supurman · 4 months
❝ eugh, don’t be nice to me. it makes me want to be nice back. ❞
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❝    don't    worry,    i    won't    tell    anyone    and    ruin    your    bad    boy    image. it'll    be    our    secret. ❞
      it    was    as    if    the    sun    had    risen    on    the    supers    expression    -    his    smile    blinding    onlookers    who    found    themselves    at    home    in    the    dark. his    unspoken    desire    to    be    kind    to    everyone    no    matter    the    cause    sure    was    infectious    to    even    the    most    brooding. but,    clark    knew    it    was    no    superman    influence    that    bent    the    beams    of    jason. it    was    simply    a    nephew    that    had    a    soft    spot    for    an    uncle. (    at    least... this    is    what    clark    imagined    in    his    head    ). everyone    should    know    that    the    superman    was    unshakable. as    soon    as    he    set    his    sights    on    any    forlorn,    stubborn,    broody    drifter    there    wasn't    too    much    that    could    be    done    aside    from    let    clark    run    his    course.
      but,    it'd    be    a    lie    if    there    wasn't    some    nuance    to    how    clark    saw    jason. how    happy    he    was    to    see    him    despite    it    all. . . [    go    whatever    extremities    life    has    pushed    you    to    jason,    but    it    wont    stop    me    from    checking    in. ]. one    could    lament    over    many    things    here. the    loss    of    a    boy. the    embrace    if    killing. becoming    something    one    was    pushed    to    be. however,    clark    was    almost    nearly    blind    to    the    worst    of    things. he    saw    the    best    of    the    world. even    if    it    doesn't    exist    before    him. to    clark,    jason    was    still    someone    to    hold    onto    and    not    leave    behind. he    deserved    to    be    remembered    at    the    very    least.
      ❝    c'mon,    you    want    to    smile. you    want    to. am    i    pushing    it    ?    ❞ clark    would    laugh. playful,    endearing... he    then    backed    off. 
      ❝    anyway,    you    know    where    you're    at    ?  ❞  the    super    spun    his    finger    around    as    he    turned    to    look    at    holographic    tablet. their    surroundings    were    kryptonian. and    the    structure    they    stood    in    looked    as    if    made    of    ice    or    crystal. ❝    the    fortress    of    solitude. my    home    away    from    home. i    found    you    unconscious,    jason. I    figured    i    could    get    you    back    up    to    health    here. how    are    you    feeling    ?    feel    free    to    take    off    any    of    those    tubes    on    you. x    ray    vision    is    tellin    me    you’re    looking    good. ❞
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mad-hunts · 4 months
@redvived sent🔪 to walk in on my muse standing over a dead body.
as counterintuitive as it might've seemed to some, if there was one way to immediately get on barton's list of 'people to kill,' it was messing with his family. so to say that he wasn't pleased when he found out that a detective was gathering evidence to build up a case against his 'darling daughter' from someone he had on the inside of the GCPD would be an understatement; barton was seeing red by the time he began ruffling through the files in a certain office of the GCPD under the guise of wanting to 'report a crime.' there was just so much material that this detective, a woman who went by the name marcela vega, had on her. thus, she must've been tracking matilda's movements for a while. and so marcela's fate was pretty much sealed at that point.
that brings us to today, which was when barton decided would be the best possible time to break into her house without being detected after he'd found out her address, after barton had spent several weeks carefully putting together a plan to kill her. marcela usually went out with her friends to a bar on tuesday's nights and both of her neighbors were out of the equation at the moment; so, she'd be getting home late and theoretically, this'd be the perfect time to do something nefarious to her. it only took barton about a minute to pick the lock on marcela's door. he had had plenty of practice with doing it, and the one she had wasn't particularly complicated. i guess she felt safe enough to not add a deadbolt or anything, but he had a feeling marcela would soon come to regret that.
because only a few minutes after she walked through the door, barton had hugged marcela from behind. and he did this in order to bring her body close enough to dig his knife into her heart. the pure shock and terror on her face when he did this was something he wished he could document for forever in his mind, in all honesty. the only explanation he gave her as to why he was here before she died was a gentle whisper, as he leaned into her ear and said, 'you should've stayed away from my daughter.' barton pulled out his knife from the wound and couldn't help but let a small, mocking smile form on his lips when her body fell limp to the ground. that was almost too easy. he started up a fire in the hearth she had in her living room and from there, he began to dispose of all of the evidence she had gathered on matilda that he had been able to find.
he had completely ransacked marcela's place, but barton had a feeling she had more evidence she was hiding somewhere. so he went back into her kitchen, where he killed her as no one would think to look there, really, and began rummaging through her cabinets. this was before barton heard the sound of very faint footsteps in the living room, though. who could that be? she didn't have a partner or any kids, so... he turned his head almost instantly to look at the figure by him that had now come into the light. they donned a red helmet, carried twin guns with them — ❝ interesting. you're him, aren't you? the red hood. i'm not a fan, but i guess it's admirable that you check up on the 'little people' when you don't have anything better to do. ❞
barton leaned down to grab the gun in marcela's bag before slinging her body out of his way with his shoe carelessly. ❝ if it makes you feel any better... this was personal, so i had to kill her, whether i really wanted to or not. she threatened my family. ❞ his milky white eyes squinted at the other through his mask and he rose the muzzle of the gun up to jason, ❝ and certainly even you believe in protecting them no matter what, don't you? ❞
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corpose-a · 4 months
❝ you can relax. we're safe here. ❞ for now.
@redvived liked for a one-liner.
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rehoped · 5 months
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one. copy of the count of monte cristo by alexander dumas. an a - typical selection for stephanie, more dramatic and prestigious than she's used to, & it wasn't the contents of the novel per say that drew her to it but rather the self - made etchings of it's previous owner : jason todd. little space has been squandered or left blank, the many highlights offering brief insight to whatever thoughts brought forward. it's as intimate as the theft of a diary.
two. the standard 21st birthday present from : bruce wayne. the odyssey by homer.
three. nancy drew by carolyn keene all novels in their original, old flimsy form, pencil dresses and mary jane plimsols on the cover, faded yellows the standard print quality in the 80's, paper hangs on well worn corners and spines. no one can ever say they aren't well adored.
four. his dark materials by philip pullman. recommended by a well loved english teacher who saw the similiarities between our protagonist and theirs : the tale follows lyra belaqua on her adventure to end a mystery, save her friend, & defy all authority.
five. recommended as part of her education as batgirl, the adventures of sherlock holmes by arthur conan doyle. stephanie is unsure if the materials were well enjoyed by barbara, tim or any amongst them but they litter every bookshelf in gotham.
six. the book that kept her most company when hiding underneath her bed frame from her father's yells, charlotte's web by e.b. white.
acknowledged : @redvived
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lvebug · 4 months
tagging: @fyrewalks tysm this was so fun!!! tagging: @arachnidiots, @inhcritance, @mcmorare, @nosestealer, @tartt9, @loisjoanne, @redbraid, @redvived, & YOU!
compassion : 10 / 10 this is probably one of andie's core traits. she was raised jewish, where helping to make the world a better place is a leading idea, and that includes helping individuals in need. she was also raised by her uncle tommy who is an emergency first responder, so she was raised on those ideals of risking your life to save others.
bitterness : 1 / 10 
anger: 3 / 10 this is kind of a difficult one to answer because it's not that andie doesn't feel anger, it's just that she doesn't think it's productive. she tends to be angry largely at injustice: places where the justice system fails people, or is set up to fail people, or doesn't take certain people into account. anger towards people who are needlessly rude, disrespectful, harmful, etc, to others and especially when they show no remorse for this and / a lack of regard & care for others. she is frequently angry at the world that she sees, even if it doesn't seem like it, she just more so believes that it can be changed.
happiness : 9 / 10 she's an extremely cheerful person & is skilled at looking on the bright side and finding joy in nearly any situation
politeness : 7 / 10 manners are important and go a long way towards being kind to others, something that is always on the forefront of andie's mind. however, her tendency to be overly familiar/casual with people can tend to override politeness as can her excitement or cluelessness. when she realizes she's been impolite she always feels bad and apologizes, though.
chivalry : 8 / 10 similar to above!
pride : 8/ 10 andie's got a lot of pride in her for not just herself, but the people around her, too! more so for the people around her than for herself because a lot of what she does she views as ordinary and regular behavior even if it is actually above and beyond. she more so feels proud for small accomplishments like when she knits something she's happy with or has a really good day at feast. when she saves someone and it all goes smoothly it gives her a sense of joy and accomplishment, and she's proud to have successfully done it, but she doesn't feel special for being lovebug or for being kind. she's also so endlessly proud of the people in her life and what they accomplish. there's so much pride for others and she's always talking about / showing them off like a parent taking about her child's accomplishments. yes even if they're older than her.
honesty : 8.5 / 10 honesty is something that andie values greatly... though of course there is one very large aspect of her life where she has had to be dishonest and deceitful and that's as lovebug. it's something that she has come to accept as important to do to protect the people she loves, but it's also something that she regrets and resents having to do. she hurts a lot having to do that. she's also not very good at it because she's so used to being truthful in other aspects of her life so lying doesn't come naturally to her
bravery : 7 / 10 andie doesn't always feel that brave doing what she does. the kind of trouble that she gets into as lovebug isn't nearly as bad or serious as what many other heroes often get into, and while others may see her pacifistic stance as brave she doesn't because it's her every day. in fact she often sees people (like tracksdown's dallas & birdie's liam) who do utilize violence as extremely brave because she sees the toll that it takes on them to carry that, and she doesn't. that being said, she is actually very brave and far braver than i am both in her choices to be extremely open & honest with her feelings—especially love—and by her choice to be lovebug
recklessness : 9 / 10 c'mon, she's a spider, ofc she's reckless! she's also frequently underestimating how dangerous someone or something might be because she is too caught up in seeing the best and believing that everything will always turn out okay to properly assess how risky something is
ambition : 3.5 / 10 tbh andie isn't that ambitious! she doens't have a lot of big plans in life other than be happy, make friends, & help people. there are definitely places like FEAST where she does have big ideas and works hard to implement them within the organization, but those are more specific / isolated situation
loyalty : 10 / 10 she's quick to become loyal and it tends to stick like glue. once she cares about you, she'll care about you forever and she'll do just about anything for you.
love : 11 / 10
sense of family : 10 / 10 her family is very important to her! her uncle is one of the closest people in her life and she looks up to him immensely and feels safest with him. he raised her since she was 7 and very specifically he raised her in a loving, caring, and safe environment after her parents died. she doesn't quite.... get the impact of just how kindly she was raised until she's older, but how much he cares for her is something she recognizes. there's a lot of love for him, always. i feel like this isn't quite what this is about but idc. we love tommy in this house 🫶
attractiveness : 8.5 / 10 she is bright and warm like a beacon and also she is genuine and smiles freely and kindly and has a laugh that turns heads. nothing is more attractive than someone who is genuine and kind. no i am not biased with this question this is the genuine truth for all of humanity good day
agility : 10 / 10 spider-powers mixed with her natural athleticism & previous sports experience. but mostly the spider-powers. (no-powers aus tend to be more like 7-8.5. still pretty good!)
sex drive : 6 / 10 medium? this is a sfw blog so it's not really something i think about but yeah andie has sex that's just not my business
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anthromimicry · 5 months
where do you carry your pain?
your arms.
you have tried to hold onto what is dear to you, only for it to be wrenched from your hands...
tagged by: @divingdownthehole!
tagging: @frostise, @redvived, @dispatched, @twcfaces, @vulpesse, and anyone else who might like to do this quiz!
#ALL POWER DEMANDS PAIN AND SACRIFICE: musings.#rp memes.#oof... WELL. this one hurt a little JSJSJS#i mean the two people that misao loved more than ANYTHING ( her mother && her half-brother ) were both taken from in a way.#so i'd say this is pretty accurate NGL. i mean kaiyah misao's mother was forcibly taken from her by a hunter-#and she loved her SOOO much even despite all of the complexities within their relationship. thus misao would-#pretty much give anything to have her back tbh and with ryuuji or misao's half brother-#she feels as if he was taken from her by her own hand because misao felt all of this PRESSURE and responsibility to take care of him-#y'know? though misao knows that it wasn't kaiyah's fault of course that she couldn't take care of him that well. however regardless of-#whether it was or not it led her to feel like she DESPERATELY wanted to run away from her situation the more time went on-#and whenever kaiyah died that was kind of the straw that broke the camels back for her i think. like she couldn't-#deal with anything at that time and misao felt like she just HAD to leave even though she had someone depending on her.#and as a result she felt like she stripped both ryuuji of a good childhood + herself of a good relationship-#with her half-brother and it was all her fault. like if only she had been stronger then she could've stayed with him-#but she wasn't and misao honestly agonizes over that fact even though the situation is much more complicated-#than it being her fault because of everything that she was going through. and by that i mean the amount of despair-#she felt was IMMEASUREABLE + her emotional needs were not met so misao not knowing what to do when faced-#with a crisis as bad as your mother dying in front of you is honestly kind of understandable. so yeahhh#i feel like misao could really use a hug TBH but she probably wouldn't accept it even if someone offered one to her ):
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sandmark · 5 months
what tarot card are you ?
YOU GOT . . . the DEVIL !
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. . . restriction is not so terrible a thing as you think it is. one must not always be shackled to be prudent. you could use a set of handcuffs in your life, my love. shall i forge them for you? we could be tied together, you and i. maybe then you would not want for so many things. maybe if you were drip fed what you wanted, you would only focus on the next drip, instead of the wide world of things there are to want. you consume what you love, you terrify the things you want. you have chewed your way through your life and you are still HUNGRY. the old woman holds out a key. the iron around your wrist is so very heavy.
tagged by: @redvived. tagging: @zipkick, @rhysie, @tro1a, @jennifercheck, and you.
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ao3feed-maribat · 6 months
by Alixanderia
It was hard to focus on her face, it was hard to recognize her voice, everything always sat right with Ladybug, familiar in his heart, but that was gone now. He didn't have that primal feeling of “that’s my daughter. I know that’s my daughter, protect my baby.” Why would he? It didn't matter.
Words: 801, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Jason!Tom
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Tom Dupain, Jason Todd, Gabriel Agreste, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Relationships: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Jason Todd
Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, Jason Todd-centric, Hurt Jason Todd, Shutterbug Station 2024 (DCU & Miraculous Ladybug)
Wed, 27 Mar 2024 04:40:57 +0100 https://archiveofourown.org/works/54757099
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superel-a · 4 years
›    ›    ›    ›   𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙼 𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙺 𝚁𝙴𝙲𝙴𝙸𝚅𝙴𝙳  :  robin vc : if b tells me i can't stay up late to read anymore and i have to run away, can i come stay with you? i'll be good, i promise! i can do farm work! alfie says my muscles are getting bigger every day, lemme hide! i mean help!
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𝙹𝙰𝚂𝙾𝙽   ,  enthusiastic and refreshing  from the constant dreary  ambiance of  his mentor  bruce  wayne  .  excited about learning  and growing every single day  .  it had clark  excited  to see what he would grow up to become  .  and delighted to say he was beside his side should jason ever need a super to come and save him from a pinch  .   a comforting  yet  doting gaze fell upon him as he lowered to his knee to meet the desperate plea of the robin  .  jason’s eyes always did have a shine to them .  call it strange, but clark always noticed how  his little  robin ‘ s pupils dilated wide upon seeing him  . thanks , super eye sight !    a  smile was donned  to answer the 𝙳𝙸𝚁𝙴 request .   surely  reading was of upmost importance and jason was being deprived  !   𝙰 𝚂𝚄𝙼𝙼𝙴𝚁 𝙻𝙸𝙺𝙴 𝙻𝙰𝚄𝙶𝙷 ,   sweet as the peaches in westward orchards .   ❝   oh   is   big  bad  bat  really saying that,  robin  ?   not  letting you catch up on those next chapters after  taking up your whole day with  chores  ? 𝚃𝙷𝙰𝚃'𝚂 𝙲𝚁𝙸𝙼𝙸𝙽𝙰𝙻  !    ❞
oh  ,  clark always felt a infectious pleasantness blossom within his soft cloud  heart  speaking with those innocent yet damaged kids like jason .  they all just needed help , didn’t they  ?   where one would have suffered loss ,  another would offer a home beyond imagination .  clark placed a firm hand upon the shoulder .
❝   alfred  is right .  every time i visit you you’re growing like a corn stalk  .  you’re going to be  real strong  ,  jason .  hmmm . . .  run away ?  𝙼𝚈 𝙷𝙾𝙼𝙴, 𝙼𝙴𝚃𝚁𝙾𝙿𝙾𝙻𝙸𝚂 𝙾𝚁 𝙺𝙰𝙽𝚂𝙰𝚂 , 𝚆𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝙰𝙻𝚆𝙰𝚈𝚂 𝙱𝙴 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙷𝙾𝙼𝙴 .   but  ,  sleep is real important for you   how else are those muscles going to get even stronger ?  listen  ,   how about next weekend i take you from batman’s  rules and you stay over at the farm ?  you can bring all your favorite books .  sounds fun  ?    ❞
›    ›    ›    ›  𝚄𝙿 ,  𝚄𝙿,  𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝙰𝚆𝙰𝚈 !   @redvived​
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sainteivy · 4 years
   ❝         𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃 - 𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍.         ❞           it  lingers  in  the  air  like  an  old  wives’  tale,     a       pause       between  her     &     Her  own  existence,    a  tucked  -  away  semblance  of  the  past  pushed  back  down,   down,   down.       /      @redvived     
she  is  hungry  once  more,     mother  -  earth  starved  angrily  of  human  -  fertilizer  until  She  becomes  volatile     &    rash.         She  rests  besides  her  own  autonomy,      the  sound  of  plant  cries     &     begs  breaking  up  her  thoughts  into  pieces,     until  she  can  no  longer  grasp  onto  them.                    (           SHE  COOS  AT  HER  PLANTS  AS  IF  THEY  ARE  HER  CHILDREN,     CLAWING     &     CRAWLING  TOWARDS  HER,     READY  TO  SUCKLE  ONTO  GREEN  -  TINT  FINGERS.          )                   a  sweet  bit  of  Solanum dulcamara¹  reach  her  hands  first,       (   𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭   )    plant  -  mouth  opening     &     curling  around  her  index  finger.         She  turns  to  Him,       a  red  smile  on  her  lips.
¹    also known as fellenwort,  bittersweet nightshade –– but still poisonous to humans and livestock.   too many can kill you,    but it makes a pleasant potion for fondness!   whaddya know,  ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᵈᵒᵉˢ ᵏⁱˡˡ. 
      ❛❛      ––––––     do  you  know  what  we  could  do  with  that  money.       what   I    could  do  with  that  money    ?         but  it  sits  in  the    PAWS   &   CLAWS    of  hungry,    greedy  businessmen.        [    𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍. 𝐀 𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐁𝐔𝐃 𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐌.     ]        you  would  be  deliciously  helpful,      you  know.       (    you can keep ten percent.    )       ❜❜
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withanarrow-a · 4 years
➣  @redvived​.
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          ❛   𝐓𝐎 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐃𝐎𝐄𝐒 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐎𝐖𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄, 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃?   ❜     this is truly the last thing ollie could have ever wanted to come across, or have asked for.     ❛   i think me and mine have had enough of you, by now.   ❜
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rehoped · 5 months
handsome in a way that rivalled old hollywood : cheekbones precise, high and cut clear. ( the autopsy claimed the right was shattered to 'putty', run a tempted finger along and the puckered edges still bite. bone welded piece by piece by piece clutch cracks. ) the square meander of his jawbone juts down supporting the thick structure rooting up toward a broader face shadowed under heavy set brows that crescent over deep, rich oaken brown eyes, the kind that's been felled with care and lacquered gently. ( dr. kassa noted [1] the laceration from his left brow over his eye was 'five inches deep & two wide'. it casts a pink line when he blinks, enough for her to wonder if it bothers him when it rains. )
tall in a way that splits crowds, dwarfs the rooms he stands in, touches the feet of clouds, demands attention despite him baulking at it. all eyes stalk a long stride til' it meets its destination ; hypnotised, paralysed by his gait. ( photo's [2] [3] pre - murder place jason solidly under 5'6, if fate had called on him a month or two later a growth spurt would have given the joker another half an hours worth of inches to break in his legs. )
fissure from frame to door, left ajar with only himself to blame, allows a lean watchpoint for glimpses and gasps of him. an image of a vaunted namesake, broad in wingspan and in strength, the depiction of impregnability. tides couldn't take him, every step or stance is resolutely rooted ; winds can't bat him loose, nothing so small as nature phases him, even with all her attempts to take him, laudable and laughable how many times petty thief alludes himself to believe he can. she's witnessed men bounce as if repelled by an invisible force the moment they meet him, all the energy forced into an offensive charge is useless against an inimitable object.
impressive in the way only the untouchable can be, a vision scraped from screen or myth, a view best observed from the sidelines lest it ends up blinding you to reason. the kind of reason that would advise against peeking too long, too often, too swiftly when he abandons one shirt for the next. his back to her, unknown that an audience holds its breath rapt and intent, that her fingers twitch to test if his skin is as soft as it seems ; if she can help to count the scars he's forgotten or misplaced.
caution turns her away, shame biting at the back of her head, temptation tickles at thoughts to swift to rationalise creaking through the opening to touch, trail, trace every part she could. thumb to a rib, sliding up the trail left by well earned muscle, a plume left patched and scratched across ( photo[ 4] id : finalised autopsy stitched together. ) collarbone still fragile to the touch, she thinks he'd shiver under her, that he'd blush if she made him. her hands could make him breathless if she could touch him. handsome or scarred, tall or imposing, strength or walls, none of it would matter at all if her fantasies had their way.
eve wouldn't have needed convincing, if he was her forbidden fruit.
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within moments, it'll be wrapped up in the armour of a three piece suit he despises, layers between him to her ; guarded, button by button, to perfectly parade around a " civilised society " that he despises.
[ 𝙿𝙻𝚄𝚂 𝙾𝙽𝙴 ] : the sender and receiver put on their glad rags and attend a very fancy and prestigious event together. / @redvived
HE WON'T BE ALONE. a charming crutch she'll be, smoothing conversation in a dress that slinks over her skin, lapping up attention donned in golden silk with her curls coiffed and lips red, defusing intrusive curiosity that eats every rumour of him, as if she could offset the sight of him against the need for answers.
the crowd tonight will coo every tabloid headline back. a carrion chorus drunk on the chance to seize rumour or innuendo, pecking each wound for their chum. dead men walk & talk who wouldn't want a front row seat? her role is to protect him. the irony strikes her deep as here she stands, a sneak on his privacy.
worse : no one in that crowd had seen the files on him. pushed into her hands by an overseer, perhaps, but she read his life like he were hers for consumption.
sin rankles at her stomach, bitter taste embalming her tongue. spinning away halts a private showing ( mercifully, thankfully ) before it went to far. & though sense would tell her a peek into the box, a glance at the apple, lasts seconds her stewing on the mistake choice takes her minutes.
enough self - admonishment passes for him to slip the gap seclusion unnecessary when he's donned a suit fit for kings, hair slick back, smirk baited. handsome in the way that takes your breath away, tall in the way that forces your eyes to crawl up, up and up to meet his, broad in a way that encompasses her entire view. that's his speciality, up close & personal. furrow in his long brows the longer she won't meet his gaze. on any other night, she wouldn't have him any other way now, she's already taken too much of him.
playing at the smiling, innocuous guest, playing a significant part of him to the crowd ; pretending a confidant, pretending to be a friend to him. knowing the entire time -
the cat among the pigeons is her. a night next to him is all she could have wanted. she wants for more, & the guilt of it crushes.
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hcllorhighwater · 4 years
STARTER // TALIA AL GHUL || @redvived​
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“I suppose you’re rather proud of yourself for having found me.  I would hate to ruin your fun by pointing out that I was not hiding.” 
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anthromimicry · 5 months
what tarot card are you?
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The Fool
there is only so fast a car can go before it flips. you would do well to memorise that speed, though whether that is to reach it or avoid it is none of my concern. your life can not be made only of beginnings; you forget that for every new life, there is one you had to smother. adventure beckons, must you rise to meet it? have you spoken to a loved one from a past life recently? i’m sure someone somewhere misses you.
tagged by: @redvived
tagging: whoever who would like to do this!
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sandmark · 6 months
which tragic character from ancient greek literature are you?
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you are ANTIGONE from the theban plays by sophocles. you are bold, unwavering in your morals and your passion, an unstoppable force of nature. but when you go head-to-head with an immovable object, your ideals can lead you to self-destruction. you are stubbornly resilient and fearless to a fault, and aren't afraid to stand alone in the face of death. antigone, in your quest for justice, don't forget: you are allowed to step back, to love life a little, to be young once more before soldiering on to the very very end. be selfish in your fierceness, just once.
TAGGED BY: stole it from @redvived ! TAGGING: @zipkick, @wonedeus, @ofsoul, and you !
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elszor · 4 years
um, kara? you told me you were just running across the street for a cup of coffee.
“        well    you    see    〔 ⠀… ⠀〕    it’s    a    funny    story.        ”        hands    are    wrapped    around    now    cold    cups    of    coffee    as    she    stands    before    him.        sheepish    smile    on    lips    and    she    finds    it    hard    to    maintain    eye    contact.        “        there    was    a    cat    stuck    in    a    tree    and,    well,    i    couldn’t    just    leave    it    there!    then    i    was    already    in    the    supergirl    getup    at    that    point   so    i,    you    know,    did    a    few    more    things.    i    wasn’t    gone    that    long!        ”
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