#really kicked off in the same way and....
woso-dreamzzz · 2 days
Pillow Fight
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Magda comes home to war
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When Magda opens the door, she's greeted to giggling.
Your giggles and Pernille's.
Magda pops her head into the room just in time to see you smash one of her pillows right into Pernille's face.
There are pillows strewn around the room. Pillows from the sofa and pillows from your bed and the spare bed and the Big Bed.
Magda's pretty sure that all of the pillows in the house are in her living room as Pernille retaliates with her own pillow.
You fall sideways off her lap and safely onto the sofa, giggling ecstatically as Pernille instantly attacks you with tickles.
"Momma! Momma!" You say, laughing uncontrollably," Stop it! This isn't the game!"
"Oh? It isn't?" Pernille feigns oblivion, her fingers not letting up their assault on your sides. "Really? I could have sworn it was?"
"No, it isn't!" You shriek with laughter, legs lashing out to try and kick her away.
"No, no. It was hit the other person with a pillow and then tickle them. Those are the rules!"
"No! No!" You can't stop giggling though, your head moving wildly to get away, which is when you spot Magda. "Morsa! Tell Momma she's cheating!"
Magda pretends to think, tapping her bottom lip with a finger. "I don't know. Are you sure those aren't the rules?"
"They aren't! They aren't! Morsa, they aren't!"
"Oh, well I guess if they aren't the rules..." She goes teasingly stern, wagging a finger in Pernille's direction. "I guess you need to let her go, Pernille. It's rude to cheat, you know."
"It is!" You insist when Pernille stops tickling you and you've got the opportunity to catch your breath.
You grab a pillow and immediately whack it across Pernille's face while she's still off guard. You move in quickly, hitting her again and again in retaliation for her tickle attack.
Pernille could easily restrain you but she doesn't, pretending to be defeated by your admittedly weak pillow hits.
"Get her, princesse!" Magda says," Get her!"
You frown. "Morsa," You say," You pillow is flat."
Magda frowns too. "What?"
"It's not a fat pillow like Momma's."
You hit Pernille with the pillow to demonstrate the way it just kind of deflates against her face, the bottom flopping to the side from the impact.
"Momma's pillows are fat."
Pernille takes this moment to demonstrate, hitting your lightly on the body and Magda's treated to the way that Pernille's pillow doesn't flop about and stay firms.
"Do you eat the stuffing?" You ask, the only explanation your young mind can come up with.
"Then why's it so flat?"
"Because your Morsa sleeps on it weirdly," Pernille explains and you throw away Magda's pillow.
"Can I use yours please, Momma?"
"I don't know. My pillows are special. I can't give them to an enemy, can I?"
"No," You admit. You're silent for a moment before turning to look at Magda. "But Morsa's the enemy too! We can be on the same team now and beat her up!"
"Hey! Wait-"
"That's a good idea, Princesse."
"What?! No-"
Pernille sets you down on the floor, armed with a pillow and sends you off to attack.
Magda scrambles to grab her own, a random one off the floor that ends up being one the decorative cushions from the sofa.
You strike first, whacking her in the tummy a few times before Magda slams the pillow down onto your head.
Pernille's up as well with her own answering strike that hits Magda right in the nose.
"This isn't fair!" She says as Pernille keeps hitting her in the face and you get her body," It's two against one."
"Like on the pitch," You say," When you and Millie go up against Viv. That's not fair either but you still do it."
Magda doesn't really have an answer for that and she's toppled over onto the carpet by you, landing safely on top of another mountain of pillows.
You're quick to sit on her tummy, now in prime position to whack her in the face with one of Pernille's pillows.
"Say we've won!" You demand.
Your hits don't hurt and it doesn't stop Magda from laughing either.
"Say it or no more Momma kisses!"
"You can't do that! You're not Momma!"
"Only I get Momma kisses anymore! Say! We've! Won!" You punctuate each word with a hit from the pillow.
"Alright, alright! You win! I give up."
"Good." You get off Magda's tummy and hit her with the pillow once more for good measure. "Momma! Morsa said that we've won!"
Pernille laughs. "I guess that means Morsa should make us dinner!"
You pump your fist into the air in triumph. "Yes!"
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acid-ixx · 2 days
FOAMING IN THE MOUTH AT THE FIRST CHAPTER!! the way you wrote dick still imagining reader as a small child because thats the only time he remembered them as is SO GOOD. i am living for the angst and desperation in this fic, and i can't to see how each of them react to the situation, especially damian because he and reader have the sane blood. when dick texted reader pretending everything is cool and like he didn't ignore them for thirteen years is a such a good concept. i can only imagine reader screaming on the other side because of opening the message accidentally lol. i cant stop thinking about how the reader's reaction to the text message would be like, finally moving on and healing and then boom! the trauma resurfaces and dick having the audacity to reach out while reader is having a breakdown, confused and scared for what'll happen next. sorry for filling up ur inbox!! i wrote a lot more than i thought oops take care of yourself and remember to takes breaks!!!! <3
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reader when the self destructive impulses kicks in because of a family they have long gave up on finally started to notice them the moment they have moved on: 😧
no because dick grayson would infantilize you to the max. not in a "you're a toddler" way but rather he sees you as his innocent baby that he failed to guide and protect. he truly wants you to see him as the same person you view him as years ago, not wanting to be any less in the eyes of his baby bird <3
he'll admit that the things he's done is a shit move, constantly denying you when his entire schedule is flexible for the family but you.
so he should've expected to be blocked, but he just can't stomach it at all that his baby bird didn't even hesitate to cut him off in an instant! it just furthers his protective nature to a t and if it wasn't for damian suddenly appearing by the door, dick would've spiraled into insanity deeper.
what i mean by insanity is; he wouldn't sleep for days tracking you down, then he'll take you away from your wretched home and bring you back rightfully where you belong.
meanwhile, on the other side of gotham, you'd be on the verge of a panic attack, nearly splurging your guts out and trying to calm yourself with relaxation techniques. you quite literally couldn't walk straight without stumbling to the bathroom because holy shit imagine your brother whom you haven't nearly talked to for years suddenly called you! with cryptic messages no less that never implied your family's years of neglect towards you. i would be smashing my phone across the room, to be honest.
the moment he's turned a full yandere, damian would be really deep into the "blood is thicker than water" ideology when it comes to you. he'll apologize to you, glare plastered on his face and all, but compared to the others, his apology sounds so genuine yet condescending at the same time. you both are of the same blood, save for the fact that you share different mothers but that doesn't matter— he should be the favorite.
not dick, not jason, not tim, or anybody else for that matter. and he'll be shoving it in your face that he's the youngest so you should be obligated to baby him. and even if you dare make a point on how he had called you immature for your age multiple times, damian would find a way to guilt trip you and it would always fucking work. to avoid further spoilers, i wouldn't want to expand on his character traits but damian would be the worst type of pain in the ass, near the levels of dick.
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amourcheol · 20 hours
filmbro-zoned (teaser)
❝Who knew all it takes is a hot girl with top-tier taste for a man to admit he's wrong?❞
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g e n r e : college! au, fluff, crack, suggestive
w o r d c o u n t : 1k for teaser (approx 20k words for full fic)
s u m m a r y : self-proclaimed movie mastermind chwe vernon minds his business—whether that be avoiding the popular, problematic kids in his college to reducing customer interest in his parents' film store. his plan of isolation, however, is completely destroyed when you, a seemingly insane disney fan, slams his perfect movie taste and ask for his help to take down an evil ex.
w a r n i n g s : loosely inspired by watching the neighbours, film major! vernon who owns an outdated film store, mc is the baddest (but also the craziest) bitch in this fic, vernon is a loser, film major! mingyu who will be violated many times in this fic sorry king, mentions of many filmbro films which will also be violated, self-indulgent mentions of some of my favourite films, kissing, mentions of sex but no actual sex because im fearing god today, barbenheimer reference <3
p l a y l i s t : if you're too shy (then let me know) by the 1975 || q&a by seventeen || wonderful women by the smiths || confidence by ocean alley
a u t h o r ' s n o t e : who would have thought i'd be writing a college au huh...alice will never let me live this down...also guys once again so sorry for constantly posting this hopefully i have found a way for the loophole...let us see if this teaser gets shown in the tags...
You squinted at the list, finding the names neverending. “Jeez, this list keeps going, huh?” 
He could not help the scoff. “And you called me a Filmbro.” He set his forearms on the counter, locking his hands together. “What do you need these movies for?”
“They’re for my ex-boyfriend.” 
The term had him pausing. Of course—the ex-boyfriend. How has he heard of this man, but not know a thing about him? Shit, he did not even know your name.
“This ex of yours has an…interesting taste,” he said slowly. “What’s he like?”
“I can tell you he attends the same college as you. Well, us,” you clarified, jerking your head towards the college colours of your server’s hoodie. “Film major. Just like you, actually.” 
“Oh?” Small world. “What’s the name?”
“Kim Mingyu. Do you know him?” 
Vernon Chwe nearly shit his oversized jeans.
A hesitant nod of his head. “I have a few classes with him.”
“Oh?” Your stare was a little more intense now. “What do you think of him?”
Another fated question—the people around him had to stop asking him such controversial questions, or else he was bound to piss someone off. You were already letting him off the hook too many times; one more judgemental comment, and he was having that Princess movie set smashed on his head.
Kim Mingyu. Fuckass Kim Mingyu. Film major—just like him. One of the most popular boys in the year—very unlike him. All the teachers love his essays, all the girls love his freakishly-perfect six-pack, which Vernon is extremely irritated (and devastatingly intimidated) by. 
What all these people failed to realise, though, was that Mingyu was the biggest piece of shit to grace the halls of his university—and the planet, if dramatics were in order. If you thought that Vernon was a filmbro, then Mingyu was Filmbrother. Filmcomrade. Filmnemesis. 
It was as if you could hear the thoughts churning in his head. “You can be honest, you know. He did dump me at the end of the day.” A smirk began to appear. “Say your worst.”
The reassurance did not help. “I mean,” he started, swiping your card, “He’s okay? I haven’t talked to him enough to have an opinion on him.” 
A half-truth—that should suffice. 
But because the fates like to shit on his head every now and then for kicks, they decided to leave you unsatisfied with his answer. “Or, you can keep lying!” 
Excellent intuition, really. “I’m not!” he exclaimed, slapping the card back on the counter. “I really don’t know much about him.”
The big man upstairs was testing him even further, when, with a determined gaze, you set your elbows atop the surface. You leaned closer, tilting your head to the side as you inspected him, and Vernon blinked back at the sheer lack of space you had created. His mouth twisted, eyes frantically darting at the features of your face, not quite taking in the entirety of your being. Your vision seemed to work perfectly, because it caught the slight flush at the tops of his cheeks, where it was just pale skin seconds before.
Your smirk deepened. “Judging by your blush, you’re either terrible at lying…or,” you offered, voice lowering a little as you drummed your fingers against the counter, “You’ve never had a hot girl this close to you.” 
Fuck everything and everyone, because that only made him blush more furiously. You could not help the chuckle that escaped, deciding to cease torturing him and take your card. “I’ll not say the answer, Mr. Filmbro, but I think you already know.”
Since he had no plans of turning into a human form of a ketchup bottle, he evaded the topic entirely, instead focusing on interrogating you. “You still haven’t told me how Mingyu is related to the movie list you made.”
That seemed to hold your interest. “Oh, of course!” Putting the list back into your bag, you began, “Well, the list holds my ex-boyfriend’s favourite films. I wanted to know your opinion on a few.”
He could not contain his sigh. Oh, he had an opinion on these films that you mentioned. Again, he would rather be buried with his thoughts on the specific genre than ever tell you. The curiosity, though, was eventually going to eat him alive.
So much for minding his business.
“I mean…” he began to think, trying to find the right words. “I don’t mind them? Godfather is a good film, but I’ve seen better from Brando. I like American Psycho, but again, people tend to miss the point of the movie.”
As you nodded, listening to his two-cents on the movies you mentioned, he paused, furrowing his brows. “Why do you care about my opinion?”
You smacked your lips together, folding the list back. “I don’t know much about you, Mr. Filmbro,” you began, “But you don’t run a filmstore without knowing a thing or two about the films you sell.”
“So?” He crossed his arms atop the counter. “Shouldn’t you have asked the guy who you made the list about?”
“Trust me,” you said, your smirk turning more into a rageful flash of teeth, “I know exactly what he thinks of these films.”
Don’t particularly know what to make of that comment. “Well, I don’t know what my opinion for these films is going to help you in any way.”
“It has helped.” You paused then, waiting to see if he would egg you on, asking how his seemingly tame opinions would play into the grand scheme of things. “All part of my master plan.”
Master plan? Vernon may have been interested before, but he was certain that, before, he could have hid it without letting you catch onto it. In a sudden flash, though, as if his mouth was beyond his control, he regrettably slipped out the words which had you smiling more than he would have liked.
“What master plan?”
He almost closed his eyes. Shit. Now I’m fucking invested.
The corners of your mouth, lifting upwards, had him almost nervous. “I was hoping you would say that.” 
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rabesbabe · 2 days
Silver Soul
Jackie Taylor x Fem!Reader
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part one ➴ part two part three
Summary: You accidentally injure Jackie one day during practice and your relationship with her starts to bloom.
A/N: Jackie is such a cutie and she literally did no wrong the entire series (fight w me idc). But I’m hoping YJ tumblr is still alive idk? Enjoy this fic tho ! (Not proofread)
“Oh my god.”
Your mouth is agape as you watch the ball you kicked hit Jackie Taylor straight in the nose.
The whole team stands and watches in shock as the ball coming from the complete opposite end of the field smacks her straight in the face.
The best way to describe Jackie in your words was perfect. And you weren’t jealous of her or anything. You liked who you were and all but it was just true. Jackie had amazing grades, she was the captain of the soccer team and, from what you knew she came from a good family.
Even though you had been on the same team as her for two years now, you guys never really became anything more than acquaintances. You waved at her in the halls and she did the same but that was kind of it. You guys had different social circles and shared a few classes but never talked in them. She wasn’t anything to you really besides your teammate.
You ran as fast as you could to the other side of the field to help Jackie who was now clutching her nose and wincing in pain.
“Wait, Y/N!” You heard Natalie call out to you. And as you were running you looked back to see what Nat was calling after you about.
When suddenly you run straight into Jackie and you both fell to the ground.
You grab your head and wince. Jesus did you have to be this clumsy?
Opening your eyes you see Taissa offering you her hand and laughing while Van does the same for Jackie.
As you stand up, you look at Jackie, her face was red from the impact and her eyes looked glossy. You felt like the worst person in the world.
“Shit, Jackie, I’m so sorry.” You say.
She winces again as she looks at you and tries her best to smile through the pain. “It’s totally fine. You didn’t mean to.”
Still feeling like satan himself you offer to take her to the nurse.
“Yeah that’d be great.” She says.
As you and Jackie make your way to the side of the field Nat catches up with you.
“Way to go Y/N,” She says, teasing you.
“Now, is not the time to be an asshole.” You say to her halfway joking.
You and Nat had been best friends since practically the first day of kindergarten. You had caught her outside throwing rocks at kids during recess, and since that was right up your alley, you joined her. Ever since then you guys have been inseparable. And constantly being menaces to everyone together.
Nat waves you off and walks back to the field. You turn your attention to Jackie and stop her so that you can move her hands from her face. You Inspect her nose and it was most definitely bleeding but, it looked okay. You were shocked at how powerful you could kick.
“It should be fine.” You say smiling a little at Jackie.
She nods not seeming to believe you.
The walk to the nurses office was filled with awkward silence. You had no idea what to say to her. You just kicked her in the face and then basically tackled her. You were shocked she didn’t hate your guts.
As you walk to the door you realize that since it’s after school the nurse isn’t gonna be inside the office.
“Uhm. I kinda forgot that she wasn’t gonna be here.” You say awkwardly to Jackie who somehow, was giving you her award winning smile even though her nose was literally bleeding onto her jersey.
“It’s fine I can just get ice when I get home.” She looks down shuffling her feet.
“Orrr I could get us into the office without a key?” You say smirking.
She looks up at you, her hazel eyes glowing with disapproval. “There’s cameras? Don’t you think they’ll see us.”
“So what? Are they gonna give us detention for stealing an Ice pack?” You laugh rolling your eyes.
The corner of her mouth turns upwards and she smiles a bit but still looks worried.
“Come on Jackie, live a little.” You look down at the lock and grab a hairpin.
In about 3 minutes you were into the office.
Jackie looks at you her mouth slightly open.
“Wow you didn’t think I could do it did you?” You look at her with a fake offended face on.
“No I definitely didn’t. But, you did.” She says giggling.
Still feeling very responsible for her obvious pain you say, “Here sit on one of the beds I’ll grab the ice pack.”
Looking around the nurses office you find the freezer and grab some ice. You put it into a plastic bag and wrap a paper towel around it.
“Scooch.” You say and you sit next to her on the nurses bed.
You gently grab her chin and inspect her face noticing that the bleeding stopped.
“Wait.” You say getting an idea. You go into the bathroom get some tissue and wet it with cold water.
When you get back over to her you notice she’s already shifted back into where you were sitting.
You playfully roll your eyes at her. “Cmon, schooch again.”
You sit back down and grab her face again. This time you move closer your faces only inches away from each other. You gently wipe the blood off her face. Her breathing starts to falter a little and you look her in the eyes. “God, the ball must’ve hit you hard, you can barely breathe from the pain.”
Her cheeks go a light shade of pink that you wouldn’t have noticed if you weren’t so close to her. “Uhm. Yeah it hit me pretty hard.” She says.
“Sorry again.” You say.
A little out of it from the throbbing coming from her face and her proximity to you at the moment, Jackie bursted out laughing. Very confused since nothing funny happened, you look at her.
“What?” You say starting to laugh a little yourself.
“Nothing,” She says trying to catch her breath. “You’re just like the clumsiest person i’ve ever met.”
“Asshole,” you laugh out.
“I’m the asshole? You’re the one who kicked me.”
she exclaims, stifling her laugh.
You narrow your eyes at her playfully and hand her the ice pack.
“Now you’re back to the beautiful normal Jackie,” You say. “All that blood was not doing you justice.” You joke.
She blushes at your words slightly and you notice but brush it off as her face just being red from earlier.
Getting up from the bed she looks down at her wrist, checking the time. “Practice is probably over now.”
“Yeah. We should go and get changed.”
After changing and showering you walk with Nat to your car. You guys stop there for a bit and chat. “Is she coming over here?” You say looking into the distance and furrowing your eyebrows.
Across the parking lot was Jackie, smiling at you and Nat, in her perfect little outfit.
“You kick a girl in the face one time and now she’s obsessed.” Natalie says smirking while taking a drag from a cigarette.
You elbow Nat in the side at her sarcasm causing her to drop her cig. “Ouch?!” Clutching at her side she looks at you. When Jackie reaches your car she stops right in front of you and Natalie.
“Uh hey Jackie.” You say weerily.
“Hi.” She says, giving you that smile she gave everyone when she wanted something. You had seen it before a million times. And it worked every single time.
“Did you need something?” You ask.
“Yeah actually, I was wondering if you could drive me home?” She Bats her eyelashes at you innocently.
Nat gives you a confused look and you shoot one right back at her. Why was she suddenly talking to you?
You try to think of an excuse to say no. You had a routine after school. You got coffee at your favorite place and studied. Sometimes Nat came along if she wasn’t working. And then after school you’d watch movies or hangout with friends and smoke. Driving Jackie Taylor home was not apart of that routine.
“Doesn’t Shauna take you home? I thought you guys always like hungout after practice or something.”
“It’s totally fine! She’ll survive one day without us hanging out. Plus you owe me after today.” She smiles at you again.
Nat buts in. “Yeah you owe her Y/N, drive the nice girl home.” She says trying to annoy you.
You look over at Nat and give her a look that she immediately understands as “I’m literally going to kill you if you don’t leave right now.” Nat laughs and walks to her car. “I’ll call you later Y/N.” She yells to you before getting in.
You flip her off and yell back, “Please don’t!”
Jackie looks at you again and asks, “So are you gonna drive me or not?”
You just sigh and open the door for her.
She squeals and gets in.
“Oh, by the way I usually stop for coffee so I guess you have to come with me.” You say starting the car up.
“Fine by me.” She says.
You guys pull out of the parking lot and drive for a while in silence. You notice Jackie looking over at you every now and then and you try your best to ignore it.
“So, are you gonna play music?” She asks looking at you expectantly.
“If you want,” You shrug. “There’s a few cassettes in the glove compartment right there.”
She opens the glove compartment and gasps. “The Smashing Pumpkins!”
You look over at her doubtful. “You know them?”
“Duh.” She says rolling her eyes. You laugh and she puts the tape in.
1979 starts playing and she rolls her window down poking her head out.
Finally, you both make it to the coffee shop. You park and walk in.
Jackie looks around seeming to be impressed by the place. “This is really nice,” She says. “You come here everyday?”
You nod. “Yeah basically, I just come here to study for tests and things.”
You get to the register and tell the barista your order and so does Jackie. You go to pay for the coffee when Jackie grabs your hand. “Something wrong?” You say confused.
“My treat!” She says smiling. You step back and let her pay.
While Jackie waited for the coffee you grab a table. She sits down and hands you your coffee. “Thanks for paying by the way.” You say and smile a little at her.
“Anytime!” She says enthusiastically. She was constantly happy it was almost annoying.
You guys study for a while talking about random things. Jackie gets silent for a bit and you look up at her. She looked like she was super deep in thought about something.
“So are you like dating anyone?” She asks avoiding your gaze.
You look up confused as to why she wanted to know but you answered anyway. “Uh no not technically I guess.” You said. You weren’t really lying. You and this girl talked on and off but nothing ever really came of it besides a few kisses at parties every now and then. Your love life was practically nonexistent.
Jackie nodded. “What about you? Aren’t you seeing that dude. I can’t remember his name isn’t it like Jack?”
She chuckles. “Jeff. And no we broke up while ago.”
“Oh,” You say. “That sucks.”
She sips her coffee. “Yeah it’s whatever I don’t really like him anyways,” She looks down. “I don’t know if I ever did to be honest.”
Now you were curious. You look at her and notice she’s doodling on her hands. “What do you mean?” You inquire.
“Well, I don’t know.” She sighs. “It’s nothing.” Her hands start fidgeting with her pen and she breaks eye contact with you.
You were shocked by her mood shift. You’d never seen her look unsure of herself before. The only Jackie you’d ever known was the confident self-assured one.
“Well whatever it is, I’m sure your feelings are valid. Relationships are complicated. And any guy is lucky to have you Jackie.” You smile at her trying to make her feel better.
She looks up at you and smiles. “You’re not so bad yourself Y/N. Any guy is lucky to date you too.”
You almost spit out your coffee at her words. “Guy?” You say laughing.
She looks at you confused until it clicks and she widens her eyes. “Oh! I- Sorry I didn’t know.”
Laughing you say, “I’m surprised you didn’t?”
“Does everyone else know?” She asks baffled.
“Basically. And Im not the only one on the team you know?” You explain taking a sip of your coffee.
“What?!” She says, “Who else?”
You rest your head on the table as if trying to recall who else. “Well, Van, Taissa, Nats Bi, and so is Lottie.”
She looks at you, her mouth agape. “Am I really this blind?”
You giggle at her “I guess so.”
You both stayed in the coffee shop longer than you normally do. You and Jackie actually got a long very well and it came as a shock to you. You were still a little confused as to why she even was hanging around you but it was refreshing. And you couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was. Her naturally gorgeous hair, which seemed to always look like it was freshly blown out, the curve of her nose, her beautiful big eyes.
That night when you got home Jackie infiltrated your thoughts. You thought about her while eating dinner, while showering and, while you went to bed. You couldn’t get her off your mind and you already knew where this was going. You spent one day with her and now you had a crush on her. Was she really that intoxicating?
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How the 141 show love to each other
He sends Soap random pictures of flowers and stuff, the sunrise when he's up for it, or even a bumblebee he found resting on a flower. Knows how his coffee is made perfectly when it's homemade. Gives little forehead kisses when they're alone or with the 141 only. Will hook his ankle under Soap's feet and stay there for hours if necessary, anything to keep the contact.
He hands Gaz small things he likes, a particularly pretty leaf or a loose bolt he found on the ground. He also gives him samples of teas he thinks he'll like, makes sure to pay attention to if he needs a blanket.
He'll sit next to Price on a rough day and say nothing, just be a grounding presence. He'll save him his favorite foods from the mess hall and put them on his plate when Price comes and sits down.
He includes Laswell during team activities when possible, making sure she can take a call and face timing her so she can see the dumb shit that's happening, putting the phone in the best position to see the chaos. Sends her and her wife their favorite candies for holidays.
Makes and fixes things for Ghost, sends him pictures of the stray cats he sees on his walks and while he's making his way around base. He knows Ghost's cafe coffee order by heart so he can order for him while they're in public. Cheek and nose kisses, likes to gently bite Ghost's cheek when they're alone, claims it's to "show dominance" but does it so softly that it just feels like a love nibble. Puts his hand under the mask at the back of Ghost's head and plays with the hairs at the nape of his neck.
Cuts Gaz's hair for him, Gaz once got a bad cut at the place he went to because they had a person who was new to styling do it hair so when he got mad about it back at base (not at the person, never at the person) Soap fixed it for him and made it better. Kicks his feet when he's nodding off in places he shouldn't be.
Steals Price's hat at least once a month to make sure nothing is falling off or tearing or ripped. During these inspections he'll add another bobble to the collection, something light and small to its unobtrusive. Draws little cute pictures and slips them in his vest pockets when he gets close enough.
Will send selfies and pictures of the group to Laswell, texting her a fun fact or a pun every day, telling a funny story about the recruits or what Gaz or Ghost or Price did that day too if there is one.
Gets Soap new drawing journals when he runs out, new pencils too. Gets him socks with dumb ass designs for Christmas and Halloween, the latter one because he thinks it's hilarious to give gifts then. Listens to and talks about special interests and really pays attention, even educating himself on aspects he doesn't know about.
He'll do the same thing for Ghost that Ghost does for Price. He'll sit next to him in silence and do his own thing while Ghost is having a bad time, waiting until he wants to speak. He learned sign language and taught Ghost so they could speak easier on days where his brain felt too heavy to conjure up the right syllables. Keeps every leaf Ghost gives him and puts them in a scrapbook with a date and location, shows Ghost after it's done.
Hugs Price almost religiously. He's Price's most common hugger, being the majority of where he gets his touch (platonic) so he's not touch starved. Will drag Price out of bed on a bad day since Price asked him to if he deems it an appropriate day to do so, will talk Price through boring paperwork and make it more fun so it goes faster.
While everyone else texts Laswell every day, he does every other day if that, leading to barely any exchanges but when there are some, they're meaningful to both of them. He's her vent partner, the person she goes to when she needs to complain about someone or something, he gives advice and is an overall good listener.
He gave Soap a fitbit once, something he won one time and never wore himself, he has the account linked on his phone so he can keep track of his heartbeat and sleeping habits, making sure he's getting enough rest and enough time to himself so he won't lose himself trying to be a people pleaser. He also gives him chocolates he knows Soap likes, orders them and stockpiles them for a bad day and then goes up to Soap and hands him a few wordlessly. Trying to silently tell him that he knows what he's going through and it's ok to break sometimes, to stop being strong sometimes.
When Ghost gives him his favorites from the mess, Price exchanges for Ghost's favorites. When he sees Ghost getting overwhelmed he tells him he needs to see him in his office and gets him out of the situation, handing him a blanket when he gets inside and telling him to lay down for a second because Ghost is so overwhelmed he's on the verge of giving himself a migraine.
He gives as good as he gets with physical contact with Gaz, hugging him just as hard, a hand on the back of his neck here and there to make sure he's emotionally balanced, fingers brushing his shoulder to remind him he's not alone. Will make sure he's having a good day or not based on how badly his hands shake. When Gaz gets too into his own head, he makes a game of giving Gaz his hat and telling him to play keep away with Ghost and Soap, knowing leading them into a game will help.
He sends cards and videos and pictures of anything and everything he can think of to Laswell, he's her second vent partner and will be the "beat his ass" version rather than understanding like Gaz. He shows he cares by being willing to burn the world for her and her wife and she appreciated it immensely when he jokes about taking her to a bar fight to let off some steam.
She doesn't like showing that she cares too much with physical things, so her care for Soap is mostly sending him tv show and movie recommendations.
She sends Ghost pictures of plants she found on the internet and what they're useful for. They have a "plant a day" thing where she has a whole list or book detailing various plants in alphabetical order and she picks one to send its information to him.
Give Gaz music recommendations and lets him vent back to her, she has a Spotify they share where they put random music on it if they like it.
Tells Price specific updates about her home life and how her wife is doing over the phone. Nothing too revealing but enough to make him feel like she truly trusts him.
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baby-tini · 1 day
Mikey brain rot. So i was thinking about toman mikey bring reader to the meeting because last time some other gang found out about reader and tried to hurt her to get back at mikey so now he isn't leaving her alone at all (im not good at explaining sorry😭) anyway feel free to ignore if you want!
Don't worry you explained it perfectly, sorry it's so late 😭 Also this happens while Mikey is in Toman, but he's 18 and also Baji is alive in this because HE DIDN'T DESERVE TOO DIE, I'M STILL PISSED ABOUT THAT. TW- violence, implied violence
When Takemichi had interrupted a Toman meeting, by rushing up the stairs and shoving his phone in Mikeys face, Mikey and Draken were pretty pissed, until Takemichi had told Miley you were in trouble. Showing Mikey the text messages, Mikey, Draken and his division captions had rushed to the location you gave Takemichi. Their motorcycles speeding down the high-way as they weaved through cars. Mikey leading, naturally gets to you first, and the others follow in-suite. He's with you in seconds as he knocks one of the guys on their ass with a kick to their stomach. The guy, toppling over and falling backwards as the vice commander and division captions approached, Mikey handing you over to Takemichi as he told him too leave and take you somewhere safe. Mikey never did like you seeing him fight, your gorgeous eyes should never see something so.. brutal. From that point on, you were never allowed out of Mikeys sight. If he had too attend something urgent and genuinely couldn't be with you, he'd have Draken or one of his captions with you. More often then not, you're usually with Draken or Baji. Funnily enough, he'd rarely leave you with Takemichi, because Mikey acknowledges that Takemichi can't fight, and therefore can't protect you. You're safety comes before everything and everyone else. Everyone knows and understands that, they respect him for it, Mikeys first priority is always the people he holds close, but because Mikey holds you the closest, you're always priority number one for everyone. If you're ever in trouble and Mikey can't come, which has never happened before. Mikey has verbally stated that he expects everyone too drop everything and protect you. Because you are with, The Manjiro Sano, everyone sees you as an extension of him, and Toman will treat you how they treat him. With the same amount of respect, loyalty and they hold you too the highest of priorities, as expected of the loyal followers of Toman. That's why you always stand next to Mikey on the stairs of the Musashi Shrine, never an inch below. As I've stated, he's with you constantly, so he's with you at your house, you're at his house a lot. He doesn't go to class, so he'll just sit in your class, he dares the teacher too scold him or call a principal, because he'll beat them both up and just take you away. Manjiro was already pretty clingy but since... that happened, you're always with him and his friends. Even if you're with your friends, Mikey will be there, and of course he has too drag Draken along, sometimes Takemichi, but that's rare. He doesn't really care if your family does family night, he will barge in. Because, his thought process is, that you're his significant other, so obviously he should be invited. Plus, he plans too marry you anyway, so why not start a little early? He's also a very family-oriented person, so getting along with your family means a lot, unless, your family is shitty, then he genuinely doesn't give a FUCK. Although, he would be with you whether they accept him or not, but he would very much rather they accept him but more importantly the relationship he shares with you. You are the most important person in his life and he doesn't mean too come off as over-bearing but he needs constant update from either his friends, your friends or more importantly you, yourself.
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guiltysungho · 2 days
— boynextdoor if they were gonna do a public confession.
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genre : tags. fluff, confessions, f2l
wordcount. 200 - 400 each
a/n. i hope y’all like this i was kicking my feet thinking about these. same vibe as the first headcanons (public) but now its inclusive not 18+ who jumped?? :D
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ᡣ𐭩ྀི you had been getting used to each other’s company, you only recently met through a friend but the feelings were undeniable.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི one of the reasons he felt so drawn to you was your similar taste in movies, every time he’d bring up a favorite you would gasp in excitement, sharing your love for the movie as well.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི you would often stay up just reminiscing of the first time you watched a comfort movie, the first time made you cry all the emotions in it, shared with your new favorite stranger.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི it was lucky that there was a outdoor movie theater open in the city, it was fate that they were showing one of your shared favorites. he had to take you there, and maybe he would let the words slip.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི watching the movie together, the sun setting in the background, he knew it was the perfect moment.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི bringing your gaze to his with a his hand on your chin, the sound of the movie playing in the background as he echoed the words to you.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི “i want you. i want all of you, forever, you and me, every day.”
ᡣ𐭩ྀི the curve on your lips planted a fire in his heart, watching as you leaned closer, eyes bouncing between yours and the gap in your lips.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི one pull by the collar and his lips were all yours.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི he knows what this feeling is, why your proximity makes his whole body heat up but he just didn’t expect to feel this with you.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི whatever you were feeling wasn’t clear to him, you had been friends for the longest time so any display of affection could mean anything.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི he could be misinterpreting your quiet sweet nothings whispered into his neck whenever you cuddled on the couch, your soft lips grazing his adam’s apple every now and then forcing him to divert his focus.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི maybe you didn’t mean anything when you’d tell him, how much you missed him in the dead of the night when you were away.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི but it was all getting to him and he was really hoping it meant something.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི he knows it could wait, you were at a park under a tree just watching people pass by. you rested your head on his chest with his arm wrapped around you, he couldn’t tell if you were asleep or not but the words couldn’t wait.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི “i like you here in my arms, i find myself loving you more when you’re so close” he whispers to you, you’re quiet so he continues, he could at least get it off his chest.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི “i genuinely do love you, in ways i don’t even understand, more than you know.”
ᡣ𐭩ྀི when you look up, he’s obviously flustered he thought he’d been talking to himself but you heard it all. the smile on your face relieves his tension, and then you let him know your love with a delicate kiss.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི you probably already knew how jaehyun felt about you, everyone did. he never really tried hiding his feelings even though he didn’t explicitly expose them.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི it was in his touch that you knew, his hands would always find their way in your hair, pushing a couple strands behind your ear when you were busy. using childish tactics just so he could hold your hand occasionally.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི and yet he never told you his true feelings, because your feelings were never truly clear but now he could tell.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི he took you out to a karaoke bar, he knew what he wanted to do and how he wanted to do it. he wanted you to feel special amongst the crowd because that was what you were to him.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི after a few duets and a couple drinks, he goes up on the mini stage picking out a song, glancing up at you before starting.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི “this song is called bad by wave to earth, i’m dedicating it to all the good in my life” he’s addressing the public but he’s only talking to you.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི his voice is perfect with the song, not a single crack just pure melody, beautiful harmonies for you. he bounces off the stage, singing as he makes his way over to you.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི “i’m sorry i made you wait, i love you” he smiles watching you blush at his words spoken loudly in the mic.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི pulling the mic away from his lips, you whisper the words back before placing a kiss on his lips. as soon as you pull away he brings the mic back to his lips, “she loves me y’all”
ᡣ𐭩ྀི he hates that he likes you because he doesn’t want to be one of those guys that can’t keep a female friend but the feelings are clearly there.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི he doesn’t show it and doesn’t plan on telling you, he just chooses to enjoy having you as a friend, instead of self sabotaging.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི it felt impossible that you would reciprocate the feelings anyways because you had mentioned liking someone for the longest time so he was sure of his choice.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི you would go out often together to your favorite spots, sharing your interests, new or old just rediscovering yourselves through music or art.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི this time around he brought you to a different vinyl store from the one he usually went to, bigger with more variety. he’d encourage you to pick out a few records to listen to, picking a couple of his own for you to listen to.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི there were no booth just vinyl players with connected headphones, he helped you setting up the music. glancing over your shoulder to him as he grabbed the headphones, placing them on your ears letting the music play for.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི whenever you became a part of his safe space, it made him want you more like you were meant to be here with him.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི he just leaned over on the side watching you enjoy the music you picked out, telling him what you thought of the songs as they played, he couldn’t help the adoring smile on his face.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི “i picked out this song specifically for you, it makes me think of you” he tells you, unaware you can hear him clearly even with the music.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི Something by the Beatles, the lyrics make it clear but his words clear any doubts.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི “you drive me crazy” he scoffs at himself, ruffling his bangs before turning back to a shelf. you take off the headphones and make your way over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder for him to turn to him, his brows flinch at the sight of you so close but then he smiles. you smile back as you pull him in closer towards you arms around his neck, kissing him cautiously.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི at first he just thought he just found you pretty, you were undeniably one of the most attractive girls he’d met. physical attraction would make sense but that really wasn’t it.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི not when everything you did brought him joy, just watching you swipe through your phone aimlessly, he found himself smiling like a fool.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི you weren’t even that close but everything he learned about you made him want to know you more, your likes and dislikes, your dreams and aspirations, he wanted to be the one you shared those thoughts with.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི when you agreed to spend the day with him, he made up his mind to be honest about his heart.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི he waited patiently for the right moment at the end of the day after watching a movie together, a nice walk in the cool winter breeze leading you to an ice rink.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི the smile on your face as you got on the ice together made it worth the wait, you were unsteady taking little steps while holding on to the wall.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི you’d apologize for your clumsiness after almost slipping a couple times but he was just glad to see you having fun even after losing your balance you’d laugh it off. looking at the pure bliss on your face, he only wanted it to last.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི “here take my hands” stretching his hands open for you to hold, “just follow my movements, don’t pay attention to anything else. if you fall i’ll catch you trust me.”
ᡣ𐭩ྀི so you did as he said holding onto his hands, slight panic in your eyes as he started gliding backwards allowing you to move along with him, shaky eyes watching your feet “hey look up at me, you’re doing fine”
ᡣ𐭩ྀི “you’re doing so well, i’m impressed” he says looking at you with a dazed smile. it happens in a flash, his eyes widen as his body falls back pulling you along with him.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི the fall isn’t a painful one maybe since you were on him, you pull away from his chest a surprised smile on your face as you check up on him. an embarrassed laugh escapes his lips and then a pause as he realizes how close you were, his eyes are locked on your lips for a second before coming back up to your eyes.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི “i want to kiss you, right here in front of everyone” his hand reaching towards your face, pushing your hair behind your ear, “tell me that’s okay”
ᡣ𐭩ྀི one silent nod from you and his lips are on yours, kissing you so gently the cold ice under your knees adding to the chills across your body.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི woonhak likes you, he likes your laugh, he likes your groans, he likes your burps, he likes your everything. he doesn’t really know why but you’ve been the only thing on his mind ever since he thought of you.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི he’s not sure how you feel but he doesn’t really worry about it, he’s too focused on being completely enamored by you.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི your voice from across the room, discussing a random topic with your friends, makes coming to class worth the while. even if that’s the only thing he listens to.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི he knows you’ll show up to his basketball game, you always do thats where he first met you. your loud cheering, tiny jumps of joy every time his team scored made him curious, it wasn’t unfamiliar to him but you were.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི and there you were once again, a cute wave to him the moment you noticed him on the court. he could get used to that, your little gestures just for him.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི the whole match he barely could keep his eyes off you with every ball bounce came a glance in your direction, whenever he’d score he’d flex his arms up at you with a big smile, proud of his achievement.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི he knew he had to make this shot in the last minutes of the match, less for the team and more for you.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི “hey y/n! this last shot is for you, i’m taking you out after this” he yells as he sprints across the court dribbling the ball, dodging the opposing team before shooting the ball through the hoop with a light jump.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི as the ball passes through the match ends, he turns to you shocked by his own skills, jogging over to you before lifting you up in his arms.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི “did you love that?” he looks up at you up in his arms, you can’t help the smile growing on your lips as you look at him, “i love you” he says under his breath.
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theoceansluvr · 1 day
Percy Jackson x Marine Biologist! Reader pt. 2
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warnings; none ! author's notes; this is technically a part 2 so i just named it the same thing ! thank you to the lovely anon that asked me to make this it truly made my day <99 sorry if this lowkey sucks im not too good at build up !
so you were minding your own business
walking to class, blasting music in your headphones because New Rome is LOUD.
so many demigods so little space
suddenly you're knocked over on the ground, your books everywhere. . .
and there's blue mountain dew all over your shirt.
"Oh my gods I'm so sorry ! I wasn't looking where I was going and-"
Percy was frantically trying to explain himself and you were just trying to pick up your books
his skateboard is somewhere flipped over in the grass(sk8r percy has my whole heart !!!)
of course you don't really care about whatever he's saying because you just want to get to class-
he insistantly tries to give you his number so he can at least clean the shirt for you
you, trying to make this boy leave you alone, take the number and tell him to meet you after class
as expected, he does meant you after class !
he brings you to his dorm(it's an absolute mess but he wasn't expecting to have guests so..)
let's say you happened to have a hoodie on you so you throw that on and give him your shirt to wash
while he's scrubbing the life out of it in the sink you guys start talking
once you tell him your major he's ECSTATIC !!
like giggling, kicking his feet kinda happy !
he normally doesn't brag about his godly parentage but oh boy
"Oh your gonna be a marine biologist ? My dad's basically the original marine biologist so like.."
you think it's cute that he's borderline trying to impress you so you guys kept talking even after he cleaned your shirt
days turn to weeks, weeks turn to months and you realize you actually really like percy..
like REALLY. like Percy
and who wouldn't ? his fish like charm is captivating is it not ???
and percy, ever oblivious to his own feeling, didn't even realize he liked you until you took him to the beach for some research one day
you're rambling about whatever animal it is your project is about
and he's staring at you like you put the corals in the sea(couldn't pass up a sea reference i fear)
which you are completely unaware of-
until he starts talking of course
"It's sweet when you talk about stuff like this.. cute even."
You're completely caught off guard because ⁉️
you brush it off as him just being nice
but he insists that he's being genuine, spilling out all his feelings in a kinda dorky way
and of course, you tell him you feel the same way
you both kind of sit in silence, the ocean crashing against the shore
"So.. what now ?"
SUPER BAD ENDING BUT I DIDN'T FEEL LIKE WRITING A KISS SCENE AND THAT'S ALL THAT CAME TO MIND AT THE END OF THIS. . . hope this was as good as the dear that requested it wanted it to be and thank you so much again ! <9
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 124
Part 1 Part 123
“Should I get a job?” Eddie asks. He doesn’t want a job, is the thing, but there’s a large expanse of nothingness stretching out in front of him that needs filled. And his wallet’s been looking thin around the edges lately.
Steve hums. He’s fussing with his hair, even though the dorky little sailor hat’s going to undue all his efforts. The whole outfit’s a little dorky, honestly. Eddie loves it.
“Do you want a job?” Steve asks.
Eddie groans, sinking further into the bed. His sweatpants bunch uncomfortably around his ankles, so he kicks out his legs trying to get them to roll back down with friction from the sheets. “No,” he replies, unsurprised when it comes out whiney, like he’s a petulant child denied a sweet in the candy aisle. He feels like a petulant child, not ready to grow up and leave Neverland.
Leaning into the tantrum, Eddie pouts his lip out and looks up at Steve through his lashes. Apparently giving it up as a bad job, Steve drops his hands from his hair to shuffle over to the foot of the bed. He pulls the hems of Eddie’s pants down, fingers lingering against his ankles before dropping them.
Like some sort of angel fallen from above, Steve kneels on the bed and crawls up it, perfect face getting closer, closer, closer. Eddie puckers his lips, anticipation crawling up his throat, but Steve bypasses his mouth entirely to plant one on his forehead.
“Then don’t get a job,” he says, lips caressing Eddie’s skin. He pulls back, smiling down at Eddie. “I can support the both of us.”
Eddie’s heart flutters. It’s embarrassing, really, how gone he is. He presses his hand to his forehead in the pose of feinting wives everywhere and replies, “you’re such a big strong man.”
Moment sufficiently over, Steve shoves his shoulders hard enough that Eddie bounces a little against the mattress and rolls back off the bed. He bends down to get to their sock drawer, and Eddie tilts his head to enjoy the show.
The socks Steve pulls out our ridiculously long and hideous enough to match his whole get-up. Even when working with the bottom of the barrel, Steve Harrington’s still always on theme.
“That can’t really be your uniform,” Eddie says, grinning as Steve pulls both socks fully on and turns around to glare down at Eddie’s supine form.
“Well, it is,” Steve says, crossing his arms, like that’ll cover up anything. But then his fingers stretch out over his ribs and clutch, and it all starts to look more like a hug.
“Hey,” Eddie says, finally shuffling up and out of the bed. He stands in front of Steve, pries his hands free, and clasps them both in his own. He squeezes both, then starts rubbing his thumb against each palm the way Steve likes, trying to get Steve to meet his eyes. When he finally does, Eddie asks, “you nervous?”
Steve’s eyes slip away, but he nods because they took a silent honesty pact way back when they’d been sucked into the Upside-Down that first night. “A little,” he says, mouth twisting in on itself as he thinks. “My coworker doesn’t seem to like me much.”
Eddie scoffs, ruffling Steve’s hair until a quick tussle breaks out as he tries to protect his precious hairdo. “Then she doesn’t know you,” Eddie says, holding Steve in an unwieldy headlock that doesn’t have enough stability to last. 
Steve twists and pulls free, immediately bowling Eddie over so he lands awkwardly on the bed. But he’s smiling now, victorious over his win, so it’s all worth it. Reaching with all his might, he boops Steve’s nose until it scrunches.
“You’ll do great.”
Like those are the magic words he was waiting for, Steve’s shoulders ease, and he gets through the rest of his morning routine with that same energy.
It stays with him until he’s walking through the front door, and Eddie calls, “should I start selling drugs again?”
Steve’s shoulders stiffen and he turns, already halfway outside to point at Eddie like he’s a misbehaving dog, saying, “no,” in the sternest voice he’s ever heard.
Eddie’s laughter rings through the trailer as Steve slams the front door, starts the van and drives off to his first day at his new job.
Eddie whiles away the morning, biting his nails because somehow Steve’s anxiety has transferred over to him. Even if it’s not a job, he’ll have to find something to do, lest he start to feel like a dog waiting for its master to come home.
When the lunch hour rolls around, he steals Wayne’s keys, leaves a note, and on a whim, calls up the Byers’ abode.
As a lucky turn of fate, Will’s the one that picks up with a quiet, “Byers’ residence.”
“Baby Byers!” Eddie cries, throwing Wayne’s keys up and down in the air. “Are you going to still be at home in say, ten minutes?”
Eddie fails to catch them on his third toss, and the clatter noisily to the linoleum of the kitchen floor. “Yeah, wh—”
“Great!” Eddie cuts in, bending down to pick up the keys from the ground. “See you then!”
He slams the phone down on Will’s stuttered protests and rushes out the door before Wayne can wake up and put a stop to his thievery.
He blasts music on the way to the Byers’ house, turning it down just a tick as he pulls into their driveway because while he may not care about the general denizens of Hawkins, he’s got a soft spot for the ones that live here. God forbid he wake Mama Byers up from an afternoon nap.
With that in mind, his knocks are rapid-fire, but not all that loud. They still summon Will to the door within five seconds flat. He’s dressed, but shoeless, and clearly grumpy with Eddie if the frown is anything to go by.
“Put your shoes on, baby Byers, we’ve got places to be.” Just to be annoying about it, Eddie pulls on the string connecting them repeatedly as Will bends down to slip on his shoes without untying them.
It’s not long before they’re shuffling out of the house and on the road.
“Now will you tell me where we’re going?” Will asks, turning the volume down even further, on Slayer, as if that’s not some sort of sin in and of itself.
Still, Eddie loves the kid, so he tells him, “Steve started his new job today, and we’re gonna go say hi!”
Eddie slides his eyes off the road to see how that one lands. Will’s looking at him with an unimpressed expression he had to have picked up from Steve. “Does he know that?”
Eddie laughs nervously and starts tapping his fingers against the steering wheel along with the barely-audible eat eeking out of Wayne’s dusty old speakers.
“Malls have food courts, right?” Eddie asks, blowing past Will’s question entirely. “Maybe we can all have lunch!”
Will scoffs, and that one he got from both of them. Eddie’s almost proud of how snotty it sounds. But Will settles down, ready to go along with Eddie’s hairbrained scheme.
The parking lot’s already filling up by the time they pull in because Hawkins is full of a bunch of townies with nothing better to do. He pulls in right alongside them, and skips inside, Will nipping more sedately at his heels.
The place is big enough that there’s a map, smack dab at the entryway. Eddie brushes past the people loitering in front of it so he and Will can squint at it, trailing fingers and eyes until they find it, a bit of blue writing delineating an even tinier dot as an ice cream parlor. Of course, because this is Hawkins and nothing ever goes Eddie’s way, it’s on the entirely opposite side of the mall than the one he parked at. Will and Eddie spend countless minutes of their lives pushing through gawking crowds and unattended children until they finally reach their destination.
The sign out front is a tacky font on top of an even tackier turquoise, a shittily drawn anchor tying the whole thing together. The checkered tiles, and white tables damn near glisten in the fluorescent lights. Eddie barely notices any of it, because there’s two sailors arguing at the cash register. Eddie’s sailor’s got his hands on his hips and he’s pouting as Buckley of all people gestures wildly beneath the counter and reads him to rights.
Eddie stops on the threshold and watches, helplessly endeared as Steve brings out the king for a little jaunt, visible in the roll of his eyes and the tilt of his chin. But whatever he retorts must be all his Angel because Buckley belts out a laugh and then slaps both her hands over her mouth like she can shove the sound back into her throat and keep on glaring. Steve grins his private little grin and clenches his fist. Eddie can feel the effort he’s putting in to resisting the fist bump that’s carried over from all his jock tendencies.
And here, in fucking Scoops Ahoy of all places, Eddie feels himself getting choked up for all the world to see. Because all it took was one look at Steve Harrington’s smug face under that dorky little hat for his ennui to dry up: a sun to all his rain clouds.
It’s not nothingness in front of him, it’s Steve, and Will, and Uncle Wayne, and the rest of this fucked up family he’s stumbled into. It’s time to spend with the people he loves, and time to figure himself out.
And if the Upside-Down creeps its way back into their lives? All three of them will still be here, ready to plant their feet and stand firm against whatever new horror show pops up in their little cursed town. There’s not a Demo-anything that they can’t take.
And that’s a little too much for a random afternoon on a Monday so Steve tugs on the ties that bind until Steve turns, already beaming like it doesn’t matter anymore that Buckley’s back to scowling at him, arms crossed, and nose upturned like he’s a bug beneath her shoe. Steve tugs back, and they bring Will into the loop, too, feeding off each other’s presences, like always.
They’ll fight if they have to, like this; stronger together than apart, but they’ll live too.
Steve bounds around the counter, ripping off his hat like he was just waiting for an excuse, calling a quick, “I’m taking my lunch!” and not even slowing down at Buckley’s garbled complaints.
He runs clammy hands across Eddie’s arm, then Will’s, smiling like he hadn’t seen either of them in years, instead of a matter of hours. Customer service must be hell.
“How’re those corporate shackles treating you, angel?” Eddie says under his breath, dimples popping as Steve huffs. “Wanna use some of that hard earned cash to buy little old me some lunch?”
“You know I haven’t gotten paid yet, right?” Steve asks, but when Eddie bats his eyelashes, he rolls his eyes, and pushes past both of them. “Come on, Will, I saw a burger place on my way in.”
Will takes up his rightful place at Steve’s side, laughing as Eddie scrambles to catch up. “Me too, right Stevie?” he asks. “It was my idea, and I skipped lunch.”
Eddie pushes himself between them, latching onto both their elbows so he’s not left behind.
Buckley’s still yelling something, but they’re too far away to hear her now, and besides, Steve doesn’t seem to care.
They walk off into a brighter future, or at least toward a cheeseburger of some sort, and aren’t those just about the same thing?
THE END (unless my beta has other ideas)
We've got some editing to do for the ao3 publication, but this is it for Tumblr!!! I've got a few half-written ideas for on-shots off this same universe from other characters POVs that I'll probably post in the future, but this is the entirety of the fic! If any of you got this far reading this long of a fanfiction on Tumblr, I want to study you like a bug...how did you manage it?? If you've commented or added tags even once, I appreciate you. And, to the few who've been doing it fairly regularly throughout the process? This only exists because of you, and I mean that. I'm going to make another post about the UD AU once It's entirely edited and all posted on ao3, but otherwise, that's all folks! Wild that this all started from a little idea that was supposed to be a one shot <3 Also, because I think it's funny, this was the entirety of the outline I wrote for this part: "Eddie POV- IDK! Something something, Steve gets a job at scoops, Eddie thinks the shorts are so hot. He and Will go to visit him and Robin’s there and seems to hate Steve. The summer is theirs." Wow, thank you past Koko, that's so enlightening.
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jesterofcringe · 3 days
can i please request shapeshifter!natalie x untrusting! reader? something angsty like reader not wanting to date natalie because they claim they don’t know natalie’s real identity and natalie doesn’t know how to prove reader that she isn’t lying to them? sorry if it’s a bit confusing and thanks
In the Woods Somewhere Shapeshifter!Natalie x Untrusting!Reader
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fuckkkkkk i love this concept hell yesss anon >:3 !!tw for mentions of blood!! ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
★Natalie Scatorccio had to be one of the prettiest girls you had ever seen.
★That wasn't an exaggeration to be nice or anything. There was genuinely no one like her. You were crazy stoked when you managed to score a date with her. Well to be fair you hadn't scored anything- she was the one that asked you. Which was even more baffling in your mind: Natalie Scatorccio asked you on a date?? You felt like she was wayyy out of your league, and yet here you were, walking her home after one of the best nights you'd ever had, actively planning a second date.
★Needless to say, you were absolutely star-struck. You had no idea she was into you like that, although you supposed there were signs. She had a tendency to get a bit flirty at parties, but you assumed it was because you were both pretty tipsy half of the time. You felt like a huge dick for making at assumption, but that didn't matter now.
★You had never officially stated that you two were a thing, but that was alright. It was still relatively early in your relationship, and you figured it would come in due time. So long as you took things slow- you didn't want to make a mistake by moving too fast.
★The one thing you didn't enjoy about Natalie was the fact that she sucked at communicating. You really just wanted to know if she'd be making an appearance at Jeff's party that night as you sure as hell weren't going if she wouldn't be there either.
★"Ah, I dunno... I wanna see how I'm feeling first."
★"Will you let me know later?"
★"Yeah, of course."
★Despite her promise, she did not, in fact, let you know later. Shocker.
★You decided you'd roll up anyways, mingle with the crowd and bounce if she didn't make an appearance. Which is what brought you to now; when she inevitably didn't show up you spent some time chatting with friends before disappearing.
★You kicked a small rock as you walked, chewing on the lip of your red solo cup. Even though it was a bit of a long walk home, you didn't mind- you found it quite nice actually. It was along a shortcut through the woods Natalie had shown you. While you could've waited for one of your friends to be ready to leave to ask for a ride, the walk was especially relaxing at night with the way the moonlight sliced through the trees. So you enjoyed the beauty of the forest, chewing on your cup while kicking a small rock.
★Until you heard a branch snap somewhere far off in the woods.
★You froze immediately, looking for the source of the noise. It was a fox, trotting along the path some ways behind you. It didn't seem to have seen you, so you backed behind a tree so it wouldn't notice you as it passed. It held something in it's mouth that you couldn't quite make out until it got closer- a rabbit, clearly dead, it's blood painting the fur on the fox's snout crimson. Eventually it got close enough to pass by you. You did your best to shrink into your shadow and hold your breath as it approached your tree, waiting for it to pass. But it never did.
★Instead a familiar blonde appeared at the other side of the tree.
★She spun around, wide eyed with fear, and you saw she held a dead rabbit in her hands. Her mouth and jaw were smeared with the same crimson paint that leaked out of the rabbit's neck
★It took all of your strength not to scream. You searched her face for an answer that never came, her expression just as terrified as yours.
★ Eventually, she pointed at the cup in your hands, "You're drunk-"
★"This-" You poured the contents onto the dirt to make a point, "-Is a carpisun."
★"Shit- I- OK," She stammered, dropping the rabbit. With one hand she wiped the blood away from her mouth, and with the other she reached out to you- although you took a large step back, reeling away from her touch, "Wait I can explain,"
★"Fucking can you? Your immediate reaction to me finding out what you really are was to start manipulating me!"
★She sucked in a breath, "Ok yeah that does make this look a lot worse-"
★"No shit Natalie!"
★"Ok I just," she paused, blanking on what to say, "It's still me, I'm still the same person I was five minutes ago-"
★"Five minutes ago you were a fucking fox."
★"Five minutes ago you didn't know that!" She made a face, sensing that was the wrong thing to say, "Wait I didn't mean it like that- what I meant is I'm still whoever you thought I was before you found out-"
★"How do I know this is really you and not someone's face that you stole?"
★"Wow," she scoffed, "That is a harsh assumption-"
★"Then prove me wrong!"
★She stammered, searching for the right thing to say, "Babe, it's really not that simple-"
★You pinched the bridge of your nose, "Natalie you've been lying about who you are for however the hell long we've known each other-"
★"-I haven't been lying," She interjected, "The topic never came up-"
★"You haven't been telling the truth either!" You snapped back, "How the hell was I supposed to know to ask whether or not you were a fucking fox!?"
★"You're not dating a fox babe,"
★"I'm not dating you period!" Natalie flinched at your words as if you physically hit her. She stepped back and broke eye contact but you could've sworn you saw tears bubbling in the corners of her eyes. "Please Nat I just... need some space right now. Just let me think for a bit."
★"Will you let me know? Later?"
★"I... sure I'll try..."
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── sorry i think this one may be a bit shorter than my other ones,, i have more ideas for this concept might come back to it for a part two idk yet
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Out of Context WIP
When Sylvia was four she watched her grandmother kill her grandfather.
It was a sunny afternoon in mid summer, a cool breeze blowing through the yard. Grandma had sent her outside early in the day, told her to be a good girl and go play, but when the screen door shut behind her it did little to muffle the sound of flesh hitting flesh, of grandpa’s shouts and grandma’s screams. Even still, Sylvia knew it was better to make mud pies than to stick around when the grown ups got ugly, so she sat in the dirt until grandpa came out to clean the gutters, looking the same as ever and not like he’d been beating grandma a minute before. Then he’d climbed the ladder, and grandma had come outside a minute later nursing a fresh bruise on her cheek, and she’d turned her eyes on grandpa with such a careful determination it sent a chill down Sylvia’s spine.
“Sylvie,” she’d said, and her eyes were all wrong but her voice was as soft and sweet as ever, “be a dear and go fetch you grandpa a cup of cold water for when he gets done his work.”
Sylvia knew better than to disobey, because she got food when she was at grandma’s and hugs and sometimes sweets, but only if she was good. So she went inside, but watched through the curtains instead of filling a cup because there was a terrible feeling in her chest that told her something horrible was about to happen, she just didn’t know what.
As she watched, grandma strutted towards grandpa in her pretty blue dress, long hair pinned up in a braided twist, prim and proper and sweet- and kicked out viciously against the ladder. Sylvia heard her grandfather’s terrified shout as he fell, down, down, down, and his head cracked against the ground, neck twisting, and then he was still, still, still. Grandma bent down and said something to him, her face a type of hard Sylvia had never seen before she looked up and happened to catch Sylvia’s eye through the window.
She beckoned, and Sylvia obeyed.
“You saw what happened, baby?” Grandma asked, smoothing Sylvia’s hair lovingly, and she leaned into the touch. Grandma was about the only person who was ever gentle with her for more than two seconds back to back.
Sylvia nodded.
You pushed him, she wanted to say, and now he’s dead, but grandma often spoke in riddles and Sylvia got the feeling that wasn’t the right answer. 
 “He fell.” She said instead, and the way Grandma smiled told her that was the right answer.
“That’s right, dearest,” Grandma agreed, “he fell. And we’re very sad about this, aren’t we?”
“Yes.” Sylvia agreed, even though she wasn’t, not really, because grandpa beat on her too, even if he didn’t beat on her as much as her own dad did, and it would be nice for once to not have to worry about getting smacked all the time.
“And no matter who asks, you’re still going to be very sad about grandpa falling, right?”
Sylvia was starting to understand. 
“Yes,” She agreed again, because grandma was the only person who never treated her like she was stupid, and she was not going to prove herself stupid now. Daddy went to jail for killing someone. Grandma was asking her help to make sure she didn't. “We are very sad about grandpa falling. He shouldn’t have been up there when he wasn’t feeling well.”
Grandma’s face broke into something like relief and she gave her a secret smile, the kind she saved just for her.
“Good girl,” she told her, “now cry.”
Sylvia did, and grandma let out a horrible wail, suddenly more heartbroken than anyone she’d ever seen. The neighbours came running and the police showed up and all the while Sylvia cried and grandma sobbed, her perfect hair starting to escape its pins. 
Late that night, when the police were gone and the last of the well wishers left them to their grief, grandma pulled Sylvia onto her lap.
“Sometimes,” grandma said, and Sylvia didn’t need to ask what she was talking about, “men like that need to fall off ladders. And sometimes those ladders need a little help.”
Sylvia thought of grandma’s kind hands and bruised up face, of moma’s drugs and daddy’s rages, and thinks she knows what kind of man grandma means. 
“I wish my daddy would fall off a ladder.”
“He will,” grandma promised her, “one day.”
Sylvia looked into her twinkly brown eyes, felt the soft fabric of grandma’s nightgown against her cheek, and knew that she meant it. 
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the start of (something) new
“I don’t know why Vernon couldn’t meet us at the train,” Petunia grumbles. “It’s quite hot to walk so far.” “I don’t mind the walk. The weather’s nice,” Lily says optimistically. “Well, sorry we can’t all teleport like you,” Petunia snaps. Lily decides not to take that particular bite of bait in favour of watching the boys play football at the park. It really is a beautiful day and Lily finds herself wishing she had an excuse to go sit on the lawn to watch the boys play for a bit, instead of tailing her sister’s awkward day with her horrid boyfriend. One of the boys scores a goal and throws his hands up in victory. Lily smiles, watching as he jumps up and down before two of the other boys tackle him into a hug. It reminds her of her dad and all the matches played at full volume in their sitting room throughout her life, the scarves decorating the walls of his office, and the shirts she expects are still neatly folded in his long-abandoned chest. The boy who scored pulls back from the group hug and jogs over to a tree, leaning down to grab a bottle of water. When he stands up and takes a long drink, running a hand through his hair, Lily freezes. Because there’s no way. This is London, Muggle London, and while she knows he lives somewhere around here, the idea of him in Jubilee Gardens kicking a football about with Muggles, is so preposterous. It’s impossible, but somehow— It’s very clearly James Potter. He’s wearing a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, blending seamlessly enough with the other boys, but his boots—they’re Quidditch boots, the idiot, and she refuses to believe the other boys, in their well-worn football boots, haven’t noticed. But this only serves as further evidence that it’s James, because of course, he wouldn’t bloody well care. He caps the bottle of water and tosses it back to the ground, jogging back to the makeshift pitch. One of the other boys briefly claps him on the shoulder and then they’re off, sprinting back down the pitch toward the ball. Lily allows herself to watch for another minute, and God, it’s just like watching him play Quidditch. He’s effortlessly brilliant, receiving a clean pass and dribbling it with precision down the length of the pitch. He runs like he flies, smooth and quick, and Lily isn’t close enough to confirm, but she’d bet that his jaw is set in that same determined way, too.
continue reading on ao3
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villainsrtasty · 10 hours
Open for business
Ryōmen Sukuna x f reader
Short fluff. Some mention of sex. Sukuna has two cocks. Polyamory relationship. Business man rich sugar daddy Sukuna. AU. OOC. Reader on her Period. Not proofread.
Warning: Alcohol consumption.
wc: 1.2k
A short personal ramble: Basically in February I was kicked out of a job I dedicated and slaved my ass off for 10 years. I stood up for injustice and was seen as a threat and kicked out without pay. It took a toll on my mental health but I was able to take some time to heal and reconnect with my love for anime and writing. Honestly this platform and reading fanfics really helped me get through the last few months and this short piece is dedicated to all of you amazing writers and supporters out there. Thank you!
End of cringe
You didn't hear him come into your small condo but you could subconsciously sense his presence. Your brain was in a haze as you actively processed the last few hours that you had to endure.
You had put 10 years of your life and climbed your way up the corporate ladder. You sacrificed so much joy for this company who was like a family to you. But at the end of the day money talks. You came in that morning fully motivated and ready to take on the new challenges and left with boxes of your belongings shortly after.
The last thing you did was send a short brief message to your boyfriend, not sure if he would read it while he was busy running his own corporate empire. Oh yes he was dirty rich. He had multiple businesses and his house was more of a mansion. He had multiple girlfriends, which was out in the open the night you went on your first date with him 2 years ago. Polygamy or polyamory didn't bother you. His other girlfriends were in other relationships as well. But you could barely keep up with one considering how busy you were. You just wanted something casual and some companionship. So you seemed content with the relationship.
But back to your shitty day.
Your boyfriend took off his expensive coat and tie and hung them on the coat rack. You could hear some clanking but you had completely hyper fixated yourself on a spot on the wall in front of you. You felt a sudden shift in the levelling of the couch as he took a seat beside you and placed two shot glasses on the coffee table in front. He poured some sake in each glass and handed you one. It wasn't the motion of delivering you the drink that woke you up. It was the strong smell of alcohol that burnt your nostrils.
You grab the small glass from his big hands. Honestly he could crush the fragile glass between his thumb and index finger. Taking a deep breath in you chug down the drink in one gulp. He did the same. He grabs the empty glass from your hand and placed it back on the coffee table.
You could be wrong to admit it but that shot really woke up your senses.
You feel his heavy arm come behind and around your shoulder as he pulls you closer.
"You didn't have to drop everything to come and console me. I'm fine...", you finally spoke as you lean your head against his broad shoulders.
"You are a horrible liar", he spoke the truth.
"Alright. But shouldn't you be at that red head's house today? It's her night with you". You really couldn't be bothered to remember the names of his lovers.
Speaking of the devil, his phone just rang on cue. It was past 5pm and that red head slut couldn't wait to get fucked. But he didn't bother to pick it up. He found that woman very annoying and clingy. Actually all his women were clingy and needy. Money. Sex. A car. A new purse. So materialistic. But you were different. You wanted to own your prized possessions with your own hard earned money. And he admired that about you. He respected you.
"Tell me. Who do you want me to hurt?", he asked while stroking small soothing circles on your shoulder.
His words make you chuckle. But it also reminds you of how powerful and dangerous of a man he really is.
"No one. I'll be fine. Give me a few days and I'll find another job". You didn't want any bloodshed in your name.
"Or you don't have to work. Stay at home and let me take care of you?" This was an ongoing conversation that happened several times a month. He hated how you slaved over a job for someone, working long hours while his other girlfriends just lived off him.
You slowly get up to shift yourself onto his lap sideways and wrapped your arms around his neck. "I'll be bored. Besides I want to be useful and have a purpose".
He looks you in the eye and possessively wraps his arm around your waist. "But you do have a purpose. You will always have a purpose", he teased as you felt a hard poke under your soft bum.
"I mean I want to help people. I want to earn my own money and work hard and go to bed feeling proud of myself. You get it. You're a business man. That adrenaline rush you get when you make a sale or sign a new contract or ...." You couldn't stop yourself from talking because you were so passionate about work.
But he had to stop you as he placed a finger on your lips.
"Shhhh. You're getting me excited. You'll wake up the beasts". He whispered while kissing your forehead. "And we don't want that when you are on your period...although I don't mind either way". Sukuna knew when you ovulated and when you had your period. He could smell it.
"Oh you should go to her! Before it gets painful!". You referred to his double anomaly hiding in his pants. He had to be sexually relieved everyday and hence the multiple partners.
"I will be fine. One night without sex won't kill me." He reassured you and kisses the tip of your nose.
You roll your eyes as you know that won't last long. Your fidgety hands begin to fix the front collar to his expensive white shirt and you notice his jet black tattoos through the fabric.
"Why must you work for someone?", he suddenly posed a valid question. He tried to get you to work for him but you had this hard and fast rule that you would never work ‘for’ or ‘with’ your partner or spouse. Ever.
But that got you thinking. Ya why must you work for someone else? Why not work for yourself? Your eyes shot wide open as he unknowingly planted a seed in your head.
"Sukuna dear, I have a huge favour to ask", you say as your excitement showed in your eyes. He was intrigued.
"Yes princess?" A nickname only reserved for you.
"I want to start a business. I need some start up money but I will promise to return every penny plus interest!", you suggested as you almost fell off his lap.
"I'll transfer the money tonight. Anything else you need?" He wasn't going to take back the money he lends you. But he is well aware that you won't take it if he didn't agree to your terms.
"That's all. Thank you! I'm going to work so hard! I'll make you proud! Now I need a pen and paper and start planning! I need a business name and a logo and a business plan. Oh this is so exciting!!! Fuck I am on fire!!!"
Sukuna grabbed you firmly by the wrist before you fell off his lap and pulled you into a kiss. Your excitement was getting him excited. And he warned you earlier.
He felt a stab of discomfort in his pants as he pulled away from the kiss. "Like I said, a little blood doesn't bother me".
I did end up opening a business.
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takumaswife · 2 days
Liar, Liar - Amagai's sister x Tsukasa Takajo
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Word count: 5447
A/n: it's been in my head so with some motivation, I wrote this and I hate ittttt as alwayssss
"Three schools.. three damn schools, Kohei!" You shouted at your brother as the two of you rode in the backseat of the car, driven by Mr. Suzaki. Kohei rolled his eyes and groaned at your nagging. "All because you want to be the best." You continued, crossing your arms as you looked out the window. "How many times do I have to tell you? I- we.." He quickly fixed his words when he saw the glare you gave him. "WE were born to be on the top of the chain." He continued. You rolled your eyes at your arrogant brother. "Next school, we will be the leaders." He spoke again. You rolled your eyes as you looked at Mr. Suzaki, "stop the car." The man nodded and pulled over carefully as you unbuckled your seat belt. "Where are you going?" Kohei asked, furrowing his brows. You ignored him, getting out of the car. You looked at the driver, "take him to the school, I'll walk." Before Mr. Suzaki could speak, you were walking off. Kohei groaned and just growled, "drive."
As Mr. Suzaki drove, he told Kohei he had transfered his son Ryo to the same school as Kohei and his sister were now attending. Slightly confused, he looked out the window as the car pulled up to Senomon Tech, seeing Ryo standing at the entrance. It had been since elementary school that the two had seen each other. Getting out, Kohei looked at the male and started walking, Ryo on his heels. "Y/N will be here soon. We better take control before she gets here." Kohei spoke as he walked through the entrance. The whispered and gasp from people once they noticed Ryo. Kohei rolled his eyes and kept walking, his first task was to find the leader.
You walked for about fifteen minutes before making it to the school. Immediately, stares along with whistles and catcalls were pointed your way. "Obviously these men have never been around a girl." You mumbled as you walked your way up to the entrance doors. As you went to open the door, you felt a hand smack your ass. So that's how they want to play. Looking up with a dry chuckle, you swiftly turn on your heel, kicking the man in the face. He fell backwards and down the steps, his friends no longer laughing as they ran to his side to help. Crouching down with a laugh, you looked at the man who was now glaring at you. "Try that again, and I'll make sure your face is unidentifiable when they find your body." You then stood up and walked inside to find Kohei.
Looking down at the maroon outfit you wore, you laughed as a thought came to your head. "I wonder if blood would show on this uniform." Not really liking the jackets, you just wore the red pants and a black, longsleeve shirt. You walked up the stairs, hearing a commotion. Following the shouting, you walked in just in time to see Ryo holding the leader of Senomon by the neck. There were about six other people on the ground with blood dripping down their face. "I'm Amagai. And I'll be running this school." Kohei spoke as he looked at the beated, former school leader. Kohei looked over to see you and stood up, walking closer. "You missed out on the fun, sis." He chuckled as he left. Ryo let go of Saboten's face, standing up and looking at you with no emotion. "Suzaki?" You mumbled as the man stayed quiet and left the room to follow Kohei.
It had been about a week since you and Kohei took over Senomon. A week of constant fights and threats happening to you and your brother. It was finally when Saboten accepted that you two would run Senomon that the rest of the school stopped the threats.
Sitting in the upstairs loft of the gymnasium, all of Kohei's closest minions continued to inform him about the other schools in the area. Throwing rolls of yen onto the table, he looked at Saboten. "Get me more tools. I'll pay whatever. But we will run S.W.O.R.D." Saboten smirked at the money and took it, looking over at Tsudanuma, "Let's go." The two left along with the rest of the men to gather other schools to join their alliance.
Sitting there, you were annoyed. You had no joy in taking over, you just wanted to be at peace. But with your brother getting into fights, you were dragged along and had to help. Kohei could see the annoyed expression on your face and blew the smoke from his cigarette into the air. "Stop being a brat and just enjoy being a leader." Kohei spoke. You rolled your eyes and looked at your brother. "There is no joy when the only leader here is you, asshole. Where am I leading during any of this?" You raised your voice. Kohei sat up and looked at you with a dead stare. "Is that anyway to talk to someone older than you?" You laughed and stood up quickly. "You're two minutes older than me, dumb ass. The only reason you came out first is because I wanted more peace before I had to deal with your ass in the real world." You spoke as you started to leave.
You were simply annoyed by your brother. You loved him, but his ego was bigger than the universe. He needed to be humbled, but you knew it would be hard now that he had Ryo. Deciding to just leave school for the day, you walked out of the gymnasium and quickly left school grounds. You found yourself walking so far as to even pass the city limits. Soon you found yourself in Toraushi city. It had been a long walk, but you were thinking so much that you never noticed how far you had actually walked until you saw the sign.
Deciding to eat, you walked a little more to find a meal. You decided on a small shop that was selling yakitori. You walked in and was immediately greeted by a older woman, telling you to sit wherever you wanted. You smiled and bowed as you looked for a spot in a secluded place. You decided on a spot towards the back. As you approached the spot, you saw a head pop up and a loud voice. It was three boys about your age eating, one with curls, one with slicked back hair, and a blonde. The only face you could see was the slicked back haired guys. He was pretty loud, talking about how he wanted to fight the greatest. It made you chuckled.
Turning around, you sat at one of the chairs they had at the bar. The older woman who had greeted you walked up and took your order. You took out your phone, looking at the text Kohei has sent you about leaving and not informing him where you would be going. Rolling your eyes, you sat the phone down and faced forward, staring at the decorations on the wall.
Fujio was the first to notice you and pointed you out to Jamuo and Tsukasa. Fujio and Jamuo both looked at Tsukasa and smirked as they lowered their voices. "She's you're type. She looks bad ass." Fujio told the blonde hair boy. Tsukasa turned around and looked at you, humming quietly. You were different than most of the girls he had seen around. Most would be dressed in modest clothing and wouldn't dare wear pants. You were different. Fujio had the bright idea to shout as if he was in pain, causing the entire shop including you to turn and look at their table. All three boys were staring at you before apologizing out loud to everyone. 'Should have picked another place.' You thought in your head.
"So?" Fujio smirked and looked at his friend Tsukasa rolled his eyes towards his friends but the two could see his cheeks turning red. "Fine.. Excuse miss in red!" Fujio shouted. "Fujio." Tsukasa warned. You knew they had to be talking to you. No one else was wearing red. Turning around, you looked at the small group of boys. "My friend here thinks your pretty and you should go on a date with him." Fujio spoke with a cheeky grin. He could feel Tsukasa's death glare piercing into the side of his head.
Getting off your seat, you walked over to the table and crossed your arms. "If that is so, why isn't he asking me himself?" You asked, seeing the blonde male keep his eyes away from yours. "He's shy. His name is Tsukasa." Tsukasa kicked Fujio under the table, causing Fujio to whine. You chuckled and hummed before walking back to the bar. Just as you walked up, the older woman had sat your plate down. You thanked her before asking for a pen and paper. Writing your name and number down, you handed her the pen back before bringing the sliver of paper over and setting it down next to Tsukasa.
Fujio and Jamuo were next to Tsukasa, teasing him to no end as you walked back to your seat to eat. "I'm sick of you two." Tsukasa spoke, only earning laughs.
You were nearly finished with your food when you felt a tap on your shoulder. It was the slicked hair boy. "We are leaving but our friend said he would walk you home. It was nice meeting you." He whispered, glancing behind himself before he took off, pulling the curly haired boy with him. Within seconds, Tsukasa emerged from the bathroom and looked around for his friends. Setting some yen down, you got up from your chair and slowly made your way to Tsukasa. "Uh, your friends left.. he said you would walk me home?" You asked, the nervousness in your voice prominent. Tsukasa cursed under his breath. He glanced at the clock on the shop walk and saw it was getting late anyways, and he couldn't let a girl walk home alone in a city filled with delinquents.
"Y-yeah." Tsukasa spoke, trying to keep his own nerves down. Not many times did he get the chance to actually speak with girls. Despite being popular amongst the girls at surrounding schools, he wasn't one to acknowledge any of them. He was more into taking care of his friends than being in a relationship. He also had insecurities about his life which is why he didn't talk much about himself when walking you home. You unknowingly felt the same way he did. You weren't happy much being a fighter. You only saw fighting as an activity to take place ONLY when needed. You were different from your twin brother.
The walk home was pretty quiet, but he was surprised to find out you lived in the Oya district. You had told him you were walking and didn't realize you entered Toraushi until it was too late. However, once you realized you were getting closer to your school, you stopped and told him you would walk home the rest of the way alone. Tsukasa tried to talk you into letting him continue to walk you, but you told him your family would be angry if a man was with you. Hesitantly he agreed before he said goodbye and watched you walk your way.
That night when Tsukasa got home, he immediately texted you to see if you had made it home safe.
'Hey its tsukasa. I hope you made it home ok'
Your felt phone buzzed in your pocket as you walked to your room, your brother on your heel, yapping about how you shouldn't leave alone. Rolling your eyes, you slammed your room door in his face and took your phone from your pocket. You smiled a bit that he had actually messaged you to check on you.
'I did. I'm hoping you did as well. Thank you for walking me as far as you could. Btw my name is y/n'
Tsukasa quickly checked the message, shaking his head as he realized how excited he got when you replied. "Don't get stupid." He spoke to himself.
'I did too. If you ever need someone to walk you again I wouldn't mind'
Reading the message, your heart kinda fluttered. Tsukasa wasn't a bad looking guy at all. But if Kohei found out or if Tsukasa found out about your school life, he would never talk to you again.
'Will do, I hope you have a nice night!'
You replied before setting your phone to charge. You then went to shower.
Over the next month, you and Tsukasa actually hung out a lot. You found yourself leaving school to meet him to walk around the lake or go have lunch. Kohei was wondering where you were going so often but he had more important things to worry about. He was currently in a meeting with Ebara and Kama High on taking over Oya. However, Kohei wanted more help.
You'd be lying if you said you weren't crushing hard on this boy. Your hangouts would be peaceful, a smile never leaving your faces.
It was currently 12pm when you had agreed to go have lunch with Tsukasa. He was on his way, walking with Fujio and Jamuo who were once again, teasing him. "I think he's falling in love." Jamuo shouted. Tsukasa only rolled his eyes as he continued walking. "You two hang out almost everyday. I think it's time to tell her about your fighting." Fujio spoke before Jamuo finished, "can't start a relationship with someone based on lies." Tsukasa sighed as he knew it was true. He had to tell you about his school and how he was nothing but a delinquent fighter.
As they walked, sounds of metal bats dragging the asphalt behind them made the group turn around. Men dressed in green. The other side, men dressed in red. "We fucked up.. Jamuo, get out and get all our groups together." Jamuo wanted to stay, worried about his friends. But as soon as Tsukasa shouted at him to run, he was out of there.
It had been an hour since Tsukasa was suppose to meet you for lunch. You tried calling and texting but nothing. Just when you were sure he would be a great guy, he turns out to be an asshole. You got up and immediately left the shop, heading back to your school.
Arriving to the school, you see all of Senomon students shouting and laughing. Some having bruises and cuts all over their faces. "They never saw it coming." One of the boys spoke to his group as you passed by. "Oi, y/n. Where have you been? You missed the greatest fight." Tsudanuma asked as you walked into the school. "I was getting lunch." You answered before shaking your head. "Anyways, who did y'all fight?" You asked. Tsudanuma looked at you and hummed, "Oya high. We even kidnapped one of their members. Next plan is the rest of the school comes for him then Kohei says we take over. With Kama and Ebara on our side, we will win again."
You were confused. Is this what Kohei had been working on while you were off, sneaking to meet what you thought was the love of your life.
Walking through the doors of the gymnasium, you walked up the stairs to the loft to meet with your brother. As you made it to the top of the stairs, you walked over to the couches, shouting at your brother. "Oi, Kohei! What is this about you kidnapping? What sucker was slow enough to let you.." your voice got lower when you noticed the familiar blonde hair. The boy you were suppose to meet for lunch about two hours ago was sitting, tied up against the railing of the loft. You slowly walked closer, your face going white.
Tsukasa heard your voice, but he didn't believe it was you. Maybe he was dreaming. But the moment he looked up, seeing you looking back at him, he felt his heart break. You were part of this school. His first thought was you used him. He knew not to try a relationship. Why did he go against himself. Tsukasa didn't even have the strength to speak as his jaw was killing him from the beating he got from Kohei's foot. "This is our bait, Y/n." Kohei spoke as he looked at the boy. You sat down beside Kohei, staring at Tsukasa.
You guys sat there for a few hours before it started getting late. Kohei stood up, looking at Ryo. "Stay here and watch him. Make sure no one sneaks in to save him." Ryo only stayed quiet, looking at Tsukasa with a glare. "Come on, Y/n." Kohei shouted as he started walking to the stairs, you only nodded and followed. Tsukasa looked up at you as you walked away. Quietly, you mouthed an 'I'm sorry' to him before disappearing down the staircase.
That night you spent thinking about Tsukasa. You felt so fucking horrible that your brother beat him. Sneaking out of your room through the window, you made your way back to Senomon. You were quiet walking in, almost scaring Ryo from how quiet you were. "Ryo, go home.. get some rest before they show up tomorrow." You spoke as you walked closer to the couched where he sat. You glanced at Tsukasa before looking back at Ryo. "I need to stay incase they come." He spoke in a monotone voice. "They won't come. Just go rest, it won't be that hard to watch him." You spoke as you sat on the couch. It was currently 11pm and Ryo was tired. After much more begging, he finally agreed and left.
The silence was horrible. Tsukasa didn't want to speak to you, but you needed to talk with him. Once you were sure Ryo was gone, you got up and walked to Tsukasa, kneeling down in front of him. "Tsukasa.. h-how.." You asked, stuttering, trying to find your words. Tsukasa looked up at you and laughed, calling you pathetic. Your heart broke at his words. But you knew he was angry. You grabbed his face gently but he immediately pulled away, "leave me alone." You rolled your eyes and grabbed his face again, this time holding so he couldn't look away. "Listen, I'm sorry.. I promise you I had no idea they were fighting you." You tried to explain. He laughed and shook his head, "you expect me to believe that?"
Sighing you sat down fully and looked at the man in front of you. "Tsukasa.. If I had known, why would I have agreed to go to lunch with you? They would have kidnapped someone else, but not you." He just stayed quiet and looked up at you. His face was awful. The bruises, the cuts, you could have sworn his nose was broken. Quickly getting up, you walked to the gym washroom and grabbed a napkin, soaking it in water. Coming back to Tsukasa, you sat back down and gently started wiping his face. He was to weak to move his face away.
"Why didn't you tell me you were from Senomon.." He asked softly. You stopped wiping his face for a moment before continuing. "How was I suppose to explain who I am without scaring you away? I'm not some modest little school girl, Tsukasa.. I'm a delinquent who is forced to live in her older brother's shadow." You admitted before sitting back, biting down on your lip. "What about you? You never told me you went to Oya.." Tsukasa sighed and looked down at his lap. "Because I liked you and didn't want you to know I was a delinquent who had no future." He chuckled before looking up, shaking his head. "I thought you were different.. but you're just some stuck up rich kid." He finished. You frowned and shook your head. "I'm not stuck up.. I'm humbled compared to my brother." You sighed as you started to wipe his face again. "I just fight because I have to."
Tsukasa stopped talking to you for a few minutes before finally asking, "why is Suzaki here?" You looked around before speaking. "Suzaki.. Kohei uses Suzaki.. when we were younger, Kohei beat up the boys who bullied Suzaki. After that, they promised to fight for each other and become the greatest." You bit your lip as you thought back over the old memories. "Me and Kohei use to be close, but when elementary hit, everything changed. Suzaki's father's business went bankrupt and our father bought him out. Suzaki's father started working for us as a chauffeur, but our father started changing. He was good friends with Suzaki's father, then after he bought the company, it's like his father was a tool to our father." Bringing your knees to your chest, you looked at Tsukasa who was trying to understand. "Our father moved us to a different school. He forced the words, 'born to be the greatest' in our heads. Kohei was influenced the most by our father while I wasn't. Kohei believed money can buy anything. You don't need friends because they will stab you in the back. Kohei believes in fighting to get to the top. Now he has Suzaki, he can use him to make his goals possible.."
Tsukasa was trying his best to understand, but he was still angry with you. He didn't know if you were lying or telling the truth but at this point, he wasn't taking any chances. "I want nothing to do with you." Swallowing the lump in your throat, you nodded and got up, walking to the couch. You sat down and waited. All night you sat there, stealing glances at Tsukasa.
The next morning, Kohei and the others showed up to prepare for Oya to arrive. He was confused seeing you asleep on the couch and growled. "Why is she here?! Where is Suzaki!" He shouted, turning towards Saboten. Saboten shrugged, gulping. The screaming woke you up, making you stand up quickly. "I sent him home. I couldn't sleep so I came to watch the boy." Kohei sighed and looked at Tsukasa. Reiji and Gandhi walked in and sat on the opposite couch of you, staring you down like a piece of meat. Tsukasa saw the look they gave you, part of him growing angry. Kohei went to speak when he got a call. Answering he immediately shouted at the person on the other side of the call. "Bastards. We don't need you." He spoke, ending the call and throwing the phone on the table. "Ebara is out.." Growls and groans erupted between the group of men.
Suzaki showed up a few minutes later, turning to Kohei. He went to speak when Tsudanuma ran in, "They're here." The boys shouted as they immediately ran out. "I'm gonna go watch." You spoke, getting up and following the men out.
Standing on the roof of Senomon building, you watched the fight erupt between the schools. It was intense. You immediately recognized Fujio, impressed by his skills. It was when Kohei walked out to confront Fujio, that it got even more intense. The large junk fence came crashing down with six men coming out from behind. The six men easily took on the group of Senomon and Kama members while Fujio and two others escaped to the gymnasium.
Running back to the gym, you could hear the fight on the gym floor. Running over to the loft when you stopped, you gasped at the sight. Tsukasa was dangling from the ceiling by a rope. "K-Kohei.." you mumbled as you stepped closer, your eyes not leaving Tsukasa. Looking down, Kohei was taking a blade, going to cut the rope so Tsukasa would drop. You ran as fast as you could, pushing your brother away as hard as you could with your shoulder before grabbing the cut rope.
"Y/n what are you doing?!" Kohei shouted, getting up from the ground. You were holding on as long as you could when you felt the rope slipping. Tsukasa looked at you with a slight smile. "Fujio!" You shouted from the loft as the rope slipped from your hands. Fujio ran over, catching Tsukasa right before he hit the floor. Kohei looked at you in disbelief. The two of you began shouting at each other, almost becoming louder than the fighting below.
Fujio untied Tsukasa, looking at him. "Why is y/n here?!" Tsukasa groaned as he stood up, "That's his sister." Fujio felt his anger rising even more. He walked towards the stairs when Tsukasa grabbed his arm and shook his head. "I'll finish this." Tsukasa walked up the stairs to find Kohei and Y/n fighting. It only took Kohei pushing his sister to the ground harshly for Tsukasa to feel enough strength to run over and punch Kohei in the face. The two began fighting, punches being thrown left and right. However, Kohei was using a weapon which was unfair. As you got up, the fight between your brother and Tsukasa got so intense that they fell over the railing.
Running to the rail, you looked down to see Kohei and Tsukasa on the ground. Kohei was crawling after a wrench before he crawled on top of Tsukasa's weak body and tried choking him. Running down the stairs, you caught the sight of Fujio kicking your brother off of the blonde haired boy. "Suzaki!" Kohei shouted. Ryo limped over to attack Fujio when Tsukasa got the strength to send an uppercut. Running over, you took Tsukasa's arm and held him up. "I have him-" You started, being interrupted by Fujio's growl. Tsukasa patted his shoulder gently as a signal to say it was okay to let you near him.
As the Oya alliances filled the gymnasium, the rest of the Senomon and Kama students ran out of the gym in fear. "Here let me help." A taller male with glasses walked over to you, taking Tsukasa's other arm and wrapping it around his shoulder.
Just as you thought it was over, Fujio and Ryo started fighting again. But this time it was just them two. Everyone stood aside to watch the two fight. Once Fujio hit the ground, Kohei started shouting with happiness that he had won. Fujio laughed as he slowly got up. It was very impressive that he had so much more in him despite how weak the both were. When Suzaki fell and didn't get up, the gymnasium was quiet.
Kohei shook his head, repeating to himself. "There's no way.. I did not lose.." He then reached into his pocket and pulled out his switchblade. He ran up to Fujio. Knowing his next move, you let go of Tsukasa, running up in-between your brother and his target. "Y/N!!" You heard Tsukasa shout. You felt the blade enter your abdomen, your breath catching in your throat. Kohei stopped once he realized the blade was in you and not Fujio. He stuttered trying to find the words as he looked down at the blade that penetrated your stomach. "Y-y/n.." Kohei whispered.
Your eyes started closing as you passed out. Tsukasa pushed off of Todoroki as he ran over to catch you. Kohei stepped back, shaking his head as he couldn't believe what he had just done. He stared at his hand, his body shaking in fear. Kohei rushed over to you, only for Tsukasa to push him away harshly. Kohei was staring at you in fear as you weren't responsive. In their weak state, Fujio looked at Rao and asked for help to carry you to the entrance of the school where they would call an ambulance.
Rao picked you up and rushed you out of the gymnasium to the entrance of the school. As he got to the front, Mr. Suzaki, who was there to pick you and Kohei up, saw you passed out in Rao's arms. He got out and opened the door for Rao, "get her inside!" He shouted. Rao nodded as he laid your body in the back seat. Mr. Suzaki got back in the car, rushing you to the nearest emergency room.
Once he arrived to the ER entrance, he got out and informed the nurses who rushed out to collect your body. You were sent to emergency surgery as the blade was deep enough and close to vital organs.
Fourteen hours your surgery took because the blade had cause more damage than the surgeon had originally thought. Fourteen hours the waiting room was filled with members of Oya who were there for Tsukasa, the members of Suzuran, and Kohei and Ryo. Kohei had his face in his hands as tears fell down his cheek. He didn't realize how much of an awful person he had become. His ego got so high that it almost killed the person he cared about most.
Once you were put in a room, only a few people were allowed to visit at a time. Kohei was the first one. Since you were still asleep, Kohei stayed in the room, holding your hand until you woke. Once your eyes slightly opened, Kohei was at your side apologizing. You held up your free hand and patted his head. "Y/n.. I'm so sorry.. I'm so fucking sorry.." Kohei spoke, a tear falling down his cheek. You knew he meant it as it was the first time you had ever seen Kohei cry.
"I'm sorry.. I don't know what has gotten into me. I don't know what I've become. Please, I never wanted to hurt you." Kohei cried as he squeezed your hand. Your free hand continued to pat his head as you smiled weakly. "I love you Kohei, but I don't want to do this anymore. I'm tired of fighting. I just want to be normal.." Kohei sat there for a moment, thinking over everything before he nodded. "If you will forgive me, I promise no more fighting..- well, no more fight for no good reason." You chuckled and nodded your head. He learned up, kissing your forehead as he smiled at you. "Sorry for being an asshole brother." You laughed and looked at the door where Ryo stood. "I think you should be apologizing to someone else. Kohei turned to see Ryo before nodding and getting up. "We'll be back after we talk, plus I think someone else wants to see you." Kohei spoke as he smirked, leaving the room.
With a confused look, you went to speak when Tsukasa walked in. He looked distraught and still so weak. Walking over to your bed, Tsukasa sat down on the chair beside the bed, "hi." "Hey.." you replied as you looked at him. He was staring at his hands, trying to think of what to say. "Why.. why did you do it?" He asked coldly. You frowned at the tone of his voice and looked forward at the door. "Because no one needed to be hurt like that.. plus, he was your best friend. At least the hurt person should be the one you hate." You replied with a forced laugh. Tsukasa looked up with a frown at your words. "Who said I hated you?" He asked.
Tsukasa looked at you and leaned closer. "I'm pissed that you didn't tell me.. I'm pissed you also put yourself in these dangerous situations." You only frowned and looked down. He watched your reaction before sighing. "But..I could never hate anyone who would risk their life to save someone I care about. I also could never hate someone that I was falling in love with." Your eyes immediately jumped to his at his last words. "In love with?" He nodded and chuckled. "That day we were suppose to have lunch before all this, I was going to tell you the truth. I wanted to ask you out without starting a relationship full of lies." He explained as he grabbed your hand. "Plus, I really fell for you. When we would hang out, it was a happiness I had never felt before. Fujio said that's what love feels like. And I want to keep that feeling.. with you." His words were bringing tears to your eyes. Just as you were about to pulling him by the collar to kiss him, Fujio ran into the room with flowers and balloons. Tsukasa groaned and looked at his friend with an annoyed expression. "Don't worry, we can finish this when I get out." You smirked, only causing Tsukasa to blush.
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dwtdog · 3 hours
fem dnf week day 5 🎶
“No,” George says, crossing her arms. It’s certainly not a first for her to be shooting down her management’s ideas- but she all but spits it this time, a sharp contrast to her usual cool indifference. “No way in hell.”
Her manager gives her a pained smile, the fight already draining from his eyes, and George relaxes incrementally. 
Until someone new enters the room. George glares at her, turning fully in her chair to do so. Her manager’s office is small enough as it is, and a third person coming in is far from comfortable. Especially when that third person is the head of her label.
“George, “ she greets pleasantly, holding out her hand for George to shake. George does so, but only begrudgingly. “I take it you’ve heard the plan?” she tilts her head toward George’s manager, effectively kicking the man out of his own damn office. George can’t help but be a little impressed by the ballsiness of it all. 
But that doesn’t mean she likes this plan. “I heard. And I’m not doing it,” George says, uncrossing her arms and relaxing back in her chair, even as she has to make a conscious effort to not grit her teeth.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” the lady- Tiffany, damn it- says. “But we’ve already sent the contract to our other artist, and she’s been advised to sign it. As I am advising you to do the same.” “Well I assume she’ll say no, so this doesn’t really matter,” George responds. “Thank you for your time and all that, but I’ve got rehearsals-”
“She signed the contract,” Tiffany cuts her off, her smile entirely plastic. “And I am assured that she will be fine with you doing the same.”
George blinks at her, entirely taken aback. “She- What the hell do you have over her?” She cringes as soon as the words are out of her mouth, but Tiffany only laughs.
“It’s a good deal, for both of you,” she explains, like George isn’t getting it. “I know you two have had some difficulties-”
“That’s putting it lightly,” George grumbles.
“-But this will help her PR. And it’ll get you some added attention, just in time for the tour and the album drop. And the label would appreciate if you two could be more cordial to each other, both in public and private,” Tiffany says the whole thing like it’s a matter of fact, like George’s fate has already been decided. And, she supposes with a sinking feeling in her stomach, that it has.
“Great to… See you. Here. In my studio,” George grits out, gripping the thumb of her left hand in the palm of her right. Dream appears similarly uncomfortable, as she continuously brushes her hair out of her face, shifting on her feet. “Make yourself comfortable,” George adds, throwing her arm out to gesture to the small space. “Probably smaller than you’re used to.”
Dream grimaces, but takes the chair in the corner. George’s favorite. The bastard.
“It’s cozy in here,” Dream says, and George glares. “What? It is.”
“You can just say it sucks,” she says as she flops down in one of the other chairs, mourning the loss of her favorite one. Surely she’ll have to burn it now. 
“You think you’re own studio- that you had the final say on designing- sucks?” Dream asks with a raised eyebrow. “That’s- interesting.”
George snorts. “No, I fucking love this place. But I’ve seen the studio they’ve got you in. This shit looks like a damn barn compared to that.”
“Why are you-” Dream starts, cutting herself off with a shake of her head. “Whatever. Moving on. How the hell are we going to make this work?”
“We’re not,” George says, wriggling so she can pull a stick of gum from her pocket and pop it in her mouth. “We’re going to tell them to fuck off. Find a loop hole in the contract. Make them regret it, if we have to.”
Next door, there’s a loud banging of drums, followed by muffled chatter. George doesn’t react, but Dream frowns, looking at the meager sound panels in the studio and the wall the noise is coming from. “Uh, no, sorry. I can’t- I need this. I need to do this.”
“You want to PR date me?” George is standing, before she even realizes she’s moved. “That’s- That’s so- You’re so- What the fuck?”
“Listen,” Dream waves her hands, motioning for George to sit back down. George does, but she hates it. “Let me be clear. It was not my idea.”
“Okay,” George growls. “But you agreed to it. You want to follow through.”
“I do,” Dream says, nodding. “I wish it didn’t have to be like this- I think we could have done something else, but the label is really pressuring me to clean up my look. And this was their solution.”
George flinches. It hurts, to be dismissed like this. To have her feelings dismissed by her employer, her coworker- who she hates, admittedly- all for the sake of a relationship that half the damn world will be able to see through. She says as much, leaving out the bit about her feelings being hurt. She doesn't think Dream would give a single shit about how she feels when her precious career is on the line. 
“It’ll work,” Dream says, with an unearned amount of conviction. “People- People want it. They’ll overlook the obvious PR move. Trust me George, when I was unsigned, marketing was my thing.”
“Dream. This isn’t your fucking Tiktoks. This is the damn music industry. The world.”
“It doesn’t matter, George,” Dream shoots back, raising her voice for the first time. “Don’t you get it? This is my career, my dream on the line. For- For no reason.” the anger drains from her, the last sentence said with the deep sort of sadness that makes George squirm, to hear it coming from Dream- eternally optimistic Dream, friendly, open, kind-hearted Dream. To everyone but her, of course, but she’s had years to get used to that.
“What the hell did you even do? I know you suck at PR but- even I know you’re in deep shit this time,” George asks it to distract herself from the flicker of sympathy growing in her chest. “Was it the- the cheating thing again?”
That gets a startled laugh out of Dream, and she seems to relax a bit. “First of all, don’t say it like that. It wasn’t cheating. Me and him had been broken up for ages, but no one ever seems to listen when I say it.”
“Fair enough,” George says with a shrug. “But this time-?”
“It’s because I cam out,” Dream looks away when she says it, like the wall opposite George has suddenly become very interesting. “The label they- They told me not to do it. Said my music was about a certain experience, and if I came out it would ruin that.” “And you want to go along with their cash grab PR shit?” George asks, astounded. “That- What?”
Dream screws her eyes shut, pressing the heels of her hands into them. “I know. I fucking know. It- It feels like shit. I feel like shit for agreeing to it.”
“And for dragging me into it,” George says sardonically, long past accepting that Dream couldn’t give a rats ass about her. “We all make shitty choices, I can understand that. I guess.”
“Fuck,” Dream breathes. “Fuck, I’m such a fucking idiot.”
“Only just now figuring that out?”
“No, shit George, I am so fucking sorry,” when she lifts her head, her eyes are rimmed with red. George’s stomach drops. “I was so caught up in my own shit that I didn’t even think of how this would feel for you and- I’ll get us out of the contract.”
“What?” George yelps, looking at Dream like she’s lost her damn mind. “But you just said-”
“I know,” Dream cuts her off, again. “But I can’t do it if you don’t want to. And I don’t eve know- how I wasn’t thinking about how you would feel. God, I really am sorry.”
“Okay, stop apologizing,” George says. “You can drop the fucking- act. I know you hate me. It’s fine. Look, we can do this damn PR shit.”
“You know I- What?”
“Stop. Whatever. We can fake date or whatever the hell. As much as I hate it, it’ll be good for me. For my fucking album. So fine,” George feels her self-respect diminishing as she says it, but fuck. What the hell else can she do?
“We can?” 
“Yes. Stop asking or I’ll take it back,” George fidgets with the hem of her shirt, fingers aching to hold a guitar, to let her building emotions out in a way that makes sense.
“I- Thank you. But we should really talk about-”
“You two done in here?” a voice calls, before the door to the studio opens. And in walks Tiffany, her usually pomp securely about her. “Dream, you’ve got a photoshoot in half an hour. George, you have a meeting with your producer.”
George nods, holding back every bit of vitriol that crawls at the back of her throat. She’s surprised to realize some of it is on Dream’s behalf- not a feeling she wants to get used to.
“Of course,” Dream says, standing. “Uh- see you around George.”
“Bye baby,” George calls as she’s leaving, taking note of the way the muscles of her lower back twitch, visible due to the cropped shirt she wears. There are worse people to fake date- few as they are- she supposes, as the door shuts with a click.
The first week is fine. 
It’s meant to be by design, of course. They can’t just jump straight into a public relationship- they have to lay the groundwork, as George’s manager repeatedly says. 
Groundwork involves being seen leaving the studio together, making appearances at the same party, and liking each others tweets. It’s almost laughable, really, but people do pick up on it.
There’s a whole thread on George’s subreddit by the end of the week, of people discussing the possibility of them being friends. She feels a bit of vindication at the amount of comments pointing out that there’s far more evidence of the two of them disliking each other- an oft shared YouTube video of George walking straight past Dream at an event, Dream shaking hands with everyone in George’s group but Georgem and other various social faux paus they’d made toward each other over the years is posted more than once.
The second week is much the same. George is busy with album prep, and Dream seems to always have a million and one things going on, so they aren’t even seen together that week- but George is told to follow Dream on Instagram, and like some of her older posts. It’s fucking ridiculous, and George has a good laugh at the ensuing thread with her best friend, Gia.
“Can you believe they buy this shit?” she asks as she sips at a flute of champagne, her loft filled with the quiet sounds of music. The loft is one of the few perks of her label- it had been written into her contract, and is far outside of what she’d be able to afford otherwise. “Like, it just seems forced, right?”
Gia laughs. “Oh George, you just wouldn’t get it.”
Things fall apart three weeks in- they’ve got a date.
It’s at a cafe in New York, and both George and Dream are flown out for it- on the private jet, of course. The label couldn’t stand the idea of people picking up on the date being staged- so they can’t be seen before they arrive in New York.
Dream has legitimate reasons for being there- some sort of meet and greet at a record store, but George doesn’t. She asks her manager if she should come up with one, but he tells her its better if it seems like she went to New York just for Dream. Which, in her opinion, makes the whole private jet thing pointless, but what the hell does she know.
Which means Dream and George are stuck on a jet together from LA to New York.
They have plenty of room to sit far apart, to mind their own damn business, but Dream’s manager has other plans. 
“You two have to get to know each other,” she explains. George thinks it’s unfortunate that the woman is stuck with Dream as a client- she’s always liked Sylvee, and her dedication to her work. But she’s quickly becoming an enemy the more she talks. “So. Talk.”
“Isn’t this what first dates are for,” George grumbles, swirling her cup of tea. “The whole- getting to know each other shit.”
“Real first dates,” Dream says cheekily. “Ours is fake.”
“Thanks, captain obvious,” George takes a swig of her tea, hissing when it burns her tongue. “What happened to you being all apologetic?”
“Is that coffee?” Dream asks, distractedly. 
“Uh- No?”
“Oh, good. I don’t think I could fake date someone who likes coffee,” Dream takes a sip of her own drink, blanching after. “Ow.”
“Nice going, genius.”
“I just watch you do the same thing,” Dream protests, taking the lid off her cup and blowing on it like that’ll do shit. 
“Whatever,” George shrugs. “Should have learned from my mistakes.”
They’re silent for a beat after that, and the plane feels uncomfortably small. George wishes, for a moment, that they could just fall from the sky like a puppet with its strings cut. At least that would save her from this damn conversation.
“So uh,” Dream starts, squirming in her seat. “Do you have any hobbies? Besides music, I guess.”
The rest of the flight is spent making awkward small talk- they go back and forth like a tennis match, asking inane questions until they run out. Then they talk about the weather. George wants to die.
When the plane touches down, George is on the verge of collapse. She misses her studio, her apartment, her friends. She hates New York- just because it’s the city that’s causing the current bullshit. She thinks she’d like it under normal circumstances.
Their ride into the city is a nice car, the windows tinted heavily. George claims the front seat, and Dream seems content enough to take the back and stretch her legs across the entire span of it. The driver plays shitty pop- one of Dream’s songs comes on, which makes George laugh- and they make it to their hotel.
George thanks her lucky stars when she gets confirmation that they have separate rooms. She wouldn’t put it past her management to pull some shit, or for some sort of error to make things somehow worse, but she gets the satisfaction of collapsing into her own bed, even if there is a door connecting her room to Dream’s.
She gets the whole first day to herself- she has instructions to visit popular places, to let herself be seen, but she can handle that. 
George’s music is relatively niche, so only a few people approach her. She has security, of course, hovering only a few paces behind at all times, but it’s easier to forget they’re there as she wanders Times Square, entirely enamored with it. There’s something about the way everything moves that draws her in, a city that feels entirely alive by its own power. It reminds her of London, in a way, and homesickness makes her chest ache. 
When she returns to the hotel that evening, she can barely make it through her shower before she’s falling asleep, muscles aching from the thousands of steps she’d taken.
She’s awoken by a knock, and a sense of unease falls over her when she realizes that it’s not coming from the door to the hallway. Of course, that unease quickly turns to frustration when she registers who it is that could be knocking at the door connected to Dream’s room. 
“What do you want,” she says when she swings it open, finding Dream’s golden eyes waiting for her. Her hair is different than she’s ever seen it, curly instead of straight, and it’s a bit distracting- only because of the unfamiliarity. 
“Sorry,” Dream says, shuffling her feet. “I couldn’t sleep.”
“So you woke me up,” George deadpans, yawning. Dream does the same after a moment, face twitching in a small smile when it’s over.
“Yeah, sorry. I uh- I thought we could talk. Like- for real.”
It sounds- fucking awful, honestly. George just wants this to be over with. Her opinion of Dream isn’t going to change because she suddenly wants to have a heart to heart. “Did the label put you up to this?”
“No,” Dream answers quickly, shaking her head and making her curls bounce. “This is all me.”
“Will you go away if I say no?” 
“Uh-” Dream bites her lip, and George groans.
“Fine. Let’s get this over with,” she swings the door open, abandoning it to plop down on her bed, grabbing a pillow and hugging it to her chest.
Dream follows after a moment, leaving the door open behind her. She sits next to George on the bed, pulling her legs up and crossing them beneath her.
“So,” George says, drawing the vowel out.
“Right, yeah. Uhm. I’m sorry,” Dream says, eyes downcast.
“For what?” George prompts, the list expanding in her mind. “You can go in alphabetical order, if you want.”
“Uh- For waking you up? For getting you into this mess? For not thinking of your feelings.”
“Good start,” George says with a small nod. “And?”
“And- What?” Dream asks, and the tiny amount of goodwill she’d built up instantly vanishes. 
“Do I need to spell it out?” George grits her teeth, digging her nails into the pillowcase. “Because I don’t think I should have to.”
Dream finally meets her eyes, and her expression is- conflicting. It’s all confusion, furrowed eyebrows and a tilted head, lips quirked, eyes wide. “I really have no idea, I’m- sorry, I guess. That I don’t know what I’m sorry for.”
George snorts. “Fine. Say I believe you. Say I said that the reason you should be apologizing is how you’ve treated me since the start. Like I’m nothing. Like because you got signed so quick, blew up so fast, you’re better than me. I’d say hey, that kind of really fucking hurt- hurts.”
The silence that falls over them after that is one George isn’t used to. The sounds of the city are entirely shut out by soundproofed walls, and Dream’s breathing is unsteady, billowing to fill the room in the absence of anything else. 
“But you have ‘no idea’ about any of that, so. Not sure how you could apologize,” George adds, because she can. Because it feels fucking good, to get this shit off her chest.
But then something in Dream’s demeanor changes. Her face rapidly shifts from confusion to retaliatory anger, eyes going from wide to narrow. 
“That is not fair,” she says, and her voice breaks a bit on the last word. “I- You treated me like shit first!”
And now it’s George’s turn to blink, searching Dream’s face and realizing that she completely believes what she’s saying. 
George’s first instinct is to deny, to tell Dream that she’s wrong. But Dream holds up a hand when she opens her mouth.
“Wait. Just- wait. Okay. Can you- tell me. What you think happened between us? From the beginning,” Dream says it with more authority than George has ever heard from her, and it should piss her off- but in the moment, it feels good to have guidance. So she talks.
“The first time we met. You ignored me. It was that fucking- party. The one the label through for you. I came up to say congratulations or whatever, and you- You totally blew me off!”
“Okay,” Dream says, nodding. “Okay, that does seem pretty shitty of me. But that wasn’t the first time we met,” she says it with all the finality of a falling gavel, the lynchpin in her defense. And George- Is lost. 
“Uhm- Yes it was? I would have remembered meeting you,” she blushes as soon as the words are out of her mouth, which is fucking stupid. Because, sure, Dream is objectively her type. To the damn tee. And she sings. Well, as much as George is loathe to admit. “I mean- Whatever.”
“Oh,” Dream says, and it’s an oh sort of oh. George is blushing still. “Uh- Okay. But we met way before that.”
“When,” George demands, leaning forward. “Just fucking- tell me.”
“At a party. New Years? I think? You were siting at the bar and I thought, fuck it, we’re both in the same industry now, it’s as good a time as any to shoot my shot,” Dream explains in a rush, like George will stop her. “And you weren’t into me. Totally fine, obviously. But when you were at my signing party- I just felt so damn awkward. I didn’t know how to talk to you so I just- didn’t. And I am sorry for that.”
“You- What? Asked me out?” George asks, the puzzle pieces floating in her head, waiting to fall into place. 
“Just for drinks. If you wanted one, I mean.”
“And I- said no? To you?”
Dream taps her fingers against the comforter. “You hardly looked at me. It was like- I didn’t exist,” she huffs out a laugh. “Ironic, I guess.”
“Oh fuck,” George groans, dropping her head into her hands. “I’m an idiot.”
“So am I,” Dream offers. “I probably could have just- been normal, at my party. But I couldn’t be, so you thought I hated you. And then I thought you hated me. Mostly because you were always so- standoffish.”
“It hurt,” George admits, curling in on herself. “To see how fucking nice you were to everyone else, and you could never even look at me. So I built this image up in my head, of you like- hating me. Thinking you were better than me.”
Dream laughs, short and sharp. “I uh- went to your first ever official show. If that means anything.”
“In that shitty venue with half the lights broken?” George asks, entirely taken aback. “That was- I wasn’t even signed yet.”
“I know,” Dream snorts. “It was so- I think that was my sexual awakening, honestly. Your voice and the way you sang-”
“Dream,” George gasps, covering her mouth with her hand. “You’re- You’re Claire.”
“You remember me?” 
“Fucking- Yes. Oh my god. Holy shit. You came to like, half of my shows,” George wants to slap herself. It all makes sense now- she can see it now, Dream with her hair in its natural curls, looking so similar to George’s memory of the girl who had been barricade at her first few shows.
The rest of the night slips away- Dream and George talk until the sun comes up, about how Dream had found George’s music, about the label, everything. 
George thinks she’s a new person under the morning sun. And she can see Dream for who she really is- and she doesn’t think she’ll forget again anytime soon.
The fourth week is George’s favorite. The rumors are in full force, after their very public New York date. George is kind of floored by just how famous Dream is- she knew objectively, of course, but experiencing it is a whole new beast.
But none of that is what makes her love that week. It’s something that’s entirely private, kept from the newly prying eyes of the public, from the greedy hands of their label.
It’s a night spent in George’s loft, Dream sneaking in through the fire escape. It’s barely restrained giggles and shared drinks, small touches and and closing space.
It’s George’s couch, and Dream’s hand on her waist, and the sound of the city around them. It’s stories of Dream’s family, of George’s love for London.
It’s a moment of quiet, a break in the conversation. It’s George leaning in, and Dream gasping softly into her mouth, lips impossibly plush against hers. It’s hands and lips and noses brushing, kisses that drag on and on until their horizontal on the couch, George’s hands holding her over Dream, Dream’s hands in her hair. It’s the promise of more, as they fall asleep tangled together right on the couch.
And it’s giggling together as they read the tabloids and the Reddit posts, as George’s manager sends her articles about getting along with people you dislike. It’s everything.
George loses count of the weeks. She asks Dream out during one of them, to be her girlfriend. She releases her album in another, with a song featuring Dream charting higher than anything else she’s released. 
(People ask, often, if she’s bitter about it. ‘Why would I be?’ She says. ‘My girlfriend is the best- but I wrote the damn thing’)
Her tour is in one of the weeks after. It sells out, and they get frozen fruit to celebrate. And somehow, during her first show, there’s a beautiful girl watching her, cheering her on.
And at her last show, she pulls Dream on stage, grins wolfishly at the cameras. Mine, she thinks, when she kisses her under the lights.
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thegreatyin · 4 days
this nemesis ambition started out a little slow but I am getting closer to finding that bastard who killed my wife, and I’ll not rest a minute now that im far closer to on his trail
sorry got in character for a second
Anyways fun ambition so far very fucked up though
congratulations on joining the murder club anon!!!! depending on who you ask the name refers to either people who have murdered or people who have witnessed murder. usually both. actually extremely often both. it's a swell time you'll feel right at home (don't mind our collective skyglass knife collection in the back)
#im still not far into nemesis personally but im very much enjoying it#honestly in a weird way it feels like it's moving faster than HD did. which. is funny bc nemesis is like The gated behind item grinds quest#idk. HD was a fun slowburn where we adventured around gathering our rogues gallery before the action kicked in#nemesis on the other hand feels like im picking up halfway through a batman serial#fallen london#ask#it's WAY more fucked up right off the bat than HD was. honestly ive thought abt red honey for ages. that's so fucked up#and we LEAD with that?? Okay#definitely a horrors-filled ambition befitting caeru (the guy who's constantly going through horrors)#it really encourages you to get fucked up and freaky and in ur character's headspace at basically every step along the way#i only have HD to compare it too but HD was like. a lot more interpretative in comparison? at least to me. that's what it felt like#and i adore HD for that dont get me wrong here#HD just also waited until like. halfway through before it asked what the scoundrel actually Wanted out of its heart's desire#nemesis in comparison is right off the bat who died? who are you mourning? anguish. justice. there must be vengeance.#it's a delightfully different vibe!! i like it!!!#oh god sorry anon im doing the classic yin talking way too much in the tags thing again#i havent had much excuse to talk abt nemesis and what i think of it so far and of course its rp effects on caeru#but i do have a handful of thoughts on it#it's good. im liking it so far. it's starting very strong if nothing else. and i have no spoiler knowledge of what happens in the future#beyond the choice between rewards at the very end#and im SO curious how we'll get to that point. what horrors will we adventure through next? off we go to find out!#it's biggest glaring weakness so far is how horrendously grindy it is. and like. ive been warned and done my research ahead of time#im doing it on the same account im seeking. i knew what i was getting into. but also gots damn.#in comparison HD's 5-card lodgings and dreamgate feel like footnotes#anyway while im already way too deep into rambling did you know the honey trip gives you fate?? insane. why does it do that. hilarious even
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