#reblogging myself because why tf not??
sunlightfeeling · 1 year
gonna maybe be away for a lil bit (I say maybe because it really depends on my brain’s temperment)
currently fighting some darkness atm that won’t fucking stop (I’m okay, though, I swear, but its been all fucking day and I need to sleep and I can’t because thoughts)
leave a message after the beep
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heartlesscorpse · 7 months
Ohmygod look a Ghost. Ghostface posting ha??? How fuckin’ cool is that????? I think it’s pretty neat :)) And speaking of Ghostface I’ve gotten too fond of this man recently (besides my beloved Pyramid Head ofc), so I thought why tf not give it a whack and write something of this doofus??? And bc this is a first writing smth for Ghostface, I’ve decided go with DBD’s Ghostface, Danny Johnson because I found him pretty easy to navigate with lore-wise and much easier to invent things with this silly little man, (Stu Macher was one to come to mind but I decided no bc Danny looked more fun to write besides a Ghostface from Scream movie franchise). So yeah, anymore posts of this menace in the future is mainly going to be surrounding Danny Johnson.
OFF TOPIC NOTE BUT— recently I’ve been considering of maybe opening up requests with writing head canons and things for Pyramid Head and Ghostface for the fun of it besides mainly writing things for myself, a possibility some time in the future, but for now I’m sticking with reblogs and randomly writing things whenever an idea comes to me. Anyways moving onto my fucking shenanigans now—
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It’s been some weeks then and unbeknownst to you, you had grabbed the attention of the infamous killer in Roseville.
Another few days in and you’re already noticing some peculiar shit going on. Some of your stuff’s missing, you found your lock on your door open, you got a strange call from somebody. Shit be getting pretty fuckin’ creepy and you’re not liking it one bit.
Ofc Danny wouldn’t give a shit— it’s all going so smoothly and according to plan! Sooner or later from there he’ll get to reveal himself as your stalker and the hunt officially begins once you pick up that phone.
It’s all going way too fuckin’ smooth, hell it’s smooth sailing for this man, and then he’ll cut to the chase and finally go in for the kill to immortalizing his next victim in his header for tomorrow’s papers.
BUT NO- apparently he underestimated you, fucking severely, and you ended up surviving his attack and the invasion into the personal space of your very own home. Danny was shocked overall, he’d least expect you to be shitting your pants from fear, because everybody in Roseville would know about his reputation.
Of course Danny was pretty pissed, a smart one that you are. But at the same time, after watching you countlessly and seeing you in action, he found you rather interesting in some ways.
And now he’s stalking you almost every night — for different reasons of course. He had the rule for himself to never get attached to any of victims but he couldn’t resist this magnetic pull towards you for some reason. Of course he might still try to kill you here and there, otherwise where’s the fun if he’s not keeping you on your toes???
He’s making this shit confusing for you, you don’t know if he’s either wanting to kiss you or kill you, hell, it could be both.
And you shouldn’t be surprised at all due to the fact that this mf’s going to be showing up at your house guaranteed. You might tell him to buzz off but he won’t. :)
Even though he knows your name he’s already coming at ya with the fuckin’ nicknames, like: Bunny, little mouse, brat (lovingly), babes, sweetheart, literally anything he could think of for you.
Obsessive behaviour be really fucking cooking.
Overtime you somehow got used to Ghostface’s looming presence no matter how much of a flirtatious nuisance he is and it sort of sprouted into a weird dynamic from there.
And Danny on the other hand is obviously not getting bored of you at all any time soon, it’s never going to fucking happen bae. But you still find him annoying most of the time whenever he comes swinging by. And now you have Roseville’s infamous serial killer utterly fond with you and never letting you go. Can’t have shit in fuckin’ Roseville. >:((
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sjw-publishings · 5 months
Hey Everyone,
I don’t tend to write these kinds of posts on my tumblr page, however I feel this is necessary.
In the event you are not aware, Dumb and Jocked, the main person I do collabs with, and also who is someone who most people might consider to be one of the backbones of the Tumblr TF community, has deactivated his account and left us last week.
Most of the people and I do not know exactly why or how this happened, but it's the reality of the situation unless he somehow does return in the future.
Some tumblrs might still have some of his stories reblogged, including mine, however some of which cannot be accessed as they are stuck at the ‘read more’ page. Notably his longer stories ‘Branded’ and both parts of the major collaboration we did together in ‘Narrow residences’.
If anyone has any of these stories saved somewhere, it would be great if you could either link it to me or post it on Tumblr.
Below will be my farewell to him, in the event he ever does somehow read it. This probably is not the best farewell letter, but it's the best I could do in such short notice and also posting it publicly. —————————————————————
Hey Dumb and Jocked,
Thanks for reading this, and I'm sad to see you go.
We’ve worked on various collabs together and it was fun throughout the years discussing various ideas here and there with you.
Unfortunately, after you left, it just feels really upsetting looking at the stuff you wrote. Even those that were saved from reblogs and reposts from other blogs. While I do want to keep them for memories and also because I did collaborate on some of them, it just feels much sadder trying to indulge in your stories or continue in sequels of it.
I was shocked that you would leave us out of the blue, however a part of me anticipated this.
I'm mostly speculating, but this is a hobby that can be rather controversial and you contributed a massive ton, likely without any compensation. You were quite private in general and talked about stories and bounced off my ideas now and then.
You sort of have a clean gateway if you decide to ever leave for good, as you probably are not really close to anyone here other than writing TF stories.
Some of us hoped that you might return, and speculated maybe it's tumblr accidentally banning you and you would get your account back, but as the days went by, it only reaffirmed that my anticipation was likely correct.
I myself mostly continued on tumblr for you, and I'm not sure if I would continue now that the main reason and person I stuck around for has left without letting any of us know. It is something I will have to decide for myself in the future.
If you ever do return to Tumblr or decide to message me privately to talk about things, that would be great. I do hope you return, even if you don’t write stories that frequently or even at all, so we could talk for a bit.
However I know that I won’t wait forever.
That’s all I will write in this letter. It was fun writing and discussing TF stories with you while it lasted.
-Sjw Publishings
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frecklystars · 2 months
I’m in the hospital but I’m gonna be ok + I’ll be going home in a couple of hours. I’m sorry if I worried anyone. I have had the worst year and a half of my life and it is very obvious I am not handling it well
I put a lot of pressure on myself to try to enjoy today specifically because I think I unconsciously told myself that if I couldn’t enjoy today, I could not possibly enjoy any day; if I cannot feel good with these f/os who mean so much to me, then that must mean I can’t feel good with any f/os, that it is proof I am incapable of healing unless if I am able to feel good self shipping and celebrating an f/o anniversary today for the first time in two years.
But that wasn’t what made me spiral so badly— what drove me to make such an impulsive drastic decision that led me into being injured + at the hospital was just, my ptsd and the situation I’ve been stuck in has been so. fucking. vile. It has been extremely difficult for me to feel safe IRL, as well as with self shipping, which is awful because self shipping has always been my strongest coping mechanism for a little over twenty years. Not having self shipping feel the same for the last year and a half has been so hard, and I still haven’t found any other coping mechanism as effective (affective??) I find it difficult to feel joy anymore bc my ptsd/anxiety has been flaring up so much it has made my depression astronomically worse.
which is what today was supposed to be for, I am supposed to be celebrating the fact that I found two f/os who made me feel safe again for the first time one year ago and breathed some life back into me to help me self ship again. But i never feel 100% safe. I never really feel fully loved or like I am able to relax with any of my f/os because my trauma feels like it’s done too much damage. I grieve the special interest I lost every day, i grieve the 200+ tf f/os that I was conditioned to believe would harm me. Besides tf, I have still lost so much due to trauma. Songs, colors, certain clothes, certain phrases, certain animals, characters, there’s so many triggers. I don’t go a day without getting triggered by something and then getting angry with myself for being triggered, beating myself up for being traumatized. Then I feel utterly heartbroken that this happened to me. Then I get angry again because this all should never have happened to me. It’s like, the moment I’m triggered I start snowballing, and I cannot find the off switch. I don’t know how people are able to turn off their emotions. I can’t function.
I don’t go a day without a flashback or a nightmare reliving everything that happened to me, that is still happening to me. I am always crying over the things I’ve lost and I really don’t think I am able to go back to the person I used to be. I already was so unhappy before my trauma, which is why I was so reliant on self shipping my whole life, but now I’m like… just some scared, broken, jittery thing. I feel like just a shell of a person way too often and it’s so hard to not feel hopeless
I had today all planned out these last 2 months, I had a special breakfast made, I was planning a really good dinner, I was going to make a beach cake and heart cookies, I ordered flowers, etc. a ton of shit planned. I was going to go to the beach, go to the movies, customize my dolls. My favorite part of f/o anniversaries is looking back on my love notes and reblogging them. I had sooo much planned for Barbie and Ken for my blog. They’re so important bc they’re the only good thing I’ve been able to cling onto this whole year, yet I am doing so fucking badly and have barely felt anything for them for a few months now bc I’m so overwhelmed with reliving my trauma. I didn’t get to queue anything special for today. I should really be happy today but I’m not, and it’s really making me believe “ok well if I can’t feel any joy from these f/os then I can’t feel any joy with anyone ever again bc my ptsd is just too fucking bad.”
I haven’t slept *at all* in the last couple of days which obviously makes my emotional distress way worse. i could not for the life of me make today work. I wasted a lot of time and energy and money trying to feel something for my f/os when I am in the worst headspace. I don’t think it’s worth even postponing the anniversary celebration bc I just feel… absolutely nothing except dread and grief 24/7.
I don’t know what else to say. Physically I am injured and emotionally I am Not Okay, but I’m alive I guess. I didn’t want to go offline and say nothing whatsoever because then people would probably worry after seeing that last post. I am sorry if I worried anyone, I am obviously just. going thru it right now and idk when it’s gonna get better. I’m gonna try to get back into the habit of self shipping and watching movies with friends again, y’know like the saying fake it til you make it, maybe it’ll trick my brain into feeling better. I won’t go offline entirely but I am probably not gonna open any messages for a while, I’m sorry I know I haven’t opened any dms in over 4 months, it’s just been so hard and my energy levels are dead. But I make sure they’re unread/unopened so the notification is still there to remind me and I’ll be able to get back to ppl when I gather the strength. Um I don’t know what else to say. I love you.
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joyswonderland1108 · 1 year
This is so fucking tiring.
Notice how my posts keep on being rants despite me trying to see the bright side of things? But the way this goddamn fandom treats both Jimin and Jungkook is absolutely disgusting (Again i’m not talking about the good ones out there, y’all know yourselves, kudos to you).
No wonder solos hate “OT7″ asses, i don’t condone any “solo’ness” but this fucking fandom gives them every right to hate their guts. Imagine loving a person so very dearly and a group of people who are supposed to treat that person with respect actually treats them like shit, how the fuck can you like these people or respect them. How do these oh so-called OT7s enjoy calling out solos when they can’t even call out themselves on some bullshit they pull out, learn to admit your own flaws before seeing other people’s flaws. 
Not only did people completely fail to see Jimin’s pov through his album, completely denied the symbolism in it, pulled lots of homophobic comments from their asses because they just can’t fucking accept that his album was queer-coded, wanted so bad to make “Like Crazy” a break up song when Jimin himself explained that it wasn’t inspired 100% by the damn movie’s story, ignoring completely that the boy made a whole album about his struggles and frustrations, something deep something that needed an open-mind and lots of understanding.
But now they’re completely ignoring the fact that “Seven” is a fucking single not just some images. Remember my post about Tiktok Army? Well they’re still at it. I keep on clicking on “not interested” but the way these videos are just so endless that they still pop up on my fyp.. Again i’m not linking any Tiktok i’ll post screenshots feel free if you want to consult the page but honestly i don’t want to give them clout
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It’s all about the MV, explicit version, JK was topless in the ONE picture that dropped, y’all thirsty motherfuckers can’t even bother be excited for the actual single, and this is not even the worse Tiktoks out there, everybody is more concerned about it being explicit and having a woman in the MV, they’re all like “Oh well he was topless in the schedule picture that dropped which means the MV will be sexy, JK will be naked, JK will be grinding on Sohee” MOTHER.FUCKERS! Do y’all even care about JK? 
For all i know y’all smartasses, Jimin’s concept photos had him topless too, or specifically naked under a blazer but he was NOT in “Like Crazy” and in “Set me free pt2″ he was because he had a whole ass poem written on his chest, now what? Are we going to pretend this never happened? I swear it’s sickening they’re not even allowing us to enjoy the build up until July 14th, i try to distract myself but it ends up being there on my face no matter what. 
And to answer @milan1013 on your reblog about the live
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There’s nothing wrong with the tiktok but the caption got me, because tell me why tf are people now shipping JK with Mingyu from a damn less than 2min Live knowing damn well these two are very dear friends. Again, i will say it again and again and FUCKING AGAIN!!!! JK is shipped with every living being, everything and everyone that breathes his way is shippable with JK that at some point do people even see him as a human being or.. ?
Sure it’s fun when it’s innocent all jokes ha ha but God fucking dammit the fact that out of an MV of a song that neither one of them even dropped, he’s already shipped with an actress and from a damn mini live he’s shipped with his friend now seriously where the fuck are we going, it’s becoming less and less fun each day to be in this fandom..
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muwapsturniolo · 3 months
i dont know what your problem is with me but i was only trying to be nice by defending you thats it. you blew it out of proportion and had to make a reblog about it when you could of just dmed me the first time and i wouldve never posted the second one. and for the anons saying shit i dont talk shit about anyone with addi we mostly talk about fic ideas and random shit that really aint nobody buisness. i also dont send myself anons because thats not possible nor does addi send them into me. i literally just woke up a hour ago and people are tryna start unnecessary drama.
Nobody said I got a problem with you, if I had one you would know, TRUST. I ain’t blow shit out of proportion considering YOU decided to respond to ANOTHER anon talking shit about multiple people!!!! First time it was funny, cuz what the actual FUCK are these bitches on? Then another acct got an anon and I ignored it, then it jumps back to you and you respond, IM FED TF UP AND I CAN RESPOND ANY WAY I WANT TO! WHY TF I WANNA LOOK AT MY TUMBLR NOTIFS AND SEE THAT SHIT!? THE ONLY SHIT THAT WAS DIRECTED TO YOU IN MY RESPONSE WAS TO STOP ANSWERING ANONS HATING ON ME AND OTHERS, I APPRECIATE YOU DEFENDING ME AND OTHERS AND TO BLOCK THE ANONS AND TURN ANONS OFF!! So explain how I was suppose to know you was gonna get another anon and respond to it? And notice how I said the words “respectfully” and “I appreciate you defending us”!!!
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Tbh idc about what you an addi talk about cuz ion even know yall fr so I could care less! I didn’t say you send yourself anons I said I hope you aren’t because that would be really fucked up and weird! So like I told addi, and now im telling you, tell these bitches to leave me tf alone cuz now I got people being racists towards me all because I told you to not answer no more anons talking shit about other writers!
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primaviva · 1 year
my experience with rashad.
tw: racism, use of the n-slur (hard r for context) proceed with these things in mind and also don’t go and bring him attention by going to his page as he should not be on the internet for his own peace and everyone else’s. this is going to be long and have a lot of receipts/descriptions. do not send him shit on my behalf i ain’t move like that.
before i start, i want it to be clear that this is not confirmed. however, he has a history of doing fake anons to himself and to his (ex) moots from what i learned to either start drama, topics, or fw them so he can act as a supporter or victim if he sent the anon to himself. and this is NOT me jumping on the rashad toxic gossip train of tumblr 2023 but this type of behavior is disgusting and inexcusable. i am very convinced that it was him and want to share it to you all while leaving it open to criticism and speculation but PLEASE be careful and pick up the warning signs with these people from everyone coming out with stories about him.
now let’s get tf into it cus it’s a lot…
me snd rashad became moots after he noticed me like a post of his i think. his first inbox to me was him trying to do self promo for a fic of his he was writing which i thought was odd and a little weird so i ignored it but he ended up continuing to inbox me random things (which i don’t generally mind) so we ended up building some mutual association or sum on here.
however, around 9-10 days ago, rashad had got “sent” something in his inbox about afro latinos. this was the ask:
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now, i am not going to invalidate afro latinos who have experienced this. as a latino, i have experienced prejudice but that is never comparable to a black latino or a black person in general who is mixed/has another ethnic group of origin. these things are said to people and have been said to me in a different context. however, this ask was directly after he had posted it and on top of that it simply is not something someone would say as an ask. i don’t know how to describe it, but it’s too directed, crafted in a way that it’s wording seems like someone trying to be racist, and so on. we had never talked one on one either so i was confused when i first saw he had tagged me in a post since i hadn’t seen what it was about yet. i don’t know how to describe it but there’s something in the wording and just the context of it all that made this ask so in genuine almost as if it was something he had asked himself on another account.
this was me tagged in it:
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i of course reblogged and said my peace and now disgusting and ignorant it was because afro latinos are a minority even in their own community because of generationally taught racism from colonization and just our traditional way of life and teaching stripped from us and our culture. but at the time, i had no idea of his “track record” of doing this type of thing or even the drama he was getting messy with behind what everyone knew of him.
i wanna say this as it’s very important as to what i have to show next. i am not black. i have never stated that and my day one followers and moots know that i have black family and in fact most of my relatives are afro latino but i, myself, am a lightskin latina which is something i feel i have always made known at least in sum damn context clues. i also want to add that this took place september 18th and that’s alway really important to the story.
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ok now lemme get into why this is even a post.
shortly after this, i had gotten sick and ended up going on a break from just the internet in general because i needed to rest my ass up before even doin a thing like school and writing n allat. i was gone for around 3-4 days. so this post was long “old” or at least not being seen by anyone. and the thing is my spam posts never get hella reblogs unless i add hashtags or say something that makes everyone and they mama wanna join in on the conversation. so tell me why, exactly three days later, around the day i came back, i receive this in my inbox:
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what the fuck is this? like genuinely.
i had not seen this the first day i came back because my inbox was flooded with my actives rambling to me, compliments, requests, etc until yesterday morning when i was taking the time to reply to some stuff and it had come up. i was gagged like this language was so vile, nasty, ignorant, and dumb as fuck. why? for starters, i am not afro latino or black. me and others believe that rashad was under the impression that by the few posts he saw of me talking about the issue that he just assumed i was afro latino as well. i am not and people that follow me from long before all this know that.
and like let’s really read the text and what it says because it’s speaking about black latinos not being latino because they have no “true” spanish or indigenous blood, which is something that this man is always talking about and presents, to me, as an insecurity (a valid one DONT get it twisted) as a afro latino. he, or “anon,” goes on to call me the n word with the hard r multiple times and tells me i should have stayed a slave and then goes on to bring up taino ancestors (my ancestors) which i just found beyond disrespectful and crossing a big ass fucking line. im not sure if im describing this well, but just by the way that these anon asks are worded they seem very “fake” as in not that this couldn’t happen or hasn’t been told to anyone, but it doesn’t feel organic and just feels like forced racist comics to give you content.
he also texted me for the first time in tumblr dms the same day as this post or the day after the ask was sent to me, i believe, so coincidence or not …
i am 85% sure this is rashad.
to me, it feels like he did this as a way to maybe validate how he feels as a afro latino with other mixed latin im him since afro latinos face so much prejudice. however, to seek validation by doing an anon to yourself about your own post to get others to hype you up and validate YOUR ethnicity is completely unhealthy especially in this way. THIS was vile. THIS was uncalled for and beyond einstein level comprehension skills. THIS is inappropriate and a sign you shouldn’t be on tumblr.
rashad has been involved in a lot of drama public and not and has a constant thing to blame it on his “episodes” and such. while i think that self diagnosing is valid because people, especially poc, can’t get proper mental care rn, to state it as a fact is something that self diagnosers do not do and acknowledge it isn’t right. even so, it is not valid to blame bad behavior on your mental health. and even if you did “take accountability,” in your so called apologies rashad, you go from saying you don’t use your mental health as an excuse but at the same time use it in that context for why you shouldn’t get hate and we should all stop criticizing you and your actions because it should all be forgivable in a way where we can just move on with no consequences.
yes, rashad does suffer from mental illnesses or some type/types of mental issues whether they are underlying or not but the problem is that the internet is literally his scapegoat from this and is feeding into his problems which is why he does the anons, the posts putting people on blast, etc. if you have not seen he has taken this drama from tumblr to discord to instagram. but it is clear he does not feel any microscopic ounce of guilt or genuine sorry in this specific situation. he says he’s “acting like the big person” but goes to attack people who tried to talk some sense into him in his petty onika miraj type posts sayin shit about shoving ice dildos into peoples puss puss and sneak dissin mfs who have a right to see what he’s doing when he is continuing to be petty in the heat of this whole thing by talkin abt people.
he’s struggling with so much and the internet is not for him and it shows in the way he handles confrontation, parasocial relations w people online, and how he copes with his issues by running to tumblr or any other social media. he has stated before he is an ex manipulator and so on and a place like this is not where he needs to be. so do not feed into the anons he sends, do not feed into the petty and compulsive posts he puts together, and just don’t interact with him. he needs to find his own inner peace on some preacher to the church type shit like this a tyler perry movie and not effect those around him with his own internal mess.
so don’t take this as me trying to like ride off this situation or just me saying these things just because all my moots or in it and i wanna be involved on some nosy bitch shit. but something like this is very serious and i was gonna be quiet on my suspicion but something as disgusting as this being said to me and not put on some blast by my classy ass just didn’t feel right. do not go to his page like he his “gone” just take this in a way to educate yourself on the typa person he is and as an example of why you shouldn’t get emotionally attacked to the internet or get involved with people like this.
pay attention to how ppl act and the red flags so you can just cut them off and save y’all both the “i survived” trauma. again, this isn’t confirmed (the racism post) because i have no way to prove it but he has a history of it and i just wanted to come out with this because it made me uncomfortable and disgusted.
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artisplatters · 7 months
Hey who tf is willber?
Like you are posting about some big controversy and I have no clue what you are talking about
Wilbur is Wilbur Soot, a former MCYT that was part of the Dream SMP and the QSMP who also makes music, both solo and in a band called LoveJoy
The influx of reblogs is about a controversy involving Shubble, another content creator and an ex of his, who's recently indirectly revealed that she dealt with abuse from him
I'm reblogging so much because I've only learned of this today, last 20 minutes actually, though guessing from the oldest post of the #wilbur situation tag this has been a thing for the past week.
I'm trying to learn of what I missed and gather information on the matter to form a decently developed opinion before I start diving into making my own posts about it
I love his music quite a lot and find I relate to it quite a bit as well, so learning of this is a punch in the gut to put it lightly. I knew he was no angel, listening to just a couple of his songs is enough to tell you so, he often paints himself as a "villain" in his work (as someone who deals with self-loathing, this is part of why I relate to the music so much) but this is beyond what I thought he'd do in the present day
I'm trying to tag the reblogs with the #wilbur situation so that might help you in blocking my reblogs and potential posts about it. I'm very sorry to have flooded your feed with this I genuinely am just trying to learn more about whats going on myself
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azurdlywisterious · 7 months
Ive been thinking about making a comic of all of my fallout ocs arguing with each other, but fake tumblr would work too
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⏳ start-startover reblogged mrhouseownsmysoul
😎 anon asked:
Look all I’m saying is that it’s kinda cringe to simp after a singer with a dead career :/
⏳ start-startover answered:
I know thats u suzie. Get tf off anon and say it to my face skank
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Its just embarrassing that youve risked life and limb for a knock off bing crosby is all
⏳ start-startover
At least im not married to a faceless corpse that doesnt care about anything aside from his pretty buildings
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Say that to my face again i fucking dare you. I’ll have you know that he is still very much alive unlike dean domino’s fucking career which mr house pays for need i remind you
⏳ start-startover
Ive felt guilt about a lot of things but i doubt putting you in the dirt will be one of them
#iykyk #im not explaining my time trapped in the timeloop again #just read my pinned post
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📻 not-another-guy-podcasting reblogged thecoolerscrewdriver
👄 thecoolerscrewdriver
It’s got what plants crave!
📻 not-another-guy-podcasting
It has electrolytes!
#also we’re out of vodka harvey #if you dont mind picking some up next time youre out
3 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery reblogged big-mt-head
💥 mygenderis-c4
I miss my wife
🧠 big-mt-head
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From what ive gathered @.mrhouseownsmysoul is very insecure about her relationship with the strip’s enigmatic ruler and decided to take it out on @.start-startover, possibly because @.start-startover killed @.robco-official while she was trapped in the time loop
💥 mygenderis-c4
Why tf did you @ them sir???
🧠 big-mt-head
I dont talk about people behind their backs?
🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery reblogged big-mt-head
Sir, i know youre new here, but like… youre allowed to vague people
🧠 big-mt-head reblogged uh-ohthemisery
Elaborate on “vague[ing] people” please
🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery reblogged big-mt-head
@.therealprimmshady come pick up ur weird robot girl shes scaring the hoes again
#i mean ive met her parents so im not surprised she turned out like this #but wow shes gonna get fuckin ratioed out here
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🍀 luckiestbastard reblogged not-another-guy-podcasting
Lots of drama going down in the mr house fandom tonight. Couldn’t be me
👄 thecoolerscrewdriver
Yeah couldnt be me
📻 not-another-guy-podcasting
Yeah couldnt be me
🍀 luckiestbastard
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#are yall those other side of the country ghouls that everyone keeps talking about?
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🍀 luckiestbastard reblogged mrhouseownsmysoul
💥 mygenderis-c4
I miss my wife
🧠 big-mt-head
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From what ive gathered @.mrhouseownsmysoul is very insecure about her relationship with the strip’s enigmatic ruler and decided to take it out on @.start-startover, possibly because @.start-startover killed @.robco-official while she was trapped in the time loop
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Yeah and shes gonna pay! Screw karma, ill collect your debt myself deja!
⏳ start-startover
Hows the bos bunker doing?
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Not my problem, legion scum
⏳ start-startover
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Dont put ur trauma in your pinned post next time
⏳ start-startover
Square up bitch ill snipe your pretty head off!
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
One second my securitron army needs me mwah mwah
🍀 luckiestbastard
Does anyone in this thread smoke weed?
108 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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👄 thecoolerscrewdriver reblogged not-another-guy-podcasting
📻 not-another-guy-podcasting
Its got what plants crave!
👄 thecoolerscrewdriver
It has electrolytes!
#punk just brew some urself #just pick some corn and razorgrain from the garden outside #unless we need new razorgrain plants
3 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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🌌 azurdlywisterious
On second thought, maybe it wouldnt be a good idea to give them all tumblrs
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oshidorifuufu · 13 days
psst you are given permission to rant about your oshis in the answer to this ask!!!! (*´∀`*) i wanna hear all about them!!!!!
hes cute, hes entertaining, he’s adorable, HIS ENGLISH is adorable, HES SO GOOD AT GUITAR!!!! AND SINGING!!! HIS AISHITE COVER OMG!!! AND I WANT HIS GOODS SO BAD!!!! HES INSPIRED ME TO PICK UP THE GUITAR AGAIN!!! and im so HAPPY because my guitar looks similar to the guitar in his model 🥺🥺
THIS HAD GOT TO BE ONE OF MY FAV IZURU CLIPS!!! HES SO CUTE!!!! https://youtu.be/wpK7_mhSMBo?si=lCmerRYcasUMeF7T (hakka english one)
OTHER FUN ONES: https://youtu.be/xN7qz89gSgw?si=Q67ns5T3kFj0modd , https://youtu.be/nUZZ5ylrU44?si=Tf-chkNQnNdQMkjk
(this roberu clip is so cute hehe) https://youtu.be/C5mH835w0LY?si=9niBq8V1enujoer7
https://youtu.be/l7lfYjVRz6A?si=sP7qDRgI5pG2tqLv , https://youtu.be/N5TkXb9F4dQ?si=fg3ciRwAEm1hRjTc , https://youtu.be/kXyzE01wtIE?si=W1NZ5gF7eKj8ic61
i was so glad to be there live…
IN THE SECOND CLIP SPECIFICALLY, I WAS SO SURPRISED THAT HE COULD JUST DRIVE OFF LIKE THAT 😭 it probably sounds weird but i always find myself clinging to people on online games like that!?!??!? i get so upset if they leave me -w- is that a bpd thing or me just being weird
HES SO CHILL AND NORMAL AND FUNNY AND WHAAA??? I WANNA BE LIKE HIM!!!! (except im too mentally ill for that)
HIS LORE IS BASED OFF THIS SONG!! and even outside of his lore, he actually has a pretty depressing background, he’s talked somewhat abt his toxic family, being bullied by teachers, etcetc, which makes him feel really real and relatable. im so happy that he gets to be happy doing this now!!! >_<
he mostly does horror streams!! even tho i cant handle horror they’re pretty fun hehe
im kind of hyperfixated on these guys rn especially holostars >_< they make me so happy and i will absolutely fucking BAWL my eyes out whenever any of them inevitably graduate (quit streaming)
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aavcut · 9 hours
i was supposed to be the first one who likes all your posts and reblogs but i no longer will be
i hate myself i was going to give selfcare a shot but im not going to even try
why tf do i say i feel like an angel im not im a bad person
i deserve everything that has happened
i deserve to beat myself up cuz im not perfect
i cant even leave i would just do the same thing i do when you arent on
i want to kms its not going to get better
i deserve the most abusive bf and then be treated like garbage more and more
it isnt going to get better because i have had symptoms of depression for almost 10 yrs amd no one listens so now i barely speak no one cares until ive done something stupid and thats ok i deserve it
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scummy-writes · 5 months
*summersaults in*
I’m not sure if you were doing the “tell me what passage, fic, line of narration, or anything you remember me by as a writer” thing but if not… I hope this ask finds you well 😅
I just have to say how much I really love how you write Arthur 🥺 I’ve probably read them all, and they match his vibe so well.
Some examples of my faves~ MC too depressed to get out of bed? That’s one of my go-to comfort fics. Midnight Impulses? Chef’s kiss. Truly rent free.
And so back when you had commissions open, I immeeediately hopped on it… give or take 30 minutes 😅 and I was stoked to have another go-to Arthur comfort fic I could lean on.
There was a moment when I was rereading it that I kinda just “huh… I know it’s ‘Arthur’ saying this but really it’s Scum giving me really solid advice rn as the author” and it broke my brain for a lil while. The same thing happened with Uncomposed Sorrows. It was kinda like a friend giving a word-hug to others who are stressed tf out.
(I may have reread Uncomposed Sorrows earlier today. I may have also gotten a lil emotional about it again. Hard to say.)
But idk, I think your ability to write great comfort fics is pretty rad. It’s a special kind of empathy, and my god does it seem vulnerable (I still haven’t talked myself into posting any). But I can vouch for yours helping me feel better during ~the sads~. I also want to mention that you’re always kind and empathetic, even when it’s just chatting, and that’s also pretty rad.
Sorry if this was weird/random, but if it is *Keef voice* you can punch me if you’d like 😭 also you absolutely don’t need to post this if you don’t want to, I just wanted you to know you’re cool 🥹
*dodge rolls out*
aww moth. I did reblog it but after a few hours i felt self concious and deleted it, so you may have seen it intially hahaha 👉👈 this isnt weird at all! this is very flattering and very very very kind of you to send. put the keef voice away!!!
i don't know if you *want* a behind the scenes for those stories, because I understand that the disconnect of 'this is Arthur saying this' verses 'this is Scum saying this' may sort of strip some of the fun from the stories, so feel free to ignore this part:
for the 'Mc too depressed to get out of bed' fanfic, and Uncomposed Sorrows, both of those were. well, I was depressed! The bed one I was holed up in bed for a few days in an awful depression fit, and then for the other I was very, very, very frustrated at myself for being unable to write. When I get in these moods (thankfully, the first one not happening for a few years), i do try to think of my favorite characters witnessing me in such a state, or. loosely an oc. and consider how they may react and how they would help. In both of those, i imagined Arthur would know the telltale signs of depression, how awful it can get, mixed in with a few other issues. I imagined that he's likely very experienced with both as well, especially since he has ptsd.
Arthur in those served as a voice of reason I needed to hear in those moments, or the voice of distraction- some kinda reminder that things are fine, and so that's what I imagined when I was upset. and I wrote those out usually in the moment to help distract myself, and that may be why they sound very vulnerable! because I was very upset when I wrote those. writing them helped me process the emotions and accept that, well, if it was a fave chara who could relate to what I was goin through telling me these things, then it made it easier to swallow and accept.
In a way, it is also me giving advice, even if it is Arthur saying it, and in a way, it is arthur giving advice I feel like he may try to give in these scenarios.
I think i babbled a lot and made this sound confusing
I am very, very happy that these give you a lot of comfort, and i am happy the comm one does too!! I really wanted them to comfort others, so i am very happy that you're able to reread them again and it helps you feel better.
If you think posting some of your own vent-pieces will help you process whatever it is you're going through, then I encourage it! it's nice to have it written down that our blorbos would comfort us.
thank you again for the super sweet message moth!! it was really nice to read and I've read it about five times now, ahaha!
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noriirori · 1 year
A friend recently asked, "what's the reason why you're in that fandom you're in right now?" And I couldn't help but dip my toes into answering this question because the reason why I'm in the tf2 fandom is a bit amusing to me.
Okay, July 28 of this year I was scrolling through Twitter, and then I happen to come across a comic page about two characters I had no idea about. This comic is titled HeavyMedic comic | Milk strawberry popsicles by Cabbage on Twitter. Now, keep in mind I had no clue who tf these characters were, I just saw that first page of the comic and I knew I had to stay and read this entire thing (even though I have no clue who tf they were). The hot weather, the bald character carrying a popsicle to give to a black haired character with glasses who the bald man called "Doktor", even though I wasn't in the tf2 fandom nor did I know who these characters were, I just knew one thing and it's that these guys are absolutely gay for each other.
Now at this time, I was pretty hooked. Multiple questions were coming into mind: who were these guys? Are these the creators original characters? Or are they from a video game? A movie maybe? I couldn't help myself, so I commented.
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And ever since then, I was hooked! Since then, I've researched about this ship and eventually about the game itself. I've watched the official videos and read the comics, read fanfics, saved fan-art, etc.
I asked an online friend of mine (they were in many fandoms and I remembered them sending a picture of a group picture of a game that had those two guys.) if they knew which social media platform the tf2 fandom is very active on because I kinda wanna get involved in the community itself to talk and to engage in the fandom itself, and they said "oh, you should go to Tumblr since I've got mutuals that are active on there and they mainly post tf2 content." So, I downloaded Tumblr, made my account and since then, my feed is nothing but tf2 content (sometimes food and some other digital art stuff but tf2 definitely is my feed).
And after we shared the reasons why we're in the fandom we currently are in right now, they asked (the same friend who asked the first question) "and why did you chose to stay? Do you have favorite content creators in that fandom and why are they your favorite?"
First I'll answer, why I chose to stay. To keep it short and simple, it's because this fandom made me feel welcome and accepted. I love how nice the creators of artworks are, the writers, and the other people, who like me, also views fan-art in Tumblr. I love how there isn't really issues in the community (at least that I'm not aware of) and how respectful and funny people are. Obviously, we can't avoid that there is also a bad side to this fandom, and I was unfortunate enough to experience this type of treatment. I don't really want to go into detail but I guess *some* YouTubers are very homophobic which is so sad considering that most of them are genuinely fucking funny and their tf2 content absolutely bangs but as a non-binary pansexual myself, I can't let stuff like that slide. And thankfully, it is just some YouTubers, plus the content creators I watch in the tf2 fandom usually do SFMs instead of like having voice over shit and complain about the fandom enforcing LGBTQIA+ onto the characters. So yeah, I stayed because I'm in the good side of the community where people aren't fucking mean for no reason and respects and welcomes anyone despite whatever they are.
Also, the second question is a bit tricky because I LOVE ALL OF THE ARTISTS IN THE FANDOM each and every one of them are very much talented, amazing, beautiful, god-sent and wonderful. So, these are the artist that I mean:
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Yeah, I love all of them, also I know what you'll say "but some of them don't do art, they just reblog!" So? I still consider them as artist bcuz they share ART. Okay, my absolutely favorite like my number one is Ncalabby. Most of my favorite fan-arts come from them. They are my favorite,well, because they are the reason that I'm in this fandom in the first place but other than that, I love their art. I love how they do their line art, the background and how each color on every art of theirs contrast with each other beautifully and makes the subject of their art shine because of the color scheme. And I love how they draw Medic, strong and massive unlike those fucking twink ahh Medic that people seem to make him as he is. It's *fine* if that's how your style is but making Medic small and skinny because he's a support and heals people isn't right. But that's just my opinion though.
Now, SFM creators, there are some that I absolutely love because well, they contribute heavily into the fandom. I'll be ranking them into 3rd to 1st.
3. DasMxD - I love their series' if tf2 was realistic, their SFMs are very smooth and natural.
2. Winglet - this guy, has the *smoothest* SFMs animations ever. I love how the mercenaries move in a way that's very much smooth and very natural, and I love their videos so much.
1. the-sound-of-progress -> I love Dusty, despsite their works being comics I don't think that SFM is made for comics yet somehow their SFMs are very pretty and natural, I love that the fact that they info dump on their blog because I am very interested in making my own SFMs in the upcoming future but I still don't have my own PC but their info dump about Blenders, SFMs, how to fix if the Medic model has that black thingy on his gloves, etc. Their works are wonderful, and them as a person as well ks just as fantastic as their work is. I did message them, told them how much I loved their work and they replied, and we're very humble with themselves which I love so much. Like I always wait for them to upload their comics because I find them so entraining and godsent stuff. Also, Dusty contributes heavily on the red Oktoberfest content, if you don't believe me, check out their page.
So yeah, this was what I answered to my friend and because I have nothing else to do, I will just share it here on my blog. Anyway, you, what's your reason why you're in the tf2 fandom? I'd like to know!
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ofmdee · 5 months
foof. typing this out on tumblr because it feels easier to collect my thoughts here rather than twitter, lmfao, but MAN my creative well is bone dry rn, i feel like i have zero energy and motivation to work on projects and i just. it's driving me crazy lmfao, and in the back of my mind i know i'm burnt out and need a break, but it's so hard to take a break, because like, i don't have much else going on in my life rn, or ever, like fandom has always been a huge, important part of my life and i don't rly know what to do or who i am if im not obsessed over SOMETHING lmfao. my gf said last night something like, i guess it's hard to take a break when it's related to a hyperfixation/special interest and like!! yeah!! it's rly hard to untangle all of that!
but. idk. i don't feel happy rn with a lot of things irl and online, and i know i need to rest and do nothing and let the well fill up again but that also scares me? so i am just going to try to ease up on myself a little bit, try to go more than a day without feeling compelled to post something new just because i'm afraid ppl will leave or forget me or something if i don't constantly pump out Content. and i know i did this to myself, lmfao, i rly don't know how to do things in moderation and this is a constant cycle of going too hard and then abruptly losing all interest
my gf sent me this last night and even the first paragraph got me!!! like, that's ME!!!
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i am in the reluctant admission stage rn lmfao.
i am not going to say i am completely going to stop creating during this time, because that would be a lie, but i am rly going to try and chill tf out, stop worrying about getting fics done in time for mermay, and just kinda try to recharge. and i don't wanna say this is a firm break or whatever because when i inevitably fail at taking a break, i will end up beating up on myself, so im just gonna say i am gonna try to be like...... idk, creative Lite or something for a little bit.
im still gonna be around every day lmfao, but probably for less time than usual. i'm still gonna reblog/retweet things, and i'll probably have some original stuff as well, but i am not gonna keep holding myself to the impossible standard of having something new every day. and i know no one else expects that of me!!! but i have somehow put that expectation on myself. i can use this time to share some old favorites again instead!!
i just started a new game+ in coral island, so ive got that going for me, lmfao, and it's getting nicer outside finally and i rly truly need to touch grass more often!! idk why i always feel like i need a huge explanation for what i do, and it probably wont even be super noticeable to most ppl lol, but!! idk. sometimes i just need to work things out this way.
so, i am releasing myself of the burden of having some fics done for mermay, and posting daily, and feeling like i have to make tangible progress on creative projects on the regular. or, that is my goal, at any rate. i think i'll just focus on gifs/still shots for mermay, my fics will be ready when they are ready 😤 but even if i don't do that much, it's okay!!! mermaids are good any time of the year imho.
i just need to get to a point where i actually Enjoy the process of creating again, because it feels like a chore rn and i hate that :((((
idk, anyway if u read all this thank u, thank u for following me and liking what i do, here is an old gif for ur troubles
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pimosworld · 1 year
I’m working on a long fic set before the reader and tf boys are officially together and I’ve been struggling to finish so I figure why not post a snippet to motivate myself.
The story of us
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“Hey Santi”, you try to hide the quiver in your voice and the constant sniffling. “I’m so sorry, I can’t make it tonight I’m just not feeling well”. You stammer out hoping to end the conversation as quickly as possible.
“No,no not again, this is the third time”, he says sternly yet his voice is laced with concern. “I’m not above begging, but you can’t tell the guys or I’ll have to kill you”. He chuckles nervously on the other end.
You can’t hide the barrage of tears that start to flow because you know how much he cares and you feel so guilty canceling on them-again.
“Cariño, I was just kidding, please don’t cry, you can tell them I begged if it means we get to see you” his voice now laced with obvious panic.
You’re trying desperately to calm your breathing and push down the guilt that you feel for lying yet again to your best friend. “ I know you were just joking, I just…” hiccuping between words trying to stave off a horrible panic attack. “I had a long week and work was so stressful, I don’t want to put a dark cloud on the night”.
He knows you're lying but he’ll never push you.
“Okay cariño, you said that last time but I won’t push you”.
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated and let me know if you would like to be tagged once it’s finished.
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hyukalyptus · 10 months
i feel like younger fandom writers on tumblr are starting to feel like they have to be sort of ""influencers"" and respond to every single bit of feedback and get as many reblogs as possible but that's never been what tumblr has been about and it's sad because i've seen this idea people give themselves drive writers off the website in newer, younger fandoms. if i'm in your inbox, even if it's some big idea i'm putting down, you can just reply like a conversation. i'm not expecting a piece of writing, i really just want to tell someone and have them respond "OH MY GOD I'M FOAMING AT THE MOUTH" and maybe even "thats so hot and he'd do this too" but i feel like writers are putting a lot of pressure on themselves lately, or maybe it's just this fandom idk, to write a fic for every single idea that comes into their mailbox because they feel like "that's what writers do" or something and it's like??? you don't have to be a Public Figure here. it's just a fuckign social media website and the weirdest most fucked up one. i'm sure you get asks like "hey why didn't you write such and such" but like. you're just here to converse and share the things you make this isn't your fucking job so ignore that shit and do what feels comfortable to you. idk if this sounds harsh or not but really the point is just do whatever the fuck you want
idk if this is a rant specifically toward me or if it’s supposed to be a suggestion for others..but i feel like i have a pretty clear boundary and that is stated clearly in my guidelines. i do understand that this is something silly and meant to be fun and i treat it that way.
i’ve never felt pressured to do something i didn’t want to do. i know i posted a “i have a full time job and i go to school!” post yesterday but that’s because i have drawn that boundary and i do understand that this is a low priority and it’s for fun. if i don’t like an ask, i delete it! which i do so often tbh. i don’t rly advertise that bc i want ppl to feel like they can inbox me.
and again, i’m not sure if this is directed at me fully, but i have never said anything along the lines of “because that’s what writers do.” as i’ve said in my guidelines, i understand i am not here for you or any other reader. and i am fully comfortable deleting any ask and blocking whoever tf i want.
perhaps this in response to saying something like “this didn’t get a whole lotta notes :(“ or something? and if it’s that, that’s not meant to be taken too seriously! it’s more of a “omg why doesn’t anyone else wanna giggle about kai with me rn?” just like irl if i’m w a group of ppl and i’m sharing something i rly like and that i created and i get very little response i’ll be slightly :/ but i’m not taking it personally. i’m sorry if it came across as pressuring others to provide feedback.
perhaps this is in response to my poll i have up rn. i’m doing this because many readers have suggested us writers interact back with them. and they’ve requested that from multiple writers. which i see as a fair request to be completely honest. however, i don’t feel pressured into doing that. i want to show appreciation to my readers that leave feedback and idk maybe it’s because i’m autistic, maybe it’s because i’m old and don’t do social media well, but it can be very difficult for me to talk to people in any form (online or offline) so i wanted to know what form would be best received.
but at the end of the day- i definitely do not see myself as an “influencer”—that is actually my worst nightmare. i have never felt pressured to write a response to anything, i’ve never felt pressured to respond within a certain time frame, a certain length, or anything. i still haven’t posted half my kinktober shit! i’ve never prioritized this over work or school. i do write whatever the fuck i want or i wouldn’t write about “unpopular” things like kai smut (bc let’s face it, they’re always super unpopular), chubby!reader, or other kinks. and i make that clear in my guidelines!
and yep, i see this as something silly that i do as a hobby but that isn’t my place to dictate how other writers should feel about their blog. if they want to take it seriously bc they view as their art, that’s fine with me. if they wanna write for validation or for as many notes as possible, that’s fine w me because they’re doing whatever the fuck they want.
writers: i do encourage you to not feel pressured to write to things you don’t want to, but i don’t feel like many of you do that anyway. this is meant to be something fun and if you’re not having fun, don’t do it! but i’m still having fun with this so i’m gonna do it. and i’m sure y’all are having fun too. i ofc hope my moots stick around, but i would of course understand if you decided to never log back in again someday.
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