#real talk this is the reason why i said that i don't see ashley as a top by default
sapphire-weapon · 1 year
what do you think/imagine ashley's relationships are regarding her family and how do you think that translates into her personality + relationship with leon? personally i imagine OG ashley has a good relationship with her father, while remake ashley is distant with her father. i imagine it to be something along the lines of "my mom, who was basically my best friend, died from a terminal illness when I was 15. but my dad wasn't there for it at all since his political career was starting to really ramp up so now I resent him slightly for that. also i'm an only child!"
I would say that your headcanons pretty much match mine to a T.
The only thing that I would add to it is that I also think that Remake President Graham has no idea how bad his relationship with his daughter actually is. Like, he chalked it up to "oh, rebellious teenage years!!!" when Ashley was younger, and during the time of RE4make, he's all "she's in college now, she's finding herself, I gotta let her spread her wings!!"
when the reality is actually Ashley just like "no you're a fucking asshole who basically abandoned me because I was less important than your career ambitions and that's why I call Leon daddy now, instead."
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
6 - Directions of Truth
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Princess Red Thief
Part 7
Tag list - just ask to be added @mystrey101 @melvia-ito @kmc1989 @tallrock35
Leaning against the bench outside the bus stop that picks up and drops the kids off from the school I patiently waited for Henry. I wore the red cloak this morning, feeling somewhat safe wearing it. The bus pulled up and a few kids got off before I saw the young boy who smiled coming over to me. "Hey Eve, are you walking me home?"
"Oh no. Emma still is. I just need to talk with you." I shrugged my shoulders with him sitting his backpack on the bench.
Henry looked up at me. "Talk about what?"
"You're storybook....I heard something between Mr. Gold and the mayor that didn't add up. I am hoping that you could clear something up for me." I explained to the ten year old boy.
He sat down on the bench and I sat beside him. "What did you hear?"
"Mr. Gold said his name was...Rumplestilskin. And he called the mayor, her majesty. Those names and titles can only be mentioned in your book and not in this world." Running my fingers through my hair I unclipped the red cloak laying it in my lap.
He reached inside his bag taking the book out. "Well if he's calling her that means he's awake and remembers everything."
"And if he wakes up does that look good or bad in favor of this supposed curse being broken?" I asked the kid.
He answered my question. "Yeah the more people that wake up. The better chance my birth mom will be able to break the curse. Are you starting to believe since you're asking me?"
"I don't know exactly. I just feel that something is changing in this town." My phone vibrates in my pocket reading a text from Ashley to meet her at the hospital for some reason. "Uh kid I gotta go. I'll find you to finish this conversation."
Henry called my name, making me halt in my tracks. "Eve hang on! Don't forget this." He held up the red cloak that I had dropped on the bench not thinking about it.
"Thanks, kid." I take it from his hand making my walk in the direction of the hospital. The atomic doors slid open and I saw Ashley holding her baby girl at the front desk waiting on me. "Why did you want to talk with me?"
She bounced the baby. "Shawn is at work and I don't want to go to my appointment alone."
"I understand." Nodding my head in agreement.
A nurse came around the corner waving us back to the room. "Ashley, we're ready." We walked down a hall and were left alone to talk for a little while. She sat down holding her daughter in her lap smiling at me.
"Can I ask you something, Ashley. Do you believe in fairytales?" I asked her, thinking back to my conversation with Henry.
She smiled down at her young baby. "Before I got back together with Shawn I'd say no. But thanks to Emma we can be together."
"What would you say if I told you that we might be from another land. That we might be more in this town than we think. Especially considering none of us can remember our lives before we came here."
Ashley raised a brow. "What do you mean, Eve?"
"I'm trying to say that I - that we might be fairytale characters."
The blonde still gave me a confused look before the doctor came in the room eyeing me more than my friend who was here for her checkup. "Ms. Royal, you have some visitors outside that want to see you immediately." The doctor responded where I slowly rose to my feet leaving my friend in the room.
Going back into the lobby I halted in my tracks seeing Regina standing there with some nurses that were from the Psych department downstairs in the hospital. "Ms. Royal, I was hoping to find you here."
"What is going on, Madem Mayor?" I questioned feeling uneasy where I reached for the clasp keeping the cloak on around my neck.
She clasped her hands in front of her. "I've seen you talking with my son and I think you're the one filling his head with this idea that fairy tales are real. So I think it's safer for everyone if you are mentally evaluated."
"I'm not going insane. He's ten. He should be able to believe that fairy tales can happen. We were all kids once in our lives." I snapped at the woman in front of me.
Regina sent me a glare. "It's better that he grows up like the rest of us. Now you can either go willingly or put up a fight. It's your choice."
"I choose....fight." I growled under my breath spinning on my feet bolting into a run away from the other nurses and the woman herself.
"Get her signed in downstairs." She instructed one of the nurses having them come running at me.
Running through the hospital hallways I drew out my phone typing a quick message to Gold asking for help not knowing anyone else I'd call. "Gold, I need your help. Regina is putting me in the Pysch ward for no good reason. Please help me." I hung up the phone when one of the guy nurses cornered me.
"It's best to not fight us." The guy said to me,
I attempted to get out of his grasp by baring my teeth at him. "You can't do this to me - Incendia!"
"You see my point. Now she's speaking a foreign language. I'll be back later to make sure she's settled." Regina put a hand on her hip nodding to the two men holding me before they led me away from her.
Charming and I had been riding on horseback for a few days now in search of any information on where his beloved Snow White had run off to after she told him that she didn't love him.  Dismounting my horse I stretched my legs needing to rest with him grumbling under his breath. "How does no one in this place know where she is?"
"Because she didn't get close to anyone. She thought being on her own was the best option." I responded to him.
Charming ran a hand through his hair. "Do you have anyone who could help us, Red Thief?"
"Everly." I corrected him with a half smile.
Charming apologized. "Sorry. I'm not used to knowing the woman I was arranged to marry already had a daughter."
"Maybe one day it won't be a big deal." Tucking some hair behind my ear I lowered the hood down from my head. "There's this man I have been seeing who has been giving me lessons."
The prince tilted his head. "Lessons in what exactly?"
"Would you freak out if I said magic?"
He blinked his eyes a couple of times. "Depends on what you use it for. Good or evil?"
"Let me try something. Inveniet hostium et tenebrae." I backed away from the prince, closing my eyes, picturing his castle in my mind. Waving my hand a cloud of red smoke swirled around the two of us. Once it disappeared and we looked around seeing his large castle in front of us. I nearly jumped up into the air so excited. "Hell yes. It worked!"
"That's impressive, Everly." Charming complimented before storming up to the main doors bursting his way through them. "Rumpelstiltskin! Show yourself."
Rumpelstiltskin appears behind us. "Still dressing like a prince, I see. Even though you ran away from the life I gave you. How's that for gratitude?"
"You gave me a prison sentence." He responded.
Rumpelstiltskin warned him. "Yeah, one that you've now skirted. Careful, dearie – King George is a vengeful man."
"I'm here about Snow. Rumour has it, she's after the Queen and she came to you for help." The prince drew his sword to my teacher when he smiled. "What did you do to her?"
Rumpelstiltskin laughed. "What did I do to her? You mean, what did you do to her. You caused her pain. Without that pain, she would never have drank my potion to forget about you. That's what changed her."
"Undo the potion. All magic can be broken." Charming spoke up.
Rumpelstiltskin teased him. "Oh, yes. With twoo wuv."
"So, that's it then? True love's kiss will awaken her?" Charming asked, looking towards me.
"He's told me it's the most powerful thing ever." I answered him.
"But, it's going to be hard to kiss her when you don't know where she is." Rumpelstiltskin swats Prince Charming's sword.
Charming put his sword away in his sword belt. "Name your price."
Rumple gave him a head nod to the cloak he wore and so Prince Charming takes off his cloak and places it on the table. "Where is she?"
"On her way to the Queen's Highway." He created a map sending the prince off focusing his attention to me once he had left us alone. "I saw what you did out there, Red Thief."
Whipping my head around I gave him a confused expression. "Saw what?"
"You're learning your powers quite well." Rumplestilskin responded with a smirk on his face.
I was taken back by his words. "Wow. I never thought you'd say that."
"Don't get cocky, dearie. Just know that I am beginning to think that you might be almost as powerful as me one day." My teacher declared turning on his heels leaving me stunned by what he just said to me. I wouldn't know that he was right until years later.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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theflyindutchwoman · 10 months
It's been a while without the rookie so between the fanfics, the wishes for chenford and the ideas of what chenford could be and others shows who focus more on relationships, maybe it got lost that the rookie isn't as angsty that what some peoples think it is right now. Angela/wesley for the past 3 seasons, nolan/bailey in s4 with the ex husband, they got their up and downs but they don't break up. Once they have their endgames the show don't throw breakups for the fun or angst of it. The show priorites isn't relationships dramas, if it was they could have done SO MUCH MORE in s4 with chris,ashley and chenford. This is also why I respectfully don't understand peoples who think a breakup would be fun for angst because the only angst you'll have is them looking at each other for 3 sec if we are lucky like in 5x3 and then they'd be off doing their cops things. Waiting week after weeks for this would be boring and annoying as hell after waiting 5 years. And I know some peoples are worried about it, but a breakup wouldn't be spoiled.
Honestly, I just think people were simply stating what they wished to see. Someone asked them a question and they answered. It was about their preferences… I know that when I received a similar ask in the past, the logistics of the show didn't necessarily factor in my reply.
I can't speak for anyone who would like to see a breakup - or anyone else for that matter - but I think it's pretty fair to assume that what they want is a separation that makes sense, that is properly developed, with decent screentime and a real storyline that involves far more than just 3 seconds of pining here and there. The same way I want to see Lucy and Tim face some ups and downs : it's under the assumption that it is going to be written in a beautiful way and not rushed. And it is technically doable. Take episodes 5.08 to 5.12 for instance : Tim and Lucy had a fair amount of screentime dedicated to their relationship. The writers could easily use that same amount for a more angsty storyline or a breakup. Especially if it's related to UC : it could be linked to a case. A bit like 5.20 and 5.21. Though a shorter season does present a bigger challenge, that's for sure.
And you're right, the show doesn't really do 'breakups/reconciliation' storylines. Actually, it doesn't really do 'breakups'… Rachel, Gino and Isaac are still waiting for one. Jokes aside, the show did have a storyline like this for Wesley/Angela, but that was at the very beginning… I don't know if Bailey/Nolan broke up once it was revealed she was still married, but since it was solved by the next episode, I guess it's a moot point. Same with Nyla/James. And with her sleeping with her ex-husband, there was a reason to go there (though I'm grateful we were spared a 'who's the father' storyline). All these arcs could have been much more dramatic, that's for sure. So far, the show hasn't really leaned into that side. That's why I'm a bit sceptical that they would do a plotline like this. On the other hand, Tim and Lucy's relationship has been far more developed… So it wouldn't be completely beyond the realms of possibility either.
I also doubt that Eric would spoil something like that. More than once. Then again, this is the same guy who made a video last year with his new uniform, spoiling his promotion in the process. So who knows?! I have to say though, the timing of this makes me curious. As far I can tell, he only started talking about breakups after he was directly asked about his opinion on the matter. Not before. I mean, I may be wrong on the timeline here since I don't check his cameos. But that's the way it appeared to me. It could be that he received more information in-between… In which case, talk about perfect timing. That said, I get why some would rather be prepared or are worried. That's not my place to judge them.
(I won't take the risk of tagging anyone here, not in this volatile atmosphere, but feel free to pitch in or correct me).
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meggannn · 2 years
i saw another "Garrus accepts Shepard in ME2 when they come back, why can't Ashley/Kaidan" post the other day and was gonna reply, then i realized my response was less about discussion and more about info-dumping/being right, so i decided to just make my own post. so here is the long explanation of why I don't and never will hold it against Kaidan/Ash for reacting as they did on Horizon just so I can point to it for later
I'm not gonna go too far into Garrus’s POV to Shepard's resurrection, just the VS's (Virmire Survivor's). I want to add crucial context for the VS's Horizon POV that is rarely mentioned in these sorts of comparisons, which is: TIM has been spreading rumors about Shepard being alive and with Cerberus that the VS is fully aware of by the time Shepard's boots hit Horizon. if you accept the comics as canon, then TIM's actually been seeding those rumors since before Shepard even woke up on the operating table. (see this panel in which one of TIM's Citadel operatives gets caught pre-ME2 trying to steal classified info about Shepard. TIM is pointedly not too bothered about it.) when you talk to Anderson and the Council at the Citadel, they both already know you're with Cerberus. how? you certainly didn't tell them. it was TIM, and he confirms this himself as well after Horizon. (Joker also says "[Horizon] was probably a set-up" if you talk to him after the mission.)
so the VS hears these rumors pre-Horizon. Kaidan says he asked about Shepard, and Anderson stonewalled him. by the time they're posted on Horizon, Kaidan/Ash have been hearing "Shepard's with Cerberus" for weeks, possibly months. if you’re the VS, you probably don’t want to believe someone you trusted to lead you into hell, maybe even trusted enough to break fraternization regulations with, would 1) lie to you about being dead, and 2) work with a terrorist organization. but then they get there and find out not only are they fucking alive and didn't contact you (not knowing they COULDN'T contact you because THEY were also stonewalled by Anderson); not only that, they're now trying to recruit you to said terrorist organization. they’d be questioning everything they thought they knew about their old CO.
the VS meeting Shep on Horizon after Shep saves the colony is not a "holy shit, you're alive!" moment like it was for Garrus's rescue. it's a "fuck, you're alive, and you have a Cerberus crew with you just like I hoped you wouldn't" moment. a "the rumors were true, I just didn't want to believe them because that means you're either a traitor or compromised" moment.
imagine after Anderson dies at the end of ME3, he suddenly shows up in ME5 going “Hey Shepard I’m back, also come join my team in my mysterious quest, let’s talk it out together in this private room over here and you’ll see my reasoning.” do you think I’m an idiot, Leviathan? we-as-Shepard saw Anderson die ourselves—like the VS was on the SR-1 when it crashed. the player would be 100% in the right to think the real Anderson was dead and this was a mangled copy of his corpse the Leviathan or some new fucking thing was puppeting from afar.
for Garrus, who was just told "Shepard's dead" after the fact but didn't see the crash, Shepard being alive is an unexpected miracle he doesn't want to think twice about. (Garrus was drowning on Omega, but Shepard arose from the dead just to save his life; Shepard knows what to do; Shepard can save him from his fuck-ups. Garrus is finally free from the burden of being a poor leader and can fall back on following someone else; everything is right again in his world if Shepard's at the helm.)
but for the VS, some small part of them may even be hoping the rumors aren't true, that Shepard's NOT alive, because if they are, it means Shep lied to them, or isn't who they thought they were.
then, for the VS to be told on Horizon “you’re overreacting, of course working with Cerberus is the only logical conclusion here!” honestly? sounds like radicalization.
“I was dead for two years!” = of course you were, that was Cerberus brainwashing time, baby. Shepard, how do you really know what happened those two years? was it really just "reconstruction"? maybe the real Shepard IS dead. (especially after the Citadel DLC confirms Cerberus did make a Shepard clone, we know the VS actually has a point.)
“fine, but then why doesn’t Shepard just explain stuff better?” this is less into characterization (because Shep is a player character and people can headcanon their Shep's rhetorical skills differently) and imo gets more into what the narrative is telling us. I see this criticism of Bioware's writing on Horizon (and I can't believe I'm defending Bioware writing) but I personally like that the player isn’t given decent, successful counterarguments in this situation. because let’s face it, the VS’s concerns are valid, and nothing Shepard can say or do on Horizon really can placate any of them. sometimes you just get outplayed; sometimes fights or arguments are just unwinnable even when people are trying their best.
would a persuasion check have helped? maybe, but that's not the point. it goes against our RPG brain where we're often wired to think every path is open to us with the right attitude or enough red/blue points. the Horizon reunion is two hurt people who are upset at each other, not realizing/acknowledging they've been put in an inconsolable scenario. they're both victims of stonewalling, one by Anderson and another by TIM. the Horizon convo was never going to be a “victory: squadmate acquired” scene because the deck was stacked against Shepard + the VS before they both even set foot on the colony. Shepard never got a chance to control their return narrative: Cerberus controls their team, their ship, who knows what, who they recruit, and when. TIM also knew that the VS was stationed on Horizon, as he confirms in the post-mission talk. the VS reunion was always going to be a car crash. and that works out great for TIM—Shepard is cut off from former Alliance allies, painting Cerberus as their only path forward to beating the Collectors.
but even if, for RPG purposes, Shepard had been able to reach out to the VS first… it’s still completely valid of them to question the situation lol. Liara had a hand in it so she ofc she wasn’t surprised at the return; Wrex adopts a typical krogan attitude of “you’re not dead? well that’s weird, but I’m a thousand years old, I’ve seen weirder.” there’s a reason Garrus accepts Shepard returning so readily and Tali/Ash/Kaidan take time: they’ve got healthier coping mechanisms and better support systems. Garrus cut himself off from his friends and family and is living out a Spectre fantasy on Omega. they others have moved on; Garrus hasn’t. he’s desperate for Shepard to come back, and why wouldn’t he be? Shepard was there when he felt like a hero for the first time in his life. if Shepard's back, he can be a hero again. but for the VS, Shepard returning means something is awfully, awfully wrong.
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donnabroadway · 2 years
RHOP and Colorism
We have been having the colorism debate related to Real Housewives of Potomac since the show first aired nearly 8 years. It was predicated on the debate that Katie, Gizelle, and Robyn were having about Robyn and Gizelle being biracial due to their appearance of light skin and green eyes and Katie's mother is black, darker skinned, has coarser hair texture, and has a white father, although we don't know much about him except that he's 100% German and Katie claims she is more white than black for that reason. After hearing the recent talk about colorism and seeing the fight between Mia and Wendy and watching how Robyn instigated and cheered on what was basically an assault against Wendy for no reason, it finally hit me what was being said. There is a reason why we can't assign Katie and Ashley, even Karen although they all have some sort of privilege due to their skin tone is because race and colorism are two different experiences. Having a father that looks white but is culturally black and chooses to live as a black man is different than having a father of European descent that has only lived the white American, or European, experience. Two different things. Ashley may have light skinned privilege and she may experience some benefits of colorism but she didn't live the same experience as Robyn and Gizelle and I think that's where I tripped up. Me being first generation college grad is different than someone who is a 4th generation grad. There is a legacy and pedigree that my family doesn't have.
An ism is something you actively participate in, a privilege is something that is sort of an offshoot of that "ism" but you don't actively participate in it. In order to benefit from colorism, you, or your family, must actively participate in it, not just be light skinned. Ashley may have light skinned, curly haired privilege but she does not have the benefit of being a colorist or even a classist because she does not have the privilege to actively participate in the perpetuation of that system. Katie may be mixed and her mom may be a high powered executive but Katie doesn't have the pedigree or class to get into upper class social circles, which is why Katie reverted back to who she really is the past couple of years. Classism and colorism are first cousins, if not half siblings, they don't always intersect but they're closely intertwined. Not everyone who was light skinned or mixed participated in colorism. There is a difference in having a poor Irish farmer father who was an indentured servant than having a rich landowner father who was willing to allow you to have some proximity to upper class whiteness. Having a landowner or slave master father who let you work in the big house as a child, allowed you to play with the half siblings that you didn't know were half siblings, and allowed you to get some trickle down education made a big difference. Many of those slaves were assigned to blue collar, skilled work, such as cooking, carpentry, blacksmith and they, and their mothers, were often freed and they were able to take their skills, and sometimes land or inheritance left by their slave master father, to get a head start in life. These children of slave masters then met other children of slave masters, married and created the black upper class. There is no secret why many of the men and women who had the honor of being first during reconstruction passed for white. If you did not know the Plessy in Homer vs. Plessy case was a mixed race man, you would assume this was two white men suing each other.
A couple years ago, Robyn did an ancestry DNA test and it was found out that she was genetically biracial with more white. That is not an accident. Robyn and Gizelle look like that on purpose. Vanessa Williams, who also has similar looks to Robyn and Gizelle is also genetically biracial although her parents are culturally black. This let's me know that there are generations of genetically biracial people only marrying other genetically biracial people. Just like Jews rarely intermarry, it was like that for the multigenerational mixed. They only married those with the same genetic make up. I also wouldn't be surprised if upper class blacks who did not have the complexion, purposely had biracial children or children with very light people so that they would be more accepted in upper class society. It is no secret that the public face of accomplished blacks were biracial or very light people. A side note, just like I don't think it's fair to shut darker skinned, 4c haired blacks out of the mainstream media, we shouldn't discount the blackness of a person who is biracial or light skinned because they consider themselves black too.
When HBCU's were created, the first attendees were often the children of mulattoes. Like with all "ism" we always have a few people that slip in. So like with racism, there are a few racists with black friends and black children, there are darker skinned people who infiltrated upper class society. Jamal, who is a Kappa, Morehouse graduated, son of a prominent pastor, and accomplished in his own right, would have been welcomed into the black upper class; Juan who is the illegitimate child of drug addicts would not have been welcomed, even though it has been rumored that his aunt is former mayor Sheila Dixon. I've heard rumblings and have read things but nothing is confirmed. All I'm saying is that light skinned and mixed does not automatically equal entry into the black bourgeoise, it is also about class. Jamal has the class and pedigree, Juan does not. They only similarities they have are in character.
When we discuss colorism on this show and how Gizelle and Robyn treat the darker skinned, or less educated women, I feel like that is the only accurate part of this conversation. This is probably why they look down on a few of the women because they weren't born into it, as well because she wasn't born into her life; they got into the life on their backs, and truth be told, Gizelle couldn't sleep or pedigree her way into those lives, trust me, she's tried. Everyone likes to talk about how Gizelle's face got real tight when Monique told her that her former NFL players husbands money allows her to have four homes and Gizelle got in her feelings, tried to downplay Monique, and literally ruin her life because this low class woman who didn't even finish college is living a life she doesn't deserve. Candiace got a bit of it but not as much because she has similar pedigree as Robyn and Gizelle. Her mother is a psychologist with multiple homes and her father is a doctor. Very similar. Robyn and Gizelle are classist and colorist, Ashley just has mommy issues. Then we have Wendy who is the child of immigrants, she's educated, she works hard and she has a good marriage, to them she doesn't deserve it, just like Monique and Karen don't. Then she has the nerve to talk back and think she's good enough? About two generations ago Wendy wouldn't even have been seen as good enough to carry Gizelle's bag, let alone be in the same spaces as her. I also think this is why they're trying to swap Karen out for Charrisse, even though Charrisse is not good TV but they think she deserves the platform due to her pedigree and connections. The problem is they've been trying to match fetch happen for more than 5 years and it always falls flat. Neither the producers or fans like Charrisse but they like Karen and it's because Karen is good TV and Charrisse is not. Karen is the perfect housewife; she married well, is willing to spend her money on events, is a bit delusional, is quick with the shade, can read well, and also can forgive and move on. Charrisse just looks like something stinks. Not a good fit. We don't care if Charrisse is friends with the Obamas, we don't want her on our screen. Please and thank you.
The reason why ashley and Katie clashed with Robyn and gizelle on the race and colorism thing is because two different experiences. Having a father that looks white but is culturally black is different than having a father of European descent that has only lived the white American experience. Two different things. Ashley may have light skinned privilege and she may experience some benefits of colorism but she didn't live the same experience as Robyn and gizelle and I think that's where I tripped up. Me being first generation college grad is different than someone who is a 4th generation grad. There is a legacy and pedigree that my family doesn't have. In order to henefit from colorism, you must participate in it, not just be light skinned. 
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juvederm · 7 months
gonna keep yapping hold on. mainly abt treatment of sapphic headcanons. i saw some posts my mutuals reblogged abt that kind of thing and since i was talking abt old ud fics, i had to say soemthing abt it
i'm not gonna sit here and act like i know everything, but based off what other lesbian mutuals have said, hcing a girl as a lesbian because she's either "mean" or gets in the way of ur gay ship is such a lame move. it's just so dumb and weird. this was the most common case w sam and ashley
first i thought of this bc someone (i think marigoidz, hi hi if you read this) had posted something like "when a non sapphic fic features a sapphic character being some sort of side character or "wingman" to the main characters" and it reminded me of what i just mentioned in the first part. i feel like this happened in ud fics in some way.
i think maybe queerkearney also mentioned this at some point as well (also hi if you see this ! :])
like i'm tempted to ask people Why they hc a girl as a lesbian just to see if they're being weird about it. they'll be like
why don't you ship samjosh?: oh bc i think sam is a lesbian!!! :3 (is a chrisjosh shipper, + they don't care about sam in any regard, this is the first time they've ever even thought of her)
or why don't you ship chrashley? : ashley's a girl kisser!! (is also a chrisjosh shipper, also doesn't gaf abt ashley) (or they say some bullshit abt her killing chris as a reason)
like there's somethin real fishy abt those people... not saying you Have to ship samjosh or chrashley but like. you look like you only hc them as that so they doesn't have a reason to be attracted to chris or josh anymore and therefore makes ur gay ship work like goodnight
i'm not saying Everyone does that. i just don't trust the reasoning most of the time when it's not a lesbian saying the headcanon. and sam being a lesbian in ur headcanon isn't a bad thing either! it's just sometimes people use it as a way to move the girl out of the way. and when they write this headcanon, they sideline the character they headcanoned as lesbian 😭 (@ that one fic that made chris cheat on ashley w josh and then made ashley get w sam and then they sidelined both of those characters.... mkay)
it's just like mistreatment of sapphic characters honestly. like you're not putting any care into this, you're just saying this character is sapphic so you can just not worry about her in the context of ur gay ship and it's literally so fucking lame i'm not saying anything new but omfg
im also not sure if i worded this 100% correct so apologies if i sounded dumb af 👍 just had to get this off my chest
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lowkeyerror · 2 years
Important Decisions
Sasha Banks x Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Real life events aka the walkout
Summary: You're an AEW wrestler dating Sasha Banks. You're on the road when you find out about her walking out of Raw. With no hesitation you're on the way to her.
An: Part of my 15 posts in 1 fay for 1.5k
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You had no idea what was going on. There was gossip going around, but you didn't trust gossip. The mumbles around the locker room were getting louder and louder.
" Did you hear your girl walked out on Raw tonight?"
You furrowed your eyebrows," What are you talking about, Max ?"
" It's all over twitter. Her and Naomi left the title belts and walked out, they even called it out on the air."
" Fuck," You grabbed your car keys and began to head out of the building.
The AEW politics were different from those of WWE. That's not to say they were better, just different. So no one had anything to say to you as you walked out mid-show.
You'd personally talk to Tony Khan and sort it out later, but now you were trying to get on a plane as soon as possible.
Mercedes wasn't answering any of your calls or text, which made you even more on edge.
The two-hour flight seemed to be going as slow as humanly possible. You kept checking social media for any possible updates. You were sending messages to Sasha's closest friends to see if they had been in contact with her.
Pam said she hadn't gotten an answer either and was on the way to her house now. She had offered to pick you up from the airport, which you accepted gratefully.
When you got in the car with her, you could tell that her nerves were just as bad as yours.
" This could be really bad," Pam said as she sped off in the direction of Mercedes house.
" I know, I've seen social media. I've seen the reports and the anonymous backstage opinions, but they don't know Mercedes. She wouldn't just do this for no reason."
When the two of you arrived at her place, there were already a few other cars parked outside. You could hear the yelling from outside.
Whatever you were about to walk into was not going to be easy to navigate. You unlocked the door with Pam trailing behind you.
" Mercedes, calm down," an Irish accent rings through your ears.
" Why should I have to calm the fuck down? They're putting full blame on Trin and me. Let's not act like we don't know why? I'm so fucking tired of this shit."
" We know that, but there's nothing we can do about it now," you can hear the tall blonde trying to de-escalate the situation.
Your eyes widen slightly, hearing both; Ashley and Becky in the same room. You didn't revel in the shock for too long before entering the living room.
Mercedes was pacing back and forth. Ashley and Becky were on opposite sides of the room, trying to comfort her. Trin was sitting on the couch in between Jon and Josh.
" Mercedes," eyes were now on you, and your girlfriend stopped her movements.
She pointed at you," Are they hiring over there where you work? Do they want the biggest name in the professional wrestling industry? I'll take the pay cut, I don't care. All I want is-"
You walked over to her and wrapped your arms around her waist. She immediately buried her head into your chest. After a few deep breaths, she regained her composure.
Her hands fiddled with the end of your shirt," How did you get here so fast?"
" I took a plane as soon as I heard. We don't have to talk about it, in fact, I don't think talking about it will do anyone any good."
Mercedes slips out of your grasp and takes a seat across from the Usos and Trinity.
" I'm so sorry I dragged you into this," she picks at her nails.
Trinity shakes her head," This was the right choice. Someone needed to do it, but not everyone is ready for that conversation."
Pam took a seat next to Mercedes and the three girls began to converse. You were going to join, but Ashley and Becky were giving you a look.
You headed for the kitchen, and the two women followed you. Ashley stood next to you and Becky stood across from her. They both gave each other an awkward look before clearing their throats.
Becky started," I'm not going to bullshit you Y/n, this is not looking good for either of them, but especially Mercedes."
" Trinity could possibly bounce back from this, but this could be the end of Sasha banks. The company is really focused on making Mercedes out as the big problem," Ashley explained.
" You think they'll fire her?"
This time, when the women share a look, it's somber.
" It's too early to tell," Becky says.
" But, it's definitely a possibility," Ashley finishes the thought.
You sigh, rubbing your hand over your face," Thank you for setting aside your differences for this, but I think I've got it from here."
They both nod and give you hugs separately before leaving. When you make it back to the living room, everyone has cleared the house. It's just Mercedes sitting there staring off into the abyss.
" Mercedes," she glances at you and her eyes begin to water.
You take a seat next to her and pull her into your side. Her head falls on your shoulder as you rub up and down her arm.
She sobs into your shoulder, and you just hold her tighter. You kiss the top of her head," Talk to me, baby."
" All I wanted to do was showcase the titles. They put the titles to fill some sort with diversity quota, but didn't bother to build the titles. They haven't meant anything since Pam and I held them, and that's not fair. Someone needed to stand up for them, and so I did… but now," she trailed off, tears welling back up.
" You did the right thing, but the right thing isn't always without consequence. You've given so much to this business. No matter how hard they try, they can never erase your legacy. WWE is not the end all be all anymore, you can go anywhere. Mercedes, you are a star, and they can't take that from you."
" I love you," she placed a kiss on your lips.
You smile at her," I love you more."
You sit there, entangled in each other, for a few moments.
" So, you never answered my question."
You arch an eyebrow at the blue haired woman.
" Are they hiring?"
You laugh," If I had to share a locker room with you, I'm not so sure, I'd be able to control myself."
She flipped her hair," Well, obviously that's why I'd have my own private changing room."
The sarcasm in her voice made you chuckle even more," Am I invited or?"
She taps her chin in faux-thought," I don't know, what do I get if I let you in?"
You smirk," You can have whatever you want, you're the boss."
Her eyes darken for a second," I can't really be sure if I can let you in unless I take you for a test drive."
" Upstairs?" You wiggle your eyebrows.
She cracks under your antics but agrees," Upstairs."
You pick her up bridal style, which makes her squeal. You two go upstairs in a fit of laughter, smiles, and kisses.
Mercedes would get through this, but until the storm passed, you'd make sure to be her umbrella.
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bechloeislegit · 3 years
The Mitchell Family Curse
Pitch Perfect Horror Week 2021 - Day Two #HW2102
A/N: There will be time jumps later in the fic. Also, fair warning there is mention of a major character's death.
Bellas practice was running longer than Beca had wanted. But the choreography was being changed again and Beca found herself staring at Chloe as she showed the girls the newest moves she had come up with. The moves were somewhat sensual and Beca had to bite her tongue to keep from making inappropriate sounds while taking in every move Chloe made.
"And that's it," Chloe said as the music stopped. "What do you guys think?"
"Very sexy, Chloe," Stacie said. "Don't you think, Beca?"
"Huh? What?" Beca stammered. "It was, uh, um, very, uh-. I mean. What?"
"I think you broke her, Chlo," CR said, laughing as Beca's face turned red.
"Leave her alone, CR," Chloe admonished. "She's fine. Aren't you, Beca?"
"Yep," Beca responded. "I am A-okay. But, Chloe, those new moves are a bit, um, sexy don't you think?"
"Of course they are," Choe said. "It's expected of us. We're the only all-girl acapella group and we are expected to deliver a sexy, kickass performance and the new moves will do that. We can't just sing great, we have to look great doing it."
"Oh, okay," Beca said, shrugging her shoulders and gathering her belongings. "You're the choreographer, so I guess you know what you're doing. Can we pick this up tomorrow? I have a lot of homework to get through."
"Me, too," Ashley said.
"Okay," Chloe said. "That's it for today. We'll go over the new steps first thing at tomorrow's practice. Stacie, could you stick around and let me show you the new steps? That way we can both teach them to the girls tomorrow."
"Sure thing, Chloe," Stacie said as the rest of the girls hurriedly gathered their stuff and left.
~~ Pitch Perfect Horror Week - Day 2 ~~
It was two weeks later, at yet another Bellas party, Beca found herself sighing as she watched Chloe from across the room. Stacie looked at Beca and followed her gaze, noticing Chloe look over at Beca and Beca immediately looking away.
"You need to ask that girl out," Stacie said. "This pining thing you have going on is getting old."
"I. . .can't," Beca mumbled.
"Why not?" Stacie asked. "You're both single now, and it's obvious you both care about each other."
"It's, um, it's complicated," Beca stammered.
"No, it's not," Stacie responded. "You're overthinking things like you always do."
"I do not overthink things," Beca huffed.
Beca looked at Stacie and Stacie stared back at her, narrowing her eyes as she studied Beca's face.
"What's really going on, Beca?" Stacie asked. "What's the real reason you won't ask Chloe out?"
"I can't tell you," Beca said. "You'll think it's stupid and make fun of me."
"I promise I won't make fun of you," Stacie said.
Beca took a deep breath through her nose and exhaled loudly out her mouth.
"I'm cursed," Beca said, quickly looking around to see if anyone heard before looking down at the floor.
Stacie narrowed her eyes even more and stared at Beca. When Beca continued to look down at the floor, Stacie grabbed her by the arm and dragged her toward the stairs.
"Stacie, let me go," Beca cried out, trying to break free of Stacie's grip.
Fearing they would run into one of the Bellas upstairs, Stacie changed course and took Beca outside. Once outside, Stacie looked to ensure no one was about and let Beca go.
"Okay, spill!" Stacie said, standing in front of Beca to keep her from getting away from her. "Tell me why you think you're cursed."
"I don't think I'm cursed," Beca said. "I know I am."
"Fine," Stacie said. "Then tell me about this curse."
Beca looked down into her empty cup and sighed. "I haven't had enough to drink for this."
Beca made a move to go back inside; Stacie blocked her way.
"Chloe saw me dragging you out here," Stacie said. "So, I'd say you have about two minutes to tell me what you're talking about before she comes out to check on you."
Beca opened her mouth as if to speak, only to snap it shut when the front door opened behind Stacie.
"Beca?" Chloe said from the doorway. "Is everything okay?"
"Everything's fine, Chloe," Stacie said over her shoulder. "Beca was feeling a little hot and needed some fresh air."
Chloe came out and walked over to Beca. She placed a hand on Beca's arm and asked, "Are you okay now?"
"Um, yeah," Beca said, clearing her throat. "I'm much better now. Thanks, Stacie."
"Anytime, Beca," Stacie said.
Beca nodded and moved past Chloe and Stacie. They both watched Beca go back into the house. Once Beca was out of sight, Chloe turned to Stacie.
"Is she really okay?"
"She says she's okay."
"But, you don't think she's okay, do you?"
"I honestly don't know what to tell you, Chloe," Stacie said and went back inside, leaving Chloe alone on the porch.
~~ Pitch Perfect Horror Week - Day 2 ~~
Once inside, Beca pushed her way through the throng of partiers and went upstairs to her room.
Stacie came in after Beca and looked around for her. She grabbed the closest person.
"Do you know where Beca went?" Stacie asked.
"Who's Beca?" the guy asked.
"She went upstairs, Stacie," Jessica said from Stacie's left. "Looked like she was heading toward her room."
"Thanks, Jessica," Stacie said.
Stacie headed upstairs and Chloe saw her when she came in the door. She followed after Stacie and saw Stacie enter the door leading up to Beca's room.
Chloe walked over to the door and saw that it was left slightly ajar. She quietly pushed it open and started to walk upstairs. She stopped when she heard Stacie's voice mentioning something about a curse.
"Tell me about this curse," Stacie said, leaning against Beca's desk.
Chloe was shocked and stood with one hand leaning against the wall as she listened for Beca's response.
"What do you want to know about it?" Beca asked.
"What is it?" Stacie asked. "And why is it keeping you from asking Chloe out?"
Chloe's hand went to her mouth to cover the slight gasp that escaped.
"Beca wants to ask me out?" Chloe thought.
"My family was cursed," Beca began. "The story goes that my, um, I don't know how many greats grandfather accused several women of being witches during the Salem Witch Hunts back in the 1600s. One of the women he accused of being a witch cursed him with her dying breath as she was being hanged."
"What does that have to do with you not starting something with Chloe?" Stacie asked.
"Let me start from the beginning," Beca said and sighed. "My dad has several journals of his family's that date back to the 1600s, and one of them was from my great-great, whatever, grandmother, Elizabeth Booth. In it, she told of how her husband, Israel Shaw, and several others were part of the group that accused several women of being witches. She then went on to describe, in very graphic detail, the hangings of these women. One of them, Sarah Proctor, was personally accused by Israel Shaw. The story goes on to say that with her last breath, Sarah allegedly said, 'I am not a witch, but I curse you and your family, Israel Shaw. Your family will suffer great heartbreak and sorrow. Any child born of your family from now and centuries beyond will lose their most beloved in a horrific manner. It is said and it will be done.' She then took her last breath and became limp."
"Beca," Stacie said. "You don't really believe all that, do you?"
"I do," Beca said. "There are several instances where a member of our family has watched their loved one die in a terrible accident. Or, as Sarah Proctor foretold, a horrific manner. I can't risk that happening to Chloe."
"Don't you think that Chloe should have a say in whether she's willing to take on that risk in order to be with you?"
Chloe continued to stand silently at the bottom of the stairs, anxiously awaiting Beca's response to Stacie's question.
Beca was silent for a few minutes. She started shaking her head as she said, "No, I don't think so. I think I'd rather keep Chloe at arm's length than have something awful happen to her."
"That makes me wonder," Stacie said. "If you love Chloe, but don't tell her, does the curse still work?"
"What?" Beca asked, her face scrunched in confusion. "I don't understand what you mean."
"I mean, several of us already know how much you care for Chloe," Stacie said. "But do you actually have to tell Chloe you love her in order for the curse to affect her?"
"Beca loves me?"
Chloe smiled and continued to remain still as she listened to Beca and Stacie's conversation.
"I, um, I don't know," Beca said. "I never thought about it before."
"Might be worth thinking about," Stacie said. "Because if it affects her even without you saying anything, wouldn't you want to be able to spend some time loving her before something happens to her? And, by the way, I don't believe for a minute that something horrific will happen to Chloe if you tell her."
Beca chewed on her bottom lip as she processed what Stacie had said. She decided she was going to call her grandmother and see what she knows about how the curse could be stopped from happening.
Chloe heard Stacie telling Beca goodnight, so she quietly slipped out the door and hurried back downstairs to rejoin the party. Her smile stayed in place for the rest of the night.
~~ Pitch Perfect Horror Week - Day 2 ~~
After Stacie left, Beca looked at the time and saw that it was almost nine o'clock in Oregon, so she placed a call to her grandmother.
"Hey, Gram," Beca said when her grandmother answered the phone.
"Beca!" Gram yelled into the phone, causing Beca to wince and pull the phone from her ear. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"What?" Beca asked as she placed the phone back to her ear. "Oh, I, um, I wanted to ask you something about the family curse."
"What do you want to know?"
"Does it have the same effect if you love someone but don't actually tell them?"
"Um, I don't know," Gram replied. "I don't recall reading anything or hearing about that ever happening."
"But it could, right?" Beca prodded. "I mean if I love someone but don't say the words to them, is it possible that something horrific could still happen to them?"
"I guess anything is possible," Gram said. "Who's the guy? Someone you met at school?"
"It's a girl, Gram," Beca said. "She's my best friend. I told you about her. You remember me talking about Chloe, right? It's her; she's the one."
"Oh, right, I remember you mentioning her," Gram said. "So, you love her?"
"I want to say yes, but I'm still afraid of the curse harming her in some way," Beca said.
"I can't believe you believe in that curse," Gram scoffed. "It's never been proven to be real. Sure, some of our family lost loved ones soon after admitting their feelings, but that could have happened at any time. Besides, the last incident on record was like two hundred years or more ago."
"So, you think if I tell her, she'll be okay?"
"I do," Gram said. "It's just an old story from someone's journal or diary that somehow got handed down from generation to generation without any merit to it whatsoever. So, please tell the girl how you feel about her before you lose your chance with her."
"Thanks, Gram," Beca said, smiling even though her Gram couldn't see it.
"You're most welcome, sweetie," Gram said. "So, when are you coming to see me? And bringing your new girlfriend so I can meet the woman who stole my Beca's heart."
"I'll have to make her my girlfriend first," Beca said, chuckling into the phone.
Beca talked to her Gram for a little longer and made plans for her and Chloe to visit once she became Beca's girlfriend.
~~ Pitch Perfect Horror Week - Day 2 ~~
The next morning, Beca woke early and hurriedly dressed and left her room. She quietly made her way to Chloe's room and softly knocked.
"Beca?" Chloe said when she opened her door to find Beca standing there. "You're up early. Is everything okay?"
"Everything's fine," Beca said. "I wanted to catch you before everyone else was up."
Chloe folded her arms and leaned a shoulder against the door frame. "Why?"
"I, uh, wanted to ask you to breakfast," Beca blurted out. "I mean, I want to take you out, um, to breakfast. Just the two of us."
"Hmm," Chloe hummed. "This sounds like you're asking me on a date. Are you?"
"Um, yeah?" Beca whispered, looking down at her feet.
"It's about time," Chloe said, smiling as she stood straight and used her fingers to lift Beca's head so she could look into Beca's eyes. "I was beginning to think you'd never ask."
"Really?" Beca squeaked and then cleared her throat. "Really?"
"I've been hoping you would," Chloe said.
"Really?" Beca asked again.
"Yes, Beca. Really," Chloe said, grabbing Beca's arm and leading her toward the stairs. "Let's leave before anyone else gets up. I don't want any of them tagging along on our first date."
Beca smiled as she happily let Chloe lead her down the stairs and out of the Bellas house.
~~ Pitch Perfect Horror Week - Day 2 ~~
There were a few times in the early months of their relationship that Beca thought the old family curse was going to finally get her and she would lose Chloe. But, nothing happened to Chloe and Beca grew to love her more every day.
It was six months after their first date that Beca honored her promise to her Gram and took Chloe home to meet her.
"I'm so glad you two are here," Gram said, greeting Beca and Chloe.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs.-" Chloe started to say but was interrupted.
"None of that Mrs. stuff, child," Gram said. "Everybody calls me Gram."
"Oh, okay," Chloe said, chuckling. "Thanks for inviting me, Gram."
"I'm just so happy to see my Beca so happy," Gram said.
Beca and Chloe stayed for a long weekend before heading back to Barden.
~~ Pitch Perfect Horror Week - Day 2 ~~
"It's Graduation Day!" Chloe squealed, waking Beca.
"It's too early," Beca moaned into her pillow. "Come back to bed."
"No can do, cupcake," Chloe said, shaking Beca. "We have to get ready and have breakfast with Brey before the ceremony."
"Did you just call me cupcake?" Beca asked, squinting over her shoulder at Chloe.
"Get up, Beca," Chloe said. "I'm finally graduating, with my girlfriend no less. I'm too excited to go back to sleep."
"We don't have to sleep," Beca said, waggling her eyebrows.
"You're insatiable," Chloe said, chuckling.
"Have you seen you?" Beca asked, leering at Chloe.
Chloe let out a squeal when Beca suddenly sat up and tackled her, causing them to both fall onto the bed, with Beca on top of Chloe. Needless to say, they were late meeting Aubrey.
~~ Pitch Perfect Horror Week - Day 2 ~~
After winning Worlds, Beca and Chloe moved to New York. Beca had a legit job offer as a Junior Music Producer and asked Chloe to go with her. Chloe wasn't sure what she was going to do but decided she could figure that out once she moved to New York with Beca. They lived in a one-room apartment with Amy, who just showed up one day and moved in. Beca and Chloe just let her and the three somehow made it work.
Beca and Chloe managed to keep their love going even with Amy's constant interruptions. They had been living together for almost three years when they found out that the Bellas were invited to participate in a USO Tour. They were even more excited when they learned the tour was also a competition with the prize being a recording contract with DJ Khaled's studio.
After a slow start, the Bellas found their sound and enthralled the crowds with their unique style of performing. The Bellas didn't win the coveted recording contract, but Beca first Beca didn't want to accept the offer, but Chloe and the other Bellas talked Beca into accepting and the rest was, as they say, history.
~~ Pitch Perfect Horror Week - Day 2 ~~
After signing with DJ Khaled, Beca and Chloe moved to L.A.
They had been in L.A. for a year when Beca decided she wanted to ask Chloe to marry her. Beca enlisted the help of the Bellas and performed a tear-filled musical number in front of the crowd at one of Beca's sold-out concert performances.
Chloe of course said yes, and they were married a year later. The Bellas called them the "goals couple" and truly believed their love was one for the ages and that nothing or no one was ever going to separate them. They were Titanium.
Over the next four years, Beca and Chloe had two children. Chloe carried their first; she had a boy they named Dylan. Beca carried their second child and had a girl they named Sophie. The children helped round out their loving family, and Beca and Chloe were happier than they ever believed possible.
Beca and Chloe had become empty nesters when Sophie turned twenty-one and moved to New York to pursue her dream of acting on Broadway. Dylan had moved out a few years before to move to Chicago where he got an internship at the Chicago Medical Center.
~~ Pitch Perfect Horror Week - Day 2 ~~
Friends, fans, and families alike were rocked by the news of the sudden deaths of Beca and Chloe. After thirty years of marriage, they were found in the rubble of their LA home following a massive earthquake that rocked most of Southern California. Searchers reported that the couple was found, embracing the other.
Beca and Chloe had died the way they lived; together and in love.
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sapphire-weapon · 7 months
A little outsider's rant to the EagleOne fandom... particularly you younger fans.
Y'all are really getting upset about your ship because Leon and Ashley possibly never being shown together again? After all that wonderful material you got in re4 remake? Guys, most ship survive on crumbs... and y'all had a pretty decent meal there!
Like!! At least she's fucking alive! Look at how strong Serrenedy is... and Luis is fucking dead! Doesn't stop them from writing a ton of fix it fics and AUs and what if scenarios.
You guys aren't Aeon! You don't need the fucking "kiss make canon and valid" mentality. YOUR SHIP IS FUCKING VALID AND GOOD!
"But... I wanna see them together..."
"Oh, but I'm not very creative."
Flood the world with it! Show everyone what the ship means to you! You'll get better at it the more you practice!
And you know what? Maybe Leon and Ashley don't ever see each other again in canon... but maybe some of you get real good at writing and maybe someday, more original stories starring characters with their archetypes start showing up... and being together. All because y'all knew a good thing when you saw it.
So don't roll over and die so damn soon. Yes it fucking sucks possibly not seeing Ashley in the games again.
So keep her alive and present outside of them.
you know @godtier and i were actually talking about this earlier today, and it's this whole thing that's like
kind of like what leon is going through in my fic, where he thinks that it's worse to have had it and lost it, because he now knows how good it was for him and how good it made him feel and that he can't have it anymore -- so now, he wishes he'd never had it at all, because then he wouldn't have to mourn it.
like, serennedy fandom operates under no illusions. they know exactly how that connection started, progressed, and ended. same thing with metaltango fandom. and, being slash ships, they never expect to become canon anyway, because that's unfortunately not the world that we currently live in.
and then you have something like jilleon fandom, who never anticipates their ship becoming canon, so there's no reason for them to get super invested in how the canon portrays them, because the heart of that fandom has always been fanfiction to begin with.
but with eagleone fandom, it's like...
people feel like something is being taken away from them. especially the eagleone people who came into RE through RE4make. because they did have it. for that one game, they had this ship that meant so much to them and was clearly written to be taken as romantic...
... and then to learn, no actually, you don't get to have that?
that sucks. it feels like a breakup.
like, there's a big difference between old guard like me, who looks at it as: "holy fuck i can't believe we actually got this, are you kidding me????" because i understand just how shocking and unexpected it is, considering how the rest of the series goes -- and new fans who are going "wait, what do you mean she gets written out of the series?"
i went into RE4make already knowing that leon's character progresses into the future without ashley. and so i'm just delighted that they got to have what they had for the time that they had it.
new fans are coming in and seeing a canon romance and not understanding why someone would say that it won't be followed through with, because that runs antithetical to their personal experiences with the game.
and that's why i don't fucking feud with aeon fandom, man. i mean, other than the fact that i'm a 34 year old adult who has better things to do with my time than argue with teenagers about fictional relationships.
they're dicks, but i feel bad for them, because they're going through a breakup, too. and theirs is way harder than eagleone's is because the relationship lasted a lot longer. they've had this for so long, but now it's like "fuck you, pack your shit, we're over."
now, with that all being said
there's no excuse for either side of this to be fucking toxic the way that they've been, either. i get that you're disappointed and you need some time to mourn and it feels even shittier to have someone from the other team go "YOU NEVER ACTUALLY HAD THAT THING YOU'RE MOURNING IN THE FIRST PLACE" but like
basically just this
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softhxtch · 4 years
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TITTLE: Just Be Here
SUMMARY: Reader just finished a case and her husband, Aaron Hotchner is always there to support her. 
PAIRING: female! reader x Aaron Hotchner
CHARACTERS: reader, Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss and David Rossi (literally for a second), Allison (OC)
WARNINGS: child assault and abuse; mentions of misscariage, alcohol usage, body fluids (blood, urine, vomit), pornography.
A/N: am i back? i don’t know hahah, but it’s something, right? again in this story Jack doesn’t really exist, sorry. and again CAC - Crimes Against Children.
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'Hey, sweetie. You're safe, okay? Nobody's gonna hurt you anymore.', you whispered taking little girl into your arms. She was sobbing quietly with tears falling down her pink cheeks. She was no more than three years old, still in her purple pajamas, that were dirty form all the body fluids person can imagine and also dirty room she was held in. 'You're safe, Allison. You're safe.', you kept repeating and little girl just held her hands around you even tighter.
You looked around the room and the whole sight was just horrible. No windows, barely any lights, cages, blood and urine all over the floor. Just an awful place to be in let alone to live for months. Even the smallest thought of what was going on before the whole team came in gave you shivers and blood started to boil inside you. The place was there for years at that point and no one knew about it. You were just looking at your teammates, taking the rest of the kids out of the building. Some were crying, some were screaming and some were just clinging to the agents hoping that they would never comeback. And they never will. You would make sure of that.
' Allison, we have to go.', you said quietly, trying not to scare her. But little girl just shook her head and tightened her arms around your neck. 'We have to go. You need to see a doctor. It's scary, I know, but I'm gonna be with you all the time, okay?'
It wasn't easy to convince Allison to come out of the building, but after some negotiations and conversations with you she agreed. You're holding her in your arms as close as possible, trying to avoid the blue and red lights that were blinding both of you in the dark night.
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Hospitals were always the last place that you're wanted to be. If you were the it only meant that either someone from your team or family was injured or one of the victims from your case were in tragic condition.
To put it straight, hospitals were never a good sign.
But you couldn't go home, not just yet. You promised Allison, that you would be with her this whole time, so you were also there when she got a check up from the pediatrician. You were holding her hand, caressing the back of it from time to time just to reassure her that you're there. Sometimes your would just add how great she was doing and how strong it is.
'Home.', Allison whined as doctor was checking on one of her bruised legs. Few tears fell down her cheeks, which made your hear break. It was horrible to seeing anyone in that position, but especially a child.
'You're doing great, Allison. Just few more minutes, okay?', you said quietly, taking hair out of her forehead.
'I just need to check the other leg and then you can have a long nap, till morning. How does that sound?', doctor asked and written down something on her notepad.
'I think it's great! Do you, Sonnie?', you said with a happy voice, looking at a little girl. She just nodded, still pouting from her cry few seconds ago. 'I'll be right back.', you said when you heard familiar phone ring. Doctor nodded understanding, but Allison held your hand not wanting to let you go. ' Allison, I'll be back in few minutes. I just need to answer that call, okay? You will be able to see me through the glass. I'm not going anywhere and until then you'll stay with Doctor Ashley.', you explained.
She wasn't convinced at all. It took you few more minutes for to actually let go of your hand. You explained everything a least three times. Doctor eyed you few times, but you just tried to ignore her. After years of working with children you knew how long it sometimes takes to convince them. Especially the ones that have been seriously hurt. They just wanted someone to be with them through the whole process and you understood it one hundred percent.
You sent Allison a small smile, saying one more time, that you'll be back in few minutes. After that you left the room and took out phone, dialing number that called you before.
'Hi.', you heard deep, yet soft voice on the other side. You sighed and replied with the same thing. 'Long night?'
'Yeah and I can't even see the end of it.', you answered and heard your husband's laugh. 'It wasn't a joke.', you added, rolling your eyes.
'I know. But it's kind of ironic considering that the sun will be up in less than an hour.', Aaron said. You could hear him moving around the house. Walking from bathroom to bedroom, probably getting ready for work. 'How are the kids?'
'Fine, if you could say it after living in a basement for most of your life and posing for creepy middle aged men.', you answered, feeling the shivers on your arms. The images that you saw literally just came back. And you can expect they will be coming back more often, but this time in your nightmares.
'All alive?', Aaron asked. You could hear him doing something in the kitchen, which made you smile, still looking at Allison. You actually would do everything to be right now with him in that kitchen. Waiting for his famous muffins with bacon and eggs, like he would do whenever both of you had day off.
'Yes, all eight of them.', you nodded. 'You're heading to work now? It's a bit early, even for you.'
'Not yet.', he answered quickly. You could hear another chews from the other side, which actually made your stomach going louder. 'But yesterday I picked up from the post office that coffee table, that you ordered and I thought I would put it together.'
'You're gonna put a coffee table together? At-', you asked surprised, looking at the watch on your phone. '-4:38 in the morning? Are you okay?', you added with a laugh.
'What can I say? I'm just bored without you.', he answered. Right after that you heard a loud noise from the other side and a quiet curse from Aaron.
'You're okay?', you asked, furrowing you brows.
'Yes. I'm looking for the box with all the tools.', he replied. 'I think I'll ask Morgan about them. He'll know what I should use.'
'How about you leave it to me, huh? I'll do it, because we don't want another trip to ER. It'll be third time this year, they'll assume that I'm assaulting you.', you laughed, hearing just quick 'hey!' from your husband.
For the first time in hours you actually felt nice. You didn't had constant fear in your head about the case. You weren't even thinking about it, right now what you were thinking about was Aaron and that stupid coffee table. And he knew about it, that was the reason why he called. After you were in a car with Allison and two policemen, you texted him that the case was over and you're headed to the hospital with victims. Both of you always do it, just to reassure each other that the other person is fine. Aaron on top of that would always call you. He's a very light sleeper, even waking up when you stir in bed sometimes, so every vibrations of his phone wakes him up. No matter what the time is on the clock, he always calls you. He knows how much you love your job and how saving kids was your thing. You loved it, after few years in narcotics unit you know you found your place. But Aaron also knew that you get very into the cases and you involve yourself a lot and if the case goes wrong you blame yourself really hard. Especially being a unit chief, just like him. So he always tried to light the mood even just a little and talk about the day, whatever comes to his mind.
'You're staying in the hospital, right?', it almost wasn't a question. It wasn't anything new to be honest. A lot of the times you would comeback to the hospital with the victims and especially with this case. He knew it wouldn't be different. You were working on it for over a month and it was draining you.
'Don't think I have a choice.', you admitted, looking back at Allison who was also starring at you. The doctor stopped examination and was about to leave. 'One of the girls won't let me go.'
'Just be careful, okay? And take care. Don't forget to eat something.', he reminded, knowing the previous situations.
'I will.', you reassured him. 'I love you.'
'I love you too, sweetheart. Give me a call later in a day.', Aaron said and you agreed.
After you said your goodbyes, you put the phone in the pocket and went back to the room. Allison immediately opened her arms and you laughed coming closer.
'You're back!', she said loudly, which made you laugh even more. Doctor Ashley smiled at both of you and left the room.
'I said I will.', you reminded her, patting her head. You could clearly see the tiredness in her eyes and how hard she was trying not to fall asleep. 'I think it's good time for a sleep.', you proposed, but Jade just shook her head immediately, taking back. ' Allison, you need to sleep.'
'Not sleepy.', she answered quietly, putting knees closer to her chest. 'Don't want to sleep.'
'You've been awake for a long time, Sonnie. You need to rest. I do too. Everyone needs to sleep so they will have energy for the next day.', you explained, but she once again shook her head. 'I'll be there the whole time. Nothing's gonna happen to you. You're safe.'
'Seven minutes?', she asked, trying to stop the yaw. You nodded and observed how she put her head on the pillow, drifting away from the real world.
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Aaron Hotchner looked at his watch for the tenth time in the last 8 minutes. He signed and went back to signing papers in front him.
It was a slow day. Most paper work days were slow, but this one was even slower. He just couldn't focus. His thoughts were everywhere but in that office. He was thinking about his wife and what she's about to at that moment, probably still at hospital with the little girl. It was literally breaking his heart when he was thinking about your job and side effects, but also about your personal issues.
Being married for almost six years and together over eight, was something he was very proud of. He loved you with his whole heart and couldn't see anyone but you. The whole team always loved to see when a woman would flirt with Aaron, because it was always so funny to see him nicely declining the actions. Aaron Hotchner was a strong man with a very intimidating vibe, his voice could literally break you into a meltdown and get when a woman would approach him his eyes would always look for you. He just couldn't see his world existing without you.
With that being said he also knows you very well. Whenever something was wrong, he could feel it. Just from the look in your eyes or movement. You almost didn't have to talk to have a conversation. He understood you without any words and so did you.
After long nights when there were only you two together, Aaron knew what you wanted. Be knew all your dreams and wishes. Where you would like to go for vacations or favourite cuisine. Things that he could control. He also knew about your dream job and family wishes. Things he couldn't control and everytime Aaron would think about this, his heart would break into thousand pieces. Because if he could he would give you everything that you wanted and to do that he would sacrifice anything he could.
Quiet sound of a clock, that was announcing noon, got Aaron out of his thoughts. He looked at the clock just to assure himself of the hour and pressed his lips into thin line. Then he just closed the files on the rest, took coat and walked out of the room. Aaron walked to his friend's office and knocked on the door. He opened them after quick 'come in'.
'Dave, I'm gonna be back in an hour.', Aaron said, looking at the older man working on his papers. He looked up with pen still between his fingers.
'Everything's okay?', Dave asked and got quick nod from Aaron. 'Y/N's at the hospital again?'
'Yeah, they finished the case few hours ago so I'm sure she hasn't ate anything since.', he explained. 'I'm just gonna bring her food and come back.'
'No problem. If anything happens, we'll call you.', David said, waving younger man off. Aaron just laughed and closed the door. Then he walked down the stairs, wanting to leave the office.
'Hey, Hotch! Are you going again to get some food?', Emily's voice stopped him from going further. He turned around to face not only her, but three other agents. 'You're going outside, right?'
'Yes, Emily.', he sighed. 'But I'm not going to the place you love to eat from.'
'I figured. But maybe you would want to do us a favor and go there? Since you're already going outside the office.', she explained and Derek started to come closer with JJ right behind him. 'Look, it's raining outside and it's pointless to have two wet agents in the office. We will pay for the gas and also your food, huh?'
'Just text me your order and I'll see what I can do.', Aaron said, rolling his eyes slightly. Then he turned around and started walking towards the elevators, still hearing voices of agents behind him, who were deciding on the order.
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Pediatric floor of the hospital was as always busy. Kids running around, parents trying to keep up with them, crying children from everywhere you can imagine and on top of that walls with so many colours, that he thought that someone vomited on them. He had no problem of finding the room where you were. Of course with a help from nurses.
Aaron slowly opened the door from the hospital room. He was expecting for either you or the child to be asleep and he didn't want to wake anybody up. But the sight inside made just his heart to melt.
You were sitting on the couch with Allison sleeping in your arms. Her head was on your chest and arms were really tight around the back. Her moth were slightly open, just like yours. But you also had your head hung back and he was sure he'd hear your complaints about the neck pains for the next week.
Aaron slowly put the package with your favourite food and something tasty for children on the small table near the door. Then he took the blanket from the bed and put it over you and the little girl, knowing how cold you must be from laying down in one place for so long. After that he just put a light kiss on your forehead and with one last look he left the room.
Aaron got to the elevator and took out his phone, checking out one message from Emily.
If you are going to the place near the hospital and there's a girl with short red hair, then say that you would like to order for Agent Prentiss 😘
He furrowed his brows at the message and dialed her right away.
'Did I say something wrong?', she answered after one signal.
'How this girl supposed to know your order?', he asked, looking at the numbers of elevator going down.
'She'll know, trust me. I've been there many time.', Emily laughed and Aaron could practically see her smile through the phone.
'Whatever.', he sighed, hearing the ding from the elevator. 'Oh and Prentiss?', Aaron called and heard quick 'yeah' from the other side. 'Stop sending me emojis. It's highly unprofessional to do it to your boss and it's making me uncomfortable.', he ended, walking out of the hospital.
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You could physically feel lighter closing the door to you home. Everything related to work you always tried to leave outside this house and treat this place like an escape. And it was a long few weeks, so you were nothing but happy and relieved that it's over.
The house was quiet and dark. You could only see dim light from the living room and just thinking about it made you smile. You took off your jacked and boots, leaving the bag at the usual place and started walking towards the light. As you saw Aaron sitting on the couch with his eyes closed, you smiled even wider. His feet were on the coffee table and he had a glass of whiskey in his hand.
You leaned on the door frame and with arms crossed on the chest, you observed him.
'I'm awake.', Aaron said with raspy voice. You knew that he was probably sitting here for a while already.
'I know.', you answered and started walking towards the cabinet with alcohols. 'Aaron Hotchner is at home before me. What's happening in this world? Did they closed the FBI building?', you joked while pouring wine into a glass and sitting next to him.
'Very funny.', he answered with a sarcasm. He put arms around your shoulders and kissed your temple.
'I actually am.', you said, taking a sip. 'But I'm glad you're here.'
'Anytime.', he hummed, placing one more kiss on your head.
'Except the time you're working.', you joked and he just rolled his eyes. 'Thank you for the dinner, by the way. Although I would get something to eat myself, you know?'
'Yeah, you would probably eat your first meal of the day right now. I know you, Y/N.', he said, caressing your arm. 'So, how's the girl?'
'Allison?', you asked, reminding yourself of her beautiful smile in your head. Aaron only nodded, taking a sip from his glass, telling you to continue. 'She's gonna be okay, I hope. But she went through a lot.'
'You got close to her.'
'Yeah.', you admitted. 'I know what you think, Aaron. I know that it's not a good thing, I Get close to those kids and then I come home and they're not there. I know how this looks like. But I swear I just want to help them.'
'I know. But also you need to realize, that when they'll go to foster care they won't have someone to look after them every minute they're there. That there's gonna be many more kids their age and the attention you're giving them right now won't be given to them anymore.', he finished, looking down at you.
'Maybe they don't have to go to foster care.', you whispered, hugging your husband closer.
'You want to adopt a child?', Aaron asked slowly getting to the conclusion and realizing something else. 'You wanna adopt Allison.'
'I do.', you admitted. 'But I won't do it.', you added, sitting straight. Aaron just gave you questioning look. 'They found her mother in Portland, she'll come and get her tomorrow. Ignoring the fact that she doesn't have any job, is living in a two bedroom apartment with four other roommates and all the money goes to the alcohol. Yeah, so Allison has a bright future ahead of her.'
'You never know.', he answered. You put head on his chest once again and laid there for few minutes in silence, trying to relax.
'So, you actually put that table together.', you said keeping the eyes in small brown table in front of you, with Aaron's feet on top.
'I thought you'll never notice.', he answered almost sounding hurt.
'Oh, I did. Just wanted to hold the suspension for a little while.', you smiled and kissed him on the lips. 'Derek did it, am I right?', you whispered, narrowing your eyes.
'No.', he answered simply.
'Liar.', you whispered again, kissing him one more time, but stopping after you hear his phone going off. 'Everything's okay?', you asked.
'Yeah, just Emily.' he answered, but started explaining seing your confused face. 'I gave Emily's number to one of the girls that she has crush on from the restaurant. And I guess she had a good evening.', he ended and showed you the text.
SSA aaron 'Hotch' Hotchner, you are truly THE  man 🥰🤭💗🍑
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bearpillowmonster · 2 years
Mass Effect Characters (Part 2)
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Miranda - She doesn't look like I remember, now I just kind of wait for Dolly Parton to start playing. And I complained about Ashley, but Miranda's about as hardass as you get. Great for introductions. I suppose it starts to make sense the more you get to know her though because her dad was apparently too good for natural means and decided to genetically clone a daughter…that explains a lot but that's 'father' than I ever expected. Hahaha. In the end she's not that bad though, I actually used her for the final boss in ME2 and I was compelled by her missions for her sister.
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Jacob - Illusive Man said it right, "he's honest about it". He'll give you the up and up and give it to you straight. I said I liked how Kaidan just kind of levels with you but Jacob gives off a whole different vibe and picks up where I think Kaidan left off with some real character. He's not a fan of IM (Illusive Man), he was even once a member of the Alliance but then works for Cerberus and then I would actually say he works for himself, keeps his head. He kind of evens out the moral compass with Miranda being cold blooded and him being warm hearted, I like that. Jack actually explains him quite well "He doesn't know who he is yet." essentially walking the walk and talking the talk but not knowing whether it's the right thing. You definitely see it when he explores what happens to his father and then becomes better because of it. With a lot of these characters, I think Shepard essentially planted the seed for them to try and find their own crew when he's gone, trying to emulate the one he himself created but I think Jacob might've been the most successful with it. He doesn't have the best lines though, he's very much a soldier through and through.
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Zaeed - You just kind of run into him, making him one of the easiest characters to get. He's got a cool enough design and he's older but he's morally…elsewhere. Imagine being on team with Deathstroke. His side mission causes him to blow up a refinery and he doesn't even feel sorry about it, he's so blinded by revenge that he can't see he not only destroyed a good refinery but put innocents in danger and that doesn't fly so I put him in his place real quick, that wasn't the only way it could've went though. He lives in the garbage chute of the ship, what does that tell you?
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Mordin - I see that they wanted a varied character so he talks fast and deducts reasoning but I don't care much for him. Apparently the krogans were getting over the Genophage and he decided to make a more powerful one which is pretty heartless, but they could've given him reason to do so rather than just "krogans are dangerous" like did something happen? So are all the characters in your quarantine on Omega. Instead there's just a tiny insight in his report on Illium about a female krogan. Listen to me using fancy terms, I'm a licensed Mass Effect nerd now.
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Kelly - She's the secretary I was talking about. She's not actually a combat partner (though I wish) but I'll make an exception for her anyway. I like that she's kind of the team's psychologist/information/organizer but I feel like you could argue others fulfill that. I saw her as the character Sheperd has a little thing for until he sees Liara again and decides maybe Cerberus isn't what he thought, I mean after all this time, Shep still has a picture of Liara on his desk. But anyway, I looked forward to her insights on missions, just felt like she could've had more.
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Jack - They hype Jack up to be this super hateful killer that needed to be frozen just to remain in prison, you even have to chase her down (yes, "her") through the prison after releasing her and escaping. It's a prison break level for you too because the warden wants to sell you. Apparently the same happened with Jack and is why you're even picking her up in the first place, which makes me more inclined to let her go but that wasn't an option so I never forced her to get those biotic implants, seemed too "slave like". She's also inclined to dislike Cerberus for experimenting on her as a child (and I guess the slave thing I mentioned) so she's got more reason than most. I also had to try and find a cropped image so it wouldn't get flagged...but she blossoms into a character that isn't too unlike her original self but is free enough to seek the good in the world, I really like where she went.
Next Part ->
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kerie-prince · 4 years
We're Worlds Apart (3)
Draco Malfoy x American No-Maj!reader
series m.list | general m.list | previous chp
warnings: cursing, angst(?), Draco being a meanie :(
summary: Draco Malfoy is a pureblood wizard. Magic runs through his veins and has been since his birth. You're a Wiccan No-Maj; a non-magical being with ordinary blood through your veins, but practices what you call magick. And this very practice upsets your neighbor.
a/n: not my best lmao kinda gets cheesy. anyways, Y/M/N = your mother’s name and Y/B/N = your brother’s name
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(gif cred)
“Do I really have to get one?” Draco whined in the middle of the phone store, getting his very first cellular device.
“Yeah, man. It's 2008 and you still write letters. Plus, your bird took a shit on my car,” Blaine said matter-of-factly. He found it funny that Draco still used an owl post for communication; the only other person Blaine knew that still uses an owl is his 97 year old grandmother. And even she has a landline in her house. “It's just easier and quicker to use. Why wait a whole day for a letter when you can just text me and I’ll respond in two seconds?”
“I’ve never even used a wall phone, how do you expect me to use a bloody cell-phone, Blaine?” Draco was fidgeting in his seat as he waited for the store employee to finish, what was it called, a credit score? Muggles sure are weird.
She came back shortly with a small, black box that had a weird word on it. What the bloody hell is an iPhone? She explained how it turned on, all the applications it carried, and details about billing and more. Draco was still confused about the whole thing but Blaine said that he would help him understand it better.
“Well look at you, Dray. A modern wizard in America,” Blaine jokes. Draco played with the new device, working out all the kinks of it. He sent his very first text message to Blaine at that moment. Took him precisely 5 minutes to type out a very bland, simple ‘Hello. -Draco L. Malfoy’
It made Blaine laugh so hard that he held his stomach. “My god, we’re gonna have to work on your texting skills, man. First things first, you don't have to sign your name at the end of a text. I know it's you.” Blaine explained to Draco all the fundamentals of texting as they walked through the halls of Santa Marie.
Throughout the day, Draco shared his new number with his department. The more he shared his number, the faster he became at typing.
At the end of his shift, he went to a nearby restaurant where he usually picked up dinner —not one to know his way around the kitchen — and headed home.
It's been a good week for him; his mother had sent him a letter everyday, he finished setting up the guest room for Theo and Blaise, he has this new phone, and best of all, Y/N had not crossed his mind once.
Now he still hasn't accepted what she does in her free time, but also he realized that she’s not exactly harming him nor did she know what he was. He's usually busy with all the work he does, anyway. It was quite a sudden change of heart. But mostly, it was his mother that was able to talk to him and change his views.
My dearest son, had it been during the time before the war, I would have agreed with you. But you have to understand that things are different now. You're different now. Now I am not forcing you, but maybe you should just talk with her just once. If not, just ignore her. After all, she only lives next door.
When he read the letter, he could practically hear all of his friends telling him ‘She's right, you know.’ And deep down, he knew it too. So he went with her advice: ignore Y/N.
You’ve had a terrible week; your assistant manager forgot to count the inventory which meant she also forgot to make an order for inventory. A group of teens stole a bunch of little vials of oils you had put on display. And to top it all off, a man stood in front of your shop with signs that had biblical verses written on them, blocking the entrance way and essentially driving away any potential customers. You called security but they never came.
You were used to this happening, it's happened all your life. But that didn't mean that it didn't hurt. I'm not harming anyone, so why does this happen to me? Next week, your mother was flying in from Maine to look around the house to make sure nothing would ‘freak Stephanie out.’ 
Driving back home, you were just waiting to mix some bath salts in your tub, play music, and relax for the next couple of days. By sheer coincidence, as you pulled in you noticed your neighbor that you now knew as Draco pull into his driveway.
This week can't exactly get worse you thought as your legs carried you to his front door. With gentle knocks on the door, you waited patiently. Being rejected once more didn't bother you, but you at least wanted to hear him speak to you and try your chance to become better acquainted.
Draco opened his door, his tie was undone and he looked confusingly at you. “Can I help you?”
Panic overcame your senses and without thinking, you blurted out, “Do you hate me?” You noticed his shocked face as it was probably not something he expected to hear.
“Excuse me, what exactly are you talking about?” he asked in his entrancing British accent. It was too late to take it back, so you just kept going with it. “I’m sorry, but you moved in here four months ago and you seem to have made friends with everyone around here but for some reason, you won’t even say ‘hi’ to me. Did I offend you or something?” You sounded exhausted and sad. Not only at the week you just had, but how Draco wasn’t being so neighborly with you as he was with everyone else on the street. It bothered you so much to no end. And the most frustrating thing was that you didn’t understand why.
“Uh, I apologize that we haven’t been on speaking terms but I don’t think I have to talk to you now, do I?” Draco scoffed. Why is he being such a jerk? “I’m not saying that you have to talk to me, but it’d be nice if you could at least wave or something. But instead, you look at me funny and ignore me. It’s kinda rude.” 
“Merlin, you muggles are so temperamental.” Draco said under his breath. The word sounded funny to you.
“Muggles? Did you just call me a muggle?” The look on Draco’s face didn’t go unnoticed. He stared at you for a few moments, not saying anything. What does that mean? “Is that what you call Americans in the UK? Doesn’t really sound nice.”
Draco started laughing mockingly at you, his grip on his door tightening and knuckles turning white, “Look, I don’t understand what it is exactly you want from me but I will say this; the fact that you are so offended that I won’t acknowledge you is honestly quite fucking childish and if you couldn’t get the hint then I’ll say it plainly for you now. I don’t. Wish. To. Be. Friends. With. You. Got it?” and with that, he slammed the door in your face.
Groaning out, you yelled at him through his door, “Fuck you then! I don’t wanna be friends with some rude prick!” You ran to your door and slammed it pretty hard. The sudden noise frightened your cat and made her run from her tower into your room. What the fuck is his deal? 
You walked to your room, pissed off and tired. Looking up, you saw Draco in his room. You stared each other down before you walked up to your window to close your blinds, flipping him off before it fully closed. Afterwards, you took a regular shower and went to bed. Anger built up inside you, and for probably the first time, you hated another human being. And you had to live next to him for god knows how long.
“I mean, did you really have to say that to her?” Ian and Ashley had just listened to Draco explain what had happened the night before. Ian just sat in the chair eating his lunch as Ashley responded to him. “I know things might be different in England, but you should’ve given her a chance. She could be nice. I have a couple No-Maj friends on my block.”
“I’m on Ash with this. Is it really all because she’s Wiccan? Be honest, Dray,” Ian chipped in. At that point, Draco didn’t really know what to say. He thought he could look past it, but he couldn’t. “Maybe, yeah. I come from two families that had very strict traditions and views of muggles. I thought I dropped those views but seeing first hand what they do and-”
“And it makes you feel like a freak? Because you’re a real wizard that can do magic and they sit in some weirdly drawn circle and ‘do’ magic?” Ashley finished Draco’s sentence, making quotation marks with her hands. “I get it, I really do. I was offended too when I had to read about No-Maj’s doing this during school. And then to see movies where witches are viewed as ugly, green-skinned hags with warts on her face and wear rags for clothes. Kinda brings you down as a kid. But I got over it. You should, too.” Ashley held Draco’s hand for a bit before she grabbed her coffee mug and left for her appointments.
Ian sat quietly, watching as Draco was sinking in everything he was advised. “Look man, it’s not really my business to be telling you what you should or shouldn’t like, and who you should or shouldn’t like. And you know what, you’re not exactly in the wrong to get mad about what happened. After all, she just kinda picked a fight with you out of nowhere.” Draco had a face that looked as if he was saying ‘Right? I’m not crazy here’
“But,” of course there’s a ‘but’, “from what I hear around the street, Y/N’s really nice. Super weird for sure, but an overall nice person. I think you should think about it.” Ian nodded at Draco before joining Ashley out of the breakroom. Draco sat there, thinking about what his friends said and also thought back to his mother’s letters. I’m such a child. And I’m the one that called her childish. If he was honest, you were but it didn’t make him better.
He knew what he was going to do after work. It pained him to have to apologize to someone. Apologizing wasn’t something he was exactly used to doing. He’s only done it once to Harry and his friends nearly three years after the Battle. He didn’t even really know what to say to you. But he’ll figure it out. Right?
You stood shocked at your doorstep, hands holding onto the sweater as you looked before you. “Mom, you’re here early.”
“I had been given an extra week off of work so I thought I’d just come and see my oldest baby before your brother and Stephanie comes. Also gives me a head start to plan our dinner and get this house situated,” your mother walked past you with her two large luggage cases and dropped them on your living room floor. She looked around the house and eyed all the decorations and pictures on the walls.
To her, everything was nearly normal. You had family pictures posted and some pictures of you and your friends from college. In the living room, you had a tapestry hung up behind your couch that used to belong to your grandmother. “Y/N please, will you take down that blanket? Why don’t you put up a picture of some flowers, or maybe something abstract?”
“Because I don’t want a picture of flowers and that’s not a blanket. It was Grandma’s. I want it hung up there. Ma, you gotta understand that it’s my house now.” Your arms were crossed due to the cold. You had the day off and tried to spend it well as you did your cleansing spell in the morning, but it seems that it wasn’t very effective seeing as your mother came in and immediately started nitpicking everything.
“It was cute in your room when you were a kid. But you’re 26 now. How would your boyfriend feel if he walked in here and thought ‘oh, didn’t know I was dating a 16 year old.’” Her constant criticism was nearly pushing you to the edge. “Ma, I don’t really want to argue with you tonight so I’m just going to bed-” a doorbell rang throughout the house and you were thanking whoever was listening for giving you a reason to walk away from your mother. 
As soon as you opened the door, you were met with another face that you weren’t exactly excited to see. “Can I help you?” you repeated Draco’s words from last night back at him in a spiteful tone.
Through gritted teeth, he looked at you and said, “I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry for being an arse yesterday. I hope we can look past it and become well-acquainted neighbors.”
“Huh, you’re sorry? You don’t really sound it.”
“I know, I’m not really used to doing this,” Draco quipped. “But nonetheless, I would still like to apologize.”
“Yeah, whatever, I’m sorry too.” You were about to close the door until your mother came up and pushed the door completely open, “Honey, who’s at the door- oh! Hello, I’m Y/M/N. And you are?” She looked at Draco with the nicest smile that you had ever seen on her.
“Hello, My name’s Draco. Nice to meet you,” he awkwardly shook your mother’s hand. He didn’t smile, but he also didn’t have the usual scowl on his face when he would look at you. Guess he does have manners. “Y/N, is this a friend of yours?” your mother insinuated with a less than discreet wink. Without missing a beat, you replied, “No. Ma, this is my new neighbor. I just met him. But it’s late, so nice meeting you Draco. See you around.” And you closed the door.
“That was rude, Y/N. You should have invited him in. He’s very cute,” your mother grabbed her bags and headed into the guest room. From a distance, you could hear your mother speak to herself, saying ‘At least this room looks normal’. “It’s kinda late. Besides, we have all the time in the world to talk.” 
You walked to your small closet and grabbed the special bath salts for stress relief and walked to your bathroom. Starting to strip, your mother barged in. “Ma! Privacy, please!”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Y/N. I gave birth to you. Anyways, how long has it been since he moved in? Do you think he knows about your witchy stuff?” She asked as she stood by the door, checking her reflection as you continued to undress for your bath. “I don’t really hold a sign around my neck that says I’m a Wiccan, Mother,” you said with closed eyes. Your mother said, “I hope not. Night, baby,” and closed the door.
This is going to be a long three weeks.
The morning came and you woke up before your alarm and did your daily routine. The only difference was that your mother was going through your pantry looking for ingredients to make breakfast. “Morning, honey. Do you want some pancakes? I’ll make your favorites! It’s still blueberry, right?”
“No, that was Y/B/N. Mine are chocolate chip and peanut butter.” You said flatly as you grabbed your watering can. “Oh that’s right. But I already bought the blueberries.”
“That’s fine, they still taste good.” Your mother was satisfied with your response and started right away. You walked out to your front yard and watered your plants along the fence. The betony plants were beautiful, its sight was calming your nerves as you poured water over them. The sound of a door closing caused you to look up, watching Draco as he was standing in his yard with what seemed like a cigarette attached to his lips before he took it out and placed it onto an ashtray that was on his porch.
He walked over to the fence that separated your yards. The smell of the cigarette was in the air and it reminded you of your late father. “I meant it last night,” he mentioned his apology. You didn’t really know what to say so you just nodded and went back to watering your plants.
“But if I recall, you did start that fight,” he chuckled. You glared up at him for a few seconds before returning to your task. “Alright, I guess I’m sorry too.” Draco scoffed and just whispered ‘Whatever’ and walked away. “Wait,” you called for him before he walked back into his house and luckily, he stopped. “I’m sorry,” you said with sincerity. “Can we just start over?”
He stared at you, visibly contemplating your question then finally said, “Sure.” He walked into his house and you stood shocked in your yard. Your mother walked out and announced to you, “Honey! Breakfast is ready! Come on, I think your plants are watered enough.” With the snap of your screen door, you were released from your daze and walked inside. Maybe this week is turning around after all.
Draco sat in his room, not exactly sure what exactly happened. Was he really going to try and become friends with a muggle? He could imagine the look on his fathers face. Just because he had lost in the Battle, didn’t mean that he magically accepted muggles and muggle-borns. Narcissa didn’t like them much either but she also didn’t hate them as Lucius did.
This would shock not only his parents, but also his friends, Blaise and Theo. Merlin, the person that would probably have a field day about this would be Hermione Granger. He sat there, imagining Granger either laughing at him or cursing him after all the bullying he put her through. All those years of calling her a mudblood and he becomes friends with a muggle. A No-Maj. A Wiccan No-Maj. But then he thought about what Ian said at work. Y/N is really nice. Weird, but nice. And when he agreed to having a fresh start with you, he figured that it would give you a chance to prove him wrong about what you were like.
Or she could be exactly what I always thought muggles to be. Foolish.
next chp
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What's wrong with Ashley's post? Am i that one who just views IG posts and doesn't try to assign a deep value to it?🤔
I saw what Ashley posted and she only posted the beginning of that paparazzi video, where her and V are laughing and she’s saying chicken McNuggets. I doubt that she watched the whole video or even remembers what that person on the drive thru or the pap said. I think some try so hard to frame Ashley as the real life Sharpay.
Ashley meant no harm with that video tho. What’s everyone’s problem Jez. And by the way Ashley Benson posted a picture of her and Selena and thought it V. All of her fans think it’s cute but if Ashley T would have done that people would have shredded her apart.
The truth is that some of you just hate Ashley. She could have post a big birthday post, people would be mad. She posted a video, people are mad. She’s still friends with A, because they knew each other for years, people are mad. The only ones who even mention Vanessas past or her nudes are her own fans. Her fans posted the last part of the video, Ashley didn’t. Probably for a reason. And I don’t think Vanessa even remembers in the slightest what happened in that video or what people said about her but now she does since her fans posted it. Good job. Instead of blaming Ashley maybe pick on y’all’s own nose.
Why some of you act like you are with Vanessa 24/7. It’s still so weird to me that her fans act offended for her when she probably has no problem with Ashley’s birthday post, or with Coles hobbies or that Ashley is still friends with Austin. You all need to get a grip sorry.
It's so funny how people talk about what THEY think it can trigger Vanessa, a video which has been cut to show the fun part from one of her best friends.. but they forget about how that hate towards Ashley can affect her and her fans.. I cried yesterday when I saw the hate. No, Ashley doesn't deserve it at all. I'm so sick and tired of all the lovebugs that act like that.. and If they can guess, me too: Vanessa would be dissapointed about you.
Vanessa’s Fans: OMG how dare Ashley post that video! Vanessa was clearly traumatized!Vanessa in the video: *laughing her ass off with Ashley*
Vanessa didn't even like ashley's post, but I don't think means anything, maybe she just didn't see it, since she didn't like gg's either, maybe too many messages
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pettykarma · 4 years
Ok gonna finish this one real quick
Daini Light (Namagem) x Ashley Adderley
I found this pair, it's rare and I'm giving my reason why I ship it.
Cringe warning ahead
As you guys know, Ashley is Aki (megaman) love interest. Yet I don't feel it fit each other and felt rush. Daini (Namagem) is Aki twin or evil twin in the show, he is more anti hero material. Ashley and Namagem doesn't even know each other exist, yet I see potential ship in them, because of the dynamic they could give off. Like the dynamic emo boy x nerd girl, Ashley is portrayed as a nerd in the show and canonically is a nerd with a style in my perspective, while Daini is in fact emo boy cause of his conflict.
How I can make sense of this crack/rare ship ?
This two can meet at one point in the show. The time around the show finale or the end of the comic book. Either way this two meet offscreen when Aki isn't around
So maybe Namagem won't immediately fall in love but slow burn will make him go to a flame after he has feelings after he overcomes his trauma and issues.
Ashley doesn't want to see this stranger but they don't know when they will meet again. They will meet frequently at random places
At first meeting they will ignore each other, second meeting will be awkward, third is when they just talk a little bit due to how coincidental it is to meet more than one time for a stranger.
Daini barely know how interact with a person, good thing Ashley is the one who lead the conversation.
They chat about robotic and technology in general, once they know each view about said subject, they will think 'maybe you aren't that bad to talk with'. At some point they don't know they got comfortable with each other if they keep meeting and talk with each other.
I like to make a plot point where Daini need to help his family and Ashley got dragged into it because she care about her friends and want help them, calling the good guild doesnt help so she do this by her own.
She doesn't worry about being an armed, she know some self defense and have useful gadget like Suna but hers' is a stunt gun and shield protector, I mean at an episode she made a camera, flying drone, chemical substances, and a functional robot for science fair.
Daini as Namagem (no obsidian armor) just try to save his twin brother from total destruction while Ashley try to get Suna and Aki to save ground (Ashley thought Aki is in trouble like Suna, turns out he will be scrap metal if Namagem can't save him). So when these two meet each other again, they have teamwork (Namagem know it's Ashley but Ashley doesn't know it's Daini, she thought he was a robot master).
So these two have the same goal to save their friends it won't be hard to have a quick teamwork. After saving their friends, Namagem just leave and let Ashley handle his siblings. He legit trust her because he thinks this girl is like his sister, cunning and smart.
Of course, I want Ashley to interact with some harmless robot master. Maybe let Ashley help iceman with his autism speech literalness that almost freeze Daini when he tried to confront icey. Give a situation where Daini want to say his apology to fireman and Ashley help by trying to make sure nobody is on fire (literally). Hey what about Ashley accidentally meet Hypnowoman who try to help Daini overcome his trauma, won't be pleasant for him but at some point he needs therapy and a new home.
I want to make a fanfic, where Sgt. Night broke out of jail and start a fight with the Light family again but this time he's under someone control, at this point when Daini wants to fight Sergeant, he almost lose. But the robot master who were wronged by Sergeant came back to bite him in the face, so let say a scenario that Ashley managed to go into that battle field with a weapon.
Remember Chemistryman chemical that turn people into platinum, Ashley learn how to make that potion again from Mr. NRT himself this time (after convincing him to teach her high leveled science) she used that to her advantage.
She used that potion to Sgt. Night new powerful armor and BAMM that armor turned to stone.
I wanna put a quote. Sgt: "Who do you think you are, you're just a child" Ashley: "Yeah, and this child turn you into a statue, also what you did to everyone is just unforgettable."
Yeah she burn this jerk to the ground and let every robot master have their fun with the jerkface. Daini and Aki will be smitten by her.
Well there should be a scene where Daini want change in him, Ashley give him some advice
Daini: I will need help in this 'redeeming' myself
Ashley: you should start by getting to know your family first or be open up to them, let be close to you
Daini: What if they hate me ? What if I can't ? What if I'm just a monster ?
Ashley: I'll help you.
Daini:It will be ugly and hard
Ashley: if it's you it'll be fine
Daini: Why ?
Ashley: You always want to change from the start, from fireman, drillman, iceman, Hypnowoman, feeding and caring for the scavengers, and then convinced my parents you're a good guy.
Daini: *having internal crush to her even if he has poker face on* *God give me strength I'm in love with the greatest person alive*
That's all from my 2 cent.
I know it's cringe.
But cringe culture is dead anyway
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ponreviews · 3 years
The Circle US Season 3: Alliances Run Deep
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Category: Reality TV, Competition
Overall Rating: 5/10
The Circle is back with new faces (real or otherwise)!! Watch these lovable (debatable) characters compete for $100k by building relationships, forming alliances and taking each other down all while being locked in their apartment. From an MIT techie to a 52 year old southern belle, this group of Circle contestants really know how to bring the heat in competition.
WOO This is a long one! I needed some time to get my thoughts in order, and as you can tell by my rating, I have very mixed feelings about this season. First impressions are always important, especially in this literal popularity contest. It was really easy to pick out who I liked and disliked from the start, much more so than the previous two seasons. Kai, Ruksana, and Michelle were my top 3 hopefuls from the first batch of players. They are genuine souls who really wanted nothing other than to be themselves in the game. The one player that left the worst impression on me from Day 1 was Nick... I know. People are going to be mad at me for that. Nick is probably the most popular player this season among fans, but I have my reasons.
To start off, he was a computer science major from MIT. Before everyone gets mad at me for pointing that out first, I also graduated college majoring in computer science. My experience with men who are computer science majors is not great. Many I worked with (not all of course) came off as arrogant and look down at people who might not get the concepts as fast as they do. I also was a fan of Shubham who didn't need to hide the fact that he's a tech nerd. There are exceptions to what I experienced, but Nick's introduction fit that description to the T. He does a good job at hiding that level of arrogance in the Circle, but that doesn't make me want to root for him. I also wasn't a fan of his hyper fixation on the girls in the game. First there was Ashley, then Ava, then Isabella, and even when Jacki came in he was thirsting so hard.
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I could go on about how I don't like Nick, but that doesn't mean I don't respect his game. He did well to focus on his strong bonds and he definitely deserved to be in the top 5 because of that. He solidified a strong alliance and kept close tabs on strong players he wasn't as close to. That being said, it's the same for my girl Kai. Nick and Kai were two sides of the same coin this season. Both had strong alliances and overall great relationships with the other players. Their overwhelming popularity ended up costing them in the final rankings, as Nick and Kai ranked 5th and 4th respectively.
Before we get into the Top 3, I should probably talk about how the events led up to the dramatic finale. This season really knew how to piss me off by doing Michelle dirty like that. Granted it was Ava and Chanel who chose to be Michelle, but you can't blame them either since it was their only way to stay in the game. Unfortunately, I did find Ava and Chanel kind of annoying, so insult to injury when the real Michelle got blocked. There had been a lot of criticism against Michelle for choosing to go see the fake Michelle, but how would seeing anyone else benefit her? She lost and just wanted answers. The viewers want things to be interesting, but she just wanted to leave knowing who was behind fake Michelle. I know if I was in her position I would want to do the same thing.
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Ava and Chanel didn't make it far after Michelle, just as she predicted. Honestly, they weren't all that interesting aside from the whole Michelle situation anyway. It makes sense for them to be the ones out fast. The surprising player to me was Calvin. He didn't give me a good first impression. He gave me a similar vibe as Nick, but the difference between him and Nick is that Calvin wasn't as strategic as Nick. As his relationship with Kai grew, we really see how vulnerable he really let himself be at this point in the game. He took more things to heart than a lot of people in the game, but he stayed loyal to the ones he kept close. Yes he had strategy, but all he really wanted was to make it far with his friends. I was disappointed that he chose Nick for the burner profile but I was more upset that he was gone so soon.
Calvin was the one link between the alliances with Nick and with Kai. With him gone, the divide was clear as day. Nick, Ashley (Matthew), Isabella (Sophia), and Jackson (Rachel) against Kai, Ruksana, Daniel and James. The next blocking would be one that no one is happy with. Jackson/Rachel getting blocked made the most sense to me. Even with James having less time with the other players, Rachel couldn't really solidify her bond with the others, and the most crucial player she needed was Daniel. Ruksana getting blocked also made sense (much to my dismay...). Nick's biggest threat is Kai, but if he got rid of Kai, Ruksana can raise hell in the Circle. His alliance is unified against Ruksana but only because of Kai. If Kai went out this time around, Ashley and Isabella could potentially be swayed towards Ruksana. The double blocking kept the alliances balanced, but introducing Jacki tipped the balances.
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Jacki had the biggest disadvantage being the last person in the game. Being new was the only thing keeping her from getting blocked as soon as she moved in. The only real advantage of keeping Jacki strategically is that she is malleable. James was the first one to get a good impression on Jacki, so even if she wasn't exempt, I'm pretty sure James would've saved her. It's easy to criticize James for not fighting for Daniel since the alliances were so clear, but in the end he did have a deeper connection with Ashley/Matthew. Daniel's choice to visit Isabella/Sophia was an interesting choice. If the pattern was gonna be the same I would've assumed he would've went to James and demanded answers, but because of the attention towards Isabella being a catfish, who could blame him for wanting to find out? Their meeting ended up being really wholesome anyway. They were on opposing sides, but in the end it's every player for themselves. He got along with Sophia when they actually met and he chose to give her support (and tea).
After that blocking, Jacki's blocking doesn't seem worth mentioning because it's so obvious with James and Nick as the secret influencers and the fact that she had so little time, so let's talk about the top 5! I was honestly worried about Nick winning the whole thing until everyone gave their thoughts in the final rating. In the end, everyone's ratings were strategic because I was surprised to see Kai and Nick rated the absolute lowest out of the 5. By the final ratings, I was honestly hoping Ashley/Matthew would win. Don't get me wrong! I was still hoping that Kai would win, but the way that everyone was talking......... That win for Kai was gone.
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Now the most controversial part of the season: James won. Throughout his time in the Circle, he was the funny one, the one with no filter, and he genuinely left a great first impression on the other players (through to the end). However, him giving up Daniel and Jacki brought him a lot of hate from viewers, and initially I felt the same. Does him winning piss me off? No. It makes sense. I'd like to think this is my Libra moon coming out because I can understand why he made those decisions and why the other players would rate James so high. Literally, Isabella/Sophia is the only one I would imagine rating James low due to the persistent catfish suspicion and the betrayal for Daniel. Kai, Nick, and Ashley/Matthew all had positive experiences with James.
I do give this season a 5 though because it's not as wholesome as Season 1 nor is it as dramatic as Season 2. James winning was a disappointing one to many. He folded to Nick so fast and that angered a lot of viewers. It definitely wasn't what I hoped for considering I was rooting for Kai and Matthew at this point, but at the same time, I was really just hoping that Nick didn't win because of my own bias against him. Because of that, I'm fine with the end result. I wasn't excited about his win like I was about Joey in Season 1 or Deleesa in Season 2. You could feel how much love the other contestants had for the winners for their respective seasons, but with James it felt more obligatory from the others. This may be because he wasn't there in the beginning. Players like Michelle and sisters Ava and Chanel didn't even know him since they were eliminated before he came in. The season may have been too polarizing in the sense that the eliminations became predictable and disappointing. The only really satisfying thing to me was seeing Nick disappointed in the finale. Again, my bias against him is speaking here, but I could not help but laugh my ass off when he saw Sophia.
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To sum it all up, it was very easy to pick favorites at the start, but once Calvin left, it gets muddy from there. I still have strong opinions about certain players, but they all played a strategic game. If you say even one person wasn't strategic (with the exception of Michelle) you are lying!!!! The players that made it to the end had very understandable reasons for playing the way that they did, but doing that doesn't make everyone happy. The finale kind of proved that. In no way did I feel as excited for James to win as I did Deleesa or Joey. Honestly, the only person I would be excited for in that top 5 would be Kai. I did however find it sweet that James could finally propose to his girlfriend of 12 years. I'm not mad at how things ended, but it's definitely not my favorite.
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Love Is Blind: Chapter Two
A: You know it really just sounds like your sister really cares about you
C: She does but she’s making this such a bigger deal than it needs to be. I just want to be able to sort my feelings out without feeling like I’m obligated to do something with them immediately
A: I know that feeling so well. My friend asked me if I was still in love with my ex and I don’t know how to answer her
C: I mean your relationship was unfinished so I could understand the possibility. No closure makes it feel like things never ended. They just stopped
A: you put it in much better words than I ever could. 
C: Coming from an emotionally challenged man, sometimes the right thing doesn’t always feel right at the time. It hurts. Caring about anyone comes with that risk but sometimes you have to see it from their side before you can heal. People tend to enter situations expecting others to be like them and we hurt ourselves by doing that. Your ex may have loved you but he didn’t know how to love you anymore and felt it was better to let you go than ruin you. It couldn’t have been easy for you to watch him struggle
A: No but I felt like he never gave me a chance to help
C: People don’t always want to be fixed. Being damaged may have been too comfortable for him
A: I wish I could’ve known if it was. He never really talked to me. I think something happened that he couldn't deal with it and he shut me out because of it
C: thats always possible especially if he wasn’t like that before
A: You ever think about getting into another relationship?
C:Thought about it? Sure but I think I only got enough love in me to take care of my daughter. I haven’t quite rebounded back either.
A: Did you and your ex-wife have the child together?
C: No, I”m in the process of fostering and adopting. I got Anesa when she was one years old
A: That is so cool.
C: You ever consider having a child?
A: It was a part of the plan when I was married but we never quite made it that far
C: Same here but there’s always alternatives
A: I’ll think about it. I am getting up there in age
C: If from any indication of your photo, you’d have no problems. Many women are having babies at your age
A: Why thank you for the ego boost
C: You ever consider dating again?
A: No. I think I am way too damaged to not ruin somebody else
C: Ah, I know the feeling
A: You’re a good listener, Chris
C: Thanks. You too. So what’s your night looking like?
A: A movie and a glass of wine. You?
C: Grading papers
A: for a music class?
C: They still have to do research papers for me. Allows me to gage how they grasp concepts and detect their style
A: Hmm...that’s interesting
C: Part of my class is songwriting and music composition, at least a basic level teaching of both. I have separate sections that go into each more in depth but only a few students are selected to be invited to take those classes. This is my main selection pool outside of those who audition
A: that sounds extensive
C: it can be but I like it
A: Do you only teach major classes or can students take you as an elective?
C: They can take me as an elective but most end up dropping the class by the second week
A: Really? Why?
C: It’s more work than they intended to do in an elective especially if you’re like a business or science major. It’s not exactly contributing to anything but your credit requirement 
A: True. I can understand that
C: Anna?
A: Yes?
C: You ever think about us meeting one day?
A: I’ve considered but I don’t know if I wanna ruin the mystery of you, yet. You?
C: Same lol
A; Well I got some wine and a movie to get to and I’ll leave you to your papers. Have a good night
C: You too
Robyn logged off and pressed her head into her pillow. Was it weird for her to start to like this guy? Honestly, they’ve never met so she wouldn’t know him from a hole in the wall yet she feels close to him like they’ve been friends forever. The fact he didn’t turn away when she started talking about her ex and even tried to help her understand some things was really deep for her. Her friends and family had tried but so much of what they said just seemed so biased and sympathy-ridden for her ex. Like where’s her sympathy? Did nobody care about how he acted affected her? Somehow Chris understood her and it was the craziest thing.
Chris turned to the next paper for one of his students and after a few moments acknowledged his mind was with Anna and not on his work. He could sympathize with her struggle to move on and the fact that she was probably still in love with her ex. He didn’t hate his but he was too damaged to love her like she deserved. A part of him hates that he wasn’t man enough to tell her that when he left. She probably had a hole in her just like Anna or maybe she had moved on just fine. It’s not fair to project his life onto her.
“Daddy, are you going to sleep soon?”
Chris turned to see Anesa standing in the doorway of the kitchen with her teddy bear in her arms. He opened his arms and she climbed into his lap, “Hey Love Bug, what you doing up?”
“It’s raining.”
Chris glanced over at the window and nodded his agreement, “you got scared, huh?”
“Well there’s nothing to worry about, Daddy’s right here.”
“Daddy, am I ever gonna get a mommy?”
“Well Sweetheart, that’s a very complicated question.”
“Is it?”
“Yea, see I don't’ know if I wanna share you with anybody else.”
Anesa giggled, “well if I can share you, you think you can share me?”
“I’d have to think about it really hard. Is that something you’re nervous about?”
“I just don’t want you to be all alone.”
“I know, Love Bug but I’ll be just fine.”
“Auntie Jessica said you were married before.”
“I was.”
“What happened to her? Did she die?”
“No. Things just didn’t work out. I wasn’t exactly the right guy for her.”
“Oh. So she left?”
“No, I did but I really thought it was the best thing to do at the time.”
“Do you miss her?”
Chris sighed as he leaned his chin on the top of her head, “sometimes I do. Sometimes I do.”
“Does it make you sad?”
“It can but I’ve learned to deal with it.”
“Do you think you’d ever go back to her?”
“I don’t think that would be the right thing to do either.”
“You sound so sad, Honey.”
“I’m sad for you, Daddy.”
“Why? I’m happy. I’m exactly where I want to be. Here with my Love Bug and my work. Daddy’s just fine.”
Anesa turned and hugged him as Chris blew out a breath over her shoulder.
Robyn washed her hands then sat down in her office. She had steady appointments all day, luckily mostly check ups but she was still tired. Being the head vet and the owner and shelter organizer always took a toll on her body. She twisted her neck from side to side to relieve some tension just as her office door opened, “Hi Beverly.”
Beverly, her trusty assistant, was always ready to rain on her parade, “Ms. Fenty, we just received a really huge invitation in the mail.”
“Well you but you know what I mean.”
“What is it for?”
“The New York Society Charity Awards Gala. They want to recognize the shelter for its success.”
“That’s nice. Tell Ashley to go in my place.”
“Wait. What?”
“I don’t feel like rubbing elbows with the rich, that’s Ashley’s forte, let her do it.”
“Fenty, this is a huge opportunity for donations and connections. You cannot send your shelter manager in your place.”
“Why can’t I? She’s dealt with these people before. She even knows most of them. She has an Ivy League Degree, why can’t she go in my place?”
“The award is for you.”
“Robyn, you can’t be serious.”
“I am in no condition to be bothered with anyone.”
“The gala isn’t for another month, you can’t muster up some give a fuck in a month.”
Robyn glared at Beverly, who simply folded her arms across her chest in response, “I’m not doing this.”
“You are doing this. I will schedule your appointment with your stylists for fittings and hair tryouts. We’ll see about getting you an escort and get a speech written for you.”
“I’m not going, Beverly.”
“You will go even if I have to get your entire family from Barbados to make you. This is a perfect opportunity and you will not squander it being anti-social.”
“Get out of my office, Beverly.”
“I will add the appropriate appointments to your calendar. Your 2:30 appointment canceled so you’re free until 4.”
Beverly promptly walked out of her office and Robyn tossed her head down on her desk. She couldn’t do this. She hadn’t been to an event like this since she was married to Chris. He’s a well-known architect and had a hand in a lot of buildings in the city. The circles aren’t that large in this tax bracket so she’s sure to run into people she knew back in California. She wasn’t ready for the questions and the stares if she showed up and especially if she showed up with someone else. They had kept their divorce quiet for several reasons mainly because she didn’t want to be embarrassed. Robyn Fenty, veterinarian extraordinaire, can’t even keep her marriage together. Some of those people would be colleagues, alumnus of her alma mater, people who whispered that once Chris got a taste of the good life, he wouldn’t stay with his middle school girlfriend long. Sadly, they were right. They barely made it three years before he walked out. She wasn’t going to this gala.
C: I really think you should attend. It’s for business.
A: It’s business that I don’t want anything to do with. I have associates specifically for things like this
C: Why is it so bad for you to go?
A: These parties always have people I knew back when I was married. Many of them don't know I’m divorced
C: Well people get divorced all the time
A: Yea but they normally don't have to be around the same people who said it wouldn’t last
C: Anna, you can’t be embarrassed about something so common.Things happens
A: That’s easy to say
C: Besides I would love to see a photo of you in your gown
A: Lol, is that the real reason you want me to go?
C: Well considering we aren’t meeting anytime soon, it’d be nice to see
A: it wouldn’t be a face shot.
C: Not changing anything for me
A: I mean I could just get dressed, post the picture and you’d be none the wiser
C: You could but I sense you’re a little too honest for that
A: Lol, I’ll take that as a compliment
C: Good, because I meant it as one
A: lol
C: are you writing lol because you’re actually laughing or because you’re smiling?
A: both
C: they do make emojis
A: Yea but I feel silly using them
C: Ah, I guess
A:You know what, I will go to the gala if you agree to go on a virtual outing with me
C: Like VR
A: More like a video meet up but no cameras
C: Just voices?
A: automated voices
C: you really wanna hold onto this mystery thing, huh?
A: I feel so comfortable with you, probably because I don’t know you but I feel like once you remove the mystery, shit gets too real
C: That’s a good rationale. How about this, my job has some assistance programs that can do text to speech. I can send you a few options, you choose one, we pick a date and we have our little blind date so to speak
A: you would do that for me?
C: Absolutely. I really like you, Anna
A: I like you too, Chris
“So you really like him but you won’t go on a real date with him?” Melissa asked.
“Mel, if I do that then this becomes way more than what it is.”
“Which is?”
“Two people just getting to know each other.”
“Without having to really know each other. You haven’t told this man your real name.”
“Because it doesn’t matter. That’s what I like most. The little things don’t matter.”
“So if he was using a fake name too, it wouldn’t bother you.”
“No. He’s not obligated to give me anything he doesn’t want to.”
“You are petrified of commitment.”
“I’ve been hurt enough, I don’t want to go through that again.”
“And you think by withholding basic information yet spending time with this man will prevent that.”
“The longer he remains a stranger, the easier it will be to walk away. I’m not looking for love or to move on. Just a new friend,” Robyn replied as she held a dress up to her body, “what do you think?”
“It’s nice. You really want to go long sleeves for this?”
“Either that or get a nice jacket. It gets cold at these things.”
“That’s true. So who’s your escort?”
“Nobody. I told Beverly that I’d go but I am not taking anybody with me.”
“Not even me?”
“Do you want to go? I can send in for a plus one.”
“Not really but it was nice you offered.”
“You sure Sis?”
“Very sure. I got a boyfriend to do things with on the weekends so I’ll be busy.”
“Oh rub it in. How is Juan anyway?”
“He is good. We were thinking about doing a friendcation next month. Go back to PR to see his family.”
“Oh that’s nice. I’m sure Lele and you will have a great time.”
“You wouldn’t come?”
“No. Hard pass.”
“I’m really tired of you ducking us, it’s not like we’re gonna fix you up on a blind date or something.”
“I know but I also don’t want to be the fifth wheel. No thank you.”
Melissa sighed, “I guess. Maybe if you’d get your life right with this new Chris, you could bring him.”
“I don’t want to meet him, Mel”
“I really don’t understand why not, y’all seem to have great chemistry.”
“Yea but I really just wanna leave it at that. I’m too fragile for anything more.”
“Have you ever thought to talk to your ex-husband?”
“Why? So he can make me feel even worse?”
“Or maybe so you can heal. Robyn, y’all had a really abrupt situation. You both were in a bad space. Maybe you just need to talk things out so you can move on.”
“Why do y’all coddle him so much? Why is it nobody’s mad at him but me?”
“Because we love both of you. Clearly, neither of you were in your right minds. Nobody thought you should've gotten divorced but neither of you were happy.”
“I did not want one. He wanted out and nobody seems to be lying that at his doorstep. It’s almost like you know something that I don’t.”
“Robs, that is most definitely not the case. We just don’t think being mad at anyone is gonna solve anything. Chris was hurting, from what we don’t know, but we all knew something wasn’t right with him. You were hurting, we all knew that too. Neither of you needed the extra weight of anyone else’s judgment.”
“It doesn’t feel very neutral.”
“Because you don’t want neutral, you want us to pick sides and that’s not gonna get any of us anywhere.”
“Well have you spoken to him?”
“We texted a few months ago but that was it.”
“Do you wanna see him?”
“No because I’m still angry. Seven years later and I’m still fucking pissed. Seeing him would do me no good.”
“Robs, I think it might.”
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore. I’m thinking the navy blue, what about you?’
Melissa sighed, “I love it.”
Robyn grabbed the dress and headed to the cash register.
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