#reasons why car battery keeps dying
philsservice · 6 months
How can you tell when your car battery is going bad? The auto repair experts can give you advice about a needed car battery replacement.
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drorder · 6 months
this post got long. im putting it below a cut (notes on #31, more for my sake than to inform anyone else of anything)
i’m rewatching 31 and i just remembered how the episode ends. nonononono…
and the episode is over 2 years old now wtf
edit I FORGOT ABOUT “your parent is dying.” AA A
edit 2: and immediately into The Scene.
edit 3: i now remember why, exactly, we wish Car Battery upon Prism. I feel like, although that’s far from being her introductory scene or anything, its her Defining Character Moment. and its scary scary scary!
edit 4: (im just gonna keep this editing screen open for now) “…after that, we see, in the back, Captain Quadratic comin’ in.” How much of that did he see. Like he acts like he didnt see it and, if he did see it, he didnt intervene, but he immediately tells them that the room is bugged and he did hear their conversation (and all of their conversations for the past few weeks) and then has immediately removed the memories. But like, i don’t think the room being bugged would even be brought up if Quad didnt hear the conversation.
He immediately goes “How are you?” when he comes in, and when Dani goes “I’m good. I’m good, I’m good. I’m good,” he goes “Hm. You said that multiple times!” And he changes the subject, but I’m pretty sure Quad has done that kind of probing-comment-on-people-being-suspicious-but-he-makes-it-sound-very-innocent-and-then-changes-the-subject before. Like, he did that when he was interviewing Heartbreak in #30, right? So how much does he know and recognize, but pretend to ignore?
Like, I wouldn’t be surprise, character-wise, if he got into the habit of observing people and events and making his own judgements, but then not acting on them and playing dumb, while he was in Order’s lab. I mean, if i was seeing unethical and suspicious things being done in front of me, and being complicit in them, all the time, I’d probably get used to noticing it but not really pushing against it, for self-preservation reasons. Idk.
edit 5: lmao. I have an English analysis essay I’m supposed to be doing but instead I’m procrastinating by going on tumblr and writing analysis essays.
edit 6: okay so Quad’s trait of knowingly delivering unwanted facts to volatile people and then pretending to be ignorant about what he’s doing is like my favorite character trait of theirs. Because immediately after that, he tells Dani and Prism that Spectrum is dying, and Prism goes “Like the service provider! The service provider, Spectrum!” and Quad basically goes “That’s true! The service provider Spectrum is garbage and dies often. Also, that seems to be the name of your master, who’s dying.” So yeah. I think I’m writing these notes more for me, to be conscious of what is happening, than to point out anything for anyone else. But I love Quad so much. They’re so smart.
Honestly this scene might be my favorite in CPUK. There’s so much happening, character-dynamic and characterization wise. I wish I knew how to make comics so I could make a comic of this scene.
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tameodesza · 2 years
💍 Househusband AU: Headcanon 1
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a/n: Sadly, school, work, and moving has taken over my life. I’m still working on fics with whatever free time I have, but in the meantime, here’s some HC ideas I’ve been collecting (also, I need to clear up some space in my notes, 🫣)
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 What do they like most about each other?
💍Shawn really appreciates Bret’s wisdom and patience with him. Admittedly so, he’s a bit of a himbo. Don’t get him wrong. He’s a smart guy, but there are moments where he questions how he even graduated college. But he loves that Bret doesn’t get annoyed with him or make fun of him. Just guides him or explains the situation to Shawn again with more clarity, such as:
“No, Shawn. You should not pour hot water on the windshield just because you don’t want to wait for it to defrost”
“Yes, Shawn. The car battery will keep dying if you keep leaving the lights on”
Or Bret’s favorite silly moment: “Bret, I can’t find my glasses!” “Shawn, it’s on top of your head” “….oh….well, how’d they get there?!”
💍Aside from Shawn’s beauty, Bret loves Shawn’s humor. Shawn’s pretty goofy, more so when he’s purposefully trying to make Bret laugh after a particularly bad day. Bret thinks he’s one of the funniest people he knows, aside from Owen of course.
What do they like the least about each other?
💍This was kind of hinted at in my last post, but Bret strongly dislikes Shawn’s drinking habits. It’s one of the reasons why he doesn’t like being gone too long from home. He sometimes asks his parents or one of his siblings to swing by the house to make sure Shawn’s not indulging too heavily without him there.
💍Shawn doesn’t think it’s a big deal. He knows his limits, but Bret’s seen him inebriated more times than he’d like. It’s one of many reason why Bret dislikes Shawn’s friends. He thinks they are enablers and a bad influence on Shawn
💍Bret also hate’s when Shawn turns down their plans so he can go hang out with Hunter, which is ironic given the amount of times Shawn’s chosen Bret over Hunter, but I digress
💍Shawn hates how stubborn Bret could be sometimes. He knew he could be bratty and stubborn himself, but Bret had him beat by a longshot, oftentimes not budging or not willing to compromise on something he feels strongly about
Who’s the better cook?
💍Shawn, hands down. He wasn’t much of a home cook when he lived in Texas. However, since marrying Bret and having more free time on his hands, he tests out a lot of different recipes with Bret in mind, hoping he can impress the older man with his mad cooking skills. He’s gotten so good over the years that he was sure he could give Julia Child a run for her money.
💍Bret would love to cook more, but he’s on the road too often to hone in on that skill. And Shawn usually kicks him out the kitchen anyway, so he doesn’t have many opportunities to learn.
💍To Bret’s credit, he knows how to make a mean turkey sandwich, and he’s really good at grilling meat (mainly because the grill is doing much of the cooking for him). Anything beyond that and scrambled eggs is beyond him
Common interests?
💍Gardening. It’s one of many random hobbies Shawn picked up while being home alone
💍After being on the road for a couple of months, Bret was surprised to come home and find bundles of daisies and tulips growing in the backyard.
💍During his short vacation from being on the road, he became Shawn’s little helper, carrying the fertilizer, handing Shawn gardening tools, helping Shawn pull up dead weeds. Anything Shawn needed
💍Then it just became something they did together all the time, sometimes Bret seeming more excited about the progress of their flower garden than Shawn
Bonding activities?
💍Aside from gardening, their favorite bonding activity consists of Bret testing out ring moves on Shawn
💍Although Shawn hadn’t wrestled in a while, last time being years ago with Hunter, he still was comfortable getting thrown around, though Bret tried his best not to be too rough because he didn’t want to hurt him
💍That was the least of Shawn’s concern, the blond man often finding himself getting turned on in the midst of the action
💍His favorite move was being in a headlock. He doesn’t know why, but it was something about being trapped between Bret’s chest and biceps that really did it for him 🥵
💍And yes, Bret thought he was weird for that, but Bret still loved him nonetheless
Random Character Quirks
💍Shawn is an avid gum chewer. It’s a nervous habit he picked up from college to help calm his nerves and it just kind of stuck. Bret noticed it a couple weeks into dating, but he doesn’t mind because it makes kissing Shawn all the better
💍Surprising to most, Shawn is actually a neat freak. He always notices if something is out of place. He’s constantly sprucing up the house – sweeping, mopping, dusting, rearranging furniture – especially when Bret’s away. Bret’s learned the hard way that its better to ask Shawn before he decides to move anything in the house
💍Shawn loves booping Bret’s nose because he thinks it’s cute. He does it randomly and Bret never sees it coming, but it never fails to put a smile on his face
💍Bret’s an avid note taker. More often than not, he carries a mini notepad or sticky note and pen, jotting down any ideas that come to mind. It’s more of a stream of consciousness type thing. Whether he’s at the grocery store and gets an idea for a wrestling angle or he’s traveling on the road and sees something he thinks Shawn may like, he’ll quickly make a note of it, afraid he’ll forget something important.
💍Shawn hates coffee with a passion. He doesn’t understand the appeal Bret sees in it. He’s ranted to Bret plenty of times that it tastes like poison, to which Bret brings up a good point that maybe it’s because Shawn didn’t use enough sugar. “Then it’ll taste like sweet poison!” was Shawn’s reply.
💍Shawn loves debating Bret on his “controversial” food takes: 
 Poutine’s not that great? Shawn thought it was a national treasure  and was jealous it wasn’t popular in the States. Bret should get his citizenship revoked for thinking otherwise.
Turkey bacon’s better than pork? Blasphemy. 
Oatmeal raisin cookies are better than chocolate chip? Get out.
Pouring milk before cereal? Are you ok?!
💍Shawn’s not that great of a driver. He’s not awful, but his road rage blinds his ability to make wise decisions. Bret’s had to clutch the armrest for dear life more than a few times due to Shawn’s speeding. Owen downright refuses to carpool if Shawn’s driving. The final straw was when Shawn nearly went on a high-speed chase after some guy who cut them off, threatening to track the man down, jump out the car, and I quote “give him a real country ass whoopin’.” For everyone’s sanity, and the safety of his fellow Canadians, Bret usually drives whenever he’s home or if Shawn’s traveling with him between house shows on the road
💍They both truly changed each other for the better. Shawn helped Bret come out of his shell, often encouraging the older man to engage in his goofy antics, Bret doing so willingly knowing he wouldn’t be judged for Shawn. If anything, the blond would judge Bret for not engaging in his crazy antics. Shawn attributes much of his growth and maturity as a person to Bret. Throughout his time of dating and being married to Bret, Shawn’s become more level headed, patient, less reckless, and thinks things through before he acts (except when it comes to his driving of course lol)
💍Bret refuses to attend another kliq Christmas party after seeing Hunter in a g-string. He didn’t mind seeing Shawn in the same getup of course. In fact, Bret and Shawn had to leave the party early that night 😏.
💍Bret also had the dishonor of taking a picture of both Shawn and Hunter in said g-string, which Shawn thought was hilarious
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crazy56u · 7 months
Happy Valentines Day, time for newspapers and jackass raisin-looking fuckers.
“Last time on Quantum Leap: Oh, I bet you thought we forgot about that chip subplot… Get fucked.”
And now the wolf is in the hen house, and odds are he ain’t fucking leaving.
Also, Ben wrote a letter; in unrelated news, Tom is pissed.
Hard cut to the 80s!
Cinematic parallels: Ian got an ominous phone call last week, Ben gets one today.
“Look, I could tell you more about the people who are gonna die, but because I hate you now- (CLICK!) (beeeeeeeeeeeeep)”
“God, where do I find you people?!” …the want ads?
Why does the guy Ben leapt into look like Jack Quaid?
Ben, you are doing swimmingly at acting normal today.
And the reporter is dismissing the fact Ben got an ominous phone call, and I vividly remember a car blowing up in the trailer for this episode, so, 5… 4… 3…
“Look, I’m Connie Davis, fuck your phone call.”
“This is the biggest story I’ve had in months.” And hard cut to Halloweentown.
“Steve, exactly how big is your pumpkin?” Big enough to topple the government?
I love how you can tell Connie wanted to die the second “Good gourd” was spoken.
“Now Steve, I know your viewers are dying to know- just like how your wife is probably literally dying, based on that cough-”
Meanwhile, the real 3 Ws: Waffles, wine, and Wednesday afternoon napping
“Okay, Steve said words, I wanna leave now.”
“There, I punched the camera, that’s how you know the battery died.”
“Look, Ben, you stopped a stroke, but car crashes are a little more unpredictable. Also, there’s this guy, Gideon-“
And I’m hoping to God the produces bought that number before someone tried to call it…
“Can we please focus on the leap, and not the subplots?”
My guess, Connie got fired for talking shit about Barbara Walters.
“And now she does-“ “Pumpkins.” Phrasing.
The more pumpkin puns she is forced to hear and say, the more Connie wants to die.
And cut to Newton’s shit ass cradle.
[Full disclosure: I am actively muting the parts of the episode involving Gideon. I have captions in, but still.]
“All I’m suing is blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.”
Just saying, Ben had three shots to indirectly erase Gideon from the plot, and I doubt this one’s gonna be the one.
“Look, sir, I’ve been kept in the dark, maybe let me in on this subplot?”
[And now I am actively glad I am muting Gideon; I can just tell he’s saying this bit of expo with a smug tone.]
Oh fuck you, I wrote “blah blah” because I didn’t have time for your bullshit, you don’t get to use “blah blah”.
…calling it now, whatever “needs” to happen, Magic is gonna take one for the team.
[Sound goes on.]
Meanwhile in the parking garage of doom.
Bean, you suck at the news.
…okay, I was joking, but is the parking garage haunted?
Fellas, you ever get cockblocked by an answering machine?
“Look, man, I know I have a gun and a ski mask, but you are freaking me the fuck out; why were you talking to a ghost?”
Dude, Ben doesn’t even know what the story is. Neither do we!
Game Theory: The guy actually forgot to check if his gun was loaded, and had to pivot at the last second.
“That’s right, I punched you in the face, I hope you learned something today.”
[“Okay, Ben blacked out, cue the title.”]
Stop telling Ben to drop a thing he knows shit all about.
…is it bad that I thought she was gonna dump whiskey on his wound?
“I think we have a story-” “A concussion.” A story-driven concussion.
BREAKING NEWS: Pumpkins are attacking people!
“Look, I had to make you look like a dumbass to save your ass.”
“What if this is the next Watergate? You know, I heard the real reason that got tipped off to the press was because a college professor snuck into the building so that this one student could say goodbye to her dad before he went to Vietnam! He even did a dance on the steps and talked to a ghost!”
“Rule one of doing work: See rule one.”
“Why are you always covered in blood, and do I keep thinking that’s low key hot?”
Ben, the universe can suck an egg.
“You’re the best leaper I know.” Meanwhile Elsewhere, Sam Beckett is seething.
“It was either being a journalist or being in the military, Ben.”
Ben 100% stole that whiteboard.
And now Ben and Addison have to figure out what the plot is.
“What do we know?” “Not much.” For example, throwing this out there, the date?
“A suit works at a company.” Mic drop.
It took mentioning a lawyer for us to get within the ballpark of the date this leap is happening on.
“There, I wrote ‘Lawyer’ big. Are closer to solving this leap?”
That fucking beast of a computer…
“Look, it’s an all-nighter, and I want a distraction from the Gideon subplot.”
Ben, no, you were doing so good, don’t get distracted by relationship shit!
I have a sinking suspicion that wasn’t all the coffee Ben drank…
Okay, so, technically Tom was the puppet.
“Look, I can do my job and be pissy about relationship bullshit.”
“I got a call at 3 in the morning telling me to burn Quantum Leap to the ground.” I swear to fucking God if that was an indirect way of saying NBC’s cancelling the show…
[No sooner did I type that, Tumblr tried eating this post, I ain’t taking any chances, part 2.]
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oliviajames1122 · 2 years
What Causes a Car Battery to Keep Dying?
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It can be a real pain when your car battery dies on you however if it is repetitively doing this then there are some underlying causes which needs to be sorted before you find yourself stranded somewhere. This article will discuss the possible reasons of a car battery dying.
There is a huge list of reasons when it comes to why car batteries die but they can be put into three different categories;
●     Battery problems
●     Electrical System Problems
●     Simple User Error
Some of these are easy to deal with and can be done at home and some require a trained professional to sort them out. If so, Search for garages in Reading and book an appointment as soon as possible. However you cannot find out what is wrong unless you get stuck in.
One thing to note is that most people associate a battery dying with it having been standing for a long amount of time before starting and driving it, however if your car battery dies whilst driving it could be an issue with the charging system as suggested by many car garages in Reading.
What are the reasons that cause a car battery to die?
1. Leaving your lights on
Leaving your headlights or even a dim dome light will drain a battery dead overnight. Make sure to always check internal and external lights before leaving your car to avoid this.
2. Wear or poor battery condition
A battery which is in a poor condition may not be able to hold its charge for long. This means even a small drain like your car's radio may kill the battery. If this is the case then search for car service near me and book a consultation with a reputable mechanic.
3. Corroded or bad battery connections
Corroded battery connections can prevent the changing system from topping up your battery while driving. This forces the car to run on a low battery. Similarly, loose battery connections can also cause problems.
4. Other drains in the electrical systems
Some common drains which occur are the glove box and trunk lights that come on or remain on when they should not. These are fully capable of killing batteries.
5. Severe temperatures
Extremely hot or cold weather will be fine for a new battery or one that is in good condition; however an old or weak battery will fail in extreme weather conditions. Such weather can also bring out other underlying causes.
6. Problems in the charging system
If a battery seems to die whilst the car is in motion then your car's charging system may be at fault. To confirm if this is an issue, search for car maintenance near me and book an appointment. Loose or stretched belts and worn tensioner can prevent an alternator from working also causing your car's battery to die.
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swiftbattery · 18 days
Why Your Car Battery Dies | 6 Common Causes & Solutions
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Tired of your car battery constantly dying? Our guide at Swift Battery Specialist reveals six common reasons behind a failing battery and offers practical solutions to keep your vehicle running smoothly. Learn about issues like parasitic drains, faulty alternators, extreme temperatures, and more. Understand the signs of a weakening battery and how to prevent frequent breakdowns. Whether you're dealing with an old battery or electrical problems, our expert tips will help you extend battery life and avoid unexpected car troubles. Stay powered up with our advice!
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magichappens0101 · 25 days
Why Do You Need a Fast Car Charger?
Staying connected and having a charged phone is essential these days, and that goes for when you're on the road, too. A regular car charger might take ages to charge your phone, but a fast charger for car is a lifesaver. It gives your phone a much bigger charge in a much shorter time, so you're never stuck with a dead battery again. But fast chargers aren't just for phones, they offer a bunch of benefits for everybody.
Charge Your Phone In Minutes
The main reason to get a mobile car charger is how much faster it charges your phone. Regular chargers can take hours to bring your phone back to life, but a fast charger for car can do it in under 30 minutes! This is perfect for long drives, work commutes, or anytime you need a quick boost before an important call.
Convenience On The Go
Fast chargers are all about making your life easier. Stuck running late with a dying phone? No problem! Just plug it into your car's cigarette lighter with a fast charger and get your phone charged while you drive. No more hunting for outlets at cafes or wasting time at charging stations.
Charge Everything You Need
Many fast mobile car chargers have multiple USB ports so that you can charge several things at once. This is great for families or groups travelling together – everyone can keep their devices powered up. Whether it's a tablet to keep the kids entertained, a GPS to find your way around, or a camera to capture those road trip memories, a fast charger for car keeps everything going.
More Than Just Phones: Powering Up Your Drive
Fast charging is for more than just phones. Lots of cool car gadgets, like dashcams and portable jump starters, use USB charging, too. A fast charger for car makes sure these important tools are always ready to go, giving you peace of mind and extra safety on the road.
While a fast car charger might cost a little more than a regular one, the convenience and time-saving benefits are totally worth it. Look for well-known brands that offer multiple ports, fast charging, and work with all your devices. Buy car charger from Blaupunkt today and you'll be prepared for anything the road throws your way, keeping your devices and your adventures powered up!
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tpmsbypassireland · 2 months
Fix That Annoying SRS Light With an Airbag Sensor Emulator
Ever glance at your car’s dashboard and see a glaring SRS light? Don’t ignore it! The Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) light indicates a potential issue with your car’s airbag system, a crucial safety feature. While the constant illumination is annoying, it serves as a warning that your airbags might not deploy during a collision.
This begs the question: how do you fix a malfunctioning SRS light? There are various approaches, and one option that has gained some traction is the airbag sensor emulator.
Why Does the SRS Light Keep Coming On?
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The SRS system in your vehicle is a critical safety feature designed to provide additional protection above that offered by the seatbelt alone. The system is complex, involving sensors, airbags, and control units working harmoniously to detect and respond to accidents. However, this system is not infallible and can experience issues that may impact its functionality.
One of the first signs of trouble with the SRS system is the SRS warning light on your vehicle’s dashboard. The SRS or airbag light can keep coming on for various reasons, ranging from minor issues you can fix yourself to more significant problems requiring professional attention.
Below are some of the frequent triggers that prompt the SRS light to come on and stay on:
Airbag System Malfunctions
As mentioned above, the airbag system is a critical component of the SRS. Any problem here can cause the light to activate. From sensors to airbag modules, if any part of this delicate ecosystem is off, your car’s computer will note it and light up the dashboard as a warning.
Seat Belt Latch Issues
Your vehicle’s SRS system doesn’t only consist of airbags. It also includes seatbelt pretensioners, which are designed to secure passengers tightly upon a collision. A malfunctioning seatbelt latch might trigger the SRS light because it’s integral to the system’s overall functionality.
Sensor Malfunction or Damage
Impact sensors, which detect collisions and deploy airbags, can sometimes be too sensitive or, conversely, damaged due to minor impacts or environmental factors. This can lead to false readings and cause the SRS light to illuminate.
Electrical Problems
Wiring issues, such as frayed wires or poor connections, can cause intermittent or constant signalling issues that prompt the airbag light to turn on. Electrical interference or a dying battery might also trigger the system incorrectly.
Aftermarket Accessories
Sometimes, aftermarket items like stereo systems, seat covers, or alarm systems can inadvertently interfere with SRS wiring or sensors. This interference can cause the SRS system to malfunction, lighting up the warning sign on your dashboard.
Control Module Issues
The control module acts as the brain for the SRS system, deciding when to deploy airbags and tension seat belts. If this module has faults or has received incorrect data from other car components, it might display the SRS light unnecessarily.
Resetting Needs
After an accident in which airbags have been deployed, the entire SRS system usually needs to be reset or checked by a professional. If this isn’t done correctly, the SRS light might stay on, indicating that the system has not been reset or that there are remaining issues to address.
What to Do When the SRS Light Comes On?
A lit airbag light is no laughing matter. This crucial safety system protects you and your passengers in a collision, so ignoring the warning is simply not an option. Here’s what to do when you encounter this issue:
Don��t Ignore It
This might seem obvious, but it’s worth emphasising. A functioning SRS system is vital for your safety, and ignoring the light could prevent your airbags and seatbelt pretensioners from deploying during an accident.
Perform an Initial Check
You can do a quick visual inspection for any apparent issues. Look for loose wires around the seats or airbag areas, and ensure all seatbelts function properly. However, it’s important to remember that some SRS problems won’t be readily apparent with a simple visual check.
Consult a Qualified Mechanic
Unless you’re a highly experienced mechanic who is comfortable working with SRS systems, leave it to the professionals. A qualified mechanic has the expertise and tools to diagnose the root cause of the problem.
Using Diagnostic Tools
Mechanics will likely use specialised scanners, such as OBD-II scanners, to read fault codes stored in the car’s computer system. These codes provide valuable clues about the specific issue within the SRS system, allowing the mechanic to pinpoint the problem and recommend the appropriate repair.
Keep this in mind – it’s easy to ignore this light or postpone taking action, but doing so can have serious implications for your safety and the safety of your passengers.
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How Do You Fix a Persistent Airbag Light Issue?
Understanding potential fixes is crucial when faced with a persistent SRS light issue in your vehicle. Among various solutions, using an airbag sensor or seat occupancy emulator represents a practical and cost-effective approach.
What Is an Airbag Sensor Emulator?
An airbag sensor emulator, sometimes called a seat occupancy mat bypass device, mimics the signals sent to the car’s computer by the airbag system’s sensors. Typically, sensors in your car’s airbag system send signals to the computer about things, like if someone’s sitting in the passenger seat. An emulator acts like a fake sensor, sending a signal that says “seat occupied” even if nobody’s there. This can be particularly useful when the persistent SRS light issue is due to a fault in the seat occupancy sensor.
How Does an Airbag Light Sensor Emulator Work?
The emulator is typically a compact device that plugs into the vehicle’s wiring harness in place of the seat occupancy sensor. Once installed, it sends a signal to the vehicle’s safety system, indicating that the seat is always occupied. This can be beneficial in diagnosing or temporarily bypassing faults within the seat occupancy sensor circuit, which might be causing the SRS light to remain illuminated.
Why Fix an SRS Light Issue With an Airbag Sensor Emulator
As mentioned earlier, using seat occupancy emulators to resolve SRS light issues is becoming popular, and it’s easy to see why. This approach provides a very affordable fix, which makes it increasingly hard to ignore among car owners. Let’s face it: why spend more if you don’t have to? By choosing to use an emulator, you’re tapping into a solution that keeps your car safe and compliant with safety regulations without breaking the bank.
But the benefits don’t just stop at cost. Installing an emulator is usually straightforward—often, it’s as simple as plugging the device into the correct port. This simplicity means you won’t have to rearrange your schedule for a mechanic visit or leave your car in the shop for days. Instead, you could have it all sorted in less time than it takes to watch a movie.
Moreover, fixing the issue yourself provides a certain peace of mind. You gain better insight into the health and functioning of your vehicle’s safety systems. You can confidently drive knowing exactly what was done and how, rather than relying on second-hand information from a mechanic.
In sum, if you’re looking for a cost-effective, efficient, and empowering way to address an SRS light issue, the airbag sensor emulator presents a compelling option. It’s not just about saving money—it’s also about convenience and gaining a greater understanding of your vehicle’s intricate systems.
Traditional Fixes vs. Airbag Sensor Emulator: Breaking Down the Costs
One of the benefits of using an airbag sensor emulator is its affordability. When you compare the costs of a traditional fix with those of a bypass device like an airbag sensor emulator, the difference can be stark.
Going the conventional route often means replacing the airbag system’s faulty sensor or component. This could set you back anywhere from €170 to €510 for the sensor alone. Labour charges add a significant amount to the bill, possibly ranging from €85 to €255, depending on the vehicle’s make and model, the complexity of the repair and the mechanic’s rates. When all is said and done, you could be looking at a total that edges close to a thousand (or even more) just for a complete sensor fix.
Now, if you opt for a seat occupancy emulator to fix the SRS light, you will likely spend just a fraction of that price. These devices typically range from €40 to €80. Since you’re dealing with a simple plug-and-play device, you’re also looking at potentially zero labour costs if you handle the fix yourself.
With the price contrast, a seat mat occupancy sensor is a clear winner financially. This makes it a highly appealing choice if you are looking to manage costs without compromising safety.
In conclusion, the SRS system is crucial in ensuring safety during collisions by deploying airbags at the right moment. However, when the airbag light indicates a malfunction, the efficiency of these safety precautions can be compromised. As such, a lit SRS light on your dashboard shouldn’t be ignored.
Admittedly, fixing airbag light issues can be expensive, mainly if you go the traditional route. But the good news is that a budget-friendly yet effective fix is available – an airbag sensor emulator.
More than just a quick fix, it’s a practical approach that maintains safety standards while giving you greater control over your vehicle’s maintenance. Moreover, the seat mat occupancy bypass emulator is an innovative solution that can swiftly resolve the nagging SRS light issue, allowing for peace of mind without a costly visit to the mechanic. It’s an option worth considering for anyone facing SRS system troubles, especially when the goal is to keep the car running safely and efficiently without undue expense or downtime.
Are you looking for an efficient and cost-effective solution to your persistent SRS light issue? Consider our high-quality and reliable airbag sensor emulator. Visit our online shop to find a seat occupancy mat bypass emulator for your vehicle make and model.
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Top Signs of Battery Failure in VW You Need To Know
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Modern vehicles are highly dependent on electricity… From the GPS to wipers; almost all parts of a vehicle rely on electricity to function. There is a network of parts involved in meeting the vehicle's energy demands – the center of which is the battery. If it becomes weak, the vehicle will have difficulty getting the required amount of power and may start behaving abnormally.
VW Battery Failure: Top Contributing Factors
#1- Old age. Often, aging is blamed for the deterioration of a car's battery condition. After all, car batteries are made of chemicals that degrade over time… Therefore, it is advisable that you keep checking the condition of your vehicle's battery from time to time and consider replacing it if its life has crossed three to five years.
#2- Human error. When was the last time you had your Volkswagen battery checked??? We don't pay much attention to our car batteries… This is one thing that can cause premature battery failure. Also, bad driving habits like taking too many short trips can also contribute to premature battery failure in a vehicle.
#3- Bad weather conditions. Since car batteries rely on chemical reactions to store and discharge electric charge- they are vulnerable to extreme environmental temperatures. If your Volkswagen's battery gets exposed to extreme cold or hot temperatures for a very long time, it may fail prematurely.
VW Battery Failure: Top Recognizable Signs
#1- Car has trouble starting. Having trouble revving your Volkswagen engine??? One possibility is that your battery has gone bad. As said earlier, the battery provides the electrical energy needed for all parts of the car to function; including the parts involved in breathing life into the engine. If there is something off with the battery, there won't be enough power left for those systems to work. As a result, the vehicle would have trouble starting.
#2- Battery warning light. The appearance of this warning indicator often points to one thing- a dying battery. Other possibilities include a defective voltage regulator, a damaged alternator, a worn charging system wire, etc… In any case, a flashing battery light is something that should not be taken for granted. The reason behind the appearance of this warning indicator needs to be identified and repaired at the earliest convenience.
#3- Dim/ flickering car lights. Lately, have your Volkswagen instrument cluster lights been flickering and headlights appearing blurry??? This may point to a dying battery. If the battery has reached its maximum service life or has become weak due to prolonged exposure to extreme weather conditions, it will no longer be able to meet the power demand of the lights, radio, and other major electrical components of the vehicle. As a result, the headlights would appear cloudy and the interior lights including the instrument cluster lights may start flickering.
#4- Visible damage. When you checked your Volkswagen's battery Last time, did it look swollen? A swollen battery case is never a good sign. There are many different things that can contribute to battery case swelling such as overcharging, exposure to extremely hot temperatures, damaged voltage regulator, etc… In any case, driving with a swollen battery is not safe. Therefore, if your Volkswagen battery appears swollen or leaking electrolyte, it is important that you get it checked by a certified professional.
#5- A rotten egg smell. Another distinctive sign of battery issues in a vehicle is the emergence of a sulfurous smell from the vehicle's interior. One more reason why such a smell may emerge is a defective or clogged catalytic converter. In any case, the appearance of such a smell is not something that should be left unaddressed.
VW Battery Failure: What Should Be Your Next Step?
Battery replacement…
If it happens to you that your Volkswagen battery doesn't have much life left then this should be your next step. Because leaving such an issue unaddressed may contribute to an array of different problems that may put a huge burden on your wallet.
To Conclude
The battery is what provides your car with the electrical energy it needs to perform various electrical activities. So it's important that you keep an eye on how your Volkswagen battery is performing. If you suspect a flaw, don’t hesitate to replace it.
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vaughanautomotive · 11 months
How Long Can I Drive My Audi With A Dying Battery?
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You should restrain yourself from driving a vehicle with battery woes. Want to know why??? Well, it is simply not safe… From instrument cluster lights to headlights, from ECM to TCM; almost all car parts require electricity to function. If the battery is weak, it will not be able to meet the energy demand of the vehicle. Listed below are some of the problems you may encounter if you continue driving with a dying battery.
Problems You May Encounter Because Of a Dying Battery
#1- Cruise control malfunction
Has your Audi's cruise control been acting weird lately??? Although there are many reasons why a vehicle's cruise control may behave strangely, one issue that most people don't pay much attention to is a weak battery. Yup, you read that right… If there is not enough power left in the battery, it won’t be able to meet the energy demand of cruise control.
#2- ABS issue
By preventing the wheels from locking up during an emergency braking situation, the anti-lock braking system prevents your Audi from skidding. Like cruise control, anti-lock braking systems require a constant supply of power. If there is something off with the battery or there is a fault in the alternator, there won’t be enough electricity available for the ABS to function.
#3- Power window won’t work
This is yet another issue that you will encounter because of a dying battery. In order for your Audi's power window motor to operate, a constant supply of electricity is required. If there is something wrong with the battery or the fuse in the power window circuit is blown, the motor will not operate when input is provided through the control button. A dying battery can also contribute to door lock failure in a car.
#4- Sluggish engine performance
A deteriorating battery can also affect your Audi's engine operation. From the spark plug to fuel injectors; all parts involved in regulating car engine operation require electricity to function. The engine control module that regulates how the engine should operate also needs electric energy to do its job. And, guess which part meets the energy demand of all these parts??? It is the battery. If the battery weakens, the engine will start operating poorly.
#5- Gear shifting issue
You will have trouble shifting gears in your Audi if its battery has reached its maximum useful life. The module that is tasked with controlling various aspects of transmission operation based on inputs received from the driver- requires electrical energy to function. If the battery is weak, the transmission control module won’t get the required amount of electricity and may start acting up.
So, What Should You Do If Your Audi Battery Is Dying?
If you don't want to be stranded in the middle of nowhere, don't keep driving with a dying battery. Listed below are a few things that you can do to get the most out of your Audi battery.
#1- Check the battery periodically. If you don’t want your Audi battery to wear out prematurely, you should ensure its upkeep. Check if there is any form of damage to the battery or not. If there is any visible damage on the battery case or the case is swollen, call your mechanic immediately.
#2- Provide appropriate insulation to the battery. Extreme temperatures can cause more damage to the battery than anything else. So, if you don't want extreme cold or hot temperatures to drain all the power from your Audi battery, cover it with a suitable insulation material.
#3- Ensure the upkeep of the charging system. If there is something wrong with the charging system, it will not be able to recharge the battery every time it drains. This is something that can cause premature battery failure. So, if you don’t want your battery to die prematurely, ensure the upkeep of its charging system.
Bottom Line
So, there you have it; some dangers of driving a vehicle with a dying battery. A weak battery can cause all sorts of operational problems in your Audi. So, if you think there is something off with your Audi's battery or the charging system, take suitable action. If the battery is all used up, consider installing new ones.
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philsservice · 1 year
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Wondering what are the symptoms of a bad car battery? If you are experiencing starting problems or weak lights, it may be time for a car battery replacement.
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andresautoservice · 1 year
BMW Not Starting? It Could Be One of These Issues
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You expect your BMW to run perfectly fine every time you turn on its ignition; after all, it is the only mode of your daily commute. But sometimes, your BMW may refuse to start. The reason could be one of many different things. In this blog post, we have covered some of the possible explanations as to why your vehicle may refuse to come to life.
Plus, as you read on, you'll discover some solutions to your BMW's starting troubles. Hence it is advised that you read this blog post in its entirety.
Possible Reasons Why Your BMW Won’t Start
From a defective ignition switch to a dying battery; there are many reasons why your BMW may not start. Some of them are briefly discussed below.
#1- The battery has had its days
The battery is at the center of your BMW’s electrical system. From the starter motor to the fuel pump; everything that requires electricity to function relies on the battery. In essence, your car needs to have a good battery to operate smoothly. If there is not much life left in the battery, then you will face all kinds of problems while driving your BMW which includes starting problems. Your BMW will also experience electrical problems if the alternator is bad.
Evaluate the condition of the battery/alternator.
You can make use of a multimeter to do so.
If the battery is old/defective, replace it.
If the problem is in the alternator, try to fix it.
If the alternator is beyond repair, replace it.
Keep a jumper cable in your trunk.
#2- Malfunctioning ignition switch
If there is nothing wrong with the battery and alternator, there may be a problem with the ignition switch. After all, a properly functioning ignition switch is essential for the engine to come to life. It is a very complex piece of equipment that essentially provides power to the starter motor, ignition system, and other major components to bring the engine to life. So, obviously… you won’t be able to start your BMW if its ignition switch is defective.
Check for worn ignition switch contacts.
Check for damaged components.
If there is a fault, fix it.
If the issue is beyond repair, replace the entire unit.
Check whether the key is in good condition.
#3- Damaged ignition system
Is there a chance that you haven't changed your vehicle's spark plugs for a while? Because bad spark plugs can make it really difficult for you to start your car. Plus, if there is something wrong with the ignition coil, you won't be able to start your BMW. In addition to trouble starting the engine, a faulty ignition system can also contribute to stalling, misfiring, and other drivability problems in a vehicle. Respond to this problem right away if you don't want to make the situation worse.
Use a spark plug tester to evaluate the condition of the spark plugs.
If you found a faulty spark plug, replace it right away.
Check the ignition coil and its relay.
Also, make sure other components of the ignition system are working fine.
#4- Failing starter motor
If you are having trouble starting your BMW; most of the time, it's due to a defective starter motor. The starter motor, as most of you probably know, is the device that turns the engine over so that it can start operating on its own. If it wears out or fails to engage with the engine, the engine will not be able to draw air and fuel into the cylinders and may not start.
Check for faulty electrical connections.
Check whether the starter solenoid is in good condition.
Evaluate the condition of the pinion gear and other key components.
Check for loose wire and electric short circuits.
#5- Issue with the timing belt/chain
Starting trouble in a car can also result from a defective timing belt/chain. Since the timing chain plays a vital role in syncing the movement of various engine shafts; if it becomes worn or loose, the engine will struggle to come to life, no matter how hard you try. The timing chain, if it becomes loose or damaged, can contribute to a number of engine-related problems in your car.
Keep an eye on your BMW’s timing chain/belt.
If you notice something unusual, contact a mechanic.
Don’t take any chance when it comes to the timing chain.
In Conclusion
A car that is hard to start is not something that is easy to drive. If you are having trouble starting your BMW, check to see if there is any life left in the battery. If there is nothing wrong with the battery, have someone check on your vehicle’s starter motor, timing chain, ignition switch, and other components.
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dellsservicecenter · 2 years
Do This If Your VW Alternator Is Not Charging Battery
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The feeling of not being able to start a car is nothing short of frustrating. We often blame the battery for such a problem. But before you assume this is a sign of a dying battery, have someone check on the alternator. After all, this is the part that serves to recharge the battery.
This blog post will converse about the causes and signs of alternator malfunction in vehicles. Our discussion will also address how to deal with a failing alternator. To begin with, let's talk about why these two components are crucial to a car's overall functionality.
Alternator and Battery: Separate but Interdependent Parts
The alternator and battery are two important parts of a vehicle's electrical system. The former uses the power of the engine to produce electrical energy. The battery, on the other hand, serves to store that energy so that it can be distributed among various electrical parts of the vehicle, including lights, radio and security systems.
In a nutshell, it is illogical to think that one can operate without the other. If one acts up, the functionality of the other will be negatively impacted. For example, if for some reason the alternator stops working, the battery will die. Similarly, the alternator is of no use if something is wrong with the battery.
Alternator Not Charging Battery: Here’s What It Could Mean
1- Drive belt or pulley is at fault
A loose drive belt can have a negative impact on your alternator's power output capability. The drive belt, as most of you probably know, is a long rubber belt that transmits the mechanical energy generated by the engine to the alternator.
The alternator has a dedicated system (that works on electromagnetic induction) to convert mechanical energy into electric energy. If the drive belt becomes loose or there is a problem with the pulleys, the alternator will not operate as it should and may not be able to recharge the battery properly.
2- Something wrong with the ECU
Are you wondering what a faulty ECU has to do with battery charging issues in a car? Read on to find out. Almost every aspect of a modern-day car is controlled by the onboard computer or ECU. From the emissions control system to transmission operation- everything is closely monitored and controlled by the ECU.
It also plays a crucial role in regulating the alternator’s operation. So, obviously… an error in the ECU will have a negative impact on the electric power output capability of the alternator. So, if you notice problems with battery charging, get the ECU tested.
3- Fuse probably blown
If the alternator is in good shape yet the battery is not getting a charge, you may be dealing with a blown fuse. Modern-day cars come equipped with a variety of fuses and relays—one of which is the alternator fuse.
It is essentially tasked with the job of protecting the battery and other critical electrical parts of the charging system against power surges and short-circuiting. If it goes bad, the alternator won’t be able to keep the battery properly recharged. If you want the issue to be resolved, replace the defective fuse.
4- Bad wiring
Wiring problems can also cause the battery to not hold a charge. Why so, you asked? Well, for electric energy to be conveyed from one point to another, a conductive material is indispensable. Wires are put in place to transmit the electric current generated by the alternator to the battery.
A fault in one of those wires can interrupt the power supply to the battery. As a result, it will die. So, if your vehicle’s alternator is not charging the battery, check the wires between them. If you found a faulty wire, replace it right away.
Alternator Not Charging Battery: Do This
If your car battery is not getting recharged, a faulty alternator is usually the first thing that comes to mind. But, believe us… the cause of such a problem could be one of many different things going on with your vehicle's charging system. You may need help from a mechanic to find out and fix the culprit.
Key Takeaways
The alternator and battery are two separate but interdependent parts of a vehicle's charging system. A fault in one of them can put your vehicle's electric system in jeopardy. That's why if you think there is something wrong with your vehicle's battery or alternator, visit a nearby auto service center.    
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What Does It Mean When My Mercedes Says Auxiliary Battery Malfunction?
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Four things make Mercedes such an iconic brand – elegance, luxury, performance, and comfort. Vehicles manufactured by this brand are bound to be expensive, as the focus is only on quality.
One of those qualities is auto-self-diagnosis. Mercedes' self-diagnosis feature is way ahead of time. It can notify the driver about different problems by displaying different messages such as Check Brake Pad Wear, Top Up Coolant, EBV, ABS, ESP Inoperative, Check Engine Oil At Next Refueling, Pre-Safe Functions Limited, Auxiliary Battery Malfunction, etc...
Our blog post will focus exclusively on Mercedes's "Auxiliary Battery Malfunction" message. This blog post will help you understand what this message means and what would happen if you don't act upon it. But, before moving on, let's have a quick chat about Mercedes' auxiliary battery like – what is it, and what does it do?
A Short Note on Mercedes’s Auxiliary Battery
An auxiliary battery serves as a backup for the primary battery, as indicated by the name as well. Aside from powering the radio and blind spot assist, it also powers lane keep assist, GPS, PDC, and lights. Like the primary battery, it is charged by the alternator.
If for some reason, the auxiliary battery goes bad, you will encounter a range of issues. Fortunately, your Mercedes will let you know when its Auxiliary battery is going bad. And, to do so, it displays the "Auxiliary Battery Malfunction" message on the dashboard.        
In light of what an auxiliary battery is and what it does, let's see what can cause the onboard computer to display an "auxiliary battery malfunction" message.
Here’s Why Your Mercedes Displaying “Auxiliary Battery Malfunction” Message
A myriad of factors can cause the "auxiliary battery malfunction" message to appear on the dashboard of a Mercedes. Some of them are;
The auxiliary battery- It’s probably dying
The auxiliary battery, as most of you probably know by now, is what powers the radio and other crucial components of the vehicle. There is an expiration date on it, just like the primary battery, and it typically lasts between four to six years.
Electrical anomalies rooted in a faulty auxiliary battery may prompt the onboard computer of your car to set off the "auxiliary battery malfunction" message on the dashboard. Therefore, if your Mercedes' shows an error message like this, check its auxiliary battery immediately.
Damaged voltage regulator
It's the voltage regulator that makes the alternator a controlled source of power. To put it simply, the voltage regulator protects the battery and other crucial electrical components by stabilizing the alternator's power output.
If it malfunctions due to an electric short circuit or bad wires, the functionality of both the primary and auxiliary battery will be affected. To warn you about the issue, your car will show different error messages such as "Stop vehicle shift to P leave engine running" and "auxiliary battery malfunction".
Issues with the main battery
This may sound unusual…. But, it’s true nonetheless. The primary battery which is usually located under the bonnet does all the heavy work. This ensures that the starter motor, ignition system, and other electrical equipment in the vehicle are getting the required amount of electricity to perform their assigned functions.
So, it's obvious… flaws with such an important piece of equipment can cause a wide range of electrical problems and can activate all sorts of warning messages including an "auxiliary battery malfunction" message.  
Electric short circuit
Short circuits, if left unnoticed, can damage a vehicle's critical electrical components—which can eventually trigger the "Auxiliary Battery Malfunction" message.
How Safe Is It To Drive A Mercedes With Auxiliary Battery Malfunction?
No, it's not safe at all. Why is that, you asked? Well, among other things, an auxiliary battery ensures a steady power supply to crucial electrical appliances of the vehicle. So, obviously… its failure will make a vehicle unsafe to drive.
Wrapping Up
The summary of this blog post is- an auxiliary battery plays a crucial role in the overall functionality of Mercedes's electrical system. And, it is not recommended to drive a car with a faulty auxiliary battery.
Therefore, the signs of a malfunction of the auxiliary battery in the car should not be ignored. If your Mercedes displays the "Auxiliary Battery Malfunction" message, have its auxiliary battery checked immediately.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
I have to thank you for my job and my life you're saving me by telling me what you think about my mother and I know it's intimate close relationship I see you angry all the time and they keep saying it's about her it hurts me to think that they're saying it and I heard to think that you might think that way and find out you never thinking that way.
I'm very grateful for your comments I know what he says she's always monitoring she's like the tender and I'm going out on a space walk all the time that's what she said it's like I did say that she says. So I understand what you're saying it's like that with my wife as well you can't do without her but she sees I don't see half the time. Like I said make sense she's holding stuff off and he hardly sees anything and it's a technique and she tells him when she needs to know and keeps him safe now I know something else is doing a hell of a job that's why I work not stress and a lot of people starting to see it like you guys so we get that all of it.
So we're going use the cars and we're going to make a business. It's just like one load that's not really that many and collecting them as somewhat tedious cuz you don't go out and grab them all you have to go through a process but I will advertise and you know what I'm saying if you get a license and you can advertise you put signs out and people get tons of business so I'm going to go ahead and do that and some people already doing it it's real slow they do 100 cars a day and at that rate it'll take forever altogether to do 1000 cars a day and that would take a thousand days so no they're not doing anything every reason to it's disgusting I hate these people and I'm going to sit here doing nothing with no cars I don't even know how they get food most of them are dying so we do see what you're saying we need to get in here let's see what it is it's weird you can't get people to come in here because of Tommy F. I'm moving out I'm going to teach them kids lesson I'm also going to recycle cars ton of them. It's like this we need to have a plant here and to recycle the cars and to build them but you need a pretty good size plant this is not with a million cars and what do you want to recycle them into is my question generators or small equipment I don't like this generators they should not be using gas and Diesel is prime perfect down here that is the salt water just pushes it out it's all oil stays oiled and zigzag says the last twice as long as the engine contaminated it runs gas and full contamination usually it doesn't bother it but our engines would last forever so I think about that they need to diesel generators do you have a company we can make a micro plant with a micro pug mail and a million cars will make like 500,000 small diesel generators that's a lot and he's surprised and I'm not because they overbuild the frame it's too heavy it's not strong and you do cook it off no it's just for the frame and the cover and you cook it off a little bit I'll see you can use the metal it's waterproof and the engine take for the engine you do cook that off a little more because of the diesel is very high pressure but really it's not you just add some nickel we do that too and I'll tell you what some people are very interested in diesel it's easier to store it's safer to store you put it above ground and it's much less flammable and it's not really explosive the fumes don't really explode and the diesels went forever you're trying to use on for a week and it's quieter and it goes into a mode where it's fuel and fuel saving when it doesn't have a load and usually put in we put in batteries and you charge them up and you can shut down and it'll turn on if you're running major appliances it'll run a refrigerator for about 10 hours and it turns on so really if you leave for a month it's going to run for a month if you just have a fridge and a few other things on like security and you're the only burn up like half a tank for regular fuel tank for oil heating up north that's what they used to and you shelter it I got examine this idea it's a great idea and cars is my thing recycling is my thing but to make cars not necessarily diesel generators are nice husky products and we can use them we use a few of them make a few big ones of course hospitals that's good and the rest would be for like a medium duty there's like a fast food restaurant will be up and running the whole thing all the fires all the cook things all the lights and the fans and exhaust fans and scrubbers everything cleaning equipment and run for a week and a tank of on a tank of a diesel
It's a great idea and I'm putting it forward now if several companies and I'm going to pick one
I'm pretty excited about this and happy about my husband's work it's mine too and I see the worry I didn't text her pain and also itchy we get it a lot we need antiperspirant and Jen didn't have any bugs around her it's going to look for the secret and she says a little poison is good venom and he thrived on it little weirdo and I'm going to have a lot of fun tonight with my husband
She Abomination
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dockilop · 2 years
Car battery indicator meter
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Your battery gauge should read between 13 and 14 volts while you’re driving. What Should My Battery Gauge Read While Driving? If you find that your car’s battery voltage is always high, have it inspected by a mechanic immediately. When this happens, the battery can be damaged. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it can be if the cells are overcharged. Whenever your battery voltage is high, it means that the cells are fully charged. If you suspect that one of these parts is not working properly, take your car to a mechanic so they can diagnose the problem. Lastly, the low voltage may be due to a problem with the alternator or voltage regulator. Make sure to check the connections and tighten them if necessary. If this is the case, you’ll need to recharge the battery.Īnother possibility is that the connections between the battery and the gauge are loose. The low voltage may result from the battery cells being discharged. Several things could be to blame if your battery voltage is not as high as it used to be. If you notice that your battery voltage gauge is fluctuating, make sure to take your car to a mechanic so they can figure out the problem. This can lead to all sorts of problems, like your car not starting or the battery dying quickly. Battery voltage fluctuations mean that your car’s battery is not being charged properly. If it does, there is probably a problem with your car. No, your battery voltage should not fluctuate. They will be able to diagnose the problem and get your car running smoothly again. When you fix them and you still can’t figure out the problem, take your car to a mechanic. If you’re having trouble with your battery gauge, make sure to check all of these things first. These are just a few of the things that can cause battery voltage fluctuations. The voltage regulator controls the alternator, so if it’s not working properly, the alternator won’t be able to charge the battery. The alternator is what charges the battery, so if it’s not working properly, the battery won’t stay charged. Make sure that it’s properly charged and that the connections are clean and tight. If your voltage is jumping, it could be due to a few different things. Finally, if you’re still having problems, you can try replacing the battery voltage gauge. Make sure that the connections are clean and tight. Second, check the connections between the battery and the gauge. If the cells are discharged, they will need to be recharged. First, make sure that your car’s battery is properly charged. There are a few things you can do to fix the battery gauge going up and down. The most typical reason for a battery voltage gauge going up and down is a failing alternator that cannot deliver a constant and consistent charge. In this post, we’ll discuss why a battery voltage gauge would go up and down, and how you can fix it. However, sometimes the battery voltage gauge can fluctuate, making it hard to read. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to tell when the battery is getting low and needs to be recharged. It helps you keep track of the charge in your car’s battery. The battery voltage gauge is an important part of your car.
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