#rc9gn julian x reader
bex23ckwolf · 2 years
okok so like consider
der monster klub sleepover right? y/n is invited (bc of course they’re a part of the klub) and all is good and well until julian has a nightmare and requests y/n to comfort him
i’m trying to make it vague so you can fill in the gaps and go crazy >:3 - very cool anon 👍: 2 electric boogaloo
Ok I got you and I’m gonna be making y/n gender neutral in this story if you don’t mind 😊
It’s the end of class and you’re packing up your stuff to head home, the halls were very crowded today because of all the damages the ninja and robo-ape’s have done. You spot Theresa outside and run up to her.
Theresa noticed you running towards her and waved at you. You came to a halt and tried catching your breath, “Ok, so who’s house are we going to for the sleepover”? You asked Theresa, “I think it’s Juggos turn today”.
We waited for the bus to finally leave and once it did we discussed what we would do once we get to Juggos house. You got off the bus at your stop, you ran up to your front door and took out your key to open it.
Once inside you dropped your stuff in your room and hurried on packing stuff that you would bring, your pjs, sleeping bag and pillow. You got a message from your mom saying that she would be there soon. So you put on your shoes and decided to just be in your phone while you waited for your mom.
You were scrolling through social media for a bit when you came across a post Julian did. It was a pic of you so concentrated on a project you and him were doing in your English class. It was were you and him were assigned on creating a story. You both decided to do a backstory on a monster you two have created during a der monster klub meeting.
You smiled a little at the post then decided to comment on the post saying “m/n (monsters name) shall rule the world as his!!!”, once you posted it you laughed at yourself. You heard the honk from your moms car and quickly got up and grabbed your bag then headed out the door towards the car.
Once you got to Juggos house you waved your mom bye while she drives away. You felt excited because of the amount of fun stuff that Juggo has in his room. You knocked on the door to be greeted with Julian, “Y/N! Oh I’m so glad you were able to make it”. Julian gave you a big hug which you returned back to him.
Once Julian let go of you he let you inside where you greeted everyone else. You all were thinking on either creating more monsters or playing games that you guys brought. You said that you have smash bros, omori and undertale including your switch of course. Also uno, you knew that once the game of uno started it would be a disaster.
You all decided to play just dance that Dave brought for Juggos old WII. You have played this game on your brothers old WII a lot so you are very skilled on this game. You have won every round so far and you are very proud of yourself, “Haha, there is no one to be able to defeat me”, you said to yourself in a very dramatic way.
Just then Julian stepped up “Oh what’s this? Someone dare challenge me? Well go ahead then challenger”, you handed Julian a controller and you let him pick the song and he chose ‘I’ll sleep when I’m dead’ by set it off. The dance started alright then started to get more intense with the music.
You had it alright for a while in the song but you just now are starting to get tired but you refused to give up. You gave a quick glance at Julian to see how he’s doing and he seems to be getting a little bit tired but still had enough energy to keep going. You of course wouldn’t let that happen. So you kept going until the song finished.
Sadly you lost because your foot slipped on the floor causing you to loose a point you were close on getting. Causing Julian to have it instead. Julian helped you get back up. Once you all finished playing games you decided to have dinner. A reason why you liked coming over to Juggos house was because his mom made amazing food dishes.
You all discussed about your monsters and who would be the next to host the meeting. Once you all finished you all headed to Juggo room to set up your sleeping bags and brush your teeth. Dave and Julian went to sleep because they were tired while you, Theresa and Juggo were talking a bit until you decided to go to sleep.
Time passed a bit and you couldn’t sleep. Just as you closed your eyes again to try and sleep you felt someone give you a little nudge as if wondering if you were awake. You turned to see that it was Julian that was doing it. You sat up a bit, “Julian what are you doing awake?”, you asked him, “Sorry to awake you Y/N, but it’s that I had a nightmare and I didn’t like this one in particularly”.
You felt sympathy for him so you told him, “I can lay next to you if you want to help you be able to sleep if you want”. You gave him a little smile and he nodded back liking the idea. So you scooted your sleeping bag a bit so it could be next to his. You both laid down you extended your hand towards Julian to see if it would help him. Julian accepted the hand.
You gave Julian a tired smile and wished him sweet creepy dreams. He accepted the saying and wished the same for you and like that you both fell asleep with Julian knowing you were next to him if anything happened he knew you would keep him comfort.
I hope this was alright as my first Julian fanfic💜
Also sorry if it’s too short and if anyone did read it could it be alright if you send in more requests that would be great. ☺️
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crystalandparrot · 4 months
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RC9GN x Reader
Part 1, Part 2
“Hey, (Y/n),” Bucky spoke, spooking said girl out of her stupor as the two walked to school.
"Huh?" (Y/n) question.
"How come you only ever talk to me? I'm sure other students would love to hear your ideas." Bucky said optimistically.
"You really think so?" (Y/n) asked, eyes shining.
"Maybe not, all of them-"
(Y/n) deflated, causing Bucky to wave his hands frantically.
"But that's because they're not for high schoolers! I mean the home alarm, your staff, those goggles on your head—"
"Hey, these goggles help me log important information and — okay, I see your point." (Y/n) deflated again.
"What if you made something to impress them?" Bucky asked with a snap of his fingers.
"Something to impress them..." (Y/n) thought out loud. "Oh! What about my mechanical spider limbs?" With that, eight mechanical limbs popped out of (Y/n)'s hoodie, lifting her off the ground and flipping her upside down.
"You look like Invader Zim," Bucky chuckled, walking past the, once again, deflated girl. The arms retracted suddenly. With quick thinking, (Y/n) flipped and landed on her feet, surprising Bucky. "Do you know any more cool moves like that?" He asked.
"I prefer to show off my intelligence rather than physical prowess. Sure it's nice to have the ability, but my superpower relies solely on my brain!" (Y/n) said as she pushed open the doors to the school.
"Then you should put that brain to good use," Bucky held out his hand for a fist bump.
(Y/n) reciprocated the fist bump and the two parted ways. (Y/n) walked to her science class, which she always had for 1st period on Mondays. Mrs. Driscoll greeted her with a grin.
"(Y/n)! Any new inventions?" Mrs. Driscoll asked with stars in her eyes. She puppeteered her late husband's skeleton to 'talk', "Your inventions are positively humorous!" Mrs. Driscoll laughed and smacked Jerry's chest.
(Y/n) smiled and placed her satchel on Mrs. Driscoll's desk. As she did so, Randy Cunningham and Howard Weinerman happened to walk in. "Mrs. Driscoll, I present to you," (Y/n) held up a small box with a crescent-moon-shaped attachment, "the, still in Beta, the C.R.A.V.E.S, a system that, when placed against the user's teeth," (Y/n) put the device against Jerry's teeth. The machine beeped, "it tells you exactly what they were craving! For example, your husband was craving...scallops?" (Y/n) looked at the device in question.
Mrs. Driscoll sighed lovingly, "That was my Jerry."
(Y/n) shivered, she tucked her device away and walked to her seat at the back of the room.
"Who's that shoob?" Howard whispered to Randy.
More students began trickling in when Randy leaned close to Howard, "I have no idea, but she's pretty smart."
"A smart shoob is still a shoob," Howard said, pointing his pencil at Randy. Inside Randy's bag, the Nomicon quietly blinked red from behind its Math book cover, facing the direction of (Y/n).
As the final student, Bash (fashionably late as always), trickled in, Mrs. Driscoll began writing in the blackboard. "Welcome back, students!” She puppeteers her husband once more, “I hope your Spring Break was a bone-afide success!”
“Ha! Word play.” (Y/n) chuckled to herself. She sat at the back of the class, the two seats next to her empty while all the other seats were taken.
“And as a Welcome Back, I’m assigning your first projects of the next semester!” Mrs. Driscoll announced.
The students all groaned with the exception of (Y/n), “Oh, goody!”
“And since the school board has cut funding for the science department…again…this time you’ll be working in groups of three.” The words seemed to echo around the room. None of the students (with one exception) listened to the rest, as they were too busy deciding who to add to their group. Friends will be split, enemies made, alliances formed in blood… “You can now find your partners-“ with that, hell broke loose. Kids jumping over tables, holding back their friends to prevent a steal, throwing dangerous objects. It got to a point that Mrs. Driscoll hid herself and her husband under the desk.
“Cunningham! Save me!” Howard screamed as he was pulled into the wave of students.
“Hold oh, Big H!” Randy, without hesitation, jumped into the sea. His leg caught the strap of his backpack as he jumped, forcing the contents to be spilled all over the floor. The Nomicon hummed and blinked as students stepped and kicked it to the back of the room, the mask caught in its pages. With all of the abuse, the cover even came off, revealing its true cover to the world.
With a metallic THUD, the Nomicon hit the metal cabinet next to (Y/n). The girl let out a noise of surprise and looked up from her notebook. The Nomicon blinked softly as (Y/n) picked it up. Her hands traced the delicate patterns on the hard leather book, the feeling not uncomfortable to her hands like she imagined it would be. With a bit of remorse (Y/n) held the book away from her, “Oh, exotic book, what secrets you must hide—but alas! It is my code of honor to not open a book that does not belong to me…unless of course bought or received from a trusted source.”
The Nomicon flashed red, humming loudly.
(Y/n)’s eyes shone, “Maybe there’s an exception for glowing mystic books,” (Y/n) ran her fingers over the pages that begged to be opened. The Nomicon’s flashes got faster and louder, its pages flittering as they waited to be opened.
“Has everyone found their partners?” Mrs. Driscoll asked.
(Y/n)’s head shot up and with a sigh, she tucked the Nomicon into her satchel, the flap open to make for an easier grab. “Soon, my precious.”
In the middle of the room, Randy and Howard sat, rubbing their heads in pain. “Oh, good. Randy and Howard, you’ll be joining (Y/n).” Mrs. Driscoll announced once she saw they the three were, in fact, without partners. “(Y/n) has the highest grade in the class, so even you two should get a decent grade.” She chuckled.
“What?! But she’s a shoob!” Howard moaned.
“A shoob with the highest grade in the class! Howard, we can use this!” Randy whispered, excitedly. Both of the friends grabbed their bags and walked to (Y/n) at the back of the class.
“I don’t follow.” Howard whispered.
“We’ll act like total shoob’s, say we don’t know how to do the project, she’ll get annoyed with us, do the project and — BOOM, automatic A.” Randy smirked. The two sat down and a sudden flash of red distracted Randy. He looked down, spotting his Nomicon in (Y/n)’s bag. He nervously chuckled, “I-is, is that my book?” Randy asked, pointing at (Y/n)’s satchel.
“Huh?” (Y/n) looked down, at her bag. “Oh, it flew to the back, I didn’t know who it belonged to.” (Y/n) gently took the book out and traced the cover again. Shaking her head, she handed it back to Randy, “Where did you get it? I’d love to read it sometime, I’ve never seen anything like it.” (Y/n) spoke quickly, enamored by the book.
“Oh, it’s nothing just a little family history book. Old baby pictures, family trees—Really boring stuff, I’ll just take it off your hands.” Randy hurriedly took the book back, and shoved it in his own satchel. The Nomicon flashed brightly and loudly, angry at the turn of events.
“You bring family history books to school?” (Y/n) asked flatly.
“I-it’s for our History class! Some extra credit thing that you definitely don’t need!” Howard back his friend up, grinning awkwardly.
(Y/n) looked between the two skeptically, “Right…” with a quick hand, she opened her notebook to a fresh page and began writing, “So, ideas for our project?”
“Yes! Our project!” Randy grinned, winking at Howard.
“Totally love that project! I can’t wait to…do our project!” Howard added in a fake excited voice.
(Y/n) sighed out of annoyance, “You don’t know what the project is, do you?”
“Not. A. Clue.”
(Y/n) gripped the bridge of her nose, “Super,” she gritted out through clenched teeth. “Cool, cool, cool. Cool, cool, cool.” She angrily closed the notebook and stood. “Why don’t I work on the project and you two do the report? All you have to do is write what the robot does AFTER I give it to you.” (Y/n) commanded as she pointed to Randy and Howard.
“But what do we—“
“You write down what it does!” (Y/n) took a deep breath, “I will give you a list of what it does. All you have to do is write a well written report.” (Y/n) began walking out of the room, “Even though my robot will be A plus guaranteed,” she whispered cockily.
“Those who are building, go to Mr. Smith’s metal shop for your basic design! Everyone’s who’s writing a report please go to the library!” Mrs. Driscoll announced after seeing (Y/n) leave.
“Automatic A—“ Howard started, raising his hand.
“Here. We. Come!” Randy punctuated each word with the next step in their secret handshake. They ended with their signature turn and pose.
The Nomicon angrily blinked, catching Randy’s attention. Picking up his bag, Randy held up a finger to Howard, “Give me just one second,” he whispered. He ran out of the room and into a Janitor’s closet. “Alright, Nomicon, I only got a few minutes before Driscoll realizes I’m not in the library, so be quick about it—“ the Nomicon flew open suddenly, causing Randy to lose consciousness and ‘Vloomp’ into the Nomicon.
Randy screamed as he fell through the artistic clouds and through the painted leaves on the two dimensional tress. With a couple of bounces, Randy finally landed against a tree trunk. “What the juice, Nomicon?!”
A painted scholar walked through the trees, smiling at Randy. Or at least, to the person behind him.
A painted ninja stepped through the trees behind Randy and walked up to the scholar. The ninja gave the scholar a piece of paper, and folded his arms. The scholar read the paper and nodded at the ninja. The trees fell backwards, blending into the floor as more of scene became exposed. The scholar walked to his small house. The sun rose and fell in flashes, showing how long the scholar was in his house. The sun rose once more, staying in the air as the scholar left the house, this time with a small box. He presented it to the ninja and began talking. No words or letters left his mouth, the only thing Randy could hear was soft flutes as the scholar spoke.
The ninja waved his hand and took the box, smokebombing away. The trees on the other side of Randy fell, blending into the floor, further increasing the scene. There was a small town with a large flying serpent terrorizing the village. With a puff of smoke, the ninja stood in front of the serpent. He opened the box and pulled out a smaller box with a button. The ninja looked at the box in question then pressed the button…nothing happened. He pressed it again and again…still nothing. The serpent AND the townsfolk all laughed at the ninja as he sulked. Colorful words flew out of the box and presented themselves over the ninja’s head.
“Neglect the brain and the heart becomes vulnerable.” Randy read aloud. “Uh, that scholar clearly sabotaged the ninja! I mean, who gives someone a box that doesn’t do anything?” Randy asked.
The ninja and scholar looked at each other unimpressed. The ninja pulled out his sword and the scholar…why is he holding a Bō staff? The two quickly ran to Randy and simultaneously attacked him.
With a gasp and a bump to the head, Randy left the Nomicon. He rubbed his head and looked behind him to see the shelf he bumped his head on.
Randy peeked his head out of the Janitors closet and rushed out before anyone could see him, bag in hand.
“Someone get the Ninja!”
Randy gasped at the sudden cries for help. With no one in the hall, this was the perfect time to put his Ninja suit on.
“Looks like it’s Ninja o’clock!” Randy reached into his bag…except…
Randy’s heart fell into his stomach as his hand missed the soft fabric of the mask. He glared down at the bag, and upon not seeing the mask immediately, Randy overturned his bag and emptied the contents. The only object that was matching to the mask in color was the Nomicon.
“Sweet cheese, I lost the Ninja mask!”
I swear I can hear the music starting and cutting out at the end. Also if you saw the lesson in the first chapter before I edited it, no you didn’t.
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bex23ckwolf · 1 year
I’m having trouble trying to figure out what other Julian x reader fics I should do. Probably a vampire Julian x human reader, just gotta figure out what the story will be about.
Edit: It will take sometime so I can figure out what will happen.
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bex23ckwolf · 2 years
also PLEASE tell me when and where you post it PLEASE I AM ON MY KNEES I NEED MY SILLY LITTLE GOTH BOY
thank u - very cool anon 👍 (i should really sign these off in a not goofy way next time)
Well this is my first time making a fanfic that I write public and I have a weird way on posting stuff so I’m gonna make it a goal on posting stuff on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I will also be post the stories on this account and others.
I hope this helps 😊
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bex23ckwolf · 2 years
Ok at this point I should probably be the one creating Julian x reader fanfics since there aren’t any and I’m suffering. So if there is anyone who would like to hold hands or kiss Julian on the top of his little head please send requests.
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bex23ckwolf · 2 years
op i want to kiss julian on his little forehead pls i need it :(( i have ideas if you want them - very cool anon 👍
Yes please. I would love to have some ideas because at the moment I can’t think of any, and thank you so much for requesting you are the first person to.
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crystalandparrot · 4 months
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RC9GN x Reader
The Ninja
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Sorry for the messy lines, this is how I envision the new Ninja, just switch the right and left lenses. Any music recommendations are what I felt like fit, there will be NO songfic in this book, only songs that feel appropriate for the scene.
Randy sprinted through the halls, chasing after the screams of help.
"Someone get the Ninja!"
Randy skidded past the exit doors, giving a, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." As he slid to a stop. He bursted through the exit doors, catching his breath as he jogged up to his best friend. "Howard. Mask. Missing." Randy leaned on Howard's shoulder as he caught his breath. In front of Howard was a giant mechanical Tyrannosaurus, its eyes beaming red. Its stomach was clear, showing three students that had already been captured. In its mouth was Bucky, fearfully standing on the bottom jaw of the robot and shakily holding the top jaw. Suddenly, his eyes lit up.
"Pretty sure someone found it, buddy." Howard pointed forward, causing Randy to look up.
Standing on the edge of the roof, the sun facing behind them, was a figure in a black suit that had purple accents instead of red. In their hands was a staff, with, what looked like, a spear at the end.
Randy gaped at the figure. He's been through a few close calls with his Ninja mask. A couple of Ninja replacement scares. I mean, who could forget Lucious O' Thunderpunch? But this? This was real. Someone stole his mask.
A loud bass thumped and echoed, shaking the floor with its beat. The Ninja began tapping their feet as a song played from who knows where.
(If you want to listen, the song I picture is Bangerang by Skrillex ft Sirah).
Once the base dropped, the Ninja jumped off the roof, flipping in the air and quickly plummeting to the ground. With a flick, the compartment that the Ninja had on their back opened and transformed into a large drone. The drone was purple, with purple LED lights coming from the rotors. As it idled in the air, the Ninja landed on the ground, staff behind them in what Howard liked to call a 'Super hero landing'.
The Ninja reached into their suit's hoodie (as Randy noticed this Ninja had a hoodie and not a scarf), and pulled out a purple and black Ninja stick. "Shelldon! Use this to hold the bot's mouth open!" The Ninja shouted at the drone. They tossed the stick in the air, the drone flew quickly and caught it. That voice, why didn't Randy recognize it?
"On it, Ninja!" The drone called in a surfer voice. Shelldon flew to the robot and extended the Ninja Stick to Bucky's height. It placed the stick in the robot's mouth and extended further, allowing Bucky to relax his arms. "Jump on, bro!" Shelldon shook his body side to side, gesturing for Bucky to hop on. Bucky nervously obeyed and jumped on. Shelldon quickly flew to the ground and unceremoniously dropped Bucky. "Nice to finally meet you, dude!"
"Shelldon!" The Ninja from the back of the robot.
"Sorry, bro." Shelldon apologized then raced over to his owner.
"I need you to get as many students as possible—" the Ninja dodge a tail swipe and rolled in between its legs to avoid its large feet, "out of that thing before I destroy it!"
"On it!" Shelldon's animated eyes gave the impression that he was smiling as he flew up. He faced the robot's struggling maw and let out a computerized gulp. "Uh, Ninja?"
"We could switch!" The Ninja said sarcastically as they got hit by the robot's swinging tail. They landed a few feet away, but quickly jumped up. They reached into their suit hood and pulled out three small balls. The Ninja tossed one at a time at the ground next to the robot.
"Look at him! He's not even attacking! Some Ninja." Randy said, butthurt. At that moment, the balls exploded, distracting the robot and causing it to move backwards away from the crowd and school.
Shelldon flew into the mouth of the robot and down into its stomach. He faced the stressed out teens inside with an upbeat attitude. "Hey, dudes! I'm here to rescue you!" Shelldon cheered.
Bash shoved his way to the front, "Me first!"
After a few seconds, Shelldon flew out with three people on his back. He dropped them next to Bucky and flew back over to the Ninja.
"Why is he so far now?" Randy asked.
"Maybe so he doesn't destroy the school?" Morgan asked, rolling her eyes from beside Randy, shocking the freshman.
"Good! I can't keep affording to repair it after every monster attack!" Principal Slimovitz added from behind Randy, scaring him again.
"Is this what you had to deal with?" Randy whispered to Howard.
"You have no clue." Howard muttered.
"All good, boss!" Shelldon cheered, attaching himself back onto the Ninja's back. Everything except the rotors disappeared, allowing the Ninja to fly into the air, as if they wore a jetpack (which they technically did).
The Ninja smirked as they flew above the robot. Gripping their staff in the middle, they twisted one hand to the right and one to the left. The spear at the end transformed into a large rocket, one of equal size manifesting at the other end of the staff facing the opposite direction. The rockets released harsh, purple blasts of fire, the staff spinning with the force.
"FIBONACCI!" The Ninja yelled, throwing the spinning staff at the robot. One end hit the robot's head and, after a small delay, flipped the robot three times from just the force of the rockets. The robot beast landed with a large cloud of smoke flying up and around the area. The staff came spinning back right before the cloud of dust reached the Ninja. With a flick of their wrist, the staff changed to a selfie stick, suddenly holding a purple phone. "Nailed it!" The Ninja said. With a quick flash of the camera, the dust fully covered the area.
Hushed whispers fluttered around, students coughed as the dust entered their lungs. All eyes were focused on where the robot once stood. Through the dust, the red eyes of the robot slowly dimmed.
"Look!" Bucky yelled, pointing at the robot.
Standing on the wreckage of the robotic beast, was the Ninja, their suit pulsing purple in time with their breathing. The staff next to them quickly shrunk to a quarter of its original form, now easier to hold.
There was a beat. Then two. Then...
"Ninja! Ninja! Ninja! Ninja!" The students and faculty cheered for the purple Ninja and their impressive feat...all except one.
"Ninja! Ninja! Nin—" Randy punched Howard's shoulder as he cheered, causing the shorter boy to wince. "Ow!" He whined.
"What the juice are you doing cheering for that guy?!" Randy whispered, pointing to the Ninja on the robot.
The Ninja smiled with their eyes and waved at the cheering students and faculty. With a flourishing bow, they inconspicuously dropped a purple smokebomb and disappeared. The only trace that they were there was the broken robotic beast.
Inside Randy's bag, the Nomicon pulsed. Its color began to cool into a purple. The book shook violently, twitching the bag. The pages flipped and fluttered, turning maliciously. The colored accents began to switch, flipping between red and purple.
"Nice job, Damien. I'm sure you think a giant T-Rex bot was a smart buy now, huh?" Judge growled at the rich businessman.
"I like what I like." Damien shrugged with a lazy smirk
Kranski rolled her eyes while she scrolled on her phone. A specific video caught her eye and she felt a smirk crawl onto her painted lips. "Judge," without waiting for a response, she shoved the phone in his face.
The Judge watched with confusion as the video was a shaky capture of the fight between the Ninja and the robotic Tyrannosaurus. "W-what am I looking at here?"
Kranski smirked, tucking her phone back into her purse, "Damien, can you get into contact with your old roommate?"
Damien smirked, "Oh he wasn't actually my..." realizing his words, he chuckled awkwardly, "never mind. It might be a little hard, Viceroy isn't the easiest person to contact since he started working for McFist." Damien revealed, checking his nails nonchalantly.
"Then find a way." Kranski said, rolling her eyes.
"What's this about, Kranski?" Judge asked, following her figure as she swayed out of the room.
"You were the one who wanted better inventions, Judge." Kranski sung.
Deep breath in...six, seven, eight.
Hold...three, four
Out...five, six
That was crazy. Why did you do that? You had an option! You should have made a clear Pro and Cons list then determined! We don't just jump into things! Oh but the tech...was nothing compared to how dangerous that was!
With a gasp, (Y/n) unlocked and opened the Janitor's closet door slightly. Peering out, she saw a black book, like the one Randy had, but with purple accents. Pulling it in, she shut the door behind it. As soon as the light vanished from the room, the pages of the book flew open.
(Y/n) felt her consciousness fly inside the book. She flew towards the illustrated ground, soaring past mountains and in between trees. Seeing the ground get closer, (Y/n) adjusted her body and landed in a superhero pose. Flicking her head up, she looked cautiously at her surroundings. In front of her, a tree fell to the ground as if it was made of paper, which she assumed everything in here was.
In the place of the fallen tree was a man with a red and black ninja suit. He looked like he was real, but (Y/n) remained cautious.
"(Y/n) (L/n). You are the Ninja—"
"Up, upupupup." (Y/n) interrupted, holding up a finger, "I don't mean to be skeptical, but I have a few points to go over before you go into an arduous spiel about power." Out of thin air, a piece of paper and a quill appeared in (Y/n)'s hands, surprising the man in front of her, "I can't be the Ninja, so how is it possible that I am the Ninja?"
The man opened his mouth to reply—
"Question two—"
The man deflated.
"The Ninja's been present for 800 years, so why am I taking over—unless of course it's an every four years ritual in which a freshman takes on the role of the Ninja to protect the High School?"
The man blinked, then reopened his mouth.
"Question three is less of a question and more of a complaint...I can't be the Ninja. I-" the paper disappeared from (Y/n)'s hands, "I'm not brave enough, or-or strong enough. I'm an amalgamation of different pieces of technology. None of my strengths are my own - I have robotic help. How can I be a symbol of strength and bravery if my technology is my strength?" (Y/n) asked.
The man blinked, then smiled kindly, "(Y/n) (L/n). You are the Ninja." Behind the man, scenes from the past appeared in screens. There were moments of (Y/n) protecting Bucky from Bash, her little adventures solving her technology issues, her protecting her drone from the robot earlier. "Your strength at heart and your willingness to jump into battle regardless of the consequences to your body shows great resilience and intelligence. Every four years a new warrior is chosen to defeat the forces of evil. Both you and another student have been chosen, but he is in need of a...lesson, so I've chosen to enlist your help now, rather than later. You would have been asked later on in the year, however a danger lurks and is getting closer to showing its face." A sudden mist covered the man, and when it cleared he was gone.
The room was covered with dark clouds, heavy rain and purple lightening. The lighting flashed brightly and spelled out the words, 'Intelligence is often taken advantage of.'
Like before, a screen appeared from within the clouds.
It was a video of Science class just a couple of minutes ago. Everyone had just chosen their partners, everyone except—
"Oh, good. Randy and Howard, you'll be joining (Y/n)." Mrs. Driscoll announced once she saw they the three were, in fact, without partners. "(Y/n) has the highest grade in the class, so even you two should get a decent grade." She chuckled.
"What?! But she's a shoob!" Howard moaned.
"A shoob with the highest grade in the class! Howard, we can use this!" Randy whispered, excitedly. Both of the friends grabbed their bags and walked to (Y/n) at the back of the class.
"I don't follow." Howard whispered.
"We'll act like total shoob's, say we don't know how to do the project, she'll get annoyed with us, do the project and — BOOM, automatic A." Randy smirked.
In another flash, the screens disappeared and the Ninja of Norrisville took his place. He had his classic black suit with red accents and wielded his classic katana. With a final flash, the mask was removed revealing Randy Cunningham.
Above Randy, the purple lightning formed into a different phrase as one stream lowered a Ninja mask with purple accents;
‘A lesson learned is a lesson taught.’
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