#how can you tell when your car battery is going bad
philsservice · 6 months
How can you tell when your car battery is going bad? The auto repair experts can give you advice about a needed car battery replacement.
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holylulusworld · 3 months
Lumberjack Tales - The Hairy Bear
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Summary: He doesn’t want to have company.
Pairing: Lumberjack!Ari Levinson x fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, spanking, orgasm denial, possessive Ari, a hint of dark/grey Ari?
Rating: Explicit
Square filled for @julybreakbingo: Square filled: "Park"
Square filled for @eclipsingbingo: Held down
This story is part of my Lumberjack Tales masterlist
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Solitude. No people. No stress. No noises. That’s how he likes it, and he wouldn’t want to change it for anything.
He chose this life. After selling his company for more money than he could ever spend, Ari bought a forest to build a huge, luxurious cabin for himself alone. He’s got everything he needs. And what he doesn’t get, he can make with his strong hands.
Some people may call him crazy. A former CEO and successful businessman turning into a lumberjack building his furniture on free terms. Ari doesn’t care. He gives a shit on other people’s opinion.
Today is one of the rare days he must drive to the only town near his private forest. Ari hates leaving his solitude and meeting people. After a bad divorce, he’s not the most social person.
But – a man gotta eat even if he’s got a beautiful garden behind his cabin and a lake filled with fish. He needs more to fill his pantry. Beer, toilet paper, and batteries do not grow on trees.
“Mr. Levinson,” Susie, the clerk from the grocery store chirps when Ari walks toward the checkout. “Is that all?” She glances at the two shopping carts filled with everything he’ll need over the next weeks. Maybe even a month, or two. “Plastic or paper?”
“Paper,” he grumbles under his breath. “Plastic is bad for the environment.” Ari shakes his head at his words. Years ago, he would’ve given a shit on the environment or nature. He was obsessed with making money, a pretty woman, and fast cars.
“Sure,” she gives him a tight smile but says nothing. “Just a minute.” She snaps her fingers at the new bag boy. “Sean, get over here. We have a customer.”
Ari would like to roll his eyes as the boy groans loudly. He was on his phone, undoubtedly making a TikTok video to share with his two followers instead of doing his job.
“SEAN!” She grunts when he doesn’t move an inch. “If you don’t come here in a second, you are fired.”
“Man, if I made my first million with my video, I’ll quit,” Sean grumbles while reluctantly starting to pack Ari’s groceries into paper bags. “You will see. I’ll get out of this shitty town in no time.”
Ari holds back a comment. He learned that it’s better to shut your mouth and not get involved with the town’s folk. Unlike the cheery clerk at the grocery store, most people in this sleepy little town do not like him.
Especially because he stopped them from clearing the forest he bought. “Cash or card?”
“Card,” Ari swipes his card over the device. “Have a good day.”
Before Sean can grab the bags to carry them outside, Ari wraps his arms around the paper bags to carry them out of the store.
“Idiot!” Susie mutters. “You had to piss him off. Now he won’t come back anytime soon.”
Sean harrumphs. “This is the only store in town. Your love interest will be back. This doesn’t mean he wants to take you out…”
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Back in his cabin Ari busies himself putting the groceries and toiletries away. Only to make a list for more. Soon it will be winter, and he needs more supplies. Ari hates driving to town during winter. He tries to leave his cabin less during the cold times.
His dog lies on the carpet in front of the fireplace in the living room, yawning loudly as his owner tells him they’ll need more wood.
“Come, buddy. We go for one last round for tonight,” Ari clicks his tongue, causing his dog to jump up and follow him toward the door. The Estrela Mountain Dog walks next to Ari as he steps out of the cabin.
Ari closes his eyes and inhales the air deeply. He can already smell the approaching thunderstorm. “We need to hurry, buddy. I know how much you hate getting your fur wet.”
He flashes his dog a smile before buttoning up his red-black checkered plaid. “Let’s go, Bear. We don’t wanna miss dinner.”
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“HEY! STOP! This is private property!”
You are already out of breath when the man and his dog chase after you. All you wanted was to go for a swim in the lake. How should you have known that the forest is private property? You camped in forests all your life without getting into trouble.
Now this big guy is chasing after you like a madman. “STOP! You cannot come to my property and steal…”
“Bear. Get them!” The man calls for his dog. The giant beast speeds up to outrun you. It jumps at you. Pushing against your back so you land on the ground, face first in the mud. Rain is pouring down on you, soaking your shorts and shirt. “Good job!”
The dog sits down on your back, making you groan loudly. “Get off me you beast.”
“Hold them down,” the man approaches you and the dog. He crouches down next to you to rip your baseball cap off your head. “What are you doing on my property?"
“I wanted to go for a swim, dude! I camp not far away from the lake. I didn’t know this was private property! Who buys a fucking forest!! That’s just wrong.”
“Dude?” He laughs. “Bear, we caught an angry wood nymph, not an intruder.” The man clicks his tongue, and the beast finally gets off your back. “There are warning signs, lady.”
“I told you,” You struggle to get on your knees, groaning as your back hurts from the dog’s attack, “I didn’t see a sign. I camp wherever I want to.”
“Not on my property,” he snaps at you as he gets back up. “Come on, the thunderstorm will only get worse.” He holds out his hand as you struggle to get back on your feet. The dog got you good. “I’ll show you the way back to the road.”
“Fucker,” you slap his hand away and get back up on your feet without his help. “You can’t let your dog attack people.”
“You are an intruder, and he tried to defend my property.”
“Dude, do I look like a danger to you, your dog, or your property?” You size the man up. He quirks a brow. “That’s what I thought.” While you try to rub the dirt from your knees and shin, the man huffs.
“You walk around my property with your little backpack and believe you get away with it? Lady, this is not a park. You can’t just come here and waltz around my property like you own it.”
“I got it, okay. This is your forest, and you hate people,” you wrinkle your nose as the rain runs down your face. “If you’d excuse me now. I’ll find my way out of your forest and into the next to put up my tent somewhere else.”
“In the middle of a thunderstorm?” He asks. “You’re not only a criminal but crazy too. You’ll get yourself killed.”
“Well, good thing that I’m not your problem, Mr. Property,” you turn around to walk opposite the way you came from. “Have a nice life.”
“Lady, that’s crazy,” despite his former behavior, he follows you. “The rain is going to get worse. You’re going to catch a cold or worse.”
“Anything is better than being around you,” you side-eye the man. If he gets too close, you’ll get your pepper spray out and show him what happens when he messes with you.
“Wait…wait up,” he grabs your arm to stop you from running off.
“Don’t touch me,” you try to wiggle out of his grasp. “I’m warning you! I got the black belt!”
He releases you but blocks your path. “I won’t hurt you, lady. My name is Ari, this is Bear.” Ari points at his dog. “He didn’t want to hurt you. If Bear wanted to hurt you, you’d be dog food.”
“You have a way with words, huh?” You look him up and down. “So…where is this street?”
“We can’t walk through the forest now,” he sighs and points toward something in the distance. “If you don’t want to walk through a forest in the middle of one of the worst thunderstorms this area ever experienced, you should come with me to my cabin.”
“Right,” you curl your upper lip. “I’ll go with you to your cabin so you can make a filet out of my ass. I won’t go anywhere with you.”
Ari snorts. He starts laughing as you watch him. “I don’t want to eat you, lady,” he grins. “I mean, I love to eat a lady out.” His eyes drop to your soaked shorts, “but only if she begs me.”
You look down at your soaked clothes. Your backpack gets heavier per minute and Ari is right, the rain is mercilessly pouring down on you. “I’ll take a picture and send it to my friend with our position and your name.”
“Be my guest,” Ari poses for you. He grins into the camera when you snap a few pictures to send them to your friend. “What about Bear?”
“Fine,” you snap a few pictures of the dog to send them to your friend too. “If you kill me now, you’ll get hunted down by my friends.”
“I won’t take the risk,” Ari winks at you. “Come on. I want to get out of my wet clothes and have some coffee.”
You begrudgingly follow Ari, hoping he’s not a psycho killer or looking for a basement wife…
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“See, I’m not a killer,” Ari hands you another cup of tea. “After the storm calmed, I’ll drive you to town. You shouldn’t camp in the only other forest around here.”
“Why?” you take a sip before looking at him. You cannot deny that he’s not as bad as you believed he was. Ari offered sweatpants and one of his plaids to you. He shared his dinner with you and brewed tea for you.
“Let’s say the men around here a rather…hmm…how do I put it…”
“I think that sums it up,” Ari sits on the other side of the couch to give you space. After the first minutes he knew, you’re not a bad person and now he tries to make you see, that he’s not a bad guy either.
“Hmm…crap,” you sigh deeply. “I wanted to do something reckless for once and now, my friend will laugh about me.”
“You never camped before, right?” He watches you drop your gaze. “Why did you lie?”
“My friends bragged about their adventure trips, and I only ever soaked in the sun or visited museums during holidays. I bought a tent and…you know the rest.”
Ari snorts. “You’re the worst camper I ever met.”
“Fair,” you shrug and giggle as his eyes drop to your legs. He subconsciously licks his lips and shifts in his seat. “So…” you scoot a little closer to Ari, “how long are you living here…alone?”
“Hmm…?” He lifts his eyes from your legs to meet your eyes. “A few years.” Ari murmurs. “I left my old life behind to live here, on my own.”
“Must’ve been a good life,” you scoot even closer to look Ari in the eyes. “This is not a normal cabin. It’s rather…luxurious.”
Ari drops his eyes to your lips, licking his own. “I was a businessman before becoming a lumberjack.”
“Lumberjack,” you purr the word. “You mean the big guys wearing plaids and cutting wood.” This time, you lick your lips. “You must be very strong if you cut wood all day.”
“Not all day, sweetness,” Ari scoots a little closer, his thigh brushing yours. “Only if I need wood for my fireplace.”
“Hmm…” you get bold and move your hand to his bicep, squeezing hard. “Very strong.”
“Strong enough to throw you around if you come to my property and try to swim in my lake,” he moves his hand to your thigh, toying with the sweatpants you’re wearing. “I can spank you too, to make sure you’ll never break into anyone’s property again.”
Your eyelashes flutter, and your lips part. “You think I’d let you spank me for breaking into your property?”
His cheeks dimple. Ari dips his head as his hand creeps higher until he can press it flat against your mound. “I think you’d let me do anything I want to do to you.”
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“Look at you,” he purrs in your ear. “Such a good girl, kneeling for me. I bet,” Ari circles you to watch you kneel in front of his couch. He pushes against your shoulders, forcing you to bend your upper half over the couch. “Hmm…what a nice ass you have.”
Ari cups the back of your neck to hold you down on the couch. He’s not too rough but makes sure you can feel his strength.
“I’d love to just fuck you, but you’d only cum all over my cock. I need you to feel the consequences of your actions in your bones.” Ari runs his free hand over your ass, humming as you start to whimper. He grips one cheek roughly, testing your reaction. “I’ll use this body to my liking, and you won’t deny me.”
You choke out a moan when the first smack hits your ass. “Yes…”
“Count, little tramp,” his features harden, and he smacks your cheek a little harder this time.
“Again,” he slaps your other cheek, making it sting. “Again!”
“How many can you take?” It’s not a question. Ari told you he’ll give you ten, and you’ll take ten with pleasure if you get his glorious cock in return. You’re already soaking wet and cannot deny that the next smack pushes you closer to the edge.
“All you have to give, sir,” you whimper. “Three…”
“Good girl,” he soothingly runs his hand over your stinging cheeks. “Seven more and you’ll get something nice.”
The next smacks come faster and harder. “Four, five, six, seven,” at eight you’re out of breath and cry out in pleasured pain.
“Eight, nine,” he slaps your ass with both hands. “And lastly,” he slams his hand between your legs, hitting your clit. Your legs tremble and you soak his hand with your cum.
“Oh God…” You can’t come down from your unexpected high. Ari grabs you by the back of your neck to push you onto the couch.
You end up underneath him, whimpering as he moves one hand to your crotch to lift your butt to help him sink into you. He pokes your entrance, impatiently pushing the first inches into your weeping hole.
“Fuck, that’s a wet cunt,” he groans in your ear while conquering your cunt with one hard thrust. “Yeah, you’re a good girl.”
Pressed into the furniture by his hard body you can’t do anything but lie there and let him slowly fuck into you. Your juices soak his cock, and his balls with every deep thrust.
Ari is by all means not gentle. He fucks you for punishment, to make sure your body knows you did a bad thing. “Oh, baby. I lied,” he whispers in your ear after a particularly deep thrust. “I’m going to keep you here for my pleasure.” He thrusts three, or four more times, always avoiding hitting your G-spot.
Ari purrs your name and fills your cunt seconds later. “Aw, don’t whine, baby,” he sinks his teeth in your neck to leave another mark on your body. “This was punishment. You’ll cum when I allow you to cum.”
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He groans against your neck, teeth grazing over one of the marks he left. Ari is a man possessed. After he filled you for the first time, he took his time to rub cream into your ass. He toyed with you, fingers and tongue bringing you to the edge, only to not let you cum again.
With your hands restrained to the bedpost, you can only watch him move on top of you. Your hands itch to touch him, but you haven’t earned it yet. You’ve been a bad girl, and he won’t allow you to get more than he’s willing to give.
Ari slowly thrusts into you, thick cock rubbing against your walls. “I want you to cum for me. Come on, little tramp, soak my cock. I want to fill this slutty hole up.”
“Please—” you eagerly meet his thrusts. “I need…please…Sir…A-R-I…” You shudder through your high. Your whole body sizes up and for a moment, you fear you died and ended up in heaven. This is the most intense orgasm you ever experienced, and it takes your breath away.
“Good…” Ari thrusts one last time and stills his hips. His warmth fills you again, and you wonder how many times he already fucked you before he let you come. “Good girl. So, fucking good for me.”
He collapses on top of you, exhausted and satisfied. “Fuck…” you breathe out. “Fuck…fuck…that was…”
“Damn, this cunt feels so good. I’m glad you’re a criminal wanting to break into my property. I didn’t have such a good fuck in years…”
“Well…I got two more weeks off so…” you wiggle your hips, making Ari groan. “I could just invade your property for a little longer and you can punish me again.”
Ari lifts his head to look at you underneath him. He smirks, liking your idea. While you look up at him, mirroring his smirk Ari plans to keep you forever…
Part 2
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queerpumpkinnn · 1 year
You Snooze You Lose
3.9k words
Summary: you're just about to give up on the dating scene altogether, so who better than your neighbor friend to show you how good dates usually end? can you tell this is my favorite trope
Pairing: Eddie Munson x reader (can be interpreted as older!Eddie)
Warnings: piercedtongue!Eddie, softdom!Eddie, mention of reader having an awkward date, alcohol (both consume but they're not drunk), Eddie refers to reader as princess/pretty and reader is afab but pronouns and clothing style is up for interpretation, Eddie picks up reader, thigh riding, choking, brief weed mention, fingering, oral sex, singular biblical reference?? (not counting someone saying 'oh god' or something of the like, kinda vague i think it'll probably go over a lot of people's heads), overstimulation, multiple orgasms, hair pulling (eddie receiving), mentions of voyeurism, reader begs a lot a lot a lot, unprotected sex and creampie (this is fiction, wrap it before you tap it), nipple play, panty sniffing and stealing, scratching (eddie receiving), Eddie's mouth (however you're interpreting this the answer is yes), heaps of praise, sprinkle of dumbification, squirting, Eddie is a pleasure dom through and through, let me know if I missed anything
While reading, I recommend you listen to the altar is my hips - a Spotify playlist by me!
Your head fell back against the car, inhaling deeply and heaving a long sigh that devolved into something of a groan. Your social battery was impossibly drained.
You had just come from another pitiful excuse of a date, someone from work that a mutual friend had set you up with. It wasn't a total disaster, but it didn't leave you with butterflies either. But you were home now, so you could forget about the experience for the timebeing.
A voice calling your name pulled you from your thoughts. It was one you recognized immediately as your next door neighbor, Eddie. When your eyes located him you saw him sauntering out of his open garage towards your driveway, beer in one hand and jean pocket over the other. His chunky boots set in stone his walk, so casual and powerful, and oh god he's right in front of you now.
"You must be doing some serious thinking out here," Eddie chuckled, leaning on your car opposite you. "Either that or there's more to that tree than meets the eye because you've been staring at it for the last five minutes."
You chuckled back at him. "You've been watching me?"
"With a face like that, it'd be a crime not to."
There it was again. That little game you and Eddie played. Even from your first day in the neighborhood Eddie welcomed you with his abrasive charm and an open invitation to his services on a car. Which he seemed to exercise often- his garage door was often open during the afternoons, blasting music as he sat under his car doing god knows what. He never failed to wave and wink at you as you pulled into the driveway every day as you came home from work.
As you became more accustomed to him, your friendship evolved into frequent Friday night hangouts, sitting on the ground in the living room with a six pack talking about anything and everything.
You hated to admit it, but it didn't take long for your cheeks and ears to start to get embarrassingly red in front of Eddie, especially when your conversation topics became more, well, intimate. Whether or not he'd picked up on it, you didn't know- nothing had ever come of your little crush; you'd been content to leave that between you and your vibrator.
"Kid? Y'alright?"
There you go again. You shook your head, blinking a few times before shooting him an apologetic smile.
"Yeah, sorry."
"You seem a bit on edge. Wanna talk about it?"
You shrug. "It's nothing, really. Just got home from a date."
"Assuming it didn't go well?"
"It wasn't bad, it just- I don't know, it felt forced."
Eddie hummed, nodding lightly. "I hear ya. Tell y'what, take ten to get settled and let me clean up, then come over, we'll break out a couple of bottles and you can tell me all about it, yeah?"
"Sounds great," you agreed, and Eddie gave you a playful salute before sauntering back to his own driveway- which you may or may not have watched for a little too long.
Once you'd changed into more casual attire, you took the short walk down the street to Eddie's house. By this time, the sun was half set, and his garage had been shut, the only evidence that someone was home being the lights on in the kitchen.
"There you are. Was starting to worry," Eddie grinned at you as soon as the door swung open. You noted a flash of silver behind his teeth as his tongue swiped against his side teeth, and the tickling in your lower gut a moment later.
"Aw, you worry about me?"
“All the time, sweetheart,” the man flashed a grin, stepping aside to welcome you inside. "So, what's gotcha down?"
You heaved a groan, plopping onto his couch. "It's such a long story, I'm not even sure I have it in me to tell the whole thing. But he treated me like one of the guys. I mean, I want us to be friends too, but..." you clicked your tongue and sighed, words escaping you.
Meanwhile Eddie just watched you, arm slung over the back cushion across from you on the other side of the L of the couch. His beer bottle rested on his knee, balanced by his hand. "You wanted to be romanced."
"Yeah, I guess so. He didn't even make sure I got to my car safely."
Eddie's eyed widened, head cocking in disbelief. "Are you kidding?" When you shook your head no, he flung his hands in the air. "That's not even romantic! I do that for my friend's kids I drive around because I don't want them getting kidnapped!"
"I know, I know. That's not even the worst part."
Eddie scoffed. "What could possibly be worse?"
"Let's just say I know more about his bowel happenings than I would like to."
Eddie wrinkled his nose, sucked in a breath through his teeth. "Yeah, y'know princess, I get the feeling he's not your soulmate." He set his bottle down with a clink on the wood, running his hands up his thighs. "Man, even I could do better."
Something in your stomach turned over at the thought. Eddie seemed to notice your change in demeanor, however slight, and set his bottle down.
"Could you?"
Although it was after a few long, heavy seconds, the words escaped you faster than your brain could process them. Eddie's eyebrows twitched in something mixing amusement and bewilderment.
"I could," he mused. You swore that when he shifted his legs opened a little bit wider. "'Least your night wouldn't end complaining to a friend over a beer."
"Oh yeah? How would my night have ended?"
Eddie cocked a brow, lips curling.
You tilted your head to the side, eyeing him. Another long, heavy moment settled between you two, where you sat staring at one another.
Then your mouth moved of its own accord.
"Show me."
Slowly, so slowly, Eddie stood. sauntered over to where you sat. He watched you like a hawk, mischievous eyes captivating yours. A single, calloused hand reached out to your jaw, tilting it up a bit so that you were facing him. Eddie's mouth quirked up at the new sight.
"Y'want me to show you how your night should've ended, princess?" He crooned. You nodded dumbly, earning another chuckle. "Show you how you deserve to be treated, hm?"
Before you could give a response, Eddie's mouth was on yours, slow and deliberate and relaxed, seeming to simultaneously pull tension from your bones and set your skin on fire. Your fingers reached for his jacket, tugging him closer. Eddie gripped the couch back behind you to hold his weight, other hand coming to cup the back of your neck, slinking into your hair. His thumb rested on your pulse, smirking a little when he felt it racing.
"Pretty thing," he murmured in between hot kisses, "are you sure about this?"
"So sure, Eddie, please," you breathed, tugging his jacket off; the leather was cool to the touch, nice on your searing fingertips.
You could feel his mouth quirk up at your desperation. The hand that held the couch came down to your legs, lighting fire in their wake and finding the crook under your knee, tugging outwards. Heat brewed in your core at the implication- fueled even more so when Eddie pulled back with a grunt to tug his jacket away. Your eyes seemed to be locked in on his, somehow darker and lit with something primal. His kiss-bitten lips hung open in a lazy grin.
"C'mere, pretty." Eddie's hands grip your thighs with a searing mix of worship and need, pulling them apart and tugging you towards the end of the couch by the crooks under your knees. You let out a squeak, breaking quickly into a stifled hum of pleasure as his mouth found and made quick work of your neck, kissing and nipping and licking with that damn ball of metal down the front of your throat, hands splaying over your thighs appreciatively all the while.
"Eddie," your voice had risen into a near whine, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. All thoughts were clouded with his storm- his breath fanning your jaw, warmth radiating onto your body, almost chest to chest, hands teasing dangerously high.
"Please, please Eddie..." you weren't sure what you were asking for, really, you just knew you wanted more of him. However he would give himself to you you would gladly take.
"Please what? Y'know I'm all yours, honey, I'll give you everything you want and then some but I can't help you if I don't know what that is."
"More," you huffed, reaching for his wrists.
"More?" Eddie teased; the condescending lilt in his tone was overwhelmingly obvious, but in your frenzied state you only nodded limply. Your hand tugged at his, and he followed your lead as you dragged his hand towards your neck, pressing at the back of his hand to indicate what you wanted him to do.
"Oh? Princess likes choking, huh?" The excitement in Eddie's voice was hardly containable, but he managed to play it off cooler than how he really felt- like a dog who just heard dinner being poured into his bowl. "That is interesting."
Eddie's grip on your neck wasn't really that strong, but it made your head spin nonetheless, eliciting a weak, content noise from you.
"There we go, fuckin' love hearing that." Eddie gave a kiss to your cheek, his other hand occupied with sending shock waves down to your gut as his fingers walked up the back of your leg. "What else does princess want, hm?"
You only let out a whine, too engrossed with the building, unbearable heat in between your legs, which, at the sound of his nickname, twitched further open.
Lucky for you, Eddie picked up on that immediately. "Aw, sweet thing, shoulda told me." He tuts, moving both hands under you and rearranging the two of you so that your crotch was hovering over his thigh, other leg hooking onto yours so that you were spread open for him.
"Here we go honey, y'wanna use my leg, hm? Get yourself off?" His words were muffled by the skin of your shoulder.
Realistically you knew you wouldn't be able to orgasm from dry humping his thigh alone, but God you were so eager for friction you were willing to try. You whimpered an 'mhm', setting yourself down on his leg- even that small touch made you gasp. Eddie's hands reached for your ass, helping you grind down onto him, nearly knocking the breath out of you when the contact you so desperately craved turned into a wildfire of need.
"That's it, sweetheart, keep going. 'S'it feel good? Yeah?" He mimicked your whimper of response, proud grin never faltering, even as he nipped at your jaw. His hands, firm, surprisingly gentle for how rough and calloused they felt, traveled from your ass to your waist, fingertips slinking under the hem of your shirt.
"Can we take this off, princess? Want to see you, pretty please let me see you." His voice was low and sultry and had goosebumps rising on your back. You whined an 'mhm', the thought of what he was going to do when you were topless spurring you to pull it over your head yourself.
Once your chest was bared to him, Eddie's hands, trailing lightly enough to tickle, found your poor, sensitive nipples, thumbs brushing over them enough to make you jolt, gasping in surprise.
"Eddie, Eddie- fuck, more, need more, please," you cried, hand flying to his hair when his head dipped to lick over your chest. Whether it was to tug him away or keep him there, you didn't know.
"Aw, I know, you're just insatiable, aren't you?" Eddie gave you his best faux sympathetic voice, and for a minute you actually thought he might feel sorry for you, like it wasn't his plan all along to get you worked up like this.
Eddie's hands worked under your legs, pulling you closer to him before hoisting you up, stomping somewhere in the house you'd only visited a handful of times and never under this circumstance- his bedroom.
It was a dimly lit room, smelling faintly of weed, but you weren't given much time to take in the sights because Eddie plopped you down on his bed, immediately towering over you, caging you in with his arms. His curls tickled your face, then your neck when he moved there. A few sloppy kisses quickly turned heated again when his leg wedged itself between yours. You took the opportunity, however fleeting, to rut yourself against the material.
But this time Eddie gripped your hips, pinning you down. "Patience honey, I'm getting there." The glint of warning in his eyes had you nearly shaking in excitement. A glimmer inside of you wondered what he'd be like if you ignored his warnings.
Eddie slithered down, slowly, kissing his way down to your navel. You willed your hips to stay down, not to lean into his touch, but they did anyway. Your eyes fell shut, head falling back and fingers finding the pillow for something to weakly grip onto.
But a tap on your hipbone snapped them open, looking down at a pair of big brown eyes staring up at you, hovering over your cunt. Knowing what he was asking, you responded with lifting your hips, making it easy for Eddie to slip your bottoms down Your phone nearly fell out of your back pocket from the force with which he flung them, as if he detested the fabric for its audacity to cover you up.
"Good, doing so good." Eddie gave your thighs a squeeze, smiling up at you with something a little kinder, more endearing than the smirk he'd donned the whole evening. With another squeeze, his head dipped down close to your clothed cunt. You swore you could hear him inhale, but your train of thought was halted when Eddie licked a fat stripe up the front of your underwear, sending shocks to your already hypersensitive clit.
"God- fuck!" You tried to clap a hand over your mouth, but Eddie tugged it away as quickly as it came.
"Y'doin' alright, princess? You seem a little tense." Eddie's teasing lilt came from somewhere under you, you could see the grin even through closed eyes. You opened them anyways. His smile was turned into something more playful, a glimpse of the boyish humor he always charmed you with. His head leaned against your thigh like a puppy, pouting up at you with false concern.
"Wonder fuckin' why," you gritted through your teeth, throwing your head back in exasperation.
"Easy tiger," Eddie chuckled, fingers pulling your underwear down- this time you definitely heard an inhale. You heard him mutter something along the lines of "saving these for later."
Eddie's fingers were quick to find you again, thumbs brushing over the joint between your thighs and your pussy, as if he thought the action was soothing and not setting you on fire.
You let out a strangled sound. "Eddie, I swear, if you don't fucking touch me-"
"You'll what?" Eddie's brow raised. His gaze alone made any snide remark die on your tongue.
As if on cue, your phone, long forgotten on the edge of your bed, lit up with an incoming call.
"Well?" Eddie prompted. You reached for the phone, seeing the absolute last name you cared to see illuminating the screen. You gulped, a tinge of guilt seeping in.
"Ah, I think I know who it is." Eddie chuckled, forehead knocking into your thigh as he made a poor attempt to hide his thorough amusement. "Well? Y'gonna answer it?"
You paused, made a face. You didn't even want to talk to him, really.
Eddie barked out a laugh at your reaction. "Shame. He could've learned a thing or two."
You giggled, but it quickly turned into a loud moan as Eddie's tongue, followed by that damn metal ball in the middle, began teasing circles over your clit. Somehow you were both infinitely relieved and worked up even more. Your phone was long forgotten, flung a little too far as, somewhere in the back of your brain, you heard it clatter on the wooden floor. Not that you could be brought to care, not with the way Eddie's tongue felt tracing your weeping hole.
"Fuck, all this for me? Sweet thing, if I knew how good this pretty pussy was sooner." You wondered momentarily what the end of that sentence was, but with his lips around your clit you weren't too worried. Ceaseless and electric his mouth was, bringing you slowly but surely towards that high you'd been chasing fervently for an hour now.
"Eddie, Eddie, I'm gonna- fuck! So good, Eddie, I'm gonna come, pleasepleaseplease-" You could barely understand yourself speak, so lost in your cloud of pleasure. But Eddie seemed to understand perfectly, cooing sweet praises into your cunt as he shook his head back and forth.
"Gonna cum, princess? Go on, you've earned it. Been so good, so patient f'me. Good, good, let go." He pulled both of your hands towards your lower stomach, interlacing them with his.
The noises you made as you unraveled under his marvelous touch were downright pornographic, downright sinful. One might be tempted to say you'd forgotten how to blush, but the heat in your cheeks would have shot down the theory. Waves of pleasure crashed over you, pulling pure electric heat from your sex as you writhed and shivered from Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.
But when the pleasure subsided into jolts, Eddie didn't stop. His tongue continued tracing your clit languidly, and- oh- a new sensation at your core had you squeezing his hands.
"Eddie, ohmygod-" Quickly you realized what he was doing, one finger prodding around your entrance before sinking into your embarrassingly wet cunt, which welcomed him. Your back arched when his finger curled, a guttural sound ripping from your throat as he pushed deeper, searching for that spot, the one that would ensure a noise complaint from a few neighbors.
"Shh, you're okay, you're doing so well, hm? So well, yeah, relax- just like that." Eddie hummed, another finger joining the first and a high-pitched moan from you following shortly after.
And then he found it. That damn spot deep in your gut, and he bullied it with his fingertips over and over and over again.
"Eddie!" His name fell from your mouth like a hymn, moans almost swallowed by the pillow you tugged to cover your face when the brief thought of the neighbors made you a slight bit guilty. Your second orgasm of the night was coming at you full steam ahead, much easier to find from your oversensitivity as well as the new sensation that joined his thumb swiping over your clit.
"That's it, princess, give me another. G'na get you nice and ready, yeah?" Ready for what, you had an idea that sparked, if possible, even more delicious heat in between your legs.
You were animalistic at this point, nearly screaming for him to make you come again. You almost sobbed when his fingers pulled out from you, hands reaching weakly for him.
"Easy, easy, I know. Gonna make it worth your wait, mm? You want my cock, sweet thing?"
Your mouth salivated at the mention, and you immediately propped up onto your elbows to watch him line himself up with you.
"Please, Eddie, please," you sighed, head lolling back.
And there it was, that delicious stretch that had your mind reeling and fingernails digging into Eddie's inked shoulders.
"Oh, oh oh, so good, so good, Eddie, right there!"
Your hands were grabbing for every bit of him you could find. Tugging his hair, scratching down his back, pulling his neck down into a searing, heavy-breath kiss.
"Fuck, princess, keep clenching and I won't last." Eddie grunted into your mouth. His hand, previously pressing onto your lower stomach, pulled your legs so that your ankles rested over his shoulders, bending down a little so that he could move deeper, and did it have you seeing stars.
"Keep- ah- keep going, please, 'm gonna cum, gonna- Eddie!"
Your cunt convulsed around Eddie's cock, throbbing inside of you as you felt white-hot release wash over you. You sobbed into Eddie's pillow, chanting his name as he overwhelmed you with praise. Eddie fucked you through it as best he could, but you could feel he was slowing down, spurts of wet heat in your gut moments later.
"Oh, baby... didn't know you could do that." Eddie was grinning like an idiot, incredulous grin staring down at his thighs. Dizzy, you looked down where he was staring like he just won the lottery.
His thighs were splattered with what you could only guess was your own arousal, even a few drops on his stomach.
"Oh my god," you flopped your head back, hand covering your eyes and trying to cover your embarrassed smile.
"Hey, that was hot." Eddie pulled your hand away, giving you that same sweet smile, squeezing your thigh before pulling himself out. You winced at the feeling, guilt following as you realized his sheets were definitely soiled.
You let out a long exhale, mind still racing. Eddie, having tucked himself into a new pair of pants, watched you. When he concludes you've had a moment to sit and think, he strokes your arm.
"Hey, cutie. You alright there?"
"Uh huh."
Eddie chuckled at the stupid smile you're sure you wore. "C'mon, gotta get you cleaned up."
"Yeah- sorry about your sheets."
Eddie pursed his lips, shrugged. "It was worth it, don't you think?" You attempted to stand, but Eddie held up a hand. "Allow me."
Eddie carried you into his bathroom, seating you carefully onto the toilet before excusing himself. He came back a moment later with your phone, wet wipes, and a glass of water.
You and Eddie fell into more casual conversation- the latter participant heavy on the cocky jokes- it was comforting. He'd offered you to stay the night; not like you hadn't conked out on his couch before anyways.
Brushing your teeth with your finger, you tapped your phone to check the time- and almost knocked it from the sink.
"FUCK." You nearly sprayed toothpaste foam all over Eddie's mirror, holding the phone inches from your face in case your vision had somehow failed you the first time.
"What, what what??" Eddie shouted from the shower, a bottle clattering on the tile shortly after.
You spat your foam out, coughing. You pulled the curtain open enough to push your phone into the shower to show him the time and name of your most recent call.
A pfft noise followed by loud cackling echoed off the tiles. "Oh shit! Y'think he got a show too, sure it wasn't FaceTime?"
Meanwhile you sunk your head into your hands in utter mortification.
Although a tiny part of you was laughing too.
Eddie Munson Masterlist
Stranger Things Masterlist
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐎𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫: Teaser Drabble 🎃
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Jungkook isn't used to doing things like this anymore. But maybe you can help him with that.
Tags/Warnings: Aged up!Jungkook, Younger!Reader, Age Gap (9 years, MC is way above the legal age!!), mature romance, major fluff, some angst, hints at past car accident, suggestive at the end
Length: short
There is no taglist for this fic.
-> Masterlist
A/N: this is a teaser drabble, set in the midst of the story. The exact spot in the timeline will be revealed at a later date.
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"Oh thank you- how much do I owe you?" You wonder from the kitchenette you're standing in now after taking the pumpkin he'd bought, while he takes off his shoes, bringing in the other grocery bag he's brought with him to leave on the small plastic table in your kitchen.
He's still wearing is usual work attire, slacks a bit wrinkled from the entire day of wearing them, just like his button up, silver watch heavy on his wrist.
Did he remember to change the batteries in it? You want to ask him, remind him, but wouldn't that be a bit too annoying? Overbearing? You're not sure what exactly you are to him after all. Maybe he'll want to go home right away if you start nagging when he's not even fully entered your small apartment.
So you stay quiet.
"Nothing, don't worry about it." He reassures you as always, hands in his pockets as you turn around to curiously poke your head into the bag, hand digging through the plastic bags of candy. "This is for you too, by the way." He chuckles, watching you take one bag of sour gummy worms out to inspect further. "You mentioned you forgot to buy some."
"Jungkook no, you're spoiling me too much!" You laugh, before you want to cringe. Stop nagging, stop denying his acts of affection- you keep doing it, keep trying to tell him he doesn't have to do it even though you know he knows it himself. He knows way more about life and love than you.
Just let him be, your inner voice scolds you.
"That I do." He simply smiles however as he admits to it, sitting down at the kitchen table, leaning his head on his hand to watch you. He looks tired- you instantly notice things like that, and it worries you sometimes. He mentioned he never had a burnout before, but maybe he just didn't notice because he never sees a doctor for his issues? His headaches are probably still bad.
Just leave him be, your voice scolds you again.
"There's proper groceries in there too, by the way." Jungkook says with his eyes now closed, and you notice that too- beneath all the candy he's bought, there's general groceries as well- and you're a bit embarrassed by it.
You're living your life just fine. It's not as luxurious as his might be, but you've got food in the fridge and a roof over your head, and that's enough for you. But Jungkook has this urge you've come to learn- he feels less lonely when he can share or offer something.
"You know I don't like it when you only eat canned foods and such." He says, before his eyes open-
"Do you wanna go nap?" You wonder, and he simply makes an almost purring noise in denial, furrowing his brows. "I don't want you to go home like that though.." You complain, running your fingers through his hair, over his scalp.
because you're hugging him, or rather his stomach, leaning onto his lap- which is cute, yes, and the position would be arousing under different circumstances- but he instantly helps you up from the cold kitchen floor to sit properly on his thighs this time, head resting in the crook of your neck with a deep sigh, arms wrapped around you.
Your signature scent fills his mind, the warmth of your body begins to seep through the fabrics of clothing separating your skin, and from the way he's holding you he can even faintly hear your pulse beat.
He doesn't care that the plastic chair is uncomfortable as hell.
He melts. He feels like it, at least. You always make him feel like he's weightless.
"Do you want me to stay over?" He wonders softly, tries to flirt, and you giggle.
"But you wanted to carve the pumpkin." He argues softly, eyes open again as he pulls himself together. "Let's do that then." He offers.
"Sure." You shrug. "You're a bit clingy at night, but I'll manage." You tease, earning his hand smacking your butt in return, laughter interrupting the soft moment. You're a lot better at this than he is, and he's reminded of that every time he's with you like this.
Maybe he can ask you to spend Halloween at his house this year? You could decorate, have dinner with Namjoon and the others, give out candy to the neighborhood kids. He's always done that last part, but he's never actually decorated his house with Evelyn. She always complained that it was too much work to do-
And then she'd leave for her party with her friends, every year, leaving him alone with a glass of whiskey and a crappy horror movie running on cable TV.
He doesn't want that. No when he's got you now- someone who doesn't leave him alone.
"We can nap first, and then carve the pumpkin?" You wonder. "Or, if you don't have anything else tomorrow, we can do it then, and just go to bed early today." You shrug.
Jungkook sighs. You shouldn't have to adjust so much to him and his schedule and his lack of energy these days- and most days. You're young, you should have someone to party with, or go on trips and have fun, especially now with the holidays approaching- not go to bed barely after sunset because you're old 'boyfriend' is tired from work. He'll never understand why you do this so willingly.
But, he also wants to be selfish. He's tasted that sense of tranquility you're offering him, and he's hopelessly addicted at this point.
"I don't have any clothes here." He mumbles, sighing as he forces his brain to work again for the moment. "I can come back tomorrow instead, hm?" He wonders, but you look at him unconvinced.
And then he realizes it, in the way your fingers cling to his button up shirt, in the look you give him that's almost one of fear-
"Oh munchkin.." He sighs. "Alright, I'll call a cab then, okay?" He reassures you, remembering your fears when it comes to this whole issue of driving while tired. He still feels bad for it- he'll probably remember your absolutely devastated expression for the rest of his life- and will forever try and make up for the pain he caused you that night. "I won't drive like this, promise."
"Thank you." You say. "I'm sorry-" you start, but he shakes his head.
"None of that. I forgot the impact it had on you, so I should apologize." He tells you. "If we take a thirty-minute nap right now, I'll be up and ready to carve the pumpkin tonight, how does that sound?" He asks, and you nod.
"If that's what you wanna do." You accept, and he leans in to press a kiss right onto your cheek.
"Of course." He chuckles, helping you stand up before he stands as well, moving however to cage you in against the low kitchen counter, face so close to yours he's already got it angled perfectly to catch your lips in his next move. "But I think you'll need to tire me out a little before I can sleep well later."
"You're exhausted, old man, you'll sleep just fine." You giggle, and at that, he grips your hips, gaze having sharpened at the challenge you poke him with, another need now rising inside of him as he watches your fingers undo his tie- his own, larger hands taking over to just pull it off quicker, the dark grey item probably useful later.
"I'll show you an old man, you brat."
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blubushie · 5 months
Be me out working on my truck shirtless when some little girl walks up to me from the footpath and asks me if she can ask me a question. Her dad is close on her heels trying to call her back like I'm a rabid dog, but he's also apologising profusely.
I look at her, put down my battery cables, and tell her she just asked me a question, but to hit me with another.
She finds this funny and then she asks what my top surgery scars are from. She seems a bit embarassed by it and like she obviously doesn't want to offend me.
I look at her. Look at dad. Look at her. Look at dad. Look at her. Uhh. Dad. Her. Uhhhh. Dad. Uhhhh. Her.
"Well, I've got a bad heart, so the doctors took my heart out and turn it backwards, and now it works right. But they had to go through my chest obviously, so that's how they did it."
Her eyes go big the moment I start talking. I think the accent surprised her. But instead of commenting on that she let me finish and then went, "THEY TOOK YOUR HEART OUT?!"
"They took my heart out! And now it ticks funny, but at least it ticks, ay."
She looks back over her shoulder. "DAD THEY TOOK HIS HEART OUT."
And dad goes "Wow that's crazy I am so sorry about her ok let's go home-"
But little girl goes "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Referring to me and my battery cables.
And I go "Well, see, cars get old, and batteries get old, so you get alkaline on the batteries. That's all this white stuff."
"Oh I've seen that on batteries before!"
"Yeah, so, the way to get that stuff off is to get some baking soda and some water, and it just eats away at it, like—well, you wanna try? Can she try, dad?"
So dad gives her the ok and I tell her to put her foot up on the bumper cuz it's a bit high for her yet, and she climbs on up. And I give her the box of baking soda and go "Just sprinkle some on" and yeah she put on a bit too much but who cares. Then I give her the water bottle "Just spray it" and she gives it a spritz and FWOOSH the baking soda starts eating the alkaline right off the battery.
So I give her my toothbrush and tell her that now she's gotta scrub it, but she's gotta scrub slow cuz if she's too fast she'll flick alkaline everywhere and it's gonna eat through her shirt and burn her. So she's careful with her brushing. And then we washed off the cable and set it back in place and then she thanked me for letting her help and off they went back home and I heard her asking her dad what alkaline even IS on the way back, and why it's in batteries.
So, y'know. Sorry dad for the slew of questions you're gonna hafta answer on the way home. But you're welcome, little girl, for giving you something to bug your dad about.
And thanks for the clean cable.
I AM INTERSEX. Please do not tag with #trans. I love you my trans siblings but I'm tired of my intersex voice being erased for you to speak over me or claim my experiences as your own.
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b3ach-bunn7 · 28 days
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You and Touya’s unspoken feelings come to head on the hood of his car
No quirks AU, a bit nsfw but nothing too bad
You don’t care how much you miss Hawks. Nothing is worth being at this party.
Too many people all crowded in the hallways and the living room. The stench of alcohol, the stupid music that you can feel thumping in your chest. The only blessing is Hawks is loaded beyond belief, evident by the fact his hallway was probably the size of your living room. This means there is ample room for you to hide away from all the noise and chaos.
You’re nursing a cup of coke mixed with what you think is probably vodka. You weren’t paying much attention when Toga had poured it for you. You’re sitting on the stairs just close enough to the front door that when your social battery is drained you have a quick getaway. You're sure Toga is bugging some guy on the dancefloor with Twice at her side, and Shigaraki doesn’t even show up to these things. He’s probably at home watching TV, and you can’t help but feel jealous. You think Spinner’s in the kitchen, and Dabi. You haven't seen him all night.
Or Touya, you should say. It’s been about a week since that day, since he asked you to call him Touya. Which you have been. Nobody’s commented on it and you’ve chosen to ignore the smug looks Toga is so insistent on sending you every time you use it. She’d asked about the kiss, too. According to her, it had looked just as passionate and intense as it had felt. You told her it was just a game and she told you that she wasn’t stupid.
The leather of Touya’s coat warms you even though you're sure you don’t need it. You still can’t help but wear it wherever you go. You keep telling him that you’ll give it back and he keeps giving you a hard time about it. But he doesn’t actually mind, you think. Because he’s had ample opportunity to take it back. Two days ago when it had been hung up on the back of your chair at lunch, or when you’d left it in Spinner’s car.
You think he likes it, honestly. You know you do. You’d caught the eye of some girl you knew he used to hook up with last lunch period. You saw the way her eyes had darted to you, to the coat, and then to where Touya had been sitting next to you. You had to admit you liked the jealousy on her face a little.
You wonder where he is now. You decide to just scroll on your phone for a bit. Maybe your Twitter feed is more entertaining than this. If not, an Uber was calling your name.
“Someone’s not having fun.” You follow the voice and look up, quickly enveloping Hawks in a hug.
You could definitely have a crush on Hawks. You think everyone does, just a little. His hair was always so perfectly windswept and dirty blonde, tan skin shining even in the winter months. He was training to be a pilot and so you’re sure the promise of future plane rides is enticing to anyone. He’s charming, charismatic. You’re yet to meet someone who doesn’t like him.
And yet, even with his arms wrapped around your waist, feeling the hard line of his lean muscle under his shirt, you just can’t seem to break that barrier.
“No offence, Hawks, but parties aren’t my thing. Especially ones as loud as yours.” You smile bashfully, and he laughs.
“Don’t worry about it, birdie. I take no offence.” He nudges you and you shuffle so the two of you are sat side by side on the stairs.
“So. Why the long face?” He asks.
“Not sure. Not feeling up to it today.”
“Are you sure it’s not because we’re missing a certain emo at my little party?” He wiggles his eyebrows.
You roll your eyes, looking away. “Shush, you. And I wouldn’t call this little.” You huff as you watch another few people walk into the house with a case of beer.
“I’m only teasing, but. I’m not entirely wrong though.”
“Well…” You trail off, unable to even lie to him.
“Yeah. I’m never wrong. It’s one of the greater curses of life.” He hangs his head and you snort.
“No, I don’t. I don’t know. We’re just friends.”
Hawks lifts his head up. He shuffles further back on the stair. “Didn’t you guys kiss?”
You feel your face heat immediately. “How do you know that?”
“Toga told me.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose. “That girl. Look, we were playing truth or dare. It didn’t mean anything.”
Hawks frowns. “I disagree.”
“Were you there? No. I’m telling you, it was. It was fine.”
Hawks studies you for a moment. He suddenly says,“If i asked you out on a date would you say yes?”
You choke on the sip of coke you take. “What?” You splutter.
Hawks taps your back. “It’s okay, birdie i'm not actually asking you out. If i were, would you say yes?
You think for a moment. “I. No, I don’t think I would.”
He hums. “Why not? I’m good looking, I’m smart.”
“Modest, too.”
“I’m being serious. We get along well. You like me and I like you. It would be fun. What reason do you have to say no, other than the fact that you like someone else?”
You’re speechless. Hawks grabs your cup and downs the rest of it. You tut, but don’t make much of an effort to take it back.
“Now, if say, Dabi asked you out, would you say yes?”
“God. I think I would.” You rest your face in your hands.
Hawks rubs your shoulder sympathetically. “It’s not all bad. He’ll ask you out one day.”
“I doubt that”
“He will. Maybe he’ll even be all romantic with it.”
You giggle as Hawks pulls his hair over his face, drops his grin to brood at you. He grabs your face and you bite your lip to keep from laughing.
“Oh, Y/N, please do my cold dark heart the honour and go out with me.” He deepens his voice to the low gravelly tone Touya speaks in and you shove him away.
“Fuck off, weirdo.” You grin. But it doesn’t last long before you knock your head on his shoulder, your face falling.
“Doesn’t matter. He’s more emotionally stunted than I am. I doubt he’d admit it to himself, let alone to me. It’s hopeless.”
“Well, you- Oh hey, Touya!”
You shoot up from your seat on the steps. Touya is standing by the front door, looking very good in a black top and joggers. It seems Hawks forcing you to admit that you might like him has upped Touya’s attractiveness level, and you very purposefully look at anything but him.
“You two look close. Having fun without me?” He drawls.
You stammer, “I- We weren’t, I wasn’t-“
“It’s okay, baby, I’m not jealous.” He grins.
There he goes again with the ‘baby’. That nickname had seemed to be in his vocabulary much more the last couple days.
Him and Hawks do some weird boyish handshake and you watch from the foot of the stairs, arms wrapped around your waist. You ignore Hawks as he makes a kissy face behind Touya’s shoulder.
“So what are you two up to?” Touya asks.
“Nothing much. Y/N was just about to leave.”
“I was?”
“She was. She thinks my party’s not good enough.” Hawks pouts.
“I- Hawks.” You frown. “I didn’t-“
“It’s okay, I know they’re not your thing. And I know Dabi hates them too, so why don’t you guys go do something you’ll enjoy more?” He grins innocently.
You know what he’s doing. You know exactly what he’s doing and it’s so painfully obvious that you’re sure the weird way Touya is eyeing you means it’s obvious to him too. You curse under your breath and wish that you had something in your hand you could throw at Hawks.
“Cool. We can go get food if you want.” Touya says, eyes moving from the jacket around your shoulders to your eyes.
“Uh, yeah. I could eat.” You nod.
“Perfect! You two go have fun, I’ll stay here and make sure nobody breaks any more of my mums china.”
Hawks hugs you, ignoring the threats you whisper in his ear, and disappears into his house. Touya turns to you and the two of you walk out.
He showed up in his car so you quickly climb in the passenger seat. Touya told you once the only positive to having the father he did was he had money, and his love language was throwing it at him and his siblings. The seats of his Audi are warm and you fall back into the soft leather.
“So what are you feeling?”
You hum, thinking. “Something greasy and cheap that’s probably going to give us food poisoning.”
Touya grins. He’s driving with one hand on the wheel, the other hanging out the open window. It’s only eight in the evening, so the sky is just light enough you can make out everyone walking around outside. You can also make out how good Touya looks.
“Alright, Wallies it is.”
Wallies was the local chicken shop every person under the age of twenty inhabited. It was cheap, fast, and the easiest food for you guys to stop by. Touya parks quickly, bringing one hand up to rest on the back of your seat as he reversed into a parking spot. You look out the window for something to do that isn’t ogling him.
You wait while he orders food, cheering when he comes out of the shop with a bag of burgers and fries. He’s dumps them in your lap through the open window and you reach in and grab a fry. Once he’s sat back down, Touya holds out his hand and you drop one in his hand.
Once Touya starts driving, the wind from the open window tussles your hair, blows over your face. You shiver slightly, pulling the coat closer against your body.
“My coat not warm enough for you?” Touya says.
You huff a laugh. “Nah, it’s awful. Might throw it out.”
“I’d hope not. It’s looking like I’ll never get it back.”
“Oh shit, sorry.” You wince. “I’ll give it back to you tonight.”
“No!” He says suddenly.
You look at him, confused at his sudden reaction. He averts his gaze. The tips of his ears turn red, and you think this is Touya nervous.
“No, it’s fine you can- You can keep wearing it. Looks good on you.” He clears his throat.
You smile softly. “Thanks, Touya.”
He has the look on his face again, the soft one you find yourself doing anything you can to make it appear. He doesn’t reply, just nods his head once.
Touya ends up driving you two the field you seem to be frequenting a lot recently. He parks just on the top of a hill, the hood of the car facing the setting sun and expanse of grass. You both prop yourselves up on the hood, spreading the food out in front of you.
It’s a messy, impromptu picnic that you decide might be the best meal you’ve ever had. Conversation with Touya comes easy. It always has from the very first moment the two of you met. Part of you wonders why nothing happened between the two of you before. Why your first kiss had been at the hand of truth or dare, of all things.
You wonder if Touya still thinks about it. You know you do. His hand in your face, the feel of his shirt curled around your fingers. You wish it had gone on for just a second longer, that you could’ve tasted him for a breath more.
“You alright there?” Touya asks suddenly.
You look up at him. He’s tilting his head slightly, a chip hanging out his mouth.
“Yeah. Just thinking.”
“About me?” He flutters his lashes at you.
You snort. “Why, of course. What else?”
You hope he doesn’t realise nothing about what you just said was sarcastic.
“That’s alright. I’m doing the same.”
Your eyes widen. He cleans up the remaining wrappers and crumbs away from you two. He gets up and chucks the rubbish away. He grabs his packet of cigarettes from his back pocket. You wrinkle your nose at the sight but say nothing. It’s an useless argument you’re not bothered to have right now.
“You are?”
Touya nods. Leans against the car right next to you. You move to the front of the hood so that you’re closer to him. The smell of fast food still lingers in the air.
“Have been since last week.”
You swallow shakily. “Last week?”
“Mhm. When we kissed.”
He says it so easily. Like it means nothing. You laugh nervously. He puts out the cigarette, tossing it on the floor and trodding on it with his shoe. He turns so that he’s facing you. Even on the hood of the car, you're shorter than him, and he looks down at you, placing his hands either side of you.
“You. You think about it?”
“It’s all I’ve been thinking about. Every time I see you. Or every time I think about where my jacket’s gone.” His fingers fiddle with the zipper, right where it’s closed against your throat.
“When else?” You whisper.
“Every time I see Toga. She keeps bringing it up, you know. Hawks, too. He thinks I should ask you out.”
You feel your face heat. He’s close enough that you think he might be able to feel it. Blue eyes trail up your body, up your chest and over your lips and back to your eyes.
“It’s why he was acting so weird. At the party.”
“What do you think about that? Asking me out?”
Touya smiles slightly. A hand comes up and brushes a strand of hair behind your ear. His hand stays there, resting against the side of your cheek.
“I was going to. I am going to, if those two stay out of it.”
God. You think he’s trying to kill you. He just stays there for a moment. You swallow roughly, impatience spiking in you.
“Are you going to kiss me or shall I do it?”
He grins, eyes shining with something much more heated then the soft way he usually looks at you.
“No dare this time?”
“No. No, just-“
You can’t really finish that thought because Touya uses the hand resting against your face to pull you impossibly closer, pressing his lips against yours. Your arms immediately snake around his neck, a noise erupting in your throat. Your lips move against each other fiercely, his tongue licking into your mouth. After a while he breaks apart, the both of you gasping for air, and he groans.
“So beautiful. Did you know that? Gorgeous, baby.”
He clumsily unzips your jacket, hands immediately descending on your body. His hands trail up your waist, over your chest. You sigh, leaning your head back, and he takes the opportunity to kiss down your face, down your neck. He sucks a dark spot right by your collarbones and you moan, hand running through his dark hair.
“Touya, don’t- My parents will see.” You say, breathless.
“Don’t care. Need everyone to know your mine.”
He continues kissing down your body, down your collar bones, the valley of your breasts and right over the hem of your dress. His fingers slip beneath your dress, but you stop him. Despite the fact it takes very single ounce of self control to do so, you are in public. You tell him as much and he frowns, placing another lasting kiss on your lips, teeth nipping at your bottom lip as he breaks apart. He frowns, hands refusing to leave your body.
“You’re killing me, Y/N. I’ve waited forever for this.”
“Forever? Why didn’t you ask me out before, then?” You giggle. You trace your fingers across his face, following the lines of his smile.
He pauses for a moment, pondering. He kisses your lips, your jaw. “I had to be sure you liked me.”
“And how did you become sure?”
He leans back. Touya looks at you again so full of feeling you feel like you might burst.
“That kiss at Shiggy’s. It sounds fucking stupid, but. I don’t know. There’s no way you can kiss someone like that without having any feelings for them.”
So it wasn't just you who felt it. He did too.
“Alright. I guess that’s a good excuse.”
He rolls his eyes and you laugh. “So now what?”
Touya thinks for a moment. He lets his hands fall to your waist, dragging you closer, until you're practically sitting between his legs. He leans forward, his mouth right against your ear.
“How about I go show you what I would’ve done to you here if you hadn’t stopped me?”
the highly anticipated part two 😱 I think I might try write some established relationship stuff, because I always write how they get together but never after? We will see. Hope you enjoyed!
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onlyswan · 2 years
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summary: in which cruel fate leads you and jungkook to bright places.
> fluff, a little twinge of angst? / wc: 4.2k
> warnings: none really. but if you’ve read the grocery store drabble, you really get lost in this one. hehe
note: oc!!! stop making him worry like this. cries in i love sweet boy jungkook sooo much. + i enjoyed writing this :[ <3 listened to cigs after sex while i was at it. and as you can tell i got very. carried away. scratches head. researching about pokemon bread was also kind of fun?
love is selfless— it’s what they often say. however, on his way home from work, jungkook finds himself admitting his ugly truth: he is selfish. when he arrives at your shared space, he will tangle his limbs with yours and let you drag him across the floor to wherever it is you need to go. he will hold on to you, and never let go. he will abandon the concept of time at the farthest corner of his mind, along with his exhaustive musings and responsibilities. instead, he will be consumed by you.
and sometimes, he finds that the telepathy connecting the two of you is baffling.
because he’s definitely not thinking about anything else but you. he’s scouring the entire apartment for any trace of life, but you’re nowhere to be found. the bed is still made. the bathroom lights are off. the pillows on the couch are organized. the center table is spotless. the kitchen is clean. he opens the trash bin, and the last thing tossed in there is still the egg tray he discarded this morning. he checks the laundry room, but the only clothes of yours in the laundry basket are from yesterday.
he ends up deciding that you’re not playing hide-and-seek with him like he originally thought. he sits on the counter top, anxiously playing with his lipring as he calls your number. again. and again. and again.
you did tell him earlier that you were going to visit the library, but it already closed an hour ago, so you should be home by now. moreover, if you were going to drop by other places, you would’ve updated him that you’d be home later at night. but you didn’t. the last text you sent him was a captured photo of page 73, an overview about thyme. you reminded him that he once mentioned that he wanted to grow some herbs in your balcony, so you’re doing some old-fashioned research about them in the library.
and thank heavens you answer the call on his fifth try, because he’s about to have a breakdown in the middle of your kitchen.
not to be dramatic, but if he was standing, his knees would’ve collapsed on the tiled floor at the sound of your voice. he swallows the lump in his throat, breathes deeply to unload the weight sitting on his chest.
“where are you?”
“oh, right! about that-” you chuckle nervously, and he can already imagine you tapping your foot against the floor. “wait. let me just-”
“how long? i can’t wait. i miss you. tell me where you are and i’ll pick you up.” he hops off the counter, making a beeline to the front door.
“yes, pick me up. please. i’m not sure where i am exactly but i just checked and my location is still turned on with you.”
oh shit. the location feature. why didn’t he think of that? and what do you mean by-
he pauses on his tracks, car keys back in his hand not even twenty minutes since he got off his car. “baby, how do you not know where you are?”
“uhm, i fell asleep in the bus . . . then i panicked and got off because i thought i missed my stop. but you’re not gonna believe what happened next!”
he squeezes his eyes shut, fingers massaging his temple because he has a bad feeling about this. “okay. try me.”
“i realized i actually got on the wrong bus. stupid, right?” you giggle through the phone speaker, and it’s both endearing and ridiculous that you can still laugh in this situation.
nevermind that, he’s just relieved that you’re safe.
“i walked for a while and found this convenience store with a charging station. i emptied my battery trying to book a taxi but none accepted me!”
your whiny voice makes him smile, although he looked forward to hearing it more when he planned to be disgustingly clingy and affectionate.
“i’ll go, baby. just wait for me there, okay?” he presses the down button, waiting for the elevator to arrive.
“okaaay.” you reply in a sing-song voice.
he puts you on speaker mode when he enters, checking on your location to see how far you’ve strayed from home. you got on the wrong bus. no mistake about that.
“you’re an hour and three minutes away.”
he hears you choke out a cough from the other line, most probably on a drink. “an hour?! by foot, right?”
“no,” he chuckles. late night drives with you aren’t new, so he doesn’t mind it one bit. “by car.”
silence fills the air for a few seconds. “then i’ll drive on the way back. i’m about to eat ramyeon so i’ll be energized!”
“let’s see if i get too tired to drive. just stay on the phone for me, okay?”
“wait- i’m hungry. need to go put hot water in my noodles. let’s switch to video call.”
when he accepts the video call, he’s greeted by the candy and chocolate shelf in landscape view. you probably propped up your phone on the charging station, so he adjusts his phone’s position to match yours. and you . . . are nowhere to be found. again.
he’s already driving out on the road when you appear on his screen. you smile at him, waving the chopsticks in your hand.
“i’ll do a live mukbang for you in a few minutes.”
he takes a brief glance, memorizing the way you look before reverting his attention to the road. a small smile grows on his face, a huge wave of love flooding his system. “you look so pretty today.”
“thank you. it took me thirty minutes to pick out my outfit.” you chirp happily before revealing the hand hidden behind your back, holding up a special item you stumbled upon during your little adventure. “look what i found! do you want it?”
“what is it?” he asks as he makes a turn.
“team rocket’s pokemon bread. it’s chocolate.” you inspect the bread again to confirm that you’re correct. “it’s the last one on the shelf so i just bought it.”
his eyes widen in surprise, lips forming an ‘o’. he personally knows many people who have been visiting stores until the late hours to buy them. it’s all the rage nowadays.
“oh? you actually found one?!”
“don’t you think fate led me here for this?” you gush excitedly.
he finally stops at a red light, taking a good look at you with fondness. “you’re giving it to me?”
“yes. enjoy it, okay? i walked in boots for this.” you point at the camera threateningly.
so adorable. he misses you so much.
he obediently crosses his fingers to forge a promise. “i won’t leave a single crumb uneaten.”
“good boy,” you poke the camera as if you’re booping his nose. “i left my food too long. i’ll go get my overcooked ramyeon now.”
you disappear again, and he resumes his journey leading to you. you return moments later, devouring a cup of ramyeon. you’re holding it with some tissue paper. you were never really good with touching hot things— you drop them without thinking twice . . . which is a health hazard.
and it stays like that for a little while. as jungkook drives, he looks at you and the navigation guide every now and then. just to make sure he’s turning to the correct lefts and rights as the voice says; and to give himself the assurance that you didn’t stray somewhere else again. you, on the other hand, is too focused on your food to give your boyfriend a smidge of attention. that’s how mukbang asmr is, right? only eating sounds?
the cashier is probably thinking of you funny for eating infront of your boyfriend via video call in a public place. you couldn’t care less. it’s been a long day, and staying still in this small corner of the earth feels oddly comforting.
you’re in the middle of sipping down the leftover broth at the bottom of the cup when you hear movement from the aisle behind you. being nosy as you are, you find yourself taking a peek. you take quick and light steps back to jungkook to tell him about what you saw.
“babe, they’re restocking the pokemon breads. i’m the only person left here.” you whisper with one hand covering your mouth from the side, as if you’re sharing a secret. “i’ll buy more.”
he unconsciously copies the gesture and the volume of your voice. “do they have the other flavors too?”
“yes. keep driving safe. be right back.”
you dash to the other aisle, and jungkook and the long row of kitkats play a staring contest in the middle of traffic yet again.
familiar with your nature, it is entertaining to watch you participate in the pokemon bread hunt out of the blue. very on-brand and-
“so competitive.” he laughs to himself.
“hi!” you beam at the camera, hugging the paper bag inhabited by your new prized possessions. “uh, we have eight in total. i bought one of each flavor so there’s two team rocket now. and three jigglypuff bread just because- um-”
jungkook stifles his laughter. oh, of course you did.
“it’s so cute. i couldn’t help myself.” you sigh, slightly feeling guilty. other people do hoard them and buy everything off the shelf, so you think about that to feel less bad about taking all the jigglypuffs.
fuck. if you’re being this cute over a jigglypuff bread, he might just have to join everyone and do convenience store raids, too.
“you’re kind for still leaving some. i saw a person in the internet buy all the pokemon breads in the store they went to.”
“right?! i saw that, too.” you exclaim, relieved that you had the same thought as him.
“did you get me my pikachu, though?”
“of course. pikachu must always be present!” you answer proudly as you unplug your phone after seeing that it’s already at 50%. “i’m getting bored here. there’s a thrift shop just beside this, so i’ll go see if they’re still opened.”
jungkook drums his fingers on the steering wheel, following a beat he’s making up on the spot. “alright. i’m only fifteen minutes away, so don’t go anywhere else.”
”yes, sir.”
“and don’t end the call.”
“i won’t. you’ll miss me.”
he clicks his tongue before sighing, expressing his frustrating sorrow. “i already do.”
the air from outside is warmer, and it engulfs you the second you pull the door open. it makes your skin feel sticky and uncomfortable. the thought of going back inside enters your mind, but the idea gets shot down immediately after. might get tempted to buy more bread.
the thrift shop heavily contrasts the vivid conveniece store. there is no door. racks of pre-loved clothing greet you by the entrance, leading to more of them inside. a lone warm lightbulb illuminates the cramped space, hanging in the middle of the dirty white ceiling. and the smell. oh, the smell— it causes nostalgia to rush throughout your body.
a woman emerges from the wooden counter. she’s in her 50s, if you had the guess. you make eye-contact, and her kind eyes eases your uncertainty about whether you’re allowed to enter or not.
“you can still look around if you want. i’m just cleaning before i close up.”
“oh, thank you!” you politely bow before approaching the long rack of shirts and long-sleeves against the wall. you’ve been eyeing them since the moment you arrived.
left with no other choice, you leave the paper bag of pokemon breads on the floor, under one of the racks. you carefully lean your phone against a shoe on the shelf above it, just a little higher than your eye-level. you smile unbeknownst to yourself. your jungkook looks extra handsome when driving. while he admittedly has a short attention span, he’s very focused on the road when he’s behind the wheel.
you’re already browsing through the clothes when he glances at his phone. he can only see half your face, but he also hears your fast hands pushing back the hanger of the ones that don’t capture your interest.
your love for shopping doubled when you entered a relationship with jungkook, because purchasing items you think he like or need also brings you an unexplainable joy. it’s not limited to clothes or accessories. for example, you bought him white and blue acrylic paint two months ago because you noticed that he used them all up for a project.
after more or less ten minutes, there are already two t-shirts and one sweater hanging on your forearm. one of the t-shirt is yours. it matches with one of your trousers that you barely wear.
you’ve walked past the camera frame when you stumble upon a black bomber jacket, looking so cool and brand-new, which explains why it’s a bit on the pricier side. and you know jungkook has a lot of other black jackets back at home, but you just can’t help yourself because it reminds you so much of him.
it’s so jungkook. you can’t allow it to live in another person’s closet.
you approach the counter with the clothes you picked out. the woman halts her sweeping outside, leaving the broom against the wall before wiping her hands on her long skirt, the floral print noticeably faded with time. you hastily grab the belongings you left unattended, putting your phone’s microphone on mute to keep your little surprise.
there’s no paper bills left in your wallet after spending all your money on food and clothes. with a grimace, you drop it inside your bag. you were only supposed to go to the library today, spend a little money on bus fare and lunch. perhaps, spontaneously add in a little snack in between. however, this is called spontaneity out of hand.
“are these for your boyfriend’s birthday?” the woman asks in a hushed, yet teasing, voice as she folds up the jacket.
two pairs of eyes fall on the phone you’re holding, and you smile sheepishly. “i’m trying to make everyday his birthday.”
“he’s very handsome. you better take good care of him!”
you cover your face in embarrassment, silently laughing. “we take good care of each other! he’s coming to pick me up because i couldn’t find a taxi.”
“oh dear, are you new here?” she stuffs the jacket in the big plastic bag, along with the other clothes you bought. “there’s barely any taxis here after 9pm. everyone just walks. many complaints about it, but good exercise for my rusty bones when they ask me.”
“i’ll keep that in mind for next time.” you wrap your left arm around the bag of clothes, sliding it off the counter until you’re carrying its full weight. “thank you again. have a great night! and stay healthy!”
you stumble on the single step leading outside because the weight of the breads and clothes are unbalanced. thankfully, you make it out of the shop without a scratch. the woman bids you a safe trip and picks up the broom, the melancholia of night-time quietness blanketing her home once again.
you look down at your phone to find that the video call with jungkook has ended, but before you can question him, a familiar voice sings your name from a close distance.
“jungkook!” you call out to him, crossing the distance between you in high spirits. “you really came for me!”
jungkook shakes his head in disbelief. “you really thought i’d leave you here stranded? you always make me worried.”
“i never do it on purpose.” you frown, shoulders sagged with guilt.
“that makes it more worrisome.” he breathes out a sigh. “come here. i missed you.”
“i want to hug you, but my hands are full.”
he takes a step forward and wraps his arms around you, squeezing you in a tight embrace. he feels you give a chaste kiss to his jaw before leaning your cheek on his shoulder, and just like that, his anxiety melts away. your favorite perfume invades his sense of smell. as a person with a sensitive nose, many perfumes often give him a headache. he is in love with yours. it’s sweet and subtle; it feels like coming home.
“i was so excited to come home but you weren’t there.”
“i’m sorry for always making you worry. i’ll be more mindful next time.” you apologize to him with a kiss on the cheek, and you feel it rise against your lips when he smiles. “oh no, wait. the bread- they’re going to get all mushed up.”
he reluctantly untangles himself from you, taking away the heavy load you’re carrying without you having to ask. this is when you swiftly snatch the car keys from his hand.
“i want to drive this time.”
he breathes out a sigh of relief. “oh my god, thank you. i’m getting sleepy.”
it’s impossible not to quickly look over to the passenger seat when a bright flash fills the vehicle. surprise, surprise! instead of sleeping, jungkook is taking pictures of the packs of pokemon bread he eagerly arranged on his lap.
“that flash is brighter than the sun.”
he throws a thumbs-up with an overly enthusiastic voice. “samsung!”
you swear, every chance he gets he promotes thei-
“don’t you dare steal my jigglypuff.”
he raises his arms in surrender, making balloons with his cheeks. “i just didn’t know they were strawberry flavored. i’m tasting team rocket’s chocolate rolls first. namjoon-hyung likes it.”
he carefully tears it from the other side to keep team rocket’s image unharmed. he takes a bite from the choco roll, and feeds the remaining half to you.
“mhmmm.” he hums, eyebrows furrowed in sheer delight. “it’s so good? i’m glad you bought another.”
he divides another roll in the middle. he munches on his share as he waits for you to finish your first bite. while he does as such, he suddenly perks up when he remembers the story he was supposed to tell you.
“i saw a group of guys enter the convenience store when i arrived earlier. they were looking for pokemon bread, too.”
“how’d you know?”
“i heard one of them say ‘this one better have the gastly bread or i will cry.’” he imitates the stranger’s deep voice speaking in a whiny manner. “it was funny.”
“then he’s probably on his way home crying now.” your giggles create a harmony.
that store did not have gastly bread, unfortunately.
“moment of truth.”
jungkook locates the pokemon sticker after you finish the rest of the bread. you wait with bated breath as he unveils the first out of eight stickers.
he gasps as he comes face-to-face with- “it’s snorlax! number 143 . . . 143.” he freezes as he scans his memory for the special meaning of the number code. “doesn’t that mean ‘i love you’?”
“it does,” you confirm with a grin. “i told you it was fate! isn’t it the best love confession?”
while living with you is a type of intimacy he values greatly, and protects everyday, getting lost in unfamiliar places with you has a charm of its own. it’s one of the days when he allows himself to say: jungkook, you lived well today.
he presses the sticker on your cheek, giving you a kiss through snorlax. “i love you, too.”
“since we can’t finish all these bread tonight, we’ll open the rest tomorrow.” jungkook announces as he sets down the plastic bag on the floor. in the meantime, snorlax is kept in his wallet for safety purposes.
he carries the clothes to his lap next, curious eyes and curious hands taking out the items one by one. he squeaks a sound of amazement. “you found quite a lot in that shop.”
“they had a lot of good stuff. i got the dark green-ish shirt. the rest are for you.”
he holds the baby blue sweater by the shoulders, letting the rest of it unfold and hang suspended in the air. “this one is so pretty.”
“oh! i really like that one. might borrow it a lot.”
“you’d look pretty in it. especially in the winter.” he says fondly. the mental image of you wearing it surrounded by snow is making him miss the season that just passed.
you pout. “but i got it for you. so wear it more than me.”
“i will. i want to wear it to work right after laundry day.” you beam in contentment, and he pats your head appreciatively. “you’re so fucking cute, baby. thank you for buying it for me.”
the black jacket catches his attention next, and the galaxies in his eyes sparkle as he takes in its the details and overall appearance. “this is totally my style! how does it look so brand-new?”
“right? it’s a steal so i had to buy it!”
jungkook chews on his bottom lip, a conscious effort to restrain himself from attacking you with hugs and kisses. buying treats and gifts for each other on random days— it’s grown to be a second nature in your relationship. this is why you always go on trips on birthdays and anniversaries instead of buying big gifts. he loves that there’s no pressure, and the element of surprise never fades. he loves that he knows what you like, and you know what he likes. a huge part of what makes him who he is has permanently resided in who you are, and vice versa. he will carry you with him for the rest of his life, just like the food he learned to love because his childhood friend forced him to have a bite, and how he adds a bar on top of the letter J because it reminds him of the number 7.
so from now on, he will refuse to wear any other jacket but the one you bought him, and he will think of you every time the sky is baby blue.
“i think this is going to be one of those clothes i’d wear all the time. like the first sneakers you got me.”
“oh god,” you chuckle at the old memory. if people didn’t know he was rich, they would’ve thought he only had one pair of shoes. “you really wore those out.”
“that’s how much i loved it!”
“okay, but you need to wash it before wearing it.”
“i’ll wake up earlier to do laundry.” he starts planning out his day inside his head as he folds up the clothes to put back inside the bag. but then he traces his thoughts two hours backwards, and he is reminded physical affection he’s been craving the whole day.
“can we cuddle when we get home?”
“of course, my love.” you raise an eyebrow in question. “when do we not cuddle?”
“i just missed you a lot today.” he sighs, turning over to his side to look at you. perhaps, also to memorize the street lights reflecting on your face, and how your beige cardigan has slipped down your shoulder. oh, the urge to write a song at this magical moment.
“what’s wrong? did anything bad happen today?” pure concern adorns your voice. you hate it when he’s sad. so much. you want to shield him from everything bad in the world.
“nothing.” his face starts to feel flushed, one of the dead giveaways that he’s emotional. “i just love you, that’s all. you get it, right?”
you have never been more grateful to meet a light that just turned red.
you solely focus on him momentarily, combing his hair with your fingers because it always helps him to relax. “feeling a little overwhelmed, is that it?”
he only nods as a reply. he catches your hand in his to give your knuckles a kiss, plushy lips caressing the tough bones of your doting hand.
“we’re almost home. wanna cuddle in the bathtub?” you propose when you recognize the familiar scenery through his window. the promising comfort and safety of your home causes exhaustion to come crashing down on you. your muscles are suffering the consequences of your actions, and therefore, are asking for compensation.
jungkook seems to be relishing in the idea, doe eyes sparkling instead of shining with unshed tears. “please, that sounds nice. but i’m sorry for when i fall asleep in there.”
you laugh nervously as you enter your parking lot. you do have your license, but you don’t drive very often. maybe three times a month at most. you find driving to be energy consuming despite being seated, so you much prefer commuting because it also serves as your rest time before and after attending to your duties.
“i need to reverse park before we can get into the bathtub, so you have to help me.”
and yes, additionally, you just simply hate reverse parking with burning passion.
“why do you hate reverse parking so much?” your boyfriend asks out of curiosity.
good question.
“i know we have cameras now, but i’m still always scared of bumping into other cars.”
he flashes you his old-fashioned captivating smirk, resting his hand behind the driver’s seat. what makes it funnier is that you’re not even looking. you’re too preoccupied with finding your parking space.
he raises his eyebrows teasingly, doe eyes turning into small slits as they do when he’s playfully flirting. “you don’t have to be scared of such thing, baby. i’ll pay for the damages.”
“you’re jinxing it! i’ll definitely mess up that ferrari now!”
taglist! @alanniys @jjkeverlast @queenofdragonsandcats @yvesismywife @enhypenslay @cramseys @witchfqllen @virgogentlejk @rkie @jeonwiixard @monilyv @bermudaisy @ameliejeannelaurent @takochelle @the1921-monsters @investedreader @seagulljk @yeow6n @yoonqkiss @hopeworldjimin @lllucere @unnatae @zqynmlk @bxbyyyjocelyn @zkdlllin @koostarcandy @tswisal1 @fragmentof-indifference @laylasbunbunny @jjk-jeongirl @cherishoshi @luaspersona + send an ask / dm if you want to be added (or removed) :D
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messierthanthou · 8 months
Took me longer than expected but here! You and Tangerine are stuck in the snow in a car on the way to a job, and you have to keep warm somehow, hehe
What to expect: Some very slight dirty talk eventually, some fingering and some jerking him off, no p in v because there's simply not room for it in the car sadly! Saving that for another time ;)
3.6k words, whoopsie
Cold, Warm, Hot
Outside the wind whistles and the snow whips around your car in a furious flurry of impenetrable white. The tires lost their grip on the road once you hit a sheet of black ice on the unkempt backroads that was supposed to lead you to your next target; some rich asshole who crossed the wrong kind of people to make even more billions than he can spend in his now short life.
But that doesn’t matter right now, what matters is the fact that you and Tangerine are stuck in the snow a dozen miles from civilization, and with what little cell reception you two have here, Tangerine managed to call for a tow truck. Which will arrive in about 12 hours or so.
“Now, I’m not one to lose my shit over something this trivial, but I told you, bad stuff happens when you split up the team,” Tangerine says, referring of course to the fact that Lemon isn’t here.
Lemon is already up ahead, probably sitting warm and cozy in the cabin you rented as a meeting place and base of operations for this trip. And Tangerine seems to think it’s bad luck whenever he and Lemon are separated for too long, and you shake your head at their codependency.
Tangerine gives the wheels another spin, trying time and time again to become unstuck, but…
“Would you stop that? You’re only digging us deeper into the snow,” you say with just a slight roll of your eyes.
“Fine, but you can’t say that I didn’t try.” And he turns off the engine.
“What are you doing? We’re gonna freeze to death in here without the heat on!” You reach for the car keys to turn them but he’s faster and pulls them out of the ignition.
“So you’d want us to be unable to drive when we eventually get out of this heaping pile of snow? We get pulled out by the tow truck, then we can’t go anywhere because we’re either out of gas or the battery’s dead.”
“Then what do you propose we do?” you ask, exasperated.
“Get cozy; you’re under so many layers over there, surely you’ll survive a short night out in the cold like this.” He gestures to you and your perhaps too many layers of clothes, but you were always one to get cold easily, so it only made sense to dress up proper for the occasion.
“Yeah, well, what about you?”
Tangerine is wearing his usual gingham patterned overcoat and a cashmere scarf because fashion matters more than functionality to this man.
“A little cold won’t hurt me, darlin’, I’m thick skinned.”
“Thick in the head if you think that little getup will keep you warm throughout the night.”
“You’re right, why don’t we snuggle up on the backseat and keep each other warm, huh? Bet you’d like that.”
Heat rises to your face at that, but you’re thankfully not one to blush at something so innocent. No matter how much you’d actually be into the idea of snuggling up with someone as incredibly handsome and occasionally charming as Tangerine. He teases, of course, but there’s something to his grin and a shine in his eyes that might indicate he wouldn’t say no if you said yes.
But you don’t.
“No, I'll be fine over here, getting cozy underneath my too many layers.”
And he acts like it was a joke, but for a moment, just a second, there’s something about the fall in his broad shoulders that tells you he wanted you to say yes to the proposition.
“Suit yourself.”
It wouldn’t be the first time he’d asked you in a jestering manner to become physical with him, and he keeps being a good sport about it even when you say no again and again. And every time you hate yourself a little more, but someone has to have a moral code and keep the distance required in a profession such as yours. Can’t get too close to anyone or their inevitable death will break you down. Stay cool, stay calm, stay collected.
He doesn’t speak much after that as the two of you sit in the dark, the cold creeping in on you both, but you barely feel it through your thick winter coat, sweater, thermal underwear, and the couple of stockings beneath your slacks.
But he is quick to start shivering. He stays tough and stoic, trying not to let it show, arms crossed and head buried in his scarf, but you can hear it in his breathing, the way it shivers with every exhale, and you feel bad for the idiot who decided to wear that outfit that makes your heart flutter.
Minutes go by where you have to listen to his teeth chattering, the stubborn fool still not turning on the engine to keep you both heated, and eventually you give in.
“Get in the backseat,” you say and start undoing your coat.
“What? Why? What’d I do? What are you doing?” He asks too many questions sometimes.
“We’re gonna do what you suggested, snuggle up to keep you warm. If you fall sick on this trip I’ll never hear the end of it from Lemon. So crawl on back there.”
You’ve been told in the past that you can be “bossy” which is usually just a euphemism for “I don’t want to take orders from a woman,” but Tangerine would never say or act like that, so he does as you say and climb between the front seats and into the back of this not-that-spacious car, and you follow.
“So. What now?” he asks as you sit hip to hip and your heart beats faster.
You had sort of hoped he’d decline the offer, act like a big, tough man who can handle it on his own, but he seems almost… eager for this. Like it’s something he’s been waiting for for a while.
“Open up your coat,” you say as you take off yours.
“Oh are we finally doing this? No more will they won’t they?” he jokes again, but there’s not much of a smile beneath that stupidly attractive mustache.
Perhaps he’s suddenly worried about catching feelings like you are, maybe he doesn’t actually want to but has a hard time saying no to you, or it could be that he’s holding back. You can’t figure out which is more likely at this moment.
“No, we’re just going to lay down here on the backseat together. Body heat, as you may know, is best shared when you’re close to one another, so I will do my best to sort of… lie down next to you, and we’ll use my coat as a blanket to shield us from the cold.”
Silence fills the room and through the dark you can barely tell what his face looks like, and you wouldn’t start to guess if he’s interested in the idea of lying with you or the idea of survival.
“Is that okay with you?” you ask and finally he moves as he nods.
“Yeah, yeah makes perfect sense, body heat and all that, sure.” Tangerine is quick to unbutton his coat and does his best to lie down on the backseat without taking up too much space.
And so you lay down next to him, face to face on your sides as it’s pretty cramped in here.
“Like this?” he asks and his voice has never been this close to you before.
“Maybe if we got closer we’d be more comfortable?”
With him against the backrest of the seat, it is up to you to inch closer and closer till your bodies are pressed against each other, you can feel his rapid heartbeat and practically taste his intoxicating cologne. You’re about half a head shorter than him, but you’re lying up high enough to feel his breath tingle across your lips. He has stopped shivering.
But now you are just this close to trembling. You’re of course no damsel in distress, far from it, but as heat gathers between you and him, eyes locked together, you sigh.
“You ok?” he asks tenderly without a nervous waver to his tone, but you fret a little that if you speak, your voice might not be as steady.
“Mhm,” you hum out and give only the slightest of nods.
“This ok with you? You comfortable?”
If anything you’re too comfortable, and wish he’d stop being so randomly nice to you; it’s a rare side to him you’ve seen only a few times, and he’ll always deny it later on.
“Y-yeah,” you say and curse yourself internally for that slight stutter.
“Is it okay if I put my hand here?”
His strong and firm hand lands on your waist and it doesn’t even take a second for sparks to ignite and fly straight to your cunt as it starts throbbing ever so slightly.
“Yeah that’s… that’s fine.”
You don’t get tenderly touched often in this job; the only time you are ever physical with somebody is either during active combat or training, and never have you been this close to Tangerine, and it’s as if this warmth and gentleness is the key that unlocks the door to this hidden chamber in your mind, body and soul that you’ve fought to keep closed.
Your eyes close and you try to shut the door again, distancing yourself from the situation at hand, pretending not to notice how broad shouldered he is, his strong chest, his heated presence, that hand and the fact that you’re tingling all over and your pussy is drenched with lust for this brit.
Can he feel your heart beating too? Your quickened breath, your trembling legs, your heat.
Unfortunately you want him. You’ve never wanted anyone this bad before and it pains you. Stay cool, stay calm, stay collected. Your mantra. The one thing that has kept you at bay for so long is your devotion to being a goddamn professional, but this? This is far from that.
You wish he’d kiss you, touch you skin to skin. That he’d move his hand down, far down, beneath your pants and stockings and panties. Wish he’d run his fingers across your clit, massage it before slipping in between your soaking lips and down to finger your needy hole, preparing you for his cock to enter. With your eyes still closed you can easily imagine it all happening, and the heat between your thighs intensifies, building up.
“Hey,” he whispers, bringing you back from the fantasy and your eyes flutter open to catch how the moon shines in through the window, illuminating his all too close face and those incredible ocean eyes staring at you.
Then it happens. Your brain can barely register it but your body for sure can as he kisses you and you moan into the embrace. It’s a kind kiss, a gentle one - the type that tests the waters to see if what he’s doing is okay, and when he moves away again you miss it dearly and immediately.
He looks at you, perhaps waiting for a response, a reaction, waiting for you to say no and break his bleeding heart. But you don’t. Instead, you grab his face and pull it back into a deep and passionate kiss, and for just a moment you feel all the tension leave his body as he might realize that you do want this, too- oh God you’re on fire.
And it’s as if he can sense it as he presses his lips harder against yours as if this is all he’s ever wanted to do in life. He could have anyone but he wants you.
His hand on your waist tightens its grip, squeezing you through the shirt. Your hands run into his hair, around his neck and he groans into your kiss.
It doesn’t take long before you feel his cock growing hard beneath the fabric of his pants, and you don’t wait to grind against it with fervor, making him turn his head to hiss and groan out in pleasure. The breath of air is welcome, for his kiss suffocates you in the most delicious manner, making you forget to breathe in his presence.
The hand on your waist moves beneath the shirt and up your back, his touch is searing hot and you want nothing more than all of it everywhere. But you both understand that you can’t exactly get naked right here and now, it’d be too cold and there’s too little space to get properly into it all.
Yet that doesn’t mean either of you are going to stop.
He brings his hand up from beneath your shirt, grabs your wrist, kisses your hand and your palm almost too lovingly, then guides it down. Your eyes stay locked together, lips inches apart as you breathe the same air, as he brings your palm against his impressive bulge, and his eyelids lower at the pressure you put against it.
His forehead meets yours as his eyes close when you rub up against him and you can easily feel every inch of his throbbing cock that you wish would fuck you senseless.
But the best you can hope for right now is to feel it in the flesh, so you reach down with your other hand and start undoing his belt, but shock hits you like a brick when he stops you, and for a moment you doubt everything, until he’s quick to say-
“No, no no no, you first, love.”
It’s always been darlin’ or honey, but never love, and perhaps it is a bit too soon for that, but you feel your entire body tremble at the word anyways.
You are speechless as he then reaches down to undo the button of your pants, let the zipper run down, and when the tips of his fingers start to dig beneath the waistband of your too many layers, you close your eyes in anticipation.
And the relief is glorious when his index finger and middle finger smooth across your clit, letting go of some of that white hot tension that has been building up for what feels like hours, but are in fact only mere minutes.
“God,” you sigh, and you feel Tangerine huff a breathy laugh against your skin.
“Just Tangerine, dear.”
He starts drawing small, short and quick circles with your clit, massaging it just like you had hoped he would and oh he’s done this before, much to the benefit and joy of you right here, right now. You moan out in ecstasy and grip at his muscular arm in a need to stabilize yourself before you drift off to a sea of lust.
“Oh fuck,” you whimper and he doesn’t kiss you, but you can feel him staring at your knit brow and wide parted lips.
It is phenomenal, but it’s not enough.
“I want you… inside of me…” you whisper against his lips.
And so without hesitation, he moves his fingers further down at an almost eager pace, but you are as enthused as he is, so it does not bother you at all. In fact you are beyond thrilled when his thick, strong fingers enter your slick, throbbing pussy, and as he immediately starts thrusting in and out as best as he can despite the restrictions, you thank God for the fact that you’re out in the middle of nowhere as you practically scream out in joy.
“Oh God, oh fuck, ahh!”
With every thrust of his fingers heat builds in you, coursing through your body, your thighs quivering and quaking, making you breathless. And when he kisses you it consumes everything as his tongue dances with yours while he fucks you thoroughly and passionately.
You’re so close to cumming that it would be irritating under normal circumstances, but right now everything is magic, so you don’t mind the wait for release that your vibrator usually brings you to that now Tangerine does instead.
And when he starts using the base of his palm to massage your clit in rhythm with his fingers entering you, you cry out in pure ecstasy as you cum possibly harder than you have in years, tearing your lips from his as you need all the air your lungs can muster. While you would never admit it due to how cheesy it sounds, it feels like fireworks in your cunt and gut exploding and lighting up your entire body, and you understand why orgasms are called “little deaths” because you could die happy right now as you slowly come down from your high and regain consciousness proper after what felt like a minutes long orgasm.
“My my,” Tangerine whispers against your jaw as he kisses it gently. “What a spectacular show.”
“You should try being me,” you say, breathlessly with a slight smile.
“To be honest that sounds like a pleasure, you phenomenal woman.”
You hum as you kiss the charmer, and when he pulls his fingers out you feel empty inside like never before. He sucks his fingers clean of you and it sends sparks through you to witness.
“Maybe next time I can try the real deal,” he suggests, implying that he’s more than willing to eat you out.
“Oh there’s gonna be a next time?” You laugh a little, because obviously, there’s no way you’ve had enough after just a taste of him.
“Oh there’s gonna be a next time,” he repeats assuredly, and he leans in to whisper in your ear, “I want my cock in your pussy so bad, I’ll fuck you into oblivion, make you cry out my name, my real name some day, and I’ll fucking ruin every other man that will come after me, because love, you’ll never have better than me.”
You practically moan at this promise, and pull him into a rough and electric kiss, whispering. “You cocky son of a bitch, let’s hope you’re good at keeping your promises.”
“Speaking of promises, I think you owe me one right now.”
You’re not slow to undo his belt, and perhaps it is pure luck that you get it off so easily, but you won’t complain about it when you run the zipper down, and he groans out as you reach beneath the waistband and pull his cock out the best you can in this cramped space.
“Mmmm, quite big, aren’t you?” you tease as you get a proper feel of his girthy, lengthy cock.
“Never had any complaints.”
“I can feel why, God I want you inside of me. In my pussy. In my mouth.”
“If there was space I’d shove it so far up your cunt I’d be rearranging your guts.”
You moan a little with him at that thought.
“Next time.” And you start jerking him off, slowly at first, from the very base and all the way to the tip of his dick, letting your hand get wet with his precum before smearing it all over his length as you travel down again. You continue this rhythm for about half a minute or so, ensuring it won’t be a too dry experience for him, but the way his hips buck forward and his breathing becomes elevated, you’d guess you’re doing a proper job of it.
And if you had any doubts, they all go away when he grunts out-
“Fuck, love, that’s it, keep going…”
His hand grabs your ass as if it is the one thing that keeps him grounded in this moment of dear tenderness. And while he seems to enjoy the slow rhythm, when you eventually speed up he curses even more in a growl-
“Yes- fuck, shit, ah-”
He brings both his hands up to grab your face, kisses you and tongue fucks your mouth like it’s a promise, one he’ll keep, about all the things he’ll do to you that words can’t explain, but actions do speak the loudest.
And your actions seem to do the trick, for the faster you go, the louder he gets and it thrills you beyond anything to hear how vocal he is in his pleasure that you are granting him, and when he cums it is with choked grunts as he presses his forehead against yours and his eyes close up tight.
In your grip you feel how his cock pulsates and his entire body trembles in ecstasy, till he goes completely still and mostly limp in your hand, but still there’s some stiffness that says he could easily go a second round, and that intrigues you for future references, because you could definitely go again, too.
After nearly a minute of huffing for air, he speaks, “Bloody hell, love, that was… fantastic.”
“Hmm likewise,” you muse and kiss him which he welcomes.
A couple of minutes pass in silence as you both catch you breath, when a thought strikes you.
“What… what are we gonna tell Lemon?”
“Oh abso-fucking-lutely nothing!”
“What, really? You’re ok with keeping this a secret from your brother, of all people?”
“Yes! He’ll get all smug and say shit like told you so.”
“Oh? He predicted this?” You grin a little.
“Well not this exact situation, but yes, I may have told him how I find you so attractive, and he might have told me you feel the same sort of attraction to me.”
“And how did he know that?”
“You know Lemon, he’s stupidly amazing at reading people, so it might have been obvious to him.”
“And you don’t think it’ll be just as obvious to him that we practically fucked?”
There’s a moment of quiet as Tangerine considers the outcome of this, then-
“Ah shit.”
Because yes, Lemon will absolutely know.
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strayheartless · 20 days
Alternative meeting between Tifa and Cloud in FFVII.
This is so unbelievably stupid. Her and her big mouth were going to get her in trouble one day she swears to shiva “oh, what’s that miter Lexington? Your car battery died just outside of Midgar and you need it jumpstarted! I have cables I can do it.” What the hell was wrong with her! Not only did the old coot abandon her at the gates with a “bigger emergency” but to add insult to injury he’d slapped her ass and Tifa was STILL helping him!
… maybe she’d ask Barret to shoot her next time she decided helpfulness was better than self respect. Fuck it’s warm out here.
As she pushes on past the 200 mile sign for Kalm she wonders if the car is even out here. It’s a pain in the ass to see past the waves of heat radiating from the ground and last time she was out here she’d gotten sunburned everywhere but her ass. It has been unbareable. This time she’d taken the precaution of a long duster coat and what little sunscreen she could scrounge up from Jessie’s last tour in Costa-del-sol. She’s regretting the coat now, but whatever.
Off in the distance she sees the lookout point on the Cliff and a tiny moving yellow dot told her there was a truck coming towards her from the high roads. When it approached a gentleman in a red bandana and large moustache pulled on the hand break and rolled down the window.
“Where you headed little lady?” He said and it didn’t sound snide but Tifa didn’t let her guard too much. Rule one on the ground floor: people aren’t nice for free.
“Oh just jump starting a car. I’m not in any trouble. Thanks for checking though.” She smiles disarmingly.
“Well shoot, that’s alright. You just be careful though. Was driving some boys up this way but something damn near shot out my tires and the tallish feller told me to scram. Recon there’s gon-be a shootout around these parts.” He sniffed and whipped his nose on his sleeve, making Tifa cringe internally. But he didn’t have to stop and warn her. She felt bad for being grossed out.
“Oh, okay. Thanks for telling me. How far back did you drop them off?”
As she asked a few dozen shots rang out and the sound of fast moving metal hitting metal zinged through the air.
A voice rang out from the cliff top. Tifa couldn’t make out what it was saying though.
“Cliff top… got it. I’ll stay away for now. Than you…”
“Thank you Benny”
When the man had driven away Tifa eyed the cliff top, watching for a second as a figure began to back up onto it. They were going to fall if they weren’t careful. She shook her head looking up at the sky. A helecopter was coming. Shit, whatever was going on was shinra business. Maybe she’d steer a little more clear than intended…
Mr Lexingtons car was only a little further in a ditch (which he hadn’t warned her about.) but after a few good pushes and a bolt of power she was good to go. The engine was pretty much full, and with a Jerry can in the back full of Gasoline she was confident there wouldn’t be anymore problems. As she jumped into the passenger seat though she couldn’t help but look at the cliff again.
There had been a distant rumble of gunfire for a good twenty minutes now, and at some point the clang of metal had stopped and the figure seemed to have crumpled to their knees. She watched in morbid curiosity as what looked like an infantry soldier smacked the butt of their gun into the persons head.
The figure crumpled onto their back and Tifa heard another shot and watched horrified as the Infantry guy went to take another shot.
Surely the guy was dead?!
Against her own better Judgment she gunned the engine and made a U turn towards the Cliff. If she could just get there. Just a little further…
The last shot rang out. Fuck fuck FUCK!
She pushed down hard on the accelerator, hoping behind hope the person could hold out a little longer for help. But about two miles up the road sand blew back against the truck as that same Hellicopter that had circled took off again back to midgar. Had they shot the person and just left them there?!
The rain had started, fast and heavy now. The trucks wipers were pretty much useless against the onslaught. It was bouncing off of the parched earth like halestones on a tin roof. The sound was almost deafening.
At the top of the Hill Tifa kills the engine and hops out, pulling her Coat closer against her. It did very little to ward off the rain but it was something.
“Hello!?” She yelled into the murky air.
“Hello?! Are you out there!”
There was someone at the edge of the cliff. They looked like they were wearing shoulder pads or paldrons. A soldier maybe? She hesitates for a second when a hand reaches up from the ground and pulls the other person down to their chest. It’s the guy who was shot. She can’t hear them. Not even a little. Maybe they can’t hear her either.
Before she can think better of this oh so stupid decision she keeps moving forward towards them. The body on the ground moves again, lifting something from next to them. A pipe maybe? No a sword. It’s a sword… fuck it looks bad. The hand slips and falls and Tifa tries to fight against the rain and the mud that is churning under her boots.
“Hello-“ her second attempt to call out is cut off by a scream from the second figure who’s head is tilted back towards the sky. Something is seriously wrong here and Tifa starts running as the second figure crumpled and clings to the body on the ground.
She drops to her knees when she’s there but thinks better of touching the perso-
“Cloud?! Oh gods Cloud is that you?!”
The person climbing to the body has spikey blond hair that Tifa would know anywhere, simply because it was so unique. He’s small and looks sickly, his face drenched in blood. It’s not his blood she thinks it’s-
She’s going to be sick. She’s going to throw up because the body on the ground is someone she knows. She knew. Fuck whatever! The body on the ground is First Class Sooldier Zack Fair.
“Oh gods Cloud what happened to both of you?!” She reaches out to touch him and Cloud Flinches clinging to the body harder. He’s scared she realises. Whatever happened to them… it must have been bad.
“Cloud it’s Tifa. You know me. Cloud? Im so sorry for your loss but we can’t stay here, those people might come back we have to-“
“NO!” Cloud cages the body under him and snarls at her almost feral with grief. Gods he really is covered in blood. There are morbid tear and rain tracks down his face like a terrible kabuki mask and it makes her shiver.
“Cloud… it’s me. It’s Tifa. You know me. Please Cloud. It’s me.”
He manages to look like he’s a stray dog with his hackles raised as he stares at her. The longer he stares the lower his shoulders seem to drop… the more confused and afraid he seems.
“Ti- Ti-fa?”
“Yes! Yeah Cloud it’s me. It’s Tifa Lockhart. You remember me? From the village?”
He nods hesitantly.
“Good. Okay good. That’s great. Do you trust me enough to get in my car?”
Cloud clings to Zack again, and Tifa swallows the bile rising in her throat as the sick squelch of blood on skin seems to echo.
“He… Zack… He… comes… too.”
Fuck, she’s so not getting paid for this. Blood in a truck that’s not even hers? Does it even matter? This was her friend. The only person from Nibelhiem who had ever been unaccounted for.
Did he know about that? Did he know about his mom? About her dad? That Zack had been there? That his hero sephiroth had killed them? Killed them all!
She holds out her hand and telegraphs her movements taking Zacks pulse…
Holy mother of Minerva this guy is still alive!
“Shit! Okay, yeah! Okay We can take him! Can you walk on your own? I can’t carry him and you. I’m strong but aim not two dead weight supersoldiers strong.”
Cloud shifted and blinked. He was still Gripping the sword.
“We can bring that too.” She offered gently. He didn’t look like he was about to let go of it any time soon.
“I’ll…. Be… his living…. Legacy….”
“Oh cloud…”
Tifa gets to her feet, her knee highs covered in tacky red clay mud. Bending at the knees she lifts Fair bridal style, trying not to agfitate his wounds. His head lolls back limply. She really hopes they can get back in time to save him.
“Alright Fair, don’t die on me. You owe me for bringing that psycho to my village, and I’ll be pissed if your too dead to say sorry…”
Zack doesn’t react, but a pale bloody hand reaches for his face. Cloud wipes the blood away the best he can.
“Live…. Please….”
Tifa chews on her lip nervously. They needed to get back to midgar. Now.
Getting them both in the Truck Tifa guns the engine and steps on it.
Gods she hopes this is enough.
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It was only supposed to be a one night stand part 6
Tw: yandere stuff, fat shaming from this idiot man here (not towards reader)
Part 7
You won't believe your boss granted you a one-month leave. Well, actually you can. Since you rarely take days off, work is a distraction for you.
When you told Montgomery this, he held you tightly in his arms and sang praises. He's extremely grateful for this and he made it very clear by booking a reservation at a restaurant that is absolutely above his pay grade. Fortunately, though, you managed to convince him to cancel the reservation and stay home instead.
He set up a romantic candle-lit dinner on the dining table, and of course the main dish is some random pricey takeaway. You wondered how the candles haven't tripped the fire alarm yet, only to see that Montgomery replaced its batteries when the dinner is over.
You had a headache when he told you where his hometown is. You don't know if his shitbox can handle a whooping 20-hour drive from your city to his place. You asked why he didn't pick a city closer to home to work in, you're puzzled why he decided to come all the way up here.
"I did. The folks there were mean, so I moved. Thinkin', maybe they're nicer up north." He sighed. "I came to realize that they ain't getting friendlier the further I git. I was dirt poor and stuck in a rut."
He cupped your cheek and gave you a kiss on the forehead. "I'm glad I met ya', honey bunch. You saved my life." Montgomery whispered as he pulled you into a loving hug.
That piece of information he revealed made you wonder how many times he moved. It definitely showed that he's resilient and stubborn... and thin skinned.
However, it was impressive how he managed to shun his natural accent and pick up another one so well. You would have never guessed he was from the South, but now you're completely sure he is. That's probably why he was quiet in the beginning. Sometimes it was hard to understand what he was saying because of his drawls and ways of pronouncing certain words, but it's charming nonetheless.
You think that he's getting bolder because he's gradually feeling secure in his place in your life. Too bold, in fact. You think he's possessive now, he doesn't like you having lunches with your coworkers. To the point that he would go up to them and act nice-nasty, he wouldn't outright tell them to leave you alone or act hostile, he would still put on a darling smile. However, your coworkers would still feel attacked and guilted, but he's so... nice! They can't just accuse him of such things, it's probably a Southern thing.
"Nice of y'all to bring my sweetheart to lunch. Now, what am I gonna do with all these since my darlin' is fed without me? Oh, by the way, I see that y'all are lookin' a lot healthier. Don't get too healthy now, too much of a good thing is a bad thing."
Maybe the fact that he's outright calling them fat in a mean-spirited way flew past your head, maybe it didn't. But it definitely landed on theirs.
Montgomery throwing these types of discrete insults would eventually drive your coworkers away, they stopped bringing you with them, not wanting to face your boyfriend's sassiness afterward.
There were times that you would want to surprise him by visiting his worksite. He would be pleasantly surprised every time, but he isn't usually aware of what he has on him when he would come barreling towards you, picking you up, and giving you a bone-crushing hug. You stopped coming to him eventually because you kept going back to work covered in mud, dust, paint, or a combination of the three.
He keeps you away from his peers, who only give you and him amused smiles. Some of them would come up and tease him, congratulating him for getting out of his shell. You asked them what they meant, as this is a good opportunity to know more about Montgomery. They said that he's extremely shy and would hide in his car during lunch, he works hard and is engrossed in his own job. The first time where he got distracted was when he laid eyes on you, which shook them to the core because he was perceived as a reclusive enigma.
Montgomery would look away and not participate in the conversation, feeling moody because he couldn't have your undivided attention. He goes back to his usual romantic self when his coworkers leave him alone.
The date to leave for his hometown is fast approaching. The two of you wrote up a detailed itinerary, well, mostly you. Because he's used to sleeping in his cramped car and using public bathrooms, he completely forgot that not everyone is comfortable with that.
You're sitting on his lap, and a laptop on your, well... lap. Montgomery rests his head on your shoulder, his arms hold you to him tightly as you ask him if he agrees with the choice of motels.
"I'm fine with anythin' you choose, darlin'. He sleepily mumbled, clearly bored. "Ain't no price too high for my baby." He closed his eyes, tired after working a full day with power tools and materials that are quadruple his body weight.
The only sound in the living room is your keyboard clicks. It's pitch dark and the only light source is the screen.
Montgomery began to snore.
You turned your head to look at him, he's definitely out cold. But his grip on you is unwavering.
You stretched your hand to reach for his credit card on the coffee table.
Your eyes flitting between the numbers on his valuable piece of plastic and the computer screen as you typed the necessary details in.
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While you were sleeping
Bobby Nash x reader
Summary: Bobby makes a confession when he thinks you are sleeping.
Warnings: none, just a bit of fluff
The sound of the movie playing in the background as you were asleep on the couch. The laughing tape of the silly sitcom kept your subconscious awake. You knew you should open your eyes and go find your bed. Your body was too tired after the night you and the team had. You didn’t consider yourself the daredevil of the paramedics at the 118. Bobby did. Now paying the price, the shift wasn’t even over and your limbs felt like they were going to fall off, and the dull pain in your shoulder. The sound of talking from some people in the background stirred your deep slumber to wake you up. "She's wrecked.” You heard Chimney's voice in the distance. “ She was reckless.” You heard Bobby snap. Every word started to sound more clear, a sign of waking up. This also started a stream of thoughts. Recaps of Bobby being mad at you for pulling a stunt like that flooded your mind. You decided it would be best to keep your eyes shut in case Bobby wanted to give you an earful for falling asleep during the shift. “She should’ve just gone to bed.” Bobby huffed. You could hear the irritability in his voice. “Well, she’s stubborn.” Chimney argued. You heard the disappointed breath. The sound of footsteps got quieter. Someone walked away. Another pair of footsteps was heard, though these got closer. “Let’s get you to bed.” You heard Bobby say. You felt his strong arms pulling you up in his arms. You weren’t sure what you were supposed to do. Wake up and tell him to leave or continue on pretending to sleep.
He carefully laid you down on one of the beds. You felt the fabric of a blanket slide up till your shoulder. You were sure he hadn’t realized you were awake. “You’ve got to be more careful, honey. I love you too much to have to bury you.” He said, you felt his hand move a piece of your hair behind your ear. It finally clicked the whole time he had been yelling at you earlier wasn’t because you were disobeying. But because he was worried. For a second you almost opened your eyes. However, you knew you shouldn’t. It would ruin his confession. His footsteps got fainter, it wasn’t till you heard him walk out of the room when you opened your eyes. Goddamn. Your mind was spinning as you stared at the ceiling.
Your pretend sleep time didn’t last long. Within a half hour the station's alarm bells were going off for an emergency. You quickly race to the truck with your gear in tow. “I can tell your beauty sleep did nothing.” Buck teased as you sat next to him. You punch him in his arm in retaliation. “At Least I got some sleep.” You said, the heavy gear weighed you down, and you played the pain off with a laugh. You didn’t realize how bad of a day you were having till that alarm rang again and you realized this wasn’t the end of the shift. The truck came to a halt, and the team jumped out. You run to do your task but get pulled back by Bobby. “Are you okay?” he asked. His look was stern again. “I’m okay.” you answered which might’ve been a lie. He also didn’t believe you. “I am” you lied. He let you go.
Thank god this was the last emergency of the shift. Your shoulder was now officially starting to become a real pain. You started walking to the door with your bag on your shoulder. “Y/n, let me take you home.” Bobby said also on his way out. You let him take you home. It was way better than taking the bus. The ride towards your home wasn’t quiet. It never was that you loved talking with Bobby. He was actually very fun if he didn’t have to boss people around.
He stopped his car near your building. “Hey, can I ask you something?” you ask. He nods, giving you a smile. “ I can’t reach my fire alarm and I know the batteries are going to run out soon. Can you take it off the ceiling?” you ask him. He wouldn’t have come in if you asked him in for coffee. It would go against his morals as the captain. “ Yes of course, “ he said after hesitating. He followed you up the stairs waiting in front of your front door as you unlocked the door. He was uttering to you that you needed a better lock on your door. You let him in, and he stood tall in your living room. “You want something to drink coffee? iced tea?” you asked. He looked around your living room, spotting the fire alarm in the corner. “I shouldn’t.” he said, as he walked over to the fire alarm. You turn on your coffee machine. It wasn’t long till the aromas filled the room. “You have batteries?” he asked. He opened a random drawer in your kitchen. Probably hoping to find a junk drawer. “It’s the other one.” you said, gesturing to the one near the fridge. You get some cups out of the cupboard and turn around to see Bobby working the fire alarm. He quickly put the fire alarm back on the ceiling and returned back to you. “I should go.” He told you. Instead you moved a filled coffee cup over to him.”please stay.” you ask. You gave him a pleading look. “I’m starting to think your batteries weren’t empty.” he said, you shrug. He got close to you. “I thought you were asleep.” he said, a worry washed over you. He put his hand on your side. “ You know we can’t, right?” he said, you nodded your head. You still moved closer, inching forward waiting for him to stop you. He didn’t stop you. He pressed his lips against yours. You felt a rush of excitement as his lips moved against yours. The kiss was soft and gentle at first, but it quickly became more passionate. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. He responded eagerly, his hands pressing into your back as he deepened the kiss.
He broke off the kiss. You looked into his eyes, it showed you the man he was. Restraining himself from what he really wanted. “I should go.” He said again. You didn’t let go off him. “Stay longer,” you said, you hugged his body, and placed small kisses along his jaw while he tried to make his decision. It took a minute before he even said anything. “This is unfair.” He said: “how much longer are we talking about?” You stopped, and looked him in the eye. “How about forever?” You asked. He chuckled. He tightened his grip on you.
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henpillled · 3 months
Quick n dirty Hurricane post
Hurricane Shopping List
The government will tell you that you need 3 days of food, you need at least a week. After Ian we were flooded for about 4 days and had no power for 8. You want non perishables and you want tasty non perishables, get things you and your family like. Keep your eye out for sales through the year to keep a good stash.if you don’t have a grill,  Get a mini charcoal grill so you can also still cook 
tuna and other canned meats
Ramen (fun, not nutritious) 
Snacks like chips and crackers, salsa!*
Single serving sauce packs (go hog wild at fast food places)
Fresh fruit
Pasta sauce and pasta
Bread and shelf stable toppings like jelly* and peanut butter
Treats! It sucks, get some gummy bears, get BEER!
Instant coffee
*these aren't technically shelf stable,but yes they are lol, at least for a few days, sugar and acid are both preservatives, if it looks funny, don't eat it, but they'll be fine for a few days
Everything in your freezer will be good too, at least for a while. Eat everything in your fridge first, but after a few days, if you are going to lose everything in your freezer anyway, open it up and start using meats etc in there.
There are 4 categories for water, Drinking, cooking, cleaning, and flushing. ** if you do not have hot water, you need to be using bleach or vinegar or everything that gross. Hot water is our best friend and if we do not have her we need to kill every germ, without proper plumbing there are bad germs everywhere.
Drinking: half gallon  to gallon per person per day 
Cooking: A gallon per day, more if you have a larger family
These two need to be in sanitized containers intended for water storage, so bottled water, or food grade 5 gallon containers, tractor supply has good ones, or the huge water jugs at the grocery store.
Cleaning***: as much as you can, personally i start saving every 2 liter, OJ bottle, milk jug etc from about January to hurricane season so i can fill them all up when a storm is on the way. This doubles as you-cleaning water, so the more the better
Flushing: as much as physically possible. Fill up every tub, every sink, fill up your trash cans. I am 100% serious you WILL run out of flushing water before anything else. Literally as much as possible.
Misc items:
Battery banks, whether proper banks, or your laptop to use as a bank
A full tank of gas, never go under half a tank during hurricane season
This radio is great
Proper first aid kit (you should already have one tbh) 
Any medications you need, check your state laws to see if you can get emergency prescription refills
Toys, books, any kind of entertainment really, it gets boring, couldnt imagine being a toddler.
Extra pet food
Baby wipes
Extra period products 
Corn starch is a decent dry shampoo
General tips:
Find a radio station with a morning show, find several. There was a group in my area that was broadcasting 24/7 taking calls from people with trucks and people who needed help or medicine. They saved lives. 
Park your cars as high as possible, and as close to your house as you can
It is so much better to feel silly with all this stuff than to be caught off guard 
Lock your pets in a non carpeted room if you can.
Do laundry!!!!!
Shower and scrub every square inch a few hours before the storm starts, wash your hair!!!
Have 2 weeks of undies
Check on your neighbors 
Have a plan for if it floods, have important docs and some food in a bag ready to go. If you are in an attic without a way to break through the roof, you will drown.
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apoorhuman · 1 year
Drained, tired, and cuddles
Mammon x Mc
A/n: my very first one shot, hope you guys like it ;)
It was weekend, finally a time where everybody can relaxed, even the busiest man alive Lucifer, barbatos and diavolo now have some time they can spare for break after the whole week being busy with nonstop work.
You would expect Lucifer would still be busy with his work but surprisingly he's not, that's why he's out to who knows where saying that he will have some private vacation for himself to rest and relax.
With Lucifer's absent people would thought that the House of Lamentation will be really loud and chaotic, but the thing is that everybody were busy with their own activities.
Today there's a Ruri-chan event going on at majolish that's why right now Levi and Asmo at, the both of them agreed to go to majolish together but once they got there, they went to what piqued their interest.
Meanwhile Satan is also gone from house, he was looking for a new book to his collections in the local library and bookshops.
Belphie's at RAD field since he wanted to watch Beel does his practice for a game that's coming up, and the both of them are also planning to eat at Resorante Six after the practice.
You were left alone with no plans in mind too. Well, what about the angles? They're busy in the celestial realm at the moment unfortunately, Luke decided to bake Michael some desserts that Barbatos has taught him and Simeon was there to helped him.
Thirteen? She's also busy with her reaper job.
What about Solomon? He's really occupied in his room lately because of a new plant he found if the depths of the human world rainforest.
Mephisto? He's on a vacation with his brother.
Raphael? Also has a schedule on already.
So now you're just here in your bedroom, face being buried in pillow. You're tired of yesterday's schoolwork, yesterday's class, yesterday's commotion from the brothers.
Too much talking here and there with not long enough breaks for your social battery, and now in the weekend, instead of feeling happy, relieved, relaxed, you just feel tired.
Physically, mentally, spiritually, just any types of tired you are all of it, waking up was already hard for you, it's like as if Belphie gave you his tiredness.
The morning starts with the brothers telling each other about their plans for today. And you just sit there eating, not sure if you listened to any of the brothers talking.
The mood got even worse when nobody is in the house to actually cheer you up.
Meanwhile our first man mammon was bored, he was going to die out of boredom If that's possible.
Laying on his couch inside his bedroom, he was just staring at the ceiling the whole time. He has nobody to tease, nobody to make them angry, and nobody to hang out.
So he did the most logical thing, and that is to search for you and take you on a car ride trip.
And so he immediately rises up from his couch, and starts walking in a normal but quick pace heading towards your bedroom.
Arriving in front of your door, he didn't bother to knock like any other times too, he burst open the door, but instead of seeing you chilling while playing D.D.D he just saw you laying face down to your pillow, not moving an inch.
If it isn't because of how he sees your back raising and falling, he might thought you actually died.
Slowly he approaches you're bed, sitting beside you, hesitantly tries to pats your back but immediately retrieve his hand when you let out a loud groan.
Mammon's actually quite worried about you, but of course it's not like he's going to said it out loud.
"O-oi mc... Y'okay? " With a voice that's only people in the room can hear.
"No..... I'm tired.... But I also don't want to just stay in my bed all day.... But I'm also tired... And this kinds of thoughts makes my headaches more bad.... " Groaning loudly after that sentences"
Your answer was met with silent, the silent of mammon trying to think of how to actually made your mood much more better, but he can't really think of anything good.
Taking you to a restaurant? He knows you better enough that it will drained you more because of so many people there.
Maybe some car ride dates together? No.... The weather forecast said it's going to be raining, if he takes you to a car ride and suddenly it rains, it probably just going to make your mood much more bad.
A ding sound can be heard inside of mammon's head, right! He could just give his precious cuddles, heh not bad mammon.
Like that he starts to lay beside you, hugging you and then pulling you close, his head is on top of you, his arms are wrapped around your torso.
Suddenly feeling mammon's touch you were quite startled, turning your head to the side to look at your first man's face, staring at it for a little bit then you pulled on your tired smile.
You move your position from laying on you belly to laying side ways so that you look at mammon's face more clearly and hugged him back in return.
"Is my first man actually wanted to cheer his human up? " Smirk coming to your face.
His face starts to emit some pink hue on his cheeks as he starts to stuttee, trying to said something in return of your teasing "wha- what? No- nooo wh- why would i- me- the great mammon does that for some hu- human"
"But you did" Your smirk grew bigger and your mood starts to get a little less gloomg and tired after seeing your first man cute response.
"We- well I guess ya could say that I was feelin' generous oka'! I ain't doin' this for free ya'know?! "
"A- also I don't want lucifer yellin' at me for not helpin' you, since I'm.. I'm supposed to be looking after you.. So don't be sad ok?.... "
You raised an eyebrow at him, how could he be so cute, it's as if you were now fully charged again, you didn't felt tired or drained anymore you just felt happy and a little bit silly because of mammon.
Chuckling lightly, you pat mammon's head, ruffling it a bit too, making his hair a little messy. Well in response he snuggle you more close and now the both of you are ignoring the sound of rains that starts to pour heavily outside, he whispers " Love ya" "Love you too mams" Cuddling to each other warmly.
I guess the forecast were right afterall, it did rains, I hope beel's okay with his practice and wouldn't get wet.
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thehomophobe · 5 months
Additional Headcanons (Human AU BTW)
While Freddy's nose can't make the iconic noise, his ears wiggle. (It's so cute)
a himbo and a dad?
Serenades you sometimes
Man's can spot you from a 12-foot distance and run to you and give you a bear hug
can try to cook for you
loves to go on errands with you, thinks every one's a date
Can do incredible voice impressions
the best at cooking
the amount of times you have to drag her out of dumpsters ☠
likes K-pop (twice, Blackpink, new jeans)
will do tik toks with you
twirls her hair when she asks something from you (food, a date, etc.)
thinks Roxy and Freddy as older sibs
ometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shit
by that i mean sometimes he's chill and other times he's riled up
chill times he wants the hugs and the cuddles and the soft kisses
riled up = getting railed (nuff said)
likes to teach you how to play the bass
can play drums (just nobody asked him to play something, until you)
tail wags when he sees you...then denies it afterward
Frienemies with Roxy, besties with Chica, hatred for Freddy
another one who's tail wags when she sees you spa day every day
will pick your outfit, do your hair, and makeup
gossip while painting each other's nails (like that nail salon gossip)
tell her she's beautiful please...she needs it
let's you braid her hair
don't let her drive your car
wears leather to piss off Monty
wants a motorcycle so bad!
eyes indicate battery life (Bright blue for full battery, baby blue for like 80-75%, grayish blue for 50%, pure white/blank eyes for 0%)
a little glitch he has is even if his battery is full, his eyes are still white
so many children were scared of him that after a shift he ran off and cried in his room
his eyes also make different emotions (stars for excitement, exclamation points for danger, and my favorite, hearts for love)
not a fan of adults (insert sassy sun) except for you
believes in fairytales, he always waited for his happy ever after, and when you came into his life, the man's swooning and singing little songs like all the Disney princess
great singing voice
out of all the Disney movies he watched, his favorite song is "Over the Rainbow" from The Wizard of Oz (not even a Disney movie)
misses the theater, secretly wrote a script in his room but never showed anyone
another great singer
but has a music box in his chest
favorite song is "Once Upon a Dream" from Sleeping Beauty
likes dark fairytales, like the original fairytales where everyone dies in the end
eyes used to be a soft blue for caretaker mode, red eyes for security mode but the virus made it permanent, however, you fixed it a little so it's white eyes with the red iris
likes to play little pranks on you
wears some sort of hat when outside
hard for him to say "i love you" without any static (he's never been loved like this in his life)
bad terms with Monty
I promise i will get to the bonuses but I'm tired
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tittyinfinity · 6 months
Yes, it is going to be hard whenever capitalism comes to an end.
But the reality is that it's already collapsing in on itself and will only get worse from here on out.
Whenever people say they're done with the US government, it's not because they don't care about how people will be negatively affected – it's because it will be so much harder to fight later on down the line.
Capitalists have already been working together to make sure everyone is broke and exhausted. A good portion of our life is controlled by the corporate world & land-owners. Our bosses, landlords, and cops can control just about anything we do. Our phones spy on us and can send our info to the cops.
Capitalism is enforced through violence. There is public information about politicians taking money from corporations like health insurance & oil companies. There's public information about the US committing coups in communist and socialist countries to install fascist leaders. It has come out several times that our military is used to secure oil and other resources through terrorism. It's well-known that prisons are used to draft as many people for slave labor as they can. These companies that both pay off and install politicians to enforce policies that make them richer rely on this violence for their profit.
No capitalist candidate will never have your best interest at heart. Anyone willing to sacrifice lives for the sake of money will sacrifice your life the moment it's most convenient – all while saying that they're Helping The Country Get Better, Actually. And if our main goal is "less people dying," thinking short-term is not gonna save us. Especially when so many are already dying right now. Today.
If you're scared about the bad things that will happen when capitalism falls.....how do you think the people suffering & dying under the current system feel?
The people who have lost their homes and families? The people forced into slavery? Indigenous people who continue to lose more and more land?
All for the gas in your car, the lithium in your batteries, the land you live on, the job you work, and hell, most of the products we use.
You're worried about what might happen.... it's already happening, just not to you. And relying on the government to save you from the government isn't realistic.
Either you want imperialism, colonization, and genocide to end, or you don't. Stand up and fight while you have the chance.
Get your friends and neighbors together for direct action groups. Print out posters and put them all over the town. Don't just join protests, START them. Strike. Join the IWW. Get your coworkers together to start a union. Tell your boss to pay you more or you're all walking out. Stealing shit isn't even stealing shit – corporations & capitalists are already stealing tax money & the money produced by the labor of their workers. They take and take while they give us crumbs. We don't have to put up with this shit
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graysnetwork · 2 years
hello !! can i request gary "roach" sanderson x gn!reader headcanons ? like how he is in a relationship , how he got together with the reader etc. ( feel free to ignore if requests arent open ! )
Petition to get more Roach imagines, headcannons, and oneshots🪧👋
Edit mid writing: I got carried away with it😅
Edit from right after finishing this: I did this for a whole hour, please somebody get me a therapist this is not healthy.
(If you weren’t in the military) you knocked on his door asking if he had a battery charger because nobody in the neighborhood seemed to have one
The moment his eyes captured you he was amazed by how pretty you were, he went to grab his charger for you, and gave it to you, you left and he saw that you lived right next door to him
He didn’t want to be a creep so he went back to cooking his dinner and listening to the tv, but you did stay stuck in his mind for those two hours, the way your eyes looked, the scent you radiated, and your smile when you said thank you and introduced yourself to him.
He remembered that at 6pm he heard an engine roaring, when he went out to look he saw you sitting in your car checking something, he saw how happy you looked, before he knew it you sped off, only leaving echoes.
(If you were in the military) you two were in different squads same units but never met, only ever seeing each other occasionally.
Price had called you in to talk with you, telling you— you would be working with another squad on a mission, then he introduced you to Roach
There was an immediate connection, something was there, some type of electricity that you couldn’t specify.
But nonetheless you are quite determined when it came to your job, even with you being confused with your emotions about Roach, you got your job done, that’s what made Roach more interested in you. How efficient you were, and how good at your job you were.
But apparently you two weren’t efficient enough to get out of the only building with a bomb planted in it, you two were so fixated on getting your teams out of the building and grabbing intel you two didn’t realize you were too late to get yourselves out of the building.
To you the bomb got louder with every tick it made, and when it finally gave off three quick ticks you prepared yourself. You felt someone grabbing you, covering you with their entire body wrapped around you and all you heard was the explosion and your ears began to ring. You opened your eyes for a few seconds seeing Roaches eyes before you passed out.
You woke up again hooked up to an IV and laying in front of a doctor/medic. The doctor called Price in and the first thing he said to you was “kid, I didn’t know you were being serious when you said you would die for this job” both of you chuckled. You looked around the room noticing someone in the chair next to your bed, it was Roach.
“He been waiting for you ever since he got out of his own bed” Price told you, you heart melted when you heard him say that, “he really cares about you, you should give him a chance” Price said, you looked back at him confused
“I saw the way you two looked at each other when you two first met, you should give it a shot. go on a date with him, you might love it” Price told you “yeah, I’ll think about it” you told him smiling
Now here’s the headcannons
He pretty quiet so he loves to listen to you talk about your day, even if it was bad, in that case he tries to cheer you up and make you feel better.
He’s a good cuddler, he likes being big spoon but prefer having you lay on his chest
(Loves it when he gets to be little spoon)
He’s a pretty good cook, you two have a schedule (he cooks on Monday, you cook on Tuesday, and so on)
But every once a month you two go out to a restaurant
(That’s when he’s home)
When his team found out he had a S/O they were pretty stunned but when they saw you in a picture/met you, they were astonished, I mean how did their mate Roach pull You?
(If you were in the military) they were messing with Roach when they started hearing rumors about him and you going out, but when Roach straight up told them it was true they were stunned, jaws were dropping.
Now if you weren’t in the military, you two moved in together somewhere else, roach had been wanting to move somewhere else so after two years you guys got a house together
Roach is a sweetheart, he’s literally such an amazing bf, like a golden retriever but can also just casually turn into German Shepard police dog
Roach doesn’t get jealous easily, it’s pretty hard to get him jealous cause he knows you would never cheat, but he does get mad when guys put there hands on you without consent (obviously)
(For non-military reader) So it’s not like he tries to stop you from going to car meets, he actually enjoys going with you
He finds that you actually know a few of the people there and he becomes friends with them because you always find them
He also takes note of the ones you like, the rims you like, the colors or wraps so he can make you a future Christmas or birthday gift.
Yeah he’s a good bf
NSFW? He’s probably like 7.6 inches maybe even a little bigger
He likes to give oral (a bit more than receiving)
Sometimes he gets lost in the moment and ends up hurting you a bit but never hurt hurting you, probably just digging his nails into your hips
Leaves hickeys each time, he can’t not leave a mark on you, he likes that it looks like claiming almost
Also likes waking up and seeing all the scratches on his back from the night before
(F!reader moment)
Loves it when (he’s giving you oral) and you push his head down, or wrap you legs around him more, it makes him go feral knowing you want more
Position? He probably just loves the basics: missionary, doggy, downward dog, cowgirl
Favorites are probably missionary and cowgirl
He’s open to do anything with you other than bdsm probably, like choking would never happen
As I said he loses himself in the moment sometimes so he would never even trust himself with choking you or wtv
That’s it 🤗
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