#rbs are fine but please be kind if you're going to send anons about this topic.
torchickentacos · 1 year
I never do this, but reblogs were off and I want to shout this at everyone. stealing this post.
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more thoughts under read more. I know it's a popular saying and I never look down on people who say things like this before knowing the impact they have (or even after to an extent, I have too much benefit of the doubt to go around), as we all have things we say and do that have negative impacts, and sometimes you never know to change that until someone points it out. So this is NOT a call out post or whatever, this is my rambling emotional thoughts on a topic.
I think first and foremost, I'm bothered by the ableism of course. But secondary to that is my annoyance at seeing people act high and mighty about fandom discourse. Like, if you want to talk to adults with jobs, go to linkedin or something, not tumblr, where we do care about things, and where we do discuss things.
And I GET thinking some discourse is stupid. I DO! because guess what. some discourse is stupid skjfhsdjkjfhsdjfhkdjs. I've joked about the poke/amour stuff before. I'll clown on some things, and maybe that makes me a hypocrite, but I feel like a step is taken when you take it from 'making fun of the discourse', something we all do to an extent (which dare I say is a form of participating in it) to 'making fun of the people who engage in such discourse'. We are FREE to talk about how silly the voltron stuff was. We are FREE to be snarky about things because human nature is to be a bit of a hater sometimes. but do it in a way that jabs at the topic and not the people.
But I think a lot of it also hinges on how we see human value on a larger scale. People make fun of people who work retail, people who don't have jobs, people whose jobs are considered extra or undesirable like sex workers, et cetera, despite these jobs being IMPORTANT. It's disheartening to me to see people lean on these types of jabs, and I think it tends to paint human value as something purely based on what you can give out to the world. It leans on this sort of input-output based system of determining how valuable or worthy someone is. And if they don't meet that standard value of 'adult with job', then their opinions are moot as jobless losers in their mom's basements or whatever the fuck. I think the whole thing leans into the conservative 'special snowflake' attitude, which isn't something I think we should be leaning on in arguments or discussion.
And I think that the intent is usually not to be ableist. Most people don't start their day wondering how they can insult disabled people, I'd hope. But intent and impact are often detached, and good intent (avoiding discourse) can have a bad impact (making fun of people in the name of pointing out issues with disocurse). I also think race could be a component, given how racial discrimination in hiring is still a very real thing and is a real factor preventing people from getting 'GoOd ReAl JoBs', but I'll leave that side of the discussion to someone who is more qualified to talk on it than I am. Feel free to chime in with any insight on that side of the coin if you want!!! I imagine the same also goes for visibly queer people but I'm not going to get into the straight/cis passing stuff right now.
And maybe I'm looking too far into it. Maybe I'm just thinking about it too much, maybe it's just a funny little saying that TOTALLY doesn't affect actual people in any way. After all, I'm just some jobless disabled loser in my parent's house talking about discourse on tumblr, aren't I?
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starlitwishes · 3 years
Kokichi, was getting half of your classmates killed a part of the plan or you overcompasting for your low intelligence?
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((All right Anon, this is your first and final warning--normally I wouldn't consider these kinds of anons as "hate", but this isn't the first time this has happened. For those of you not in the know--Kokichi (The muse this anon is directed at) used to have his own blog, which I will not label here, in which he got harassed by anons... a lot. See, the problem with these kinds of anons is that they were anon hate disguised as harassing my muse from someone who really hated Kokichi.))
((They would send these kinds of asks all the time, belittling and breaking my muse until he was extremely suicidal, and it was getting to the point where it was really bad for my mental health. When I said to the anons to stop, and that Kokichi deserved some TLC, they sent in an ask saying that Kokichi didn't deserve it--thus solidifying their stance as not just a drama anon looking for a good fun angsty story time, but as someone who was ignoring my (the mun's) mental health state in favor of bringing on the hate for Kokichi.))
((This is where this rule from my rules page comes from:
Though while I love angst, please try not to bombard my muse with it to the point where it becomes a problem for me as a mun. Some things I just want to keep as fluff or crack. Not everything has to be angst.
((And this is especially true for Kokichi here. Because to be quite frank, this anon? This anon came out of nowhere. I didn't rb any ask memes of this caliber, nor is Kokichi really an active muse on this blog, so... yeah, you can probably tell why I'm off put by this anon.))
((I also can't help but to point out that anon, you definitely didn't read anything about my muses or this blog--because if you did, then you would know that Kokichi doesn't even have a DR verse. Not a single one. You make it pretty clear as to what you were referencing here too, which by the way: isn't my interpretation or canon in the slightest, and two: Just flat out doesn't happen to my muse in any of his verses on this blog.))
((I'm going to assume the best case scenario and just, assume you're someone who's here for some fun angsty fun times. Which is fine! But not for Kokichi, not out of nowhere. So please refrain from randomly sending my muses, especially Kokichi,anons like this unless you explicitly tell me in DMs who you are so I know this is all for the sake of fun ic drama and not character hate disguised as that.))
((Thank you for understanding, and sorry if I sound blunt or harsh--I just don't want a repeat of the past happening on this blog when I just want to have fun.))
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Introduction Post (DNF & ask info under cut)
Hi!!! I'm Kai! I'm 19, single, and Pan Gay.
What is mspec gay?
So I made this account because I saw there was an mspec gay culture Tumblr, but it was like all of the types of mspec gay and lesbian, and I want this one to be more specific. I love and support all mspec Gays and Lesbians, but I did want a more masculine centered mspec gay blog!
So, I know the name is mspec pan gay culture, but any bi gays, Omni gays, poly gays, y'all feel free to drop in here too.
Please don't hesitate to dm me about problems or issues with my blog whether that be accessiblity, insensitivity, or mistagged posts. You can also just dm me if you need to talk privately off of anon about stuff going on.
I'm not gonna play the whole tag game where I tag all the culture is blogs, so posts will be slow and I won't get as much traction. I hope to get some consistent content out soon.
Also I can't answer comments, I will exclusively just screenshot your comment to reply, lmk if you need me to take them down, but I will not be using my main to comment.
Asks will be opened so you can drop in pretty soon! Please begin your ask with: pan gay culture is, Omni gay culture is, poly gay culture is, bi gay culture is... ect.
You CAN also send asks like:
Autistic Mspec gay culture is, polyamorous mspec gay culture is, System Mspec gay culture is, AS LONG AS THE ASK IS CENTERED AROUND THE SEXUALITY.
Do not send triggering asks PLEASE. Particularly, I can't handle EDs and SH related asks.
You can also ask questions like:
How do I know I'm mspec gay?
What is the purpose of identifying this way? (Good faith, bad faith is just deleted)
And other variants of these kinds of questions.
*Is your sexuality a little more complicated than the labels I have listed? That's totally fine, if you connect with my account even though your sexuality may be a bit more complex than my personal experience, it's totally fine. I welcome all people to my blog. I do generally want to stick towards identities which are masc or masc related, but again, feel free to send in an ask anyways, I'll never shame you for your identity, but if you're in the DNI, I'll just delete you ask, as I do not want to interact with it.
DNF (do not follow)
(making this a dnf instead of a DNI just bc I understand that people are always going to rb and like n stuff without checking the DNI, just don't follow if you're these)
I'll make this as brief as I can. Obviously no mspec gay/lesbian haters, no battle Axe Bi's, exclusionist, men haters (even ironically or as jokes), terfs, Radfems, Transmeds, Transphobes, Proship (absolutely no exceptions, don't wanna fight about it), pedophiles, maps (OR ANYONE ATTRACTED TO MINORS WHO IS ALSO NOT A MINOR), kink blogs (I'm pro kink, but sex repulsed, so stuff like this isn't good for me), nsfw or nsft blogs, Transandrophobes (people who deny trans men face their own oppression), anyone who's far right politically, dreamsmp Stan's or any Minecraft Stans in general. Idc if you stan an unproblematic one, I don't want it here. No hp or fantastic beast supporters and fans. Not even just sole fandom ones if you like hp AT all, don't follow. AOT fans. South Park fans.
Note: I'm pro endo systems, if you constantly post anti endo shit and will comment mean shit at endo systems, just don't interact please. Neutral is fine, and if you have no fucking clue what I'm talking about, it's fine.
I'll add more as time goes on. Dm me with any questions.
*Alters related to dsmp/hp are fine as long as you are not still actively in the fandom or a fan still.
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