#reblogs are highly appreciated aha I love reading tags a lot ^__^
nyamcot · 2 years
um...what da scallop.. (they’re playing Mario kart ds)
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Redrawing of this image!!!!!! ^___^
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anuknowha · 6 years
Till Death Do We Part//Chapter 5, Papers
I would highly appreciate it if you reblog it and all its lovely tags. Thank you!
As they stepped in they couldn’t help but marvel at the site of the long aisles of metal stands that contained many cardboard boxes. It seemed to go on forever, further than they’d want to go.
The door locked behind them as they each took another step in leaving them in complete darkness. This caused them both to jump.
A light slowly flickered on, it was dim.
“Hello.” a voice said from the corner nearest to them. It was a computer monitor, the screen was a bright blue.
“Welcome to the celebrity database. May I ask who you are looking for?” it spoke, its voice monotone.
“Yes-” John trailed off stepping towards it. “I would like to search for George Harrison’s news articles.”
“I’m sorry, but he is a band member of yours, you are to find him yourself if you would like to see such papers.” it replied.
John sighed and shook his head. “Of course I do. Now does that mean this is under “B” for “Beatles” or is it under our own names?”
“I suggest you check “B”!”
“B” it is mate!” John stormed off with George left behind still looking at the computer, almost admiring it.
“Ey, John, we didn’t even have such advanced technology back when I died.” George grinned as he looked around for his bandmate.
“John?” he saw him looking for the “B’s”. It was a process that took a while.
Minutes had passed, hours maybe even, and George sat down next to the computer. Occasionally he would touch it and it would respond to him with a question. He was completely taken aback by the reactions this machine would give him, and soon enough he grew quite fond of it. They soon started up a conversation, the computer telling George things such as the point of the room, and why it was created. This caught his interest and he would listen, until they were both caught off guard by John letting out a frustrated scream in the distance. George turned his head in his direction.
“I can’t find a single bloody thing in here!! I’m sure I’ve been searching hours, looking for a paper that probably doesn’t exist! I see everyone but us and we were better than Jesus! I bet his name is here, isn’t it?!” John shouted.
“Jesus. Many articles have been found, including movies and documentaries. Which section would you like to search?” The computer stated almost mockingly.
“No! I don’t want to find Jesus!”
“I’m finding all my favorite actors and actresses but I can’t find a single paper about us and its making me mad. Why can’t I just find the Beatles?”John sighed.
George couldn’t help but cover his mouth and let out a small snicker.
“Aha!” John shouted in what George assumed was a feeling of success. He had looked up and found the exact box he was looking for.
“I found them, the Beatles folder. Absolutely great!” John went in to grab the papers and found that there was nothing on them. He flipped through the entire box, paper after paper completely blank.
He threw the box to the floor in anger.
“This box says Beatles and there’s nothing in here George!! There’s not a thing in here! Everything is blank, no writing, nor is there an explanation!!” At this point he had a mental breakdown. He sat on the floor and brought his knees to his chest, and held his hands to his head.
“Are you telling me that Janis was lying!?” he said as he held back a scream.
“Would you like me to find Janis Joplin?” the computer said.
“What!? No-!”
George looked into the distance and only shook his head at the thought.
“Why can’t we find ourselves?”
The computer registered this question, it took a minute to look and search for the answer, one that hasn’t been given in decades.
“According to the system of the Information Center, members of the same band cannot view each other’s information. This is due to the fact that they are closer to each other than any other person here which only makes sense to inform them about other people. You are not allowed to see your own papers either because you more than likely know how you passed and when you passed, and if you don’t someone in here does and they are able to inform you with this information.” the computer declared.
“Than how come we can see theirs wouldn’t they know how they died, couldn’t we just ask them?”
“That is in fact true but this database was created to provide more information including documentaries that were created about them. Information that was released way after they had passed and that they are unable to find out anytime soon because of their bandmates still being alive. Yes, they can bring the information with them, but, there will always be more documentaries and movies that come out after a celebrity death and we want that to be more enjoyable, an accessible feature for all!”
The room was quiet for a while, and George could tell that John was staring at him from the darkness but he quickly turned to look back at the computer. It clicked in John’s mind that maybe there’s more in this than he knew, his curiosity brought him the thought of wanting to find new movies and documentaries of his band.
“I’m upset that this makes sense.” John commented pacing around as his mind started to race with thoughts about others who have been here, of others who have passed away and are now alive in this place. He knew a lot of these people died after him and that most of them, if not all of them, looked up to him and his colleagues in one way or another regardless if they publicly admitted it or not. He knew that his life had a big impact on everyone who was born after his time, and everyone who was alive during it.
“Hey computer, may I have Freddie Mercury’s files?” George hummed.
As John continued to process the databases methods, he picked up the box along with the papers that had fallen out before and sat them back on the self as neatly as possible.
“Yes!” A few boxes appeared around him. “These are articles on singer Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of the British band Queen.”
“Thank ye.” George nodded as he began to flip through the newspapers. He pulls one out.
“The Guardians. Hmm... “ curiosity peaked through him. He started to read, “Freddie Mercury, rock's showman incarnate, died last night, 24 hours after he confirmed he was suffering from Aids.Mercury, lead singer with the band Queen, had become a recluse at his home in Kensington, west London, over the past two years, fuelling speculation that he was suffering from the disease. He was 45.” George read out loud so John could hear.
John raised a brow, and decided to walk towards George, his footsteps becoming louder as he approached the man on the floor. He snatched the paper from his hand. His eyes scrolled through the words, looking for some cause.
“Freddie Mercury died of aids? Bronchopneumonia. Caused, by aids? Tch. How did he even contract such a thing?” John swung the papers in the air in slight disgust.
George continued to look through the papers. Finding another one that caught his attention, “Aye the New York Times.” he grinned showing the paper to John who was not at all interested.
“Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of the hard-rock group Queen, died today at his home in Kensington here. He was 45 years old. He died of bronchopneumonia resulting from AIDS, his publicity agent said. Mr. Mercury announced on Saturday that he had AIDS.” his voice lowered.
“Brave man admitting he had a disease. Most people didn’t even try to tell others while I was still around. Tragic death it was. I even felt bad for the poor chap.”
John failed to look up from the papers. He was completely indulged in the article about one of the men downstairs.
“Well, according to the papers and the channels that showed on the news. AIDS was brought on by homosexuality. I never believed it for a second.”
John peeked over the papers, his eyebrows furrowed. “AIDS? That wasn’t much of a thing when I was around. And homosexuality? Are you telling me that Freddie was gay?”
“Bisexual seemingly. And AIDS wasn’t a big thing until the year after you died, it became an epidemic, millions of people caught it and were unable to survive because of the lack of medicine. It was not at all a fun time, people would get really sick, die within months or years, some people didn’t even display serious symptoms and it ended them. A lot of the world blamed gays but it took forever for people to accept that it was more than that.” George nodded.
John took this paper, and he started to glance over it, George still digging through the boxes. As he picked up the boxes with tapes, movies, and dvds, something caught his attention. He started walking back towards the darkness to once again start searching for another Beatles box.
“So does that mean that, that guy that was standing next to Freddie was his boyfriend? Because I don’t remember any member of Queen looking quite like that.” John questioned.
“Yes, your spouse along with your band mates join you here when they pass. All are welcome. We don’t want you to be lonely in the after life, even with your band mates, sometimes you need your soulmate with you, that’s why you got married.”
“Hey George… Olivia and Yoko are going to be here eventually. My sweet sweet Yoko.” John said, a smile on his face as he hugged his knees tighter. “I miss her so much.”
Tears started to stream down his face, and he slowly wiped them away with his sleeve. He was overwhelmed with the thought of being united with both Paul and Yoko sometime in the future and he sat there in thought of what it would be like to see his two favorite people once more and be able to live with them forever this time around. He took time to remember the fun he had with the band, with Yoko, how all of them, even though broken up, were still a close knit family of four loving and caring goofballs. And even though he missed Yoko a lot, it was Paul who truly had his heart, he knew that Paul must’ve been crushed when he received the news. It happened so suddenly, he was so young, they all were, there was no signs of anything bad happening to any of them and his life was taken from him before the other Beatles all because a man wanted to end him.
He never knew why this man shot him or what he hoped to gain from it but he hated how early he left the world. He knew he wasn’t done back on earth but at the same time he knew that he couldn’t go back, he was stuck here and that’s just how it was. You live and you die and you can’t choose when you were born or how or when you die. ‘It's all about the path you lead’ he told himself many times in the past, but at times like this he would come to think something else. ‘What if this is all set in stone? That his fate was already made for him before he had been born, that he was going to die this same way unless, unless he decided to not create his band. Maybe if he had never been a Beatle he wouldn’t have lost his life so soon, maybe today, he’d still be with Paul, Ringo and George back on earth. It was a thought he never liked to have but couldn’t help but wondering too when he remembers how just him and George aren’t the whole group.
As much as he appreciates George being here, helping him through this, he still misses everyone who is still rocking out at home, his friends, his family that he knows are almost impossible to reach except for the feeling in their heart.  
“What’s this?” George picked up a brightly colored dvd case, it was purple and yellow, for the background. In the foreground was a man who looked and dressed similar to Freddie, leaning back and holding a microphone in one of his most iconic poses. The title on the top was “Bohemian Rhapsody.” written in a big bright yellow font. He turned it over.
“Golden Globes winner? Biopic of the legendary Freddie Mercury.” he turned to John, who was still wrapping his head around the articles and the thoughts of AIDS being a cause of death to a famous rockstar.
“Hey John, you might want to take a look at this one.” he said holding up the dvd high enough for him to see.
John glanced over to him in the darkness, his eyes red from tears. He was not able to see him from there but he got up and walked in his direction, trying to make sure all the tears that were on his face were wiped away. He had to snap out his own mind, his own thoughts to give George his full attention.
“What is that exactly?” He spoke, still a little choked up from the last thoughts he had.
“A dvd. It's like a tape, but updated, more around my time, and they became more popular than that of the VHS.”
“Interesting.” it caught the “older” Beatles attention.
“Bohemian Rhapsody?” he squinted. “Wasn’t that the name of that Queen song? What is that?”
“Apparently, it's a movie, a “biopic” as they call it. Its seemingly a movie about the life of Freddie and how he became a star. And must I say, the picture on the front looks exactly like him.”
John tried to avoid snatching it from his hand this time, his eyes stared directly at the cover.
“How come he has a movie all about himself and we have yet to see one about how famous we were!? We were more popular than Jesus! And we still lack a film as such.” He let out almost all his rage at once and soon calmed down as much as he could.
“I want to see this.” he huffed. “How can we view this?”
“I have a dvd player. You may insert the disc inside.” a small dvd slot slides out the computer.
Without a second to waste John opens the case and pops the dvd out. He looks at the disc and than to the slot. He puts it in carefully, still confused about the process. He takes a seat.
The movie started to play, showing many different previews.
“Would you like to skip previews?” the machine asked.
But it gained no response, John was intrigued by the camera movements, bright color and clear picture. He laughed to himself.
“We didn’t have such a thing back than did we!? This is amazing!”
George glanced over his shoulder, watching the previews as well until it came to the main menu.
“Would you like to play the movie? Or maybe you want to view special features.”  the computer questioned.
With John practically hypnotized by the amazing detail on the screen in front of him George had to respond.
“Play the movie please.” And with that it started, the voice of “Freddie Mercury” filling the room.
They sat there for over two hours watching the group of actors “perfectly” portray the life of Freddie Mercury. They were both highly impressed by the singing, and the staging.
The movie soon came to an end and the two Beatles were left with their mouth agape in awe.
“This was an amazing movie, I think it portrays him absolutely perfectly.” George clapped.  
John scoffed, not agreeing to finding the movie entertaining. He did not want to, “lose his battle.” It was obvious he was jealous but it was something he didn’t want to make obvious.
“I wonder if Freddie knows about this… we should tell him.” George grinned from ear to ear as he headed towards the door.
“No.” John responded bluntly causing George to turn around.
“No, we aren’t going to tell him, he has no reason to know about this. He doesn’t deserve to know about it. We haven’t got our movie and as far as he knows he hasn’t one either. We can keep it that way as long as we can, it’ll save both our pride and dignity.”
“Are you sure about this John? Don’t you think this is rude? Cut a man off from his victory?”
“And? Just promise me George that you won’t say a thing to him.” John sat his elbows on the desk in front of him. His fingers intertwined and covered his mouth. He blatantly watched the screen.
“I thought you loved Queen, they were around longer than us.”
“I do, but I do not like admitting a defeat, and trust me, after everything we put into that 10 years and what I put in after it, I refuse to be outdone. I sacrificed my life to this band, I died trying to save the music that we created together and society, after who knows how long still refuses to bring us what he had clearly created. I know we can’t be replaced, and I know that no actors would even be able to “represent” us the way we had ourselves, but out of everything, the least they could’ve done was given us what we worked for. We earned a movie, we earned our legacy and we earned the money we worked for. And I know Freddie has too, I believe he has, after all he was still making music with his band long after we had. Hell, they didn’t even form until after we disbanded, and yet, they had their legacy recreated in a more recent film. Remember, everyone knew who were were, regardless of race or religion, everyone knew our music, and they would sing along to. We had a cartoon, we had movies, we had stories to tell everyone that was nothing but jokes and laughs. But now, I’m pretty sure not a lot of people remember us these days, we aren’t as big as we use to be, I can feel it. I can feel our very existence as “The Beatles” fading George and I know you can too. And with that being said, I simply don’t appreciate being surpassed by anyone.”
George reached for his friend but quickly moved away when he saw only clouded eyes in the reflection of the computer screen. He swallowed hard.
I appreciate feedback!
Taglist: @lennonwhipped @rogers-flowered-blazer @peacelennon @caviarandqueen @caminc91 @sweet-mother-love
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