#rayne anon
owl-bones · 4 months
Is it just me or does Mr sandman ( person on the bed)look like he is in pain Varlet? Maybe we should help them out! Maybe they are having a bad dream and need a good wake up call!
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etherealkins · 7 months
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finn ames (mashle: magic and muscles) moodboard with themes surrounding academia, desserts, and rayne ames.
requested by: 📖 anon | made by: crowley
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golden-eye-ramblings · 7 months
Sophia Bibilia headcanon next please please
Impromptu Sophina Bibilia Headcanon Dump Part 1
Gif credit to @fallinblossoms
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Sophina Bibilia
Height: 5’6/168cm
Age: 24
Birthdate: April 2nd
Sign: Aries
Gender: Transgender MtF
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Disaster Bisexual
• Oh Sophina is so prim and proper, one who detests vulgarity and only ever enjoys the fine classics of literature and study… WRONG. My girl’s favorite type of literature is the most trashy, schlocky, cheesy and cliche of romantic fiction.
• Although, of course, that’s her dirty little secret, and she INTENDS to keep it a secret. Has a whole hidden alcove somewhere in her personal library that can only be accessed through the most complicated of locking spells. The room itself looks like the most girliest of girl bedrooms you’ve ever seen that have trashy romance novels and manga alike lined across the walls. Diaries included with her own personal fictional works.
• Occasionally she’ll stop by public libraries to do live readings for the children who want to attend.
• Will absolutely go to town on a nice sherbet. Absolutely clean that bowl/cup and do a proper little dab dab of her mouth with a napkin like she didn’t just eat it like a savage.
• Favorite drink is a nice floral tea or dessert wine.
• She’s often found working alongside Tsurara and Renatus the most(the latter much to her dismay), since their roles often cross over into each others territories. With Tsurara’s experiments and research and Renatus’ confiscation of illegal grimoires used to tamper with bodies, she’s often the one who oversees and collects such information.
• She absolutely hates working with Renatus, she cannot STAND him or his crudeness. And he is the only one who is able to get under her skin and break her professional attitude with his impropriety. Renatus thinks it’s funny every time to hear her swear and be contradictory to her reputation.
• In terms of closeness with her coworkers, she is closest with Tsurara, friendly with Agito, Orter and Rayne, neutral with Kaldo and Ryoh, and on negative terms with Renatus.
• Really really really wants to get a cat or similar feline familiar but doesn’t want her bookshelves to get scratched or covered with fur.
• She’s debated on asking Agito what pet he’d recommend for her lifestyle but she’s worried about her reputation if she’s found being “soft.”
• Tried forming a book reading club with the other Divine Visionaries. It went about as well as you’d expect(bad).
• Owns a variety of hair accessories. On holidays she’ll change her headband based on the theme of said holiday.
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Too much fighting’s been going on around here, so let’s throw in some lighthearted HCs to chill things out.
One I have for Rodney: his favorite desert is his grandmother’s Marionberry pie, warmed up and topped with vanilla ice cream, with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top.
🌧️ in 🇪🇸 (Rayne in Spain)
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gingeredmink · 9 months
Urotsuki experiences road rage
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not sayin violence is the answer but being someone that drives, fuckin get em Uro ◠⸜⸝◠
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virvio · 3 months
What is Rayne's sexuality?
Hello again anon 👋 This blog only has four followers so I can’t believe I’m getting so many asks!!
Rayne is aroace (Aromantic/Asexual) and she doesn’t feel any romantic or sexual attraction whatsoever. I don’t think this has been explicitly stated yet in RIOM, but it will be touched upon later.
She does, however, love her family and friends very much.
Thanks so much for the ask! Feel free to pop in any time, no pressure to be anon. or not.
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im-bush3d · 2 years
Cackles maniacally
So, about Cyno
you’re in a dangerous zone- once you ask me you’re not going to hear the end of it. So… do you want me to ramble on with many paragraphs about Cyno?
Well you asked for it so….
I’ve mentioned before that Cyno is like a marshmallow - he’s all hard on the outside but soft and gooey in the inside. Saying that he needs a partner that will understand him- that won’t make him feel like he’s not a human, that won’t act differently around him, that isn’t scared of him or looks at him in fright every time he speaks. He needs someone to act normally around him- to make him feel normal, human. As if he isn’t an outcast.
But you see, once Cyno starts to know you and care for you he WILL care for you. He will protect you, he will make sure you’re ok- not in a controlling way. He’ll hug you tightly , whisper in your ear, kiss you, protect you, take you away from harm. No-one would dare mess with the general mahamatra-no-one would dare provoke you because they know Cyno’s right beside you.
but when he’s with you- when the ice begins to melt and the water shows he’s the absolute sweetest person you’ve ever seen. It will take a while to gain his trust though, beware.
when he’s together it’s the small things that make you squeal and blush inside because.
he’ll hold your hands during a stressful situation-squeezing them in his, making sure you know he’s there for you- right beside you. His hands are rough and hard against your soft skin- as the hard, cruel, desert sands have left them feeling like rocks against your hands
he’ll smile in between a kiss- because he can’t help it, you brighten his day, he can’t help but smile when he feels your lips brush against his, as he stares into your eyes shining brightly.
And in the morning when you wake up he’ll surprise you with a few forehead kisses before promptly going to work and waving you goodbye (I mean he’s a busy man but makes sure to save some time each day for you)
He’ll whisper 'i love you'' in-between kisses- because he so very much does.
he’ll put his hand to your chest, feeling your heartbeat against his hand.
And when you’re eating he’ll hold your hand from underneath the table- before you tell him you’re unable to eat if he keeps holding your hand.
and in those long nights, where Cyno returns late- tired and destroyed as he sits next to you in the sofa (couch) you’ll stroke his hair as you watch him close his eyes, smiling gently knowing you’re there as he drifts into sleep- his head on your shoulder.
and….. that’s all I’m giving you >:)
Is this what you wanted ?
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thenindroidartist · 8 months
Hi!! i’m pretty new to your blog, and i just saw your post about drawing..
as a person with no artist talent of my own, but enjoys writing stories, i was wondering if you’d be able to draw my ninjago oc rayne??
she’s short, with dark caramel skin and long, wavy-curly dark red hair. she also has purple eyes 💜 her ninja gi is purple too, with a little bit of black
tysm for ur consideration, i know you probably got a lot of requests!!
On the contrary, you're the first! I'm a fairly new blog ♡
If anything I want more reqs tbh
Since I didn't have any references, I went off of your description, and I based her gi on the TLNM designs because I'd always wanted to draw it
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Lovely OC ♡
I hope you liked it!
Request Status: OPEN
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saerins · 8 months
YES WE HAVE A DEAL🤞💞 rayne luvrs unite
YES like look at him …
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stabbyfoxandrew · 1 month
Aerie, I love your OC's so much! I have a few questions about them if you don't mind.
How does Rayne feed? Does he eventually drink from Elliot? How does that conversation go?
TWT Thank you!! And of course I don't mind!!! I'm literally vibrating in my seat every time I get to talk about them. Thank you so much for asking!<3<3<3 Warning, it's long again. Oops. :')
About Rayne feeding:
When Rayne was first changed, Laurent brought him hunting and the whole thing freaked him out a lot. When Laurent caught a man for them to share, Rayne couldn't do it. He didn't want to hurt anyone. Laurent thought his nervousness was cute, but couldn't let him starve. So he held out his own wrist and let Rayne drink from him instead. (So basically, Rayne would use Laurent as a SillyStraw- emphasis on 'silly' because the man loses his mind later on lol- instead of drinking directly from people.)
After a few months, Laurent tells him that he's got to learn to hunt for himself and Rayne does. It takes almost all night but catches someone and doesn't know when to stop. When Laurent finds him, Rayne is having a mental breakdown. Rayne does not eat humans after that. Only from Laurent.
So, nearly the entire time he's with Laurent, Rayne feeds that way. He drinks from Laurent. Laurent's blood (the blood of a vampire who is much older than him) is like… Top Shelf. It's delicious and also blood-sharing between vampires is basically foreplay so like… Yay. : )
When he leaves his SillyStraw behind, Rayne figures blood is blood. He eats animals. It's nowhere near as good. But it works fine. When he's in the city he finds rats. When he's really hungry he'll drive until he finds a forest and take a deer. Or a fox. Or three. He usually he tries to avoid eating anything that could be considered someone's pet, like cats and dogs. But... desperate times...
Does Rayne drink from Elliot?
After some Laurent-flavored fuckery occurs, Rayne is terrified of leaving Elliot alone in the apartment. So he can't go out for a bite. After a few days, Elliot can't stand it. "Babe, it's been a week. You need to go eat." "I can't." "I'll be fine. Everything's alright-" Rayne just shakes his head, like a stubborn child. (But Rayne has OCD- the magical thinking kind, just like me 🙃we suffer together- and the last time he left Elliot alone, he got hurt. He can't risk it.) After a moment of standing there, watching Rayne's hands shake from across the room, Elliot sits down next to him and the vampire stiffens from head to toe. Stops breathing. E: You can't leave the house? R: I can't leave the house. E: What if I stood in the hallway while you were gone? Then I wouldn't be in the apartment by myself. R: No. He still knows where we live. E: What if I leave before you? I could go pick up food for later. R: Then you'd be alone. E: Let me go hunting with you. R: (laughs) No. E: Then drink from me. R: Have you lost your mind? E: If it's starvation or eating me, it's eating me. R: I won't. E: Please. I don't like watching you hurt yourself. Don't like you hungry. R: I could kill you. E: You won't. I saw you let a deer go once. If you can let some dumb deer go, you can let your boyfriend go. Right? R: I have a feeling you'd taste a lot better than a bloody deer. E: Come on. Let me help. Pretend it's the same as me cooking for you. R: (rolls his eyes) Producing blood isn't cooking. E: I said pretend. R: Elliot- E, whispering: If you keep starving yourself, you might lose it and end up eating me anyway. I'd rather be a willing snack than a helpless victim. R: (realizes he's right) E: What do you want, my neck? (moves his shirt collar to the side) R: (swallows thickly and shakes his head) Wrist. E: Wrist it is.
And then he watches Rayne's fangs drop out of his gums and sink into his skin, the vampire's eyelids fluttering when he pulls in that first mouthful of blood. The first human blood he's had in fourteen years. Rayne's eyes glow as he drinks and Elliot can't say he doesn't like the feeling of being drank from.
After a moment, Rayne pulls away with a gasp and his eyes settle back to that dark blue Elliot's used to. And Elliot smiles, "Am I better than a deer?"
ALSO, Rayne still eats regular ol' food too! He doesn't know how to cook though. Before Elliot comes along, he lives on take away. He keeps a binder in a kitchen drawer stuffed with takeout menus in sheet protectors. (It is amazingly organized, by cuisine and then by alphabetical order. His favorite things from each restaurant are carefully highlighted so that he doesn't forget.)
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chaotismz · 2 months
I've never been part of the Tumblr Art Community, because I've always been too self-conscious and embarrassed of my skills to feel like anything I had was worth sharing. The same goes for my writing, although I did actually make a few attempts long ago.
I'm also autistic, and it makes it hard for me to talk to people (I'm super shy outside of the manic episodes), especially when it comes to people I look up to.
So I really don't know the rules when it comes to interacting with other peoples' AUs. I hope I don't overstep any boundaries with the inspiration I borrow from those that I admire. If I do, I hope someone will come along and kindly tell me where to draw the line.
Long story short, ever since I started following the #valrayne-faeu I've been feeling... inspired. By the characters, the Lore, and limitless potential. So, even though it's been over ten years since the last time I attempted to draw something, I am doing it.
That is to say, I am putting my toes in the water, at the very shallowest end of the pool. I'm still too insecure to jump in all the way, but even as I write this I am slowly inching my way further in.
I have a tablet now, so I'm making my first-ever attempt at digital art by designing my own Faesona! And last night, I started planning out a multi-chapter fanfic that I'm really excited to begin - I even wrote out over SEVEN pages (handwritten) of an excerpt for a future chapter that I'm actually quite proud of, and maybe one day when I'm brave enough, I'll share it here. Maybe I'll even teach myself how to make comics so I can illustrate some of the scenes! I hope I can, I already see them vividly in my head.
I honestly don't know who I'm writing this post for, maybe no one, but I just felt like I needed to do it. Maybe it's for myself. Maybe speaking it into existence like this will help keep me motivated. I'm in the clutches of rapid hyperfixation so who knows how long it'll last. But I'm feeling pretty good right now, and if I just take it one step at a time maybe it'll last long enough to finish at least one.
All I know is that I haven't felt this way in a really long time, and despite the fact that I also wanna cry so so bad right now, I'm gonna let it take me as far as it can.
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owl-bones · 3 months
*Stares at Encre with my big ol' AutAdhd eyes* I must know everything about you -🌀Anon
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tallbluelady · 10 months
I love your gposes because you're really good at making subdued expressions still feel very emotive. There's always so much subtle visual detail in Rowan and Urianger's interactions especially, it's really great and gets their personalities across so well!
Thank you anon! I try very hard to get emotions across! Sometimes I feel like I might phone it in but other times I do really try to push my poses and make them as visually clear as I can!
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okamirayne · 5 months
Hiya Rayne-chan! Just dropping by to send some love and to thank you again for the latest chapter. I think I've read it like five times now 😅. How are you managing the next chapter? Are you pacing yourself ok? (Provided you're still writing HHU! Not meant as pressure!) Your latest burnout post was really interesting and I hope that you're taking care of yourself. Mwah! xoxox 💋💋
Hey there, Anon!
Awww, thanks for the love, sweetie. Consider it absorbed by osmosis.
[...] thank you again for the latest chapter. I think I've read it like five times now 😅
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Oh bless you. You're welcome! I'm so happy you've enjoyed it so much.
How are you managing the next chapter? Are you pacing yourself ok? (Provided you're still writing HHU! Not meant as pressure!)
You're very sweet to enquire, and I appreciate the no-pressure caveat. 🥰 Oh yes, I'm cracking on with Chapter 9 and hope to have it out shortly. Argh. It frustrates me that I can't produce at the level I used to...which risks me sounding like a mouth-breathing hypocrite given the Burnout Recovery journey.
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I need to get over my old narrative and work with what energy and time I have to spare. Which is precisely what I'm doing. I'm presently 14,000 words into this chapter...and I haven't even changed scene yet....oh....
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*laughs hysterically, manically, TRAGICALLY*....
I don't know why this always happens...but in this case I'll blame beautiful, bloody Hiashi...and his bastard, bloody father.
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Trying to take care of myself, yes. It's a steep learning curve for the stupider (bad-habit) parts of my brain. Thanks again, sweetie. I hope you enjoy the next chapter when it's finally bloody posted. I appreciate the love!💜💜💜
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The ROTI cast should’ve had a second season before they and Gen 1 were put in an All Stars season. I will stand firm on this opinion. 😤
🌧️ in 🇪🇸 (Rayne in Spain anon)
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gingeredmink · 10 months
your art style is so pleasing to look at... i'd like to get back to drawing, so i can see it becoming part of my inspiration! i think your art also encouraged me to play mikan muzou (and hopefully debris soon!), which was a very interesting time -- a little confusing, trying to reference both wikis and a bit of the yume nikki online server, since not all of the information is consolidated, but i've enjoyed my time with it! i'd like to go back and get the yno badges, too.
hope things are alright! wishing you all the best. 🤍
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AAAAAAAAJBFAF THANK YOU SO MUCH!! wishin ya the best of luck with getting back into art, and am beyond happy to be a source of inspo to ya!
NIIICE! yeaah the wiki for Mikan can be a bit difficult at times, esp when area names are different and the game does have a lot in it. at least people on the server are pretty good at helping from what i recall. also sorz if server was confusing partly due to missing messages and people talking to a ghost in the past. that was me. insecurities came to haunt me and i freaked out and accidentally exorcised myself heh. Glad you enjoyed it anyhow, it really is an interesting and unique experience and am glad its available online. Good luck on getting the badges!
THANK YOU, SAME FOR YOU! (ノ´͈ ᐜ `͈)ノ~♥
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