zelly-raptor · 3 months
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To The 12/12/2023: Raymundos Dragon dreams.
Throwback or Flashback rather to Christmas 2023! To when I drew this card featuring OC Raymundo (Father of Tom-Man and Goose) using a Dragon as a Hang-Glider.
I was gonna include Tom-Man and his new Dragon friend to this Pic to but I don't think I have the Space for It.
This Pic was made into a Card for my Dads B'day on the 28th/12. I only kept the Line drawing for this pic
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almalinked · 6 months
Profiles - AlmaLinked OCs - Pt.1
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Raymundo Ortiz - ♥️🐇 Reluctant(?) Protagonist
"If you hit a bat with a broom, it's obvious it'll turn into your classmate in a poof of smoke. Dead in your living room. Yup. I've finally gone insane!"
A university art student who left home to study under a scholarship. As he works day shifts at a café, most of his classes are during the night: his classmates are…unique.  Turns out most humans aren’t supposed to see—or even be drawn to—the night class offers, yet he remains oblivious of this fact for months. Perhaps, this started from the moment he got that scholarship... Raymundo’s passionate and emotionally driven, owner of a fiery temperament and an intimidating glare that often keeps people away. Old habits die hard and he’s too used to being on the defensive to save himself pain, but even so his heart constantly peeks out his sleeve (literally, if you count the birthmark on his wrist).  If you talk to him for more than a couple minutes, you’d find a friendly guy who’s just too worried and overly conscious about being judged by others. His closest friends, Marina and Niko, are all the way back home and while Ray tells himself he can well survive as a loner, he longs to connect to others. Now, if his classmate Angelo would stop being a jerk, they might even become friends…?
Age: 20/21 years old Pronouns: he/him Languages: Spanish (native), English (second) Occupation: art college student, cafe barista/waiter Family: -Dad (died in an accident) -Mom, Stepmom -Grandma -Younger sister, Rosario (17 y/o) -Two older siblings -Back home, they have a rabbit (Canela), a couple fishes, a dog (Batata) Likes: art (drawing, painting, sculpting he manages different mediums); rock/metal music, pop occasionally; bunnies, cute things in general; running, exercise Dislikes: pineapple on pizza; horror movies; feeling lonely; pointless violence; awkward silences/completely silent rooms Appearance: -Short brown hair, longer bangs at the sides which he usually braids (the tips are dyed orange); when drawing or working, he pushes it back with a bandana so it's not in the way -1,65 cm tall, strong torso and arms, balanced build -Has freckles across his cheeks, shoulders and back; dark green eyes; hands often have smudges (pencil, oil, paint), skin is a bit rough, faint scarring around knuckles and one more notable starting between his index and middle finger and ending before his wrist -Has a 'birthmark' on his right wrist curiously shaped like a heart ♥ -Wears earrings and piercings on both ears -Day to day he wears comfortable shirts and jeans or overalls; has a set of overalls specifically for when he paints that have accumulated plenty of oil, watercolor, carbon etc smudges. Back in high school, he used to dress mostly in black, and while these days he's incorporated color, he still enjoys a bit of goth/emo fashion (he'll usually wear those clothes for band concerts). Misc: -Bi, demisexual; has limited romantic experience. -Wears socks with cute patterns (paws, animals, etc) -Doesn't handle horror well--back home, Marina would make him and Niko watch horror movies all the time but he never warmed up to them. He prefers to watch comedy or tear jerkers. Despite how he tries to appear, he's a big sentimental guy. -Focuses better with music in the background -He's a scrappy fighter, with a bit of technique he picked up for self defense. He WILL fight back if provoked.
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Angelo Valentini - ♠️🃏 Self Proclaimed Cryptid
"I'm not dead, you fool. Now, could you take me out of this closet? It's quite cramped..."
(Do vampires count as cryptids? Angelo would say that yes). He's Ray's classmate in some of his classes, and assistant to the head of university; one of the few people who gets to see them in person. His main interest lies in fashion but he enjoys studying a large range of subjects to make up for lost time (and now he has immortality worth of it). No one knows where he goes during the day, or where he lives, or really—much about him.  He’s a man with past regrets, and a future he doesn’t knows what to do with. Upon a first impression, Angelo appears as someone of few words, serious and distant; he’s blunt and to the point and this often causes him to come off as rude (sometimes on purpose, sometimes not, but he doesn’t usually care). Logical and calculating, he leaves little room for emotion. It all betrays a secret playful side, and a softer, caring personality reserved for a select few. At first, he and Ray don’t see eye to eye and clash often. But with time, some snacks, close encounters with vampires—and one Christmas where Ray hit him with a broom, they start to become friends. He's also Danielle's ex. But that is a far longer story.
Age: 22/23 at time of turning; as a vampire, ? Pronouns: he/him Languages: Italian (Native), English (Second), some Spanish and a little French Occupation: student; assistant in university (bookkeeper, helps manage the library, various duties). Family (as human): -Mother (died of sickness when he was 14; she was a nurse) -Biological Father (unknown status, didn’t meet him→someone his mother had an affair with) -Step Father (in name only, never liked Angelo) -Younger sister, Luchia (the person he did everything for while alive) Likes: fashion, fashion history, making clothes; languages; fruits, pineapple on pizza; mystery and suspense, undiscovered things, cryptids, legends and myths Dislikes: pushy/meddling people; romcoms; asking for help Appearance: -Long, pale hair, often loose or braid or ponytail. -Long lashes, slender hands; naturally slender body but a little too thin at times due to lack of eating; in the past, his hands would have scattered bandages or bandaids from manual work/lack of care and resources for it. Having become a vampire, his complexion actually got better in some aspects (wounds heal faster) but if you take a close look, his body retains the memory of his habits as a human (and he still sucks at taking care of himself). -Tallish, around 1,70cm, long legs -Day to day, he usually wears dress pants, shirt and vest (no tie, but sometimes a cravat), which makes him stand out amidst more casually dressed students (Ray joked once he dressed LIKE a vampire). He enjoys a wide range of fashion, though, particularly long elegant dresses (one of his favorite pieces to make, as well). -As a human (disguise or past self),aquamarine/emerald green eyes, otherwise red; large bat ears/fangs/etc. -In bat mode, he’s an albino fruit bat. Misc: -Gay, demiromantic; he's slept with multiple people across his mortal and immortal life, but only loved one (so far). If not for him, he may not have become a vampire... -Back in the day, he learned to sew and often crafted clothes for himself or his sister due to lack of money. However he quite enjoys it. -Knowledgeable in Gambling/Cardgames: he learned many games and gambling techniques to make money. -Cryptid hunter: the truth is out there...
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mugitxu · 2 years
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cronklebottom · 2 years
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third wheel feels
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mrshcloset · 1 year
Every year we have a date - just us girls!
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This time we had high tea at Fletcher Hotel Marijke. I can say that it’s less food than before.
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The ambiance is still the same.
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We sat at the same table at the outdoor café (“terrasje”)!
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Ray and myself
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viciouskoalakaur · 2 years
He played piano for me so ofcourse I took my clothes off.
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itsreaditandwow2 · 2 years
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Brandon Farris as Ray “Raymundo” Rocket from Rocket Power
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Lunch @ Hap Can
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📍Hap Can
C. Raymundo, Pasig 9.09.2019 | 📸 @kristinemaeb
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thisissooriginal · 2 years
THROWDOWN! - Lil Mac vs Raymundo
Opening shot of a large arena filled with roaring fans, with the bright neon letters spelling out "THROWDOWN!" shining above the stage. The camera zooms in on two rowdy announcers standing at the center of the stage, Todd and Bomhoff.
TODD: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another exciting episode of THROWDOWN! Where the toughest fighters from across fictional media battle it out for ultimate supremacy!"
BOMHOFF: "That's right Todd, and tonight's first match is going to be a real doozy. In one corner, we have the pint-sized powerhouse from Punch Out, Lil Mac!"
The camera cuts to Lil Mac, a small but muscular boxer wearing green shorts and gloves, bouncing on his feet as he stares down his opponent.
TODD: "And in the other corner, we have a master of martial arts from the Xiaolin Showdown series, Raymundo!"
The camera switches to Raymundo, a tall and lean warrior with a serious expression, dressed in a black and white gi.
BOMHOFF: "Let's get this fight started!"
The bell rings, and Lil Mac charges towards Raymundo, throwing a series of quick jabs and hooks. Raymundo dodges and weaves, effortlessly evading Lil Mac's attacks.
RAYMUNDO: "Is that all you've got, little man?"
Lil Mac growls and lunges forward with a powerful uppercut, but Raymundo catches his fist and twists his arm, flipping him over his shoulder and slamming him onto the ground.
TODD: "Wow, what a move! Raymundo showing off his impressive martial arts skills there!"
Lil Mac quickly gets back up, wiping the sweat from his brow.
LIL MAC: "You're pretty good. But I'm not done yet!"
He charges forward again, this time throwing a flurry of punches so fast they're almost a blur. Raymundo blocks and parries each one, then delivers a lightning-fast kick to Lil Mac's stomach, sending him flying across the arena.
BOMHOFF: "And that's gotta hurt! Lil Mac taking a serious hit there!"
Lil Mac staggers to his feet, breathing heavily. Raymundo steps forward, poised for the final blow.
RAYMUNDO: "It's over, kid. You can't beat me."
But Lil Mac isn't giving up yet. He grits his teeth and charges forward, throwing a powerful punch that connects with Raymundo's jaw. The impact sends Raymundo flying backwards, crashing into the wall of the arena.
TODD: "What a comeback! Lil Mac not willing to go down without a fight!"
But as Raymundo slowly gets back up, Todd and Bomhoff's faces turn serious.
BOMHOFF: "Uh-oh, looks like Raymundo is tapping into some serious energy here. He's got that look in his eyes."
RAYMUNDO: "You're tougher than I thought, kid. But now I'm going to show you the true power of the Xiaolin warriors!"
He unleashes a powerful chi blast, a beam of pure energy that shoots towards Lil Mac. The boxer tries to dodge, but the blast hits him full force, sending him flying across the arena and slamming into the opposite wall.
TODD: "And that's it! Raymundo with the finishing move, taking Lil Mac down for the count!"
BOMHOFF: "But don't worry folks, Lil Mac will be back in action soon thanks to the Lorekeeper's magical powers!"
As the camera zooms in on Lil Mac's motionless body, a shimmering, glowing figure appears beside him. It's the Lorekeeper, a mysterious being that has the power to revive defeated contestants.
The Lorekeeper stretches out a hand and places it on Lil Mac's forehead. There's a bright flash of light, and Lil Mac's eyes snap open. He takes a deep breath and stands up, looking around in confusion.
LIL MAC: "What happened? Did I... did I lose?"
Todd and Bomhoff rush over to him, grinning broadly.
TODD: "You sure did, kid. But that was one heck of a fight!"
BOMHOFF: "You gave it your all, but in the end, Raymundo's chi blast was just too much for you."
Lil Mac nods slowly, looking a bit disappointed.
LIL MAC: "I'll have to train harder next time. I won't let him beat me again!"
The crowd cheers, and the announcers lead Lil Mac out of the arena as the camera pans out to show the next contestants waiting in the wings.
TODD: "Well folks, that's it for this round of THROWDOWN! But don't go anywhere, because we've got plenty more fights coming your way!"
BOMHOFF: "That's right, and who knows who will come out on top in this next battle? Tune in next time to find out!"
The camera fades to black as the sound of cheering fans echoes in the background. Another thrilling episode of THROWDOWN! has come to an end, but the excitement and anticipation of the next battle lingers on.
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zelly-raptor · 1 year
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14/06/2023: Battle ready Raymundo a.k.a Happy Fathers Day 2023.
It's Father's Day here in the UK and also in the republic of Ireland, USA, Canada and South Africa. So here's a pic of Tom-Man, and his Dad "Raymundo". Oh yeah and Eliza there's too But where's Mom? Maybe she's taking the photo 😂.
This pic was made Into a Card for my Dad who liked very much 😌
A Happy Father's Day to all you Dad's out there!
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screenshot of kio's pitter account
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mugitxu · 2 years
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cómo empezó// ahora
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cronklebottom · 2 years
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he knows
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lisamarie-vee · 2 months
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viciouskoalakaur · 2 years
“I want to get out, dude. Let’s do acid!” -Raymundo
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chetttt · 1 month
Thank you Raymundo 2112 for commissioning me to do this piece, it'll be featured in his next video so check out his channel pls
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Animation by the man himself
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