#anyway ill shut up now
ermwhatsup · 2 months
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the ides of march starting to trend on march 1st is like the tumblr equivalent of those people who start listening to christmas music on november 1st
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justarandombrit · 3 months
I love compilations like "Starkid breaking the fourth wall" because you always know what's coming:
. That one moment in Twisted (Subliminal messaging)
. That one moment in Starship (Damn that G.L.E.E)
. That one moment in AVPSY (The same Hermione you know and love)
. A few moments in AVPM (Voldemort threatening A.J when he starts playing the piano, when Voldemort just walks around the stage door, etc)
. About half of Firebringer (The fourth wall hadn't been invented yet)
. All of Trail To Oregon (The fourth wall still hadn't been invented yet)
. Red Vines (what the hell can't they do?)
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if i had a nickel for every time bears in trees wrote a song about push-ups i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
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justpinmeagainstawall · 4 months
can’t wait to tease my partner all day with sexts and nudes and then put on some lingerie and get on all fours and spread my ass cheeks while I wait for them to come home from work so they can ruin me and all my holes
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dailyedgeworth · 1 year
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today, someone suggested to draw klavier in leather!!!!
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staarry-skies · 2 months
— usagis jealousy during bmc, and if it really is just that? a meta
(read more bc i anticipate this getting very long)
before we talk about bmc lets set the stage a bit: usagi has just defeated the dark kingdom no more than a week ago (its unclear how much time passes btwn the two arcs but i can’t imagine its longer than a week, or even a couple days, as we see usamamo exchange their keepsakes at the end of act 14, something they promised they’d do the next time they saw each other during act 8, which means that this must be the first time theyve seen each other since defeating the dark kingdom, which again, i cant imagine took longer than a couple days) which means she has just experienced: watching her boyfriend die in front of her, being overloaded with a host of tragic memories from her past life (one of them including watching her boyfriend die and killing herself), her boyfriend getting brainwashed, having to kill her boyfriend because there was no getting through to him, killing herself due to the aforementioned trauma, and finally finding out her friends died— sacrificing themselves for her to bring her back. so thats all Crazy we can agree that is crazy for a 14 year old girl to go through? right? okay? good.
now that we’ve agreed on that can you imagine a little girl falling out of a large portal in the sky then threatening you with a GUN (fake sure but she didnt know that originally) and demanding you hand over the overpowered magical artifact you JUST endured all that trauma trying to protect? and then that same girl brainwashes your family? obviously usagi isnt going to trust chibiusa right away. i mean look at what she’s working with, and then when she tries to bring up these concerns no one believes her. i mean sure WE as the audience know chibiusa isnt a threat, and the others think she isnt because they cant see a little girl as particularly threatening but when you look at things from usagis perspective, then OBVIOUSLY she’d be suspicious— i mean she repeatedly refuses to answer any sort of questions (obviously this is not chibiusas fault, shes a scared child and the questioning terrifies her further, but again, think about this from usagis perspective). and again id like to reiterate that all of this is directly after the dark kingdom, usagi hasn’t had any time to heal from those fresh fresh emotional scars Of Course she’s a bit irrational.
now, to the topic at hand, was usagis jealousy really just that? regular jealousy at seeing mamoru spending time with someone who isnt her (even if the person in question was a small child that logically posed no threat to her relationship)?
obviously i dont think so, but let me prove to you its not just simple irrational jealousy but also usagis ptsd and specifically her abandonment issues that are what cause her to react in the way she does.
again, id like to remind the jury of the shit usagi has just gone through and how that all has caused usagi to develop some very serious abandonment issues. we see usagis worst fear(s) represented in nightmare sequences a handful of times throughout the series. exactly twice actually, once in infinity and once in dream and each have the shared theme of her loved ones leaving her in some way. in infinity they turn against her and berate her before ultimately dying, and in dream they’re simply dead. again both times it is very clear that the root of what she fears is abandonment.
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these abandonment issues however, first begin to present themselves in arc 2. we even get a nightmare sequence in arc 2 similar to those of arcs 3&4. most interpret this as usagi just being jealous usagi. however really look at it, its not that she’s just afraid of mamoru being taken away by chibiusa, she’s afraid of them both abandoning her. look at what she says “wait! where are you going? dont leave me behind!” (or “wait! where are you going? dont leave me here!” in the eternal edition, i prefer the crystal translation simply because it makes it more explicit her issue is them leaving her alone) if it truly truly was an issue of jealousy why would she be afraid of them both leaving her behind? why say something like that? wouldnt it make more sense to say something like…. i dunno “chibiusa? dont take him from me!” instead?
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once again, everything she goes through in arc 1 is a big contributor in this, however recall arc 2 begins with the senshi being picked off one-by-one (all except minako), and usagi can do nothing but watch and it eats her up inside. she quite literally begins to lose everyone dear to her all over again even while the last time is still so fresh in her mind.
and during most of this what does chibiusa do? she stays secretive, doesnt give usagi any information even when usagi tells her she cant trust her if she doesnt. (again i wanna reiterate that this is no fault of chibiusas however its not usagis fault either) so of course usagi begins to register chibiusa as a threat, and again with the information she has + her inarguable connection to the black moon clan this isnt a logical leap in the slightest.
thus when mamoru begins to spend more time with chibiusa instead of her it causes two things to happen. a) usagi is left without the emotional support she desperately needs in all of this (through no fault of mamoru, he completely misreads what usagi needs in this particular situation, he thinks that by helping with chibiusa it’ll ease her stress to have one less thing off her plate, however of course we know this does the opposite) and b) she begins to register chibiusa as a genuine threat to mamorus safety. usagis terrified of losing him all over again when she just got him back. look at this scene, i mean really truly look at it. look at what usagis saying, this doesnt sound like the ramblings of a jealous girlfriend it sounds like someone who’s terrified of losing their most important person all over again. “stay here with me. never go away. ill do everything i can to protect you…” (or “…i wanna be with you. dont go away. ill protect you with everything i have” in crystal, here i prefer the eternal edition again bc i think it more explicitly defines usagis problem) these lines just don’t make sense under the simple jealousy interpretation, what does protecting him have anything to do with envy at the time hes spending with chibiusa and not with her? nothing. shes not upset at that, she puts emphasis on protecting him because thats the true root of the problem, shes afraid of losing him again to yet another supernatural threat after the crystal.
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and to close out id like to show everyone the viz dub version of this scene because i think it sums up my points incredibly well, as well as making it abundantly clear what the root of usagis problems Really are, specifically through the inclusion of the line “i wont lose you again”
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jay-starss · 1 month
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when you finish an exam early and then you
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atlas-the-bastard · 1 year
Not me falling in love with another dark haired, gay as hell, traumatised, sassy/sarcastic/dramatic fictional boy who only wears black clothes.
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wilder-and-lighter · 9 months
crazy thought but i just saw a bunch of anti-taylor swift stuff on my dash and kinda realized people are using the excuse of her being rich and white to be misogynistic and kinda homophobic? idk like it's worth criticizing exactly how rich she is and also how a lot of her takes are kinda white feminist ones, but i think saying things like "the patron saint for bland white tasteless girls" while posting very pro-barbie stuff on your dash is really hypocritical.
even if you don't think she's excellent, barbie (2023) literally said something like "you don't have to be extraordinary to earn respect" or something.
i'm seeing this kinda gross return to misogynistic tumblr circa 2012/2013 and it's not cute. this is not to say that white women can't be criticized, or that white women have it harder than some, but it is to remind people that just because there is an aspect (or many) of privilege about a person, that doesn't give you the go-ahead to say misogynistic shit too.
also side note: the number of white people i see saying "black people don't listen to her music" is actually absurd. you should not be saying that. that is not a conversation we should be a part of, imo. whether that's true or not is not up for white people to debate jfc.
same with literally anyone saying "taylor swift is not gay people music." hate to break it to you, but an artist does not have to be gay to make gay people music. even if she is (which is not the point of this post), there are gay people who listen to her music, including queer people of color. it just means she's not YOUR type of gay people music. and that's fine! that is so totally okay!! you do you, i'll do me. but please don't be homophobic about it, even if ur queer, just because you don't like her music good GOD
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ermwhatsup · 4 months
you know we talk a lot about supernatural trending randomly but i don’t think i’ve ever heard people mention how hannibal will also start trending at seemingly arbitrary times for no particular reason
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shawolsos · 2 months
My Engineer is just a Wolfstar College AU with side Jily where the Jily is more compelling than the Wolfstar
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justarandombrit · 15 days
I just remembered what the new Starkid show's been reminding me of. Calypso's Lullaby from Rockabye Musical. I'm not exactly sure why, it just does.
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fishbians · 2 years
aside from the fact that the imogen/laudna unresolved hurt is (deliciously) painful, i noticed that in this episode imogen's penchant for going too far with hurting people violently that don't need to be killed is coming out again. with The Verdict, she almost playfully triggered the fire lion statue a third time while they couldn't escape, nearly burning them all to death (and very nearly killing one if not for the party healing them) and then this episode, she throws a lightning bolt through the center of two people who were already fleeing and stares down the charred holes in their bodies to the last remaining survivor. only after did she quietly remark to herself, "i think i went a little too far there." girl u are gorgeous and u are getting more and more unhinged. everyone talks about chetney's moment with the shopkeep but imogen has been having these little moments that makes me think one day she's going to do something so genuinely fucked up without even thinking twice and the entire party is gonna realize how dangerous she is
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teamsieben · 10 months
me when i see someone expressing dissent about a popular ship that i like: Oh no i am terrible for thinking these two fictional characters would be cute together It is such a terrible crime and i must be put to death for liking the popular ship that is popular
like. can people disagree with me without me contriving it to mean that im actually bad. for ONE second. is there a mental illness that this is a symptom of i need to pathologize my behavior stat
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mustangs-flames · 7 months
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