#re2 x reader
ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
You really like them a lot, don't you ?
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synopsis-> You just love your boyfriend’s arms
a/n-> new design, y'all like it ? CLICK ME
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The soft patter of rain against the windows filled the cozy apartment as you snuggled closer into Leon's warm embrace on the couch.
His toned arm was draped over your shoulders, the sleeve of his snug t-shirt pushed up just enough to reveal those thick, protruding veins that never failed to set your heart aflutter.
You traced your fingertips lightly over the raised paths, admiring how they rippled underneath his pale skin with each flex of his powerful muscles.
Leon let out a contented hum, clearly amused by your fascination as he pulled you nearer.
"You're at it again, love." he chuckled deeply, the rumble vibrating against your cheek where it rested on his chest.
"When are you gonna get enough of these old things?" he added.
"Never." You murmured without a shred of shame, continuing to reverently follow the roadmap of veins along the underside of his forearm down to his large, capable hand.
Just mapping every ridgeline and groove with your exploratory caresses and committing them to memory all over again.
Leon was all sinewy strength contained in an appealingly rugged package - the epitome of everything you found irresistibly attractive in a man.
He shivered visibly when you traced the thick cords leading into the sturdy bones of his knuckles, seeming to shudder from the featherlight sensations dancing over such calloused skin.
With a sly grin, you began kneading into the tough musculature with your thumbs, relishing every twitch and flutter you could coax out of your buff boyfriend.
"Damn, you really do have a thing for my arms, huh?"
Leon's voice had dropped into a lower, huskier register tinted with growing arousal the more you lavished them with worship.
"Should've known keeping those guns on display was a dangerous game to play around you..."
You raised your gaze to find his stormy azure eyes already drinking you in with a molten, smoldering intensity that made heat bloom low in your belly.
His plump lips were quirked into that trademark lopsided smirk - the one that never failed to liquify your bones into pliant putty under the weight of his mere stare alone.
"Can you blame me?" you purred, purposefully flexing his wrist upwards and mouthing at the thick, flexed veins standing in stark relief against tawny skin and crisp blonde hair.
"With arms like these to enjoy whenever I want...who needs a tv show as entertaining as you are to look at, baby?"
The low gravelly groan that rumbled free was your only warning before Leon captured your lips in a searing, demanding kiss.
His free hand anchored itself in your hair to angle you deeper into his passionate onslaught while your nimble fingers continued their devoted ministrations along every rope-thick tendon and bulging swell they could find.
All thoughts of the show you'd been watching instantly fled your mind when the insistent press of Leon's arousal strained against your hip.
Leaving your mind deliriously empty of anything except worshipping his body like the muscular wonderland it was...
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ovaryacted · 1 year
Rookie Mistakes
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Pairing: RE2!Leon x Sergeant fem!Reader
Summary: When Leon seems distracted and makes a mistake during a call, you ensure your rookie gets his head together as his sergeant.
Content/Warnings: 18+/MDNI. NSFW. Porn with plot. Dom/sub elements. Femdom/msub. Praise kink. Slight degradation. Needy/subby Leon. Oral sex. Fingering. Handjob. Office Sex. Slight age gap (reader is older at around 25, Leon is 21).
WC: 4.7k
Notes: Finally this is out. I know I know, I'm a liar! But, I had fun with this one, so I hope you like it. Shoutout to the babe @cinnarette for beta reading this and giving me her approval lolz. Anyways, reblogs & comments are always appreciated!
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Leon had always been one to find the good in a shitty situation. Someone with a warm heart that matched the moral compass he developed despite the constant bullshit he experienced daily.
From his hectic childhood to his experiences in the police academy, he had to overcome many trials and tribulations on his own with nobody in his corner. All of those struggles to get the pure sense of relief once he felt his diploma in his hand made all the stress worth it.
When he first arrived at the R.P.D., he didn’t know what to expect. The anxiety of starting fresh in a new city with a new career clouded his mind with a paranoia he seemed to carry in his youth. Walking into the police department he’d call his new home, Leon was fairly surprised to be greeted with a welcome party.
Balloons and confetti filled the common room as he moved around the crowd, bombarded with introductions and greetings as he tried to memorize the names that were thrown his way. Still, the small games and blue cake he indulged in brought a smile to his face, topped off with the polka-dotted party hat he was forced to wear and the words Welcome Leon hung up on the ceiling for him to see.
What Leon didn’t expect was to be assigned to your personal detail the next day. A police sergeant on the force, a bit older, no more than 25 he first assumed, more refined and seasoned with one hell of a glare. First impressions? He was terrified, nervous as hell to fuck anything up seeing how you ran a tight ship, taking your job too seriously for comfort. Of course, you had to. You were working in a male-dominated field, forcing yourself into a mold so you could be taken seriously by those around you.
He took his hand out when being introduced to you, unstable grip and a nervous smile to match as he looked directly into your intimidating gaze. You shook his hand firmly, the strength of your grasp parallel with the small grin you offered him almost made a shiver roll down his spine.
“So you’re the new rookie huh? Well, it’s nice to see a fresh face in here. We have some serious work to do. Let’s get started.”
You were particular about how you wanted things done, very precise in your words and your delivery. A harsh leader, one who easily reprimanded the other rookie officers but was particularly picky with Leon. In a way, he started to feel like you were targeting him, pressuring him so he would crack and leave the force. He knew he couldn’t leave, that this was the career path he chose, and he was too anxious to say anything so he’d let it slide.
You didn’t let up on his training either, always making sure your rookie was on top of what was expected of him. The slight fear Leon had when first meeting you quickly turned into admiration. His stress-induced feelings morphed into respect, now wanting to learn everything you had to show him.
That was when it started. Leon now tried any little thing to get in your good graces, to see even the slightest sign of a smile or to hear you laugh. He started coming to work earlier to help with the case filings you had piled on your desk, organizing them the way you taught him whenever you assigned him grunt work. He wanted you to take a breather and start your day with a clear head, maybe even enjoy your coffee for a bit longer.
When you saw how tidy your work environment was, you went up to Leon who you saw was typing away at his desk diligently. His head lifted up to look at you, blue eyes glancing over your face to read your expression.
“Morning. By any chance, did you fix all the files on my desk?”, you asked curiously, making the blonde rub the back of his neck shyly.
“Yeah, I did. Wanted to help you out a bit and give you an early start to the day” he responded, silently hoping you wouldn’t be upset at him for entering your workspace. Instead, he was met with your look of genuine surprise, followed by a twinkle of gratitude.
“Thank you for that, I appreciate it. Keep up the good work Leon”, you praised him, offering a small smile, one that he made sure to burn into his memory.
“Yes ma’am”, his face was practically beaming at your words as he watched you walk back towards your office, trying to hide the sudden warmth flooding his cheeks.
Your words kept repeating in his head nonstop throughout the entire day. Not only did you acknowledge him in a positive light, you also addressed him by name, which was rare. He was more present at work, his posture straighter, and more eager to help. From that point on, he made it his mission to make sure his sergeant was stress-free, doing anything to see you smile at him again.
Working with Leon, you quickly learned that he was perceptive. A smart cookie, and probably the smartest one out of the current bunch of recruits. Despite the tough love you gave him, especially because he was your professional responsibility, he was the only one truly receptive to your teachings. Like a sponge, he took in everything you gave with a certain wonder you hadn’t seen in anyone else. It was cute really, how he was so ambitious and doing his best to get your approval.
What you liked the most about working with Leon was how he addressed you. He took your authority seriously, seeing someone in charge instead of your appearance. He didn’t say your name, not your first or last out of respect, but rather he always addressed you as Ma’am. You never had someone say that to you directly, thinking it makes you sound older than you actually are. But with the way his eyes warmed up when he’d say it with full confidence, you didn’t have it in you to tell him to stop.
Over the next few weeks, Leon became part of your daily routine, integral to the start of your day. He’d walk in a few minutes early as expected, with two coffee cups in his hands as he waited for you outside your office. Spotting the top of your head coming from speaking to the chief, you were heading his way. You had the same soft smile reserved just for him, one that he always looked forward to seeing when you worked together.
“Got you your usual”, he offered one of the cups to you, your fingers lightly grazing his when taking the warm concoction into your hand.
“Extra caramel?”
“With oat milk, vanilla and cinnamon. I triple checked”, he said enthusiastically, observing you as you sipped the drink. A soft hum escaped you while you closed your eyes in satisfaction.
“You know how to spoil me”, you gave him a wider smile now, seeing how his cheeks blushed the slightest bit at your expression. His reaction made you chuckle, a sound he’s come to enjoy the more time you two spent together. 
“Now come on, we need to work on this case before we patrol at 12. The chief’s on my ass again so let’s get this over with before lunch yeah?”, and without fail, he’d give you the same ending response every time.
“Yes ma’am”
The more you invested in Leon’s skills, the more you realized small things about him that were fairly telling. You weren’t stupid. Anyone with a brain could see that the respect and admiration he had for you was turning into something else entirely. You could tell with every passing moment you had with him, noticing how the tension between the two of you would get thicker after every interaction. You didn’t comment on it. Instead, you enjoyed toying with him, a part of your ego feeding off on how he’d say yes ma’am in such a way that would make you want to hear it more often.
The faint touches between the two of you got more frequent. Your fingers would brush his during the exchange of files, you saw how he’d always be within a hair’s distance when standing near you. Moments spent training in the shooting range were where the intimacy seemed to skyrocket, putting your hands on Leon’s arms to keep his form up as he shot towards his target.
You didn’t need to do that. Leon was a good shot, accurate too. But you enjoyed the way he released a shaky breath whenever you were close to him or touched him, how the tips of his ears reddened when you praised him for hitting the bullseye.
In one certain instance when the R.P.D. was extra busy, you were being hammered with files and administrative work. The coffee sitting on your desk was no longer doing its job of waking you up, and the constant bombardment of having to organize new information was starting to make your head pulse. You stood up from your seat to give your back a break, bending backward until you felt a satisfying crack in your spine. Hearing a knock at your door that brought your attention, you noticed Leon on the opposite end.
“Hey, my bad if I caught you at a bad time. The investigators wanted to review those files on that drug bust we did yesterday, something about missing information”
“Oh yeah yeah, it’s right behind me. Hell, I don’t even know where I put it”, you turned to face the mess behind you, lamenting at the stack of files you have yet to sort through today.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll look for it. You stay focused on what you’re doing”
Just like that, Leon came over behind you, going through the files while you stayed reading over the papers in your hand. The both of you made quick conversation, commenting on how busy it became. The increase of instances flooding the department only added more to your workload. Leon kept digging through the pile, turning his body to go to the other side of you.
In the process, he put a hand on your hip and muttered an apology, slightly making you jump and walking behind you to go to your left side. You tried to pay no mind to the gentle touch, going back to refocusing on the case at hand. He found the document folders he needed, suddenly too close to your body when the second he turned, you moved backward into him. Leon’s hips pressed against your rear, his hands reaching toward your hips instinctively despite the hitch in his breath at the contact.
“S-shit, I’m sorry…”, he mumbled, cheeks flushed red as he walked out of your office. You didn’t get a word in, but his reaction was enough to tell you about what you already knew.
The ghost of his touch filled your mind for the rest of the day, and it was worse for Leon. He tried so hard not to think about it. Not to fantasize about how your hips would feel bouncing against his with force, what you’d sound like when you’re aroused. It was practically impossible for him. His imagination went haywire the second he got home, jerking himself off to relieve the hard-on he’s been managing since earlier this afternoon.
He couldn’t get the image out of his head. He thought about how you’d praise him, call him a good boy for making you feel good. Deep down, he wondered if you were equally as authoritative in the bedroom as you were outside of it. As he released all over his hands with a whine, he sighed to himself, fully aware that he had reached the point of no return with his own thoughts about you. 
It was a Tuesday afternoon when both of you were assigned to handle two suspects committing a robbery. Called to the scene, you trailed them down to a nearby commercial street. They were careless too, throwing their guns halfway into the chase and the items they stole slipping from their grasp onto the concrete floor. Catching them felt easy, handcuffing one to the ground and throwing him to the backseat of your cop car. Leon seemed to be distracted, with what you didn’t know. When the second thief seemed to slip from his grasp and started to make a run for it, you knew he needed to get his act together.
“Get your head out of your ass Kennedy! Before I put my foot up there instead. Now move!”, you ordered him to get back into the patrol car. Turning on the police siren, you drove to track down the next suspect and apprehended them with quickness.
The drive to the station was quiet besides the two handcuffed men grumbling behind you. Leon kept his mouth shut, refusing to look your way, and focused on listening to the chatter on the radio. He knew you were pissed, and he didn’t know what had gotten into him today but he couldn’t focus for the life of him. The nagging voice in the back of his mind was telling him to be prepared for the worst, because he fucked up, and worse yet, he fucked up with you.
After bringing the two robbers down to the precinct, you couldn’t erase the irritation from your face. You couldn’t even look at Leon, upset that someone like him after so much training made such a rookie mistake. You only offered a glare, knowing for a fact you’d have to talk to him later on when your temper wasn’t so flared up. For now, you made Leon sit at his desk to do filing work, deciding not to berate him in front of the other officers and saving him the embarrassment.
Knowing you were giving him the silent treatment, he avoided you for the rest of the day, staying late at the R.P.D. in hopes of being able to talk to you. Leon drummed his fingers on his desk absentmindedly, until you came up behind him and got his attention.
“Kennedy, to my office. Now”, your tone of voice was harsh, making the hairs on Leon’s neck rise as he got up to follow you back to your workspace.
You locked the door once the both of you were inside, leaning back against your desk with your tactical belt off so your hips pressed against the wooden edge. Arms crossed over your chest, your head raised at the cop before you, watching his feet anxiously moving as he looked at the floor with slight shame.
“I want to know what happened out there. You messed up, and that’s not like you. You don’t make rookie mistakes anymore, we’re passed that”, you started to speak. Leon’s gaze was pinned on you, trying to hide his humiliation but it was clear as day.
“I know. I know I fucked up, it was a stupid mistake. I’m sorry”
“Yeah, it was. I didn’t invest all this time in training you personally for you to let things like this slip. You’re better than this, you know that”, your tone changed from irritation to concern, trying to get him to see the bigger picture.
“You’re my responsibility, Leon. I’m this harsh and this strict for a reason, and it’s because I care. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t give a shit what happened to you, but I do. This reflects back on me, so just get your head together alright?”, you saw how his brows furrowed a bit in slight confusion at your confession.
You cared about him.
“Yes ma'am. It won’t happen again, I really am sorry”, his hands started to fumble with his tactical belt.
“I know you are, but sorry’s not gonna cut it. I can’t have you distracted like this. Not on my watch”, you said, now walking from the desk until you stood in front of him. He didn’t move a muscle, not knowing what else to do besides stand there.
“If you’re really sorry you’re going to have to prove it. You’re not getting off that easy. You got that rookie?”, your eyes held that intimidating stare that made Leon tense, you could practically hear him gulp. 
“I-I understand ma’am. Whatever it takes I’ll do it.”, he was still oblivious, having no idea what he just got himself into but he wasn’t complaining, not when you were this close to him. Your hand went up towards his belt, a singular finger curving into one of the loops to yank his body forward. Now standing chest to chest he shivered at the close contact, holding his breath and waiting for your next words.
“You’re gonna use your pretty mouth to prove that you won’t mess up like that again. Maybe if you’re good enough, I’ll think about being nice and rewarding you. That okay?”, your words were laced with pure temptation, making Leon nod, too scared to speak up. He didn’t know what to expect, but lord if he wasn’t going to pretend he wasn’t enjoying it. 
“Use your words baby”
“Yeah, f-fuck it’s okay”, he was shaking in front of you, a blush on his cheeks so intense you could feel the heat radiating off of his skin.
“Can I kiss you?”, you tilted your head up towards him, his warm breath against your lips as the ends of your noses touched.
“Please do…”
You didn’t waste another second, lips colliding against his as Leon finally released the breath he was holding. He let you take control, his mind turning to complete mush at just the feel of your mouth against his. Tongues dancing together, you ran your fingers through his hair, his own hands going to paw at your hips. He released needy faint moans, holding on to you as if you were going to leave him any second now. When you pulled away from him and bit his bottom lip he whimpered, a sound you didn’t expect him to make. You fucking loved it.
You walked backward while he followed you on jittery legs. With your back now pressed against the desk again, Leon’s face dug into your neck, leaving a path of kisses in a way that made you chuckle. His hands were everywhere, overwhelmed with what to do or where to touch. You brought your fingers into his hair again, giving him a soft yank as he groaned out from the action. Pupils already dilated, you eyed him closely, how he seemed so far gone when you haven’t even started.
“You want to be good for me Leon?”, your voice was soft, almost patronizing and it only made Leon’s dick pulse in his pants.
“Yes, I wanna be good for you. Don’t want you mad at me”, Leon pouted, and you fought the urge to kiss him again.
“Then get on your knees and start working on your apology”, you commanded, watching how he bit his lip and nodded.
“Yes ma’am”, he was already shifting down to the ground, diligent fingers on the button of your cargos and undoing them, while you threw your shoes off.
Pulling the zipper down, he started to drag the fabric to your knees until it hit your ankles, pants discarded to the side and leaving you in your panties. Sitting on top of the desk, his eyes looked up at yours, coming face to face with where you wanted him most.
His large hands moved from your shin to your knee, then towards your thigh and hip to hook his thumbs into the waistband of your underwear, noting the wet patch that was already staining the cotton material. He dragged them down with ease until they hung at your ankle, lifting one of your thighs onto his shoulders to admire all of you with a soft moan.
“Can I taste you? Please?”, he mumbled against your thigh with a soft kiss. He was already playing the part so well, offering him a smirk as you drank in the way he begged you for more. You didn’t even have you train him.
“Yeah baby, you can”
Without hesitation, his mouth made contact with your body, the taste of your wetness filling his tongue and making his chest rumble. It was better than he imagined, moving his tongue up and down against your slit to collect the developing slick. You released a low hum from your lips, already pent up from the stress of your job and your day, now having your favorite rookie tending to you on your orders.
Leon was anything if not keen, tongue lavishing against your throbbing clit and his lips circling around it as he began to suck. You threw your head back at that, hand holding his head in place and hips moving towards him shamelessly. He was grunting under his breath, growing obsessed with the way your body twitched anytime he touched you just right. 
“You’re doing so good Leon, so damn good for me”, you praised him again, feeling the sounds he’d release when you did talk to him. It was debauched, how his senses were filled with just you with no end in sight.
This was how you wanted to see him. On his knees and eager to please.
His attention went back to your opening, feeling it flex around nothing with every flick he gave you. Inserting his tongue into your cunt, your hips arched towards him again, moaning louder than you anticipated.
You were silently thankful your office was a bit farther away from the rest of the department, and being it was later at night, you didn’t have to hide much of anything. You moved Leon’s face closer to your body with a pull of his head, clit pressed against his nose as he sucked at your essence greedily, taking in everything he could get. 
A warmth started to develop in your gut, pleasure like liquid fire making your body twitch. The high you so desperately craved was in near sight, grinding yourself against Leon’s face and using him to get off. He didn’t object, moving his mouth to suck at your clit again, two fingers teasing your entrance before inserting them inside. You cursed under your breath, the dual sensation of Leon’s fingers curling against your g-spot and his consistent sucking brought you closer to your much-needed climax.
“Fuck you’re gonna make me cum”, you could almost taste your release right at the edge of your tongue, could imagine the way it would feel to finally let go.
You looked down to watch Leon at work, how he’d pump his fingers at just the right pace, how his eyes grew hazy with pleasure when they looked up at you.
With one soft nip at your clit your release hit you full force, a small squeal leaving your lips as your gummy walls clenched around his fingers. Your grip on the desk and his hair were both tight, knuckles turned white as stars filled your vision. Leon kept moving his fingers and mouth the whole way through your orgasm, groaning loudly against you and refusing to stop. He couldn’t get enough of you or your taste, forcing you to pull his head away before the overstimulation made it too much to handle.
The both of you were panting, eyes widening when Leon pulled his digits away and inserted them into his mouth to lick off what remained of you. You pulled him up towards his feet, dragging him down to kiss you again and chasing your own taste that flooded his tongue. If you weren’t on a time crunch, you would’ve gladly let him go down on you again.
“Did I do good ma'am? Do you feel good?”, Leon asked, thumbs rubbing your trembling thighs as you came down from your high, flushed face waiting for your approval.
“Yes, you were so fucking good for me. You ate my pussy so well”, your words made him smile then, a dopey lopsided grin that seemed to ease his doubts from earlier.
“I think you deserve a little reward now. You want some help with that pretty boy?”, your eyes gestured to the tent in Leon’s pants, looking up at him from your long lashes.
“God, please touch me”, he begged then, blue eyes engulfed in pure lust.
You didn’t want to tease him any longer, undoing his pants and slipping your hand inside. With a gasp he felt your fingers wrapping around his cock that pulsated with need, knowing it wouldn’t take him long to cum either. He had been on the edge for too long, imagining you like this for what seemed like months. You pumped him, twisting your wrist and pressing your thumb against his slit, feeling the precum that was already making a mess in his briefs. 
“You get hard when you have your superior’s pussy in your face huh? You like being used like that baby?”
“Y-yes, yes I do. God I fucking love it”, he nodded dumbly. “Love the way you taste, the way you feel…”, he didn’t even know what he was saying anymore, mind so blurred with just you that he was losing track of time and himself.
You smirked, kissing his neck and pressing your lips against the mole on his throat. Leon swallowed, hands pressing into your thighs for stability but he was so close to losing it. He thrusts his hips up into your hand, chasing his own high and you gladly let him, whispering sweet nothings into his ear and biting at the lobe. The sounds Leon released were downright pornographic, whines and lewd wet sounds filling your office. 
“S-shit I’m gonna cum. Can I cum? Please ma'am, I’m so close”, he begged again, his cock throbbing and hot in your hand as he spoke. He bucked his hips more into your squeezing fingers, your pace picking up as you jerked him off more persistently. He felt like he could barely breathe, the prickly feeling in his lower spine getting more prominent the closer he got to his orgasm.
“Be a good boy and cum for me Leon. I want to see you cum baby”, it was your final order, and those words alone were his undoing.
His body shook above you when he fell over the edge, his lower stomach flexing hard as he came all over your fingers. He cursed and whimpered, an array of thank yous were said against your neck, hands pressed into your thighs hard enough to bruise your skin. His cum dribbled out of him as his body jerked, still pumping him to the point of sensitivity. He clutched your wrist to signal you to stop, half-lidded eyes looking at yours that filled with mischief.
You took your hand off of him and licked the remaining fluids, purring at the taste of him filling your mouth. Leon bit his lip when watching you, already starting to feel his dick twitch again for more.
He leaned down towards you, kissing you hard and chasing his taste, just like how you did with him. The eroticness of it all overwhelmed him, rasping against you as you pulled away. You looked over his face, cheeks flushed pink and lips plump from their usage. You burn that image into your mind, saving it for later when it would be more helpful. 
“No more distractions or mistakes from here on out Leon. You come to me if you need to clear your head. Understood?”, he released a dry chuckle, placing another kiss against your lips, much softer than before. The intimacy made your chest warm, your smile matching his own.
“Yes ma’am”
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©️ ovaryacted 2023. Please don’t repost, copy, translate, or feed into any AI. Support your fellow creators by reblogging, commenting, and liking!
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melancholyhigh · 1 year
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ft. rookie!leon x lieutenant!reader
synopsis. after leon was careless on a mission, you ask him to pay you a visit to your office.
content. 3.0k words. smut. age gap, power imbalance, delulu leon, subby leon, masturbation, praise kink, office sex, handjob, blowjob, edging, dacryphilia.
note. mb guys, i'll post dilf leon a little later. sub leon is my favourite leon.
masterlist. i love feedback! :3
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Tough love. That’s what Leon liked to call it when you’re scolding him. He’s got sympathetic looks from his coworkers each time you drag him away to chastise him, but he doesn’t take it to heart — you want the best for him.
They always say how he ‘gets it worse,’ and they don’t understand how he takes it. But it’s different when you reprimand him in comparison to his colleagues. You pull him aside to lecture him, never in the presence of others. It’s so much more intimate. Unlike his fellow officers, where you nearly publicly humiliate them, he gets special treatment.
Leon likes to think he’s your favourite. He knows he’s your favourite.
When he was the newest recruit, he thought nothing of your ways. You probably did it to all the rookies, but after a few weeks in, he realised you only ever did it to him. 
At first, you thought Leon was just like the others. He was inexperienced and expected much more than this field could accomplish. 
You were strict, that was much. The older officers knew of your demeanour when they had first been there. You weren’t cruel to rookies. They’re new officers. It’s their first time at the department, and you’ve been here longer than you’d like to admit. You couldn’t be too harsh on them, but you weren’t the gentle parenting kind either.
Something about Leon ticked you off, though. You didn’t know what exactly did. When he messed up, you had to tell him off, and, at first, it was worse than what you’d usually say to the other recruits. You felt that he should’ve known better. You weren’t ever this particular with rookies, and you’re shocked that Leon hasn’t even transferred yet. You felt guilty to the point you apologised to him.
So when you pull him aside from the others, they expect you to be worse than you usually are, sparing Leon from the embarrassment, and to an extent, you are. In reality, you’re softer to him. Even if it’s not noticeable — you can tell. You do it so your reputation stays intact. You’re mortified by how gentle you are to him, contradicting your usual attitude towards the other older officers. It’s obvious enough that Chris notices. 
Even though you are rough to Leon, sometimes you’re not as intimidating. Other times when he’s been playing the ass, you’re worse than usual.
When he forgets his papers, you’re easy on him. He’s hard-working, people forget. A slap on the wrist. If anyone else forgets them? You’re on their ass immediately. It’s part of the job. How can one be so forgetful?
You try to reason with yourself that Leon’s more responsible than the others. And you’re not wrong. But you feel uneasy knowing there is an underlying reason why you treat him differently.
He acts thoughtless during patrols? You’re oddly silent, more silent than usual, and it scares the entire department. They usually chalk it up to a patrol gone seriously awry, and it’s not entirely wrong to assume that. But you’re less of a threat when shit blows up in your face to uncontrollable forces rather than when things do not go as smoothly because of an avoidable mishap.
You’re residing in your office right now. If you were to face Kennedy right now, you’d do something you’d regret. He almost botched the arrest. You and a few officers patrolled an area known for its high crime rate where a recent robbery occurred at a nearby convenience store, and you and your team were investigating the area. 
During a conversation with the store’s owners, your squad found the suspect armed with a handgun. As you’re about to take action, just your luck, when Leon S. Kennedy handled the situation. He disobeyed your orders, whether verbally or not, when he dealt with the thief. You were appalled because he knew better than that. Maybe it was adrenaline or stupidity, but the situation could’ve gone south.
Back at the department, you ventured to your office, ignoring Kennedy in the guise of paperwork. You tried to do paperwork, but the image of Leon with a bullet wound, unable to be the officer he used to be or even dead, continues to flash in your mind. 
Was it normal to have such a sense of despair at the thought of losing a coworker? Not to this extent. For Christ's sake, he had a bulletproof vest on. Why were you even thinking about that? You never thought about your other colleagues in such a manner. 
Did you find him attractive? Of course, you had eyes — he was as cute as a button. Not that you’d admit that. Did you like Kennedy more than you lead on? Well, shit. You’re starting to overthink everything. You knew how fond he was of you, like a puppy, following you and obeying your every command. You probably liked that too much.
Sighing, you lean back on the soft cushioning of your office chair, the leather squeaking under your weight. You had to do something about this revelation, don’t you?
Leon has been anticipating visiting your office once again. He’s disappointed with the silent treatment he’s been receiving from you lately. You had brushed him off initially, giving him a stern, “Don’t pull that shit again, Kennedy,” before dismissing him entirely. 
He wasn’t reckless on purpose to hear you reprimanding him. Not that he likes it or anything, but he prefers you being angry to blatantly disregarding him. He wished you’d do something. Punish him for all he cares.
Leon furiously clicks his pen, unable to focus on his papers. He wishes you’d pay attention to him. He reminisces on the time you shared at the bar. It seems to be on his mind more often lately. 
After a tough case, some officers decided to head to a bar and invited him to tag along. He was relatively new, so he took the opportunity while he could. The others relentlessly begged for you to join them — to loosen up. You weren’t keen on the idea at first but you eventually gave in. You clearly adored your squad, and it wasn’t as subtle as you thought.
Leon tried not to get too drunk. He did not want to embarrass himself in front of others, limiting his alcohol intake. You seem not too fond of getting drunk, bourbon in your hand, watered down by the ice. 
You were sat next to him, making quips and chuckling at inside jokes that the older cops say. He felt excluded, quietly sipping on his drink as he listened quietly. After another round, they started to filter out, leaving essentially you and him alone. There were others, but they were too intoxicated, waiting for their spouse to pick them up.
The buzz picks up its pace the longer he’s in the bar. He’s minding his business, and you’re with him. He takes a peek at you. You’re sat there with a look of contemplation. After a few moments, your voice slices through the noise that fills the packed room.
“Hey, Leon,” you said, turning to him and resting a hand on his shoulder. It was the only time he heard you call him by his first name, granted he only saw you at the department. He had looked at you, brows furrowed in confusion. “I’m sorry for being too hard on you. I know it’s probably a lot, but I do it ‘cause I care, ya know? I’ll ease up on ya.”
His cold lieutenant, who he hadn’t heard speak an entire sentence since you joined them for drinks, was talking to him, not just that, apologising to him. Your palm on his shoulder feels warm, giving him a reassuring squeeze before you drop your hand.
“It’s fine. You’re just doin’ your job, Lt.” His face gets redder at the prospect of you caring about him. God, you were so close, a rare smile blooming on your pretty lips. He’s quivering like a leaf and hopes you think it’s the alcohol. 
“I’m gonna head home. Need a drive?” You had finished your drink, standing up and putting on your jacket.
He shook his head, “No, I’ll be okay.”
He regrets not accepting the offer. He ended up taking a cab home, wondering how it’d play out if he had agreed to let you carry him home instead.
The same night, at home, he remembers your hand on his shoulder and the words you had said to him. He felt fuzzy, and he was sure he was mostly sober. He needed a cold shower, leading him to think not-so-professional thoughts about you, arousal blocking his senses.
Up against the cool bathroom wall, he tugs on his aching dick, wishing it was your hand instead, teasing him. He thought about what you’d do to him, making him cry as you whispered how much of a good boy he was, just like you’d tell him he did a good job after a tough assignment.
He came, his fingers coated in his sticky seeds, grimacing at the sight. He had taken an extra cold shower, pondering if he regretted climaxing to the thought of his boss.
He didn’t.
Leon groans in annoyance, scratching off another word he spelt wrong. He wonders if you still remember the night at the bar. It wasn’t anything remarkable, but it solidified the burning fact that you actively care for him.
Leaning back on his chair, he decides to take a quick break. However, it was cut short as you entered the room. Your eyes are on him, and he immediately begins to work on his papers. He didn’t need another reason for you to disregard him.
“Kennedy, meet me in my office. Now,” you say. Your voice is cold, and you’re glaring at him. The officers in the room are giving him a look filled with pity. He doesn’t care, preferring your attention over their sympathy. It’s the longest sentence you’ve said to him since you reached the department.
As you walk to your office, Leon follows like an obedient puppy. He hears the gossip of his coworkers behind him once they think he’s out of shot. He ignores their words and trails behind you, anticipation filling his system as well as another emotion that only you can make him feel.
Once in your office, Leon closes the door behind him with shaky hands. He’s trying his best not to smile, biting his lip. You didn’t forget about him.
“Lock the door,” you sighed. Your command confuses Leon, but he obliges, twisting the lock on the door. You’re leaning up against your wooden desk, arms crossed. You refused to look at him, but your acknowledgement of him was enough. He’ll take what he can get.
“Come closer,” you beckon, your voice low as you look at him. He nervously walks closer to you, almost tripping over his own feet. He prays you didn’t see that. Leon coughs awkwardly, a few inches away from you, leaving enough room for Jesus.
“You know why I brought you in here, officer?” You questioned, voice laced with authority. Leon is stunned at your response. Usually, you get it over within a few minutes, leaving him to finish his papers with a dazed smile, not entertaining pointless questions.
“U– uh, because I disobeyed your orders?” Staring at the floor, he doesn’t want to see your reaction. He really fucked up this time if you’re dragging it out like this.
A smirk tugs at the corner of your lips. Humming softly, you reply, “Yes. You’re a smart boy, Leon. Shouldn’t you know better?” 
“Yes. I’m sorry, lieutenant,” he answers quickly, straightening his posture. Fuck, you’re calling him by his first name all of a sudden.
“I should punish you,” You mention, catching him off guard. He stares at you with doe eyes, pink lips parted as if he didn’t hear you correctly. The sentence wasn’t inherently wrong, but the tone you said made his body heat up.
You grab his belt, softly tugging him closer to you. He stumbles, pressing himself against your warm body, lips brushing against yours. He’s stunned, unable to form a coherent thought, watching you grin at the sight of him.
“I think you’d like that too much,” you chuckle, admiring how wrecked Leon was. You didn’t even get to the fun part yet. You bump noses together as you get nearer to his face.
“Is this okay, darlin’?”
“God, yes, please.”
You capture his lips softly with your own, and he whimpers quietly. Your lips move in sync with his. It’s slow and soft, and you’re testing the waters with him. If he knew he’d be making out with you in your office, he’d buy some mints. His hands move to grip your waist, squeezing eagerly to get more of you.
You break away, heavily breathing as you try to catch your breath. Leon’s chest flushed to yours, and his lips slick with your combined spit. He subtly grinds his bulge against your thigh, eyes snapped shut. The kiss was so much better than he imagined. He still can’t fathom that this is real, that you’re real.
“Can I touch you, pretty boy?” you ask, fidgeting with his belt buckle. His head reels. You think he’s pretty? He’s heard others say it but thought nothing of it. It’s different when it comes to you. 
He nods mindlessly, “Yeah, t– touch me.”
Slowly, you unbuckle his pants, watching it fall to the ground. He’s in his boxers, precum darkening the light-coloured fabric. You run your fingers along his prominent erection through the cloth. A soft moan escapes Leon as you tease the tip.
He watches with hooded eyes as you trail your hand from his tummy to the waistline of his boxers, tugging them down. His cock is fully erect, flushed pink to the head and dribbling precum down his shaft. Wrapping your digits around his throbbing dick, you slowly stroke him, kissing his neck and nipping the sensitive flesh.
You use the excess precum dribbling down his cock as a lubricant, picking up your pace. Leon’s desperate moans fill the room, as well as the lewd noise of you jerking his aching cock. Your other hand wraps around his taut waist, bringing him closer to you. You whisper filthy words and praises into his ear, your pace on his member insistent. 
When he’s about to climax, you stop your movement, cruelly laughing as Leon whines at the loss of your touch. He desperately bucks his hips into your enclosed hands, but it’s not enough. He looks at you with glossy eyes and fluttering lashes. 
“This a punishment, darling. You’re not going t’cum that easily,” you tease, slowly stroking his shaft once more, thumbing the sensitive head of his cock. Leon furrows his brows, frustrated. Leon knew he could’ve avoided this if he was good for you, but then again, would have you been giving him a handjob if he wasn’t so bad.
You continue to bring him close to completion, only to take it away at the last second. He doesn’t know how many times you’ve ruined his chances of coming undone, but he knows you’re cruel. Tears streamed down his face, leaving a red, irritated trail behind on his skin.
“Oh, you look so pretty when you cry, darlin’.” you coo, his cock still in your fist as you continue to stroke him after ruining another orgasm. He throws his head back, and you’re nuzzling into the junction of his neck, leaving bite marks on the flushed skin.
“Please, please, let me cum. I– I'll be your good boy,” he hiccups, rutting his hips into your palm. 
“Mhm, okay, baby. I think you deserve it.”
You take your hand off his needy dick and give him a sloppy kiss on his lips. He observes you through watery eyes as you get on your knees in front of him, your hands gripping the back of his thighs. Fuck, he couldn’t believe it. His lieutenant was on their knees for him, about to make him cum with their mouth.
He whimpers when you drag your tongue along the shaft, tracing the veins that lead to the base. You moan softly at the taste, kissing the tip before taking him entirely into your mouth. He couldn't help but buck into your warm mouth. 
He wasn’t going to last long, he was already so sensitive from you jerking him off. His ruined orgasms only add to it. He props himself on your mahogany desk, the wood digging into his back. Eyes rolling to the back of his head when you hallow your cheeks and take more of him down your throat.
“Ugh, Fuck,” he cries when you moan around his dick, his eyes squeeze shut. A wet gag leaves you as the spongy tip of his cock hits the back of your throat, and your grip on the back of his thighs tightens, leaving indents in the soft flesh. 
“‘M so close,” he whines, thrusting feverishly into your mouth, the desk shaking with each move. Drool slips past your lips as you stare up at him through your lashes clumped together by tears, silently permitting him to climax, his tummy clenching at the sight. To see you in such a manner, you, who’s always professional, on your knees in front of him, choking on this swollen cock. It’s something that’s only ever occurred in his wildest dreams.
He whimpers loudly, hand clasping over his mouth to hide his embarrassing moans as he finishes down your throat. You pull away from his softening cock, coughing, wiping the spit and cum accumulated on your face. You stand up on wobbly knees, gripping Leon’s bicep to balance yourself.
Once Leon gathers himself, he kisses you, filled with passion, his arms encircling your waist, moaning into your mouth. He’s giddy, peppering kisses all over your cheeks and puffy lips. You really do like him, don’t you? You just gave him the orgasm of his lifetime in your office. It’d only be fair to help you out, too.
“Can I return the favour, Lt.?”
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yourgentlegirlfriend · 6 months
hi :3
this shit is absolutely not proof read sorry
Leon being so attentive when you first start working at the station. The throbbing in his pants almost painful when he watches as somebody walks into the building and you lean over in those slacks, pushing your glasses up as you ask the person to sign their name on the bottom of a document.
Does he ever talk to you? Of course not. You were an angel though, your voice so sweet when you let out a “Goodmorning” everytime he walks through the wide double doors. He was to scared to talk to you because what is he suppose to say? He would stutter surely. Or maybe even accident check you out right in front of you- his last intention is to make you uncomfortable.
How long is it suppose to last though? Watching you glance at him, suddenly going on your break at the same time as him?
Well you couldn’t help yourself. It was rare to see such a young, handsome cop. Rookie or not he definitely had your attention. So you made a plan, but It was failing miserably and he never even glanced at you.
It’s pouring rain on friday night, of course It is. Every taxi seems to ignore you, tears of frustration building in your eyes as you wave at another and the water splashes up from the blacktop onto your skirt.
Leon walks out of the station, pulling his hoodie over his head to see you literally soaked and desperately waving down a taxi. It was a rough day for you according to the talk around the office, you spilled all of the coffee for the meeting all over the paperwork in the office room and got the lecture of a lifetime.
Leon walked over to you, clearing his throat as he pointed to his car.
“Let me drive you home, I’m sure you don’t live far.”
The first time hearing his voice and it made your throat feel stuck. Your head nodding as you followed Leon over to his car down the street. What a gentleman, he pulls open the door for you, waiting for your shivering form to slip inside before he shuts the door and gets in himself.
Immediately when starting the car he flips the heater on, looking over at you as he reaches in the backseat and hands you a spare jacket.
“You must be freezing. You didnt see the clouds when you went outside this morning?”
Leon chuckled which made you smile, you needed kindness especially today. The car ride home was Leon just listening to you ramble on and on about how favoritism runs the front office and how you wish you were brave like him to go into the field. You could’ve talked forever but of course you point to your small house, tucking your wet hair behind your ears as you look at Leon, reaching for your purse to pay him of course.
Leon shoves your hand away and shakes his head as he unbuckles his seatbelt, he jumps out of his car and runs to your side opening the door for you. You can’t help but blush when he holds his jacket above your head on the way to the door. Thankfully you were so cold and red he definitely didn’t notice. When you get to the door you dig in your bag for your keys, your shaking hands pushing the small key into the handle before you shook the door open, you looked up at Leon and walked inside insisting he came in.
“If you won’t let me pay you, at least let me make you some hot cocoa.”
Leon didn’t mind the wait. You basically begged him to let you make him hot cocoa but you had to shower first. Not even ten minutes passed and you’re walking into your kitchen where he sat at the kitchen table, a slight smile on his face when he sees the slippers you’re wearing, the cute silk pajamas that he so badly just wanted to rub his fingers over.
“Thank you so much, plus you shouldn’t drive home anyways look at It out there.”
You were right but of course you were. It was pouring, the wind knocking the bushes against your window and now lightning striking against the dark sky. Leon just nodded in agreement as you placed one of the cups in front of him. Steam rising to the top as you mixed it for him once more before sitting down across from him.
It was awkward at first, then Leon started to talk about some of things he’s seen on patrol and you’re suddenly cracking up. Both of your mugs empty and your fingers playing with the fabric on his arm as you start to talk about just how stressed you are. It’s obvious in your face, the frustration starting to make you upset as you rub your fingers into your temple.
Leon frowns slightly, his hand by instinct coming up to push the hair from your face. He doesn’t know what happened but he mumbled a quiet.
“Let me help you.”
Extremely bold of him and he was sure you were gonna kick him into the pouring rain. But suddenly he had you laid on the couch, your pajamas on the floor and your legs spread open by his hand while his other hand is three digits deep inside of you. He could tell you needed this so badly, the way your walls squeezed around his fingers. He could watch your face for hours if he was able to, your eyes closed like you’re concentrating on something as he pushes his fingers up in a curling motion, the pads of his fingers brushing against that special spot inside you.
His eyes are hazy when he repositioned himself, laying on his stomach and pushing your legs up as his tongue sloppily laps at your clit, your legs resting against his strong shoulders as his hands slide down to your thighs, massaging them as he looks up at you continuing to lap at your folds as his fingers continue to push in and out of you.
He notices your slight shaking, the quiet whines leaving you as you push at his hands and he can feel the way you flutter around his fingers.
Is all you can manage to get out before he’s lapping faster, his face pushing further into you. his fingers slowing down to a softer rhythm as he feels you gush around his fingers, shushing you quietly as you cry out his name, your breath heavy as he pulls himself back up, his lips pressing against yours.
Leon pulls himself away, being careful when he pulls his fingers out of you, kissing the side of your face as he does so.
“It’s okay, nobody at the station has to know.”
Leon smirks as he kisses the side of your mouth and pulls you up to lay against his chest.
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mackjlee9 · 1 year
Omega!Leon Kennedy x Alpha!Male!Reader [Smut]
Warning; slight somnophilia(?, thigh fucking, breeding kink, daddy kink, slight feminization. Omegaverse AU, Mpreg (male pregnancy). preferably re2 leon
Resident Evil
(M/n) starts stirring up awake when he keeps feeling something pushing back on him, something soft yet firm, and whatever it is, it's only pressing against his lower abdomen area. Slowly, he starts realizing the stuff happening around him.
He hears Leon whining and whimpering next to him, releasing pleas that get lost in the air, having no one listening to him until now. He mumbles something that (M/n) can't quite understand, before his hips move back with a rather rough movement, making him groan, his hands instinctively holding onto Leon's hips. And it clicks to him, amidst his still sleepy mind that Leon has been the one releasing those noises and causing these in him.
(M/n) holds Leon's hips still with a tight grip, making the blond cry out, begging for him.
"Please please please~" (M/n) is not too sure about what Leon wants, but he's sure he won't be able to fall back asleep with the way his cock is leaking so much. He takes a deep breath, making his mind blank for a moment as he takes in the scent of Leon's pheromones, but he's quick to regain himself back.
He feels Leon's hips wriggling under his grip, letting out desperate whimpers, so needy for (M/n)'s cock.
Leon cries out a 'yes~' when (M/n) starts lowering his shorts and underwear down his thighs, remaining around his knees, but an unsatisfied groan leaves him when (M/n) slides his wet cock in between his thighs, "No~ I... I need more, please..." He whines with tears in his eyes, and (M/n) almost couldn't believe that his boyfriend, his mate, was crying because he decided not to fuck him stupid.
Trying to resist the urge to give in to Leon's needs, (M/n) moved his hands up to hold onto the blond's waist, slowly moving his hips back and forth, groaning at the feeling of Leon's smooth skin, nuzzling his nose on the back the omega's neck, taking deep breaths of his enticing scent. Fuck, it was so hard to resist him when he smelled this good.
"Need you i-inside me now, p-please... I want your cock, w-wanna get filled with your cum..." Leon said between needy whines, thrusting his hips back, feeling the throbbing veins of (M/n)'s dick gracing so close to his wet and twitching hole, causing him to whimper and grip the pillow under his head as he felt his body trembling, tears flowing freely down his flushed cheeks, "Daddy, please..."
The way his voice broke was all (M/n) needed to give in to his lover's pleads, holding his cock and aligning it to the blond's entrance, pushing slowly inside him, feeling Leon's body tense up, his thighs shaking as he released a choked moan.
"'S so fucking good~" Leon cried, his hand gripping and pulling on the bedsheets, "Fuck me, daddy, make... Make me yours..." Gritting his teeth, (M/n) turned Leon around, facing him and his eyes trailed down his body. His shirt was pulled up to above his chest, exposing his red and swollen nipples, ropes of white, sticky cum glistening on his abdomen, and his inner thighs all wet and sticky.
Leon looked up at him with bright eyes, tears wetting his eyelashes and down his cheeks, he licked his lips and smirked, holding his legs spread further apart.
"Can you move, daddy~?" He really knew how to push his buttons...
"Fucking hell..." (M/n) muttered to himself, fingers gripping Leon's thighs as he slowly dragged his cock out, watching Leon's body squirm as he closed his eyes, before thrusting forward again, making the blond feel every inch going inside him.
Leon's back arched off the bed, his hands moving to grip the bedsheets again, needing some stability at the feeling of being filled with his alpha's cock.
He couldn't get enough of it, no matter how many times he got fucked dumb and was left unable to walk for the next few days. But this time, the heat in the pit of his stomach just kept getting hotter and hotter with every thrust inside his weak body, and it was driving him crazy.
"More more more fuck- more, daddy..." He kept whining breathlessly, but it just wasn't enough.
"Holy- Baby, stop... Clenching around me s-so much, you're... You're gonna ma-make me cum," Leon's blue eyes looked into (M/n)'s. His (e/c) eyes were glued onto him, watching every small reaction coming out of him.
Leon reached his hands up, making (M/n) lean down closer to him, his arms and legs instinctively wrapping around him, keeping a tight hold on his body.
"Cum inside~," (M/n) groaned, his hands placed on the mattress as he tried to free himself from Leon's hold, but the omega was stronger than he anticipated, his grip not budging.
"Leon, I... I can't, you're... You're gonna get pregnant-," the whimper that Leon released next to his ear made him freeze, a shiver running down his spine.
"Yes please, fill me with your pups, it's o-okay~ I'm ready to be-become a mommy~," well, if (M/n) had any self-control before that, it was certainly gonna with those words.
(M/n)'s thrusts became rough and deep, growling at the feeling of Leon's slick walls tightening around him, whimpering when he felt his cum spilling inside him, muttering quiet and high-pitched 'thank you's over and over again every time he came.
"Fuck, baby, you're gonna be such a good mommy," he says between grunts, making Leon tear up at the sound of his voice, feeling him going feral on his sensitive body, fucking him and making sure every drop of his cum stays inside him, not spilling even a single drop.
Leon's hands pull on (M/n)'s hair as yet another dry orgasm shakes his body.
"I'll... I'll be the best mommy," he mumbles in a daze, feeling (M/n)'s lips leaving small kisses on the crook of his neck, where their mate mark is, before a surge of pain and pleasure racks his whole body as (M/n) bites him, dumping his cum inside him again as he can't hold back the loud moan as he orgasmed too.
The next morning, Leon sighs and sits up slowly on the bed, feeling extremely embarrassed as his mind is flooded with memories of the previous night, alongside the sensation of something dripping out of him, but even if he's embarrassed about it all, he's also feeling giddy.
Slowly, he gets up from the bed, needing a few minutes, and attempts at keeping himself standing, holding tightly onto the long-sleeved shirt (M/n) dressed him when he was fast asleep, and he took small steps toward the mirror.
Silently looking from the open door of their room, (M/n) observes how Leon looks at himself in the mirror, a wide smile plastered on his blushing face and a captivating glow around him. He can't help but sigh as he looks at him, walking closer to him and making eye contact with him through the mirror, watching how he looks away flustered.
He wraps his arms around Leon's waist, gently caressing his belly, hearing the blond giggle as he placed his hands on top of his.
Fuck, he was so in love with him.
And he's definitely not surprised when Leon comes up to him a few weeks later, tears gathering in his blue and spilling down his rosy cheeks, the widest, happiest smile on his face.
"I'm pregnant."
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kianely · 10 months
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i. FEATURING — Leon Kennedy x GN!Reader
ii. SYNOPSIS — Relentless stacks of paperwork and arrests during patrols have Leon busy all the time. It doesn’t help that you’re out of town for some work business. Feeling deprived of your touch, he hastily calls you while in his car, needing to hear your voice.
iii. CONTENT WARNINGS — 18+ content (MDNI) Sub!Leon, masturbation, phone sex, dirty talk, spit for lubrication, praise with tiny hints of condescending degradation (leon receiving) Focused mostly on Leon overall. Please check my DNI before interacting. Lowkey rushed, my bad LMAOO
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Your boyfriend was a needy and pitiful mess. He stationed his car in an empty parking lot as soon as he got off his shift at the department. He had his lights turned off. He was ringing your phone, already having you on speaker in case you picked up. A bold move, but he never invested in a pair of earphones so it would have to do.
The slacks of his uniform were painfully tight, he needed you. Couldn’t get off on his own, he was fucking addicted to you. He used to be able to get off in just minutes by the simple thought of you. But he was getting greedy, you spoiled him rotten. He needed to feel you, or at least hear your voice coax him into an orgasm.
“C’mon,” he muttered out, running a hand through his messy hair out of desperation. His phone was beeping, the picture he had for your saved contact showing on his phone and illuminating his car a bit.
It was wishful thinking. It was midnight already, there’s no way you would–
The greeting alone sent blood rushing to his cock, his mind was spinning at the sound of the voice he had been craving to hear the entire long and exhausting work day. His tongue ran across his lips, trying to make up for how dry his throat felt.
“Oh, thank god.” He let out an audible sigh of relief, one you could clearly hear over the phone. “I’m so sorry for calling so late and without any notice, it’s just…”
He chewed on his bottom lip nervously, not knowing how to continue his sentence. He couldn’t just straight up tell you that he had been fantasizing about you jerking him off for hours on end, right? The thought of your hands taking his uniform off at a tantalizing pace before finally wrapping your hand around his cock—it sounded so good. Or even the manner in which you’d teasingly run your fingers across his abdomen before tracing over the lines of his v-line, he was always so weak under your touch.
“It’s okay, I was awake catching up on a show anyway. You’ve been so busy lately and I miss you like crazy, I’m glad you called.” Your voice came through and he wanted to melt into a puddle in his car seat.
“I miss you too, so much. Listen—I’m kind of in a predicament right now,” he eventually managed to say with a breathless tone of voice, placing his hand on the bulge straining against his slacks, rubbing the area lightly and letting out a soft whimper. He hoped you’d get the picture, without having to vulgarly explain himself.
A beat, you registered the sound of Leon’s voice. He was horny, you could tell just by the undertone of need that seeped from his words. Usually he was more subtle, not so blatantly whimpering during a call. That was kinda hot though, your usually composed boyfriend was in need of release.
“Baby. Are you hard right now?”
The term of endearment made Leon’s heart quicken, there was something about the way you said it that made heat blossom across his cheeks. “Guilty.”
You could be cruel sometimes, but not today. Not when you hadn’t touched Leon in nearly three weeks because of conflicting schedules.
“Take your belt off,” your voice was gentle but Leon knew you were instructing him. “And let me hear it, too. Wanna know you’re listening to me.”
There was something about you bossing him around that was so incredibly sexy, he momentarily set his phone down on one of his thighs so you could hear the clanking of metal as he fumbled to take off his belt and gear. It took him longer than usual, and the adrenaline pumping through him made him hear his own pulse in his ears.
“Okay,” fuck, his voice was quivering and his belt was discarded off onto the passenger seat. “What now?”
“Mm,” you thought about it for a moment, just to tease him. Eventually, you settled on a response. “Stroke yourself over your boxers, and tell me what that pretty mind of yours was thinking about all day.”
He was a good boy, unzipping his pants and slipping his right hand underneath—finding the shape of his cock and gliding his hand up and down. The fabric of his boxers was already wet with his precum, it was sticking almost uncomfortably to him. His free hand found purchase on the edge of his car seat, short nails digging into the leather of it.
“I, uh.” He was stammering, mind struggling to formulate a coherent thought. You did this on purpose, making him talk even when he was struggling.
“C’mon sweetheart, you can do better than that. Don’t tell me you went all dumb just by touching yourself for a single second.”
Those taunts, fuck, that condescending tone you took. The windows of his car were undoubtedly going to fog up with all the ragged breaths he was taking. “Was thinking about your hand on my cock, and that thing you do with your thumb—like…oh fuck, when you rub the tip with it.”
A babbling mess, that’s what he was. “T–Thought about you spitting on my cock, and the way you look at me while you do. Want you. Need you.”
“Atta boy,” your praise made him gasp—the words shooting straight down the gutter. “Keep going, you sound so fucking pretty.”
He was almost drooling with the way his jaw was slackened, his lips feeling dry with each intake of breath through his mouth. Only you were given the heavenly experience of hearing all his little sounds, the hiccup of his breath and broken sobs.
“Can I touch myself now, please?” His request was quiet, spoken in a bashful manner.
You laughed at his question, wanting to play with him a little. “What do you mean? You are touching yourself.”
“Yeah but…” he let out a whine, beginning to feel frustrated. So damn impatient, the call had only been running for a few minutes and he was already being pouty. “Like, without my boxers. That’s what I meant. Please? I don’t know how much longer I can go.”
“So dirty. Where are you right now, Leon?”
He wanted to growl at you, how could you be asking such an unnecessary question in the middle of this? Were you trying to torture him? You didn’t even answer his oh so nicely worded request.
“Does it matter?” There was a little bit of frustration in his voice. Could he take his boxers off or not? “Parking lot.”
“Ah, right. So you’re asking me if you can take your boxers off in a public parking lot and touch yourself, then? You’re a cop, aren’t you? Isn’t that public indecency?”
“Babe.” His voice was so whiny, fingers getting ready to reach under his boxers. “Please. Just let me, there’s no one around, promise.” He craved your permission, even if he didn’t necessarily need it to touch himself.
You were so going to give him shit over this the next time the two of you hung out in person. “So impatient, fine, go ahead.”
His boxers were hastily shoved further down as soon as he got the green light, his fingers wrapping around his neglected cock. Tears brimmed at his eyes at the relief that flooded his senses, letting out a hiss as he stroked himself.
He imagined his hand was yours, mimicking the way you would touch him because he had it all memorized. “Oh god,” his eyes fluttered shut as his head tilted back towards the headrest—hips bucking up into his own hand. “Thank you, thank you, thank you…”
“That’s it, keep going.” Hearing your boyfriend in such a messy state was getting to you too, your own hand snaking down your figure to the place that ached. “Spit on it.”
“What?” The command made him lose focus, his mind spinning with each passing second, “oh, wait, okay. Fuck, that’s hot.”
It was an easy task for him, saliva having already gathered in his mouth from the way he had been too focused on all the pleasure to even swallow. He let his spit land on the tip, watching as it ran it’s way down to the base.
With a high-pitched moan, he kept on going—a little faster than before. He was losing it, his rhythm progressively getting more sloppy as his stomach got tighter and tighter.
He really should’ve turned his ignition on so he could have some AC in his damn car, his uniform was going to be damp with sweat after this. Whatever, he owned a washing machine.
He could hear your encouragement and dirty talk, but he was too out of it to really pay attention. It didn’t matter, all he needed to know was that you were on the other line of the call, that’s the only way he could come in this situation.
“Not gonna last much longer,” he rasped out, giving the base of his cock some firm squeezes—the same motion you did to him whenever you gave him a handjob.
“I know,” you truly did, you could tell by the way he hadn’t responded to any of your praising comments, instead only receiving a mixture of heavy and uneven breathing as a response. “You can do it, sweetheart. Make a mess all over yourself.”
“Mm,” he heard that praise though, his knees felt like jelly. His hand was starting to cramp up but that was the last thing on his mind.
“Please,” he had no clue what he was begging for, the tears that glazed over his eyes started to spill. He hated that it wasn’t enough. Yeah, he was about to come, but his hand made only a decent substitute for yours.
“Gonna come, gonna come,” he repeated the phrase over and over again until his voice nearly gave out, “fuck, gonna—“
His eyebrows were knit together prettily, breathing momentarily paused as he gave some final tugs before his eyes rolled back, his hearing failing on him as all the noises turned to static.
He let out a silent moan, stripes of white landing onto the vest of his uniform. He inhaled and exhaled shuddering breaths as his body shook, slumping against his seat. His body felt limp and weak, hand cramping up from the way he had been going at it. “Oh my god…”
You gave him a couple moments to recuperate himself, “feeling good?”
“Better than good. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t picked up my call,” all the sexual tension of the day was finally exhausted from him, lazy smile forming on his face as he tried to catch his breath—he could hear you laughing over the phone.
“Gotten blue balls or something. Sooo, are you going to write yourself up now for public indecency?”
“You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?”
“Yeah, I figured.”
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starcrossedreaders · 1 year
  Parings: Rookie!Virgin!Leon Kennedy x Virgin!fem!Reader
Summary: You and Leon have finally made it to the next step of the relationship. Only problem is, you’re both virgins. 
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Warnings: Fem Reader 18+ very very fluffy smut that is taken very very slow. Smut with training wheels essentially :) Protected sex (please wear protection anytime you are active) p in v, missionary, mutual masturbation, squirting cunnilingus both male and female
Authors note: This idea came to me late at night sooo, I highly suggest listening to Pure by Cigarettes After Sex because this is HEAVILY inspired by that song. Enjoy!
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
The comfort Leon’s lips brought to you was unimaginable. Your tongues danced together at a slow pace. His hands were on your hips, gripping slightly each time you moved a little. Leon couldn’t stand the foreign feeling that was brewing in is gut. It made him hot and heavy and aching for something that wasn’t there.
You and Leon have been dating for little over a year. Having met in a coffee shop on the day after your 21st birthday. Leon had bumped into you, sending the dark liquid crashing all over your clothes. Leon stumbled over his words as he tried to fix his mistake, cursing at his clumsiness. Maybe it was the left over alcohol in your system, or your love for food, but, you had told him he can make it up to you by buying you lunch. Of course Leon could never say no to a beautiful girl like you, and he was wiling to make it up to you in whatever way possible. Soon, lunch led to dinner dates, dinner led to hanging out, and hanging out led to dating, and dating led you guys here, with you in Leon’s lap kissing slowly.
You and Leon had agreed to take it slow so you guys have never pushed your physical intimacy past making out. If Leon was being honest, he liked it this way. Due to his up bringing in a strict religious household anything that went along the lines of sex or masturbation was strictly prohibited. Even when Leon moved out he was so busy with the police academy that sex wasn’t his top priority. Leon couldn’t bring himself to do it, he knew nothing of the nature and he was quiet embarrassed about it. Especially, since his girlfriend is a big advocate in sexual health. He’s over heard conversations you’ve had with friends about how it’s okay for them to not get off to penetration, foreplay is what majority of people use to reach their climax.  Leon didn’t know what foreplay or climax met, and that only scared him more for when the day you guys do decided to take the next step. 
For you though, you were more then ready to take that step. Despite you waiting for the right person to get intimate with, you fully believe that person is Leon. Your vibrator was starting to bore you, and your hand was to mundane. You needed to be filled, more then just your ring and middle fingers. You needed his tongue lapping at your apex as you rake your hands through his hair. You needed to be filled so deep that the tip is bumping into your cervix. You need to be manhandled, tied to a bed and blind folded, or riding a certain someone past no return. But of course, you waited, staying ever the  more patient with your lover. ‘Good things come to those who wait’ was something you constantly told yourself in the late hours of the night when you yearned to feel your boyfriend deep inside of you.
Pulling back for air, you bring your hand down to wipe away the saliva that ran down Leon’s chin. His blue eyes pierced into yours as you two looked at each other.
“Everything okay love?” His whispers floated past your lips and filled the quiet room.  You couldn’t wait anymore. The way you could feel his bulge beneath you, his huge arms gripping you, and the taste of him on your lips, you had to have him, and now. 
“Can.... Can I ask you a serious question?”
“Of course,” He smiled at you as he rubbed idle circles on your hips.
“Are you... Are you willing to take the next step in our relationship? If you don’t want to that’s okay, it’s just...” You trail off of your sentence when you notice the pale expression on your boyfriend’s face. One of his biggest fears came true and he didn’t know how to handle it.
Your voice softened as you cup his cheek, “Hey it’s okay, we don’t have to I was just wondering,”
Leon was quick to shake his head, “No, no it’s not that...”
Your brows furrowed in confusion, “Then what is it?”
Silence filled your shared room as Leon turned his head to look away from you. Red floated up to the tips of his ears and flowed down all the way to his neck.
“I- I uh, um,” He trapped his swollen bottom lip in-between his teeth. 
“Leon I promise it’s fi-,”
“I’m still a virgin! I don’t know anything about sex, when I hear you talking to your friends about it I don’t even understand most of the words you use, and I’m afraid. I’m afraid that I’m not going to make you feel good, and then you’ll leave me an-” Your lips crashed into Leon’s bruised lips. You had cut Leon of just as he had done to you
Pulling back you looked at Leon pondering what to tell him, ”Love, I’m a virgin too,”
“Yes really. I had told myself I was going to wait to till I’m with the right person, and Leon you are that person for me, no matter what you have and haven’t done. We will take it slow, establish boundaries as we go and if you are uncomfortable with it, we will stop.” You thumb stroked his cheek as he looked at you will big doe eyes that were slightly glossed over.
He nodded his head slightly and you returned your lips to his. The kiss was slow and passionate. Despite his tongue dipping past your lips there was nothing eager about the kiss. Pulling back you started to trail kisses down Leon’s jaw. Starting from the edge of mouth and moving lower tracing the sharp lines of his jaw with your lips. When you reached his neck you started to suck and bite, causing him to groan. After leaving a few love bites you pulled back and toyed with the hem of his shirt.
“Consent is everything, always ask before you do. It might be redundant but it helps establish trust, and quite frankly I think it’s very very hot,” Leon plays with the hem of your shorts as he nods his head.
“May I?” You tug a little at his shirt.
“Mhm,” he eagerly nodded his head before you were quick to lift his shirt over his head.
Leon was quick to connect your lips again this time he takes the lead. He followed you actions and left hickies all along your neck and down to your cleveage. 
“May I take your shirt off love?” his voice was soft as it floated to your ears.
“Of course,” Leon’s calloused hands traveled up from your thighs to the inside of your shirt around your stomach. His soft touch sent shivers down your spine as he took his hands out from your shirt and gripped the hem of your shirt. He gave you one last look for confirmation before he slowly lifted it up. He stopped right before your perked up nipples. 
“It’s okay love, here let me help you,” Your hands landed on top of his and you slowly guided his hands up, up and over your head. 
Matching pink adorned cheeks sat on your guys faces as Leon took in the sight in front of him, and you watch Leon practically drool over your tits. 
“C-can I touch them?” This was the first time Leon had seen you this naked, and if he was being honest, he was a little upset that this is what he has been missing out on for so long. 
You could feel your arousal pool into your shorts “Gods, please Leon, touch me, I want to feel your hands all over me,” You were quick to grab his hands and lead them to your aching nipples. 
His cold hands made you arch your back further into his touch as a moan laid in the back of your throat. “Fuck Leon,” 
Your hands held onto his as he rolled your left nipple in his hand and dived back into your neck. This feeling was indescribable the ecstasy was too addicting, and you wanted more, you wanted to be inebriated all the time. 
Your hands trailed down your body and slowly made their way to Leon’s soaked crotch. You didn’t know if it was his fluids or yours, in fact it was probably a mix of both of them.
“Fuck Leon, can I touch you, please let me touch you,” Your hands ghosted over his crotch and his breath hitched.
“P-please,” Leon lifted his hips up and tried to yank his boxers down, in his futile attempt you had finished the job for him. 
His raging cock sprang out and smack him in the stomach. The tip was an angry red with pre-cum oozing out from the top. The vein underneath was bulging and all you could do was stare. Your own arousal slid down your leg on to his, “Fuck Y/N, take them off,” Leon’s voice had darken in demand, taking your bottom lip in your teeth you eagerly nod your head and lift off of Leon to slide your shorts off. Who were you to say no to him? 
Your sopping pussy was the most beautiful thing Leon has ever seen in his life his cock twitched, yearning to be stuffed deep in your dripping hole. 
“Can I touch it?” Your soft voice pulled Leon out of his trance. Leon eagerly nodded his head.
You clicked your tongue and lean into Leon’s ear, “Use your words baby,” the groan that came from the back of his throat was music to your ears. His grip on you was sure to leave bruises but you didn't mind, you wanted this night to last forever. 
“Fuck, yes! Touch me. Use me however you want, I'm yours,” You leaned back on his thighs and bent over slightly. Hovering over his angry cock you collected a ball of spit on the tip of your tongue. Parting your lips you let is slowly fall down on top of  his member. A thin string of saliva kept you connected before your pointer finger spread the natural lubricate.
Leon thought he was going to cum right then and there. He’s never cummed before, if that’s what it’s even called but the bubbling feeling in his groin was over whelming. His hips bucked into your hand for more friction. Being the loving girlfriend you are you gave him what he wanted and wrapped your hand around his pulsing cock. He was so thick your fingers barely touched each other on either side. Starting at a slow pace you went up up up, then down down down. Leon’s whimpers made you clench around thin air. You could see him tighten his core with each pump and you knew he wouldn’t last any longer. 
His strained gasps filled the room, “F-fuck, I’m going to c-cu-,” You were quick to wrap your lips around the tip of his cock and kitten lick the slit. Salty pre-cum coated your tongue and you couldn’t have enjoyed the taste more. The warm feeling of your mouth caused Leon to jerk forward and grip your hair. 
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK,” sliding your head down further Leon pulsed in your mouth as hot streams of cum coated the back of your throat. Trying not to choke  you were quick to pull off of his cock and swallow every single last drop of cum he gave you. You pumped his cock a few more times before his hand gripped yours making your stop.
You sat up and bent over to the nightstand next to Leon, “Whenever we have sex you’re using a condom, if it’s not wrapped we’re not playing,” You opened the top drawer and tore a single condom off the string of them. 
“O-of course,” Leon’s breath was shaky.
 On the outside he might seem very nervous but on the inside he is doing cartwheels, he’s so excited to feel what it would be like to be inside of you. If your mouth was that heavenly you pussy had to be even better.
You hum in delight, “May I?”  His eager nods was enough conformation for you.
 Leon thought the look you gave him would make him cum on the spot. As you brought the shiny purple foil packet to your teeth, your eyes bore straight into his while you bat your lashes. You gripped the packet between your top and bottom teeth. As you pulled the packet down the foil slowly ripped open to reveal the lubed up latex. When you took it out of the wrapping your nose scrunched up at the slimy texture.  
“I’m going to put it on now,” Leon couldn’t form any coherent words. All he could do was squeeze his eyes shut and throw his head back.
You gently place the cold rubber on Leon’s red tip. The cool sensation caused him to buck his upwards. In one fluid motion you slide the condom down while his hips went up. You made sure to leave room at the top to collect his cum.  Still sitting back on his thighs you leaned back further putting your left hand on his ankle for support. Spreading your thighs apart you took your right hand and dipped your middle and ring finger between your folds. Your glistening pussy caused Leon’s dick to jerk on it’s own.
“Fuckk baby, you’re that wet?” Leon’s groans made you throw your own head back.
“See what you do to me Leon, you drive me insane,” You rubbed a few circles on your aching clit before slowing sinking your two fingers in your soppy hole. 
Gasping from the sudden intrusion your fingers curled up against your walls causing your juices to drip from your hand. 
“P-please, please please please let me feel you wrap around me, I can’t handle this anymore,” Leon begging was like a orchestra, an orchestra you could listen to all day.
Leon didn’t appreciate how lightly you took his begging, he was serious and he was dead set on being in you. Leon hooked his each hand behind your knees and slide you all the way to his chest. Chest to chest your hand was flushed against his crotch, although this didn’t last long. Wrapping your legs around his waist he dipped you back with your head slightly hanging off of the bed and him caging you in. 
Leon was quick to yank your hand out of your wet hole as he lowered himself in-between your thighs. “Are you okay if I get a taste?” 
You couldn’t believe your boyfriend, your sweet shy boyfriend is asking to eat you out. Lifting your head slightly you nod your as your wrap your fingers in his silky hair and buck your hips into his nose,
“Ah ah, use your words sweet girl,”
“YES! Yes please eat me out, I’ll do anything,” You shoved his head to your soaking core and he obliged to your begging.
Wrapping his hands around your thighs to keep them open he stuck his tongue out and licked one big stripe from your leaking hole to your puffy clit. The pornographic moan you let out had Leon slightly grinding his aching cock against the mattress. 
“hmm fuck, you taste s’good,” Leon feasted upon you like a starved man. His tongue abused your clit with his small kitten licks and occasional kiss. 
His nose bumped into your clit as he moved his tongue to your hole, teasing it slightly. Suddenly, he plunged his tongue in hitting the spongy spot you have dreamed about him hitting. Arching your back off the mattress your thighs squeezed his had as you pulled his hair. 
“Oh fuck,” 
“You like that baby?” His voice vibrated up your core causing your feet to curl. 
Leon took this reaction as a good sign and continued to hit the same spot over and over again, despite his muscle getting tired, he would do anything to make you cum. 
White spots invaded your vison as blood rushed to your hanging head. With the faint feeling and the overwhelming pleasure you could feel the knot tightening.
“Le-Leon,” Your breathes came out raggedy.
He hummed in acknowledgement sending more vibrations to your core, “I-I’m going to cu-cum, oh fuck,” 
“Let go pretty girl, cum all over my face. Gods you taste so sweet,” His pace quickened  and soon you were falling.
The knot snapped and stars flooded your vision as Leon drowned in your ecstasy. 
“Fuck, just like that,” His thumbs rubbed circles on your thighs as you came down from the stars. 
Leon slid your body down so your head was no longer hanging off of the bed. Your juices dripped from his chin onto your chest as he leaned over you caging your in.
“My sweet girl,” He crashed his lips into yours allowing you to taste your own juices. 
You wiggled your hand in-between your sweaty bodies and pumped his raging cock. Leon moaned into the kiss the faster you moved your hand. Pulling back Leon wiped the rest of your juices with the back of his hand. 
“Open up love,” Leon pinched your chin  between his pointer, his index and his thumb just like the morning paper he reads every Sunday.
He softly opened your mouth for you and shoved his middle and ring finger in your mouth, “Now suck,” 
The newfound dominance had you wanting more, always you wanted more. You loved seeing your boyfriend crack out of his shell. Of course, you loved his soft side too, but there something about the way he can easily over-power you and have you at his mercy that made your pussy throb.  
Following your orders, your tongue worked around each digit before giving each one their own undivided attention. You would suck occasionally as your tongue waltzed around his fingers. You guys stayed like this for a few moments, you pumping his cock while you sucked on his fingers.
Once Leon was satisficed with your work he was quick to pull his fingers out of your mouth, “Such a good girl,”
Your fingers trailed his as he lowered them down to your core, “May I?” He quickly glanced in your direction.
“Please Leon, stuff my pussy with your fingers,” you groaned as you bucked your hips up for some friction.
“Yea? My sweet girl wants to be full? I think I could mange that,” Soon, he plunged his wet fingers in your hole. You arched your back off of the bed as both your hand went to grip the bedsheet.
“No,no,no love, you still have jerk me off. Can you do that for me?” His angelic voice contradicted his sinful acts.
You simply nodded your head as you brought your right hand back to pump his cock. Leon’s fingers curled upwards hitting the tip of your cervix, that made you see stars. Your tongue stuck out with drool dripping down the side of your mouth and your eyes in the back of your head. Leon’s abuse on your cervix got harder and faster and all you could think about is coming undone again. Although this time it felt different.... too different.
Your right hand gripped Leon’s moving arm and you scrunched up and squealed in his ear, “Leon s-stop I’m go-going to p-” before you could finish your pleas clear juices came out like a waterfall. You had just squirted all over your boyfriend, from his chest all the down to his thighs. Leon had just made you squirt. An act you thought your body would never be able to do, especially during your first time, and your boyfriend had just proved you wrong. 
“oh what the fuck-” Leon mumbled under his breath as he pulled his soaked fingers out.
“What was that?” Leon was afraid he just hurt you. Did he break open something inside of you? are you in pain? Why the fuck was that so hot?
“Are you okay?” Falling back on the soaked bed you just nodded your head.
“I just squirted... Holy shit, I just squirted!” Leon was so confused.
“Sooo, I didn’t hurt or break you?” Your gazed soften at his concerned words.
“No love, you just took me to heaven and back. Now I want you to do it again. I can’t get enough of your Leon, I need you in me,”
“Are you sure, We can do that an-,” Your hand grabbed his still throbbing cock and led it towards your entrance.
“Please fill me,” 
“Who am I to tell you no, you’ve been so good to me tonight,” His hand wrapped around yours as he teased your hole before sticking to tip in.
 Leon thought he was going to cum right then and there. He was quick to pull back, “Baby I can’t, anymore and I’ll cum right away,”
“Come on baby, you can  it, I believe in you. Take a deep breath, you can do it,” Leon followed your soft words as he stuck the tip back in. He took a sharp breath in-between his teeth as he eased himself into you. His head was thrown back and his eyes were glued shut.
The burning sensation brought tears to your eyes, how were you going to fit his thick cock into you is a mystery but you will sure as hell will try to take it all. Leon was about half way in when he finally opened his eyes and looked down at you. Fat tears slide down your cheeks as your forearm rested over your eyes.
Leon lightly pulled your arm away placing your hand above your head as tangled his fingers with yours. “Baby look at me,” 
Opening your eyes you looked up to find Leon already looking back at you. His blue eyes bore into yours as he halted his movements.
“Are you okay?” His hand cups your face as he brushes a few stray tears away.
You nod your head a little, “Y-yes, the more you move the less it’ll hurt,” He just nodded his a head a little before he resumed his advancements. 
The feeling of your warm pussy sheathed around him almost hurt but he couldn’t bring himself to pull out. You needed this just as much as he did, and he is willing to give it all to you. 
Your legs wrapped around his waist with your feet slightly resting on his butt, pulling Leon in a little closer he finally bottomed out. All Leon could do is stay there in pure ecstasy.
“Let me know when you want me to move,” His words come out as a breathy moan as he looked down at you. Your bottom lip was trapped in-between your teeth as your eyes squeezed shut. 
Taking a deep breath in, on the exhale you opened your eyes, “Okay..” Leon barely missed your que for him.
Sliding his hips back he was quick to move them forward again. His pace was slow and steady as his hips rocked back and forth against yours. Your back arched up and off of the bed as your nails found salvation on Leon’s back that would for sure leave red marks in the morning. 
Leon dipped his head down near you ear, his sweet whimpers was the only thing you could hear. Moans pushed past your lips as you craved more.
“Faster,” You let out breathy moans as Leon  picked up his pace. 
The bed slightly creaked under your moving bodies as moans filled the room. With each thrust you were brought closer and closer to edge. Leon whispered sweet nothings into your ear. 
A bead of sweat formed in his hairline as he kept up his pace. Your pussy was squeezing him so tightly. He knew he was close, and he hoped you were just as close.
“Fuck baby I’m going to cum,” Slapping skin and moans filled the room as you each neared your release. 
Hot breath slid down your neck before Leon trailed kisses all along your collarbone.
“I’m close, I’m so so close,” Your words were like a mantra repeating over and over again.
Your clenched pussy made it harder for Leon to move as he got closer and closer. 
“Leon, Leon Le-,” Arching up and off of the bed you fully clenched around him as you were pushed over the edge. Your juices wrapped around his cock and dripped out between your bodies. 
The warmth of your pussy and wetness of your ecstasy was the final straw for Leon. “Fuck,” with one last slam of his hips into yours his cum filled the condom. 
Your eyes stayed shut as you focused on your breathing, Leon trailed soft kisses around your face before he reached your lips. His soft lips pressed into yours before he spoke up once again. “I love you so much.”
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yxxdel · 1 month
𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 FT. LEON KENNEDY 𖦹°‧ ** leon remember your first and last encounter
W/C : 650
C/W : mention of death/blood/zombies
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𝐒𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟑𝟎, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟖. It was the day Leon Kennedy would never forget. The cop inside him died that day. His heart died that day. Because he lost faith in humanity.
Because he lost you.
Leon sighed as he leaned back against his couch, closing his eyes. It has been six years since that day, since your death.
At night, he did have nightmares of those monstrous creatures, but he also dreamed of you.
He dreamed of your smile when you first met; he dreamed of your light chuckle at his stupid joke, even though the hell you two were in, your lips softly kissing his…
He grinned sadly, alone in his apartment, putting his hands over his face. How pathetic he was, he thought, for still thinking of you even after all those years…
“Are you a cop ?”
Your voice echoed in the car as he showed you a little proud smile.
“Yeah, Leon Kennedy. And you ?”
You smiled at him, but you were still scared about what was happening in the city.
Leon thought your name suited you well- a lovely name for a lovely woman.
And your smile, God, he wished he knew you sooner because now he wanted to see it every day. But unfortunately, the situation didn’t give any hope to smile.
Grunting in pain, you fell to the ground as your hand held your stomach. Sensing you weren’t behind him anymore, Leon rushed by your side with a worried expression.
“No, no..”
He pressed his hands on your injury, his blue eyes scanning your face.
“Are you okay ? Can you walk ? Come on, we’re almost there.”
He said, he sounded desperate.
Because this was supposed to be his first day, and it turned out to be a hell. But at least he was with you, you, who were just a survivor. You who stuck by his side.
You whispered with a soft smile, one bloody hand cupping his cheek. He shook his head; he didn’t want to believe it.
“It’s too late, go before it’s too late for you too. Please.”
He pressed harder, tears rolling down his cheeks.
“Bullshit. I’m picking you up, there’s no way I’m leaving you here—“
You cut him off by pressing your lips gently against his, offering him a sweet kiss. His body froze, trying to understand what was happening.
Your tears mixed with his as you pulled away, your thumb caressing his cheek.
“I won’t forgive myself if you die, please, save yourself when you still can.”
He rested his forehead against yours at your words, closing his eyes.
“No, I-I must save you.”
The sounds of the groans of the contaminated people got closer, and you gently pushed him away.
“Leave, now.”
You stood up with difficulty, blood was still coming out of your injury as you paled even more. He watched you with his ocean eyes, whispering your name.
Then, when the zombies arrived where you two were, you jumped on them with open arms so they wouldn’t reach Leon.
You screamed in pain as you felt your skin be eaten, your eyes meeting his scared ones.
“Please, run away. For me.”
Those were your last words, before you closed your eyes. Leon wanted to scream, raising his gun. But deep inside, he knew it was too late.
So, with the heart heavy, he ran away. His blurry vision caused him to fall a few times, but he kept running.
For you. You gave your life for him, so he swore he would live for you.
Opening his eyes, he exhaled through his nose as he straightened on his couch.
He got a call today for a new mission. He was supposed to save the president’s daughter.
And he promised, to whom well, he himself didn’t know, that he would succeed in this mission in one piece.
Like he has sworn to do since your death.
For you.
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glader13 · 1 year
Playing Dangerous
Leon Kennedy x Female Reader
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Warnings: Language, smut, p in v (18 and up)
“Fucking dick!” you shouted, staring at the video, “Fucking asshole!”
You were lounging in your lace (very see-through) nightgown at your boyfriend’s, ex-boyfriend’s, mansion when you saw the secretive video. He was away on a business trip and you were finally off the road from touring. The two of you haven’t seen each other in months, due to your music career and his company being the CEO. 
But that didn’t get in the way of your love, at least that’s what you thought. The long phone calls where you would talk for hours and then the calls where you did more than talk, meant nothing to him. All the flowers he sent before each show were there, filling your dressing room with its sickly sweet scent. You should’ve known it was going downhill when he brought his assistant to your lunch date, and you should’ve known something was off from the way she lazily regarded you, how she sat next to him. She walked in a manner as if he were hers. Perhaps at that time, he probably was. Every time you called him from halfway across the country, she was there in bed with him, or sucking him off as he called you his “little singer”. 
You throw your phone, staring at the ceiling through blurred eyes, angry that you’re hurting after ignoring the signs. He’s supposed to be coming home late tonight, going to the office to look over some paperwork, but you knew that he was with that bitch. Or, she was with him at the office, being in your bent-over position on his desk. “Fuck,” you say again, thinking of the dinner that you cooked, the cake that you’re baking. Hell, you’re even wearing a new lingerie set, a pretty dark red against your skin. Despite the hurt, you continued watching, seeing him sit her down, and plunge his face in between her legs. 
The video ended shortly after, leaving you trying to rationalize why. She was definitely more attractive than you, much happier to lean on him. She definitely tried to see everything from his perspective, but the most damning thing was that she was always there and you weren’t. That alone was all he needed to cheat. Finally, your sadness gave way to anger, eating you like a fire. Slashing tires, and breaking items can only do so much, so you decide to hit him where it hurts. Since he loves her so much, he can live with her. 
So, you fell asleep as your cake was baking, causing you to forget about it. As you were sleeping, you felt incredibly warm, waking up to nothing but smoke. You barely made it out, but thank goodness you were there alone. That’s the story you would tell, you decided staring at the flames. Watching them claw at the night sky as if trying to reach for the stars. The sound of sirens made you jump from your seat on the ground. An officer, a young one, jumped out of the car, his eyes widening seeing the flames. He spoke into his radio as he ran over to you, taking you by the waist to lead you away from the fire. From this angle, he looked akin to a puppy, with bright and big ocean eyes, and lips that gave you the softest smile, reassuring you that everything will be fine. His tenderness almost scared you, it felt so foreign, and then you realized why, his features were never that soft with you.
He opened the car door, seating you inside. He placed his jacket over you, “You okay, Miss?”
“Just a little shaken,” you say looking at the fire.
“Okay good,” he gave you a smile that weakened your heart, “Better to be shaken than burned.”
“I’ll be right back,” he began to walk toward the fire, causing you to take his hand.
“Officer ..,” you saw his badge, “Officer Kennedy, it’s dangerous, and no one else was inside, just me.”
He nodded, walking off again to talk on his radio. He then returned to you, his eyes taking your body briefly before he pulled out a small notebook. “Thank you for being concerned,” he says.
“What are you talking about Officer Kennedy?” you asked, pulling his jacket up, it was just so comforting, feeling right on you.
“About the fire,” he smiled, still making you weak, “But danger is my job, I keep people safe. Also, please call me Leon.”
“Okay Leon, I’m y/n l/n,” you say, and when he repeated your name it was heaven itself. Another sure sign that your desires were reaching for the stars like the flames. 
He then asked you questions about the fire, when did it start and how? You kept your story, though you felt bad whenever you would meet his angel eyes. He asked you why you were here and if you lived here. You told him that you were cooking for your partner, and seeing his face drop with slouched shoulders wanted you to make it clear that he is now your ex. After the questioning, he leaned against the cop car, staring at the fire, his fingers constantly moving. 
The silence allowed you to get another good look at him, noticing his slim yet muscular frame. Blonde-brown hair that was blowing in the wind. You mumbled how you felt so much safer with him and he dropped his head, running his hand through his hair as he mumbled thanks. So cute, you thought feeling your emotions run ahead of you. 
You two continued to sit in a comfortable silence, as you played with the ends of your nightgown. As you were doing that, you noticed Leon stealing glances, which you let slide at first, feeling a dangerous spark from those eyes. Then you felt the states become longer and bolder, Leon finally noticing that the nightgown is see-through, revealing the lingerie. 
“Is everything okay Leon?” you say, “Oh! My nightgown, I’ll cover it.”
“You don’t have to,” his eyes widened, becoming visibly ill, “I mean it’s up to you. Shit,” he sighs, “It looks nice.
“The nightgown or the lingerie?” you laugh, causing his face to match the flames. Then you got an idea, “Let’s switch places.”
“What do you mean?” he asks. 
“My turn to be the officer,” was all you said as you forced him on the seat. 
“So, Mr. Kennedy,” you pulled out your phone as if you were an interviewer, “Why did you join the RPD?”
He stared at you smiling as he playfully shook his head, “I knew that I wanted to protect people ever since I was young. I mean in my school years, I always stood up to bullies who were huge compared to me.”
“Quite the hero,” you say, thinking that he’s perfect, “But why this city, this department?”
“I love Raccoon City,” he began, his eyes finally resting on yours, confidence in his voice, “But this city needs work, and I want to help it, and all communities in it,” he chuckled, “I just want to protect innocent people.”
“Including poor damsels like me?” you tease.
At that Leon looked at your body again, now having a better view of you. He swallowed hard, before mumbling yes miss. You could feel him mentally removing the nightgown revealing the lacey lingerie material that shows off your chest. The underwear was just as equally thin, with straps that connected to a lace piece wrapped around your thighs. This was supposed to be for your ex, but maybe Leon will enjoy it instead. 
“Do you usually work so late and alone?” you asked, ignoring how his hands were resting over his crotch though your smile was light. 
“Um … no. I just started,” he struggled for words, “First night alone .. Fresh from training.”
“Your girl must be worried then,” you say, smile now gone with the realization, that you’ll be no better than your ex, “Sorry for keeping you so late,” you managed to laugh pointing at the fire. 
“There’s no girl,” he blurts out, “At least … there isn’t now. Been like that for two years.”
His desire is evident now in those stormy eyes. Giving you the confidence to get closer to him, inches from his face. His lips were so soft up close, and you fought the urge to kiss him right there, “Have you ever thought about dating a singer?” you were closer now, scarcely feeling his breathing, “Would you date a singer officer?”
“I’m guessing you don’t have a partner,” he says and you nod. The air between the two of you is finally clear.  
He pulls you onto his lap, shamelessly taking off the nightgown. His stare gave you goosebumps in the fire’s heat and his light kiss on your neck nearly caused you to come undone. “You’re beautiful,” he breathes against your neck.
You shakily breathe his name as he continues to kiss your neck, nipping as he goes lower to your chest. His hands weren’t idle, both finding your chest and kneading your chest, squeezing your nipples, rolling them between his fingers. His lips finally found yours, crashing into you like a hurricane. The feel of his tongue against yours was powerful as you began to become aware of, only concerning yourself with all things Leon. The fire, your ex, everything all faded away by Leon’s hands, by his kiss. It was just him and you, and all you wanted was to fade into him wholly.
You let your hands palm at his pants, clenching around nothing as you felt him getting hard under your fingers. Feeling impatient, you undid the buckles and pulled his boxers down. His cock came out, angry and already leaking, causing your heart to tumble at the sight seeing how large he was. 
“Please,” Leon croaked out, and you knew what he wanted, what he needed. 
You nodded, causing Leon to move your underwear to the side, exposing your dripping pussy. You then got over him, sinking down. He groaned feeling you around him, his hands digging into your sides. He then smirked, touching the side of your face, and tracing his fingers over your lips, “Are you just going to sit there and look pretty? Or are you going to move that body of yours?”
So, you did as he said causing a beautiful sound to fall from his mouth. As you grind your hips against him, chasing your high by crashing down on him. You threw your head back, feeling him come up and meet you as you crashed down. He hit all the right places, filling you just right by hitting your sweet spot. Your mouth was only able to form his name, repeating it like a sacred prayer. You then looked down at him, causing impossibly more butterflies in your stomach. His eyes were squeezed shut and his mouth was slightly open, whispering jumbled words of praise. 
You touched your clit, rubbing desperate circles and feeling the pleasure build up like a bomb. The extra sensation caused you to clench around him even tighter, your name dripping in honey coming from his mouth. 
“Le … Leon,” you whined feeling him move your finger. 
 He placed your finger in his mouth, his tongue swirling over it. He was drunk on your taste, on you, hazy eyes filled with desire. His eyes were dark with it, giving the impression that they did not belong to him. But they focused on you, saw you, and you can swear that you think you’re falling in love. He held you down, rubbing new circles on that same sensitive area, all the while thrusting up. Your moans filled the police car as you grind on his dick, against his finger. 
“Leon … Leon more,” you begged, fucking yourself against him, “More please,” the bomb was getting ready to explode. The knot in your stomach coming undone. 
He obliged, making the circles on your clit harder, thrusting up into you harder and faster. You became sloppy at first, losing somewhat of a rhythm of grinding into him as your body began to shake, your legs jello. Next thing you knew, a white-hot pleasure erupted in you, engulfing you like a flame as you came on his dick. But he wasn’t done with you. He kept on slamming into your abused hole, the overstimulation causing you to try to get out of his grip but he was too strong. Or, maybe you just didn’t want to leave. Now he was chasing his high, thanking you for being good, for still being tight. You couldn’t think, you couldn’t talk. Your mind was in a haze, dumb off of his cock. You came again, another cry coming from your mouth, which Leon called beautiful. 
Leon’s movements began to falter and stutter, signaling that he was close. He sat up, pulling you into a deep kiss as he came, some of it spilling out of you. The two of you finally pulled apart, your pants filling the comfortable silence. You moved some hair that was sticking to his forehead, and he gave another tender kiss, full of promise. He wraps a jacket around you, holding you against him. You don’t know why, or what convicted you to talk. It could’ve been the intimate moment that you shared or his calming heartbeat, but you did. “Do you ever think about her?” you asked, “Do you miss her?”
You felt him shift and tense, but he still held you. “I did think about her a lot. I mean, I saw her as mine, despite us being on and off, I knew that I loved her. So when she left, I was blindsided and angry,” he sighed, “I tried to hate her, but I couldn’t. I did miss her, but … I think I found something better.”
“I was angry,” you confessed, “I lied, Leon. He cheated and I couldn’t think,” you felt tears, “I was so angry, I started the fire. I just wanted him to feel my pain, especially because I did nothing but love him.”
“But this fire didn’t stop my anger,” you say, finally looking at him, “Leon, I don’t want to be angry.”
“Well,” he squeezed your hand, “It’s a good thing that you don’t have to.”
You smiled, feeling safety in his gaze, “But I lied to a cop and committed arson. You can arrest me.”
He caressed the side of your face again, “But you fell asleep, remember?” he says, “You forgot the cake.”
Your eyes widened as you giggled, kissing him, “Of course officer, I was just so sleepy.”
Soon the two of you were standing side by side watching the firefighters put out the remaining flames. They didn’t notice how his hand held yours, how he pulled you close. “I would like to do this again, I mean,” he facepalmed, “I would like to ask you on a date, make it an all-day thing, breakfast, lunch, and dinner,” he smiled, “I want to know my singer more, then after all that we can do this again.”
You kissed his cheek, “I would love that Leon.”
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messylustt · 1 year
tender cuts — leon kennedy. drabble benjebekndk, based on this writing prompt request.
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you go to move back along the ledge, but leon’s hands easily find themselves on your hips pulling you back. “leon, really. it’s fine. i’m barely scratched up.”
“yeah, well, your face’s telling a different story.” he says pointedly, making sure your legs stayed wide around his hips. “just relax…and let me take care of you.” he mutters, shifting closer.
leon had always been one to keep an eye on your occasional injuries, making sure they weren’t fatal or getting infected. and every time you said how you could easily take care of them on your own, you’d find yourself in a position for his benefit. his hands tending to your cuts and wounds. no argument was good enough in his eyes.
“am i terrible at treating myself, is that it?” you ask, finally letting him tilt your head how he needed, to dab at a cut on your forehead. “something like that.” he distractedly mutters making a mix of a scoff and a chuckle leave your lips.
he wipes at a rather deep cut making your teeth clench in a wince. “hold still. this might sting a little.” leon says, catching your gaze. “you don’t say.” you breathe, clenching your knuckles around the edge of the ledge until they slightly discolour.
leon seems to notice your tense body, his careful gaze taking note of your clenched hands. and without warning, and further deciding on his part, he grabs your wrist, resting your hand on his chest, silently letting you use his shirt as a pain reliever. you slightly look up at him at that, the position meaning he stood tall in front of you.
leon shifts to tend to a cut on your lower lip, tilting your chin up, as you feel his hips graze against your thighs. “you must be like this with all your companions along the way.” you smile as much as you can, without stretching your lips too wide. leon’s gaze pauses on your lips a moment, his thumb coming to brush on the underside of your lower lip.
he was only checking the cut. that was his only reason for brushing the pad of his thumb even further along the tender flesh. “you think so?” he asks, his tone lower than before. you can feel your heart pick up a quicker beat, drowning out some of the outside noises. “i’d assume so, yeah.”
“well, maybe you should work on your assumptions then.” he mutters. was he always this close? you can feel your hand clenched around his shirt. you can also feel the drift of his hand, coming to rest on your thigh. “really? i mean come on, you are a rather helpful person. if there’s someone in need, you’re there to help” though now your tone is beginning to match his.
“but i don’t normally find myself in…this kind of position with them.” he mutters, glancing down at your practically conjoined hips. you can feel your face slightly heating up at that as you force a chuckle.
“don’t say that like it’s my fault.” you say. but when you glance back leon’s still looking down, his hand on your thigh beginning to make absentminded patterns, or what you assumed to be absentminded. but from what leon was saying about how your “assumptions” usually prove to be wrong, your mind wavers.
leon’s brows slightly furrow, pausing a moment. “can i just…” but he drifts off, leaving your own brows to furrow. you tilt your head down trying to catch his gaze. “what?” leon looks back to you, his gaze getting caught up in your cuts again.
“next time, let me handle them.” he seems to rethink his words, choosing to say this instead. you raise your brows, reaching forward and tapping under his chin. “and what? let you take all the glory?” your smile is back. and leon’s heart is beating. from your smile to the feel of your fingers under his chin he doesn’t really know how to feel.
“now…will you let me stand? i need to check my rounds.” you ask, lowering your hand. leon stays in place a moment, his hand actually aching to tighten around your thigh, but he brushes the thought to stay, and possibly lean closer away, as he manages to step back. but he still slips his arm around your back, helping you down. because even if his emotions stay conflicted, nothing is going to stop him from staying right by your side.
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© messylustt.tumblr please don’t steal, copy or translate my work onto other platforms.
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
— headcanons ft. leon kennedy
You met Leon when he was just a rookie cop fresh out of the academy before that nightmarish first day in Raccoon sent both your lives spiraling into chaos and tragedy. Despite the hellish circumstances, you formed an unbreakable bond fueled by sheer survival instinct.
After the dust settled and you both made it out alive by the skin of your teeth, neither of you knew how to resume any semblance of normalcy. The trauma lingered too viscerally beneath the surface, casting long shadows even during peaceful moments.
In Leon you found a kindred spirit haunted by the same waking nightmares - one who understood the primal, animalistic panic of being stalked and eviscerated by unholy bio-weapons. He may have started as just a well-meaning if slightly naive rookie, but the hardened survivor who emerged from Raccoon's ruins began mirroring your own instincts for self-preservation at any cost.
At first, you kept any intimacies strictly physical and detached, both of you desperately chasing oblivion between the sheets. Losing yourselves to sweat-slicked passion became the only way to escape the pervasive horrors replaying on a constant loop in your psyches.
Slowly, almost imperceptibly, those ravenous encounters gradually softened around the edges. Harsh, bruising grips eased into caresses. Frantic, selfish movements gave way to tenderness and consideration for the other's pleasure. Until eventually, Leon's usual rigid exterior would crack just enough to expose the frightened, damaged young man beneath after you'd spent yourselves into breathless exhaustion.
It became your mission to bear witness to those fleeting shards of vulnerability, no matter how quickly he'd shutter them away again post-coitus. You ached to remind him - and yourself in turn - that he was still worthy of gentleness despite the serrated-edge of cynicism he armored himself with.
These days, you share a modest apartment together. A sanctuary, however temporary it might be before the next crisis summons one or both of you into the field again. Leon keeps most of his gear meticulously organized near the door for a quick getaway, ever vigilant. But you've introduced small creature comforts amidst the Spartan decor - lush blankets to cocoon you both, scented candles, tasteful art prints to humanize your den.
He no longer startles awake in a cold sweat with a bellow of terror or panic thanks to your steadying presence curled protectively around him. You've learned to wake him with soothing words and the lightest touch through the night terrors lest his primed instincts kick in first. That stoicism remains, of course, but gradually you've helped him find more ease between the lulls of combat.
Leon rarely initiates physical intimacy first unless freshly separated after a deployment when the ache for closeness simply overwhelms him. But once you run exploratory hands over his sculpted body, his restraint crumbles into fevered need to clutch you flush against him. Possessive. Basking in every inch of warm, living flesh without threat of imminent violence.
He's mastered peeling away your clothing with a tantalizing, unhurried lack of urgency born from long experience now. Reveling in the journey and not just the destination, savoring every exposed swell of skin with hushed murmurs and feather-light kisses until you squirm and writhe beneath his doting attention.
While Leon has grown more vocal during these hushed liaisons when his guard erodes completely, he still struggles to outwardly proclaim those three weighted words defining your bond. You don't need them, though. His actions damn sure speak louder - in the protective steel banding his arms around you from behind, the single-minded focus devouring your curves for any sign of injury or imperfection, the ragged whispers muffled against the sweat-dampened nape of your neck each time you both crest with shared euphoria.
Deep down, beneath the chiseled mask of lethal pragmatism branded by combat and unspeakable horror...Leon S. Kennedy remains a romantic at his core, hopelessly tender and relishing the simple sanctuary you represent after years of turmoil. So he holds you close through the nightmares, inhales your comforting scent amidst the choking stench of death, and reminds himself there's still some flicker of humanity worth fighting for time and again.
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jiyansthesis · 1 year
okay.. can i ask for leon cockwarming you????11&2×*×* as a punishment? I SAW THAT ONE POST THAT LEON WOULD DO THAT THINKING ABOUT IT MAKES ME WANT TO READ ONE
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LEON KENNEDY (re4) x reader
note — I GOT TO THIS REQUEST SO LATE. i don't think i've read the post of him doing that but whoever wrote it is doing a service to everyone in the world. i don't know what game leon you want me to write about so i'll do re4make (i'm holding myself back from making it id leon). + i suck at writing punishment smut especially w this type of punishment.
tags — nsfw, porn w a hint of plot, badly written smut, slight praise, teasing, fem bodied reader, cockwarming obviously, use of pretty girl and baby
i am not responsible for any minors interacting w this post - nsfw under the cut
not proofread.
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"le-mmph, leon, wait," you tried prying away the hand that was currently in between your thighs, his fingers teasing your sopping cunt.
"hm?" he hummed. "what, you want me to stop?"
you shook your head quickly. "just slow down," you mumbled out. you didn't want carlos to hear, who was downstairs sleeping, staying over since he was too drunk to drive home from the bar.
"i haven't even done anything yet, and you already want me to slow down?" he cooed. his free hand trailed up and down your thigh, sending shivers down your spine.
your clothes had been discarded on the floor as soon as the two of you had made it to your room, leon still in his fitted shirt that had you staring at him longer than usual.
"you can tell me to slow down, but you can't tell carlos to keep his hands to himself?" he questioned, his hand making his way from your thigh to your chin, turning your head to face him.
"we were just talking," you struggled to get out as leon momentarily slid a finger in you, curling it before stopping.
"just talking? did you see the way he looked at you? i bet he was wishing that he was in my spot right now."
now that you really thought about it, you realized how many times he left lingering touches on the small of your back and arm, eyeing you up and down in your satin dress.
"i don't want him, i want you," you whimpered out.
"well, is that what he thinks? he probably thinks that he can get you in his bed in no time." leon furrowed his eyebrows, a shadow cast over his eyes. "i guess i'll just have to make it obvious you're mine."
he pressed your body closer to his, and buried his face in your neck, nipping at you. he finally resumed moving his fingers in and out of your cunt and a rapid pace, causing you to claw at his back.
the sound of squelching mixed with your moans and gasps had leon holding back from just outright fucking you right then and there. "let it all out baby." he praised.
"you gonna cum for me sweetheart? you gonna be loud enough so carlos can hear who you belong to?" he curled his fingers up to that certain spongey spot which led you to buck your hips up and throw your head back.
"answer me," he prodded at your g-spot, and you muffled a moan.
"y-yes leon," you stammered out.
"you want my fingers or my cock?" leon smirked as you whined when he stopped moving his fingers.
"wan' you in me." your hips grinded against his hand, which he quickly drew away to unbuckle his jeans, which he looked uncomfortably tight in, the tent obvious.
he chuckled at you clenching around nothing, and slowly he slowly pushed himself in your entrance, letting out a drawn out groan. you arched your back as leon gathered both of your wrists into his grip and held them above your head. you struggled for a bit before remembering the strength difference.
"you wanna touch me?" he teased.
you nodded, lips parted and eyes half lidded.
"mm, alright," he let your hands drop down, and you wrapped your hands around his waist, expecting him to start his typical brutal pace, but instead, he flipped you around so you were on top, as if you were about to ride him.
that's what you thought, lifting your hips up, only for leon to grip your hips with bruising strength and slam you back down, you letting out a surprised moan.
"didn't you want to go slow, baby?" he traced shapes along your hipbone and lower thigh. "you think i'd just fuck you and it'd be over?"
"please, leon, please," your voice cracked as you begged for him to let you move
"i love listening to you beg, pretty girl, but don't you think it'd be a reward? i don't think you deserve a reward." he shook his head.
you whined, moving around as much as you could, which was pretty little with his big, strong hands holding you down.
"how about this. you don't move until i say you can, and i'll do whatever you want me to do for you, alright baby?" you knew that either you agreed and get what you wanted, or disagree and he'd still make you do it and you wouldn't get anything in the end.
"fine," you said, lying down on his chest, leon loosening his hold on you.
you were trying so hard not to move, but you couldn't stop yourself from trembling and tightening around his thick cock. occasionally you'd slightly grind down on him, and you knew this wasn't going unnoticed.
"do that one more time, and i'll make sure you don't get to cum for the rest of this month," he threatened, and you felt his fingers slowly dig into your skin. you were definitely bruising after this.
it felt like hours passed. you didn't know how leon wasn't pressing your legs up against your chest and fucking the shit out of you, but he seemed relaxed. especially compared to you, tense and squirming around.
"something wrong?" he raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eye.
"want you to fuck me so bad," you murmured against his chest.
"hmm," he pretended to think. "maybe."
you pouted, eyes tearing up from not getting the pleasure that you want so bad.
"is my pretty girl about to cry? aww," he mocked you, the sweet voice he had shadowing the teasing nature of the sentence. you felt your slick pool at the base of his crotch.
"i should make it more obvious that you're mine, so you won't have to go through this again, huh? you don't want to get punished again, right princess?"
"yes, yes. just please, can you please fuck me," you pleaded, hands scrambling to the top of his shoulders.
"if i fuck you, I wanna hear my name come out of those pretty lips of yours, baby. let carlos know what he doesn't get to have."
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melancholyhigh · 1 year
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ft. re2!rookie!leon x lieutenant!reader
synopsis. you were supposed to help leon out on his first time on the job. instead, you’re helping him out in a different way.
content. smut. 1.2k words. car sex, cowgirl, unprotected p in v, dry humping, sub leon, marking, they’re both so desperate for each other, creampie, pet names, praise kink, virginity loss.
note. man, fuck tumblr. i accidentally posted the unfinished draft n didn't realise :( anyways, i hope you guys like it <3
check out my other works. comments & reblogs are appreciated !!
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it was leon’s first week on the job, and you were assigned to show him around since he wasn’t well acquainted with raccoon city. boss thought it would be a great idea to take him on patrol to get him adjusted to the area. 
you were excited that a new recruit was joining. it didn’t happen too often, and you knew it was difficult being a rookie — you were in the same position when you had originally joined the RPD. so when you meet him, you plan on being a great lieutenant and helping him where necessary.
your first impression of leon was that he was sweet and a bit naive. he was also rather gorgeous. God certainly had favourites. you couldn’t help but stare at him, and he noticed. a pink blush blooming on his cheeks when he caught you gazing at him. the flushed look made him even more captivating as you secretly wished that the blush on his face would be for different reasons. 
you felt guilty for having such thoughts about him. you are his boss, for Christ’s sake. you have to assist him with his duties, not get in his pants. 
but how could you not think about him like that? the way he got flustered when your hands brushed up against his or the shy glances he took of you throughout the day as you showed him the workings of the place.
this constant build-up of teasing had been why the fine line between being work professional and fucking the shit out of him had been blurred. leaving you in the predicament you are in right now.
the glass windows are foggy as you and leon sloppily make out in the reclined passenger seat of the police car. you’re hovering over him, legs on either side of his thighs. your pants are off and somewhere near the driver’s seat. you’re too preoccupied with the soft whines that leave leon’s parted lips as you place opened-mouth kisses down the column of his throat, sucking on the sensitive flesh. 
this isn’t what you had planned for the night. you and leon should've been patrolling the streets, searching for criminals, not dry-humping in a car in some shitty parking lot. 
but, fuck, the whimpers that he makes when he eagerly grips your hips with his big, soft hands and guides your clothed pussy against the bulge of his uniform pants have you overlooking your responsibilities for the rest of the night. 
“feel so good,” he groans quietly into your ear as you continue sucking marks on his neck. you pull back to admire your work. his lips, swollen from your passionate kissing, the buttons of his cotton shirt undone, exposing the expanse of his chest littered with reddish-purple marks. you want the sight seared into your brain.
he peers up through his eyelashes, eyes all glossy, and his face flushed with that same fucking blush you adore. he’s bucking his hips up to yours, pants stained with your arousal, leaking through your underwear and his arms circle your waist. 
“shit, i wanna feel you inside of me, honey,” you say breathlessly and leon nearly comes in his pants at the thought of feeling your cunt squeezing him tight. 
you’re leaning against the dashboard, clumsily unbuckling his belt before half haphazardly throwing it to the side. unzipping leon’s pants, you pull his cock out of his boxers. it’s flushed and red, especially at the tip, which leaked with precum. everything about him was pretty. 
you grasp his shaft, slowly stroking him. his face nuzzled against the crook of your neck. your warm hands moving up and down his rigid cock provided enough friction for him to make a mess all over your palms. you realised he was holding out for you, smiling you kissed the top of his head.
“you’re such a good boy, leon,” you said softly. 
at your words, you felt his hips jerk up into your hands. moans escaped his lips as he bit into your neck trying to contain them.
he whimpers your name, panting into the crook of your neck.
“need you so bad,” he sobs, tears swimming in his beautiful blue eyes. his cock pulsing and neglected when you pull your hands away from him. 
“fuck, okay, sweetheart,” you muttered. leon leans back into the reclined seat, his hands on your hips. his chest moving up and down with every breath he takes.
you push your damp panties to the side, exposing your dripping cunt, you grind onto leon’s cock, groaning when the bulbous head of his cock nicks your sensitive clit. leon gasps at the feeling of your warm, bare pussy up against him. he wouldn’t last that long inside of you.
his cock finally enters your cunt. barely the tip is in, and you both groan in unison. your nails dig into his shoulders for support as you continue to sink down into him. 
you feel each vein and ridge of his cock when he bottomed out in you. you moaned loudly. you were filled to the brim with him. 
leon’s chest heaves as he feels your warm, gummy walls swallow his cock. he wanted so badly to fuck into you, but he wanted to be good. 
“you’re amazing, sweetheart.” you huff out. “‘m gonna start moving, ‘kay?” 
he acknowledges your words by squeezing your hips, unable to trust his voice. 
you start bouncing on his cock, and all he manages are choked whines and whimpers that leave his pink, lips. he starts bucking his hips up to you, and you’re moaning when he reaches the spots you thought were imaginable. 
the obscene squelching sounds of your drenched cunt being pounded into by leon fills the car alongside his and your desperate moans. it’s insane how wet he makes you. 
“you hear that, baby? that’s how good you’re making me feel,” you say with a shaky voice. 
your words make his tummy tense. he holds you closer, his hips stuttering before he gets into a rhythm again. he’s close to coming. 
“‘m close,” he whimpers, and your pussy tightens around him at the sound of his broken voice.
his bangs are sticking to his forehead from the sweat that accumulated. he looks even more beautiful fucked out like this.
“come with me, baby,” you breathed. you brought one of your hands to your clit, rubbing tight circles. 
nearing your orgasm, you press your lips to his, pushing your tongue into his mouth. the intimate moment has both of you coming. 
leon’s legs are shaking as he comes inside your pussy. he moans into your mouth, feeling your cunt spasming around his cock when you climax. his hips came to a halt, and you feel his sticky cum ooze out of your sensitive pussy. 
you’re both breathless, and he’s still holding onto you like his life depends on it.
“you did so well, leon,” you mumble, moving the bangs from his forehead, giving him a kiss. leon heart skips a beat. you treat him so good.
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inzsanewrites · 1 year
Leon Kennedy (Re2) X Reader
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You were an Angel.
Or at least that was the conclusion Leon came to as his vision blurred and his hearing gradually muffled.
But there was no other reason as to why you were so ethereal, how every slight move you made drew him in closer, how he desperately clutched to every word you spoke, only wanting to keep hearing your voice.
Granted he hadn’t even known you for a week and he doubted most people wouldn’t think of having a crush in an apocalypse and on the verge of death, but that didn’t seem to faze his heart. And it did little against the thoughts of early mornings waking up next to you to admire your beautiful features as his hand slipped underneath the loose shirt you would wear to stroke your soft curves.
Even now from what his fading view could make out, he wanted to take the worry off your face, to take you in his arms and assure you he was fine, Ada would be back soon and you’ll be alright, you’ll be safe.
But all he can muster as the bullet in his shoulder forces him to blackout is a thought.
A prayer.
That once he regained his consciousness, you’d still be there.
And when you were, he was in love.
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nvoirs · 1 year
yeh yeh instead of completing my reqs im back at it again with yet another leon brainrot 🤦🏽‍♀️
More specifically RE2 Leon.
TW: smutty.
Mmm rookie Leon hehe, so let's say the virus outbreak never occured and Leon did end up becoming an officer at RPD. Yeah that's great but someone had heart eyes for him.
Picking up your brother from the RPD station yet again for getting into a drunken fight leaving him to stay in custody overnight but you weren't pissed. Oh no whenever you got a call from the station and them having to explain your brother was there yet again you excitedly jumped up at the chance of seeing him.
The first time you saw Leon you just couldn't take your eyes of him. Fuck was he gorgeous, just the tastiest snack you'd ever seen, the hottest cop you'd layed eyes on. He was the one who saved your brother from breaking his goddamn nose in yet another fist fight and you decided to go for it. You hugged him tight feeling his broad figure tense but eventually hugged you back, pretending you were happy he'd saved your brother.
Fuck did he smell good, his cologne wafting into your nostrils, and you wanted to hop on his dick so bad it hurt. You'd become wet from just looking at him. It wasn't embarassing for you at all as you clenched your thighs excusing yourself to the police toilets.
Wearing sluttier outfits everytime you went back, spritzing your perfume and doing your makeup.
Eventually you did find yourself in the back of Leon's cop car parked of in a side alley cuz damn have you been penting him up. He lost it when you told him "those cuffs look like their used for other things then arresting people." And he'd groan as he shoved you deeper taking his cock inch by inch into your watering mouth. He was supposed to be on patrol, not getting sucked of by some hot chick he wanted to fuck badly.
He awed at the view of you taking him so well. Better then his ex could have ever done, he almost cummed at the sight of your nose nuzzled so deep in his light coloured pubes.
"So this is what you wanted hm?" He whispered in your ear. "All that to be laid? fuck im really gonna stretch you out tonight."
And he's a man of his words as his fat dick did indeed stretch you out, as your slick ran down your trembling legs.
"Fuck me harder officer kennedy."
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niki-phoria · 1 year
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pairing: leon x gn!reader (no pronouns used) genre: comfort/fluff word count: 941
warnings: one cuss word, mentions of blood, canon typical violence, very brief description of reader having a panic attack
includes: re2 leon, they're supposed to be in the basement of the police department yk, are the infected monsters or zombies ?? i call them zombies in this, finally finished re4 so i've been playing re2 dklndslks thinking about playing elden ring too
a/n: big thank you to 🍬 anon for the idea i hope you like it !!
summary: leon comforting you after you get attacked
requests open !! read my rules first
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“fuck!” every nerve in your body ignites as a zombie jumps onto you from the darkness. it’s a woman - or the remains of one. she has a giant gash against her cheek and a deep bite wound in her shoulder where she was bitten. 
“y/n!” you can barely hear leon over the sound of your own heartbeat pounding in your ears. the woman snarls as her body hovers over yours. you push against her, desperately trying to keep her away from you. her teeth gnash and she scratches desperately at you. you raise your knee up in an attempt to kick her off of you, successfully throwing her far enough to reach for your gun. it feels so far away. too far. 
your savior comes in the form of a familiar blonde - leon - throwing the zombie off of you and firing a few shots into her head. you take the opportunity to scramble to your feet, following his lead. 
the snarls of more of the undead forcefully bring you back to reality. it feels like there are hundreds of them - all swarming, biting, clawing at you. you fire off a few shots into the hoard as leon reaches over to grab your arm. “let’s go!” he shouts over their snarls as he pulls you along with him through the precinct in a desperate search for safety. 
you’re given a short reprieve when you turn another sharp corner. leon all but drags you into the room before you slam the door shut behind him. it’s the remains of an office; likely belonging to a superior officer as evidenced by the couch in the corner and large wooden desk. “help me with this,” he says, gesturing to a large metal shelf. you rush over to him, leaning against the wall as you shove it against the door. the zombies pounding against it from the outside only spur you to move faster. 
leon coaxes you to stand behind him and back away from the door. it’s only after a few seconds of the door holding steady that you finally let out a small breath of relief. he reaches over, taking your hand into his and gently squeezing it. a reminder - i’ve got you. you’re safe now.
“we can’t kill them all,” he sighs, leaning to look out of the windowed door further into the zombie-infested hallway. “let’s try to find somewhere safe. get some rest for the night.” 
“okay,” you nod. leon shines his flashlight through the window again before turning back to you with a small nod. slowly, you push the door open before slipping out of the room and back into the precinct’s winding basement hallways. 
finding a secluded area is easy enough. you lock yourselves in a small room that was formerly used to monitor prisoners in the jail cells. leon pushes another shelf to barricade the doors while you search through the various cabinets. thankfully, there’s a small stash of handgun ammunition and another small combat knife that you pocket. 
finally in silence, the adrenaline coursing through your veins begins to slow. the anxiety and fear you had been repressing suddenly comes at you full force. your hands tremble and your heart rate speeds up - the beginning signs of a panic attack. desperate for some sort of relief, you sit down and attempt to take a few breaths to calm yourself.
“y/n?” leon is quick to notice your change in emotion, setting his gun aside and kneeling down beside you. “hey, y/n,” he whispers, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek. his touch is gentle - careful - as if you’re a feral animal about to flee. he wipes a stray tear away from your eyes. 
“leon,” you choke out, throwing your arms around his shoulders. your tears stain against the thick kevlar of his body armor. the material feels rough against your skin, though at the moment neither of you care. he wraps his arms around your waist a little tighter as you bury your face into his neck. 
“breathe, honey,” he coaxes your head away from his shoulder and brings his hands up to gently hold your face. “just breathe.” 
you take a few shaky breaths, forcing the air into your lungs. leon demonstrates a few deep breaths that you do your best to follow until your head isn’t dizzy anymore and your body doesn’t feel like it’s constricting into itself. once you’ve relaxed a little you pull him back into a hug, desperate for the feeling of safety that comes with leon’s arms around you. 
“it’s okay. i’ve got you,” he brings a hand up to rub against your back. it’s become a habit since you first became friends and later started dating. “you’re gonna be okay.” 
the words repeat in your head like a mantra. you cling onto leon a little tighter as he leans down and presses a kiss against your forehead. you sniffle, pulling away just enough to frantically wipe the tears from your cheeks. “i’m sorry,” you whisper. it’s feels pathetic - crying against your boyfriend - but it feels impossible to stop. 
“don’t apologize,” leon gently coaxes you back into his hold. “it’s okay. we’re safe now. they can’t hurt us in here.” 
you sniffle as you nod. “i love you.” 
leon shifts so his back is against the wall instead of yours. you lean your head against his chest as he wraps his arms around you to keep your body close to him. “i love you too,” he whispers. he leans down to press a kiss against your forehead. “i’ll get us out of here. i promise.”
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