#real-time search
clovergrowth · 2 months
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cmon man you just gotta try it at least once? one time?
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time-woods · 8 months
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energetic-koala · 4 months
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You've got to be fucking kidding me. Calling people 'haters' for asking you to do your job?
This coming from the same woman who called a premeditated murder carried out by a cop with a history of concerning behaviour a 'crime of passion'.
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plutonex · 3 months
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"...Where did you get that?"
rain world art month, day 13/23: five pebbles/pearls
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buttercupart · 5 months
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timeskip Molly concepts - probably when she's around 16-17 ish, maybe even early college? ( I'm not a big fan of the "ooh the bubbly character gets older and is now SUPER SAD" trope so this is more like... Molly is still Molly, she just gets older and faces more hardships/life stressors that come with age, and struggles to maintain the same high level of positivity/resiliency she used to have )
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juniepops · 1 month
the funny thing to me is like. the people who think hip hop is all misogyny and violence and rapping too fast to keep up with. don't a lot of y'all only listen to eminem. maybe could that be part of the problem
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booksandmore · 2 months
liu qingge and his so highschool vibe. bingqiu and their but daddy i love him vibe. shang qinghua and his (from mobei jun’s pov) the smallest man who ever lived vibe. shen jiu and his whose afraid of little old me? vibe. cumplane and their the prophecy vibe. much to think abt
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lonesomedreamer · 1 year
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Can you imagine what MY FATHER would say...if I were to give up command of this vessel, jeopardize hundreds of lives, risk interplanetary war, all for the life of one person? ◭ My logic is uncertain where MY SON is concerned.
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k2ulhu · 7 months
thinking about that line in existence when mulder is asked how he found scully and william without coordinates and he says "there was a light. I followed it" and I really love that line because just...look. the man has been chasing lights in the sky since he was 12 years old. he's been running after ufos trying to find his sister, trying to find the truth, searching for a meaning in it all. he has been following lights his entire life and they led him to scully. they led him to his son. they led him to his family. like he always wanted to believe they would.
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leahikol · 9 months
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Morgan has no chill
Sis really is build different if she be hearin Thrawn from another galaxy
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perrypixel · 3 days
At what point you were convinced 100% that shourtney wedding is real
I'm so curious so please rb and comment your thoughts bc I'm dying to know
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lemonadehtwooh · 7 months
Spoilers for the Epic of Gilgamesh but. It is so funny how everyone who meets Gil after Enkidu dies is like "Damn bro, why do you look like that" while Gil is like "I'M??? MOURNING??? FYM WHY I LOOK LIKE THIS, DAMN-"
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royaltea000 · 1 month
Does anyone remember that one cosplay group based in Sweden (I think?) from ye olde faradays of Hetalia fandom that made a series called the Nordics on YouTube that depicted like the history of the Nordics where every character spoke their respective languages even when in conversation with each other
It was the shit and I used to watch it religiously when I was in middle and high school. It was like unusually high production too like they had different environments like snowy forests and old castles that I think were actually local tourist spots and museums they filmed in, also real horses too it was so good
They also cosplayed Black Butler but when I looked for the series again a few years back all the videos were gone and I think they might’ve been deleted :( I was so bummed out those were my favorite cosplay videos ever in any fandom
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ancientschampionau · 11 days
RealAgeAU - Reunion
Fun fact. I was planning on going through these drabbles to see where I still had a bit of a blank spot timeline and story wise. and I did NOT get far.
Because I realised. I never made a tiny drabble about how I pictured the guys reuniting to go back to Nightmare!
So. That is this! (also yes i am hinting at bad sans poly but we will see where that all ends)
First and Prev Drabble (with the original prompt by @spotaus ) Next Drabble
Cross frowns as the knife once again can't cut through the universe.
This... is an issue.
Cross had managed to get close but for some reason the knife could not connect with Nightmare's universe and castle.
Had... had Nightmare banned him?
Cross hopes not. He knows he had been stupid for running away but he had just! He needed! He had just needed a moment for himself!
Cross tries to take a deep breath and relax. It is fine! Think! Think there is probably another reason!
NIghtmare had been shrinking and losing his form... maybe he is just tired and resting and that affects the universe he is in? Maybe?
Cross wishes Dust was here, Dust knows so much more about magic stuff than he does. Sadly Cross was an idiot and just went out on his own without saying goodbye.
He looks at his phone and opens the message screen again. He clicks Dust's contact and considers typing a message.
Just a quick one to ask for help getting back?
He sighs and puts the phone away. No. This is his mess up and he can fix it himself! He didn't need them or Nightmare to fix his messes!
Cross shakes his skull and looks to the notes in his phone. He finds the right one. It is a small list of items that should help connect him to Nightmare's universe.
When he first started working for Nightmare the god had told him that the castle and the universe it is in can be hard to find or connect to because of his magic. The items would help the magic in his knife, or the teleportation crystals, locate it and focus on it.
Cross pulls out the list and reads it again.
seven candles, unscented
autumn leaves
a very sweet apple
a dreamcatcher
a way to light a magical fire
be in an universe as close as possible
Cross checks his list and bag and groans. He had only managed to get the apple and the leaves so far. this stupid universe only had a few very small and old towns and it is honestly getting on his nerves!
Cross had just been nervous about leaving this universe. He didn't know this one and just because he managed to jump to it didn't mean he would be able to do it again.
The phones had an extra feature to make it known to them if they were near the castle. it had lit up at this spot after quite a few universes that didn't do it.
Meaning he was not leaving it!
Agh. he could ask if Horror is having more luck and-
Cross looks back over his shoulder and sees Horror walk past.
Cross doesnt think and rushes after the large skeleton "Horror! wait up!"
horror blinks and looks over "Oreo?"
Cross pulls a face at the nickname but catches up to him "What are you doing here?"
Horror looks slightly sheepish as he rubs his neck "You know... regret... trying to get back..."
Cross frowns "Get back- wait... did you leave as well?!"
Horror frowns at him "As well?" then his sight finds Cross' bag and cross can see Horror take note of the items in there. Horror looks back at him with a frown "You can't make the jump either?"
Cross feels both better and worse. Maybe he isn't banned! Or at least he isn't alone in being banned! which just makes him feel like a jerk. He nods and groans "not having much luck with getting the things i need. only got the apple and the leaves..."
Horror blinks but gets a small half grin on his face which Cross thinks should be criminal with how goo- OKAY he is stopping that line of thought.
Horror calmly gets his phone and turns it to enable Cross to see the items in his inventory. a lot of foods and- oh! a sweet apple. and unscneted candles!
Horror keeps grinning "Seems like we are getting close."
Cross grins and nods as he walks with the taller skeleton "Any idea why we can't get in?"
Horror shrugs "multiple options. dunno which."
Cross nods as he looks down "Yeah i figured."
They walk and search together before a loud gasp and Cross is suddenly tackled form behind. Cross yelps as he loses his balance. The only reason he doens't fall over is because Hroror manages to catch both him and whichever idiot rushed into him.
"Criss-Cross! H!"
Ah. nevermind. Cross knows that idiot. Cross glares over his shoulder at the grinning Killer "Why would you tackle me?!"
Killer grins but the grin turns sharper then just friendly "Had to make sure you guys didn't up and leave again without a single fucking word Criss-Cross!"
Cross winces and looks to the side "Yeah... I guess..."
Horror looks guilty as well before looking at Killer "Why are you here? instead of at the castle?"
Now it is Killer's turn to look away and he shrugs "After all of you guys left I figured i would try it myself. the whole solo-rouge-vagabond dealio. I didn't like it. So I am going back ot Nightmare and see if he needs a right hand still...." more thoughtful "or maybe babysitter? If that whole shrinking thing kept up."
Yeah and that line causes more guilt than before. because they really just all left Nightmare alone to deal with whatever was affecting him. Instead of at least offering help as they should have as his henchman and teammates. Nope! instead they all just left!
Cross rubs his arm "Yeah... we are on our way back too... You got stuff for the ritual?"
Killer sighs "Only the lighter. But that is because i already had one."
Horror frowns at Killer "All of us? Dust too?"
Killer nods "Just walked away. not a word or grabbed anything as far as i know."
Cross covers his face "We are the worst. terrible people." thankless, untrustworthy, unloyal. Cross can think of quite a few more words to describe them.
"We knew that already."
Cross, and Killer for that matter, curses as he jumps back. Only to see Dust standing by them, hood up but face visible with his bored expression.
Killer is by now standing behind Horror and glares at Dust "Don't do that! My soul is already fragile!" the soul shaped floating soul wiggles but stays steady.
Dust raises a brow and looks unimpressed "Don't talk about others then."
Horror chuckles and smiles "Good to see you dust. join us?"
Dust nods "Can't make the jump. what are we mission still?"
Cross takes out the list and after comparing what they have they realise they are only mission the dremacatcher, which Dust pulls out of his pocket.
Cross gasps "Where did you find that? I checked every store!"
Dust shrugs "stole it."
... right. that is also an option.
They take the items outside of town and get it ready.
The dreamcatcher as base with the candles all around it. The leaves used to wrap the apple, the only use one and Horror eats the others as they work.
Killer holds up the lighter and after focusing for a moment flicks it. instead of the normal yellow flame a bright pink flame appears. Killer lights all the candles adn waits for a moment until the smoke circles one another. Last Killer lights the leaves enclosing the apple without disturbing the smoke trails.
The new smoke trail joins the other seven and the whole pile bursts into flames but no heat comes off it. the flame remains pink for a moment before turning purple and then turning black.
Killer grins and looks at Cross "cut away!"
Cross nods and cuts right above the flame and the universe shimmers. The smoke finds the small slice and fills it, moments later the flame and fire travels up towards the slide using the smoke and it opens a black portal, still smoking.
They rush through it and manage to get through it before the portal burns up.
Cross looks over his shoulder "And there shouldn't be anything left?"
Dsut shrugs "small pile of ash."
Killer grins "it burns up very quickly as soon as a portal is established."
Cross frowns as he looks around. they are in the late autumn forest around the castle. He can see the shadow of it in the distance. He starts walking and the other three join him.
Cross huffs "Still think it is a deceptively easy list..."
Killer shrugs "People don't expect there to be an easy way. Not like they will just test things until they hit jackpot." Then Killer grins wider "Not that anyone knows about Ngihtmare's sweet tooth. and no one knows about the apple, hell we don't even know it."
Cross nods as they walk through the forest. Cross can't help but feel like it feels... empty. Whcih is weird because Cross always knew there was nothing else in this universe or forest but them. but still it feels...different.
Horror seems to notice too as he glances around "feels weird..."
Dust nods immediantly "magic is different."
Cross nods as well "I noticed too..."
Whatever is going on it is big... because either it is affecting the universe, it is affecting nightmare enough that it affects the universe. or Nightmare is affected enough that he made these edits.
Hopefully they can clear all this up once they see Nightmare and apologise to him. The exit the forest and spot the castle in the distance.
Time to go talk wiht him.
First and Prev Drabble Next Drabble
And as we all know, Nightmare wasn't there. woops. turns out that apology will have to wait a bit Cross.
And the tiniest bit of Bi-panic for Cross (I believe he canonly is Bi in like Xtale so he is still Bi here) ((And yes I am slightly hinting at BSP because I like them but They are kinda too busy to really focus on that in these drabbles but there some interest! but it can also be seen as pureply platonic with just some curious interest honestly *shrug* It is june after all!))
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briviting · 23 days
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did you know. did you know there's a sample used in "the p.atrick star show" episode 3 "lost in couch" that is the same one used in the opening titles for the game "g.regory horror show: soul collector" on the PS2, released only in japan and europe.
it's called "mystic insight" by notable composer dick debenedictis, recorded sometime in the mid '90s for the oft-mined "symphonic adventures production elements toolkit", which also includes "manhattan chase A", a string-heavy piece utilised in many soundtracks, including by stewart copeland for the level "gulp's overlook" in "spyro 2: ript-
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
I love “blunt vs flowery” bc on one hand the people are like:
“Where is the context? The background for the words? I need a setting for the idea of this. What subtleties are you trying to convey? The layers? WHY ARE THESE WORDS NAKED?!”
Meanwhile we’re like:
“Damn, that’s a whole lot of nothing you’re saying, my guy.”
This of course is me trying to understand the flowery by theorizing that extra “fluff” is them “dressing” the core message with included context of the mindset, emotions, and overall giving a thematic dressing down of the situation.
In contrast, our words must feel like a naked gut-punch of immediate psychic damage.
Modern language is in fact, a raw gut punch to these victorian-ass genshin ppl
Literally This:
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Also thank you for sending that bc idk the way u described it?? *chefs kiss 🤌✨️
U know what i live for tho?? So they dont have to be "victorian" ik i say that, but i just use it as a way to like reference their speech/put smth recognizable
Like shoulders being scandalous, modern music basically hella sensual/very genuine/vulnerable, etc.
I just wanna hear a sick drum beat in Sumeru and just start modern dancing and everyone's just like- 😳😳😳🙈🙈🙈💘💘💘❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥💖💖💖
Anyway, ive got too many other things i wanna talk abt/post abt to get into this now, but i might totally make it a passive AU for future requests :D!!
Safe Travels Resident Cryptid,
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