hope you liked it! your prompts were fantastic. ♥︎
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 years
January 1: 2020 Writing Year in Review
And so the tradition continues.
I usually start with my words counts for each 4-month period but I stopped keeping track of that at some point this summer and frankly, I don’t want to think about it or try to figure it out now. I know my word count was lower than in the last couple of years. And that’s okay! I don’t care!
I had such a major writer’s block from roughly May through September this year, and the year in general was so hard... That I wrote anything at all is a big accomplishment.
That said, I actually published more than I thought I did, when I first stopped and looked back over the year’s creativity. Part of that was the fic I wrote in January and February, and even into March, which feels like it must have been written in 2019 or earlier, but wasn’t. Part of that was the projects I started in 2019 but finished in 2020. And the biggest part by far was (the fandom event then known as) Chopped and other fandom events and exchanges.
Overall, I posted 26 new fics and updated 2 ficlet collections. Everything is for The 100 except the second ficlet collection, which is ST: AOS (not linked).
This year I’ll be organizing the list by month and event. I used the dates I posted to AO3 even though I know some of these (in particular, my celebration fics, originally posted only to tumblr) were written earlier.
January / Bellarke January Joy:
Some Sort of Queen of the Underworld: Bellamy/Clarke, 1,100 words, Canon-divergent AU, written in January (but posted to AO3 in April) for Bellarke January Joy 2020
February / Chopped: CYOA:
Sail Away with Someone’s Daughter: Clarke/Murphy, 2,600 words, Modern AU, posted February 11, for Chopped: Choose Your Own Adventure
it is new moon and twilight: Bellamy/Raven, past Murphy/Raven and Murphy/Bellamy/Raven, 4,500 words, Modern AU, posted February 11, for Chopped: Choose Your Own Adventure
March & April / Chopped Madness:
On the Ground and What Bellamy Found There: Bellamy Gen, 3,000 words, Ark AU, posted March 15 for Chopped Madness: Qualifying Round
Release: Murphy/Harper, 3,800 words, Modern AU, posted March 22 for Chopped Madness: Round One
The Taste of Hope: Murphy/Raven, 4,900 words, Sci-Fi AU, posted March 30 for Chopped Madness: Round Two
Hands That Burn: Clarke/Raven, 4,900 words, Superhero AU, posted April 6 for Chopped Madness: Round Three
April - June / Other:
The End of the Story: Clarke/Maya, 13,300 words, Canon-divergent AU, posted April 17-21
What Beautiful Things: Jasper/Monty, 4,100 words, Canon-divergent AU, posted May 14 for an anonymous request
Never-Contented Things!: Raven/Octavia, 7,100 words, Modern/Fantasy AU, posted May 21
Time to Play B-Sides: Bellamy/Clarke, 19,400 words, Canon AU, posted May 28 - June 25, continuation of my Bellarke Big Bang 2019
August - October / Summer Celebration:
Taste Test: Murphy/Raven, 700 words, Modern AU, posted August 22
Fifteen Miles: Clarke/Raven, 1,300 words, Modern AU, posted August 23
At Heart: Murphy/Raven, 1,400 words, Modern AU, posted September 13
The Road Leads West: Miller/Bryan, 1,500 words, Modern AU, posted September 19
Summer of the Not-Quite-Seen: Jasper & Monty & Octavia, 2,500 words, Modern AU, posted September 24
Monarchs: Bellamy/Clarke, 2,700 words, Canon-divergent AU, posted October 3
October / Other:
Or Anyone Like You: Bellamy/Clarke, 6,600 words, Modern AU, posted October 1
October / Autumn and Halloween Events
Mad Women: Gen (Murphy/Raven), 7,200 words, Sci-Fi AU, posted October 23 for Chopped Horror
The Wanheda Tape: Gen (past Clarke/Raven), 8,600 words, Modern AU, posted October 26 for Chopped Horror
Safe Harbor: Bellamy/Clarke, 7,400 words, Modern AU, posted October 31 for the Bellarkescord Halloween Exchange
December / Holiday Events and Exchanges:
The Ice Princess / Turn the Radiator On: Bellamy/Clarke, 5,700 words, Fairy Tale and Modern AU, posted December 13 for the Bellarkescord Advent Calendar
Merry Christmas, Lovebirds: Murphy/Raven, 4,700 words, Modern AU, posted December 25 for the Chopped Holiday Exchange
Night Watch: Bellamy/Clarke, 3,200 words, Canon-verse, posted December 27 for Bellarke Secret Santa
A Different Kind of Ghost: Bellamy/Raven, 3,100 words, Steampunk AU, posted December 28 for the Ravenbell New Year Fanfiction Exchange
A Documentary History of the U.S.S.S. Arkadia: Bellamy/Raven, 1,600 words, Sci-Fi AU, posted December 28 for the Ravenbell New Year Fanfiction Exchange
Ficlet Collection Updates:
There’s a lazy moon outside right now: The 100, various pairings, started in 2019 and continued in 2020, originally posted to tumblr
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