#rc face claim
raleigh-edward · 4 months
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Garden of Eden face-claims | Part 6
Song Kang as Minhyuk
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casualwriterssideblog · 5 months
Romance club Heaven Secret Face Claim
A/n I try my hardest with this and pretty damn proud of it
Mimi - Eliza Gonzalez
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Dino- Luke Einser
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Adi - insta -alexruii
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Sammy- tsokur
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Main Character 'Vicky' - Deva Cassel
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Lucifer- Vlad Uonlad
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Andy- Brandon.nevrarez01
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ovisiphorus · 8 months
Why are you people pestering some random from the Global South what to do about our election? You people are too fucking stupid to live. How can I trust you guys to make informed choices in the primaries and general?
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gothhabiba · 10 months
From the Palestinian Red Crescent's twitter, 13 November 2023:
🔴 Al-Quds Hospital still under intense gunfire.
🔴 The IDF claims to be attacking a "Hamas terrorist" who is firing a rocket-propelled grenade launcher from Al-Quds.
🔴 The main power generator at Al-Amal Hospital stopped working. The hospital is currently relying on a very small generator to supply electricity only to the maternity ward and emergency lighting. Remaining fuel is expected to run out within the next 24 hours.
11:01 AM:
"🚨 The vicinity of Al-Quds Hospital 🏥 is still witnessing intense gunfire, with the presence of Israeli military vehicles. Our staff are trapped with patients and the wounded, without electricity, water, or food. We hope for their safety. 🙏"
1:10 PM, in response to this tweet from @IDF:
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[ID: Tweet by Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) at 3:22pm on November 13 reading: "What could these Hamas terrorists possibly be doing with an RPG at the Quds Hospital?" Attached is a 20-second drone video of the hospital with overlaid text reading "Enemy fire from the entrance of the 'Al-Quds' Hospital towards IDF troops: terrorist with RPG launcher."
The PRCS issued a statement reading:
🚨 The Palestine RCS strongly condemns the false claims by the occupying forces about armed individuals launching projectiles from inside Al-Quds Hospital. The PRCS sees these claims as a blatant attempt to incite further targeting and besieging of the hospital, constituting a clear violation of international humanitarian law. ❌ PRCS rejects these baseless allegations, as the published video clearly shows that the armed individuals approached from the street while the occupation tanks were stationed in front of and shielded by the hospital, endangering the lives of medical teams and patients. The PRCS confirms that there are no armed individuals inside the hospital, and no shots have been fired from within. Everyone within the hospital are patients, their families, and the medical staff. 📣 PRCS calls on the international community to intervene immediately to protect its teams besieged inside the hospital, facing imminent danger with each passing moment.
4:22 PM:
"🛑 Today's attempt to evacuate Al-Quds Hospital failed after the IOF decided to return the designated evacuation convoy to the association's branch in Khan Younis, despite receiving prior approval.
"🚨 The decision was rationalized by referring to a security incident in the vicinity, despite the convoy undergoing thorough inspection. It is noteworthy that yesterday, displaced individuals were allowed to exit through a route specified by the occupation forces, under specific and challenging conditions.
"🧑‍⚕ Our medical teams, patients,and the wounded, along with their companions, remain trapped inside the hospital without food, water, or electricity, and their is 300 person."
4:49 PM:
"🚨 ⚠️ Today, the sole power generator at Al-Amal Hospital, affiliated with the PRCS in Khan Younis, stopped working. This threatens the lives of 90 patients receiving treatment, including 25 in the medical rehabilitation section who now face the risk of death at any moment. Additionally, around 9,000 displaced individuals have sought refuge in the PRCS premises and the hospital.
" 🏥 The hospital is currently relying on a very small generator to supply electricity only to the maternity ward and emergency lighting. It's important to note that the remaining fuel is expected to run out within the next 24 hours.
"🛑 The power generator's failure is impacting the operations of both the PRCS headquarters and Al-Amal Hospital, which includes the emergency operations room for the Gaza Strip. This has resulted in a loss of communication with the operation rooms scattered across the Gaza sector and the cessation of VHF communication services."
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ovaryacted · 6 months
If you need some crack to help lift the spirits.
Leon trying (and failing) to win over his s/o’s cat.
I’m talking like, Leon meets the fluffy beast for the first time. He tries to pet her and she glares at him. his s/o is like “This is princess. She’s very sweet :)”
His s/o can’t see it, but Leon can. That cat is a menace.
She knocks over a cup when she sees Leon and s/o kissing. S/o is like “aww someone wants attention.” But Leon K N O W S.
Whenever Leon and S/o are cuddling, the cat gets between them.
He sleeps over and wakes up to the cat sitting on his face to try and suffocate him.
When s/o is gone? It’s WWIII. Leon and the cat are in the same room and s/o isn’t there? WWE smack down on LEON. He gets beaten by the CAT.
Whenever s/o turns their back, Leon and the cat just GLARE at each other wherever they are.
He tries to pet her and she actually growls at him. Full on monster growl. He tries to win her over with treats and she hisses. He once got so fed up he hissed back. Only ended in mutually assured destruction between them.
They tolerate each other at best. But infront of s/o? They behave.
But! Bonding! Only during storms. The cat is afraid of thunder, and storms remind Leon of RC. So he’s awake in bed, and the cat just so happens to walk onto his lap and sit down. But as soon as the rain stops? It’s back to Tom and Jerry antics.
However. If the cat is sick or hurt, Leon is perceptive enough to know she needs to go to the vet. He’s studied the feline for so long he actually gets upset if she has to stay at the vet for an extended period of time.
But once she’s back? the Cone of shame can’t stop CLAWS.
But, it’s not all cats. Maybe there’s more animals. They all Love leon. He can read them and their behavior easily. He’s just been bested by this ONE DEMON CAT THAT HIS S/O NAMED PRINCESS
-angsty (not really anymore lmfao) anon
LMAOOOO OMG THIS IS FUNNY AND ALSO CUTE AND ENDEARING. I can see Leon being someone who is relatively good with animals and is often kind to them, but he just can't seem to get along with his partner's cat. I've seen so many videos of cats doing the same thing where they'll be so close with their guardians and the other person becomes their punching bag. Yeah, Leon would find himself in that predicament.
He can't be near his partner without the cat hovering nearby, probably jumping into their guardian's lap and craving attention, which really is just a tactic to get Leon away from them. That cat is just so petty that they'll stare and hiss at Leon when he kisses his significant other, almost as if daring him to fuck off.
God forbid Leon is in bed with his partner too, this cat will just come into bed and start slapping Leon in his sleep and it wakes him up so suddenly he feels a weight on his chest. He blinks in the dark, seeing orbs literally staring back at him as if this small pet was claiming their dominance over Leon.
He tries to mention it to his partner and says that he doesn't know why Princess hates him so much as he scratches the back of his neck. His lover just kind of laughs and shrugs, saying "She'll warm up to you, she's just not used to you yet. She's a sweetheart" and he thinks that it's reassuring enough so he drops it and moves on.
Except the moment of acceptance never comes, not in the way Leon wants anyway. He is literally fighting at home constantly, this cat, this so-called princess making an enemy out of him and trying so hard to get on his nerves. He'll get hit constantly, and his clothes are used as makeshift scratching toys, all torn up from the kitty's claws. Not to mention, Leon also gets scratched if he even tries to get too close to Princess, she'll literally jump his bones and pounce on him to get some hits in.
This is a man who kills bioweapons for crying out loud and here he is, getting his ass beat by a fucking cat. But he loves his partner, really does, and knows that they are good for each other so he decides to suffer in silence and let Princess tear him a new one. He tries to bribe them with treats and toys, giving them a peace offering so they'll back off but the cat just won't give him a break.
What he doesn't talk about are the rare moments when this demon cat silently accepts his existence. They hate the rain and hate thunderstorms, and one night Leon finds himself wide awake and walks out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, getting himself a cup of water. He can't sleep, knowing it will be a while before he can go back to bed. He watches the cat coming towards him, and he doesn't move, just pretends he doesn't see them in his peripheral.
The cat jumps onto the counter, tail curling as they watch Leon diligently, but there isn't malice in their eyes. He tilts his head towards the fluffy animal and starts to talk to them.
"You too huh?", he's asking this pet if they hate thunderstorms just like he did, and he gets a meow in response. He sips at his water again, nodding his head as he suddenly becomes the cat whisperer.
"Yeah, I hate the rain", Leon mumbles after, and they stay in the kitchen in comfortable silence after a while, enjoying the quality time shared with a new mutual understanding between them.
Maybe this cat ain't so bad. He'll think that to himself before getting his ass beat again the moment he wakes up.
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agattthaa · 15 days
Leather String
Paring: Dragan/Lada
Word count: 1.023
Rating: T
Summary: The thin leather string that clung to Lada's neck was driving him insane.
Tagging: @rc-catalog
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The thin leather string that always peaked out of her dresses was about to make Dragan crazy.
The pendant on the necklace, whichever one she chose to wear daily, was always deeply hidden inside her clothes, closer to her skin than to anyone's eyes. But the thin leather string that clung to her neck was always in plain sight. Always making sure that whoever looked at her would know about the necklace's existence but without ever revealing anything more.
For instance, if the pendant hidden was the one Dragan gave her.
He had only seen her wearing it once, and when she did he was trying his hardest not to look at her, not to admire how beautiful she looked as she breathlessly danced around the fire, not to feel how happy he was as the gift he had bought, made and gifted to her shined brightly while she spun around the flame, not to feel jealous of his own gift for it touched her skin where he himself could never dare to, because she wore the pendant proudly, claiming as her own, almost showing it off while she would never do the same to Dragan, because she kept it close to her heart, thing she didn’t seem to do with Dragan.
And it was his own fault.
And now, the pendant once worn so proudly was either hidden on her chest or inside a crest
And he had no idea of what frightened him the most.
He had never even hoped that she would’ve worn it on her birthday, or that she would have worn it at all. He had expected that she would open the bundle in front of him and then keep the pendant hidden inside a drawer for even longer than he had, maybe for years. So long forgotten then one day her daughter would find it and use it herself. Maybe it would be thrown away when she got married.
Maybe it had already been thrown.
Maybe after the fight they had after Vereya’s funeral. Maybe after the fight they had in her house. Maybe the fight they had because of his… Vinciena. But the point was that he had given no reason for her to _want_ to keep his gift. Gods, he had given no reason for her to even accept it in the first place.
Still, at least for that night, she had worn it proudly. And it still could be clinging on that exact second as she sneaked around the village with Tata and stupid Milon, searching in the dark corners as if Vereya’s killer would jump over their hiding place and simply surrender. And even worse, he had no idea of why he was now following her.
The sudden separation of the little trio was supposed to be a good sight. That they were done with the recklessness during that day, but only one look on her face was enough for him to know that it was not the case at all. The trio did separate and each went in different directions, but Lada didn’t leave alone because despite his better judgment, Dragan followed her.
Nothing good would come out of it, he knew that very well. They never stayed more than ten steps away from each other without a fight happening. And yet, he followed her deeply into the woods, being as quiet as possible as if he was ashamed of his own decision, letting out a small smile when she stopped to watch a couple of birds on a tree and frowning deeply when he finally understood where she was heading to.
-You are going after her again.
She abruptly turned around towards his voice. He was probably only fifteen steps away from her, but the unnatural quietness of the woods made every word said, even from so far, to be heard perfectly. He almost wished it wasn’t the case. Only one look shared between them was enough to know how furious she was with him still. And she has all and every reason to be. Still, he wished she wasn’t.
-What are you doing here?
He stepped closer and closer to her. It was wrong, he shouldn’t. He would only say something stupid again and ruin everything once more. He was nothing but a pathetic moth, always following the flame it was her but always denying himself of truly reaching for it. Scorning, lying, badmouthing and drinking. All in a useless attempt to convince others, of convincing himself that she was not the only and constant thought on his head.
He almost sighed in relief when he was only two steps away from her but she didn’t back away from him, although her eyes refused to look into his, focusing on the nearest tree or bird or rock, into anything but him.
And each time her eyes avoided his hurt more than a dagger carved on his chest.
And it was all his fault.
He sighed in defeat, the leather string tormented him even more now that he was that close to her, the low-cut dress exposing almost the entire necklace and keeping only the most important part of it hidden. He wanted to reach out, to pull the pendant out, to really accept the fact that his gift was still kept close to her skin, close to her heart, to watch it alongside her eyes to be sure that it really had matched as much as he had hoped.
He closed his fists so strongly that his nails craved half moons on his palms.
-That woman is sick, you need to leave her alone.
-I’m not going to see your mother, I’m going to see Volot.
And that really did hurt more than a dagger.
She simply turned around and left him completely bare staring at her back. This time he didn’t follow her, his feet stuck on the ground and his head dropped to the floor.
And this time when he turned around to go search for peace on the bottom of a glass, he missed the moment where her eyes turned around to meet him one more time.
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jillfvs · 2 months
Les Petits Cygnes
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fandom: heaven's secret | ballet au!
pairing: vicky x mimi
characters: vicky, mimi, eliza (mentioned), austie (mentioned)
rating: G
word count: 429 words
warnings: anxious mimi
summary: as a delicate prelude to a dance awaits, anxiety is gripping mimi's heart.
tags: @webanglikethat, @annn-starrr, @ellalalala, @rc-catalog
Vicky and Mimi stood in the wings, hearts beating in unison with the pulsing music. The stage, a realm of magic and grace, awaited to embrace their every movement. The audience, an unseen sea of anticipation, held its breath.
Mimi inhaled deeply, the weight of legacy pressing down on her. Her mother, a former prima ballerina who had once commanded the role of Swan Queen, watched from the audience. Mimi longed to make her proud, even if she wasn't the Swan Queen herself. Her colleague, Austie, had claimed that honor, leaving Mimi with a lingering ache of disappointment.
Vicky, sensing Mimi's unease, gently took her hand. “You’re going to be amazing out there. We’ve practiced so much, and you’re incredible.”
Mimi squeezed Vicky’s hand, drawing strength from her touch. “I know. I just… I want my mom to be proud of me. She was the Swan Queen, and I’m just one of the little swans.”
“You’re more than just a little swan.” Vicky whispered, her voice like a soothing melody. “You’re my swan. And your mom will be proud of you, no matter what. We’re a team, remember?”
Mimi nodded, a flicker of calm settling within her. They stepped onto the stage, taking their positions. As the quiet of the second act enveloped them, Tchaikovsky's "Dance of the Little Swans" finally began. Each step, each jump, represented a seamless dance of unity and elegance. But to the girls, it was a testament to their love and dedication.
As they danced, Mimi felt her anxiety dissipate, replaced by the sheer joy of the performance. The audience's gaze was a distant hum; all that mattered was the dance, the moment, and Vicky by her side. They moved together, a symphony of grace, embodying the ethereal beauty of the little swans.
When the final note resonated through the theater, the audience erupted in applause. Mimi and Vicky took their bows, breathless and radiant. Mimi’s eyes searched the crowd until she found her mother’s face, illuminated with pride.
Back in the wings, Vicky enveloped Mimi in a tight, warm embrace. “See? You were extraordinary. I told you.”
Mimi smiled, tears of relief and joy shimmering in her eyes. “Thank you, Vicky. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“You never have to,” Vicky murmured, brushing a kiss against Mimi's cheek. “We’re in this together, always.”
Amid the echoes of applause and the warmth of each other’s embrace, they knew that no matter what roles they played, they had already created something exquisite. Together, they were unstoppable, two souls intertwined in a dance of love and perfection.
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luminouslumity · 3 months
Amen lovers are so stupid.
Yeah, to each their own, obviously, but I'm not gonna lie, I'm surprised Amen has as many fans as he does. Or more specifically, I'm surprised he has as many fans as he who defend his actions. Because hey, sometimes it's okay to find a dark character interesting or wanting to romance a villain; I say this as someone who isn't even particularly fond of the "bad boy" archetype, but again, is romancing Set (albeit less out of attraction and more out of curiosity) and enjoys romantic tension and cat and mouse chases and the enemies/rivals to lovers trope in general.
To bring up another recent example for me, Alexandre! While definitely not on the same scale as a lot of others I could name, he still has an antagonistic relationship with Renée due to blackmailing her that slowly blossoms into love if you're romancing him. And he's still my least favorite of the VFV LIs for that very reason, but after playing his route? Yeah, I get it! It's fun! Especially if you're romancing him and Louis at the same time.
But Amen isn't fun, at least for me. As a character, I honestly find him to be kinda boring, even after we get his backstory. And maybe—maybe—it'd be one thing if they leaned into him not enjoying what he does like the narration claims, but judging from his confrontation scene with Dia, that's not entirely true. He mocks her, chokes her, throws water at her, looking forward to torturing her with his favorite tools, all before publicly executing her, in a painful manner no less. If anything, the wording of this claim—how there's no excitement to torturing his victims, just dirt—makes it seem less like he feels sorry for the shemshu and more like he's just bored. In literally the same scene, it even says he loves hunting more, so clearly he takes some enjoyment out of it, even if it might not necessarily be the torture itself. The trauma he faced in his childhood does not excuse his actions, and regardless of the book itself, I'm glad the story drew attention to it.
All this to say, it's okay for a villain to just be a villain, tragic backstory or not! And it's okay to like them just the way they are (provided it's not irl, of course) I just hope RC commits to it, otherwise they're gonna have to really do a good job in convincing the rest of us that this man can somehow be redeemed in a way that's actually believable. And I definitely won't be surprised if he does get one, but I can certainly dream.
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laptopcius · 1 month
So... I don't know how many current players had any kind of contact with RC older stories, but replaying them right now for achievement reminded me of one funny thing. Ridiculous face claims.
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Replaying older stories also reminded me how screwed up romantic branches used to be 💀 Basically nearly everybody was throwing themselves on mc, kissing or touching her without her consent... RC used to be w i l d. Thank God we no longer have to deal with such toxic routes.
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jillsandwhichs · 16 days
Cleon - OneShots/AUs Fanfiction , Chap 13 , Cloud Nine
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Pairing: Claire Redfield & Leon Kennedy
Summary: Leon & Claire recently started dating and are absolutely crazy about each other. They non stop call, text, etc—this is love
Status of their relationship in this one shot: Dating
WC: 4.8k
Type: SFW
AU: Neither Leon nor Claire work at D.S.O/TerraSave. RC incident never happened. Leon is currently a Police Officer. Claire is a College student, she graduates within the year
A/n: Hi! Hope you all enjoy. Please check out my masterlist, there's a lot of stuff there. You can get to know me, you can see the rules of my blog and then you can see all of my fanfictions. You'll be able to find the previous chapters to this fic and upcoming ones. You'll also be able to find my Wattpad & AO3. Comments, reblogs & likes are appreciated. Thank you
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Just outside of the apartment window, wet rain droplets poured upon it, covering it in water. Occasionally, the sound of thunder could be heard, causing Claire's cat to scurry around the apartment and hide underneath either her bed or table. It didn't bother Claire though, if anything, it was peaceful. She just enjoyed it whilst she read on her bed. She was currently reading that new 'Twilight' series everyone has been boasting about.
Aside from the rain, it was dark out already. It was 9:00 so no wonder. The moon was out and glimmering up the sky. It's glint was bright. It wasn't noticeable from her apartment but if Claire looked out her window, through the coated water on it, she'd definitely be able to spot it.
Overall, it was an angelic night. Serene. Calming. Abstract. It was nice. It was the perfect night to just chillax and that's exactly what Claire was doing. Her bed was in the middle of the living room, the bedroom was used for a mini office / library. She doesn't mind sleeping in the living room anyways, she's closer to her cat, Miracle, that way.
Laying back on her bed, she continued to read, so far she was pleased with it. Through Kindle, she read a few reviews and they were all positive so she gave the book a shot and she's glad that she did. Usually, she only reads horror or psychological books, a romance isn't often in the question but she's been feeling romantical lately, especially considering she just got a boyfriend, Leon.
She's known Leon for quite some time now, since July - It's October. They met through her big brother who works for the same Police Department. The second she seen Leon, she found him to be handsome. A little crush did in fact develop but she kept it to herself until a little earlier this month, Leon asked her out. Their date went very well and Claire was head over heels for him, more than she could fathom. He felt the same way. He asked her to be his girlfriend on Monday - It's been a week.
She's been like a fan girl with him, thinking about him all throughout her day, messaging and calling him. He's been reciprocating it too which makes her fall even more for him. Her brother says it's just puppy love but it really doesn't feel like that. Then again, it has only been a week. An attachment to Leon has definitely formed, there's no doubting that. Leon ever said to her that he finds her to be the most beautiful girl he's ever seen - That made her squeal like a school girl.
Admittedly, the same goes for him. He's very cute in Claire's eyes. Of course, all of her friends tease her and claim, "He has a baby face." But Claire doesn't care, he's handsome to her and that is all that matters. Besides, all of her friends either go for the asshole jocks or the stoners, at least Claire has an officer as a boyfriend! She's upgraded above all else.
It was like she summoned him because right as she put her book down, thinking of him, the sound of her phone buzzing was heard, causing her to immediately hop up off of her bed and grab it, seeing who it was from. It was indeed Leon. His message read, "Hey, just got home from work. You up?" Claire couldn't help but jump a few times whilst biting her lip. She's waited all damn day to hear from him. His job consumes up so much of his time, it's annoying but she understands.
Claire immediately began to type, her fingers moving at a rapid pace as she did. "Yes, I am up. How was work?" She messaged back, anxious waiting for a reply. She held onto her phone as she sat back down onto her bed. Her cat, Miracle was sitting hiding underneath it in fear of the storm so Claire was careful getting on it, not wanting to freak her pet out further. Her phone buzzed again as Leon messaged back, he must've been waiting for a reply too.
"It was fine. I missed you though." Leon's message was so sweet. Claire let out an audible "Awe". She felt so loved by him, even if their relationship wasn't that far yet. She definitely has some sort of love for him, even if it hasn't blossomed much yet. She can't expect it to. It's been literally a week. Claire just moves way to fast for her own good, no wonder she would lose boyfriends so easier. She'll take her time with Leon considering she really likes him.
"Awe, I missed you. What are you up to?" Claire sent to him, scooching herself higher onto her bed, resting her head against her fluffy pillows. Right as she was about to close the messaging app, Leon responded with not only a text, but an image too. The image was of him in bed, literally in the same position as Claire. It's like they're connected or something. "Laying down and watching TV. You?"
Claire decided to also take a picture of herself, but she wanted to look irresistible for him. She wanted him to say something about her appearance, he does, but he hasn't over message, that way she can savour the text forever.
Still laying down, her hair was in a ponytail and it was quite messy, but that was a good thing. She adjusted her brunette hair to be in frame of the camera, making it look 'messily cute', a lot of guy's find that attractive ; At least guy's she's been with. She had a necklace on with a feather on it. Her brother bought it for her on Christmas of last year and she's worn it ever since. That paired with her red tank top with lace flowery trimming on it. She thinks it's good enough.
Snapping the pic, Claire posed at an angle where her neck was flashing and her face was tilted slightly. It was like a trap for men. She knew all the tricks. Although, she's forgetting that her relationship with Leon is meant to be taken more seriously. She does genuinely feel for him, like never before. He's super sweet and understanding, no other guy has been like that towards Claire. It's made her like him immensely and vice versa.
Claire sent the photo along with a message saying, "Cute. I am also laying in bed, I was reading though." Then she waited. She was nervous to say what he'd say. Not only nervous but also in high spirits. She knew he'd say something. She was confident. She turned her phone off and set it beside her pillow before she got up off of the bed. She was concerned about Miracle, wanting her to feel safe.
"Miracle baby, come to mama." Claire cooed out beside the end of the bed. Whenever Miracle was scared, this is exactly what she'd do. She was quite skittish.
Claire has owned Miracle for about a year now. She was a stray that would roam outside her apartment and from time to time, she'd feed her. At first, she called her "Mimi" but when Claire was at a very dark point in her life, Miracle started to show up more and eventually trusted Claire enough to take her in. Miracle was Claire's miracle. A light at the end of her tunnel. And now she has to miracles, her and Leon.
"C'mon now honey, it's ok..." Claire said delicately, being very gentle with her. Miracle was sleuth too, always wanting to be hiding. It wasn't easy to get her out of her little enclosed spaces. "Tsk, tsk tsk, here kitty, kitty, kitty." Claire purred out, being lovey to the cat. Within seconds of Claire saying that, her head popped out. Miracle pulled herself out from under the bed. She was a fluffy white cat, not tot big nor too small, but Claire had to fatten her up due to her being super underweight.
"Hey sugar." Claire whispered, petting the top of her head. Miracle pushed her head into Claire's hand, wanting more physical affection - She was an attention seeker. "It's okay Miracle." Her reassuring words calmed Miracle down, making her more resilient to listen. "Come with me." Claire lifted the cat into her arms, rubbing her belly for a couple seconds before setting her down on the bed. Miracle set herself into a loaf position. "What do all cats do that?" Claire giggled to herself, walking over to the fridge and pulling out one of Miracles treats.
She was a good kitty for being brave enough to come out to Claire.
Pulling the ceramic paper off of the white plastic bowl, Claire put it on the bed in front of Miracle. "Eat up hun." Claire scratched her head, leaning down and leaving a kiss on her. She adores Miracle a lot.
As she went to go to the bathroom, wondering if Leon would ever even reply, she could tell her phone buzzed considering Miracle got distracted by it. "Oh now you just eat, ignore that." Claire tittered, sitting down on the edge of the bed and typing her password in. Leon's message nearly made Claire pass out. He even hearted the image of her. "You're very pretty. How did I manage to get this lucky?" Claire instantly wanted to message him back.
"You say that as if you aren't handsome. More like, how did I get lucky?" Claire teased her boyfriend through text. Their banter was often like this. Claire thinks their shared sense of humor has broughten them closer together. Now she could go to the bathroom and hopefully come out to a message from Leon.
Ambling out of the bathroom, Claire noticed she had two notifications from Leon. "You're adorable..." Was his first message. "But I think I am going to go to sleep here in a few minutes, probably after this episode but tomorrow we can call since I have the day off, yeah?" Was his second. He definitely needed his rest, he was most likely spent after working at the R.P.D all day, Claire couldn't blame him at all.
"Understandable. You need to sleep. We can totally call tomorrow! See you then, Leon." Was Claire's reply. "Great. Goodnight Claire." Leon sent his final message of the night, it was a good way to end it off. Claire blushed at his message, feeling a passionate warmth fill her up inside. Anytime Leon referred to her by her name, she couldn't help but giggle at it too. "Goodnight Leon <3." And sent.
The rest of the night, up until Claire ultimately fell asleep while reading, Leon was on her mind. He made her feel more than happy. She was merry when speaking to him. She was joyous when thinking about him. She was jubilant when around him. Everything about this man draws her in. He reels her in like a fish, and she can't help but fall for him. He's a gorgeous man and aside from that, a perfect one too.
Claire slept great that night, cuddled up beside Miracle. The rain eventually got lighter as it let up, it was the perfect white noise for a good night's sleep.
Leon woke up around 8:00 AM and it was now 8:20, he gave himself a while to really wake up. He was exhausted last night. All the retraining he's been going through has been overexerting him heavily. His eyes were still heavy too as he drank his hot coffee, hoping it'll wake him up somewhat. He also had the newspaper in front of him, scanning it over a few times just to occupy himself. It was all boring political stuff he couldn't care less about.
He awaited a message from Claire all morning, he didn't wanna message her and seem all clingy but he really has been contemplating it. Although, messaging Claire is what makes him chipper. It's what distracts him. Anytime they get to message is a lovely one. And seeing her last night, woo, it had Leon all over the place. He kept scrolling back up to the image, just gazing at her pretty self. Once again, he ponders on how he was able to get so lucky.
Last night's storm was a wreck. Just through Leon's large window, he could see some trees were damaged. Over near his apartment, it was bad. Claire lives about 30 minutes away near her campus so he's unaware on how bad it is. He just hopes she and her kitty are alright ; He is however aware that Miracle is scared of tedious things like storms.
He recalls a story Claire told him on how when she first took Miracle in, she was terrified of the refrigerator. Claire would just open the fridge and she'd began to freak herself out. Claire was actually concerned when it began to happen, she felt like she couldn't even eat at that point. It made Leon laugh his ass off first hearing of it. A cat having a fear of refrigerators was something totally new to him. But now, Miracle is content with them. Enemies to Friends then.
Leon's only been to Claire's place once and that's when he got to meet Miracle. She's a sweetheart.
Finishing off the last few drops of his coffee, Leon sighed and placed the cup on his round kitchen table that was polished wood. Leon liked how cozy his apartment was. He only recently moved in too, considering he's only been apart of the R.P.D for a couple months now. Leon just felt blessed to have a roof over his head and a place to call home. With house prices nowadays, he was worried he wouldn't be able to get one. But this apartment came in handy.
Every few seconds, Leon's eyes would dart from the newspaper to his phone, hoping there'd be a message from Claire but there never was. It was foolish of him, the way he was thinking. He just really didn't wanna seem like he was all about Claire - Worried that she'd leave him if he was. Then again, what if she felt the exact same way? Many thoughts roamed through Leon's head, not quite knowing what to follow.
Fuck it.
Leon picked his compact phone up, swiping it open and clicking on the iMessage app, quickly opening Claire's contact up. He has it under 'Claire' right now but has wanted to change it to something more cute, though he doesn't want anyone to see. Yes, they're dating, but only newly. It's still a very fresh relationship. He wants to take it slow, he thinks she does too. Rushing into things never ends well and Leon wants this to never end. Forever, maybe?
"Good morning. Just wanted to see how your morning was going." Leon said to her through message, praying she'll reply sooner more than later. With each passing day, they've gotten more comfortable with one another. Everyday, they message more than the last and it's got to the point where they call. Is that going to fast? Leon doesn't think so. It's good to feel safe with your partner, that's what you want, right? He's content with this pace.
He knows she doesn't have any classes today, she never does, especially since she'll be graduating here soon. She could just be sleeping in, which would be okay, he's willing to wait. He simply yearns for her. To speak with her. Claire has consumed Leon's thoughts. He hopes he's done the same to her. Claire seems all about him, but he doesn't know if it's just a front. Chris kind of hinted that she's dated around many times and he doesn't wanna be some boy toy for her but if she claims she's matured, he'll put his trust in her.
Slipping his phone in his pocket, Leon grabbed his mug and placed it in the sink - He'd do the dishes later. For now, until Claire answers, he just wants to either watch TV or work out.
Around 10:30 AM, Leon was using his punching bag. His fists continuously pounding into the weighted cylinder, his arms gaining muscle the longer he did it. It was a distraction from the fact Claire still hadn't answered him. Well, until now.
Leons head shot around when he heard his phone go off. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and took off his fingerless gloves, tossing them aside. His hands felt semi numb after the intense workout he had just endured but he has to do it to stay in shape. It also makes him feel good, energized. It keeps him going. The notification was infact from Claire. His dearest had messaged him. He pulled his fist down with haste, clearly happy to finally hear from her.
The message read, "Hi, good morning. So sorry I didn't respond sooner, I have been studying all morning without my phone. My morning has been okay, how about yours?" Leon felt a relieved sigh overcome him. He's glad she wasn't ignoring him or something, only she was studying. She was a keen girl, she knew a lot. In College, she was studying English Lit in hopes of becoming an English teacher at a middle school. He knows that she can do it. He has faith in her.
He began to type a message out to her, contemplating on what to say.
"Hey, no worries. Studying matters more. My morning has been okay as well, mainly consisted of working out but hey, that's what a police man has to do, right?" His message was implied to be taken as a joke. He likes to play around with her. They're often goofy together anyways.
Only seconds later, Leon received a new message from her. "Guess so. Glad your morning was okay though. Any plans for the day?" Her message was short and sweet, Leon couldn't help but leer at it. She has him yearning for her, even over the most basic words. "Not really but if you're still able to call later today, I am totally up for that." Leon shot the message, feeling quite flustered sending it. He doesn't get why considering he asked her last night. He gets so jittery over the stupidest of things.
"I can totally still call later, I'd love to. Just give me a time and I'll be ready!" Her message caused what felt like his stomach doing backflips. She was too cute. The way she texted was adorable to Leon. He felt like a bore with the way he messaged but Claire hasn't said whether he's good or bad at it. "I would say around 2:00 PM works for me, gotta go grocery shopping soon so once I am done with that, we can call." "Sounds great, can't wait to hear your voice."
She can't wait to hear his voice? Leon felt his heart thump in his chest. He felt like The Mask in that one scene where his eyes pop out of his skull and his tongue springs out of his mouth. She has such a way with words.
But it's true, Leon definitely had to run some errands today, despite really not wanting to. His fridge is basically empty and not only that, he's out of a few necessities for his apartment so there's that too.
"Well, I can't wait to hear yours either. Talk to you soon." Leon then pocketed his phone. He'd rather get this stuff done sooner than later. He'd practically be out all day so the sooner, the better.
Opening his front door, Leon had multiple bags in his hands and on his arms, wanting to only make one trip. The walk from his apartment to the parking garage was way to long for his liking. He dropped off all the bags in his kitchen, letting out an expire of relief, the weight finally off of his arms. Not only did he grocery shop, he also bought some stuff for work and just for himself. He deserved it.
He even looked at stuff for Claire but didn't end up finding anything he thought she'd like.
Taking off his leather jacket, he hung it up on the back of one of the kitchen chairs and snagged his phone out of it. He had no recent messages from Claire, she must've just not known what to say. But now it was around 2 PM so they could call and Leon couldn't wait. He felt glorious for getting the time crunch correct. He just wants to make sure she is still free to call now.
"Hi. Officially home. Able to call still?" He kept it simple, not wanting to seem overbearing. He already felt like a burden as it was.
Now he waits.
2:20 PM, Leon heard his phone go off as he loaded food into the fridge, making it finally look full again. He speeded up the process, wanting to see if it was Claire or not ASAP. He set the last food in, Chicken Wraps, before closing the door of the refrigerator, sighing softly. He picked up his phone and smirked, enjoying what she had to say. "Able to call anytime you want. Anything for you." Leon found that to be enticing and rather sweet.
Without further ado, Leon pressed the green phone icon, ringing Claire up. Only after four rings, Claire answered the phone, a soft sigh on her end being made out. Leon was so delighted that he'd finally be able to hear her lovely voice again.
"Hey Claire." He voiced softly, sitting down in the chair. "Leon, hi, so great to hear from you." She responded, her voice low. Maybe Miracle was asleep beside her or something. "How has your day been so far?" "It's been okay, studied for a while and I just finished lunch." "Oh, what did you make?" "Frozen dumplings." Claire snorted, being blunt. It wasn't like she was made of money and could purchase better foods. She's a College student after all.
"We've all been there but I think all that really matters is that you ate." Leon cooed out, his voice seemingly gleeful. "How's your day been though? Was the shopping any fun?" "It was okay, just glad I stopped procrastinating." Leon chuckled over the phone, earning a giggle out of Claire. "Like you said, we've all been there." Her voice was gentle, she was so nurturing. "We have been. I think after we're done calling, I'll make me some chicken salad. Dunno why but I've been craving it."
After Leon said that, Claire let out a joking gag, clearly not having a taste for that food.
"Gross! But eat whatever you'd like." His girlfriend teased him. "Oh? You don't like it? That's a shame." "No, not at all, it's rancid. Over my dead body would I eat it." Claire giggled again, she sounded beautiful. Leon couldn't get enough of her angelic voice. "That's alright, but you better like tuna salad." "I do. Definitely more my style." Claire snickered. Leon also bellowed.
"When do you think we can see each other again?" Claire asked Leon, clearly wanting him. Leon felt a sense of bliss overcome him. She wanted to see him? "Soon, I promise." "How soon?" "Well, how about tomorrow? I'll come by your place after work." "Really? I would love that." Claire articulated, her tone sunny. She was happy. She loves seeing Leon because it's just not the same over the phone. Leon feels the same.
"How was Miracle last night? I don't know if it was storming over there or not but, if it was." Leon asked, his voice worrisome. "She was apprehensive but eventually came out and slept in bed with me. Thank you for asking, it shows you care." "Well of course I care, you're my girl now." Leon chortled, his tone enchanting. He really made Claire feel good. Loved. Was he already in love with her? "I'm glad."
"Speaking of caring, I would love to take you out soon." He admitted. It's true, he has. They've only really been on one date, he'd love to go out on another with her. "Oh? To where?" "Anywhere." He stated. "It doesn't matter, as long as I'm with you." Leon cooed to his girlfriend. Claire's cheeks heated up at her boyfriend's kind words. "Well okay then." Claire giggled at his words. She once again felt like her inner child was being held by this man.
"You have any plans for later today?" "No, probably study more and watch a movie." "Oh, sounds interesting. Me either, probably just going to make dinner here soon, watch my show." Leon spoke. Claire nodded, her phone still up to her ear. "What are you going to make for dinner?" "Haven't quite decided yet... Either Steak or Pasta, both sound tasty." "Yeah they do, I'm just stuck with either frozen food or takeout." Claire laughed. Being a College student is rough.
"I know but it's for the greater good, you're in College, you'll eventually be a teacher and all will be well." Leon reassured her. He was ambitious, more than she was. He was a reason to keep pushing through. "I know. Thank you." Claire said with tranquil. Leon was a sweetie pie. "I just can't wait til I graduate, I hope there are good job openings." "It'll depend but with your record, you'll be sure to get one sooner than later." He explained to her. He was right.
Claire took his words to heart. She hopes he's correct.
"Easy for you to say," Claire layed on her stomach, her feet in the air, "you got a job offer quickly." Claire snorted. Leon chuckled. "You got me there baby." That was the first time Leon ever called her a pet name. Claire's eyes widened and her heart was already feeling as if it was out of her chest. This wasn't puppy love. What Claire felt was real and true. "Baby...?" Claire hummed over the phone. "Do you not want to be called that?" "I do. It just surprised me, but I like it." "Good baby." Leon snickered.
Claire bit her lower lip, mentally screaming. She felt a surge of love flow throughout her.
"Leon, can I ask you something?" Claire said hushly. "Anything." "Do you truly like me?" Leon was appalled by her question. Of course he does, why would he be with her if he didn't? If anything, he loves her. "Claire, of course I do, more than anybody." Leon whispered out, sitting up in his chair. "You do? I hope so." Claire soughed. "What's wrong?" "Nothing, I just wanted to know." "If you say so. I do like you Claire, more than you'd be able to know." "I like you a lot as well." She said.
They both sat in silence for a little bit. It felt relaxing. Just hearing Claire's light breathing calmed Leon in a way. She's so precious. She's the most dearest to him. Leon never expected himself to feel this way about someone, but Claire is an exception. She's a great woman. He loves being around her. She makes him laugh. They bonded so easily. It's as if she is the one. And maybe she is.
"Claire, I'm gonna let you go, I should get ready to start dinner and I don't wanna hold up your studying." He said softly. "Aw, okay, I understand." Claire replied, her voice sorrowful. "Let's call later tonight, yeah?" "Sure thing babe." She giggled, Leon twinkled at her remark. "Cute... Well, I'll talk to you later, yeah?" "Yep." "Bye Claire." "Bye bye, Leon." Her voice gently spoke. She seemed upset that Leon had to go but at least they'd be able to call later in the day.
He hung up the phone and set it down, letting out a long and deep sigh. He misses her voice already but he had to get some stuff done, plus she had to study. With her finals coming up, she'll be a lot more busy and it's shitty but Leon was there once too. He gets it. In the meantime though, Leon will start up dinner, he's decided on Pasta ; Pesto to be nitpicky. And he's making it with Rotini Noodles, his personal favorite.
He stood up, and got the supplies out, even turned on some music while he did.
Yet all he could think about was Claire.
And he was all she had her mind on too.
They were both equally on cloud nine.
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raleigh-edward · 2 months
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And The Haze Will Take Us Face-claims
Sota Fukushi as Ozar
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miss-revy-1412 · 5 months
Uncle Murad is a terrible dad Mehmed needed hugs and therapy
No, if you think I'm gonna defend his SA attempt on MC then take a chill pill because that's not gonna happen!!!!!
I might advocate how Uncle Murad was a terrible father to a child who literally went paralyzed for life. and how certain actions can cost your dear ones really badly a.k.a Lale getting nearly r*ped and traumatised for life.
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First of all, what as a parent will you do to a chid if they lose their mother aka you lose a wife?
Option A: Try to raise them up by yourself. Option B : Arrange child care for them and listen to their pain Or Option C : Throw them away from your house and then call them back when you lose all your children?
Guess what our uncle did!!!
He banishes this child, doesn't even try to give him education ignores him for 9 years, no contact and has always had low hopes from his own kid because, his favorite kids died one by one like Dominoes falling plus he is the reminder of his wife's death? I mean WTF what did that child even do to you? She's dead and you should instead cope and try to make amends with your kid. Is this what good parents do? Also them he goes roasting his own wife in Season 2 that she was not smart and beautiful woman but, I felt pity
Me: Excuse me her child literally is not such reminder and also if you felt pity why banishing your child like a savage?
Are these signs of ignorant dad? Yes it is indeed. Do you think why Mehmed has esteem issues, behaviour issues, unable to talk to opposite gender in respectable manner and even erratic behaviour for no reason?
All of his sh+tty flaws are result of an ignorant, hostile charged-energy environment and seeing woman just as bodies not getting love or even a break and seeing everything as property to conquer a.k.a : Lale was gonna pay some sh*t for real even if he met her later or soon and that's what makes his character even mid. I want to hate his shitty actions but, as I see this plot sometimes I feel If mental asylum were available he be patient for life and he might have changed for real but sadly 14th century there was no psychology and therapy
The therapy you can give him is: "Awww, he's so tragic let me forgive him to fix him!" Pffft !
An irony even to see is his dream in S4E7 , Lale appears to be taking care of his mental status after her lost his "mind".
Also, this guy was satanized as a child doesn't even remember his own mother well and worse his underdeveloped hypothalamus was f*cked the day Mephis did voodoo magic on his body and mind and hence you have a psychotic son and ruler depending on your relationship with Mehmed.
Perhaps this scene and the actions of uncle literally triggered something in me and I found Mehmed more reasonable for hating his father in my case it was my grandmother.
Seriously, who would think RC would trigger my life event technically I also faced same shit as child as abandoned of someone's love ?
Apparently, this is why I can't love Uncle Murad as a character one point he does something good but, then he also does something terrible too.
And yes he went old he started to realise he did wrong to Mehmed yet, they still have a strained relationship even the adult Mehmed claims in recent update how Uncle never made ammends with him and just saw him his "heir" but not in a loving manner but just a placeholder.
Moral of the story: Don't throw children out when they need you the most or else be ready to have consequences and a very rough and evil offsprings.
Mehmed can be anything depending on you views given he's a complex character
He can be shit He can be redeeming , He can improve, He can be an asshole, He can be a predator, He can be tragic
Thank you !
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kikithegr8 · 4 months
I ended up sharing a face claim with a mutual of Suresh that was on my iPhone notepad where I wrote my fanfic that I shared with my sister who is my only fan. So my sister was like can you resend this to me in order and I think I messed it up because it was a long time ago. Then I named my tiger from RC KFOS after him. Anyway I ended up rereading it. Simultaneously people have been dragging Suresh on Tumblr lately, like how is that guy still catching strays? We are on season 9. Now I’m thinking of writing a fanfic for season 5 from Suresh’s point of view rather than the MC. Along with my prequel. I feel like I need to defend my man. Even though I get personally offended when people don’t like Suresh, I don’t argue with them because that’s weird. I will channel that energy into writing a fanfic to defend him that they will probably never read. Mind you in real life if my whole husband puts a dish in the sink as opposed to the dishwasher it might be over between us and I love him dearly, so why am I like this about Suresh? Like I need to do this for my soul to be at peace.
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trans-jon-rights · 4 months
TMAGP Thurday time !!
So, Saved Copy, sounds like computer stuff. Where is Colin btw ?
CAT2RC so according to the classification it's a spooky place that's not too dangerous.
Celia wakes up in a weird place again ? Wait, poor Sam, it was supposed to be their date :(
Okay so this is the same format as in TMAGP 9.
Wait, incarceration ? Does that mean it's not a place ? I hope not, I'd hate to redo my classification.
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Wait, its a room so technically a place, the classification is saved.
Does he got like, a secret fight club in the basement or smt ?
Oh shit it's a secret underground fight club in the basement.
Wait, did the Institute come to him ? Huh. Didn't know they could do that.
.jmj error again ?
The Archives 🤝 the O.I.A.R : HR is irrelevant when facing The Horrors
Final Comments :
Okay so according to the classification, this is a place causing this. My theory is that whatever happened in that therapy room caused the double to "appear", with everyone thinking he'd always been there (à la NotThem) and costing a lot out of the original (hence his diminished physical state). That would still go with the classification, the CAT2 indicating that its a place being involved.
The other option might be that the place influencing this was the house/manor, or the secret basement.
This makes me think, about the ranks. I'll have to polish that later, but maybe RC results in no loss of life, RB means at least one dead and RA (never seen) is like, hundreds of deaths ? Or something ? I didn't check to back my claims, I'm just writing that rn, but I will probably update the Classification Theory later once I've done more research.
Otherwise, this is the second time Celia has woken up in the middle of nowhere. The fact that she was in Oxford is interesting, and Chester might have pulled an Oxford related statement because of that (to taunt her or hint towards something or maybe its just the spooky being spooky). If this is the Celia from TMA, it might be the dimensional travel acting up (?).
About the two other patients in the room. Ahem. WHAT THE HELL ?????
So, there's no way it's a coincidence, but WHAT ? HOW ?? I doubt this is actually Jon and Martin but this is intentional and I bet they're having a blast laughing at us.
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angelsanarchy · 4 months
I'm getting like three days off this week and I've got some THANGS...I want to run like two polls for two new possible RC series (Charlie and Tyler) I also was considering power housing the mini series and getting them knocked out. If I did a story with an OC- I was considering doing polls for 1. Which story would you prefer I test out an OC with: Tyler or Charlie? 2. To remain equally inclusive with my OC's, should I run a poll on the OC face claims that way the readers would still have a say? I got lots of RC on the brain these days so for all those still left thirstin with this ole slut, how you doin?!
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house-of-kolchek · 1 year
Okay buddy. I need a snippet of Leong. Please 🤣🤣🤣
Get ready friends because it’s actually not at all what you’re thinking:
You grimaced at the security footage, watching as a figure missing too many limbs tackled a man in a dark suit jacket. Through the grainy footage, it was still easy to spot a sharp gleam in the attackers eyes, and the splotches of red and rot that decorated its face.
“When was this?”
“Yesterday evening,” Bailey replied, her eyes still trained on the screen. “Mr. Bidel was brought into the station after a call from his wife claimed he was threatening her with a knife. Four hours later… this.”
You sighed, glancing back to the screen as the video looped again, replaying the officer’s untimely death over again. No matter how long you’d been doing this, it still sent a wave of grief and sickness through you.
“So clearly it’s some sort of virus,” you started. It was obvious in the rotted flesh, the visceral, hungry attacks, so much like every other BOW you’d encountered before. “But who’s got their hands on it this time?”
Bailey turned to the computer screen, clicking the mouse a few times and projecting varied articles and photographs up to the large display screen. Your eyes flashers over the photo of a suburban neighbourhood. A factory. The words NEW RC plastered on a large sign.
“All directions point towards an Umbrella Copycat.”
Your heart felt like it was in your throat. You hadn’t been there in the initial Raccoon City incident. The fall of the first Umbrella. But you didn’t need to - you’d heard the stories, it was the literal reason you had this job. So this couldn’t be a coincidence - finding the RC initials and the word “Umbrella” within the same sentence. But…
“How did no one see this before?” you demanded. “It’s so obvious! Like - you see those initials right?” Wasn’t it the departments entire job to watch out for this kind of thing? Prevent those horrors from ever occurring again?
“Because this is likely one of the most secluded townships in the United States. It’s literally underground. It was sheer luck that the Bidels were on vacation when this occurred, and the processing went through a “public” station record system.” She sighed between the words, reaching to massage her temples. There was a strange sort of defeat from her posture, something you hadn’t seen before. It didn’t sit right with you.
“So what’s the plan then?”
Bailey met your gaze. There was something still unsaid there, something you found yourself suddenly afraid to hear.
“Mrs. Bidel hasn’t been heard from since the incident,” she sighed. “Her husband worked at the factory, and her interview indicated that they weren’t planning on returning home. We’re incredibly low on intel, but underground sources have managed an in. You’re going undercover as the Bidel’s… successor. You’re going to gather intel so we can put a lid on this before it erupts.”
Ohhhhhh there was a lot in those few sentences. Undercover. In the suburbs. Cut off from the rest of the country, to gain information about a nameless company that turns people into zombies and makes them disappear.
Sometimes you wondered why you kept this job.
“Something on your face tells me that’s not all,” you groaned, leaning back into your chair as she fixed you with a concerning sympathetic look. She shook her head, and suddenly your heart was in your throat again.
“The neighbourhood seems to maintain a particular… niche.” She trailed off, her nose scrunching with distaste. Another picture fluttered past the screen. A collection of happy looking couples, in full PDA mode all cuddled together with big smiles.
Oh god.
“You’re going in with a partner, to play the roles and properly fit in.”
When she didn’t continue, you cleared your throat.
“Who’s the partner?”
After a moment, she let out a long breath, uttering two words that struck an intimidated sort of fear into your heart.
“Leon Kennedy.”
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