#really uncle rick??
percyjacksonzeus · 4 months
Dude!!!! This episode was all I could ask for but also packed one of the best scenes that Rick has ever written, like we wanted to see Percy in a plane we wanted to see Percy on the news bawling his eyes out about his step father telling everyone to go get some free appliances. Uncle Rick what the hell man?!?!
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desultory-novice · 11 months
“Changing Times...”
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(I love all eras of Kirby, old and new. But the rush of tragic backstories must have been an adjustment for the animal friends.)
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notmontauk · 5 months
i was rewatching the last few episodes of the pjo tv show and the way percy’s loyalty is being depicted kinda makes me think that rick riordan heard those few people who say that loyalty isn’t actually a serious/dangerous character flaw (when talking either about pjo or about other media) and just said BET
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kat-rose-griffith · 5 months
So I just read that they did actually decided to make Smelly Gabe more comical in the show than he was in the book because they thought it would be too much for kids watching the show to handle if he was as bad as he was in the books. So him being more pathetic than outright abusive and menacing was actually done on purpose. I have been loving the show but ngl that does bum me out a bit, just because like that aspect of Percy’s story is one of the parts that I related to the most when I read it in middle school. Seeing someone heroic like Percy experience something similar to me and choosing over and over again to still be a good person was a big deal to me growing up, especially with how hard it is to not succumb to the anger you naturally feel and let it make you a bad person too. I get why they made that choice I just wish they had gone about it differently. I mean there are plenty of other ways they could’ve portrayed how abusive he was without outright showing it. At least make him look smellier or something, he just looks and acts like a regular dead beat loser in the show. I mean they could’ve at least made him more repulsive. I’m just going to ignore it because it’s a small part of the overall story and everything else has been incredible, that part is just disappointing to me that’s all.
I just hope they don’t nerf the abuse that Zuko goes through in the live action avatar the last airbender too. That would be beyond ridiculous
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itspercyintime · 5 months
I'm gonna be really not okay if nico is in the lotus casino episode and doesn't look how he's described in the books and not bc I really care about how he's depicted but bc i don't wanna get fucking Uncle Rick Rolled
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non-plutonian-druid · 5 months
i guess i should have been tipped off in the very first episode, when sally questioned the assumption that medusa is a monster. that they were gonna tie medusa more thematically to sally
but they made smelly gabe both more fun to watch and less shitty, (which do not necessarily go hand in hand), and it really made me think they werent gonna have sally kill him. but they are Playing Up the parallels between sally and medusa *hard* (which honestly... the parallels always existed and it astonishes me that i never noticed before. huge props to whoever decided to make it so much more concrete) which makes very little sense unless sally DOES kill smelly gabe.
maybe theyre gonna have sally do something else, but either way its Gonna involve medusa and Hopefully it involves murder and i am Intrigued
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worldsokayestdragon · 9 months
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the god Apollo says ACAB
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kiyomarus · 8 months
If Jason isn't in the Chalice of The Gods, I'm literally going to sob.
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omvimo · 1 year
got the sun and the star
opened dedication page
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started sobbing
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wayvtual · 1 year
brendan fraser will always be famous to me the mummy returns is literally my favorite movie his role as rick o connell means everything to me
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mr-weed · 1 year
I just think it’s hilarious that after Percy Jackson’s tv show got green lit and everyone got excited, the big money men decided that “oh YA series adaptions must be what people want, let’s make twelve” and it completely backfired on them. They picked Harry Potter? That was dumb, everyone hates JK Rowling. Twilight?? Are you serious? If the plot wasn’t bad enough, the exploitation of the Quileute tribe definitely hasn’t won them any favor. I love seeing rich men absolutely wreck themselves with dumb ideas.
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avaetin · 1 year
You know, there was this particular line that was bugging me in the spoilers because of how it was phrased.
Just to be clear, I accepted long ago that Solangelo is canon. I ship what I ship without disrespecting other ships because hey, freedom and creativity.
Disregarding the word "stability" because it really is something Nico deserves, the fact that he mentioned Percy along with his family - at least for me - means that at a point in time, his feelings for Percy was that intense. And the line after that, that getting over Percy was easier than expected - because he became used to the idea that he wanted things he couldn't have - means that Blood of Olympus really downplayed his emotion big time with that infamous "You're not my type" dialogue. For me, it implied that he accepted that he had to let go of his feelings for Percy because he had come to terms that it was fruitless, not because it was just a passing crush.
I would just like to throw out, I accept the term "unrequited love" but not "crush", thank you very much-
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thatshadowgastwhore · 2 years
Happy Birthday Grover Underwood, Frank Zhang, and Rick Riordan!
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jademight · 2 years
I cannot quite verbalize why, even potentially, turning Bruce into Jen’s uncle rather than her cousin wrongs me the absolutely wrongest way but it does
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lebrookestore · 5 months
bro....how did the summer solstice pass....
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I'm starting to lose it with my fellow pjo book fans. Specifically about the pearls.
Have we lost the ability to think critically??? First of all,this is an adaptation,things are going to be different. Secondly, Percy has already had an instance (with the pen, albeit temporarily) of losing things, AND accidentally (with the spear) breaking things???
Literally the moment I saw four my first thought was "Well, one of those isn't making it to Hades."...... Like what??? And even if it does.... So what??? This is an adaptation. It's not going to be exactly like the books. Those fuckers are old. Not ancient but hey, times change and the next gen/People who didn't catch it the first time around deserve to be able to enjoy it the way we did.
Also, about the deadline shit:
This a.) Creates more tension cause now there is a war happening (which like.... I think is a cool element), And b.) It further cements these kids desire to do good and to be better than their parents. Which..... Yk..... Is kinda a major point in this story???
(specifically: they now have no real incentive to do this. They SHOULD just go home. But they actively choose 'No, we are better than this, and we can still fix it'. Hubris may not be their fatal flaw, but my god is it what makes them human, and what cements that they are still just kids! This is a great addition imo)
There needs to be tension. This will, Inevitably create it. There is still so much to go. And Rick is notorious for monkey wrenching shit. Hold fast y'all, for fucks sake.
Anyway, I personally loved episode six. I love the change in the deadline having passed, and the four pearls.... The lighting kinda sucked ass, and there weren't any super obvious cameos of the Di'Angelos but hey. It is what it is.
But seriously guys, let's think critically and not let our nostalgia cloud our judgement of this. Kill the cop in your head. Fr.
Edit (spoiler for ep 7): They lost a pearl. Shocker. I CALLED IT!!! Also this episode had way more changes than were- eh. But hey! Uncle Rick is evil and we love him anyway so really no big complaints still.
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