#re: brooke lucas.
sburbanlegends · 9 months
♡ - open to mutuals.
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. . . " Alright, you've caught me. --- But I'm not giving up the last piece of pumpkin pie. "
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ladykailitha · 6 months
Batshit Soulmates Part 5
We have finally gotten to the lake. Things start to ramp up from here.
In Medias Res| Prologue|Pt 1| Pt 2|Pt 3|Pt 4|
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Eddie was having a hell of a time. Not because Steve was being rude. Because he wasn’t. Nope, the problem was that he wasn’t being rude. He was being sweet and patient. And yeah if Dustin was to be believed, it was because Steve had a big heart and not because Eddie was his soulmate.
But Eddie’s inner cynic kept telling him to poke the bear. To keep pushing Steve until his facade snapped and revealed his inner bitch.
He resisted. This was not the time for that. If they had met under any other circumstances then the world literally trying to end itself...maybe. But the world was trying to end itself and if being Steve Harrington’s soulmate meant he came out this alive, then fuck it. He was going to keep his mouth shut.
“Dustin!” Steve hissed. “Stop getting so far ahead!”
They had been wandering the fucking woods looking for the source of the compass malfunctioning for what felt like hours.
And considering that they had pulled out their flashlights pretty much confirmed that as far as Eddie was concerned.
Dustin just continued to plow on ahead. Not listening to a single thing Steve said.
But Eddie knew this place better than the kid did and he started calling out to him. “Dustin! Dustin! Dustin!”
“It’s right around–”
Eddie, who had been trying to catch up with him, managed to reach out and pull the little butthead back from what would have been a very messy and wet disaster.
Dustin would have walked right into the lake and not a gentle sloping of the shore either. It was a sheer drop off.
“Jesus!” Dustin hissed.
Steve reached them concern on his face until he saw that Eddie had him. God did Steve recognize that pose. He had done the same thing two years ago when the demodogs had rushed Dustin and him in the tunnels.
Warm relief flooded his being as mouthed ‘thank you’ to Eddie.
Eddie blushed. The butterflies that had been cocooned in his stomach since finding out Steve Harrington was his soulmate suddenly burst forth, leaving a little fluttering to warm his chest all the way through.
“It’s at the bottom of the lake?” Lucas asked, frowning.
Max came up behind him and looked across the water. “That doesn’t make any sense.”
“But it’s got to be,” Dustin whined, looking down at his compass with a sneer. “There’s no other place it could be.”
“Look!” Robin cried. “The boat!” She pointed a little ways to the south.
It had somehow made it shore even with Eddie accidentally abandoning it in his fright.
They made their way over to it and found that even in his panic, Eddie hadn’t lost any of the oars for damn thing so they could at least row back to the middle of the lake.
“I’m coming,” Dustin said firmly.
“Like hell you are,” Steve huffed. “I don’t want any of you kids near that thing if it is a gate. You’re staying here and that’s final.”
“I’m coming with,” Robin said shooting her hand in the air.
Steve looked at Eddie, who nodded. Yeah, he was going to go with them.
“Look, Henderson,” Eddie said, “there’s only room on the boat for thr–” but just then Nancy stepped up and made it clear with her body language that she too was coming with and to brook no argument.
The look of gratitude on Steve’s face when Eddie had backed him up on keeping the kids on the shore set off the god damned butterflies again.
It was becoming a problem.
Steve knelt down and pushed it a little away from the shore so that it would be easier to push off. He held on to the head of the boat and motioned for them to get on.
He offered a hand to Robin and she ignored it in favor of using Eddie and his heads as supports. He offered his hand to him and Eddie steadfastly ignored it. Not because he didn’t want to take Steve’s hand but because he really, really did. He was afraid that if he took Steve’s hand there would be no letting go.
And yeah, maybe it was a bit of dick move to stick out his hand to give Nancy another option other than Steve to help her into the boat, especially since when he looked over at Steve he looked crestfallen.
Then he watched as Steve pushed the boat off with all of them in it and deftly hopped in. That did absolutely fucking nothing to calm the butterflies in his chest.
They reached the spot in the middle of the lake where Patrick had died and there was an eerie glow to the water. And immediately Steve started taking off his shoes.
“Whoa!” Robin said. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Steve looked up at her like he didn’t understand the question. “Someone has to go down there and check to see if a gate has opened right?”
“I’ll do it,” Nancy said. “I’m a strong swimmer.”
Steve scoffed. “I don’t doubt that, but unless any of you can beat co-captain of the swim team and lifeguard three years running, I’m going.”
There really wasn’t answer to that so they watched as Steve removed his socks and shoes. Well, Robin and Nancy did, but Eddie occupied himself with wrapping a plastic bag around the flashlight so it wouldn’t short the second Steve hit the water.
Steve threw his sweater at him and Eddie was faced with a shirtless soulmate and it was a god damned miracle he didn’t nut himself right then and there.
He pulled out a cigarette and immediately Robin tossed it overboard. He glared at her but she just stuck her tongue at him. He rolled his eyes and handed the now wrapped flashlight to Steve.
Steve smiled softly. “Thanks.”
They waited in stony silence as Steve dove beneath their feet. The silence stretched on the longer Steve was gone. No one wanted to say it out loud. What if it was a gate?
What if there being more than an evil wizard the Upside Down was finding ways to open its own gates? Then no amount of government oversight was going to stop the Upside Down from taking over their world.
Steve came back up. “Yeah, there’s a gate down there all right. A big one.”
But before he could even move to get back on the boat, he was yanked back under with a surprise yelp.
“Steve!” Nancy screamed and immediately dived after him.
Eddie’s eyes went wide as Robin sidled up to the side of the boat. “You’re going too?”
And over she went.
Eddie began cursing and hitting at the air. He knew he was going to capsize the boat if he wasn’t careful. Or...
And he followed the two girls into the water.
Steve had known that touching the gate would only bring him pain and disappointment, but his lizard brain went ‘ooh glowy thingy!’ and reached out and touched it anyway.
And now he was fighting for his life in the Upside Down against large winged creatures that he was sure Dustin was going to name demo-something. Demo-bird? No, that sounded lame. Demo-eagle? That sounded just as bad.
Oh wait. He was supposed to be fighting for his life here. Not trying to name the creature trying to eat him. Like literally eat him.
Thank god for Nancy and Robin to be honest. Coming in like avenging furies and kicking the shit out the winged beasts.
Eddie coming in clutch was nice too. Watching him shatter that oar on that beastie was a little hot.
It sent off something primal in Steve that he tapped into. He sunk his teeth into the tail of the beastie that had been dragging him across this hellish landscape, snarling. The creature let go and tried to get away, but Steve wasn’t done.
Not by a long shot.
He kept a hold of the tail and began bashing the thing into the ground with a fury he didn’t understand. He stomped on the creature and ripped literally in two.
He tossed the chunk away and then spat out the black ichor, panting for breath.
He looked up to see his friends staring at him as if he had gone insane. And you know what? Fair. He felt insane.
But fighting for one’s life did that to a person.
They all gathered behind him to look at the mass of winged creatures that stood between them and the gate that would lead them back home.
Eddie pushed his hair back and let out a small whimper of distress. Steve understood the feeling.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” Eddie yelled as he threw a temper tantrum right there in the middle of the hell landscape. Because yeah, Mordor was a fucking good analogy.
Everything around them was dark and twisted versions of the ones he had grown up knowing.
Nancy looked behind them. “The forest!”
They turned and ran for the cover of the trees, hoping that they weren’t running right into the flowered faces of the demogorgons.
At least Eddie didn’t know about those.
Once they were under the cover of the trees they stopped to dress Steve’s wounds.
Nancy cut off strips of her shirt to bind the two gaping holes in Steve’s stomach. She walked over to where Steve was leaning against a rock face with strips in her hands. Steve hissed in pain.
“Oh god,” Robin moaned. “What if he has rabies? Do bats in the Upside Down has rabies?”
“Robin!” Steve hissed. “If you don’t shut up I will hit you!”
“Oh good,” she said with a hiccup of relief. “He’s fine. His humor is still intact.”
Eddie and Nancy looked over at her like she was crazy. Eddie watched as Nancy edged closer to Steve to put the wrapping on his wounds. Steve shoved his hands into his hair to drive the pain elsewhere.
Then Nancy dropped to her knees and Eddie ran up to them. “Here, let me do it.”
Nancy reared back her head. “What? Why?”
“Do you know how to dress wounds that deep?” he asked, breathing heavily through his nose.
“Well, no,” she replied. “But it can’t be much different than patching up a scraped knee.”
Eddie looked at her with wide eyes. “Is that really the extent of your first aid knowledge?”
“Guys!” Steve snapped. “I’m kinda bleeding out here!”
Eddie snatched the makeshift bandages from Nancy. “Calling soulmate privileges.”
Nancy rolled her eyes but stepped back.
“Hey, Stevie,” Eddie murmured. “This has got to be tight and it’s gonna hurt, but you have to stay with me, okay?”
Steve nodded, tears forming at the corners of his eyes. “Just hurry.”
Eddie pursed his lips and began wrapping around Steve’s waist, steadfastly ignoring his soulmate’s gasps and moans of pain. This close to Steve and Eddie could almost feel the pain in his own sides. The burn on his back and upper arms.
“Almost done, sweetheart,” Eddie murmured. “We’re almost done. I promise.”
“It hurts, Eds.”
“I know.” He looked up into Steve’s eyes and repeated. “I know.”
Steve opened his eyes and looked down at Eddie. “Yeah. Okay, okay.”
Nancy frowned and leaned over to Robin. “What’s going on?”
“They’re truemates,” Robin whispered back.
Nancy’s eyes went wide and she mouthed “Oh.”
“All done, baby,” Eddie cooed. “Don’t try and talk. Just squeeze my hands when you’re ready to move on.” And he gently took Steve’s hands.
A couple minutes later, Steve squeezed his hands.
“Okay,” Eddie said with a shuddering breath. “He’s ready to move on. So let’s get moving.”
Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Epilogue
Tag List: @cryptid-system @counting-dollars-counting-stars @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog
@gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer
@maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato
@carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child
@bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1
@littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet
@ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @angels-of-hades @mugloversonly
@y4r3luv @greeniebean911 @birbsauce @acingthecounts
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consistentlyamess · 6 days
Wild Sweetness ⎮ Prologue
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pairing(s): luca x fem!oc MJ
summary: MJ has just settled in after opening back up a bakery in Chicago when some unexpected news
warnings: not much so far, takes place after season 3, 18+ , MDNI, swearing, eventual smut, second chance romance, pining, slowburn, flashbacks in italics, lmk if i missed anything!!
A/N: heeelloo!! this idea has been sloshing around in my head since i watched season 2 and started working on it while waiting for season 3. comments, likes, reblogs are appriciated as always or just come chat at me! And as always 💜💜💜 TY for reading!!!!💜💜💜
Fic Masterlist I Previous Chapter I Next Chapter
‘Well, well, well, look what rhubarb season dragged in!’ 
‘Morning, MJ’ Marcus greeted with a big, bright smile.
‘Please, say, you have some coffee for me!’ 
‘Not even a ‘good morning’, damn, you must really be tired.’ 
‘I’m sorry, I stayed up reading again and drank two glasses of wine, so now I’m tired and also a little hungover because somewhere between re-opening the shop and last night I also became an old lady.’ Marcus laughed and shook his head. 
‘You’re not an old lady, but you do need to get out more.’
‘Weird, I don’t remember asking that coffee with a side of unsolicited advice.’ 
‘Careful, chef, you might not get the coffee either if you keep being a smartass.’ Marcus quipped back with a cheeky smile but also handing her the takeaway cup.
‘Oh, you’re a godsend, my friend.’ She took a sip and sank deeper into her place behind the counter for a second. ‘So, what's the agenda today?’ 
‘You said it: it’s rhubarb season. And we’re changing the menu.’ 
‘Excellent! Let me grab my jacket and we can go! Lucy’s is already on the fresh croissants.’
‘Hi Lucy!’ Marcus bellowed so she can hear him in the back.
‘Morning Brooks!’
‘Still no first name, huh?’ 
‘Told ya’, you gotta earn it!’
‘Be nice Lucy, I’ll be back in the afternoon!’ 
‘Got it, chef!’  
Marcus and Marjolaine (just MJ for him and most) have been doing this routine for almost a year now. With a changing of seasons came the changes of the menus and so they went out looking for inspiration. And that looking always started at the fresh, seasonal ingredients. Rhubarb was one of MJ’s personal favourites and she couldn’t wait to indoctrinate the young pastry chef. Managing a bakery could become a nightmare sometimes but having someone like Marcus, a soothing, calming presence was something she couldn’t have imagined her life without at this point. The first time Marcus wandered into the shop, they were barely open. Chairs were missing and wires were hanging from the walls but MJ set up a little stand outside. First he thought it was a little weird, operating on half-capacity, if that, but while he was drinking his coffee he asked her and it turned out to be quite the trick. 
‘Look, we've been at this for months now, right? Renovating, drilling, sawing, equipment coming in, equipment breaking, equipment coming in again. We tore down a fucking wall for crying out loud!’ She threw her hands, for emphasis and Marcus started to suspect that maybe this flare for the dramatic was some kind of common theme with people who were brave - or crazy, jury’s still out - to open a restaurant. 
‘Tell me about it.’ He said, reminiscing about Fak and Richie screaming at eachother. 
‘Right, and they know nothing about who I am, what we’re gonna do here, we’re just annoying and inconvenient as fuck. So, I thought, let’s just show them! The kitchen is almost up and running, I can also do some of it at home, some french press, some fresh pastry, bamm, nice neighbourhood bakery girl!’
‘Allright, I see you, nice bakery girl! That’s actually pretty fire.’ 
‘Well, why thank you! And while we’re at it, can I ask, where this inquiry is coming from.’ 
‘Oh, shit yeah, sorry! Hi, I’m Marcus, I work at The Bear, just down the block and I’m the pastry chef there.’
‘Sussing out the competition. Clever. Hi, Marcus, I’m Marjolaine. Yes, it’s a french name, no you don’t have to say all of that every single time. Some people call me Margie, some call me Margot, anything goes. And this place here’ she said, gesturing behind her like a circus presenter ‘is going to be the Wild Sweetness, bakery and breakfast place.’ 
‘Wow, that’s a lot of info in one breath chef.’ 
‘You don’t have to call me chef.’
‘I have to call you something, till I figure out my name for you.’ 
‘I just gave you like 4 options.’ 
‘Yeah, I know, but I want something original, welcome you to the hood properly.’ 
‘Yo, boss!’ 
‘One sec Tony! Duty calls Marcus but thanks for the chat, I hope I’ll see you around!’ 
‘Bet! Come check out The Bear sometime!’ 
‘Will do!’ 
And from then on it became a habit. Even after the Wild Sweetness opened properly, Marcus almost always started his day there. It took him about 3 weeks to come up with MJ. ‘The hair and the whole vibe. There’s something very MJ-ish about you. Comic book MJ, not movie MJ.’ 
She took it as a compliment and got to be known around The Bear as just that, MJ from the bakery. 
‘Do you have any ideas yet?’ she asked as they were walking to the market. Well, the first market that is. There was a whole routine now to the whole operation. Start at the Sweetness, since MJ was renting the flat above the bakery, but Marcus insisting that no, you’re absolutely not firing the coffee machine just for this, i’ll grab it on my way, check Frank’s, two streets down, he usually had one or two rare fruits or a new guy bringing homemade jam, so it was always worth a try. Also Frank was a staple of these mornings, in and of himself. Without fail, without a hitch greeting with a gravelly and grouchy ‘You kids are goin’ to be the death of me I swear, who wakes up like this, ass crack of dawn on a Saturday, unbelievable! Now, come on in, I got somethin’ to show you.’ Rough cut man with a thick Chicago accent, who was a real fiend when it came to very niche, hearty jams. After Frank they usually headed for the markets, browsing for hours, trying some things then getting some lunch. 
‘I’m not sure yet. A compote feels too on the nose. Rhubarb and strawberry, while a classic for a reason also feels played out. Something about, like. a deconstructed rhubarb crumble keeps popping up in my head but nothing else.’
‘Ouh, I like the sound of that. Have you talked to Carm about it?’ 
‘Not really, he’s been in a mood lately.’ 
‘Lately? I feel like he’s always in a mood.’ 
‘Yeah, fair enough.’ 
‘What’s been going on? He’s still in over his head?’ 
‘Yeah, I don’t know, I feel like he’s just, I don’t know, like he’s just stuck. He thinks that pushing himself harder is always the answer, you know?’ 
‘Yeah, I know people like that.’ 
‘Yeah, and you just can see that he’s not getting enough sleep, not talking to his people, meanwhile Nat is home with the baby, and I get it, failing is not an option but he just doesn’t need to throw a fit over how tape is cut, you know?’ 
MJ snorted a laugh. ‘Yeah, I get you. And yeah, if being hard on yourself worked, it would”ve worked by now, right?’
‘Fuck, yeah, exactly.’  
This morning in particular has been a little slower, a little quieter than usual. Marcus talking about Syd in a hushed tone while they walked from stand to stand, one she recognized immediately. She wasn’t going to meddle. Not in this anyway, but she felt for the young chef. A crush that was going nowhere. There was something so brave and defiant about the whole thing though. Holding those feelings, stepping back and still trying, still keeping an eye out for when maybe his number gets called. But it was also noticeable how he got a little quieter, a little more soft-spoken since his mother passed. 
‘You guys had that tiramisu on the menu a while back, right?’ MJ asked while looking for some peaches. 
‘Yeah, we did.’ 
‘Well, how about something in that direction? Maybe not mascarpone but something with heavy cream, make it light, little lemony, infuse it with rhubarb, ladyfingers soaked in strawberry liquor, something like that.’
‘Okay, throwing this out like it’s not a big deal. That sounds pretty fire actually.’ 
‘You give me too much credit, it might not work.’ 
‘Maybe, but you always set me on a good path, even if it’s not, like, perfect.’  
‘Allright, now you’re just sucking up.’ MJ said with a small laugh. 
They keep browsing and first she doesn’t even notice that Marcus gets lost in his phone for a minute.
‘Oh, shit!’ he exclaims, so suddenly startles her. 
‘What’s up?’ 
‘Yo, this is so cool! You remember that pastry chef I staged with in Copenhagen?’
‘Luca, right?’ 
‘That’s him! He’s coming to town! He’s taking a sabbatical and he’s coming here, to check out the restaurant and shit, yo, this is so cool, you guys can finally meet!’ 
‘Well, how about that.’ 
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tessa-liam · 1 year
King Liam Appreciation Week
Day 2: King/Historian
For my submission, I wrote a story combining King Liam's love of history and his love for his MC.
Featuring my OTP Liam and Riley, using the face claims of Lucas Bravo for Liam and Lorena Tarantino for Riley.
(Re-posting, tumblr being annoying forgetting the link!)
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Book: The Royal Heir, Book 1 AU 👑One-Shot 
Premise: After Liam and Riley arrive home from their island paradise honeymoon, they are inundated with pressures to produce a Royal Heir. To protect and shield his bride, King Liam takes his queen away from the court and the press, as they embark on a trip to Cappadocia, Turkey. 
Pairing: Liam Rys x F!MC Riley Brooks-Rys, OTP ‘LiRi 
All characters belong to Pixelberry. 
Rating: M*Warnings: Adult conversation, sexual innuendo 
Category: One-Shot/fluff 
Words: 2174 
Music Inspiration: Wild Is the Wind, David Bowie 
A/N1: My submission for King Liam Appreciation Week, Day 2, April 18th – King/Historian, @kingliamappreciationweek @lizzybeth1986 @sazanes #kingliamappreciationweek #KLAW 
A/N2: Not beta’d - please excuse all errors. 
A/N3: My submission for Choices April Challenge, Prompts-Love is in the air, you are my home, sunrise, love, kiss, hug @aprilchallenge @peonierose @bebepac #choicesmonthlychallenge #Choices April Monthly Challenge 
A/N4: Please forgive the multiple postings...Tumblr is playing games again!
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King’s Study, Cordonian Palace 
Bright rays of light streamed through the bay windows as Liam sat down at his desk to open and review the mail he received while away on his honeymoon. 
Next to his ornate inbox on his desk, was the morning paper. 
He dropped the stack of correspondence he had just picked up back down as he read the bold lettering printed above the picture captured of the Royal couple leaving the jet as they arrived home. 
Reclining his chair, his thoughts went back in time to just four weeks ago... 
...it all started on their honeymoon, when Javier knocked the spoon of amuse bouche, having raw fish, out of Riley’s hand. Giving his apologies, ‘To have almost destroyed Cordonia’s future’, he assumed that Riley was pregnant. 
Taking it in stride, they laughed together as if nothing had happened, and continued with a leisurely dinner. 
...and then the intrusion of camera flashes, unknown at the time, were from unwelcome and uninvited paparazzi that were invading their privacy. It wasn’t until they arrived home and read the articles written about them and seen the pictures in the tabloids, did they realize how truly intrusive those cameras had been. 
...and on the last night on the island being told that the King and Queen of Auvernal arrived uninvited, wanting ‘to discuss the issue of his heir’.  
Arriving home with ‘a massive crowd of citizens and paparazzi’ waiting at Valtoria, which was to be expected. 
Yes, it was a normal occurrence for me, but for Riley, it was a new reality. A world she had never personally experienced before. 
My Queen won the hearts of our people and answered their questions with confidence and grace, despite the audacity of the press. 
As we entered the estate, however, the intrusive remarks by members of the court were even more personal and direct. 
...and then there was Madeleine. She was not only rude, but also snide and sarcastic. 
Liam’s thoughts were interrupted by a light knocking on the door of his study. 
“Come,” he said without looking up from his desk. 
Opening the door slowly, Riley stepped inside quietly closing the door behind her. 
“I hope I am not interrupting...” she began to say hesitantly. 
“Riley, my love, come here.” He smiled warmly as he stood and quickly moved around his desk. Taking her into his arms, “you are always welcome here, anytime.” 
“Hi Liam,” Riley smiles coyly, wrapping her arms around his neck.  
Breathing in her sweet smelling hair, Liam placed his hand on her neck and tilted her head up to capture a not so innocent kiss on her lips. 
After a few long seconds of exchanging passionate kisses, Liam pulled away, and gently caressed her cheek. 
“What would you say if I told you that we are going on an adventure this weekend?"  
A broad smile spread across her face, and she looked up at him in anticipation. 
“I would say, ‘when do we leave?’” 
Chuckling, Liam took her hand and led her to sit on the sofa by the bay window. 
Sitting down in a wingback chair directly across from Riley, Liam said, 
“‘What we need is space to ourselves.’ We have been home for a day and a half, and I think we need a distraction.” 
Riley giggled, "Oh, my King, that look in your eye tells me that you thought of something spectacular!" 
“Yes, My Queen, Indeed I did," he smiled widely. 
Laughing, Liam reached over and pulled her onto his lap, and gave her another kiss. 
"How does riding in a hot air balloon at sunrise over vast valleys sound? Or staying at a luxury hotel inside of a cave within a sandstone cliff?” 
“Oh my, yes! That sounds amazing!” 
“Good, because that is exactly what I have planned for us this upcoming week,” he said with a twinkle in his eyes. 
"Love, we are going to Cappadocia, Turkey.” 
“Really? I thought we were going on a road trip in the U.S. with Hana, Maxwell and Drake?” Riley questioned, raising her eyebrow. 
“Don’t worry we will still arrive on Texas in time for Bertrand and Savannah’s wedding. But, instead of sharing time with our friends, I decree, my queen needs pampering.” 
Royal Jet, on the tarmac 
Aboard the Royal jet, Riley was settling into her seat as Liam discussed the flight plans with the pilot before take-off. 
“Your majesty, the flight will take approximately three hours, and we should be arriving in Cappadocia shortly after.” 
“Thank you, Captain,” Liam replied. 
Turning to Riley, “It seems like our adventure is just about ready to start.” 
Bastien and Mara were just entering the cabin, taking their seats behind the Royal couple as the sound of the engines increased in sound. 
As the jet lifted off the tarmac, Liam squeezed Riley’s hand. 
“We are going to see a part of the world that most people have never been to before. We’re going to experience things that very few people ever get to enjoy. And, most importantly, we are going to spend time away from court.” 
“Madeleine, Godfrey, and our royal visitors are going to revolt. When they find out we left the Capital, they...” 
“Riley, you forget something very, very important. You are my Queen now. Our word is law in Cordonia. As far as Bradshaw, Isabella and Amalas are concerned, they are uninvited guests and do not dictate our schedules. The reason there is a Royal council is to support the Crown in whatever the Queen and King decides.” 
“I’m sorry, Liam, I shouldn’t worry about everyone else.” 
Smiling, Liam kissed her hand, “It’s just one of your qualities that I love so much. Sometimes you must let go of the reins otherwise you’ll drive yourself crazy. Okay?” 
Grinning and nodding her head, Riley asked, “now, tell me more about this trip; what do you have in-store for us?” 
“Well, once we arrive in Cappadocia, we are going to travel to a town called Goreme. That is where the hotel we are staying at is situated. It’s just outside of Goreme. The entire town is built into the side of a mountain, with many caves that are used for living quarters by locals.” 
“It sounds amazing!” 
“There are several other villages near Goreme, including Selime and Nevsehir. All of them are lush and green, especially during the spring season. There are hot springs that we can enjoy, as well as several museums and ruins that we will visit. The area is rich in history, as well as culture.” 
“Oh Liam, it sounds incredible.” 
“Yes, it is. Now, I want you to relax and let me plan everything. I know how much you love surprises, and I don’t intend to disappoint.” 
With a wink, Liam added, “and, we will have lots of opportunities to work on our family.” 
When they landed in Cappadocia, a large white Mercedes SUV was waiting to escort them to their hotel in Goreme. 
As they travelled, Liam explained the local landscapes, including the tall, cone shaped rock formations known as ‘fairy chimneys’. “These were formed 60 million years ago after a sequence of volcanic eruptions hit the area. 
The name ‘Cappadocia’ is derived from the Persian word, ‘Katpatuka’, meaning the land of beautiful horses. In ancient times, gifts or tributes of horses from this region were presented to ancient Assyrian and Persian kings.” 
“It sounds like horses were paid for taxes to the crown,” Riley replied.  
“Yes, in fact the locals here still value horses and offer visitors an alternate mode of transport, instead of motor vehicles.” 
Liam directed the driver to slow down as they travelled by the rock cut churches. “They say that these churches number up to 600, and there is a possibility that many are yet to be discovered. The chapels were carved into the soft rock by monks in the dark ages, and some of them have kept their original impressive frescoes with amazing detail. 
Superstitious locals scratched out the eyes of some of the figures due to the fear of the ‘evil eye’.” 
“Well, we can check it out tomorrow morning after our balloon cruise.” 
Kayakapi Premium Caves Hotel 
After checking in, they were personally ushered to their penthouse suite by the resort chamberlain.  
“Your Majesties, this hotel is set inside 8 original fairy chimneys and has an indoor pool that resembles an ancient Roman bathhouse and spa.” 
Liam squeezed Riley’s hand, pulling her close to his side. 
Continuing, the chamberlain pointed out the traditional artifacts and artwork throughout the hotel as they walked passing by the sunrise balloon viewing terrace. 
Arriving inside their penthouse suite, Liam chuckled watching Riley’s jaw drop. 
“You didn’t tell me there was a pool.... inside our suite!” 
“Of course not,” Liam said with a laugh. 
Laughing, she smacked him playfully on the arm. 
“No, you did not.” 
“Oh good.” 
Liam set her down on the edge of the pool, then poured two flutes of champagne and handed one to her. 
“To our new life together,” clinking their crystal flutes. 
Taking a sip of champagne, Riley held her flute up, “to riding the skies tomorrow.” 
Liam raised his flute and added, 
“Because at sunrise we will be on a hot air balloon ride, for the absolute best view of the region in all its glory.” 
“Love is in the air”  
“OH. MY. GOD. I feel like we are flying over the moon!’ 
As Liam stepped up behind Riley, he wrapped his arms around her waist in a hug and placed a soft kiss on her neck. 
“Hidden beneath the landscape are over 50 underground cities. An interesting fact is that these cities held all the necessary facilities to lead an everyday life. These cities had everything a typical town would have, from wine presses to cooking places, oil storage, and livestock pens. These cities served as a safe space for Christians escaping persecution by Arabs. 
In fact, the name ‘Goreme’ means ‘one cannot see in here’.” 
Leaning back against him. She rested her head on his shoulder. 
“I love you,” he whispered. 
“I love you, too,” she murmured. 
Looking over her shoulder at Liam, “this place is amazing!” 
Gazing at the ancient rock formations rising from the ground like castles and churches, Liam smiled. 
“It certainly is. I had no idea that these places existed until a few months ago.” 
“This is so beautiful,” Riley said, looking around the stunning landscape below. 
“Indeed, it is.” 
Royal jet, en route to the U.S. 
Riley awoke from a nap due to turbulence. She sat up in her seat and reached for Liam’s hand. 
“What is it? Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine, the air turbulence is getting to me.” 
Lifting her hand to his lips, he gave her a gentle kiss. 
Riley felt her stomach turn, and she took a breath. 
Moving closer, Liam stroked her cheek. 
“Are you sure? You look pale.” 
“Thank you so much for taking me on this trip.” Riley was clearly getting emotional. “I love you so much.” 
Reaching over, he brushed aside her hair, kissing the top of her 
“As soon as the wedding is over, I will take you home.” Riley looked up at her husband, “I am already home.... “You are my home.”   
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My OTP Liam & Riley, LiRi
Face claims: Lucas Bravo & Lorena Tarantino
@sazanes + @lizzybeth1986, Thank you for hosting @kingliamappreciationweek 💕💕💕
My tag list: @tinkie1973 @emkay512 @malblk21 @imjusthereforliam @lovingchoices14 @kyra75 @kingliam2019 @karahalloway @busywoman @alj4890 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @harleybeaumont @twinkleallnight @xpandass420x-deactivated2023032 @sfb123 @ao719 @txemrn @queenmiarys @jared2612 @thesvnsins @irisk12 @walkerdrakewalker @charlotteg234 @choicesficwriterscreations @choicesmonthlychallenge
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maya-matlin · 11 months
Ashton, aka the Master of Meta!!! I would love to hear you compare and contrast Brucas and Dair---what you see as their similarities, what you see as their differences, why you personally prefer one over the other etc. And do you think Blair was genuinely in love with Dan? Obviously there's no rush answering!
😭 Okay, you're way too nice to me. I'm really not. I can barely get my point across. But thank you LOL
So first things first, I'm not nearly as familiar with Gossip Girl as I am One Tree Hill. I liked the first two seasons, but my interest waned after that aside from the Dair arc. Most likely, this won't be a satisfying answer, but I'll do my best.
In terms of similarities, the obvious is that aesthetically Lucas/Dan and Brooke/Blair are similar. Both Lucas and Dan are introverted, bookish, aspiring authors. They have notable judgmental streaks and a strong moral compass, initially looking down on the popular crowd/upper east side. Brooke and Blair are very much the unquestioned queen bees of their high schools. Both girls are interested in fashion and end up running a company in that field. Like Brooke with Peyton, Blair has insecurities re: Serena and their past struggle over a boy who cheated on her with her best friend.
However, Lucas and Dan are different because frankly, for all of Dan's complaints about being "lesser", he's still far more privileged than Lucas. The Humphreys never had a bottomless pit of money, but Dan was still able to go to a prestigious private school. Lucas is much more impulsive and hot blooded than Dan. Dan tends to handle conflict by using his words rather than his fists aside from in specific circumstances. Honestly, Brooke and Blair are probably more different than they are similar. Blair started the series romanticizing the idea of sex, wanting to share her first time with Nate at the perfect moment until she impulsively slept with Chuck. By the time we meet Brooke, who was the same age as season 1 Blair, she'd been sexually active for quite some time and wasn't necessarily looking to commit. While adult Brooke seems to have some regrets about being "easy", at the time it didn't seem to be something she was ashamed of. Brooke is naturally a very warm person. She's pretty much always the life of the party. In spite of Blair's extroversion, she comes across as cold, lacking Serena's natural charisma. Maybe it's because the Gossip Girl characters are generally pretty trashy people with an absurd amount of privilege, but Blair is far crueler than Brooke on her worst day.
I feel like Brucas and Dair are again, aesthetically similar. They seem like they'd have more in common than they do. But ultimately, I feel like Brooke and Lucas had an undeniable physical chemistry. The emotional connection came later and needed to be developed whereas it was easy for them to fall into bed shortly after beginning a relationship. Their first relationship mostly consisted of having fun and having sex. While Brooke fell hard for Lucas, he was still preoccupied with the idea of Peyton and didn't appreciate what he had. Dan and Blair were the opposite. They spent multiple seasons tolerating each other for the sake of Serena all the while interestingly having multiple bonding moments prior to becoming best friends. It was only after developing a friendship and discovering an emotional and intellectual connection that a physical connection became possible. I feel like I'm describing this badly, but it's not that I think Dan and Blair were naturally repelled by each other. Dan and Blair rarely took the time to truly see each other outside of their personal relationships with Serena. Blair was everything Dan thought he hated. Dan was supposed to be beneath Blair, the exact opposite of what she was looking for in a partner.
Both couples took a long time to enter a serious relationship. Brooke and Lucas had much more baggage considering Lucas's past with Peyton the first time around, but eventually Lucas convinced Brooke she was the only girl he wanted and that his feelings were genuine. Blair had to basically make multiple mistakes with both Louis and Chuck before realizing she'd fallen for Dan and that he was the one who actually loved her exactly for who she was. Both Dan and Lucas spent time pining for Blair and Brooke, keeping their feelings a secret for a long time for the sake of putting the girls first. But in time, both Lucas and Dan initiated kisses with Brooke and Blair, making their feelings known. Brooke and Blair needed time to process how they were feeling and wanted to move forward. Brooke needed half a season to allow herself to be vulnerable with Lucas again. It took Blair only (I think) two episodes to confess to Dan that he had her heart, not Chuck. And unfortunately, toxicity and horrible former relationships got between both relationships. One major difference is that unlike Lucas with Peyton (though I still maintain Lucas's alleged feelings for Peyton during seasons 2 and 3 weren't demonstrated well at all and mostly seem to be there with hindsight and Skills being used as a mouthpiece for the writers to try to shoehorn in an LP reunion in season 4), I get the impression Dan let go of Serena long before dating Blair. His feelings lingered during season 3 and part of season 4, but once Dan and Blair began to bond it was obvious his heart was with Blair. Apparently, season 5 ended with Dan cheating on Blair with Serena after she lied, saying she picked Chuck over him. Full disclosure, I haven't seen this episode. I have yet to watch season 6. I will eventually, but for now I feel validated for not giving those episodes any ratings. I guess that's sort of comparable to the school shooting kiss, only much more sketchy on Serena's end considering she both manipulated Dan and TAPED IT. There's no version of Chuck for Brooke, thank god. The worst Brooke had to deal with on OTH was irrelevant Felix and the teacher she dated for a couple of episodes. One major difference is that until Julian, Lucas was Brooke's greatest love. Dan was Blair's third or possibly even fourth love. I don't think Blair ever allowed herself to think in terms of Dan being the right guy for her. The toxicity of Chuck and Blair made it so that the relationship she'd shared with him seemed to be the more significant one. It was larger than life with constant ups and downs, with Chuck always whispering in her ear that the alternative, aka a real, healthy, truly loving relationship, would be boring. And because Blair is obviously just as terrible and dark as Chuck is, she couldn't possibly be satisfied with anything else. 🙄 But I digress. So in the end, Blair defaulted back to the familiar rather than the unknown while Dan straight up settled for Serena. Well.. at least out of the four endgames (Lucas/Peyton, Brooke/Julian, Dan/Serena, Blair/Chuck), Brooke's relationship with Julian was healthy.
I think the reason I prefer Brucas over Dair is that I'm much more familiar with their love story and the show as a whole than Gossip Girl or the relationship between Dan and Blair. While I think Penn and Leighton had good chemistry, the Chad/Sophia chemistry was something else. I loved Brucas first. I'm also somewhat a sucker for second chance romances where the guy realizes how badly he'd screwed up in the past and puts in actual effort to win back the girl he loves. LOL I guess it's my toxic trait. There was something so iconic about the Brooke/Lucas relationship. Even when things got messy, I still enjoyed watching it. Dan and Blair were also great, but I have such negative feelings about the show itself and ultimately felt shortchanged by their romantic relationship. What we did get was great, but it didn't last very long. It was truly the Rachel and Joey equivalent of Gossip Girl, and I hate that.
YES. I do think Blair was in love with Dan. I think the love Blair had for Dan was the kind that developed slowly, catching her completely off guard. It was a mature and healthy love based firmly in friendship and mutual support. Dan saw the real, vulnerable Blair rather than just her manipulative, cold, outer shell. Unfortunately, Blair had been conditioned to both think this type of love was all wrong for her, and had been fucked up by years of Chuck's emotional abuse and manipulations. In a version of the show where Gossip Girl had an actual happy ending and allowed its characters to evolve into the best versions of themselves rather than sending the message that they're destined to become their parents, Blair would have stayed with Dan. The story would have followed what it had been setting up since late season 3 (or possibly even before that if you consider their conversation in the fourth episode) through late season 5.
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rigginsstreet · 5 months
SAME re delena---and for me the whole show declined so much that I just pretend it ended in season 3 (which was imo delena's best season!) Also dumb question but what do you see as Lucas's biggest flaws? I love him and honestly think his only character flaw is that he's not honest with himself and therefore others in romantic relationships. I know the rest of this place hates him, but he and peyton are my favorites, separately and together!
If Lucas Scott had not been THE main character of one tree hill people would not hate him this viscerally. People just love to hate main characters and yall need to look within yourselves about that but anyway!
He’s got a lot of complexes that stem from his upbringing like I’m POSITIVE if you sit down and map out all his flaws and insecurities they can all be traced back to growing up in a poor, single parent household and the fact that Dan Scott is his father
And none of these flaws come from necessarily a dark, nefarious place as so many like to accuse him of. He’s just like…got some trauma. (But we see how this fandom treats Peyton and her trauma responses so why are we even surprised)
Anyway to actually answer the question lol
What stands out to me most is his hero complex. He does have this need to constantly save people even when they don’t ask for it or want it or maybe even need it. He needs to fix everything all the time and that can be very overbearing and obnoxious
He’s also like… god this ideal version of how the world should exist in his head which again…very nice of him in theory but you can’t force other people to mold to your hopes and dreams.
His romantic life is also a mess because as you said he’s never honest with himself about what he wants and not even that so much as just he tends to go for what’s easiest to protect his heart. Like we see how he gets with Brooke because Peyton rejected him wanting something deeper with her and we see that essentially play out again with Lindsey. Peyton rejected his proposal (kind of. Like girl she was being reasonable all he had to do was wait a few years! But again it’s that trauma of the family life or lack of he has growing up coming to rear its ugly head and he got very insecure) and so he ends up with Lindsey and he tries forcing that to work even after it blows up because Lindsey was like his last hope (in his early 20s…this show is so unserious I love it lmao) until he can finally face his feelings about Peyton and how he’s still in love with her
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brumeuxdouxamer · 1 year
Re-watching One Tree Hill and telling myself that Lucas Scott is sooo James Potter… which means Peyton is Regulus, and so Sirius is Brooke… no question.
Can’t decide who Peter would be but the closest would probably be Jimmy Edwards
Which leaves Remus… He HAS to be Jake doesn’t he?
So my question is : what if Brooke should’ve ended up with Jake !!!?
Maybe Remus is Mouth? I don’t know I’m spiraling
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othsource · 2 years
Did you feel like Peyton liking Lucas came out of nowhere? I always wanted it to be Jake and Peyton
hiiiiii :) i'm gonna go on a rant, if that's okay xD
this rant is about lucas, peyton, brooke, and jake! but short answer? no i feel like it made sense. i love peyton with jake! don't get me wrong. but peyton never really got her chance with lucas for the first 3 seasons. it makes sense that those feelings didn't go away completely.
i think they were masked with anger after the shit lucas pulled toward the end of s1 and then they slowly came back to the surface as lucas continued to show up for peyton throughout s2 and s3. examples: lucas calling jake because he knew that peyton needed someone to lean on; lucas being there for peyton through the entire ellie situation; lucas going back in to the school when he found out peyton was shot.
i think all of that (and more that i'm not thinking of atm) reminded peyton why she liked lucas so much in s1 but she couldn't admit it to herself because brooke was with lucas and she wasn't going to do that to brooke again
and to be perfectly honest, i like lucas with brooke and i like lucas with peyton. i ship both of them. either of them. i'm cool with whatever!
but after re-watching s3 as a grown adult, i realized that lucas was a really realllllyy crappy boyfriend toward brooke. watching her break down at the wedding like that hit different this time.
"why didn't you tell me about the kiss? and why didn't you call me while you were away? and why won't you ever just let me all the way in?"
why didn't he tell her? if it wasn't a big deal, and if it didn't mean anything romantic to him, then why not tell her? if he cares about her so much, why didn't he call her while he was away? why didn't he lean on the person that he supposedly loves so much when he's going through something so terrible? this whole season was just lucas keeping brooke close by without ever truly letting her in - especially after keith died. it was all just fun and light-hearted surface-level romance and brooke wanted something so much more than that, which is why she ultimately broke it off. she needed someone that was going to go 100% in with her, and lucas wasn't doing that.
lucas drove me wild during this part of the show, as well. brooke was clearlllllllly very upset about something at the wedding prep when lucas came up and she asked him not to talk to peyton. and then she realized she shouldn't make it about herself, so she made up some bullshit about why she's upset. but in reality, if he knows her so well, and he loves her so much, wouldn't he see right through that? no. instead, he just chuckled, shook his head, and said "pff... weddings." like REALLY bro?!?! and then when she listed off reasons why it's not working, after begging him to let her all the way in, all he had to do was admit his fault and tell her he really wanted to make a change. but instead, he just said "brooke... i'm sorry." and she looked at him like, "yeah.... okay... that's real heart-felt. thanks. cool. me too." and the look on her face broke my heart because i could see what she really felt behind her actions! she wanted him to fight for her! just like in the beginning of s3. but once again, he fell short.
it feels like he always fell short when it came to brooke and that is lucas' biggest character flaw because she is brooke penelope davis!
but the leyton stan in me chooses to believe that all of these flaws are simply because lucas never truly truly loved brooke the way he loved peyton. that's why once peyton and lucas got started in s4, they never really ended. s5 is all about them finding their way back to each other (because lucas is an idiot who put her through hell but i lowkey loved s5 because so much emotion) and s6 is all about their journey to get married and start a family.
soooooooooooo i guess what i'm saying is, peyton loved lucas from the very beginning. she just needed to be reminded of that, and that's what lucas did without knowing it in s2 and s3. so it makes sense that an emotionally mature person like jake would see that even if lucas and peyton haven't seen it themselves yet.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
An urgent phone call pulls a Yale Law student back to his Ohio hometown, where he reflects on three generations of family history and his own future. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: J.D. Vance: Gabriel Basso Beverly “Bev” Vance: Amy Adams Bonnie “Mamaw” Vance: Glenn Close Lindsay Vance: Haley Bennett Usha Chilukuri: Freida Pinto Papaw: Bo Hopkins Young J.D. Vance: Owen Asztalos Matt: Jesse C. Boyd Phillip Roseman: Stephen Kunken Ken: Keong Sim Travis: Morgan Gao Chris: Ethan Suess Kevin: Jono Mitchell Uncle Pat: Bill Kelly Uncle Arch: David Dwyer Lori: Sarah Hudson Jimmy (Bev’s Brother): Ted Huckabee Bill (Nurse): Nathan Hesse Cousin Nate: Max Barrow Bonnie (Mamaw, 30’s): Sunny Mabrey Jim (Papaw, 30’s): Brett Lorenzini Young Bev (6 years): Tierney Smith Cheryl: Helen LeRoy Emma: Kinsley Isla Dillon Adult Frank McFee: Ryan Homchick Chip: Joshua Stenvick Brooks Houghton: Bill Winkler Brett: Chase Anderson Pamela: Amy Parrish Rich: Ed Amatrudo Hiram Walcott: David de Vries Cocktailer #1: Holly Morris Cocktailer #2: Brandon Hirsch Server: David Alexander Obsequious Server: Alexander Baxter Waiter: Steven Reddington Wiry Law Partner: Angelo Reyes Stodgy Partner: John Rymer Young Bonnie (Mamaw 13 Years): Abigail Rose Cornell Adult Louis Zablocki: Lowrey Brown Young J.D. (4 years): Hunter James Evers Dane: Riley McNerney Pool Woman: Zele Avradopoulos Mr. Selby: David Jensen Holler Aunt: Skylar Denney Young Louis: John Whitley Doug: Zac Pullam Young Frank: Shane Donovan Lewis Officer #1: Mike Senior Officer #2: William Mark McCullough Kameron: Dylan Gage Katrina: Hannah Pniewski Doctor: David Marshall Silverman Dr. Newton: Jason Davis Davis: Joshua Brady Nasty Cashier: Cory Chapman Nurse: Tatom Pender Patient: Cathy Hope Ray: David Atkinson Salesperson: Adam Murray Scared Woman: Dianna Craig Meghan: Emery Mae Edgeman Young Jim (Papaw 16 Years): Rohan Myers Meals On Wheels Delivery Man: Matthew Alan Brady Young Lori (6 years): Lucy Capri Sally Coates: Déjá Dee Kyle: Daniel R. Hill Arguing Girlfriend: Jordan Trovillion Secretary at Club: Yossie Mulyadi ICU Nurse #1: Alisa Harris ICU Nurse #2: Tiger Dawn Rehab Mother: Darla Robinson Rehab Recepcionist: Belinda Keller Old Mamaw Blanton: Jessie Faye Shirley Nurse Vivian: Cheryl Howard Law Candidate Tim: Tim Abou-Nasr Curt: Leland Thomas Griffin Officer Connor: Drew Emerson Jones EMT #1: Justin P. Turner EMT #2: Joshua T. Schneider Marine Barber: Tony Ward Dining Hall Manager: Mara Hall Jill at Financial Aid Office: Tess Malis Kincaid Gas Station Attendant: Chris Charm Intake Receptionist: Mary Kraft Shoe Store Manager: Suehyla El-Attar Study Hall Friend #1: Matthew Withers Study Hall Friend #2: Jessica Miesel Study Hall Friend #3: Benjamin Rapsas Peter (uncredited): Ethan Levy Middletown Resident (uncredited): Bret Aaron Knower Film Crew: Original Music Composer: Hans Zimmer Producer: Brian Grazer Producer: Ron Howard Post Producer: William M. Connor Executive Producer: Diana Pokorny Production Design: Molly Hughes Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Robert Hein Director of Photography: Maryse Alberti Casting: Carmen Cuba Producer: Karen Lunder Stunt Coordinator: Monique Ganderton Writer: Vanessa Taylor Compositing Artist: Daniel L. Smith Camera Operator: Thomas Lappin Compositing Artist: Michael A. Martinez Supervising Art Director: Gregory A. Weimerskirch Costume Designer: Virginia B. Johnson Set Costumer: Bob Moore Jr. Makeup Department Head: Eryn Krueger Mekash Foley Artist: Heikki Kossi Art Direction: Shawn D. Bronson Rigging Grip: Gary Blair Makeup Artist: Erica Stewart Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Josh Berger Compositing Artist: Steve Dinozzi VFX Artist: Bryan Haines Visual Effects Producer: Chris LeDoux Original Music Composer: David Fleming Set Dresser: Aaron Robert Hall Assistant Art Director: Chris Yoo Costume Supervisor: Dana Pacheco Sound Designer: Grant Elder Makeup Artist: Jodi Byrne Set Costumer: Robin Fields Compositing Artist: Brad Lucas Set Dresser: Sam Carter Makeup Artist: Andrea Vieth Set Dresser: Maxfield Ladish Set Dresser: Natalie LeCompte Rigging ...
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greensparty · 3 months
2024 Super Megafest Wrap-Up
This is the season of comic conventions. Just a few weeks ago I got to cover Fan Expo Boston. This past weekend I got to cover MetroWest's super fun Super Megafest at the Verve Hotel in Natick, MA. The last time I attended was in 2016 when I got to chat with William Zabka. This year was loads of fun!
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I must be in the right place if the Ecto-1 is parked outside!
Here are some of the highlights of the Super Megafest guests I got to speak with:
Roger Christian
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Production designer and set decorator Roger Christian is a significant part of the Star Wars Universe. He won an Academy Award for his Set Decorating on Star Wars Episode 4. He was also a 2nd Unit Director on Star Wars Episode 6 and Episode 1. With so many Star Wars spin-off series now on Disney+ and films in development, I asked if he might possibly return to the Star Wars Universe? He said "They have such a different attitude about it now without George Lucas. When they were doing The Clone Wars, I got them some stuff that I had and they interviewed me. It's just kind of a different mode." He is also working on a book and a documentary about his experience with Star Wars.
Christian is also a director and I wanted to ask him about directing the 1985 music video for Arcadia's "Election Day". He said "A friend of mine, George Miller who directs the Mad Max movies, they'd asked George to do it, but he said 'I can't do this, but here's Roger Christian'. I met with the managers and came up with some ideas at the time. I thought the song was amazing, they were big. So I got the job and had to go to New York. I met Simon Le Bon and Nick Rhodes and hung out. They took me to see Tina Turner live. When I heard the track I had an inspiration of Jean Cocteau's Beauty and the Beast [the 1946 film]. We went to Paris to film it. There was this film Round Midnight where they re-created some famous jazz clubs, so I was able to use that. It stands up today". I remembered getting that 45 single from my sister at the holiday. I remembering seeing it on V66, which was based in Natick and now I was meeting the music video directing in Natick!
Bruce Kulick
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Musician Bruce Kulick was the guitarist for Kiss from 1984-1996, the era after the classic line-up and without make-up. He's done some solo albums and has played with a number of other bands, but as a longtime fan of Kiss, I always enjoyed that era of Kiss. The 1993 live album Alive III is one of my favorites of all the Kiss live albums. I asked Mr. Kulick if he had a favorite Kiss album he was on? He said "Each one of the albums I was on I had highlights. I always felt that Revenge was a great album. A real no-compromise kind of vibe. I got to find a good voice of lead playing too. I had a great time working with Bob Ezrin too." That's also a great album as the late great Eric Carr recorded some tracks before he died in 1991. Mr. Kulick said "He got to do the video and some background vocals on 'God Gave Rock 'n' Roll to You II'.
Ron Rudat
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The Father of G.I. Joe, Ron Rudat designed every G.I. Joe figure that was released by Hasbro from 1982-1986. Countless figures I, myself, played with constantly as a kid. [Full disclosure: Ron's son is a friend of mine from college and I knew of him, but never met him until this convention]. I asked if he had a favorite G.I. Joe figure? He said "Everyone asks me that. I always say, they're all my favorite figures."
Christopher Atkins
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Everyone knows actor Christopher Atkins for his starring role opposite Brooke Shields in The Blue Lagoon. But I know him for a a film that I worked on. In 2001, my friend Dan Hannon was a producer on the indie film The Color of Water, which filmed in NH. He brought my friend and I in as production assistants. I never saw the final film, but I asked Mr. Atkins about his memories of filming that movie? "There were spectacular views of that location. The lake was crystal clear. It was one of the most scenic locations, besides Blue Lagoon, that I've ever filmed at." He said he actually lives in New England now and is in the process of raising funds for a film to shoot here.
Nicholas Hammond
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After getting his start as a child actor in Lord of the Flies and The Sound of Music, actor Nicholas Hammond is known to genre fans as the first live-action Peter Parker / Spider-Man after he appeared in the TV series The Amazing Spider-Man (CBS 1977-1979) and the three TV movies that aired between 1977 and 1981. In the last Spider-Man movie Spider-Man: No Way Home with the multiverse of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield joining Tom Holland, I asked Mr. Hammond if he just wanted to see him join in as well? He laughed and said "Well, I would've liked to. I think the fans would've thought it was really fun to have all of the Peter Parkers in one film. You never know, it may still happen in the future, but that was a golden opportunity to do it. I mean I'm not an executive at Sony, I don't know why they do that they do, but I do know it annoyed a lot of fans. I got an awful lot of response to that myself. I mean these things happen, but I would've loved to have done something like that just for the sheer fun of being part of all that again. But at the same time, I'm very grateful I created the character. I feel proud of the fact that something we did for very little money back in the 70s has grown into this huge franchise globally that the whole world loves."
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Hammond as Sam Wanamaker in OUATIH
The other big thing I know Mr. Hammond for was his portrayal of director Sam Wanamaker in Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (which I named my #1 Movie of 2019). I asked him what it was like working with QT and making the film about that era in Hollywood? He said "Funny enough, Quentin is a big fan of this Spider-Man series as well. He ran the pilot episode in his movie theater in Hollywood the New Beverly Cinema as a double feature with Tobey Maguire's first Spider-Man. I've always been a fan of Quentin Tarantino and when I heard he was running the pilot at his theater, I said to my manager 'I'd just love to meet him'. I had no idea he was making another movie. So I went in and met with him. We talked about Spider-Man quite a lot and he began talking about westerns that I'd been in back in the 60s and 70s. He asked if I had ever worked with Sam Wanamaker, I said I knew who he is. And that was the end of the conversation, I thought that was a really fascinating chat. Then soon after, I got a call asking if I wanted to play Wanamaker in the movie. It came out of the blue, but it turned out to be one of the best things I've ever done in my life. I just loved every minute of it. For me it was like time travel, because being on that set where everything was immaculately reconstructed like it was 1969, I first went to Hollywood in 1970 as a grown-up. So I just walked in and it looked the way everything had looked when I first arrived in Hollywood. It was huge fun to do and Wanamaker was such a big theatrical kind of guy. It was great playing a character that was so fun like that."
Wesley Eure
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Actor, musician, author, producer Wesley Eure is known for playing Will on Sid and Marty Krofft's Land of the Lost (CBS 1974-1976), while he was on Days of Our Lives at the same time. But in addition to Land of the Lost, another staple of my childhood was the Nickelodeon game show Finders Keepers (1987-1989), which Eure produced and hosted. That was the era of game shows where you had a limited amount of time to ransack a room or an obstacle course. What was his experience like? Eure says "It was so much fun! We shot 5 shows a day, a whole week. They brought in schools. It was in Philadelphia on an IMAX theater that was tall enough for the two-story set of all the rooms."
Kathy Coleman
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Speaking of Land of the Lost, Eure's co-star Kathy Coleman was there as well. I asked what her favorite creature on Land of the Lost was? Coleman says "Probably Dopey. He was my pet brontosaurus. I got to ride him and I loved riding horses, so it was just a fun day on the set."
Jackson Bostwick
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Actor Jackson Bostwick is known for the title role in TV's Shazam! (CBS 1974-1976). But I was excited to ask him about playing a sentry in the 1985 sci-fi comedy My Science Project. Bostwick says "It was fine. We shot that in Tucson. They blacked out the city. But it was fun. Good cast. I enjoyed it, a good two weeks out in Tucson."
Sid Krofft
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There were a ton of staples of 70s and 80s pop culture at this year's Super Megafest, but the one who co-created so much of my childhood TV intake was Mr. Sid Krofft (who turns 95 this month). The puppeteer, TV creator and producer and his late great brother Marty created many shows I got into when I saw them in syndication as a kid, notably The Banana Splits Adventure Hour (NBC 1968-1970), H.R. Pufnstuf (NBC 1969-1970), The Bugaloos (NBC 1970-1972), Sigmund and the Sea Monsters (NBC 1973-1975), Land of the Lost (NBC 1974-1977), and Pryor’s Place (CBS 1984-1985). All shows I remember fondly as a kid and really enjoyed watching the wacky almost drug-induced puppets getting into crazy situations each episode. In addition to the children's shows, he reminded me that he did 26 series including Donnie & Marie (ABC 1976-1979) and The Brady Bunch Hour (ABC 1976-1977) as well. He says "I've had and I'm still having the most incredible career. This is my 84th year in show business. Before television, I was a performer. In 1946, I was here [Massachusetts] with the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus. When the big top sat 15,000 people. I'm a puppeteer and one of the biggest honors I ever had was when the biggest star in the world was going out on her first tour, for a whole year we toured the country and I was her opening act. It was Judy Garland." I asked Mr. Krofft of all the shows he produced or created what stood as his personal favorite? He says "It has to be your first child, which was H.R. Pufnstuf. Before that I only created and built the costumes for The Banana Splits. That's what got us into television since that was a big hit, the network asked us to come up with an idea. We never did a pilot. We sold everyone based on an art show of the characters and the executives would sit around and I would tell them the story with pictures. So that's how it all happened. I'm still working! I tell everyone when they ask me where I came up with all my ideas, ever since I was 10 years old, I went left. Everyone else goes right. So take the chance and go left!" I fully agree. Mr. Krofft is truly a TV legend and he could not have been any nicer!
For info on Super Megafest
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wqbytop100 · 4 months
Top 100 for the week ending June 9, 2024
End Of Time --Lucas & Steve, LAWRENT feat/Jordan Shaw -1
One, Two & 3 ---Galantis -6
Love & Pain --Enrique Iglesias -5
Buscando Money --TWENTY-SIX, Tayson Kryss -3
I Had Some Help --Post Malone, Morgan Wallen -8
Lighter --Galantis, David Guetta, 5 Seconds of Summer -2
Eyes Closed --Imagine Dragons -7
Heaven Or Not --Diplo, Riva Starr, Kareem Lomax -13
Sleep Tonight (This Is The Life) --Switch Disco, R3HAB, Sam Feldt -4
Addicted --ZERB, The Chainsmokers feat/INK -9
Hell Together --David Archuleta -10
Take A Moment --ATB, David Frank -21
Underwater --DubVision, Afrojack -11
The Moves --NEIKED, Muni Long, Nile Rodgers -18
Lovers In A Past Life --Calvin Harris, Rag'N'Bone Man -17
Beat Of Your Love --Ownboss, LAWRENT feat/Ekko -15
We Ain't Good At Breaking Up --Brothers Osborne -12
Fallin Luv ---Gordo, Jeria -14
Jet Plane --R3HAB, VIZE, JP Cooper -19
What If We Met --Ali Gatie -16
Kissing Strangers --USHER -20
Whatever --KYGO feat/Ava Max -55
Role Model --Fatboy Slim, Dan Diamond, Luca Guerrieri -24
My Favorite Drug --Justin Timberlake -22
Automatic --Roosevelt -32
Glad I Found You --Elderbrook & George Fitzgerald -23
Left Or Right --Laidback Luke, Mathew Nolan -45
***Multiply --Becky Hill -(new)
Enhancer --Northeast Party House -29
Nothing Ever Changes --Vintage Culture, MAGNUS -30
One Cry --Galantis, Rosa Linn -73
Level Up --Wolfgang Gartner, Scrufizzer -33
Weight Of The World --Bonnie X Clyde -25
Anthem --Diplo, Shram, Pony -26
Willing To Let You Go --Diplo, Anella Herim, Abby Anderson -35
God Don't Leave Me Alone --Gioli & Assla -38
No Shade At Pitti --The Chainsmokers -52
***I Go Dance --Kiesza -(new)
My Body --Illusionize, Y&M -31
The Craving ---Twenty One Pilots -95
Shadow --Trixie Mattel -37 -5weeks-
Without You --Disco Fries, Lavish Life -27
When I Wake Up --Lucas & Steve, Skinny Days -28
Make Me Your Mrs. --Mae Stephens -34
Monster --A7S, ALOK -36
Feel This Way --Victoria Nadine, R3HAB -39
Low Again --BAKERMAT -40
Reckless Child --Milky Chance -41
Houdini --Dua Lipa -44
Young & Foolish --Loud Luxury, Charlieonafriday -42
Forgive Me --ODESZA, Izzy Bizu -54
Disconnect --Becky Hill, Chase & Statis (Tiesto Remix) -61
Come Come --Vintage Culture, Tube & Berger, Kyle Pearce -90
Never Ending Song --Conan Gray -51
Outlaw Love --Brooke Eden (Dave Aude Remix) -43
The Afterhours --Kyle Watson -46
Lil Tune --Gus Dapperton, Electric Guest -47
Loose Ends --Lucas Estrada, Syn Cole -49
Don't You Cry --Sunday Scaries, Discrete -48
Wake Up --Young Franco, Master Peace -60
Undone --Forest Blakk -50 >>>
Hero --Vintage Culture, Emery Taylor -96
Without You --Felix Jaehn, Jasmine Thompson -62
Make You Mine --Madison Beer -65
Last Night --LOOFY -66
Weatherman --Zach Hood -67
Wake Up --Skylar Blatt feat/Chris Brown -68
LA --Northeast Party House -72
Animal --R3HAB, Jason Derulo -74
Naked & Alive --Milky Chance -83
America --Charlie Crockett -85
I Believe --Bassjackers, WUKONG, D Jayne -86
The Weekend --Anti-Up -87
Promised Land --Vintage Culture, Paige Cavell -88
Sun Comes Up --Timmie Trumpet, Sam Feldt, Ekko, Joe Taylor -94
***Paradise --Madison Rose -(new)
***Old Fashion Feeling --Midland -(new)
NNTS --Ookay -98
Outside Of Love --Becky Hill -99
Morning --Cheat Codes, Jason Derulo -92
Better Me --Michael Schulte, R3HAB -81 >>>
Regret The Morning --SILK, Mali-Koa -82 >>>
Illusion --Dua Lipa -71
Man In Finance --Girl On Couch, Billen Ted -97
***Gravity --Frank Walker, Tyler Shaw -(new)
***U Should Not Be Doing That --Amyl and the Sniffers -(new)
***Southern Rock --Travis Demming, HARDY -(new)
***Can't Slow Down --Almost Monday -(new)
Why Should I --Z3LLA -80 >>>
<>Kettle's Up ---Mahmut Orhan, Axelax, Botin -(re-entry) >>>
<> Same Drunk --Walker Hayes -(re-entry) >>>
Give It To Me Good --SIDEPIECE, Disco Lines -89 >>>
Dance Alone --SIA feat/Kylie Minogue -79
She's On My Mind --Romy -70 >>>
Never Be Friends --Jost, Minogue -75 >>>
Lonely Dancer --Conan Gray -63 >>>
Before You Go --Seeb -57 >>>
One On One --Robin Schulz, Oaks, Topic -56 >>>
Cutting Loose --Disco Lines, J Worra, Anabel Englund -76 >>>
Murder On The Dancefloor --Sophie Ellis-Bextor -91 >>>
2 -<> re-entries 8 new =10 6.9.24 <> #90 Kettle's Up <> #91 Same Drunk 8 NEW on the chart this week #28 Multiply #38 I Go Dance #76 Paradise #77 Old Fashion Feeling #85 Gravity #86 U Should Not Be Doing That #87 Southern Rock #88 Can't Slow Down
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sburbanlegends · 1 year
happy 420 — several of my muses smoke … but brooke is the biggest smoker
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fatesurvived · 5 months
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Below the cut is a list of possible connections or AUs I would adore to do on my characters. Feel free to reach out about any that you might be interested in.
Modern-day AU, the gang is in their 20s/30s and living in New York in 2024.
What if Jon hadn’t stabbed her and she had reigned as a mad queen?
What if she hadn’t burned down King’s Landing and assumed the throne as a true Queen the kingdoms could admire and look upon.
GEORGIA MILLER: She is very crossover-friendly.
Long lost love.
Unrequited feelings.
Found family.
BROOKE DAVIS: Very crossover friendly!
She can Lucas end up together one way or another.
She and Lucas did get pregnant in High School but I want to go about that as they are in their early 20s with their like 4-6 year old.
Threads surrounding her being a fashion designer.
LUCAS SCOTT: Very crossover friendly!
Threads with the gang and Lindsey!
QUINN JAMES: Very crossover friendly!
Anything surrounding Quinn being a photographer.
Found Family, possible friends to lovers/family.
JOSETTE SALTZMAN: Very crossover friendly!
I would ADORE a thread/verse within the Vampire Academy/Bloodlines universe.
What if she and Lizzie did merge? Josie won and is now haunted by her sisters ghost. This would work well with a Lizzie mun or one of her friends or even her parents.
Shippy related things.
ROSALIE HALE: Basically any thread, I want to try and flesh her out a little bit.
ADRIAN IVASHKOV: Again, generally anything as I want to try and flesh him out and see if he can be upgraded from ‘test muse’. Bonus points if those threads are between him and Sydney or Jill.
DIMITRI BELIKOV: Very crossover friendly!
Threads where Dimitri was Strigoi, preference would be between him and Rose but I’m happy to explore elsewhere.
SYDNEY SAGE: Very crossover friendly!
Sydney goes around trying to be a good little Alchemist and keep the supernatural world a secret. This is a good basis for basically any supernatural-type show or character.
Threads post re-education. She is traumatized okay. She needs to work through her trauma. She isn’t okay after like 5 minutes alright.
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fatesurvived-arc · 9 months
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Below the cut is a LONG list of possible connections or AUs I would adore to do on my characters. Feel free to reach out about any that you might be interested in. PS The format will be as follows: My muse: desired connection/plot.
Rachel Green, Joey Tribbiani & Monica Geller: Modern-day AU, the gang is in their 20s/30s and living in New York in 2024.
Daenerys Stormborn:
What if Jon hadn't stabbed her and she had reigned as a mad queen?
What if she hadn't burned down King's Landing and assumed the throne as a true Queen the kingdoms could admire and look upon.
Georgia Miller: She is very crossover-friendly.
Long lost love.
Unrequited feelings.
Found family.
Alex Karev: He did not leave Seattle okay. F canon. I'd adore threads with Jo but also Mer, Iz and Christina.
Juliette Barnes: She is very crossover friendly.
The pop star loses her fame and has to adjust to her new reality.
Brooke Davis: Very crossover friendly!
She can Lucas end up together one way or another.
She and Lucas did get pregnant in High School but I want to go about that as they are in their early 20s with their like 4-6 year old.
Threads surrounding her being a fashion designer.
Lucas Scott: Very crossover friendly!
Threads with the gang and Lindsey!
Quinn James: Very crossover friendly!
Anything surrounding Quinn being a photographer.
Found Family, possible friends to lovers/family.
Josette Saltzman: Very crossover friendly!
I would adore a thread/verse within the Vampire Academy/Bloodlines universe.
Shippy related things 100%.
Rosalie Hale: Basically any thread, I want to try and flesh her out a little bit.
Adrian Ivashkov: Again, generally anything as I want to try and flesh him out and see if he can be upgraded from 'test muse'. Bonus points if those threads are between him and Sydney or Jill.
Dimitri Belikov: Very crossover friendly!
Threads where Dimitri was Strigoi, preference would be between him and Rose but I'm happy to explore elsewhere.
Sydney Sage: Very crossover friendly!
Sydney goes around trying to be a good little Alchemist and keep the supernatural world a secret. This is a good basis for basically any supernatural-type show or character.
Threads post re-education. She is traumatized okay. She needs to work through her trauma. She isn't okay after like 5 minutes alright.
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maya-matlin · 9 months
very UO but if they couldn’t bring back Jake, they should have stuck Peyton and Julian together as endgame over Leyton! Julian and Peyton had already supposedly been in love, they both like cities (LA, NYC etc) and it makes sense they’d live there due to their careers, and both Peyton and Julian for a lot of their time on the series seemed ambivalent about starting a family. Also, Julian is smart and on the introverted side like Lucas but a little goofy like Jake - a combination of the traits Payron goes for! Meanwhile, we saw so clearly in season 5 that Brooke and Lucas both loved being back in one tree hill, they both seem to have jobs they can do anywhere, they both very much prioritize settling down and having a family, they were already unofficially co-parenting Angie, they still have that seemingly effortless and magical connection, they balance each other out perfectly…I could go on!
Honestly, I wouldn't have minded that one bit. First of all, Peyton deserved a million times better than Lucas by the time he finally got around to choosing her. She was lacking any sort of spine or self respect when she ran to that airport. As irritating as I found her character for large stretches of season 5, ultimately she wasn't in the greatest place and only imagined that her happiness could be attainable if she won Lucas back. Now to get back to what you were saying. I definitely think Peyton was better off and would have thrived most living away from Tree Hill in a bigger city where her dreams could really take off. I mean, the show really said that because Peyton wasn't exactly where she wanted to be at age 22 that this made her a failure and retroactively meant her decision not to rush down the aisle at age 19 had been a terrible, awful, shameful mistake. Seasons 6 and 7 Julian would have made a lot of sense as a partner for the ambitious Peyton who had faced so much trauma and pain in her hometown. STRONGLY agreed about your points re: Peyton and Julian being ambivalent and sometimes even negative about settling down in Tree Hill compared to Brooke and Lucas who genuinely loved it there and couldn't imagine raising their families elsewhere. I'm aware every aspect of this was unintentional considering the possibility of a Brucas endgame post season 3 was basically taboo, but in terms of compatibility Brooke/Lucas and Peyton/Julian made the most sense. If we couldn't have Jake back for Peyton, obviously. In the end, Peyton still left Tree Hill, something Lucas never wanted. And Julian settled for staying in Tree Hill for Brooke even though he'd rather be in LA. Relationships are all about compromise, but it's interesting how their situations sort of parallel. You should go on, because I love reading your thoughts! I genuinely think if not for Peyton's continued interest in Lucas and Lucas having an unfortunate history of making the same mistakes over and over again, Lucas would have eventually ended up with Brooke. Season 5 Brucas had such an ease around each other. Their goals lined up perfectly. The chemistry was still there. Their communication was really solid and both went out of their way to emotionally support the other. Maybe it's because the pressure was off considering neither was expressing their feelings, but you see them taking care of Angie and the way Lucas considered proposing to Brooke and instinctively know that they could have had it all. It's really depressing.
#Anonymous#I know it was all for the sake of the cliffhanger but I'll never be over Lucas desperately wanting to marry someone and fantasizing about#his potential marriage to Brooke#Peyton and Lindsey make sense#Lucas literally almost married Lindsey and Peyton spent the entirety of season 5 chasing Lucas down expressing remorse over rejecting#his marriage proposal#Brooke was never technically his love interest at any point#They hadn't dated since the first episode of season 4 and the last time Lucas tried to make something happen in the flashback set between#seasons 4 and 5 Brooke turned him down#But they were taking care of Angie together and he was this emotional support for Brooke because it's exactly where he wanted to be#And I mean the airport scene where he shows up after Brooke said she could say goodbye to Angie on her own#Lucas clearly at least at the back of his mind was thinking about Brooke as a romantic prospect even if it was unspoken#I'll die on this hill especially since most fans decry the idea that Lucas was ever legitimately in love with someone besides Peyton#The fantasy was kind of bullshit because out of all of Lucas's possible wives Brooke is the only one who in reality would want to#live in Tree Hill permanently but it's like he needed to convince himself Brooke was all wrong for him as did Mark Schwahn#Like sorry you accidentally wrote them as perfect for each other for two seasons and then later had to walk it back with poor writing#And felt Peyton should give up any sort of independence and free thinking to be right for Lucas#Ignore this because these tags are a mess
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resdentevl-a · 4 years
a couple of years after raccoon city, terrasave asks brooke to put her former investigative skills to work ( plus she’s been training )  ... my point is someone plot something with me where it’s a new situation & your muse is the other protag
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