hinamikyoukachan · 1 year
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f1-mverstappen · 2 years
Oceans eyes (part 1)
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(Gift is not mine. Credit to owner)
So this is my new fanfic about max that I’ve been working quite along now. I hope you like it. I’ve been inspired by the song “Ocean eyes” by billie eilish.
Summary: reader and Charles Leclerc have been best friends since forever, and one day she met Max through Charles and that’s where their love story begin. The reader is a kids doctor and she’s not into the f1 world. With both their busy schedule they will have to learn how to go beyond their own challenges if they wanna stay together.
Characters: Reader x Max Verstappen
Ocean eyes (part 1)
My name is x and I was born and raised here Monaco, my father is the owner and CEO of the BNP Paribas Bank, which is a French bank that operated all over the world and my mom is a doctor at the “Center hospitalier Princesse Grace”. My father always tried to push me into the finances world but my heart had already made its choice.
Since I was a little girl I always loved to help my mother with people, but mostly kids in need. That’s why I became a pedriatrician. On my free time from school and then college, a couple years ago, I helped in an institution that helped kids with different illnesses. Our main job was to help with reabilitacion, but also provide them with shelter, health and education so they can follow theirs dreams. At this point I worked in same hospital as my mom, but I also work in the institution where I’ve been helping my whole life basically. And of course I love it more than anything.
It was the start of august and Monaco was full of people who came from all over the world. The beautiful marine was filled up with the most beautiful yatchs, from small to big. It was a superficial environment of course, the streets were full of people wearing the latest designer clothes, everyone looked their best when walking the streets of Monaco.
It was a lovely Saturday and I finally managed to get a free weekend, which didn’t happen in a long time, so i decided to meet with my lovely friend Charles Leclerc for a coffee in the beautiful “Cafe de Paris”. We were friends since pre-school, we always share everything with one-another till we’re like 15 years old, and then of course life moved its way and I went to college to pursue my dream and so did Charles, but we never lose contact with eachother. We just don’t spend the time together like we used too. I arrived at the cafe and there he was. “Omg (Xreader), you look absolutely incredible, i miss you so much” he said with the most radiant smile opening his arms to hug me. “I miss you to Charles, it’s been forever”
We asked for our coffee and we talked for hours. “How can you not know anything about formula one, when your best friend is literally fighting for the championship?? You’re unbelievable Xxx” he said to me, he had a point. “ you never explain anything to me, and I don’t have the time to watch you know..” I answer honestly “and if you were a nice friend you would already teach me, how can the only thing I know is how fast the tyres are changed.. what a shame” I mocked him a little. We laughed at my ignorance..
“So how is Charlotte doing, I barely see her nowadays..” I ask him and immediately his dark blue eyes shine. “She’s doing fine actually, she’s been studying arquitecture and she’s developing her brand witchs consists in customising shoes and other stuff” he told me very proud “and she’s been incredibly to me very supportive as well I love her very much” he continued talking about her and just by listening I knew my friend was completely in love with her. “I’m so happy for you Charles, you deserve everything and more, you’ve always been the best to everyone, now it’s your time to be happy” I said to him truly
“Yeah I know, you’re the best, but you don’t run away from the question, when do I get to meet your boyfriend??” I laughed kinda too loud at his question “well I would present you if I had one, which I don’t..” I gave him a small smile “how can you not have a boyfriend? At least someone you’re interested in?”, “no not even that, I work with old people, old, ugly doctors and as I spend my life there it gets though to find someone” I laughed of my own misery. It’s not like I was looking for someone, because I wasn’t at all, but I know how Charles was.. “we have to changed that miss (Xreader), you are so beautiful, best student in class all years, a heart of gold, I have to find you a boyfriend��� oh now, I thought to myself “ I appreciate Charles, but I’m fine, I’m really focused on my career right now. When I looked to Charles he was waving at someone that I didn’t see right away only when he approached to our table.
He was tall, blond hair that was pulled back in a nice way, and a very beautiful ocean eyes. “Mate how are you!?” Charles said while handshaking him. “Well I’m fine now that I’m leading the championship plus on vacation, I’m Perfect” he said laughing “well enjoy it while it last, you know it ain’t for long” Charles respond in a joking but kinda provocative way. I assumed that this was his opponent for the tittle. “So Max this is my best friend (xreader), and (reader) this is Max Verstappen, mostly know by Super Max ” he said joking I guess.
“Hello Max, nice to meet you” i got up and handshaked him, I gave him a small smile and I think it was the first time he looked at me since he arrived. “Nice to Meet you (Xreader)”
He’s blue eyes met my green ones and we kinda got stuck in that moment it was like no one was there. After a couple of seconds later our hand were still interlaced, and eyes stuck on one another. I came back to reality and hoped Charles didn’t noticed my moment with his friend or whatever they were.
“Mate sit with us have a drink” please say no! I thought to myself “sure, why not”, of course now I had to look at him after our strange moment a couple minutes ago. “Só Charles are you staying in Monaco on vacation?!” Max asked Charles “No, I’m going to Mexico with Charlotte and some friends and you!?”
“Well for now I’m staying in Monaco, enjoying the boat and the jetsky.. kinda of tired of travelling actually, but maybe I will change my mind and go somewhere else, if something changes” he looked straight at me, with his blue eyes shining so bright. They were very beautiful. He was very handsome, dressed in a blue linen shirt that matched his eyes, beige shorts and white sneakers, simple but beautiful. He changed the subject to me “So (Xreader) do you live here in Monaco” he ask me interested “Yes, my life is here, thats where I met the monecat Charles.” I joked a little. “What about you?!” I continued. “I’m a fórmula 1 driver, I’m from the Netherlands and I moved to Monaco a couple years ago, because everyone around this circle of pilots live here so it’s nice. It’s a lovely place to lived. What do you do for living?” he ask me with interest in his voice. “I’m a pediatrician” I said proud of myself and my dear friend Charles couldn’t contain himself and said “she graduated with high score at college, and honers from Monaco government.” He said proud of me, and I smile at my friend.
I felt max’s eyes on me, a very intense look and then he said “that’s very impressive, your parents must be very proud.”
Charles interrupted our conversation to telll that he need to go, Charlotte called him for an “emergency” I laughed and told him it was okay.
“We can meet another day and you can see Charlotte” he said to me. “Yes I would love that”
We hugged again and said our goodbyes. And that’s when I realised Max was still in front of me. I spoke first “Do you wanna get going?”
“Actually, do you wanna go for a walk or something” I look at him and didn’t know exactly what to say I felt a heat coming on my body. It’s been too much time since a man asked me for anything that a simple “go for a walk” was a reason for me to get a little shy. And he noticed it. “Cmon it will be fun I promise” he added. “Fine, I’m coming”.
Well that was the first part. If you like I will post the next part tomorrow.
Bye bye
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme Rédeas da Redenção Online fácil
Assistir Filme Rédeas da Redenção Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/redeas-da-redencao/
Rédeas da Redenção - Filmes Online Fácil
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O filme gira em torno de um presidiário chamado Roman (Matthias Schoenaerts), que tem a chance de participar de um programa de terapia reabilitacional treinando Mustangs selvagens. Com pouca conexão com seus colegas de prisão, Roman luta para se comunicar com os animais. Trabalhando ao lado do jovem condenado Henry (Jason Mitchell), Roman inicia um forte vínculo com um Mustangs particularmente difícil, o que o força a enfrentar seu difícil passado e os seus demônios mais íntimos.
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La plata encontrada dentro de la campera
Después de eso todos se dieron por desaparecidos
Se tuvo que cambiar el nombre para que no la lleven a un centro de rehabilitación
Que no necesitaba....
Y Para que no la encontraran
Se despidió de mi
por qué mis neuronas tenía ya la mente en blanco la memoria borrada
Como yo no pude decir nada
Por qué ya tenía la mente borrada
Me prometió que cuando los tiempos cambien
Apareceria y si todavía estaba yo adentro
Me sacaria
Era un remanente protegido
Como una comunidad ala que no podían hacer daño
Ella era un proyecto a largo plazo
Que tardaría años en llegar
Pero sería algo nuevo
Antes de irse me abraso y me dijo
Voy a tener fama....
Y a los conocidos que atraparon los encerraron en un centro de reabilitacion
Negociando mi libertad
Ellos encerrados y yo libre
Hasta que los recuerde
Es posible que nunca me acuerde
Que muera sin saber nada
Que muera sin recordar
Pero si recuerdo y pasa mucho tiempo
30 años
Qusas muchos mueran esperando
O la banda que nos persigue se desintegre antes
Del centro de reabilitacion los dejaban salir para verme
Para ver mi comportamiento
Para ver cómo me dirigía en la sociedad
En la vida en el día a dia
Si valió la pena quedar encerrados ellos y yo libre
También hacían pruebas
Los dejaban salir a los conocidos
Cargaban bolsas pesadas
Para ver si los ayudaba
Cuando caminaba me estaban esperando en cierto lugar
Cuando llegaba al punto dónde estaban
Salían con las bolsas cargadas para que ayudara
Pero antes
Veía unos ojos clavados en mi
Una sonrrisa
Murmullo diciendo es el
Entonces se apresuraban para salir
Con las bolsas
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m89999 · 2 years
No tengo amistad con ella pero nuestras familias se conocen, no sé q le da celos de mi, así siento q se porta, si ella se q ido a los EUA, su tío vive ahí pero no es lo q dice ser yo veía como era en la universidad se portaba bien fresa y no son de dinero, no me gusta su forma de ser pero tengo q soportarlo x mi hermano,
Yo tuve problemas familiares y lo acepto pero está de la verga q ella haya querido mostrar algo de su familia cuando el carpintero q trabaja en su casa, me dijo cómo trata a su hermano y no es culpa mia q no haya acabado de estudiar, ni de nadie solo de ellos como familia q yo tengo la misma situación con unos primos q han estado en reabilitacion como un primo de ella,
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sonntagpunctum · 6 years
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Casa del Condestable, 2008 Tabuenca & Leache, Arquitectos
Pamplona, Navarra, Spain 
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innoelhumanoblog · 5 years
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Segundo día de talleres, estubo super chido ban muy bien los jóvenes, están aprendiendo cómo expresar lo que sienten y cómo reflexionar haciendo conciencia de todo lo que vivieron al plasmarlo en un papel. . Y ya están esperando la tercera clase que será la próxima semana, veremos cómo salen las cosas . Un saludo my humans no olviden compartir,darle a like, seguirme y decirle a todos sus amigos, primos, hermanos,papas y abuelitos 📝📚😎👌 . . . . #estavida2019 #junio2019 #talleres #rap #undergroundrap #clases #2dodia #inspiracion #letrasenversos #rimas #conciencia #reabilitacion #razonamientos #follow_me #superacionpersonal #sigueadelante #elcambioempiezaennosotras #eventos #hiphopculture #culturas #enseñanza #legado #hip #hop #firefighter #streetstyle #moremusic (en Razón de vida A.C) https://www.instagram.com/p/By68P5QJzXi/?igshid=irk3a8nay1xq
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l1s4-ny4 · 7 years
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caridadram · 4 years
—Las mujeres estamos sometidas bajo mucha presión en esta sociedad. Se nos anima a que pensemos más como los hombres, pero en cuanto actuamos como uno, se nos juzga.
Un ogro en reabilitacion | Virginia Camacho
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dandyshoecare · 7 years
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Before and after by Dandy Shoe Care.
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agradeciendoenvida · 2 years
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male-ciriaco · 4 years
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El simple parecido con la persona que arruino tu vida es bastante abrumador, aun peor si te cruzas con ella todos los días. Pues este es el caso de Zack, con una muy similar apariencia al hermano de Tim, Ethan. 
Una noche, el joven de mechas rubias es sorprendido por el ataque del albino quien, en un acto de impulsos, casi es asesinado por el mismo. Y en defensa propia, inclina un mueble hacia su agresor y este termina con ambas piernas destruidas. Por lo que necesita una urgente amputación de ellas.
Asi trancurre sus frustrantes 6 meses en reabilitacion y busqueda de unas nuevas protesis que lo vuelvan a un intento de vida normal. Paul intenta cuidarlo, pero Tim ni le da un minimo esfuerzo para seguir adelante, provocando un aura negativa dentro de su circulo de confianza.
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dfelipe82-blog · 7 years
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Mi prioridad es el inicio de cada mañana sin dañar mi santuario (cuerpo) Porque tú vales que todo esté bien #sindrogas #cuerposano #mentesana #mentefuerte #mentesmillonarias #tengounamor #tengounsueño #paz #armonia #reabilitacion #goprohero5 #gopromx
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Con mi bella madre acompañandola a su terapia te amo mami #mother #mom #iloveyou #mywoman #terapia #reabilitacion
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ifarquitectos · 7 years
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@ifarquitectos #patrimonio #reabilitacion #arquitectura #workinprogress #vivienda #ifarquitectos #mataró #arqrehab #arquitectosmaresme
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zaytsevaleriya-blog · 7 years
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Reading and red
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