#ownership whump
stagelightwhump · 4 months
I'm going to post more information about the User's manual verse tomorrow, so what's something you guys would like to know about it? Ask away, I'll answer basically everything!
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ziptiesnfries · 9 months
concept: both whumper and whumpee are important people in a formal setting (business, organized crime, rich people things, etc). they're peers, so of course it would be gauche of whumper to explicitly undermine whumpee's position. instead, whumper works subtly: waving off whumpee's suggestions, one-upping their accomplishments, putting a hand on their thigh just so that everyone knows who's really in charge here, who whumpee belongs to.
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Institutional pet whump where there are training and discipline companies specifically to take on unruly pets. Some of them have custom programs for owners who either can't stomach or don't have time to punish their pet themselves. Others buy up poorly-trained and defiant pets for cheap, then flip their behavior and sell them conditioned for a profit.
A defiant, violent pet who's been through three owners already. Every corrective measure seems to make them fight harder. They're honestly hoping to be killed rather than continue living like this.
Their ownership transfers again; the new owner has them sedated prior to transport. They wake up already in their new cage, which is so tight it must have been assembled around them. They're bent over, kneeling, hands locked behind their back, collar locked to the floor. The bars of the cage prevent them from shifting or uncurling at all. They can't move. Their muscles are already screaming in pain.
A calm voice observes that they're awake. "Welcome to the training program. This is the first phase. You'll be permitted to move once you demonstrate your willingness to obey."
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solar-eclippse · 4 months
Honestly, I think any whump trope is more interesting if it's consensual. Obsession is more interesting if it's mutual. Ownership is more interesting if the owned offers their neck to be collared. Any form of harm is far more delicious if the victim urges their perpetrator on, because of love, and a desire to be closer, no matter the horrible, painful, irreversible cost.
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dresden-syndrome · 1 year
💫Whump ask game!💫
🔸Most suitable for non-BBU pet whump but can be used for whatever
🔸Anyone can use and reblog, nsfwhumpers included :)
🔸We're bringing tumblr ask culture back and ensuring no one is left excluded - sending an ask to the blog y'all reblogged it from is highly encouraged! I'll send an ask too! :)
🔸A little inspired by a wonderful ask post I wasn't able to reblog or visit that person's tumblr. Y'all hear me out. No block can stop me from playing whump ask games.
🔥For Whumper🔥
1) How did you acquire your whumpee? How hard it was?
2) From all the possibilities, why did you pick your whumpee rather than anyone else?
3) Why do you keep your whumpee captive? Why won't you let them go?
4) Is everything you do to your whumpee legal? Do you have to hide it from the authorities?
5) How open are you about keeping your whumpee?
6) Where does your whumpee live?
7) Do you bring your whumpee to your workplace? How about bringing them to your social activities?
8) How would you describe your whumpee?
9) Tell me about your whumpee's prettiest features!
10) How does your whumpee behave around you? How much did it change from the moment of capture?
11) What rules do you have for your whumpee?
12) What do you do if your whumpee misbehaves?
13) Have you ever tortured anyone aside from your whumpee? If so, what's the difference between your torture techniques for your whumpee and for others?
14) Your favorite torture method?
15) Do you give your whumpee any gifts, rewards or treats? If so, what are they? If you don't, why?
16) How possessive you are about your whumpee?
17) Has your whumpee ever tried to run away from you? What would you do/have done in that case?
18) Did you finally break your whumpee? How hard it is/was?
19) Does your whumpee fully belong to you? If not, why?
20) Is your whumpee allowed to move freely? How much?
21) Do you believe you're doing the right thing? Have you ever felt guilty about what you do to your whumpee?
22) What would you do if someone tried to take your whumpee from you?
23) Does your whumpee receive any medical care or health checks? If so, where?
24) Any advice on brainwashing or conditioning?
25) Have you made your whumpee learn something aside from rules and behavior lessons?
26) Do your friends/teammates/coworkers help you to tame your whumpee? Do you allow anyone to handle them?
27) Do you allow anyone else to talk to your whumpee?
28) Do you respect your whumpee's boundaries?
29) Did you know your whumpee before capturing them?
30) How often do you feed your whumpee? Have you ever used food as punishment?
31) What do you use your whumpee for?
32) Does your ownership of whumpee mean anything symbolic for you? Do you make any sort of statement by keeping them?
33) How would you describe the feelings you ger from owning/hurting your whumpee?
34) Have you trained your whumpee to obey your commands? How so?
35) Do you need to restrain your whumpee often? How and why so?
36) What do you dislike about your whumpee?
37) Do you decide on your whumpee's clothes? If so, what do you usually make them wear?
38) Do you ever believe you could be punished for your deeds, whether in your lifetime or after?
39) Could you tell me a bit about your values? How would you describe what you believe in?
40) What do other people usually say about your whumpee?
41) Do you use a collar or a leash on your whumpee? Do they have to wear it everyday, or only on special occasions?
42) Is your whumpee marked as your captive/possession in any way? How so?
43) Have you ever considered returning or releasing your whumpee?
44) Do you ever appear with your whumpee in public? If so, how do you make sure they won't run away?
45) Have you ever drugged or sedated your whumpee? Why?
46) Has anyone ever tried to search for your whumpee or rescue them? How do you prevent them from succeeding?
47) Which aspects of comfort do you allow your whumpee to have, if you do so?
48) Do you ever discipline/torture your whumpee when they didn't do anything wrong? For maintenance, for showing off, just because you felt like it?
49) Would you mind me to see your whumpee? Could you bring or call them to come here?
50) Your whumpee is so pretty! Can i pet them? Please :)
🌼For Whumpee🌼
1) When did you meet your whumper for the first time? How was it like?
2) What were you doing before capture? What could you tell about your life back then?
3) How were you captured?
4) Were you taken specifically for whumper from the start, or there was another reason at first?
5) Have you ever been interrogated? For what reason? Were you tortured there?
6) Do your friends or family know you're here? Do you think they miss you?
7) Have you ever planned your escape? If so, do you think it's gonna work? (We won't tell anyone)
8) How would you describe your whumper?
9) How strict your whumper has been with you?
10) At which points are you most scared of your whumper?
11) What are your thoughts on why is your whumper keeping you there?
12) Which of your whumper's rules you find harder to obey?
13) How much time are you forced to spend by your whumper's side?
14) Do you think anyone would be able to find or rescue you?
15) Have you ever tried asking anyone for help? If so, how did they react?
16) Do you hide from your whumper? Does it help? How long it takes for them to find you?
17) How often do you fight or resist your whumper? How do they react?
18) Does your whumper make you sleep in their bed?
19) Does your whumper take you outside? For walks, for any interesting places, for visiting their friends?
20) Do you have a comfort thing to feel better/safer? Does your whumper know about it?
21) Does your whumper provide you with any things of entertainment to do in your spare time?
22) Does your whumper try to brainwash you?
23) Do you have anyone to talk to aside from your whumper?
24) How often does your whumper punish you? Why?
25) Which punishment method do you hate the most?
26) Do you like it when your whumper holds or touches you? How often would they do that?
27) Has your whumper ever made you wear something you hate?
28) What do you prefer to do to comfort yourself when you've been hurt or feeling sad?
29) Do you remember how long you've been captive?
30) Does your whumper use any pet names for you? What are their favorite? Do you like them as well?
31) How much privacy do you have?
32) Where do you feel safer - with lots of people in the room or with your whumper alone?
33) How do your whumper's friends/coworkers treat you? Do they pay attention to you?
34) Did your whumper ever threaten to hurt your family or friends? Have they actually done that?
35) If you were given an opportunity to escape, what would you do? Where would you run to?
36) What does your whumper usually force you to do? Which of these things do you hate the most?
37) How often do you get sick? Do you get someone to take care of you in that case?
38) Have you ever been afraid to fall asleep? Why so?
39) What does your whumper usually say to you? Does he give more threats or compliments?
40) Does your whumper listen to your pleads, complaints or requests? What would you never ask them for even if you absolutely needed?
41) How does your whumper usually act around his friends or coworkers? Does he try to be a good person for them?
42) How much do you miss your past life, if you do so? Which aspects of it do you miss the most?
43) Are you afraid to die?
44) If you knew you'd end up like that, what would you do differently in your life?
45) Is there anything you said or did that could've led to your capture? If so, do you regret it?
46) If you could become an animal, which one would you choose? Why?
47) How much have you changed since the first day in captivity?
48) Do you have any plans or hopes for the future now?
49) Tell everything you've ever wanted to say to your whumper (we won't tell anyone!)
50) Share one of your happiest moment of freedom for us!
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whump-mania · 1 month
Okay so captivity, what's a fun way to keep a whumpee from escaping? Burning the soles of their feet, but in a fantasy world (or maybe they're just part of a cult), branding their feet with runes or cult symbols or initials so it both prevents them from walking as well as either being a mark of ownership, humiliation, or something magical. And for specific scenarios: vampire or demon whumpee getting the soles of their feet burned with crosses, and angel whumpee being branded with a pentagram, etc. so the pain stays for as long as they're affected by it rather than eventually healing
SERIOUSLY foot whump isn’t utilized enough
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pigeonwhumps · 2 months
BBU masterlist
General contents: pet whump, dehumanisation, amnesia, PTSD
(I've also put disabled whumpee under some of the links – this is a disability that isn't PTSD or I'd have it for all of them!)
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Bug and Company
Bug's 18 when they're handed over to BetterPets by their foster parents, going through various owners and sets of training before being freed for good. This is their life, and that of those they've touched.
Contains: lady whump, multiple whumpees, disabled characters, recovery whump, caretaker new whumper, mutual caretaking
Finding Safety
After being kidnapped, dumped at WRU, and shipped to the USA, Cass isn't having a good time. And then Tyrone takes him to be his ring-fighting Guard Dog, alongside Aaliyah, a Romantic he already owns. Now he's definitely not having a good time, and nor is Aaliyah. After losing everything, they need to build their lives again, but with Aaliyah not remembering her past and Cass unable to reach his, it's a challenge, even with assistance.
Contains: lady whump, multiple whumpees, disabled characters, recovery whump, caretaker new whumper, different caretaker *actually* new whumper, mutual caretaking
Pets of the Silver Screen
In the silent film era and the early days of the WRU, young pet number 95, real name Eloise, is bought by film producer Hayes Fletcher to star in his productions. A few years later, he hires Agatha from Foster Montgomery to be her stunt double (read: to scar in scenes where it's necessary, because Eloise is too valuable), and the two young woman strike up a somewhat unwilling friendship.
Over a decade of working on- and off-screen later, it's the roaring twenties, pet liberation is starting to grow, and they're more than ready to leave. Enter Ira Waterhouse – a woman who's had just about enough of the pet industry and is willing to take in two runaways. But WRU is expanding, and running a newly-acquired safehouse in London's docklands isn't a piece of cake. Especially when the two former pets Ira's running it with are a) famous, b) wanted for burning down a film studio, and c) even more traumatised than she originally assumed...
Contains: lady whump, multiple whumpees, disabled character, historical whump, recovery whump, mutual caretaking
Anita and her grandmother Indira are thrown into the world of pet ownership when Theo, a profoundly deaf unwanted box boy, is mistakenly delivered to the animal shelter Anita works at.
Meanwhile, 785, Theo's bonded, is now struggling to survive Eleanor alone.
As long as she's useful, anyway.
When 785 is refurbished and sold, meeting a defiant illegal pet named Cass along the way, she ends up living alongside a Pet who seems to know her far too well. Meanwhile, Theo discovers that the person he cares about most in the world barely remembers his existence, and Anita is in way over her head.
Contains: lady whump, multiple whumpees, disabled characters, recovery whump, caretaker new whumper, whumpee turned caretaker, mutual caretaking
Ceci talks to Bless about going outside.
Contains: recovery whump, caretaker new whumper
Do you think Guard Dog designated pets should be legally required to wear an auditory identifier in public?
Opinion piece on a proposed law feat. Ade Olayinke vs David Cooper: "Guard Dog class pets will have to wear an auditory device such as a bell collar or proximity alarm at all times whilst in public spaces."
Cry for help
Melanie finds an abandoned pet on a street corner.
Contains: disabled characters, whumpee turned caretaker
Artwork and graphics
Pet Paper and Liberation magazine covers
WRU recruitment brochures
WRU pet wrapping service
Promotional cereal box
WRU x Happy Meal McDonald's advert
Bring Your Pets to Work Day
Petblr dashboard
Fanwork for @octopus-reactivated's Pet Paper – layout for @cowboy-anon's article 9 Essentials for a Hassle-Free Vacation with your Pet
Rent-A-Pet advert
BBU Community Days 2023
BBU Community Days 2024
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peachy-panic · 6 months
A prompt: Myles has Elijah strung up and is doing something unpleasant to him
This is a good excuse to insert a piece of canon I've been meaning to write.
WARNINGS: Captivity whump, scars, branding, knives, referenced noncon, self harm
When the shower shut off, the first thing Elijah reached for—the first thing he always reached for—was the tube of scar gel on the bathroom counter. 
He stuck his hand out from behind the curtain, groping blindly in the dark. No matter how much time passed, he still couldn’t bring himself to take a shower with the lights on, leaving him dependent on the sliver of sunlight that came through the small frosted window above the toilet. It was enough to get by, and just enough to leave his body a shadowed blur in his vision.
When his fingers found the familiar plastic, he grabbed it and flipped the cap with his thumb. He dispensed a dime-sized circle onto his palm, careful not to use too much at once. This shit was expensive, and definitely more than he and his mom should be spending with limited funds, but she knew how important it was to Elijah, so she never mentioned it. But every few weeks, a new tube would appear on the bathroom counter like clockwork. 
She just didn’t know the real reason why he needed it so badly. Not entirely.
There was no shortage of physical reminders of Elijah’s captivity etched into his body, and none of them were easy to cope with. Some of them were easier to cover, and some of them never saw the light of day. But only one instilled such a burning revulsion, one that went beyond skin deep, to the point that on several occasions, Elijah found himself on the bathroom floor next to a shattered razor, fighting the urge to filet the entire ugly fucking patch of skin from his body. Instead, he settled for thin, violent slashes across the existing scar, like he was crossing out words on a page. Just to alter it in some way. To take ownership of something that so inherently robbed it from him. 
Today, he bypassed the superficial scars altogether, ignoring the sharp lines of raised skin that had split apart under Myles Voss’s blades and belts, on his arms and shoulders and chest and stomach. Instead, he took the full amount of gel and smeared it across his inner thigh, rubbing until it covered every inch of scar tissue. 
It was overkill to close his eyes so tight, but he did it on instinct, keeping his chin tilted up so there was no chance of seeing the lines on his thigh. He wished there was a way to detach his brain from his nerve endings, so he didn’t have to feel the ridges of lettering under his fingertips like braille, reading it out over and over and over and—
The handcuffs were nothing new, but Elijah knew something was off when Myles didn’t unlock them immediately after he rolled off of him. 
Myles stood from the bed, stretching his arms over his head, and walked to the dresser on the far side of the room. Elijah stared after him blankly, slowly coming back to himself. He blinked hard a couple of times before Myles turned back to him. A golden knife gleaming in his hands. 
He was pretty sure this fucking scar cream didn’t work. He had spent countless hours online looking up his options: creams, lotions, surgeries. Most of which were too expensive to even consider, and none of which would be one hundred percent effective. No matter which route he went, even in a fantasy world where he could afford a real procedure, there would always, always be evidence of the marks Myles left on his skin.
Elijah’s wrists tugged against the restraints before he could even fully process what he was seeing. “W-what are you…?” He couldn’t even form the whole thought. This was normally the part where Myles would force him into some sick semblance of an embrace, followed by a hellish shared bath that always led to the probability of another round. He almost never brought out the knives after they had sex. 
Myles’s expression gave no leniency when he said, “We’ll keep the cuffs on for this, baby. You don’t want to fight me.”
He yanked his sweatpants up to his hips before the towel even hit the ground, like leaving the scar exposed for one more second would reveal him to the world. He could still feel it, though. There were days where the scar tissue was bad, and days where it was worse, but he could almost always feel it; if he stretched just the wrong way, if the jeans he wore were tight enough for the seam to rub just the wrong way against his inner thigh. 
Half of his wardrobe was eliminated when Elijah returned home, and not just because all of his clothes hung loose on his malnourished frame. Any pair of pants that had rips along the thighs—which, given Elijah’s fashion choices through high school, were most of them—posed the risk of showing it. 
Elijah would never be able to forget it was there. Myles had made sure of that. 
He heated the knife first, dipping the blade into the burning fireplace for a few long seconds. Elijah’s first panicked, incoherent thought was that maybe he was sterilizing it. Maybe creating a way to cauterize as he cut. In hindsight, he wondered if it had more to do with making sure the it scarred. 
The moments between seeing the blade glowing in the fire and the knife making contact with his skin were chopped into a motion blur. He recalled pieces: Myles’s weight dipping the mattress. Hands prying his legs apart. He remembered screaming, and even if he didn’t, he would have remembered the dry ache in his throat rendering him unable to talk for the entire next day, leaving Grayson to a silent cellar and a nearly catatonic companion for company. 
The heat itself, the slice of the blade through the delicate skin of his inner thigh, was a blare of white, hot pain that blew out any conscious thought. He passed out. Several times, he knew, because he recalled waking up over and over to the realization that it was still happening. 
It could have lasted seconds or hours. 
When he woke up, he was on the floor of the empty bathtub, alone. The excess blood had been washed away, a bandage fastened over the wound. Through the white of the gauze, he had already begun to bleed through; patches of red in the neat shape of two letters.
He never told anyone about the brand on his thigh, but that didn’t mean it was a secret. There were the agents and paramedics who found them, naked and terrified in the master bedroom, leaving nothing to the imagination. Then there were the people at the hospital, both doctors and police, who poked and prodded and splayed him open for photos and inspections and bandage changes and—
And of course, there was Grayson. There was very little Elijah could ever hide from him. This was only one more thing they never spoke about.
Elijah shut off his bedroom light and crawled under the blankets. When he stretched out onto his stomach, the position tugged at the scar tissue unevenly, like a thread pulled too tightly under his skin. He flipped onto his back and scrubbed both hands over his face and into his hair, pulling tightly enough on the damp curls to sting. 
“Now you won’t forget, baby,” Myles crooned, running a calloused finger over his initials. “You won’t ever forget who you belong to.”
TAG LIST: @mylifeisonthebookshelf @hold-him-down @distinctlywhumpthing @diyalogues @finder-of-rings @dont-touch-my-soup @wicked-whump @scp-1296 @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @melancholy-in-the-morning @whumpcereal @reflected-pain  @pigeonwhumps @canislycaon24 @flowersarefreetherapy @there-will-always-be-blood @whatwhumpcomments
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stagelightwhump · 5 months
OC Introductions: Rayan
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Rayan Vanderbilt, inheritor of one of their parents' shell companies, is best described by two words:
Nepo. Baby.
They are entitled, they are selfish, they are condescending, they respect no one but their secretary, and they see everything in life, from their parents' wealth to their employees' time and health, as merely a means to an end. Some one call them greedy, of course, but for them, cash and credit cards may as well be carnival tickets and tokens for how much value they place in them.
Rayan, after losing multiple employees to workplace drama, purchased multiple Cog units instead of hiring new employees to replace ones that quit or got fired. After several months, they purchased one of each Cog Boss unit to make the employee Cog units more obedient. This worked, but the Cog bosses began to hate Rayan for their entitled behavior, especially the CEO unit. Attempts to order or mod them out of this behavior fail spectacularly, both in the short term, and in the long term. After two months and getting their ribs broken by a golf club, the Cog bosses get fed up, shove Rayan into the box the CFO came in, and are then genuinely shocked when the box gets picked up by The Factory and then shipped back a week later with a "repaired" "unit" inside.
Once repaired, Rayan loses knowledge of their last name, and a majority of their past, as the memory chip in their head steadily replaces the knowledge of their real life with that of a fictional character, and it's only through sheer force of will that they hold on to the one unaltered memory they have: their parents gifting them the shell company.
As a Unit, Rayan has become much greedier, money hungry in the most literal sense. They struggle massively with dysphoria, both with their body and, especially, with their head and face, as the only similarities between their human self and the form forced upon them is their eye color. And, honestly, how could they not be dysphoric? Their head was literally replaced with a cash register. An object so mundane and disregarded and replaceable, an object designed for just one singular, narrow purpose, and a purpose that isn't even exclusive, at that.
In addition, their preferences towards non-physical things like colors and sounds have also changed, meaning their closets full of precisely-tailored maroon silk clothes are much less favorable to their eyes than the dark green suit The Factory forced them into. However, it's not like those old clothes would fit them, anyway, as they've gone from a slim 5'5 to a bulky and brutal 8'6.
Will they ever get their life back in order? Will they escape from the Units they once owned, who now spend their days tormenting them? Will they ever feel like themself again?
....Probably not. ;)
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justplainwhump · 7 months
Adrian plans to move against Jack.
In the timeline, this connects the pieces Gauze and Choices.
[Pet Safety]
Content: BBU, BBU recovery / pet lib setting, vaguely referenced past facility whump, vaguely implied past whump of minors.
Adrian stayed up long. It hurt the wounds in his neck to lay down anyway. As in the nights before, he’d sleep upright in the armchair in his living room. And if he was sitting already - well, he could read up on Jack Donnell.
He’d pulled the files of all Donnell’s pets before the inspection; he still had them saved on his work tablet. He knew the database queries by all WRU’s employees were recorded "for compliance reasons". He just hoped they weren’t paranoid enough to also regularly check their access of files on their own computers. If they did, he’d tell them it was about Bea.
Her case file was the first in the dossier, because she’d been Donnell’s latest acquisition. Adrian had only skimmed through it, back then. His job was to check the Guards, not the other designations; and he’d long learned that reading too many case files would make him angry and restless and lose the focus he needed.
Especially those about Romantics. 
Especially those about second hand Romantics.
He did take the time to read it now.
Romantic pet 400168. Taken in eight years ago, at age 18. His stomach revolted already. It was almost 50-50, he knew. The chances, of an 18 year old trainee being, in fact, 18. It was illegal to process minors. So everyone was always of age. 
She looked tired on the first photos. But stunningly beautiful already. And… almost happy. Relieved, to be at WRU. Adrian wondered, how long that had lasted. He didn’t want to know. So he scrolled on.
Specifications looked like a classic case, except for one line. 'English language training. Defamiliarization with native language (Spanish).'
Some training notes, that sounded smug and highly satisfied. 
Sale to a corporate lawyer, who paid extra for someone 'who looked like a virgin and fucked like a whore'.
Seven years with the guy.
Then refurb.
Hadn’t looked or felt like a virgin any longer, Adrian thought grimly; but then reassessed.
'Runaway. Rebellious behavior. Disloyal. Refurb and disciplinary measures necessary.'
'Intended sale to family friend.'
'Specification: Strict defamiliarization with Platonic/Domestic WRU Pet 278017. Strongly discouraging bonds with other pets. Fear response (new prospective’s wishes) ; to be enforced by training with Guard trainees.' 
Adrian stared at the closed door to his bedroom, behind which Bea was sleeping. Good for that first owner that his name was blacked out in the files, and that Adrian couldn’t access it without risking his own life, and hers. 
Bad for Jack Donnell, that Adrian knew his name.
The contract was simple; it included that there’d been some faults about her second wipe, issues with discipline and short term memory; and the buyer’s response that he knew her well enough and he’d still take her.
The photos on that contract were different. Still a perfectly pretty face, still barely any marks on her body. But the look in her eyes, this time was… haunted. Afraid.
Just as Jack had ordered. 
Teeth clenched, Adrian swiped to the next files.
The Guards’ documents he’d seen before, had had his suspicions about before as well. Before Bea had confirmed them. 'They all fight.' 
Background of experienced fighters, all of them. Former soldiers, mercenaries, martial arts fighters, gangsters. Some had been recruited directly into WRU from prison, instead of serving long sentences. The missing one, the one Bea had called Mac, was one of them. His former self’s list of crimes was impressive. Adrian was pretty sure it had only grown longer during Jack’s ownership. Including assault on Bea. At least in a better world, where hurting someone like her wouldn’t be a misdemeanor at best.
Whatever Mac had done to her though, whatever the others had done, in this life or their past - the one who controlled it all now was Jack.
Adrian’s hands were tied to come after Jack in his official capacity as Pet Safety Inspector. But there was always another option. Pet lib. If he could find out, where this arena was, where Mac was held, where the others fought sometimes as well, if Marta could send a team there, if they filmed and found and published evidence, even his boss would have no choice but to allow Adrian to act. 
Seizing all his pets. Revoking his pet owner’s license. Smile at him, while dictating all the fines he’d have to pay.
It was far less from what Adrian truly wanted to do to the man. But at least, it would be something.
"You know, Adri, you’d also save the pets." Marta said, after he explained his plan to her, a soft frown on her face. "Which is, what pet lib do, right?"
"Um." Adrian tilted his head. "Yeah, I mean, yeah, of course. That’s why I’m talking to you."
"No. You’re talking to me about revenge."
"Revenge would be for me to-" He stopped talking with a side glance to Bea and the runaway he’d helped during the raid, Noor, at the other end of the room. 
Marta and he spoke Spanish, so he was painfully aware that Bea wouldn’t want to listen in - but she could. And she shouldn’t hear these things from him. He was a better man than her owners had been. He swore, he’d keep her from violence. 
"Revenge would be more violent," he settled.
Marta scoffed, not convinced. "Sure. So. Anyway. If we do this, I don’t want you to confiscate them. I want to get them out for good. You find out where and what this place is, when they have their next fights. I find a safe space for a handful of recently freed, traumatized Fighters. It’ll take a while. So you take it slow, too, alright?"
He looked over at Bea, and she smiled back on instinct.
He would need her help to make out this place. She’d been there before, and it would hurt her to remember. Taking it slow was the best he could do. For her. After all, this was all for her.
And of course, to also save the other pets.
"Yeah," he sighed. "Yeah, alright. I will take it slow."
Pet Safety tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @gottawhump @flowersarefreetherapy @whumplr-reader @highwaywhump @tauntedoctopuses @pigeonwhumps @whumppsychology @labgrowndemon @whumpinggrounds @somewhumpyguy @whumpzone @tragedyinblue @theelvishcowgirl @light-me-on-pyre
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Zodiac Themed Whump Prompts
Thanks for the idea @funky-little-torturer !
These can be interpreted as individual prompts, groups of prompts, or just ~vibes. They're intended to be open to interpretation!
(astrology info source)
Aries - The Ram - Element: Fire - Ruler: Mars - Season: Spring - Metal: Iron - Stone: Diamond - Color: Red
Keywords: independent, aggressive, impatient, combative, assertive
Failed escape
Taurus - The Bull - Element: Earth - Ruler: Venus - Season: Spring - Metal: Copper - Stone: Emerald - Color: Green
Keywords: persevering, stable, stubborn, possessive, physical
Rough landing
Gemini - The Twins - Element: Air - Ruler: Mercury - Season: Spring - Metal: Mercury - Stone: Agate - Color: Yellow
Keywords: adaptable, flexible, responsive, sociable, inquisitive
Stress position
Narrow escape
Cancer - The Crab - Element: Water - Ruler: the Moon - Season: Summer - Metal: Silver - Stone: Pearl - Color: White
Keywords: gentle, feeling, nurturing, defensive, contemplative
Fighting back
Tended to
Leo - The Lion - Element: Fire - Ruler: The Sun - Season: Summer - Metal: Gold - Stone: Ruby - Color: Gold
Keywords: bold, caring, driven, open, passionate
Hanging on
Human shield
Virgo - The Virgin - Element: Earth - Ruler: Mercury - Season: Summer - Metal: Mercury - Stone: Sapphire - Color: Blue
Keywords: analytical, intelligent, reserved, critical, helpful
Libra - The Scales - Element: Air - Ruler: Venus - Season: Fall - Metal: Copper - Stone: Marble - Color: Pink
Keywords: just, refined, diplomatic, indecisive, artistic
Scorpio - The Scorpion - Element: Water - Ruler: Pluto - Season: Fall - Metal: Steel - Stone: Citrine - Color: Purple
Keywords: perceptive, resourceful, determined, fixed, focused
Pinned down
Tight Grip
Sagittarius - The Archer - Element: Fire - Ruler: Jupiter - Season: Fall - Metal: Tin - Stone: Topaz Color: Turquoise
Keywords: optimistic, restless, adventurous, honest, irresponsible
Out of breath
Falling apart
Capricorn - The Goat - Element: Earth - Ruler: Saturn - Season: Winter - Metal: Lead - Stone: Garnet - Color: Brown
Keywords: tenacious, resourceful, disciplined, prudent, constant
Aquarius - The Water-bearer - Element: Air - Ruler: Uranus - Season: Winter - Metal: Uranium - Stone: Amethyst - Color: Sky Blue
Keywords: assertive, inventive, eccentric, idealistic, detached
Blunt force
Improvised weapon
Pisces - The Fish - Element: Water - Ruler: Neptune - Season: Winter - Metal: Tin - Stone: Jade - Color: Sea Green
Keywords: intuitive, dreamy, sensitive, perceptive, tender
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mj-iza-writer · 11 months
Whumptober Day 17 Dehumanization; pet whump. Enjoy.
You're the lump in my throat and the knot in my chest / collar / touch aversion / "Leave me alone"
Whumper lay comfortably on the couch, strolling through their phone with one hand. The other hand held the throat of their pet, not to choke or punish, but to remind.
Whumper wanted to feel every breath Whumpee took, every swallow. They wanted the control to be able to stop everything in an instant.
Whumpee kept their eyes trained straight ahead, not looking at anything in particular. They sat quietly on the floor, feeling the hand move nonchalantly around their throat. This was a normal occurrence, as long as they did nothing but behave, the hand wouldn't hurt them.
Whumpee knew they shouldn't have any thoughts besides obeying their master. But something, a question had been on their mind for a few day now, but did they have the right to ask?
Whumpee cleared their throat, but did they dare ask for something from Whumper.
"Mas-master", they whispered.
Whumper's hand gripped gently.
Whumpee shook nervously.
"You may speak, my hand will remain on your throat", Whumper turned their full attention to Whumpee, "I like the way your voice feels."
Whumpee nodded and took a breath, "I'm sorry master, I apologize for asking, but what does a collar symbolize."
"It normally symbolizes ownership between a master and their pet or slave depending on what subject you are looking into", Whumper trailed their finger up and down Whumpee's throat, "why are you asking?"
"A few days ago when Master Collin was here, I heard you both talking about collars, and how they just gave their pet one finally", Whumpee paused.
"Yes, Collin said they felt their pet had earned it finally", Whumper grinned, "it was a well earned gift."
Whumpee looked down sadly, "oh"
"Is there a reason you are so curious?", Whumper released their grip, "turn to face me."
Whumpee turned to kneel in front of Whumper, they kept their eyes to the floor.
"Well?", Whumper sat up, "is there?"
"I apologize master, but is there a way I can earn a right to wear a collar", Whumpee bowed to kiss Whumper's feet, "may I earn that gift?"
"Do you think you've earned that gift?", Whumper reached for Whumpee's throat again.
"N-no master, I just hoped to be able to earn it", Whumpee whimpered, "I hoped to learn what I could do to please you. So you would allow me to wear one."
"Hmm", Whumper stood, "wait here."
Whumpee waited while Whumper went to a different room. They could hear them rummaging through some bags.
'Now you did it, you've upset them. Now instead of resting, they have to punish you. You couldn't just lose the thought and be obedient', they yelled at themself.
Whumper came back a few minutes later carrying something.
Whumpee bowed. "Master please forgive me, I didn't mean to make you upset. Please forgive me, I will take any punishment happily."
"Shh, you're not in trouble. Actually", Whumper revealed what they were carrying, "I purchased this a few days ago when Collin bought theirs, I was holding onto it for the right time, I guess this works."
Whumpee looked at the item, then realized what it was.
"I-is that a collar Master?", Whumpee smiled excitedly.
Whumper walked back over to the couch and sat down. They smiled at Whumpee, "it is, I think you've put up enough with me lately. I believe you earned this."
"I-I have master, you mean it?", Whumpee looked at it excitedly, "thankyou master, so much."
"You're welcome", Whumper grinned and began to put it around Whumpee's neck.
Whumpee stretched their chin up to help Whumper see. They heard a clinking sound.
When it was in place Whumpee reached up and felt their gift, they noticed something metal hanging from it. They looked up in confusion.
"It's a name tag", Whumper reached for it, "most collars have one, it has your name, my name, and my phone number in case you get lost."
Whumpee listened intently.
"Now remember pet, this gift comes with rules, if those are not followed I may have to take it away until you earn it again", Whumper smiled, "am I clear."
"Yes master very clear", Whumpee grinned as they felt their collar again.
Whumper reached for Whumpee's throat, "and it doesn't take the place of my hand holding your throat, I will do this whenever I want, am I clear?"
"Yes Master, I am your pet, you own my body", Whumpee bowed their eyes.
"Good pet", Whumper patted Whumpee's head, "enjoy your new gift."
Whumper sat back as Whumpee reached up and felt the collar again.
Whumpee bowed to the floor again, and kissed Whumper's feet, "thankyou master."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened
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bilightningwhumper · 1 month
Had a dream and thought up a new story idea. Whoops, lol. Poll at the end if you're interested.
Basically, it's a thought for an original story inspired by haunted houses/mansions. The mother of a family received the deed/ownership to an old mansion. In the process, she becomes possessed by the spirits of the house and ends up killing most of her family.
Jump to the present, one daughter and one son are left. The daughter has no memory of what happened, but the son remembers it all. [Edit: They reunite right after college for the start of this instead of high school ending.] However, throughout their school years, any friends they've grown close to and any bullies they've had both disappear. Everyone else has them erased from their memories, except for the boy's. He can't convince anyone to remember, so eventually gives up, making private notes in journals to keep the memories of the lost at least acknowledged.
They go on one last road trip with two of their mutual friends left and end up stumbling across the mansion, overgrown in the middle of nowhere. Lured into the mansion, all of them end up separated.
Not sure how to explain the rest without giving away the whole idea, but basically the story is told from the PoVs of the brother and sister. Non-human whumpees as well as human ones. Though it is also some experimentation whump mixed with supernatural whump, so humans turned into animal/human hybrids kind of thing. Like, a whumper moved into the mansion secretly and has been contributing/taking advantage of the disappearing characters. It was a very detailed dream for one night, lol. Of course, lgbt and neurodivergent MCs, as well as the side characters, too.
I'm still working on the October writing events stuff first. Basically this whole ramble was to keep the idea from disappearing in my head, plus what I'm writing on some scrap paper. Everything else I've shared so far for ideas has been re-tellings or fanfics, but I've noticed a lot I've read for the whump community and enjoyed has been folks orgiginal works a whole lot more. And I'm working on not being so paranoid and cagy about writing origninal stuff myself and sharing it with more than just a few choice friends. So I'm nervous to share this idea, but excited to see if anyone would actually want to read it.
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mcg-127 · 6 days
Oughhh, I miss Hybrids AU all of a sudden, it makes me so unwell /pos :) :) :) I’m thinking about the potential bad ending, in which Hybrids!Dream reclaims his little fledgling, hehehe :) He would certainly be infuriated, but wouldn’t it be fun if he pretended to be understanding and took his precious time to make Hybrids!Tommy believe that he was safe, only to reveal his fury in the end, and punish him in the cruelest way imaginable? 
At first, Hybrids!Dream would hit Hybrids!Tommy on the nose, causing it to bleed, and smearing blood over its face, before harshly pushing the boy to the ground. Taking notice of its trembling lips, tear-stained eyes, and its desperate attempt to suppress an alarm call, the hybrid hunter would grin cruelly, anticipating the rest of this beautiful spectacle, before saying, “Aww, did it hurt, Toms? If you hadn’t foolishly escaped, you wouldn’t have to suffer… this much.” 
Then, Hybrids!Dream would beat Hybrids!Tommy into the ribs, each blow harder and slower than the last, until they break with a satisfying crack. After all, these protected the boy’s lungs as he escaped from his owner… 
Next, the man would pull out an axe, and break his legs with the blunt side. After all, these let the boy escape from his owner…
At this point, the poor fledgling would be in so much agony that he’d be lost in dissociation, but still incredibly responsive to every single blow, and fearing what might happen next.
And finally, Hybrids!Dream would painfully slowly pluck a couple of feathers from Hybrids!Tommy now freed wings (thanks to Hybrids!Emeraldduo, hehe), before pulling out a dagger, roughly clipping his wings, and cutting out his initials as a sign of ownership.
Omg, I miss Hybrids AU as well! I'm so proud of it, and I'm honoured you adore it too <3333 A bad ending would hit super hard and be heartbreaking in the best way, hehe :) Ohh, Hybrids!Dream would definitely be the angriest he's ever been, and Hybrids!Tommy would have the worst time he's ever had. The concept of Dream taking some time to lull Tommy into a false sense of security, only to spring a nightmarish punishment on him once the trauma bonding is back in full force, sends me utterly insane /pos >:3
Starting with an abruptly broken nose without any warning is absolutely something Hybrids!Dream would do :) And of course, you're right about him loving Hybrids!Tommy on the ground at his feet - where the avian belongs. Tommy would slip back into the habit of suppressing his vocalisations immediately, despite all the work Hybrids!Emeraldduo and others did to decondition him >:3 Grgrrgrrrr Dream's taunts never get less chilling, I love it!
The ribs, I imagine, is Dream's favourite area to injure on Tommy regardless of the AU :) There's just something so intimately agonising about it. Hybrids!Dream would definitely drag it out like you said; Hybrids!Tommy doesn't deserve a quick punishment after all. Every second of pain would hammer home the point that running away was a terrible mistake, and Tommy would regret it immensely >:3
Broken legs is such a wonderful whump trope, I adore it! Of course, it would make sense for Hybrids!Tommy to be unable to walk without his owner's assistance. Hybrids!Dream would ensure his little fledgling couldn't move a single inch without his discretion :)
Tommy falling deep into dissociation but still reacting viscerally to every blow is a brilliantly heartwrenching image! Those repressed memories of all the (torture) punishments would bubble to the surface like pus in a wound, and he'd drown in them >:3 Hybrids!Dream would take great pleasure injuring Hybrids!Tommy's wings, knowing exactly how traumatic that is. The effort Hybrids!Emeraldduo put into deconditioning the avian and helping him feel comfortable letting others touch his wings would all be for nothing :) The concept of Dream carving his name into Tommy will never not make me insane /pos, regardless of the AU!
Thanks so much for this ask and the other two Jesse, they mean a lot and I'm overjoyed to discuss these things with you <3333
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thesandsofelsweyr · 8 months
《 CHAPTER 4/4 // READ ON AO3 // TAG 》
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Jason has been beaten half to death with a crowbar, shredded by barbed wire, strung up for so long his shoulders ripped from their sockets, shocked, starved, branded… It's only a wooden paddle, it can’t hurt more than any of the Clown’s other toys… right?
《RATING》 🔞 Explicit 《WORDS》 2,399
《CHARACTERS》 Jason Todd/Robin, Joker
《TROPES》 Hurt No Comfort, Angst, Whump, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
《WARNINGS》 Humiliation, Forced Nudity, Non-Consensual Spanking, Paddling, Genital Torture, Ownership, Master/Pet, Blood and Injury, Non-Consensual Touching, Scars
《SERIES》 Part 2 of My Arkhamverse, Part 2 of Ruined
《TAGLIST》 @aaliyah-wayne @ladytauria @betty-1880 @hlg8 @plantixst
This fic is dark so please be aware of the tags
Kudos & comments on AO3, as well as reblogs here, are greatly appreciated 💛
《 READ ON AO3 》 (excerpt below the cut)
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“And one to grow on!”
Several minutes passed before Jason realized the beating had stopped. His mind was still consumed by the dull throbbing in his abused genitals. He didn’t know how many times the Clown hit him with that paddle. He remembered the beating ending at 207, but was that the second 207 or the first?
“C’mon kiddo. Ease up. You can let go now. That’s it.” Joker soothed, prying his white-knuckled fingers from the edge of the desk.
He moaned as his limp body slid off the desk and collapsed into a quivering, piss-stinking heap of bloody meat. His tailbone was broken and his backside was bruised and burning from the small of his back to the hollows of his knees. But the agony in his testicles eclipsed all other pain, reaving through his head, dominating his awareness. He clasped trembling hands around them and curled his body in on itself. 
“Thank you for paddling me, sir,” he said softly, his jaw working against the grimy floorboards that reeked of piss and shit, blood and vomit. Joker had taught him to be grateful for his punishments, if he didn’t want to be punished further.
The paddle tapped against his ass again and he wailed: “THANK YOU SIR!” as loud as his ravaged voice would allow.
The taps only grew harder. “I heard you the first time, kiddo.”
Fear clutched at his raw throat as shivers raced up and down his spine. He had no idea what he was supposed to do or say. “Please,” he whimpered. “What do you want me to say?” he asked in a small, reedy voice.
“Did I give you permission to move your hands?”
“No sir, p-please. I’m sorry,” he pleaded as he rethreaded his crooked fingers behind his head, praying that his obedience would spare him further punishment. It never does, you fool.
Joker squatted in front of him, placing the paddle across his knees and resting his elbows on the blade. Jason’s shriveled cock and balls drew up tight again, fearing further abuse. He couldn’t take his wide eyes off that paddle. He was terrified of getting hit with it again.
“Aww. Bet those are pretty sore right now, aren’t they, little guy?” Joker asked in that faux-gentle tone of his that sent invisible spiders skittering across his naked skin.
Jason swallowed hard as dread bloomed inside him. “Yes s-sir.”
Joker suddenly leapt to his feet, and Jason recoiled from the man. “Let’s play another game then, shall we? You’ll like this one, yessiree. It’ll cheer you right up, get your mind off that painful nonsense down there.” The rounded end of the paddle prodded at Jason, causing him to draw his fleshless legs to his chest and press his forehead against his bony knees—a futile attempt to shield his balls from more agony. “We’re gonna roleplay, you and me. It’ll be just like old times, like when the Bat and his Bird pretended to be superheroes. But this time will be more fun, I can promise you that. This time I’m gonna play the—ugh, are you paying attention?” Joker huffed indignantly, prodding at Jason again.
“Yes sir,” Jason answered wearily. He hated these games, mostly because he always found a way to lose.
“As I was saying, I’m gonna play the veterinarian, and you’re gonna be my adorable puppy patient. Okay? Now,” Joker whistled twice then clicked his tongue, “up boy!”
Jason slowly unfurled, not quick enough for the Clown’s liking, which earned him a hard kick to the gut. He yelped, struggling not to move his hands from the back of his head as fresh pain surged through him. Then slender fingers twisted in his matted nest of black hair, tearing at his scalp as he was dragged upright. “I said ‘up’ ya dumb mutt,” Joker growled before shoving him back down to the floor. Jason grunted as he landed on a chest full of broken ribs. “Hands and knees, kid,” Joker motioned upward with the paddle. “You know, doggy-style,” he chuckled.
Jason cringed at the creep’s sexual innuendo but dutifully obeyed. Joker crouched beside him, then a fist tightened in his sweat-soaked hair again, wrenching his head back so blood red lips could brush against his ear. “You know Uncle Joker doesn’t like when his little birdy doesn’t play along,” he warned, his voice suddenly low and sinister, his rotten breath hot and humid against Jason’s cheek. 
The unspoken threat chilled him to the bone. “I-I know. I’m sorry sir.”
Joker shoved his head back down then flamboyantly whacked the back of it with his hand. “Nuh-uh-uh! That’s not what puppies are supposed to say, silly. Now, what do puppies say?”
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Jewellery + Whump
cw: strangling, possessive whumper, kidnapping mention, implied death/loss
fantasy - magic necklace, ring, bracelet, etc. that allows the villain to control someone else's mind or body, or it drains their life slowly or poisons them, or any other cool fantastical magic stuff you can think of!
violence - choking someone with their own necklace
possessiveness - necklace in lieu of a collar to signify ownership/status/place in a hierarchy/etc.
angst - piece of jewellery reminds the character of someone they've lost. cue tragic flashback!
taunting - villain uses a stolen piece of jewellery to taunt the character they're tormenting (it belongs to someone they love, or it indicates that the person has been kidnapped)
motive - a valuable piece of jewellery is what the villain wants, and they're gonna hurt people until they get it
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