#recommended puroresu matches
bang-bang-gang · 2 months
this is free on the official youtube btw 😇👍
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fang-revives · 9 months
Syb's 2023 MOTY List!
I had a lot of fun doing this roundup last year! Though it feels like a patchier year than 2022 for great wrestling, there were still a few real standouts that blew my socks clean off. Here's my top 5 recs!
Jay White NJPW Departure Series (Wrestle Kingdom 17 IWGP Heavyweight Belt 04.01.20203, Loser Leaves Japan Match vs. Hikuleo 11.02.2023, Loser Leaves NJPW Match vs. Eddie Kingston 18.02.2023) 
It was so hard to pick a single match from this series so I chose not to. The sequence of these really tells a complete story I was fully glued to in real-time. The IWGP WK match I slept on a little bit because everyone was buzzing over Omega vs. Ospreay, but  I have to say when I finally watched it, it has wormed its way into my brain and has not stopped chewing. The Hikuleo match broke me a little for the last offered too-sweet. And if you forced me to pick a match of the three to recommend, it would be Eddie vs. Jay. There’s something special about Eddie being the man with so much integrity, so much love for puroresu, that he almost made me believe Jay would fight for New Japan and win. I’ll close this by saying it felt really graceful that Jay got to put an endpoint on his time in New Japan, and tell a little story with it. I’m not sure most wrestlers get the chance for whatever reason when their contract ends, but this felt like a beautiful Shakespearean tragedy, and a great way to end a killer run in NJPW.
Yota Tsuji vs. Ren Narita (G1 Climax 33, 18.07.2023) 
The most memorable G1 Climax match for me by a long shot. Physical, deranged, so many gorgeous spots (that I will miss dearly from Narita specifically as he heads off to do…whatever it is that you can call House of Torture spots). I rewatched this three times. I loved the tie booking for the Reiwa Three Muskateers, it made A-block super fun. I was really hopeful after Tsuji’s backstage comments that they’d make a story out of Narita shedding Shibata’s shadow…alas for the booking that wasn’t. 
Saki Akai Retirement Match (Tag match with Yukio Sakaguchi & Hideki Okatani, vs. Kazusada Higuchi & Naomichi Marufuji & Miyu Yamashita, 12.11.2023) 
There is so much to miss about Saki Akai. Although I honestly and sincerely wish more wrestlers would retire younger and let their bodies rest (or at least do a soft retirement and then come back to do bullshit) – god, I’m going to miss her. She’s been a mainstay on the DDT roster for as long as I’ve been watching and before, and carries the intergender work with unparalleled grace. This match was booked as a unique treat for me; who had an Eruption moment back when Sakaguchi and Higuchi had their singles match, and who loves both Marufuji and Yamashita. 
Swerve Strickland vs. Hangman Page Texas Deathmatch (AEW Full Gear 18.11.2023) 
TOXIC!!! YAOI!!! DEATHMATCH!! INSANE!!! This match probably would have made it on the list for the “stapling my son’s drawing and then drinking the blood from the wound” spot alone, good god. If people didn’t believe Swerve was a mega-star before this match, they surely do now. Match that made me dissolve into monkey noises, and easily my favourite AEW match this year. 
Mask vs. Mask 5-Way Cage Survival (Dragon Kid vs Shun Skywalker vs Strong Machine J vs Ultimo Dragon vs Diamante, 02.07.2023)
Dragongate is honestly a promotion I’d love to have the time and attention span to carve out some more space for. Luckily I do have puro friends who are willing to catch me up on the dynamics so I can swing by for banger matches like these. And wow, holy shit, this was a cagematch for the age. Pulling on the drama of Dragon Kid who promised the survival of his older mentor Ultimo Dragon – leading into the personal beef of Strong Machine J and Diamante, and crystallizing to another horrible moment from one of wrestling’s best working heels right now, Shun Skywalker. This match had it all!
Honorable Mentions
Eddie Kingston vs. Claudio Castagnoli (AEW Grand Slam 2023, 20.09.2023) 
Jun Kasai & El Desperado vs. Masashi Takeda & Rina Yamashita Thumbtack Board & Razor Cross Board Alpha Death (Pro Wrestling FREEDOMS, 11.08.2023) 
Hiromu Takahashi vs. Kazuki Hirata"Let's Have Fun!!" What Will Happen!? Fun Death Match (DDT Ultimate Party 2023, 12.11.2023)
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blackbellaswan1 · 6 months
monqiana i WANT 2 get in2 japanese pro wrestlin but idk whr 2 start . . . wat do u recommend ? 💔
i think starting with ajw would be cool Manami Toyota matches, Aja Kong matches Akira Hokuto matches,, Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda tag matches (they are evil as fuck) all on youtube!
all Joshi Puroresu is amazing that’s just 90s stuff fr
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Puroresu Best Bout Listing for April 2017
All Japan Pro Wrestling Suwama vs. Shuji Ishikawa, 4/16 @ Korakuen Hall Kento Miyahara vs. Jake Lee, 4/16 @ Korakuen Hall Kento Miyahara vs. Joe Doering, 4/22 @ Shinagawa Prince Hotel Suwama vs. Kengo Mashimo, 4/22 @ Shinagawa Prince Hotel Kento Miyahara vs. KAI, 4/23 @ Aore Nagaoka, Niigata Kento Miyahara vs. Daisuke Sekimoto, 4/25 @ Nagoya International Hall Shuji Ishikawa vs. Kengo Mashimo,…
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vashito · 2 years
......where can I watch Joshi Puroresu? I want to see the strong ladies you keep reblogging
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oh yes COME WITH ME anon let me show u! the first to talk about is Stardom Stardom right now is the biggest all-womens wrestling company in japan and probably the world for that matter and its match quality is INSANE good, really really good. Stardom has it's own streaming service at StardomWorld.com and costs 999 yen a month whiiich is about 8 bucks ish USD, from there you can start anywhere if you want to watch new or old shows. Stardom right now is absolutely KILLING IT and putting on great shows with great matches and better looking production its the best its ever been. If you are a wwe/nxt fan then you would know Io Shirai and Kairi Sane as Stardom alumni!
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my fav to watch there lately is Starlight Kid who is just so cool looking and great in-ring with a really cool mask and is having a really good year! and AZM and Unagi Sayaka i also like
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The alternative to Stardom if you want to sample something else would be to check out TJPW Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling. TJPW is a sister promotion to DDT and is available to watch on Wrestle Universe at wrestle-universe.com for 900 yen a month (7 USD)
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TJPW has Maki Itoh who i recommend you follow on twitter cuz she is actually fucking hilarious
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There is also Sendai Girls you can stream at sendaiglobal.pivotshare.com , Sendai Girls was founded by Meiko Satomura (who is the current NXT UK womens champion and was in the WWE MYC a few years ago) Meiko is also a badass and has had incredible matches with a lot of japans top stars over the years. and it doesnt stop there, theres also Ice Ribbon and also some great matches from AJW in the 90's and stuff but this is a great start anyway enough talk, tl;dr Watch STARDOM on stardomworld.com Watch TJPW on wrestle-universe.com Watch Sendai Girls on sendaiglobal.pivotshare.com or look some of these up on YT and see what you like! ENJOY ANON! womens wrestling is fucking awesome, go ham!
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gdwessel · 3 years
Rumors About Ospreay + Unrest In The NJPW Locker Room; Government Adds Okinawa to State Of Emergency, Another Extension Possible; Quick Review of DSOTR Collision In Korea; Shota Umino News!; Ren Narita on Dark Elevation; Satoshi Kojima In Impact Next Week
Strap in because this is going to be a long one.
There are rumors and reports coming out now (mostly from one source, the Voices of Wrestling website, from behind a Patreon paywall) that Will Ospreay's injury may not be what it seems, and there is growing discontent to the point of "mutiny" among the non-Japanese wrestlers regarding the state of emergency, the last-minute decision to resume touring when some were already travelling out of Japan, and the constant need for quarantining when coming back into Japan. Unfortunately this is as much as I can say, because this is behind a paywall, so until it gets made for public consumption I’m kinda limited in what I can say.
I can totally buy that all is not well within NJPW, especially after the COVID-19 bubble has burst. I've already discussed the creative malaise happening in the company right now. That there seems to be backstage dissent shows possible signs of trouble ahead for the promotion, and this golden period that we've been accustomed to is well and truly over. (I mean, it already was once lockdown happened, but they did the best they could, in my honest opinion, including a Pretty Good if not great WK15. Right now, creatively, we are below 2nd-half 2018 levels of poor.) But NJPW has weathered these storms before, although not with a global pandemic looming over everything. I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that Ospreay is indeed injured, because a) they haven't exactly been shy about wrestlers being injured and needing to vacate titles before b) if Ospreay is legit injured, he is far more likely to receive treatment as a citizen of the UK from the (somehow still alive if not totally hobbled by Brexit) NHS, as opposed to Japan's healthcare system which is far more like the US model. Some wrestlers are swearing up and down he is injured, from the rumors. Ospreay certainly hasn’t said anything in his own words, beyond RTing NJPW’s announcement of his injury and vacating the title, and posting a pic of himself kissing the belt. RevPro kinda sorta said something but were also pretty vague. But for an injury suffered on 5/4/2021, this pic posted on 5/18 does not look like someone who just had such a severe neck injury they need to fly back to the UK (mind you, it COULD have been taken much earlier than that). Indeed, Ospreay’s still-active Twitter is more focused on Hana Kimura at the moment*. All this said, professional wrestling by it’s very nature has a baked-in amount of bullshit as part of it, so that this injury might be phony is always a distinct possibility.
It is utterly believable there is conflict between wrestlers and management, and communication is piss-poor at best. It is also believable that NJPW and Bushiroad are only taking their cues from a government Hell-bent on holding an Olympics an overwhelming majority of those polled are against, and who are treating the extended state of emergency as a vague suggestion rather than as a, you know, state of emergency. Pretending everything is hunky dory hasn't worked so far, so not sure why NJPW, nor the Japanese government, think eventually it will. (And NOAH is on my shit list right now too.) On that note, the government has now officially added Okinawa to the state of emergency. There is also talk that it will be extended further, as a government subcommittee member is quoted in the article as saying “it is difficult to think” that it will be lifted on 5/31/2021. Among that talk is word that Tokyo particularly will be under a stricter lockdown if this goes on. On a piece of actual GOOD news, it has been announced that the government has approved both the Moderna and AstraZeneca versions of the vaccine, so perhaps the vaccination rates will start to go up at last.
* - The anniversary of Hana Kimura’s tragic death is tomorrow (5/23/2021). I still sometimes struggle with the idea she is gone. Tonight at 10:30pm EDT (which is 5/23/2021 12:30pm in JST), FITE TV will be showing a live Hana Kimura tribute show put on by her mother, Kiyoko Kimura. Have a look in if you can
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I was able to watch the Vice Dark Side Of The Ring episode on Collision in Korea, the two-night joint NJPW & WCW show from May Day Stadium in Pyongyang, North Korea, on 4/28 & 4/29/1995, as it aired Thursday. It will hit YouTube here pretty soon. I am working on a podcast project about this documentary, and the (WCW version of the**) show itself, with the good lads at the Days Of Thunder podcast, so I won't talk too much here, but I will say a few things about it:
I did appreciate the detail here, as well as being able to get an interview with Antonio Inoki for this, especially as he was the principal driver of this show happening. I did also like that they took time to detail Inoki's mentor, and the "father of puroresu," Rikidozan, who himself was a North Korean national by birth. I did not appreciate the mythical pathos they added to the death of Rikidozan, which by all accounts was a random street fight with yakuza over a perceived insult (stepping on Rikidozan's shoe). I also felt they could have done a better job explaining the situation between Japan and North Korea at the time. When the event was first proposed to the NJPW roster, Scott Norton recounts Masahiro Chono telling Norton that "they want us dead," but it took until introducing former CNN foreign correspondent Mike Chinoy nearly halfway through the documentary to (briefly) explain the brutal colonialism that Japan wreaked on North Korea in the first part of the 20th century.
Also, as salacious as DSOTR can get, I am very surprised one of the most famous rumors/stories about this show did not get discussed, the internet wrestling legend that Kensuke Sasaki and Akira Hokuto were, erm, Quite Vocal when they were together, which of course did eventually lead to their marriage four months later which continues to this very day. But that was also part of another critique I had, which is, they mainly focused on the WCW part of the events, when this was an NJPW promoted show. The way it was told on DSOTR, the only Japanese wrestlers there were Antonio Inoki, Shinya Hashimoto, Akira Hokuto and Bull Nakano. I'd love to hear more from the NJPW side of things, besides how proud Inoki was of this political stunt that did not get him re-elected to the Diet anyway.
Overall, I do recommend watching this when and how you can, because it is absolutely bonkers. I will definitely keep you posted on when the podcast project for this drops. ** - I've tried looking for the NJPW version and have failed so far. NJPWWorld only has two matches from this, Antonio Inoki v. Ric Flair, and Akira Hokuto v. Bull Nakano. The WCW version is not officially released, even on WWE Network, so yeah search the internet to see it.
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We finally have an update on Shooter! That is, Shota Umino. Earlier in the week, RevPro's official Twitter had a tweet saying This Summer, showing Umino in not only his white/pink Tanahashi-esque tights, but holding his Death Riders jacket from Jon Moxley, that Shota retweeted, making this his first tweet since September 2019. Two days later, a hype video appeared with footage of Shooter, including performing Death Rider. Now a Sports Illustrated article is claiming that Shooter was supposed to have reunited with Mox on the NJPW Strong episode that had Mox & Chris Dickinson face Yuji Nagata & Ren Narita, but Umino had an unspecified injury preventing that. (They further say that Mox v. Nagata’s IWGP US title match was originally set for Strong but Tony Khan convinced NJPW to hold it on AEW Dynamite.) Umino's last match listed on Cagematch was on 3/14/2020 in ATTACK! Wrestling in Cardiff, Wales, on the winning side of a 6-man tag match with Kyle Fletcher & Kid Lykos II defeating Shigehiro Irie, Chief Deupty Dunne & Los Federales Santos, Jr. It's great to have him back wrestling again, and I hope we get that reunion with Moxley soon enough too.
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As an update to an item from an earlier post, it appears that the Ren Narita v. Royce Isaacs match that was teased but then not aired on AEW Dark this past Tuesday will actually be on AEW Dark: Elevation this coming Monday instead. Also part of that will be approximately 35 other matches (I only slightly kid), one of those being Rocky Romero v. JD Drake. This usually drops on YouTube at 7pm EDT / 6pm CDT Mondays.
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This past Thursday on Impact, a video package showed that Satoshi Kojima would be appearing on next week's episode. This will be Kojima's first time ever wrestling in Impact under any name, as the last time NJPW and TNA were working together, Kojima was still away in All Japan Pro Wrestling. No word as to what he will be doing or whom he will be wrestling.
Also on Impact, Juice Robinson & David Finlay Jr. successfully defended the Impact World Tag Team titles against Ace Austin & Madman Fulton... before getting blindsided by two members of the Violent By Design unit (in this case, ECW veteran Rhino and former AJPW Triple Crown champion + cancer beater Joe Doering) with whatever Impact's version of a Anytime Anywhere Challenge is, and took the belts from FinJuice. They claimed FinJuice were going back to Japan, but, erm, who knows if that's the case or if it was for a time period when Wrestle Grand Slam was still a thing that was happening.
Also also, it seems Don Callis is no longer in any executive capacity at Impact. This is a little significant as it seems it was Callis who opened the negotiations back up for Impact to work with NJPW. Of course, lately he's spent more time as an on-screen heel manager for Kenny Omega, the Good Brothers and now the Young Bucks on both AEW and Impact programming. We'll see how much longer Kenny Omega's belt collector shtick goes on for with Callis no longer part of creative or management.
And that is actually it for now! Yipes!
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puroresu-musings · 4 years
Well, here we are in the final swing of a very “eventful” year, and just in the last week, we’ve had two outstanding matches in the world of puroresu that were amongst the best of 2020; the Go Shiozaki vs. Takashi Sugiura NOAH bout for the GHC Heavyweight Championship on December 6th, and today’s BOSJ 27 Final between Hiromu Takahashi and El Desperado, were both easily ***** classics. Everyone check them out, I recommend both highly indeed.
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pkmnjesus · 6 years
Puroresu pick of the week:
Latino Heat Parking Lot Brawl from WWE SmackDown! (September 11, 2003 episode): Eddie Guerrero vs. John Cena
Kicking off my other (1st was Smash Saturdays) new experimental weekly blog series with my puroresu pick of the week where I select/recommend a match every Friday for the rest of this month that I personally enjoyed in the world of pro-wrestling! I do apologize to non-wrestling fans that follow me (which is probably the majority of you lol), but I just love my sports entertainment too much that I just have to share, and maybe some of you can check it out. This type of wrestling is more than just guys “fake” beating the hell out of each other, but mostly around characters, storytelling, and the spectacle of it all.
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Anyway my first pick comes from WWE in a SmackDown episode that aired late 2003. It was just a short match that lasted around 10 minutes between two big SD! talents John Cena (O.G. CENA) and Eddie Guerrero who were feuding for the United States Championship. To be honest that the match wasn’t that great, but it was a rare occasion to have a Parking Lot Brawl match type and they have it on a taped show! Both used the cars and their surroundings nicely. That final spot in the finish was really a good way to end it (not spoiling if anyone hasn’t seen this match yet) The other reason why I picked this match was because this is was the match that hooked me to watching wrestling weekly on TV. Back then I just watched WWF PPVs casually with grandpa’s old VHS tapes without really understanding the story. After this match, I followed every one of WWE’s story-lines from both RAW and SmackDown and never looked back since!
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ehtokki · 4 years
New Open World Games 2021 Xbox One and Evaluation For The Games Fire Pro Wrestling Returns
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To obtain full details about brand-new open world games, juts click one link below to view the video.Now allow us discuss New Open World Games 2021 Xbox One
the 2nd subject.The The United States and Canada release of Fire Pro Wrestling Returns was November the Thirteenth. That's a little over two years after the Japanese launch. Having invested regarding 2 solid weeks with the game in my ownership, I believe I have the ability to give a non predisposition review. I am a very long time follower of this collection, but I can still recognize it's faults. Exactly how does Fire pro Wrestling Returns compare to the extra preferred competitors? Where to start ... There are no radical changes to the core Fire Pro video game play. It
coincides solid hurting system lengthy time followers have expanded accustomed to. Those that are new to Fire Pro will certainly require to invest a long time obtaining utilized to the timing. The battling system punishes switch mashers. I would certainly recommendations newbies to set COM problem to 1 and function their method up to a more difficult degree. This is one of those video games where recognition is only gotten after discovering the ins and also outs.The collection 'hallmark features are tight game play and a significant roster. FPR flaunts a total amount of 327 the real world rivals. To stay clear of copyright problems, everyone has been given a name adjustment. Vader is named "Saber ", Kenta Kobashi is "Keiji Togashi ", and so on. Do not hesitate to rename everyone as necessary. You additionally have the option of changing the outfit for default characters. You do not have to compromise one of your 500 edit(CAW) ports when your favorite wrestler adjustments gimmicks.FPR's all-star roster attributes wrestlers, boxers as well as mixed martial artists from worldwide. Puroresu tales like Giant Baba, Satoru Sayama(initial Tiger Mask)as well as Jushin"Thunder"
Lyger are selecible. As always the default roster is dominated by Puro wrestlers. Several of the fighters popular to American wrestling/UFC followers include Bret Hart, Sting, Andre the Giant, Petey Williams, Mirco Cro Police and Quinton "Rampage"Jackson.A new enhancement to the series is a"edge to facility"assault. When your challenger is knocked down in the middle of the ring, you can hunker down in the edge to establish a spear, very kick or a couple of other maneuvers.
This includes a bit a lot more dramatization as well as accuracy to suits that include personalities who established up these assaults a particular means. As a result of this brand-new feature, you can produce a precise Shawn Michaels or Bill Goldberg if you were inclined to do so.A typical steel cage suit has lastly been added. Players can utilize weapons like barbed wire bats, or the cage it's self to cause pain upon others. Other match kinds include S-1 (boxing, strikes only ), Terrible(a 12 sided UFC inspired cage)as well as the Electrified Barbed
Cord Exploding Deathmatch. While the has Hell in a Cell, The Japanese hardcore wrestlers toss each various other on amazed boards covered in skin shredding barbed wired. It's different, yet enjoyable none the much less Buzz worthy functions include Ref modify, Belt Edit, as well as Ring/Logo Edit. There is a GM mode called"Suit Manufacturer", however is it extremely minimal. All you do is established suits between boxers and also obtain rated by the portion of crowd reaction of the suit. There strange special events that occur during suit manufacturer do really little to
expand beyond it's limitations. For some inconceivable reason, developed wrestlers are barred from usage in Suit Maker.Presentation is absolutely nothing special. Menus are serviceable, however accessing some features can be a duty sometimes FPR's 2D graphics remind me of arcade video games like Wrestlefest. Character sprites are not hi resolution, but they are large and thorough. Spike could have easily recycled graphics from Fire Pro Fumbling Z. They rather developed new sprites and also reanimated some pre existing relocations. Some animations seem a bit robotic, yet are rather smooth.I'm depressing to say Spike has once again mapped the choice up tools switch to the run switch. Intend to obtain a fluorescent tube from the edge while playing in a taking off barbed wire match? See to it you are close enough to stated tubes. Or else you'll go facing the barbed wire ropes, thus wind up appearing like a full fool. It does not mess up the video game or anything, but such forget of the R2 switch has me stunned. On the whole that is just one of my most significant complaints with FPR.I do not give numeric scores or grades in my testimonials. If I were the type to do that, Fire Pro Fumbling Returns would possibly obtain a 91. It's the most effective in the series, yet like any kind of various other game it has defects. Nevertheless called classic games that get best ratings from other customers have a few mistakes or problems. I suggest this video game to any person that enjoys professional fumbling or the UFC. You don't need to be right into Puro to such as FPR, the special game play as well as personalization choices are extra than adequate to peak ones interest.
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eatordrinkme · 4 years
New Open World Games 2021 Xbox One and Review For The Gamings Fire Pro Wrestling Returns
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To get complete information concerning new open globe games, juts click one web link listed below to view the video.Now allow us speak concerning New Open World Games 2021 Xbox One
the 2nd subject.The North America launch of Fire Pro Fumbling Returns was November the Thirteenth. That's a little over 2 years after the Japanese launch. Having actually invested concerning 2 strong weeks with the video game in my property, I believe I have the ability to provide a non predisposition review. I am a very long time follower of this collection, yet I can still acknowledge it's faults. Exactly how does Fire pro Fumbling Returns pile up versus the a lot more prominent competitors? Where to begin ... There are no extreme adjustments to the core Fire Pro game play. It
coincides solid grappling system lengthy time fans have expanded accustomed to. Those who are new to Fire Pro will certainly need to spend a long time getting made use of to the timing. The dealing with system penalizes switch mashers. I would advice newbies to set COM difficulty to 1 and function their way approximately a tougher degree. This is one of those games where appreciation is just gotten after learning the ins as well as outs.The collection 'trademark functions are limited video game play and a significant roster. FPR flaunts an overall of 327 the real world rivals. To prevent copyright issues, everyone has been given a name modification. Vader is named "Saber ", Kenta Kobashi is "Keiji Togashi ", etc. Feel complimentary to relabel everyone as necessary. You also have the alternative of changing the attire for default characters. You don't have to compromise among your 500 edit(CAW) slots when your favored wrestler adjustments gimmicks.FPR's all-star lineup attributes wrestlers, boxers and also blended martial artists from around the globe. Puroresu legends like Giant Baba, Satoru Sayama(original Tiger Mask)as well as Jushin"Rumbling"
Lyger are selecible. As constantly the default roster is controlled by Puro wrestlers. Several of the fighters well understood to American wrestling/UFC fans consist of Bret Hart, Sting, Andre the Titan, Petey Williams, Mirco Cro Police Officer and Quinton "Rampage"Jackson.A brand-new enhancement to the collection is a"corner to facility"attack. When your opponent is knocked down in the center of the ring, you can hunch down in the corner to establish a spear, extremely kick or a couple of various other maneuvers.
This adds a bit a lot more dramatization and accuracy to suits that include characters that set up these attacks a particular way. Due to this new function, you can develop an accurate Shawn Michaels or Bill Goldberg if you were inclined to do so.A standard steel cage suit has ultimately been included. Players can utilize tools like barbed cable bats, or the cage it's self to bring upon pain upon others. Other match types include S-1 (boxing, strikes just ), Gruesome(a 12 sided UFC inspired cage)as well as the Amazed Barbed
Cable Exploding Deathmatch. While the has Hell in a Cell, The Japanese hardcore wrestlers hurl each other on electrified boards covered in skin shredding barbed wired. It's different, however enjoyable none the much less Buzz deserving features include Ref modify, Belt Edit, and also Ring/Logo Edit. There is a GM mode called"Match Maker", yet is it very restricted. All you do is established suits in between competitors and also get graded by the portion of group response of the match. There unusual unique occasions that occur during suit manufacturer do really little to
increase past it's constraints. For some impossible reason, created wrestlers are disallowed from use in Suit Maker.Presentation is absolutely nothing special. Food selections are functional, yet accessing some features can be a task sometimes FPR's 2D graphics remind me of game video games like Wrestlefest. Character sprites are not hi resolution, but they are huge and comprehensive. Spike might have quickly recycled graphics from Fire Pro Wrestling Z. They rather created new sprites as well as renovated some pre existing actions. Some computer animations seem a bit robotic, however are pretty smooth.I'm unfortunate to claim Spike has once more mapped the pick up weapons button to the run switch. Desire to get a fluorescent tube from the edge while playing in a blowing up barbed wire suit? Make sure you are close sufficient to stated tubes. Otherwise you'll go running into the barbed wire ropes, thus wind up resembling a complete fool. It does not mess up the game or anything, however such disregard of the R2 button has me dumbfounded. On the whole that is among my greatest gripes with FPR.I don't offer numerical scores or qualities in my reviews. If I were the type to do that, Fire Pro Fumbling Returns would most likely get a 91. It's the most effective in the series, however like any kind of other video game it has imperfections. However called traditional games that obtain best ratings from various other customers have a few mistakes or problems. I recommend this video game to anyone that is right into professional fumbling or the UFC. You do not have to enjoy Puro to like FPR, the one-of-a-kind video game play and also personalization choices are extra than adequate to peak ones rate of interest.
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ffeathery · 4 years
New Open World Games 2021 Xbox One and Testimonial For The Games Fire Pro Fumbling Returns
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To obtain complete details regarding brand-new open world video games, juts click one web link listed below to view the video.Now allow us discuss New Open World Games 2021 Xbox One
the 2nd subject.The The United States and Canada release of Fire Pro Wrestling Returns was November the Thirteenth. That's a little over 2 years after the Japanese launch. Having actually spent regarding two solid weeks with the game in my ownership, I believe I am able to provide a non predisposition testimonial. I am a long time fan of this collection, yet I can still recognize it's mistakes. How does Fire pro Fumbling Returns stack up against the a lot more prominent competitors? Where to start ... There are no radical adjustments to the core Fire Pro game play. It
coincides strong hurting system lengthy time fans have expanded familiar with. Those that are brand-new to Fire Pro will require to invest time getting made use of to the timing. The combating system punishes button mashers. I would certainly recommendations newbies to set COM problem to 1 and work their way up to a more difficult degree. This is among those games where gratitude is just acquired after learning the ins as well as outs.The collection 'trademark functions are limited video game play and also a massive lineup. FPR boasts a total of 327 real life rivals. To stay clear of copyright concerns, every person has been given a name modification. Vader is called "Saber ", Kenta Kobashi is "Keiji Togashi ", and so on. Feel free to relabel every person as necessary. You also have the option of changing the attire for default personalities. You don't need to sacrifice one of your 500 edit(CAW) slots when your preferred wrestler modifications gimmicks.FPR's all-star lineup attributes wrestlers, boxers and also blended martial musicians from all over the world. Puroresu legends like Titan Baba, Satoru Sayama(original Tiger Mask)and also Jushin"Rumbling"
Lyger are selecible. As constantly the default roster is dominated by Puro wrestlers. Some of the competitors well known to American wrestling/UFC followers consist of Bret Hart, Sting, Andre the Titan, Petey Williams, Mirco Cro Police Officer and also Quinton "Rampage"Jackson.A new addition to the collection is a"edge to facility"attack. When your challenger is torn down in the middle of the ring, you can hunch down in the edge to establish a spear, incredibly kick or a few various other maneuvers.
This includes a little bit more drama and accuracy to matches that feature characters that established these strikes a particular way. Due to this brand-new function, you can create an accurate Shawn Michaels or Expense Goldberg if you were inclined to do so.A traditional steel cage suit has actually lastly been added. Players can use weapons like barbed cord bats, or the cage it's self to inflict discomfort upon others. Various other suit types include S-1 (boxing, strikes only ), Terrible(a 12 sided UFC influenced cage)as well as the Electrified Barbed
Wire Exploding Deathmatch. While the has Hell in a Cell, The Japanese hardcore wrestlers toss each various other on amazed boards covered in skin shredding barbed wired. It's various, but enjoyable none the less Buzz deserving features include Ref edit, Belt Edit, as well as Ring/Logo Edit. There is a GM setting called"Match Manufacturer", yet is it really restricted. All you do is established matches in between fighters as well as get graded by the portion of group reaction of the suit. There weird unique occasions that take place during suit maker do very little to
increase beyond it's restrictions. For some inconceivable reason, created wrestlers are prevented from usage in Suit Maker.Presentation is absolutely nothing special. Menus are functional, yet accessing some functions can be a chore sometimes FPR's 2D graphics remind me of gallery video games like Wrestlefest. Character sprites are not hi resolution, but they are big and detailed. Spike might have conveniently recycled graphics from Fire Pro Wrestling Z. They instead created new sprites and also reanimated some pre existing moves. Some animations seem a bit robot, but are pretty smooth.I'm unfortunate to claim Spike has once more mapped the pick up weapons switch to the run button. Wish to get a fluorescent tube from the corner while playing in a blowing up barbed cord match? Ensure you are close enough to said tubes. Otherwise you'll go facing the barbed cord ropes, thus end up looking like a total fool. It does not spoil the video game or anything, yet such neglect of the R2 button has me surprised. In general that is just one of my greatest gripes with FPR.I don't offer numerical scores or grades in my reviews. If I were the kind to do that, Fire Pro Fumbling Returns would most likely receive a 91. It's the very best in the series, but like any kind of various other game it has problems. However called timeless video games that obtain best scores from other customers have a few mistakes or problems. I recommend this video game to anyone that enjoys professional fumbling or the UFC. You don't have to be right into Puro to such as FPR, the distinct game play as well as customization alternatives are sufficient to peak ones rate of interest.
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lipstickndjays · 4 years
New Open World Games 2021 Xbox One and Evaluation For The Games Fire Pro Wrestling Returns
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To get complete details concerning new open globe video games, juts click one web link below to enjoy the video.Now let us speak about New Open World Games 2021 Xbox One
the 2nd subject.The The United States and Canada release of Fire Pro Wrestling Returns was November the Thirteenth. That's a little over 2 years after the Japanese release. Having actually invested regarding 2 strong weeks with the game in my possession, I believe I am able to provide a non predisposition review. I am a very long time follower of this collection, yet I can still acknowledge it's mistakes. Exactly how does Fire pro Wrestling Returns compare to the much more popular competitors? Where to start ... There are no extreme changes to the core Fire Pro video game play. It
's the very same solid hurting system long period of time fans have grown accustomed to. Those who are new to Fire Pro will require to invest some time obtaining used to the timing. The fighting system penalizes switch mashers. I would certainly guidance newbies to establish COM problem to 1 and work their means as much as a harder degree. This is among those video games where recognition is just gotten after discovering the ins as well as outs.The collection 'trademark attributes are limited game play and also a massive lineup. FPR flaunts a total of 327 the real world rivals. To avoid copyright concerns, everyone has actually been offered a name modification. Vader is called "Saber ", Kenta Kobashi is "Keiji Togashi ", etc. Really feel free to rename everybody as necessary. You additionally have the choice of changing the outfit for default characters. You don't need to compromise among your 500 edit(CAW) ports when your favorite wrestler modifications gimmicks.FPR's all-star lineup features wrestlers, boxers and also mixed martial artists from around the globe. Puroresu legends like Giant Baba, Satoru Sayama(original Tiger Mask)and Jushin"Rumbling"
Lyger are selecible. As always the default roster is dominated by Puro wrestlers. Some of the competitors well known to American wrestling/UFC followers consist of Bret Hart, Sting, Andre the Titan, Petey Williams, Mirco Cro Cop and Quinton "Rampage"Jackson.A new enhancement to the collection is a"edge to center"assault. When your opponent is torn down in the middle of the ring, you can hunker down in the corner to set up a spear, incredibly kick or a few other maneuvers.
This adds a little bit a lot more drama and accuracy to matches that include characters who established these attacks a specific way. Due to the fact that of this new feature, you can create an exact Shawn Michaels or Bill Goldberg if you were inclined to do so.A conventional steel cage match has lastly been added. Players can use weapons like barbed wire bats, or the cage it's self to inflict pain upon others. Various other suit types consist of S-1 (boxing, strikes only ), Gruesome(a 12 sided UFC inspired cage)as well as the Energized Barbed
Cord Exploding Deathmatch. While the has Hell in a Cell, The Japanese hardcore wrestlers toss each other on electrified boards covered in skin shredding barbed wired. It's various, however fun none the less Buzz deserving attributes include Ref modify, Belt Edit, and also Ring/Logo Edit. There is a GM mode called"Match Maker", yet is it extremely limited. All you do is established suits in between boxers as well as get rated by the portion of crowd reaction of the suit. There strange special events that take place throughout suit maker do extremely little to
broaden beyond it's constraints. For some impossible factor, developed wrestlers are prevented from usage in Match Maker.Presentation is nothing unique. Food selections are functional, yet accessing some attributes can be a chore sometimes FPR's 2D graphics advise me of game games like Wrestlefest. Character sprites are not hi resolution, but they are large and thorough. Spike can have easily recycled graphics from Fire Pro Wrestling Z. They instead developed new sprites as well as renovated some pre existing steps. Some animations appear a bit robotic, yet are pretty smooth.I'm sad to say Spike has once more mapped the pick up weapons switch to the run switch. Wish to obtain a fluorescent tube from the corner while playing in a blowing up barbed cable match? See to it you are close sufficient to said tubes. Or else you'll go encountering the barbed wire ropes, therefore wind up resembling a full fool. It doesn't wreck the game or anything, yet such disregard of the R2 switch has me dumbfounded. Overall that is one of my most significant complaints with FPR.I don't give numerical scores or qualities in my reviews. If I were the kind to do that, Fire Pro Fumbling Returns would possibly obtain a 91. It's the very best in the series, however like any type of other game it has flaws. Nevertheless called timeless games that obtain ideal ratings from other customers have a few faults or glitches. I recommend this video game to anybody who is right into pro wrestling or the UFC. You don't need to be right into Puro to like FPR, the special game play as well as personalization choices are sufficient to peak ones rate of interest.
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NOAH Summer Navigation 2017 Vol. 2 Thoughts:
This was the first NOAH show I have watched in entirety in about six months. It was nice to see the familiar faces of the undercard. Post-intermission featured three great matches. New champions every match signified a well needed change of pace for the company. The old champions did well and every new champion was built up well. Everyone did good. YO-HEY and HAYATA finally achieving the junior tag titles after chasing since their NOAH debut in February was a nice moment. The crowd has gotten behind the two and added a nice atmosphere for the match. Kotoge at last got past Marufuji after nearly nine months of the two having battles and was another nice moment. The main event was another killer GHC Championship match by Nakajima. In a year of puroresu dominated by Okada, Omega, Naito and Miyahara, it's easy to forget about Nakajima. He's in a company that's on a big decline like it's never seen before. Still, Nakajima has been performing all year, producing four awesome matches this year with Suguira, Shiozaki, Cage and now Edwards. Maybe he's somewhat under the radar this year but when you watch Nakajima he doesn't allow to forget how great he truly is in the ring.
Recommended Matches:
Katsuhiko Nakajima vs Eddie Edwards Appreciation Rating: 4.25/5
Marufuji/Taniguchi vs Shiozaki/Kotoge Appreciation Rating: 3.75/5
Ishimori/Hi69 vs HAYATA/YO-HEY Appreciation Rating: 3.5/5
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Puroresu Best Bout Listing for March 2017
All Japan Pro Wrestling Keisuke Ishii vs. Koji Iwamoto, 3/12 @ Korakuen Hall Jun Akiyama vs. KENSO, 3/12 @ Korakuen Hall Kento Miyahara, Daisuke Sekimoto & Kengo Mashimo vs. Zeus, Jake Lee & Ryoji Sai, 3/27 @ Shinkiba 1stRING Big Japan Pro Wrestling Daisuke Sekimoto vs. Hideki Suzuki, 3/5 @ Korakuen Hall Kankuro Hoshino vs. Masashi Takeda, 3/5 @ Korakuen Hall Isami Kodaka vs. Ryuji Ito, 3/8 @…
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enbywrestlingfan · 7 years
can you recommend me some puroresu matches? some old from njpw and all-time from others companies, if possible
Anything with the four pillars of AJPW (Misawa, Kobashi, Taue and Kawada), Jun Akiyama, Jumbo Tsurtsu, Shinya Hashimoto, 90′s NJPW Juniors, or Generico Tenyru would be a great place to start with old school puroesu. 
There’s a AJPW archieve with all the important matches, that also serves as a guide. They don’t like it being directly linked but just google AJPW archive. 
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lostinyourears · 7 years
Lucha-resu Rewind Machine #1 : Jushin Thunder Liger (c) vs Black Tiger for the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight at 1996′s Fighting Spirit event
Video if you have NJPW World, if you don’t have NJPW World as always I’ll have a highlight gif album at the bottom. 
This is a sister series to both Puroresu-Rewind and Lucha Libre Time Machine, a mash up of the two where we look at classic Lucha-resu which is a mix of both Lucha Libre and Puroresu. 
Either a Lucha talent in Japan or Lucha style practiced in Japan or a Puroresu star in Mexico which is fairly common with NJPW’s Young Lion excursions. Which is when a NJPW rookie goes over to Mexico/Canada/US to pick up skills they wouldn’t learn just training in Japan.
Puroresu-Rewind #1
Lucha Libre Time Machine #1
Both of those part 1′s are free video on youtube if you feel left in the cold with this NJPW World exclusive. 
Who’s Who?
Talk about star power! This happened on day 2 of NJPW’s Fighting Spirit events that went 16 days. It’s one of the few matches from those series of events on NJPW World, mostly because lots of the event were just singles/tag matches with nothing on the line. Fun note, one of the other matches from the event happened the next day and saw cornerman for Liger in this match El Samurai defend his belt(UWA World Junior Light Heavyweight Title) against one of Black Tiger’s close real life friends Dean Malenko. That match can be found here. 
Anyways, who is in this match? Of course in his full bodysuit of red and white we have Jushin Thunder Liger. No doubt the greatest Jr. Heavyweight to ever grace NJPW’s Jr. division in both accolades and fan support. He’s held the IWGP Jr. title a record breaking 11 times, with a record breaking 31 defenses and with a record breaking 2,245 combined days. 
I know it might seem redundant to say record breaking for each of those, but second place isn’t even close in any of those cases : 6 times with the belt, 15 defenses and 1,010 days. The first of those second places being Tiger Mask while second place for defenses and days is Prince Devitt(WWE’s Finn Balor).
The lesser known of the two, at least under the name he is using here is Black Tiger. However, most would be more familiar under his real name : Eddie Guerrero. Eddie was the 2nd man to use the Black Tiger name, the first being Mark Rocco who has also feuded with Jushin Liger and of course Tiger Mask who’s always rival to Black Tiger. They are the proverbial Ying to one another's Yang. Eddie worked in NJPW under the Black Tiger mask from 1994-1996 where he was a successful Jr. competitor, bringing his Lucha Libre background into the Puroresu world.
How’s the match?
Great, though a little shorter than one would hope. Perhaps it’s a case of being spoiled with hour long draws in the year 2017. Kenny Omega even had 2 matches go longer than this over the last weekend. 
Still a nice thing about the short runtime of this match is that the pacing never become an issue and you never feel like either guy is buying time or trying to lengthen the match artificially by selling or slapping on a rest hold. All the actions feel like they are done with purpose and each guy is trying to win, not like both guys are in a play waiting for their cue. 
The match is full of great moments from both men getting off impressive offense, many of which would be signatures of theirs for most of their careers. For instance Eddie pulls out the Gory Special which is of course named after his father Gory Guerrero who innovated the move.
This match also shows Black Tigers finisher, which Eddie rarely used outside of this time in NJPW. Perhaps because it would be hard for him to hit on bigger men and the move is normally reserved for bigger men. It’s a sitout crucifix powerbomb, titled the Black Tiger Bomb. It’s a fantastic version of this move though and it’s hit wonderfully in this match. 
While Liger hits Abisegeri/Rolling Liger Kick, which he hits back to back in this match and Black Tiger sells it like death. Though most of the impressive offense of this match is show casing Black Tiger, who would go onto fight in and win BOSJ III a few months later that year. 
It’s a great match definitely worth rediscovering if you have NJPW World. One of the many classics they have on that service, while it’s only 2 of the best men to ever wrestle. It feels very much like the Zero-One match I highlighted for Resu Rewind, where seeing these great guys fight it out is just mesmerising. There are some dream matches we never get, but Eddie Guerrero vs Jushin Thunder Liger happened and is there for your viewing on NJPW World. I’d highly recommend checking it out if you like either man or Jr. Division competition. 
Highlights :  
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