gibbearish · 11 months
love when ppl defend the aggressive monetization of the internet with "what, do you just expect it to be free and them not make a profit???" like. yeah that would be really nice actually i would love that:)! thanks for asking
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conceptofjoy · 5 months
fuck my whole life the mannequin leg my dad just gave me scared rhe shit out if me. why did he give me this
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
It actually does bother me that eating is treated like spending money - that you have an allotted allowance in the form of calories that you are supposed to budget.
"How are you spending your calories?" I'm spending them on experiences. I'm spending them on time with my community, my people, those who matter to me. I'm spending them on satiating a human need. I'm spending them on the feeling of being alive and not just living.
If there is one experience that I don't want to "pay" for, it's the basic human right of comfort, security, community, and care.
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darkwood-sleddog · 7 months
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Sigurd modeling the new flooring in the basement (trim and post staining to come)
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littlegreen · 1 year
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2x04 / 2x09 / 4x10
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daemonhxckergrrl · 2 years
just python things. this operation to reverse a number:
rev = int(str(num)[::-1])
is faster than this:
while num >= 1: rev = (rev * 10) + (num % 10) num = int(num/10)
for reversing an integer, because why wouldn't it be lmao
yeah let's just cast to string then chop backwards, and cast back to integer then save as a new variable. i suppose mod is a more expensive operation ??
but yeah it's like roughly 4x faster to use string comprehension.
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fortjester · 6 months
cannot fucking sleep so I'm rereading Reallocated and trying not to cry abt it
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calware · 2 years
one of my favorite homestuck fic tropes is when dave's bro dies or whatever and someone decides to clean the apartment
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farsidejr · 9 months
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this WAS a project for school but HAPPY THIRD ANNIVERSARY GASA4 !!! big lore piece for Realloced AU :}
ink and watercolour on white stonehenge paper, here's some close-ups !
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thetruearchmagos · 5 months
Fuckin' hell, if I thought details on the Clone Army's order of battle and organisation were a little weird, stuff for the Imperial Army just doesn't fucking exist.
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contentment-of-cats · 8 months
Hungry little - and not so little - kitties.
One 2 year old boy cat eats just as much as two little old lady cats.
100% increase in cans and dry food.
The girls, watching this ginormous cat suck down food have started eating more in competition.
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mynamesdrstuff · 8 months
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artisanalpurgatory · 2 years
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someday i will do Real Fanart for this fic but until then please read Reallocated for a lovely story about how Hal ends up in the possession of one (1) baby Dave and both of them finally get the caring family they deserve
disclaimer: this hug does not happen (yet??) but you can join me in hoping it someday does
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kitties · 8 months
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unda-dsk · 2 years
Appropos of nothing, if you haven't read Reallocated yet, you should! I'm doing a re-read because I fell off when my mental wellbeing imploded a little while back, so I'm catching up. It's so good, it's Hal and Dave!
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fortjester · 5 months
if anyone for any reason notices the sudden influx of homestuck bookmarks on my ao3 page that's just because i remembered to take them out of my marked for later and give them pride of place okay goood night
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