#ref: thread tracker
writermuses · 1 year
Life Update | 📌 Post
Hello writers! I'm Natty (34, she/her) and welcome to my multi-muse/multi-verse indie RP blog. I am selective and slow to reply. There will be crime, smut, and other triggering content on this blog, but I use "trigger tw" and "smut" for tags fairly consistently. Nevertheless, I will not interact with blogs, muses, or faceclaims of anyone under 21. Thank you in advance for being patient with me. Have my rules:
My opens are open forever! but I do need to take the legacy opens down and re-post in the new editor. If you want to reply one of those older legacy starters just make a new post and @ me with a 'continued from here' link.
Do not reblog the musings unless I tagged you on the post. If you want to use it you can reblog from the source. If there’s no source linked then copy the image URL. Again, if you’re not the @ and you like or reblog it, then I will block you.
This is supposed to be fun and my mental and physical health, family, and career will always come first. I am slow and if that’s a problem, then that’s your problem. I work insane hours and I'm in and out of the doctors as I recently entered remission for cancer and have multiple vital organs seriously damaged. Some days off work I just need to rest physically and mentally. I'm mostly just a Friday/Saturday writer.
I will drop threads with writers that use me for my males. While it’s painfully obvious that I heavily prefer my male muses, please consider that I have females literally right there looking for countless types of connections too. I’m not solely here for the smut, GASP. There is no faster way to get ghosted than to repeatedly reply to my male opens while letting my female threads go unreplied for months/until they hit the 2 month drop point.
I have severe anxiety and mega-para threads stress me tf out. I’ll write what I can, when I can, as the muse for a reply hits on the weekends, but I also have to acknowledge that I have a lot of threads and giant replies stress me out and are not fair to the other writers, so they aren’t going to take priority and may be dropped. Thank you for understanding, especially those of you that tell me it’s okay to not to match length.
Formatting isn't that big of a deal here. I prefer small font and medium or icon gifs, and only reply to reblogs using the new editor. If you only have large gifs of your faceclaim, it's okay to not use gifs in your replies. Even I have a few muses without gifs. Simply put, I ask that you cut posts and move the plot forward in your reply. If you repeatedly insta-reply and you aren't moving the plot anywhere, I'm going to lose interest and drop the thread. Rate and order of replies does not equate to interest in a thread. This is a space of QUALITY not quantity.
Temporary reply rule: Please do not post more than 4 replies in a 24 hour window if we have 10+ active threads.
Be well + Be kind 💙 Natty
Rules . Muse List . Starters . Tracker
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howlighte · 2 years
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                        “  grrrrr.  ”    —    jack  grrrrred.  / @cardhearted​
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marimelwrites · 1 year
@turkishdclights - continued from your reply to my open starter HERE!
If there was one thing Bryson seemed incapable of in that moment, it was keeping Zara away. The moment she moved towards him, he couldn't help how his arms naturally wrapped around her. His eyes, however, remained on the other man who didn't seem to want to wait around for Bryson to get an explanation. He wasn't sure whether to be more suspicious of him, or less. Either way, the situation wasn't looking good. He couldn't help it, the way it was more common for military to get cheated on by those back home while they were away on deployment, or a mission. He never saw this coming, though. Zara never seemed like the type of girl who might stray. It was that thought alone that kept him from shouting, or shoving her away.
He pulled back, his eyes landing on her face. She really was so beautiful, and seeing her again after some time apart always took his breath away. "Just got in and came straight to you the moment they let me free," Bryson answered, but his tone still wasn't as warm as it normally would have been. Nor was there a smile on his face. He needed to settle this once and for all, and he wasn't going to let it sit there bothering him until he exploded. That was once thing Bryson prided himself on, was the ability to talk about something right then and there, not beat around the bush.
"Wanna tell me who that guy was?" He asked gently, "What's going on, Zara?"
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KPMG audits the nursing homes it advises on how to beat audits
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Tomorrow (May 10), I’m in VANCOUVER for a keynote at the Open Source Summit and a book event for Red Team Blues at Heritage Hall and on Thurs (May 11), I’m in CALGARY for Wordfest.
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Auditors are capitalism’s lubricants, who keep the gears of finance capital smoothly a-whirl, allowing investors to move their money in and out of companies without having to go pore over their books and walk through their facilities. Without auditors, the gears of capitalism would grind themselves to dust:
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
Unfortunately for capitalism, auditing is irredeemably broken. The Big Four auditors (PWC, EY, Deloitte and KPMG) have merged to monopoly, becoming “too big to fail” and “too big to jail.” These four gigantic firms have spun up fantastically lucrative “consulting” divisions that advise companies on how to cheat on their audits and attain incredible (paper) gains. The work of these “consultants” is worth far more than the accounting and auditing jobs the companies do, and the weaker the audits are, the more profitable the consulting is:
This crisis has been a long time brewing. Back in 2001, the accounting/consulting giant Arthur Andersen was at the center of Enron’s fraud, which lit $11B in shareholder capital on fire. Enron had been making everyday people angry for years, engineering rolling blackouts and incredible energy-price gouging, but no one cares about working peoples’ complaints. By contrast, stealing $11B from rich people was something the authorities couldn’t ignore. They gave Andersen the death penalty, trying to teach the surviving accounting firms a lesson about what happens when you fuck with plutes.
But those other firms learned the wrong lesson: the collapse of Andersen was so disruptive that it soon became clear that the authorities would never take another giant consulting firm down, no matter how egregious its conduct was. They doubled down on crime, and then doubled down again.
It’s hard to pick a winner in the Big Four Accounting Firm Corruption Olympics, but KPMG is a strong contender, with a long history of just being monumentally inept and wrong. Back when Enron was unspooling, KPMG devoted itself to threatening people who linked to its website “without a license to do so”:
A couple years later, they declared war on wifi, trying to convince normies that wireless networks were an existential risk to human civilization:
But there’s not much money in wifi scare stories or licenses to link. KPMG are good dialectical materialists, devoted to money over ideology, and boy did they figure out some wild ways to make money. For one thing, they figured out that they could get more accountants certified by cheating…on ethics exams:
KPMG’s top managers bribed regulators to give them the answer-sheets for ethics exams. What did they bribe those public employees with? Jobs at KPMG:
There’s hardly a month that goes by without another KPMG scandal somewhere in the world, with enormous monetary and social fallout. During the lockdowns, Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government outsourced the creation and maintenance of ArriveCAN (a contact tracing app for people who entered Canada) to a grifter called GC Strategies, who billed millions for their services. GC Strategies didn’t do any work — instead, they paid KPMG $1,000-$1,500 day to hire freelancers to build the app. The app itself was a catastrophic failure, and that failure didn’t just embarrass the government — it also failed to protect Canadians during a once-in-a-century global pandemic. KPMG raked off a 30% commission:
In the USA, KPMG helped Microsoft work up a radioactively illegal tax-evasion scheme. Microsoft poured the millions it saved by cheating on its taxes into dark-money operations that lobbied to defund the IRS so that KPMG and Microsoft could cook up even more illegal tax-evasion schemes:
But KPMG doesn’t content itself with screwing over everyday people and rotting our democratic institutions — it also engages in the dangerous business of helping billionaires steal from millionaires. KPMG was the auditor that signed off on the scam “oil company” Miller Energy Partners, a fraud that operated for years thanks to KPMG’s rubber-stamp on its crooked books:
The company was run by serial fraudsters with long rapsheets for stealing millions. They staffed their C-suite with executives from disgraced companies that had been busted for running Ponzi schemes, issuing press releases praising those execs’ “proven track records in raising capital.” KPMG ignored every red flag, ignored the hundreds of millions in fraud on the books — and when the whole thing came crashing down, the responsible KPMG partner kept his job for years, until retiring with a full and fat pension.
More recently, KPMG made millions by confidently certifying the stability of a large regional bank, assuring investors and depositors that it was managing its risk and could be trusted. The name of the client that KPMG was so bullish on will be familiar to you: Silicon Valley Bank:
KPMG epitomizes the idea of Too Big To Fail and Too Big to Jail. Despite being at the center of virtually every major finance scandal, it continues to thrive and grow. Remember the Carillion bust, in which billions went up in smoke and swathes of privatized government services vanished overnight? Not only did KPMG sign off on fraudulent Carillion books, but it escaped fines for doing so — and got paid to help administer Carillion’s bankruptcy:
Despite this, KPMG continues to find willing buyers for its services. After all, when the sector is dominated by four giant, lavishly corrupt firms, there’s not much choice in the matter:
This is bad news for the investor class, of course, but it’s even worse news for the people who rely on the services that KPMG certifies, even as it helps grifters destroy them. Every kind of business relies on audits, from transit to aviation to day-care to eldercare.
Here’s a scary one for you: in Australia, the job of auditing residential eldercare homes’ compliance with safety and anti-abuse rules has been outsourced to KPMG. While KPMG earns a mid-sized fortune from these audits, it earns far more advising the owners of residential aged care homes on how to beat those audits:
KPMG says that the division that ensures the safety and dignity of elderly people is firewalled off from the division that advises companies on how to spend as little as possible on that safety and dignity — but KPMG also went to great lengths to keep the fact that it was selling services to both sides a secret.
Once the secret got out, an anonymous KPMG spokesmonster said, “When considering a request to perform an audit, we undertake a detailed process to ensure the engagement is free of conflicts.”
It’s hypothetically possible that this is true, but anyone who believes anything KPMG says is a sucker. The company’s rap-sheet goes back decades. This is, after all, a company that cheated on its ethics exams.
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, DC, Gaithersburg, Oxford, Hay, Manchester, Nottingham, London, and Berlin!
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[Image ID: Two business-suited male figures seen side on; each has a bomb for a head, and each is holding a lit lighter that has ignited the other's fuse. Each bomb is wearing a green accountant's eyeshade. In the background is a fiery mushroom cloud. They wear KPMG logos on their lapels.]
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Vectorportal.com (modified) https://vectorportal.com/vector/business-deal-illustration/23215
CC BY 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Inspired by an illustration by Matt Kenyon for the Financial Times: https://www.ft.com/content/07184d86-81cf-11e2-b050-00144feabdc0
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uncle-dusknoir · 1 year
SHIT I forgot I should do one of those pinned posts explaining who I am. i mean probably i kinda like the mystery but eh whatever.
im Basil. unovan. she/her. Hex Maniac "curse fanatic" by circumstance.
blog title source - personal curse tracker
I've got Toothpaste, he's a shiny Obstagoon and my baby boy; Thyme, that Dusknoir, my uncle; Jupetta, a Banette, Thyme's Pokemon before he turned into a Dusknoir.
There's also Skorna, the bone Runerigus. She's just a pest.
Deckard, a white-furred Zorua (NOT HISUIAN) i found in my backyard. He's baby
Mint, a Sneasel I got as a gift from a friend of mine 💜 she's very bity
I've also got a new Poryphone named Porypory. it speaks in pink, is very polite.
oh and the 19 shuppet from the halloween party
... And Bluebell! An Alolan Meowth I found in the dumpster in Alola. She's a million years old and the sweetest cat in the world
image of thyme here
image of skorna here
image of toothpaste here (also me)
image of jupetta (mostly toothpaste tho)
image of deckard (and also me)
image of mint (and my arm)
this weird breloom someone let loose outside my house??
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> ooc notes under the cut
9/15/23 updated her 'main' image to be more in line with how i draw her
subscribed blogs only dash (I'm really just putting this here for myself but if y'all need it idm)
my other pokeirl blogs are @crossbones-n-skull and @nifuunbakufuun!
join the hex maniac discord server! more info (kinda) in linked tumblr post. if the link is dead lmk ill fix it (discord added a thirty day link cap)
basil's cousin, sage, is over at @sage-the-exorcist (run by my friend, statik!) she currently has him blocked (its not working)
additional facts for my own reference:
skorna speaks in orange.
thyme speaks in green.
porypory speaks in pink.
jupetta, toothpaste, and deckard don't speak through the blog. (however, if given voice through an event, their text will be colored as seen.)
two voice claims that i'm debating (but i take suggestions)
family bibliography (books)
loose timeline
view the blog in chronological order here! (bear in mind there is quite a lot. lol)
Basil is 25 (as of nov 1st 2023!). I'm (the mod) 20.
she lives in the woods around icirrus city, in an old house that she just... took. it was abandoned so what about it its hers now
thyme the dusknoir is her uncle. he did not die naturally.
jupetta the banette was her uncle's, but technically is hers now. she inexplicably knows Teleport.
skorna the runerigus isn't kept to a Pokeball, as she and Basil are literally bound to each other through possession bullshit.
back when thyme was alive, they did a LOT of travelling. she's primarily been to galar and kalos, but have stopped in every region at least once. only place they haven't been to is paldea, and that's because thyme isn't allowed in because he tried to go in the crater
thyme had a TV show.
mun is aromantic, but Basil is bisexual with a female lean
post detailing Basil and Skorna's connection
old ref image, for archival purposes:
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if anyone ever wants to plot anything, feel free to dm me! I'm always down, could be fun. I just don't do "in-person" RP on Tumblr- this is strictly a social media site for the character. update- i will rarely do off-rotumblr RP, but it is not going to be frequent. all threads will be completely under readmores
note that, while Basil most likely won't be super active in high-stakes plotlines, i might have her react to some, especially if i find them interesting. she's no main character.
if you want your character to know basil out-of-rotumblr, feel free to DM me here on tumblr! my PMs, unless specified are an ooc-only zone and im always happy to chat about rp.
(however, please keep in mind that i'm really not one for small talk that doesn't have to do with rp; i have too many bad experiences with people befriending me in my PMs and then just offloading trauma. i don't shut the fuck up in discord servers where other people are though lmao.)
on that note, i do have a discord! if you wanna invite me to any servers feel free to pm me about that too!
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lockawayknight · 3 years
weirdass couple weeks are finally winding down (although work’s gonna be hell for a while ugh) so i’ll be getting back to threads i owe in the coming few days!! ty ty for being patient friends ;-;
gonna put a thread list here for my & my wonderful writing partners’ reference. let me know if we have something going but you don’t see your name/the particular thread listed, or if you want something continued!! i’ve lost track of a lot of things the past few weeks hh ;-;
- ACTIVE THREADS: crossed out = caught up with~
the amnesiac with aurumsanguine
stargazers with hithernthither
unnamed thread with hithernthither
the castle key with mildmcnnered
fallen with royal-dragonslayer-ornstein
loyce assassin with umbrclflame
cainhurst crow with vilestblood
of mirrah with wereallcursed
yellowfinger heysel with yellowfingcr
thanks friends~!!
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cursedfortune · 2 years
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things i am going to focus doing: test out thread tracker options to see what works for me. (anyone who has opinions on what they use, i’m open to hearing them!)
work on a post about the forest/deep woods mortem lives in that i can link in her bio so people have a better reference on what to expect. kinda like how i shittily made a ref post for her cabin. yes.
there was more and i forgot.
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Pinned Post [& Links]
(cc) Naruto S Rank Shinobi
“The true measure of a shinobi is not how he lives, but how he dies.”
+ independent male canon/OC Naruto RP blog + NAV: About & Muses | Verses | Wishlist | Tags + kenta-koma's side blog, please read rules! + from multi-muse blog cosmic-canons + multi-muse, multi-ship, canon, au, crossover, oc and nsfw (friendly! + looking for: other Naruto / Boruto canons & OCs!
Other Links: Promo | Drabbles | Starter Call | Link ? | Link ? + Ship Crossover Interest Checker + Interest & Thread Tracker // coming soon! + Info Refs: Blank Period Timeline | ? 
status: -Konoha is still recovering from the Boop War on April 1st!- (old) draft > muse related post/reblog > meme > ask > draft etc high muse for: Naruto, Shikamaru, Kiba, Kakashi, Obito, Minato + ships: NaruSaku, ShikaTema, ShikaIno, ObiRin
WIPs: (the next) Great Shinobi War Games + Tobi Shop!
Inbox: 0+ | Drafts: 11+ | Total: 11+
[Naruto] Icons (made for RP): ?+
// last edited on WED 3 April 2023
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♕Thread Tracker♔
Ch 3 Wooo:
- Group thread with Sascha and Raiden
- Ryo
- Open! I esp wanna interact with people I havent interacted with or interacted very little with lately so Xun, Asami, Ji-hye, Akisa, Megami, etc lets do these things
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writermuses · 1 year
I have 10 replies left to draft and they're all Grimm's so please look at your tab on the thread tracker and lmk if I missed your reply. I have had well over 100 in the last 3 or 4 days and had multiple browser windows with multiple tab groups up just to draft everything, so I'm not oblivious to the fact that I may have accidentally missed a thread or that I may have not been given an alert for a post. Tumblr is dumblr.
Thread Tracker
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harbinngr · 4 years
hi ,   i’ve  updated  my  carrd  with  minor  tweaks  to  everything :
1)  updated  some  of  qrow’s  general  bio /  backstory 2)  added  a  body  ref  for  his  scars ,  tattoos ,  &  Mysterious  Eldritch  Runes (TM) 3 )  added  some  more  headcanons  to  his  bio 4 )  added  some  more  non - fandom  aus 5 )  tweaked  a  few  non - major  things  in  my  rules ,   including  adding  a  link  to  my  thread  tracker
nothing  suuuuuuper  major  has  changed  so !   feel  free  to  check  it  out  if  you  want ,  but  totally  up  to  you <3
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marimelwrites · 3 years
@chaoticallycosmic​ - continued from your reply here!
Emery wasn’t sure what she should have expected from Wes, but his understanding was the last thing she could’ve anticipated. It was understanding mixed with a small request for more time. Her eyes fixed on his face as he moved closer to her and even though she felt a small instinct to turn and run, she somehow found herself frozen in that spot as he stopped once he was closer to her. Before she could say anything at all, he was caressing her cheek, and any words that were almost said were immediately lost. Her brow furrowed as she stared up into his face. How could he be so nice to her when she was treating him this way? Everyone before him had argued, or they just left once they were fed up with her constantly being gone. Wes? He stayed, he tried to find some sense of understanding in why this was going on, and in turn, it made things harder for her because this was what she did when things started to look serious. Or, where Wes was concerned, this was what she was doing because she was falling in love with him.
Finally, she regained control of her thoughts, “There is another reason for me always being gone... the reason does have to do with you, but it’s nothing that you did wrong. Just... I just want you to know that you’ve done nothing wrong at all. This has all been me, it’s all been my fault.” The words were seemingly falling from her lips apologetically. She didn’t know if she could tell him that she was falling in love with him... or no, that she loved him. She loved him and that was why she was becoming distant. If he got bored with her down the road, if he cheated, if he wanted to break up with her for any reason, love would make things unbearably painful and she couldn’t go through that pain. Being distant was already hard enough as she’d already developed stronger feelings for him than anyone before him, and at this rate, she would be completely devastated by losing him no matter when that time came.
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devilshours-blog · 7 years
Tagged by: @phlegmxtical
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Name: Shin Baxter
Nickname: N/A
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Gender: Male
Favourite Colour: Purple
Average Hours of Sleep: 2-4
 Last Thing You Googled: how much milk can a cat drink
Height: 5′5
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Name: Viola Edair
Nickname: Vi
  Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Gender: Female
Favourite Colour: Black
Average Hours of Sleep: 5
Last Thing You Googled: why are there so many children of the corn movies
Height: 5′0
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Name: Lucifer
Nickname: Cifer, Hallow
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Gender: Nonbinary
Favourite Colour: Blue
Average Hours of Sleep: 3-8 
Last Thing You Googled: the adventure zone transcripts
Height: 5′4″
tagging: anyone and everyone who wants to do it
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backcrosstrolls · 7 years
My fantroll/kid/oc spreadsheet is now linked on both of my select tabs! I’m working on adding danger levels, but the sheet should be enough to give an overview of:
- who’s who (its in the same order as in the troll select, except i dont know where to put charit really so she’s an anomaly)
- danger levels
- bloodcolor refs and ages
- gender/pronouns
- weapons, lusus, hive location/habitat
- and some even have ancestor/dancestor listed though that isn’t a thing I’ve worked on very much yet
- also there’s a nice rp thread tracker on there for all the like, five rps ive done here (and some im planning too)
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writermuses · 2 years
Thread Tracker
last updated: 11 June 2022
Note 1: I only went back a month or to whatever was on the last thread tracker, so if you want to keep something that is older than that, please let me know. I will still and forever be the slowest replier in all of time, so I’m happy to keep threads. I also probably missed something in the process of making this tracker, so just lmk.
Note 2: I know some of the threads are finished, I plan to go back and cross more of them off. I just like having them linked so I can go back to them as a reference due to my memory loss. Seriously, don’t think I expect you to respond to the older shit, I just love our bebes 💙
Note 3: Click here to find my open starters, which are open for all eternity.
General Tag
Nate x Aubree - 01
General Tag
Hannelore x Caitlin - 01
Nate x Adelaide - 01 - 02
General Tag
Luca x Camila - 01
Resna x Roux - 01
General Tag
Teague x Celine - 01
General Tag
Lilith x Damien - 01
Mason x Ella - 01
Pem x Raj - 01
Vincent x Alexandria - 01
General Tag
Drew x Cassandra - 01
General Tag
Drew x Melina - 01
Octavius x Davina - 01
NEW: General Tag
OLD: General Tag
Emirhan x Ceren - 01
Hannelore x William - 01
Luca x Özgür - 01
Nate x Seraphina - 01 - 02
General Tag
Luca x Elle - 01 - 02
Tadgh x Serena - 01
Taney x Luca - 01
General Tag
Vincent x Amelia - 01 - 02
General Tag
Andrew x Prudence - 01
Hannelore x Abel - 01
General Tag
Micah x Vera - 01
Octavius x Julianna 01
General Tag
Charlotte x Sloan - 01
Luca x Andrew - 01
Luca x Maddie - 01
María Elena x Kerem - 01
Matthias x Jameson - 01
Micah x Diana - 01
Nate x Diana - 01
Pem x Tiberius - 01
Resna x Jameson - 01
Solena x Ilya - 01 - 02 - 03
Tadgh x Maddie - 01
Vincent x Azra - 01
Will x Emine - 01
Yana x Eren - 01
General Tag
Aurélie x Jude - 01 - 02
General Tag
Alina x Xavier - 01
Drew x Kai - 01
Hazel x Jamie - 01
Lilith x JJ - 01
Nate x Danny - 01 - 02 - 03
Tomlin x Leah - 01 - 02 - 03
General Tag
Donovan x Aurora - 01
Solena x Alex - 01
NEW: General Tag
OLD: General Tag
Matt x Lauren - 01
General Tag
Alina x Thomas - 01
Aurélie x Nora - 01
Drew x Rylee - 01
Nate x Rylee - 01
Taney x Will - 01
General Tag
Pembe x Percival - 01
NEW: General Tag
OLD: General Tag
Emirhan x Ramona - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04
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writermuses · 2 years
Thread Tracker
Last Updated: 30 July 2022
Note 1: I only went back a month or to whatever was on the last thread tracker, so if you want to keep something that is older than that, please let me know. I will still and forever be the slowest replier in all of time, so I’m happy to keep threads. I also probably missed something in the process of making this tracker, so just lmk.
Note 2: I know some of the threads are finished, I plan to go back and cross more of them off. I just like having them linked so I can go back to them as a reference due to my memory loss. Seriously, don’t think I expect you to respond to the older shit, I just love our pairings 💙
Note 3: Click here to find my open starters, which are open for all eternity.
Note 4: Tumblr is trash and this post must be viewed on dash for the links to work but on the blog to see cross offs for shelved/closed threads.
General Tag
Sirius x Emma + 01 . Shippery
Tadgh x Camila + 01
General Tag
Caleb x Natalie + 01
General Tag
Beatriz x Hasani + 01
Cara x Elijah + 01
Hannelore x Caitlin + 01 . Shippery
Nate x Adelaide + 01 . 02 . 03 . Shippery
Solena x Alexander + 01 . Shippery
Tadgh x Anika + 01
General Tag
Luca x Camila + 01 . Shippery
Resna x Roux + 01
General Tag
Teague x Celine + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Lilith x Damien + 01
Mason x Ella + 01
Pem x Raj + 01 . Shippery
Vincent x Alexandria + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Drew x Cassandra + 01 . Shippery
Tadgh x Bre + 01
General Tag
Andrew x Mel + 01
General Tag . Old General Tag
Beatriz x Kadir + 01
Caleb x Seyda + 01 . Shippery
Emirhan x Ceren + 01 . Shippery
Hannelore x Billy + 01 . Shippery
Hannelore x Charlotte + 01
Jasleen x Killian + 01
Nate x Seraphina + 01 . 02 . 03 . Shippery
Pem x Emre + 01 . Shippery
Tadgh x Kassidy + 01
Taney x Ben + 01
Ximena x Ferit + 01 . Shippery
Yana x Roman + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Henrik x Eittie + 01 . 02 . 03 . 04 . 05 . Shippery
Lachlan x Adele + 01 . Shippery
Matthias x Alessandra + TBA . Shippery
Nate x Caria + 01 . 02 . Shippery
Octavius x Eittie + 01 . Shippery
Tadgh x Selene + 01 . 02 . 03 . 04 . Shippery
Teague x Eittie + TBA . Shippery
Thaddeus x Rosie + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Luca x Elle + 01 . 02 . Shippery
María Elena x Harry + 01
Tadgh x Serena + 01
Taney x Luca + 01
General Tag 
Octavius x Lance + 01
Pem x Percival + 01
Tadgh x Ysabelle + 01
Teague x Evette + 01
General Tag
Kailani x Dexter + 01 . Shippery
Sirius x Spencer + 01 . Shippery
Vincent x Amelia + 01 . 02 . Shippery
Will x Avery + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Micah x Vera + 01 . Shippery
Octavius x Julianna + 01
Tadgh x Dilana + 01
General Tag . Cartwright Family Tag
Charlotte x Sloan + 01
Luca x Andrew + 01
Luca x Maddie + 01 . Shippery
María Elena x Kerem + 01
Matthias x Jameson + 01
Micah x Diana + 01
Nate x Diana + 01 . Shippery
Pem x Tiberius + 01 . Shippery
Resna x Jameson + 01
Solena x Ilya + 01 - 02 - 03 . Shippery
Tadgh x Maddie + 01 . Shippery
Vincent x Azra + 01 . Shippery
Will x Emine + 01 . Shippery
Yana x Eren + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Aurélie x Jude + 01 - 02 . Shippery
Cara x Daniel Walden Jr. + 01
Hannelore x Felix + 01 . Shippery
Jasleen x Walt + 01 . Shippery
Mason x Serena + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Alina x Xavier + 01 . Shippery
Cara x Kai + 01
Drew x Kai + 01 . 02 . Shippery
Hazel x Jamie + 01 . Shippery
Iseul x Jamie + 01
Kailani x Link + 01 . Shippery
Lilith x JJ + 01 . Shippery
Luca x Keller + 01
Nate x Danny + 01 . 02 . 03 . 04 . Shippery
Octavius x Daisy + 01 . Shippery
Sirius x Kaylee + 01 
Solena x Miles + 01 . Shippery
Tomlin x Leah + 01 . 02 . 03 . Shippery
General Tag
Aurélie x Ned + 01
Micah x Rosalie + 01
Resna x Safiye + 01
General Tag
María Elena x Shepherd + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Donovan x Aurora + 01 . Shippery
Solena x Alex + 01 . Shippery
General Tag . Old General Tag
Matt x Lauren - 01 . Shippery
General Tag . Old General Tag
Nate x Aubree + 01 . 02 . Shippery
Resna x Archer + 01
General Tag
Alina x Thomas + 01 . Shippery
Aurélie x Nora + 01 . Friendshippery
Drew x Rylee + 01 . Shippery
Nate x Rylee + 01 . Shippery
Taney x Will + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Alina x Nicholas + 01 
Henrik x Persephone + 01 
General Tag . Old General Tag
Emirhan x Ramona + 01 . 02 . 03 . 04 . Shippery
General Tag . Old General Tag
Andrew x Jamie + 01 . Shippery
María Elena x AJ + 01 . Shippery
Nate x Katelyn + 01 . Shippery
Pem x Calum + 01 . Shippery
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