#rayan edit
savethedots · 1 year
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… I’ll just settle to kissing you instead.
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i-am-selenophile · 4 months
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"so...we were predestined to find each other, you and me"
"I mean I wish we could get back together again" 😭💘💫🙈
I love him so much♡
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pineapplehazard · 3 months
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"She also was firm of will, but she was slower and more patient than Fëanor, desiring to understand minds rather than to master them. When in company with others she would often sit still listening to their words, and watching their gestures and the movements of their faces. Her mood she bequeathed in part to some of her sons , but not to all. Seven sons she bore to Fëanor, and it is not recorded in the histories of old that any others of the Eldar had so many children. With her wisdom at first she restrained Fëanor when the fire of his heart burned too hot; but his later deeds grieved her and they became estranged." - J.R.R. Tolkien, Morgoth's Ring, "The Later Quenta Silmarillion (II): Of Fëanor and the Unchaining of Melkor"
@tolkienofcolourweek || day 2: elves + journeys || nerdanel the wise
[ID: an edit comprised of four posters in brown and rusty red with some grey and white accents.
1: Rayan El-Mahmoud, a lebanese-ghanaian model with light brown skin, freckles, and coily reddish hair. She is in front of some rocks, leaning her head on one hand while looking towards the viewer, and is wearing a strapless white dress. The image points down from the top of the poster and is framed in orangey-red and white on a brown background. Text underneath reads "nerdanel" in a large red font and a very small cursive one in white / 2: A craggy mountain surrounded by scree. Text in the same colors as the frame from Image 1 reads "In her youth she loved to wander far from the dwellings of the Noldor; either beside the long shores of the Sea or in the hills;" / 3: Brownish-orange hills with a river running down through them. Text in the same format as Image 2 reads "and thus she and Fëanor had met and were companions in many journeys." / 4: Rayan El-Mahmoud, this time standing leaning against the rocks and looking up at the viewer. The colors and positioning of the smaller image are reversed, as are the colors of the text /End ID]
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statementlou · 1 month
hey do you any of you football enthusiasts want to join our little louie fantasy league? It's premier league only sorry :/ is there an international cross league version or like all european leagues? that would be so fun but idk about it... so anyway anyone who wants to play this one that we do have should click the link and sign up!
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pinkvxdka20 · 2 years
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who are you? 
the jerk
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rem made a single that had a guitar solo and im obsessed with it so heres rafe playing the guitar
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ask-the-ryans · 8 months
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Builds character.
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hoelyszn · 2 years
#JAYANE : let's go home together
🎥 Demain Nous Appartient (2017)
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jayanex · 1 year
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jaypril has truly fed us.
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stagelightwhump · 4 months
OC Introductions: Rayan
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Rayan Vanderbilt, inheritor of one of their parents' shell companies, is best described by two words:
Nepo. Baby.
They are entitled, they are selfish, they are condescending, they respect no one but their secretary, and they see everything in life, from their parents' wealth to their employees' time and health, as merely a means to an end. Some one call them greedy, of course, but for them, cash and credit cards may as well be carnival tickets and tokens for how much value they place in them.
Rayan, after losing multiple employees to workplace drama, purchased multiple Cog units instead of hiring new employees to replace ones that quit or got fired. After several months, they purchased one of each Cog Boss unit to make the employee Cog units more obedient. This worked, but the Cog bosses began to hate Rayan for their entitled behavior, especially the CEO unit. Attempts to order or mod them out of this behavior fail spectacularly, both in the short term, and in the long term. After two months and getting their ribs broken by a golf club, the Cog bosses get fed up, shove Rayan into the box the CFO came in, and are then genuinely shocked when the box gets picked up by The Factory and then shipped back a week later with a "repaired" "unit" inside.
Once repaired, Rayan loses knowledge of their last name, and a majority of their past, as the memory chip in their head steadily replaces the knowledge of their real life with that of a fictional character, and it's only through sheer force of will that they hold on to the one unaltered memory they have: their parents gifting them the shell company.
As a Unit, Rayan has become much greedier, money hungry in the most literal sense. They struggle massively with dysphoria, both with their body and, especially, with their head and face, as the only similarities between their human self and the form forced upon them is their eye color. And, honestly, how could they not be dysphoric? Their head was literally replaced with a cash register. An object so mundane and disregarded and replaceable, an object designed for just one singular, narrow purpose, and a purpose that isn't even exclusive, at that.
In addition, their preferences towards non-physical things like colors and sounds have also changed, meaning their closets full of precisely-tailored maroon silk clothes are much less favorable to their eyes than the dark green suit The Factory forced them into. However, it's not like those old clothes would fit them, anyway, as they've gone from a slim 5'5 to a bulky and brutal 8'6.
Will they ever get their life back in order? Will they escape from the Units they once owned, who now spend their days tormenting them? Will they ever feel like themself again?
....Probably not. ;)
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savethedots · 1 year
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(video credit: @labyrinthwar on twitter)
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i-am-selenophile · 3 months
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pineapplehazard · 3 months
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
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Halloween isn't over yet! (at least not for me)
these event was really fun. The illustrations,the clothes,everything looks great.
but anyway,lets go to some headcanons!:
" When i jump in that horse with her
for a moment,i forgot about the end of the world.
we were running in the woods,fast,like nothing matter anymore. "
At first,them run away for the old wood house that the Vanhouters have.
it is a very big house,with a lot of space,it was great.
they plant,take care of the cows that had there,put fences with barbwire, and tried to survive the best they could.
it belong a good place,very calm. a zombie or two sometimes tried to entry there,but them killed the creature in a minute.
until after 3 years.
a invasion of zombies managed to pass the fences.
Rowenna and Priya think they were lost.
until Priya saw the horse behind the house.
the horse was calm,eating grass.
"that is our chance to survive!" Priya screamed and take Rowenna's hand.
they get on the horse and run away.
that was the moment of their lives.
after this event,they stayed in simple house that was a miles away from the old wood house.
Priya put the name of the horse of Hefestus.
a few months later,Rowenna saw Hana passing close there and screams to her.
when they see each other alive,they hugged it other and cried,as Priya and Castiel.
Hana and Castiel take Rowenna for the base them construct.
they leave there now.
" I saw the death close to my face.
At first,i got scared,but i get used to this as that feeling continued to become more and more present.
like feeling happy,or sad. it was something that i get used to this.
until the day that feeling past to the love of my life.
that i couldn't permit. "
Charlotte did no how to react.
she was paralyzed.
but Rayan was very chill about it.
he take all the care they need to survive,and run away for the city as fast as they could.
they find a abandoned cottage,and decided to stay there.
Rayan and Charlotte live a chill life there,training in case of zombie horde.
Charlotte became a good sniper and Rayan became a very good hunter.
after two years,the big zombie horde that they was always preparing in the case of this happen,came.
it was...much.
they thought they were going to die.
but that didn't happen.
an group of survivors saved they.
and,for they surprise,the leader is Hana and Castiel.
they leave there now.
" I never thought in bacome a leader.
neither in high school,or the university.
but suddenly,i became one.
at least my love is with me on that. "
Hana and Castiel was in the studio when this happen.
everybody was in panic,but Hana was strangely calm.
she analysed the situation and decided the best way of survive to that.
and she and Castiel put the plan in pratice.
the started to live in shed that was very far away from there.
Castiel and Hana used to go to this place to get some peace and have some inspirations to compose.
so the shed was equipped with a lot of thing they had.
they put traps close to the sheds,making trips to find provisions and training.
after an year,they find other survivors and started a group.
Hana,of course,became the leader.
and in the past four years,Hana,Rowenna and Charlotte met each other again.
everyone was living there,construing new houses,establishments and soon they are a village.
it was Hana and Rayan that find the cure.
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alvoskia · 7 months
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Ally found Rayan surrounded by a pile of floating books. They were staggered like a staircase around his head of wavy dark hair, not that Rayan was aware of it, his hooked nose buried in another thick tome. He didn’t look up when she entered, only when Ally walked around back, licked her finger, and then stuck it in his ear. “Ew!” Rayan recoiled, swatting her away, his fingers carefully holding his place between pages. He glowered at her. “You are disgusting.”
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