noobiestnoober · 2 months
Shadows of Destiny (Part III) - Redemption's Edge (Kai x Reader)
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I did not intend to write another part for Shadows of Destiny. But this sudden idea came to me and just wrote it? You can read Part 1 and 2 here>>> Part 1
Part 2
I hope you enjoy the story <3
Kai carried Y/N into the forest, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. He had always been torn between his hunger for power and the rare softer moments he had shared with Y/N. As her blood stained his clothes, he felt the weight of his choices pressing down on him. For the first time, he wondered if there was another way.
Y/N's eyes fluttered open, her breath shallow, "Kai, where are we going?" she asked weakly.
"Somewhere safe," he replied, his voice gentle but firm, "You need to heal, and I need time to think."
They reached a secluded cabin hidden deep in the woods. Kai laid Y/N down on an old, worn-out bed and began tending to her wounds with surprisingly gentle hands. As he worked, memories of their time together in the Prison World flooded his mind. He had been cruel, yes, but there had been moments when he had felt something more—something he had never allowed himself to fully acknowledge.
The 1994 Prison World was a place of endless torment and isolation. For Bonnie, Damon, and Y/N, it was a relentless nightmare where escape seemed impossible. Kai Parker, however, thrived in the chaos, using the Prison World as his personal playground. His constant tormenting and unpredictable behavior kept the trio on edge.
Bonnie and Damon quickly learned to avoid Kai as much as possible, knowing that any interaction with him would only lead to trouble. He reveled in their fear, his laughter echoing through the deserted streets of Mystic Falls. Kai's magic gave him an edge, and he used it to play cruel tricks, setting traps and ambushes that left them wary and exhausted.
Y/N, on the other hand, was different. From the moment she met Kai, there was a strange connection between them. Despite his cruelty, Kai seemed drawn to her in a way he couldn't explain. He would pester her incessantly, teasing and taunting, but there was a softness in his eyes that only she could see.
"Y/N, you should smile more," Kai would say, leaning against a doorframe with a mischievous grin, "It's not like we have anything better to do here."
"You're insufferable," Y/N would retort, crossing her arms and glaring at him. But even as she did, she felt a strange thrill every time he looked at her that way.
Bonnie and Damon noticed the way Kai seemed to listen to Y/N, how he would actually heed her words when she spoke. Whenever things got out of hand, it was Y/N who could calm Kai down, who could make him see reason, even if only for a moment.
One particularly harrowing day, Kai had set a trap that nearly killed Bonnie. Enraged, Damon attacked him, but it was Y/N who stepped in and stopped the fight, "Kai, enough!" she shouted, her voice trembling with fury, "This has to stop."
For a moment, Kai looked at her with a mixture of anger and confusion, but then he backed down, muttering something about it being just a game. Y/N's intervention had saved them, but it had also solidified her role as the only one who could reach Kai.
The day of the merge with Luke was one of the darkest in Y/N's memory. Kai, desperate for power and recognition, had forced the merge, killing Luke in the process. It was an act of sheer brutality, and yet, when the dust settled, it was Y/N who stood by Kai's side.
As he writhed on the floor, the aftermath of the merge taking its toll, Y/N knelt beside him, "Kai, I'm here," she whispered, her voice breaking with emotion, "I'm not going to leave you."
Kai, his body racked with pain, looked up at Y/N with a mixture of gratitude and confusion. "Why?" he croaked, his voice barely audible, "Why are you still here?"
"Because I believe in you," Y/N replied softly, her eyes filled with tears, "And I won't give up on you."
From that moment on, Kai's relationship with Y/N began to change. Her unwavering support and belief in his potential for redemption slowly started to break through his hardened exterior. It was a long and difficult journey, filled with setbacks and moments of darkness, but Y/N's presence was a constant reminder that he wasn't alone.
Present Day
As the fire crackled and the shadows danced on the walls of the cabin, Kai squeezed Y/N's hand. "I don't know what the future holds," he said softly, "but I do know that as long as you're with me, I have a reason to keep fighting."
Y/N smiled, her heart swelling with hope, "We'll face it together, Kai. No matter what."
As Y/N rested, Kai sat by the window, staring out into the darkness. He knew that Damon, Elena, and the others would come for him. They would see him as a threat that needed to be neutralized, and he couldn't blame them. But Y/N's words echoed in his mind: "You can choose a different path."
Days passed, and Y/N slowly regained her strength. Kai stayed by her side, his demeanor softening with each passing day. He couldn't help but wonder if she truly believed he could change, and more importantly, if he believed it himself.
One evening, as the sun set and cast a golden glow through the cabin windows, Y/N reached out and took Kai's hand, "Thank you," she said softly, "for saving me."
Kai looked into her eyes, his heart aching with unspoken emotions, "I wish I’d met you sooner," he whispered, "Maybe things would have been different."
Y/N squeezed his hand, her gaze unwavering, "It's not too late, Kai. We can still find a way. Together."
Their moment of peace was shattered by the sound of footsteps outside. Kai's grip tightened around Y/N's hand as he stood, ready to face whatever threat had come their way. The door burst open, and Damon, Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline stormed in, their faces set with determination.
"Guys, wait!" Y/N cried out, struggling to sit up, "Kai's different now. He saved me."
Bonnie's eyes narrowed, but she hesitated, "Y/N, you don't know what he's capable of."
"I do," Y/N replied, her voice steady, "And I also know he's trying to change. Please give him a chance."
Elena stepped forward, placing a hand on Bonnie's arm, "Maybe she's right. Maybe there's still hope for him."
Kai stood still, his expression torn between hope and fear. He knew this was his moment of truth, "I'm not asking for forgiveness," he said quietly, "but I want to try. For Y/N. For myself."
Bonnie's gaze softened slightly, but her stance remained wary, "We'll be watching you, Kai. One wrong move and you're done."
Kai nodded, accepting the unspoken challenge, "I understand."
As the tension in the room eased, Y/N felt a glimmer of hope. She knew the road ahead would be difficult, filled with challenges and temptations. But she also knew that together they could find a way to redemption.
In the days that followed, Kai worked tirelessly to prove himself. He used his magic to help those in need, slowly earning the trust of those who had once feared him. Y/N stood by his side, her unwavering belief in his potential guiding him through the darkness.
One night, as they sat by the fire, Kai turned to Y/N, his eyes filled with gratitude and determination, "I don't know what the future holds," he said softly, "but I do know that as long as you're with me, I have a reason to keep fighting."
Y/N smiled, her heart swelling with love and hope, "We'll face it together, Kai. No matter what."
And so, on the edge of redemption, Kai and Y/N embarked on a new journey. One filled with challenges but also with the promise of a future where love and hope could triumph over darkness and despair.
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jessequinones · 1 year
What's your story about?
My story is called A Dragons Reign! It's about dragons! It's like a cross between WoF and the Summer King Chronicles but intended for young adults. Here's a trailer? I'm really bad at explaining my books ^^" It's not out yet, the line edit is going to be worked on in March of next year!
In the mystical world of Eason, on the war-torn continent of Azela where fragile crystals hold the power to reshape civilisations, a relentless war unfolds between two ancient forces: the sren fire dragons and the crystal ice dragons.
In this epic tale, the boundaries between loyalty to friends and allegiance to family become indistinct, as the very fate of their world hangs in the balance. As the sparks of war fly, the line between right and wrong blurs, leaving heroes and villains entangled in a web of destiny.
In a world where power is both coveted and feared, the dragons must grapple with difficult choices. Sometimes, the path to righteousness is far from easy, and rarely does it remain untarnished.
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freshthoughts2020 · 6 months
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eklavya-bhardwaj · 9 months
But even in the symphony of suffering, a defiant melody plays on, whispering of a future where healing will be my choice and hurting... my fate :)
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worldwatcher3072 · 13 days
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They're eating our spaghetti!
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topicsfromatoz · 2 months
Alliance with Heroes: Dr. Doom deciding to fight for good would lead to uneasy alliances with traditional Marvel heroes. Characters like the Fantastic Four and the Avengers might initially distrust him, given their history, but his intellect and magical abilities could prove invaluable. His involvement could lead to unique strategies and technologies to combat larger threats.
Redemption Arc: Doom's shift to fighting for good could be explored through a compelling redemption arc, where he attempts to atone for his past misdeeds. This journey could involve personal sacrifices and acts that demonstrate his commitment to change, potentially earning him redemption in the eyes of the world and his peers.
Impact on Latveria: As the ruler of Latveria, Dr. Doom’s change in philosophy would likely lead to significant reforms within his country. His shift toward benevolence could improve the lives of his citizens, turning Latveria into a model nation that promotes peace and prosperity.
New Villains: With Doom fighting for good, new villains could emerge to challenge him and fill the power vacuum his change of heart creates. These could be former allies of Doom who feel betrayed, or new adversaries who aim to take advantage of the perceived weakness during his transition.
Magical and Technological Contributions: Doom’s mastery of both technology and magic could lead to breakthroughs that benefit mankind. Whether it's developing new energy sources, curing diseases, or creating magical defenses against dark forces, Doom could have a profound impact on the world.
#DrDoom #Marvel #HeroTurn #RedemptionArc #Latveria #MarvelHeroes #Comics #GoodVsEvil #NewVillains #MagicalTech
Dr. Doom fights for good, alliance with Marvel heroes, Fantastic Four trust, Avengers alliance, Dr. Doom redemption, Latveria reforms, benevolent ruler, new Marvel villains, power vacuum, magical contributions, technological breakthroughs, curing diseases, magical defenses, dark forces, forgiveness themes, trust issues, complex morality, notorious figure redemption, fresh narratives, character development, Marvel Comics universe, hero transformation, Dr. Doom's intellect, magical abilities, world-saving strategies,
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joyffree · 6 months
Except You, the first book in the Our Exception series by Cora Rose is out now!
Pick up your copy today of this bi-awakening MM romance!
A straight man walks into a gay bar searching for meaning… It sounds like the start of a lousy joke. And honestly, that’s what my life is beginning to feel like.
I look back at all the hateful things I’ve said and done—so many things I can’t take back—and I’m not proud. I let my ignorance steal my relationship with my youngest brother, Magnus. He and his husband, Sem, are now happily married with kids, and all I want is to be a part of their lives.
But I need help to get there.
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froggyinaspen · 1 year
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Between Comfort and Chaos (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/339032480-between-comfort-and-chaos?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=FroggyinAspen&wp_originator=ielSOtNITp1NVCccv7XasL4KCt7twIPCfdbJG3rOWtKjryKsWoYFu1xHDFMjhT2UcbStIqghFFDx8BEdKRyzXKzL3o9%2Fpy0R%2Bd6%2FXDWTdaeLa3g2Y%2FSukJQ2hZ%2FZfkw0 "The ripple effects of 5th year still echoed like a wound that refused to heal. As soon as we had stepped foot onto the campus grounds Sebastian had hunted me down demanding to know why he was given another roommate, as if he had not betrayed me, cast an unforgivable curse on our friend, nor killed his uncle in the madness that was his pride. He had lost everything due to his own folly, and yet still acted as if in some way he was also the victim. Never once stopping to ask if anyone else felt the fallout. Never once asking me how I was holding up." In the fallout of previous event, we follow our Trio through the ups and downs of 6th year. Feeling are strained and repressed, will we ever get a redemption arc? Read and find out! I update weekly on Sunday at 9pm Korean Standard Time (UTC 9+) Also available on A03. This is my first story. Please be kind :)
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vaugarde · 2 years
ok now that the episode is out and this wont look suspicious. am i the only one who doesnt understand the boscha hype
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scrimblewimble · 2 years
• Leap Of Faith •
RedemptionArc!Zuko X Avatar!Reader
• In which the reader comes to Zuko's camp after his rejection from the gaang instead of Toph and they form a bond •
Reader and Zuko are the same age!
- gender neutral reader, suggestive later on, porn (almost/kinda) with plot -
It was, obviously, understandable that your friends were sceptical of the fire Prince's sudden change of heart.
He had hunted you across every nation, determined to cut you journey short and stop you from bringing peace. Every interaction you had with Prince Zuko told you that he was a bad person, but you still very desperately wanted to believe him.
A fire bender willing to teach you showing up just after the invasion failed, when all hope seemed lost? It felt too good to be true, and for it to be Prince Zuko, the boy you hadn't been able to stop thinking about since he saved you as the blue spirit? Turning away a chance like that felt plain wrong.
Which is why you were here, looking around the woods in the middle of the night. It must be 10 minutes of aimlessly wandering before you finally see the light of a campfire through the trees and bushes, thankfully he wasn't far from the air temple.
You have to air bend a fire ball away from your face before you're even halfway through the bushes (you have to admit you did sneak up on him a little), an action which is immediately followed by a panicked collection of apologies.
"I didn't see that it was you!"
"Zuko calm down I'm fine," you can't help but laugh slightly at how different he seems, this reaction is certainly not something you'd imagine from him.
"why am I so bad at being good?" he put his head in his hands, a little overdramaticaly in your opinion.
"It was an accident seriously don't worry about it," you pulled his hands from his face, giving them a reassuring squeeze, "you don't want to know how many times I've accidentally hit Sokka when he's caught me off guard."
"Right," he looks away awkwardly, sighing a little, "right."
There's a moment of slightly uncomfortable silence where it dawns on you that you actually have no idea what to say.
"Do you, uh-" he takes his hand from yours, reminding you that you still hadn't let go of it, "do you want to sit down?"
"yea, sure," you chew the inside of your lip nervously.
You both go to speak at the same time, leading to an awkward exchange of 'you firsts' before Zuko seriously insists that you speak before him.
wow this is awkward.
"I want you to join us- team avatar I mean," he opens his mouth to speak but stops himself, "and I get that the others may not be totally on board but I'm, like, the avatar. So. My decisions are final."
"Do you really think that's a good idea?" he finally makes eye contact with you again, which alleviates a little bit of the tension.
"Well, if your telling the truth, I really couldn't think of a better teacher even if I tried," you laugh, "you're a strong bender, and I feel like we have the potential to get a long!"
"how can you be sure of that when we hardly know eachother?"
"Not sure, I guess I admire how driven you are?" you shrug, "and it didn't hurt my opinion of you when you saved me from Admiral Zhao."
"Right," he turns back to the fire, "that."
There's another few moments of silence, and before he gets the chance to say what's on his mind you got your hand resting on his, "how would you feel about going back to camp with me tonight?"
"I'm not sure that's a great idea."
He makes no move to remove your hand.
"are you worried about Katara?"
"It might be easier if I go back when everyone's awake, I don't want to catch anyone off guard."
"like I did with you?" You laugh, but he doesn't. He actually looks a little ashamed.
"It'll still probably be easier if we go back together."
He's quiet, but you feel like he agrees, or at least understands where your coming from. Is this awkward?
"You could, maybe stay here for tonight, and come with me in the morning?"
You wanted to trust him so badly.
"I would be ok with that."
A leap of faith.
Zuko Smiles awkwardly, looking away again. Neither of you can really think of anything to fill the silence for a while.
"It's crazy that after all this we're sharing a camp alone," he very clearly regrets saying that as soon as the words leave his lips.
A smirk plays on your face for a moment as you look at him hard, his gaze avoiding "I could understand it being weird us camping together, but I'm not totally on board with the alone part."
It was, of course, obviously weird that the two of you be alone together, but his expression at his own words had sparked that mischievous type of curiosity in you.
"I just- y'know, since you have your group and all,"
"Is that," you move forward to see more of his face, "all?"
The Prince is visibily a little uncomfortable, and you could almost swear his face was going a little red, even with him trying his hardest to face away from you. But he still hadn't moved your hand from his. And he made no effort to put any distance between the two of you as you edged slightly closer.
Was this actually happening?
"What's wrong, prince?"
That irritatingly teasing tone of voice is the final straw that pushes the boy next to you over the edge, and you know it's gotten to him because of the way he grabs you by the shirt and kisses you, just once, but deeply.
By the time he pulls away he's breathing heavily, your faces still close together.
His breath is hot against your lips, he smells like burnt caramel, and it occurs to you you've never been close enough to someone to be so sure of how they smelled.
Your the one pulling him in next, moving your hand from his and gently tangling it in his soft black hair, he's very confident considering he couldn't look you in the eye just minutes ago, placing his hands on your waist and pulling your entire body in closer to him.
Before you've even properly processed what's going on, your straddling his legs, and his tongue is grazing your bottom lip, resulting in (much to your embarrassment) a soft moan.
You pull away, warmth spreading across your face with a hand trying to hide it.
"please," his voice is pleading, eyes glued to your lips, "I want you to make that sound again."
The sound of his voice has you like putty in his hands.
A/N I've never been that embarrassed writing something before (first time writing anything suggestive) so please enjoy it, because I never want to do that again!! felt downright shameful :/
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moltenhair · 7 months
Ive seen your old post about Cass and Catra's redemption arcs, and, if it's still relevant
Can I ask you what you think makes Catra's redemption arc better than Cassandra's one? Except the time they had
God. I've tried so much to distance myself from these old posts, yet they continue to haunt me like my personal ghost of Christmas past lol
But since you asked, may this be my final word on the terrible writing that was Cassandras villain/redemptionarc!
A lot of factors make Catra's redemption better for me. I say for me because this is all my personal interpretation that not everyone is going to agree with. That said: Catra TRIED. Catra made an actual effort and worked for her redemption. She struggled, she clawed her way up from rock bottom (which she hit as a consequence of her own actions and was rightfully called out for to her face) and MADE THE CHOICE to be better. It wasn't a case of "I've been stopped from being the big villain, so I guess I have no choice but to side with the hero to survive." We were allowed to see several episodes of her regretting her choices, second guessing, fearing for the safety of others and ultimately sacrificing herself for others because she knew she had done wrong and didn't see herself deserving of being saved.
Then, after she was ultimately saved, she continued to choose to improve herself and stop the behaviors that were hurting her and the people around her. She actually says the line, "I know I can get angry. It's something I'm working on" in one scene, which is pivotal in her transition to awkward former rival to genuine part of the friend group. She has to deal with people being upset with her actions and not being immediately welcoming. She has to own up on several occasions to what she did because saying sorry to just adora didn't fix it all. She didn't ONLY hurt Adora.
Catra fought and worked to EARN back the forgiveness and trust of the people she had hurt and betrayed over the course of the show.
Cass EXPECTED forgiveness the one time she tried (while pretending to be someone else and not taking ownership of her actions AT ALL) and then only apologized in the final episode after NEARLY DESTROYING THE ENTIRE WORLD HERSELF. which she only didn't succeed in because the bigger bad guy stopped her. Cass was gleefully about to kill all the people she once called friends and 100% thought she was justified in doing it until the very last second in the last episode. She didn't show enough remorse to make it believable, she didn't take ownership, she didn't have to face the reality of her actions and she didn't even make an effort to change. She cried over LOSING and was forgiven on the spot because Rapunzel never held her accountable for anything she'd done.
By that logic, Cassandra was never redeemed in the modern sense of the word because it was GIVEN to her. Redemption in modern media is a conscious choice to change and be better, not the Old Testament version where you're just "saved" from damnation because you said you're sorry. The world today doesn't work like that, and our stories shouldn't either. Actions have consequences, and if you want to be forgiven and genuinely change, YOU have to make that effort, and it has to be YOUR choice. Otherwise, you didn't actually change. You just gave up.
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dhr-ao3 · 11 days
Reckoning https://ift.tt/zo7sCpg by ta_laa1 Words: 78, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: #Dramione - Freeform, #postwar, #enemiestolovers, #HogwartsRebuilding, #slowburn, #DracoMalfoyRedemption, #HermioneGrangerPOV, #EmotionalTension, #RedemptionArc, #AngstFic, #HurtComfort, #WarAftermath, #TraumaRecovery, #GryffindorAndSlytherin, #UnlikelyAllies, #BittersweetRomance, #ReluctantAllies, #EmotionalGrowth, #DramioneFeels, #FandomFiction, #harrypotter - Freeform via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/LRS1sCc September 15, 2024 at 08:09PM
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just-antithings · 1 year
it's almost like there's real-world consequences to calling absolutely everything "pedophilia" 🙄
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littlestfallenangel · 3 months
I accidentally killed a cicada a month ago but the other day I caught a spider in a cup and brought it outside #redemptionarc
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luxshine · 10 months
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Redeeming #villains is hard work. But some writers manage it, especially in #comicbooks. The problem is when other writers come in and, for no real reason, decide to undo the #redemptionarc and take the now heroic character back to their evil roots and personally, I think that is as unfair as the other redemption trope where death is the only choice. https://youtu.be/Y6uqGXdA1vI?si=baPU-PXxWN_GsO4i
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joyffree · 9 months
Nick Ashford thought he had the perfect life, the perfect marriage, and two perfect kids. And then one day, it all changed.
Shocked by his wife’s revelation and torn about how to be the perfect husband and father, Nick’s life becomes anything but perfect.
Everything For Love (The Beaumont Series: Next Generation, #6) Redemption ARC by Heidi McLaughlin Book Release
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