utaotozo · 3 years
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6/28『ロビイ』朗読劇の練習会。 翌6/29は、劇伴作曲者アンダーソンの誕生日!…などということは露知らず。 ようやく演者揃っての写真撮影。 #leroyanderson #hbd #piano #music for #irobot #isaacasimov #robbie #recitation #readingplay #stagereading #library (西脇市茜が丘複合施設Miraie(みらいえ)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQyqYJ3jxyE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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futuredramateacher · 3 years
Once Upon A Time...
Yeah, that’s how my blog begins, like a FAIRYTALE!  I am beginning my journey of becoming a teacher - which at the moment results in lots of pinning on Pinterest and a board that has almost 1k pins.
As I write this, I am in the midst of reading plays and better educating myself in different forms on theatre and ideas.  I am also currently reading “Directors On Directing” by Toby Cole and Helen Krich Chinoy.  
One of the subjects that I would like to focus on from that book is the idea of “Theatrical Impulse” in an effort to create organic theatre.  While this idea might seem a little grown up (it even feels grown up to me now lol), it is experimental and I believe that kids might understand more clearly if it is spoken plainly and laid out on the table.  By just saying, act on your impulse, I am allowing the students feed into that improvisation.  
While this tool will probably only be used in those improv scenarios, I think that this skill can be carried over to acting in scenes and full productions with “Acting & Reacting”. 
In closing, while I haven’t had any classes to go towards the education part of my major, I have spent some time volunteering with 2 productions this spring and summer and learned a lot from the people in charge of that so I will likely be writing weekly recaps of things I’ve learned or games we’ve played in class.
This may seem premature, as I am only a college sophomore lol but I just need to track my progress and I thought a blog would the best way to keep track.  
Signing off for now, Future Drama Teacher :-)
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After watching and loving the 1933 Lubitsch film Design For Living, I decided I wanted to read the play it was based on. Luckily for me, Scribd actually had the LA Theater Works audioplay recording available so I gave that a go. Before listening to it, I had read that very little of the film had been taken directly from the play, so I knew to expect something different, but these were very different. The core concept of a woman torn between two men and the men torn between each other and the woman is essentially the same, but most else has been changed. The movie includes all of the background story for about the first half or more that isn't in the play at all. It means that the play and movie each offer completely different experiences. I'll be honest, I preferred the movie. It was funny, charming, and the actors really carried their roles well. It feels quite queer and poly to me, and the Lubitsch touch really brings the whole thing together. The play made the characters feel immature in a way that was hard to connect with, and while the actors gave good performances in the audio it just didn't hit the same way for me. Also, while it does feel queer (the two men love each other very much), it doesn't feel like it's poly the way the movie is. The play had laughs, but not as many as I had hoped for. I didn't dislike it, but it didn't land as well as the movie for me (which I kind of loved). Regardless, the play is worth a read/watch/listen (and the LA Theater Works recording is quite good), but the Lubitsch film is where my heart is and is the one I would more wholeheartedly recommend. #plays #audioplays #audiobook #audioplay #reading #readingplays #books #booksofinstagram #bookstagram #booksofinsta #movies #films #filmposting #movieposting #classicliterature #classicplays #classicmovies https://www.instagram.com/p/CgC7HEPgwtv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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truusdeboer · 5 years
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Thinking back to learning lines in the sun #readingplays #actress #beer #actorslife #learninglines #sunshine #letsgooutside #sun #actresslife #warm #theatre #acting #summerisgone https://www.instagram.com/p/B3C84vVogH7/?igshid=zbu494h4p1lo
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leenaevilin · 5 years
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[Personal] 2.5jigen STAGE-DICTIONARY
I thought it would be fun to create a little dictionary with the most important terms every fan of the 2.5jigen stage world should know and help those who are currently learning Japanese (or want to learn^^) to improve their stage-vocabulary♡
ps: let me know if there are terms you think that need to be added
2.5jigen STAGE-DICTIONARY under the cut^^
◎ アドリブ (adoribu): ad-lib (lat.: Ad libitum) → an actor speaks through their character using words not found in the script (improvisation/spontaneous creation)
◎ 挨拶 あいさつ (aisatsu): greetings; speech → giving a speech at the end of a performance
◎ 場当たり ばあたり (baatari): stage rehearsal
◎ 舞台 ぶたい (butai): stage
◎ 台本 だいほん (daihon): script
◎ 代役 だいやく (daiyaku): substitute actor
◎ 出待ち でまち (demachi): waiting for departure [*] → waiting for an actor/actress to leave the theater after a performance
◎ 緞帳 どんちょう (donchou): drop curtain
◎ ファンサ [ファンサービス] (fansa [fansaabisu]): fan service 
◎ 楽屋 がくや (gakuya): dressing room  → dressing rooms located in a theater 
◎ 凱旋公演 がいせんこうえん (gaisen kouen): performance given after a successful tour (abroad) → often used for a show that comes back to Tokyo after performing in different cities 
◎ 芸名 げいめい (geimei): stage name → a name an actor/actress is publicly known by (different from his/her real name)
◎ ゲネプロ (genepro): Generalprobe ‘ɡenəˈraːlproːbə’ (German) dress rehearsal  → the last rehearsal before the actual performance 
◎ 花道 はなみち (hanamichi): ‘flower road’ → an extra stage section that runs from the back of the theater, through the audience, to the main stage 
◎ 初舞台 はつぶたい (hatsubutai): debut → first stage appearance of an actor/actress
◎ 日替わり ひがわり (higawari): daily special → term used for daily changing ad-lib  → term used for daily changing guests who appear during the run of a show
◎ 昼公演 ひるこうえん (hiru kouen): noon/daytime performance
◎ 本読 ほんよみ (honyomi): reading rehearsal → usually the first day the whole cast & staff get together and reads the script
◎ 入り出 いりで (iride): enter-exit [*]  → combination of the terms irimachi and demachi 
◎ 入り待ち いりまち (irimachi): waiting for arrival [*]  → waiting for an actor/actress to enter the theater before a performance
◎ 衣装 いしょう (ishou): (stage) costume [**]
◎ 上階 じょうかい (joukai): upper floor 
◎ カーテンコール (kaatenkooru): curtain call → when actors/actresses return to the stage at the end of the stageplay/musical to be recognized by the audience for their performance 
◎ 開演 かいえん (kaien): curtain-raising
◎ 海外公演 かいがいこうえん (kaigai kouen): international performance
◎ 上手 かみて (kamite): upper part → right side of the stage (from the audience's POV); left side of the stage (from the actor's POV)
◎ 稽古 けいこ (keiko): practice  → rehearsals for a stageplay/musical
◎ 稽古場 けいこば (keikoba): training room →  the place where the rehearsals for a stageplay/musical takes place
◎ 稽古着 けいこぎ (keikogi): training clothes  → the clothes worn during rehearsals for a stageplay/musical 
◎ 記者会見 きしゃかいけん (kishakaiken): press conference
◎ 小道具 こどうぐ (kodougu): props
◎ 公演 こうえん (kouen): public performance
◎ 後輩 こうはい (kouhai): junior → an actor/actress is considered a kouhai if he/she joined the industry at a later point in time as another actor/actress (regardless the age) 
◎ 後半 こうはん (kouhan): second half
◎ 客席 きゃくせき (kyakuseki): seat
◎ 前楽 まえらく (maeraku): penultimate performance  → the show before the last performance of a stageplay/musical
◎ マチネ (machine): matinée (French) lit.: ‘morning’ → the modern word for hiru kouen (noon/daytime performance)
◎ ミュージカル (myuujikaru): musical
◎ 日本物 にほんもの (nihonmono): Japanese ‘thing’ → a play with a historical Japanese setting 
◎ 二階席 にかいせき (nikaiseki): seat on the 2nd floor
◎ お芝居 おしばい (oshibai): play; drama
◎ お当番 おとうばん (otouban): ‘being on duty’ → those actors who take the center of the production
◎ プレゼント (puresento): presents → usually, there are boxes for the actors/actresses at the venue were you can put in your letters and little presents [***]
◎ リハーサル (rihaasaru): rehearsal
◎ 朗読劇 ろうどくげき (roudokugeki): readingplay
◎ 三階席 さんかいせき (sankaiseki): seat on the 3rd floor
◎ 先輩 せんぱい (senpai): senior → an actor/actress is considered a senpai if he/she joined the industry at an earlier point in time as another actor/actress (regardless the age)
◎ 千秋楽 せんしゅうらく (senshuuraku): final performance  → the final performance of a stageplay/musical
◎ 下手 しもて (shimote): lower part → left side of the stage (from the audience's POV); right side of the stage (from the actor's POV) 
◎ 初日 しょにち (shonichi): first/opening day → the first performance of a stageplay/musical
◎ 主題歌 しゅだいか (shudaika): theme song
◎ 集合日 しゅうごうび (shuugoubi): meeting day  → the first day of rehearsals
◎ 袖 そで (sode): stage wing
◎ 卒業 そつぎょう (sotsugyou): graduation → when an actor/actress retires from his/her role or a production
◎ ソワレ (sowaru): soir (French) lit.: ‘evening’ → the modern word for yoru kouen (afternoon/evening performance) 
◎ スタッフ (sutaffu): staff 
◎ 立ち回り たちまわり (tachimawari): fighting scene
◎ 立ち稽古 たちげいこ (tachigeiko): rehearsal
◎ 当日券 とうじつけん (toujitsuken): same day ticket → limited number of tickets sold at the venue on the same day as the performance
◎ 通し稽古 とおしげいこ (toshigeiko): dress rehearsal
◎ 打ち上げ うちあげ (uchiage): ‘after-party’
◎ 若手 わかて (wakate): young person  → term for young, rising actors 
◎ 役 やく (yaku): role 
◎ 役替わり やくがわり (yakugawari): ‘substitute’ (lit: ‘role changing’) → 2 or more actors playing the same role
◎ 役者 やくしゃ (yakusha): actor/actress [**] 
◎ 夜公演 よるこうえん (yoru kouen): afternoon/evening performance
◎ 前半 ぜんはん (zenhan): first half
[*]  in some countries or for some theater companies like the TAKARAZUKA REVUE, 入り出 (iride ~ iri- & demachi) is a common practice, but in the 2.5jigen world, it’s strictly prohibited and considered rude if you do it. any kind of ambushing or chasing after the actors (待ち伏せ & 追いかけ) is prohibited as well!! the same goes for following them to the train station, their home or their hotel. if you happen to be at the same station or staying at the same hotel try to refrain from talking to them. even if you think it’s your ‘once in a lifetime chance’ it’s not the right thing to do!! unless THEY approach you it’s considered harassment or even stalking!!!  and don’t misinterpret their action if you talk to them regardless of the ‘rules’. of course, they will be polite to you (because that’s what they are told to do by their agencies) but it doesn’t change the fact that they are not really comfortable with the situation. they know exactly that you are approaching them because of their status... always keep in mind how you would feel if a total stranger, who knows a lot about you, would all of a sudden talk to you!
[**]  because 2.5jigen stageplays/musicals are generally based on manga, animation and video games some people mix in the terms ‘cosplay’ & ‘cosplayer’. please be careful: never call an actor a cosplayer because these are two different things!!! they are wearing professional ‘costumes’ on stage which look exactly like the clothes of the original work. just because the original work is Japanese doesn’t automatically mean it’s a cosplay!  you wouldn’t call any marvel actor a cosplayer, right? so please don’t call any 2.5jigen actor one.
[***]  1) please refrain from giving the actors sweets/snacks (food & drinks in general) as a gift because most of the time they aren’t allowed to keep it! 2) depending on the venue, presents like flower stands (スタンド花) or flower arrangements (アレンジメントフラワー) are prohibited so make sure you always check the Q&A on the homepage!!
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