#regan x reader
Regan x reader
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Regan always had a crush on (Your Name). Ever since she was twelve years old with no understand or idea or what love was suppose to be or even meant. It could’ve been seen as a child crush that shouldn’t have even mattered or been a concern.
Her parents had a divorce which made Regan once believe that the crush had been nothing but her own imagination. Her parents one had the same feeling she’d felt toward (Your Name) and it had faded away within time and turned to hate.
Love was a lie.
But her crush never left her mind. Not even when her body hadn’t been her own as her thoughts always went toward the one person she fully cared about. Even after the four years of having her mind be cleaned and being sixteen years old, the feelings toward her friend remained.
Every time she says (Your Name) she froze and could bare speak until (Your name) spoke to her first. Both of them were still young and feelings of love might not be within each other’s mind.
But, yet, Regan opened her mouth during a lunch with (Your Name) and said the words; “I think I have a crush on you.”
Regan looked down. “I said…”
“No,” (Your Name) shook their head. “I heard you.”
“So, you…”
“I don’t mind. You can have a crush on me as much as you like. But you need to make the choice to act on them.”
Regan stared at (Your Name) for a moment. “Oh…but you’ll let me.” “If you want, too.”
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twdxtrevor · 1 year
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Truly walking him like a dog, I volunteer to go next
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rickswh0r3 · 1 year
happy pride y’all !!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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tupperwaretub · 6 months
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Begging for twd x m!reader requests, i need to get back into writing and want to write more twd. I write, carl grimes, Rick Grimes, Negan Smith, Daryl Dixon and rick x negan. Smut, fluff, angst anything :)
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queenshelby · 2 years
See Introduction and Character Index HERE
Pairing: Emmett (A Quiet Place) x Original Female Character
Warning: Age Gap, Forced Procreation, Past Sexual Abuse, Angst
Words: 3,655
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It was early Sunday morning and the air was still crisp, but not really cold. The weather had just turned after a rather cold winter and Caitlyn sat in her favourite spot overlooking the island. There was a large rock surrounded by grass from which she looked down at a few cottages below. Though early Spring, the tree under which she sat was still fully leaved, providing welcomed shade against the heat of the bright sun.  
It would be 90ᵒ or more again that day, she thought.  The long, hot summers continued to start earlier every year, even after the industrialisation had come to a natural end following the invasion.
The invasion, of course, changed everything. It forced humanity to turn back to basics, using only the essentials for what was required in order to survive. Agriculture had been simplified to meet the needs of the remaining population and, at least for now, it was only safe to live on the islands where guards took turns, ensuring the safety of each community.
Thus, it had been years since the greenhouse gas pollution had slowed and almost stopped.  But the CO² molecules could last up to 90 years in the atmosphere, meaning that the global warming would not be stopping any time soon and this was obvious to Caitlyn now that, every day, she watched the crops dying off slowly.
Caitlyn worked on the island, lending a hand with washing, growing food and assisting at the medical centre. She played an active part in the community but, even so, according some, her participation was not good enough.
Unlike many others, Caitlyn was not with anyone, and took no interest in having children of her own. Yet, she was raising to young boys, one of whom was deaf just like her.
“Is that not good enough?” she always wondered when she was approached by members of the council, enquiring as to whether she had chosen a partner yet so that she could finally partake in this so-called procreation programme which had been implemented by the new government of the islands communities.
“Why procreate if there aren’t enough resources for all of us to survive? Crops are drying and animals aren’t breeding quickly enough for us to consume. It will only become worse” she wrote down in the little book she carried before, once again, on this same Sunday morning, gazing fondly at the beachside huts nearby.
As usual, on a Sunday, the island was quiet. It was a rest day. The only day in the week where no one was doing anything and it was pretty much the only time one could observe the raw nature of the dozens of cabins, the bunkhouse, the dining hall and the workshop without the island’s inhabitants keeping busy.  Some houses were there already when the first people arrived on the island. These had been holiday homes of wealthy men and women who, by now, were probably dead. And then there were some newer and much simpler buildings too, some of which were made of roughhewn planks taken from the island’s fir and pine.
Caitlyn herself lived in one of those newly constructed and rather basic cabins, sleeping on a bed she had built herself in the corner of the living room. The two boys had their own room, separate to the living area, and there was no bathroom inside the cabin.
To shower and wash, she would either use the outdoor hose she had installed or walk to the community hall, which was being utilised by most inhabitants of the island the days. There were only a very few men and women who were given these proper houses and, those who lived in them, had to share them with several others.
Evelyn Abbott for example lived in one of those mansions. She lived there with her new partner Joe as well as her children and their respective partners. Evelyn’s daughter Reagan had become your best friend on the island and, albeit the fact that she was a fair bit younger than her, Caitlyn had much in common. She, too, was deaf and unlike with many others on the island, Caitlyn was able to communicate with her. Reagan had a partner who had learned sign language as well. His name was George and George was now teaching his and Reagan’s daughter to learn this silent kind of communication as well. Reagan and George also opened a school, wanting all children to learn how to communicate this was and this was something that had been well received by parents.
Then, of course, there was Evelyn herself and her son Marcus who Caitlyn was able to communicate with and there was also Emmett, who learned sign language from Reagan and Evelyn over the years.
Emmett was different to anyone else on the island. He was twenty years older than Caitlyn and the first person she had met from the island. It was him and some others who, when Caitlyn was captured by rebels on the mainland, saved her simply out of kindness. Yet, if one was to meet him, one would certainly not think of him as a kind man. To the contrary. One may in fact be fearful and afraid of him due to his stern demure.
Emmett often kept to himself, inhabiting a cabin near the beach which he shared with his dog Scooter. Scooter looked as rough as Emmett did at times and, during most weeks, Caitlyn would only see him once or twice when he ran out of food.
He utilised his own crops and shot rabbits or caught fish to eat. His life was simple and he certainly liked it that way.
Emmett featured a large scar on his right leg which was the result of an attack by one of the creatures. He had that looked at by the medical staff once in a while, but only after his friend Evelyn would force him to. Usually, it would be Caitlyn who was dressing the wound when required and this is pretty much the only time he would “talk” to her, at last until today which is when, again, he interfered in something she would rather not have experienced.
It was that very same Sunday morning which Caitlyn took for herself, relaxing and breathing in the beautiful scent of the sea. She watched some birds and then, eventually, she spotted Scooter running across the soft sand on the beach nearby.
There was no sight of Emmett though. He was probably fishing or hunting again which reminded her to be careful. Caitlyn was, of course, unable to hear the shots or any verbalised warnings when the hunters were around and figured that, so long as she kept a close eye on her surroundings, she would probably be fine.
Just recently, a group of three young men had joined the inhabitants on the island and they did have a habit of startling Caitlyn and Reagan. They too were hunters and it became a running joke for them to fire off their guns in the presence of these two women. Thus, much to Caitlyn’s dislike and anger, one of them did exactly the same thing again today while she was trying to relax and embrace her surroundings.
A shot was fired to her side and, in a moment of absolute, saturated terror, Caitlyn eventually turned around and saw one of the three men standing behind her, starring into the void.
“What are you doing, shooting this gun right next to me?” she indicated angrily but, of course, he did not understand.
“I thought it would be funny to see your reaction” the man then said and, luckily for her, Caitlyn was able to read his lips, at least to some extent.
In the end, however, she did not respond further to his comment and, instead, rolled her eyes at him. The way he utilised the words she read from his lips was insulting and Caitlyn attempted to ignore his presence the best she could.
Unfortunatly for her, however, the man approached her and sat down by Caitlyn’s side.
“You heard about this law, didn’t you? The procreation bullshit the council is trying to implement. Yeah?” the young man then said after making Caitlyn look at him, knowing that she could read his lips if he spoke slowly and, after comprehending what the man was saying, Caitlyn nodded.
“Good. Now, listen Sweetheart…Jordyn and Kai both want you because, clearly, you can’t talk back. You are mute and it will be easy living with you. So, I kind of want you too but I need you to tell me who you want. Kai, Jordyn or me? Who shall it be, hmm?” he then wanted to know, causing Caitlyn to shake her head effortlessly.
“Neither of you” she indicated angrily, both with her lips and hands, which was something the stranger was able to understand without a problem. Caitlyn felt insulated by the stranger’s remark and the stranger was not pleased with Caitlyn’s answer and smiled, sarcastically, before reaching for her tightly.
“Luckily, you won’t get a say. Council will decide for you. We all offered ourselves as potential suitors” he then said but Caitlyn was unable to hear it as he was holding on to her from behind, muffling her mouth with his hand.
But of course, it is not that she could have screamed anyway. She tried, but no sound came out past her lips as the man used his other arm to wrap it around Caitlyn’s body.
Caitlyn then tried biting the flesh of his fingers, kicking, lifting her arms to hit and claw and fight back, earning her Scooter’s attention. Being a dog, he had a good intuition and was barking loudly now.  
"Shit!" the man exclaimed a Caitlyn’s teeth were finally meeting his skin. He pulled his hand away for a brief moment and Caitlyn struggled to get loose. There was no chance that she could out-muscle him, but she threw him off balance nonetheless and they both fell to the floor.
After she fell to the floor, Caitlyn was on her hands and knees, trying to move away from the man when he grabbed her foot. She turned around and kicked at him and he shouts again.
“Fucking whore. You will learn to like this” he spat as he was climbing on top of her, pinning her legs down with his body while he fought to control her arms, to hold her still like that.
Caitlyn’s wrists had now been pinned down by one of the man’s arms while his other hand was searching along her body, groping her. Her shirt was bunched up around her ribs during the struggle and he easily pulled it above her breasts, leaving her exposed as he moved down her stomach, tugging at the drawstring of her shorts and shoving his hand into them and between her legs.
Caitlyn used all of the strength she had left in one single burst as he tried to thrust his fingers into her, pushing him off, turning around to pull herself across the muddy floor again. She was crawling towards the forest until, all so suddenly, there was another gun shot.
Caitlyn, of course, did not hear the shot but she felt the earth vibrating beneath her body and, when she turned around, she saw that her attacker was bleeding heavily. He was screaming in agony. Caitlyn could see it on his face. The terror and pain.
She sighed with relief and looked into the opposite direction only to see Emmett and Scooter now standing in front of her. Emmett was holding out his hand after he tugged away his rifle.
“Can you stand up?” he reciprocated and Caitlyn nodded in response before crawling onto her knees.
Emmett then helped her into a standing position and she hugged him tightly, making him feel rather uncomfortable.
Then, immediately after realising that Emmett was out of his comfort zone, Caitlyn withdrew as she already felt Emmett’s chest heaving. He sighed and clearly did not enjoy the physical contact.
“Are you okay?” Emmett then indicated with his hands. “Do you need to see the nurse?” he wanted to know.
“I am fine. Thank you” you indicated to him in turn.
“I will take you to your house” Emmett then said and Caitlyn turned around again to glance at her attacker.
“What about him?” she wanted to know.
“He can crawl down the hill and face council or he can take his chances at sea. It is up to him” Emmett said, knowing that council would just log him up or expel him from the island anyway for what he tried to do to Caitlyn.
A few days later…
A few days had passed and your attacker had, indeed, made a run for the sea, worrying about the fact that council would execute him as this had become common practice on other islands.
Emmett and Caitlyn, of course, had reported the incident to the authorities and it was Evelyn who counselled Caitlyn over the past few days, requiring her to open up about what happened.
Evelyn cared for Caitlyn simply due to the fact that she wasn’t so indifferent to her daughter, Regan. Not only was Caitlyn unable to hear or speak, but she was also stubborn, kind and strong headed.
Just like Emmett, Caitlyn liked to mind her own business and, with that being the case, Evelyn had a hard time to address the elephant in the room. Time was running out for her and, since Council had been very demanding when it came to following the new laws and rules, it became rather difficult for Evelyn to now, following the incident, convince Caitlyn to take on a potential suitor.
“Why do men get a choice in this, but women don’t?” Caitlyn asked Evelyn as Evelyn had told her again that both, Kai and Jordyn, have offered themselves to her.
“I did not make this law, Caitlyn. But I can see how it is beneficial” Evelyn explained but Caitlyn simply shook her head and requested to be left alone.
“Caitlyn, you need to find someone or we must choose for you” Evelyn told her sternly and with great concern, knowing very well how vulnerable Caitlyn was.
“I was abused on the mainland. For days, I was beaten and…” Caitlyn began to say before tears started to tumble down her face. She was unable to say the words but Evelyn already knew. She knew what happened to Caitlyn and took her into her arms. “I do not want to be alive if I must live with a man who does something like this to me” Caitlyn then explained and this saddened Evelyn. She was worried about Caitlyn doing the unspeakable but, yet, she had to follow the laws. As a member of council, she had to enforce them and there was no way around it.
“You do not know Kai and Jordyn. They are not nice men. Despite, I cannot even communicate with them” Caitlyn then pointed out while Evelyn continued to embrace her.
“Someone else then, perhaps?” she whispered, seeing whether Caitlyn was prepared to be with someone other than Kai or Jordyn, but Caitlyn shook her head.
“Caitlyn! Please! I do not have a choice. I must pair you with someone” Evelyn begged but Caitlyn shook her head again.
“No. You don’t. Take care of the boys for me and I will leave the island. It is simple. I will just leave” Caitlyn said, seeking an out from this horrible arrangement but Evelyn knew that she did not stand a chance. She knew that she would die on the mainland.
Later that day, at the council meeting, the first topic on the agenda was the procreation law and non-compliance thereof.  Evelyn was required to report on the progress of finding you and another single woman a potential suitor and when she made suggestions to the other council members, they were a little confused.
“For Laura, I propose Kai as a potential suitor. They have already been intimate so this shouldn’t be an issue” Evelyn pointed out and everyone voted in favour.
“So Jordyn shall be assigned to Caitlyn then you think?” one of the other members asked but, to this question, Evelyn shook her head.
“No, I propose Emmett as a potential partner for Caitlyn” she then said, causing Regan’s chin to drop. Regan too was on the council and so was a woman by the name of Lorraine who appeared to be opposed to this idea.
“Emmett?” Lorraine asked before breaking out in a chuckle. “Evelyn, are you okay? Are you running a fever or something?” she then joked, seeing that Emmett did not even engage in community issues or the like. He was an outsider and opposed this law.
“Emmett is at least twenty years older than Caitlyn. It is improper. Despite, did he even agree to this?” Lorraine thus asked and Evelyn shook her head.
“No, not yet, but provided that he will, I consider him to be more suitable than Jordyn” Evelyn explained but Lorraine simply shook her head.
“How so?” she asked, seeking an explanation for Evelyn’s reasoning.
“Well, for starters, he knowns sign language and Caitlyn if deaf. He also had children before. He was a father of two sons. He can look after Caitlyn and the boys and he can communicate with Karl, the eldest” Evelyn explained and, just after she did, the majority of council voted in favour of the proposed pairing. Except for Lorraine. Lorraine was still against the union.
“But the purpose of this exercise is not to find the boys a father. The purpose is to get Caitlyn to have children and, like I said, Emmett is much older than her” Lorraine thus pointed out.
“He is only 45 and probably still capable of fathering a child though, Lorraine” another council member said, not knowing that Evelyn chose Emmett for totally different reasons. Evelyn knew that Emmett would not hurt her and simply assumed that intimacy would never ensue.
“Yes, but the new law only applies to men and women under the age of 35” Lorraine argued nonetheless, causing Evelyn and the other council member to intervene.
“That is true, but if Emmett agrees, then this point becomes a non-issue” the other council member said, following which it was agreed that Evelyn would talk Emmett about and this is exactly what she did later that night when, under false pretences, she invited him to her house for dinner.
“So let me get this straight Evelyn…” Emmett began to say sternly while looking into Evelyn’s eyes after she had brought up the proposal. He felt betrayed and somewhat angered by her request. “You want me to move in to Caitlyn’s house and pretend to be a father to those kids who are living with her and then you want me to sleep with her so that she can fulfill her womanly duty to this new regime? Is that it?” he then asked sarcastically before finishing the rest of his moonshine and standing up abruptly. His arms were crossed and he appeared rather upset by what Evelyn had suggested to him and, by this point, Evelyn too was lost for words.
“So to tell me, am I going to force myself on her? Or do I simply assume that she has consented to this madness?” he then asked while Evelyn tried to think of something else to say while Emmett rambled on, cursing in anger.
“Fuck! This kind of nonsense is exactly why I do not socialise with anyone on this fucking island…this fucking bullshit…” Emmett spat before Evelyn tried to calm him down.
“This is not what I meant Emmett, and you know that…” she eventually stammered but Emmett interrupted her again.  
“What I know is that, six fucking years ago, women had a choice about what they wanted to do with their bodies and I remember you and Nora standing up about these choices when the state brought in the abortion bill. Do you remember that?” Emmett asked her abruptly, seeing that this so called “Law of Procreation” was troublesome and offensive.
“Well Emmett, I hate to break it to you, but a lot has changed since then. Most of us are now dead and, in order for the human race to survive, we will all need to make sacrifices. This includes Caitlyn. She will need to make a sacrifice as well” Evelyn exclaimed but Emmett was getting rather angry.
“You know what she has been through, right?” he asked. “You know what the rebels did to her and now you expect me to do the same?” he asked but Evelyn shook her head.
“No, I do not expect you to do the same Emmett. I know what Caitlyn has been through and I know why she has distanced herself from most men on the island and this is why I spoke to her. I gave her a choice. She wants to leave the island but I think that, if she is paired with a man who she can trust, she may be willing to stay. You can pretend to be with her. I know you would never force yourself on her, but other men might. So please Emmett. I am begging you. Despite, you can communicate with her and Karl. No one else can” Evelyn pleaded but Emmett continued to shake his head in anger.
“I will think about it” was all he said next but Evelyn urged him to make a choice. She needed to know before the next council meeting.
Please comment and engage. I love getting comments and predictions pretty please!
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anonnluvver · 2 years
Hi! I saw that you were taking requests, could I maybe get a Brett hand Fluff where the reader is gender neutral, and they’re a couple living together and getting ready to sleep? It doesn’t have to be long, a short one will be fine with me :D
Hi!! Thanks for requesting! It is a little short so hope you don’t mind. Hope I didn’t take too long to get back to you, enjoy!
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Brett x reader(Gender neutral) Fluff
WOOSH! The sound of your apartment door opening allows a loud sigh of relief to escape your mouth. “Finally! I’m so happy to finally be home.” You smile to yourself as you hang your coat and put your things away. “Gosh Cognito really has us working our butts off, huh?” Brett chuckles and flops down on the couch. You giggle at his little joke and flop down next to him cuddling up to his side. He wraps one arm around you and rests his head on yours. For a while it’s just you two sitting like this. Feeling better from your tiring day at work just by cuddling with one another. You lift your head off his shoulder to find Brett wearing a big goofy smile on his face. “What are you smiling about?” Chuckling at his dorky expression. “Just about how much I love you.” He responded smoothly and boops your nose. “Oh really?” You say with a teasing tone in your voice making Brett smile even more. “Mhmm” he hums, slightly leaning closer towards your face. You suddenly get a mischievous idea and just have to put your plan into place. Grabbing the pillow on the couch besides you, you slowly creep up closer to Brett. “Then how about a kiss for your oh so precious lover? Hmm?” You smirk at him as he fully accepts your invitation to kiss you. And as he leans in for a kiss, just as he’s inches away from your lips…BAM! You smack him sideways in the face with the pillow sending him flying onto the back of the couch. You burst into a laughing fit unable to stop. Suddenly Brett swiftly gets up laughing and smacks you in the face with a pillow now. He runs to the kitchen giggling like a little kid. You chase after him with your pillow trying to catch him and strike back! You two end up chasing each other around the house and smacking eachother with pillows the whole evening. You end the night with both of you throwing your selfs on your shared bed tired from your wayyy too long pillow fight. Still giggling, you snuggle up to each other, tired and hardly able to stay awake. You hum contently to yourself happy you get to be here with Brett. “I love you Brett.” You smile and look up at him from your little spoon position. “I love you even more.” He smiles at you sweetly and you share one last kiss before passing out for the night.
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bluemargotrobbie · 1 year
Lagertha 😭😞
"Le he roto el corazón a mi hijo ”
📚: 𝙈𝘼𝙎 𝘼𝙇𝙇𝘼 𝘿𝙀𝙇 𝘿𝙀𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙊 (publicado)
🖋: Sol_Andersen93 (wattpad)
📸: unaandroidevikinga (instagram)
🌎: vikings
💌: Ragnar Lothbrock & Bjorn Ironside
👤: Elizabeth
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drewmorg4n · 2 years
drew - he/him - 20 - about me
requests are open - rules + characters i write can be found here
before you request, please make sure you specify the type of reader, situation/scenario, smut/fluff/angst etc, and character. if you don’t provide me with enough info, i won’t be able to write anything for you
this is my first time doing anything like this so i apologize that my list of characters and fandoms i will write for is so short, but i hope to try and expand it soon
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the walking dead
rick grimes
where we belong - trans male reader
After moving into a new neighborhood, surrounded by new people, only one person was nice enough to introduce themselves, and that was Rick Grimes. You were shy at first, didn’t really talk much, and even closed yourself off - but Rick was persistent on getting to know you. Ever since then he’s been your best friend, but he doesn’t even know your biggest secret yet. Should you tell him? How would he react? Would he be disgusted by you and possibly break off your friendship?
rick grimes x negan smith
Rick Grimes is the local sheriff, riding along with his friend Shane. A call comes through the radio, calling officers to a scene. They arrive to a suicide attempt. Rick is hit hard by the whole scene, which is very unusual for him. What will his next actions be?
divided by a screen
Rick isn’t a fan of social media; everyone knows that, but Shane somehow changes his mind, and the outcome is something Rick never would have expected.
no way out - college au
When Rick runs into a group of guys who have been bullying him, he finds himself in a rough situation. How will he get out unscathed?
coffee offer - college au pt. 2
After Rick and Negan’s friendship changes drastically, will either of them decide to take things further?
who said that tinder never works?
After Carl manages to convince his dad to download Tinder, he inevitably matches with multiple people; one of which is his polar opposite, and the more appeasing option, a fellow single parent.
negan smith
glass scars - trans male reader
You and Negan run into trouble on a supply run but thankfully manage to make it back to the sanctuary. What happens in your guys’ room is for your eyes only.
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Diverted Course
Troy (2004) Reader Insert Fanfiction / Achilles x Mycenaean Princess!Reader Precuel - Part 22
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Word Count 10 K
Warnings: Thetis is being portrayed as a supportive mother. Clichés from the historical epic-swords and sandals film genre mixed with mythology.
Characters (main): Achilles, Patroclus, Thetis, Phoenix, Eudorus, Agamemnon, Hesione.
Summary: Returning to his homeland gives Achilles time to meditate on the intense experience he has lived and he intends to take drastic choices on the matter. However, the reminder of a pernicious detail leaves him in need of good advice and Patroclus convinces him of visiting the best sources available. 
In the meantime, Hesione attempts to penetrate the stubborn mind of her master hoping to persuade him using his loneliness on her advantage.
Notes: In the movie Achilles afirms to have seen the gods, implying he is the only mortal arround who had any contact with at least some of them. From this fact i attempt to add some of the mythical element into the story without changing the original tone of Troy centered in mortal actions and motivations.
Tags: @yerevasunclair @mysticaldeanvoidhorse @spideyanakin @spideyanakin-interacts @awakenedevildays @alaysha-of-middle-earth @zoegarfield @helie-brain @rfkfan
There were many silent sacrifices that Achilles accepted to endure for Patroclus since he took him in, but having to stand his new friend during a good portion of the journey back to Pithia was a very annoying one. The bard that the lad befriended in Mycenae was quite talkative and obtrusive, constantly meddling in matters that weren’t his business. He would never stop reminding him that he was a witness of his greatest crime, the only one Greece wouldn’t cheer him for. The awakening of passion in the heart of the queen among greek princesses, splendid daughter of the King of Kings, woman meant to belong with some mighty lord ruler of rich lands. The story brought forward the bard’s curiosity, seeing in it great epic potential and for so, filling the hero with unwanted advice in hopes of making him reveal more details. 
Death threats weren’t enough to keep him shut, not at least while being around them. It was most likely that Alexander knew the risk that the rage of the myrmidon champion meant for him and wouldn’t challenge it anyways, but he also wanted to have privileged access to the novelty. He would keep it secured awaiting for better times in which his songs would be an honor instead of a source of scandal. That didn’t stop him from accidentally bringing many questions to the hero’s already troubled mind. 
Her suitors and what he was going to do with them were a concerning conversational topic between them on the way. The artist was coming up with ideas on the assumption that Achilles would follow the less subtle route to obtain the lady as wife. Go directly to her father, expect the obvious negative, then do a carnage that wouldn’t leave a single one of her suitors alive and kidnap her. He wouldn’t be the first greek hero taking that path, many stories in the past were evidence of it. Other remarkable warlords before him met with the refusal of their fathers in law and resorted to war like violence. 
It would be what everyone expected of him, a typical Achilles reaction according to the brutal fame he was acquiring. He didn’t want that, their nuptial thalamus should not be stained with a bloodbath. However, the reminder brought him the realization that he was indeed capable of jealousy. Despite being completely sure of her feelings for him, the idea of returning to her city and finding out that Agamemnon betrothed her to someone else was unbearable to him. Suddenly, killing the chosen suitor in a rage outbreak didn’t seem an improbable possibility. Not even an oath like the one forced on Helen’s suitors would stop him. If he would have been in their situation he would have killed Menelaus in the blink of an eye. Except that he wasn’t even a legitimate suitor for his lady’s hand, he was only the most dreaded soldier at her father’s command. 
Reproaches about his lack of patriotism and long lasting hate were all Agamemnon had for him because he never valued or understood myrmidons like he should. Phthia grew with the frequent arrival of persecuted runaways from other greek cities, many of whom were protected during the times of Peleus, mixing themselves with the descendants of the original habitants of the land. National feelings would hardly emerge among people that were once forced to leave their homelands, mycenaean occupation didn’t change that. The king loved to insult him based on his lack of loyalty to the country ignoring that his definition of Greece was himself. Myrmidons weren’t happy with submission just to feel like belonging to a closed identity given to them by his empire, they were only loyal to themselves. 
Reclaiming political power wasn't his particular ambition like was often suspected of him only because he was from a conflictive province. The greedy king could keep the throne and place his favorite crawler general on it; all Achilles wanted from him was the princess. The way to eternal glory, he would win on his own through his actions in the battlefield. She was the only of his wishes that strictly required from the approbation of his hated rival. For her he was going to endure him, since she had the loyalty of his arrow pierced heart. It didn’t take long for him to realize he was starting to miss her, in Mycenae he got used to seeing her everyday and he underestimated how much he loved that. He wanted to wake up beside her, to see her smiles witnessing his training combats with Patroclus, to introduce her with everyone she couldn’t meet the first time she visited him. 
Remaining separated in times of war was understandable and normal, but being without her in peace was harder to accept. Something on him was changing and the people around him were noticing it. Patroclus was surprised to see him pick the lyre again, then offering him lessons with the excuse of his recently noticed strong interest in music. They had tried it before and made some good advances, but Achilles postponed those because combat training was a priority. Not only that preoccupation seemed to change, but he even catched the hero playing alone at one given opportunity. 
The song sounded melancholic, but it was beautiful, and the lad didn’t dare to interrupt until it was finished. 
“ I’m so full of jealousy, I can't believe this… I will never be as great as you. Everything you do feels epic, Achilles!” 
The man smiled for him, used by then to be the center of his admiration. It was no secret that Patroclus looked up to him and he didn’t want him to doubt himself in pointless comparisons. 
“ You are the one with the musical inclinations, I only play when I’m bored.” 
“ You know I’m not talking about musical talent.” The lad clarified. “ When a normal man falls in love, he acts like a fool until successful courting leads to marriage. When you do it, it has to become an intricate adventure for a distant maiden that is practically unreachable. Look at yourself, you are in the part of the tale where the hero mourns his longing for an impossible love because his great challenge hasn’t come yet.” 
Achilles wasn’t following the joke. 
“ Life is not an epic tale, Patroclus. If it was, I would know what happens next.” 
Seeking to help out while trying to differentiate sadness from bad mood, he sat next to him hoping to provide him comfort. Achilles would never ask for it first, especially from him, but Patroclus knew what to do when he needed it. 
“ I know exactly what would happen, her father would do something incredibly stupid that would anger the gods. They would punish him through her and you would become her only hope, so Agamemnon would be forced to let you have her in payment for saving her life. “ 
“ What worked for Perseus didn’t turn out well for Hercules. “ Achilles recalled. “ For some heroes passion leads to doom.” 
The pessimistic claim didn’t bother Patroclus in the slightest. 
“ But you are Achilles, you are greater than all of them! And your princess already loves you, which means you only have obstacles in the way because the world would not easily accept that her heart belongs to you. All the other heroes won the right to marriage before the girl’s affections … Although Andromeda is still questionable, I like to think that she liked Perseus on sight.” 
“ When the choice is marriage or being devoured by a sea monster, the bride is just offering herself as payment for the rescue.” 
The stubbornness of Achilles would have disencourage anyone else, but the boy had an inextinguishable spirit. 
“ Think of the lack of conflict due to loyalty to her family. Agamemnon is not a father, he is a jailer. From what I saw, she seems to be like a ghost haunting the palace for him. If she has to choose between him and you, he will pick you faster than Medea picked Jason… And with you she wouldn’t be making the worst mistake of her life. You would not abandon her for a younger princess once she would stop serving a purpose for your heroic journey… not unless you want to be fed a stew made with the flesh of your own children as the main ingredient.” 
The casual application of her most frequent dark joke got a chuckle out of him, on that he noticed the mark she left on his cousin. 
“ That won’t be necessary, once she would be rightfully mine I would never let her go.” 
Patroclus had a triumphant smile that gave his expression a mischievous look. 
“ What are you up to now?” Achilles inquired, knowing something was coming. “ Don’t give me that look, I know what it means.” 
“ Now that you ask, I was going to see Eudorus and I wondered if you wanted to come with me. “ Patroclus innocently offered. “ Phoenix will be there and I bet you would like to talk with him.” 
“ I’m not looking for advisors, but you can leave if you want.” Achilles concluded. “ Salute everyone on my part.” 
The harsh negative would stumble once more with infallible insistence. 
“ Achilles, I’m being serious now. I lost my father and you are the person I search for when I feel lost. Who is yours, if not the old friend of your deceased father? “ 
He had a point, Phoenix was the closest thing Achilles had to a parental figure found on father’s side. However, he was behind someone else in the matter of being a trustable source of advice. 
“ My mother.” 
It was the obvious answer, only that Patroclus didn’t consider her first in that opportunity because he thought she was already aware of everything. 
“ Haven’t you spoken with her about this? You always tell her everything and you had already visited her before seeing anyone else when we arrived.” 
There was a certain glimpse of shame in him. 
“ I didn’t tell her yet, don’t make me feel any more guilty about that. “ Achilles confessed. “ If we do what you want, would you go with me to visit her later?” 
“ We have a deal." Patroclus agreed. “  I like your mother, tables turn when we are with her. She treats me fairly and you become the little boy.” 
Their first stop was the house of Phoenix, adoptive father of Eudorus and old teacher of Achilles. The family had a modest home not too far away from theirs and have been there since the beginning of the mycenaean occupation. The countryside villages were untouched by it, an inheritance of the deposed king that wasn’t magnificent enough for the mycenaean eye. Comfortable places, but not symbols of power they cared to occupate. Those were once conceived as retirement country houses for royals of old age, but with enough patience and work put on them they were turned into suitable places for families. Phoenix took excellent care of Achilles’ inheritance while he was growing up and by the time he reached adulthood the place reserved for him was magnificent compared with its initial state. An architectural hybrid between the palace of a prince and the house of a traveling mercenary, not absolutely sophisticated nor fully rough. In contrast, the place of the old man and his family was just a homely country house. 
The disposition intended to imitate the order of things from the times of Peleus. but the space was susceptible to expansions. In times of peace Eudorus was often seen occupied in home improvement labor. Before the rushed travel to fight in Argos he was working on an ampliation to emplace a thalamus for the eventual time of his marriage. It was his wishful project for the future, so he was getting the house ready in advance of finding a woman he would want to take there. 
Achilles used to mock the sequential order of his efforts, wondering why he would bother in getting the bedroom ready before actually finding the bride. At that particular opportunity, he was the one asking about the state of the project. 
“ He has been working non-stop since he returned, it’s almost ready.” Phoenix told the freshly arrived visitors. “ The women of the argives must have inspired his purpose. “ 
The impetus didn’t come from Argos, his friends imagined it linked to his mycenaean admirer. The sweet servant girl with an obvious crush on him must have reinforced his will to work on that. 
“ We have met Helen of Sparta in Mycenae.” Patroclus innocently excused him. “ That woman is an unstoppable source of inspiration for anyone.” 
The old man was absolutely unimpressed by his implications. 
“ Those thieves are hoarding treasures from all over Greece, the least they can do with that is getting stunning wives.” 
“ … And they do, women were arguably the best thing there.” Achilles joked to soften things. “ When we’ll become truly rich, I would like to get one of those for me and one for my friend.” 
“ A mycenaean serving us would be a nice change for once. “ The man snarked, letting them see he thought the hero was talking of buying slaves. “ You know I don’t like to see you both leave knowing you will be fighting for Agamemnon, I accept it because I have no choice.” 
“ I fight for myself and your son fights for me. We only use that king to get our deserved rewards.” 
The conversation was paused to make proper libations to the gods with the wine that Polymele brought for them. 
“ And how good were those this time?” The mother of Eudorus asked. “ I’m absolutely proud of my son’s glory, but we weren’t expecting him to arrive without you. Haven’t you thought about how you were going to scare the people, Achilles?  At first sight we could have thought you were lost in battle! “ 
“ Mother, he was being honored in Mycenae for the great victory against Diomedes.” Eudorus jumped in his lord’s defense. “ The conqueror of Thebes, of seven gates, was never forced to retreat before. Achilles made him.”
The hero seemed pleased with the accurate description of the official motives masquerading his reasons for staying in the mycenaean palace more than necessary. 
“ Not easily, he is worth the fame he acquired. Diomedes is the best I have faced, just not good enough to contain me. He knew when to back down, or a deity who loves him inspired him to do it. “ 
“ Then he got his army submitted to Agamemnon, paid the tribute, and you got the argive blood cleansed from your skin by the hands of the mycenaean princess. “ Patroclus added. “ Not a bad outcome, you got honors that have never been given to any other hero during the ruling of Agamemnon.” 
“ Diomedes can still be called a King, Achilles takes the myrmidons to battle as a mere commander.” She recalled, showing disdain for the descripted situation. “ No honors can repay that, a ceremony in the palace of Agamemnon isn’t enough.” 
“ But it was a great start.” Achilles insisted, on a positive note. “ His own people are fascinated with me, Mycenae loves me against the wishes of its king.” 
The affirmation was accurate, but also an excellent metaphor. Mycenae discovered a fervor for him that Agamemnon despised, but the most special of his subjects actually loved him against his wishes. 
Phoenix seemed to have a clear position about that. 
“ A bath? If they want to vindicate you, at very least they should have let you sleep with her.” 
The joke made everyone chuckle for all the wrong reasons. He wasn’t speaking seriously, but Achilles truly had the even more delusional idea of taking the princess of Mycenae as payment for all past and future offenses when he would finally be able to part ways with the Atreide. 
“ Don’t make him wish for so, father. “ Eudorus spoke first. “ The girl is a delight, she surprised us all. Kindness like hers is rare to see in the highest royalty, especially in the House of Atreus.” 
The remark made him feel taunted and Achilles wasn’t going to remain impassible. 
“ The only one in that family that is worth something. Let me tell you something, Phoenix. That princess is splendid and her personal entourage is not far behind. Her servant girls are as lovely as her, one is very feisty but the other one is pure tenderness.”
Polymele retired to a subtle sign of her husband, understanding he was going to share things that she wouldn’t like to hear. 
“ It may seem like that, but servant girls are no game.” He strictly commented. “ Not even with the ones belonging to his own household a young man is safe. One may say that everybody does it, but things are never so simple.” 
Patroclus was weirded by the strange reprobation.
“ As long as she consents, I don’t see the problem. Those girls are often offered as part of hospitality. Why should we be the ones to beware of them and not the other way arround?” 
“ Because there will always be someone else willing to ruin your life for one of them. Servant girls aren’t prostitutes, you don’t remain free of consequences.  Don’t underestimate the damage that a jealous owner can cause you. Everything is fun until he realizes that she wants you for real and barely tolerates him. Some don’t like to get reminded that those girls spread their legs for them only because they have to.” 
The passion he showed in the intense explanation was suspicious, almost like a defensive reaction. 
“ That’s not ethical advice,” Achilles pointed out.” you are treating us like kids that want to put their hands over the fire because they don’t know it burns.” 
“ You already know I was not born a myrmidon, your father offered me shelter after I ran away from my homeland. What I never told you or my son was the reason.” The man replicated. “ I was once a prince of Hellas, son of King Amyntor. My father humiliated my mother with his blatant preference for a concubine of the palace and she begged me to do something about it. She wanted me to seduce the slave so she would despise him and so I did. I got close to her, at first for the sake of my mother’s sorrow, but I got to experience a sweet furtive passion with that girl. I awakened in her the fire that only love brings, she wanted me like she had never wanted my father. When we were discovered, Amyntor forgot I was his son. His jealousy overcame everything, he summoned the Furies to curse me with childlessness and they heard him. “ 
He stopped the tale for a brief instant and glanced at Eudorus. 
“ You know now why my blissful union with your mother has never produced offspring. My seed is cursed, dear boy. I came to this land escaping the hate of my father and you were a miracle that happened after I thought I lost everything. It was decreed that I would never conceive a child of my own and when I met Polymele she was already pregnant with you. I got blessed with a chance to raise two boys, my son and my apprentice, and I thank the deity who had mercy on me for that.” 
“ Maybe it was your mother, Achilles, I will never know. “ He continued, back on his main interrogator at that opportunity. “ After all, she allowed me to educate you when you reached the proper age. She honored my friendship with your father by letting me be the one teaching you what he couldn´t. I’m obliged to transmit you the humble wisdom that I acquired in a lifetime. Don’t get in the way of a master and his possessive love, he would destroy you no matter what just to keep the illusion of full ownership over his favorite girl. “ 
The words of advice Phoenix had to give weren’t a calming balsam for the worries of the heart poured for them. Eudorus received those like a personal alarm while Achilles felt his existing doubts increasing after the visit. The outcome contradicted all expectations, he was still feeling conflicted because the advisor didn’t succeed on the accidental intention of making him desist from his secret purpose. Nothing would, not even Zeus himself coming down from Olympus to tell him that woman was forbidden. Speaking of the servant girls was easier than directly confessing he was going after the mycenaean princess, but he knew the advice wouldn’t change much if the man would be aware of his actual target. In any case, it would be harsher and more determinant giving the substantial difference in the high rank. 
On his part, Patroclus was amazed recognizing in them the same fear of disappointment he sometimes felt regarding them. It was a strange realization, since normally his cousin never seemed vulnerable to expectations and Eudorus would only care about disappointing him in particular. Phoenix felt to him then like the patriarch they all wanted to make proud, but whose wisdom they wished to put in question. Not a single word of complaint came out from the men, despite the lad waiting for it to emerge.  The two grown adults he admired the most, fearless warriors and makers of massacres, wouldn’t dare to question the advice of the man who raised them taking the lead of their absent fathers. 
His hope was in a presumably kinder advisor, the only one who could help Achilles out of the tribulations in a way that wouldn’t make him feel hopeless. 
Thetis received them the next day in the usual grout by the sea. Only her son knew the precise location of the isolated spot where he spent the early stages of his childhood and Patroclus was the only company he ever admitted. The reason would have been evident to anyone who could witness his interactions with his mother. The stoic mask would fall completely in her presence, she was capable of discovering the deepest secrets of his heart with amazing ease. 
“ You have found more than glory in Mycenae.” She told him right away. “ I saw it in you, but I preferred to wait until you would come to me with the news.” 
It never stopped to impress them, Achilles found his initial guilt over hiding the secret absolutely pointless and Patrocus was in disbelief for what he was witnessing. 
“ I didn’t want to overwhelm you so soon. You were receiving me as your son coming victorious from battle, it wasn’t a proper time to come to you for help.” 
Once he approached close enough she gave him a soft caress on the cheek. 
“ There is no wrong time to need your mother.” 
He had a sweet smile always ready for her. 
“ Your little helper has convinced me.” 
Patroclus peeked from behind his shoulder waving one hand and Thetis smiled at him. 
“ I see. It's nice to have you with us this time, Patroclus! I heard about your journeys, your first steps outside your homeland. I’m very proud of you.” 
The boy was bright with happiness receiving the praise. 
“ At least I'm not the only one who is here for your validation.” Achilles mocked him. “ Although I’m not sure who needs it the most right now.” 
Sitting on top of some rocks on the shore, she allowed him to rest his head against her shoulder in a calming pose. 
“ I always wondered why you didn’t try to sneak into the competition for the hand of Helen.” She commented as a subtle entrance for the matter. “ It’s true that I advised you against it, but many achaean heroes were there. I thought pride could have pushed you anyways.” 
“ I’m the best, I have nothing to prove.” Her son answered right away. “ It didn’t matter to me how pretty they said she was, I told myself I was married to the sword and nothing would distract me from fighting. When I had to leave for her wedding party, many men told me I was going to regret it once I met her. I didn’t, Helen is beautiful beyond measure but meeting her didn’t change my life and that made me feel safe in my position. If the prettiest girl in Greece wasn’t trapping me, no other would. “ 
He made a brief pause looking for exact words that would describe the best what he had to tell her. 
“ I met someone else there, a shy girl nobody was paying any attention to. She was the niece of the bride, I thought I was never going to see her again and that’s why I never spoke about her before. I visited her palace, I stayed for more than I should have and now I feel I can’t live without her.” 
There was no judgment in his mother’s reaction and he felt encouraged by that. 
“ You have a good eye for trouble.” She sweetly mocked him. “ I thought you hated the Atreides, the eldest surely hates you. He invaded the land of the myrmidons in spite of your existence. The age of the demigods was starting to fade, a direct descendant of gods was rare to see. Prince Agamemnon of Mycenae was horrified when he heard people were saying the little boy of King Peleus didn’t have a mortal mother. A demigod child ruling anywhere else was a threat to everything he wanted to build, so he came here with lies claiming the myrmidons were hiding Thyestes and took away your crown before you could get to rule. "
“ No way, he is your Eurystheus!” Patroclus recalled with weirded excitement. “ This is getting very interesting.” 
" Deep down Hercules cared for his lost throne, I don't. " Achilles corrected him. " Everyone thinks I say it because I'm trying to escape who I'm meant to be, but I'm not. Agamemnon did an excellent job shaping my fate for his benefit because the man I have become is not the one that prince boy was meant to be. I'm a fighter, not a politician. I can barely look after myself, nobody in their ríght mind would ask me to look after a kingdom. " 
" ... Too bad, because your princess seems born to rule. I bet you wish you had your old title just to give her a throne to sit on. " 
The tease wasn't ill intentioned, but it touched a detail he didn't consider until then. 
" I don't need to present myself to her as the one I was born as. Consider it for a moment, Patroclus. Her mother committed treason sleeping with a traitor. If she finds out I was born a prince, she could think I want her just to get my throne back and she will find logical reasons to believe it. It's the only detail everyone remembers about the Queen of Mycenae, you can naturally assume her daughter is haunted by that. I don't want a scepter of king, I want her... but how do you convince a woman who has been told over and over that her dead mother was a weak bitch seduced by an enemy? " 
It made sense and for so, the lad didn't object. 
" I have a plan, but it requires time I can't afford and patience I don't have. " Achilles continued. " I can win the dowry with the sword, make Agamemnon owe me so much that he will have to acceed regardless of the mutual hate we feel. Once his greed will be satisfied he will not have any believable excuses. I put the world at his feet and all I ask in return is a wife. The great emperor will not look good if he refuses and we know he will pick his damn empire over her anytime. He could be capable of selling her to old King Priam for the control of Troy." 
" Well, to be exact there is nothing he wouldn't give to rule Troy." 
" What I mean is that he will not miss her and before he will sell her to anyone else for power he will have to sell her to me. I will bring him all the power he wants so he will not have to exchange her for it on any of the few free kingdoms that remain. " Achilles clarified ríght away. " The problem is that this is a long term plan. She is clever, so far she has managed to delay marriage, but i don't know for how long she will stand. " 
There was genuine worry in his face when expressing his deepest concern. 
" What if I come back one day to find her married? Maybe she resisted as much as she was capable of, but Agamemnon forced her to marry someone else. Doubt is driving me mad, I don't know how long it will take me to find a new excuse to return. My only comfort is knowing that she is with Odysseus now, that should keep her safe for some time." 
Thetis kissed his forehead and prepared herself to deliver bad news.
" I lament to inform you that your friend conspires against you. Is not personal, he still loves you, but nothing comes above the love he has for his wife and son. He fears you could recklessly unleash a country-wide war for that girl and hopes to contain the situation with manipulations. Nothing new, he is once more playing with forces he can't understand trying to cheat fate. " 
He raised his glance at her with confusion. 
" Mother, are you sure about this?" 
" Which one of the two?" Patroclus asked him."  Odysseus playing on his own side or her being your fate?" 
Thetis seemed quite surprised by the comeback. 
" You have returned with a sharper tongue, dear boy. Is that another prodigy from the women of the Atreides?" 
Patroclus easily confessed his guilt. 
" For cursed people, they are very nice. " 
" Don't insult her like that, the only curse my princess has is being born from that father." 
" So easily you claim her yours!" His mother followed in a teasing tone. " This is not the same man who left the homeland for war. A true miracle has occurred, my son was visited by the children of Aphrodite!"
" Is that all you both plan to do? Join forces to mock me?" Achilles defended himself. " Yes, I am in love. I thought I would never feel that need for someone else and here I am, losing my mind for the daughter of Agamemnon Atreide. Maybe it is the punishment he got for all the offenses he caused me, or it's yet another motive of suffering I have to endure from him. In either case, it's already done. I love her, I can't conceive the idea of finding her married to someone else or witnessing her wedding as an invited guest. If what you say is true, mother, then Odysseus is ríght in just one thing. I would kill the groom if i have to, she wouldn't even have to ask me to slaughter the husband being forced on her." 
" Or you could also remember that the goddess of marriage is the woman who educated me. '' Thetis interrupted before the rage inside him could escalate. " You don't have an immortal mother in vain. " 
Achilles wasn't fond of the idea, the mere thought made him feel uneasy. He stood up out of sudden and gave a few steps away contemplating the sea. 
" You know I don't like to owe favors in Olympus.You never know how the ones up there will choose to collect payment. " 
" I'm loved and respected by both sides of the ruling marriage and that is not an easy achievement." She insisted. " Do you truly want the princess of Mycenae for a wife?" 
" Ask Hera if she wants us to honor her getting married or to offend her with an adulterous relationship. In either way that girl is mine. ” Was his terminating answer halfway into an angry ramble “ In fact, being her lover would never be enough. Only a coward would conform with that. I would steal her from her dying husband and if I have to spill blood all over the temple, I will. " 
" That sounds like a threat, I think it's not wise to offend the goddess whose favor you need." Patroclus mocked his lovesick rage. " ... You truly are lucky that this lady is your mother. "
Thetis smiled once more, purposely avoiding chuckling to the comment and the overall situation, but remained silent.  
" Do you think threatening the Queen of Olympus is a viable option?" The boy continued, horrified. " Are you completely out of your mind? 
" I'm not a coward, I speak my mind. If Hera doesn't make her my wife, I'll take her by myself. " 
" Or the goddess can obviously go one step ahead of you and marry her to someone that would screw your plans." 
To the immortal woman in front of them it was like seeing the argument of two children. However, the unusual wisdom that the youngest was showing was unusual to perceive in someone of his age. He had a healthy fear of gods her son had never acquired. 
"  No one will get in my way." Achilles confidently answered to Patroclus' provocation. " No one would be that stupid. " 
 " What about a man you wouldn't kill so easily and she wouldn't want to cheat on despite not loving him ? I know of a prince that fits the description, a great fighter and a very honorable man... Agamemnon would love to get him on board. " 
The mere reminder of that man annoyed the demigod. Although the idea seemed improbable,he had realized that his cousin was in the ríght.
" Prepare an expiatory sacrifice for tomorrow morning or Hera will gift your girl to Hector just to give you a lesson. "
Thetis wanted to show support for Patroclus' advice without revealing too much of certain information that could be upsetting for her son. As a sea deity she was aware of many things happening on the domains of Poseidon. 
“ That would be an excellent start, I can do my part and speak with her later. “ She quickly took the lead in the conversation. “ The alignments on Olympus could also be useful information to you. I will try to figure out what the great deities think of her, but don’t expect much. Your discredit of Olympians comes from the fact that you have met them, your girl has never felt divine presence. Zeus hates the Line of Tantalus, no one assists them directly. Agamemnon has done more harm than good trying to restore the relationship with the Great King. He thinks that ruling the world would prove that he is better than his ancestors and Zeus will forgive him. I feel confident guessing that the young princess must be secretly watched by Athena, anyone loved by Odysseus gets at least a bit of her attention. Aphrodite is over Helen, if they are close she may be keeping an eye on her too. “ 
“ Aunt and niece have become hard to separate. That must be why the goddess of love couldn’t keep turning a blind eye anymore.” Achilles commented. “ It explains a lot. I thought the world was going a bit more insane than usual when no other man seemed to mind leaving that gorgeous girl all by herself. She even used to boast of being invisible to the eyes of men and I heard that while my own eyes were feasting on her.” 
They shared a few chuckles to the amusing sounding confession. 
“ Aphrodite is called the laughter loving for a reason: she adores pranks. Expect some more pranking now that she is bringing her favorite mortal man. “ 
The words escaped from her in a moment of distraction because the thought was already on her mind. Her son suspected immediately and questioned her about it. 
“ Mother… is there anything else that I should know? 
She was reluctant to keep speaking, as if they were reaching a cursed topic, but there was nothing else she could have done. 
“ Your beloved was invited to Ithaca under false pretexts, Odysseus has a mission for her. To be the bridge between his people and the trojans, Prince Hector is on the way on board of a ship that will arrive soon there. His brother Paris is with him, he is the favorite mortal of Aphrodite. Hector is the predilect of Apollo … and of their entire nation. “ 
Patroclus cackled loudly to the incredible coincidence. 
“ Well, looks like all our mockery will be put to test. “ He concluded. “ Do you think Athena could be connecting her thoughts with Odysseus’? She didn’t tell him about her old escape plan, I'm sure of that. If she sees him the same way I see you, I can confirm that it didn't come out from her.” 
Achilles was certainly dismayed, but not even in front of his mother he would admit it. 
“ It’s only a shame that I can’t be there to see her gaining fame. Her glory is a motive of cheer for me, she always takes pride in mine. I want the trojans to adore her so Hector can envy me later. And as for Paris, he can check on the wonderful woman that could have mindlessly gifted herself to him if she wouldn’t have met a real man first. He will see how unworthy of her he is and she will feel embarrassed to have ever considered him.” 
Surprisingly calm reaction making everyone else suspect there was more behind he wouldn’t acknowledge at the moment. 
“ May I ask you one more favor?” 
The goddess secured some of the strands of golden hair falling at the sides of his face behind his ear 
“ Anything. No matter the path you take, I’m always on your side. “ 
Achilles seemed partially encouraged and that was a relief. 
“ Take care of her, keep her safe when she is unreachable to me. “ He sweetly begged. “ I don’t need you to spy on her because I want to test her loyalty. I trust her, I feel it every time she is close to me. She wants no one else, the world demands her differently. The request is not about me, I just want to know if there will be someone out there looking after her when Athena or Aphrodite would be too busy with the mortals they like more. “ 
The petition was clearly heartfelt and he hugged her right away. 
“ That will not be a problem, she has been praying to the Nereids.” Thetis shared with him in complicity. “ She thinks I don’t listen to her talking of her love for you, but if you would know the things I have heard you will be swimming to Ithaca. “ 
His eyes went wide realizing that his mother had been aware of everything all along. 
While such matters were occupying him, the situation in Mycenae appeared to be diverting the course...
 The atmosphere in the palace was moderately quiet, but that wasn’t doing any wonders for the king’s mood. He seemed distracted at best and more easily irritable than usual at worst. Dealing with him wasn’t simple even for his royal advisors. The absence of Nestor complicated things even more and there were no future prospects for an imminent military action that would justify his comeback from Pylos. 
For Agamemnon, it was just him and the mundane issues of Mycenae in a boring in between wars period he would be spending alone. It was hard to admit he didn’t enjoy peace, not even the domestic one obtained in solitude after getting rid of his daughter for a while along with all the uncomfortable visits they were forced to receive. Having her around was often a source of headaches, but letting her go to any place other than his brother’s palace and being uncertain about her time of return wasn’t nice.
 He was worried, no matter how much he trusted Odysseus or how advantageous it would be to have information about Ithaca after the conflict with Diomedes. To some extent, he was regretful about letting her go. 
It was a constant in his relationship with her, taking choices as king that he would later regret as a father. In a more busier context, with some war upcoming or anything to distract his mind, he would simply ignore it. All his usual topics of concern were in control and he had no better idea than turning his thoughts back at her. Their bond was of constant struggle, if there was one thing she learned good from him was the insistence on doing things her way and there was nothing he hated more than being contradicted. She would always stand in the opposite viewpoint for any issue, from the petty things to actual conflicts, and drive him insane. 
However, the palace wasn’t a constant battlefield at all times and she was a nice company. Whenever being anywhere else was impossible and campaigns had to be postponed, in the cold seasons when receiving guests was less frequent and the palace would reduce to just the two of them and their servants. Hunting wasn’t her thing, but in the bad weather she did appreciate the fur clothing. He would typically mock the hypocritical stance and she would laugh, admitting her guilt, to later extend the discourse claiming that hunting trophies were the useless side of it she didn’t enjoy. He once tried to explain to her his taste for keeping trophies using battlefield comparisons. In war when one man kills the other, the defeater has the right to take the fallen’s armor as a prize to display at his home. Without hesitation, she told him that an armed man in battle was a danger to another armed man, but a deer in the woods wasn’t. Only greater prizes from actually dangerous creatures made sense to her for that. The hunt of the Calydonian boar or the gorgon head kept by Perseus, not parts from the lifeless remains of animals that weren’t extraordinary. 
If wars had to be fought following her logic, only killing the extraordinary people, he wouldn’t be at the edge of ruling Greece. Their philosophical arguments were at least entertaining and he would always crown those with some intricate wartime anecdote that would keep her listening. At some of those occasions she would simply hear him vent about Achilles driving him insane without stopping to question him a single time. Her silent support was comforting to him, seeing her simply nodding and smiling to whatever he said for once was definitely helpful. That man would often manage to outshine him while making him look like the villain of his heroic tale, so the king liked to have someone with whom he wouldn’t feel that way. His girl was always understanding, the onlyone besides Menelaus that seemed to be completely on his side. 
Watching her sitting among her slaves, directing their work while keeping up with her own beautiful embroidery works, would sometimes secretly fill him with pride. She already looked like a queen and she had reached the age to become one. Although he was hoping to receive her back before the end of the season, soon he would have to let her go definitely. His empire needed offspring, from his viewpoint as a king he had to get her married as soon as possible. From his feelings as a father, he couldn’t grow the courage to let her go. 
He would never admit it. Not even to himself, always up to find new motives to place on her. Blaming her was easy, stating she was not ready yet to be a good wife sounded more rational. In that line of thought, delaying the marriage was saving an unlucky man the disappointment of getting stuck with a disgraceful mess of a woman that would ruin his life. He was merely providing the useful service that Tyndareus should have given him before he married Clytemenestra, making sure the daughter she gave him would be in optimum conditions before her engagement. He managed to truly convince himself of that, satisfied with his self deceiving. She wasn’t good enough for any man and it was his responsibility to perfect her. Behind his cruel reproaches he was hiding the consequences of his paranoid fears, but also the possessiveness of his filial love. 
It was no mystery to anyone that Agamemnon was a greedy man in every sense of the term and that included his affections. Shouting that he wanted her out of his life only masqueraded his necessity to keep her by his side. He preferred to have her in the palace, far away from the world, because she belonged with him. A fierce, jealous love was the guide of his parenting style. Taking anything away from him was already a difficult task, expecting him to give it away was nearly impossible. He was the accidental creator of his own difficulties, living in the contradiction of needing her to provide an heir to the house and feeling like any man wanting her was stealing her from him. She, who he had raised to be the exception to the rule in the troubled history following the women of the family, was a final product meant to be handed to someone else. 
His mother abandoned him and his little brother when she sentenced herself to death for being unfaithful to their father, then his wife followed the same path. She carelessly left that child lonely for the sake of a lover, but her father knew very well what that little thing endured growing up without a mother. He promised himself he would do better with her, that he would keep her safe from the curse. Her innocent acts of rebellion in the palace were a fair price to pay for rescuing her from that fate. 
Under her watch she was doing fine, occasionally trusting her to Menelaus wasn’t doing any harm either. As the only woman they managed to save, she was theirs by right, meant to be their caring company from her roles of daughter and niece. For the same reason she was their special responsability. Odysseus was a great man, but he wouldn’t understand it. He was probably being indulgent with her, allowing corruption to happen accidentally just to be a nice host. He was her favorite for a reason, he would often destroy all of her father’s good work on a week of visiting by giving her permission for anything she wanted. 
She adored the King of Ithaca and he had an evident soft spot for her. She was always all smiles at the news of his arrival to Mycenae, even happier than if they would tell her that her father was returning from war. No other visitor would spend as much time alongside her as he did yet it never seemed to be enough. She would always beg for him to stay a few days more, looking at him with an adorable expression. It was the exact kind of trick she used to play as a little girl to stay for longer in Sparta, only not about her uncle anymore. She had built a great affinity with Odysseus, one that replaced Menelaus from the spot of favorite. It was granted that, despite the good intentions of Penelope, that man would give the girl too much freedom. 
There was no doubt that his friend also meant good, but he wasn’t the one dealing with the consequences. Odysseus was responsible for her only while she would remain on Ithaca, nothing obliged him to be severe. For as much as Menelaus enjoyed being a relaxed uncle, he was aware of the limits he couldn’t let her cross. He would be more careful because he was aware of the risks, they had a secret mission to accomplish keeping the curse at bay. Although, at the end of the day, it was always up to him. The eldest brother, head of the house and father of that girl he wasn’t ready to raise alone when circumstances made him. His younger brother was a good support, but he wasn’t there all the time. 
The trojan was all he had on a regular basis, that damn woman he would never get rid of. She knew too many secrets of the family, so he could never sell her, but he was too dependent on her and could never kill her. They were stuck with each other and over the years she had at least proven a consistent loyalty. It was a bond of relative mutual convenience making itself more evident when there was no one else around. 
“ I’m bringing your meal, the poor boy that pours your wine is afraid you may slaughter him so I told him I can handle everything.” She announced herself carrying a tray to serve him. “ We are far beyond that, aren’t we? 
Agamemnon tried to remain as composed as possible to show kingly dignity. 
“ Just because my daughter has made you a queen among slaves, that doesn't mean you can talk to me as if you were a real one. She uses you to fulfill a need, as slaves are meant for. Queen Penelope of Ithaca is now in your place, surely doing a better job than you.” 
The woman began to serve the table for him with cold carelessness. 
“ Perhaps you are the one worried wondering if Odysseus is doing better work pretending to parent her. “ 
She poured wine and handed him the cup with total naturality, upsetting him even more than a claim that got him a bit too deep. 
“ That’s an insolence I can't tolerate, not even from you. Hesione, favorite of the princess, I can’t care less about your old age and she is not here to protect you. “ 
“ The last time you marked my body she didn’t speak to you for days. I have seen her shredding tears of resignation whenever her benevolence wouldn’t be enough to calm your wrath against any other of us. Anger is what will be awakened if you touch me or her handmaids. Only three persons in this palace she expects you to protect in her absence, two of them are away.” 
The reprobation made sense, so he switched the topic. 
“ Odysseus was blessed with a firstborn boy, but I fear he would never be a good parent for a girl. Not only was he luckier than me regarding his offspring, he has an irreproachable wife and in this fortune lies his optimism. He has no idea of what it's like to have been married to a traitorous whore knowing your mother was one too while you beg for your only offspring, that just HAD TO BE yet another WOMAN, to not end up like that. I’m sure the pretentious little bitch is going to be insufferable at her return, that’s what he does to her.” 
“ Be honest to yourself, King of Kings. “ Hesione warned in a mock. “ You are thinking of the people she will meet. Provincial nobles that will be dazzled by her shine, she may make new friends. Some that you didn’t buy for her, that you can’t control in the limits of this palace. Your sad attempt to control Patroclus wasn’t only about upsetting his cousin, he is the first friend your daughter made from outside your borders and that makes him dangerous… Who knows who she may befriend next?” 
“ YOU KNOW WHY I HAVE TO DO IT! “ He yelled out of blatant rage for the callout. “ Your intrigues mean nothing to me, I’m protecting her from the curse she was born with.” 
If she would have been completely free to speak, Hesione would have said he was that girl’s curse. At least for that she missed the presence of Achilles, he would never hesitate on freely insulting him without fearing repercussions and through the blade he had earned the power to do so. 
“ It will not happen again because I have paid enough attention. From the claws of that harpy I rescued her and I made her a decent girl.” Agamemnon strictly concluded . “ Too nice, perhaps, her sense of morality drives me insane… But she has high morals, even if she often uses those to judge me.” 
“ Trojan sense of morality, too elevated for the House of Atreus.” The woman clarified, reclaiming what she considered her accomplishment. “ That rectitude and virtue didn’t come from you.” 
“ She is a righteous woman anyways, Hesione! I made that possible, on my watch she grew up safe.” 
The king had a long sip of his drink while the slave kept accommodating plates. 
“ She can’t be under your watch forever. “ 
He swallowed his first bite of food quickly to eagerly reply. 
“ I can’t trust her to another man, they don’t understand. With me the curse is contained…” 
“ She is a girl, not a feral force of destruction.” Hesione recalled. “ You don’t need to contain her, you need to understand her. It’s not about finding a husband to control her in your place, she needs one that would care for her. So far you have received prospects following nothing but your own interests. Your local flatterers and a few foreign princes from families you like, all focused on your personal gain. Have you actually checked on any of those men, besides from their inventory of richness or political influence? What about their personalities, goals and morals? Do you find any virtue in at least one of her suitors?” 
“ Antilochus is a good young man, Nestor and I have been thinking about it since they were kids. He was my strongest favorite, but he became a suitor of Helen and our plans got ruined. Until quite recently, many of the most righteous princes were too busy fighting for her.” 
Hesione was subtly heading the conversation into a very important point she wanted to make. Always letting her master believe that she was simply helping him think, what she actually seeked was to persuade him. 
" It's not about righteousness. Look for a man that is in perfect balance with yours and her morals. One that would follow your brutal ways of heartless conqueror but would still make her happy. " 
" That man doesn't exist, no one can reconcile such extremely different interests. Agamemnon insisted. " Her purpose in life is to serve me, it's logical that the choice has to be useful to me. " 
He was incredibly stubborn, but she wouldn't stop. 
" The kind of man you are looking for is a fierce warrior with a good heart. One that would be with you exterminating an entire population of men, but would pretend he didn't see the children escaping. A son in law fitting for your needs that would still have softness reserved for her. A mighty arm to destroy your enemies that would wrap her in a tender embrace." 
The servant was purposely describing Achilles in a language vague enough to plant the seed of an idea that was favoring him. Despite the king didn't figure out the underline meaning of her words, the advice seemed sensical to him and precisely for that he was feeling conflicted. 
None of his trustfull advisors would have ever been so direct. 
" I fail to see what makes you so interested in her departure from this house. '' Agamemnon snarked with poisonous disdain. " You'll lose everything with her marriage and I am not speaking only about your position of privilege. You don't have a family, that girl is all you have. I have many other matters to care about, my mind will move on, but without her you will lose your purpose. "   
Her answer was a hard strike. 
" My love is selfless, I want the best for her no matter what will happen to me. Perhaps because I have nothing I can call mine and you own so much, you will never understand that. " 
Agamemnon cackled carelessly and shamelessly. 
" There you are again, playing to be the sacrificial matriarch! It doesn't suit you as good as you think it does. " 
Hesione watched him completely unamused. 
" You still hope for it, don't you? How many years humiliating me in front of her got you nowhere? How many teachers and etiquette trainers that you have collected among the best wives in mycenaean nobility have failed before? Now you think that Penelope of Ithaca, of all queens, will be the one successfully training her to hate me and my kind? " 
" She needs a fitting role model to follow and Penelope is a flawless queen, i believe her influence can inspire her into becoming one. Acknowledging your inferiority is part of that, she is too old to keep pretending you are her mother. " 
Her mockery was turning into rage. She had no doubts about the love of her girl, but it was true that her social position demanded other teachings besides from hers and the king was pointing it out to hurt her. 
" You are spiteful because she hasn't learned to dehumanize trojans like you wanted. Growing up with me was supposed to show her that we are all pets your family will dominate someday, but you failed in poisoning her with your hate..." 
She made a brief pause, unsure of letting the anger dominating her get its outlet. 
" ... Let’s revisit some basic facts about your daughter. She loves horses more like any other noble girl who has been in this palace. Do you remember when you whipped a lad working in your stables thinking she was sneaking there to see him, only to later find out she was there talking to the horses? " 
The king remained silent. 
" If given the choice, she loves dressing in blue clothes as much as your traditional red. She can recite the story of the foundation of Troy as fluently as she would tell you about the origins of Mycenae. Dardanus and Tros are names as familiar to her as Perseus or Tantalus. " 
She didn't want to get that far, but couldn't stop herself. 
" My child calls me her anna, and she speaks my language with the cutest greek accent. She is insecure of it and would never dare to speak it with another trojan, but King Priam himself would get emotional hearing her because it's perfect mixing. Troy is her secondary homeland, she made my roots as hers as the ones birth assigned her. " 
" Being attached to you doesn't make her an honorary citizen of your old kingdom." Agamemnon mocked her. " It's true, you taught her some unusual traditions behind my back, but a princess of Mycenae can only be destined to rule trojans after I'll raid their city." 
" Start thinking of her beyond your wishes or you'll lose her. " The trojan concluded, a genuine piece of advice wrapped in the harshness of her emotional state. " Now is the time for you to do it, before it will be too late. Don't get surprised later if once your grandkid is born Odysseus receives the news first." 
The callout didn't convince him completely, but it gave him a new problem to think about.
The king sent away emissaries with important messages the next morning. Two to Pylos and several more to Argos, making his advisors suspect he had developed a remarkable interest in Diomedes after managing to submit his army.  
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bluebloodsgurl · 2 years
Lifeline: Part 2
Characters: Jamie Reagan, Reader, Frank, Danny, Erin, Diana (OFC)
Mentioned- Henry, Linda, Jack, Sean, Rourke, Brian (OMC), Ryan (OMC)
Starting Paring: Jamie X Sydney, Reader X OC Paramedic Brian
Word Count: 4600
Warning: Language, Angst, Reader being an ass, Mentions of a Dead Parent, Asshole Father, A little bit of Fluff.
A/N: This is part 2 of Lifeline. I still don’t know how many there will be as of this moment.
Also, I’m sorry it took me so long to get something out. Life has been kicking my ass. Hopefully, I will be posting more but I am not making any promises.
Feedback is always welcome. The Good and The Bad. Requests are also open.
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By the time you got home that morning, you were completely exhausted. You dropped your bag by the front door, not caring where it landed. Then your boots followed quickly after, just like your bag not caring where they ended up. Walking over and throwing yourself over the back of the couch, pulling the blanket down over you as you went. You just let the couch swallow you up. As you were on the cusp of falling asleep, your phone starts going off. You shift to pull your phone out of your pocket, looking at the screen before answering it.
“You better be dying or dead.”
“Well good morning to you too Sunshine.”
“Jamie, it’s not a good time right now.” You let out a sigh. “What did you need?”
“I was going to see if you wanted to get breakfast before both of us went to work. I also wanted to see how the night shift went.”
“Oh, it was great.” Sarcasm was dripping from your mouth.
“Wow. Really?”
“Well, if you call getting myself suspended great, then I had a grand ol’ time.”
“Wait, are you serious?”
“Jamie, I’m tired and I don’t want to talk about this right now.”
“Well either you come with me to breakfast willingly, or I will come into your house and drag your ass out kicking and screaming. What’s it gonna be?”
“I hate you, and I want my key back.”
“I know you do. Yeah, good luck getting the key from me, you will have to pry it from my cold dead hands.” He let out a laugh. “I’ll be there in about five minutes to get you. So, hurry up.”
You hung up the phone, grunting as you got up from your couch and throwing your blanket down. You quickly went to your room to change out of your work clothes. You knew Jamie wasn’t joking when he said he would drag you out. He has done it before; he will do it again. You changed into a pair of joggers and a FDNY shirt just to mess with him. You were pulling on your socks when you heard your front door open and Jamie yelling.
“Y/n!” There was a slight pause, before you heard him stumble and curse. “Son of a bitch. Y/n, why didn’t you pick up your damn shoes. Y/n! Don’t make me have to come find you.”
You just laid back on your bed, closing your eyes and rubbing your hands over your face. You heard footsteps heading towards your room, they stopped in your doorway for a second before they came to a stop in front of you.
“You are not wearing that to breakfast.”
You open up your eyes to see him pointing to your shirt. You just closed your eyes and let out another sigh.
“Then I’m not going.” You crossed your arms like a child who was pouting.
You heard him walk away for a second, thinking you had won. Which was a short-lived dream when he came back, he pulled you up into a sitting position, causing you to let out a squeal and open your eyes. Only to have him pulling a hoodie over your head.
“Jamison! Stop it!” You struggled against him, to no avail. Once it was on you looked up at him, with an angry pout. “I am not a child.”
“Then quit acting like one.” He laughed at you.
You stood up and walked out of your room towards the front door. As you did, you looked down at the hoodie. It was Jamie’s old Harvard sweater that he got when he had gotten accepted. He lent it to you one day when you forgot your jacket, and it just never found its way back to him. He never asked for it back, so you just held onto it. At this point if he did ask for it back you wouldn’t be able to give it back.
The two of you left your house and got into Jamie’s car. There wasn’t much conversation, just comfortable silence. You were tired enough that you had started dozing off on the way. Once he pulled up to the curb of your favorite breakfast spot you were completely out. Jamie got out and walked to the passenger side door, slowly opening it not to wake you.
After all of these years, you really should have known better than to fall asleep around Jamie or any of the Reagan siblings for that matter. Jamie leaned in slightly and started screaming and shaking you. Your eyes shot open, screaming yourself. You looked over to see Jamie laughing so hard as you are clutching your chest.
“You’re an ass.”
“Oh, that was so funny.” He got out in between laughs.
He was hunched over with his hands on his knees, not caring that there was quite a few people staring at you. You got out of the car and pushed Jamie, knocking him on his ass.
“Hey!” You stood there just looking down at him. “You just assaulted a police officer ma’am.” He was up in a second.
“You have been a police officer all of two seconds.” You cocked your eyebrow at him. “Besides you wouldn’t arrest your best friend.”
“Are you sure about that?” He was right in your face, trying so hard not to smile.
“How so?”
“I have friends in high and low places buddy. You don’t want to mess with me.”
“You’re such a dork.” He smile breaking out along with a chuckle. “Come on, let’s go eat and talk about how you got suspended.” He threw his arm over your shoulder as he pulled you into the diner.
Diana greeted you as you both walked into the diner.
“If it isn’t my two favorite troublemakers.” She had a big grin on her face.
“I’m not the troublemaker, she is.” Jamie pointed at you as the two of you sat down.
“What? I am not. You are a hundred percent the troublemaker out of the two of us.”
“No, you are. I’m not the one who got suspended.” He had a big grin on his face.
You gave Jamie the dirtiest look you have ever given anyone. You could feel her eyes starring you down, and it is not a feeling you want to have. Ever since you were young, Diana has been a big part of your lives. The two of you would come in here quite a bit with your families or even just each other. She practically watched the both of you grow up.
“Dude. Why would you say that in front of her?” You whispered harshly. Your eyes haven’t left Jamie’s, in fear of what would happen if you looked over to Diana.
“Y/n, what happened?” You looked up at her slowly, with a shy grin on your face.
“I punched another paramedic in the face.” You said quietly before looking down. “Then I slammed him into the back door of the truck.”
“Woah! What did he do to piss you off?”
“Why would you do that?” She asked while hitting you in the arm.
“Ow! We had a call for a car accident right at the end of our shift. He wanted to take a child away from his mother right after it all happened. He was going to traumatize that poor kid. Then he had the audacity to bring up my mother, then I flipped out on him. I punched him in the face and slammed him up against the back of the truck. Then I got suspended, and I can’t return to work until I take an anger management class.”
“Well then he deserved it.” Diana put her hand on your shoulder. “You don’t do that to a child, and you sure as hell don’t bring up someone’s past trauma.”
“What’s going to happen to him?” Jamie questioned you.
“Tyler texted me earlier saying that he was suspended for a day or some bullshit like that. I don’t know, I’m just hoping I never have to work with him again.”
“That is stupid, he should have to take a class on how to be a decent human.”
“That is absolute bullshit.” Jamie rubbed his hands down his face.
“Yeah, but it is what it is.” You just shrugged. “Can’t take it back now. Then again, I don’t think I would if I could.”
After that, Diana took your order and left the two of you to talk. The two of you sat there for just over an hour, before Jamie had to head into work. After paying and saying a quick goodbye to Diana, the two of you left. Jamie walked around to the driver-side of his car, while you looked around at the busy street. Somehow you aren’t as tired as you were before. You need to clear your head on the early morning events, and there was really only one place you could do that.
“Hey, I think I’m gonna walk.”
“What? Y/n you look like you’re going to pass out. I’m not gonna let you walk home.” He gave you a look like you were crazy.
“I’m fine Jamie. Plus, I’m not going home just yet.”
“Where are you going?” He came back around and stopped in front of you.
“I need to think for a little while, so I’m gonna go visit my mom.” Jamie quickly pulled you into a tight hug.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?”
“I don’t know, I just need to talk to her.” You stood there for a moment longer before you broke the hug.
“Alright, come on. Go to work.”
“I can drop you off.”
“No, I’ll be fine. Besides, you don’t want to be late on your first day, do you?”
“No, I don’t.” He looked at you, with his signature smirk.
“Nothing. Look, text me when you get there and…”
“And when I leave, and then when I get home. Ya’ know sometimes it’s like she’s still alive and is just using you as a vessel to make sure I’m okay.”
“Hey, I’m not that bad.” He looked at you like he was a little offended. “I just want you to be safe, I would still be doing this if she was still here.”
“I know. You have been protecting me since we were seventeen. Hell, maybe even before that and I was just too stubborn to notice.”
“Yeah, you were.”
“Hey!” You went to hit him in the arm, he was quickly able to dodge your hand before it made contact. He moved to the front of his car. “Get out of here, before I personally call the commissioner and tell him that one of his officers is causing as scene instead of going into work.”
“You wouldn’t.” He narrowed his eyes at you.
“Try me.” You pulled your phone out of your pocket, holding it up and waving it back and forth.
“Umm… Y/n?”
He pointed to your phone; you gave him a confused look before looking at your phone.
“Speak of the devil.”
You quickly looked back at him before answering.
“Hello, Commissioner Reagan.”
“Y/n, we have talked about this. Call me Frank.”
“Sorry Frank, how are you?”
“I am doing good. How are you?”
“Funny you should ask because I was just talking about you.”
“Oh, to who?”
“One of your officers, who is bound to be late for his first day of work if he doesn’t leave me alone.” You had a smirk on your face, while Jamie gave you an annoyed look.
“Can you hand the phone to Officer Reagan.”
“Sure.” You walked over to Jamie. “He would like to talk to you.”
He slowly took the phone and put it to his ear.
You watched as the conversation unfolded. Jamie was just nodding his head and saying “Yes, Sir.” Soon he handed you the phone back.
“I have to go brat. Text me, call me if you need anything, okay?” He pulled you into another quick hug before heading to get into his car.
“I will. Bye.”
Once he was gone, you quickly turned your attention to your phone.
“So, what’s going on Frank?”
“Well, I was just wondering how you were doing this morning.”
“You talked to Rourke didn’t you.”
“I may have.” You rolled your eyes.
“Frank, I really don’t want to get into this. I’m sure you got all of this information from Rourke but, Ryan pissed me off and now I’m suspended until I take an anger management class. It happened and now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions.”
“I know what happened, I’m still wondering how you are doing. Which you still haven’t answered by the way.”
“I’m fine.”
“Y/n, I have known you long enough to know when you aren’t telling me the truth.”
“Frank, I appreciate you checking up on me, but I am not one of your kids that you have to check up on when something pops up, okay. I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself. I have been doing that for a long time, longer than you probably realize.”
“I know that. You are a strong person. I just…” You cut him off.
“I have to go. I have things that I have to deal with. I will talk to you later.”
“Okay. Bye kiddo.”
As soon as you hung up the phone, you felt like a complete ass. Frank has been there for you more times than you could count. He was just being the friend to you that he always has been. This is the man that helped you get through things when your own father couldn’t. He welcomed you into his home and his family all those years ago and you just threw it back in his face.
You haled a cab, then you made your way to the cemetery. When you found your mom, you sat down next to her. You pulled your legs up and wrapped your arms around them. You just sat there for a little while not speaking.
“Hi mom. I really fucked up big this time. I got suspended because some jackass decided that it would be a clever idea to take a child away from his mother right after a car accident. He also brought up you and I lost it on him. I’m honestly surprised that I held back. Then I got a call from Frank, he was just trying to check up on me and I took it out on him. I know I shouldn’t have but I did.”
You had tears forming in your eyes, threatening to fall at any second. You looked up to the sky, before leaning back to lay on the grass. You laid there for a little while just talking to her about other things that were going on. You also tried to figure out a way to apologize to Frank. After a few hours of sitting there, you said your goodbyes to her and got up and went to get another cab.
You had the cab drop you off at a store, so you could pick up the ingredients for your mother’s cheesecake, that you know Frank loves. When you got everything home, you got to work. After it was finished baking, you let it cool while you lay down on the couch to take a long-awaited nap.
When you woke up you had quite a few missed calls and unread text messages. Most of them were from Jamie, which you should have expected since you didn’t text him when you got to or left the cemetery. There was also a couple of missed calls from your father and a text from Erin.
You decided to get the more unpleasant phone call over with first.
“Hi dad.”
“You wanna tell me what the hell is going on?”
“Excuse you?”
“Y/n, what did you do at work?”
“Ya’know, I had a shitty night, thanks for asking.”
“Seriously, that’s how you’re gonna act right now?
“What do you want me to say? Huh. Do you want me to tell you that I got suspended because some asshole thought it was a good idea to traumatize a child, then bring up my past trauma because he fucking felt like it? Is that what you wanted to hear?”
You were met with silence, which didn’t surprise you at all. Ever since you mother died, he has only ever called to complain or yell at you.
“Don’t. Don’t even pretend that you care. I know where I stand in your life. I wasn’t able to help or save mom and now you blame me every chance you can for her death. So why don’t you just stop pretending to care about me. You leave me alone; I will leave you alone.” You hung up the phone, not wanting to deal with him anymore, the sad part is that no matter what if he needed help and called you. You would be there for him, even after all the shit he put you through.
You sent a quick text to Erin, saying:
Y: Sorry Erin. I had a rough night; I was sleeping it off when you texted me. I’m doing okay now. Thanks for checking up on me.
Then you texted Jamie.
Y: Sorry, I’m home and I fell asleep.
J: That’s it…
You have been MIA for five hours and all I get is I fell asleep.
Y: Jamie please don’t do this right now. I already feel like crap. Please don’t make it worse.
Instead of getting a text back, Jamie’s face popped up on your phone. You stared at it for a second before picking it up. You stayed quiet and waited for him to talk first.
“Are you okay? What happened? You seemed to be doing better at breakfast.”
“I’m an asshole, and I am so done with peoples shit.”
“You are not an asshole, and people are stupid.”
“Well, you’re only half wrong. People are stupid, but I am an asshole.”
“Why do you say that?”
“I took my anger out on one of the few people who actually care about me. When all they were doing was making sure I was okay.”
“Y/n you had a bad night, no one is going to hold that against you.”
“That’s not the point Jamie.” You let out a frustrated sigh. “I’m not really in the mood for this right now. I have things I have to get done. I will talk to you later.”
You hung up before he had a chance to talk. Throwing your phone onto the coffee table, ignoring the ringing. You got up and walk back to your kitchen. You pull the cheesecake out of the fridge, making sure it has fully set before wrapping it up to take over to Frank’s.
Before you decided to take it over there, there was a few things you needed to do. The main one being find an anger management class, so you could get it over and done with. Once you were all signed up, you put on some music and started cleaning.
It was about five when you decided to head over to Franks. When you got there you notice the extra vehicles that were there. You almost turned around, but luck wasn’t on your side today. The front door opened as you went to grab your trucks door handle.
You looked up to see Danny standing in the doorway. You looked down at your hand and just let it fall from the handle. You heard the door close and footsteps coming towards you. You turned to see Danny leaning on your truck.
“What’s going on slugger?”
“Oh God! Not you too.”
“Come on did you really expect to keep this quiet. Especially around here?” He pointed to the house. “Everyone’s in there talking about it.”
You were just hoping the ground would swallow you up, right there and then. You leaned forward leaning your forehead on the door frame and let out a big sigh.
“I wasn’t expecting everyone to be here when I showed up.” You turned your head to the side to look at him.
“I bet. Well, it’s too late to leave now.” He points to the house, you lifted your head off the truck and looked at the house to see Erin, Henry, Frank, and Jamie looking out the window.
“Of course, it is.” You gave them a quick wave. “Or… You could take this inside to your dad and let him know that I’m sorry and I will call him later.” You had a big smile on your face, as you lifted the cheesecake up into his line of sight.
“Not gonna happen.”
“Ugh.” You dropped the smile and lowered the cheesecake. “It was worth a shot.”
You walked past Danny as he laughed at your reaction. The two of you walked up to the door and it opened just as you got to the top step. Frank was standing there with a smile on his face. Danny slipped inside as you stood on the front step.
“Hi.” All of a sudden felt like you were the shy teenager you used to be all over again.
“Hi.” He just smiled at you. “So are you going to just stand there or are you going to come inside.”
“Actually, I came to apologize for today.”
“You don’t need to do that.”
“Yes, I do. I was a complete asshole to you, and you were just trying to look out for me. I took my anger and frustrations out on you. I am so sorry Frank. I know it won’t fix anything, but I made you this.” You lifted the cheesecake for him to take. “I know you like this one, it’s my mother’s recipe.”
He stepped out onto the step with you and took the cheesecake. What you didn’t expect was for him to pull you into a hug. It was one of those big bear hugs, which cradles your entire existence. The kind of hugs really only dads can give.
“Sweetheart, you have nothing to be sorry for. I know you had a difficult day at work. I shouldn’t have overstepped.”
“No, you didn’t overstep. I should feel so lucky to have someone like you to check on me. I was harsh on you, and you didn’t deserve that.” You pulled back to look at him. “Those hooligans in there don’t know how lucky they have a father that checks up on them when they had a bad day or just to see how life is going.” You pulled away from him as soon as you could feel the tears starting to prick at your eyes. “I should get going.” You started backing away.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“Umm… Home?”
“Nope. You are going to come inside and enjoy a piece of this” He lifted up the cheesecake. “We will talk for a little while, then you can go home.”
“Frank, I really need to get home.”
“Ten minutes, fifteen tops.” He stepped inside the door. “Come on. You know I’m not going to take no for answer.”
“I… Okay.” You walked into the house, and you were greeted by all of the Reagans.
Turns out fifteen minutes actually means three hours in the Reagan world. You did try to leave a few times, but they somehow convinced you to stay. Now you are finally able to leave the house when Danny and Erin said they needed to head out. Quickly that turned into having a chat at your vehicles, then Jamie came out to leave as well.
“I thought all of you needed to get home.”
“We do, we were just saying goodbye.” Erin was the first to address him.
“Well, you’ve been standing out here for like twenty minutes. You don’t seem to be in a rush to me.”
“Has it really been twenty minutes?” You looked at your watch to see it have been. “Wow…”
“I guess that’s what happens when friends get together.”
Danny wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you towards him. You already knew what was going to happen. You tried to get out of it but you were too slow. Next thing you know he had you in a head lock giving you a noggie.
“DANNY! Let me go!”
All while Erin and Jamie are jus laughing their asses off. You struggled against Danny for a little bit before his phone started going off.
“Aww, saved by the bell Y/n.”
“I hate you. This is why Erin is my favorite Reagan.” You started fixing your hair when Jamie spoke up.
“Hey! I thought I was your favorite.” He looked a little offended.
“Nope. After what you did this morning, you were demoted to fourth.”
“Fourth?! Who are the other two ahead of me?”
“Frank and Henry.” You started thinking about it. “Ya’ know you might actually be lower than fourth. I didn’t factor in Nikki, Linda, Jack, and Shawn. You might actually be like eighth. Butthead over there is nineth.” You pointed over to Danny who was still on the phone.
“Wow, after all I have done for you.” Jamie just shook his head; you shrugged your shoulders.
“It happens.”
Danny turns back to the group. “Alright, now I really have to go. I will see you all later.” He went around and gave you and Erin a hug and Jamie a pat on the shoulder before getting into his Jeep.
“I should be going to, I still need to pick up Nikki and make dinner.” Erin turned to you. “We should get lunch soon.”
“Yeah, I have some free time for the next couple of days. My anger management class isn’t until Friday.”
“Okay. How about Thursday?”
“Sounds like a plan.” You smiled as she stared walking to her car. “Bye.”
You turned and unlocked your truck. When you opened the door and got in, Jamie had his hand on the top of the door to hold it open.
“You were joking when you said that Erin was your favorite right?”
“No.” You just looked at him with the straightest face you had.
“Why are you sad? Jealous? Angry even?”
“No, I just don’t believe you.”
“Well, believe what you want.” You were close to breaking.
“Y/n. I know you better than anyone, so I know when you are lying to me.”
“Goodbye Jamie.” You shook your head, pulling on the door but he wouldn’t let go.
“I want to hear you say it.”
“Fine. I guess you’re my favorite.”
“I didn’t need the sarcasm but ill take it. Bye Y/n.” He closed the door and walked to his car, he watched as you drove away.
Once you got home things went quickly. You greeted Brian and went to the kitchen and started dinner. He came in to help you, then when it was almost done he set the table. The two of you talked about your days. Then you spent time together and watched t.v. for a while before going to bed. That’s how it was with you too as of late. You have tried to change it, but nothing was working. It was like the two of you fell into this comfortable routine, that neither of you wanted to address. After three years together, you started thinking this is all that it would be.
You hate this feeling.
The feeling of something ending.
Reagan’s (Everything)
@the-wolfie @navs-bhat @daddyslittlevillain @halstead-severide-fan​ @romanceandsarcasm​  @shelbygeek 
Jamie Reagan Tag
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Series Tags
@everythingand-nothing @traceyaudette @1-800-stray-kids @francopasta@goingwiththewind @irrelevant-86
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twdxtrevor · 1 year
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Pov: mommy and daddy laughing it up after smashin some geek brains . . pt3
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queenshelby · 2 years
The Future (Intro)
Pairing: Emmett (AQP2) x Female OC
Warnings: Post-Apocalyptic, Post-Trauma, Arranged Marriage, Forced Impregnation
Notes: Alright, you asked for this and I said I would do it! But there is a twist! I am writing my first OC story, so please be kind. I also stole some pictures from Fear the Walking Dead for my character introduction. It seemed fitting enough...
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Caitlin (Original Character & Main Protagonist): Caitlin is 25 years old and single. She is a nurse on the island which sometimes proves difficult for her as, just like Regan, she is deaf. Caitlin suffered trauma and abuse after having been captured by rebels on the mainland and then was rescued by Emmett who took her to the island. Caitlin enjoys drawing, reading, and gardening.
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Karl (Original Character): Karl is ten years old and Caitlin’s adoptive son. Their backstory is explained below. Karl is also deaf.
Max (Original Character): Max is eights years and also Catlin’s adoptive son. He is Karl’s younger biological brother.
Emmett (Main Protagonist): We all know Emmett of course. Emmett is 45 years old and leads the task force to the mainland, to which he travels occasionally to source food and seek out survivors. Over the years, Emmett has learned sign-language for Regan’s sake. Emmett is Eloise’s godfather and lives on his own with his dog Scout, in a small cabin, away from the main village on the island. He likes to keep to himself and draw, but often gets forced to socialise with the group.
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Regan: We also all know Regan. Regan is now in her early twenties and has a daughter called Eloise.
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Eloise (Original Character): Eloise is Regan’s three-year-old daughter.
George (Original Character): George is Regan’s husband.
Evelyn: We all know Evelyn of course. Evelyn is Regan’s mother and Emmett’s closest friend. Evelyn is one of the elected five council members and, unlike Emmett, she is very active in the community.
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Jordyn (Original Character): Jordyn is 30 years old and single. Jordyn is interested in Caitlin but has a troubled past. Until one year ago, he lived on the mainland with a rebel group but, due to a dispute with the other men, he took shelter on the island. Emmett and some of the others are keeping a close eye on him and some other young men, including Evelyn’s son, whom he is trying to recruit for an uprising against the authorities.
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After years of living on the island, a community had finally been formed and it was this sense of community which gave everyone hope following the invasion.
Other communities like this were soon discovered elsewhere, mostly scattered across different islands off the shores of America and these communities eventually began to form a government again, named the “New Government of the Island States” (NGIS).
Telecommunication was slowly restored amongst these communities and, after implementing successful means of basic communication, five representatives from each island community were elected to form a local council. The local council for each island was then tasked to implement any new laws and regulations proposed within their sector and, so that none of the communities would create havoc for themselves or others, any new laws and regulations were prepared and passed collectively by the Senate of the NGIS. All five council members were also members of such Senate and, together, at least seventy percent of all 35 Senate members had to vote in favour of any new law or regulation before its implementation across the member islands.
It was called democracy and gave rise to many good ideas. After five years of chaos, criminals and murderers were now finally being brought to justice again and there was now also the option of legal marriage and companionship.
The few children that had survived the invasion were now being schooled and everyone was given food as well as employment.
A task force had also been established on each island, requiring at least twenty participants whom were mostly volunteers to, occasionally, travel to the mainland in order to look for survivors and gather supplies. The task force was also charged with killing the aliens which, over the past five years, had destroyed this earth and killed over ninety-nine percent of the population.
But, the fact that ninety-nine percent of the population had died following the invasion also gave rise to a new law which had been voted in favour of at the rate of just seventy-one percent. It was a law that had been frowned upon by many and was called the “Law of Procreation”.
Under the Law of Procreation, every female above the age of twenty and under the age of thirty-five had to be bound to a domestic relationship and produce at least two children if at all physically possible.
Birth control was made illegal for women who fall within this age bracket and if a woman had not found a partner within ninety days of this law having been enacted or within ninety days of turning twenty (whichever is the later), then a partner was to be assigned to her by council.
This, unfortunately, was the case for at least three single women on the Seaside Island, one of whom was Caitlin.
Caitlin was a 25-year-old nurse who had arrived at the island three years ago with a child named Max and a child named Karl. Both children were still young, eight and ten respectively and just like Caitlin herself, Karl could neither hear nor speak. He was deaf and, since he was just like her, this is why Caitlin had cared for him all this time.
On the day of the invasion, Caitlin was babysitting the two boys which was something she had done for several years beforehand. Because she knew sign-language, the siblings’ parents had employed her as a daytime carer for them after they decided that boys should both be home schooled and, with that in mind, Caitlin became a qualified aid to them both.
Then, when the aliens took over, it was Caitlin who saved the boys’ life and although she started looking for their parents, they could never be found. They had probably been taken by the creatures and, with that in mind, Caitlin and the two siblings took shelter in a nearby barn before making their way to the island.
Just as many others, Max heard the signal and told Caitlin about it which is when they made their way to the nearest dock. But, just as they had arrived at the dock to board a small ship to Seaside Island, the unthinkable happened.
Caitlin was taken by a group of men while Max and Karl managed to hide on a small boat near the pier. The boat itself became their saviour and, miraculously, they made it to the island to gather help.
Six men from the island then went to the shore in order to save Caitlin. It was an act full of compassion, led by a man called Norman who, sadly, passed away one year following his mission to the mainland.
Knowing that Caitlin could neither speak nor hear, Norman asked Emmett to join him along with Regan’s husband George. Both George and Emmett knew some sign-language after having learned the basics for Regan’s sake and were therefore well equipped to communicate with the captured girl who appreciated the involvement from both men in the rescue mission.
Alongside Caitlin, the group rescued two more women, as well as a young child who belonged to one of the rebels.
The women had endured great suffering under the care of these barbaric men and it was Emmett who took revenge for them after they were freed.
It was also Emmett who carried Caitlin out of the building as she was too injured to walk herself and they had been acquaintances ever since. One wouldn’t call them friends, but they sure got along, at least until now, which is when their lives were to be changed forever.
To be continued…
Please comment and engage. I love getting comments and predictions pretty please!
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bluemargotrobbie · 11 months
Era entendible las miradas de odio de los hijos de Ragnar y aquella bruja...aunque las de Seren también lo eran, perdió a su madre por su venganza pero las de su hijo ...esa si le dolían más. Nunca la había mirado así
📚: 𝙈𝘼𝙎 𝘼𝙇𝙇𝘼 𝘿𝙀𝙇 𝘿𝙀𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙊 (publicado)
🖋: Sol_Andersen93 (wattpad)
🌎: vikings
💌: Ragnar Lothbrock & Bjorn Ironside
👤: Elizabeth
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drewmorg4n · 2 years
This is my first time posting here and I kinda don’t know what I’m doing but I wanted to share some of my fics elsewhere so here I am. My writing isn’t the best but I’m improving, I think? Constructive criticism is always welcome :) 
savior | rick/negan - finished
divided by a screen | rick/negan - finished
where we belong | rick/trans male reader - finished
who said that tinder never works | rick/negan - in progress
no way out | rick/negan college au oneshot - finished
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Personal Guard - Eudorus x (Fem)Shy Reader (requested)
Troy (2004) oneshot
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Requested by @valoraxx 
“  Hi! I’ve never seen anyone who has written for Troy before, so this is really cool! If it’s no inconvenience, could you maybe write a Eudorus x shy!reader (gender neutral or female) who tends to hide their face in their hands when embarrassed/flustered. If not I completely understand. Please and thank you! 💕”
Of course <3 and i am so sorry this took me so long! I had the wip sitting in my drafts for a while but hope the final result is worth the wait. 
Word Count 2.100 words 
Warnings: Reader is the eldest sister of Patroclus, some of my own headcanons for how the political situation of the myrmidons could go in the canon of the movie, where Achilles isn’t considered a prince. 
Summary: After an altercate with a man planning to force you into marriage  Achilles doesn’t want to leave you alone during his next travel and for so his best friend is entrusted with your safety. His devoted loyalty to your family makes him a perfect option, but some of his decorum displays towards you show more than just his loyalty. 
Notes: I would want to apologise again for how long it took me to release this. I’m very sorry for the delay, but also very happy with the result because i enjoyed writing this fluffy thing <3
Tags: @mysticaldeanvoidhorse​ @helie-brain​ 
The original royal house in the land of the myrmidons was almost extinguished, yet your small family unity would never stop being a target of attack for the mycenaeans. Achilles was a child when they took control of the region, which meant that you didn’t get to witness much of your uncle’s reign and your little brother only heard the legends. After Peleus died and your parents after him, your already strong bond got only stronger as you became to each other all you had left. Where your enemies would see a broken family, an ancient bloodline fallen in disgrace, you three found a home.
Achilles was, of course, the most remarkable fraction of it. Everyone in the country knew of him, of his incredible war feats as a mercenary, but very few people cared for what he did in his life outside of the battlefield. Patroclus would usually get upset about that, but you weren’t complaining because you didn’t crave adventure. The simple routine of your life in Phthia was enough, you were way too shy for great palaces and you certainly had no interest in seeing your cousin’s famous altercations with the mycenaean king. Waiting to hear the stories Achilles would bring back home was sufficient to experience a bit of thrill.
From all the omissions in his legend, the one affecting you the most was how unaware the rest of Greece was about how serious your cousin took his role as head of the house. Responsibility was more your thing, but he was very protective of you and Patroclus. The arrival of a new mycenaean functionary sent to mind the business of their central power provided an alarming example of that. To the blissful news that you were an unmarried woman, the last in the old local bloodline, the fool began to manifest very quickly a clear interest in courting you that was obviously of a political nature. Probably instigated by the teachings of his king, he intended to perform an act of power that could be perceived as legitimate in the most rebel region of the empire. It was about stripping the majority of people, who were still loyal to Achilles, from any hope.
Just like Agamemnon usually did and later regretted, his man underestimated all of you. It was obvious that his plan was waiting until Achilles’s next absence for war so he could be free to do his will. He thought Patroclus would be an easily frightened kid who wouldn’t have a say and he confused your shyness with submissiveness, assuming he would have no obstacles to force you into marriage while your cousin would be away. Yet, for that, he would have needed to hold on and survive among you. Patroclus ruined every single one of his so affirmed well intentioned courtship attempts while your cousin terrified him to a breaking point and he wasn’t alone in that. Eudorus, his best friend in life and right hand man in battle, defended you with an impressive ferocity that astonished the mycenaeans. When one of them mockfully accused him of guarding you like if you would be his wife, he said that you were his princess and he would die for you if that would be needed.
It got you so flustered, face hidden between your hands on a pointless attempt of dissimulating it while your intended suitor got humiliated through your reaction. That coward mycenaean noble fled back to his homeland fearing for his life, but the episode left quite a few revelations on hold. Achilles came out of it more wary regarding your safety when he wasn’t around, but Patroclus found out you had a crush and certain suspicions about it being required.
The men of the family opted for taking a choice behind your back that wouldn’t be communicated until being strictly necessary. It wasn’t their style, but they were trying to kill two birds with one stone. While Achilles was concerned for your safety during his long absences, Patroclus wanted to figure out what was going on between you and their friend. In a morning like any other, your cousin brought the topic while you were just finishing serving breakfast. 
“ I will be leaving soon, Agamemnon is preparing something big. You know I hate that pig of a king, but I’m not giving away my chances to win glory to any other. “ He was explaining to you in particular precisely as you were just sitting, you both being under the attentive surveillance of Patroclus. “ After what happened, I don’t feel good leaving you alone with the kid.” 
Before you could get a moment to react, your brother was already presenting an objection to his approach on the problem. 
“ Are you suggesting I am not good enough to protect my own sister?” 
“ You have done well so far, but you are too young to deal with some situations. “ Achilles corrected. “ That’s why I am asking Eudorus to stay here until I get back.” 
Surprise made you almost choke with your food. 
“ That’s not necessary. “ You objected once you regained the ability to speak. “ You would be punishing him if you make him stay behind while the warriors are marching… And in any case I suppose he can pass by to check on us, you don’t have to make him stay.” 
“ You are right, I don’t have to … but it would make me feel better and that is enough for me.” Your cousin teased you. “ Imagine it as practice for when you will get married, you have to start getting used to the idea of feeling comfortable around other men without me.” 
You looked up at the ceiling with frustration, then back at the two of them. 
“ Don’t I have enough practice taking care of you?” 
Achilles chuckled, his amusement proving you right, while Patroclus tried to focus on the bright side for your encouragement. 
“ Then imagine you are a princess needing a personal guard.” 
It turned out not to be that far from the truth, since Eudorus made it feel like that at first. His nice friendship with your brother contrasted with the formal manners he displayed around you. He resisted approaching you like a friend in favor of an attitude that made him seem like a soldier honored to guard you despite there being no reason for him to act like that. Unless, of course, that he would truly see you as someone over him. The soft yet over decorous treatment was of the kind a humble man displays for a woman he admires, but who remains up on some hierarchy. 
Not feeling like that near him was difficult, even in the most mundane situations. Although unnecessary, it felt somewhat good coming from him. He was lovely, what worked excellently if Achilles truly wanted you to work in overcoming your shyness. However, the borderline worship of Eudorus did trigger it many times. 
It was a never ending circle where your shyness would obtain his most gentle reactions, which would immediately cause your shy approbation. Only the disruptions of Patroclus making fun of you would create sporadic changes. 
" Why don't you ever call her by her name?" He asked him on purpose once. " You do it with me."
The man wasn't sure of how to explain that. 
" It's more respectful, adresses my awareness of the honor in her ancestry. " 
" We have the same ancestors and you aren't calling me your lord." 
" Eudorus doesn't feel as comfortable with me as he does with you. " You tried to defend him. " I belong in the domestic world and Achilles' is particularly hard to access. He is used to being near you as he is with the myrmidon soldiers, but we haven't shared much time all by ourselves. Achilles is always near when we see each other and he feels that his presence demands some formalities. It doesn't bother me, he will know when he will be ready to call me by my name. " 
" Your company is a pleasure. I will get used real quick, my lady. " He thanked you. " The virtue you display working for this home should be the envy of the region. Is no wonder why i am required here. "
You gave him a shy smile, first symptom of your embarrassed reaction. 
" I sincerely don't think it would happen again, but you can never argue with Achilles. I feel bad for being the cause making you stay behind while the army is marching. " 
" Excellent! Turns out you understand how I feel, you just choose to ignore me. " Patroclus complained to you. " At least I can share my misery with another warrior for once. "
Eudorus didn't mind as much as Patroclus imagined he would in his place. 
" I don't find this miserable, I am guarding the house of Achilles. Besides, my glory already belongs to your sister to some extent. As the only lady of the bloodline I serve, I dedicate my victories to her. " 
There was no possible way for you to remain passive to such a statement, you were so flustered that you couldn't speak. 
Patroclus chuckled watching your face disappear of sight between your hands.
Similar episodes kept repeating over the course of the days, but he never dared to question you about it. You guessed it was because he would perceive those as reciprocating reactions to his kindness when in fact you were feeling quite infatuated. There were times where he would lower the guard just a bit and the resemblance with a protective warrior would fully turn into the portrait of your ideal man. The divisive line between both was getting blurry because he would fill you with attention never expecting you to read those romantically, but you couldn’t help feeling that way for him. It was particularly difficult when you were alone, without your brother creating a distraction. The situation kept escalating silently, until one day he surprised you so greatly that it couldn’t be ignored anymore. 
He was returning earlier than Patroclus after both promised to give you some time to take a break. Despite you said you were going to rest, he could sense the smell of fresh bread coming from the kitchen. 
“ Your will is unstoppable.” He teased you in a lovely tone. “ My lady, you were supposed to dedicate the evening to yourself.” 
“ I did! I took a nap and did my hair.” You defended yourself then shook your head slowly to emphasize through the movement of your long locks. “ Now I’m starting to work on our meal for tonight. “ 
You turned back to face him and what you found was a smiling man holding flowers looking at you as if he was enraptured. 
“ I brought this because I thought it would be a nice touch for the table.” He excused himself and presented you with the gift. “ It may not be a special occasion, but it doesn’t have to be in order to add some natural beauty.” 
You smiled while receiving the flowers. 
“ It’s so beautiful” 
“ Matches with your beauty.” He sweetly replied. “ The kings and princes my lord deals with may find you rustic, but you remain a princess in my eyes. Their women are of a cold shine, like the jewels, but I think your living, vibrant beauty resembles the flowers. “ 
Amazed as you were, you ended up hiding your face behind the flowers while he could still hear your flustered giggling. 
“ It’s an observation that comes from my honest admiration.” He immediately attempted to correct himself. “ I’m not trying to court you, that isn’t what Achilles expects from me. Only if he would expressly consent to it, but maybe not even then I could.” 
Your eyes were peeking to stare into his with curiosity, since you wondered what that was supposed to mean. 
“ The most beautiful woman in the land of the myrmidons deserves better, if your uncle would still live among us you would be courted by princes. Your cousin is still well connected. Not all the kings hate him and he has some noble friends. He can arrange a better union for you. ” 
“ Can’t you tell why it is so hard for me to stare at you with a straight face for long?” You asked him in return. “ You have beautiful eyes and I am not immune to your sweet devotion.” 
It was clear for him that you resembled Achilles in at least one thing: the laconic phrasing. In a few words you said everything he needed to know. For so, Eudorus intended to do the same. 
“ I fancy you, (y/n) … from a very long time.” 
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runningfrom2am · 7 months
gem of panem // LTPF
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summary: introducing regulus and regan snow; son and daughter of the most powerful couple the country has ever seen. the real gems of panem.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 4.2k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: dad!coryo!! finally!!, gamemaker!reader, this time the capitol brats are their kids, also a little bit of violence in this one!! some very minor medical procedure descriptions (trypanophobia havers beware- although that's me so i was VERY vague with descriptions otherwise i would have made myself cry)
a/n: i've had dad!coryo requested for this series a few times so here's a taste of that and an introduction to their kids!! ahh I've been working on this for so long i hope you guys love it :)
series masterlist // playlist
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"I simply do not have time for this. Notify my husband." You wave off your assistant as you stand over the large round table in your laboratory.
"I- uh, your husband, Doctor Snow?" The young girl stammers.
"I don't believe I stuttered, did I?"
"No, Doctor. I just... I am uncertain he will be available right now."
You look up from the scattered pile of papers, and you can see her tense up. "I understand that he's our president, but he is also a father. He is more 'available' than I am a week before the games! Now go, he shall handle it."
"Yes, okay. I will, I'm sorry." She agrees, already pacing away and out of your sight and you get back to work, resisting the urge to attempt at rubbing away your now growing migraine.
"President Snow, sir?" Coryo looks up from his desk as one of his people opens the door for your assistant.
"Serena, my wife sent you?" He asks, standing quickly. It wasn't standard that you would send her instead of showing up yourself, or even just waiting until the end of the day to tell him over dinner.
"Yes, sir." She nods, looking down at her notepad. "Her office got a call from the academy, about an hour ago. They wished to speak with her about your son, sir. In person."
Coryo furrows his brow, already standing and grabbing his red overcoat. "Did something happen?" Why would they call the head gamemaker and demand her presence a week before the games? That seems incredibly careless.
"They wouldn't tell me anything other than the fact he is safe and not injured, sir."
He nods slightly, already brushing past her out the door. "Call the school, tell them I am on my way."
Coryo gets out of the black car, pacing up to the elementary wing of the academy's campus, a building he is far too familiar with. Walking in, he watches the receptionists eyes go wide as they both stare at him. He clears his throat.
"Where is my son?" He asks flatly.
"In the Deans office, President Snow." She replies and he nods, rubbing his jaw.
"Whose decision was it to call on my wife a week before the games are set to begin?"
Her face pales. "Well, um, she is the primary emergency contact for him, it is procedure to make that call first."
"So it was you?"
"Yes, sir."
Coryo leans onto the counter that separated them. "Right, well, maybe we should work on our critical thinking skills next time if we want to keep our jobs, yes?"
"Yes. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." He smiles slightly at her response, tapping his hand on the granite counter before walking off down the private hall.
He enters without knocking, practically slamming the door open and immediately searching the unnecessarily large office for your son. "Regulus, are you alright?" He asks, approaching the boy quickly when he sees him sitting in a chair in the corner of the room.
"Dad, I'm fine..." He mutters, arms crossed over his chest as he pouts.
Coryo crouches down in front of him, examining him closely.
"Coriolanus, I was surprised to get your call." The new Dean says, drawing his attention as he stands back up.
"Why is that?" Coryo asks, turning to his former classmate with a raised eyebrow.
She shrugs, standing behind her desk with her hands in her pockets. "We called for Y/N."
"A week before the games." He nods, approaching the desk slowly. "Are you not happier to see me than her, timing considered?"
"That's a good point." Persephone chuckles.
"Yes, she was not pleased you even called." Coryo replies, knowing he didn't even speak with you directly. "So please, tell me what is so important that you needed to interrupt both of our schedules."
"Right, yes. Please take a seat." She gestured toward the chair across from her own and he sits, only because it's polite. "So," She flips over a page in the notebook in front of her. "Regulus hit another student."
Coryo's eyebrows raise, and he turns to look at his son who's still pouting in the corner. "Come here, please." He pages him, and he saunters over, refusing to make eye contact with either of the adults in the room.
"Why?" Coryo asks him as he takes the empty seat next to him. The boy shrugs, still avoiding their gaze.
Coryo sighs. "Would you mind, Persephone? What happened?"
"Apparently..." She glances at her notes again. "Another student took his pencil without asking first and didn't give it back because, quote, 'they needed it and he had plenty'." She explains, looking up at them again. Regulus was the striking image of his father, his hair in the same longer somewhat disheveled curls that she used to remember on the man sitting next to him when they were that age.
"That's it?" Coryo asks.
"He hit him on the head, he's in the nurses office now being assessed for a concussion."
"Okay..?" He chuckles slightly in response. "Why did you have to call us?"
"Because this is a serious disciplinary issue." She scoffs, gesturing to his son.
Coryo looks between the two of them. "Okay, well, he looks like he feels bad, and I'll have my staff send an apology letter to the boys parents." He says, standing up again and tucking the chair back in. "Come on, kid. Let's go."
"Coriolanus, respectfully, this is more severe than that." Persephone interrupts. "We won't allow students to go around hurting others- especially over something so menial as a pencil. Eight years is too old for that kind of behaviour."
"You know his mother- don't you?" Coryo asks, raising an eyebrow at her. "I promise you, Dean Price, this is not serious." He turns then to his son. "Grab your stuff, I'll take you home." He says, and the little blonde boy rushes back to the corner to grab his bag.
"Coriolanus." She says again, exasperated by his lack of concern.
"Oh, and please tell the other boy that theft is not tolerated in Panem. He's lucky we won't have him executed." Coryo says, feigning a genuine smile at her with a sharp nod. He knows this isn't true, that executing a child over something so petty would never be considered in the Capitol, it would just be wasteful, but maybe next time he would think before stealing from the Presidents son.
She gives up at this, sighing as they walk toward the door.
Coryo shuts the door behind them, reaching forward to ruffle his son's hair.
The boy giggles, pouting and trying to fix it. "Dad.." He laughs, looking back up at him. "You're not upset with me, are you?"
"No, of course not." He grins, leaning down and placing a hand on his shoulder as they walk. "Did you know that your Dean is a cannibal?" He whispers, giving a quick nod to the girls at the reception desk as they pass.
Regulus gasps, looking up at him. "Is she really?"
"Yes." Coryo nods. "Tell your friends."
"Ew..." His son shivers, and Coryo smiles.
"I know right? Gross." He laughs quietly as they step out into the hall. "Now, where's your sister?"
"She's in English." Regulus answers and Coryo nods, leading him up the stairs and toward the classroom.
Once again, Coryo doesn't bother knocking before opening the door to his daughter's classroom.
Everyone looks up at once and the teacher pauses, gasps and whispers filling the room.
"Daddy!" Regan smiles, standing quickly and running down the stairs to the door, throwing her arms around his waist.
"Hi, Gem." He chuckles slightly, rubbing her back as she clings to him.
"President Snow..." The teacher smiles nervously. "We weren't expecting a visit today, but we were just discussing the significance of The Hunger Games and it's depictions in literature, would you care to comment?"
"Oh, interesting!" He grins, glancing back to Regulus waiting just outside. "I would love to, but Regan's mother is really the one to speak to about all that. Unfortunately, I'm busy today but perhaps we can get her in one day to speak in one of your lessons?"
"That would be wonderful." Her teacher smiles. "Then, what brings you in?"
"Oh, yes. Sorry for interrupting, but I'll be pulling Regan for the day." He explains and his daughter gasps, looking up at him with excitement. "Yeah." He whispers to her, patting her head. "Go get your things."
"Oh! Okay, did you sign her out? Typically they would call me beforehand." The teacher replies as Regan goes back to her seat, grabbing her things and being not so sneaky about sticking her tongue out at her classmates.
"No, I just decided to grab her while I was here. Just call the office and let them know I took her." He smiles, opening his arm to his daughter again as she comes back.
Regan practically skips out of the room, super excited to be free of something she already hears about endlessly at home. "What happened, Daddy? Why are we leaving?" She asks, grabbing her father's hand.
"Well, my schedule cleared up and I just thought 'Hm... I sure am missing my favourite girl today,' and then I remembered your last report card and how incredibly well you are doing and decided you deserved a day off."
"Really?!" She squeals, practically vibrating with excitement.
"Of course, Sweetheart." Coryo chuckles, scooping her up to carry her down the stairs.
"Lux, what would you like to do today? Anything you want." He looks down at the boy walking next to them.
"Uh, I'm not sure."
"Daddy, can we go see Mum?" Regan asks, looking up at him with a hopeful sparkle in her eyes. "I want to see her pets!"
Coryo chews the inside of his cheek. It's certainly not a good time, but if he would be with them maybe they could just sneak in to say hello. He found it extremely difficult to say no to her. "Sure, Darling." He nods, opening the front door to the academy.
"Okay, remember, Mum is very busy so we're just going to pop in to say hello, and if she says it's okay we can go see her pets." Coryo explains to the kids as they get out of the car outside the Citadel. "We're going to be quiet, and not touch a single thing unless I say it's okay."
Regan's blonde pigtails bounce as she runs up the stairs in front of the building, having abandoned her bag in the car. Regulus is right on her heels, reaching for her hair as if he's going to pull it.
They were under a year apart in age, 'district twins', as Ma Plinth had dubbed them when Regan was born. When you were expecting your son, the games were difficult to plan and execute. You would never admit it, but Coryo could see that the hormones of pregnancy made you almost sympathetic to the tributes and their families- you could hardly even watch the games you spent a year meticulously planning. You spent most of the time you could watch with a bucket in your lap. So when Coryo suggested you have your second right away, you were skeptical. You didn't want to go through that again right away, but he wasn't sure he could convince you to do it again if you decided to wait.
"Let's just get it over with," He had insisted. "Then we'll have our two beautiful babies and you'll never have to do it again. Everything will go back to normal." You couldn't argue with that logic.
So when Regulus was eleven months old, the Capitol was buzzing with excitement over the announcement that the First Lady of Panem had given birth to another child; a baby girl, and she was perfect.
"Gem of Panem! What do we have here?" Your receptionist grins as the three of them stroll in, eyes locked on the kids as Regan holds her head high. The receptionist is rounding the desk, crouching down and opening her arms for the little girl who happily runs into them. "If it isn't the real gem of Panem, how are you, Miss Regan?"
"I'm good." Regan giggles, arms wrapped around the woman's neck. "Daddy picked me up from school early."
"I see that." She chuckles, standing up and lifting the seven year old onto her hip as she looks at Coryo.
"I decided to let the kids have the rest of the day off today, and they wanted to come say hi to Doctor Snow." He explains. "If she has a moment."
"Oh, that's a good question..." The woman nods, gently lowering Regan back to the ground and circling the desk again, pulling up the paper schedule and scanning over it for a moment. "You know what, let me call her and just ask."
Your phone rings on your desk in the corner and you sigh, heels clicking across the floor as you pace over. "I swear to god if it is the school again..." You mumble to yourself, picking up the line. "What is it?"
"Doctor Snow, sorry to bug you, but your family is here."
"My family..." You ask, mind still set on the technical details of the almost prepared arena.
"Yes, Doctor. President Snow has brought your children by, they wish to see you, but only if you have time."
You blink, realizing what she said. "Okay, yes. That's fine. Send them down."
You can hear your kids before you see them, Regan talking away mostly to herself as they step out of the elevator into the part of your lab that held your office. You sigh, quickly removing your leather gloves and fixing the disheveled state of your hair before stepping out into the hall to greet them.
"Mummy!" Your daughter squeals, running toward you as you crouch down to catch her in your arms.
"Hi, Gem..." You laugh slightly, eyes now focussed on Regulus. He's shifting on his feet, standing so close to his father's side that he's almost standing behind him.
"Lux," You let your daughter go, opening your arms to him. "Come here, darling. What's wrong? What happened?"
He doesn't say anything, eyes locked on the ground as he walks up to you and leans into your shoulder. "Are you hurt?" He slightly shakes his head and you pick him up, allowing him to wrap his legs around your waist and arms around your neck.
You look pointedly at your husband.
'I'll tell you about it later' He mouths to you and you nod, gently rubbing circles into the boys back while Regan pulls on your lab coat impatiently.
"Mummm," She whines, already stomping her foot on the ground since your attention was no longer on her. "Mum, I want to see your pets and Daddy said we could."
"I said maybe, Gem." Coryo laughs slightly.
You chew on your lip, not minding the deteriorating state of your red lipstick. You were really anxious to find out what happened with Regulus, so maybe letting the kids entertain themselves for just a moment would allow you a second to talk to Coryo about it.
"Sure, of course you can. We'll just have to be quick, Mum is very busy today." You smile, gently putting your son down as his head perks up at the idea. "Come on." You take his hand, leading them all down the hall to one particularly safe section of your lab.
There are a series of mutts under testing and development here, but in this room close to your office, it contained only small animals like mice and rats, or bugs that the kids never showed much interest in. "Don't touch a thing, okay?" You tell them as you unlock the door.
The kids rush in, running up to a tank and immediately gawking at its contents. You didn't understand why, fully, since they just looked like regular old house mice. Your kids just wanted to be involved, you supposed. The same way Regan enjoyed sitting on Coryo's lap while he gave speeches or did interviews, but Regulus had always shown more of an interest in what you did behind the scenes, not just in front of the cameras.
"What happened?" You ask Coryo quietly as soon as they are sufficiently occupied.
Coryo chuckles, wrapping an arm around your waist and kissing your cheek as you keep your eyes locked on the kids. "Hello to you too."
You sigh, smiling as you lean into him. "Hi. Sorry. I'm just a little stressed."
"I know, love. Don't worry about it." He squeezes your side. "We'll get out of your hair in a few minutes."
"What happened with him?" You ask again.
"He hit another kid." Coryo states plainly and you gasp, turning to fully look at him for the first time.
"What?" You ask, searching his expression for any clue that he may have been kidding.
He shrugs. "They stole his pencil and refused to give it back."
"Oh, well, then they deserved it." You scoff. "Little brat- did you get the names of the parents?"
He laughs quietly, shaking his head and reaching up to hold your cheek. "I handled it. Don't worry about a thing." You don't have the chance to argue before he's kissing you to hush any of your concerns.
You hum against his lips, pressing a hand to his chest. "But, Coryo-"
"I handled it." He reminds you, just gently biting down on your lower lip. You can feel him smiling against you and you hum, allowing yourself to relax for just a moment.
Coryo takes the opportunity to turn to face you fully, dragging his hands down over your hips and backing you against the wall just behind you.
The kids were there, yes, but they were well used to seeing you kiss. It didn't bother either of you, and they had never known anything else. One day they may complain, but until that day came you would take every opportunity granted to you within your mutually tight schedules. Besides, the kids should know what love looks like. High expectations are good expectations, in your opinion.
The moment is interrupted by your phone ringing in your office down the hall and you quickly take a step back. With the tributes already in the Capitol, you couldn't afford to miss a call. Anything could happen- you know that story well.
"I'm sorry, I need to get that." You say and he nods as you turn to the kids. "Lux, Gem, come on. Time to go."
"Mum!" Regan whines, stomping her foot down as she always tended to do. "We just got here, can't we stay a few more minutes?"
"No, Regan. Out. Come on." You motion for them to come and they do, but your daughter in particular looks extremely unpleased as she stomps past you and out the door while Regulus follows with his hands tucked in his pockets. You turn off the light and lock the door.
"Okay, I'll see you at home tonight. Yes?" You kiss your husbands cheek and he smiles, giving you another quick kiss before you disappear into your office and shut the door behind you.
You take the call, and of course it was nothing of importance. So many things had to be run by you as head gamemaker that they felt it necessary to call and confirm the contents of what would be fed to the tributes. It never ended.
You don't even get the time to process where you had left off with your work before you're overwhelmed by voices. Your name being yelled by your husband accompanied by screaming, horrified pained screaming- which you quickly identify as coming from Regan. Your motherly instincts kick in before you even know it and you're throwing your door back open and are standing in the hall.
Coryo rushes out of the elevator with your daughter in his arms, his eyes wide as he moves quickly toward you. "It bit her! Something bit her- I don't know, I-"
You nod; there's no time for questions. "Okay, get her to the exam room." Moving as quickly as possible down the hall, you're grabbing at her little red blazer and pulling the sleeves up as she keeps screaming bloody murder.
You shove the door open and rush inside, for the first time noticing Regulus following behind you. You grab his shirt and pull him in while Coryo quickly lays her on the table. Even in the panic, you couldn't leave him unsupervised anywhere in the lab. Especially if something had escaped.
"Get her top unbuttoned, I'll need her arm free!" You tell Coryo as you shuffle around through the cupboard quickly trying to find everything you were looking for. A syringe, the antidote for whatever it may be. You don't even know. Glancing over your shoulder, her skin looks flushed with red patches showing up on her neck and face; but it could just be from crying.
Coryo's hands are shaking as his daughter continues to scream and cry in his face, making it harder for him to get her blazer off and unbutton her top. "You're going to be okay, darling. Shh, shh... Mum's gonna help." All he can think about while he pulls off her blazer and frees her arms from the little blue shirt is the time that he saw Clemensia Dovecote get bit by one of Gaul's snakes. He thought she was dead, and she walked out of the hospital wishing that she was. She never recovered- but she was quickly given treatment. Much quicker than his seven-year-old daughter, who is also significantly smaller than his friend was at the time.
"What was it? Did you see what it was?" You ask in a panic, bringing over a box and flinging it open next to her on the table.
"I didn't see it! I just saw-"
"It was a mouse." Regulus says, and Coryo turns to him with wide eyes. Luckily, you're all action and you're already filling the syringe with something that should counteract whatever effects the mouse's bite could have on her while he stares at his son. He looks calm, watching the scene with a tilted head. "It was just a mouse, Daddy."
Coryo looks away, grabbing Regan's hand and squeezing it. He didn't have the chance to tell you that whatever it was, apparently this "mouse", had been dropped down the back of Regan's shirt by her brother as soon as the elevator began to lift them. He had done it on purpose. Though, he couldn't have known what was wrong with the creature.
"This is just gonna be a pinch, Gem. Try and take a deep breath for me..." You tell her as you squeeze her arm. She makes no effort to do so, but knowing that the mice were only being designed to cause pain, it didn't surprise you.
"There you go, good girl..." Coryo coos at her as you just as quickly remove the needle, quickly disposing of it as he brushes her hair back from where it clung to her face. Immediately he can see the blood returning to her face, and she's still crying but whatever it was you gave her must have helped with the pain instantly.
"She'll be okay." You sigh in relief, rejoining his side and lifting Regan up so she's sitting. "Can you hold her? I just need to find the bite."
Coryo sits on the table, lifting her into his lap as you look over her arms and ankles. "It's on her back." He tells you, repositioning her carefully so you could see. She wasn't screaming anymore, just sniffling with eyes drooping shut.
You furrow your brow, stepping to his other side to get a look at it, seeing the small swelling area at the top of her back. You grab some disinfectant to quickly clean it before you dress it properly. "What happened?" You ask. "Did she fall?" It was unclear to you how she could have been bitten in such a place without being on the ground.
Coryo doesn't say anything, shifting his gaze over to Regulus again. He's watching you closely and how you're treating the bite, eyes trained on your gloved hands.
When your husband doesn't answer you immediately you look up at him again, and then follow his eyes to your son. "What did you do?" You ask him, plastering the gauze onto your daughter's back.
"I just wanted to know what would happen, Mummy." He says simply.
"You knew what would happen, Lux. I've told you so many times not to touch anything. That it's not safe, and one of you could get hurt." You frown, packing up your first aid kit before going over to him, and kneeling down in front of the blonde boy. "I know you're interested in what I do, and I love that, but if you have questions you have to ask. Not do experiments yourself."
You grab his arms to get him to look at you again. "Hey, I'm not mad at you." You say softly. "I just need you to be careful. You're smarter than this."
He nods, wrapping his arms around your neck and hugging you. You sigh as you hug him back. "You can't hurt your sister, darling. We're a team. Do you understand?"
"I do. It was just a mouse, I didn't think it would be that bad. I'm sorry." He agrees quietly, eyes still locked on his sister as his dad cradles her gently in his arms. She's passed out against his chest, holding her as close as he possibly can.
He shakes his head at his son, trying to display his clear disappointment. It would quickly be noticed if his daughter, the President's daughter, fell ill, and he knew he would have to jump through hoops to cover up her recovery and that the very reason for it was her own brother.
Regulus Snow was his mother's son, and Coriolanus didn't believe his apology one bit.
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taglist: @totallynotkaibiased , @stelleduarte , @klplynn , @secretsicanthideanymore , @bejeweledreverie , @gloryekaterina , @andrewgarfieldsbitch , @queenofspades6 , @pepperonipastas , @ladybug0095 , @lunamothwrites , @sbrewer21 , @mus-tbe-a-weasley , @unclecrunkle , @karmaswitch , @coconut-dreamz , @nekee-lilac02 , @ooooglymoooogly , @riddlerloveb0t , @lovedbalances , @notyourwildestdream , @snowlandson-top , @too-lit-for-fanfic , @utopiakys , @deafeningballoonnacho , @chmpgneprblem , @cosmoetik , , @urvampgfsworld , @carolanns-world @nan-nie , @shakespearseclipse , @iovemoonyy , @notyoursweetheart-honey ,  @xyzstar , @eatpizzasass, @slytherinholland , @queenofshinigamis , @elodiebeau , @soulessjourney , @that-veela-girl
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