#reader is wepwawet’s avatar
Pairing: Steven Grant/Marc Spector x Wepwawet Avatar! reader
Genre: not necessarily fluff, it’s just you and Marc interacting for the first time
Warnings: little bit of violence and like a line of swearing, also this was written on a whim so it’s not that good
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Who is Wepwawet, you may ask. He is a god, depicted with a gray blue-ish wolf head, or jackal head. Originally he was a War Detity, or was seen as a scout to clear ways into war. But in later depictions of Wepwawet, he has gone up to the horizon and called the “Opener of the Sky”, clearing the way and guiding the dead to their afterlife.
So as you, Wepwawet’s avatar, are seen as a fierce fighter, but kind and gentle to those in need.
In times of need, people depict their savor with the head of a jackal or wolf, a flowing skirt (more of a half skirt, like a cape for your pants), and a tall staff with a slant at the top and two prongs at the bottom. They say they were kind, carrying them to safety as soon as they can. But fighting ferociously against the danger.
So, it’s when Steven finds you working in the museum with him, in the Ancient Egypt exhibit of course, due to your affiliation with a detity. He takes an interest in as, as Marc does too.
You stand up to your’s and Steven’s boss, Donna. Correcting her on his name, shooting back passive aggressive comments when she spits them out at your coworker, and taking over certain jobs when you can see that Steven is uncomfortable with Donna.
It’s not the slight crush inside of you towards Steven that makes you protect him, it’s your duty as an avatar to Wepwawet. It’s an instinct now, to protect those in need. Just like now.
“Stevie!!” Donna yelled.
Shop had closed. Patrons had long ago left. A few day security were left, and Donna had chosen you two to close up, to scan in items from today’s shipments and restock the larger of the shelves.
“Steven,” You corrected, stocking up some Anubis plushies.
You could practically feel Donna rolling her eyes in your direction as she walked by.
Steven was stocking up on Bastet statues, she’s seen in her most regal, house cat sitting form. But he turned to Donna, a fearful look in his eyes.
“I need you to go in the back and continue scanning in today’s shipment’s,” Donna ordered. “I’ll be leaving.”
And with that, your boss turned around and walked out the doors of the exhibit. And you rolled your eyes, leaning down and grabbing more Anubis plushies. You listened to Steven’s steps fade into the background and disappear behind the door to the back room.
You broke apart the box once done stacking the plushies onto their respective shelves, setting it behind the cash register. You wandered around the shop, making sure things were all stacked accordingly, fixing up Steven’s rushed stacking and putting away his empty box. You’ve also decided to grab one of your spare cleaning rags to clean up the exhibits that we’re guarded by glass.
As you clean, you notice two things, the moon is full and the large jackal statue that guarded the entrance to your exhibit was missing. Odd. Did they move it today without you notice? Or.. did something happen?
As if on queue, a noise sounded behind. Nothing more than a creak, but you couldn’t help but turn around. And before you stood an 8 foot snarling, drooling jackal.
It lunged at you and with the flick of a switch, you summoned your suit and held it back with your staff, your hands on either side and it’s jaws gaping around the metal rod.
“shit..” you muttered, drool dripping onto the floor.
With a thrust of your arms, you overpowered the jackal, and held it to the floor with a foot on its chest and the pronged end pressed up against its forehead.
“Down,” You ordered.
The jackal was still, like it was in a trance. It reminded you of a dead insect, with it on its back and it’s legs bent. It breathed still, the jackal’s eyes watching you.
“Stay,” You ordered again, cautiously lifting your foot from its chest.
It stayed.
“Go back to your post, jackal,” You told it.
The jackal scrambled up and over to the empty stone stand over by the entrance and sat exactly like the one on the other side of the door. Slowly, it turned back to stone.
As soon as that was done, you were suddenly put into a chokehold from behind. You grabbed their arms. with your pulling doing no avail, you elbowed them in the side. Within their moment of weakness, you flipped the over onto the floor in front of you and pointed the pronged end of your staff at their neck.
They were in a mummy wrapping-like suit. It covered their entire body, including their head. They also had a cape and a hood with their suit, but the hood was fallen back, revealing more of the covering on their face that encased their whole head.
“Who are you?” You both asked.
His voice was gruff and a little winded.
“You answer me first,” You pointed the staff closer.
“No,” The figure grabbed your staff, twisting you over and tripping you so you fell on your back. “You answer me first.”
You gasped for air. Landing flat on your back knocked the wind from you.
You noticed that the figure kneeled on top of you, holding the pronged end of your staff to your throat, like you had done to them previously.
You noticed their hand moving towards your jackal head, to lift it up you suppose. So you punched them in the face, cause them to reel back and hold their face. You kicked them off of you and grabbed your staff, poking at the figure.
“I asked first, who are you?” You asked once more, adjusting your mask to cover your face, as a little had been revealed.
“Fine,” the figure moved to stand, but you poked them back down with your staff. “Alright alright. I am the avatar for Khonsu. So then who are you?”
“I’m the avatar for Wepwawet,” You answered, observing the person below you.
They seemed well built, the hugging frame of their suit didn’t hide that. Too bad you couldn’t see their face so you knew who they were.
“So are we chill?” The person asked.
“I don’t know, are we?” You asked. “Not gonna put me in a chokehold again, are you?”
“No promises,” The person winked.
You hesitated for a moment, before retreating. You set the two-pronged end of your staff on the marble floor of the museum floor, careful not to leave any scratch marks as Donna might blame your coworker tomorrow if she saw the damage. And you watched as the mummy man get up, offering no help out of caution.
Before you both could speak, you turned your head to the side, hearing voices from the entrance to the museum.
“Night guards,” You mumbled, glancing at the man across from you who looked in the same direction. “C’mon.”
Without waiting or looking behind you, you headed for a back hallway in the exhibit, knowing a quick way out without being seen.
“Where are we going?” The man asked. He followed you.
“What way were you gonna go without being seen?” You questioned, spotting your escape route. “Out a window?”
He stayed quiet. That’s what you thought.
You trotted up the stairs, hearing the man’s heavier steps. You opened the exit door, the cold night hair hitting your face. The air stilled as you stepped outside.
You two ended up on the roof, the city lights lighting up the sky around you. You turned to watch your new companion fix his hood, pulling it up over his head. You observed the man more. His hood came to a point in front of his face, and his eyes glowed white, no pupil visible. He also had a half circle, shiny logo on the center of his chest.
“Like what you see?” The man questioned. He had an american accent, you now noticed now that your fight-or-flight had gone down.
“You wish,” You winked, knowing he couldn’t see it.
You noticed flashlights in the windows below. Noting that as your leave before they saw you two up here.
You moved to leave, hopping up onto one of the higher roofs.
“Where are you going?” The man asked. “How do I know you’re not a threat?”
“One, I’m not,” You answered. “And I’m going to leave before we’re caught. See ya later, Mummy Man.”
Before you gave him a chance to speak back, you hopped off the opposite side of the building and onto another, going through long way to a route to your flat, making sure your companion hadn’t followed you.
And Marc still stood on the building, watching the spot where you had disappeared. Looking for the ears of your mask, or your two pronged staff. He and Khonsu didn’t know Wepwawet had an avatar. They’d have to discuss this they next time they went to the Pyramid of Giza, I’m sure Steven would love to go back.
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