frosty-tian · 10 months
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(Vent replaced.)
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inbarfink · 8 months
I mean, the thing is that fiction about aliens is almost always going to be about some sort of Other on some level. Whatever it’s about demonizing or fear-mongering about some sort of Outsider Group or trying to get the audience to sympathize with the Other via the metaphor of a lovable alien. 
And Invader Zim is kind of an interesting spot there because, like, it’s not just ‘Bad Outsider Out to Destroy Our Beloved In-Group’ or ‘Poor Sympathetic Outsider Being Put-Down by the In-Group’. First thing first because Zim is kinda both. He is both the Outsider secretly hiding inside the in-group plotting their destruction - but the narrative and framing also sympathizes with him and supports his view of the in-group (that humans are stupid and gross).
So he can’t really be A Scary Demonized Outsider when he gets so much narrative sympathy and support, but also… he is a murderous little world-conquering bastard and most of his suffering is generally just him gets exactly what he deserves so he can’t be your classic sort of Sympathetic Outsider either. 
And the other thing is that the in-group is not even really involved in Zim’s conflict. Zim’s biggest challenge in conquering the earth is Dib, another Outsider. Often, despite being a human and thus part of the literal in-group, Dib is an even bigger Outsider to humanity than Zim is.
Zim and Dib are both Outsiders, and Zim isn’t just an Outsider as an Alien on Earth - among his own people he is in the same situation as Dib is, an Outsider in his own in-group. (Not that he can ever admit to himself that is the case). So these two Weirdos are fighting to protect/further the goals of two in-groups that will never actually accept them. 
And so often their main weapon against each other and the primary danger and the source of their suffering for themselves is the same thing; the in-group conformity and enforcement of social norms. 
Dib’s main evidence that Zim is an Alien is, most of the time, just the fact that he looks and acts weird. But also he himself is constantly bullied for looking and acting weird.
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And Zim’s most constant source of anxiety while undercover on Earth is the fact that he’s going to get caught being Too Weird and then not just fail his mission, but get brutally dissected and experimented on. But his best defense against being exposed is… basically just to point out just how much Dib also Diverges From the Norm.
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It’s the story of two Weirdos trying to get the other punished for being weird in some way, while the Normies just kinda look on and laugh at them both. And the actual thing they want, recognition and acceptance from their in-group is the one thing they are doomed to never actually get. 
And honestly, I think that's actually what makes a lot of real-life Outsiders cling to IZ, especially while we’re teens. I think, in a way, the fact that it’s kind of a messy Outsider narrative makes it more relatable to the messy middle-school/high-school experience than something more neatly crafted to be uplifting to the Weird Kids.
I mean, I certainly see the obvious value in fiction that’s actually trying to create a positive narrative for queer teens or autistic kids or maybe just scene kids or any combination of the following. This sort of media is very good, and can be just as important to some folks.
But... also the truth is that when you’re an edgy teen wrecked with self-loathing for Weirdness you don’t even fully understand “There’s nothing wrong with me and all the people making me feel like they are Bad!” can be a hard message to really believe in. Sometimes it’s easier to start from “Maybe I am all the terrible things people say that I am but.. still deserve love and sympathy, I can still be the hero of the story”. 
And because, sadly, the problem of Weirdos attacking each other for being Weirdos using the same rhetoric that’s used to hurt them, just for the sake of approval and recognition from in-groups that are never going to treat either of them as nothing but a joke - is not a phenomenon exclusive to the Silly Alien Invader Nicktoon.
And Dib and Zim’s rivalry is a great basic framework to explore it both in analysis of the canon and in fanworks.
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lukeywritesstuff · 11 months
Double D’s
Jamie Drysdale+Luke Hughes x reader
Desc: threesome with Jamie and Luke even tho they basically have no relation they’re just my crushes and ngl the reader is me and this is my like dreaaaaam.
Note: get it, double D’s. Double defence men. Double dicks, heheheheeeee
Warnings: sex, double pen (p in v and bum) oral (m on f, f on m) idk if the ‘devils lounge’ is a real place and if it is, whoops. Cursing, threesome, basically me being horny for these two hottie d-men.
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Spending time with my friends at a club is usual for a Friday night. Tonight one friend said we should go to the ‘Devils Lounge’. Apparently it’s a club where all the New Jersey Devils hang out after games or even just on off days. Today was no different I guessed as I saw Jack Hughes sitting at the bar with 4 other guys, Nico Hischier, Luke, his brother, and 2 guys who seem to be their friends but I don’t fully recognize them.
The girls I was with caught me staring at the fivesome of guys and told me to ‘go get the group some drinks’ which is our code for ‘go talk to the cute guy you’re eying up and don’t come back unless you’ve hooked up in the bathroom or got rejected.’
I got up and adjusted my already short dress to make it seem shorter and make my boobs pop out a little more, I then walked over to the guys and leaned against the bar.
“Any of you hotties wanna hit the dance floor with me?” I asked the group. The one with the eyebrows smirked and grabbed my hand and the one I know is Luke (because who in this city doesn’t know the infamous Hughes brothers) kinda huffs like a child because he didn’t get to me first I guess. I smirk at him and say, “there’s space for one more, cmon.”
We start dancing (grinding and making out) with one another (the boys never touching too much but that was all up to them) and getting drinks that were either given to us from workers or one of the guys left to get us more drinks.
Within the next hour and a half we’ve ended up at my apartment where we’re already in my room in our underwear.
I had Jamie sucking my left tit and Luke licking my pussy through my panties. I’ve never felt this good in my life.
As Luke takes my panties off and fully starts eating me out, I look at jamie and smile, “wanna suck your dick, now.”
He takes his boxers off and I lean towards him trying not to move my bottom half too much, and I take him into my mouth trying not to hit my gag reflex too much, as I haven’t lost it yet.
“M gonna eat your ass babe.” Luke said and I moaned. “J’s so you’re prepared for both of us.” He says just before I feel his tongue drag lower than my pussy hole.
Not long after Jamie tells me he’s about to cum so I let him know he can do it in my mouth and I swallow it before showing him my empty mouth. It’s really not as bad as some people say it is. I quite like the taste.
“Sit up, want you to ride me reverse cowgirl while I fuck your ass and Jam can fuck your pussy.” Luke said before we all switched positions.
I started to lower myself on his cock instantly making the both of us moan. Once I bottomed out I had to rest for a few seconds then I started moving Jamie stopped me after about a minute to let himself into my pussy, he was able to get in much faster as my body’s more used to frontal sex (I don’t have it all the time, I’ve just never done anal, but I’ve been fucked before yk)
Instantly we came up with a rhythm for our fucking I rise on Luke and Jamie thrusts himself into me making me fall onto Luke’s cock.
Throughout the time all I heard was the guys saying things like ‘Fuck you’re so tight’ ‘fuck you feel so good on my cock’ ‘you’re so wet for me baby’ and me constantly moaning their names or some type of pet name.
And it’s like they’re both on a timer or something they’re both letting me know they’re about to bust, so I play with my clit to get closer to my orgasm quicker even though these two KNOW how to fuck. And they know well.
As if someone snapped their fingers forcing us to cum at about the same time, we did. Then they pulled out of me and we layed in my bed, one of either side of me, all of us dirty, sweaty and tired.
I swear i slept better than I’ve ever slept after that. And they were still here in the morning which made me smile.
Luke was awake and on his phone, Jamie was still asleep though.
“Morning Luke, need any Tylenol or water or anything?” I ask him which honestly killed my head to talk but I wanted to make sure my guests were comfortable too. He nodded so I threw on my panties and Luke’s shirt (since he passed it to me) and I grabbed 2 cups of water and 4 pills (I took mine while down there so it’s easier to carry) and left 2 pills and a water for Jamie when he wakes and passed Luke his because you know. He’s awake.
Neither of them left till that afternoon making sure we had each others contact information.
“Next time I’m in jersey I definitely want to see you again.” Jamie said before kissing me.
“Mmm and I’m in jersey often, so I hope to see you soon.” Luke said before spanking my ass and kissing my cheek.
Then they both leave making me lonely and horny again thinking about last night.
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cultofdixon · 2 years
It Takes a Village
Daryl Dixon [HINTS] / Rick Grimes [PLATONIC] • She/Her Pronouns • Everyone upon meeting you has seen you as “the little sister” even if you’re only blood related to the Rick Grimes. No one hates you, you do your part and even go beyond. So when this new change in your life started to grow…everyone was going to pitch in • ANGST/SFW/NSFW • TW: Pregnancy & Birth / One-Night Stand / Anxiety Attacks / Illness / PTSD / Canon Violence Mentioned • Re-Writing Canon [literally ignoring 90% of the Savior arc deaths]
Requested by: Anon
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The walk of shame feels even worse during the apocalypse Y/N thought as she tried to be quiet when walking through the courtyard of the Kingdom.
“Maybe yea shouldn’t have drank so much tonight”
The familiar voice caused Y/N to freeze in her tracks before turning toward the sound finding Carol in her new spot at the kingdom, holding herself a glass of whiskey that Abraham gifted her as she was comfortable in her spot.
“I barely drank tonight…I’m just. Leaving the scene before the guy gets the wrong idea…”
“Not a long term gal? Isn’t your brother thinking of marrying Michonne?”
“Oh god. Rick…Don’t bring this up to Rick” Y/N begged Carol as she approaches the woman who scooted to the side on her bench. Letting the younger Grimes sibling sit beside her.
“I won’t. But if this guy does try anythin’ yea don’t like…you let me know.”
“It was just a one-time thing. I think he got that idea loud and clear” Y/N leans back into the bench looking up at the starry night. “But I will…I’ll let you know”
“You go back tomorrow?” Carol asks watching Y/N nod. She was only visiting the Kingdom to deliver some seeds for them to rebuild their gardens and to bring medicine back to Alexandria. “You know I could use company here”
“What do you mean? Your boyfriend is company”
“Yeah yeah. But I’m taking someone I could go hunting with. Or sneak off with just for a breather.” Carol sighs. “I’m not a relationship person either, but I’m bending”
“Ezekiel is a lucky guy, and everyone knows he’ll treat you right” Y/N shot her a smile while tightening the laces on her boots. “Part of me wants that one day…but I don’t know if I even want that”
“That’s normal, hun” Carol pats her thigh when she leaned back in a reassuring way. “Wanna stay with us tonight or stick in the theater like you usually do?”
“Can I stay with you?”
“Can I stay with you—-Bitch, I wouldn’t have asked” Carol laughs rising to her feet and holding her hand out for Y/N who instantly took it, letting her lead the way.
A few weeks went by and Y/N suddenly stopped going on runs, visiting her family scattered in other communities, and the worse of all…being too tired to spend time with her niece and nephew…
“Yea think it’s what Glenn had back at the prison?” Daryl frowns watching Rick shrug for the most part. “We have the medicine now unlike when we were stuck in the prison”
“But she ain’t coughing, or coughing up anything really. She’s throwing up and is extremely tired, that’s about it” Michonne chimes in helping Judith down after she finished her breakfast at the kitchen island. “If Siddiq was back home then he could check—-“
“Which I brought back the second Carl radio’d Hilltop” Glenn interrupts the group by entering the Grimes’ residence with the Alexandria doc that Carl saved during the “down period” of the Savior War.
Both Rick and Michonne have Carl a confused look as he came downstairs after giving Y/N another glass of water. He noticed Siddiq’s return and knew that’s what they were staring at him about.
“I lost my mom, I’m not about to lose my aunt too” And that triggered all kinds of thoughts to everyone in the room.
“Lead the way, Carl” Siddiq states in an instant not waiting another moment as the Grimes kid lead the way to where Y/N was staying in their home. They live in one of the town houses on the other side of Alexandria, but the second she got sick, Rick didn’t want her too far from him.
“Could be worse than the prison”
“Or a savior poisoned her”
“I knew we shouldn’t have trusted those fucks. Just cuz they killed one of their own that night, doesn’t make it alright to just jail the son of a bitch and let fear course through everybody”
“We get your stance on that. But let’s not to side tracked.” Glenn interrupts once again. “I know we moved a lot of the equipment from the Sanctuary into each of the communities because of what they have taken. But with that knowledge we could look more into it. We don’t have to work blindly”
“I agree with Glenn. Ain’t taking any chances” Rick states only for Carl to sprint down the steps and out the house, on a mission for Siddiq. But the action caused the archer to chase after the damn kid.
Sometimes the Grimes can be dramatic
As Carl rummages through the infirmary with the mental list fresh in his mind, Daryl storms in and grabbed his shoulder so that he could look at him.
“What did Siddiq find?”
“She’s dehydrated? That’s about it” even if he is almost 18, he will never learn how to lie. Especially to Daryl.
“I’ll yell at yea if you don’t tell—-“
“Daryl what even is your relationship with my aunt?!” He snaps back. “Whatever. Siddiq thinks she’s pregnant and since I told yea that. You gotta tell me—-“
“I ain’t sleeping with your aunt” Daryl snaps back and at least the two had their possible answer. But the pressing question in both of their minds…who the fuck is the mystery father if she is? “What does Siddiq need”
“I can’t find the makeshift IV bag. I’ve got a few tests but they all read different things…” Carl shows the boxes to Daryl as he took two away from him tossing them back since they weren’t pregnancy tests but the rest were. Then he reached into the cabinet to get the IV line and the bag along with it.
The two came back and when Carl headed back upstairs, Daryl grabbed his crossbow and headed back out with an even more confused Rick following behind.
“What are yea doing?”
“Going to Carol”
“You can’t—-“
“I ain’t sayin’ shit to her. I gotta ask her something” Daryl didn’t wait for him to say anything more as he went to get on his bike and head out right away.
The second he reached the Kingdom he went looking for Carol to ask about the party they held a few weeks ago. It was one of those parties that Deanna used to hold for new people since the Kingdom took in new folk from the Sanctuary that wanted to get away from that place. He knew Y/N was at it but couldn’t be there himself because he was asked to watch the Sanctuary, which felt more like a punishment.
“Daryl! What are you doing here?!” Ezekiel cheers in his usual excitement but given the archer’s serious expression that he always bears, he knew to tone it down instantly. “You looking for someone?”
“Carol have yea—-“
“She’s in the gardens. Or at least that’s the last I saw her. She could also be with Henry who started teaching some of the younger kids how to fight in what he calls “Morgan’s way” it’s really sweet—-“
Ezekiel watched him leave and was left even more confused on why he was there. At least Daryl didn’t have to go searching for their kid and found Carol in the first place he told him.
“This is a surprise. How are you pookie?”
“Did yea see who Y/N went to the party with a few weeks back?”
“Where the fuck is this coming from?” Carol set the sharpening block beside her along with her knife to give her best friend her whole attention. “I didn’t even go to the party”
“Because I don’t like those kind of things. You know this”
“You were supposed to watch her. We agreed—-“
“Daryl. Everyone agreed on that. For everyone. Not just Y/N. What’s gotten into you?” Carol frowns gesturing for Daryl to sit but instead he started pacing to try and calm himself down.
“I need to know who she left the goddamn party with. Who took her away—“
“No one took her. She wanted it just as much as the guy did. I don’t know who the guy is but she did tell me about the much needed stress relief”
“Yeah well that son of a fucking bitch didn’t wear protection and I need to bash his goddamn teeth in”
The words sunk in almost immediately as Carol rises from where she sat and quickly took Daryl’s arm heading back toward his bike.
“You’re taking me to her, now”
What Daryl didn’t know was the conversation between her and Y/N. And how much more personal it got to be
“You look like there’s more on your mind” Carol frowns for a moment as the two were walking to her place in the Kingdom.
“What if the unthinkable happens?”
“I’m sorry?”
Y/N didn’t know how to put the words together as she stops walking only for Carol to grab her shoulders.
“What did he do?”
“He didn’t do anything. But what if it happens? I don’t fucking know the guy, and honestly it was just stress relief. I could do perfectly fine without him in my life but the fuck am I supposed to do…if I’m pregnant…”
“Y/N. Didn’t he wear protection?”
“He swore he did! But when does anybody believe a man when they say that?”
“I mean. Ezekiel is—-“
“The most perfect man. But this isn’t about him! You and I both saw what happened when a baby came into this world…I lost my sister in law who was my best friend before my family grew in the new world. But I’m de-railing…what if—-“
“No” Carol shushed her immediately. “If shit happens and you do end up pregnant, we’ll do everything we can to make sure that doesn’t happen. And you don’t need a partner to raise a baby. You have a family. A village or whatever the cheesy saying is. But it’s true. You have a village and you’ll never be alone. And I know for sure that everyone who loves you, would reassure you every day if they have to”
Well. It was positive and Daryl wasn’t the only one angry at the guy about it.
“You motherfucker—-“
“Daryl. Stop it” Y/N shoves the archer back as the man cowered a bit behind her. “This isn’t going to erase what happened”
“Yeah man. Besides it was just uh. A one time deal. She’s the one keeping the damn thing” He shrugs.
“Oh so yea blaming her?” Daryl snaps almost pushing Y/N over as she stumbles which made him quick to change his attention. He caught her and before anymore could be exchanged between those two, Rick cut in shoving Daryl away along with Y/N.
“Listen. She doesn’t need yea. Won’t ever need yea” Rick directs the guy away from his family. “But if I ever hear rumors…that are offensive toward my sister?” He suddenly grabs the man’s collar forcing him to look directly in his eyes. “There’s plenty of us that’ll put yea six feet under”
As Rick stepped away and Daryl gave one last glare before following his brother, Y/N gave the man a what the fuck just happened sort of look before quickly following the two out of the kingdom.
The pregnancy was smooth. Felt like it went by so fast because Y/N was taken care of. Granted there were moments where she snapped at her brother for getting too close after returning from a run involving taking out a few walkers. Same went for Daryl but his was more, he had to shower the second he came back to Alexandria after doing who knows what. Carol visited her every other week and that time gave her some space to come to the decision of marrying Ezekiel which she knew would make Y/N cry the second she told her. The start and finish of the bridge happened around her second trimester and during that time it gave her the excuse to step out of Alexandria to spend time with an overly excited Maggie who would stay with her the entire time they were at the makeshift camp for the communities. Giving her some tips about newborns given she wakes up the most compared to Glenn when it comes to Hershel Jr. Which unintentionally brought the anxiety back of being a single mother and the fear of doing this all alone.
But she was never alone. After getting everything settled in the Sanctuary and Carol taking over for sometime, Daryl moved into the basement living of her place. Carl also found himself spending the night at his aunts during the nights he’d find Y/N taking midnight walks. At least when he’s at Alexandria and not visiting Enid in Hilltop. Other times Rosita and Sasha would spend time with Y/N gossiping about Rosita’s relationship with Siddiq and how Abraham keeps testing Sasha’s patience with their watchtower shifts.
When the date got closer that was when everyone in Alexandria hovered whenever they saw her. Especially the rest of the Grimes family. The only hero was Michonne. She would shoo Rick out whenever his questions toward how Y/N’s feeling got a bit too extreme. He was just worried given what happened to Lori and what else could happen without the help of a fully stocked hospital.
All was fine, when Shepherd Grimes came into this crazy world perfectly fine.
Causing his own kind of chaos.
As the little light comes through to the basement apartment, Daryl didn’t wake to it at first given it was his day off. But Dog wasn’t the one either…the soft tug on his blanket alerted him and the sniffing of his Mal came after. He sat up in his bed seeing the two year old boy smiling up at him.
“Shep. It’s early”
“I’m thirsty Uncle Daryl…” Shepherd rubs his eyes as Dog investigated his action by sniffing, making the little one tiredly giggle.
Daryl sighs tossing the blanket off of him before moving to the edge of the bed to get up. Next picking up Shepherd like it was nothing and making his way to his small kitchen.
“Mama sleepin’?”
“Why didn’t yea get yer mom?”
“She sleepin’ and Jude says you don’t sleep” The stupid goofy smile the kid had when saying that, Daryl couldn’t get mad at that assumption as he had a few sippy cups down in his kitchen since this isn’t the first time Shepherd came down there. He went on a run with Glenn and Rick to get a lot of baby/kid items from abandoned neighborhoods and stores for not only Shepherd, Hershel, Judith, and Gracie but also the newest addition RJ. Rick Jr. Grimes, son of Rick and Michonne.
“Mama is scary when yea wake her too early anyway” Daryl finishes getting the cap on and handing the cup filled with water to the little one in his arm. “But she’ll scream like a banshee if yea ain’t upstairs”
“What’s a…ba…ban…bunsha”
“Close enough, just a screamin’ creature” Daryl made his way upstairs with the mini Y/N Grimes as he gripped onto his sweater to keep him steady enough to take a sip from his cup. “Yea tired?” He asks the child watching him shake his head which lead to him being set down on the couch in the main house before sitting beside him. “I’ll stick with yea until Y/N wakes up”
Daryl couldn’t help the warm feeling in his chest when the small child scooted over to sit beside him and lay against him while drinking his water.
When it got about an hour or two later making it still an early morning but enough for Y/N to wake. She came down from her bedroom still in her pajamas finding both Daryl and Shepherd asleep on the couch. Y/N quietly went to grab her Polaroid camera from her pack and took a quick picture of the two. The flash woke Daryl slightly but he didn’t fully stir until Y/N carefully picked up the sleeping child.
“Go back to sleep” Y/N mouths to the archer before smiling and carrying Shepherd upstairs.
As the day continued on, Rick found himself with his baby strapped to his chest and carrying Shepherd by the back of his overalls. Like luggage if you will. He agreed to watch his nephew while Y/N went to visit Maggie for Hershel hand-me-downs and to go hunting with Carol.
“Uncle Rick?”
“Will mama be home before bedtime?”
“Yeah, she reassured me that she would” Rick smiles to the child setting him down on the steps of his place only to be greeted by Michonne.
“Hey buddy” Michonne smiles kneeling down to Shepherd’s level seeing that smile of Y/N reflect in her son’s. “Carl is about to leave to take Enid on a trip and made sandwiches. And I know he made an extra one just for you” she smiles poking his stomach to get a giggle out of him. “How about you go see him?”
The small child ran inside leaving the adults for a moment as Rick couldn’t help but watch his nephew and think about his sister.
“She was just as energetic. Hopefully he doesn’t get her attitude but, he’s perfect”
“She made a perfect child just like we did” Michonne smiles rubbing the small back of the baby that Rick held bounded to him.
“How’s Shepherd? I can’t wait to see him when Ezekiel, Henry, and I come over next week” Carol smiles walking beside her best friend.
“I think he prefers waking Daryl up over me. Found them on the couch again” Y/N knelt at their spot watching a rabbit approach one of the snares, making their conversation turn down its volume. “If he had nightmares he’d come to me…but he gets Daryl every other time”
“Your son knows you’re scary to wake up already” Carol couldn’t help the laugh but thankfully the trap caught its catch. “But that boy loves his uncles. Uncle Daryl especially.”
“Very true” Y/N says softly as she got up heading toward the trap to take out the rabbit only to turn around to a mischievous look on Carol’s face. “What?”
“I know he’s 2 and can’t remember where he put his shoes but has he ever asked about his biological father? Big words to him but you get my point”
“No, one of his books has a set of parents in it and he believes he was created with magic inside of me. I’ll take that over a one night stand any day” Y/N uses her foot to open the trap again and quickly retracted to avoid triggering it. “But I can see where this is going…He knows Rick and I are siblings…but uh”
Carol stepped closing with a go on look on her face watching Y/N’s complexion get redder. “Yeah?”
“He probably sees Daryl as a father figure…just doesn’t call him dad. And we…yeah. We. No…”
“Y/N. I know the first few months of having a baby there were emotions flying. But he’s two now and those hormone influenced feelings have simmered a little…but…”
“I don’t want to ruin what’s perfect” Y/N instantly knew what to say and Carol has always been right about Y/N’s feelings toward Daryl, that it makes it complicated in her mind not to tell Daryl given she knows how he feels.
But for the sake of the child, Carol wasn’t going to make things complicated and let Y/N do things her way.
Even if every fiber of her wanted to say something to Daryl about how she felt. But sitting on the picnic bench in the secluded corner of Alexandria watching Daryl play with her son and niece as careful as he could be. Those moments were enough.
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alteredpupil · 2 years
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Funny story pile 1, I ended up sending these pictures to the wrong person and they were asking me about the girls holding the guns, sounded concerned, the photo also glitched into two photos as I was starting to type this so take that as symbol. We are in mercury retrograde so make sure you don’t do something like sending somebody the wrong thing yourself or vice versa. What’s being hidden? (Self esteem by iamboe40e playing) & since this pile had most mercurical related interference it’s fair to assume you guys are the ones dealing with past circumstances coming back around the most. I’m also getting that somebody’s missing you sexually. This is also people from the past thinking about you. I’m seeing you guys are more in your dark feminine energy, burning everything in your way I’m hearing. Either you or another other party is crying over spilled milk… you might have a lot of people around try to drag you into the past pile 1. I see you been more isolated but focused on your future. Finding inner fulfillment I’m hearing. There is a new financial or material opportunity coming forwards you, something new. This could be you taking this initiative but you will have a partner (I’m hearing masculine) that could be helping you along in this project. People around you might be more intimidated by you at this time than usual. Your energy is intense but focused (we also got the Lilith card). For some of you there is a pregnancy scare or this could you be birthing a complete new project. I’m hearing this is the perfect time to plant that side. This pile is very self focused so I seen behind the scenes a lot of people are wondering about you & what you been up to. If you recently took on a artistic or athletic project I’m seeing people wondering about your progress. Behind the scenes people might think some of you are dealing with some shady business or there’s this air of mystery around you. Be careful who you tell your secrets to because I’m getting people can’t wait to spill it… you have somebody around you in secret competition with you. This could be over a partner or a creative project so watch your back and I’m hearing “keep up that demeanour”. Your attitude right now might be protecting you from the wrong people lurking waiting for you to drop your guard. What’s hidden is there’s a gift coming for you from somebody this month, could be money. Others of you this is your birthday month. For that project we were talking about earlier this can include singing, acting, or a new invention, this could even be you taking off on social media for what you do. Don’t let people from the past come in once they see how successful you are & reap off your hard work.
What I’m getting is a message a lot of people might not admit to you, they find you unpredictable as fuck pile two. People never know what to expect with you and this might make some people take on a chameleon affect I heard to “keep up” or blend in with you. Almost like they can be on your same fast pace, wit, and charm. What’s hidden is the way other people see your potential, you might’ve gone through hell and back and handled it gracefully, like nothing even happened. Just like pile 1, there’s a intimidation factor here. I’m also getting some people miss you pile two, some are too scared to reach out & others may be busy. A lot of you reading this live in a fast paced area like a city or just lead a “fast” lifestyle, others might admire this about you or try to imitate it. People view you as different, you could be the black sheep of the family. There could be a friend group or family members talking behind your back. I don’t know why I’m getting the energy of people wanna tame you or “keep you in your place”. I just got the confirmation of protection, be careful what energy you allow in your space at this time, I literally heard “infiltrate”. Around the spring time a project you work on will be taking off and bringing in a lot of prosperity for you, you could be in your masculine energy doing this or will be doing this with a divine masculine that’s coming in the spring time. Again similar energies to pile 1. Also the cards keep going crazy so I feel like you have a lot of eyes or ears or mouths on you behind the scenes or you’re taking on multiple things at once. Last thing is whoever is pretending to be for you or “overtly” rooting for you is probably preying on your downfall. This could be a partner or friend or family but they can’t do nothing about it, just don’t share too much of your plans.
You have a lot of admirers! You might have a lot of romantic interests that don’t also come forward. The energy is wanna be with you, wanna be like you, or wanna befriend you. Some people just want what you can offer or use you for material so be careful pile 3. What’s hidden is a lot of people think you’re wealthy wether you are or not. This could be the impression you give off, maybe you’re always well groomed. Lots of people wanna be in your inner circle or if they see you posting about activities they wish they were there with you. People are enamoured by you, it’s almost like watching you is like watching a movie. You give people the feeling that anything is possible. This is not a how they view you reading either but a lot of people admire how adventurous you are. What’s hidden is another side of you that you’ll discover this year. This pile will be completely renovated by the end of the year, physically and mentally I’m hearing. Some of you will discover a new job & meet new people. I’m getting a lot of things for this pile are meant to stay hidden, I’m liking most these surprises though. If somebody backstabs you anytime in the near future, just know it was destined and will be the start of you changing your life… changing your life in a way that will affect you 10 years down the line type of change.
I had to take out my cards again for this pile, I got a confirmation of something… either somebody is doing tarot readings on you or putting some kind of magic on you, intentionally or not. Please up your protection at this time… I’m getting you’re very powerful and might not even be aware of your own power. You’re being advised to take your craft more seriously even if it’s as simple as kitchen magic or protection and cleansing spells. What’s hidden is you have somebody coming back from the past about unfinished business. This person wants to make things right with you and while I can’t tell if their intentions are 100% pure I do see them as seeing you as somebody peaceful and in their own world, almost like they were the problem. I got confirmation you will get justice in this situation or any other situation that caused you turmoil, wether this is in real court or just simply somebody receiving their karma for messing with you or trying to take you off your destiny I’m hearing. Another thing is your suitors think you have a very sensual aura, you come off whimsical. People think they can’t grasp you, they’re scared they’ll have you and then the next day you’re gone like the wind. I’m also getting you have somebody that’s going to step up… possibly a air sign man/women. This person might wanna make you a offer but their energy is immature or this is somebody just getting started off in their career. This feels very impulsive, it’s up to you if you go for it or not. You also got news coming in you’re not expecting, this will be a opportunity that’s once in a lifetime and hard to turn down. “Visions come true” I heard.
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 2 years
Toy Story
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Requested by @dkdueo 
Evan Buckley x girl reader
The readers a firefighter at station 118 an best friends with everyone especially really close with Eddie and Christopher an Buck goes to leave to meet up with Taylor on a date an before he leaves he overhears Eddie “oh come on you just need to tell Buck how you feel,you would be better together then him and Taylor I didn’t tell him but there’s just something about that relationship that’s just off,also I have a extra shirt downtown would you mind spending the night with Christopher?“
The reader just responding “oh just shut up,he’s in love with her and they are happy what kinda person would that make me ruining that,an you know I would always watch Christopher that was stupid I love him maybe even just as much as you to the point you ain’t getting him back” joking around picking up Chris smiling running to the car while Christopher is laughing 
A/N: If you like my work please comment like and reblog it means a lot to see interactions on my work ! 
Being a firefighter had a lot of perks. Not only did you get to save lives but you also got to gain a family along the way. You originally weren’t from LA so you always felt a little alone. But then all that changed when you joined the 118. 
Everyone welcomed you with open arms. You were the last one to join the group so you were a little intimated.
 But they made you feel like you belonged from the moment you walked through the doors. 
You became really close with Eddie and his son Chris. You spent all your time off with them and would always take Chris out to do fun things. You guys really bonded and you felt like you meant something to someone. 
Buck was always there too and it was hard not to get feelings for the blonde. He was a second dad to Chris.
 You would sometimes catch yourself daydreaming about having your own family with him. 
The two of you also had a lot in common. You loved the same music, the same tv shows. He always made you laugh even when he wasn’t meaning to. 
You could relate also to the family situation that he had. Being away from home and having a complicated relationship with your parents. 
It’s also the reason why you left home to. To be able to start a new life for yourself. 
You thought about asking him out so many times but it just never seemed like the right moment. Either the bells went off or Chris would come in. You took this as a sign that it just wasn’t supposed to happen between the two of you. 
If you needed another sign that maybe it wasn’t supposed to be when he started dating Taylor
. You never really liked her and not just because Buck was head over heels in love with her. She always gave you the worst vibes. She always seemed like she had some kind of hidden agenda. 
Eddie agreed with you but you thought he was just agreeing with you because he was your friend. 
He kept trying to convince you that the two of you belonged together but you didn’t believe it. 
You guys were wrapping up your shift. It was long and all you wanted to do was go home and kick back and eat pizza. Chris had coming up running to you breaking you out of your thoughts. 
“Y/N hey I missed you” Chris said grabbing you in a big hug. 
“Hey bud I missed you to what are you doing here” You asked 
“Carla dropped me off she had somewhere to go so she dropped me off to have dad take me home are you coming over tonight” Chris asked. 
“Yeah Y/N come on over Chris really misses you ” Eddie said 
“I don’t guys i’m tired maybe i should just go home besides I took all my clothes home to wash already so I don’t even have anything” You said smiling up at them. 
“Listen we all know why your being a little sad it’s pretty obvious” Eddie said looking over at Buck and Taylor who were laughing with each other. 
“It’s not about them besides I’m happy for them. They both seem really happy together” You said glancing over at them. 
““oh come on you just need to tell Buck how you feel,you would be better together then him and Taylor I didn’t tell him but there’s just something about that relationship that’s just off,also I have a extra shirt downtown would you mind spending the night with Christopher?“ Eddie said. 
He slapped me in the arm hard and I looked up and pouted at him 
““oh just shut up,he’s in love with her and they are happy what kinda person would that make me ruining that,an you know I would always watch Christopher that was stupid I love him maybe even just as much as you to the point you ain’t getting him back” Y/N said 
The two of you ran off to your car after leaving Eddie behind in the dust. Maybe you did need this. Eddie was right that you were just upset over Buck. But you weren’t going to admit that to him. 
Buck’s POV
Taylor texted me she was coming over to the firehouse. I mean was I happy to see her of course but also I didn’t want her coming around here.
 I mean I just didn’t want Y/N to see her. Not that Y/N was mean or anything I know I’m rambling but the whole thing is really complicated. 
I was maybe In love with Y/N which I know is wrong to say because I’m in a relationship and were just friends.
 But i never thought she would see me the same way. I always also though she had something going on with Eddie. 
The two of them always seemed close. She was going over his house all the time. I mean I couldn’t compete with all that. 
When I meant Taylor it was just fun and casual. Then things started to become more serious between the two of us. I really did like her but it just wasn’t the same kind of love I had for Y/N. 
I could always tell that no one else in the firehouse really liked her. I mean part of it hurt because it was the person I was dating but then on the other hand. I knew why they had those kinds of feelings for her. 
Taylor did always take advantage of situations sometimes when she saw a good story. It was a constant reason why we were always fighting. 
Eddie and Y/n were sitting by the fire truck laughing and talking to each other and I wanted to go and join but I didn’t think it was a good idea. I just decided to wait off to the sides. I didn’t want to interrupt whatever was going over there anyways. 
I pulled out my phone and started going through social media hoping to just kill some time. 
“Hey you what are you doing” Taylor asked coming up and tapping me on my elbow. 
“Nothing just waiting on you are you ready to go” I asked putting my phone in my pocket. 
We started walking towards my car and I passed Eddie and Y/N Talking to each other.
 “oh come on you just need to tell Buck how you feel,you would be better together then him and Taylor I didn’t tell him but there’s just something about that relationship that’s just off,also I have a extra shirt downtown would you mind spending the night with Christopher?“ Eddie said 
“oh just shut up,he’s in love with her and they are happy what kinda person would that make me ruining that,an you know I would always watch Christopher that was stupid I love him maybe even just as much as you to the point you ain’t getting him back” Y/N said. 
When i heard her say that it felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest it was beating so fast.
 I cracked a smile also thinking that Y/N was also in love with me. That her and Eddie weren’t together like I thought. 
I wanted to go and confront her before she took off but that didn’t seem like the best move. 
Also I didn’t want to say anything just incase she changed her mind. But I also felt like I needed to go and say something. 
It just felt like my head was spinning and I didn’t know what to say or think. That I didn’t want to screw up and besides it seemed like an invasion of their privacy listening in on their conversation. 
I snapped out of my thoughts before I ended up thinking to hard about this and bursting a blood vessel or something.
 Me and Taylor got into my truck and then i took off into the direction of my apartment. 
“Your being quiet” Taylor said. 
“Yeah sorry just a long day at work” I said 
“I get that I’m here if you wanna talk about it” Taylor said 
“Thanks” I said letting the conversation fall. 
LA Traffic was awful so we reached my apartment about 45 minutes later. We both got out and made our way upstairs. 
When we got in I just dropped my stuff down and went and flopped on the couch. 
Taylor came and sat next to me and looked up and smiled. 
“So what’s the plans for tonight because I don’t feel like just sitting in the apartment I wanna go and do something” She said.
“I know I get that and honestly I’m really tired and would rather just do some take out and watch some movies” I told her. 
“That’s what we did the last time we hung out” Taylor said pouting. 
“I know and I’m sorry but work was a lot and I’m just tired” I said sitting up to look at her. 
“Look is there something else going on” Taylor said 
“No what makes you thinks that It’s just we had a lot of calls and I’m not in the mood to go out and get drunk or party” I said being honest with her. 
“Fine but I’m going out I’ll text you okay” Taylor said 
“Yeah okay” I said not in the mood to fight. 
This whole thing even before the conversation I heard earlier this whole relationship just felt like it was running on it’s last leg. 
I got a buzz on my phone and groaned but then picked it up to see who it was. 
It was from Y/N and I smiled and picked it up my mood shifting to see it was her. 
It was a pic and I opened it up to see her and chris smiling into the camera. She sent another text saying. 
“Eddie’s out on a date and Chris wants to see his uncle buck want to come over for Pizza and Movies” She asked 
I quickly texted her back
“Hell Yeah I’m on my way” I sent her back. 
“We can’t wait to see you !” Y/N said back
I grabbed my stuff and ran out there. Eddie’s house wasn’t that far. I was smiling ear to ear heading over to them. 
When I got there I ran out the Jeep and went up to his front door knocking on it. Chris was the one who answered it. He looked up and smiled at me. 
“Uncle Buck is here” He shouted. 
Y/N walked to the door in Eddie’s T-Shirt and sweatpants. She smiled real big when she saw me. 
“Thanks for coming you got here quick” She said 
“Yeah I was in the area and came right over” I said 
“Come on Pizza is on the way were picking out a movie” Chris said. 
“Awesome because I am starving” I said. 
We walked in and made our way to the couch. I kicked off my shoe and took of my jacket and headed over to the couch. 
“So what’s on the list” I asked 
“Were stuck between Toy story and a marvel movie” Y/N said. 
“Well me personally Toy story is a classic we can’t beat that” I said 
Chris laughed and i looked at him confused 
“That’s what Y/N said” Chris said. 
“Because it is a classic a true timeless original” Y/N said. 
“And 2 out 3 wins so I’ll just go ahead and put it on” Y/n said.
She took the remote and put it on. Chris groaned a little but we both just laughed him off. A little bit into the movie the pizza came. 
“Pizza’s here Yay” Chris yelled 
“I got it” Y/N said getting up
“I’m glad you came and it was Y/N”s idea to invite you over she was thinking about you” Chris said laughing 
“Well I’m glad because I didn’t want to be alone tonight” I said smiling.
I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks from the mention that Y/N wanted to see me. 
A few minutes later she came back and put down pizza’s and sodas and a bunch of other stuff to. 
“Were having a feast tonight” Y/N said 
“ I can see that look at all this” I said 
“It’s friday night we need to party” She said. 
I laughed and we all dug into the food. It was really good. She had gotten pizza ,wings ,fries and mozzarella sticks. We all ate good until we thought we were going to burst. We finished the movie too. 
Chris fell asleep not to long after eating so it was just me and Y/N finishing the movie. It was really nice just to sit back and enjoy each other presence. 
When the movie ended she looked over at me and smiled. 
“Hey will you help me take him to his bed” She said 
“Of course” I said getting up and picking up Chris and carrying him to his room. Y/N followed behind me and I laid Chris down on his bed and tucked him in.
“Good night buddy” I said to him
“Good night love see you in the morning sweet dreams” She said to him.
We turned out the lights and quietly headed out. 
We made our way back into the living room and I helped her clean up the dinner mess.
“Thanks for coming by It really means a lot I hope I didn’t mess anything up for you” Y/N said 
“Oh absolutely not I wasn’t doing anything I’m glad you invited me over” I said 
I decided to speak up and shoot my shot. It seemed like a good time now and I didn’t want to not say anything and just loose the chance. 
“ I heard your uh conversation earlier with Eddie” I said 
“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t want to mess anything up with you guys im sorry” Y/N said her face turning bright red. 
“No it’s okay I’m not bringing this up because I’m mad in anyway i’m saying it because I want you to know I love you I have for a while now and I didn’t think i stood a chance” I said playing with my hands nervously. 
Y?N walked over and grabbed my hands and looked up at me and smiled
“You always stood a chance with me. I love you to I have been in love with you for a while but you were with Taylor and I didn’t think i had a chance you know” She said.
“Maybe we both should have just talked to each other” I said laughing
“When did you grow up” Y/N said smiling. 
“Well as a I get older I do get a little wiser” I said 
“Oh yeah well in your case that might not be true at all” She said poking me 
“Ouch that kinda hurt my feelings” I said pouting 
“Oh just shut up and kiss me already” Y/N said. 
“Yes Mam’am” I said 
I leaned down and kissed her and she kissed me back.It was short and sweet. But it really meant a lot. 
We broke the kiss and we just looked into each others eyes and smiled before pulling away. 
“What about taylor” Y/N asked 
“That relationship is over I’ll talk to her in the morning I promise” I said 
“Good because I wanna start this off right the last thing we need is that bad karma out there in the world” She said 
“ I agree” I told her leaning down and kissing her again. 
Suddenly the door opened up and I heard someone loudly clearing their throat. 
“I’m gone out one night and I come home to this in my own home” Eddie said a little loud
“First off all stop being dramatic it could be a lot worse second off shh man Chris is sleeping” Y/N said
“Yeah yeah what ever I’m going to bed good night little love birds” Eddie said stumbling into his room. 
“That man is clearly drunk but also i’m glad he had fun” she said laughing
“He’s gonna regret that in the morning” I said laughing. 
“You want to watch Toy Story 2 and eat more cold pizza” Y/N said. 
“I would love that let me go grab the spare blankets and pillows” I said 
“I am going to get us some drinks” Y/n said 
I went off and grabbed some stuff from the closet and Eddie was passed out on the bed in his clothes. I just laughed and took a pic of him. 
I went back to the living room and Y/n was setting up the movie for us. I sat down and passed out the blanket and pillows.
We got comfortable and we started on the second movie. She leaned her head on me. I smiled down at her. 
I was so glad I came over and glad I opened up. We ended up both falling asleep after that movie. I was glad I decided to come over here tonight and be with my family.
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cakerybakery · 4 months
I’ve been searching for music for another project but I heard this song again and instantly thought of this scene
- title: Top Shelf Confessions
A lounge wasn’t somewhere Adam would normally go but it was Husker’s turn to plan the group outing. And while he was out on the casino floor gambling away the nonexistent shirt off his back, with Angel Dust on his arm for good luck, there wasn’t much else to do in this place that interested Adam.
It wasn’t like the group stuck together either. As soon as they passed a poster for the big show for that night Charlie had lit up, grabbed Vaggie and insisted they had to watch the casino’s big giant floor show. “They have dancers! And musical numbers! And it’s got acrobats! And we have to gooooo! Please Vaggie?”
‘Of course Vaggie would agree.’ Adam thought some rather vulgar thoughts about the two and why exactly Vag-gie would agree to whatever the little princess wanted.
On occasion he caught sight of the little maid. She was having the time of her life, scuttling after the little bugs that thrived in the debauchery and darkness of the corners of this center of sin.
Adam lost track of Alastor the second they walked through the door and couldn’t tell if he was skulking around in the corners with the other creepy crawlies or just left them all here.
The only one he couldn’t shake was the only one he really wanted to. Lucifer sat in the half circle booth with him. VIP section, so it wasn’t all bad. Adam just wasn’t use to being the entourage instead of the VIP.
Adam was still on his first drink. It was virgin, which Adam had bristled at and nearly started shit with Lucifer over, except the waitress had confirmed their order and Adam’s drink as being without alcohol. So Adam opted to pretend he’d known that the whole time.
Lucifer slipped the waitress a large bill and told him, "for the service," with a smile.
Ten thousand years apart and there wasn’t much to talk about. What was Adam supposed to do? Pretend he gave a shit about Charlie’s baby photos? Ask how marital bliss with his ex-wife was? Were Lilith’s tits as fine to grope as they had looked in Eden? How’s work as the king of hell?
Lucifer was halfway into a bottle into something he called top shelf shit before either of them actually spoke.
“You ever miss Eve?”
Adam didn’t want to talk about Eve and told Lucifer as much.
“I miss Lilith.” Lucifer stared out at the stage. He spoke like Adam wasn’t actually there. “Sometimes I’ll be fine, then I’ll see something that reminds me of her and I’ll spiral. The only thing that helped was the ducks.”
“Why the fuck are you telling me this?”
“You’re probably the only person I know who can relate.”
Adam pulled the bottle away as Lucifer reached to pour himself another glass. “I want you to be sober enough to hear me and understand. I don’t give a shit. I didn’t ask Lilith why she wanted to be in heaven. I agreed to get her in, because I hate you more than I hate her.”
Lucifer laughed, it was deep and throaty, “alright.” He propped his head in his hands and leaned as the next singer took the stage. “It’s just funny that you don’t know. Lilith is gay.”
The liquid in Adam’s throat caught and he choked, sputtering at the ease of the confession. Lucifer didn’t sound bitter or like this was some secret confession. Rather, he sounded like it was simply common knowledge.
He just smiled his drunk little smile. “We had the same goals and shared an interest in the same type of hole. If you catch my meaning. Well, I'm more flexible on that point.”
“Why did you get married?” Adam didn’t mean to get involved in Lucifer’s drama but he was mildly curious why Lucifer would marry and miss a woman he knew didn’t, wouldn’t, love him.
“Show. She only had her voice. Not the claws or teeth, nothing to protect her from the other sinners. She was a good friend. I loved her as such. The sex was good, even if our preferences differed. And when they differed we simple found other lovers.” Lucifer swished his now empty glass in Adam direction. “Come on barkeep, ain’t the story worth another glass?”
Adam rolled his eyes and pushed the bottle back over. Lucifer drunk little smile turned predatory, he slid closer and pushed the bottle back.
“Un uh. You wanna take it from me, you get to keep it. Now pour me another drink, sweetheart. Daddy’s thirsty.”
Raising an eyebrow and the bottle, Adam poured a drink for the man pouring is heart out. “You always get like this when you’re drunk? Shouldn’t you be slurring and shit?”
"Ever hear the term, high functioning alcoholic?"
"Oh, well, never mind then. My joke won't make sense." He paused a beat, "I'm not, you know. If you look up what that is. I burn off most of the alcohol as I drink it by the nature of my domain. Most of it never reaches my brain. I could burn off all of it, if I wanted to. Be stone cold sober no matter how much I drink, but it's fun to be a little tipsy. And it lowers the guard of those around you when they think you drink like a fish."
In the low lights of the lounge Adam hasn't noticed how close Lucifer had gotten. The candle on their table flickered with hellfire, red and low. Lucifer's eyes shined, reflecting the light of the candle. Adam hadn't noticed how softly Lucifer had been looking at him. As though nothing else matter but him.
A new song started up, the melody low and sultry. The singer on stage opened her mouth but all Adam heard was Lucifer's voice, low and quiet, singing just for him.
"I know I stand in line until you think you have the time to spend an evening with me And if we go someplace to dance, I know that there's a chance you won't be leaving with me"
Lucifer's hand brushed his as the instrumental break played.
"Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place and have a drink or two And then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you""
Lucifer's thigh pressed against his.
"I can see it in your eyes, that you despise the same old lies you heard the night before"
"Adam," Lucifer took advantage of the break in the lyrics to whisper his name. "And though it's just a line to you, for me it's true, and never seemed so right before"
Leaning in until their breathe mingled, Adam could only see those shining eyes.
"I practice every day to find some clever lines to say to make the meaning come true But then I think I'll wait until the evening gets late, and I'm alone with you"
A hand took his and Adam's quickening heart skipped.
"The time is right, your perfume fills my head, the stars get red, and, oh, the night's so blue And then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you", I do."
Lucifer moved closer and Adam let Lucifer's lips met his. Adam closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss. It felt too brief and he leaned in to follow as Lucifer pulled away. "I love you" Lucifer held the final note as the song ended.
A bottle of champagne they never ordered was left in a bucket of ice at some point as Adam and Lucifer had been so focused on each other.
A thought came to Adam's mind and he had to know, "did you plan to seduce me from the beginning?"
"Since Eden, at least." Lucifer's half closed eyes looking up at him matched his soft half smile. His fingers clasped together under his chin. "I love you." it was as though once Lucifer said it once, the floodgates opened and he couldn't stop himself.
Lucifer's wedding band glinted in the light of the candle. His eyes followed Adam's gaze. With a simple twist he pulled the ring off and dropped it on the table.
"I'm a single man, Adam. How about you?"
Adam's voice was hard to find. He didn't like talking about it, "Till death do us part. And she parted a long time ago."
"Did you ever forgive me? For the things I did?"
"No," he croaked out as Lucifer once more leaned in.
"Then, perhaps, if you'll allow me," Lucifer voice was husky in his ear, "I can begin to make up for all the wrong against you I've committed."
Adam felt the tip of a tail press against his knee, sliding up to his thigh.
He should run. His spine tingled as Lucifer slid a hand into Adam's hair.
It was wrong. The lips on his felt so right.
"You have a lot to make up for."
"I have a lot of time to make it up to you."
Adam didn't notice that the lounge was now empty. The house and stage lights were out, and in the dark was a sea of flickering candles. The song Lucifer sung for him played over speakers. It wasn't the same, but it started up again.
When was the last time anyone had put this much effort and time into trying to win Adam's heart before? Never.
He'd seduced women before, but never had he been seduced. Adam found he liked it. It felt good to be chased. To be the one someone puts effort into loving.
"I love you." Lucifer sang along before meeting Adam in a kiss again.
"You're growing on me." He wasn't in love, there was a lot of history between them. But, he was willing to let Lucifer try to change his heart.
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br4inr0tx · 1 month
Another match made, this time for @sugutoad ! Thanks for giving me so much info to work. I probably didn’t include everything, but feel free if you want to reach out for something more specific. Enjoy!
tw - discussion of suicide, discussion of suicide methods, discussion of mental disorders
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you Bongou Stray Dogs matchup is… OSAMU DAZAI !!
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• Dazai would be best for you! That mix of crazy but relatable seems to be something you enjoy, and what no better the the freakster himself. He’s not to mean to not care though, so that’s why I gave you him!
• Dazai is very carefree, and will either mess around with you to make you forget about your troubles, or take care of things himself (usually without you knowing). He somewhat take you under his wing in a way.
• He’s also the type to tell it like it is, sharing a bit of positivity here and there. It goes nice with your realism.
•He’s also very passionate and often hyperfixates on things! Like suicide for example. He wants to do a double suicide with you lmao.
• Dazai is a curious cat, and often likes to hear the gossip. He serves absolute cunt for that. The two of you love to share tea and learn tea from others too! Honestly, it’s probably the thing that got you two connected to each other at first, if Dazai didn’t already try to flirt with you.
• Instead of really going blank like you do, Dazai’s mind is constantly running and he’ll happily bring you back down to Earth if you need it. Simple daydreams he’ll let slide if you guys aren’t on any missions or something important.
• Most of his jokes are really funny, and theirs just other times he’s funny without even realizing it. He thinks you’re too adorable to not get a chuckle out of, and sometimes he’ll break down laughing if you say something out of left field. It’s hilarious!
• Dazai used to be a really strict guy, but nowadays he’s more chilled out. You wouldn’t need to go through that strict nonsense again. If you ever bring it up with Dazai, he’ll try even harder to be more of a good person. It just reminds him that where he is now is best.
• He loves showering people in compliments, and you’re no different! He compliments anytime he gets! Though brings it back during more intimate moments.
• While he may not be able to wrap his head around your anxiety of other people too much, he just validates it as a huge difference you two have, and gladly confides in you when you need someone to speak for you.
• He can be a little tone deaf sometimes, and if you ever talk about feeling down he’ll probably mention the double suicide thing again. PLEASE dont EVER listen to him,
• In actuality, I’d say to try a hand at the bright side! You have a loving boyfriend and a loving community within the Armed Detective Agency. They’re basically your guard dogs by the way, if you aren’t already a part of their group.
• Fuck other people who don’t want to hear you yap about shit! Dazai LOVES hearing you talk about your passions! Very rarely does he stop you, and he likes to ask follow up questions just to fuel the obsession! He’s a great person to talk to when you start to hyperfixate on something.
• Dazai mostly leaves you alone if you ask, but he’s also kinda clingy. Just don’t be away for too long, or he’ll get more and more needy.
• Dazai is a strong believer that it doesn’t matter what you wear! He’s the kind of guy that thinks you look good in everything, and will always find something about your outfit that he loves the most.
• He’s definitely a pretty boy, and well..he came from the mafia, so he definitely still has an edge to him. Some of his tendencies can even linger from time to time. I’d say he’s your type!
• He loves going out and about when he can, especially for walks! It would be the perfect date for the two of you to walk around and enjoy yourselves, most likely talking about something for hours on end to the point where Kunikida would call you guys and ask where the hell you were.
Dazai can be very patient, and I’d say he’s the perfect boyfriend for you that is willing to be your shoulder to cry on, as well as an anchor. Just don’t mind him being a little screwed up in the head. <3
your My Hero Academia matchup is… EIJIRO KIRISHIMA !!
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• Kirishima would be best for you! Kaminari is a close second, though I figured he may be too silly for your liking.
• Now, I figure you’d be looking forward to having a villain for your match, however, you also said you wanted someone who you could relate and confide in. Almost all of the villains (except for maybe Toga) would not give a shit or understand why you need that shoulder to lean on. If any of them do care it’s most likely for a manipulative reason. I would’ve probably picked Toga if it weren’t for your preference. Hopefully that makes sense!
• You may bump heads with Kirishima from time to time, especially during times where Kirishima is way too nice. Not every relationship is perfect though, and from this he can possibly teach you to liven up sometimes, as much as you teach him to be more grounded.
• He’s a chill and lax guy, and will definitely help you calm down in any situation you need a hand on. He’s honestly the best at pep talk and lending a reassuring hand. As such, he’ll never get to exhausted will how many times you fall back down to the ground. He’ll always be there to get you back up again!
• Kirishima is also really passionate about the things he loves! He adores to hear you talk about thing, similar to Dazai. He’d be especially appreciative if you let him yap about his aspirations too!
• His humor is a lot like yours, and basically what the whole Baku Squad finds funny! Aside from Bakugou himself of course, cause just a dick. I can definitely see you being a part of their friend group though!
• Kirishima hate being super strict, but understands restrictions on some things for everyone’s safety. As long as you aren’t doing anything that will cause you or others harm, he doesn’t mention anything. What’s the bother anyway?
• Kirishima has tough skin, literally, and will become your shield metaphorically and literally. He hates seeing you cry, I breaks his heart so bad. He’d take over the world to make you happy!
• A part of me feels like Kirishima might have his own lingering depression by just how much he tries to fit himself in. Please just have his back as much as he has yours.
• In his eyes, there’s no such thing as daydreaming to much..unless you’re in literal danger but i doubt that would be the case. Daydreaming is a healthy coping mechanism. Sure it can distract from important things, but there’s worse things you could be doing. Especially during those times where you want to be occupied in your own world, Kirishima will give you space.
• The fact you get angry easily? Well, it’s not the first time he’s dealt with someone like that, heh. I’m sure you’re a lot more tame than you-know-who.
• Kirishima is a GREAT listener. I swear he picks up on everything and remembers a lot. He definitely keeps track of your needs and wants. Gifts, if you’re into that, are very thoughtful as well.
• He loves giving out hugs! Sometimes they might be very random, but hey, if you like hugs that much it shouldn’t be a problem. For him your softer body makes it even better!
• Much like Dazai, Kirishima loves to be out and about doing stuff, whatever gets the blood going! Unlike Dazai though, he only goes out when he has the free time. If he has work to do, he’ll most likely postpone his time with you. It’s worth the wait though, because you guys end up having a wonderful time together!
• Even though he might’ve not been what you expected, I do think Kirishima is a wonderful match for you!
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thegaybluejay · 6 months
Okay hi I’m back with another ramble-y ATLA character analysis since this is low key my brand on here lmao-
Today I want to talk about Zuko from the lens of someone who also had to deconstruct. This will be long, but please bear with me!
I was raised in a very white conservative evangelical Christian bubble where literally EVERYONE I knew for the majority of my childhood and teenage years thought mostly the same way. There was a lot of othering and shaming of anyone who thought too differently. Even if it was sometimes said more passively than cruelly, there was always that underlying tone. “The others/the people outside of our group/the worldly ones are lost and need our help because we’re better than them!”
While I strived to not be cruel, my beliefs were still harmful. I lost a few friends when I got to my mid-late teenage years because I didn’t yet know how to challenge what I’d been taught.
I see so much of myself in Zuko.
Zuko was surrounded by propaganda his entire life. He was steeped in it - steeped in the blood of those that the system he supported/represented had hurt and killed.
Anger is a huge part of all of this. While my anger was never quite as outward as Zuko’s (I hid it fairly well and was always known as the “pretty good kid”), I can still so heavily relate to his anger. His anger at always falling just short of being good enough or perfect enough. His later anger at himself for not understanding how fucked up the system was sooner. His anger at the people that failed and hurt him. His anger at realizing how he failed and hurt other people. All of it.
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I also understand his backslides in Book 2 and early Book 3. When you begin tackling the first layers of harmful shit you’ve been taught, it can quickly become so tempting to just call it quits and go back. You almost start to romanticize the simplicity of life before you began this journey. The rules and goals were so straightforward back then, and deconstructing is messy as hell. Even if you were deeply hurting in your old life, at least you weren’t so damn confused. You used to know your next steps, but now everything is in disarray and you don’t have a direction to rebuild in yet. Going back almost feels like it would be a survival tactic, a way to have a sense of control again. Zuko definitely 100% needed to atone for what he did in Ba Sing Se because it hurt others, and while I’d like to think I would’ve made a different choice in his shoes, I also get it on some level. The confusion stage sucks, and it’s not always linear either.
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But then.
One day, something just clicks. You eventually deconstruct enough that you truly come to full terms with how fucked up it all is. And you realize that you don’t belong there anymore, and the version of you that DID belong was just a facade. The blinders fully come off, they’re never going back on, and a spark lights in you that prompts you to make a big change. The deeper you go, the more urgent this deconstruction becomes in your mind because holy fuck I have to do something about this. I want this shit out of my brain for good and I want to help make things better. I want to learn who I am and finally live that out.
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THAT is one of the most pivotal points in the journey, and I loved seeing it within Zuko’s arc when he comes to this realization after the war meeting in Book 3 and leaves to join the Gaang. I also loved that they didn’t trust him the first time he came to them - both he as an individual and the system that he had once supported/represented had hurt these people, and it took some real apologies and some time to build up trust. It also wasn’t done with half assed centrism either - it was “I acknowledge that this system is completely broken and wrong and I will do everything in my power to help gut it from the top-down and restore it with love”.
This leads to another pivotal point in the journey - instead of being motivated by fear like you were when you were deep in the indoctrination or by the raw anger you first felt as you initially left, you start to be motivated by love. And it’s the most freeing thing.
It was so cool to see Zuko learn that, while his anger was a helpful tool (ie: the confrontation with his father and his overall anger at the corruption he saw in his nation), he couldn’t be fueled by it any longer. He had to find another motivation to keep going, and he was then taught by the Sun Warriors and the dragons how to be motivated by light and life and love and also how to use those alongside an anger that was finally righteous.
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And with this, he was ready to fight. To fight for a cause he knew to be good. To fight arm in arm with his newly acquired family. To fight to fix what his nation had done to the world and to itself. To fight for love and peace instead of division and hate and destruction.
And wow is it a beautiful journey.
TL;DR - Zuko’s story is so powerful to those who are deconstructing and I love him so much! I also just enjoy doing character analysis hehe.
(I really love talking about ATLA, so if y’all want me to analyze other characters or even plotlines through a specific lens, feel free to submit an Ask and I will happily do so!!!)
(Also, quick ending note - this is just my personal experience with deconstruction! Other people’s retelling of their own deconstructions may be different from mine, and that’s totally okay!!)
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puppyfriedrice · 5 months
Back in 2010 during my freshman semester I met a guy who became one of my best friends and crushes even though he wasn't my usual 'type'...aaand I also thought I "knew" that I wasn't his type. A few months later my friend group threw a fancy dress pizza party-
Here's Coop's perspective of that night:
People were either poor or food humble (like this small amount is enough) or healthy or something so whenever there was a party I never got to eat as much as I wanted. Luckily most events like that were at night when most of the Ritalin was out of my system. But even Friday movie nights with dominos I wasn’t allowed to have too much.
Combined that with flashing forward to that first year at [redacted] when my relationship with food was finally stating to change. Always having an appetite. Enjoying more foods and flavors and branching out, feeling like a grown ass adult and having my own money so I could buy and eat whatever I wants in as large a quantity as I wanted.
I had a huge crush on you. Everything. I was drawn to to your appearance the first day I saw you. Very physically attracted to you and then you started talking to me. You were nerdy and goofy like me and you actually listened to what I was saying and were actually interested in it too. You treated me like a person and it felt real and genuine and no one ever talked like that before.
That night at the 20’s party that black dress on you was fire! There was pizza and I had grabbed a few slices earlier and ate them but wanted more. I wasn’t sure I should go back for seconds but really wanted to. And it looked like so much food! So many different toppings! I was eyeing the pizza and I think I just took one more slice because that seemed fair and reasonable. That’s when you came in. It was that conference room near the lounge that they always played D&D in. You looked at me and this is as close to what i remember as possible:
You “Going for seconds?”
Me (possibly blushing a little when you said that) “Yeah I’m thinking about it. But I already had like 5 slices not too long ago.” (And pretty sure I mentioned the money thing) “and like i didn’t even pitch in for it so…you know….”
I don’t exactly remover what you said next. I remember the feelings in my head and body way more for some reason. You make have mentioned that you helped paid and didn’t give a fuck if I ate a whole nother box. Something about how I should eat when I feel hungry and then something along the lines of “dig in” “go for it” —something like that
You were so hot in that dress and your eyes were as bright as always and when you told me I could take another box I felt my face get hot and like my belly tingled like the cliche butterflies feeling. My heart was def pounding and it felt more than just being attracted to your personality and face/body.
It was what you had said about food in relation to me.
And that if im hungry I should just eat like it was just that simple.
No one had said stuff like that I mean I never really ate that much during the day cuz Ritalin but at nights I’d just binge and it made my parents worried so….basically I didn’t have a happy relationship with food.
And when you said that the way you said it all, I got flustered and turned on and I remember feeling confused about it. I remember I just put 4 more pizzas on my plate for eating a total of 10 in less than…maybe 30-60 mins? I said thanks to you and I think I walked back to my other friends
It was a nice and confusing feeling
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on-partiality · 7 months
Hi, I’ve been curious about Hercules Mulligan’s inclusion in the Rev Set ever since I have seen posts saying that one of the other aids like Meade and Tilgman or Tallmadge (if Herc was added solely for spy stuff) would have been a better choice. Id love to hear your thoughts on this.
Also, (terribly sorry if this insults any Mullette shippers) but do you know why people ship Mullette? (Correct me if I’m wrong) but these two have had zero historical relations. In addition, I don’t remember from the last time I saw musical but if you do, what was Laf and Herc’s relationship onstage?
So sorry about this super long ask. I just felt like you would be the best person to ask. Tysm and I hope you have a wonderful day!😊
Aw, this is such a cool question! And you're really nice, anon! I wish you the best! I would also like to make it very clear right now to anyone else who wants to send me a long ask. I love long asks. They give me more to ramble about!
When I was first getting into studying the real history behind the musical two years ago, this same thing confused me heaps. Mainly because we have no proof that Lafayette or Laurens ever even met Mulligan, let alone became good friends with him and he wasn't particularly close to Hamilton either for most of the war (I mean, in the continental army, he would've barely seen Hamilton, and the other aides would have been around him all day). Hamilton lived with him when he was in college, and they got along really well, had fun late-night conversations, just overall were great friends who influenced eachother in positive ways and Mulligan's chats with him definitely made young Hamilton more enthusiastic about the revolutionary cause. Additionally, Hercules Mulligan was part of his artillery company, The Hearts Of Oak or the Corsicans - Mulligan's the whole reason why we know the story of 18 year old Hamilton stealing British cannons with his volunteers is because of the recount of that night that Mulligan later wrote - however, for the rest of the war they just didn't interact with one another much.
They had their separate jobs, and they did them well. Hamilton was confined to his own quaters and the aide-de-camp tent, Mulligan was hanging around British camps and the battlefield doing exactly what Hamilton wanted to do. The relationship between the two was completely different from how Hamilton, Laurens, and Lafayette were through most of the war. Working together, seeing each other just about every other day, creating the same drafts and plans; Especially Laurens and Hamilton as Lafayette got some more 'exciting' jobs because of his rank as a Major General. But out of the bunch, Mulligan really sticks out like a sore thumb, historically the group was called the gay trio and for a good 3 quaters of the war it was just them all together. So why on earth would Lin Manuel Miranda add a fourth to the trio? It very well could be that like you said, he wanted everyone in the main group to have a different role that was integral to how the Continental army ran (Lafayette commanding, Hamilton writing, Laurens battling (?) and Mulligan spying) but I ended up reaching the conclusion that because the musical starts in 1776 while Hamilton was still in college - in the musical at least, presumably, but because of the way events are swapped around with eachother and happen at all the wrong times it's a bit difficult to tell what time things happened in the musical like I believe that when it starts Hamilton's meant to be in college and not yet a soldier however Hamilton left college to make his militia thing in 1775 and he stole the cannons in 1775 however the musical shows this happening after Aaron Burr, Sir and at the start if that song they make it very clear that it's meant to be 1776 which also means that Hamilton and Mulligan should've already known each other, I digress, I could ramble about how the way the musical timeline is makes no sense for years - , they wanted to show someone who was really important to him at that age, and they just kept him with the group for the rest of the show to avoid confusion as to why he disappeared or so that they wouldn't have to introduce another character (like why they used Jefferson instead of Monroe for the Reynolds pamphlet).
I don't know about using Tallmadge as a substitute though, given that I haven't read of any interactions between him and Hamilton or him and Laurens historically, I haven't read of any between him and Lafayette either, but it seems more likely that they would've spoken given Lafayette's position as a major general. It's entirely possible that the trio had heard of him but never actually met him given that I believe that I read somewhere that the whole trio knew of the Culper Spy Ring and a lot of what they would've heard to do with the Culper Spy Ring would have related to Benjamin Tallmadge in some way or other because he was the co-founder of the group. Meade and Tilghman would be good to swap Mulligan for, but then it doesn't make sense that he was talking to them in college (although Laurens and Lafayette didn't meet Hamilton when he was 19 either and like I mentioned earlier, Mulligan should have already known him so with the logic of the Hamilton musical they could be in the main group, yes). If my theory is correct then it would make sense why none of the more historically accurate quadrios were chosen, if they wanted someone who was close to Hamilton in his college years who still fought in the revolutionary war; then Mulligan would've been a great fit.
I'm going to guess that Mullette is one of those ships where people went, 'Hmm, I have ships for every other character but these too, and they seem close enough (in the musical that is), so I'll pair them together!'. Y'know, one of those pair-the-spares kind of things that people who are really into shipping do. Additionally. I believe you're correct; it has to have been an 100% musical fandom ship originally because if there was even just a little bit of historical evidence to back it up, then we'd know for a fact that Lafayette and Mulligan knew each other. Oh, and as someone who has seen the musical rather recently (late may last year) in the show, Lafayette and Mulligan didn't interact much, but they did come across as good friends and for some very creative people, those crumbs of interactions are enough to develop whole stories and relationships and I applaud those people, the way they create so much out of so little is amazing. Personally, I don't like any ships that don't have even a semblance of historical backing because I'm definitely an amrev fan before I'm a Hamilton musical fan (I still love the musical, I just value the real history more). People can like what they like though; I won't judge.
I'll always think Mullette's funny because here in Australia recently it's become a trend again for young boys and men to get mullets and I can't read the name without thinking of some crazy looking mullets that I've seen. Thanks for the ask, Anon! It was super fun to answer :D
(I apologise if I come across as rude, I've struggled with tones my whole life)
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torturedblue · 1 year
All my thoughts and theories of this adorable clip:
Guys the soundtrack in the background sounds so good and epic, and I’m so loving the use of hip hop and rap in every trailer. You forget how effective black music is for action movies too considering how little it’s used comparatively. And it’s another thing about this movie that gives off Spider-verse vibes 👏🏽
Oml guys MM Leo is just like 2012 he’s such a dork and he gets all pouty all the time and the way Raph trolls him about it is just like the 2012 duo 🥹
I’m sorry the way Leo smiles so much while reciting that horrible speech??? 😂 like it doesn’t matter what Splinter tells them it is gold that he will gobble up even if it is objectively prejudice
Speaking of which, “I know that’s objectively prejudice but it’s what Dad taught us” line is so relatable to most kids today like yikes what a motto of the 21st century
But it really makes me wonder what Splinter’s backstory is going to be in this iteration considering no other version has hated or had a gripe with the human race as far as I’ve seen. I assumed he was going to be formerly human too, although this clip makes it seem that might not be the case, but if he still is I think that makes his speech to the kids much more interesting and honestly hilarious because if any of us were in his position would we tell them much differently? I mean come on that “they lust to murder that which is different from them” is so spot on. And honestly we already teach kids everything else he said too when it comes to strangers 😂 humans are bad, don’t say hi, humans are everything wrong with this planet, do not interact or you will die 👍🏽
“We wouldn’t have K-Pop without humans!” Wtf he’s so pure ugh
“I’d love to have a champagne brunch with Tom Brady” OMG GUYS HE’S JUST SO PROPER AND DORKY AGH
“Drake! That guy is the GOAT of all time.” I’m sorry did I hear that right 😂 sweet simple Raph ya gotta know what the terms mean if you’re gonna use modern slang
“Guy Fieri seems like a fun hang” ooooh continuing with the Mikey is the cook character trope maybe?
I really think this whole bit here is an interesting way of setting up the mutants vs human premise of the movie with the turtles in the middle of it all. Especially the way Leo recites that anti-human speech so whole-heartedly but also still acknowledges that they all disagree with Splinter about how cool humans are. Especially since they likely keep their own beliefs about it from their Dad, which again, so relatable to kids of old-fashioned parents today
“oOh i’M tHe lEaDeR. You sound like you have bronchitis!” They way they mock and roast him is just too much and too accurate 😂 also I just love their overlapping conversational moments
Other thoughts:
Also I gotta say in these released clips Leo is pouting or anxious half of the time while his bros are always having fun and I just gotta see how much that’s amplified in the entirety of the movie… Like it makes it seems like he must feel some kind of rift between him and his brothers sometimes and I want to see if that’s true
These kids are truly on their own… They at least start off keeping their fondness of humans from Splinter, they still can’t interact with humans either way, they find a group of mutants like them and seem to hit it off at first but then it just turns a whole fiasco where they have to defend humans from them, and at some later point we know when they do interact with/are exposed to humans it does not go well. I’m so excited to see how they tackle that post-climactic depressive section of the movie where the boys are really feeling the weight of all of it. Like, not too many clips have been released and there’s already so much isolation on their end. I’m glad April will at least be one positive outlet for them
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saw a post a while ago that was like “the donkey comment towards ed was mean and classist, but it wasn’t racist bc donkey isn’t a slur/insult against Māori people” and then it went into more detail abt what kind of slurs colonizers have used and invented for different racial and ethnic groups which was kind of cool as a history lesson and i do get what they were saying abt how not all racial/ethnic groups have had the same experiences and whatnot
but like. i’ll be the first to say that i know next to nothing abt the history of persecution that Māori people have faced, and as a white person i’m not gonna tell anyone which insults they should take more seriously. but i WILL say that my people are not smart enough to use slurs accurately. yes white people have come up with some very specific slurs for all the cultures they’ve encountered while colonizing the entire world, but your average white american (bc this IS an american show, even tho the actors are from all over the place) are not gonna think “wait that’s the wrong insult for this person’s ethnicity” they’re just gonna make demeaning and derogatory comments with little thought aside from “this person is inferior to me.” like calling pretty much any BIPOC a donkey is bad. calling someone a donkey is another way of calling them stupid/uneducated and while that might not be an insult developed specifically as a way to demean BIPOC, it takes a different edge when used on BIPOC that’s not there when it’s used on a white person.
and on a somewhat related note, i know there’s been discussion abt how ofmd uses extremely old-fashioned insults for gay people to soften the blow of homophobia for modern audiences. because there IS homophobia in ofmd, but it’s not done in the same heavy-handed style that pretty much every show that has homophobia does it. nobody’s being called a fag, there’s never a “coming out” scene where people respond with shock/surprise/disgust. and the result is that when the show came out, queer viewers were all gushing about how great it was to not have to wince though any scenes of explicit and potentially triggering homophobia.
but racism in ofmd is not done so subtly. when the british guy yells “enough, slave!” to frenchie in episode 1, i grimaced. the guy calling roach “darkie" or "dog” (i cant tell which he's saying but either way it's bad) in episode 9 also made me very uncomfortable (shoutout to roach for slapping him across the face right after, legend behavior). part of this makes sense bc of the time period when ofmd takes place; making the racism subtle might accidentally come across as downplaying the atrocities going on at the time (and ofmd has done an Excellent job at taking a very firm anti-colonialism stance). but whenever i hear people say “it’s so great that queer people can finally watch a show where they don’t have to wince through triggering insults!” im like. well. the WHITE queer people don’t, maybe.
so the donkey comment makes sense as an insult that’s very clearly reacially-coded, but it’s not super specific to ed’s culture because like… why would we want that. why do we need to hear ed or any of the other BIPOC in this show get called slurs that are extremely specific to their race/ethnicity to know that the insults being hurled at them are motivated by racism. just like how chauncey doesn’t have to call stede a faggot for us to understand that the “monster, plague, defile beautiful things” speech is motivated by homophobia, we shouldn’t need the british to start calling people the n word to know they’re being racist
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inklings-sprint · 1 year
Inklings Sprint; what is it? (What is a productivity sprint?) And what will this look like. Dates and times to be determined, suggestions are welcome. (Though if you are suggesting a time and date, I will either need your time zone. Or for you to convert yours to Central Standard time. I’m Canadian, if you weren’t already aware, so location based, I’m currently the same time zone as Saskatchewan just to give a location based perspective for time zone. So I know that makes it hard for the Aussies and Kiwi’s out there. But hopefully I might be able to work out some time that might line up for you as well.)
What is a productivity sprint?
For those who are unfamiliar with this surprisingly helpful technique/tool/trick, let me explain a little bit more in depth for you. Productivity sprints consist of a series of short work periods followed by a short break. So each work period is the sprint part. Doing this with a partner or a group of people, means that during the break, we can share our progress with each other and give one another with encouragement, before going back to work. We keep each other accountable for getting work done. (I know this doesn’t necessarily work for everyone, but it definitely helps for me. Particularly even just to get started to focus in on writing.)
The Inklings Sprint and what it will look like.
So the Inklings Sprint is a series of productivity sprints that I will host. I’m hoping to plan three or four different times during the run of The Inklings Challenge of these. I've called it the Inklings Sprint, mainly because that's what I will be working on. I will be working on my Inkling's Challenge story; BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO. Anyone who wants to participate is free to. You can work on any October challenge that you want, house work, work work, school work, drawing, sewing, crafting, anything that YOU want to get done.
I will post a bunch of reminders leading up to the start of the Sprints. Always on this same post so that all the information is in the same place. So this might be one of those times that you might actually want to turn on notifications for a particular post. In the hour leading up to the start of the first sprint I will start a bit of a countdown until we start.
So the sprints will be in ten minute increments, looking something like this example below.
Start at 1pm sprint ends at 1:10, break for ten minutes and see how everyone is doing then;
Start next sprint and 1:20pm ends at 1:30
Start 1:40pm ends 1:50
Start 2pm ends 2:10
Going for however long we want to go.
🌻🌻🌻You do not have to start right at what the chosen start time is and if you join late, you could even decide to write on what I call the break. Also, staying to the end is not necessary. The sprints will run for an hour at the minimum and can keep going beyond that if we have time. It’s about what works best for you and being able to encourage each other.🌻🌻🌻
Also, in relation to giving an update, (if you choose to do so), it can be a word count, line count, something completely different, however you want to measure your progress. I highly recommend doing some form of this just so we know that you’re participating.
Another thing to add, is that you don’t need to wait for the break to end to get going again, if you find that the break is too long.
(Each update can either be by reblogging this post, or just in the notes.)
The important thing for this is to have fun and get some work done.
So look at your calendar and see what times that you might be available to try, let me know and I will try to slot something in that works for me and you. Most likely times will either be in the evening during the week for me, Saturday evening, maybe sometime on Sunday, but not likely with it being Sunday (but for you guys on the other side of the world, I might be able to do a later at night Sunday to give you a chance) and then Monday I’m typically off, so something might be able to be done throughout the day then. But again, give me dates and times and I can try to make up a bit of a schedule. (Changes can be made and altered as needed, but a basic schedule should be ready for Oct. 1 when the challenge begins.)
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jewishbarbies · 2 months
this is so relatable lol. But my parents were could be considered abusive by western standards so it might not be that relatable but yeah. Worst part was my parents would go through all my books, diaries, everything. I used to love writing when I was a kid and I used to want to write books back then. But my mother would do “random checks” in which unexpectedly when I was in the shower or not in my room, she’d take my school bag and all the books in my room, empty it and scatter the books, and go through each and every one of them with the hopes of finding… idk what. Already made fun of me and laughed and yelled at me for whatever she would find though. It wasn’t like I was writing anything bad or inappropriate at the time, but the more she did that, the less I wrote because writing was something I considered very personal at the time and it felt like my privacy was stripped from me lol. This started around the age of 7-8 and by the time I was 13, I never wrote another story again and threw away all my journals. She would do this with my phone as well, reading all of my texts and going through my apps because she didn’t trust me (her words). The last time I remember her doing this was when I was 16, but I suspect she still does it now. I journal now occasionally, but I have to either write my stuff in French or a made up language because she can’t understand French or the language I made up now lol. Unfortunately I still live with her. But yeah, she did this with all of my interests. And I hated when she would come to any of my school or sports events because she was always disappointed as fuck whenever I didn’t come first, and had cultivated an immense fear of failure in me ever since I was a kid, one that I’m still trying to rid myself off lol. It was so bad that there’s so many things I refuse to do because I’m terrified of failing lol.
Anyways, this was a random ass dump of information you didn’t ask for lol. Feel free to delete this.
my parents were the “don’t make me take the door off the hinges and throw all your stuff in a dumpster” every time i pissed them off kind of parents so i feel ya with this.
they were assholes about privacy. they rarely knocked coming into mine and my siblings’ rooms so they walked in on us all changing more than once and just kept doing it, refusing to knock bc it was “their house”. they were very militant about computers and phones, not necessarily always to catch us doing something bad but bc they just needed to know everything all the time. I once created a Skype account to join a text only group chat of teens back when i was a swiftie and my dad said i “broke his heart”, almost actually shedding a tear, by not asking them first so they “had to take computer privileges away” and laid the disappointment on as thick as they could, doing a homeschooled version of grounding.
when they found out i was writing a fic they didn’t like bc they were “suspicious” of me (with no proof of any wrongdoing just vibes apparently) and went looking, they made me delete the whole account and scrub the computer of anything related to it. I never had a diary bc i knew they would read it. as an adult with a bedroom door that actually locks, i still can’t put headphones on and play computer games bc of the deep fear of them walking in and getting me in trouble, even with innocent things. the doorknob can be unlocked from the outside with a penny or sturdy fingernail for safety reasons but i know for a fact my parents would open my door if they felt they needed to even without an emergency. there’s no trust there. my mom has been convinced there’s something “evil” (in her words) about me since i was 4yrs old which is ironically around the time my first memories of their abuse take place.
they were abusive in many other ways, some physically, but I doubt I’ll ever shake that feeling like I’m always doing something wrong no matter what it is and that people will get mad at me for it. that shit sticks with you the longest.
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Pairing: Ike x Soren x Reader x Ranulf
Prompt: Commission for cute poly stuff!
Description: You begin to grow suspicious of a certain dating trio when they start paying more attention to you then they ought too. It's not as if Ike, Soren and Ranulf have anything bad planned for you, but you can't help but wonder what they're up to...
Rating: sfw
Content Warning: Poly couples, reader is called her once by Ike, otherwise just some teasing and dense idiots in love!
Word Count: 2023 (yes this was on purpose :3 )
Notes: Happy new year everyone! This was another commission for anon, the same person who commed that first cute Ranulf piece! This isn't related but I had a lot of fun writing this dynamic of a poly trio who wanted to add a fourth to their group.
Something seemed different lately. Perhaps, because the New Year was quickly coming upon you, but things just seemed strange and lethargic after all the festivities; you could swear there was something more to it. A certain someone (certain someones, even) have been treating you differently.
You couldn’t put your finger on it but something seemed especially different about Ike. He was more, well... it was obvious he was trying his hardest to impress you and get to know you. Which while very sweet of him was confusing. What was he up to? What did he hope to achieve? You don’t mean to be suspicious, but Ike is not subtle at all in his attempts.
Neither are his sidekicks… Well, at least Ranulf isn’t. Soren, on the other hand, can be suave if the situation calls it. You’ve found that more then once you’ve divulged a little more information if need be if he was the one listening. Honestly, the same could even be said for Ike and Ranulf. Despite being very blatant in their attempts to gather information on you, they were nothing but sweet. And it’s not as if they were planing something nefarious, either. If any of the three of them hated you, the other two would have surely followed suit.
So it left you’re wondering just what these boys had in store for you…
“Summoner! There you are!” Ike greets you with an enthusiasm and smile you’ve grown fond of, blue eyes sparking at they land on your. “I was looking all over for you.”
“Sorry Ike!” You meet his long steps towards you half way, giving him an apologetic smile. “But you have to share me with the other heroes sometimes, you know that right?” You tease him, giggling when you see the way his face twists into a blush and surprise.
“I-I don’t mean to take up all your time I just--” You cut him off before he backs himself into a corner.
“I was just teasing Ike, goodness.” He visibly relaxes when you say that, smile returning to his face but sweet blush staying on the apples of his cheeks. “So what has you coming to me in such a good mood, Ikey?” He stopped bothering to correct your nickname for him long ago.
“Oh well…” At the mention of that, he clams up again. You wait patiently as he gathers his words, taking a deep breath before speaking again. “I was, well… we were, that is, Ranulf Soren and I…” He trails off, quieting as he meets your gaze.
“What did you three need of me so close to the New Year?” Preparations for the New Year were what kept you busy all day.
“...We wanted to know if you wanted to greet the New Year with us.” Finally finding the right words, Ike is resolute when he speaks, steeling himself as he looks at you. He seems far too serious for such a casual invitation (you remember quite well how much of your time they took up during the winter festival, after all) but perhaps that’s what it took for him to find what to say.
“Hmm… I don’t know…” You hum, giggling when you see the way his face drops a little. “Lots of heroes want to spend the night with me. Shouldn’t you share me a little bit?” You can’t help but grin at the way he panics. He wanted your attention to himself but also wasn’t one to be selfish, you knew. You hadn’t meant to raise a serious moral conflict in him, honest, so you decide to speak again to save him.
But Ike manages to speak before you do. “Then forgive me for being selfish, but…” Rough hands reach for yours carefully, cradling them in their grasp. “We worked hard to make this night special for you… I’d really appreciate if you joined us.” You’re always caught off guard in those magical moments when Ike gets swept up in the confidence and charisma that made you want to follow where ever he wanted to lead. Still, you have to play it cool, even if your heart is beating wildly in your chest.
“Well…” You say, letting out a little exhale of sudden nervous energy. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to indulge you a little.” The smile he gives at your response is well worth it, however.
“That’s great!” His excitement is contagious and you can’t help but smile with him. “Come on, hurry, they’re already waiting for us!” Ike is quit to turn, keeping hold of one of your hands as he does.
“Lead the way, Ikey.” You follow his charge, happy to let him fill the silence as he blabbers about this and that and how hard they worked. It was sweet, really, but it still made you wonder…
To what end? Why did they do all this for you?
“I got her.” Ike announces triumphantly as you enter Ranulf’s quarters-- bigger then either Ike’s or Soren’s, to accommodate his beast form if he ever felt he preferred that over his more human one.
“Way to go Prince Charming!” Ranulf slinks over to the two of you, wrapping an arm around both your waists as he welcomes you in. “We’ve been waiting for a while for you two.”
“Welcome, _____.” Soren greets, face even. He was just as excited at least, or so you hoped.
“Goodness, look at you guys!” You smile as you take them in, being pulled on to Ranulf’s bed next to him. Ike takes a place next to Soren, giving him a kiss on top of his head, despite his protests. “It’s like you were waiting for me to get the party started.” You laugh at your own thought, but Soren interjects.
“We were.” He states plainly. “What’s the point of celebrating the New Year how you do back home if you’re not here to enjoy it?” He huff, brushing his hair back. As if this were the most obvious thing in the world.
“You mean…” You pause, realization dawning on you all at once. You turn to Ranulf, since he’s the closest to you, excitement dancing on your features. “You guys were getting all buddy buddy with me to celebrate how I do back in my world? That’s so sweet!” You cry, pulling Ranulf into a sudden hug. He seems surprised a moment but is more then happy to oblige. “Ike, Soren, come here!” You cry. Ike does so without complaint, pulling Soren who rolls his eyes. Soon the both of them are hugging you and Ranulf as well, the four of you a mess of limbs.
Soon enough, you all pull back from each other. “You are all literally so sweet, you know that.” You sigh softly, content in this moment with all of them around you. “I was suspicious but… well, I know you guys are all big sweethearts so I wasn’t too worried.” You can’t help but relax around them, eyes gliding from the collected sweet wine and small foods on a table.
“Well, honestly, it’s not the only reason…” Ike speaks up. Somehow the four of you have found way to all fit on Ranulf’s bed, limbs tangled and personal spaced damned. You’re between Ike and Ranulf, with Soren in front of you and just as sandwiched as you.
“Oh, there’s more?” You say giddy, Ike’s serious tone flying over your head.
“_____, love.” Ranulf grabs your chin, smile on his face as he holds you gingerly. “Surely you aren’t that dumb.” You blink at him, confusion plastered on your features.
“What do you mean?” Your gaze passes over Soren, and then to Ike. They all have the same look of disbelief on there faces. What were you missing here? “Did I do something wrong…?” You add, features falling.
“No, nothing of the sort…” Soren sighs. He’s had hold of your hand for a while now, drawing aimless patterns over the soft skin usually hidden away by your gloves. “You’re just incredibly dense is all.”
“Well, yeah.” You agree with him easily. “What’s that got to do with anything?” You add.
“_____…” You curl up to look at Ike, whose lap you’ve somehow managed to crawl into without really realizing. His grip on your waist had just felt so comfortable and right, you didn’t think to question it.
“Yeah?” You meet sweet, striking blue eyes again. This time, it feels different. Ike feels different.
“We’ve been talking with one another about, well, our relationship…” Ike looks away from your face a moment, trying to find the right words to say, or the right way to say them.
“We’ve been talking about you too.” Ranulf quips, looking a lot more calm then Ike does. Your heart pounds.
“It sounds like you’re trying to break up with me!” You laugh, to try and lighten the mood a little. “I’m not even dating you guys. You don’t have to be so nervous Ike.” You turn to him again and the look he gives you makes you want to take your words back. His eyes are wide, with lips lightly parted.
“You really are dumb, ____.” Soren speaks, squeezing the hand he’s still holding. “Ike fell in love with you a long time ago.” He states plainly. You look back to Ike surprised. Before he speaks, Ranulf beats him.
“You’re talking as if you aren’t!” Ranulf laughs, sitting up properly now. “_____, Ike was definitely the one to bring it up… but we all adore you.” Ranulf smiles bright at you.
“...All three of you?” You say in wonder, looking from Ranulf’s warm smile, to Soren’s red cheeks and pout, to Ike, face and neck red as he looks down at you all too seriously.
“Yeah, we are.” Ike let’s a little of the tension leave his face as he speaks. “If, you at all feel the same, we’d like you to be with us.” Despite his nerves, Ike manages to keep his voice even.
“You guys really feel this way?” You manage to peel away from Ike’s pretty eyes and look to Soren, possibly more pink then the minute before. You squeeze his hand like he did to you. “Even you Soren?” You can’t help but smile as he take a shuddering breath.
“I… do. You’re special to us, _____.” He manages out, unable to meet your gaze at the moment, instead fixated on your enclosed fingers.
“It doesn’t feel like ‘us’ without you anymore.” Ranulf pulls your gaze away, possibly the only one among the four of you who isn’t a blushing, nervous mess. “Not to be dramatic or anything, but you help us feel whole.” he laughs softly but you can tell from the other two men around you that his words ring true.
“You guys are really serious…” You take a deep, fortifying breath, thoughts flowing too fast for you to say anything without great effort. “I think I need a m--” before you can finish, the sounds of yelling and cheering reach your ears. Fireworks outside the window signify the start of the new year.
“Oh, look at that.” You laugh softly. You sit in silence a moment, letting everything you’re feeling wash over you like gentle rain. “I’m a little overwhelmed but…” You turn to Ranulf, grabbing his face with one, gentle uncertain hand. “I love you, Ranulf.” You give Soren another gentle squeeze, meeting his surprised gaze. “I love you, Soren.” And finally, you pull your limbs back to Ike, hugging around his neck and pulling him close to you. “And I love you Ike. I love you all so much…” You laugh softly, the sound muffled by Ike’s chest.
“_____…” Ike hesitates only a moment, wrapping his arms around you. “Happy New Year.”
“Happy New Year!” You pull away from Ike, and cheer loudly to your three new partners. “There’s no one I’d rather spend this year with… I’m happy to be here with all of you.” You take a deep breath, letting a big smile take over your face. With the three of them by your side you were sure it would be…
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