#alma linked ocs
almalinked · 6 months
Profiles - AlmaLinked OCs - Pt.1
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Raymundo Ortiz - ♥️🐇 Reluctant(?) Protagonist
"If you hit a bat with a broom, it's obvious it'll turn into your classmate in a poof of smoke. Dead in your living room. Yup. I've finally gone insane!"
A university art student who left home to study under a scholarship. As he works day shifts at a café, most of his classes are during the night: his classmates are…unique.  Turns out most humans aren’t supposed to see—or even be drawn to—the night class offers, yet he remains oblivious of this fact for months. Perhaps, this started from the moment he got that scholarship... Raymundo’s passionate and emotionally driven, owner of a fiery temperament and an intimidating glare that often keeps people away. Old habits die hard and he’s too used to being on the defensive to save himself pain, but even so his heart constantly peeks out his sleeve (literally, if you count the birthmark on his wrist).  If you talk to him for more than a couple minutes, you’d find a friendly guy who’s just too worried and overly conscious about being judged by others. His closest friends, Marina and Niko, are all the way back home and while Ray tells himself he can well survive as a loner, he longs to connect to others. Now, if his classmate Angelo would stop being a jerk, they might even become friends…?
Age: 20/21 years old Pronouns: he/him Languages: Spanish (native), English (second) Occupation: art college student, cafe barista/waiter Family: -Dad (died in an accident) -Mom, Stepmom -Grandma -Younger sister, Rosario (17 y/o) -Two older siblings -Back home, they have a rabbit (Canela), a couple fishes, a dog (Batata) Likes: art (drawing, painting, sculpting he manages different mediums); rock/metal music, pop occasionally; bunnies, cute things in general; running, exercise Dislikes: pineapple on pizza; horror movies; feeling lonely; pointless violence; awkward silences/completely silent rooms Appearance: -Short brown hair, longer bangs at the sides which he usually braids (the tips are dyed orange); when drawing or working, he pushes it back with a bandana so it's not in the way -1,65 cm tall, strong torso and arms, balanced build -Has freckles across his cheeks, shoulders and back; dark green eyes; hands often have smudges (pencil, oil, paint), skin is a bit rough, faint scarring around knuckles and one more notable starting between his index and middle finger and ending before his wrist -Has a 'birthmark' on his right wrist curiously shaped like a heart ♥ -Wears earrings and piercings on both ears -Day to day he wears comfortable shirts and jeans or overalls; has a set of overalls specifically for when he paints that have accumulated plenty of oil, watercolor, carbon etc smudges. Back in high school, he used to dress mostly in black, and while these days he's incorporated color, he still enjoys a bit of goth/emo fashion (he'll usually wear those clothes for band concerts). Misc: -Bi, demisexual; has limited romantic experience. -Wears socks with cute patterns (paws, animals, etc) -Doesn't handle horror well--back home, Marina would make him and Niko watch horror movies all the time but he never warmed up to them. He prefers to watch comedy or tear jerkers. Despite how he tries to appear, he's a big sentimental guy. -Focuses better with music in the background -He's a scrappy fighter, with a bit of technique he picked up for self defense. He WILL fight back if provoked.
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Angelo Valentini - ♠️🃏 Self Proclaimed Cryptid
"I'm not dead, you fool. Now, could you take me out of this closet? It's quite cramped..."
(Do vampires count as cryptids? Angelo would say that yes). He's Ray's classmate in some of his classes, and assistant to the head of university; one of the few people who gets to see them in person. His main interest lies in fashion but he enjoys studying a large range of subjects to make up for lost time (and now he has immortality worth of it). No one knows where he goes during the day, or where he lives, or really—much about him.  He’s a man with past regrets, and a future he doesn’t knows what to do with. Upon a first impression, Angelo appears as someone of few words, serious and distant; he’s blunt and to the point and this often causes him to come off as rude (sometimes on purpose, sometimes not, but he doesn’t usually care). Logical and calculating, he leaves little room for emotion. It all betrays a secret playful side, and a softer, caring personality reserved for a select few. At first, he and Ray don’t see eye to eye and clash often. But with time, some snacks, close encounters with vampires—and one Christmas where Ray hit him with a broom, they start to become friends. He's also Danielle's ex. But that is a far longer story.
Age: 22/23 at time of turning; as a vampire, ? Pronouns: he/him Languages: Italian (Native), English (Second), some Spanish and a little French Occupation: student; assistant in university (bookkeeper, helps manage the library, various duties). Family (as human): -Mother (died of sickness when he was 14; she was a nurse) -Biological Father (unknown status, didn’t meet him→someone his mother had an affair with) -Step Father (in name only, never liked Angelo) -Younger sister, Luchia (the person he did everything for while alive) Likes: fashion, fashion history, making clothes; languages; fruits, pineapple on pizza; mystery and suspense, undiscovered things, cryptids, legends and myths Dislikes: pushy/meddling people; romcoms; asking for help Appearance: -Long, pale hair, often loose or braid or ponytail. -Long lashes, slender hands; naturally slender body but a little too thin at times due to lack of eating; in the past, his hands would have scattered bandages or bandaids from manual work/lack of care and resources for it. Having become a vampire, his complexion actually got better in some aspects (wounds heal faster) but if you take a close look, his body retains the memory of his habits as a human (and he still sucks at taking care of himself). -Tallish, around 1,70cm, long legs -Day to day, he usually wears dress pants, shirt and vest (no tie, but sometimes a cravat), which makes him stand out amidst more casually dressed students (Ray joked once he dressed LIKE a vampire). He enjoys a wide range of fashion, though, particularly long elegant dresses (one of his favorite pieces to make, as well). -As a human (disguise or past self),aquamarine/emerald green eyes, otherwise red; large bat ears/fangs/etc. -In bat mode, he’s an albino fruit bat. Misc: -Gay, demiromantic; he's slept with multiple people across his mortal and immortal life, but only loved one (so far). If not for him, he may not have become a vampire... -Back in the day, he learned to sew and often crafted clothes for himself or his sister due to lack of money. However he quite enjoys it. -Knowledgeable in Gambling/Cardgames: he learned many games and gambling techniques to make money. -Cryptid hunter: the truth is out there...
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[Image Description: A colored line-up of various Legend of Zelda characters for the Linked Spirit AU. The characters read left-to-right: "Marin, she/her, pre-Hyule Warriors" is a young redhead girl with a purple cloak and maroon and white dress. She has her hands politely held in front of her. "Groose, he/him, Skyward Sword" is a redheaded man with his hands on his hips, wearing a blue tunic and a green caplet. "Greg Moblin, he/him, LoZ 1" is a large gold bulldog like moblin holding a flower in his hands. He wears a red shirt and pants, with a green poncho. "Purah, she/her, Breath of the Wild" a young teenager wearing a black poofy skirt and a tan shirt and coat with red accents. She has a red streak in her white hair, posing with her hand next to her face. "Tulin, he/him, Breath of the Wild" is a pullet age white Rito with one arm as a wing and the other arm ends with a Wind Waker style hand and wing 'sleeve' "Aror, he/him, Twilight Princess, Crossbow Training" is a child Twili oc with red hair and wears a green over the shoulder wrap over a white tunic. "Midna, she/her, Twilight Princess" is a older Twili, with long fluffy ears wearing a black and teal collared cape, She wears a dark purple skirt with a grey fur trim and a wolf head belt clip on the side of her hip. "Medli, she/her, Wind Waker" is a teenaged white Rito, her red hair in a ponytail. She holds a hand to her chest. "Aryll, she/her, Wind Waker" is a young teen with her hand raised excitedly. She wears a purple skirt with a skull pattern, and a blue shirt with flower patterns. She has the Wind Waker's starter sail wrapped around her waist. "Ol' Niko, he/him, Wind Waker, Spirit Tracks" is an elderly man, smiling with his hands on his cane. He wears a red and white stripped shirt with a blue vest. "Gulley, he/him, A Link Between Worlds" is a blond child wearing Link's Cap and a matching green vest over his yellow tunic. He has his hands on his hips. "Ravio, he/him, A Link to the Past, A Link Between Worlds" is a teenager with dark hair that fades into light blue. He waves, winking, wearing a floor length purple robe and dark purple blue. "Grandpa Smith, he/him, Minish Cap, Four Swords Adventures" is a greying beared man, drying his hands on a cloth. He wears a long leather apron over his green tunic, and wears a green bandana. "Skull Kid, he/him, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask" is a Skull Kid wearing a orange hat and tunic, with green shorts, collar, and gloves. He has a v like mark on his forehead. He holds up a horned skull mask in front of him. "Lady Alma, she/her, Wand of Gamelon" is a young woman with short red hair and a tiara. She raises a hand to her chin dantily, wearing a teal shirt and darker teal skirt. End ID]
A few "NPCs"
I can't say ALL of them will make an appearance in the comic, actually, but these are NPCs that are important to the Links, in one way or another, while also having a few significant design differences from canon (thus why no Linebeck or spryte lol.)
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Next up on the shipping polls: Effie trinket!
I think once I’m done with these/at some point soon, I’ll create a “masterdoc” post with links to all of these so people can see the results. Yay or nay? I’ll still probably do it but it definitely helps my motivation if I know others are interested lol
ALSO I completely forgot about Alma Coin, Cinna, and Boggs (and even more characters!!), so going forward I will try to include them when I think it’s appropriate. Sorry if I don’t mention every single possible pairing lol, I was trying to include some random ones and rarepairs but I can’t be extremely thorough!
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cetaitlaverite · 4 months
Why All This Music?
Masters of the Air - Rosie Rosenthal x OC
masterlist is linked here <3
24. Familiarity and Nostalgia
Rosie’s conversation with Alma after dinner that night was quick, to make sure Freddie didn’t notice, but intense. She demanded he explain to her what, exactly, had gone through his head when he’d gone behind Freddie’s back and decided to reenlist. She’d already heard Freddie’s side of the story, she said, and she was sure some of the retelling was clouded by emotion, so now she wanted to know Rosie’s.
Rosie knew he’d gotten away lightly over Christmas. Both of Freddie’s parents had accepted him readily. Her father had asked him about his intentions and, once assured he was serious about her, handed over the photograph of her which he always flew with and told him to wait until Freddie was ready if he was going to propose. For her part, Alma had only asked him if he loved Freddie, and he’d told her he did, and that was that. She hadn’t needed any more from him at the time. But she needed more now. 
He explained his thought process in re-upping as best he could. It was difficult to explain to someone who didn’t do what he did but he tried his best. He’d been practising saying what he was feeling instead of what he thought people wanted to hear for a while now, ever since it had all kicked off with Fred, and he made use of this training now.
“I love her,” he told Alma once he’d explained his reasons for staying at Thorpe Abbotts when he could have been safely back in the States. “And I know I hurt her and it kills me, but I’ve learned from it and I’ll never do it again.”
Alma sighed. “I believe you, Rosie, but she’s fragile.” She shook her head, pressed a hand against her heart while the other adjusted its grip around the handle of her mug of tea. “She tries not to be but she is. And if you go down I just worry… I just worry she won’t survive it. Not a second time.”
“And for that reason more than any other I am not gonna go down, ma’am,” Rosie replied. His voice was resolute, certain. “I’m gonna keep on coming back to her, again and again and again, until the war’s out.”
“You’d better,” Alma said with a rueful smile. She reached across the kitchen table to squeeze Rosie’s hand where it was resting beside his mug. “Because if you go down, I’ll bloody kill you.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Rosie said.
“You look after her, alright?” Alma went on. “You were doing a good job of it before. We’ve had a little blip but I expect you to keep on doing it. I know she’s spoilt” - here, both of them laughed - “and I know she can be difficult, but she’s worth all the effort. I can see you know it so just make sure she does, okay?”
“Okay,” Rosie agreed. “I’ve been trying -”
Alma cut him off. “Oh, I know all about your declarations of love, Major, don’t you worry about that. And she’s cried every time you’ve told her, did you know?”
“No,” Alma agreed with a rueful smile. “She’s so scared to lose you and that won’t go away, not before the end of the war, but just keep it in mind when she throws one of her tantrums.”
“I will,” Rosie assured her. “I promise.”
Alma watched him closely before swallowing hard and nodding. “Right, then,” she declared, pushing herself up from the kitchen table and waiting for Rosie to do the same. “That’s all. You’ve passed with flying colours as always, Rosie.”
Rosie laughed softly. “Thank you, ma’am.”
“It’s Alma again now the interrogation’s over,” Alma reminded him with a soft giggle which sounded remarkably like Freddie’s. She drew him into a quick hug. “You look after my little girl, alright?”
“She’s the centre of my universe,” he assured her. “I’ll look after her until the day I die.”
“Don’t let that be anytime soon, Rosie,” Alma said as she let him go from her tight, motherly embrace.
Rosie nodded. “I won’t. I promise.”
Freddie and her father were none the wiser to the conversation which had just transpired in the kitchen, even as Rosie and Alma reentered the living room together. Freddie was sitting at the piano, too absorbed in her music to notice them come in, and Felix was focused on it too, his eyes closed and his hands raised, fingers moving as if he was playing the notes for her.
“Wunderschön,” Felix said when she finished, clapping for her. 
Freddie smiled as she turned to him. “I’m getting better, do you think?”
Felix nodded knowingly. “Practice will help with that.”
She laughed. “I’ve been practising! As often as I can. I’m sure everyone on base is absolutely sick of it.”
Rosie smiled. “Not me. Could listen to you play forever.”
Freddie shot him a grin. “And what does anyone else matter?”
Everyone sat around downstairs for a little while more, drinking tea and chatting and entertaining the dogs, before Freddie started yawning every minute or so and decided she had to go to bed.
Rosie got to his feet to follow her and Freddie took his hand. “Rosie’s reading me a bedtime story,” she informed her parents. “So he’ll be in my room for a little while. Don’t panic or get any ideas, please, I can assure you we are being nothing but perfectly innocent.”
Rosie’s cheeks were on fire as she said it.
Alma laughed. Felix frowned. “How long?” he asked.
“Until I fall asleep,” Freddie replied, as though this should have been obvious. “The same way you did for me when I was little.”
“Then I will do it now,” he declared, starting to push himself up from the armchair.
Alma scoffed and pushed him back down. “They’re reading,” she all but hissed at him. “It’s fine. Leave them alone.” She turned to Freddie and Rosie and smiled. “You two have fun.”
“Fifteen minutes,” Felix warned. 
“Yes, sir,” Rosie agreed immediately. As he followed Freddie up the stairs he could hear him muttering about how it was ‘all fun and games until the American man wants to sit in her bedroom’.
“So dramatic,” Freddie said, laughing, as she showed Rosie to her room and turned on the lamp on her nightstand. “He doesn’t mind boyfriends but he minds sex is all, so it’s best if we pretend neither of us have ever heard of it. Okay?”
Rosie’s cheeks were still on fire. “Right.”
Freddie rifled in one of her drawers for her pyjamas, then retrieved all of her toiletries from her dressing table. “I’ll be quick,” she assured him, and then was out of the door.
Rosie took the time to explore her bedroom. He’d never been in here. It wasn’t much bigger than the guest room he was staying in but it was much more intricately furnished. A dressing table sat beside her bed, covered in perfume bottles and makeup overflowing from bags, with a hairbrush and a handheld mirror on the stool tucked beneath it and a trinket tray for the jewellery she wore everyday.
Her wardrobes were ornate and filled an entire wall, her windows covered by floor-to-ceiling curtains which she’d already drawn for the night - for the blackout, Rosie supposed. Her bed, a queen sized, had frilly pink sheets and a stuffed bunny sitting in the midst of the pillows.
Rosie smiled as he picked it up and turned it over, using gentle hands since it was so clearly well loved. The pink bows tied around its ears were fraying and the thread of its embroidered nose was coming loose. Rosie wondered if she’d had it since she was a girl and tried to imagine the littlest version of her he’d seen in her family photographs playing with it in the yard.
He gently sat the bunny back where he’d found it, adjusting one of its bows to sit straight, and then sat on her bed, too, to take a peek at the framed photos on her nightstand. The frontmost was of her, Millie, and Jem, all in uniform and grinning at the camera with their arms around each other as they sat on the wing of a B-17. Rosie stared at it for a little while, smiling, before moving on.
Behind it was a photo of Freddie with her family when she must have been around six, her arms raised to reach and hold her parents’ hands on either side of her as she gave a gap-toothed smile to the camera. They were in Vienna, judging by the architecture. Gothic, just as she’d described it to him. The city looked like it suited her - what little he could see of it did, anyway.
There was a photo of Daniel in his RAF uniform, as Rosie had expected - his official photograph, judging by the artificial background and the way he was posed. But there was a picture of Rosie there, too, beside it. Well - a picture of Rosie and Freddie together, taken after they’d returned from Christmas and Cecelia had gone around terrorising everyone to let her take pictures of them. In the picture, Meatball was at their feet and they had their arms around each other. Rosie’s eyes were on the camera but Freddie’s eyes were on him, smiling as she gazed up at him with nothing short of adoration. Freddie must have sent it back to her parents to frame for her. That, or she’d done it at some point today.
Rosie smiled, leaning closer to get a better look at the photograph, then jumped back as he heard the bathroom door open and close down the hallway.
“I’m back,” Freddie declared as she re-entered the room. She was dressed in her pyjamas now - those lacy nightgowns she wore were going to be the death of him - and her hair was brushed out in long, soft waves down her back. Her makeup was gone and her slippers were on as she crossed the floor to replace her toiletries on her already crowded dressing table and hang her sundress up.
“I like your bunny,” Rosie said as he watched her, only because he was so nervous about getting caught looking at her photos.
Freddie grinned at him over her shoulder. “His name is Wilfred. Naturally.”
“Naturally,” Rosie agreed. Because of course she’d named her bunny the male version of her own name and then tied pink ribbons in bows around his ears.
“We’ve been friends since I was three years old,” Freddie informed Rosie matter-of-factly as she pulled back her sheets, stepped out of her slippers, and got into bed. She picked Wilfred up and tucked him under her arm as she got comfortable against the pillows. Now comfortable, she turned her eyes on Rosie expectantly.
“Where’s the book?” Rosie asked.
“Oh!” Freddie got back out of bed and opened up a drawer of her nightstand, rifled in it for a moment, and then pulled out a beaten up, battered old book. “Here.” She got right back into bed and watched him again.
“Dracula,” Rosie read aloud the title. He glanced at her with raised eyebrows. “What kind of a bedtime story is Dracula?”
“An excellent one,” Freddie said. “Now tuck me into bed and read, Rosie, we’re on a time limit.”
Rosie snorted but did as he was told, placing the book behind him on the bed and leaning forward to tuck her in. “There,” he declared once he was finished and she was smiling, satisfied. He kissed her forehead and sat back, picking the book up once more. “Dracula,” he muttered under his breath, chuckling to himself.
He read chapter after chapter, well past the fifteen minute time limit her father had imposed, until Freddie started to get sleepy. Then he continued reading until he heard her breathing deepen and the rhythm even out. As quietly as he could, Rosie shut the book and placed it on her nightstand, then leaned forward to kiss her forehead gently once more.
“Night, Fred,” he whispered, then pressed an even gentler kiss to the tip of her nose. With that, he turned off her lamp and navigated his way out of her room in the pitch darkness, only stubbing his toe once on the edge of one of her wardrobes.
As he lay in bed that night, it was somehow even more torturous to know that Freddie was only down the hall than it had been to know she was in the bed beside him back when they’d been sharing his empty hut. Because now she was starting to open up again. She was teasing and smiling and giggling, hugging his arm and leaning into him, holding his hand. She hadn’t done any of those things in weeks. And he wanted her affection more than ever now that he’d gotten it back. He wanted to spend every second of the rest of his life standing close to her just in case she might decide to touch him in some small way.
Freddie was the last to wake in the morning. When she came down the stairs, fully dressed and ready for the day, she had files in her hands.
“Unfortunately,” she said as she sat at the kitchen table, “I have to get these done today. I’m hoping before midday. Can I use the kitchen table?”
“After breakfast you can,” Alma said, placing a plate of pancakes in front of her. “Eat first.”
“You sound like Rosie,” Freddie replied with a grin, obediently laying down her files and picking up her knife and fork.
“If Rosie’s making sure you eat then I like him even better,” Alma said, giving his shoulder a squeeze as she passed him. “Tea, Wils?”
“No thanks.”
“How was your bedtime story?”
Freddie grinned. “Wonderful. He read me Dracula.”
Felix snorted.
“Such a lovely girl,” Alma remarked sarcastically, “with such feminine reading habits.”
“Dracula is an excellent book,” Freddie declared indignantly. “The women in it are both feminine and heroic and you don’t tend to find that often in literature, so I won’t hear a bad word said about it.”
Alma laughed. “Whatever you say, Wils.”
Everyone continued chatting idly over breakfast until the inevitable start to the day arrived. The table was cleared, the dishes washed, dried, and put away, and then everyone was departing the kitchen to get ready and to leave Freddie to her work.
“Rosie,” Freddie said as he went to follow her parents out. She reached for and took gentle hold of his wrist, prompting his eyes to hers.
“Hm?” he asked, turning fully back to her.
“Can I talk to you for a moment please?”
“Of course.” He sat back down at the table and the two of them listened to Freddie’s parents go upstairs in silence.
“I wanted to apologise,” Freddie began once she was sure her parents were out of earshot, “for the way I spoke to you when you first told me you were re-upping.”
Rosie shook his head. “Fred -”
“No, I know you’re going to say I don’t need to apologise but I do. I’ve been thinking about it a lot. I shouldn’t have spoken to you that way. So, I’m sorry.”
Rosie smiled shyly, a little bit crookedly. “I forgive you, Fred.”
Freddie smiled back at him. “Thank you.” She sighed. “I didn’t mean what I said, by the way. I don’t hate you and I certainly won’t hate you all my life. I said some horrible things because you hurt me and I wanted to hurt you back, which is a really nasty instinct and I hate that I have it but I do. And I know I probably did hurt you by saying them and it’s really been bothering me. So I just want you to know that those things I said weren’t the truth and they’re not what I actually think of you. I’m really sorry.”
Rosie nodded. “I know.” He gazed back at her for a moment and he could tell that, in spite of having apologised, it was still bothering her. So, tentatively, he reached for her hands, and she let him guide her to stand and then sit on his lap.
Freddie sighed as she wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head against his. “You’re so good to me,” she said quietly. “I don’t understand it.”
“I love you,” Rosie said simply, by way of explanation. 
Freddie smiled. “Even when we first met you were always patient and respectful with me - before you knew about Daniel, even. I think it’s just in your nature. I’ve never met anyone as naturally and unfailingly good as you.”
“I’m not unfailingly good,” Rosie argued. “Wouldn’t have screwed up so bad if I was.”
“I think you screwed up so bad because you’re unfailingly good,” Freddie countered. “You stayed behind to save people. And you didn’t tell me because you didn’t want to hurt me. I can understand that.”
“Hurt you anyway,” Rosie said ruefully.
“Everyone makes mistakes.”
He tilted his head back, encouraging Freddie to lift hers from its perch against his, and met her eyes. Hers were warm and reassuring, her smile was soft. Sitting there with her, he felt closer to her than he had in weeks - closer, even, than last night when he’d read her to sleep.
“Fred,” Rosie started quietly, gazing deep into her eyes, “do you - uh - do you think you might forgive me sometime soon?”
Freddie smiled fondly and ran a hand through his hair, pushing his curls back from his forehead. “I forgive you, Rosie,” she whispered, letting her hand come to rest on the back of his head.
“You do?” His voice was only just above a whisper.
“I do.”
He kissed her then, and she let him. It would have been impossible not to let him when he was looking at her like that. And it was all softness and sweetness, familiarity and nostalgia, the way Freddie felt every time she got to visit home. She held onto him tighter, kissed him deeper, desperate to drown herself in that feeling.
“Rosie,” Freddie whispered between kisses, turning to straddle his lap.
“Not here, Fred,” Rosie muttered back, though his hands helped press her closer to him.
“Can’t help it,” she murmured against his lips before another long kiss.
When she started to kiss up his jaw he groaned. “We’re supposed to be pretending we don’t know what sex is,” he said, recalling the night before and her father’s objections to letting him in her bedroom, “remember?”
Freddie let out a whine because she did, in fact, remember that. “We never have any privacy,” she lamented as she forced herself to climb out of his lap and sit back in her own seat.
“Maybe we can go on leave in London for a night,” Rosie suggested with a delightful blush on his cheeks. “Stay in a hotel.”
Freddie grinned. “We’d have to get fake wedding rings,” she told him. “It’s incredibly improper for an unmarried couple to share a hotel room, especially military personnel who are not strictly supposed to be fraternising at all.”
“I’m sure I can manage that,” Rosie assured her.
“Good. Then it’s settled.” Freddie was laughing a little bit, not because she was amused but because she was happy. “You, me, a hotel room which we won’t leave for our entire twenty-four hours of leave, and no one to barge in at any given moment.”
“Sounds perfect.”
Freddie laughed. “Doesn’t it just?”
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drenix004 · 6 months
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❝𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲︙It was the candy she needed to cope with the life of danger and death she had willingly gotten herself into.❞
❛Her sweet, natural attitude reminded him of honey, and her peculiar amber eyes reaffirmed this❜
warnings: mention of alcohol, drugs, death, obsession, among others, if you are not comfortable, don't read it !
rating: 18+
pairings: Valeria Garza x female Oc
¡English is not my first language, so there may be mistakes, don’t hesitate to correct me.!
¡para las personas que hablan español, actualizo primero la historia en wattpad :)
Link de wattpad-> Honey
━━━━━━━━》❈《 ━━━━━━━
Valeria always knew that her place in life was definitely not to be someone normal, that marrying and taking care of a man was not her thing. She was better than a man, that's why she had never been with one. She was too good to be with one, she considered those of her sex to be more intelligent, cunning… besides being harpies when they set their minds to it.
Maybe that's why she always liked them, as a woman, she knew what they were capable of, she could predict certain things as she was familiar with such behavior and she liked to be in control.
She was fascinated, no, she loved being in control.
She was dominant, which, of course, the men in a place as traditional as Las Almas were not fond of. Las Almas could be a beautifully dark place, capable of corrupting anyone if they were not careful. Its beautiful scenery hid underneath as much as the place could thanks to drug trafficking and corruption.
Violence was always there, whether openly or hidden, in every corner, it was not a place where anyone could be. Children grew up in that environment, Valeria was no exception. Since she was a little girl, she saw bodies lying in the middle of the street, marks and warnings of territory. Thanks to this, she knew at a glance which neighborhood to get into and which not to get into, she became instinctive, with good reflexes, as well as developing a perception to know when there would be trouble before it happened.
Not wanting to waste what she already knew, she joined the army and quickly rose through the ranks until she ended up in the Mexican Special Forces. Eventually he became disillusioned, taking a bad taste in his mouth when he saw that it was the same thing that was going on in Las Almas.
It was the same shit, only legal and with ranks.
Such disillusionment allowed Las Almas to suck she into its darkness, corrupting her and leading her to commit treason along with her squad. She no longer took orders, she gave them.
She soon became the most dangerous drug trafficker; she created an empire in a man's world thanks to her cunning and intelligence, again proving she was better than a man.
What very few knew was that she kept a small but important detail, one that she had sent away so that it would not be corrupted as she did, but, now it was sleeping in the continuous room for hours.
-It's the subway plans of the mansion, Valeria, how come Laurie has them? The narco stared at Miguel, a dark-skinned man who had been her squadmate, before answering.
-She probably got them when she wasn't being watched, the dates she kept them are old," she said, crossing her legs. -She had been collecting information all these years while she was being forced to experiment on these women.
-Most of the files are copies-Miguel scrolled down through the thousands of files on the laptop-most likely she was forced to delete the originals, and while she was doing that she created copies in invisible folders, smart girl. -he opened one of the files-look at this, -he handed the laptop to the woman- they are trying to create a new synthetic drug, that's why they were desperately searching her room. Miguel and two others had confronted another group while looking for the laptop.
-We have competitor information, reports and results of a possible new commodity and we have that son of a bitch. -Valeria folded his hands on the table, thinking about what his next move would be.
-You'll be able to negotiate and- He was interrupted by a growl from Valeria.
-Negotiate? This can only be paid for in blood.
-Valeria, I know Laurie is your wife, she's also my friend, but you can't start a war as if nothing happened.
-War? I'm not going to start a war, I'm just going to take what belongs to me. -I settled back in my seat. - The Frenchman reneged on the deal, Laurie being involved in this is a surprise, a surprise I'm going to take advantage of.
-He tried to reason with her.
-To start a war you need at least two sides, but,"
-If there are no two sides, there is no war. -Miguel snorted, interrupting Valeria-You're going to kill them before it happens.
Valeria smiled.
-Gather them all together and give them the map, and have them memorize it as soon as possible. I'll take care of the map of the mansion," she closed the laptop and took it in one hand as she stood up. -And what do we do with the Frenchman?
-Keep torturing him, but don't kill him.
Valeria left the room, she had other calls to make.
━━━━━━━━》❈《 ━━━━━━━ She grimaced as she saw the plate with broth in front of her, she had no appetite. And Valeria's fixed gaze on her didn't help either.
-I'm not hungry, it makes me nauseous just looking at it. -The Mexican woman sighed for the tenth time in the hour she had been arguing for her to eat.
-Eat, you have to-when Laurie wanted to protest, she continued-I had domperidone applied, so you're not going to throw up. Stop making excuses, Laurie.
The aforesaid was the one who sighed this time, took the spoon and stirred the contents with a slight trembling.
-It's strange, you know? -He looked her in the eyes before returning to the plate -you suddenly disappeared years ago, and now you're here as if nothing happened. Alejandro was silent every time I asked about you, night after night his silence left me more and more distressed.
-Things happened, I had to leave the army. -Valeria analyzed the contrarian's body behavior, although she knew it, she could have changed in the years they were separated, why wouldn't she? She herself had changed.
-Oh of course you're not in the army, the way you walked into that church made it very clear to me -she brought the spoon to her trembling mouth and grimaced at the taste before swallowing -that's not the protocol by which any authority is governed.
Laurie remembered the times Valeria had talked to her about how things worked in operations while she was studying or when she picked her up from medical school when she had time or was given days off. It had become a routine every time they saw each other, and what stuck with him the most was the protocols they had to follow; it was an involuntary thing, since Valeria only mentioned it when she complained that someone in the group made a mistake and they had to repeat the whole training from the beginning.
-Something tells me you're involved in, -continued Laurie, looking at the Mexican again- but I'm not going to ask, not yet. -She paused, feeling Valeria move closer to her.
Valeria hugged her, and since Laurie was sitting up, her head was right under her breasts which gave her the perfect position to give her little caresses on the crown of her head.
-I have a deal for you; give me the passwords to the files on the laptop, the plans of the mansion and in exchange I'll get those women out. -The Mexican knew that the plans were not at the town hall, they always put different or almost the same plans so as not to arouse suspicion, but they never left the originals. Laurie knew where it was going, so she thought for a few seconds before speaking.
-Jérémie's family -the caresses stopped, and she felt Valeria's body tense up.
-Don't say that damn name again," Valeria mumbled between her teeth.
-Her family…" she omitted the above, "You'll have to kill them, even the younger ones," the contrary could hear her even though her voice was muffled by being glued to her body. Doubt was in her voice, her conscience was telling her how repudiatory it would be if she gave him what the Mexican woman wanted.
Valeria of course noticed, but unlike Laurie, she had no remorse in killing someone, even if they were children. At the rate she was going she wouldn't get the information fast, and time was precious, so she changed her words to a sweeter one, a gentler, more manipulative one.
-It's to protect them, to protect you," he broke off and knelt down, put his hands on his wife's cheeks, looking her straight in the eyes, "If I leave someone alive they could come back and capture them," What if it was wrong to take advantage of Laurie's fear and possible trauma? Yes, but he would deal with the guilt later. -You don't want that, do you? -I just want to take care of you, Laurie.
The contrarian closed her eyes as they gave each other a chaste kiss, her mind addled. He sighed as her cheeks were caressed by his wife's thumbs. When she opened her eyes again, she placed her hands over Valeria's.
There was a certain darkness in the opposite gaze that told her loudly that this woman in front of her was not the same woman she had married, that she was more dangerous than before. But, she decided to keep that deep inside her, she preferred to ignore it.
-On two conditions.
Valeria smiled. She had made it, soon she would have a territory in the French market.
Chapters: teaser, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...
━━━━━━━━》❈《 ━━━━━━━
valeria can manipulate me all she wants and I'm happy :D likes, reblogs and comments are really appreciated!
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miseryscrowned · 2 months
Six Song Soundtrack
Tagged by @dragonologist-phd, this is literally the perfect challenge tysm for the tag!
Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post with links to music and/or lyrics describing the following:
An event that defines your character's past
How your character sees themselves
How others view them
Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic)
A major fight scene
End credits song
I have the habit to make playlist for some of my characters, these are from my Dardanos Playlist
Dardanos Soundtrack
1. You’ll Understand - Almah
« You’ll understand all this domain is something you will never tame, through all the slow incessant pain that then made you what you became! Just face your own terror and rise up again! »
As a young Dardanos is consumed by hatred for a world where he’s shunned and alone, the demon who made a deal with his parents before he was born comes to take him to the Hells, speaking these words.
2. One Man Army - Ensiferum
« I will take the lives, lives of my enemies, yet still this battle feels like a defeat to me. Death or victory only emptiness I feel. The spring of hope runs dry, because I'm already dead inside. »
Dardanos sees himself as a killing machine, he doesn’t think he’s capable of feeling hope, happiness or love, only self preservation.
3. Herboren in Vlammen - Heidevolk
« Ziet hen rennend over de heide, vlammend in schaamte voor het ontij dat hij verspreidde. Laat hem lijden en vervloek de dag dat hij de wereld dit onheil bracht. »
« See him running over the moor, burning in shame for the bad times he brought, let him suffer and curse the day that he brought this disaster to the world. »
Dardanos is seen by most in Goudenhaven as not only a murderer but a sort cursed evil demon and even a bad omen, someone who brings disaster, misfortune and death, a lot of this is due to his brutal methods and his trademark: arson.
4. Epilogue - Fleshgod Apocalypse
« I’ll touch your heart again, waken the cold lonely dreamer, I will illuminate your soul wounded by emptiness… »
« I had to face all this scorn, staining my own land with useless tears. Look, now I am too tired to fight and run away from this filling light. »
Saskia is a Stadsridder of the city of Goudenhaven who crossed paths with Dardanos multiple times, she’s able to see through all his defense mechanisms and believes that he’s capable of good. Dardanos on the other hand hides his feelings for her believing it to be a weakness and keeps running away from her.
5. Now We Die - Machine Head
« I need your help for I have knelt, held fist at skies and cried out, “why?” Your shoulder strength, it gives me length. We lift ourselves, together meld, so take my hand, and don't look back… »
The battle of the Black Sun: the city of Goudenhaven is being taken over by vampire cultists and the Stadsridder Saskia is close to giving up as she’s trying to help her injured mentor, Dardanos shows up and convinces her to fight together to save the city.
6. My Negation - Dark Tranquillity
« How can you see my face? What’s to become of me? The art of reduction, stripped down through what seems defendable, scaled to bare revisions to stop making sense, levelling pillars of towering fear… »
As the battle of the Black Sun comes to an end Dardanos finds that his own defense mechanism of anger, violence and fear is crumbling and he’s unsure of who he is underneath and who he will become without it.
It seems like I make everything about Dardanos lately, I can’t help it he’s one of my favorite ocs, I def projected a lot of myself onto him (namely my taste in music and my mental health) <3
Tagging: @fantastic-mr-corvid @inquisibrenda @ravencrowley7 @alma-amentet @fllagellant
@blighted-elf @goddevouringserpent @dujour13 @izar-tarazed @wizzardyke
@my-dumb-obsessions @velnat004
Tag List
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subjectsix · 6 months
Megalist of Kip OCs (original works and fan OCs) below the cut. Hopefully bios to be linked soon?
I certainly have more OCs than this, but these have the most lore and presence in my mind
Phoenix O’dell
[unnamed still oh no]
FAN OCs (including D&D/TTRPGs)
Riot universe (Millie, Max, etc)
Ska universe (Brigitte, Lena, Angel, etc)
Venom universe (Alma, Aberrant, Spasm)
Wrestling Spidey
Dezik Vaal
Dodge Dravaar
Rebekka “Bek” Reiger
Apocalypse Opera
The Detective
The Wombats, even though they are not my OCs, I have so much lore on them now
Matthew Carmichael
Alnoth of [pending]
Cassius “Cash” Clay Romero Vasquez
Clifford “Kip” Anson
Elora Bailey
Joanna “Jo” Park
Carey Elwood
Unnamed FO4 Synth
Vivian Chambers
Hide/Gabriel Weber
Mitsukurina/Janie Wu
Oval (unofficially Burakgazi, maybe later Farber?)
Ann Bronton
Dao Didrisk
Neddy Shieldsworn
Yuri Val
Ink (Ink on Skin)
Puppet Bard (unnamed)
Knux Seedig (TTRPG, completed)
Kobaq Uoboro (TTRPG, completed)
Lurina Brekuk? Needs rework heavily
Mip Ketwari (& Dome)
Pik Mido
Taph Tosso (TTRPG, completed)
Charlotte “Lynchpin” O’Lynch
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revnah1406 · 4 months
🌸 Tell me about your OC(s) - with pictures if you want !Pick some facts you want to share about them & let us gush about them together! Then send to other creators to do the same ✨
Sparrow and Amara? If you already answered. Is it ok if I get the link? Want to know about these two!
Hiii my dear!! 🥰🥰🧡
YEEEY let's do it!! If it's ok with you I'm gonna answer for Sparrow, Amara and Abby 🧡🧡
Abby is based on Abby Anderson and Ellie Williams (Ellie is her face claim, but she has Abby's nose) from The Last of Us. Two of my favourite characters! They are so complex and an incredible source of inspiration!
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(this is not Cannon, it's from a Roleplay that maybe we turn into a fic or something 👁️👁️) Abby is from 2030 but she accidentally time traveled to 1981. Aleks (@alypink) and Mila (@efingart) try to help her get back to her time. IT'S FULL OF DRAMA, I live for that RP I hope we can bring something soon hahaha!
Abby is a really nervous kid. Always has to have her hands occupied playing with things. She has an old lighter and she's always playing with it (Like a good Black Ops Introduction yeaah🕯️). And she also has a butterfly knife, she's still learning how to use it but she's getting better every time.
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Abby plays the classic guitar, whenever she can. It's like her comfort hobby. Her mother taught her how to play it, and the sound of the instrument always brings her home. She almost feels like her mother is with her when she plays.
When she was a kid she found a picture of her grandfather Mason talking with a Woman. She didn't recognise that woman, Woods never talked about her, and when she asked Frank avoided the question, like that woman wasn't important or relevant, but she could see a storm of emotions in those old eyes, emotions too complicated for a 13 year old. "Just a long story Kid." But Abby was still curious, even after all those years Abby still wonders who that woman is. Spoiler: That Woman was Mila (@efingart) 🫢 Here's the comic!!👀
Abby has green eyes as a reference of Mason from Black ops 1, (in black ops 2 and cold war he has brown eyes)
Abby has one of Woods tattoos, to honour his memory. Maybe I'll add more (not from Woods)
Sparrow's closest friends are Alyssa Martinez (@alypink) and Damien Whitlock (@kaitaiga) but before Damien, there was Daniel Greenhill. The three of them met in a rescue mission in Russia, they spent several weeks together and they forged an amazing friendship.
After her accident in K2, Sparrow didn't want to see anyone. Not even her family or friends. She thought her cuts and wounds would scare them, also she's always in a terrible mood when it comes to recovery. But Aly kicked the door of her house and stayed with her during all her healing process, physical and emotional. Daniel joined not long after, when He got news that Sparrow was out of the Hospital he took a plane and went to help her too. As a medic Daniel helped her a lot with the stitches, pills, and recovery. Always scolding her for doing something that she shouldn't do in her state. Like working out, or going to work as a mechanic in her garage. Daniel and Aly saved Sparrow in so many aspects and she'll always be in debt with them.
The way she met Damien is a little bit curious. The 2CO did an emergency stop at the Armed Swiss forces HQ. As soon as Daniel found out that Sparrow was there he rushed to see her. Of course his inseparable friend Damien followed him, curious to know about this "Sparrow" that Daniel talks about sometimes. They didn't get along in the beginning, forced to go to a mission together but in the end they found out that they have more things in common and a great friendship started. After all, after Daniel's death they only had each other as comfort. Aly and Sparrow had to help Damien to get through that pain, no matter how much it hurts for the two of them too.
Sparrow HATES Shadow Company, after all that happened in Las Almas and the betrayal, she can't stand Graves. She never liked him, not even when they were allies. So you can imagine her reaction when she had to work with Shadow Company again in MW3. She was willing to rip out Grave's guts as soon as she saw him. But out of love and respect to Anna (@applbottmjeens), she didn't do it. She took it very personal when she found out what he did to her Gremlin. But she respected Anna's decision and managed to tolerate Graves, just enough to not kill him at first sight. So yeah, her friendship with your oc Squirrel would take time, but I'm sure they'll be good friends in the end heheheh.
Sparrow has a dog. A female Argentine doggo. That Aly (@alypink) rescued it from illegal dog fights. When Alyssa saw her she immediately knew that Sparrow would love her. And she did! As soon as she saw that dog, she took it home with her. Her name is Tora, she has scars like Sparrow, and she's also missing an eye from the dog fights.
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Now, about her relationship with Amara, I don't want to give a lot of details, because I'm working on the next chapter of her love story. But what I can say is that Sparrow fell hard, really hard. She wasn't the kind of woman who falls in love so easily. She was more of enjoying a one night stand. It had been so long since her last serious relationship that in the beginning she didn't know what to really do. "Well I have a girlfriend.... Now What?"
But soon she found out what she was capable of doing for Amara. Literally everything. All she wanted to do is make her happy.
Amara hates the military and everything related to it. Her father was a S.A.S soldier, and he wasn't a very present father in her life, even though he loved her with all her heart. And after all those years, and a well deserved retirement, he got killed by S.A.S soldiers, when he was heavily injured in a terrorist attack, because for the soldiers it was better to end his life quickly than extend his suffering. All of that in front of a really young Amara who was begging for his father's life.
So yeah, she has strong opinions on the military. But life had other plans for her and brought Sparrow to her life hahaha!
Amara had a toxic relationship before Sparrow, so it took her time to get used to being treated like the Queen she deserves to be. Having mixed feelings, trying to understand why Sparrow was so nice and good for her without wanting anything in return.
Amara is a stripper, her job is not a secret. She started because she needed the money, but in the end she enjoyed it, she loved to dance. But when she started her relationship with she got a little bit insecure about Sparrow's opinion on her job. Obviously Sparrow didn't mind, it was a job after all, and she was her supportive girlfriend #1.
Amara has an old black Sphynx Cat called Kuro. It was her mother's cat and when she passed away, Amara adopted him, and he has followed her in every step of her life.
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I love Amara's fashion style. It's so different from mine! I swear this woman always takes my breath (and Sparrow's) away. (She's team all black hahaha)
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I like to say that Amara is a little bit like a witch. She knows how to read tarot cards, how to clean a house with Lignum Vitae... So every time Sparrow has to go on a mission, she secretly shuffles the tarot cards, and checks how the mission will go. If the cards aren't good, she usually gives a protective stone like white quartz to Sparrow. Sparrow always listens to her even though she doesn't really understand how it works.
"Keep this close to you all the time."
"I like this one. What's it for love?"
"just... Keep it close to you"
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AAAND THAT ALL! Omg it's so long hahahaha! Anyway thank you for the ask! I have so many facts about my ocs hahaha, I hope it wasn't too boring. Anyway! Thank you again!
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sealrock · 8 months
what do the emojis mean on your post?
hey anon, if you mean my blog in general I use emojis as a tagging system for my characters since it's easier to keep track of because I'm usually on the app
they're linked in my pinned post but here's a breakdown of who's who and the symbolism (or lack thereof) behind them. gonna put this under a read more since it's gonna be long:
roster emojis:
🍃 = paris. a lively leaf floating through the wind with no sense of direction. paris and hector share the same motifs as being leaves that fell off the tree and how far they've traveled
🍂 = hector. a dried up rotten leaf that stopped drifting in the wind, very fragile and brittle. it will crumble under the slightest pressure
🥀 = andromache. a wilting rose. the tatlongharis have a flower motif so I wanted to keep up that symbolism with andi being a dying rose with no water (aka emotional support)
💀 = kirke. a skull. it's kinda funny because this emoji is used in comedic situations but it represents kirke's undead state and her not truly being alive as a cloud of nanomachines. decay is a common theme for her
⚰️ = yves. a coffin and a leftover from yves' earlier characterization as an undead, or half-dead, void knight. I may end up changing this once I finalize his new lore since it doesn't fit his aesthetic anymore (less immortal aether vampire being and more psycho mantis mgs mixed with alma wade f.e.a.r.)
🎐 = tauvane. a stationary wind chime. I actually couldn't find a nice emoji for her in the beginning since the newer ones don't display correctly on web browsers (at least for me since I'm still on win10). it doesn't really fit her current lore but her and achille share weather motifs
🌻 = evander. a bright sunflower that falls in line with the tatlongharis flower theme. it represents happiness and a good life, which is the total opposite of evander's backstory and personality
🌼 = patroclus. it's a white daisy (but it looks like a yellow flower on mobile) and connects him to the tatlongharis. daisies symbolize innocence and purity, just like him
🌪️ = achille. a tornado to symbolize his turbulent emotions and now retconned weather powers. back when I started developing achille he was supposed to have sea/water motifs because tauvane was originally a pirate
romantic emojis:
💐 = hector/andromache. a bouquet of flowers that's meant to symbolize their previous relationship when everything was good and quaint
🌤️ = achille/patroclus. a sun and a cloud. patroclus is the sun (bright and warm) and achille is the tiny cloud (meant to be his hidden desires slowly becoming seen)
⛓️ = yves/kirke. a link of chains. their relationship is more violent and toxic to contrast hector and andi. they're chained together because they're drawn to each other's dark desires and impulses
platonic emojis:
🌿 = hector & paris. it's technically an herb but I see it as a plant farther along in growth compared to paris and their mom. despite their own issues, paris and hector got along well until the end
🌱 = andromache & paris. a sprout or seedling that struggles to grow. keeping with the general plant/nature theme with the tatlonghari x wormwood families, the relationship between parent and child is slow going, but there's a chance for it to bloom
🌧️ = tauvane & achille. a sad rain cloud. this is also a leftover from their previous characterizations but it seems to fit their current stages of development since tragedy is a motif shared between mother and son
🏵️ = tatlonghari family. a golden rosette that I imagine as their family crest. this is a catchall emoji for the npcs and parts of my ocs that are affiliated with the family; familial trauma is a major theme here
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inactivegaz · 2 years
romance is not dead (if you keep it just yours)
pairing: kyle “gaz” garrick/oc (vaughn ballinger) fandom: call of duty wc: 997 note: this is set almost immediately after ghost’s face reveal in ghost team and before the actual mission. also i did say that cowboy and gaz are very paris by taylor swift abt a week ago
“I fell out of a helicopter.”
“Christ. Again?” She cracked a smile, her hand drifting the side of his face as she looked into his eyes.
or Agent Ballinger helps Gaz put on his paint before they get the Los Vaqueros base back.
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btw there is a vaughn/gaz playlist, it’s linked on ao3
The tension was still apparent in the room as people spread out to do their own things to prepare for the mission the newly merged Ghost Team was about to embark on.
Agent Ballinger sat by herself on a bench, a large bandage peeking out from under the left sleeve of her t-shirt, a permanent souvenir from her time in Las Almas beneath.
Kyle approached slowly, pulling at the black mask as he sat down next to the agent. “How you doing?”
Vaughn was pulled from her thoughts, smiling up at the man standing next to her, “Been better.” She patted the empty space to her right, “Sit with me.”
He didn’t need to be told twice, he sat down and watched as she went back to pulling at the laces on her very scuffed boots. It reminded him of the first op they worked together just over a year ago, well the day after; she put on boots that were more beat up than the ones now and shrugged saying they were lucky.
“Could you help with the paint?”
“Sure.” She twisted her body and sat on her knees beside Gaz, letting their fingertips brush against one another as she took the paint from his grasp.
Her hands went to his face and started swiping and tapping away around his left eye.
It took everything in him to not lean into her gentle touch or to lay a comforting hand on her thigh as she painted his face. They’ve been seeing each other for about ten months, but never talked about telling either of their direct superiors, Laswell and Price, or any type of coworkers really, deciding that whatever they were was better just between them.
He watched as she worked away, swiping the paint on, and the feeling he got as he realized it was her coming up the rope at the prison crept back up on him: concern and worry. Worry that was surely misplaced, she was a capable agent but she wasn’t even meant to be in Las Almas.
Vaughn was supposed to be at his flat in London. Gaz wasn’t meant to be there either, he should’ve been on his way home from Amsterdam, on his way home to collapse into her arms and sleep the mission off for a day.
The silence didn’t go unnoticed by Vaughn, although it was certainly welcome as she still hadn’t wrapped her mind around the last 36 hours. She was lucky to be alive, lucky that Graves believed her when she said that she didn’t know anything about 141.
“I fell out of a helicopter.”
“Christ. Again?” She cracked a nervous smile, her hand drifting to the side of his face as she looked into his eyes, rubbing a scar that was on his cheek from a previous mission.
“Yeah, it was— I hated it.” Kyle took a moment to lean into her touch, almost like a cat demanding scratches between the ears.
“We need to put your ass on a no-fly list or something, Gaz.” The agent laughed, taking her hand away dipping her finger into the grease paint.
Kyle took a moment to just watch her before responding, “That’d be kinda hard in this line of work.”
“Unfortunately.” Vaughn lamented, continuing her work on his right eye.
“Is it bad that I really want to kiss you right now?” He whispered up at her, watching as her hair curtained their faces from the doorway that Captain Price went into a few minutes ago to talk to Laswell.
“Kinda. Only because I really want to kiss you too.”
“So what’s stopping you?”
Her face went straight, trying to hide a smile as she shook her head, “Don’t even start, Sergeant.”
He smiled as he leaned back into the hand that was now on his right cheek. It was almost as if they were alone, no one was paying them any mind, it was just them in this little base.
Looking back up at Vaughn, he noticed she was checking over her shoulder then she turned and looked over the shoulder. “What are you—”
“Come here.” She smiled now cupping his face with both hands, she leaned in and their lips met, melting into each other.
She hummed as she pulled away, resting her forehead on his before whispering to him, “I’ve missed you.” She went in for a quick peck.
“Missed you too.” He replied, trying to follow Vaughn as she pulled before pushing him back against the bench, hand on his chest.
“Are you crazy, Gaz?” She let out a light laugh, “There’s so many people here.”
“Maybe it’s the helicopter crash. Coulda knocked a screw loose.” He shrugged as she went back to work, finishing up around his eyes.
“Oh shut up.”
Gaz laughed, watching her try to contain her expression as she rolled her eyes. It really felt like just them at this moment. He kept a hand on her knee as she checked over her work.
Finally deciding to take himself out of the moment, he felt off. Vaughn started messily smearing the paint over her own face, only a small compact to see what she was doing. He looked past her shoulder and saw a pair of eyes looking in their direction, almost through them it seemed. Ghost.
His eyes widened and he drew in a breath, looking back to the agent who was still oblivious to what he just saw.
“What’s up?”
Gaz swallowed, “Look behind you.”
“Fuck,” she mumbled, setting the compact down, “Is it Price?”
Closing his eyes, cringing at the thought, he shook his head, “Worse.”
“No.” She drew out.
Time moved in slow-motion as she turned her head to see who Gaz saw, chills running up her spine as she locked eyes with the Lieutenant. She let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding in as she turned back to Kyle, who still had his eyes shut.
“He wouldn’t say anything, would he?” 
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marinahavik · 9 months
Meet my Oc's
Today's episode: Marina Havik
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Marina Havik
Havik: This Dutch surname is derived from the word “havik” which means “sea hawk”
Marina is a name originating from the Latin word marinus, which means "of the sea" or "marine". By extension, it also takes on the meaning of “she comes from the sea”.
She comes from an influential family in the Coral Sea, they are known mainly for their jewelry making, and because of this they gained a noble title.
The family symbol is pearls, the Havik family became a noble family just over 100 years ago, due to their parents Aerion (This name has Greek origin and means “divine water”) and Aria (This name has Italian origin and means “air” or “melody”. It is often associated with the element of water due to its fluidity).
Aerion is a hawk fae while Aria is an ocean nymph, both species can live for many years.
They started a jewelry business that over time became a great success, so much so that wearing jewelry made by the Havik corporation means that you are someone with a very high status, some of the main customers are the Al-Asim and the kingscholar.
Despite all the wealth, no one in the family tends to waste luxuries and riches, they tend to prefer a quieter life.
To avoid problems, the family's house is located inside a cave, which is guarded by huge sea serpents.
You rarely see anyone from the family at the fancy parties that noble and royal families usually throw, but the few times they appear, all the attention goes to them.
To prevent the children from receiving too much attention, especially Marian and Dione, Aerion and Aria, they rarely accept invitations to parties, and the times they attend, they are without the children, they do this to protect them, after all, since the beginning of time, the Nymphs are often persecuted for their beauty.
about the nymphs
They are beings linked to nature, they are divided by ecosystems, so there are flower nymphs from forests, the sea, rivers, etc.
They are considered the fastest beings in Twisted Wonderland, every year fleeing from mortals, gods and monsters since ancient times, made them undergo evolutions, making them faster, and with their senses enhanced to the maximum.
In addition to being very fast, they have the ability to transform into plants and animals to escape their pursuers.
They are experts in animal language, being able to communicate with any type of animal, whether magical or not.
As an ocean nymph she has great command over the waters, her unique magic only enhancing these abilities.
A little about your personality
Marina is a very happy, extroverted, and very energetic girl, unable to sit still for long.
Marina is someone who doesn't seem to know the meaning of the word shame, her friends may be afraid or embarrassed to do something and she goes out there and does it.
She is always looking for something to do, or something to have fun with, so she is always on the move.
Por causa de sua aparência adorável e “inocente”, muitos consideram ela e sua irmã pobres almas infelizes nas mãos dos Azul, os outros dormitórios muitas vezes se perguntam como duas pessoas tão queridas conseguem conviver com o trio de Octanaville.
But inside the dorm, things change, everyone inside octanaville knows that despite their adorable appearance, both sisters are as dangerous as the Leech twins.
If the Leach's nickname within octanaville is the diabolical eels, the Havik's nickname is the nymphs of the deep.
Marina gets along very well with Floyd, and it's quite common to see the two of them getting up to something, much to Azul dismay, as Jade and Dione don't stop their twins.
If Azul is the boss and the Leachs are like bodyguards, the Haviks are more like secretaries, they are the ones who help Azul in managing the monster lounge, and also set the schedules of people who want to sign a contract with Azul.
Marina is 1,67 tall
She has long black hair, which is always loose, has bangs pulled to the right side, and wears a blue bow at the back of her hair, and has very beautiful green eyes.
Her uniform consists of a white button-down blouse, a gray vest, black and gold jacket, black skirt, dark tights, and black boots with gold trim.
Some curiosities and other information
First-year student at Octanaville, and part of the first-year problem class.
She is right-handed and likes cute animals, especially felines.
She has a jellyfish named Félix, which is one of the reasons why Floyd calls her a jellyfish, and she also has a sea serpent that she calls a coral.
She likes anything that involves music, she is part of the board game club.
Ela é amiga de infância dos gêmeos Leech e Azul, assim como de Sebek e Silver, já que seu pai é amigo de Lilia e do avô de Sebek.
Despite being half fae, she and the rest of her family prefer to live in the coral sea.
After an accident during a gala when she was 11, where she slapped a member of royalty, to protect herself Leona told her she was her fiancée, and the two are now in an arranged engagement.
The relationship is still a secret, the only ones who know about the commitment are obviously Leona and Marina's families, Ruggie (Leona wanted to have someone trustworthy as her eyes) and Yuu who ended up finding out when she saw that they used the same type ring but in a hidden way.
She and Dione adopted Yumi, and were very angry with Azul when they found out that he and the Leechs took Ramshackle.
How they met (azul and the Leech)
Azul met the Havik family, on an ordinary day for him, he was running away from some classmates, and hid in a cave, the cave in question served as the entrance to the Havik house, the twins were leaving when they found the little one hidden octopus.
He was very scared and it took him a while to trust the girls and consider them friends, but her family accepted him and treated him so well, that Azul was happy to finally have friends.
Some time later the Leech also met the Havik, and they became a much respected and feared group in the Coral Sea, and their fame continues in the Raven night.
How they met (Leona)
During a visit that Aria paid to a lake nymph friend, Marian went along to accompany her, she separated from her mother and found a little lion beastman boy crying and Marina went to comfort him, the two ended up becoming friends and they often exchange letters.
During a gala ball, a member of royalty began to chase Marina who tiredly slapped him, the boy in question made a scandal, Leona defended her, since it was the other prince who was bothering her, and in a moment of anger Leona He ended up telling her not to approach his fiancée.
To resolve this problem diplomatically, the kingscholar and the Havik made others believe that they had made an agreement, which would result in a union between the families.
But they warned the children that this was not mandatory, and that they could enter into this false relationship at any time.
But the two began to have feelings for each other, and the relationship of convenience became a real relationship.
how things work in octanaville
She and her sister usually work as secretaries at Azul, they also work as waitresses and on the days they work the Lounge is crowded.
Because many students only go there to see them and make the poor customers spend more than they have, leaving the poor without money and having to work in the salon to pay off the debt.
Octanaville has rules to make the lives of employees and customers comfortable, especially for the girls, breaking the rules means the Leachs will break their bones.
Many end up being afraid to approach the Havik, as there will always be a Leech nearby acting as a bodyguard. in Marina's case it would be Floyd, as she is not afraid of the eel and does not mind its grip, which is why scenes of her being carried or hugged are common.
Because of her pretty appearance and "naive" appearance, many tried to trick her or intimidate her because they believed she wouldn't react, but it's not like that, all the idiots who underestimated her ended up in the infirmary. The most well-known case was when 5 students from Savannah tried to scare her and as a result ended up in the infirmary with serious injuries (someone may have fallen in love because of this).
Azul and the Leechs rule Octanaville, and because they are childhood friends, the twins have some privileges. Marina, in particular, tends to enter the office without knocking, and she and her sister have permission from Azul to take care of the Leeches (especially Floyd) when they cause trouble. As scary as it is for the Octanaville students, a common scene that happens sometimes would be Marina using her hydrokinesis to make them behave, so seeing Floyd tied up by the water currents and being dragged away became an everyday scene.
It will probably take longer, the next one might be Dione's
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pinkmeanieofficial · 1 year
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Yep, as I promised in the Alma Post, the background I've used is available fo any artist to put their favorite character or Ocs in! No need to pay me! Just take it and do whatever you want! This is a portraitured and expanded version of the original, some elements are the same and some are missing.
I do ask you to follow these guidelines tho :
You can change the lightning, filter and add elements to it if you wish!
Is possible, credit me in your posts or just tag me 😉
Oh, you want the bigger apha version of it? Have this link : CLICK ME!
Thank you all and please leave a comment on what you think of it, if you plan to use it or the post you've made using this template for I do love feedback and I'm very eager to see your work!
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hollygl125 · 2 months
Hi! I just saw your new post, that I'm absolutely obsessed with, and I was wondering are Grissom's and Sara's middle name canon?
Hi, @inutilidadesbytamara!
I’m so glad you enjoyed my “favourite character” GIF-sets for Sara and Grissom—thank you so much for your kind words! ☺️☺️☺️
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As for your question, Sara’s and Grissom’s middle names are not strictly speaking canon, but they (along with some of the other details included in my GIF-sets) are, I would say, the next closest thing to canon—what @addictedtostorytelling has called “deuterocanonical”: “(of sacred books or literary works) forming a secondary canon.” (That was a new word for my vocab list, I’ll admit! 😬)
(I would liken it maybe to obiter dicta in the (common law) legal context: something a judge says that isn’t essential to their decision and hence isn’t binding on another judge but could be persuasive.)
Basically there was information that was provided on official CBS website biographies for the characters and in official CSI books but that never made it onto the show. Some of these sources were themselves conflicting. More importantly, since it never made it onto the show it wasn’t (isn’t) canon and could still be changed by TPTB and the writers. Such was (I think!) the case with Sara’s childhood, for example, as I believe her original biographies did not reference the tragic backstory that would be revealed in “Nesting Dolls” (05x13).
I never saw those original CBS website biographies, so my knowledge of them comes via the (wonderful! amazing! indispensable! encyclopedic!) meta @addictedtostorytelling has shared with us here on Tumblr. She has a post here that discusses Grissom’s background (and references his middle name) and one here that discusses Sara’s (and references her middle name).
(If you are at all interested in the characters’ backstories, I would highly recommend reading the two posts linked above, as they compile a lot of canon and secondary source information and put that information into the context of reality—e.g., which universities actually offer which degrees, specializations, etc.)
I have three official CSI books (not counting the novels but rather books about CSI), but they are at my house, and I am not, so I will provide an update after the weekend as to which bits of information they contain. (The information is now all kind of mushed up together in my head, so I can’t really remember the specific sources for everything.)
Other pieces of information that came from these secondary sources but were not, to the best of my recollection, ever made canon on the show include Sara’s alma maters (Harvard and UC Berkeley), her area of study (physics), and her stated birthplace/hometown (the small fishing village of Tomales Bay, California).
As for that last bit of information, to be honest, a brief google search has disclosed to me no such village, although north of San Francisco there is an actual bay called Tomales Bay; a Tomales Bay State Park; a number of businesses named for Tomales Bay; and a “census-designated place” named Tomales, with a couple hundred residents, located 3 miles northeast of the bay. So either Sara’s hometown is fictional, I think, or . . . I don’t know . . . maybe her hippy mother opted for a water birth in the bay?
Sara’s birthday of September 16, 1971 was well-established amongst loyal fans for over a decade, based on these secondary sources, before apparently being overruled when the episode we shall not name (13x15) ran amok with it, only for it to be established by the CSI props department as canon in a later episode (and we’ll just ignore the completely nonsensical 13x15, or come up with completely ridiculous explanations for it like I did!).
Grissom’s birthday and hometown were both given on the show and are thus canon. His August 17, 1956 birthday came out in the Paul Millander storyline. His hometown was given to us by Hodges in “The Theory of Everything” (08x15): “In an interview in the San Francisco Chronicle—October 31, 1996, if I recall correctly—one Professor Gilbert Grissom revealed that, as a boy, he collected dead animals he found in his Marina del Rey neighborhood and performed necropsies on them.”
Now, @addictedtostorytelling’s meta will tell you that Grissom’s birthplace was always given in the secondary sources as Santa Monica. Santa Monica and Marina del Rey are located very close together in Los Angeles County, on the coast, separated only by Venice, California (where Grissom’s mom apparently had an art gallery). So it could be that the Grissoms moved when Gil was a young boy, or maybe he was born in a hospital in Santa Monica but the family was already living in Marina del Rey. (Wikipedia tells me that the current Marina del Rey hospital wasn’t constructed until 1969, after Grissom was born, but the Santa Monica hospital was founded in 1926.) I think I kind of absorbed the second option into my own headcanon, so to be more precise in my GIF-set I should have referred to Marina del Rey as his hometown, but to be perfectly honest I’ve been a little distracted and really wasn’t thinking about that distinction at the time!
Returning again to the main point . . . the information from these secondary sources isn’t strictly speaking canon, but it is the next best thing. It’s information that was provided by TPTB/the writers (the early writers! the ones who knew/developed our characters!). I would also assume it’s information that was provided to the actors as part of their characters’ backstories. So I take it as pretty persuasive, but you can decide for yourself how much (if any) of it you want to accept—just like canon itself, for that matter! 😉
While we’re here, though, can we just think for a minute about the fact that Sara was born exactly 15 years and 30 (i.e., 15x2) days after Grissom, they both have matching first and last initials (SS and GG), and they both have the middle initial “A.” I mean, these kids really were made for each other (literally)! 😜
Thank you for your question—I hope my answer was of some help! If you have any more questions, please let me know! 💛💛💛
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Thank you so much for the ask, 🩶 Anon!! It's always so wonderful to hear from you!
We'd be thrilled to answer all of these questions for you, but to keep the posts from being too long we've decided to divide them between canon characters and OCs into two separate posts (the other is linked here). The canon character answers are below, and in keeping with the interview part of the game, we tried our best to answer in the respective character's POV (and included some game sprites just for added fun!).
We hope you'll like what we come up with! Take care! 💙
HERO Answers:
3. What is your favorite childhood memory?
I have so many wonderful childhood memories that it's hard to choose just one, especially if I had to choose between memories of my family or my friends. They're both very important to me.
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In terms of childhood memories of my family, I loved learning how to cook from my grandma, Mamá Alma, and cooking big family dinners with her. My parents taught me a lot too. Kel and I used to build bird feeders with our dad, and our mom tried to teach us how to knit once but Kel ended up tangled in all the yarn (which he insisted was way more fun than knitting anyway).
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Kel and I had a lot of fun together when we were young! We'd stay up late building blanket forts or telling stories, and we loved playing adventure games especially pretending we were pirates looking for buried treasure in our backyard. Sometimes our friends would play too.
I have a lot of fond memories of them as well. I loved spending time at the park or visiting the beach, watching cartoons on Saturday mornings, playing cards or board games, and especially having picnics together. I think some of my fondest memories are of when we would all cook or bake things together to pack in our picnic baskets. Mari and I always tried to make everyone's favorite foods, so we'd spend a lot of time preparing, and honestly, I think I sometimes enjoyed that more than the actual picnics themselves.
Looking back on it all now, it's hard to choose just one favorite moment. It's all those little things that are most meaningful to me: helping Basil plant seeds in his flower garden or building blanket forts with Kel or how we'd all stay up all night playing video games, reading comics, or watching funny movies. The way Aubrey laughed when her face was covered with watermelon seeds or the way Sunny was always way more excited about the box and wrapping paper than any present you ever got him. How Mari's face would always light up when she pulled her cookies out of the oven or how she smiled whenever she played piano for us and we'd all stand around singing along.
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So I think it’s not just one favorite moment. It's so many, and they're all precious to me.
16. Describe your perfect day.
I don't think I need anything too big or exciting for the perfect day. If I got to do anything I wanted, I guess I'd cook a big meal for all my friends and family and invite them over for dinner. Everyone's so busy these days, it would be great to have a quiet evening where we could all get together and catch up, eat good food, and spend time together.
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KEL Answers:
18. What's the best way to cheer you up?
With my favorite stuff probably! If someone brought me an Orange Joe, I'm sure I'd be happy again!
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(Hero: Kel...I think they're hoping for something a little more specific...)
Oh, uh...okay! Mmmmm... When I'm having a bad day, I like to distract myself and try to take my mind off it by doing something else I like. I'll play basketball or ride my bike, listen to my boombox, or play video games, or yeah, have an Orange Joe!
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Watching funny movies or tv shows are always good too because when you're laughing you can't feel as sad anymore!
SUNNY Answers:
13. You're given an unlimited budget to build anything you want!  What do you build and where do you build it?
A perfect, comfortable bed as big as my room. Then my room would be a bed.
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It would be at a 12/10. Maybe more if it had a high-density viscoelastic polyurethane mattress, but I don't know if they can make one as big as a room.
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cetaitlaverite · 3 months
Why All This Music?
Masters of the Air - Rosie Rosenthal x OC
masterlist is linked here <3
36. All the Way Back
It was pure chance that one of the clergymen who was in today was also the one responsible for playing the church organ. He was playing a gentle tune, giving Freddie and her father time to prepare before they entered. Freddie’s hand was already tucked into her father’s elbow. She was bouncing around on the balls of her feet in anticipation.
When the first few staccato notes of Wagner’s Bridal Chorus rang out, Felix bent down and pressed a kiss to Freddie’s temple over the top of her veil.
Smiling sidelong at her father, Freddie thought she’d kiss him back if she had time to lift her veil off of her face one final time.
Two of the clergymen pulled the doors open for them when the music changed.
Freddie drew in a steadying breath.
And then, before she knew it, she was being walked down the aisle.
The church interior truly was beautiful. It was everything the young version of her had imagined when playing at being a bride. White walls and high arches, candles hanging from chandeliers throwing warm lighting over the pews. A big, grand window with stained glass crests behind the altar through which bright daylight poured in, spilling an angelic light over the figure of her fiancé, his back turned as he stood beside Alma, clearly desperate to turn around as Alma laid a hand on his shoulder and muttered to him.
Freddie shared a smile with her mother before Alma dropped her hand and Rosie turned. When their eyes met, even through the pale, gauzy fabric of Freddie’s borrowed veil, all of the air left her lungs. He was wearing the same dress uniform she’d seen him in a hundred times, his curls combed neatly to the side as they so often were, and yet he was more gorgeous than anything she’d ever seen. And she was marrying him today, in only a couple of minutes. She would be his forever.
Rosie felt he was being suffocated the moment he laid eyes on Freddie. White, floor-length dress, veil over her face, her hair brushed into long, abundant curls and her eyes fixed on him. The light hit her just right as she approached slowly, following her father’s lead. She looked like an angel, like a goddess. And he was marrying her today, soon, so soon. And then he would belong to her forever.
That walk down the aisle lasted forever and only an instant at the same time. Before Freddie knew it her dad was pressing another kiss to her temple and then taking her hand from his elbow and placing it in Rosie’s proffered one.
The instant their fingers met, Rosie gave Freddie’s hand a squeeze, smiling widely as he helped to guide her up the two steps onto the altar. It was only an afterthought which reminded Freddie to hand her bouquet off to her father to hold.
Rosie’s hands were gentle, reverential, as he took hold of both sides of the blusher of her veil and started to lift it.
Freddie ducked her eyes until he had lifted the fabric past them, then looked up at Rosie from beneath her lashes, smiling at his awestruck expression.
“Fred,” he murmured, freezing with his hands in midair, the veil still only halfway lifted.
Freddie giggled. She could feel herself blushing. “You have to put it all the way back, darling,” she whispered.
“Right.” Rosie finished lifting her veil, laying it neatly down her back. He quickly cupped her cheeks in both hands and kissed her forehead before retreating.
Freddie was desperate to kiss him properly but knew she’d be reprimanded, so she stayed put, the skin of her forehead burning where he’d just kissed her, the rest of her body freezing cold.
The officiant’s voice was loud, echoing off of the church walls, reverberating across rows of empty pews. “This place in which we are now met has been duly sanctioned, according to law, for the celebration of marriages, and today we are gathered -” Here, Freddie snorted, “- to witness the joining in holy matrimony of Robert Rosenthal and Wilfrieda Jane Leroy.”
Freddie and Rosie were grinning at each other, their eyes locked and straying nowhere.
“Before we begin, let us bow our heads and ask God’s blessing for Robert and Wilfrieda.”
The officiant and all of the onlooking clergy bowed their heads.
Freddie cringed and mouthed, “Sorry,” to Rosie, who only laughed and shrugged before ducking his head.
“Heavenly Father, we ask your blessing upon Robert Rosenthal and upon Wilfrieda Jane Leroy. We come to you knowing that you have created them for a purpose, and we’re confident, oh Lord, that your will for their lives contains some amazing triumphs for them as they walk together in your name. We ask that you bless them and keep them with you, and that you hold us accountable to do the same, Lord. In your Holy name we pray. Amen.”
“Amen,” repeated everyone in the room.
Freddie gave Rosie’s hands a squeeze, because she hated that she was forcing him into a religious ceremony, the religion of which he wasn’t part of.
Their next wedding would be a Jewish wedding, Freddie decided, if that’s what he wanted. She wasn’t sure what that would look like but if that’s what he wanted then that’s what they would do.
The officiant continued his speech, reading occasionally from the Bible - which never failed to make Freddie cringe and Rosie laugh - before he announced that it was ‘time to declare themselves to one another’.
Freddie’s heart squeezed in anticipation.
The officiant turned to Rosie. “Do you, Robert, take Wilfrieda to be your lawfully wedded wife from this day forward - to have and to hold, in good times and bad, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health?”
Rosie didn’t look away from Freddie as he smiled wide and replied, “I do.”
The officiant bowed his head in acceptance of this before turning to Freddie. “Do you, Wilfrieda, take Robert to be your lawfully wedded husband from this day forward - to have and to hold, in good times and bad, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health?”
There were tears stinging in Freddie’s eyes even as she shared Rosie’s wide smile. “I do.”
“Good,” the officiant approved. “It is now time to say your vows. Who has the rings?”
“Oh!” Alma exclaimed softly. She hurried to the first pew in the row and retrieved the small box she’d clearly taken from the kitchen cupboard to transport the rings safely together. Hastily, as though they were on some sort of time crunch, she crossed back over to the altar and handed the box to the officiant before resuming her place beside Rosie.
Freddie shot her a grin over his shoulder.
“Oh,” the officiant said. Generally, Freddie supposed, a ring bearer would hold onto the rings until it was time to put them on, but the officiant didn’t reject them, just fumbled a moment as he decided which hand to hold the box in.
Quickly finding his feet, he went on, “Robert, please repeat after me: Wilfrieda, with this ring, I thee wed, and I do promise to love, honour, and cherish you, in good times and bad, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part.” He opened the box and handed the smaller of the two rings to Rosie.
Freddie wished she’d had time to paint her nails as Rosie let go of her hand so she could present it to him, but when she looked back up at him as he started to repeat his vows, that thought soon disappeared from her head.
When Rosie finished speaking, he carefully slid the ring onto Freddie’s finger until it was tucked up snugly beside her engagement ring.
Freddie marvelled at the two rings, at how pretty they looked together and how important they were to her, before the officiant handed her Rosie’s ring and started to read aloud her vows.
Rosie offered his left hand to Freddie and they shared a grin as they locked eyes. And, once she had finished reciting her vows, his bare ring finger was no longer bare - and wouldn’t be, in fact, for the rest of his life.
“Robert, Wilfrieda, having proclaimed your love for, and commitment to, one another in the sight of Almighty God and these witnesses, it is my pleasure to pronounce you, by the power vested in me, husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride!”
With both hands cupping her cheeks, Rosie drew Freddie into a kiss made difficult because of their smiles but no less romantic than any they’d shared before. Freddie clutched at his waist, at his forearms, at his back, laughing into the kiss as she tried to press closer and closer. She could feel Rosie laughing right back.
“Gathered guests, it is my great pleasure to present to you Mr and Mrs Rosenthal!” the officiant declared as they pulled apart. “May their days together be long, happy, and loving, and may they be filled with peace.”
Freddie smiled at the officiant, because she knew he’d tacked that last part onto the end just for them.
“If you’ll now follow me to sign the wedding certificate,” the officiant said, just as Freddie and Rosie were preparing to head back down the aisle.
“Oh,” they both said at once.
The officiant led them into the same backroom Freddie had been waiting in, where a wedding certificate was already waiting for them. One of the clergy handed Rosie a pen and he signed quickly before handing it to Freddie, who signed deftly right beside him.
Once back out in the main hall, the officiant handed the wedding certificate to Felix and Rosie swept Freddie up into his arms. He carried her out of the church the way Freddie had always imagined her husband might, no sign of a wounded arm in sight, both of them laughing joyfully all the while.
Once they were outside, grinning in the sunshine, Rosie turned in several circles, laughing as Freddie whooped with joy while she clutched at him tightly. They kissed several hundred times before Alma cut into their newlywed bubble. “So,” she said, now holding onto the wedding certificate - she didn’t trust her husband not to lose it, “lunch?”
It should have seemed anticlimactic, getting back into the car and heading home, but Freddie was so happy she found there was nothing she’d rather be doing than sitting in her kitchen and eating lunch with her parents, her dogs, and her husband. She resented that Millie and Jem and Meatball couldn’t be here but comforted herself that that’d be at the next wedding, when the war was finished and there wasn’t so much urgency about it.
“So,” Alma said once they’d all finished eating.
Freddie raised an eyebrow. 
“We didn’t get you a wedding present.”
“Oh,” Freddie jumped to reply. “That’s okay, you don’t need to -”
“What kind of parents would we be if we didn’t get our daughter and our new son-in-law a wedding present?”
Freddie and Rosie shared a grin at Alma’s use of his new title. While Freddie was now a Rosenthal, Rosie was now equally a Leroy. He had been for a while by now, Freddie supposed.
“Presumably you’ll be going back to Thorpe Abbotts soon,” Alma continued.
Rosie nodded, his smile fading slightly. “They’re expecting me back tomorrow night.” He didn’t want to go back, not yet. He wanted to stay living in this bubble of domesticity, where the war couldn’t get them and he and Freddie could properly soak up being newlyweds without having any responsibilities.
“I’ll go back tomorrow too, then,” Freddie decided.
Felix frowned. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea, schatz.”
“Why not? I’m better now.”
“You’re better when you don’t have Rosie out of your sight,” Felix replied steadily. “You are not better in yourself. Not entirely.”
Freddie pulled a face. “I am too.”
“Just because you’re married now doesn’t mean you can argue with your father.”
Freddie smirked smugly. “Then what’s the point of being married?”
Rosie scoffed but was quickly appeased when Freddie leaned over to kiss his cheek.
“I think a few more days at home will do you good, Wils,” Alma cut in. “Just to settle yourself. It’s been a whirlwind of a few days and I don’t want you to hurry back and realise you weren’t quite ready.”
“I don’t want to be separated from my husband the day after we’re married,” Freddie protested.
Rosie, smiling to himself at this new title, too, gave Freddie’s hand a squeeze where he was holding onto it in his lap. “Maybe it’s not so bad of an idea, Fred.”
Freddie’s head whipped to face him. “You’re supposed to be on my side, Rosie. We’re married now, that means we’re a team.”
Rosie laughed lightly. “Sorry, honey. I just wanna make sure you’re better before you go back. You have so much responsibility on your shoulders back there.”
Freddie frowned and turned back to the table. “I don’t want to stay behind.”
Alma sighed. “We’ll talk about it tomorrow. What we were talking about before was wedding presents.”
“Oh,” Freddie said. “Right.”
“You really didn’t need to get us anything -”
Alma cut right across Rosie. “You don’t even know what it is yet!”
Freddie and Rosie both clamped their mouths shut, waiting patiently for Alma to continue.
“You can’t really go on a honeymoon,” Alma began once she was sure she wasn’t going to be interrupted. “It’s unfortunate but the circumstances just won’t allow it. But we’d like to pay for you to spend the night in a hotel. There’s a lovely one on the edge of the city - quiet, never really busy. Private,” she added meaningfully.
“I’m so embarrassed I could die,” Freddie said, her hands covering her flaming cheeks. There was no way her parents were offering to pay for a hotel room so Freddie could consummate her marriage.
Alma didn’t bat an eye at Freddie’s interjection. “Even in wartime every married couple should get to spend their wedding night alone. So we thought we might gift you that. A makeshift honeymoon to go along with a makeshift wedding, and you can go somewhere nicer after your ‘proper’ wedding. Does that sound okay?”
Freddie couldn’t reply just now, so deep in the trenches of her mortification, so Rosie replied for her, his own cheeks bright red and a sheepish smile on his face. “That sounds wonderful - I mean that’s - that’s real nice of you. Thank you both. You really don’t have to do that.”
Alma shrugged while Felix grumbled. “In all honesty,” she replied, “the present is just as much for us as it is for you. I don’t particularly want to hear my daughter -”
“Oh my god!” Freddie cried. “Do not finish that sentence!”
Alma scoffed. “Come on, Wils, let’s not pretend the lot of us don’t know what goes on on a wedding night. Your father and I were young once too -”
“Please, please, let’s not have this conversation anymore,” Freddie groaned. “Please. I’m begging. We’ll take the hotel room but let’s never speak of it again.”
Felix had to stand from the table to pace around the kitchen, mumbling to himself to keep himself calm.
Rosie watched him with a vaguely terrified expression. “Maybe we should actually just -”
“He’ll be fine,” Alma cut Rosie off. “We’ll drive down to the hotel in a little while, do you think? So the two of you can have dinner there together, too. Come, Wils, I’ll help you pack.”
Alma stood and skirted around the table, offering a hand to Freddie to lead her upstairs.
Freddie, cheeks still in flames, kissed Rosie’s temple softly before taking her mother’s hand and fleeing the scene, sending a mouthed apology to Rosie over her shoulder for leaving him alone with her dad in the midst of his own personal crisis.
Freddie lay back on her bed with her hands covering her face while Alma packed a suitcase for her. “Wils, you really need to get some better lingerie -”
“Mother, I’m not having this conversation with you right now.”
Alma snickered to herself as she loaded the suitcase with a dress for Freddie to wear to dinner that night, a dress to wear tomorrow, a nightdress to wear to bed, various lingerie options - some of which Freddie was sure she’d never even seen before - and then her toiletries. “Is Wilfred coming with you?” she asked, gesturing to the stuffed bunny sitting beside Freddie on the bed.
“No,” Freddie snapped, because she knew her mother was teasing her.
Alma laughed. “I had a wedding night too, Wils. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” Zipping up the suitcase, she patted the top of it for good measure before coming to sit on the edge of the bed. “I don’t suppose you need me to give you the talk, do you?” 
Groaning into her hands, Freddie said, “I hope the ‘talk’ you mean isn’t the talk I’m thinking of.”
Alma laughed. “You know what? Nevermind. If those fake wedding rings are anything to go by I’d say you and Rosie know exactly what you’re doing.”
“Oh my god!” Freddie exclaimed. She shook her head into her hands, pulling her knees into her chest and falling sideways to curl up into a ball.
“I just want to make sure you’re not going in clueless, that’s all!” Alma insisted.
“I know what sex is, mum!”
“Alright! That’s all I wanted to know!”
“Good!” Because Freddie wasn’t going to give her any more explanation than that.
Rosie had yet to unpack the bag he’d brought with him from Thorpe Abbotts, so Freddie simply replaced the pyjamas he’d slept in last night in it and zipped it up to carry downstairs for him.
Alma was grinning as she kissed Freddie’s temple and picked up her suitcase to carry downstairs. “My little girl,” she said, getting just a little bit emotional, “all grown up.”
“I still expect all my presents at Christmas,” Freddie told her with a pointed look, largely to hide the sentimentality she was feeling herself.
“Of course,” Alma replied. “And when you come back tomorrow maybe we can finally celebrate your birthday?”
Freddie grinned. “Yes,” she replied, “we can.”
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mmollymercury · 2 years
I'm coming here to bother😇😇
How are you?
Do you have any artwork you think is underrated?
(So we can reblog)
Sorry it took me long to answer this! Life has been kinda busy lately. I've been preparing for uni and I'm in the process of applying to some now.
I'm doing pretty good today💕 one thing I'm glad to be relieved of is worrying abt getting encanto big bang stuff done. Thankfully the date was extended, yay!!! I'm really grateful because I want my work to be the best it can be x I'm so excited to see everyone else's finished pieces💗
The artwork question is such good idea!! So cute!!😭😭😭
Here's some art accounts I think all of you should check out! They're are primarily encanto fanart lolll... but check out the og blogs and look at their other stuff too x
With this list I'm trying to add ppl that I don't see talked abt that much, but really deserve the opposite💖
Let's get self promo out of the way first: here's some of my original character work, if you're interested: 💗 💕 💖 (I'm gonna be making a new pinned post soon, thats gonna catologe all my original work and fanart stuff, because I know original stuff gets lost in all the fan work.)
✨My OCs~~The Yvette-Verse✨
Yvette-Verse character lineup🌤
Yvette comic💫
My bestie isn't really active on tumblr, but you should all definitely check her out. She's got more stuff on her insta too:
Her tumblr▪︎@valentineee
Her insta▪︎Main- TrappedintheMorgue
Side- LazySlug
YOU @lilrobinbird
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Post link💕
It is insane that you don't have more eyes on you IT IS ACTUALLY CRIMINAL😤😤😤. your style is so intricate and painterly, it reminds me of old master's paintings. The way you draw features is so unique and cute, its so cool💕💖
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Post link🐀
Look at this. The story, the detail, THE RATTIES
Their art is legitimately so gorgeous, sometimes, I can't believe it's traditional!
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Post link💫
Just... look at this art style, it literally always takes my breath away ITS BEAUTIFUL. So expressive and unique, I love it sm. They also have an encanto fanfiction too, it's set a few years in the future and is Mirabel x oc, I would never usually look for those stories on my own, since I'm not really into non canonical ships, but the art they made for it intrigued me and although I haven't read it in a while, from what I did read it was amazing. Really well written and descriptive!
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Post link🐁
Gender bent Bruno has my whole heart!! SHES SO KIN WORTHYYY😭 plus their style is so expressive and BEAUTIFUL💞💞💞
@kafeino (they don't want their art to be reposted, so I decided to just add the links x)
Antonio and his birdie😇 ▪︎ Camilo looking like a menace😈
They have a few encanto fanarts, all of them are so good and colourful! Like, look at the way they draw hands.... omg. But these ones are SEVERELY UNDERRATED. As of rn I think the Camilo one has 72 notes and the Antonio one has 47?? THATS AN INJUSTICE WTFFF????
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Post link🕯🕯
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Post link🐉 this has 19 notes are you HAVING ME ON!!???
ALMA LORE!!! PLUS ANTONIO WITH ELDRITCH HORROR BEAST AND HES SO NONCHALANT ABT IT??? YESSSSSSSS. I really love their simple yet effective art style, it really inspires me to experiment with my style a bit 🥰🥰🥰
@fruit-goose (they don't want their art to be reposted, so I decided to just add the links x)
Queen Isabela🌸
This style... the colouring... the lines... no words, how does this only have 70 notes?!??😤😤😤😤😤😤😤
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Post link💋👂
The colours, the proportions, the expression, HER, I literally love it so much it makes my eyes happy. Op's style is so cool, I literally love it so much, so inspiring, makes me want to paint and experiment 🤩🤩💗💗💗
@summersofsalt (they don't want their art to be reposted, so I decided to just add the links x)
Pepa being badass🌩⛈
This style is just so cute, yet it can convey such strong, angry emotion. The colours and movement, PEPA’S EYES, it reminds me for some reason of lino printing. It's so cool!!
I really wish I could add more! This community is so talented and amazing💞 so feel free to add onto this post and @ some of your severely underrated faves💕💕
37 notes · View notes