stagelightwhump · 4 months
The horrible, damning sensation of dust, of the breeze from the air vents, against their keys the keys pressed against their face.
The disgusting, deplorable feeling of a cold wipe against colder metal absent of skin in its entirety.
The alien sensations awash in their altered brain, forcing coherency into feelings man was not meant to know.
They hate it.
They hate it so utterly.
And they cannot escape it. They cannot stop themself from feeling every inch of the metal that is now their face, no matter how hard they try to block it out.
No matter how hard they try to pry their own face the metal enveloping and hiding their face off.
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mechahero · 1 year
//thinking about how utterly weird lambda is to most human beings again hrgghghgh
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steamanband · 1 year
Love for my favourite ship has taken me into places I wouldn't even go with a gun (more than a minutes worth of scrolling down the neonnova tag)
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hotpinkstars · 5 months
GIRL DAD OR BOY DAD? - sunday, boothill x reader
- or more clearly, to what gender would they want to have more, and general headcannons of them as papas ☺️
- brainrot brainrot brainrot BRAINROT AHHH... i love these guys and i can do a part 2 for others later but godd theres absolutely not enough dad stuff for these men (especially sunday... if there is its all yandere) so never fear novas here! ahem anyways enjoy
- warnings none! pure fluff!!! wc 711
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Sunday is so a girl and boy dad.
Reason why I say this is because he likely needs an heir to take over his position when he gets too old to do so, but he also wants a baby girl he can spoil as well.
Don’t worry! He loves both of his kids the same! They’re the greatest things that have probably ever happened to him and he cherishes them with his whole life. He thanks the stars above every single day for the opportunity he received to be a father to multiple beautiful children, and thanks you for granting him the chance. 
Dunno, but I could see this man wanting a handful of kids. He wants at least one girl and at least one boy, but I could see him shooting for 3-4. Will he be around to care for them? Not all the time, but he tries his hardest (and he definitely has the resources to care for that many).
Considering they’re half halovian and half human, they look pretty much just like their father! Some have your eyes, but they all have his hair. His hair and his gorgeous wings. They have your features though, such as your face, body type, etc.
His favorite part of the day is when he gets to collapse on your shared bed, his kiddos following behind him to cuddle their dad, and most of the time you all fall asleep together. Normally, you wake up just you and him because he’s good about putting them in their own bed once they fall asleep.
Once his kids get older, he’ll teach his son(s) combat and good form. He wants them to protect, and wants to raise them to be strong and independent. With his daughter(s), if they ask to be taught combat, then he won’t see much of an issue with it. He also wants to teach them independence, but in a more subtle form. 
Just expect that his children as teenagers are going to be the prettiest kids around holy shit. They’re obviously enrolled in a private school due to their fathers high status but they always come home and list the compliments they’ve received that day. Thankfully you two have raised them well enough for them to realize that it’ll be bad if all of these get to their head and stroke their ego too hard…
Supportive father asf! All I’ve gotta say here
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Don’t play Boothill is SO a girl dad hello have you met the man
He’s so excited when his little girl is born ahh he’s always dreamed of being a father to a girl and his dream has officially come true!!
Obviously, if you had a boy, he’d love him the same. He just wants children of his own tbh lol
His daughter knows western culture fresh out of the womb my friend. It’s like she was born for little cowboy boots and the cutest little cowboy hat. She’s even got a western name, he brought it up and you liked it, so the name you two settled on was Cassidy.
She has his hair! It’s absolutely gorgeous once it starts coming in- a pearly white color with little black streaks stemming from the roots. She has your eyes and your face, and his slimmer body type (before he was turned into a cyborg. This isn’t canon I actually have no clue what he looked like pre cyborgification lmao).
Oh lord, your daughter is so spoiled. On every mission he goes on he’s always bringing something back for her. It could be a super fancy necklace or even just a little trinket he picked up from a street vendor, but she has a whole shelf full of the things her daddy gives her.
She thinks it’s so cool he has a metal body. She asks about it alot but she’s really fascinated with it tbh. She likes to call it “daddy’s special feature!” and he always melts to that sentence gosh
He probably teaches his daughter how to use a gun when she gets older. He, similar to Sunday, wants his daughter to learn self defense tactics and learn how to fend for herself when necessary.
She totally has his accent. Change my mind period.
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kurjat · 23 days
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eggman + some character concept stuff based on trying to put my self insert Kuu into the sonic wor Id but I'll change it entirely bc it looks WAY too familiar to some characters ive seen around. Still i thought the concept was fun 🥰 ill prolly make it a human cyborg tho i feel like the concept of being such a robotnik fan that u alter ur whole body for him is soooo toxic and fun. esp since everyone might think it became a freak through the cyborgification but no they just were like that already <3
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the-nysh · 1 month
Webigaza isn't a character that stands out for me at least, but I'm very curious about her manga debut. We know she's supossed to be pretty (and that she won't escape "Murata's female treatment" lol) but I hope her face screams "uncanny valley", more like a doll than a human being
I’ve been holding onto this ask til she finally showed up and….
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…let’s just say from the raws she almost passed me by - if it weren’t for Suiryu’s reaction and the telltale panels of her guzzling down a gallon of water for her overheating symptoms, I might’ve otherwise missed her without doubling back to check. Like oh wait a sec, is that her??? Almost mistaking her for just another quirky news reporter or a newbie streaming attention-grabby v-tuber. Where at this (early?) stage, it’s not obvious at all (from her looks) that she’s someone who went through extensive bodily modifications to obtain cyborg + superhuman psychic powers (we do see her fly away like Tatsumaki though), but otherwise these few pages feel like just a tease without actually seeing her in action yet.
I think, if there’s anything I might have expected, it would be her overall *~radiant~* pixie magical girl vibe. Cause what was most striking and standout to me about ONE’s design for her, was her 1000yrd stare eyes, full of resolute determination without regrets, framed in all the gratuitous frills and fanciest fluffiest lashes imaginable. Uncannily doll-like (with an underlying crazed desperation) would be apt. Yet she had a mysterious—and quite literal spark, or aura to her that I just don’t feel from Murata’s. (Speculation: perhaps her manga demeanor might change once Sweet Mask’s identity gets outed and she resigns herself to her life’s choices.)
For reference, here’s how she looked in the webcomic (of which her line about ‘being on hiatus’ is ironically the same, but she rushes off to fight giving us a demonstration of her powers all at once, whereas in the manga it’s offscreened till we see her again):
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Comparatively in Murata’s style, perhaps she comes off rather same-facey much like how he draws most of his other typical youthful women. If I look reeeally close I can see some of the same iris sparkle-dots in her eyes like ONE’s, but…the lashes. I wish were much more flamboyant. (Like think about invisible girl’s face reveal in bn/ha - biggest flashy fluffy lashes in all their sparkly rainbow light-refraction magic glory~ So mayhaps I expected some of that pretty eye-stopping glamor for her from Murata.)
And yet thinking about it more….I realized that since Webigaza’s character is one who follows trends to compete, her manga debut reminds me of Tatsumaki’s ai-doctored hero commercial, where she looks like an (ooc) uwu-waifu’d up poster girl (much to Tatsu’s rage) for the HA, and here we see Webigaza promo shooting for the Neo Heroes in much the same way. Essentially, she’s dolled up and cutesy gesturing like how others expect her to look like (aka like an ai-mishmash of generic idol trends), rather than going ham individualizing herself as a manic pixie dream girl psychic cyborg….YET. Meaning perhaps we’ll see more of her human appearance chafe away as her cyborgification desperation (as another extreme foil to Genos) intensifies.
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Are there any other harmful extranormal religions to look out for? Other than Radiant Heart, I mean.
I’ve actually been meaning to put out some information on this. We’ve been seeing a lot of weird stuff lately in certain areas of the country and we haven’t yet collated it into an official statement. I checked and I’m okay to give you a rundown of this ahead of a more detailed overview later on.
If you’re in the southeast of the United States, please keep an eye out for an organization of interest that seems to be self-identifying as Cult of the Coaxial. Currently several members of their organization are wanted for—
You might wanna put a content warning on this one, Norm.
Oh, right. That’s smart. You okay?
I hear hold music in my head when my phone is across the room.
Yeah, that’ll do it. Anyway, uh, content warning for explicit mentions of violence here. Theft, murder, assault, brain uploading, extranormal mutilation and/or vivisection, torture, attempted apotheosis, transmogrification, attempted creation of a post-post-post-human being via cyborgification, trafficking harmful extranormal items, the list sort of goes on.
We’re still trying to nail down a belief system or ontology. The ones we’ve managed to corner are not super…talkative. But we think that they’re related to The Signal, an extranormal force/phenomenon our AbTech division dealt with in the 1980s. We don’t know much about that either, but what we do know is that it travels or exists entirely within analog transmission devices and exerts a cognitohazardous effect on humans or near-humans.
Now, we don’t know how widespread they are, but we’re asking people to keep their eyes open for the following warning signs:
- cathode ray tube televisions behaving oddly
- an abnormal amount of static in televisions or radios
- a heightened interest in cathode ray tube televisions in the local population up to and including theft of such devices
- abnormal appearance and behavior of visually standard coaxial cables including growth, self-propulsion, splitting and “ivy” behavior
- blood or other substances “leaking” from the aforementioned devices
- persons using the aforementioned devices in place of surgically removed body parts, or integrated into the body. This includes coaxial cables, televisions, radios, VHS tapes or players, etc.
- graffiti or markings relating to any of the above
Please report any and all deleterious analog activity to our Office tip line.
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chainsawcorazon · 23 days
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this is so interesting. if they’ve been cooking since last year, i wonder how scripts were modified per absolute power and jonno’s cyborgification 🤔
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conchiferrous · 8 months
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sai file cleaning day
[IMAGE ID, IMAGE 1: Digitally drawn doodle page of various One Piece characters in a more cartoony art style where everyone has big heads and noodley limbs. Drawing 1: The first drawing is of Sanji and Bartolomeo. They're drawn waist up and Bartolomeo is grabbing Sanji by the torso and biting his arm with a wall eyed expression. Sanji appears to be only mildly surprised by this. Drawing 2: Waist up drawing of Carrot arc welding with her right arm. She's wearing a standard welding mask, a fire proof jacket, and a leather gauntlet glove on her left hand that she's using to hold her right arm steady as she makes a tee weld in the flat position with small metal plates. Drawing 3: Full body doodle of Luffy wearing a creeper t shirt, a jacket, basketball shorts, a bracelet mostly obscured by the long sleeves, and a chew necklace. He still has the straw hat and flip flops as well. He's looking off to the right with a blank neutral expression. Drawing 4: Franky doing surgery on himself, drawn from the thighs up. He is in the earlier stages of the cyborgification. He's laying on his back, holding himself open with his left hand that's a simple metal clamp, and his arms are bare metal pipes. His right hand is some kind of soldering iron that he's using to install a metal cylinder with a pipe coming out from the bottom in a zigzag pattern, replacing his stomach and intestines. His rib cage is visible as well, though there are no blood or organs shown. He has wheels installed on the sides of his hips. His head is still entirely organic and unchanged, and is looking down at himself, he looks very tense and stressed out. The only color in the drawing is Franky's blue hair and the line art on his torso is a gradient of blue to yellow to magenta. Also there's a little drawing of Sanji in the corner that looks like in was drawn in 20 seconds, he's dumbed down to a lanky black shape with long legs and huge feet, one big eye on a square head, and a long cigarette.
IMAGE 2: Unfinished sketch of Sanji and Luffy from One Piece, drawn digitally. The drawing is a spoof of the scene in the Whole Cake Island arc where Luffy tries to get Sanji to come back with him (the second time) and Sanji refuses. Sanji is turning away from Luffy and towards the viewer dramatically, arms crossed and hands holding his own shoulders, cape flapping in the wind, and a single sparkling tear rolls down his cheek. He is saying: "Get out of here and leave me alone, Luffy! You'll never understand me and my tragic past. Just leave me to die here!" in a cursive font where each capital letter has a little illustration of Cinderella over it like a fairy tale book. Luffy is staring at Sanji, in a much more simplistic style, contrasting against the relatively realistically proportioned Sanji. Luffy's staring at him with big eyes and giant pupils, with a completely blank expression. A couple of swords can be seen in the background, halfway driven into the ground. END ID]
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ms-all-sunday · 8 months
pre cyborg franky headcanon post
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naturally blond with green eyes
he actually had more body hair pre cyborgification, and he had a lot of body hair pre T too.
he lost his face piercings in the suicide attempt
he got his boobs removed a few years before tom got hatecrimed but before then he had the same boob size as zoro. in general zoro and him were built The Same franky was just taller (zoro would be jealous of frankys height if he had met franky during this period and franky would be jealous of his ability to never wear a bra)
he used to be a lot more alternative with his fashion sense (if robin had met him then they'd be a punk/goth couple)
he kept the boobs around for so long because they were useful 😉 he had mixed feelings about them.
he prefers sports bras because his boobs are too big and he hates normal bras.
he tans quite easily and hed never put on sunscreen when iceberg asked him to. this would later not end up mattering but its the thought that counts. king of weird tanlines
because hes naturally blond and tom never said he couldn't dye his hair he's had every single hair colour in existence. (eyebrows dyed too) iceberg also dyes his hair but his hair is naturally brown and he's secretly hated the fact franky never had to deal with bleach
hed wear makeup like iceberg, eyeliner but also eyeshadow and his brother would paint his nails. franky was not good at painting nails when he was younger. his mom would do this for him when iceberg wasnt around or busy
he customized the jacket himself. theres a demon lady on the back of it who's also transgender.
he has more than just face piercings
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azzayofchaos · 1 year
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Hey guys, I remembered a thing I meant to post, look at that! Based on a villain-hero type au idea that hasn’t really been developed! He’s embodying the “came back wrong” trope though, a bad case of betrayal and a little post-mortem cyborgification by the villains will do that to you and all that.
+sketch (done with ink on paper, color was digital!)
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stagelightwhump · 4 months
User's Manual information: Memory Chips
Memory Chips (or just Chips) are similar to microSD cards, and are typically about the size of a stamp, and contain up to an exabyte of data. They are uniformly gray, with no ornamentation, and cannot be taken apart once put together. After being installed into a Unit, the Chip runs a one-time program that prevents the Unit from touching the area the Chip was installed into, to prevent data corruption. There are two things that make Chips unique compared to other data storage devices.
The first is that all data contained on a Chip is converted into one of several lossless, unique formats. For example, a Unit's memories of their "life" before being purchased are stored as .mmry_long, and may contain scent, touch, and location data, among other things. Other formats include mmry_real, for things the Unit has actually experienced, mmry_phys for "muscle memory", and .mmry_cmnd for active or past orders the Unit has received.
The second is that Chips can cleanly be installed into a human brain without causing the Chip's data to corrupt, and without damaging the brain's important functions. Granted, it does cause the brain's memories to be partially overwritten if there's already data on the Chip, but if a Unit comes onto the line with no Chip and a human brain, The Factory isn't going to question it. Its purpose is to create and repair Units, and if something is on the conveyor belt, it must be a Unit, so the overwriting of corrupt memories is considered a feature, not a bug. Not that the repaired Units are able to complain, anyway!
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mechahero · 1 year
//i think that one audio that's like "what no, i am a real person!" "just say "i'm not a robot" please" "i am a real person" is so fitting for lambda. maybe?
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agentcaboose · 2 months
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💖🥰💙😍 CABOOSE 🥰💖😍💙
I'm still messing with my Tucker and Tex designs, also this was mostly drawn after my ethnicity headcanon post
So, Tex- Hopi, Wash- half(?)Korean, Caboose- Mexican, and Grif- Māori and Hawaiian (Simmons token white boy Latino before cyborgification)
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transhuman-priestess · 10 months
every movie that uses cyborgification as body horror just made me incredibly horny for body mods
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melonba11s · 1 year
A Fate Worse Than Death (TINR Strade/MC)
I received a prompt to write out some TINR Strade! I had a lot of fun with this. Strade in TINR is a lot more cruel than BTD Strade I think, though we don't see too much of him. I see him as being a lot more volatile, perhaps even a little more self absorbed than BTD Strade.
Please be aware of the warnings, things are kinda nasty here!
Contains: TINR Strade, Gender-Neutral MC, Non-Con, Torture, Amputation, Cauterization, Captivity, Abuse of Position, War Crimes, mentioned non consensual cyborgification (I don't have a better way to put this), descriptions of cooked human flesh, Non-consensual kissing, Fallen Civilization, Tentacles, Non-Con Tentacles, implied genital mutiliation, No Merciful End.
Your feet pounded against the ground, the distant sound of rubble falling and screams echoing around you. Maybe several months ago that sound would have disturbed you, made you run back to help those you could. 
That feeling no longer existed. You were numb to it, focused solely on your own survival. There was a shelter just 2 miles away or so. You think. The area should be familiar, you grew up here. But now it’s been reduced to fallen buildings and small craters. 
War is hell. This had to be hell you were living in. Just last year you remember walking down this same street, not fearing for your life. Your chest heaved, each breath felt like razors from your lungs as you scrambled over a wall. 
Of all the soldiers to be scared of though, there was one that word was spreading very rapidly. Crueller than the others, he didn’t care for the difference between soldier and civilian. He would just laugh as he tore them apart with his robot companions. 
You had never even realized that technology like that could exist. You groaned as you got down onto your knees, gasping for breath. Here, this had to be far enough away for you to rest for just a moment. Your arms were shaking as you stared at the ground, vision doubling. 
Just a few minutes later, you got back to your feet and dashed back out into the open, eyes towards your destination with intent. 
Something caught your ankle, and you fell forward though. Groaning at your shit luck, you moved to get up after tripping… and found whatever caught your ankle had stayed there, it’s grip not moving despite your kick to get it off. 
“Gotcha” the voice hit you, sending a shudder up your spine that was so powerful you felt as if he had ripped it from your back. You glanced back, eyes wide with fear as you finally took him in. 
If this was any other situation, you might have found him attractive. Golden eyes, curly brown hair, a joyful smile plastered on his face. But in a different situation, he wouldn’t be aiming those metal tentacles at you, poised and ready to burn you alive. 
“You’re a slippery little thing, you know?” he said casually, flicking sweat off of his brow as if you both had just gotten done with a good natured race. “See, I saw you a few weeks ago. I thought to myself… “I want to play with them.”” 
You swallowed roughly, a whimper of fear escaping your throat in spite of yourself as he got down onto one knee to look you in the eyes. 
“But you… You’re very good at hiding. I lost track of you almost immediately. You’re lucky my partner isn’t here, she may have distracted me with her babbling. Now I finally got you, and I can have some fun.” 
You let out a shriek as the appendage around your ankle suddenly yanked upwards, leaving you dangling upside down, face to face with him now. 
You needed to do something, say something in this situation to save yourself. Tears were already fast welling up within your eyes as you hung there silently. 
“P-Please… I didn’t do anything wrong, sir-” you began, only for him to laugh. 
“”Sir”?!” he looked at his robot, as if exchanging a look of amusement with it. “How polite! No need for that though… You can call me “Strade.”” His grin took on a more sadistic turn now. 
At first you only felt the tendons and muscles in your leg pulling farther. It felt like the strings of flesh that made up the leg  were growing taut, breaking one by one. Then a snap, and you let out a scream to join the others as you fell to the ground, now missing a leg. 
You looked up at the sky, dazed as he waved your removed appendage above you, raining your own blood onto you. Then the ungodly pain hit you, and you began to wail, moving to sit up, crawl away, ANYTHING to help yourself. 
“Whoops! You’re a little fragile it seems.” Strade said, looking down at you with a cocked brow. “Here let me cauterize that for you, can’t have you bleeding out.” 
“DON’T TOUCH ME.” you managed. He didn’t listen, he had no reason to. Searing pain, the smell of burning flesh and cooking meat, the sound of the fat in your stump rendering and sizzling against the green flames. Your eyes rolled back up into your head, you couldn’t take it anymore. 
At least if you passed out you could escape this. The world plummeted away into forgiving darkness for only a moment though before you were dragged back, kicking and screaming by him lifting you by your arm now. 
“Hey! Don’t pass out! I can’t have fun like that!” He shook you, spraying something down your throat. Water? Instincts made you gulp down at it greedily, despite it coming too fast. It was spilling down your front and as you began to cough and choke, he took the canister away. 
His grin danced in front of your face again now, staring down at you. 
“Ah… How cute.” He mumbled. “I wish I could fuck you right now but. This suit is a pain to get off. Takes me almost 20 minutes every night, could you believe it?” he laughed. You whimpered, flipping yourself onto your stomach in an attempt to crawl away. A hand on your back, fingers digging into your skin, stopped you. 
“Hey.” Strade’s voice took on a heated growl now. “I said I wanted to have fun with you. And I will.” you whimpered, pressing your face into the dirt. He was going to kill you anyways, why couldn’t he just get it over with? 
With a sick lurch in your stomach you realized this had to be the man who was gaining such a reputation for his cruelty. You grit your teeth, holding back more tears, not wanting to drown in self pity just now. If he was distracted with you, that meant there’d be time for others to escape him- 
Your thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of air on your skin, as you heard the sound of fabric tearing. You whipped your head back, watching in horror as he threw your pants aside, then pet one of his robot tentacles like a dog. 
“We’ll just have to settle for this!” he said, grinning down at you. “Try not to enjoy it too much!” he gave your head the same pet he gave his robots, your eyes wide with horror as the tentacle plunged into you. 
You let out a caterwauling scream as it pushed your flesh aside, into your freshly exposed entrance. Not caring what it tore, what it hit, it quickly began to piston in and out of you. It was deriving no pleasure from this though, he just wanted to see you squirm. 
You threw your head back to scream again, staring at him and begging an unasked question. 
“Let me guess.” he said, smiling as he continued to play with your hair, a tender gesture that contrasted sharply with the violence he was inflicting. “You want to know why?” 
Snot was running down your nose as your tears flowed anew. He leaned in close, and you gave a gag as he suddenly kissed you, messy, tongue invading your mouth. It felt as much of a violation as his appendage destroying your sex. 
You bit down on his tongue quickly, content to have at least this bit of control and resistance. Strade lurched back with a hiss of pain, his hand instantly on his mouth to inspect the damage you caused. Blood trickled out of his mouth as he felt his wounded tongue, still smiling. In fact, he looked even more excited now. 
“Because I can” he answered, standing back up and planting a boot on your back to hold you in place. You were still being violated by that tentacle of his, and you could only squirm in place. 
“Now! I wanna try something new with this one! Let’s try… burning them from the inside out! Like barbecue!” You couldn’t even find the energy to scream in horror as you felt the heat of plasma getting ready to fire build up inside the tentacle. It was hot, it was burning your insides. You shut your eyes, ready for the fiery end, the release of death. 
Until the appendage cooled suddenly. Strade was making a noise, as if talking to someone over a mic. 
“No I’m not messing around… I’m doing what we were ordered too-... Yes, I’ll head back immediately.” he let out a groan of annoyance, and you suddenly felt a kick to your side as the tentacle was pulled out. 
For the first time since you met him, Strade looked properly annoyed now. He glowered down at you. 
“I was nowhere near finished with you… I don’t want to make this quick…” One of the tentacles ends sharpened into a point, as if ready to plunge into you and provide a killing blow. You swallowed dryly, staring up at him. 
“Please… Please just kill me…” You whispered, begging. He’d be doing you a kindness at this point. There was no way you were going to survive these wounds, no one had the medical equipment except for the other side. If you arrived at the base like this, they’d likely just put you down out of kindness. 
Strade looked down at you, seemingly deep in thought. Then.. 
“Actually.” He pressed a button on his headset. “I got… A prisoner of war with me.” he glanced down at you, a grin creeping up his face. 
“They’ll need emergency medical attention, but I have reason to believe they’ll be useful to….. Us.” It felt like your stomach and chest had been filled with ice water, and you gasped for air looking up at him. 
“Wh-Why? WHY?!” you shrieked, using up the last of your energy to scream at him. Your arms were shaking with effort to hold your upper half up, and the ground below you had turned to a disgusting mud made of dirt, your blood, tears and sweat. 
“I’m not done with you…” Strade responded, getting back down onto one knee to stroke your hair again. “We aren’t monsters though, don’t worry. You’ll get proper care, and when my superiors realize that you don’t have much information to give…” 
His grip in your locks tightened, and he pulled you up to get in your face. His breath was hot against your cheek. 
“I’ll take good care of you… I bet you’d look so much prettier with a new set of legs, and I bet those arms could be replaced too. You’ll be my special toy. My gift to you, as the one who almost got away. Aren’t I such a nice guy?” he cooed. 
“Oh, and this way you’ll actually get to meet my partner! She’s cute too, I’m sure you both will get along splendidly. Two Peas. In A Pod.” he enunciated. You suddenly had a feeling that his partner, whoever she was, may be stuck in a similar situation to you. 
You stared off into the distance, unable to summon anymore tears as you listened to him talk on and on. Death would have been such a kind fate at this point. But Strade didn’t have any kindness in him. 
Strade poisoned everything he touched, not just your city and country, but anyone who got close to him too. It was just who he was, and he did it because he could. 
You heard the distant sound of rubble falling and screams echoing. What you had once become numb too was now shaking emotions from you again. You were going to miss those sounds, the sounds that had become synonymous with home. 
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