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minidovecomics · 2 years
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harringtonstilinski · 4 months
The Alchemy - Eddie Munson
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader Word Count: 5,165 Warnings: quick gif, fluff, angst, steve being an ass, Requested: no | yes; i hope this meets your expectations, anon friend!! <33 Smut: no | yes; A/N: Hi, friends! I either aged up Dustin, or aged down Steve, Reader, and Eddie. I guess I'll leave it up to your interpretation. I don't think the gif goes with it, but oh well. If you like this, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
eddie munson masterlist
eddie munson playlist
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Steve Harrington. Hawkins very own it boy, and Hawkins High King.
Eddie Munson. Hawkins residential freak, and Dungeon Master to the Hellfire Club.
Then there’s you. Hawkins High Queen, and best friend to Hellfire’s Dungeon Master. You were crowned Queen when you and Steve started dating. Hating the title, you ignored everyone that referred to you as Queen. 
You weren’t popular by any means. Just a normal girl that had her nose stuck in a book in the corner of the room. Steve had noticed you one day during Study Hall, thinking that you were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
So, one day when you were in class, Steve had walked up to your locker in the empty hallway, asking you to meet him in between the gym and the building next to it, to which you had heaved an anxious sigh and walked to that meeting spot.
When you had arrived, he was leaning against the wall, looking just as nervous as you were. The two of you had talked about why he wanted you there; so that he could tell you about his feelings for you, and vice versa.
It wasn’t no secret that almost all the girls at Hawkins High had a crush on Steve. All he had to do was just glance at them and they’d all swoon and sigh at what they would call a small interaction.
Steve could’ve had any girl in the school, even Nancy Wheeler, but instead, he chose you. Mainly because you weren’t like the other girls trying to grab his attention. You would have cared less about getting attention, but it was one day in homeroom when he showed up late to school with his usual breakfast; a bacon, egg and cheese sesame bagel. He usually only had one, but one particular morning, after you had caught his eye, he decided to get you one as well.
Having overheard a small conversation you had with one of your friends, he smiled to himself and got a bagel sandwich for you; a plain bagel with a sausage patty in the middle. Pretty simple meal for a pretty simple girl. When he had placed it on your desk, you looked a little stunned, looking up at him as he walked by, a small smile appearing on your face as he disappeared from your view. From that day between the buildings, the two of you had been inseparable. It made your little brother, Dustin, happy to see that his favorite sister and babysitter turned older male best friend got together.
Although you were thankful that you were with Steve, it took your time away from your best friend, Hawkins resident Freak and Hellfire’s Dungeon Master, Eddie Munson, who had also turned into your brother’s other older male friend.
 You loved Eddie, he made you laugh, made you feel comfortable when you would go sit at Hellfire’s campaigns reading your books, and he made you feel like the only girl in the world… until Steve came along and swept you off of your feet.
Now, as you were standing at your locker skimming over yesterday’s work to figure out what you need for today, you noticed from the corner of your eye a body leaning against the lockers next to yours. Sighing, you smiled a little, smelling the light scent of nicotine. “What do you want, Eddie?”
“What makes you think I want something?” he asked, crossing his arms and resting the bottom of his Reebox on the lockers he was leaning against, his leg bending at the knee.
“Because everytime you lean next to my locker, you always ask for something,” you said, looking into the depths of your locker to find the textbook for your next class, grabbing it along with a notebook and pencil before finally looking at your best friend.
“Like what?” Eddie asked, turning his body so that his shoulder was the only thing touching the locker door. He smirked a little before leaning his head down the slightest bit and off to the side.
“Like a lighter, notes from class, for me to sit at Hellfire to keep you company when you have Jeff, Gareth and Doug.” You closed your locker, hand resting against it as you looked him in the eyes with a soft smile. “I’m guessing you’re gonna ask about Hellfire.”
With his mouth agape, he couldn’t help but just stare at you before dramatically putting his hand over his heart. “How you dare think that I would-” Dropping his arms, he placed his hands on his hips, a semi-serious look on his face. “Yeah, I’m asking you to come to Hellfire tonight.”
You chuckled, looping your arm through his that he held out for you to take. “Okay. Let me see if I can move some things around tonight. I know that Steve probably has something planned-”
At Eddie’s sigh, you stopped talking, looking at his profile. “I just don’t get why you have to move things around for him. Just to hang out with me. I mean, I’m your best friend, for fuck’s sake.”
It was your turn to sigh, your footsteps halting before you gently pulled at Eddie’s elbow, his head quickly turning over his shoulder to look at you. “I know, and trust me, it gets a bit tiring having to talk with him about my hanging out with you. But he is my boyfriend, so I have to take his feelings into account as well.”
Sighing again, Eddie hung his head. “I just don’t like you having to pencil me into your schedule.” He looked back up at you, seeing the sad look in your eyes. “I wish it was different.” Looking above your head, he rolled his eyes and looked off to the side, the movement not going unnoticed by you.
With furrowed brows, you started to ask, “What’s wro-” before your body was lifted up, your feet coming off the ground as a squeal left your throat. When you were placed back down, you turned to see who it was, audibly letting out a breath at seeing your boyfriend, Steve. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
You went to see if Eddie was still standing behind you now to tell him that you’d meet him at lunch, but at seeing his form retreating down the hall to the rest of Hellfire, your shoulders sagged a little, feeling bad for your best friend.
“Why were you talking to Eddie the Freak Munson?” Steve asked, lacing his fingers with yours to continue your walk to class.
“Because he’s my best friend, and he met me at my locker,” you said, the words coming out in more of a question than a statement. “He asked me a question that I need to talk to you about.”
Sighing, Steve brought his hand up to his hair, running his fingers through the strands. “What did he ask about this time?”
“If I could sit in at Hellfire tonight.”
Feeling a light pull on your hand, you turned to see that Steve had stopped walking, forefinger and thumb pinching the bridge of his nose. “We have plans tonight,” he said. When he looked at you, you could see a look irritation in his eyes. “We can’t cancel tonight.”
Sighing and rolling your eyes, you said, “I’m sure Nancy can reschedule.”
“Why the fuck would she reschedule? You’re the one who set this up.”
Taken aback, your eyes widened at his remark. “Uhm, newsflash, Steve, you and her set this ‘study date’ up. Not me.” Deciding to be defiant, you crossed your arms over your chest, caging in your books and standing a little bit taller. “You can go without me. I’m hanging out with my best friend.” “Your best friend that’s a freak?” Steve retorted, voice getting a little loud.
“Just because he likes to play a fantasy game doesn’t mean that he’s a freak.”
All Steve could do was let out a humorless chuckle. “I can’t believe I’m arguing with you about this in the middle of the damn hallway.”
You sighed, not really wanting to hear anymore of it. “You’re the one who stopped, not me. You’re the one who decided to try and pick a fight, not me. I’m going tonight, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”
As you walked away, you couldn’t help but look off to the side, seeing your brother’s somber eyes on you, sadness filling them as he had watched yours and Steve’s disagreement.
Storming into the drama room, you groaned exasperatedly while walking to the ‘throne’ Eddie had made for you. It didn’t register to you that there was a campaign going as you sat down and said, “I can’t fucking believe Steve.” Turning to face Eddie, mouth agape with a sigh leaving your lips. “He told me I couldn’t cancel plans that he made with Nancy fucking Wheeler. Plus, on top of that, he called you a damn freak!”
“That’s, uhm, frustrating, sweetheart, but–” Eddie said, but you still went on to interrupt him.
“I get enough of that shit from everyone in this fucking school and godforsaken town.” Reaching into your bag, you grabbed your book, opening it to the page you had set your bookmark to earlier in the day and leaned back in the chair. “I mean-” Closing your book, you sat up again, looking at your best friend. “Who the hell does he think he is?!”
“Your boyfriend?” Eddie said, more of a question.
You thought for a moment, looking above his head in thought before closing your eyes and shaking your head. “Yeah, but that’s not the point,” you said, opening your eyes. “You’re my best fucking friend. He knows that. His damn ego is getting in the way, and I won’t stand for it! He tried to argue with me about it after you asked, and then again in the parking lot!”
“No, no, let her go,” Jeff says in a whisper. “I want to see what kind of shit she says about her own boyfriend.”
With a deep voice, you said, “You’re not hanging out with Munson because all he wants to do is fuck you, and I think you wanna fuck him, too.” Groaning in aggravation, you tilted your head back some. “He’s such an asshole when it comes to you.” Pointing at Eddie with your elbow resting on the arm rest, you said, “You know what I think? I think he’s fucking jealous. Yeah. Uh-huh. He’s jealous. All because I want to spend time with my teddy bear of a best friend who is definitely not a freak.”
Letting out a huff, you opened your book back up, bringing your legs up to bend at the knee, your feet in the chair, letting your eyes scan over the words of your book. Waving towards the table, you said in a more calmer voice, “Carry on.”
“Ohhh-kaaaaayyyyyyy?” Eddie said, confused as ever. He was still stuck on the fact that Steve basically outed his feelings to you. 
It was true. Eddie liked you. As more than a friend. Who could blame him, though? He liked you because you’re funny, smart, can match his sarcasm when needed, you listened to him ramble on about the latest campaign he was planning or the new heavy metal tape he had just bought. You made Eddie feel like the only man on earth, and he liked– no, no - loved you for it.
But what he and Steve didn’t know… was that your feelings for Eddie were reciprocated. You just acted on your feelings for Steve because you didn’t think Eddie felt the same way. It was a weird love triangle that you had found yourself in; liking two guys at the same time, but didn’t know who to choose until Steve answered that internal question for you.
Granted, you and Steve have been dating for the last six months, but still. The way he treated Eddie was bothersome. You didn’t like it, and every time you tried to voice your opinion on the matter, he didn’t want to have anything to do with it, not wanting to pick that fight. It didn’t feel right, the way Steve would dismiss your feelings on the subject, but you didn’t want to ruin this new thing you had with him, so you dropped it, hoping the next time it got brought up would be different.
With each passing moment you sat with the boys of Hellfire while they played their campaign, you couldn’t help but glance up at Eddie from time to time, and wonder how much different life would be if you were with him and not Steve. How much leniency he would give you to hang out with friends of your own.
Sure, being with Steve was great, but as the months passed, you realized that your feelings for Steve weren’t there anymore. They were elsewhere. They were for Eddie, and a lot damn stronger than you realized. It only took just now, watching him smile, and stand to playfully argue with his best friends for you to realize it.
It wasn’t until an hour later that you were walking with Eddie to the parking lot of the school, laughing at something that he said when you heard your name being called. Looking around, you spotted that maroon BMW that everyone in town knew was Steve’s, the teenage boy standing at the open door of the driver’s side. Even from where you were standing, you could see the scowl on his face. 
Turning to Eddie with a sigh, you informed him that you had to go and that you’d either call him later that night or see him the following day at school, to which he looked at you with hesitance on his features. 
He looked at up Steve, moving to the side a little to try and block Steve’s view of you… or that’s the way Eddie saw it as, but to you, you saw it as a way of protection; protection against Steve’s hard gaze on you, protection from those hazel eyes that you can feel burning holes into your skin.
“Listen,” Eddie said, so softly that only you can hear. Looking back down at you, he continued his words. “If you need anything, and I mean anything, you call me. You find a phone, and you call me. If Wayne picks up, you tell him where you’re at, and I’ll come get you as soon as he tells me.”
You could see the sincerity in his eyes as he spoke, not wanting any harm to come to you. Sure, Steve had never laid on you, but Eddie never knew if he was the type to strike at any moment for whatever reason he saw necessary, and you could see the conflicting emotions in his eyes.
Lifting a hand to rest on his cheek, you didn’t miss the way he sighed softly, closing his eyes as he ever so gently leaned into your touch before opening his eyes when you started to speak. “I’ll be fine. He’s never hurt me, and even if he did, you’d be the first person I call. And then Hop.”
Eddie nodded, closing his eyes on more time. Lifting his own hand to engulf yours, he turned to his head slightly, kissing the bottom of your palm before lowering both of your hands. “Come on,” he whispered. “Let me walk you to his car.”
Reluctantly, he let go of your hand, turning to start the small journey to Steve’s car, the latter sighing in impatience.
“It’s about time,” he breathed. “Come on. We’re gonna be late.”
Confused, you stopped at the front of the car, looking at him with confused brows. “Late? For what?” Feeling a hand on the small of your back, you relaxed a great deal, knowing it was Eddie who was trying to bring you comfort.
“The study thing with Nance,” Steve said, almost like it was obvious. “I called her and pushed the time back, which she was confusingly okay with.”
You knew the double meaning behind his words. It didn’t take the biggest nerd in school to see that his feelings, too, had shifted from you to Nancy. “Is anyone else going to be there?” you asked.
Shaking his head, Steve replied, “Nope. Just the three of us.”
“Okay, well, you can go alone and I can just go home,” you replied after thinking for a moment about it. “I’m tired anyway. I’ll probably just fall asleep.”
Sighing, Steve hung his head for a moment before picking his head back up, looking at you with so much dominance, it honestly started to scare you. “You’re going with me, and that’s final. Let’s go.” Sliding back into his seat, his gaze never strayed away from you, watching your every move.
It’s not that Steve didn’t trust you, he did. It was Eddie he didn’t trust. Steve could see it from a mile away that Munson had feelings for you, and that they weren’t going to go away anytime soon.
Sighing, you turned to face Eddie straight on, bringing a hand up to mess with the patch on his denim vest that was closest to you so that Steve couldn’t see… or at least you hoped he couldn’t see. “I think it best if I just go with him. Don’t want to have another disagreement about it.”
Eddie could see the disappointment and hurt in your eyes. He knew that whatever was going on in your relationship wasn’t good if it started to turn sour this quickly. “I mean it, sweetheart. You call me if you need me.”
Looking up at him, you could see adoration in his cynical eyes. “I will. Don’t worry. Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Being there. Being my be–”
“Come on, babe! We gotta go!” Steve interrupted.
Groaning quietly in frustration, you hang your head, eyes closed. “I swear, I’m gonna break up with him if he keeps acting this way.”
Sighing, Eddie wrapped his arms around your shoulders, bringing you in for a hug. Resting his cheek on the top of your head as you wrapped your own arms around his middle, he closed his eyes, not liking that you’re feeling this way towards your boyfriend. “Hopefully, things get better between you two. I don’t like seeing you like this.”
Hesitantly, you let him go, looking up at him. “I’ll call you later, okay? Or I’ll see you tomorrow. Whichever comes first.”
“Whichever comes first.”
You smiled at each other before Eddie kissed the area of your forehead where your hairline started. He turned and walked away, eyes cast in front of him as you watched his form get smaller and smaller.
The next three months were more or less the same; you wanting to hang out with Hellfire on their campaign days after school, Steve saying that you two had plans when you didn’t recall making any, you two disagreeing about it, etcetera, etcetera. When it was almost time to wrap up the school year, you were surprisingly excited, having been invited to Hellfire’s  End of the Year party.
Eddie had recruited you to help him plan it out, and with the help of everyone saying they’ll bring certain supplies, you were more than excited about the party. It was all you and Dustin could talk about for weeks, the both of you asking your mother if the party could be held at your place, to which she happily agreed to.
When you relayed the message to Eddie, he smiled so big that you thought he’d split his cheeks into two. He had picked you up and spun you around, hugging your body to his in glee, until a throat being cleared stopped the happiness between the two of you.
Setting you down, your smile died, seeing Steve standing with his hands on his hips. “Hey, babe,” you said, almost stuttering.
“Let me walk you to class?” he asked, holding his hand out for you to take, which you did. Before you could say goodbye to Eddie, Steve had pulled you down the hallway, standing in an open spot by the bulletin board, pointing to the picture of the Hellfire club. “You’re not going to that party.”
Taken aback by his sternness, you raised your eyebrows in surprise, eyes widening a little before furrowing your brows in slight anger. “Excuse me?”
“I said you’re not going, and that’s final.”
“You can’t tell me what to do,” you said, crossing your arms defiantly. “It’s at my house.”
“Then you’re not staying.”
“Yes, I am. Again, you can’t tell me what to do.” From behind Steve, you could see your little brother stop at the front doors of the school, watching the scene unfold before him, Eddie and Jeff coming up on either side of him, Eddie’s blood starting to boil.
“No. You’re. Not.”
Sighing exasperatedly, you turned your body towards the door, head thrown back in annoyance. “Oh, my god, you’re so annoying.” Quickly glancing at Eddie, your eyes met before it hit you like a freight train. “It’s because of Eddie, isn’t it? Well, I got newsflash for you, buddy; it’s just Eddie! The rest of Hellfire will be there!”
“Yeah, Eddie. The guy you just can’t stop talking about,” Steve retorted, growing more and more angry by the second while you were growing more and more defensive.
Bringing your head back in confusion, you asked, “What the fuck does that mean?”
“Eddie’s hair this, Eddie’s band that. Can’t hang out tonight because Eddie needs me at Hellfire.”
Laughing while pinching the bridge of your nose, you closed your eyes, just now noticing the jealousy Steve had toward Eddie. “You’re so ridiculous. If I hadn’t known about Robin, I would’ve thought the same thing.”
A quick moment of relief passes over Steve, his features softening as he goes to ask, “Wait, so–” before you quietly interrupted, “Eddie’s not gay! And neither are you, so stop. Hellfire is having an End of the School Year party and Eddie invited me. So fucking what? I told him the party is being held at mine and Dustin’s, so I might as well stay for a little bit since the invitation was extended.”
“Whatever,” Steve said, going to walk around you before your next words stopped him dead in his tracks.
“Then we can whatever this relationship.”
Steve turned back around to face you, a small audience now gathering as the three boys of Hellfire walked in to stand behind you. “What?”
Feeling Eddie standing right behind you, you spoke with the most confidence you could muster. “I’m tired of always fighting with you about me hanging out with my best friend. The jealousy is getting pretty annoying. I can’t stay in this if you’re always going to be telling me what I can and can’t do, who I can and can’t hang out with. This isn’t the Steve that I got together with. This isn’t the Steve that I fell in love with. I don’t know this Steve standing in front of me. The Steve I fell in love with would be accepting of my friends and of my hanging out with them. Not this Steve. This Steve is controlling, and jealous, and… just an asshole. I’m sorry, Steve, but I’m done. Maybe somewhere down the road in life we’ll find each other again, but as of right now… I’m done.”
With that, you turned and walked around Eddie and out of the school, Eddie just staring at Steve in disbelief. “You broke her, man.”
“What the fuck do you know?” Steve asked, taking a step forward. “You know nothing of our relationship.”
“I know you were an asshole to her,” Eddie said, calmly. “She came to Hellfire a few months ago saying that you were jealous about her wanting to hang out with us because I asked her to. When it comes to me, you’re fucking jealous and you know it.” Not wanting to add more fuel to the fire, but already doing so, he went on to add, “Oh, and she knows you’re fucking Nancy Wheeler behind her back, and have been for months.” After the kids the hallway gasped, he continued, “Study dates with just her and Nancy? Really? You’re better than that, man. Your reputation is better than that.” He turned to walk out of the school in search of you only to find that you were already gone.
It wasn’t but a couple of hours later that you had decided to call the Munson’s landline in search of Eddie. You figured since it was after school that you’d try his house first before trying Reefer Rick’s and Jeff’s house.
Wayne had answered and said that he hadn’t seen Eddie since the night before when he left for his shift at the plant, which you understood completely, knowing the older Munson man worked nights and didn’t see Eddie until the latter came home from school.
After calling Jeff’s and hearing that he was proud of you for standing up to Steve, he had relayed that he didn’t know where Eddie was and that he was sorry he couldn’t have been more help, to which you had told him to not worry about.
Calling Reefer Rick’s, you had prayed and hoped that he’d answer, knowing that he was always too high or drunk to answer his own damn landline. Relief washed over you when he did pick up, asking first and foremost if you wanted to buy from him, to which you politely declined. 
You got straight to the point and asked if Eddie was over at his place, to which he said he was and that he looked distraught and angry, saying that Eddie was in the boathouse. After saying a quick thanks, you hung up the phone, the man on the other end looking at the phone in confusion before saying a quick, “Ohh-kay?” before placing the receiver back on the base.
Telling your mom you’d be back soon, you bolted out of the house, grabbing your bike and pedaling as hard as you could to Reefer Rick’s on the other side of town. You didn’t have a plan as you pedaled, just wanting to get there as soon as you could to talk to Eddie.
With luck you were having, you heard thunder, looking around you to see dark gray clouds lining the sky, the image making you pedal faster, and as you did, you only thought about Eddie, and hoping to God that he’d still be at Rick’s when you got there.
Rick didn’t bother to tell Eddie that you were coming by to see him, the man wanting it to be a surprise for Eddie, who was pacing slowly back and forth in the boathouse, a D&D die in his hand, the Dungeon Master tossing it in the air to catch it or rolling it around in his palm.
Hearing the thunder outside, he looked out of the window, seeing those same gray clouds you did, his nerves growing more and more with each passing second, not knowing that you were on the way.
Feeling drops of water land on your head and hands, you push yourself, your legs feeling like jelly as the rain comes down harder on you, the coolness of the raindrops cooling you off significantly. You welcomed it, tilting your head back for just a moment to let the rain pour down your face. When you recognized the driveway to Rick’s house, you started to slow down your pedaling, shouting Eddie’s name as you did.
Eddie looked out of the window of the boathouse, seeing your form jump off the bike and push it off to the side, shouting Eddie’s name again. He didn’t hesitate to jump from his spot by the window, running to the door and walking outside. “Sweetheart?” he said, voice loud enough to be heard over the rain. “What are you–” “Tell me you love me,” you said, standing just a few feet from him, your voice also loud enough to be heard over the rain.
“Sweetheart, come in–”
“Tell me you love me,” you repeated, your breathing heavy. “Because, goddammit, Eddie, I love you.”
“Then why were you with that tool?”
“Because I didn’t think you could love me the way that I love you. I didn’t think the feelings I had for you were mutual, but I came to realize that they were.”
Astonished, Eddie’s eyes widened for a second before scrunching again to not get the rain water in his eyes. “When did you figure it out?”
“That night three months ago after Hellfire,” you replied, remembering that night as if it were yesterday. “At first I saw it before we walked to Steve’s car, but when you kissed my hairline before walking away, I saw the look in your eyes.”
“Then why did you stay with Steve?”
“I wanted to see if what I saw was just a fluke, but the more I thought about it, and the way you picked me up earlier today to spin me around, I knew it wasn’t a fluke and that you have those same feelings for me.”
Eddie stepped closer to you, now just mere inches away. “I’ve had feelings for you for years, sweetheart. Not just recently.”
“I know,” you said. “You make me happy, Eddie. Happier than Steve ever did. You make me feel like I’m the only girl in the world. The way you make me laugh, the instant smile I get when I see you, just… everything about you made the feelings hit like a bus.”
Chuckling, Eddie looked down at both of your soaked shoes before looking back up at you. “You make me feel all those same things, baby. You don’t see me as a fucking freak like the rest of this damn town does. You see me for me. And that’s something I’ll be forever grateful for.”
Before you could give a reply, his hands cup your cheeks, bringing your lips to his, finally getting to feel the softness of your lips that he had been dreaming about. As your lips moved in complete and total sync, all you could feel was happiness; happiness that you finally got the boy of your dreams.
Pulling away, the two of you just breathed, loving the way your lips had just perfectly molded together.
“Come on,” Eddie said, lifting his head to look up at you. Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, he smirked before feeling your fingers fan his jaw. “Let’s go back to my trailer. We’ll take warm showers to warm up, eat all the junk we can find and watch a movie together. How’s that sound?”
Smiling up at him, all you could do was look at him before picturing all of that in your mind before saying, “Sounds perfect.”
A/N 2:  hi, friends! let me know what you thought! again, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox.
Additional Notes: i'm trying to add the character masterlists and playlists onto all my one-shots from here on out! let me know if it makes it easier for y'all to back and choose!
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24 @stixnstripesworld @fandom-princess-forevermore @quanticobae @mischiefandi @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
Italics wouldn’t let me tag!
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on June 7, 2024
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maybestronger · 5 months
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Chrissy didn’t know how she had gotten here. HELL, she didn’t even know where HERE was - but the one thing she did understand is that it was dangerous. Every last little inch of the place could KILL you, and so upon learning that FUN FACT, the blonde had RUN. Hiding in each spot that she could, surviving on scraps for days, bracing herself with weapons that she once thought she’d NEVER touch. All in the hopes that someone would RESCUE her eventually. If only they knew where to look. The silence most days was deafening, and she spent most of her days just as quiet, terrified that if she spoke she would be caught, causing Chrissy to fear that she’d lose her damn voice from DISUSE. That is, until one day she heard a SHOUT come from down the street. Knowing all too well that it WASN’T one of the creatures that roamed the town freely, the blonde shot towards the sound without thinking twice. Someone was HERE and she didn’t want them to LEAVE again without her. White Reebox sneakers carried her quickly towards the culprit of aforementioned noise, but realizing QUICKLY that they were calling out LOUD, Chrissy all but DOVE at them and pulled them into the nearest building. ❝Shhhhh! You have to keep it DOWN!❞
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quinnmagdalene · 2 years
Was tagged by @angelcuttongue 🥰
A month I'd be: May
A day of the week I’d be: Tuesday
A planet I’d be: Venus
A sea animal I’d be: a shark
A piece of furniture I’d be: a daybed with pink bedding
A gemstone I’d be: rose quartz
A flower I’d be: a garden rose
A kind of weather I’d be: a nice sunny day by the lake that’s like 15 degrees and a little chilly
A color I’d be: blush pink (the colour of my page :D)
An emotion I’d be: anger
A fruit I’d be: watermelon
An element I’d be: air
A place I’d be: my bedroom with its wood panelled walls and candles burning
A taste I’d taste like: vanilla
A scent I’d be: flowerbomb by viktor & rolf
An object I’d be: an old, bulky bomb box in the garage
A body part I’d be: a nose (LOL)
A song I’d be: golden age by Ethel Cain
A pair of shoes I’d be: my pair of creased reebox <3
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thegreek00700 · 3 days
violent unorthodox repaidly releasing verbs words webster dictionary work in us all stop being a liar and Rebot well buy Reebox it makes better since.
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senpaiisoupp · 29 days
Mental health is at a LOW. But hey you know shawty dropped it low with the reebox with the straps and she’s doing fine
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poconopaula · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Reebox, Racerback Blue removable pads shorts bra Small.
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calliescashey5066 · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Reebox Women's Pink‎ Hoodie Comfy Active Pullover w/Pocket LS Size XL EUC.
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intoxicatingl0ve-blog · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: EUC Reebox Classic (Kids).
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your-attireempire · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Kids Reebox Royal Classic Jogger 2.0.
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etc-228 · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🌼NWT REEBOX SPECKLE FRENCH TERRY TOP W/KEYHOLE BACK..
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ritaamorgan57 · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Reebox Lightweight Jacket.
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wakalifestyle · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Reebox.
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Wait is this for real??? Like forget the fact that they’re an amateur club or whatever but you’re telling me a group of graphic designers for a company like Space X that’s worth more than $100 billion couldn’t come up with a unique customized logo that’s not stolen off of a stock account??? Like I’m in a relatively small creative department in a healthcare company and we have to do a shit ton of research whenever we have to come up with a logo (even if it’s a logo for an internal meeting) so that we don’t end up creating something that’s already out there, and those losers couldn’t be bothered to do the same?? They didn’t even bother to use another sort of crescent. They personalized it by placing their rip off Reebox logo as well.
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poconopaula · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Reebox, gray and red gym shoes Size 10.
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