#read ma silly little tale if you want a silly and nice little time. it's so NOT mentally ill like my normal stuff i promise
lunarharp · 2 years
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outside the sanctum of lady edelgard's parlour - that birthplace of so many plots through the years - how absurd it seems. but now several seasons since the long war's end, needs be that someone go to leicester. the gesture has grown necessary, and ultimately, it does have to be him.
"and you. I want you with me," is how hubert concludes. simple is best, perhaps. ferdinand sits very still before him, hand over mouth. "look - this was never my idea. but I also can't downplay your role. I hope I've elucidated how valuable your presence would be."
"you - you really have. I," and he takes a strong sip of wine, then another. (hubert pours a generous replacement.) "excuse me." he then moves to the adjoining room, and paces rapidly for a good many minutes.
this is as difficult for me as it is for you, is what hubert longs to call, fingers pressed to his temple. but he has already put that mortification aside out of necessity, and his duty now is to affect total calm. he must not distract from the seriousness of the endeavour, nor the confidence lady edelgard has imparted in them.
ferdinand doesn't need to know that he needed a full day to process the idea.
 "hubert, dorothea once confided in me a worry. that if I were to wish you marry, whosoever I commanded you take as your partner you would accept. well, I ask you now to put on the act."
a ~17k T-rated ferdibert fic for the “fake dating” prompt 🧡 🖤
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maraudersandlily20 · 4 years
Okay, here’s the thing. About 2 years ago, when I was in the THICK of the HPRP community (which is dead now, honestly. RIP.), I found myself drawn to weird characters, SUCH AS: Charlie Weasley, Regulus Black (this one is still very much happening), and Hope and Lyall Lupin. I was doing a bunch of research and investigating on Remus’ parents, and the way those two met and fell in love was ADORABLE. So I started to write that story, and I asked Carolina (aka @the-moon-and-stars-my-love ) to read and edit it for me. I should have known that she would go above and beyond, as is per Carolina. But I was rereading HOPE, the story, a few days ago and decided that the only way I could post it was if I actually PUT Carolina’s commentary into the story. Because it makes me laugh and people need to see it. 
I’ve only written 2 parts of this story, because I hit a block after I finished the second part. So I’ll post what I have. 
Here’s Hope, part 1. Carolina’s commentary will be labelled, bolded, and italicized for less confusion. 
Part 1
If there was one thing that was certain, it was that Hope Howell wasn’t foolish. She wasn’t foolish. She knew better than to be out this late, especially in these woods. There were reports of robberies, rapes, and even murders that happened when people were out too long. But this time, it wasn’t people, it was her.
“You’re really done it now, Hope. Really. You just HAD to go to Carreg today to write. You couldn’t have just stayed home and had tea with mum?” Hope was babbling, of course, which she was hoping would soothe her nerves and help her dismiss the small sounds from the dark crevices of the forest. There were plenty of animals and bugs in this forest, they were probably just making a debut. And if it wasn’t animals, that didn’t necessarily mean it was anything bad.
“It doesn’t matter,” she reasoned. “There’s nothing bad in this forest. People just say there is to keep naughty children away or have them return at a reasonable hour. And I’ve never been reasonable, I’m a rebel. I go home when I want to, dark or not.” She was hoping, somewhere in the back of her mind, that if she could convince herself, even momentarily, and boost her confidence, she wouldn’t feel so completely stripped of all protection. 
She should have accepted Miles’ offer to go with her to Carreg, but she had been adamant that she would be perfectly fine. Besides, he would have read too much into it, and she wasn’t going to string him along. She shook off those thoughts and wrapped her arms around her shoulders. 
“I AM perfectly fine.” she reasoned. “They’re just old wives tales and superstitions. And I, Hope Howell, am not a superstitious person,” she said as if trying to reason with some stubborn part of herself. 
A branch broke, making Hope freeze in her tracks. She felt her pulse quicken, but refused to look in the direction of the noise. 
Carolina: girl these are your flight or fight instincts kicking in liSTEN TO THEM
She was just jumpy from remembering the stories and legends that were very much NOT true, she told herself. The noise was nothing. Just an animal. Or, maybe a bug. “I’m not superstitious. I’m not. Truly.” 
Carolina: sure jan
However, to give herself some form of comfort, she picked up a large branch on the side of the road and wielded it as though it were a weapon. It didn’t mean she was afraid, it just meant she was smart, she thought. 
Carolina: hahahahaha I'm just so amused because she is a stubborn woman who refuses to be afraid i love her
Her feet seemed glued to the ground and no matter how many positive thoughts she whispered into the air, she couldn’t will herself to move forward.
Carolina: ooo i see what you did there! with the boggart. uh huh uh huh yes good nice i like it she's already feeling the effects because she's probably looking at it but not realizing she's looking at it so she's already scared. nice little detail!
Suddenly, there was a low groaning noise and Hope’s eyes widened in fear. Slowly, reluctantly, knowing she should have already been running at this point, she turned to look into the darkness. 
There was nothing visible to her beyond the shadows of the trees, of course, but the possibilities of what could be lurking just out of view flooded  her mind . “I’m not afraid, I’m not afraid, I’m not afraid,” she whispered, over and over, but her mind didn’t seem to believe her. 
Frozen in place, Hope swallowed. “H-hello? Is there anyone…. Is there anyone out there?”
“I mean it. If you’re out there, this isn’t funny. If you’re looking to kill me or… or rob me or anything, let’s just move on with it.” she was impressed with how clear her voice sounded despite her high adrenaline. “I don’t even have any money on me, so I’m not sure why you would even want to rob me. But, you’re more than welcome to try.” She sounded ridiculous, she knew, but she wasn’t sure what else she could do. 
Again, nothing,
Just the silence.
Hope shook her head, loosening her hold on her makeshift weapon with the softest sigh of relief. “Silly girl. Of course there’s nothing out there. You’re not superstitious. People don’t just go around hiding in forests like it’s some fairytale. This is 1958 for Christ’s sake. Who in their right mind would-” She stopped dead as another noise manifested itself from the space right before her.
“Hello?” She said again, trying to keep her anxiety at bay, but failing miserably. “Hello?” It was practically a squeak.
And then, there, from the darkness, emerged a huge cloaked figure, with broad shoulders and gleaming eyes. It loomed over Hope and she felt all the blood rush from her face. She couldn’t help herself. She screamed.
She screamed and screamed and the figure moved closer to her. Finally, her heart couldn’t take it. Hope collapsed onto the ground, her vision fading in and out. Hope was swimming in and out of consciousness.  Almost as if it were a dream, she watched a man break through the trees, holding what appeared to be a small stick. He brandished it toward the cloaked figure and shouted a strange word into the air. A bright light filled her vision, and then the figure disappeared into the trees without a backward glance. 
As Hope tried to push her eyes fully open, the face of the man appeared above her.
“Are you alright?” were the last words she heard before everything went black. 
The air was cold against her skin, and it roused her from her sleep. It must have been a few minutes before she regained consciousness, as the man who had miraculously saved her was now sitting nearby with his back to her, his gaze trained on the forest, as if watching for more perpetrators. 
Hope shook her head, trying to dispel the dizziness that fogged her brain. She pushed herself up into a seated position with a groan. A pair of hands reached out to steady  her and there were definitely words being spoken to her, though it took a moment for her mind to unscramble them.
“Easy there,” the man said, trying to sound reassuring by keeping his voice low. His hands were calloused and rough, she noted, which was strange compared to the gentleness he was using with her. Her eyes trailed up his arms, taking in the overcoat he wore and the sweater beneath that looked hand-knitted. Her gaze slowly continued upward, and she couldn’t help but feel both fascinated and silly at her interest of his neck and his jawline. She prayed he hadn’t noticed her perusal of him when she finally met his gaze. Hope looked into warm brown eyes of this stranger and was struck dumb. This man had saved her? He was…. Beautiful.
Carolina: listen this is the cutest thing and i am so here for the moment of "shit they're beautiful" and i'm so glad you included it because yes she was aw awestruck of him as he was of her
Also Carolina: can i get uuhhhh mUTUAL PINING???
While they sat looking at each other, it wasn’t lost on her that there was a chance this was another ploy to rob her. But, at the same time, she was so relieved that the much larger and, frankly, more terrifying man hadn’t hurt her. The man in front of her was so handsome and gentle that she really couldn’t find it in her to care if he was going to rob her. 
Carolina: hOPE MY GOODNESS IF I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS MA BOY LYALL I'D BE CONCERNED BUt also it's Lyall and he's been so good this whole time and it he wanted to do something he wouldn't have been there when you woke up bUT STILL (not a bad thing just a realization lol)
“I’m alright,” She whispered, holding a hand to her head.
“Are you sure? You took quite the fall, you know. And over a simple boggart too.” He chuckled, not registering the look of confusion on her face and then seeming to remember something. “Oh, here,” he muttered, reaching into his pocket and fumbling for a moment before pulling out a small wrapped candy. He noticed her wary gaze and shook his head. “Don’t worry, it’s just chocolate. Eat. You’ll feel better.”
Carolina: cries bc throwback/foreshadowing to remus saying this to harry about boggarts too
He handed it to her and she took it, though she wasn’t sure why. 
Carolina: dID YOUR MOTHER NOT TELL YOU NOT TO ACCEPT SWEETS FROM A STRANGER??? Hope i love you but dear goodness woman
When he looked away from her, apparently sorting through the contents of his pocket, she stuffed the chocolate into the pocket of her coat. It wasn’t that she wanted to be rude, but she was wary of accepting any sort of food from a nameless, though very handsome, stranger.
Carolina: !!! yes good on you Hope you gots to be careful! stranger danger
As her pulse settled into a normal rhythm, and as she realized there was no imminent danger, she took a moment to take in her surroundings. They seemed to be in the same piece of wood she had fainted in, but somehow, it looked brighter. Maybe it was just the beautiful man sitting beside her that made her think that. She couldn’t be sure.
Carolina: gOD Hope could you BE any more enamored by this man??? how dare you make this so cute, Jo???
And then she remembered what had made her faint. “You-” She turned back to him suddenly. “You rescued me!” 
The man laughed with a sheepish smile. “Really, it was nothing. You must have just lost your wits. You would have been fine without me.”
“Are you out of your mind? That man was HUGE! There’s no way I ever could have gotten rid of him without you.”
The stranger stopped. “Man…?”
“Yes, the big cloaked man that you chased off with your little… little stick?” her nose wrinkled as she remembered. “You were holding a stick, weren’t you? How did you even do that? And what did you say earlier? That he was a … a Boggart?”
They looked at each other and Hope felt as if she was being sized up. Some sort of clarity seemed to hit him. “Oh, uh, it wasn’t a stick, it was a knife. I always keep one in my pocket . An old habit I developed from the war.” He pulled out a small knife, holding it out towards her by the wood handle. She nodded. “As for the… the boggart part. In my hometown, Boggart was a name we called scary looking men who were weak.” 
Carolina: hA. Nice save Lyall v slick i like it. also, really clever on you for coming up with that being the explanation Lyall would have given her!
Hope nodded, as if she understood, but thought it was a right silly thing to call anyone. 
There was a pause. “Are you sure you’re alright?” he asked.
A little laugh left her throat. “Yes, I’m sure. I kept telling myself over and over that I wasn’t afraid and that there was nothing out there to worry about. But at the first sign of danger, I went and fainted.”
“I hardly think your reaction was unreasonable,” Lyall reassured her. “I had the benefit of being rescuer, and not the damsel in distress. It’s always easier to save someone else than to fight things off yourself. I very well might have reacted the same way.”
Carolina: Lyaaalllll what a sweet lad validating her feelings and admitting to probably reacting a similar way if he had been in her shoes. what a man :')
Hope smiled, finding it funny that he was trying, in a way, to save her pride. She had already fainted in front of him, she assumed that all presumptions of pride were long behind them. “Well, it wasn’t an ideal reaction either. You are right thought. Being a damsel in distress is hard work. Who knows what would have happened to me if you hadn’t come along. ” This made the man snort with laughter, which then made Hope giggle, which was something she never did. 
Carolina: pRECIOUS the absolute NERDS
Gratitude shone in her eyes as she smiled at him. “Thank you, by the way. For saving me.”
If Hope had been paying more attention to the handsome man’s face as she smiled at him, she would have noticed the flush that covered his cheeks and the nervous way he bit his lip. 
Carolina: cuuuuuute. he's already so into her and it's adorable and sweet and pure
However, Hope wasn’t always the best at picking up romantic signals from men. 
Carolina: lmao Hope is me can't pick up signals aT ALL xD seriously love when they're both pretty much oblivious at the signs
He studied her for a moment before clearing his throat. “It was my pleasure, truly.”
They continued smiling at each other, there in the fading light of the evening, neither sure what to say or what to do, but feeling very warm. It was almost like if they moved, they would break the sort of spell that they were wrapped up in, and so both were reluctant to move even an inch.
“I’m Lyall.” he finally said, his voice soft. “Lyall Lupin.”
It was a name that suited him, she thought. “I’m Hope Howell.”
The man, Lyall, her mind supplied with a giddy jump of her heart, got to his feet and extended a hand down to her, which she accepted. Once they were both up and dusted off, Lyall rubbed at his neck. 
Carolina: *nervous boi is nervous around cute gal he just met 
[h e a r t e y e s]
Hope’s eyes snapped to trace the movement, but she immediately tried to act like she wasn’t blatantly staring. He grinned. Not wanting to embarrass her, he played it off that he hadn’t noticed. He had definitely noticed. 
Carolina: seeeee?? she thinks you're handsome and wonderful tooooo you've got a shot boy-o!
“Well, I think, Hope Howell, that it may be time to get you home. Would you mind if I escorted you there?” 
Carolina: *insert more happy crying here* WHAT A GENTLEMAN! PUT ON A RING ON IT, HOPE
Her cheeks flushed red as her name rolled off his tongue and she nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’d appreciate it.” 
So the two walked together, side by side, along the forest path. Hope couldn’t help but notice that the trees no longer appeared menacing and somehow everything seemed lighter. Even though the stars twinkled down at the both of them and the air was growing chilly, the two new acquaintances didn’t seem to mind. They seemed to be desperate to speak to each other and so they talked. And talked. And talked. Back and forth they asked questions and told stories about things they normally wouldn’t have said to someone they had just met. But they just had a feeling.
Hope couldn’t remember a time when she had laughed so much. She had been pursued by multiple young men in university, and even Miles was now pushing for them to “see where things went”, as he so eloquently put it. However, none of them, not a single one, had the ability to make her feel as warm as Lyall Lupin did. For some reason, she felt as though he were looking at her and seeing more than anyone else ever had. 
Carolina: do you know that this sentence made my heart melt just a bit more???
Hope led them along the path back to her village, where her farmhouse sat on the outskirts, away from the main square. She almost wished it had taken them longer to arrive, but she tried not to seem too disappointed.
“Well, here we are,” she said, standing at the end of the walkway that led to her door. She didn’t want to bring him too close to the windows, in case her nosy mother were peering out. She had made it very clear that mothers had a seventh sense when their daughters brought home boys. Hope had laughed at the time, but currently, she wasn’t anxious to test that seventh sense out.
Carolina: jokes on u Hope - mOMS ALWAYS KNOW IT'S THEIR SUPER POWER! but also if hope not wanting to bring him closer a'int a mood lol
“Oh.” He seemed as reluctant to part as she was. “It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Hope.”
Also Carolina: go on and kiss the girl (on her hand bc that's cute as heck and she is a lady, lyall lupin
“You as well.”
“Don’t go wandering around in the woods in the dark anymore, alright?” he quipped, eyes gleaming with amusement.
“Wouldn’t want to attract any more Boggarts, now would I?” she replied, teasingly.
Lyall started a bit at the word and then let out a laugh a second later. “Exactly.” 
Carolina: lmao he must have been TERRIFIED for a moment. "oh no i just broke the statute of secrecy" must have been his internal monologue for a moment there
They stood, staring at each other for a moment, that same warmth covering them, and both wished that this didn’t have to be goodbye.
“I should… probably get going.”
Carolina: oh my gosh...that reluctance...my inner hopeless romantic is scREAMING
Hope nodded, sure that her disappointment was clear, though she was attempting to play it off as tiredness. She did not succeed. Lyall turned to leave before stopping. In a second, he was facing her again.
“Would you mind if I came to see you again? Just to check up on you? Would that be alright?” he asked, nearly stumbling over his words and his barely concealed excuse.
A grin covered Hope’s face and she didn’t even care to try and hide it. “I’d really love that.”
He laughed, his grin matching hers. “Good. Then, I’ll see you soon, Hope Howell.”
“I’ll see you soon, Lyall Lupin.” 
She bit her lip, trying not to burst into excited giggles, because, really, that was so uncharacteristic of her. After a beat she turned and walked swiftly to the front door. When she reached the handle, she couldn’t help herself and turned to wave at him. He was still standing exactly where she had left him, watching her as she went. He wiggled his fingers in return and she sighed, content.
She pushed into the front room, feeling the warmth from the fireplace cover her in an instant. Everything was where it had been that morning. Her house was still her house, the couches and tables and blankets were all exactly where they had been before she left for Carreg. But she was different.
Lyall Lupin made her feel different.
Carolina: can you hear my squeals of delight over how gosh darn lovely their feelings for each other are???
“Is that you, calon bach?” came her mother’s voice drifting out from the kitchen.
“It’s me mam.”
“How was Carreg? Did you have a nice time?”
Hope bit her lip, shaking her head in disbelief as she remembered the warmth and compassion she had seen in the eyes of Lyall Lupin. 
Lyall Lupin. 
Lyall Lupin who wanted to see her again, just as much as she wanted to see him.
Carolina: i love that her thoughts keep going back to Lyall it's cute
Her hand drifted into her pocket and pulled out the small wrapped chocolate, the wrapper shining in the light of the living room. She turned it over and over in her hands, grateful for the anchor to reality, the promise the chocolate seemed to portray. It was a promise that Lyall Lupin was real. And he was going to come back to her.
Carolina: imma just go and say it. chocolate is incredibly important to the lupins as a family even before remus became a werewolf and i think that's wonderful because it just carries on into each aspect of their lives. i really like that you brought it back to the chocolate
“Yeah, mam. I had a real nice time,” came her belated reply and she stuffed the chocolate away again, heading toward the kitchen.
Lyall watched as the beautiful woman disappeared from his view and the door closed behind her. He couldn’t help the grin that covered his face. He must have looked nearly manic, going on so.
“The lads will never forgive me if I carry on like this,” he whispered with a laugh. And then, suddenly, the place where Lyall Lupin was standing was empty, the young man appearing to have evaporated into thin air. 
Okay, well. That’s part one. Lemme know if part two is of any interest to you. I mean, I’ll probably post it anyway, but whatever. I hope you enjoyed Carolina as much as I always do!
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regalloki · 4 years
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: It’s the last night before Bucky’s departure to go fight in the war, so you visit the Stark Expo together along with Steve. It’s your last date, so you make some memories to look back to while he’s away.
Warnings: a whole ton of fluff 
Author’s note: Bucky’s backstory is based on the TFA tie-in comic and the Captain America and Bucky comics cause we see very little of his life pre-TFA (the mcu has done us wrong tbh). Also the reader can be read as gender neutral!
Word count: 2196
18 March, 1943
It was the day before he’d leave. He had just received his orders, being appointed sergeant of the 107th. Admittedly, you were a tad bit bitter. You weren’t worried for him, per se. Bucky was capable in hand-to-hand combat and an excellent marksman as well and could very well hold his own against men stronger than him. He was a natural, after all, having a knack for that sort of stuff. He was the three-time YMCA welterweight boxing champion, so, surely, he knew how to put up one hell of a good fight. During training in Wisconsin, he quickly and steadily rose up the hierarchy and the ranks to earn the title of sergeant. He would indubitably be a valuable asset to his regiment. However, watching him go was, for you, nothing short of tormenting.
You caught sight of Bucky heading towards you, charming as ever, sporting that beguiling cheeky grin that made your knees buckle. He looked positively stunning and you caught yourself unabashedly checking him out. His confident strut, cocky posture and calm nature added to the undaunted and self-assured allure, but the gleam in his entrancing baby blues, the slight tip of his head and the lovesick subconscious smile he didn’t manage to conceal after quickly catching a glimpse of you were a dead giveaway of his feigned composure.
Beneath that cool, tough and charming veneer, Bucky was an utter sweetheart. He wouldn’t be caught dead admitting it, but he was more silly and sentimental than he came across as. A huge sop, Bucky had a thing for being close to you. He liked falling asleep on you, listening to your heart beat or the low, soothing vibrations of your chest whenever you’d softly hum some made-up tune to lull him into a peaceful slumber. His hand had practically molded against your own. He was by all means a sucker for hand holding, but he’d rather not be seen. He had a reputation to withhold, after all. However, he managed to sneak his calloused hand in yours here and there, under a table or during those long cuddle sessions he liked after a particularly hard day when you were both alone at last. Bucky also had a weak spot for kisses. He tried his utmost to be stealthy and clandestine in public, but he oftentimes yielded to his desire and would slyly steal a few. If there’s one thing Bucky relished more than kissing you, it was being kissed by you. When you two were alone during the scarce downtime you’d get, all types of kisses were in order. Cheek kisses, mouth kisses, forehead kisses, neck kisses. They made Bucky feel enveloped by a welcoming surge of warmth and tenderness. He savored those moments, for they made him feel loved and cherished. It was safe to say he was absolutely smitten.
You took great joy in calling him out for how sensitive he is. His cheeks would immediately blush a gentle shade of tomato red and he would hang his head low in a desperate attempt to hide his toothy, broad smile he spectacularly failed to hold back and collect himself. But he knew it was absolute nonsense and all in good fun. He was aware of how fond you were of his clinginess and how cute you thought his gimmicks are.
“Hi, darling”, he greeted you, the low trill of his voice alone enough to make your heart skip a beat. He hugged you, briefly and slyly grazing his lips against your cheek.
He looked quite dapper in his uniform. Undoubtedly, he cleaned up nicely, you had to give him that. You were had been accustomed to a considerably ruggier look. His hair tended to be a messy halo around his head and strands would pop up here and there to frame and accentuate his handsome features. He sometimes even boasted a few bruises or marks, tell-tale signs of some recent tussle. He was never the one to shy out of a fight, although Steve was usually the one to get himself caught up in one and Bucky would be the one to defend his friend- and get a few good licks in before drawing Steve away.
You handed them their tickets to the Stark Expo. Bucky was ecstatic to find out he would be around in Brooklyn long enough to be able to go. You decided to get tickets for the two of you and Steve, something like a parting gift for Bucky. You smiled at the memory of when you told him you could all go together. His eyes went wide and he seemed so thrilled. You’ve lost count of how many times he thanked you. 
The two of you started walking side by side, stealing glances and smiles. Further down the road, you met with Steve. The three of you started catching up. Bucky told you all about Becca’s baking disaster and Steve’s latest misadventure in the back of an alley that morning. You giggled at Bucky’s frustration and at Steve’s endeavor to justify his shenanigans. 
“Buck- Bucky! Hear me out! That jerk was being disrespectful and he made that woman cry! What was I supposed to do-”
“Try not to get into a fight, that’s what! It’s been, what, the third time I’ve found you getting beat up in an alley or behind some diner just this month! I’m worried for you, Steve! I won’t be here to bail you out!”
“Can’t you for once just do as your told? You know what? You may be my best friend but you also make for one hell of a pain in my ass, Rogers.”
You stifled a giggle at the two friends bickering. Before you knew it, the three of you arrived at the Expo. It was jaw-dropping and imposing. The lights, the inventions, the fireworks. Howard Stark sure knew how to put on a sensational show.
The inventions displayed at the Expo were astonishing and unprecedented. Flying cars, synthetic bodies, futuristic engines. You watched as Bucky marveled at the expeditions. He looked like a kid in a candy store, eyes wide and gleaming with excitement and mouth agape in wonder. The childlike enthusiasm and amazement in his eyes made you smile uncontrollably. You loved seeing him happy.
After a while, Steve left and Bucky went after him, concerned for him. Steve seemed in a bit of a haze, as if something was troubling him. He decided to not join you for the rest of the night.
“You know, he tried to enlist again this mornin’. God knows how many times he’s tried. He’s dead set on joining the army.”, Bucky explained.
“It kind of reminds me of someone”, you retorted.
“I’m just scared he’s way in over his head. War’s more brutal than some backalley. And if he keeps lying on enlistment forms they’ll either catch him or, God forbid, take him. It really gets on my nerves how thick-headed he is.”, Bucky said, looking down on his shoes.
“You know how Steve is. He has always had a fight in him. So have you. Steve wants to fight for what he believes is right. That’s his calling.”
“I’m worried sick he’ll get hurt and I won’t be there for him. He’s pretty keen on doing stupid  things.”
“You’re a good friend, Buck.”
The two of you strolled around the Expo. Bucky, all giddy and excited, ran around telling you all about the fascinating inventions. He surely loved showing off to you.  After a while, the conversation drifted elsewhere.
“Aren’t you scared? I mean, you said it yourself, war is brutal.”, you asked.
“I am. I couldn’t possibly not be.”, he chuckled almost nervously. “But it’s my duty to fight, the way it was my father’s before me. That’s one of the reasons I enlisted, you know. I wanted to finally make him proud. I had caused enough problems for him, especially after Ma died.”
“I don’t think that’s true. George loved you”
“I always got into trouble. After she passed away, I had to pretend everything is fine for Becca’s sake. But deep down I was scared and angry. Angry at everyone and everything. I would constantly get into fights, not unlike Steve. Maybe that’s why I’m so protective of him. I don’t want him to make the mistakes I did.”, he continued, head hanging down low. “Dad made a point of telling me how let down he was in me when I would come home wounded and bruised, but I don’t blame him. It’s just… His last words to me, before the accident, still ring in my head. ‘I’m disappointed in you, Bucky. You’ve really let me down here.’”, he muttered.
“You were a kid, Buck. You were processing so much grief and anger. You needed a way to unleash it. Sure, it wasn’t the best one. But you learned and grew from all this pain.”, you encouraged him.
“You’re pretty great, you know that?”, he chuckled, seemingly less on edge now. “I’ll miss you”
“You’re not too bad yourself, Barnes.”
“I’ll miss home, you know. You, Steve, Becca. But, at least, the thought of returning home will keep me going. God, I’ll miss you”
The two of you walked and talked for what seemed like hours, having a sincere heart to heart. After some time, you came across a photobooth. You both wanted to commemorate that night, so Bucky suggested taking a few pictures and you happily agreed.
You sat in the small, crammed space side by side. You placed your hand on his thigh, somewhat cheekily and he laid his head on your shoulder. You started taking pictures. While you were preoccupied with making silly faces for the camera, Bucky was busy keeping his eyes on you. You could feel his gaze on you, and, before you knew it, he laid a loving kiss on your cheek. He caught you by surprise, and the gentle touch of his lips on your cheek resulted in a toothy, ear-to-ear grin spreading across yours. You turned to him, seeing him beam at you adoringly. 
You could never get over how utterly and ridiculously impeccable and downright perfect he looked. His features were flawless. His piercing eyes were a breathtaking bright, steely blue. They glimmered in moments like these, when he was serene and content. The affectionate looks he gave you made your heart skip several beats. His rosy lips were soft and his kisses were tender and so sweet, you thought he could give you toothaches by merely kissing you. His nose was cute as a button and it took genuine effort on your part to not gently peck it with every chance you get. His hair was a velvety and silky mess with a few curls here and there framing his face and you wanted to gently card your hair through it and mess it up even more. His jaw strong jaw and cute little buttchin were the cherry on top. Bucky called to mind those Hollywood actors audiences swooned at. He was truly a sight for sore eyes.
You ogled at him long enough that a faint blush rose on his cheeks. He looked ravishing and irresistible so, without delay, you fondly grasped his neck and drove him into a passionate kiss on the lips. It wasn’t rushed or heated, but delicate and mellow. He leaned into your touch, craving it, and lowly hummed in content and satisfaction, as he cupped and caressed your cheek.
He pulled away with a delighted smile on his face. Both your hearts were bursting at their seams with pure, sheer love and affection for each other. That love transcended anything superficial, like looks or charm. Bucky had a heart of gold and sometimes it was too heavy for his own good. He cared so much for others that it took a toll on himself. But he was sincerely kind hearted and caring. You genuinely admired and appreciated him for that. He’s extremely loyal and devoted. He never gave up on anyone, not Steve nor his sister nor you. He was thrice as strong emotionally as he was physically, having to go through all that pain and despair and still be his sister’s rock. Bucky was an angel and he deserved the purest and sweetest love there is. And you wanted nothing more than to give him that.
Bucky grabbed the photos with a small smile on his features.
“You look nice”, he complemented.
“Not nearly as nice as you”, you replied, the words escaping your mouth before you knew it.
The grin disappeared from his lips in realization. The night was drawing to a close and he’d never get to share one with you for the foreseeable future. He started holding onto those photos a little harder now. 
“There you go.”, he said. moving his hand to give them to you.
“Keep them”, you retorted. “To remember me while you’re away.”
“To be frank, sweetheart, I don’t think I’d be able to forget you. In fact, I think I’d struggle to think of something else.”, he chuckled. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Buck.”
11 notes · View notes
fortheheavenssake · 4 years
💙Humble Attempt Anon💙
*** All submitted by @anon-annoyed on @skippyv20
May 20
For fun and entertainment - gave the riddle a try
5 years old ‘ COVID security ………
There is video of Fauci stating a pandemic was coming I think it is 5 years old
transmission admission??………
Will China admit it knew more then started earlier? WHO?
1st. June. ……………
HMTQ People cover comes out
A pollution solution …………
Covid 19 has taught lessons in solving pollution problems
free at last………
PH? Free finally? Annulment?
kiss 💋 me 😱😱😱…………
HMTQ can get kisses from her 3 Cambridge grandchildren?
another Father???……………
Artificial’s real dna Father is announced?
Spanish,French and judo 😂😂😂……………
MM riduciliousness
lies,damm lies, and MM………
Damm. (archaic and original) a small, essentially worthless coin from India So
Money flaunting PR homes are lies
an expensive squat…………
The cost of pr using TP’s house is going to be an expensive bill to pay In terms of owed favor?
A Greece-y gamble. …………
A double word play on greasy person from Greece that MM took a chance on and will be burned by it?
“ is one sitting comfortably’ good, Once apon a time “
Apon is front eh Middle Ages meaning same as upon. Are we about to see a Middle Ages divorce reminder in this fairy tale of dread?
Great job! Love it! Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
May 29
2nd attempt at a MM ANON riddle
First want to say my thoughts and prayers are with you dearest Skippy. May your family be surrounded by Light!!
looting/ shooting …………
DT;s statement
“ tic-toc Nanny”…………
Nanny doing the dance
“ ok! Charlotte, get Louis too” ………
Including Louis on the tic toc
“ George,do it properly “………
Charlotte bossing George around
W&K , It’s a challenging schedule ma’am” …………
Laughing at the Tatler article with HMTQ
” there having a bike day at Brands Hatch with Ducati “ ………
The whole Cambridge family went to track and rode bikes while PW rode Ducati
“ Nottingham cottage ma’am”…………
Prince Harry finally able to say he is there
“like old times ma’ am”……………
Prince Harry able to be honest about being at NC like old times with a pause of relief
” I’ll have a quiet word with Donald “…………
HMTQ having to give DT the details of the soon Anulment anouncments
“ not Philip, his diplomacy is wanting”…………
PP not handling the details since he is not delicate
“exiting times ma’am”………
Exiting the drama, announcing the A Nul ment and finally being free !!
“ one shall insist on compliance Christopher “
Insisting on being compliant with all the agreements for A Nul ment (hope so)
Wonderful! Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
June 8
Another humble attempt at the MM riddle
DOJ requesting PA to appear in JE court
A Stern retort. …………
Hmmmmmmmmmmm can figure anything for this one.
the sept. Soothsayer ………
Fortune teller - when Kate is due with 4th baby
A 14 day suicide for the trade…………
Tatler magazine has created a suicide for themselves with the Kate article
in court today ………
Is this regarding MM or PA? The demand for PA to be in court or that MM is in court …hmmmm
Beatrice tooo tu!! ……………
Beatrice looks to become a senior royal as she is showing great charm and ability
wonderful Wessex………
Sophia being praised for her awesomeness
more photos from Kate??? ………
All 3 kids will have a new picture released soon thus 3 question marks?
no fuss birthday …………
PP wants no fuss for his birthday on the 10th
“ shall one suggest a gathering of 8 .” ………
Cambridges are 5, HMTQ and PP make 7 and Harry makes 8??
” no, silly’ Balmoral?? ………
headed to Balmoral for the meet up of 8
MM desperatum iri videbatur……
MM desperate situation hmmmm hers or the BRFs?
Great! Thank you….I think MM is the desperate one….😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
June 9
Riddle humble answer another attempt
everyone and their brother,brother ………
Trooping the Colors…PH will be there this Saturday?
wow!! What a photo Kate!!……………
A second photo coming like the umbrella one ?
little Louis gets a surprise ……………
Agree with PG that this is them telling him a baby is coming
a well rounded future of three( four) ………
Well rounded meaning the 4th will be a girl?
A birthday tic-toc dance…………
PP gets a tic toc dance for this birthday on the 10th
“ do Catherine , come and bring the children “…………
DoC bringing the children for Trooping the Colors mini even
“maybe a change of routine “…………
Trooping the colour change of routine will be at 2:00 AM - 5:00 AM Saturday, June 13
“ Both of you are an example hope”………
Sophie and Catherine are shining examples of hop for the monarchy
“ yes George,I’ll see if we can get to a match”
George is missing sports and hoping to see a match
Thank you…looks great!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
June 10
super humble attempt at the riddle (love these riddles so much )
Covid 19 gone from New Zealand with a capital G
everything is now B&W……………
The protests and movements are making everything B&W
“ but’ tomorrow is another day”…………
Gone with the Wind famous line - echos of Carrying On
“ but old thing, I look like bloody Bela Lugosi” …………
PP complaining about something he was asked to wear
“ shutup Philip”………
Telling him to just get o with it
“ just Take the bloody picture “.………
PP famous quip at the photographer most likely said again
”they’ve hardly ever been on a train William “…………
Taking the train to Balmoral
“ yes , they’d be very excited 😜 “ …………
How excited the kids will be to ride the train
🎼we’re all going to the zoo tomorrow 🎼……………
Hmmmm can’t crack this one (PG’s the smart song one!! So grateful)
she lies for exposure………
MM;s never ending lies for keeping in the press
yachting’ secret exposure !! ……………
Ohhhh a yachting owned secret coming - a picture thus exposure
this time it’s explosive!! …………
It will be a big explosive exposure this time
“ great scoop Beth.”
Hmmmm can’t crack this one
Wonderful! Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
June 14
Humble Riddle Attempt…THANK YOU MM ANON!!!!!!!!!
Adeleville……… Adele’s connection to Grenfell memorial and IT connecting to her….does Adele use Sunshine Sacks? hmmmm
Westfield?? ………… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westfield_Group the malls in LA The Grove are owned by this group https://caruso.com/ and I remember seeing the CEO in a pr fluff of IT
Charlottes delivery …………… Maybe referring to Baby 4 coming same as Charlottes. But not possessive plural hmmm
🎼grab the cash with both hands🎼………… Pink Floyds “Money” Dark Side of the Moon 1973…hmmm
another scam charity …………… BLM has been showed to be directly connected to Dems …scam?
she’s a race… ist …………IT is a race onto her self for sure and clearly is a ist..and JM is now going to turn
she publishes the book ………………… Will JM publish a book now? With all the skeletons?
we will destroy her, we have the tapes…… JM saying she has the tapes and will leak them?
“ no more Mrs, nice ma’am!! “ …………IT no longer Mrs???? TOOO exciting to think about….
“ ones gloves are orf Christopher ………… Hmmm https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/orf/ of disease of sheep to human. Could the sheep following IT finally be seeing the disease she is? And LG is able to move forward with final finals?
“ it was a very good year,old thing “……..PP telling HMTQ it has been a great year (period)
This is great! Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
June 16
humble riddle notes - PG & LK THANK YOU I learn so much and am so grateful
Shetland lift-off……… https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-53049513
LIZA with a ‘ don’t know em…LM;s public facebook post that she has never met them
” it’s shopping Jim, but not as we show it……… PG & LK have linked to Star Trek, I have never watched that show so completely miss the reference and am so grateful to them for their interpretations. Interesting that it is half a quote. Does this have to do with MM mirror site? Maybe LK was right and the Jim reference is supposed to lead us to a person within the firm? Maybe Prince Edward’s youngest son?
“ matter of fact it’s all dark” .. everything to do with IT..dark and ugly …LK’s interpretation was enlightening and taught so much. Wanted to add that June 21st is also Father’s day in the United States.
first jet easy …………Jet return to Scotland so easy to get to Balmoral
Brexit,old white guys drinking a lot. …………LK & PG interrupted this I am lost
a moment of reckoning ……… According to the Cambridge dictionary “a time when the effect of a past mistake is experienced or when a crime is punished”
a virtual Wimbledon?? …………plans to show highlights from past games
Catherine to the rescue …… baby 4 to lift the spirits of all or maybe she will narrate/ host the virtual Wimbledon event? Or BOTH?
“ Ahhh , a relaxing night old thing “ …“Sydney’s provided a new box set” ……“Boardwalk Empire” ………“ bit violent old thing” ………“ Epic Philip!!”…… “ones usual Sydney “…“great!! No bloody tic toc. PG’s excitement was so fun to read and lifting THANK YOU for that PG, MM Anon and LK for these riddles and interpretations.
This is great! Thank you!😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
June 16
riddle attempt humbly (Love how I learn through these, I now search the news for clues0 THANK YOU MM Anon!!!!!!!!
MM Anon
“she Ascot nothing on me” ………… IT only went to Ascot once and it was when Doc did not attend https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1296617/meghan-markle-news-kate-middleton-royal-ascot-megxit-royal-family-latest-spt
para-thanks William ……… PW visiting the paramedics to thank them first outing https://people.com/royals/prince-william-steps-out-for-first-official-public-duty-to-thank-first-responders-during-covid-19/
PC , LOST weight??…………That PC lost “dead weight’ of IT with 2 question marks meaning Artificial and IT…hope so!!!!
Oxford,Oxford ……… Protests https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8428313/Black-Lives-Matter-protesters-march-Oxford-ahead-meeting-Cecil-Rhodes-statues-future.html
STIR-oid ………news that steroids help with sick Covid patients? https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/16/health/dexamethasone-covid-drug-recovery-trial-bn/index.html “Stirring an old remedy” “Finding value in an old medicine”
falling tragedy …………UK headed to recession a tragedy from falling to the Covid 19 https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/uk/2020/06/how-uk-has-been-left-worst-all-worlds-over-covid-19 and/or the tragedy of IT is falling into place to a end!!! A NUL ment (hopefully)
the Paris peasants are revolting ……… ……… There are 2 spaces for answers to this one so thinking there must be 2 meanings : 1) the anniversary of Richard II’s chat with the Revolting Peasants at Mile End (1381), and of Owen Glendower’s declaration that he was allying himself with the French against Henry IV, in 1404. Perfidious Welshman. No wonder there are a couple of border towns on the English side where it’s still legal to kill a Welshman as long as you do it with a bow and arrow and at certain times of the day or week. And today https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/france-medical-workers-protest-unrest-and-fires-ensue/1879407 So happening on this day in past and present
“ we can still dress-up cabbage 🥬 “ …“Anne, my yellow ensemble”…“Sydney ‘ a photo”…“that’s a keeper, old thing” …“ here we go , tic-toc, the three of them”… “O, and Catherine!!” … “ ehhhh, And William “ … “ make it a double Sydney “… “ how entertaining Philip “ PP telling HMTQ they can still dress up for Ascot/his bday and she wears the yellow dress and PP thinks it is a good shot and then he sees all 3 Cambs o tic toc and Catherine and then William join in as well so he tells Sydney to double the drink and HMTQ is very happily entertained by it all.
You are doing a great job! Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
June 18
another humble attempt…..LOVE LOVE the riddles!!!!!
“NEVER………… No chance of IT returning to BRF
“ ………” mon dieu” …… “ “ My God (in french) President telling PC he can’t believe IT is still around and feels sorry for the BRF
🎼some sunny day 🎼……… Well Meet Again (Alternate) Vera Lynn a remembrance of her as she passed away
“ good to meet again Mr President “………HMTQ speaking with French President
air corridor ………Britons could yet take foreign holidays this summer as ministers draw up a list of countries who could be exempt from tough quarantine laws, Matt hancock confirmed today.
“ to be honest,he was an obnoxious old bastard” ……… Maybe Lord Hague being described ? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-53061432
world beating cherry …trace testing hoping to be the cherry on top of COvid19 getting in control …https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/letters/boris-johnson-foreign-aid-dfid-coronavirus-test-trace-a9572941.html
non app- licable …… What does not applicable mean in court? “Not Applicable” or “N/A” is often seen on forms or in tables or for questions. It’s the answer you would give if a question did not apply to you. For example, if there were a question “What is your date of marriage?”, but you have never been married, you could answer “N/A”, because the question does not apply to you.
“ Bolt-hole. ………… Another markled celeb https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-8435543/David-Victoria-Beckham-LOSE-planning-row-neighbours-31-5m-London-mansion.html
self interest
………https://www.heraldscotland.com/opinion/18525189.letters-triumph-naked-self-interest/ Something to do with Scotland’s feeling toward the UK serving their self interest
BOE- more money!! ……………https://www.wsj.com/articles/central-banks-pump-more-cash-into-economy-to-fight-recession-11592482055 Bank of England printing more money as many countries are.
pepper sprayed……… hmmm lots of stories of pepper spray by police hurting protestors was IT in the ned just a pepper spray on the BRF….annoying and painful but forgotten and healed up in a little bit of time….hmmmm
“ O Philip, it’s the last one “……… “Always Downton Abbey old thing”
HMTQ being bummed Boardwalk is doe and PP saying can always watch DA…..does this maybe mean that the gangster back room drama of IT is over and that they can go back to just living the DA life again…….We can HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wonderful! Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
June 20
another humble attempt at MM Anon riddle - LOVE YOUR RIDDLES
Hello!! ………… Welcome back to the family being together - a BIG HELLO!!
“ It’s a rally Jim , ……… “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer broke down what drove Tuesday’s market rally.
viva espana ………… People were singing this in SF along protests
🎼drink, drink, drink,🎼…………… “Drinking Song” or “Drink, Drink, Drink” is an exuberant song composed by Sigmund Romberg with lyrics by Dorothy Donnelly. It is the most popular piece in the 1924 operetta, The Student Prince.[1] It was a success for tenor Mario Lanza, who performed it in the 1954 movie, though the part was played on screen by another actor, due to a contract dispute.[2]
black wall……… History of Black Wall being destroyed 99 years ago and Trump trying to bring bring attention there by holding rally there
MM , another agenda!! ………… IT’s new agenda of BLM the never ending circling door of IT’s missions and agendas
bollotics …… this meaning fits all this for nothing to resolve it BLM feels like bollotics
Bollotics The art of defining why something can’t be done without any real reason - is a urban word for Red Tape, when everyone knows it is total bollotics that is preventing things from progressing and yet nobody can resolve it.Often found in the work place e.g. when a department refuses to allow a change because there isn’t a process for it, that is Bollotics, just do it and shut the **** up.by MowgliCub October 10, 2013
“ Kate and William,the children are with nanny “ ………… “ Dover Sole and lemon parfait old thing “………… cream caramel,and Irish coffee Sydney!! ………… “September 9th ma’am. …… “ Stay over Catherine “ –
Sounds like the family is celebrating and knowing the children won’t go back til September so asking them to stay in Balmoral for the summer
This is great! Thank you!😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
June 21
Thank you! This is great😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
short attempt at riddle (LOVE THE RIDDLES)
give us a hug…………PH is back and with the family? getting/giving a hug
Duchess of Cambridge Royal collection ………Her amazing photographs
in the footsteps of lord Lichfield ………… photographer in RF now is DoC https://www.theguardian.com/news/2005/nov/12/guardianobituaries.artsobituaries
EOS C700 Christmas present … … camera ready for Christmas present Camb baby 4?? https://www.usa.canon.com/internet/portal/us/home/products/details/cameras/cinema-eos/eos-c700
“slow the testing down”…………President Trump said that’s how you slow the spread stop the testing
Kung-flu…………… PT also called the COVID 19 this i his speech
Size matters………… School class sizes will be small in the fall
reopening NYC……… NYC opening up after Covid19 lockdown- IT going there?
“ get ya hair 💇🏽‍♀️💇🏼‍♂️cut” …………… hmmmm hair salon open
“ 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️🍺 “ ………… Everyone excited for the pubs to open - PW said he was
Rachel for president?? …………… LC said IT has presidential ambitions
archificial daddy day?? ……… hmmm no father’s day cause no real Archie
spotted in St Johns Wood………PH seen there? St John’s Wood An affluent district of leafy residential streets, St John’s Wood is known for Lord’s Cricket Ground, the headquarters of English cricket and a venue for domestic and international matches. The Beatles made many recordings at Abbey Road Studios and fans use the crosswalk outside to recreate the iconic album cover for photo ops. Boutique stores and chic eateries dot St John’s Wood High Street.London borough: Westminster; CamdenLondon Assembly: West Central; Barnet and CamdenPostcode district: NW8Sovereign state: United Kingdom
3 notes · View notes
troutpopulation · 6 years
On Borrowed Time - MTMTE Megatron x Reader
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Synopsis: With the verdict of the trial looming over head, and the fact that humans don't live that long, you decide there isn't any time to lose, and to make things official with Megatron while you still have the chance.
(contains original poetry written with love, and conjunx ritus! :^D )
Notes: kaixo i wanna marry Megatron and nothing will stop me. also if you didn't catch it the title is a play on political/philosophical treatises being often called "On ______".
While Megatron was at a meeting, you had hit the bar. It was one of your favorite spots on the ship, right next to windowsill down the hall. You sat atop the counter, listening to Rewind and Chromedome spin you a tale about Prowl. They brought up that their story happened around the time they'd just gone through with conjunx ritus. You perked up at the unfamiliar term. Conjunx Endura you were familiar with,however, you had never heard of the former.
“Uh, sorry, alien here. What's Conjunx Ritus?” You piped up, awkwardly raising a hand.
“It’s the steps bots take to become conjunx endurae.” Chromedome replied, his partner nodding in agreement. Ok. Robot marriage proposals.
“There are acts to it, four actually. Act of Intimacy, Act of Disclosure, Act of Profference, and then the Act of Devotion.” Rewind added. Cybertronian culture and customs were fascinating, you had always thought that, but the nature of this sparked a particular interest. You tentatively took the risk of pressing a little further.
“Okay, so Intimacy, what is that? I mean I know what that is to humans but, uh…” You trailed off, face burning. You felt awfully gauche for asking, but it was a valid question. What was intimate to a human might be different than what was intimate to a cybertronian.
“Prolonged contact. It is what you make of it.” Chromedome tilted his helm down to his and Rewind’s interlocked fingers.
  “And Act of Disclosure is basically sharing something about yourself; something personal that usually doesn’t paint you in the best light. Profference is a meaningful gift, and the last part, Devotion, is done by the bot the initiator is courting.” Rewind took the wheel on the explanation. You wondered who had initiated their rite. Rewind’s lively personality made sense for him to take the reigns in things, but you could see Chromedome be more willing to open his heart to him. “If they accept the rite, then they perform an act of selflessness. Something that really shows the other they love them.”
“I see, thanks you two.” You nodded earnestly and for the rest of the story, couldn’t help but fidget. The second they finished, you made haste in excusing yourself. You didn’t tell them, but were going to speak to Megatron asap.
“You know they’re going to-”
“Yeah, I know. I figured it was better that they asked us than, I don’t know, Whirl or something.”
Megatron and you had been a thing for a while now, and there was… a lot to be said about that. Not that you cared anyways, you knew what you were getting yourself into, and you had no regrets. Life, you had figured, was too short for regrets. You with your miniscule human lifespan, couldn't afford to be held back by any shame or fear. Your only option was to shoot your shot. Which you did, and we're planning to do once more.
Megatron had a dark history. His faction had carried out acts of hatred towards your kind, but he has since renounced the ideology he once led with a blazing banner. The moment he met you, the Lost Light’s human liaison, he commited one last act of murder: He held technoism ideology under the water until it stopped thrashing. Guilt had fueled him to avoid you, but you extended friendship towards him. And thus he befriended you. Time passed and friendship turned to fondness. Techoism had its grave defiled.
Still, you figured that he still may never truly be comfortable with human customs, despite his newfound respect for them. You took it from the strange, wide-eyed look he had given a proposal during some cheesy romcom at one of Swerve’s movie nights you’d dragged him to. However, you were ready to compromise, and were more than fascinated by this cybertronian equivalent. Fascinated enough to follow through with it while you had the time in this life to do so.
  “Megatron?” You heard the hab suite door slide open and heavy steps trod in.
“Surprisingly.” He replied, a smile crinkling the worm edges of his crimson optics. At the sight of him enveloping the space in the room, you grinned. Seeing him approach was like watching a sunrise.
“Megatron I… I have a question.” You scampered towards the edge of his desk. He sat down and offered you his hand to climb onto.
“Yes, little one, what is it?”  He lifted you gently to his shoulder and began filing a report.
“Have you uh,” You paused, reading the dry statement over his shoulder. “Ever gone thought about becoming conjunx endura? I was, um, learning about conjunx ritus earlier.” You mumbled, twiddling your thumbs and tucking yourself against his armor plating. He froze, his typing stopping short and you could hear the mechanisms in his optics dilate as his eyes widened.
“I…. (y/n),” He scooped you up carefully from his shoulders and held you in front of him in large servos. The old mech looked shocked, full of hope and disbelief. “Do you even know what that entails?”
  You nodded slowly, staring up at him. His eyes were wild, and you could glimpse the bloody war that raged on behind them. You felt his guilt and the deep set disgust towards himself all clashing with an aching longing, and the thrill of what you were proposing. The battle between what he wanted and what he felt he deserved was unending.
“I do. I’ve thought it over a lot, actually, I’ve thought long and hard about it but I realize… I realize that I don’t really have to? I already know what I want. If that’s something you’d be okay with, I’m ready as soon as you are.”
His stunned stare descended into a chuckle, like he’d just understood a joke. He seemed merely amused by your offer, as if deciding that you simply didn’t know the gravity of what you were saying. Just a silly human; as usual, not knowing what you were talking about. You hated more than anything when bots thought that about you, and you only wilted more as he looked away.
“(Y/n), I don’t know how you think I deserve you.” He rasped, his voice heavy, and the foundations beneath your feet began to falter. You squeezed your partner’s thumb, both as to balance yourself and comfort him.
  “Megatron, look at me.” You sighed, standing taller in determination. He did as you said, the worry lines above his brow deepening as he peered down at you. “I know you. You must think that I don’t because I haven’t... I don’t know, fled? Is that what you think I’d do? Flee? Megatron, I want you to understand that I saw the worst of you before I even met you, and I still find myself here, asking you to ma- to be my conjunx. Please, you don’t have to be afraid. You know we both don’t have the time to.”
He was stunned. His deep silver lips hung open in shock and awe. You kept a face of resolve, until it faltered into concern, and after more excruciating moments of silence, fell limp into a piteous frown. The sting of rejection had began to sink into your chest.
“(Y/n).” His deep voice jolted you to reality. “Are you sure?” It was all he could say.
“Yes.” It was all you needed to say.
This was incredibly taboo.
  Two days after your conversation with Megatron and you were hauling a sack containing a datapad down the halls of the Lost Light. You didn’t want to try too hard, but you couldn’t help wanting to make yourself look presentable. You decided a tie was far too formal, but a blazer? That’d work. That and some slacks, and the nicest shoes you’d saved from home. You had combed your hair back. Then forward. Then back again as you couldn’t pinpoint which looked better. Looking decidedly sharp, you timed the start of your trek with the end of Megatron’s shift.
You passed Rodimus by down the hall, and he spun on his heel, and walked instead beside you.
“(Y/n), you look nice! Any particular reason?” There was an edge to his voice, and the force behind his smile was more audible in each syllable.
“I’m bringing this datapad to Megatron.” It wasn’t a lie, that was what you were doing, but you could tell by his tensed grin that it wasn’t what he wanted to hear.
“Really! Because he was looking really nice today too. He buffed and everything, did you know that? Hm?” He bent down as he talked down at you.
“Really? Huh.” You smiled to yourself, giddy that Megatron had decided as well to, in the cybertronian equivalent, dress for the event, and for you.
“Okay, (y/n), seriously, what’s going on?” Rodimus stopped with with his pede. You glared and walked around it.
“Rod, chill.” You sighed. His wings perked in indigance.
“Don’t tell me to chill! You know I hate being told to chill!” His fists snapped to his hips. You groaned, turned around.
“Rodimus, please, I’m going to be late. I really want to be on time for this. I’ll talk to you later, okay? I don’t want to keep him waiting.” You pleaded, your feet tapping in soft impatience. He gave you a scrutinizing squint, but yielded.
“Okay, fine. But later? I want to know what’s going on.” He huffed and continued down the halls. You did as well, making haste towards hab suite 113.
  The gargantuan doors slid open for you at the press of a tiny button installed at the foot of the entrance. He had been pacing, and stopped in his tracks to turn to you. Rodimus was right, he looked breathtaking. His dark gray armor was clean and robust, and the dim lights of his room haloed around him.
He didn’t look too much different; you honestly might not even had noticed if it hadn’t already been pointed out. The change was so very subtle, but that only further delighted you. He still looked authentic. He still looked like himself.
“Hi love, sorry to keep you waiting.” You chirped, and slid the bag underneath his desk for later. You approached him, and he took you in his hands to his seat in the corner of his room.
“No need to apologize,” Megatron sat down and placed you delicately down on the windowsill. The window was round and uncomfortable to stand upon, but it didn't matter; you were reclining between his thumb and fore digit anyways.
“You look nice tonight.” You said, nestling in and giving his hand a kiss. The mech smiled.
“As do you, my dear.” He chuckled, the tip of his finger nudging at your polished shoes. “Fancy choice in clothing, what's the occasion?”
You grinned in response, shifting in his servo.
“You.” You replied simply, earning another rumble of laughter from the mech. When he laughed, pride was not the word you were looking for.
You leaned forward, sitting up and the intent in your body language compelled the mech to bring you close to his face. He brought you near, to listen to any secret you'd whisper or question you'd ask or… Or to receive a kiss you'd place on a set of lips that nearly measured your wingspan. Megatron suddenly found himself wishing he’d mass displaced to a form small enough to be able to return the gesture.
It was chaste, but loving; and when you pulled back to stare up at him, you looked nothing short of enraptured.
“I really hope one day you could feel half as loved as you are. I don't know how to say it any other way, I just… adore you. I know how you think you don't deserve it, I hear it in how you speak, I read it in the words you write.” You stood in his hand to look him in the eyes and press your forehead to his. “But we're both on borrowed time, and while we're both here, I want us to be happy.”
You heard the distinct clicks and whirrs of Megatron’s bodily mechanisms, the sound and feeling of his servos trembling underneath you, and his optics shut beneath knitted brows.
“But, before that, can I tell you something… less than happy?” You leaned back into his hand and he opened his eyes, nodding as he pursed his lips, a shaky exvent escaping him.
“Something happened once. It was, gosh how many years ago was it… (X) years? (Y) years…? (X) years, I don't know, it was a long time ago for me at least. At least, it felt like it. You know how it is for humans. Whenever it was, I remember one thing: It was my fault it happened.” You rubbed a hand over his wrist, fondly tracing the seams of his servos. You didn't bother to steel yourself for this story; this was meant to be vulnerable. This was meant to be intimate.
You couldn't keep from crying as your story came to fruition. The deep vulnerability cut you open by the belly and you were helpless to spilling your guts. The bruising shame flowered through you, but you laid it all out before him. You forced yourself not to turn away from him as you spoke, and you saw the deepest pits of your soul reflected back at you in a kaleidoscope.
“I felt disgusted with myself, I still do,” You gulped, blinking back the tears that blurred your vision. “But I realize I can't do anything to change what happened. No matter how I say the story, it doesn't change its meaning. I have to live with it. I have to live with knowing I could have done something about it, but I gave up. I was scared and fickle and stupid.”
You grimaced you rubbed your eyes, the low burn of raw skin making you squint. You took a deep, ragged breath, rubbing comforting circles over Megatron’s shaking servo below you.
“I’ve felt like that for a while but… It’s different with you. I’m not scared. I’ve never been more devoted. And…” You smiled up at him. “I think meeting you was the smartest thing I’ve ever done. You’re genuinely the best part of my life, I can’t begin to tell you how much I love you, and… Do you wanna let me down real quick?”
Quickly Megatron nods and helps you to the floor. Feeling his stare on your back like a spotlight, you rush with your heart in your throat to his desk.
“I feel like I put it better into writing.” You sniffed and chuckled. “Here, I made this for you.” As he lifts you and the offering to eye level, you uncover the datapad. Megatron glanced at you, then the gift, and pressed a gentle kiss to your teary face before slipping the tablet out of the covering. He cleared his throat.
“May I?” He murmured, and you nodded. He smiled, deepening the creases in his aged face. The mech gazed softly then at your writing in his servo, his low lidded optics two warm, red eclipses. He took to reciting your poem in a gentle rumble you could feel like distant thunder in your bones.
  “To Which The Sun Does Set.
Go nearer now, with earnest great
To where the sun does set.
Come to me all bound in fate,
The same as when we met.
  Though change daily we might,
As many phases mold its face
High silver metamorph of night
Thus may retain his former grace.
And may he exude it during quest
Marching onward, onward yet
His hand in mine we gently rest
In the place which the sun does set.”
  Megatron fell silent, the final stanza falling from him and descending into the ambient hum of ship engines.
“(Y/n),” He croaked. “This is incredible. You’re incredible.” He lifted you closer to him, and you stood eagerly to meet the deep sweeps of his lip plating. He took to peppering tender kisses atop your head, dipping then below your chin. You stifled a squeal as lips nudges your chest and stomach. It tickled, and you couldn’t help but jolt helplessly and laugh against his smile.
“I love you so much.” He murmured into your torso, his aquiline nose snug atop your shoulder. You hugged his jaw, grinning deeply with your cheek pressed to his. You returned words of adoration, and heard the slight click of his optics closing completely. He held you there for what felt like an eternity, the deep drum in your chest in sync with the pulsating of his spark.
You thought at this moment you’d be scared, or relieved that the hardest part was over. He accepted your disclosure and your profference. But instead, you found yourself immersed in the sound his ancient sentio metallico made as you ran your palm over his cheek.
You felt him shift and you stood back as he pulled away to look at you.
“Can I take you somewhere?”
You nod.
Sitting safe upon his shoulder, you watched the hallway lights pass by in tune with the heavy clunks of Megatron’s footsteps. A few mechs passed by, offering the greeting of disgusted grimaces and hateful whispers. For the first time, you didn’t hear them. If Megatron did, you couldn’t tell. He was busy keeping his eyes forward, his expression kind and focused.
He slowed to a stop, and you heard curious muttering down the halls. You were lifted from his shoulder and placed onto none other than your favorite spot on the ship. The largest window with the widest ledge. The windowsill was broad enough for you to stand comfortably on- hell, you could dance on it if you wanted. Not to mention the best part was the view: always of the brilliant cosmos. It thrilled your inner stargazer to be able to watch the stars and planets pass by.
You scampered down from Megatron’s servo, stopping yourself with a palm against the glass, turning around to see the glowing pepper of galaxy reflected against his chrome frame. This view beat that of the universe by a landslide. As The Lost Light traveled through space, it passed by a red dwarf star, and the corridor flooded in florid hue.
“(Y/n),” Megatron’s gravelly voice whispered down to you through the scarlet haze. “Decades ago, I’d never had been able to fathom myself doing this. But my spark, I know, was forged to be yours. I love you, and I love your humanity . And I know all the questions on my mind, you are the answer to. But I have but one more inquiry, and I’m certain only you can answer this for me.”
He got down on one knee.
“(Y/n), will you marry me?”
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
“i know you think i’m a sociopath–“my lovely prey,” i’m a cliche” – something for your m.i.n.d., superorganism (Evil Nightcreeper AU)
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336 @sailorstar9
N/A: Evil Ryder. He´s really Jelly here. And Columbina does not realize she is in the same position Good Ryder was.
Columbina often reads the Newspaper and sometimes wonder if Gotham News should be sued by Monopoly as she never saw any other newspaper, lately, Kurt Ryder is taking jobs with Al-Ghoul and Dr Strangefate(“Is that his name?” “...yes”) and usually he takes Kitty with him, but, for this mission, her...boss(kidnapper sounds right, but, is so much better being here than in the facility of those labs or with Hyena, maybe this was meant to be) is going alone.
“Is a mission I need to finish, you told me you don´t like Kill people, well, then I´ll do this part” Nightcreeper speaks with a huge smile on his face. Is uncanny and creepy and Kitty will miss the green furry man deeply.
(the handcufs are gone)
“Ok, then I´ll stay here waiting for you” Kitty states and the man smiles and said a smile can mean anything and nothing. Kitty is growing to appreaciate those smiles. Appreciating every little thing about such complex and evil man, love can´t change anyone, but, Kitty can enjoy the ride. Kurt Ryder is no more, Nightcreeper is no more, yet, all remeans is the longing and confusion.
Her mother, once alive, told she did meet Cameron, Kitty´s father, in a strange way, both argue with the saleswoman about a product with the same default and that´s how they meet. Maybe, this is how she is going to tell her kids in the future.
(She blushes and hides her face with her small delicate hands, Thinking on such silly things)
She has a job to protect the house(is this her new house?) and her mind is back to musing about the newspaper, the door knocks and is her nightbhoor, Paul White, with the Gotham News in his hand.
“Already?” Kitty asked in surprise as she didn´t have the time to finish to read the newspaper of yesterday. Kurt and Kitty were busy doing stuff involving a mayor of another city and several photos of skin clad woman and men. It was fun, not to the mayor.
The man has often a smile on his face and often invites Kitty to a drink, the woman always refuses politely, the others don´t like her very much for some reason, yet, Paul White, seems to love her company.
“Are you sure you don´t want to go to my house?”
“Yes, I´m sure, you´re very sweet to give me the newspaper, but, I can read on my own, I´m fine really” Kitty answer and Paulo lives muttering a bitter bye.
Once Paul arrives in his home, the young man is disappointed, he wanted to spend a nice night with that lovely woman, oh, why euphemism, he wants to fuck her. She´s a petite, young(not in an illegal way) and seems fragile, Paul loves those types.
“Aww, someone gets rejected again?” the voice snap Paul from his musing as in his living room there´s a creature that sure must coming from hell(old tales of muderer in this apartamente rides in his mind, Anne Rose was murder by the husband because the husband found out about the infidelity)
The creature is playing with his fingers while sending a nasty glare to Paul. Paul, for his part, takes the gun on the drawn and shoot at the man, the bullet did nothing, except make the man laugh.
“See, is no surprise she rejects you, you´re too boring” Nightcreeper lift Paul until he hits his head on the ceiling, and he did all that with one hand “and I don´t like when people get eyeing what´s mine”
Much later, Kurt Ryder returns home, and Kitty would hug him but the woman points out the blood.
“Oh, Katzchen, I use my Nightcreeper form, but, it was too much blood, it didn´t change even when I change back” not a lie, and Kitty sighs saying she was prepared and give him new clothers.
“Oh, by the way, Katzchen, another day I saw Paul, he seems very fond of you” Kurt Ryder replied easily.
“Nah, he´s just polite, often gives me the newspaper, why there´s only Gotham News?”
“Because no one is that crazy”
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cloudbattrolls · 3 years
The Weakest One
250 Sweeps Ago | Lleios the First | Troll Wales
Tw worms but not gory at all. Minor tooth harm but nothing too detailed. Mostly just tw one mentioned makeout with something no one should put their mouth on. 
Lleios stretched every inch of their body, cracking every bone and simulated joint. They rolled out of bed (how nice to not have to sleep in slime, as trolls did) and sprung to their feet, jade eyes bright, short hair sticking up at the ends.
Their cottage was small, quaint, a bit messy at the moment, and most importantly out of the way from where their siblings might come looking. They put a pot of coffee on, and got some blood out of the fridge - ooh, that’d gotten a bit congealed, ych a fi.
Such a wordy way to express disgust; they loved it. Their chosen culture this century was one the empire had worked to suppress, and they thought it an awful loss. They hadn’t been around here much in - oh, they couldn’t remember, not without their memory hives on hand, but at least seven or eight hundred sweeps, and this place had been besieged and looted long before that.
They had toyed with the idea of trying to revive some of the things the trolls here had lost or only partially remembered - but mom would be hopping mad. No interference. Don’t draw the empire’s attention, not with so few of them left.
And whose fucking fault was that?
Forget it. No use getting their spirits down this early in the night. Not with who they were going to see.
They mixed and downed hot coffee and blood, feeling the contented curl of their worms within, and went to get dressed.
They adjusted their bow tie in the mirror, the pattern red stripes zigzagging over yellow. Exactly the sort of garish thing that would annoy their dear paramour - did he count as a paramour? They hadn’t totally eliminated eating him at some point, but it wasn’t overall appealing.
He was fun. More than fun; he was smart, and they hadn’t wheedled all his plans out of him yet. Everyone got boring at some point, but they felt like it would be a good while with him yet.
Rhyssa had always thought their dalliances beyond sex were cute but mystifying, since she either ate or at least heavily drained her partners and then moved on. Lleios understood that in principle, but felt it was a bit tacky and also wasteful. Sure, some trolls were barely more than walking blood, but not all of them.
They whistled as they fetched their cane, a handsomely carved thing of mahogany with twining golden worms around it. Ostentatious? Certainly, but it was fun to twirl around.
So odd, how some trolls actually needed them to walk. They couldn’t fathom the drudgery of being stuck in a body you could only somewhat change, and if broken, some things could never be fixed. How did trolls not go mad?
Then again, maybe that explained a lot.
The scuttlebuggy ride was rough, but they spent most of it staring out the window anyway at the rolling green hills. Absolutely beautiful. They’d have to describe it for mom next time they went down...even if she seemed less and less interested these nights.
Once she had hungered for her children’s tales of the outside world as much as the blood they had brought her. Once they had all worked to carve scenes of their triumphs and her worship, and she had moved in her slow way around the cavern, thanking them all for the souvenirs and stories they’d brought back to her.
Stupid; hadn’t they just thought of how useless it was to dwell on the past? They’d chided Rhyssa for it enough. Inshii would look down their nose at them if they could see, colorful fins waving slowly in disapproval.
Gallen would understand, at least, even if he didn’t agree. Their silent brother always did, wrapping one of his wide arms around them, isopods circling protectively around their worms.
Pity he was so uselessly passive.
Ugh, what was wrong with them tonight?
Well, that’s what their sort of-boyfriend was for - hard to be depressive when he was such a grump that it was impossible to not poke fun at him.
They arrived soon enough and hopped out, waving a goodbye with their cane as the scuttlebuggy made its way onward.
Then they turned to the hive a short walk away that only avoided being shabby because clearly someone had a drone come fix it up once in a while, but it was drab and small, with only two floors and what counted as a porch if someone squinted hard. It looked more like it belonged to a bronze or a yellow than a jade.
Jade! Their chosen caste for a long time now. Jadebloods were fun. The closest to the mother grub, and mother grubs were pitiable wrecks, but fascinating ones. Such incomplete, flawed creatures - yet they produced endless spawn to do their bidding. Spawn that destroyed other spawn, as if there weren’t enough things on this planet doing that already.
They kicked the door open as they arrived, swinging their cane with a leg stuck out.
“Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime boooo -“
They barely ducked a large rock that sailed over their horns and out the door, the whoosh of its passing ruffling their hair slightly.
“Rhomox, was I really going to let myself get clocked by that? A sad attack. You’ve plum let me down! Where’s the pizazz? Where’s the - “
A second rock hit them directly in the mouth, breaking their long needlelike fangs before they gurgled and spat it out. It clattered on the wooden floor.
“Now thatsh jusht rude.” They declared, sounding as delicately offended as someone who could barely speak was able. Yet they were already repairing the damage and in a minute their mouth was whole again, fangs grown back and scraped skin smooth as they pouted.
The man standing several feet away raised his eyebrows.
“You can school me on manners, creature?”
Rhomox Vannyn had a face that was not naturally blank, but one dedicated to a starched lack of expression Lleios had no doubt was the work of many sweeps in the caverns trying to not get himself in yet more trouble. Damned silly places had something against men, for whatever reason.
As if being a chap was the jade’s biggest issue, when in fact it was the stick implanted in his wastechute.
He wasn’t handsome, but it was clear he didn’t care and that was more attractive anyway.
“Yes.” They purred. “It’s called don’t do that again or I’ll rip up all your papers and scatter the pieces in your recuperacoon. That’s our lesson for tonight, may it live long in your auriculars. Just because I can heal doesn’t mean you aren’t a total ass.”
The total ass did not react to this comment except to turn, his long wavy ponytail swinging, and go sit on his somewhat worn green couch. It was olive, not jade, which Lleios had complained about many times as being very much not feng shui, and which equally as many times Rhomox had said they were welcome to gouge their eyes out if they didn’t want to look at it.
Lleios leaned their cane neatly against the wall next to the coat stand, and then launched themself through the air to hit the couch and slide down it, then pick themself up into a sitting position as the other troll rolled his eyes, then paused.
“Your tie is hideous.”
They broke into a wide grin, plucking at the offending clothing article.
“Is it! Mercy me. What did it ever do to you, chum? Squash some eggs? Turn the slurry sour?”
“It’s as hideous as you are.” He deadpanned.
The drinker cackled. “Well, that doesn’t keep you from the heavy ma - ”
The shorter man put his hand over their mouth and they could have easily sucked his blood, but no, it was more fun to plonk their head in his lap instead with his hand still on, stretching out across the couch with their lanky limbs.
They did poke his palm with their tongue and he snatched his hand away, shaking it as if it was burned. Such pageantry. As if they hadn’t explored each other’s mouths in detail.
“I have to say, Rhomox, dwtty - you put on such an act of disgust and degradation, which is cute and all, but I know full well you’re as hungry as I am. Do you hate that you want it? I’ve seen trolls into so many more odder things in my time that I look positively mundane next to them. There is no limit to what your people won’t lust after, I swear.”
He took out a book, put it on their face, and started reading it.
“You can’t dodge the question forever!” Came the monster’s muffled voice. “Indulge me, you lobbed a chunk of granite in my beautiful face. Or was that granite? Feldspar maybe? I do feel pain, you know. Just not as much as you, you squishy thing.”
A minute of silence passed and their genial expression under the book cover became an irate one. Goddamn him, he knew how to play them. They could extend it, be spiteful back at him, but that was so dull and he would still be winning.
Ah, wait, they knew.
They let themself out, worms wriggling from under the skin, causing it to go a bit slack as they exited. They directed them to wriggle down across the floor, unnoticed, around the back of the couch, piling up and then clutching the jade’s throat in a heaving thick mass extending down his chest as he struggled.
They delicately took his book off their face and put it aside on a pretty little glass table, and then sat up. A smug smile graced their angular face, a smile with an edge to it as they sat on his lap.
“Oh, Rhomox. You think you can ignore me.”
They leaned in close, needle teeth clicking near his mouth as his eyes gazed at them with anger and while he tried not to show it, fear.
“But I know you only bother trying because you’re obsessed.” They whispered, winking as if dispensing a great secret.
A long knife sprouted from their throat and whoops they hadn’t bound his hands, had they? A shaking dark gray one twisted the blade in further. Ow. He’d split apart some worms.
They let him go, more annoyed at themself for being forgetful than anything as their worms came back in. They plucked the knife out, examining it.
“Oh, this is old. Wait - this was mine! That was my name, about mmm, two hundred sweeps back? Why Rho, is this my apology gift? I have to say it almost makes up for you being such a terrific jackanape. I’d forgotten about stabby here, and we had such good times.”
That was their thief gang phase if they recalled correctly, right before -
“Do you know?” They said softly, the only time their voice had lacked any levity since coming over.
The jade looked at them with sheer disdain, but nodded.
“They died and we did nothing.” The drinker murmured. “I thought if I told her, she would work it out, talk to them...but all it got me was being spared the punishment. All it got me was jealousy.”
Mom had praised them for their loyalty. She’d curled a wing around them, and she never did that anymore, not for hundreds of sweeps, when once they and their siblings had slept all piled together in her feathers.
All while the other three glared holes in them as she spat out what she would take away for their failure.
“You act like you can care.”
“They were my siblings.” Said the worm monster, quietly but with an edge. “Not like a clown’s. Real siblings, Rhomox. Not a night goes by where I don’t miss them. Even if the others don’t.”
The jade scientist raised his eyebrows, a brazen show of curiosity from him.
They grabbed their cane from the wall, passing it back and forth in their hands, running their fingers over the golden worms.
“Don’t you wonder why I don’t tell them about you, my dear? They’d be jealous. They’d find it insufferable that I spend so much time with someone who isn’t them. They dismiss me; oh they don’t say it, but I know they think I’m weak. I have no stingers, no armor, no wings. They think I’m helpless without my troll shape, and they hate me for being spared what they went through.”
The drinker paused, ears flattened.
“Why worry what they think?”
Lleios blinked at Rhomox’s voice - dry, disapproving, but not mocking. He was genuinely confused.
Trolls. They’d never understand family. But maybe it was better that way.
“Because they’re all I have.” Said the worm monster simply. “We’re all any of us have, aside from mom. All trolls will die. But we will be here when the oldest fuchsia withers. We always come back.”
It was not triumph or arrogance that colored their last sentence. Instead it was a weary resignation of endless sweeps weighing down someone very, very tired.
They pasted a smile back into their face.
“Anyway! What study are you doing today? Still figuring out how to breed your mimics?”
He nodded.
He’d make fun of them later, Rhomox would, but he wouldn’t make fun of them now. He’d learned after a couple of worm restraint incidents, and while he’d resented it at the time they wanted to believe he’d come to understand. People called them an unfeeling monster, but their troll companion was so much more detached.
No one was better than a troll at not caring about others, even their own kind.
But then, he would be so easy and boring if he was different.
They reached out with hand and worm alike to put an arm around his shoulders and he swatted them, but Lleios just let out more to wrap him up and spin him toward them, right toward their face, only inches apart now.
“How about I...help.”
There it was, that look of eagerness, of disbelief at what he wanted, especially when they split open their face to show more worms.
But he went for it as he always did, and there was no talking after that for a good long while.
0 notes
kittycole · 7 years
Hero 108: Little Red Riding Hood part 1
Hero 108: Little Red Riding Hood ———————————————————– I been thinking to much Lin Chung wolf so much. Hope you like story enjoy. ———————————————————–
In Big Green night time Everyone was going to bed, Mighty ray going bed but he going to Lin Chung room because it was Mighty ray turn to sleep his room. He go in room and saw Lin Chung on bed reading book. “ You read books? Lin Ching heard that ” Yeah just once". Mighty Ray goes in blanket and look at book" Well kind of book you reading and what it about?“ He say . ” It call Little Red Riding Hood, and it about Little girl going to see her Grandma but bump in to wolf.“ He say, ” That sound boring. Mighty ray say. “ Well I think it interested, I even love picture in book.” Lin Chung say. He put his arm around Ray should and nuzzle him. “ You know what be interested, if I was wolf I would wether have something else then eating person.” He say. Mighty ray blushing what he say, “ I would whether be eating.” He say. “ Awww that sad.” Lin Chung say. Mighty ray turn around side bed, “ Well you know me.” He say. Lin Chung cuddle him from back “ I know but it be cute and feel nice.” He say. Mighty ray look at his face, “ Well it would be nice a bit” he say. Lin Chung kiss him Good night. “ Yeah Night Mighty Ray” He say. “ Night Lin Chung” Ray say. They both went to sleep, Mighty Ray hold his hand.
“ Red…. Red……” Mighty ray hear something but voice look familiar, last one was loud “ RED WAKE UP!!”
Mighty Ray get up quick but when he did he look around room it was different, all he see is wall is wood everything in room is wood but not much and there a windows in walls. “ Red breakfast Ready.” Mighty ray know that voice, he get up and open door. He seeing person he know and it “ SONIA?!” He shock. “ Sonia? Wow you must be tried still it me your mom.” She say. Mighty ray was so confuse, he seeing sonia dress up nice and her haor is up. “ Why don’t stand there come seat down and eat banana brain.” Sonia still call him that but he just follow what she say. He go seat down chair. And still look around. “ I make your favorite breakfast which one you like Pancake banana or Blueberry.” She say. “ um Blueberry pancake please.” He don’t like banana, but he feel like he heard name before red. But he wondering why sonia acting like mom? Sonia bring pancake on tables and seat down on chair.
“ Here you go Blueberry pancake.” She say. “ Thank you…mom”. He take bite pancake because he doesn’t know what it taste like when Sonia cook, he started to enjoying Sonia cooking, he eating pancake so much. “ My you must be hungry, anyway before your done breakfast I have something I need you to do red. She say. ” What is it?“ He say. Sonia get up and goes to kitchen while talking. ” I need you to go drop off brakey Carrot Cupcake for your Grandpa jumpy.“ She say. Mighty ray pause right there and look at her.” Huh?“ He say. ” Wow your still tried, You going to see your grandpa Jumpy silly.“ She say. Mighty ray thinking still and still heard these name ” Red, and Grandpa I heard them before but Grandpa sound like Grandma I heard.“ He say.
Sonia give him Basket ” Here cupcake you giving Grandpa jumpy, and I give you something just in case something happen.“ She say. He look in basket and seeing Cupcake have Carrot on top, Map to Grandpa house, and Books for him to read story. ” Wow thank you.“ He say. ” Your welcome I’m just making sure you won’t get lost, now get change and get ready.“ She say. ” ok" he say. He get up and goes get change. He open closest and doesn’t see his clothe but seeing different outfit. He only see shirt that look like suit top shirts, shorts pants, and red hoodie. “ These clothes are weird? But I aren’t got choice.” He say. He changes and grab basket goes to front door.
“ Wait minute!” She say. She put his hoodie on. “ There much better, I’m trying to keep you safe. She say. ” Keep me safe from what?“, ” From bad wolf, I heard they goes after kids and eat them. I don’t want to happen for you.“ She say. Mighty ray hug her for no reason. ” Don’t worry….mom I can kick there butts if they hurt me.“ He say. Sonia smile and open door for him. Mighty ray started to go walking ” Be safe baby.“ Sonia wave bye. ” I be safe I promises.“ He say and wave back too. He goes walking and pasting tress that look like house inside, while he walking he look at window and see him self. ” Oh Dear gosh Iook like Little Red Riding Hood!?.“ Then it shock him, he member now, and say ” This is…. This is fairy tale!!.“ Oh gosh this is going to be dumb.” He look so dumbwearing this and feel like idiots in this story. “ Wait If I’m in this story, I can make my own! I’m so smart.” He say He goes started walking again and feeling happy bit.
In the Forest
Mighty ray walking to his Grandpa but he doesn’t know where he live, he look at map while walking. “ Let see I need to take Mountain walk and then take east?” He look at sign, and see where mountain. He see person walking this way, and he know that person. “ Woo?!” He see Woo with horns and playing banjos. “ um excuse me, sir or goat?” He say. “ Yes boy my I help you today.” Woo say while singing. “ Um can you help me to get to mountain?” Mighty ray show him map. “ You take the mountain ride to get up there.” Woo say. “ um thank you sir.” Ray say, He goes walking to mountain. “ Your welcome and be careful from wolf.” Woo say but turn dark voice. Mighty ray feel that drak voice but still not afried of wolf. He goes to mountain ride to get to top mountain, he seen stand right there. He ring bell, “ Hello is everyone?” Person coming from bottom and pop out scared. “ GAHHH!” Mighty ray got scared from person. “ How may I help you boy?” He know this person and it was Mr.nohand dress up like train station but symbols have mountain sign.
“ Um can get one ticket to go on top mountain.” Ray say. “ That be 10 coins forest.” Nohand say. Mighty Ray didn’t think about if he had money, he each packet and find beg of coins. “ Thank gosh.” Ray Say in his head. He was give him 10 coins, and go to ride mountain. He seat down and enjoy read to get up there, he feel so board waiting. He look at window and see he is way high from forest, “ Man see people I know is weried.” He say. He still thinking of people who in this character, while he thinking he felt ride move. “ What the?!” He look outside window and see sting breaking. “ How this happen?! I have to get out of here.” He say, he grab basket and got out window be on top ride. He got no where else to go but only way is jump sting. He count to make jump, “ One, two, THREE!!” He run fast he could. Sting break and jump for it he got it and hold it tight. He look at ride fall down to ground, he look at mountain and he almost close to wall. He goes to cave from bottom. “ That spot!” He say. He jump off sting and make to cave.
Breath so hard, and take his time. “ Thank gosh I’m safe, even basket.” He look and forgot basket, “ OH MY GOSH!!! THE BASKET.” He look at found and see bear pop out again. “ GAHHHHH!!!!” He scream, and fall down to floor. It was not bear, it was Mr.nohand again riding helicopter bike. “ Top to you boy, are you alright.” He say take off his hat. “ Um yeah! The ride almost kill me and now you almost make me get heart attack again!!!” Ray say. “ Come down boy, I saw you and making sure if you were not injured, and I even save your basket.” He holding basket, “ My basket!” He got it. Mr.nohand hold his hand out, “ Come boy let get you to top.” Nohand say. Mighty ray still mad but he can’t stay here get eating real bear. So he grab his hand get on his bike, “ Going up and hold on tight.” Nohand say. He pedals to top mountain, and land it safe. “ Thank you Mr..um?” “ Nohand you can call me Mr.nohand.” he say. Mighty ray smile, “ Ok Thank you Mr.nohand, but I’m wounding how sting broken?” Ray say. Mr.Nohand look ground and say “ I don’t know but that person, or animals will pay for this. Have nice day boy.” “ I will.” Ray say, he goes walking again, “ And be careful there bad wolf.” Nohand say. Mighty ray turn around and say “ What bad wolf they talk about?” Mr.nohand left already, he thinking who bad wolf but he whether not. So he goes keep walking.
In top mountain forest
Mighty ray go walking and thinking who in this. “ Ok sonia is my mom, jumpy is my grandpa or ma, woo goat singer what so ever, and Mr.nohand mountain ride. So who is wolf? Maybe High Rollar or Twin Master!” He giggle. While he thinking he heard stick break and look around. “ Ok show your self animals or..wolf?” He say. He see brush moving, but it was bunny pop out out no where. He sigh and got hit by apple. “ Ouch! A apple? Where this come from.” He say. “ From tree you cutie.” He knows that voice and look up, it was not High Rollar or Twin Master it. “ Lin Chung!?”
– Sent from Fast notepad
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michaelguyyo · 7 years
1: Do you have a crush at the moment?
Yeah, Camila Mendes. She plays Veronica on Riverdale
2: Have you ever been deeply in love?
Again I’d like to point out Camila Mendes… Lmao but no for real, yeah of course I have, I have a lot of love to give (and to answer the first question seriously, I sure hope so. I’m dating a girl who I have a crush on always)
3: Longest relationship you’ve ever been in?
Hmmm…. Lizz I think, I mean even though there were some rough spots in the middle, I still count it. It’s been a while.
4: Have you ever changed for someone?
I’d like to think I improve all the time, I hope I’m changing for people for the better every day
5: How is your relationship with your ex?
Depends who you’re asking, I care about anyone I’d consider an ex. But some of em don’t like me, it happens.
6: Have you ever been cheated on?
I’d say so (see 62)
7: Have you ever cheated?
Yeah, as much as I’m embarrassed to admit it, I have. It was a rough time… That’s behind me though, bad experience all around.
8: Would you date someone who’s well known for cheating?
If she loyal, I don’t care what her reputation is. I’d be a little skeptical but I want people to prove themselves to me, not one to hold on to other’s reputations
9: What’s the most important part of a relationship?
In my opinion? Intimacy, passion. I dunno I want every kiss to feel just as exciting, every date to be full of just as many laughs.
10: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?
Relationships… Kinda. I dunno it’s weird, whichever I’m currently on at the time, I kinda wish it was the other. But to an extent, like I love whoever I’m with at any given time, I don’t want them to be outta my life in the least bit, especially now with Lizz she’s the best I could ask for.
11: When you are dating someone do you believe in going on “breaks”?
Not something I’ve ever purposely done. But if both parties feel like it would be healthy and beneficial that’s up to them. I have nothing against it, but not something I’m actively looking for
12: How many people have you ever hooked up with?
Yikes… Umm, depends what you’d consider hooking up? I’d sayyy, 6-7?
13: What’s one thing you regret saying/doing in a previous relationship?
Binch I regret everything I do all the time. I’m a super shitty boyfriend like 75% of the time and I’m always trynna do better. 
14: What age do you think is appropriate for kids to start having sex?
14-15 honestly. High school, do whatever the fuck you want I don’t care.
15: Do you believe in the phrase “age is just a number”?
With like 2-3 years? Yeah… But an 18 year old getting it on with a freshman, or a gap as weird as that and you sure are pushing it.
16: Do you believe in “love at first sight”?
Hmmm… Infatuation, for sure. But love? Iffy… I’d probably lean towards no.
17: Do you believe it’s possible to fall in love on the internet?
Sure why not.
18: What do you consider a deal breaker?
19: How do you know it’s time to end a relationship?
If you’re at the point that you’d rather kiss someone other than your current partner and you have the opportunity to (so like…….. I’d kiss Justin Timberlake over Lizz, but no opportunity) then it’s time to talk to your partner.
20: Are you currently in a relationship?
Ya, she fake tho
21: Do you think people who have dated can stay friends?
FOR SURE, 100%. I wish all the people I’ve dated were still close to me.
22: Do you think people should date their friends?
Also for sure, your partner should be one of your best friends. It’s boring otherwise, super boring.
23: How many relationships have you had?
By my counts, 6, but that’s a liberal 6. Three that I’d call rather serious.
24: Do you think love can last forever?
Surrreeeeeeee, it’s not as easy as a fairy tale though
25: Do you believe love can conquer all things?
Yuck. No. Not at all. It’s a good start though for sure.
26: Would you break up with someone your parents didn’t approve of?
What year is it the fuck
27: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be?
Hold on to the people you hold dear, cherish the moments. Those moments won’t always be there.
28: Do you think long distance relationships can work?
In my personal opinion, only to an extent. Like I’m pretty far from Lizz, but we see each other a few times a month. If I was in another state? Hell naw
29: What do you notice first about another person?
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, eyes and the way they light up when they laugh.
30: Are you straight, bi, gay or pansexual?
Straight as hell fam, surprising I know
31: Would it bother you if your partner suffered from any mental illness?
What the fuck year is it??? No, as long as they aren’t abusive, hell no.
32: Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?
Dating relationship, no I wouldn’t say so. Bad ones maybe but I’d never call them abusive.
33: Do you want to get married one day?
Yaaaaa, call me old fashioned but I love all that romance crap.
34: What do you think about getting your partner’s name tattooed?
Y I K E S. It’s tacky even if it ends up not being a mistake. Unless it’s like a list of all past relationships with crosses through em, that’s kinda cool
35: Could you be in a relationship without sex?
no next question
36: Are you still a virgin?
yes next question
37: What’s more important: Looks or personality?
As shitty as this sounds, to me, looks. No personality will make up for the fact that I’m not attracted to you… But you could be a little bland and I’d still be like damn ma at least you hot. But I doubt the relationship would last long without both.
38: Do you enjoy love films?
Yes pls I love movies.
39: Have you ever given anyone/received roses?
Surprisingly?? No??? Send me roses.
40: Have you ever had a valentine?
Ya of course, I try to do fun dates on Valentines when I can
41: What’s your imagination of a “perfect date”?
Dinner, movie, dancing. I wanna dance with my girl all night.
42: Have you ever read “Romeo & Juliet”?
Yeah it was a school requirement, it was solid. Leo version best version.
43: What’s more important: Your partner or your friends?
Yiiiikeeesss…. Honestly, my friends. But I consider my partner a friend…. But if I had to choose between Lizz and all my friends? I don’t think I could choose Lizz over everyone else. I would cry either way though, just a little more if I lost literally all my friends lmao I don’t think Lizz could support me through that, nobody could.
44: Would you consider yourself “romantic”?
Probably, but I’m not very good at it. Suave, sure. Affectionate, sure. But generally romantic? Hmm… I try my best.
45: Could you imagine to date one of your current friends?
I could imagine dating any one of my friends. All cuties. All great people.
46: Have you ever been “friendzoned”?
Fuck this shit naw, I’m hot as hell and also the friendzone isn’t real. Unless you talkin about your buddy’s house. Then I’ve been in the friendzone
47: Which “famous couple” is your favorite?
I miss Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield. 
48: What’s your favorite love song?
You and I by Ingrid Michaelson
49: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Yeah, unfortunately far more than I’d like.
50: If you’re single, why do you think you are?
fuk u
51: Would you rather date someone who’s rich but a douchebag or someone who’s poor but a nice guy?
Poor? I am a male so society doesn’t expect me to marry rich. So that’s not even a small thought.
52: Are you good at giving other people advices regarding dating/ relationships?
People don’t ask me for relationship advice, but I don’t think I’m bad at it… I’m just sure people from the outside think very differently about me and my relationship skills lmao
53: Are you jealous of couples when you’re single?
Nope, still love couples. Always fun to be around if they’re cool people.
54: How important is it to make a relationship official (p.e. on facebook)?
Not? Facebook is dead grow up
55: Would you consider yourself “clingy”, “overly attached” or “jealous”?
56: Have you ever “destroyed” a relationship?
57: Do you think it’s silly to consider suicide because of a broken heart?
Nothing is silly about depression or heartbreak. I mean don’t do it, but I understand the thought, there’s nothing wrong with a thought, just work through it.
58: Are you the “dominant” or the “submissive” part in a relationship?
Dominant for sure oops
59: Have you ever forgotten important dates like your partner’s birthday or your anniversary?
All the time? Not like extensively, I got to it… Just not immediately or whatnot, missed the midnight snap or something along those lines. Mostly I just get sidetracked
60: What’s your opinion on open relationships?
Do whatever the hell you want. Talk with your partner, if they into it then fuck it
61: Who’s more important: Your partner or your family?
Again… Family, there’s just more of them. If you ever told me “who’s more important, 1 person or these important 5+ other people” I’d have a hard time choosing the one. It’s a lot easier getting over a relationship than getting over the loss of your entire family lmao
62: How do you define “cheating”?
Anything that hurts your partner involving your interactions with another person. Heavily flirting or the likes is considered cheating in my book. If you told your partner about it and they’d consider breaking up with you, that’s the line.
63: Is watching porn while being in a relationship inappropriate?
Who the hell cares, no.
64: Do you think Valentine’s Day is overrated?
Maybe a little bit, but I love Valentines Day… So who cares. I think the gifts sometimes is a little much. But a national date night? I’m all for it.
65: Would you consider yourself a “cuddler”?
I. Love. Cuddling. Relationship not required, we can cuddle. Cuddling is pure as HELL
THANKS A BUNCH. There’s only 65 questions tho, not 70 so typo I imagine.
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janiklandre-blog · 8 years
Monday, February 27, 2017
chilly, sunny - 9:30 a.m. in the computer room while my new computer is resting on my desk.
Going back - Saturday I wrote about my magic days in Sag Harbor - and magic they were - until - well, perhaps it is my blog that for the first time is causing me trouble. A reader - whom I left out today - is a neighbor of my friend, I too have known them for a long time, I had heard they would come on Friday and return to nyc on Sunday - I decided to stay until Sundayhoping to get a ride back into the city. The female part of the pair called Saturday morning, my friend mentioned I wanted a ride, she said I have to talk to my husband, in the evening they came for dinner, I already had heard they wanted to leave early, fine with me - I began to say I'd be happy to leave early on Sunday, he interrupted me and said: we need our privacy. I was stunned - lucklily kept my mouth closed - later wondered, might a reason be that he worried I might later write on this here blog what they talked about? In any event no reason was given, gaily they talked about local matters, I was chopped liver and after finishing what I had on my plate did say something to the effect that I was being totally ignored - my dear friend: she always wants to be the center of attention - yes I do like it if I am not totally ignored. Had I been smart I would have excused myself saying I did not feel well - he still asked are you upset because we don't want to take you with us - well - luckily I did not say much and disappeared and my friend's comment was: you arfe not b eing nice at all. I did not feel like sitting there and just listening to their happy chatter all about their affairs.
Lucklily they left soon to see some silly movie - people now have to drive to East Hampton because the movie theater in Sag Harbor has been burned down - and my friend then acknowledged that they had not been very nice to me - he could have called earlier and they could have made some excuse and saying they are sorry - instead of only saying: we need privacy. She once upon a time was part of the weathermen - now she is a vip - ready for another three weeks of travel around the world, a highly paid llecturer on feminism - they have a beautiful house in Sag Harbor, an apartment in Berlin and a large apartment on the upper west side - I assume they pay for parking for their car in the city - very expensive.
In my days with Paco he always said I attract "subhumans" -  poor people, troubled peaple and my son also mentioned the troubled people I have been involved with - and continue to be involved with. I did score an M.Phil. at Columbia University - after 1968 there were thousands and thousands of Ph.D.'s in what is called "the humanities" who no longer could find work because after the student unrest - I was on the side of the rebellion - funds for humanities were drastically cut. I was altogether in the wrong department at Columbia - German - the long time chairman, already chairman in the 1930's had been a supporter of Hitler and when Bauke arrived - b0rn in the same year I was, 1932 - into a Silesian officer's family, great supporters of Hitler and his father a rocket scientist, he came in 1945 at 13 to Ohio - must have landed at Columbia when I came to Mount Holyoke - Josef Padur Bauke, probably can be googled, had long obit in the NYT after he was left to die on the sofa of Inge Halpert's x-mas party - 1984 or such - it made me believe in divine justice. He had seen to it I never would get a job - failed me in my phd orals the first time round - I had 150 letters ready to mail to colleges io a hundred mile radius of nyc - I had taught German at U.C.L.A, and also at Columbia, I am a native speaker - this was in the spring of 1969 - I had to throw those letters away, they said I had passed phd orals - and in the fall he passed me - he had failed me on the behest of the old nazi in my specialty, modern German lit - Bauke had taught the courses and when I was "a lady" - I lived at 25 East 83rd, Mount Holyoke B.A., UCLA Masters, straight A's - I was married to a Harvard Law grad, I had my hair doen on Fridays, I worke make up, nylons, heels and was elegant - my husband saw to it his wife was elegant - Bauke had given me stright A's - than he fails me in modern lit. He knew this looked absurd and on a second try int the fall of 1969 he passed me - then 69/70 I still had some part time teaching at St.Joseph's college for women in Brooklyn, next door to Pratt - my students everywhere have loved me - I was fun and I was kind - and beautiful, so they tell me - I baked the most wonderful apple cake for them and for that they remembered me
I wrote a letter to the mother superior outlining that instead of introductory German I would like to teach history of Germans in America, most of my students were taling my class because they were of German backgrround - that interested them and then they might have approached this difficult language with greater interest. German 1 the way it is taught is deadly boring for teacher and student alike - and most give up. The mother superior never acknowledged my letter and the German department was phased out - languave requirements had been very unpopular and the students in 1968 got them cancelled. Most were taught by barely paid teaching assistants as I had been - paying dues - and by the newly employed. By the summer of 1970 I had wonderful university diplomas - totally worthless for emplpoyment. I looked to high school teaching - German not an accepted subject, I t\got the necessary creds taking an exam in French, by then a year of student teaching was required, Robert G. had diverced me in the fall of 1967, harvard law grad found a way never to give me a cent again - I considered applying for welfare and write a dissertation - my topic: German women writers dealing with the awakening to what had been happening in their country - some excellent books - went to the welfare bureau, they asked, how much money do you have, I said $50, they said come back when you have no money. Also a friend at the time whose mother had been on welfare told me, never, never, never go on welfare. And - yes, there were the truly smart ones, like the once upon a time weatherman woman - who had much better connections than I had - who made it to high earners - and I - never learned how to earn money - they barely find worthwhile to look at.
I have written about how the Catholic Worker, the Catholics, have helped me - at least in theory their religion admires - well in German we call them "Bettelmoenche" -monks living by begging - which in essence the CW also does. Low income is in theory an honor - alas when it comes to practice they ask the successful to speak at their meetings - and they do have this thing about washing dishes - no machine, God forbid - and the most honorable thing to do is to wash dishes - and I certainly have washed mountains of dishes in my life, no machine ever. Still - I am saddened - that my mind has found little recognition - one does read this here blog - so far he has not made any comment to me - or, wait a minute, he has said in passing he finds it interesting.
As I said to my very dear friend in Sag Harbor - who does appreciate me despite of my short comings that she does enjoy pointing out - calling it telling me the truth - and saying - you don't want to hear the truth - oh well - I am now suffering of a strong case of Torschlusspanik - a term in soccer, where a clock ends the game - and I do hear my clock ticking and yes I would love, love love still also finding a bit of a reward in dollars and cents, money I very much would need now, or believe I would need
Anyway - at the beginning I was going to talk how people have made me aware of how people classify people - French Christine talking of people of value, she worked at the French consulate - and Joel G. talking of a lists, b lists, c lists - obviously as far as the couple is concerned who did not give me a ride I am at the very bottom of their list - but alas also of people at the Catholic Worker - who would like me to be a sweet and even tempered dish washer, always smiling, never talking - and fully admitting how good pills would be for me that would shut me up, once and for all - and most certainly not write what I just wrote now and now am going to send, unread, one again, in a hurry, Molly is about to come. Adios. Marianne
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sweetie-skullz-blog · 8 years
It's been one year of Illusion Assignment. We may not have much of a following, but we’ve been having fun working on IA.
Sadly, Diancy’s sketch files haven't been retrieved from their old laptop yet, so you get to see it another time.
Thankfully, we got this back-up plan: The characters and when they were kids. Little snippets of their childhood. These memories vary from age to age.
Gambling King/Nigel Hillingham (7)
I watched as Devin and Nathaniel ran around. Devin was busy chasing Nathaniel with a toy rat, while I just laid underneath an oak tree with a book in my lap.
Now this book wasn't something that other kids read. I didn't really like those fairy tales as I was more interested in these murder stories, more specifically around casinos.
“Ni-ni! Help me!” Nathaniel shouted as he ran right towards me and right up the tree.
“You’re fine.” I replied going, back to my book.
We may be considered monsters, but we still have a right to have a childhood. Doctor Vienna and Doctor Talin are doing their best from what I understand. I’ll take them over my actual parents any other day.
C-Sharp/Nathaniel Keen (7)
“Amazing Natty.”
“Really Uncle James?” I asked, beaming up at my uncle as he fixed my fingers position on the guitar. He was happy to teach me music and my little five-year-old mind loved making noise.
“Of course Nathan!” Uncle Lee piped up from the wall, “Absolutely beautiful. Maybe better than James.”
“He has a long way to go before he’s in my ranks.” Uncle James defended.
I chuckled and looked up at him, “I’ll be the best when I’m older.”
Uncle James  smiled at me softly, “Then you got a lot of practice to do kiddo. Oh right! I have some extra backstage passes to Dezio Angelo show. Want to join me?”
I instantly tackled him and laughed alongside Uncle Lee as we both shouted yes.
Arachne/Kenta Norm (8)
Daddy lifted me up and spun me around as the song continued to play. Ma used to play this song all the time..
“Cévon! What's cookin’ brother?” Miguel greeted as he waltzed into the room, “I thought I was gonn’ be the little lady’s dance partner.”
“Uncle Miguel!” I quickly hopped out of my dad’s arms and ran to Miguel, “Are you coming too?”
“Of course sweetpea. He always come with. Should we get goin’?” Daddy asked.
Miguel lifted me up and chuckled, “Let's go visit your ma!”
It wasn't too far and smiled as I knelt down. I took off the ribbon around my finger and wrapped it around some flowers that my daddy handed me.
"Hi ma..." I whispered, setting the flowers before the tombstone, "I have a lot to tell you.
Masque/Luis (9)
I watched as Elodia placed the mask over my eyes.
“You look like a superhero!” Julio said as I looked over towards him and the others.
“I don't feel like one…” I sighed.
“Aw, don't say that Lulu!” Kamryn beamed, “You look like a one of my dads showguys! The fancy ones that are really formal, but super nice.”
“Yeah! What Kam said!”
I spun around to see ****** smiling right at me.
“Are you sure?” I asked again, this time sounding a bit better.
****** just flashed me a smile as Kenta came up, “Come on Lu, you look really cool!”
I made my way to the mirror in Kamyrn’s room to look at myself in the mirror to see myself. The mask didn’t go with my clothes, but if I was at a costume party, I would be sure to wear this mask.
Visage/Cyril Theil (11)
I looked away from my art to see a girl, a little smaller than me and maybe younger.
“It’s sad.” I replied dimly.
“Winter is sad, but pretty. Storms are bad, but pretty. Death is sad, but can be pretty if she wants to.”
I watched the girl for a bit before looking back at my art. Maybe she was right.
“I guess so…”
“Why are you alone?” She asked.
“I don't know.”
“Why do you wear a mask?”
“I don’t know.”
“Do you have any friends?”
“Liar! You have me!” The girl grinned, she was missing a tooth, “I’m Elodia Akinci Callejo Wolfgang.” She held her hand out.
Slowly I took it, “I’m Cyril… Um… Wanna paint with me?”
Angel’s Shadow/Elodia Akinci Callejo Wolfgang (9)
I can hear shuffling from behind me as Damario knelt down on my bed and sighed. In the reflection of my window, I could see that Damario had a sheepish smile as he looked over my shoulder.
“Come on, baby sis… Are you really mad at me?”
“Hmph.” I turned my head away from his.
Damario just sighed before I could feel him get a bit more comfortable.
“Alright… Guess I’ll go ahead and leave you alone with the-”
“Dama…” I interrupted, warning him. I may be nine, but I’m not stupid and being an illusioner is much worse.
“What? Did you think that I was gonna say the tickle monster?” He mused, but pouted when I gave no response “Fine.” He got up and I heard the door shut.
Slowly, I turned around, only to get tackled into my pillows as hands started to wiggle against my sides.
“Da-Dam-” I couldn't even finish his name as laughter took over.
“Laughing Taffy is here!” Damario shouted with glee as he continued to tickle me.
Devil’s Light & Dagger/Devin and Luca Dalton Batts (8)
The two watched as their sister walked out with their dad. They weren't very happy.
“Definition of a daddy's girl!” Their grandfather growled, “Honestly.”
“Dad stop.” Their mum sighed, “Just go drink your brandy and leave mum and I to fix this. Devin, Luca, come here.”
The two walked to their Mum.
“This is going to be tough, but we’ll power through.” Mum started, “I love you both dearly and I forgive your father, but that doesn’t mean what he did is good. I want both of you to grow up with the sweetest of minds and hearts towards others no matter how different.” She knelt down and hugged us.
We hugged back.
Selkie/Kamryn Dakota (10)
I danced around the room as my father followed around with the camera. He was always so happy to record me, to have these memories of me as illusioners, especially kids, never get a chance at a good childhood.
“Kammy! Give your old man a little spin in that new costume!” Father flashed me a smile.
I ran over to in front of him and spun in my marching band out that I made myself with Elodia’s help.
“Think that I can help out in the show?” I asked.
Father chuckled and nodded, “Of course! The Deaf Jewel is catering for the food and Firefly Bites is catering the desserts. All such good friends.”
“I get to see some of my best friends! Yay!” I started to dance around, screaming happily.
Bullet/Atlas Holloway (8)
I watched as my grandma continued to sew beautiful designs on my jacket. It was nice to watch her, she always knew what to do.
“Will you teach me that one day grandma?” I asked.
Grandma looked over and smiled, “I thought that sewing was for girls?”
“That’s what Mister Ackley says… But, I don’t believe him!”
My grandma smiled and nodded thoughtfully, “Good. Learning stuff like this is a good thing for anyone. Come here.”
I walked over and sat next to her when she handed me some fabric and sewing needle that was already threaded, “What do I do?”
My grandma placed hers down and scooted over a little bit before reaching over. She started to lead my hands to start a simple stitch, “Alright sweetheart.First let’s teach you the basics…”
Venin/Julio Bezerral (9)
I watched as Elodia handed me another cookie.
“Try this one!”
I took a bite and savoured the flavor of bitter berries and caramel. Elodia has been experiemnting and I always loved her cookies.
Elodia nodded, pleased with my answer, “Happy birthday!” She reached over to hug me then pulled away afterwards, “Cookie taste-testing is better than any gift combined. Right?”
I smiled and nodded. I was spending the night at Elodia’s after the party and was happy that she was a good friend.
It was fun. Since all of my friends were there and Elodia’s dad loved me as if I was their own child and she treated me like a brother.
“Hey you two! Get to to the living room. Time for bed.” Damario called out as he walked into the closed bakery.
Pyro/Ashton Burns (10)
I cried as the doctor rubbed some bad smelling cream on my shoulder. It hurt, a lot.
“It’s alright sweetie. You’ll be fine.” He says as he called a nurse over, “Can you get the poor girl something sweet and some water?”
The nurse nodded and walked off as the doctor gently rubbed my back, “All done sweetheart. Care to tell me why your parents did this?”
I remained silent.
“Alright… Well social services will be here soon and will be assigning you to someone on Veskia.”
I looked up and saw the mirror across from me. Long red hair and just towels wrapped around my chest and legs. A large burn mark settling on my shoulder... I never wanted my long hair and I never wanted any of this this. I need to change.
Sunshine/Joshua Wenkert (10)
I watched as Drayson tapped on the tarantula's tank.
“Please don’t do that. My uncle won’t let you hang over her again.”
Drayson turned and pouted, but stopped nonetheless. He walked over to where I was and turned on the tv, “Can we watch cartoons?”
I shook my head no, “Not allowed to.”
“Anything fun?”
I frowned at that description, but sighed, “We can watch something from the geographic channel. You like volcanos.”
Drayson smiled and changed the channel as he reached over to grab his juice, “Why won’t your uncle let you do anything and why does he make you take those stupid pills?”
I shook my head no. I wasn’t so happy with the pills, but he still took care of me.
Lady/****** ******** (9)
I laughed as Elodia and Kamryn continued to put Bean in silly outfits. Bean just took it all, not a care in the world.
“Won’t Dama be mad?” I asked.
“Nah. He’ll take photos and laugh with us.” Elodia answered before hugging Bean, “Bean loves me more anyways.”
I nodded and walked over to pet Bean. It was nice to be around friends when everything is happening so fast. I knew what I wanted to do instead of being a famous actress.
“I want to help everyone.” I suddenly stated, “We should all help everyone! Become great groups among the bad things!”
Elodia and Kamryn watched me for a bit before grins started to grow on their faces, “Yeah!”
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
“So, can we actually walk through walls?” (Any!verse)
@djinmer4  @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336 N/A: A sequel for the ask of Evil Wizard Kurt and Healer/Necromancer Kitty.
Once you step outside of your land, once you venture to the big world, nothing feels the same. Those words echo in Kitty´s mind. Now, she´s here with the evil necromancer, a man the temple often speaks, not very fondly, and she wonders if the thirst for knowledge is a good or bad thing.
“ You´d have a harem, right?” Kitty asked in a straightforward way as many tales of this man fills her mind and all of them could fill a liberate´s tale. And women in harems do not take kindly new visitors, especially, a woman.
“ yes, I do, fret not, the girls will like you” she gave a pointy look at him and cross her arms, the fact his servants are near and could rip Kitty´s flesh never cross her mind, which amused Kurt deeply “oh, no, you aren´t forced or trick to join the harem, that´s not how it works” smirks at him “I´m here just to teach you, promise by my blood”
“OK, I believe in your blood oath, but, no jokes, I know what those women do to remain in power. They aren´t nice ladies” Kitty informs Kurt who nods absently.
“The last one tries to cheat on me…I send her away” to be devoured to my monsters. Mentally adds.
The women in the harem, only Mara and Kymri, are not happy with Kitty´s presence in the building, in fact, her families aren´t happy either. The necromancer is teaching magic that few could dream to learn(not even his best pupil can have access to such spells)
“Why she?” Mara asked about to cry. Her beloved Kurt, the father of her future kids, is preferring that healer over her?
“She must bewitch him” Kymri, once stopping crying, answers the burning question “if Kurt wants a Lady Necromancer, I shall give you to him, and that no name woman will be forgotten”
The two vow to learn necromancy. They have money to buy the materials for the books and study, at the end of the month, what they did is hard to impress even themselves.
___________________________The news of a lady Necromancer being trained by the Evil Necromancer flies to ear to ear. The X-men and Excalibur don´t know what to make of this news.
“She´s immortal as well?” Jean exclaimed surprised, how this little detail slip from them? Oh right, Zaorvianos and their secrecy.
“We need to do something” Betsy replied loosing her usual calm, one evil necromancer who likes his harem is enough, now, two necromancers…the world will be theirs.
“Assassination?” a voice suggested along with many others plots.
“I hardly see how killing an immortal will help us, after all, the necromancer can bring her back if the worst comes to happen”  Captain Brian speaks as the true leader of Excalibur and Meggan takes the lead “we don´t need to make her an enemy, we don´t her. She´s a Zaorviana, they live to protect life, hardly think Zaorva will let a member of her cult murder everything she sees”
“Are you suggesting we offer the friendship to this woman?” asked Scott in a neutral tone and Meggan nods. “In that case, how do we offer a hand to a Zaorviana?”
“Well…” Rachel offers a suggestion and the others are paying attention._________________________________________
Jude heard about Kitty learning from…that man and goes to make sure she´s not under his spell. Is not needed to say Kurt and Jude won´t be best friends anytime soon, however, there´s a certain tone of politeness among them. Thin and small, but, still exist.
“Hi, Jude” Kitty waves her wand reading a book with a red cover. Jude talks to her and makes a check spell, under the pretence to see if any evil spirit is after her. Kitty is free from his control.
“Satisfy, Jude?” Kurt smirk obnoxious and Jude nods, pleasantry talk was given and now the man has to return home. “Don´t hurt her, she´s not those women you find ….whatever you find those women”
“I know and I don´t plan to hurt her, in fact, I would love very much if she stays here with me” Kurt whisper this last part on Jude´s ear and watches the man groans and shake his head.
“I hardly think she will prefer to live with an evil necromancer, but, I´ve seen oddest couples, good luck, my friend” Jude then leaves.
“Kurt, come on, let´s learn more about Morgana’s spell. I think this time we can do it” Kitty looks radiant now and Kurt smiles softly.
A lady Necromancer is a game changer. Many women are venturing on magic´s field that once were label as “only for boys” and many blame this Lady Necromancer.
Kymri and Mara know the basic of necromancy and tries to impress Kurt, forgetting for a minute, this man has done much more than what they could imagine. “Oh, very well” Kurt replied somewhat bored.
Kymri and Mara are heartbroken about his indifference, but, necromancy and the new magic they are learning are more interesting than Kurt´s indifference._______________________________________________________________
“Does Zaorva let you have sex?” Kurt asked one day.
“No, Kurt, Zoarva puts me in a room, in the highest tower, saying that my power comes from my virginity” she has a deadpan look on her face “yes, you silly evil elf, I can have sex, the temple urges us to explore sexuality in the healthiest way possible”
“Interesting, now, have you ever want to stop Cerulium´s silly wars?” Kurt asked resting his face on his right hand.
“Well, yes, but, how I could do this? And if the answer is sex…”
“No, no. I just wondering about something, well, two, and I would like your help if everything went to the plan…Cerulium won´t have any war” Kurt promised and kitty closes her book looking at him. “Ok, I´m listening”
___________________________________________________________Bloodstorm has two options. Go to Logan, her Ex, to gather information about the healer or go to the temple. She chooses Logan(Zaorva still scares Ororo)
“Why she wanted to be a necromancer? Does…she wants a war?” Ororo asked as much she loves how women are feeling more empowered to make the decisions in regards to their own magic, life and even death(Some estates suggest that if the husband dies before the wife she must die along with him) but she´s curious as for why Kitty wants to know necromancy.
If she wants war, Bloodstorm is happier to offer some assistance.
“Ro, I have no idea, one day, she just told me, if there´s no lady necromancer…then I shall be the first one” Logan speaks and Ororo somehow believes.
“She just wakes up wanting to be a necromancer as powerful as Kurt?”
“Yes, pretty much”
“Ok, I believe Kitten”
As it completes 3 months Kitty is learning with the Necromancer. The woman is learning many shapes of magic(never straying from Zaorva´s path) and makes some unexpected friends along the way, the bamfs.
Currently, they are on her shoulder(a smaller number, of course) as Kitty phases through the wall. big mistake because she can phase walls, her bamf friends can´t.
“Oh, I forget,” She said nursing they back to health “Guess, we can phase walls together” she kissed the little bamf´s head. “Well, I can´t teleport, so, guess we´re even”
“You can phase through the Walls?” Kurt asked shocked to Kitty. Then laughs off “I knew it, I may be a bad detective but I knew this was your initial power”
“Ah, maybe you aren´t that bad as detective”
“I´m…now if you are talking about Kymri and Mara, I knew it too, I just don´t care. I´m happy they aren´t here anymore”
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