#reap what you sow bitch
ermwhatsup · 2 months
the story of the greens is just them repeatedly putting a volatile and unqualified young man in charge and then being surprised when he behaves exactly as anyone with common sense would have predicted
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dwarfmun · 4 months
laurence acting like temeraire's dragon rights campaign is a pain in his ass as if laurence wasn't the one who Started It.
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karmaismyfriend · 8 months
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Karma will always come back to you 💜
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crazy-minded-girl · 4 months
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shannonsketches · 10 months
no but where else but an illumination zelda movie could I get a scene of Link and Zelda and Ganondorf having some serious confrontation and then Demise showing up like the devil in Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny like “yes you !! the incarnation of my wrath!! Kill them ahahaha“ and Gan’s like “mmmmbe’squse me?”
and Demise goes on a whole dramatic monologue about destiny and the hero and the goddess blood and Gan and these kids are sitting here with godshards in their bodies because of fucked up politics made worse and are learning all this for the first time
so Gan’s like “So like aaaall of this …is your fault?” And Demise is like “yes and isn’t it great bc vengeance-” villain monologuing until he sees Ganondorf taking out his earrings and then he’s like “Wait, hang on-” and Gan’s like “:) would you please hold these my dear” to one of the kids and just wholesale beats a demon’s ass off screen to a chorus of demise compromise sound bites and looney tune violence sound effects and all we see is Link and Zelda reacting to it until gan comes back like ‘thanks so much :)’ and puts his earrings back in as he’s walking away and Link and Zelda are still staring off screen in horror like ‘yep mhm no problem’
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allycat75 · 7 months
So after the second fatuous Medium article...
The best thing I can say about the author is that it takes some talent being able to type up some dreck while sucking the subject of the article's dick, figuratively speaking, of course.
Yeah, I said it.
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troubledontlast1 · 3 months
What you do now will come back to you in the future.
Life has a funny way of making you deal with what you make others go through.
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my4lg1c-p1err0t · 7 months
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asterdeer · 22 days
"why does it hurt so much to type and move my hands, what a painful mystery" i say as if i haven't been crocheting and knitting and hand-sewing nonstop to deal with workplace misophonia triggers for the past two weeks
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frosty-tian · 10 months
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(Vent replaced.)
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jellyfitzjelly · 3 months
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guccigarantine · 2 years
I think signet should still be alive during palisade i think she deserves it
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maiz-of-light · 2 years
Between Lydia, Lawrence, and Serena,
The makers of Gilead are finally getting a bitter taste of the nightmare they created.
And I
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marciliedonato · 1 year
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ok wow so not only is this lady full of the nerve™️ and the audacity™️ rigging results, she’s also an anti vax amongst other ass backwards shit lunatic...no great that’s awesome....yeah why is she there again...?
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queen-of-bel · 2 years
Not even the most rudest and annoying child deserves to get bullied. If kids think it's okay to bully and traumatize another kid during their most formative and vulnerable years, they have bigger issues than some child who's worst crime is being annoying and kind of a jerk.
YEAAHH literally though. Also, and I legitimately do not mean this in a negative way, but high school kids do dumb shit and can be annoying and may lack self-awareness. You know why? Because they're kids!!
Speaking more broadly, outside of just Milgram/Muu, I've seen a worrying trend of people my age or older saying things like "man no wonder I got bullied, I was sooo annoying" or "maybe my bullies were right man idk". The narrative that the only "real" victims of bullying are the ones who never did a single thing wrong and was all but a literal saint is a very harmful narrative that I wish people would stop pushing. The quiet kid in the back of the classroom who did nothing but read, and the loud "annoying" kid with non-mainstream interests are both deserving of the same levels of courtesy and compassion. Full stop. No exceptions whatsoever.
Switching to that mindset has personally helped teach me how to stand up for myself even now as an adult. If I make a mistake, I can own up to it, but also not let someone (metaphorically) beat me up over it. It's not mutually exclusive.
But I'm rambling... Sorry, I'll get back on track.
Anyway, just because Muu is showing more of the "spoiled" aspect of her personality, it doesn't make her any less of a victim. She's not a perfect person, but that doesn't mean she deserved what happened to her.
And look, I'm just going to say it. Even if it turns out Muu was a bully, you know what? She still apologized. Many times:
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She's okay being villified, but she just wants to be left alone.
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Her victims don't have to forgive her and in fact I fully do not expect any victim of bullying to forgive their bullies, but if Muu is genuinely contrite, then people need to just back off her.
That being said, I don't think Muu was a bully. It seems incongruent with the information we have so far, but I guess only time will tell...
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albonium · 2 years
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