therunningphysicist · 6 years
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So hot and sweaty that this was more “swim” than “run” ☀️😓
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pearltrees · 6 years
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Slept too late to run this morning, since it was 80+ degrees when I got up at 9am, but I didn’t get home from work at the running store until 8:45... so I ran in the dark tonight. It was still almost 80 degrees with 75% humidity, but at least it wasn’t 95 anymore. So it was slow, but I’m still glad I got out, because I’ve been terrible about talking myself out of running lately.
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red-headed-runner · 6 years
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10 mile race in the morning and it’s going to be hoooootttt. Let’s do this 💪🏻
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run-bravely · 6 years
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Long run that was hot and miserable and slow. The selfie is me in the middle of the run thinking “how tf am I gonna finish this” Lots of hills and I really just hate the heat, but I did it!
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live-ultra · 6 years
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La croix on the deck floor after my shakeout run because I can get some shade hiding behind the propped door. I felt pretty good, just my knees were kind of tight so I just did something short. maybe one day we will get an umbrella or be fancy and put up one of those roll-out shade thingies but for now the door is good
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bravesole · 6 years
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Summertime things
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coffee-to-run · 6 years
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Thursday’s run! It was (for Belgium standards) incredibly hot and humid, so I’m quite proud of my time! Hopefully I can go running again tonight; I’m planning on running 12k. I joined the distance running challenge for June on Strava, and even though I’m quite sure I won’t be able to run 200k in one month, I would be very happy if I managed half of that. 
(If you have Strava, feel free to follow me . And let me know!!! I’d love to follow more people!!) 
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This was such a solid long run that it was almost boring? If that makes any sense? Like, it didn't feel like that great of a run while I was doing it, but when I finished I looked back and realized I felt great basically the whole time. Which, considering this is my longest run since October's marathon disaster, is a really, really good sign. I feel like I am finally back at what I would consider my baseline fitness pre-injury, which is SUCH a long time coming. So, I've been turning it over in my mind for a while, but today finally clinched it in my mind. I am officially starting a 16 week marathon training plan (a variation on Hal Higdon's Novice II) next Monday. I'm going to get right back on the horse and give the old 42.2 another shot on October 21! Terrified, but soso excited!
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therunningphysicist · 6 years
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Sore and tired this morning so I decided to just run easy instead of the tempo I had planned. My legs were very grateful for the switch 🙏
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pearltrees · 6 years
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The first of three 5ks in the next four days... it was hot and half of this race was trails, but I came in 3rd in my age group even though I’m like 4 minutes off of my 5k goal for the summer!
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red-headed-runner · 6 years
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Tonight’s short run on tough terrain with all 4 of my running partners. I used to frequently run with all 4 but have recently whittled it down to just N dog for ease and distance. But it was lovely to have all 4 back for once ❤️
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integrationslady · 6 years
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10K Training Week 2 Day 2 - 90/120 intervals. Same average pace and total mileage as day 1, but my mile this time was 13 seconds faster. This run felt good!
2.84/140.25 June/2018 miles
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run-bravely · 6 years
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It was hot and I hated it, but the trail was pretty
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live-ultra · 6 years
I do not recommend running when the heat index is 94
I am dying after just a 5k, send popsackles
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2018.06.19 - CDH Training
5 mile tempo this morning on tired legs, this one was a struggle. I hit my paces but I fought for each one of them. I kept telling myself that the hard runs build the easy runs, the hard runs build the fast runs. 67 days to the starting line.
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Well, this was a lot harder than my long run last week, but it still happened and it's still my longest run post injury. I snoozed my alarm for a full hour this morning, and when I finally rolled out of bed my legs were stupidly tired from the past few days of running and working. Once I got out, my legs felt better after the first 500 metres or so, but it was SO humid I felt like I was underwater. I never really got into a flow with this run, and spent most of it counting down to the end. But I still ran slightly negative splits and I finished feeling very happy that I did it.
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