#re conveyance
ronmanmob · 2 years
It's one of her quiet days when she can be hardly bothered to slink out of bed, at least until Ron seems to settle into it. Like a magnet she's drawn to his side, settling her head on his chest and wrapping an arm around his waist. The rest of her is curled up at his side, half-fetal position. "Kanuha," her voice is barely there. "Wassit like? All up in ya head ya know? Like wen people stay talk to you?"
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..We'll take over if you tell her..
For a second, Ron froze where he lay; ice down his back, stress prickling, breath just a little jerky 'til it...wasn't anymore. 'Til logic kicked in and reminded him that We felt actual but wasn't. There was no taking over to do and thank God--- Thank God his darling Beth had broached her question so close to the higher end of his med cycle. Ratty and itching at the other end of it he'd not have managed answering her. Before he did, he gathered her into him - both arms coming round her, settling her as close as comfort allowed. His right hand came up, cupped her head as he leant and gave her brow a kiss while his left lay warm and heavy on the arm she'd thrown over him. Ron's fingers flexed there, giving a considerately gentle squeeze while his thumb stroked dusky skin. On days like these, while her mind was elsewhere, he felt it was important to remind her body what comfort and affection felt like.
"--I know..." he began, speaking a lick slower than usual not only so she might better follow without being able to see his mouth, but so he could piece together what he wanted to tell her real time more easily. "When i's 'appenin'...b'cause I can't...see 'em. I don't--"
A pause. Ron cupped his right hand round back of Beth's head again, gave her brow another kiss, felt I Love You at her as loud as his powers of conveyance would let him. Even now, even with his cycle being where it was, that power didn't leave. He knew that as fact.
"I don't...see 'em. Not when they's...inside."
There were things he did see, could see. But the circumstance Beth was talking about - when people stayed to talk - didn't include visuals. Which was a plus, all told. If he had faces to put to some of the horrors he heard he'd hunt the cunts for sport.
"--Sahnd...familiar, some do...They mimic...Bu' not always...S'like...A radio...playin'...b'tween me ears. Sometimes loud...Sometimes barely nuffin'...I don't...fink--" Thinking back, he nods against Beth's brow; his nose and lips close enough to it she'd feel their touch. "--I don't fink...I c'n 'ear nuffin'...evah. If I lissen...even when i's so quiet...They come. "
He'd not stray into talk of what They said to him. She didn't need to know that, and They, for all his logical armour was strong, didn't need reason to go on the attack. An inoffensive conclusion was offered instead.
"So...I don't lissen...When I can not...I do not."
That'd do it, Ron thought. That was enough.
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snowbellewells · 1 month
CSSNS24 Fic: "For All Life and For All Time" (A CS Dracula AU in 3 Parts)
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Author's Notes: Okay, so this is posted late, on a day that was luckily unclaimed. I struggled with doing justice to the work that probably began my love of all things Victorian Gothic, and re-reading it again for plotting and inspiration certainly didn't make the prospect any less daunting. While I love the original Bram Stoker novel's epistolary format, it was not something I wanted to carry on for an entire fic. Nor is this fully true to the original's narrative. I do hope that those who have read the novel and enjoyed it may find nods to the original to make them smile. I didn't want to make Killian the Dracula character - he is neither at all attractive nor redeemable in the original work - so he became my Van Helsing. Emma is the kick-butt awesome Mina Harker, quite a standout female character for that time, but I did away with the Jonathan Harker character altogether.
This starts in the middle of the action, then has a fair bit of reflection to bring readers up to speed. The next installment should have more action and pick up where this one leaves off.
A MILLION thank yous to @myfearless-love for all the editing work she did - my writing is quite a mess when I first translate it from my handwritten pages to a doc! She made it so much better, and I am incredibly grateful!!
A Victorian, Dracula-inspired AU in Three Parts
Please Enjoy and let me know what you think!
Summary: Having lost her dearest friend and with her own life on the line, Emma Swan joins a noble band to face an ancient evil. Three of them stand by her in honor of the one they loved and lost. The other might be the first man she could love. He might love her as well - even more than life itself. Time will tell... if they both survive the fight against their immortal enemy.
**Also available on AO3, if you prefer
Part One
by: @snowbellewells
Emma craned her neck to peer out the small window of the carriage into the impenetrable darkness encroaching on all sides as the conveyance careened around sharp curves and stark cliff faces, making her stomach pitch and her heart leap into her throat. More than once, her mouth opened to call the driver, beg him to slow down, but each time a sudden jolt or swerve had her clenching her teeth and swallowing the words as she gripped the seat tightly. Pitching wildly from one side of the bench to the other, Emma was nearly toppled to the floor repeatedly as they sped on.
The torches beside the carriage doors flickered wildly behind the glass sconces but barely made pinpricks of light in the surrounding night; deep blackness which had swallowed them since leaving the small gypsy outpost where they had supped just an hour past. Emma realized belatedly that she was only becoming more overwrought by attempting to stare blindly into the void while they hurtled forward, and instead forced herself to lean her head against the seat back and close her eyes, resolutely taking deep, calming breaths.
Scant moments passed in such a manner before Emma felt her racing heartbeat slow. It was a different sort of thrill which then ran along her spine - distinct from the chill which had settled on her skin with the horrifying loss of Aurora’s sweet friendship and from the eerie foreboding which had accompanied her since setting out in this last effort to ensnare the perpetrator of her younger friend’s downfall. This determined trek higher and higher into the isolated Carpathian heights seemed to weigh on her more with every mile they gained.
Yet, despite the tightening pit in her stomach and the anxious flutter of her pulse, Emma would not fail to accomplish her part in Killian’s plan. The Professor had turned Emma Swan’s already teetering world upon its axis. He was beyond description - no words could capture what his mere presence, his voice, a glance in her direction could do to her - a power no man had ever held before, because she would not allow it. And yet every hair on her body stood on end when he was near; her awareness utterly captured by the mysterious scholar. He had introduced himself merely as Killian Jones when they met at Aurora’s sick bed, but as they had nursed her together, even when their every desperate attempt proved futile, it had become clear his vast intellect, his determination and resolve, placed him well beyond the scope of any man she had met before - or likely would again.
By the time he had spoken the truth of the fiend who had siphoned Aurora’s life before their eyes, she could not doubt him, even in the face of the utterly impossible - a vampire.
This ancient evil, Count Dracula, had ruled his isolated corner of the world for ages, but in coming to England and extending his reach, he was a threat to all mankind. Aurora had been only a prelude to what he intended. A monster of myth and legend had destroyed her innocent friend, and without pausing for rest, he had stalked and marked Emma as his next victim, only she had the advantage of awareness and warning enough to resist.
Though the threat was deadly, and knowing what she faced - stakes and dark graveyards and the betrayal of her very humanity from what she gathered of Aurora’s end that no one would speak of in full - Emma did not wish to be shielded and to wait hidden in safety while others risked their lives for her sake. She would have her hand in it, even if that meant to some extent playing the helpless damsel as bait in the trap.
To Killian, it was personal as well. He had still been a medical student long ago, traveling to study folk remedies in Romania when he met a darkly beautiful Countess, lonely and sad, all too eager to join him on his travels. She had set his world aflame - first in joy, and then in ruin, for she had not been as free as he had believed. He had fallen for her, and then seen her drained of life by her husband - the creature of night who had proven nightmares lived and walked the earth. Killian had only survived that first encounter because the Count wished him to suffer. For years, Killian had studied and prepared. He had made himself into an expert much different than he had once aimed, and he had intended for his suffering to end only when his life, or the Count’s, did as well.
There was a fine line to walk, however, between justice and bitter revenge. When he had seen the desire for reprisal in Emma after Aurora’s death, when she learned of the indignity to which the young beauty had been subjected and the lengths to which the men who cared for her had gone to assure her peaceful rest, she had sworn she would see this Count Dracula pay for his cruelty somehow. That was when Killian had told her all. “Do not fall into that trap, Swan,” he had spoken softly, though the import of his words was unmistakable. “That way lies ruin - only wasted years and endless torment.”
His blue eyes bored into her very soul as he strove to make her see. “When I lost my love, my Milah, I sore revenge upon her foul husband, the vampire who murdered her without remorse. I was nearly consumed, and when I finally came back to myself, I realized that seeking only retribution would make a monster of me as well. That was when I took on the name Van Helsing, obtained my licenses and degrees with it in fact, in the hope of evading his detection while I waited and watched and the years crept by. I must pursue the course for the sake of all, but not for my own ends, my own anger and hate.”
He would not release her eyes, his focus searing as he continued, “You too must find a way to separate yourself, to retain your purity of heart despite the terrible mission you undertake. Do what you must to save all, but do so without letting it twist your soul with similar darkness.”
And so, in their desperate alliance, they all had their roles to play - Aurora’s bowed but unbroken suitors, and she, Aurora’s dearest friend. The three gentlemen had rallied around Emma, swearing to protect her in her friend’s name. And Killian, their worthy advisor and leader, had not yet steered them wrong. She wanted justice and what retribution could be found for the torment Aurora had suffered. None of them would falter. They had taken solemn vows. Now all that remained was to see the mission through.
Emma could only wonder how had her life been altered so drastically in a few short weeks. Such thoughts replayed through her mind in what was at first a rose-tinged procession as she recalled how bright and full of promise she had been when first arriving on the coast of Whitby for a holiday with her childhood playmate. It had been some time since she and Aurora had seen each other, and those first days on the shore were spent in a haze of sunshine and laughter. They caught up with one another’s lives as they shared tea and biscuits on the wide veranda of the Spindleton’s gorgeous summer cottage. They giggled under the covers long into the nights, whispering of Aurora’s debut season, the many eager suitors who had vied to court her, and her blushing fondness for her chosen fiancé Sir Philip Thornswood, Lord Briarling. They also chuckled over Emma’s adventures - how she disguised herself in men’s pants to move freely while researching her stories, and the various pseudonyms she used when submitting her pieces for publication, subverting the male-dominated publishing world. 
It had been an idyllic change from the crowded, dingy part of London where Emma could afford to live and work. Aurora’s family belonged to the upper echelon of society, well-known and old-moneyed, and Emma had been mostly alone in the world for as long as she could remember. She was discovered on the front stoop of the Widow Lucas’ boarding house as an infant, wrapped in a snow white baby blanket with her name stitched in purple as the only clue to her identity. Fortunately, the Widow Lucas was a formidable woman, well-versed in making her way in the world against harrowing odds. She had already raised a granddaughter who was now off traveling the continent, so she took in the little blonde foundling and raised Emma as her own, teaching her all she knew. Though the tough older woman - “Granny” to all who knew her, especially Emma - had been gone for some years now, Emma remained eternally grateful that it was her doorstep her unknown parents had chosen that cold dawn so long ago.
Granny had even managed to scrounge and save enough, and was willing to spare Emma’s assistance twice a week, for riding lessons - where Emma had met Aurora Spindleton. Though poor Aurora had been an absolute lost cause at equestrian pursuits, Emma had excelled with enthusiasm, and everyone involved was relieved when she took the slightly younger future debutante under her wing during their lessons.
Emma loved the freedom riding gave her, and Granny was glad to know her charge would have the ability to get help quickly and effectively if ever needed - and defend herself too, if her skill in archery and marksmanship was any indication. In truth, Granny had been secretly delighted. She had lived long enough to know just how dangerous the world could be, and she wanted to see her girl as prepared as possible without completely tarnishing her outlook.
Though Aurora’s family was of a higher social standing, they had always been welcoming and kind to Emma whenever she visited their townhouse in Mayfair. She sensed that they were glad their only child had found a practical friend who could provide a steadying influence on Aurora’s naive, head-in-the-clouds sweetness. Since gossip photographers insisted on capturing and reporting the doings of the peerage, her parents were certainly relieved that Emma’s tips and encouragement had kept Aurora from being caught falling off her mount or in some other embarrassing faux pas. Aurora, for her part, was so endearing and open that Emma couldn’t resist being charmed. She might have been cosseted and sheltered, but she was hardly the sort of snob Emma had expected to encounter when mingling with the upper crust during her lessons. Instead, Emma was pleasantly surprised to make her first close friend - a friendship that lasted for years, with Emma always missing the Spindletons when they left for the shore in summer, counting down the days until her confidante would return.
This year, however, she had received a request, along with a train ticket, to join them at Whitby. It had been wonderful - strolling, swimming, and lovely summer hours blending together joyously - until all had gone horribly wrong. If only the happy, haze of sunshine-warm days had not gone dark and tinged with blood.
Aurora had already been betrothed to Philip by the time Emma had arrived. Still, it had been lovely to meet each of the worthy men who had sought her hand. With not an ounce of malice in her slender body, they had each sworn their friendship and fealty, even after the troth had been gently rejected. Even without Aurora there to blush and smile sweetly while introducing them, Emma could easily see why her friend might have been drawn to each in his own way, despite the obvious differences between them. All the men who had sought Aurora’s hand in marriage were honorable and true, respectable and worthy beyond reproach. Their faithfulness to Aurora tested beyond natural bounds and withstood the onslaught, and Emma felt the protection of their bravery as they had rallied around her when she faced a similar fate. If only any one of them had understood what had preyed on Aurora before it had been too late!
Philip Thornswood, Aurora’s betrothed, was the most like her young friend in Emma’s eyes. Upon first meeting the landed peer, she felt the warmth in his large, chocolate eyes, his gentle strength and charm, and she knew they would have melted Aurora’s heart irrevocably. There was a sad sweetness to his expression, as if Emma herself returned a bit of his lost love to him with her presence. He had bent over her hand to gallantly kiss its back, and she had blinked away tears for the happiness that Aurora would never enjoy, knowing the two would have been well-matched beyond her friend’s wildest dreams. All she could do was press his hand in return, and give him a wordless smile she only hoped might express her bittersweet feelings.
Graham Morris, from the wild, rolling hills of Ireland - a cowboy of sorts, as they would call it in the Americas - was a man of few words and swift action, easily winning and debonair, but  also a bit rumpled and informal. He was clearly happier out of doors, more comfortable in the woods and riding horses than in a crowd of people, and yet his easy good humor and almost bashful regard could easily have swayed her young friend. He was an excellent shot, ever on the alert, and a godsend to have in their desperate endeavor.
The third suitor, Dr. Jefferson Seward, was a celebrated and innovative physician who had fought to restore Aurora’s health with every fiber of his energy. If the foe he had battled had been a mortal man rather than an immortal being, Emma had no doubt they would have prevailed. Though he was slightly older, he was thoughtful and doting; Aurora would have naturally been fond of him. The affection between them had been undaunted by her choice of another - so much so that when Jefferson had found himself losing the fight for her life, he had urgently sent for his friend, the renown Professor Van Helsing, expert on the supernatural forces, to do what he could not.
And that was how she had come to be in this rattling horse-drawn carriage, racing up a treacherous mountain path. The devious monster who had taken everything from Aurora - and who now threatened to drain Emma’s own life as well - awaited her in the deserted outpost at the end of this long night’s journey. Her hands clenched and unclenched in her lap. Every few minutes, her fingers reflexively gripped her reticule, its strap looped around her wrist, drawing comfort from the small Derringer hidden within its folds. She also took strength from the knife secured in a special holster at the top of her stockings, pressing against her thigh. Her cheeks flushed at the memory of Professor Van Helsing - Killian - explaining its purpose as he presented her with the clever sheath. He had been deathly serious about her safety, but there also had been a heated flicker of clear attraction when she shyly gestured to ascertain where it should be worn, a moment that had ignited a warmth deep inside her.
The gentle feathering of gray in his hair near his temples and sideburns reminded her of the vast experience and knowledge he had gathered in his life - the very things they were all counting on to help them survive. The deeper lines around his startlingly bright blue eyes and at the corners of his firm lips reminded her that he had once smiled much more than he allowed himself to now. It made Emma wish to see him do so again. Everything about the man radiated power and purpose, commanding her respect from the moment they met, just as Aurora’s terrifying affliction had reached its peak. 
They had not won the victory any of them had prayed for, least of all Lord Briarling. Emma had hardly been able to bear looking at the strong young man bowed by grief as she had boarded the carriage for her mission. Philip Thornswood had given her a hand up onto the step, and was the last to speak to her before Killian Van Helsing’s own farewell. The gloom in his demeanor made her very glad she was not leaving the young gentleman alone, but in the company of true comrades. Even so, she trusted that Philip would not allow himself to falter in their cause. That steady hand, such a gentle support for her own as she ascended into the carriage, might have trembled in the doing, but had not hesitated to drive a stake into the breast of one he loved most in all the world for the sake of her eternal soul.
Breaking from her reflection on the journey’s beginning, Emma remembered herself suddenly as an eerie calm seeming to settle over her surroundings. She was instantly on alert when the carriage began to slow. A shiver of trepidation ran up her spine, returning her harshly to the present and the task before her. Outside there was a foreboding, unnatural quiet, only the crunch of the carriage wheels and the sound of the horses’ hooves on the rough ground broke the eerie silence. They rolled to a stop, and Emma leaned from the window, intent on calling up question the driver.
To her utter confusion and horror, when she glimpsed the seat where the driver had perched, she found no one there. He was gone, and she was stranded alone in the dark. Uncertain of what to do, but knowing she could not stay on the desolate mountain pass in the cold, Emma exited the carriage and alighted on the ground. As her feet touched the rough stone and dirt beneath, some unnerving signal was sounded. The silence was broken by the howling of wolves - loud, spine-tingling, and coming from every side, all around them.
There was no way to outrun them, and as the echo and answer of their baying circled nearer, Emma knew there was no way through their number at any rate, even without being able to see. The horses stamped and tossed their heads nervously, panic driving them as instinct warned them predators lingered just beyond the faint circles of light from the carriage lamps. She would not leave them to be devoured; nor would she lie down and wait to be torn apart herself. She was nearly there!
Desperate and trembling, but steeling her resolve, Emma moved to the front of the carriage, intending to climb up onto the driver’s box, take the reins, and break through the pack, to drive them to the castle herself. It might have been her imagination, her terror breathing life into her senses, but it felt as though the creatures drew closer still. She could almost hear the heavy pants and growls between their mournful howls and feel their hot, slavering breath on the back of her neck. A nervous glance over her shoulder showed only moving flashes of grey fur and horrifying red eyes shining out of the shadows. She had gripped the metal railing to pull herself up when all seemed to fall away, the night going perfectly still.
A dark figure glided with unnatural grace through the mass of half-seen forms. The pack almost seemed to bow their shaggy, sharp-toothed heads before it, if Emma could at all reconcile that impression in her mind. One would almost believe they had been summoned.
The slim, dark, and sinister figure appeared before her, having reached her almost before Emma could mark his movement. Wearing a fine black cloak trimmed in thick fur and reaching almost to the ground, Emma saw little else but the flash of deep garnet in its lining and the glimmer of an evil, yet irresistible, smile. A pale hand reached out of the folds of the garment, outstretched to take hers in strangely formal greeting.
“I believe you are seeking me,” a sibilant voice nearly crooned.
Emma fought back a shudder at the sight of dagger-sharp nails at the end of long fingers somehow reminiscent of spider legs, pulling her into the web. She wanted to deny his claim, but all resistance failed her. What else could she do but allow the cold, dry hand to encase her own, and pull her forward through the wolves and dark and gathering mist? This was the nightmare she had come to find…
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todaysdocument · 4 months
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Petition for Naturalization for Alfred Joseph Hitchcock
Record Group 21: Records of District Courts of the United StatesSeries: Petitions for Naturalization
Form N-105 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE (Rev.12-24-52) Form approved Budget Bureau No. 43-R084.7. No. 181253 Original (To be retained by Clerk of Court) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PETITION FOR NATURALIZATION (of a Married Person, under Sec. 319 (a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act) To the Honorable the U.S. District Court, Los Angeles, Calif. This petition for naturalization, hereby made and filed, respectfully shows: (1) My full, true, and correct name is ALFRED JOSEPH HITCHCOCK (2) My present place of residence is 10957 Bellagio Rd., Los Angeles, Cal. (3) My occupation is movie producer & director (4) I am 55 years old. (5) I was born on August 13,1899 in Leytonstone, Essex, Eng. (6) My personal description is as follows: Sex M, complexion lt., color of eyes brn., color of hair grey-black, height 5 feet 8 inches, weight 195 pounds; visible distinctive marks none; country of which I am a citizen, subject, or national Gt. Britain (7) I am married; the name of my wife is Alma Lucy nee Reville, we were married on Dec. 2, 1926, at London, England; he or she was born at Nottingham, England, on August 14, 1899; entered the United States at San Ysidro, Cal, on May 25, 1939, for permanent residence in the United States and now resides at with me, and was naturalized on August 11, 1950. at Los Angeles, Cal, certificate No. 6924952; or became a citizen by (7a) (If petition is filed under section 319(a), Immigration and Nationality Act.) I have resided in the United States in marital union with my United States citizen spouse for at least 3 years immediately preceding the date of filing this petition for naturalization, and have been physically present in the United States at least half of that time. (7b) (If petition is filed under section 319(b), Immigration and Nationality Act.) My husband or wife is a citizen of the United States, is in the employment of the Government of the United States, or of an American Institution of research recognized as such by the Attorney General of the United States, or an American firm or corporation engaged in whole or in part in the development of foreign trade and commerce of the United States, or subsidiary thereof or of a public international organization in which the United States participates; and such husband or wife is regularly stationed abroad in such employment. I intend in good faith upon naturalization to live abroad with my spouse and to resume my residence within the United States immediately upon termination of such employment abroad. (8) I have 1 children; and the name, sex, date and place of birth, and present place of residence of each of said children who is living, are as follows: Patricia; F; Brn, London, Eng; 7/7/28; Res. Sherman Oaks, Cal. (9) My lawful admission for permanent residence in the United States was at San Ysidro, Calif., under the name of Alfred Joseph Hitchcock, on May 25, 1939, on the afoot (Name of vessel or other means of conveyance) (10) Since my lawful admission for permanent residence I have not been absent from the United States for a period of periods of 6 months or longer, except as follows: [none mentioned] (11) It is my intention in good faith to become a citizen of the United States and to renounce absolutely and entirely all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince potentate, state or sovereignty of whom or which at this time I am a subject or citizen. (12) It is my intention to reside permanently in the United States. (13) I am not and have not been for a period of at least 10 years immediately preceding the date of this petition a member of or affiliated with any organization proscribed by the Immigration and Nationality Act or any section, subsidiary, branch affiliate, or subdivision thereof, nor have I during such period engaged in or performed any of the acts or activities prohibited by that section. (14) I am able to read, write, and speak the English Language (unless exempted therefrom). [full document and transcription at link]
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tubetrading · 1 year
Epoxy Bushings: Ensuring Safety in High-Voltage Transmission Lines
High-voltage transmission lines play a crucial role in sustaining our contemporary society by facilitating the transportation of substantial quantities of electrical power over extensive distances.  The presence of power lines is of utmost importance in facilitating the provision of electricity to residential dwellings, commercial establishments, industrial facilities, and several other sectors.  Nevertheless, the possession of significant power necessitates the implementation of enhanced safety protocols.  Epoxy bushings are of significant importance in guaranteeing the safety and dependability of high-voltage gearbox lines.  Be the catalyst of change in Sweden's energy sector.  Radiant Enterprises Exports High voltage primary Bushing in Sweden, to make a lasting impact, connect today.
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This blog post aims to examine the importance of epoxy bushings in upholding the integrity and ensuring the safety of essential infrastructure components.
Understanding the Basics of Epoxy Bushings:
Epoxy bushings play a crucial role as integral components inside high-voltage electrical apparatus, namely in transformers, switchgear, and various power distribution systems.  These devices function as both insulators and supports, effectively separating the high-voltage conductors from the grounded components of the equipment.  The principal material utilised in the production of these bushings is epoxy resin, which is renowned for its exceptional electrical and thermal insulating characteristics.
The Role of Epoxy Bushings:
Electrical Insulation:  The primary function of epoxy bushings is to provide electrical insulation by effectively containing electrical currents inside designated conductors, hence minimising the potential for electrical leakage or short circuits.
Dielectric Strength:  The dielectric strength of epoxy resin is characterised by its ability to withstand high voltages commonly encountered in transmission lines.  The aforementioned attribute is of paramount importance in mitigating electrical malfunctions and guaranteeing the secure conveyance of electrical energy.
Thermal Resistance:  Epoxy bushings exhibit exceptional thermal resistance characteristics, enabling their efficient functioning in the face of significant fluctuations in temperature.  This particular attribute guarantees the preservation of the insulation, hence improving the durability and dependability of the device.
Chemical Resistance:  Epoxy resin exhibits a notable degree of resistance to a wide range of chemicals, hence providing effective protection to the bushings against potentially corrosive substances that may be encountered in the operational surroundings.  The aforementioned resistance additionally enhances the longevity and robustness of the bushings.
Advantages of Epoxy Bushings:
·         Enhanced Safety:
The implementation of epoxy bushings plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall safety of high-voltage gearbox systems through the prevention of electrical catastrophes.  The insulating qualities of these materials effectively isolate electrical currents, hence mitigating the potential hazards associated with flames and electrical shocks.  Upgrade to the latest in epoxy bushing technology.  Reach out to Radiant Enterprises an excellent Epoxy bushing manufacturer in India for product details and start optimizing your electrical systems.
·         Longevity and Durability:
The longevity and durability of epoxy bushings can be attributed to their capacity to withstand electrical, thermal, and chemical pressures, resulting in an extended period of service without the need for frequent maintenance.  The endurance of these power infrastructure components renders them a financially efficient option.
·         Environmental Friendliness:
Epoxy resin has characteristics that align with eco-friendly principles since it possesses the ability to undergo recycling and re-utilization processes.  The selection of epoxy bushings is in accordance with sustainable principles, hence fostering a more environmentally friendly trajectory for the energy sector.
Importance in High-Voltage Transmission Lines:
·         Maintaining Grid Reliability:
The paramount importance of high-voltage gearbox systems is in ensuring reliability.  Epoxy bushings play a crucial role in maintaining the reliability of the power grid by effectively mitigating electrical failures, hence averting the potential occurrence of extensive power outages and disturbances.
·         Voltage Distribution:
The utilisation of epoxy bushings facilitates the equitable distribution of voltage between gearbox lines, hence guaranteeing the consistent and uninterrupted flow of power without any undesirable variations.  Ensuring continuous and reliable electricity delivery to consumers is of utmost importance.  Stay ahead in the industry with state-of-the-art epoxy bushings.  Get in touch with Radiant Enterprises - a company that exports Epoxy bushing in Sweden and explore the advantages of the cutting-edge solutions.
·         Safety Compliance:
Safety compliance is frequently required by regulatory agencies, necessitating the use of dependable and superior-grade components within the electrical infrastructure.  The utilisation of epoxy bushings aids power utilities in adhering to safety and quality standards, hence helping to the establishment of a robust energy distribution network.
Final Thoughts:
Epoxy bushings are essential components that play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and optimal operation of high-voltage gearbox lines.  The power industry relies heavily on these components due to their essential characteristics such as electrical insulating qualities, dielectric strength, thermal resistance, and lifespan.  In light of the escalating demand for power, it becomes imperative to make strategic investments in robust and long-lasting materials such as epoxy bushings.  This is essential in order to guarantee the safety and efficiency of the electrical system for future generations. 
It is highly advisable to consider the integration of epoxy bushings in high-voltage equipment as a prudent decision, as it may effectively contribute to the enhancement of a more illuminated, secure, and environmentally sustainable energy infrastructure.  Empower your electrical infrastructure with epoxy bushings, engineered for reliability and longevity.  Radiant Enterprises – one of the leading companies that exports High voltage primary Bushing in Sweden.  Contact today.
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madamlaydebug · 6 months
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It was said to you... before you were entered into your MOTHER'S womb.... I KNEW YOU....
What were you before/prenatal? Note the word "Natal".
Before during and after BIRTH the conveyance of the SPIRITUAL being is BREATH = AIR=THOUGHT = WORDS =CREATORS THOUGHT that condensed into ATOMIC=ANATOMI(C=A.D)A..MAN-👉🌞👈RE-TINA 👁VIA THE SOULS OF 2 OR MORE THAT "C.AM.3" together.
As a trail👣blazer and BLUEPRINT holder we ALL carry or store the potential to carry the fully activation SPECTRUM in these VESSEL... of IONS NUCLEOTIDE polymorphicisms.
Today's message is sponsored by the Team www.lurralife.com/Ajoni join this 90-Days HEALTH and WELLNESS challenge. Begin your detoxification journey to your complete inner-metamorphosis.
By Ras Ian Nathaniel Dawkins on YouTube #Chakras #Readings #Activation #Spirituality #ETYMOLOGY #ANCIENT N Aten Iel DawkinsATEN
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fipindustries · 2 years
weird inchoate throughts incoming:
i noticed the way i infodump about something im deeply into tends to be a bit different from how other people do it and this might be a product of me masking, i dont know. but now a days i tend to be more reserved about this stuff than i used to be when i was younger. i try to stay away from just word vomiting everything i know and/or might find interesting about the topic, but rather try to curate the information and the way im presenting it as if i was pitching it.
rather than merely exposit im almost trying to sell the concept, im trying to make sure it has at least a shadow of the same emotional impact that it had on me when i first discovered it, im almost trying to reverse engineer the experience i had learning about the thing for the first time. so that they can GET IT, so that they can feel it in their bones what i felt, so that they can see not just what it is but WHY i care so much about it, so that they care a little bit as well and they dont think im a weirdo for talking non stop at them about something they dont care about.
im trying to get them invested
in order to do this i try to stay away from merely rapid fire exposition, this isnt an oral exam or a memorization test, this is a story that i am about to tell. i will keep firmly in mind what is merely tecnical minutia that wont contribute to selling the idea and what are the emotional keystones to get the listener hooked, i will try to cold read my audience a bit to see what tone to strike, how much energy to put into my tone, what thing to emphazise, what things to leave by the wayside.
the first thing ill keep in mind is that i will try my best to make this a conversation, which means that instead of launching on a 40 minutes long monologue, ill try to structure it as questions and answers. every time the conversation goes back to me and i launch on a fifteen minute rant about something i am directly and very pointedly adressing the question the other person asked. this helps the whole thing stay focused, structured and most important, interesting for the person listening to me. they are getting something they want from me and i get to feel smart by being able to explain whatever the other person wants to know about this vast world i hold inside of me.
there is a downside to this which is that im very dependant on the other persons full willingness to paticipate and keep the conversation going. but the upside of that is that the times it happens i know for a fact the other person is actually paying attention and interested in what i have to say
when i introduce the idea for the first time i try to reduce it to its most fundamental essntials, as quick and succint as i can make it while still communicating the very core of the concept. i try to make it concentrated and flavorful, promising depths and complexities beneath if the interlocutor is ever interested in plundering its dpths with me and if they bite, that is when the dumping starts.
a common mistake i see is people going on and on about details that are not relevant for the overall conveyance of the experience, it will just dizzy and confuse the listener trying to keep all details straight without knowing what is the main take away from it all. i will forego using too many names, opting for general labels like "this dude" or "the blue chick" or "the weird one i told you about". ill refer to previous events like "the big fuck up" or "that party" and so on and such.
i will make liberal use of hands and body gestures, ill put on a fun one-girl theatre show extravanganza, ill make voices and faces. ill re tell certain bits in a much more exagerated and overacted way because that way its a bit funnier and more engaging to listen to when coming from a person talking. ill pause, ill create dramatic tension, retell my own reactions that i had when i got to a certain part.
i will also try to highly structure the whole thing, if im about to embark on a tangent or a quick aside that is vital to get context i will make sure the listener knows this, ill put a pin on what i was saying, lay some sign boards on the ground and once we rejoin the main narrative ill make it explicit that that is what we are doing.
i have been told im really good at explaining things, i like to think is one of my talents, definetly is a thing i had a lot of practisce in. this is the first time i actually sat down to examine what is it that i do to get these results
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estirose · 1 year
Quick notes for what levels to be at during various parts of My Time at Sandrock.
Tried to be as spoiler-free as possible. I am terrible with tactics so I try to be above the final boss's level.
Matilda asks you to visit Zeke re Desert Planting: suggest level 14-15 before visiting Zeke.
Operation to deal with the Geeglers comes up: aim for level 17-19 before installing anything.
Before handing in the trusses to Heidi: aim for level 18-20.
If you're being asked by someone to help explore a feature in the desert past the bridge: Get to level 29-34 before turning stuff in.
The Green Stuff issue: 36-40 before gathering all the stuff.
You get asked to help a potential informant: levels 42-46 before visiting the room in the Blue Moon.
After you procure what the informant tells you will help: level 44-48 before placing what you've prepared.
There are bad guys in town for nefarious reasons, you will be very busy dealing with this: levels 50-55 before making a certain conveyance.
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k00254063 · 2 years
drawing seminar
after watching the drawing seminar videos i found myself re-wiring the way my brain thinks about drawing and sketching. as said in the video; what a good drawing is varies in many different ways. this resonated with me as i prefer to be looser and more abstract with my drawing. i do however want to try do more realistic drawings. another part of the video that resonated with me was when des said that because of the digital age we live in now, practice and putting time into drawing has taken a back seat. when drawing i tend to be impatient as i want an end result straight away but from the drawing seminar i’ve learnt the importance of slowing down and putting in the effort to create something you’re proud of.
some notes i took down while watching
-drawing is a way of communicating and talking to others and articulating ourselves 
-drawing takes practice, repetition of things and learning 
-everyone can draw 
-the decisions you make with what type of materials you chose to draw with shouldn’t be random 
-less is often more
-drawing is a weapon, a conveyer of the truth 
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maxxmesii · 4 days
Master Fur Coat Modification: Fitting Your Extravagance to Perfection
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Our B X Tailor and Alterations, we know that a hide coat ought to be more than fair a coat and that it gives an opportunity for the individual putting on to feel for himself a parcel of his expressions and styles. Be that as it may, you have to be beyond any doubt as with any piece of clothing that it isn't as well free or tight and that it is not troublesome to wear. The perfect fit is the one that a individual can utilize to see and feel like sovereignty whether they are inside or outside. For this reason, we are rendering specialized hide coat change administrations, hence making beyond any doubt that we make your coat as if it were manufactured for you.
Why Select Our Hide Coat Change Services? B X Tailor and Alterations Professional Tailor near me knows that hide coats are interesting in both their development and fabric. A hide coat can be modified by our master group whereas keeping its primary characteristics and measurements. Whether you require the sleeves abbreviated, the shoulders balanced, or the fit custom fitted, we are here to give the master care your coat deserves. Comprehensive Hide Coat Repair and Alteration B X Tailor and Alterations administrations are not restricted to minor changes. We moreover give FEATHER JACKET ALTERATION WATFORD administrations, which bargain with any issues that might happen due to wear and tear. Beginning from re-lining to supplanting buttons with unused ones and patching of creases, we guarantee that your coat not as it were fits you superbly but too that it is in the best condition. The exactness and speed we illustrate when we handle your coat make it conceivable to have all the ranges of your coat assessed and treated with aptitude and experience. Bringing Fitting Closer to Home B X Tailor and Alterations ensures comfort in benefit conveyance and confirmation of get to our clients. To any individual looking or looking for Feather jacket alteration near me, we can guarantee you of nearby skill that you can believe. Our nearness to you implies you will not have to travel exceptionally distant to get that high-quality care for your hide pieces of clothing. We guarantee benefit conveyance inside the community with the best change and repair administrations available. Summing up!! Our Fur Jacket Dry cleaning near me benefit makes a difference you get the extreme fit and see for your costly outerwear. With our master fitting, we make beyond any doubt that your hide coat not as it were feels comfortable but too is perfectly fitted agreeing to your correct determinations. Which bargain with any issues that might happen due to wear and tear. Beginning from re-lining to supplanting buttons with unused ones and patching creases, we guarantee that your coat not as it were fits you impeccably but moreover that it is in the best condition. The exactness and speed we illustrate when we handle your coat make it conceivable to have all the regions of your coat assessed and treated with ability and encounter. Take off your hide coat in our hands, and you will see the contrast with our proficient benefit. B X Tailor and Alterations is here to offer high-class benefit that points to increase the magnificence and fit of your hide articles of clothing.
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ayubalwellness12 · 5 days
Natural Ayurvedic Manufacturer: Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Modern Wellness
Ayurveda, an old mending framework beginning from India, endured the trial of energy for more than 5,000 years. At its center, Ayurveda stresses balance between the brain, body, and soul. It uses the force of nature through spices, roots, and other regular substances to mend the body and keep up with wellbeing.
In this day and age, where regular and all encompassing ways to deal with wellbeing are getting momentum, the job of a Characteristic Ayurveda maker becomes basic. These producers guarantee that deep rooted Ayurvedic rehearses are brought into the advanced period while holding their virtue and viability.
This resurgence of Ayurveda is in excess of a pattern. It is a re-visitation of nature and a shift away from manufactured medications and substance loaded items. As additional individuals perceive the advantages of plant-based, normal medicines, the interest for great Ayurvedic items keeps on developing.
Be that as it may, the inquiry emerges: how do buyers guarantee they are buying credible and viable Ayurvedic cures? Thus lies the significance of solid Ayurvedic products manufacturers in Jaipur and the commitment of brands like Ayubal Wellness .
The Cutting edge Job of a Characteristic Ayurvedic manufacturer
A Characteristic Ayurvedic products manufacturer assumes an essential part in the creation, plan, and conveyance of Ayurvedic products . These producers work to outfit the strong mending force of normal fixings while sticking to the customary strategies recommended in Ayurvedic texts. Their items range from home grown enhancements to skincare, body care, and, surprisingly, dietary arrangements, all created to reestablish harmony in the body.
Be that as it may, to fulfill the developing need for Ayurveda while keeping up with the realness and viability of items, producers should find some kind of harmony among custom and advancement. For instance, while conventional strategies for collecting and handling are as yet fundamental to keeping up with the trustworthiness of Ayurvedic items, current methods assist with guaranteeing wellbeing, quality, and consistency.
Key Parts of a Characteristic Ayurveda Producer
Nature of Fixings
The adequacy of any Ayurvedic product lies in the nature of its fixings. For a Characteristic Ayurvedic manufacturer, the obtaining of these fixings is quite possibly the most basic step. Spices, roots, and regular minerals should be obtained from perfect, uncontaminated conditions. In Ayurveda, the power of a spice can change contingent upon the season it is reaped, its geographic area, and the consideration taken in development.
Customary Plan Techniques
One of the central qualities of a Characteristic Ayurveda maker is the strategy used to plan their items. While present day innovation assumes a significant part in guaranteeing item security and life span, Ayurvedic assembling ought to constantly stick to customary practices. Old Ayurvedic texts give exact techniques to handling and joining spices to guarantee they work synergistically and actually.
Numerous true Ayurvedic cures demand tedious cycles, like sluggish drying or aging, to extricate the full power of the plants. These conventional strategies have been gone down through ages, and keeping up with them is fundamental for any maker focused on creating great Ayurvedic items.
Logical Approval
In spite of the fact that Ayurveda has endured over the extreme long haul, current customers frequently look for logical approval for the items they use. Respectable Ayurvedic products manufacturers in Jaipur incorporate conventional information with present day science to guarantee their items are both protected and powerful.
Through exhaustive testing and endorsement, creators can certify the strength of their things. This incorporates both in-house testing as well as untouchable lab certifications to ensure the idea of trimmings and the finished thing. Ayubal Wellness, for example, places assets into quality control assesses that line up with overall standards, ensuring that every thing they release is unsurprising, safe, and strong
Supportability and Moral Practices
A Characteristic Ayurveda manufacturer not just spotlights on the immaculateness and viability of the items yet in addition on the more extensive effect of their creation processes. Manageability is a vital part of Ayurvedic reasoning, which underlines living as one with nature. This ethos converts into capable obtaining works on, lessening the natural impression, and guaranteeing fair treatment for all engaged with the production network.
As worldwide purchasers become more eco-cognizant, makers are supposed to maintain moral guidelines in each part of their business. This incorporates feasible cultivating, decreasing waste, and utilizing eco-accommodating bundling. Driving brands like Ayubal Health guarantee that their practices line up with the standards of both Ayurveda and natural obligation.
The Developing Interest for Ayurvedic Items
As of late, Ayurvedic products have seen a flood in fame across the globe. From natural enhancements that help absorption and insusceptibility to skincare items intended to feed and revive, Ayurveda offers all encompassing arrangements that address the underlying driver of medical problems instead of simply treating side effects. This has made Ayurvedic cures alluring to many individuals looking for regular options in contrast to traditional medication.
The job of Ayurvedic products manufacturer in this developing business sector couldn't possibly be more significant. As the interest for normal cures keeps on rising, makers should stay aware of the necessities of present day buyers while remaining consistent with the basic standards of Ayurveda.
Picking the Right Ayurvedic products
For shoppers looking for Ayurvedic arrangements, it is critical to pick the right items. Not all items named as "Ayurvedic" or "normal" stick to the conventional standards of Ayurveda. A few makers cut corners, utilizing disappointing fixings or excluding key stages in the creation cycle, which can influence the viability of the end result.
While choosing Ayurvedic items, it's crucial to search for producers with a demonstrated history, such as Ayubal Wellness , who are committed to legitimacy, manageability, and quality. Purchasers ought to focus on items that are straightforward about their obtaining, fixings, and creation strategies. Also, accreditations from trustworthy associations can offer an additional layer of affirmation that the items satisfy high guidelines.
The Eventual fate of Regular Ayurveda Assembling
As the world keeps on embracing regular health rehearsals, the eventual fate of Ayurveda looks encouraging. A Characteristic Ayurveda producer assumes an undeniably essential part in overcoming any barrier between old mending shrewdness and present day purchaser needs. By proceeding to improve while keeping up with the center standards of Ayurveda, producers will assist with guaranteeing that this respected framework stays pertinent for a long time into the future.
The test for Ayurvedic items producers pushing ahead is to keep up with the fragile harmony among custom and development. As buyer requests develop, producers should keep putting resources into exploration, supportability, and training to stay serious while maintaining the respectability of Ayurvedic rehearsals.
All in all, the ascent of Ayurveda and the job of normal makers like Ayubal wellness denotes a huge shift toward all encompassing, nature-based wellbeing arrangements. The eventual fate of wellbeing lies in regarding and using the force of nature, and Ayurveda, through believed makers, will keep on being a directing power in this change.
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biscuits-of-bagend · 20 days
DnDoc, The Mushroom Planet #2 - Rookie Riders
Part 1
Previous stories: DnDoc, Coming Home DnDoc, Space Band DnDoc,A Man's a Man DnDoc, The God of Rock 'n' Roll DnDoc, The Loch o' the Lowes
"And that's you got your Rosalina kart all set up, my friend," said a man in a Shy Guy mask. He was talking super fast but somehow combining that with Shy Guy's guttural rattle. "Drybones guy next!"
   Rogue stepped forward to be measured for his kart whilst Shy Guy flitted around him with a tape measure. The Doctor was leaning back in his kart and luxuriating in the long turquoise dress he'd been given as his Rosalina costume. Ruby hadn't realised there were going to be costumes involved and wondered if Rogue was regretting his Drybones choice. The karts had been coming out on a conveyer belt, with the Doctor's currently sitting right beside Shy Guy's workstation. As Rogue's emerged from behind  a curtain, the Doctor's shunted along a metre or so, taking him closer to a huge hole in the wall that led onto the track.
   "There ya go, Drybones," said Shy Guy, handing Rogue a huge mask with a pretend skeletal protrusion at the front. Ruby wasn't sure that was going to be conducive to racing.
    But as Rogue put on his new Drybones hat, he said, "Wow, the eyeholes are just right."
   Shy Guy made a happy gurgling sound. "I didn't do all that measuring for nothin', ya know!"
   This was the least shy Shy Guy Ruby had ever met.
   Rogue stepped forward into his Drybones kart and smiled in open-mouthed surprise as he found he was able to stretch his legs all the way out. The Doctor twisted around to get a good look at the Drybones mask and pursed his lips to keep from laughing.
   When he noticed this, Rogue folded his arms and mumbled, "Just cos you look beautiful."
   "So how'd you all get here today?" said Shy Guy as he started Ruby's measurements.
   "We came in my ship," said the Doctor. "And his."
   "Well, mine's collecting dust a bit, in all honesty," said Rogue. His voice was startlingly clear through the mask. "We bring them both everywhere but his is so huge and it has everything we could ever need."
   "Oh! Is it the little blue box and the big bird like number that came in today?" said Shy Guy.
   "That's them," said Ruby.
   "Oh, I’d love to take a look at those," said Shy Guy.
   "Hey!" the Doctor snapped. "The TARDIS is not for sale. Not. For sale. Okay?"
   "I was only thinking that I could send Lakitu with his camera out into the field to take a little look…"
   "Stop it," said the Doctor, but the corners of his mouth were starting to curl into a smile. None of them could see Shy Guy's face, but he was scratching his chin in such an exaggerated fashion that he was clearly just pushing the Doctor's buttons.
   "Alrighty, well, here's your dress, Daisy! You'll notice it has clips on the outside to attach to the inside of the kart, keeping it secure as you swoop from treetop to ice mountain." Ruby stepped behind a curtain for a moment to change into her dress, cramming her own clothes into a Koopa shell shaped backpack. When she re-emerged, Shy Guy gestured to his right and said, "And here is your kart."
   The conveyer belt juddered again and Ruby stepped forward and hopped into Daisy's yellow kart. Then before she could thank Shy Guy the conveyer belt took them all through the hole onto the tightly packed dirt of the track. Ruby was glad they were starting with Mushroom Gorge and not something terrifying and difficult, though she supposed she'd see if she was still saying that when she was looking into the abyss of the gorge itself.
   Ruby was also glad to find a 1 button, a 2 button, an A button and a shoulder button on the control panel before her. She did see that the person next to her, who was wearing an enormous Birdo hat, had A, B, X, Y and arrow buttons, suggesting they used the DS version more when playing at home. Surely it was unfair if Ruby was the only one using motion controls. But she didn't have long to question this because before she knew it there was a holographic countdown above their heads and a horn buzzing at them.
   Taking a deep breath, Ruby followed the pattern for getting a boost start. Press 2 on 3, press 2 on 2, hold 2 on 1, then keep holding. Ruby executed it perfectly, as did Rogue and the Doctor. They sped away amidst clouds of exhaust fumes from people who hadn't quite got it right. Suddenly they were in a pack of five who stretched out the lead in front, swooping and grinding around the turns. Ruby winced as she drove straight into her first power-up box, a part of her convinced she would crash, but instead there was a shower of light around her and a ding-ding-ding. She had a red shell.
   She was right behind Rogue. Oh, this was too good. But annoyingly just at that moment Rogue overtook another driver and Ruby ended up shooting it at that kart instead - a nimble Yoshi's egg. She  shot past the startled Yoshi driver to catch Rogue and the Doctor.
   Towards the end of the first lap, they came upon the Gorge in question. Ruby was just behind the Doctor, with Rogue a tiny bit further back (there had been a triple-banana incident.) She followed the Doctor up onto the bouncing mushrooms that acted as stepping stones to the other side of the deep black pit. But she was too close to him, and so the timing of the bounces was just off for her. She didn't have enough speed to get to the third, and tumbled into the depths.
   But then she was caught. She was staring into the dark, tipped forward vertically, but Lakitu in his floating cloud had his fishing rod hooked onto her kart and was lifting it back up to the first mushroom. She looked up at him, but quickly looked away again. It was way too scary to meet the eye of the tiny little turtle creature keeping her from falling down the endless chasm. Finally, Lakitu deposited her back on the mushroom, and she sped forward immediately to keep herself from freaking out. She managed to get her own rhythm going this time, and bounced across to the other side of the gorge.
   Rogue and the Doctor were both ahead of her now, though the three of them were in first, second and third as they raced towards the line for the end of their first lap. Ruby heard a cry that she assumed was the Doctor gloating about getting there first, but then she saw both him and Rogue completely spin out and before she knew it she was on them and clattering into them too.
   "Somebody shot bananas backwards from the first item box!" the Doctor shouted. "Littered the finish line. Oh that is so scummy and brilliant!"
   "Thanks," groaned Rogue.
   The Doctor twisted around to face him. "It was you?"
   "It was in case we weren't at the front at the end of the first lap," said Rogue.
   "Oh, ye of little faith," grumbled the Doctor, starting work on a twenty-three point turn to disentangle himself from Rogue and Ruby.
   Rogue and Ruby did the same, but it was not easy with just a couple of buttons and tilt controls. Most of the rest of the field flew past, some suppressing giggles, some openly laughing at them. By the time they were back on the road, they were toast. And like Lightning McQueen, Ruby kissed goodbye to her dream of winning the cup in her rookie season.
Part 3
@off-traveling-in-the-stars @casavanse @monster-donut @randomwholocker (let me know at any point if you no longer wish to be tagged in each post)
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rightserve · 22 days
Importance of Effective Project Management with BIM
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Building Information Modeling, or BIM, has altered the AEC business. With 3D models and a brought together data set, BIM project the board encourages consistent cooperation and information sharing. It improves project timings, spending plans, and quality guidelines.
BIM project the board uses 3D modeling for effective preparation, coordination, and conveyance. Groups work together consistently in a brought together climate, staying away from obsolete drawings and going with information driven choices continuously
BIM project the board empowers ongoing coordination, conflict recognition, and critical thinking. This forestalls expensive slip-ups and keeps the undertaking on target.
Why BIM for Project Managers?
BIM project the executives brings exactness, speed, and straightforwardness to project the board. Here are a portion of the top advantages:
Collaboration and Coordination
BIM the executives guarantees a solitary wellspring of truth, lessening miscommunication in development projects. With 3D plan representation, partners can undoubtedly distinguish and determine issues almost immediately, limiting slip-ups and delays.
Planning and Scheduling
BIM the executives further develops project arranging by reenacting development arrangements and timetables. Associated information guarantees programmed refreshes, furnishing groups with an exact image of timetable effects.
Cost Estimation
BIM project the executives smoothes out quotes by evaluating materials from 3D models, limiting mistakes and financial plan invades.
Progress monitoring
BIM reforms development checking, coordinating continuous following of timetable and 3D model information for streamlined tasks.
BIM Management Implementation Guide
An organized BIM the executives program is significant for progress, with clear objectives and achievements attached to business targets. Here is a compact outline:
● Prep Stage: Put forth objectives, break down work processes, address innovation holes, and plan preparing.
● Pilot Stage: Test work processes with a little undertaking, it are proficient to guarantee processes.
● Execution Stage:
          ● Command BIM for new undertakings
          ● Change existing undertakings
          ● Empower resource the board
● Advancement Stage: Extend BIM across units, further develop development, and track return for capital invested.
BIM skills development: Now & in the Future
Changing to BIM requires reskilling for developing jobs. Project administrators should become BIM directors, zeroing in on innovation, process re-designing, partner commitment, information examination, and change the board. Upskilling current ability is vital, with new alumni likewise adding to reception. Numerous colleges offer pertinent AEC courses lining up with industry requests.
In synopsis, compelling undertaking the board with BIM is fundamental in present day development. Its cooperative, visual, and information driven highlights smooth out processes, moderate dangers, upgrade assets, and guarantee convenient, spending plan cordial task conveyance. Embracing BIM is about another task the board worldview encouraging proficiency, development, and progress in development.
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cutepuppiespizza · 2 months
Whether you’re returning home or visiting, you’ll follow the same 3 steps to enter Canada:
Step 1. Pre-arrival: Use Advance Declaration or complete a Declaration Card
If you’re arriving by air at one of Canada’s participating international airports, you can save time at the border. Submit your customs and immigration declaration online using Advance Declaration up to 72 hours before you arrive in Canada.
If you choose not to submit your declaration in advance, you can complete it at an airport kiosk or eGate. If you’re landing at an airport without kiosks or eGates, you’ll receive a Declaration Card on board the aircraft or other conveyance. Read the instructions and complete the card before you arrive. Have it ready to present to Canadian officials at the airport, along with your identification and other travel documents. If you're travelling with children, please have their documentation ready as well.
If using a Declaration Card, detach and discard the instructions. To help us serve you faster, do not fold the card.
Everyone arriving in Canada must complete a declaration. You can list up to 4 people living at the same residence on one card, or 8 people per Advance Declaration submission.
The Declaration Card or Advance Declaration submission tells us what we need to know about you, your travels and what you’re bringing into the country.
Connecting to another flight
If you’re connecting to another flight or travelling on to another destination and re-boarding the same plane, follow the signs. At some airports, you may have to check your baggage and have it screened again.
If you travel frequently our trusted traveller programs can help
If you're a member of a trusted traveller program, you can skip Step 2 and go directly to the automated kiosks or eGates for faster processing.
Step 2. Arrival: First CBSA checkpoint
When you arrive at the terminal, follow the signs to the first Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) checkpoint, also called “primary inspection.”
If you used Advance Declaration, go to a kiosk or eGate to retrieve your confirmed declaration receipt. Up to 5 people may use a kiosk as a group upon arrival.
Next, a border services officer will examine your:
Declaration Card or Advance Declaration kiosk receipt
your identification
other travel documents
The officer may ask you a series of questions to determine:
your immigration status
the type of any goods you're bringing with you
your duty-free allowance
your personal exemption entitlements
Goods not properly declared that are restricted or prohibited in Canada can, under the law, be seized.
Newcomer or coming to Canada to study or work
If you’re a newcomer to Canada, coming to study or work in Canada, you may need to present further documentation. The officer will help guide you through this process. You may ask the officer for help if you don’t speak English or French well.
Step 3. Baggage and second CBSA checkpoint
Go to the baggage claim area. If you must pay duty and taxes, you can pay at most major airports while waiting for your luggage.
Once you’ve picked up your luggage:
go to the next CBSA checkpoint
show the officer your:
Declaration Card, Advance Declaration kiosk or eGate receipt
receipt, if you paid duty and taxes for your goods
The officer may direct you to a secondary inspection area.
Here, officers may ask you:
for detailed information about your travels
to present your luggage and goods for examination
This is a normal part of the travelling process. Your cooperation is appreciated and helps us ensure the safety of Canada, its economy and its residents.
By land
If you’re arriving by land, follow the signs to the first checkpoint, also called “primary inspection.” Here, a border services officer will examine your identification and other travel documents and take your verbal declaration.
Visit U.S. to Canada border wait times for estimated wait times at certain locations.
By private boat
If you’re arriving by private boat, go directly to a designated marine telephone reporting site and call the CBSA Telephone Reporting Centre (TRC) at 1-888-226-7277 to obtain clearance.
Private boaters that meet certain conditions may report to the CBSA by calling the TRC using cell phone from their location in Canadian waters.
Learn more about reporting requirements for private boaters.
Required identification
Make sure you carry proper identification for yourself and any children travelling with you to help confirm your legal right to enter Canada. Canada has introduced a new entry requirement, known as an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA), for certain international travellers who fly to Canada.
Read about the changes and how they may affect you.
The Government of Canada recommends that Canadian citizens travel with a valid Canadian passport because it’s the only reliable and universally accepted travel and identification document available to Canadians for the purpose of international travel.
International transportation companies such as airlines may require travellers to present a passport before boarding. Canadian citizens may face delays or may not be allowed to board the plane or other conveyance if they present other documents such as a:
Enhanced Driver's License (EDL)/Enhanced Identification Card (EIC)
NEXUS card (used where the program is available)
Free and Secure Trade (FAST) card used in FAST lanes
Canadian citizenship card
Certificate of Indian Status
Birth certificate in combination with either a driver's licence or a government-issued photo identification
Permanent residents
Permanent residents (immigrants living in Canada who are not yet Canadian citizens) need a valid permanent resident card to return to Canada. Check the expiry date on your card.
Note that a Certificate of Canadian Citizenship is not a travel document.
See Canadian Citizenship for further details.
Travelling with children
Parents who share custody of their children should bring copies of the legal custody documents to the border when travelling with their children.
A consent letter should be used for all cross-border travel when a child is travelling:
with only 1 parent or guardian
in the care of friends or relatives
with a group, such as a sports, school, musical or religious group
Example of a consent letter to permit travel by a child with a single custodian or parent.
When travelling with a group of vehicles, parents or guardians should arrive at the border in the same vehicle as the children.
Adults who aren’t parents or guardians should have written permission from the parents or guardians to supervise the children. The consent letter should include addresses and telephone numbers where the parents or guardian can be reached.
Border officers watch for missing children, and may ask detailed questions about the children who are travelling with you.
You and the border services officer
You may occasionally find yourself going through a more detailed inspection. In some cases, this simply means that you may have to complete a form. In other cases, the border services officer will need to identify the goods you’re bringing into the country or examine your luggage.
Border services officers are legally entitled to examine your luggage as part of their responsibility to protect Canada's safety, economy and environment. You are responsible for opening, unpacking and repacking your luggage.
By making your goods easily accessible for inspection and having your receipts handy, you will be helping the CBSA to help you. It’s a good idea to keep all your receipts for accommodation and purchases, and for any repairs done to, or parts bought for, your vehicle. The border services officer may ask to see them as evidence of the length of your stay and of the value of the goods or repairs.
If you disagree with the amount of duty and taxes that you have to pay, please ask to speak with the CBSA superintendent on duty. A consultation can often resolve the issue quickly and without cost. If you’re still not satisfied, our officers can tell you how to make a formal appeal.
Border services officers may arrest an individual for an offence under the Criminal Code (for example, impaired driving, outstanding arrest warrants, stolen property, abductions/kidnappings) and for infractions under other acts of Parliament (for example, the Customs Act, the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act).
If you’re arrested, you may be compelled to attend court in Canada. You should note that anyone arrested in Canada is protected by and will be treated in accordance with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
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masterofd1saster · 2 months
CJ court watch - Michigan Supreme Court gets it right
Court ruled 6-1 in favor of a woman whose car was seized by Detroit for transporting drugs. The case is In re Forfeiture of 2006 Saturn Ion, No. 164360 (Jul. 22, 2024). https://www.courts.michigan.gov/4a14c5/siteassets/case-documents/uploads/opinions/final/sct/164360_79_01.pdf
On June 24, 2019, claimant Stephanie Wilson was driving in the defendant vehicle with Malcolm Smith in the passenger seat when she was pulled over by Sergeant Chivas Rivers of the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office. Sergeant Rivers testified at his deposition that he had been surveilling a house on Lumley Street in Detroit for narcotics activity when he saw claimant and Smith drive up and park in front of that house. An unidentified man approached the passenger side of the defendant vehicle and reached his arm in through the window for what Sergeant Rivers believed to be a hand-to-hand drug transaction. After claimant drove away, Sergeant Rivers followed the defendant vehicle a short distance before effectuating a traffic stop on the basis of a failure to signal a turn. Sergeant Rivers testified that, when he pulled claimant over, she stated that she had driven Smith to the Lumley Street address to purchase drugs. Claimant has denied saying this. After speaking to claimant and Smith, Sergeant Rivers searched the defendant vehicle and found five empty syringes under the passenger seat but no other evidence of drugs. Although Sergeant Rivers averred that Smith stated that he had already used the syringes to inject heroin, it appears that the syringes were never tested for drug residue. Sergeant Rivers seized the defendant vehicle. Nearly four months later, the state initiated forfeiture proceedings pursuant to MCL 333.7521.***
The forfeiture in the instant case was executed under MCL 333.7521(1)(d), which appears within Michigan’s controlled substances act. The forfeiture provision provides, in relevant part: (1) The following property is subject to forfeiture: (d) Except as provided in subparagraphs (i) to (iv), a conveyance, including an aircraft, vehicle, or vessel used or intended for use, to transport, or in any manner to facilitate the transportation, for the purpose of sale or receipt of property described in subdivision (a) or (b)[.] [Id.]***
The court correctly noted that driving your loser boyfriend to buy heroin is not the same as transporting heroin.
The only thing missing from the opinion is the advice that you shouldn't date junkies.
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infiniteglobalblog · 3 months
Why UAE Steel Exporters are a Preferred Choice for Global Buyers
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The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has swiftly emerged as a main exporter of steel, taking pictures of the eyes and needs of worldwide customers. The strategic benefits offered by UAE steel exporters are multifaceted, starting from high-quality products and competitive pricing to logistical benefits and robust governmental aid. This article explores the important motives why UAE steel exporters are increasing in number and becoming the preferred choice for buyers around the world.
High-Quality Steel Products
UAE steel manufacturers are renowned for generating exquisite metallics that meet worldwide requirements. Advanced technology and stringent, excellent management measures make certain that the metal produced is long-lasting, dependable, and appropriate for a wide variety of applications. The commitment to first-class quality is obvious in the certification and adherence to standards including ISO, ASTM, and BS, which enhance the credibility and appeal of UAE steel in the global market.
2. Competitive Pricing
One of the big benefits of sourcing metal from the UAE is the competitive pricing. The UAE benefits from notably low manufacturing prices because of its access to raw substances, electricity assets, and efficient production methods. These price advantages are handed directly to buyers, making UAE metal a valuable and powerful choice without compromising on excellence. Furthermore, the absence of import responsibilities for raw materials in unfastened zones reduces standard production prices, making the very last product more low-priced.
3. Strategic Geographical Location
The UAE's vital location at the intersection of Europe, Asia, and Africa offers an advantage for worldwide customers. The nearness to key markets diminishes transport and costs, encouraging the well-timed and productive conveyance of steel stock. Additionally, the UAE boasts global-class port facilities and infrastructure, consisting of Jebel Ali Port, which is one of the busiest and most green ports globally. These logistical advantages make the UAE a perfect hub for metallic exports.
4. Strong government support
The UAE government actively supports the metal enterprise through favorable policies and incentives. Initiatives consisting of the UAE Vision 2021 and the National Industrial Strategy intention to diversify the economy and promote business increase, along with the metallic zone. Governmental support extends to offering cutting-edge infrastructure, streamlined rules, and funding incentives, developing a conducive environment for metal producers and exporters to thrive.
5. Sustainability and innovation
Many steel producers in the UAE are investing in green production approaches and technology to reduce their environmental footprint. Innovations in metallic production, together with the usage of electric-powered arc furnaces and recycling scrap metallic, make contributions to sustainable practices. This commitment to sustainability complements the recognition of UAE steel exporters and attracts environmentally aware consumers.
6. Diverse Range of Steel Products
The UAE offers a varied range of metal products to meet the varied needs of global buyers. From the creation of metallic and rebar to specialized metallic for automobile and commercial programs, UAE steel producers cater to a large spectrum of industries. The ability to provide custom-designed answers and an extensive product portfolio guarantees that customers can discover the precise type of metallic they require, similarly solidifying the UAE’s function as a favored supplier.
7. Robust supply chain and reliability
UAE metallic exporters have evolved robust delivery chains that ensure reliability and consistency in product transport. Strong relationships with suppliers, green logistics networks, and superior stock control systems allow UAE metallic manufacturers to satisfy the demands of worldwide shoppers successfully. The reliability of supply and the capacity to fulfill tight cut-off dates are vital factors that enhance the trust and needs of buyers towards UAE metallic exporters.
The UAE's ascent as a preferred choice for steel exports is the end result of a mixture of remarkable products, competitive pricing, a strategic area, a sturdy governmental guide, and a focal point on sustainability and innovation. The diverse variety of products and strong delivery chain further add to the attraction of UAE metal in the international market. As worldwide customers keep searching for reliable and cost-effective metal answers, steel suppliers in the UAE are properly positioned to meet these needs and preserve their popularity as a leading participant within the global steel industry.
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hostageofeurope · 3 months
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📃 Owing to spatial constraints on the complaint form provided after an hour’s insistence, coupled with subsequent assault and police intimidation, detailing all requisite information was impractical. Further elaboration was emailed the next day to the designated address to ensure comprehensive conveyance. Despite multiple follow-ups, no response was received, necessitating a re-visit to the organization on April 05th, 2024.
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