#rebecca finau
twilightishot · 1 year
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“Rebecca married a Samoan surfer — she lives in Hawaii now.” Jacob talking about Solomon Finau
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nightingale2004 · 1 month
Twilight next gen: Sam x Emily vers.
Dylan Tristan Young Uley
Faceclaim: D'Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai
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Dylan is the son of Sam Uley and Emily Young. He is also the future alpha of his dad's pack.
He has two younger siblings, his sister Sienna and his little brother Cody, who have not reached shifting age yet
Dylan is often being pressured by his dad to be a good alpha leader and a good big brother, which causes a strain on their relationship
Despite both Sam and Jacob having an alliance with each other, they both have different ways of running their packs, but that doesn't stop Dylan from being friends with Kimberly and Ephraim
Dylan takes after his dad in temper but has his mother's compassion and kindness.
He also gets along really well with his cousin Harriet, along with Kimberly and Ray, and they all became thick as thieves despite their families being tense with each other
Before the cullens came back, everything was perfect in his opinion, and he never really believed in the pack stories about the supernatural
But after the cullens returned to Forks, Dylan started believing, and the friendship between him, Harriet, Kimberly, and Ray started to change for better and worse
His wolf form is also smaller than his dad's, and his fur is black as night
Jacob was cautious with Dylan at first, but as he saw him growing close with his kids, he allowed the friendship despite Leah's continuous protests and protective motherly gaze and comments
+ Paul x Rachel child
Nyrah Willow Black Lahote
Faceclaim: Amber Midthunder
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Nyrah is the daughter of Paul Lahote and Rachel Black. She is also the niece of Jacob Black and Rebecca Black. Along with cousin to Kimberly and Ephraim Black
Nyrah is beta to Dylan in the Uley pack
She doesn't get along well with her cousins all that well, but she loves them and wants to be close with them and her uncle Jacob
Nyrah looks more like her mom but has inherited her dad's incredibly short and aggressive temper
Her wolf form has red brown fur
She is also a major adrenaline junky and loves playing soccer and surfing, especially on La Push Beach, where she kicks all the pack members' butt's
She also loves going to visit Aunt Rebecca and her husband, Uncle Solomon, who also have a kid they named Ryver Koa Finau, who is also their age and spends a lot of his time surfing or on the beach.
Ryver does visit Forks to get to know his family, but not a lot, but he also calls and video chats, and he talks with them when he can't talk to his parents
Billy loves all of them and continues to give all his grandchildren council
Nyrah does not like the cullens and doesn't understand why her uncle Jacob defends them over his own, but she learns to tolerate them despite protest
She and Kimberly are she-wolves together along with Harriet
Loves teasing her cousins
She and Paul wrestle a lot with each other and other members of the pack
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Biographical Information
Born: January 14, 1990; La Push, Washington
Changed: February 2005
Alias: Jules
Physical Description
Species: Wolf-shifter
Gender: Female
Height: 6'7"
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Dark brown
Skin color: Russet
Family Information
Family members: Paula Lahote (crush/later girlfriend), Billy Black (father), Sarah Black (mother) ♰, Rachel Black (older sister), Rebecca Black (older sister), Solomon Finau (brother-in-law), Ephraim Black (great-grandfather) ♰, Quil Ateara V (second cousin)
Special Characteristics
Bloodline: Ateara and Black lines
Abilities: Basic wolf-shifter abilities
Special abilities: Superior strength
Occupation: Student at Quileute Tribal School
Loyalty: Quileute wolves, Quileute tribe, Cullen coven
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masterofbiography · 1 year
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Jacob Black est né de l'union de Billy et de Sarah Black. Tout au long de son enfance et de son adolescence, ses deux meilleurs amis étaient Embry Call et Quil Ateara V. Tous les trois fréquentaient le lycée sur la réserve de La Push. Pendant son enfance, lui et ses sœurs, Rachel et Rebecca faisaient parfois connaissance avec la fille de Charlie Swan, Bella, même s'ils ne sont jamais devenus de vrais amis et Bella est restée principalement en Californie et à Phoenix. Quand il eut 9 ans, sa mère Sarah est morte dans un accident de voiture, mais a réussi à s'en remettre que grâce à ses sœurs, Rachel et Rebecca, qui ont remplis, du mieux qu'elles pouvaient, le rôle de mère pour lui. Rebecca a épousé un homme du nom de Solomon Finau et a déménagé à Hawaii, alors que Rachel est partie pour l'université de Washington State après avoir fini le lycée. Après le départ de ses sœurs, il est resté seul avec son père à la maison, surtout après qu'il fut obligé de se déplacer en fauteuil roulant. Cependant, il n'a pas pris soin de son père ; en fait, il appréciait la compagnie de son père, mais il a refusé de croire aux légendes Quilleutes et aux traditions familiales. Lorsque les Cullen ont emménagé à Forks, Jacob ne comprenait pas l'aversion de son père. Après un certain temps, il a commencé à croire la plupart des choses que lui disait son père. Généralement, Jacob est très sympathique, ludique, insouciant et bienveillant envers les personnes qui sont autour de lui. Il ferait tout pour protéger ceux qu'il aime le plus. Il est un peu sarcastique, légèrement désagréable et un peu enfantin, et a un tempérament fougueux en raison de son côté loup et de ses aversions à l'odeur de vampires. Il était également très hostile envers Edward, avant même qu'il ne change, seulement parce qu'ils étaient tous les deux amoureux de Bella, mais ils ont fini par se réconcilier. Dans sa forme de loup, Jacob mesure environ 10 pieds de longueur, avec une fourrure brune-rousse, des yeux sombres intelligents. Il est également très rapide. Il a également été le deuxième loup le plus rapide et le deuxième plus grand loup dans la meute de Sam. Il devient plus tard le plus grand et le plus fort, mais Leah Clearwater est encore plus rapide que lui. Sam le reconnaît comme étant le plus fort combattant de la meute. Comme tout les membres de sa tribu, il avait un préjugé contre les Cullen et les autres vampires, les considérant comme rien de plus que des monstres suceurs de sang. Je ne fais pas de Jacob imprégné de Renesmée donc même pour un jeu avec elle, il n'éprouve rien pour elle si ce n'est amitié et respect principalement pour son amitié avec Bella. Je dois dire que mon unique Ship pour lui, c'est avec Rosalie. Mon coeur bat pour ce couple, alors n'esperez pas qu'il en soit autrement, même si vous jouez comme une Déesse.
Joue avec : Rosalie Hale
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gashousegables · 5 years
Oneshot: One Of The Twins
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AO3 | FF.N
Solomon Finau travels as moral support for his wife, as they visit her estranged family in La Push, Washington. Equal parts tense and timid, he officially meets his wife’s other half - her twin sister.
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quileutewolves · 7 years
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moodboard » rebecca black & solomon finau, the twilight saga.
rebecca married solomon right after she turned eighteen and moved to hawaii to live with him, mainly to escape the memories of her deceased mother still lingering in la push.
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teamjacobthot · 3 years
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aka ‘the leah clearwater origin fic’ I've been talking about for like......ever
read on ao3 | read on ff.net
beta-read/edited by the lovely @bellas-dumptruck-ass and my dear friend syd
rating: mature
warnings: profanity, underage marijuana use, underage alcohol use, sensuality and discussion of sex, crude humor, discussion of abortion, physical violence
ships: leah clearwater x sam uley, sam uley x emily young (unfortunately.....but later), some kim connweller x jared cameron, sue clearwater x harry clearwater, some jacob black x bella swan, rebecca black x solomon finau
check out the fan cast here
THE MUSIC (spotify)
nyctophobia | beck’s mix | songs 4 lee-lee vol. 1
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bogusavathepit · 3 years
A Full List For Anyone Looking to Make Twilight Sims 4 Characters
Eat your heart out, Meyer (jk, wouldn’t make any sense).
The Cullens
Carlisle Cullen -- Esme Cullen
Edward Cullen* -- Bella Cullen*
Rosalie Hale -- Emmett Cullen
Alice Cullen* -- Jasper Hale*
Renesmee Cullen*
The Swans
Isabella Swan* (Bella)
Charlie Swan*-/-Renee Dwyer*
Renee Dwyer*--Peter Dwyer
Helen Swan
The Black Family
Jacob Black
Billy Black -- Sarah Black
Rachel Black
Rebecca Black -- Solomon Finau
The Clearwaters
Sue Clearwater -- Harry Clearwater
Leah Clearwater
Seth Clearwater
The Pack(s) and Other Tribespeople
Sam Uley ~ Emily Young
Jared Cameron ~ Kim
Paul Lahote
Brady Fuller
Collin Littlesea
Quil Ataera
Embry Call
The Humans of Forks
Jessica Stanley
Angela Weber
Ben Cheney
Mike Newton
Tyler Crowley
Lauren Mallory
James' Coven
James* -- Victoria*
The Volturi (Coven)
Aro* -- Sulplicia
Caius -- Athenodora
Marcus* -- Didyme*
The Volturi (Guard)
Chelsea* -- Afton*
Victoria's Former Coven
Victoria's Newborn Army
Steve -- Shelly
The Alaskan Coven/The Denalis
Eleazar* -- Carmen
The Mexican Coven
These women's three canonically dead mates
Peter -- Charlotte
The Irish Coven
Siobhan* -- Liam
The Egyptian Coven
Amun -- Kebi
Benjamin* -- Tia
The Amazon Coven
The Romanian Coven
And their two canonically dead mates
 The Nomads
Makenna -- Charles*
All Others
Eric Yorkie (Human Teen of Forks) -- “Somewhat awkward, Eric was generally acknowledged as the class geek. He wanted to be part of Mike’s popular crowd, so he tended to hang around them at lunch. After a while, he was considered one of the group. During his senior year, he and Katie Marshall started dating. Eric graduated as the valedictorian of Forks High School and planned to attend college the following fall.”
Max -- works for J.Jenks (of the Breaking Dawn book)
Jason Jenks/J.Jenks
Gianna (human working for the Volturi)
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Anonymous asked:
Character studies of Rachel and Rebecca Black? Maybe including their relationship with Jacob?
They are born at midnight on a cold and stormy night. Sarah Black writhes and screams and sobs and her nails rip apart the skin on her husband’s hand. Billy Black taps his feet in anticipation for the two girls that emerge from his wife, wailing at the top of their lungs.
One is named after Billy’s mother, one is named after Sarah’s mother. That’s just the way they decided things and it seems to have sealed their fate. Rachel spent all her time investigating how machines worked, while Rebecca used Sarah’s oil paints and drew herself worlds and universes and empires.
Jacob is born four years later and both girls coo over him. He’s the baby of the family and doted upon by everybody, especially Billy, who had always wanted a little boy to nurture and play with. Rachel lets him use her computer (a miracle in and of itself) and Rebecca paints him pictures when he asks. Sarah snaps pictures, lots of them, and they’re a happy little bunch who could ask for nothing more.
So of course something goes wrong. Billy and Sarah come home from a date night and their car veers dangerously off course due to the heavy rain. Sarah takes most of the impact and dies, but Billy’s spine and legs are ruined, and from then on it seems like an eternal downpour of grief and anger as they all try to cope as best as they can.
Rebecca and Rachel both help out around the house as best they can, working side jobs to pay the bills and put themselves through school. Then the break comes: Solomon Finau, a dashing young surfer, takes a shine to Rebecca and they run away the next week, leaving Rachel behind until she can graduate and leave La Push with all the memories of her mother behind. She kisses Billy and Jacob on the forehead and hugs them extra tightly before vanishing, expecting never to return.
But of course, Rachel just has to lock eyes with Paul Lahote.
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teamfreeofficial · 4 years
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Jacob Black est né de l'union de Billy et de Sarah Black. Tout au long de son enfance et de son adolescence, ses deux meilleurs amis étaient Embry Call et Quil Ateara V. Tous les trois fréquentaient le lycée sur la réserve de La Push. Pendant son enfance, lui et ses sœurs, Rachel et Rebecca faisaient parfois connaissance avec la fille de Charlie Swan, Bella, même si ils ne sont jamais devenus de vrais amis et Bella est resté principalement en Californie et à Phoenix. Quand il eut 9 ans, sa mère Sarah est morte dans un accident de voiture, mais il a réussi à s'en remettre que grâce à ses sœurs, Rachel et Rebecca, qui ont remplis, du mieux qu'elles pouvaient, le rôle de mère pour lui. Rebecca a épousé un homme du nom de Solomon Finau et a déménagé à Hawaii, alors que Rachel est parti pour l'université de Washington State après avoir fini le lycée. Après le départ de ses sœurs, il est resté seul avec son père à la maison, surtout après qu'il fut obligé de se déplacer en fauteuil roulant. Cependant, il n'a pas pris soin de lui ; en fait, il appréciait la compagnie de son père, mais il a refusé de croire aux légendes Quileutes et aux traditions familiales. Lorsque les Cullen ont emménagé à Forks, Jacob ne comprenait pas l'aversion de son père. Après un certain temps, il a commencé à croire la plupart des choses que lui disait son père. Lorsque bien des années après, Bella partit vivre à Forks, il commença à plus ou moins la voir. Il est même à l'origine de ses soupçons sur la famille Cullen lorsqu'il se mit à raconter les légendes de son père. Chose qu'il trouvait toujours impossible à croire à ce moment là. Cependant, il resta toujours dans l'ombre sans trop se montrer. Lorsque les Cullen quittèrent la ville, lui et Bella se rapprochèrent dans l'unique but pour lui, de la sortir de la dépression dans laquelle, elle s'était plongée. Jacob est le descendant d'une lignée de modificateurs, un membre de la tribu Quileute qui a toujours été l'ennemi mortel des vampires. Au début, Jacob ne croit pas les légendes. Il a peur et est perturbé par un jeune homme de la réserve, Sam Uley, qui a de l'influence sur certains jeunes Quileute. Mais quand Jacob commence à se transformer à cause d'une nouvelle menace vampirique, il apprend que les légendes sur les loups-garous et les vampires sont en fait vraies. Il patrouille dans la forêt avec sa meute, cherchant les vampires dans le secteur où sont tués des randonneurs locaux. Quand Bella est attrapée seule par Laurent près de sa cour, elle est sauvée in extremis par Jacob et la meute, qui pourchassent Laurent et réussissent à le tuer. Au retour des Cullen, Il est outragé et contrarié quand il apprend le plan de Bella pour devenir vampire. Jacob rappelle à Edward leur traité qui déclare que les Cullen ne sont pas autorisés à mordre un humain. Ce qui signifie que si un des Cullen transforme Bella en vampire, le traité sera brisé et les vampires et loups-garous entameront une guerre. Cependant, les événements de la vie les rapprocheront d'avantage lorsque Bella tombera enceinte et mettra au monde un enfant. Les Volturis se mettront en marche vers Forks, menaçant de détruire la ville dans son entièreté pour détruire la famille. Je ne fais pas un copier/coller de la saga, alors j'suis pas obligée de foutre mon Jacob amoureux de vôtre Bella et encore moins de l'imprégné de Renesmée. D'ailleurs, si mon Jacob est en couple et qu'il s'imprègne de quelqu'un d'autre et bien désolé mesdames mais c'est la vie. En couple ne signifie pas imprégné. C'est moi qui décide quand ça lui arrive.
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twilightishot · 4 years
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“Rebecca married a Samoan surfer — she lives in Hawaii now.” - Jacob talking about Rebecca Black
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emulatcr · 6 years
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age: twenty eight zodiac: gemini personality: gentle , determined , restless and tense face claim: r*man r*igns
if you don’t remember who this is ( which i do not blame you ) solomon was the samoan surfer Hunk that rebecca follows to hawaii and , ultimately , marries. so he’s billy’s son --- in --- law and rachel & jacob’s brother --- in --- law.
lived in hawaii for a while , until the age of 27 , but moves into port angeles with rebecca when he decides to retire from surfboarding at just 28. the reasoning for retiring came from an injury to his right knee , making it difficult for him to continuously train and practice. he still surfs , though , when they visit la push. casual surfing is fine for him. he just wakes up a bit sore the next day.
solomon was in foster care up until the age of 8 where he was adopted by a couple who had been trying to have kids for years. solomon was their first foster child and they grew an attachment right away. at 10 his last name was legally changed from urale to finau.
at the age of 14 , he and his family moved from hawaii to forks , washington. he hung around first beach ( because surfing and it reminds him of home ) , making friends with some of the la push locals. this caused him to hang around there a lot , especially during the weekends.
has a connection to his samoan roots and it reflects in the tattoos on his body.
uhhh a big teddy bear !! tbh !! true gemini though. one day he’s totally chill and in a good mood , the next he’s tense and can’t seem to concentrate long enough so truly give or take !
he is a Human , obviously , and doesn’t know shit about the supernatural world so have some fun with him !
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emulatcr · 6 years
meme — no longer accepting ( @tcblossom​ )
        #1   ---   it had been weeks now since solomon had been nestled into a hotel in forks , right near la push and their beach. it was solomon’s own personal agenda to surf on every ( suitable ) body of water he could ... he was supposed to leave two weeks ago. but rebecca had stolen a lot more than just his attention. he couldn’t leave just yet. even if it meant being home schooled , or possibly transferring to a school around here ... he couldn’t give up his chance with her. and now , kissing her for the first time , the need to be with her merely intensified. he didn’t know why , but he could just tell she’d be someone very important for him.
        #2   ---   “ one more kiss. “ he said , right after the fifth kiss he had gotten out of her. he needed to get going to work but the cool a.c. and the sight of his girlfriend were two tempting factors. he could call in sick , tell them to cancel the class ... “ one more kiss and i’ll leave this time , i promise. “ his fingers were crossed and he knew she knew. but , thankfully , she obliged. his lips were on hers though , this time he cupped her face gently and tried to hold her there. he was going to make kiss number six last. 
        #3   ---   standing at the beach , bare feet sinking into the cool sand , he bent momentarily to roll up the legs of his slacks. their wedding day had gone off with a hitch. it was a small ceremony , his and her family around. he was disappointed to hear the neither her father or brother would be there , but rachel was , so at least she had her in that end. his fingers reached over for hers , bringing her closer before simply looking at her. “ ... you’re gorgeous , lo'u alof. “ he smiled. “ you have my whole heart. “ he continued to speak , smiling a bit before bending to give her a sweet kiss. his wife.
        #4   ---   his world was suddenly crashing down. ‘ you’re far too injured , mr. finau. you can no participate in surfing competitions ... ‘ that was his whole world. he traveled yearly , he trained for months on end ... it was his life. and now he had to suddenly stop? and at such a young age. he didn’t get to have a final competition , didn’t get to have a send off ... this was it. this was the end. solomon lost motivation to do a lot since the news. he hadn’t left the house in a week , had barely moved from his spot on the couch. the tv was on , but he was barely registering it. his championships were on display , his board still leaning on the wall ... these constant reminders that loitered his mind now. he only snaps out of his thoughts when he feels a hand on his shoulder , then he sees the face of his wife. the sturdy rock in his life. “ ... i’m going to be okay. “ he says after a moment , though his smile did not return. still , he leaned up to place a kiss on her worried lips. she needed the reassurance as much as he did.
        #5   ---   to an outsider this was a weird way to spend an afternoon. solomon had joked , once , about body glitter seemingly being a trend in the forks area. “ i’d love to try it. “ he remembered saying when he had spotted some during a time out with rebecca. perhaps becca had took him seriously ... who was he kidding , she knew what she was doing. now shirtless , half of his body covered in body glitter she insisted on apply onto him herself , he cracked a lopsided grin. “ you know , if you wanted to rub up all over me , you don’t have to make these excuses anymore. i’ll let you put your hands anywhere you want , baby. “ he bent a bit , hand going around her waist before purposely bringing her closely to his chest. he knew it would smudge the body glitter onto her. “ this gives me a good idea ... you rub this on me and then i’ll rub it on you ... well , we’ll roll around in the sheets and let the glitter get on you like that. “ he smirked a bit , dipping his head to kiss her. he wanted it to go for longer , but he pulled back. “ ... go ahead and finish , babe. but you’re not putting any of that on ‘ solomon jr ‘, alright? “
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