redsamuraiii · 1 year
I had no idea there are so many types of “Dere”. 😂
So which one are you? 😏
1. Tsundere
Someone who treats their loved ones coldly and tries to deny their affection which is obvious to everyone but them. 
2. Hajidere Someone who blushes and is clearly embarrassed or acting out of character when they’re around their crush. 
3. Dandere
Someone reserved and shy around unfamiliar people as they fear of being judged by others for being silly.
4. Kuudere
Someone who is cool, emotionless, and hardly talk because they’re not interested but is actually caring.
5. Shundere 
Someone who is gloomy and seldom smile, not because of any tragedy but it’s just their personality.
6. Hinedere
Someone who is cold and cynical, a realist who appears arrogant to others but is just a direct person.
7. Darudere 
Someone who has trust issues and have difficulty letting others into their lives, so appears to be unbothered.
8. Oujōdere 
Someone who is matured and kind, loves to help others and find joy in making others happy.
9. Himedere 
Someone spoiled who see themselves as better than others and acting like a boss ordering others around.
10. Usodere 
Someone insecure who lies about themselves to present the perfect version of themselves to be accepted by others.
11. Undere
Someone who is a people pleaser that couldn’t say no and agrees with everything in order to be accepted by others.
12. Deredere 
Someone chill and easy going that rarely get jealous of others and is a ray of sunshine to everyone around them.
13. Byōkidere
Someone who suffers from an illness and wishes to make the best out of life before theirs come to an end.
14. Yandere 
Someone who suffers from mental health condition and is possessive over their loved ones.
15. Dorodere
Someone who is confused with their own feelings and thinking so have conflicting character and personality.
16. Nyandere 
Someone who love cats to bits, to the extent of acting like one around their loved ones. 
17. Bakadere 
Someone pure, naive and clumsy who seems to be living in their own bubble, detached from reality.
18. Kekkondere
Someone rash and impulsive when it comes to love and marriage, following their heart more than their mind.
19. Yottadere 
Some one who gets flirty and chaotic when drunk but control the urge to drink when with their loved ones.
20. Mayadere 
Someone who changes their behaviour and switches side after falling in love with their rival or enemy.
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hinamikyoukachan · 2 years
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rangel-s-hoard · 2 years
Dere types I identify with:
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wordycheeseblob · 1 year
Yves - tsundere, no, oujidere (haughty prince personality dere), actually no... Nyandere!
Leon - kireidere (to bring out the inner beauty of your loved one dere)
Rio - megadere (no°1 fanboy dere), the 'yes-man' Undere, or kekkondere (we just met, let's get married dere)
Licht - shundere ( depressed :c )
Nokto - Erodere (the 'lets have intercourse' but if I fall in love I'll get embarrassed), charaodere or 'frivolous playboy' dere
Jin - Hiyakasudere (teasing dere), Oniidere (Big Bro dere) ...get it?
Sariel - sadodere (nope, just a sadist actually) bosudere is more likely, sagyodere (workaholic dere)
Chevalier - maybe a mayadere/kuudere??
Gilbert - dotodere ?
Axel -kamidere or kamiyandere (i am god dere)
Luke -darudere (lazy dere), kumadere (bear dere)
Clavis - youchinadere (acts playful and childish even tho he isn't a child anymore)
Keith - utsudere(depressed because of a traumatic event dere), kyoukidere (múltiple personalities.... Most likely because of a traumatic event)
Silvio - bureidere (tsundere but very rude, curses a lot. Not necessarily to provocate, it's just in their vocabulary)
anyway this was slapped together pretty quickly and I don't exactly do anime so feel free to correct or add stuff
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kiruliom · 11 months
saw adam do this a while ago and wanted to do it as well
dere type (+ related things) hoard
monster danshi
before you're like bwaah this is appropriation, first of all japanese is not a closed culture, Im not bastardizing them and am making it clear Ive researched them and that the culture belongs to japan. and almost all of these are fictional tropes, not real life classifications exclusive to japanese people only. stop being weirdly protective about japanese people
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yuikomorii · 2 years
Heyy! I havent seen a post about this, so i was kinda wondering what "Dere" type do you think Sakamakis are?😊 or just diaboys . So far ive read articles that claim that Ayato is an Oujidere and Laito and Kanato are Yanderes.
(And thanks for making Diaboy content for us💜)
// Oh, thank you!!💕
Ayato- He used to be an Ōjidere but then we found out that he’s actually a fake narcissist and a good boy, so now I think he’s more of a Deredere?
Kanato- Yantsun; combination between Yandere and Tsundere.
Laito- Hiyakasudere and Yandere.
Shu- Used to be a Darudere, but he’s not really that lazy anymore, for this reason I’d call him a Kuudere.
Reiji- Kuudere, I guess?
Subaru- Tsundere (obviously xD)
However, they all have Yandere tendencies at times. Also, I apologize if I got some of them wrong; I'm not particularly good at dere types. 🥲
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gender-mailman · 11 months
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A perspesque label for wanting daruderes to be deeply intertwined with how others perceive you
Coined by me. Requested by no one.
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gggafie · 1 year
Kay so this took some time and thinking, and I'm pretty sure I have the (probable) -Dere's for The Henchmaniacs from Weirdmageddon. (+Bill)
Bill- Sadodere (Sadistic) bc you know why, and Yandere (We all know) Pyronica- Kamidere (Prideful/self-centered), Dorodere (Like Toga from LOV) or Hiyakasudere (Tease) Keyhole- 100% Derdere (kind/energetic) Xanthar- Ahodere (Oblivious to love/affection) Teeth- Tsundere (We all know), Ahodere, or Kuudere (Stoic) Kryptos- Probably a Bakadere (Childish), Tsundere, or Kamidere Hectorgon- maybe Darudere (Lazy), or Nemuidere (sleepy) (idk I just imagine him being a lazy guy.) Paci-fire- Sadodere, Kitikudere (Mean to hide affection), or Kamidere 8-Ball- 99% Ahodere, with 1% Kamidere Amorphous Shape- Hiyakasudere (Flirty) Lava-Lamp- Kamidere and/or Kitikudere (I Imagine him as some snarky guy lol.) Eyebats- None. They're like snakes: they dont have love or affection in their hearts.
And that's about it :)
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hinamikyoukachan · 2 years
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jeidochan-izzz · 1 year
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Here's more about my character, Kace! I created this sheet and him in October 2020, by the way! Although it really doesn't feel that long ago! I'll summarize the page in case my writing is hard to see:
Name: Mizuno 'Kace' Cason
Age: 18
He's barely awake...
But because of that, he will still say 'Good morning' regardless of the time of the day...
He can be very smart though!
I suppose his character type is known as a Darudere~
He likes:
Cheesecake (His pet snake is named Cheesecake-)
And also cheesecake desserts!
He's very fond of animals~
Naps (is this even surprising?)
Fluffy things as well as warm things~ (This is also not surprising)
He dislikes:
Arrogant people (This is very basic...)
He doesn't like brightness right after waking up from a nap
He despises blueberries. He is not impressed
He does not like to be away from his pet snake that long!
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Here make your own!
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animearchetypes · 4 years
Guide to All Dere Types in Anime (Renewed)
I may as well do this again without editing and reblogging my own post this time so challenge accepted. Here in an academy of anime, I’ll teach you how some characters react to love with the dere types. Which dere are you and which dere is your favorite? Credit to The Dere Types Wiki for the information.
A tsundere refers to an outwardly violent character who "runs hot and cold", alternating between two distinct moods: tsuntsun (aloof or irritable) and deredere (lovestruck). There are 2 types of tsundere; tsundere type A (harsh is their default mood, they’re rude until someone triggers their sweet side) and tsundere type B (sweet is their default mood, they’re friendly in public but they act mean towards their love interest).
They start out as nice and friendly, especially towards their love interest. That is until something or someone comes between them, then they become dark and obsessive over the one they love. Love makes them crazy, often violently so. They’re mentally destructive in nature through either over protectiveness, violence, brutality or all three combined.
Someone who is calm and collected on the outside, and they rarely panic. I believe there are 2 types of kuuderes; one who pretends to be emotionless, and one who’s actually emotionless. Either way, they turn out to be really caring - especially towards their love interest.
A dandere character is one who is quiet and asocial, possibly to the point of coming across as emotionless at times, when they’re really just shy or afraid to talk. They will become talkative and sweet when alone with the right person.
Derederes are extremely lovey-dovey, always chasing and fawning over the person they love. They're not ashamed and have no problems with public displays of affection. They don’t hide their feelings, and no matter what may happen, they quickly revert to their cheerful self.
Characters who are clumsy and stupid when it comes to expressing their love. They’re either oblivious to romance or don’t know how to express it. They are for the most part very innocent and sweet, but their stupidity outshines their other attributes.
Boderes are usually shy around those they’re infatuated with, and get embarrassed easily. They don’t know how to handle their embarrassment and so they use their fists instead of their words, and lash out so they can hide their shyness. Though they don't necessarily have a harsh exterior otherwise, and may feel bad about their outbursts of violence.
A byoukidere refers to a character who is usually very sweet and kind, but suffers from a physical disease, usually a fatal one. Due to this, they are weak and frail. They are very kind, helpful, and sweet in nature.
Darudere characters would rather sit around and show no emotion towards anyone, including their love interest. They are nonchalant to those whom they love, but they do express emotions, they just usually show no interest in those who like them.
They appear sweet and lovable on the outside, but are twisted or disturbed on the inside for various reasons. They initially act lovey-dovey but their hidden deranged side can strike at any moment. They can also possess the mind of a yandere, except they don’t act on those thoughts.
A hajidere is someone who is nervous and embarrassed around their crush. They get so shy around their love interest that they blush and have trouble confessing their feelings. On some occasions, they might even faint from being so bashful. Nonetheless, they can be social and outgoing with their peers.
A himedere is a female version of an oujidere. They act like a princess and want to be treated like royalty. They're often arrogant and overly dramatic. They will however, soften over time with their love interest.
A hinedere is someone who has cynical world views. They have a nihilistic view of the world and often see the worst rather than the best. Though cold-hearted and arrogant, their soft side is shown after their love interest breaks through.
This describes someone with a god complex. They are arrogant and proud, and aren’t afraid to speak their minds and show everyone how right they are. Their pride makes them highly arrogant, overconfident and stubborn. They think they should get special attention and priority, but will eventually become loving once their exterior is broken.
A kanedere refers to someone who is attracted to others with money or status. They’re the anime/manga equivalent of a gold digger, and they can be snobbish towards poor people. They only show affection and care towards people with money and how much money they have, but a true love can break their habit.
A kekkondere is someone who wants to get married right away, despite having only just met. They immediately decide after they meet someone of interest that they're the right person for them, and begin planning their marriage.
A mayadere refers to a character who is often a dangerous antagonist of a series, but switches sides after falling in love with another character. However, they might remain deadly and unpredictable.
A megadere is someone who is obsessed with their love interest. They’re like derederes but to the extreme. They fangirl/fanboy over their love interest whenever they can; sometimes to the point of stalking, and they might even steal their items. However, despite their obsessive nature, they will never commit violent acts or manipulate their love interest.
A nemuidere refers to a character that spends much of his/her time sleeping. Nemuidere characters tend to be very lazy and laconic in nature but they can also be intelligent and artistic, if only they weren't such a sleepyhead. Unlike a darudere, they sometimes show interest towards the one they love. They can be motivated by their loved interest to become less sleepy.
A nyandere is a vague type of dere that's just cat-related. While they don't have to actually be a cat; they are picky, needy, and punctuate their sentences with a cute meow.
An oujidere is a male version of a himedere. They act like a prince and want to be treated like royalty. They're often arrogant and overly dramatic. They will however, soften over time with their love interest.
An oujodere (also spelled as oujoudere or ojoudere) is a "lady-like" type of character, who's prim and proper with a strict exterior. Unlike a himedere, an oujodere isn't arrogant nor bossy, and they don’t want to be treated like royalty. Despite that they often come from a wealthy family, they are sweet and kind. They’re basically a calmer and more mature version of a deredere.
They love to manipulate and toy with peoples emotions, more so if they're romantically or sexually interested in them. Sadodere characters are sadists who take pleasure in causing pain to people’s emotions. They are cruel by willing to cause pain to people without showing care or concern.
A shundere is someone who is depressed without a specific reason. They might gradually open up, especially towards their love interest. They’re chronically depressed and they have a tendency to ignore and avoid others. However, not all shunderes show their chronic sadness, meaning their depression isn’t always obvious. They might open up slightly if they find the right one.
They are people who like to tease their love interest. They’re mischievous at heart and like to flirt. Inside, they care a lot for their loved one and so they simply tease as their way of showing their affection towards someone they like. They do not manipulate or want to cause pain, unlike a sadodere.
A thugdere is someone who often mistreats other people including their love interest, by physically or emotionally harming them. They’re delinquents with a love interest. Their cruel nature is often a way of hiding their sweet and loving side, since they believe their sweet side makes them look weak or foolish. They’re like tsunderes except they’re more of a criminal type.
These people agree with pretty much everything their crush regardless of their true feelings. They do this to get closer to their crush, and they don’t want to offend by saying no in fear of losing them. This may cause them to be taken advantage of since they do pretty much whatever their love wants.
Describes someone who is depressed, but unlike shunderes who are depressed from a start, theirs come with a specific reason; such as being bullied, abused, or their loved one dying. This would cause them to isolate themselves, worsening their mental state. But they might gradually open up in time when the right person shows up.
A yottadere is a character who is addicted to alcohol. They’re rarely seen without alcohol in their hands and so they’re often drunk. It is rare for them to be sober, but they might stop drinking if it means having their special someone.
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Darudere Stimboard
🌫️ | 🛏️ | 🌫️
💙 | 💙 | 💙
🌫️ | 🛏️ | 🌫️
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justabloodyblossom · 4 years
Sending love, affection, and acceptance to all Deres in every form that need it today. I adore you, my treasures.
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gender-mailman · 2 years
Ok, for the -dere genders i suggest:
Darudere Dottidere (unofficial dere type) Inudere Nyandere Undere Kahogonadere (unofficial dere type) Koukidere (unofficial dere type) Nonkinadere (unofficial dere type)
You don't have to do them all if it's too much! - @wonderland-coining
Heres nyandere and inudere (link)
Heres undere (link)
Heres darudere (link)
Heres dottidere (link)
And the others i feel like it would be better to ask @kirby-in-wonderland for them cause i feel like they could do a way better job + they already did most of the dere types <:)
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makahiya-child · 5 years
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This is Nohana she’s Darudere and Shizuri thinks of her as a sister, they’ve known each other since middle school.
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