#regarding raon
weirdsht · 2 months
cale with an s/o that's mothers so hard (coos at the averaging 9 year olds, bakes/cooks for the knights, plays and trains with the wolf children) – absolutely soft for kids, loves cuddling the children and cooking for them^^
Biased Concern - Cale/Reader
notes: I combined 2 asks because the premise was similar
tags: fluff, no gender specified for reader, novel spoilers (war)
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are open and welcome
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another anon said: omg!! regarding the small preview you posted,, like there's the part in the novel where on and hong are in the eastern part with Ron and Beacorx while Cale has 3 days to live and smth smth + Raon going through his first growth phase (I don't really remember) so his s/o is in despair bc of the situation and they're like– ONE OF MY BABIES IS SICK AND ONE IS DYING AND THE OTHER 2 I DONT EVEN KNIW WHAT THEYRE DOING WAHHH 😔😔 that's all bye ✊️
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Things are hectic. War is ongoing. Everyone is on their toes. Commander Cale Henituse is nowhere to be seen. Roan Kingdom’s Crown Prince Alberu Crossman is in a state of shock.
In short, things are chaotic.
However, it doesn’t look like that on the outside as most don’t have an idea what’s going on. Only very trusted people know just how everything is on the verge of being in shambles.
“I’m sure you were shocked your highness. Please forgive him. He has this terrible habit of throwing fast ones at random times.”
That was the first thing you said to Alberu as you entered his tent. The golden-haired man was already busy as it was. Now he has to cover and fill up Cale’s missing presence.
“I think I’m getting used to it now.”
You let out a short laugh at his response. Alberu said it with a nonchalant tone however his face conveys just how much of a headache Cale brings him. But it wouldn’t be Cale if he didn’t bring a headache.
“At least eat while you work your highness.”
Pushing the cart closer to where the crown prince is, you presented the foods cooked for today. On the plate, there’s a medium rare steak paired with some vegetables like asparagus, mashed potatoes, and others. It’s a simple meal, but it has all the nutrients and protein one would need. 
“Did you help cook this? You were fighting earlier you should’ve just rested.”
“It's not a bother at all Your Highness. Seeing everyone energetic is enough to make me energized as well.”
You smiled at Alberu as he started eating. Humming in approval at your cooking.
“When are you going to visit Cale?”
Alberu stopped eating for a second to ask you a second. You stayed silent at his question, deeply pondering about it.
On one hand, you wanted to visit him and check how the children and he is doing. On the other hand, you are still needed in the Gorge of Death. Especially since the others are gone. Your complicated thoughts did not go unnoticed by the quarter elf. He can easily tell just how worried you are for your significant other but also thinking of your responsibilities.
“Just go.”
“But Your Highness as Cale’s Deputy Commander–”
“Are you going against the word of the crown?”
That made you shut up. However, you were still hesitant. Cale’s absence already puts so much on Alberu’s plate. His responsibilities will overflow if you go away too.
“It’ll be fine. Just make sure to come back quickly. While you’re at it tell that punk to get well fast too.”
Alberu waved his hands. Telling you to go now, leaving no room for argument.
“I… Thank you, your highness.”
Soon enough you are inside Hope and Adventure Loving Inn. Specifically, you were inside Beacrox’s kitchen making sweet treats for everyone.
Just outside the kitchen the staff, the previous mountain bandits, are whispering among themselves. They’ve never seen anyone freely enter the chef’s territory so this is a shock for everyone.
“Thanks for letting me bake Beacrox! Take this portion and share it among yourself and the other staff.”
You smiled at the tall man with him only responding with a bow of gratitude. As you go out of the kitchen you see everyone acting a bit weird. It was so obvious they were trying to look busy while eavesdropping. One of them was even feather-dusting another employee’s face.
“You’re here nya!”
“We missed you nya!”
On and Hong greeted you respectively as Ron guided you upstairs. Indeed, you haven’t seen them since the opening of the inn. You said you were going to visit but things got delayed because of everything that happened.
“I missed you too. Now go share this among yourselves. Make sure to leave some for your youngest brother.”
You hugged the two for a bit before asking Ron to show you where Cale was. As he showed you the way you reluctantly let the two children go. Promising to play with them more later.
“I must warn you. The sight inside is unsightly.”
The servant warned you before opening the door. Sure enough, it was. The first thing that caught your attention was the foul stench of blood.
Speaking of blood, Cale was super bloody. He keeps vomiting blood like a water pipe with a leak.
“Oh my…”
You unconsciously said. The two heads lying on the bed turn to you. With Raon’s expression brightening up.
“You visited!”
“Well, I did promise to visit your siblings.”
Smiling, you welcomed the toddler into a warm embrace. Behind you, Ron excused himself to give the three of you privacy.
A certain redhead deliberately coughed out blood louder than before. Clearly unsatisfied at you saying that you came to visit the children.
“Of course, I came to visit you too.”
You laughed, walking towards the bed to give your significant other a kiss on the forehead. The bed dips as you sit down on it, with Raon still in your arms.
“I take it that you successfully got the water ancient power? All this blood must be from your plate fixing itself then.”
One of your hands was stroking Cale’s hand while the other one fed Raon the singular cookie you had brought with you inside the room.
Cale’s eyes looked at you. Probably examining if you were hurt somewhere while being away from him. He then frowned as he saw you feeding the chubby dragon. Your gaze travels to where he seems to be looking and the jealousy makes you laugh.
“Yes, I made it. Yes, there’s still some left. Yes, I already prepared some greasy food to cook so you eat later after you’re well. No, I will not stop feeding Raon. Don’t be greedy, you already have most of my attention.”
The commander’s frown etched deeper in his face as you said the last part. His gaze seems to be asking you if you’re really concerned about his well-being.
“Of course I am.”
You chuckled.
“I wouldn’t left the Gorge of Death if I wasn’t silly.”
Pushing his hair back a little, you gave his forehead another kiss. Reassuring him that you didn’t just go for the children.
Later on, when Cale was feeling much better he asked you if you only got together with him so that the kids would favour you.
“Silly man, I don’t need to be with you for the kids to love me.”
“That’s right nya!”
“Certainly nya.”
“I’ll like my human’s human even if you aren’t together!”
The defeated Cale could only click his tongue in annoyance.
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blueteller · 3 months
The Stages of Choi Han
So I decided to think over and analyze the progress of the relationship between Cale and Choi Han.
While we do occasionally get some Choi Han's POV, most of the story is still from either Cale's or general point of view, so we don't see his exact step-by-step thought process on what his views were regarding Cale.
So, here's my thoughts on what was going on inside Choi Han's head as the story went:
Stage 1: Confusion
Choi Han must have been pretty confused when he first met Cale. Still in major turmoil after the Harris Village massacre, here comes this drunk rich guy along, who offers him food and shelter for the night. Why? Random act of kindness? Something else? And things remain confusing the next day as well. Choi Han gets to wash up and rest a bit after his traumatic experience, giving him better clarity of thought, but definitely no better understanding of Cale, who apparently doesn't even want Choi Han to pay him back. Not to mention this creepy strong assassin butler he has and his son the chef... I picture Choi Han having three big bold question marks in his head at this point.
Stage 2: Respect
Things change after the interview. While Cale and the people surrounding him are confusing, the way he speaks to Choi Han make two things clear: one, Cale is a smart man. Two, Cale has a lot going on, but it doesn't seem to be anything sinister. The general vibe Cale is giving off at this moment is "possibly sketchy, yet mysterious and wise". He strikes right into the core of Choi Han's insecurity and helps him gather his resolve: he wants to avenge Harris Village, but he also wishes to protect. At this point, Choi Han switches from confusion to intrigue.
Stage 3: Loyalty
Cale has no idea when it happens, but it is clear: after they rescue Raon, Choi Han is definitely having thoughts about staying with Cale for good. Not only did Cale prove to him that he was a good person by helping a young creature escape a terrible fate for seemingly no reason... Cale also showcased just how thoughtful and competent he is. He is not only smart and knowledgeable, he is also a skilled leader. Even if Choi Han still has any left-over doubts, his question of "what will you do if the Dragon decides to follow you, Cale-nim?" makes it apparent; he's 100% talking about himself. At this point, he'd definitely be willing to follow Cale on a permanent basis as his knight.
Stage 4: Trust
So Choi Han already respects Cale, and has begun cultivating loyalty towards him during the trip to the capital. After they part ways, Choi Han follows Cale's instructions about finding Rosalyn and Lock. During this time unexpected issues arise, but Cale's information remained consistently useful and accurate. Choi Han also meets the "Secret Organization" again, confirming that following path set by Cale allowed him to find out more about Arm than he could manage by himself. He quickly grows attached to Rosalyn and Lock, faster than in "The Birth of a Hero", because through Cale's endorsement he isn't nearly as distrusting. And when Lock seems sick, Choi Han's first instinct is to go straight to Cale for help. And that trust gets rewarded. Then it becomes reinforced once again by the Vow of Death. Cale got upgraded from "sketchy but wise" to "definitely a good person with a lot of secrets".
Stage 5: Protectiveness
Choi Han was definitely protective before, but it got cranked up to 11 after the Plaza Terror Incident. Cale reinforces all previous impressions of respect, loyalty and trust through handling the attack almost flawlessly - except at the very end, Cale gets hurt for the very first time. Choi Han is furious. He threatens the guards to let him pass, showing how his number one priority is officially, Cale himself. His quest to avenge Harris Village still matters, of course, but Cale already swore an oath that he would help Choi Han with it (at least that's what Choi Han believes), so that's a non-issue. From now on, Choi Han's first, second and third priority is keeping Cale safe.
Stage 6: Familiarity
After the plaza, Choi Han heads off with Rosalyn and Lock to the Breck Kingdom. But while the bonds of friendship grow stronger between them, Choi Han still has every intention of returning straight to Cale after they're done. Cale isn't just a priority; he's home, the place Choi Han feels safest at. The way Cale treats him when the trio comes back proves to Choi Han that the feeling was not unfounded; in his absence, Cale helped rebuild Harris and made it home for Lock's siblings. As the next few months of "general relaxation" pass, Choi Han only settles more in his conviction. Everything he has now is thanks to Cale, who is a good person, trustworthy leader, and a good friend overall. Choi Han's feelings are no longer distant respect of an employee, and now he sees Cale as his new family.
Stage 7: Conviction
This stage is a little tricky. While Choi Han's feeling don't quite change through the next 2 years, they definitely grow in strength and intensity. Multiple instances of Cale getting hurt, as well as Choi Han witnessing the true extent of his recklessness, make him devote himself entirely to Cale and his cause. While fighting Clopeh, Choi Han expresses his determination to "create path for the real legend". Because Cale isn't just family: Cale is special. He is someone worthy of highest admiration in Choi Han's eyes. It's not fanatical obsession, not like Clopeh's later on, but something deep and profound that grows stronger with every single battle. The ultimate proof of it is Choi Han changing his attribute while Cale watches from the sidelines. Choi Han's goal itself now, is Cale's success. That is his conviction.
Stage 8: Understanding
Choi Han finally finds out the truth about Cale's transmigration thanks to the memories from Choi Jung Soo, sent by the God of Death. And while none of it fundamentally changes what Choi Han believes about Cale... it does give him a bit of a broader perspective on who Cale really is. Before, there was a lot of mystery regarding the extent of his knowledge, but Choi Han was fine with being kept in the dark. Now, enlightened about some of the mysteries surrounding Cale... Choi Han's conviction to help Cale succeed becomes stronger. Cale isn't just a person he chose to follow; they're actually countrymen, connected by his nephew. It deepens the bond they have, and from then on, Choi Han feels less like a follower of Cale, and more of a peer. They're truly friends, going on this journey side by side.
So there you go. The 8 stages of Choi Han's friendship with Cale.
I really love how their relationship plays out. Cale has many great relationships in the series, but there's something truly special about these two. No matter their differences or misunderstandings, they can relate to each other like no one else can. The mutual care and respect they have for one another is heartwarming. After all they lost, now they have someone who they can trust with their back. A real ride-or-die type of deal.
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teriri-sayes · 10 months
Reactions to Cale Snow's Chapter 218
New title - 28. No. I don't know anything.
TL;DR - Cale worries about "child" Lock. Cale tells Lock that it's his choice to become a teacher or not. Cale is confused why Dragon Half-Blood is feeling submissive. Eruhaben explains about Raon's attribute.
"Child" Lock We got a new title today, and I'm now fully convinced that the author was using GoT's famous line, "You know nothing, Jon Snow," as a reference. 😂
Moving on to the chapter, it was half-Lock, half-Raon. Both halves were touching scenes, showing how much Cale cared about his "children."
Cale told Koukan to release his tight grip on the "child" Lock's arm because it would hurt. He was worried about Lock who still looked slim despite eating a lot. It was funny that Cale even compared Lock to himself. Cale thought that he had gained weight during his time in the Central Plains, yet Lock who ate a lot only grew taller.
But in reality, Lock did not feel hurt by Koukan's tight grip. Rather, he was embarrassed that Cale called him a "child." And then Cale misunderstood Lock's embarrassment as him being hurt by the grip... 😂 Cale, not everyone is as feeble as you... 🤣🤣🤣
Cale then said that it was up to Lock if he wanted to become a teacher or not to the wolf beast tribe here in Aipotu. He also said that it was okay to seek advice from Gashan and Witira. And Lock was touched by Cale's consideration.
He was not offended that he was still being treated like a child. Rather, it further reminded Lock that Cale was like his uncle who protected his tribe. He understood that he was still a child, and if he made a choice to become a teacher, someone who could be depended on, that would be his first step as an adult. That Cale was guiding the child Lock on how to become an adult. 🥰
Dragon Half Blood's Name It looks like Dragon Half Blood (DHB) will soon be getting a proper name. Cale had met eyes with DHB who averted his gaze. Cale felt annoyed and asked DHB if he was upset that he still haven't been given a name, casually adding that he had already prepared one.
DHB's expression was that of shock. Cale was confused by that reaction, and DHB's shoulders even lowered, further confusing Cale on why DHB was acting humble/submissive. I guess DHB was still feeling guilty of his actions, perhaps thinking that he was not deserving of receiving a name from Cale.
Now, I wonder what DHB's name would be. Would it be another pure Korean word like "Raon" and "Dodam"?
Raon's Present Attribute Most of Raon's part in today's chapter was an explanation about events that happened in past chapters. Heck, there was even an author's note in the end that today's chapter would be better enjoyed if you reread Part 1 Chapters 255-257.
So what was this past event about? It was regarding Raon's first growth phase. Eruhaben had said in Part 1 that Raon made the entire world his plate, but he never actually told Cale about that, so Cale was surprised to hear about that today.
We then got an explanation that Raon's attribute encompassed not only time but also space. That he was not bound by the restrictions in Aipotu because the world itself was his plate. Eruhaben added that if Raon grew and mastered his attribute, he could manipulate time and space, and not be bound by shackles like fate.
Today's chapter also sort of explained why Raon's attribute was the present. When Cale first met Raon and freed him, he told Raon that he had the right to "live" freely. And during Raon's first growth phase, Raon had remembered Cale's words that "staying alive is being great and mighty" and "staying alive is being strong."
And now, Eruhaben was saying that Raon staying alive was Raon's strength and why he was a great dragon. Raon's attribute allowed him to "exist" anywhere. His attribute became the "present" because Raon wanted to "stay alive/live/exist" in the present. And it's all because of Cale's words and influence. 🥰
Ending Remarks Next chapter would probably still be focused on Raon. But I'm looking forward to what name Cale would give to DHB. I don't mind the subjugation force part being postponed if it means getting more character development for our Raon and Lock.
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krys-draws · 1 year
✎. Younger Sibling | How To Fight oc.
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"𝙆𝙚𝙚𝙥 𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙢 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙍𝙖𝙤𝙣"
Name: Raon Cheon | 천라온
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Nationality: Korean
Height: 172 cm
Birthdate: June 21
Mun-hee Cheon (mother) — Alive
Anthony Guadez (step-father) — Deceased
Abel Guadez (step-brother) — A̶̡̨̛̠̣̫͇̐̏l̷̢̨̰̟͝į̷̨͍̳̪̠̫̩̟̿͗̽̈́̌v̴̧̠̪̠͇̜̌͒̔̏̍̈́̄̂̈́̆ȩ̸̘̫̣̳̬̪͊̋͐̔̓̑̎
Love Interest: N/A
Status: Alive
School: Gangbuk High
Fighting Style:
Fencing (foil, épée, and saber)
Raon is seen to have two unusual genetic conditions: heterochromia and albinism. She has a slender frame and is a tall woman, measuring 172 cm. She has three piercings in her right ear, and a bunny teeth shown when she smiles. She loves painting her nails black and also enjoys wearing clothing that reveals her stomach.
Raon is a carefree and upbeat young woman, just like her brother. She is an enigmatic and generous individual who constantly acts in the benefit of others. Her preference for peaceful resolutions whenever possible led to her being frequently described as a pacifist. But because of her erratic behavior, many avoided her and disassociated themselves from her.
Raon spent her first five precious years of childhood with only her mother's presence by her side. Her biological father had abandoned her mother, Mun-hee, the instant he caught wind of the fact that she was pregnant with Raon. Left all alone, Mun-hee raised her only daughter while simultaneously tackling her duties as a multilingual homeschooling teacher. In the middle of the year, a close acquaintance of Mun-hee's introduced her to a Filipino colleague, and his son, whom she agreed to mentor by providing him with the schooling he required. The moment Raon first met the Guadez family, she instantly voiced her dislike for them. This was because she felt they had ripped away her dear mother from her. Even so, despite her initial ill feelings, Raon eventually softened with regards to her attitude towards the Guadez family, especially when she noticed that they were kind and accepting of her, without fail. As more time passed, Raon came to view them as nothing short of a second family. Raon eventually grew closer to the younger Guadez son, Abel, spending lots of time together despite Mun-hee not having homeschooling classes for Abel that day. A few years later, Raon's mom, and Abel's dad, got married, uniting their families. Soon after, Abel suggested Raon to take up fencing, as she was bored and wanted to try something new. Fascinated by the sport, Raon quickly became proficient at it and consistently won first place in every competition she participated in. However, things took a tragic turn when Anthony experienced a fatal accident. The death of her stepfather left Raon and Mun-hee struggling to cope, and they were forced to revert to their old ways. On top of that, the aftermath of the accident left Abel missing, which made the situation even more devastating for Raon and Mun-hee. The emotional trauma of losing her stepfather and not knowing the fate of Abel deeply affected Raon. With no other choice, Raon decided to put all her energies into fencing. Training day and night, she eventually became a formidable adversary, making her opponents tremble in fear. Despite her strength and expertise, she preferred to resolve problems peacefully whenever possible, just as her brother never allowed his negative emotions get the best of him. However, if the situation demanded it or the opponent was armed, she would not hesitate to defend someone in danger while also ensuring that she would not injure the opponent.
Used to pester Abel a lot to teach her his mother tongue so they'll be even.
She is fluent in Cebuano, Tagalog, Waray, and English.
Knows a little bit of Japanese.
Loves Filipino culture.
Favourite subject is chemistry but she sucks at it.
Dobermania (Abel's social media alias) inspired her to get into dancing even if she isn’t good at it.
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taryk · 1 year
Raon’s mouth opened a bit before closing again after making eye contact with the Dragon half-blood. He was a smart Dragon, however, Raon did not know how to express his current emotions.
That was why he could only look back at the Dragon half-blood’s black eyes.
Eruhaben was also looking at the Dragon half-blood with a complicated expression. This was someone who had lived almost as long as he had but had also taken the lives of five of his fellow Dragons. Even then, he found it to be complicated.
It was at that moment.
“I’ll come again.”
This calm voice filled the cell.
It was Cale.
He stood up from where he was crouching.
Cale nodded his head as if it was obvious after the Dragon half-blood asked in confusion.
“There's still time left for you to make your decision.”
Cale had given him one week to think things over. There were still a few days to go for that. However, the Dragon half-blood could not understand Cale’s thoughts, so he asked.
“...I was made through the lives of five Dragons. Shouldn’t you kill me right now? Aren’t you angry? I am a cursed being.”
“Am I someone who will save you?”
The Dragon half-blood was suddenly at a loss for words.
Cale bluntly told the truth to the Dragon half-blood who seemed to have the wrong idea.
“Whichever decision you make, I am the person who will kill you.”
Whether he dies now, or he lives in pain for six months before his body exploded.
Either way, the Dragon half-blood was going to die.
“I'm just giving you the choice regarding how you will die.”
Cale would just change what he takes and how he takes it from the Dragon half-blood based on his decision.
“It's your life, so you decide what you want to do.”
-(chapter 261) Even after everything the half-blood dragon said he did, Cale still stands by his word. After all, that bastard is going to die anyway, it doesn't matter if it's now or after suffering pain, right?
I still hold the same opinion as 2 years ago. The half-blood dragon did terrible things to a terrible 'person' for a long time. But at the end of the day, it still remains complicated to hate this bastard or not.
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tokkiyuna-rabbit · 8 months
Hello everyone,
There is no way of putting this any nicer, but:
Any posts regarding my AU or characters that is not on my account is not to be considered canon to my AU. Characters not posted onto my account are not part of my AU. There are no ships of my characters at this moment of time. Any ideas that was given to me will not be used (though I cannot promise this and if I do it would be changed drastically from the original).
I am sorry to the individual that I hurt. But calling me a “bastard” for not responding and not compromising more than I already have is enough for me to block. After all, why should I compromise when this AU belongs to me.
Edit (Feb. 4, 2024): I am no longer working with anyone on my AU. There are no other characters appearing in my series. The only characters are: Eunkyu, Eunyeong, Siwoo, “Haoyu”, Chunhee, and Raon. I want the person who posted my characters and AU to delete it. I want to apologize to those who was told what my AU would be about (which I never wanted them to go around promising everyone something that I didn’t even want nor know).
I will not respond to any questions regarding this. I want to put all of this behind and move forward with my AU. (Edit: if you have questions then ask me publicly. I starting to feel as if this situation isn’t going to settle as easily as I thought).
- Lynn
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rokso-o · 1 year
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@blueteller this is my sideblog so i couldn’t reply instead 😣 eng isn’t my first language so i hope my explanation will be understandable 😭😭😭 so sorry in advance if it’s not very nuanced. (also i had to like doubletake cause you replied to my post and i thought you were calling me a smartass and a jerk who doesn’t know what they’re talking about 😭⁉️ i literally am so dumb................ [a moment of silence] i was like damnnnn i know im no professional and only translate for... fun?? but i know a little bit jdkdjdkjfkfkff im so sorry unless YOU ACTUALLY ARE CALLING ME ONE???)
i already explained this whole thing multiple times from the reblog from op to couple answered asks about it but yes! but i do believe that the whole argument (if there should be one) should’ve been whether or not the spelling should be /better/ as miru or mireu instead, because they are the most accurate (and if we’re being literal, the only accurate ones for pure korean romanisations.) another new example i would have is when we would romanised surnames like seo or suh, choi or chwe. people use both and can be use interchangeably unless the person put one as their actual government name. nevertheless, they are the same. the only difference would be the easier pronunciation for foreigners who doesn’t speak or know korean. if you consume any korean media and pick up their proununciation and how they romanise/write names, you would know that the ‘eo’ sound is spoken as ‘uh’ and for choi, it is written and pronounced as ‘chwe’ (accurately, though they do let people in western countries pronounce it as choi sometimes... like with lee but it’s pronounced as “ih” literally). of course, there can be exemptions to this rule like no one will romanise a name like eunjae as unjae or eunjeh whereas you can use jaehyun vs jaehyeon. thats why i found it a bit ??!!¥!}¥!¥?_!}_ when i saw them use “mir” and their t/n i was a bit disappointed because they tried to localise a pure korean word. one of my pet peeves and the reason why i learned languages is because i reaaaaaaally disliked it when certain things get lost in translation 😖 and for me, this one felt like it. [as in, it just sounded high and mighty to me the way they worded it but even if you try and google the pure korean word, everyone does romanise it as mireu]. in addition to this, it just makes me a tiny bittttt sad because cale has ALWAYS emphasised the fact that raon’s name is PURE KOREAN so this means a lot to me?!!?¥!}¥!¥ [and tbh, i have translated a few rofan and esp wuxia/xianxia centric novels and manhwas so it was so weird to me when a translator’s thought was to try and romanise a pure korean name like it was a borrowed word. but it’s aight anyways since i do read the raws and just wanted to put my two cents in since a lot of novel readers thought that miru was innacurate] [and like i said before, im not sure if this tl team translate terms like hyung or oppa, etc as is but if they do, i just really don’t understand the type of spite they gotta have for them to try and translate miru/mireu as mir......???]
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[ps. regarding this reply hekdjdkjdkf i jus wanna be delulu bc i can’t express my adoration to cale normally..... i do not know how hkddjkdjdwhat it was a platonic proposal (for his money... and his brain tbh) but if im being honest i do wanna marry beacrox unironically.... although i feel like that’s even more impossible....... sighhhhhh]
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lead vocals, Dan Mcafferty
born 1946-2022, recently died.
Dan Mcafferty, lead vocalist of the mid70s band Nazareth, a Scottish English band, died recently, the statement came from a Nazareth band insider, still too depressed to make any statement regarding his death. They will issue statement for later that is what the reports said.
Nazareth is a huge band in terms of international fame and was even able to hold a concert at the Araneta Coliseum in the early 80s.
The band is so huge it has an unprecedented hit songs one after the other that can be repeatedly heard on the FM band during those times. I was in my freshman year at FEU 1976-77 when Nazareths greatest hits album are allready displayed in every record bar in Recto, Morayta, Olongapo, Avenida, Caloocan ,Raon and to just about any record bar selling singles and long playing albums. "Love Hurts", a soulful ballad showcasing the soulful voice of Dan can be heard everywhere way back then. Every live band playing on Shakeys always has it in their repertoire along with "Hotel California" and Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton. There was a live band scene during those times. Freddie Aguilar is playing folksongs somewhere in Ermita while Gary Perez and Sampaguita can be seen headlining every NewMoon Concert edition playing "Tao" and "Bonggahan".
"Dream On, though its hard to tell, though your e fooling yourself, Dream On...". The soulful husky voice of Dan Mcafferty highpitched, poetic and really soul keeps haunting the ears of every Rocker and MetalMinds until today, Aged 50,55, 60 and up thats the age bracket of the 70s MetalMinds, allready grandfatherly today, washed up and totally mellowed down type of personality. "Keep on faking it, keep on using it, youre the one whos got no soul, Youre the one whos hearts grown cold..." The song simply sees the futility probably of being a copycat band but the times is really characterized by "Damned if you do, damned if you dont" type of social condition. Dropping out of college, several odd jobs, drug addiction, rehab life, the 70s can still be seen as " A generation lost in space, with no time left to start again.." kind of times. The rich are few, the poor plenty in numbers. Manila is so full of informal settler shanties, rampant criminality and a worse kind of drug addiction problem. We still keep learning our lessons the hard way. A man must break his back to earn his day of leisure. The leading poets, writers and musicians of our time encapsulated that 70s spirit as can be heard and seen through their music and artform. Lualhati Bautista even wrote a book "Dekada70". Eddie Romero created "Ganito Kami Noon, Paano na kayo Ngayon", starring Christopher de Leon. Ive seen "Tinimbang ka Ngunit Kulang" where Lolita Rodriguez played a Taong Grasa kind of character and Vilma Santos as Dyesebel. Lino Brocka came up with "Insiang" and "Maynila sa Kuko ng Liwanag" starring Bembol Rocco.
Brocka captured the very essence of the Manila Scene in the 70s with his two films.
Nazareth with Dan Mcafferty provided the poetic lines. "I'm young, I know but even so, I know I feel from you. I really learned a lot, really learned a lot. Love is just a lie meant to make you blue, Oooh, Ooh Love Hurts."
His character could be easily imagined as a lonely Night Owl in a bar in Ermita where there are dancing stripteasers in the middle of the night while just around the corner, a flash of the neon signs on Heartbreak Hotels reveals man in dark glasses coming in and out of those hotel rooms to the tune of a band playing to just two or
three Love Vigilantes on a graveyard shift.
"Living on my Own, I know am to blame m locked with my chains and youre free. Falling like a stone, m caught up and bound and youre free."
Nazareth has touched the lives of perhaps millions and millions more with their own unique rock and bluesy style of playing.
Nazareth on Legends*
featured article in loving memory of Nazareth frontman Dan Mcafferty, 1946-2022
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A Quiet Time
Raon: Human.
Cale: What is it?
Raon: Thank you.
Cale: For what?
Raon: *flapping wings* Just... Thank you.
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weirdsht · 2 months
Cale with someone who has blood manipulation and can make their blood explode on command once it touches the enemy, but they have to cut themselves up first in order for the power to work. 💀😀
It's either they think it's super duper helpful or they become extremely concerned
Let It Run Through Your Veins (Not Out!)
tags: blood, both cale and reader are idiots, gender neutral reader
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are open and welcome
Buy Me Dessert
Navigation Masterlist
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“You said you have an explosive ability right? Now’s a good time to show it off.”
Another day, another attack from one of many Cale’s enemies. The forces from the other side were more overwhelming than he thought. The young master had not expected the enemy to pull all the stops here.
Good thing his significant other said they discovered a new ability they can do.
Or was it?
“What the hell are you doing? I told you to help us not injure yourself.”
Cale stopped controlling his fiery rain for a moment to look at _____ cutting their arm.
“That’s what I’m doing just watch!”
“How the hell am I suppose to watch you doing something–”
He couldn’t help but stop in his tracks when he saw what happened.
_____ had manipulated their blood and flung it towards the enemy. As those red splotches hit the enemy they exploded on command.
“Human! _____’s power is amazing! It’s amazing but dangerous! They’re losing too much blood!”
Raon didn’t know if he was impressed or scared for the now blood manipulator's well-being.
“_____ stop already. I’ll handle it from here.”
“And overuse your ancient powers and faint? No way.”
“Then what do you want? For you to lose too much blood and die?”
At this point, the two are arguing with each other without regard to their enemy.
“Just what do you think you’re doing being distracted–”
The arrogant enemy couldn’t even finish his sentence as Cale’s Fire of Destruction and _____’s blood manipulation rained down on him.
“See I can handle it just fine.”
“No, you can’t. You should see how pale you are right now.”
“You can’t talk Mr I-Look-Like-I’m-About-To-Faint”
Everyone around them just shook their heads at the arguing. To everyone else, the two look like they are about to faint and would probably stay unconscious for at least three days.
It doesn’t help that they haven’t stopped using their powers while arguing. No, in fact, they were arguing while swiftly taking out the enemy.
That was why the rest of the group decided to move faster and wrap things up as quickly as possible.
Or else those two might just faint for three weeks from overusing their powers.
Surprisingly they didn’t. The couple was pale and they were staggering at the end but they persevered and didn’t faint. However, they were both extremely hungry.
Hence why they are currently eating in Cale’s room. A delicious feast was laid out in front of them thanks to Beacrox’s hard work.
Cale and _____ were silent as they ate. No traces of them arguing could be seen. It was as if it didn’t even happen.
Well until Cale opened his mouth to speak.
“You’re going to be the death of me.”
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Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo x Transported!Reader
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A talk is needed for the predicament Cale is stuck in and that meant the opinion of Alver Crossman and his parents — thankfully, seperately.
Deruth looked up from his papers, seeing Violan approach him with a nonchalant expression on her face. She takes a seat across from him, eying the papers on his table. "I thought it was tea time."
"Is there something wrong, dear?"
"Huh-?" Deruth looked at her with a confused look on his face before he followed her gaze to the papers spread on the small table. "Oh, yes, but it's not paperwork. It's Miss [Name]'s finished reports regarding the Harris Village."
"Why look at it now?" Violan asked, letting Hans pour her a cup of tea as well. "You couldn't wait to review them?"
"It's just..." Deruth set the papers down, scratching his cheek. "She had given these reports a few days ago and requested someone to replace her for some time so she could work in the Palace alongside His Highness."
Violan jerked a bit. "Oh? That's good to hear. Someone with her caliber deserves to be a secretary or a supervisor of some sort in the Palace. Is there something wrong with that?"
Deruth rubbed his beard in thought. "Well, yes, I agree, but it's just odd."
Violan took a quick sip of her tea. "How so?"
"His Highness talked to me about it and had mentioned he was so happy when Miss [Name] offered to work with him for an indefinite time," Deruth continued.
"Miss [Name] offered?" Violan asked, a bit flabbergasted. "I could've sworn she mentioned not wanting to work in the Palace because it's too much work."
"Our eldest son also was very against it, didn't he?" Deruth recounted the days when Cale would voice his opinions regarding you working in the Palace, saying that he wants you to still be working beside him and help with the duchy. "And there's no way Cale doesn't know anything about this, no?"
The ducal couple stared at each other, clearly having an internal conflict in their minds as they think about the events that were unfolding before them.
"Does Cale even know...?" Violan began, breaking the pregnant pause that had fallen on them.
"It certainly would be odd if he doesn't," Deruth replied. "And there's no way Miss [Name] won't let Cale know about her temporary transfer."
"Do you think we should talk to Cale about it?" Violan suggested hesitantly. She respects her eldest son's privacy and whatever relationship he may have with you but the situation was odd.
"I want to but I'm afraid we'll cross our boundaries," Deruth professed with an anxious stare back at his wife. "Should we just give it a try...?"
Violan thought about it for a moment. "We'll talk to him once he gets home from his visit from His Highness."
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"My dear dongsaeng, you cannot fathom the amount of happiness this hyung has to see you."
Alver sat down across Cale, his handsome face adorned with his charismatic grin. Raon and the kittens have already begun to eat the cookies that Alver always prepared. Raon took a bite of the cookie, closing his eyes and humming in thought, inviting Cale and Alver's attention.
"This is [Name]'s cookies!" Raon announced excitedly, reaching into the jar of cookies further to eat more. 
Alver blinked in surprise. "You're able to tell just by taste?"
"Of course, we can," On replied with a happy smile, nibbling on a cookie. Hong picked up a cookie, looking a bit solemn. "I miss her."
"[Name] made you cookies?" Cale asked, looking at Alver with a deadpan that might have fooled anyone else, but not Alver. Alver could see some sort of glint in Cale's russet eyes that seemed to be displeased with this fact.
"She offered," Alver explained. "She stress-bakes, as the saying goes, I think."
"She distracts herself with work," Cale says in a matter-of-fact tone. Alver kept the smile on his face, knowing that Cale was speaking the truth.
Alver always had thought of you as some sort of serial avoidant, constantly turning down the chances to talk of yourself and your problems, so this fact did not surprise him at all. 
"How is [Name]?"
Alver looked at his sworn brother with a raised eyebrow. "She's been fine. Excellent, even."
Cale looked down at his tea, a sort of dejected look within his russet eyes meanwhile the kids around him are munching on your cookies with much vigor. Alver frowned a bit when he saw that look in Cale's eyes, wondering what the redhead was thinking so deeply.
You have been helping Alver out for the last several days with some paperwork. Alver had always been interested in taking you in to work as a secretary of some sort in the palace or at least as an office because you work so splendidly with paperwork and running a duty as a supervisor.
Though, Cale had always been against that, something about never wanting to have you be overworked. Alver closed his eyes, tilting his head in wonder, 'Is he upset that [Name] is away for far too long?'
Alver didn't want to think about it at first, but he had realized something had been quite odd ever since you offered to help him deal with administration in the Palace matters. Considering you had always loved working in the duchy, it did come across as odd to Alver that you offered to work with him but he welcomed you because he knew exactly what you were capable of.
Something had shifted, but what exactly did?
"Did something happen?" asked Alver straight to the point.
Cale stayed quiet, contemplating whether or not he should tell his hyung about the chaos within his head. He glanced at the kids that are exchanging the cookies in their hands, telling each other about how good the cookies were.
Alver followed Cale's gaze, realizing that it must've been a topic he couldn't discuss with the kids around. He stood up from the couch and dusted his pants. "Cale, follow me to the balcony."
Cale set his teacup down before turning to Raon and the kittens, petting their heads gently. "Stay here."
"Okay, human!" Raon replied obediently while the kittens meowed in response.
Cale followed Alver to the balcony, shutting the glass door behind him before standing next to Alver who is leaning on the stone railing. "So, what is troubling you that you won't even talk about it in front of the kids?"
Cale stared at the vast kingdom of Roan that was visible all from the balcony of Alver's bedroom. He thinks about what troubles he had been facing these days, the confusion, the conflicting feelings, and most of all, his yearning for you.
"[Name] began working here," Cale began with that simple fact and while meaningless to others, it meant a lot for Cale Henituse who has always known you love working only when you're in control of how much work is weighed on your shoulders. 
Alver leaned down on the railings, using his forearm to lean there as he looks at Cale who now stands beside him, looking out at the kingdom. "It seems so. What? You miss her?"
Alver was about to open his mouth to taunt Cale that denying facts is not a good thing but he then froze once he had processed what Cale had said. Sharp, blue eyes that are usually so calming and analytical are now wide open with surprise, lips open in an 'O' shape as he stared at Cale. Instead of staring back at Alver, Cale was looking at the kingdom, wind brushing his red sunset hair, looking so in contrast with the clear blue sky behind him.
"T-terribly?" Alver stuttered out. "Y-You miss her? [Name]?"
Cale frowned before he turned to look at Alver. "Is that so hard to believe?"
Alver stood up straight, gathering his bearings and running a hand through his blond locks. "N-No, I'm just... surprised that you admitted it."
There was a pregnant pause between the two of them as Alver was thinking of what to say to Cale meanwhile Cale is enjoying the light breeze brushing against his skin. Alver always had the suspicion that you and Cale had a mutual affection for each other that was too close to be friends but also the way the two of you treated each other was too affectionate to be simply family. Alver always had fun teasing the two of you, but he didn't think that the day Cale would embrace those feelings would arrive this quickly.
"So, you've come to terms with your feelings. When did this happen?" asked Alver. 
"A few days ago," Cale answered calmly, closing his eyes and remembering the taste of your cherry-stained lips against his own. He touched the railing of the balcony, tapping his finger on the stone. "I think she knows."
"You think?" Alver repeated. "Why'd you think so?"
"Well, why else did she accept your offer to work in the Palace?" Cale questioned. "You've always been offering her to work here and she always refuses, but this time, she finished her duties in the duchy as quick as possible to rush here as if she's running away from me."
Alver opened his mouth to speak and then closed it again. He frowned and began to seem like he was thinking of something. "Wait, Cale, you thought I offered her to work here?"
Cale raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you?"
Alver chewed the insides of his cheek. "Cale, I hate to say this, but I've never offered [Name] to work here. She offered me her service."
Alver has always wanted you to work with him, but he knew how packed your schedule is working and taking care of the Harris Village and a few things in the duchy, so his "offers" while having started seriously, slowly turned into jokes that he always knew the answer to, not to mention Cale himself had stated that he wanted to keep you around as long as he can and have his slacker life with you once he's done.
"I was surprised when she suddenly offered to work for some time in the Palace," Alver continued. "I had refused at first because I know the weight of responsibilities she has working in the duchy, but she insisted because most of her duties finished quicker than expected."
"Why didn't you ask her why she's so persistent to work here?" Cale asked, not angered by Alver but instead just questioning what ALver had thought at the day. Both he and Alver knew you always loved a day off, but to see you rushing to find work was odd, especially when nothing urgent is going on. 
But Cale knew you better than Alver and he knew what exactly you do when you have a lot of things in mind.
You work to dim out the voices of concern in your head until late at night when you can be alone with them instead.
You're turning to your old habits once Cale no longer could be the person you confide in. How can you confide in him about your worries when he is the cause of your worries?
Cale grips the railing and frowned, 'She must've remembered that night.'
"Why would I refuse someone as capable as [Name]?" asked Alver, scratching the back of his neck exasperatedly. "I'm sorry, Cale, but it would be a bit of my loss if I were to reject her."
Cale seemed dejected despite the compliment Alver had placed on you, something Alver thought of as odd because Cale had always been rather smug whenever someone complimented your capabilities. "Right. It would be foolish of anyone to reject her."
Alver stared at Cale, wondering what could make his usually-nonchalant brother show such a face. But then again, you always managed to make Cale show many emotions as long as Alver had known the two of you. While he never actually showed you any special treatment, Alver could see that Cale was very intimate with you to the point he can see Cale exercised a lot of physical contact with you, allowing you in his comfort zone as much and as long as you wanted. He also trusted you immensely and the connection you and Cale have to speak to each other needn't words.
With that immense intimacy, Alver doubted that you wouldn't tell Cale about your worries. 
"Something must've happened between the two of you."
Cale might know you better than Alver, but Alver understands Cale much better than anyone else from this universe.
Alver's relationship with Cale could never exceed what Cale has with you as the two of you were souls that originated from universes that aren't too different, yours being much safer from monsters than Cale's. Besides, Alver was sure what you and Cale have is very different than the relationships Cale has with other people.
Alver offered Cale a reassuring smile. "Won't you tell your hyung about what happened between you and [Name]?"
Alver waited patiently as he watched Cale consider whether or not he should tell Alver about what had happened. Truthfully, all this hesitance coming from Cale made Alver's interest even more piqued and he hopes to the Sun God that Cale wouldn't leave him clueless. Who knows, maybe he could even speed up the process--?
"We kissed."
Alver's face froze with his reassuring smile still etched onto his lips and Cale watched with a deadpan as the corners of Alver's lips began to fall down and eventually, his eyes widened with shock. Alver stared at Cale with eyes wide with shock and his face going pale. 
"What?" His words escape his mouth as a mere whisper. "What?"
"Cale--" Alver tries to talk but had been rendered speechless just by Cale's simple statement. "Wh-Wait, when? H-how did that even--?"
"Is that so unbelievable?" Cale asked with a frown, a little bit anxious. He wondered what Alver would think once he told him about how you two kissed after having been drinking that night. 
"Y-yes? I mean, no! No." Alver cleared his throat, fixing his posture. He presses down on his clothes, getting rid of invisible dust and gathering his bearings. He faced Cale, this time more proper and calm. "It's just... something I didn't expect from you."
"Then, how did it happen?" Alver asked further. "I assumed she returns your feelings, considering you two kissed?"
"I... I'm not sure," Cale murmured. "That is why I'm trying my best to wait for her to confirm her feelings."
"Huh? Then why--"
"We had been drinking," Cale immediately answered, and before Alver can begin a lecture for him, Cale continued; "And I had just realized my feelings as I was laying her on her bed to let her sleep. She confessed her feelings and just..."
Alver could see that while Cale cherished the moment he had been talking about, he also felt guilty for letting it happen. His brows are furrowed, the corner of his lips slightly pulled to the bottom. Alver had many moments where he knows he should properly give his wisdom to Cale as his hyung and this moment is one of those. He recognizes how Cale is allowing him to see a vulnerable side that no one else has seen and instead of lecturing Cale that he should have known better, he knows that what Cale needed was a sort of figure that can comfort him and give him a sense of direction since this problem of his was new and too vague for him to understand.
"Cale," Alver spoke, prompting Cale to be quiet. "First of all, please calm down."
Cale stays quiet, staring at his hyung and Alver smiled a bit. "I can understand what happened."
"If we consider [Name] working here is to run away from you, it means she remembers the events of that night," Alver concludes, trying to lead the conversation so Cale wouldn't overwhelm himself. "With that in mind, it means she probably needs some time to process not only your feelings but hers as well. I do think that you should apologize to her once she's ready to face you again."
Cale looks down, no doubt still thinking about what he had done. "I understand."
Alver pursed his lips into a thin line, patting his dongsaeng on the arm. "Everything will turn out to be fine, Cale."
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"Young Master, the Duke and Duchess ask for your presence in the drawing room."
Ron watched his young master stir on the bed. He wasn't sleeping, he had been laying on his bed, just staring up at the ceilings ever since he returned from his visit to Alver, looking very deep in thought — which was quite odd because knowing Cale, he had always used up his afternoon to take naps.
Ever since you had informed them all of your sudden transfer to the Palace albeit it was only a temporary transfer, — 'for an indefinite time?' Ron remembers Cale's scrunched nose when he repeated your words — Cale had been rather quieter than usual.
"Alright," Cale replied, his movements slow as he got up on his bed. Ron helped him to dress more appropriately, paying attention to Cale's expression as he stood there, probably thinking of you again.
"It seems they're calling the Young Master to inquire about Miss [Name]."
Ron gave Cale a benign smile when Cale seemed to snap from his daze upon hearing your name, biting into Ron's bait to have Cale talk more again.
"[Name]?" Cale echoes your name, eyes staring at Ron's through the reflection of the vanity in front of him. "Why?"
"I haven't got the slight clue, Young Master," Ron answered, dusting a speck of dust from Cale's shoulder. "Shall I escort you to the Duke and Duchess?"
'It must be about her transfer, isn't it?' Cale thought, already hitting the bullseye. "Yes, please."
As he followed Ron to the drawing room where his parents are, Cale thought about you and what had happened since that wine night at the villa - it's almost a daily thing for his thought to go back to that night. He has mixed feelings about it because his lips tingle, remembering the way your cherry-stained lips pressed against his and the smell of wine from both of you, your lavender soap, and the way your hand rests on the nape of his neck as he tasted your lips.
You haunt him every waking hour and make him tingle all over the place and unfocused and god, where did his previous self go? The calm, composed Cale Henituse? Now it's 'jittery, in love teenage boy' Cale Henituse.
'So you admit it?' asked the Super Rock. 'That you love her?'
Cale stopped walking momentarily when he passed your room, prompting Ron to do the same. Cale stared at your door, wondering about the day you had so suddenly entered his room to notify him of the fact that you had finished your reports regarding Harris Village and how you would be working in the Palace for an indefinite time.
He remembers the way you kept on looking down, avoiding his eyes from the start of the meeting till you left his room, leaving to go straight to his sworn brother's side. He didn't exactly know what to feel when he saw you turn your back and went out of his room, but he was sure there was some sort of confusion laced within his heart when he saw your expression of uncertainty.
He thinks of the numerous times you have been by his side, the way a smile would curl up on your lips when he speaks -- he remembers clearly how your [e/c] eyes have shown love, the way they would flicker from his eyes to his lips when you're both close, the way your head will turn in haste whenever someone would interrupt you both. He remembers the vulnerability you have shown to him and him only, the stories of your previous life, and seeing in real time how enduring those horrible times have made you into someone he very much was in love with. 
'Is this what love is?' he questioned in his mind. It's a bit different than the stories he has ever heard of where their plot revolves around love -- it develops a bit differently and perhaps took longer than in the novels he had read whenever he was bored. 'Or is it admiration?'
'Why, Cale, it's your feelings,' said the Super Rock endearingly. 'I should be the one asking you, so I'll ask once again; are you in love with [Name]?'
"I do not know..." Cale murmured, turning around to continue walking to the drawing room, ignoring the way Ron is staring at him.
When Cale entered the drawing room, he sees Deruth and Violan sitting together on one couch while the couch across them was left empty, meant for him to sit on, while a table separates them, filled with desserts and papers.
"Cale," Deruth greeted, gesturing to the couch across him and his wife, "Sit down."
Cale neared the couch, stealing a glance or two at the papers on the table and recognizing your handwriting. 'It must be her reports. So it is about her.'
Ron closed the door behind him, watching the family stare at each other. Deruth and Violan glanced at each other, thinking of how they should open the topic as non-intrusive as possible. Ron moves, pouring Cale a cup of tea while the ducal couple shares a silent conversation.
"Cale..." Deruth decides to be the one to open the conversation. "I figured you know about Miss [Name]'s temporary transfer?"
"Yes, I do," Cale answered nonchalantly, picking up his teacup. "She informed me before she left."
"Well, we found it quite odd," Violan added. "You see, Miss [Name] and I have talked much regarding work and she had stated multiple times that she wouldn't like working in the Palace."
"That's true," Cale replied, remembering how you had once stated that your high school, college, and job paperwork combined would be nothing compared to the Palace's paperwork and that you don't want to stress yourself with that type of work. "She doesn't like too much work."
Violan elbowed her husband at Cale's words and made a face as if to say 'what did I tell you?' to Deruth.
"But a few days ago, His Highness informed me that Miss [Name] herself was the one who offered to work there temporarily," Deruth says, remembering Alver's happy grin through the magic communication device a few days ago, a bit envious of Alver to have you work for the Palace.
Cale's fists clenched on top of his lap. He should have known -- predicted, even -- that this could happen. He should have considered your personality and the things you'd do to run away from him and try his best to solve everything as peacefully as possible, but no, he hadn't. He was led by his foolishness that you would immediately wait for him to process his feelings when he should have considered yours too. Oh, what an ego he had!
The consequences of his actions are not only hurting him but also the duchy and perhaps the Harrison village as well. You have been a vital figure in managing the Harrison village along with Hans and looked over some of the money management that the Duchess has control over, so having you transfer suddenly would make it hard for everyone to continue functioning without time to adapt slowly. Cale would not exclude himself and fully admit to his wrongs to the ducal couple.
"Cale," Violan called, watching Cale slowly averts his gaze from the table back to his parents. Violan tilts her head, concerned, "Are you alright?"
"I'm sorry."
Both Deruth and Violan were surprised by Cale's sudden apology. What is he apologizing for? Have they said something wrong?
"What for?" Violan asked, growing increasingly concerned as she waited for Cale to explain. 
Cale clasped his hands together, trying to think of how exactly he should explain the problem to the ducal couple. He lets out a sigh; "It seems [Name] transferred because of me."
Deruth blinked owlishly, still not understanding what Cale was talking about. "Did you ask her to transfer?"
Ron stood by the door, completely invested in Cale's explanation or at least, lack thereof. He didn't expect Cale to confess that he was involved in your decision to temporarily transfer to the Palace. What could have been the reason? How did Cale manage to be the reason for you to run to the Palace?
"No, no, I would never force her to do that." Cale shook his head. He would never force you to work somewhere you didn't like, but you had forced yourself to work there because you might have been uncomfortable with him.  Cale had promised himself to think of your feelings whatever plan he has or what he was doing to make sure you'd never feel bad or uncomfortable but to think you have forced yourself to do something you didn't like because it was him who was the source of your unease made Cale feels guilty.
As someone who cared for you, Cale is experiencing many conflicting emotions. He was proud of you for prioritizing yourself, not wanting to force yourself to face the object of your mental disarray, but to think you did it by working overtime...? God, he really should have known better.
"Cale, you don't have to force yourself to explain," Violan said, her voice bringing Cale back to reality. Cale looked up, noticing the concerned looks of his parents.
'Don't stall,' he thought to himself. "She might be running away from me."
Both of his parents blinked owlishly. "What?"
Ron figured as much since Cale had apologized, perhaps because he believed that he was the cause of your transfer. Ron knows how close you and Cale are and the fact that there were so many instances where someone or even Ron himself will find you both in very compromising situations that have led to many rumors around the duchy. But those rumors aside, Ron knows how soft Cale is to you and has always wondered how Cale felt about you on a serious stance.
"She..." Cale takes a deep breath and talks again, but this time, with more certainty. "She is running away from me."
"What do you mean?" Deruth asked, his brows furrowing deep on his forehead and eyes glazed with concern. "Cale?"
"Something happened between us," Cale says, keeping it vague at first to not immediately shock his parents. What he had done with you might be something considered normal in your previous worlds, but this? This is the taboo of the nobles, especially bright young ladies like you.
"We were drinking," Cale admitted. "She was drunk and I had just--"
"Cale." Violan cut off with a horrified gasp, already grasping at what Cale was insinuating. She shakes her head, in disbelief and leans back, gaze unfocused as she murmured, "Cale, no, no."
Deruth placed a hand on Violan's cold ones. "Darling, calm down."
He then turned to Cale. "Cale, tell us what happened."
Cale sees Violan's pale face and thought of that he was lucky to have Alver talk to him first. He couldn't imagine what could have happened if he had talked to his parents first about this with both parties unsettled. Since his parents have gotten the gist of what had happened, he figured there was no need for him to explain in great detail.
"It seems because of what had happened, she is distancing herself from me," Cale explains shortly, keeping his gaze down. "I regret what I did and I will make it up to her as soon as she's ready to face me."
"I still don't understand," Deruth voiced out with a frown. "To my knowledge, this event shouldn't be much of a deal considering your relationship with Miss [Name]..."
"What?" Cale was flabbergasted. "No, no. I have never -- Both [Name] and I aren't close enough to be doing such things," he stated and when Ron suddenly hummed as if to remind Cale of his presence, Cale was immediately reminded of how the older man had been the witness to the times where both Cale himself and you had almost kissed. He immediately backtracked; "At least, not to that extent. We have never actually done it."
"I see." Deruth let out a sigh, settling in his chair and closing his eyes in thought. "I... I don't know what to say."
"It's alright," Cale says, "I already know what I'm going to do once she's ready to talk."
"I'll be telling her to take her time working there," Violan murmured, rubbing her temples in frustration. "Cale, you must apologize to her no matter what."
Cale nodded. "I will, Mother. Thank you."
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Something definitely shifted.
They would all be stupid not to notice the change in your and Cale's behavior, especially Alver who had known you and Cale's secrets. Alver had always thought the atmosphere surrounding you had been slightly off than usual, but now with the knowledge that Cale had given him, Alver can confirm that, yes, something did shift. 
Cale might have been his beloved dongsaeng and he had comforted the red-head throughout a lot of his problems, but you had always been someone distant, which means Alver doesn't have the honor to listen to your problems and let himself be a reliable person for you emotionally. Alver knew that you recognized him as important and someone Cale cared for. You were rather casual for him sometimes and worked together often, but there's always some sort of line that you put down that puts a distance between you and him.
"Miss [Name]."
You freeze a bit before turning to Alver. "Yes, Your Highness?"
You've always professed how you'd rather work overtime in the duchy than to be working in the Palace and Alver had been rather curious of why you had offered your services to him, but he thought that there was no need for him to question things that would serve him no purpose if he's gaining so much advantage.
Alver gave you a smile that reminded you of the smile you used to do back when you were working in retail. You raised an eyebrow, cautious at the man, "Is there something wrong?"
"No, no," Alver said with a shake of his head. "It's just... I am very grateful you decided to come here to the Palace to help me out. I assume everything is well at the Duchy?"
Alver can sense that you were wary of his questions.
"Everything is well," you answered nonchalantly. "I wouldn't be here if it isn't."
Alver pursed his lips into a thin line. This is how you draw the line between the two of you; blunt answers and a sort-off cold shoulder. Alver could have given up on trying to be on friendlier terms with you and kept the relationship strictly professional, but with the way his dongsaeng looks at you and vice versa, Alver knew he had to find some way to know you better.
It's not that Alver doesn't trust you -- he trusted you with his life because he knew you were a reliable person. It's just that he wanted to see with his own eyes what kind of person you are.
"How's my dear dongsaeng doing?"
Alver's sharp blue eyes caught the way your body stiffens when Cale's name left his lips. He sees your face getting darker due to your blush and you held the clipboard closer to your chest. 'There it is.'
"I-I guess fine?" you stuttered. "Didn't you both meet up a few days ago? Why--"
Alver shrugged, suppressing the grin on his face. This was a side of you that appeared whenever you were flustered and to think that it happens simply because Alver had mentioned Cale? He never thought that you were someone easily flustered and he was nosy enough to keep asking questions.
Leaning back to his chair, Alver spoke; "Oh, it's because I thought you might know something that I don't know."
"Dear Lord," you responded in an almost boring way, covering your previous fluster, "How is it that I know something that His Highness, the blessing of the Empire, does not know?"
Alver grinned; your words were a joke to him considering how much information you were able to give when he and Cale needed it the most. "You know many things that I don't, Miss [Name]."
Alver leaned forward again, clasping his hands together and looking up to you with interest. "You see, Miss [Name], Cale and I did meet up a few days. He told me something that had me confused."
"You mean something that piqued your interest," you corrected, like an overworked secretary to their overwhelming, scheming boss.
Alver's grin grew wider. "Exactly. Miss [Name], you know me well."
You tilt your head, raising an eyebrow at Alver. You don't think much of his words and were waiting for him to get to the point, and there was no way he was going to have you lose your interest when you're finally paying your full attention to him and following his scheme.
"Cale asked about you." He tested the waters first, seeing you grip on that clipboard tighter. You tucked a few strands of your hair behind your ear, looking even more flustered than usual. You avoided looking at the man, keeping your gaze to the side.
Alver smiled. "He's worried about you."
"He could've just talked to me," you grumbled. "Why would he talk about such things to His Highness, who is a very busy person?"
"Aww, Miss [Name], don't be like that," he cooed. "He's my dear brother. I'd always have time to listen to my little brother's struggles."
"Of course, including..." Alver looks up to the ceiling as if he was thinking about the right word to say even though he scripted everything in his head. "Love struggles."
You visibly flinched at his words and his expression softened. "Miss [Name], I'm here if you have something you need to say to ease your struggles."
He sees the way you're posture seemed to straighten at the same time as you took in a deep breath. Your [e/c] eyes stared into his blue ones and spoke with clarity; "I apologize, Your Highness, but I don't think we're close enough to share such a conversation. Now, please excuse me, I have much paperwork to sign, as do you, Your Highness."
Alver leaned back to his chair, watching you bow your head to him before straightening your back, and turning around to leave his study. Before you could exit the room, Alver began; "You know, Miss [Name], if you're using me as a way to run from your problems, at the very least tell me what's wrong. Don't drown yourself in your work."
While not as close as he was with Cale, Alver treasures you. He disliked seeing the passionate and considerate person he had always thought to be a reliable companion be so stressed to the point they'll choose another source of stress to forget about their problems.
"Dully noted," you replied nonchalantly, opening the door of his study and walking out.
Alver let out a sigh, folding his hands in front of his chest, grinning in defeat. "What a stubborn woman."
Cale had informed him beforehand of how avoidant you were when it comes to your problems and will eventually face them at the end of the day when you're alone, which is one of the reasons why Cale had never once turned you away if you pop into his room and bother him endlessly and sometimes will have at least one of the kids be with you in your room to sleep at night.
When offering to work in the Palace, you requested a temporary place to stay so you could peacefully rest or for you to look over reports at the end of the day. You confessed to not wanting to bring the Palace paperwork to the duchy because even though the people of the Henituse duchy are reliable and able to shut their mouths close, you weren't going to risk anything that could bring you trouble. 'Besides, it's easier so I don't have to use a carriage or have someone teleport me,' you had reasoned to Alver.
In short, you haven't been returning to the duchy for quite some time now.
'She easily convinced me,' Alver thought with a sigh. He was too blinded by joy at the time to micro-analyze your body language and persistence.
Cale had said you might be very consistent in avoiding him but Alver had an inkling that this problem will be resolved soon enough because Cale had never been the type to sit idly by and you have always been someone confrontational if given enough time.
"I should put someone by her side to look after her," Alver murmured, picking up his pen and returning to his paperwork just like you had told him to do.
For some time, it was easy to watch over you as you rarely went out of the Palace. Every time you went outside during working hours was whenever you were invited to go out with other employees and if you had something to do. After hours, you'd go back to your room, bringing heaps of paperwork with you, and would continue your work in the silence of your room. In Alver's opinion, you looked like an employee who doesn't have a life outside of work so whoever doesn't know you would be amazed if they knew the problems you were facing at the moment.
Sometimes there would be letters addressed to you from Duchess Violan, Bassen Henituse, Rosalyn, and even the people from the Harrison village, most of them asking how you were and how you should take care of yourself. Sometimes Hans and Hillsman would send you reports of the Harrison village for you to look over, which made Alver feel a bit flabbergasted because you were still handling many matters outside of the Palace.
For quite a while, Alver was in awe at how persistent you were to avoid Cale until he received the news that you had hired a mage for teleportation.
"Oh?" Alver looked up from his paperwork. "Have you gotten the coordinates she's planning to give to that mage?"
"According to the coordinates she had written in one of her journals, it seemed to be a very specific part within the Henituse estate," they reported. 
Alver smiled.
It seemed you were finally going back to the Henituse estate.
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cale either has to start giving context or just shut the fuck up. next part will be up in an hour or so hehe thanks for reading
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illusionsofdreaming · 3 years
Bound to You - Cale
Notes: adjflakdjflkj here it is. Cale’s part was growing much too long so I decided to split them into three separate imagines instead. Unfortunately, I’m not the most pleased with this piece OTL I’m sorry
PS: Originally was written for the request for ‘competitive hand holding’ and I translated that into ‘having your hands stuck together’ scenario 
Ft: Cale 
Cale Henituse
When Rosalyn’s experimental spell backfired spectacularly it seemed like a blessing in disguise. 
An inconvenience? Sure. Embarrassing? It could get a bit awkward. 
But Cale saw all past that. Considering the Tower Master’s tendencies to leave smoking craters behind, having his hand temporarily stuck to yours was a much more preferable outcome. Ever the opportunist, Cale was going to milk his situation for all it’s worth. Taking some time off to wait until the spell naturally wore off or until Raon figures a way to dispel it would be well within the range of a reasonable request right?
He was proven correct when Ron informed him that his schedule has been cleared for the day with no complaints from the other lords. And if Cale noticed a sinister smile on the butler’s face as he said that, he wisely chose not to address it.
You, on the other hand had regarded him with a look that didn’t sit so well with him. It was a look that often spelt trouble, like he’d done something great and not in fact, use his not-really-that-inconvenient-problem to slack off.
“Cale you’re too generous. You must know how packed both our schedules are but to think you’d be willing to set aside yours just so I wouldn’t be inconvenienced in mine…”
Somehow that didn’t sound right. Cale didn’t like the direction this was going at all. He would’ve felt warmed when you pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek, when in fact your next words were akin to dumping an entire bucket of ice water over him.
“I’m sure the others would be honored that you’d be visiting. I’d love to get your advice on several things as well.”
“Why are you handling so many matters?” Cale groaned loudly as he collapsed into the seat next to yours, eyes closing as his head lolled back against the back of his seat. 
After running around all morning, there was finally time to catch a break - and it only happened because he insisted on resting. 
He shouldn’t have cancelled his meetings. Had he gritted his teeth and stuck to his duties, sacrificing a few brain cells to boredom would be much better than this full body ache he’s experiencing now. 
“These are well within the range of duties I’m expected to handle as the future head of the household.” You sipped your tea delicately even as he gave you his most unimpressed look.
“You’re overworked.” He frowned, running his free hand over his face.
From reviewing mountains of documents, solving taxation disputes, organising merchant lists and supervising guard drills, you even had time to fit in a house visit in between all of that!
“It’s just work that’s been piled up because I haven’t been back for a while.” Not when you’ve been too busy following Cale around, foiling terrorist plans and saving the kingdom.
“It’s not that bad,” you defended as you set your teacup down. “I quite enjoy it.”
The look he gave you was like you’d cursed out his whole family.
“These are also things you’d be doing in the future as the successor to the Duke-“
“What nonsense.” He interrupted sharply as he sat up, placing a cookie he grabbed from the table into your mouth to halt your words. “Basen’s more suited to be the successor of the household, I’m just trash who’d very much like to retire to the countryside and enjoy a slacker life.” 
He didn’t like the look you gave him. It was that same pitying look where it was clear you understood every word that came from his lips but believed none of it. Thankfully you chose to nibble on your snack quietly instead of jinxing him.
Cale sighed, “At least it’s over.”
He caught the guilty shift of your eyes and suddenly felt, much, much worse.
The crickets have started singing their second verses by the time he returned to your shared room, him finding the bed immediately to collapse face first into the soft material as his relieved sigh was muffled by the blankets. 
“Thank you, Cale.” He heard you approach from behind, the magic spell having worn off just moments before. 
Exhaustion couldn’t even begin to describe the weariness that weighed his body. Still he turned his head to the side to watch as you began shedding off your uniform and followed along when you beckoned him closer to help him as well.
There were many complaints resting at the back of his throat as your fingers worked the coat from his shoulders- you being severely overworked being one of the more pressing one, but when you pressed a grateful kiss against the corner of his lips and he noted the same fatigue reflected in your eyes, he decided the rant could come later.
An hour later found Cale staring balefully at the ceiling to the sound of your soft breathing. Despite the exhaustion he felt after running around all day, sleep continued to elude him, the growing sense of dissatisfaction curling in his chest. 
That’s it.
He sat up abruptly with a frown and got out of bed, threw on a coat and grabbed a candle.
He flinched away from the cold of the doorknob and he glanced down at his open palm with some confusion. How weird, he glanced back towards the bed where you slept peacefully. To think he’d begin to miss the warmth of your hand in his already. 
Cale flexed his fingers experimentally before quietly sliding out of the room.
“..What did you say?”
“Y-your meetings, there aren’t any today...”
“That can’t be possible,” you spluttered, perplexed as you stood at the door to your office.
Your secretary looked pale, “But the Young Master came last night to tell us that you wish to cancel all meetings for the next three days and that the vassal lords will handle the res-“
“Cale Henituse did what?!”
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teriri-sayes · 8 months
Reactions to Mad Worshipper's Chapter 240
TL;DR - Eru meets white snake mommy and Past dragon. Learns about God of War's involvement. Suspects Cotton to be a spy. Cale's group still waiting for the 2nd subjugation force.
Eruhaben's Meeting Most of the chapter focused on Eruhaben's meeting with the white snake and the dragon with the Past attribute. To summarize:
White snake's size is bigger than Eruhaben's over 30 meters dragon form
"Past" dragon is a shabbily-dressed middle-aged man with hair somewhere around black to dark blue. Has shaggy hair and beard. One eye is closed while the other has an eyepatch.
"Past" dragon is blind from birth. When he first got his attribute, he understood why he was blind because he had seen something he shouldn't have seen, so his sight was taken.
There was a part where Eruhaben was annoyed that the Aipotu dragons relied on Raon as their "hope" even though they knew that Raon was very young. Yes, he was acting like an overprotective grandpa here. 🥰
We also learn that Eruhaben was now 1010 years old, and his interaction with the Past dragon was quite funny:
Past dragon: Saw the past. *spoken in a casual/informal tone* Eruhaben: How old are you? FYI, I'm over 1000 years old. Minister Bailey: !!! White snake: ... Past dragon: I saw the past. *spoken in a respectful/formal tone* Eruhaben: *nods in satisfaction*
Eruhaben didn't like that the "younger" dragon was speaking casually to him, so he subtly hinted that he was older and should be spoken more respectfully. 😂 And poor Foreign Minister Bailey... She's going to die from a heart attack at this rate with all the surprising stuff she's learned.
Now, about the past that the Past dragon saw and why he became blind, it was a scene about the Dragon Lord meeting two beings around 50 years before the great upheaval happened in Aipotu (so 250 years ago from present time).
Those two beings were a wanderer from the Five-Colored Blood, and... the God of War. 😮 Those two taught the Dragon Lord how to take over and rule the world. However, talking about a god was quite heavy, so the Past dragon bled from his mouth and stumbled when he mentioned it.
This led to Eruhaben recalling the traces of a god he felt when he saw the traces of a world-crossing portal deep underground the Endable palace. And made him suspect Cotton's role regarding WS and Endable. If you recall, Cotton was the Holy Maiden of the God of War, so Eruhaben suspected she was actually a spy and not their ally.
With all the information he learned, Eruhaben decided that it was better for them to head to Cale as soon as possible. There was a CJG mention, but it seemed like he wasn't present here.
Ending Remarks Because most of the chapter was on Eruhaben, Cale didn't have much scenes today. He was simply waiting for the enemies inside a tent, and asking Kendall some questions. So next chapter would probably be Cale's group meeting the 2nd subjugation force, or Kendall giving an info dump. Hopefully, we'll get some Clopeh scenes by then.
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letcaleslack · 2 years
Cale and co in Korea Part 8
Choi Han has an introspective bus ride
[Part 1]     
To make the excursion an even better learning experience Cale led the group to a bus stop. Of course, he also just didn’t want to walk that far. Now looking at them sitting uncomfortably in the back of the bus he felt there was an added bonus, though.
Choi Han was sitting next to him and looked just slightly more at ease.
Cale talked to him in Korean: „Isn’t it funny to see them dressed like that and in a bus?“
Choi Han gave him a side eye. He’d already figured out that Cale was amused by the situation. He sighed. „Somewhat, I guess.“
The rest of the members of their group were frowning at them talking in the foreign language. Ron was scowling at Choi Han. That old butler had renewed his animosity toward Choi Han since they came to Earth. „No, I take it back. It is amusing.“ He smirked at Ron.
The old butler’s scowl deepened and he looked away.
Raon was sitting invisibly in Cale’s lap. - What are you talking about? -
Cale just petted him instead of answering.
They were driving over the Han River and everyone was looking out of the windows. The kittens were perched on Lock’s and Beacrox’ shoulders to look over the seats.
The other passengers however were more preoccupied with the foreigners in the bus. Even though they all had dark hair and normal clothes it was very easy to spot that they weren’t from Korea. They were clumsy with the ticket machine and looked around at everything, only slowly taking a seat after the native Koreans in the group had already sat down. Of course, there was also the matter that they were speaking in a strange language. So, the other passengers were observing this group with curiosity.
The learning experience did seem to bear fruits. Ron, Rosalyn, Beacrox and Eruhaben were subtly returning the intent stares of the other passengers and imitating their posture and behaviour. They were starting to learn to act like Koreans. Lock was slower at this and also more visibly awkward, but this was to be expected as he was only a teenager.
Cale rested his elbow on the window sill and his chin on his hand. The air in the bus felt stuffy and the whole ride had only reminded him that he didn’t miss this. Carriage rides were much more preferable to him, teleportation was even better.
Lock: “I’ve never seen a river this big before.”
The kittens nodded and continued staring outside with wide eyes, their paws resting on the window pane.
Eruhaben crossed his arms and looked thoughtful. “Along with technology this world seems to excel in engineering. A bridge of this size, capable of withstanding the power of such a large body of water is quite the feat. Also, being able to build that high into the sky.”
Rosalyn smiled. “While I would prefer we weren’t in this situation, I’m glad I got the opportunity to experience your world, Choi Han.”
Lock: “Me, too. It’s very different, but I like it here.”
Choi Han was silent for a moment before he quietly thanked them. He honestly didn’t feel like this was ‘his world’. He had forgotten all about Korea during his time in the Forest of Darkness. He had lived much longer on the Western Continent than on the Korean Peninsula. And then he’d found out that his family in Korea was long dead. Korea still meant a lot to him, but he’d given up on any lingering regrets regarding his abrupt departure. He wanted to live in the present with his new family instead.
He glanced to the side at Cale, who was nonchalantly looking out of the window, seemingly bored. Cale had also decided to live in the Roan Kingdom, to forever be Cale Henituse. But Cale’s connection to Korea was a lot stronger than his own. He’d seen it in the sealed god’s test. How Cale had so desperately given his all to save that world, how he’d gravitated toward Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk. Unlike him, Cale still had unfinished business and regrets. He hadn’t completely parted from his old world.
This world, Choi Han thought. They were in Cale’s world at the moment. Choi Han’s Korea was a peaceful, intact world. A rose-tinted memory of a high-schooler.
However, while he thought that Rosalyn and Lock were wrong, he was still glad for their words. Since they had complimented something that was very dear to Cale.
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atenagi · 3 years
Okay so there are a few things that I realized in regards to food in tcf (which I am 50/50 percent sure that someone has pointed out). Now can see in the novel that food is an integral part of the story (more on character development than plot development tho). So slight spoiler warning to those who haven't read at least 500 chapters.
Eating together is a sign of family. And I think that meals are used to show just that multiple times in tcf.
At the start we saw Raon not wanting to share the food that he was given right? But he is generous with the food that he himself hunted, like those times when Raon gave Cale and the others on their trip to the capital. Then he progresses on sharing his food all the time regardless of where it came from. He is always proud of himself whenever he gets to share food especially to Cale. Children have a behavior of presenting something that they deeply value to people that they either equally or value more than the thing that they present. and in this case, Raon's pies. Long explanation short, this is because Cale is a good father figure to Raon, taught him the value of sharing and being kind, and now Raon is on his way on being the most unselfish, selfish dragon. (Although this point is quite obvious)
Beacrox became a cook, not only because it's a useful skill and he gets to use knives, but also, it may be his way of assuring himself. During his and Ron's escape from the Molan household, for sure there are times that they got hungry and needed to live on what they can get right? Idk, I have no definitive proof for that. But maybe, just maybe, his past despair and need for survival translated into something akin to a sublimation coping mechanism of some sort. And now he cooks to make sure his feeble young master (and the rest of his found family) are fed!
We can say that Ron giving Cale lemon tea is him being a b*tch and loves tormenting Cale. But I think that this is a physical representation to Ron about how much Cale has changed, yet still remains as his puppy young master. It is something that helps Ron remind Cale to keep his feet on the ground and remind himself that yes, he was once the trash of the count's family, but now he is the treasure of the duchy. It also acts as Ron's way of measuring how much Cale has progressed as a person but now it had just become a tradition for them. And let's face it, Cale hating lemonade but is more scared of not accepting it so he still drinks it is amusing. That and Ron can use this for identification purposes in the future if someone dares to imitate Cale in front of him.
Now this man over here is the definition of past trauma seeping to present behaviors. What I think is the reason he is so adamant on sharing his food and reminding people to eat is because of his past in Korea while fighting the monsters. Now that he has the resources to keep his people and himself well fed, he WILL make sure everyone is able to eat whenever they can. I hope you all get the point! This is more than him looking out for people. This is him being scared of himself and everyone else getting hungry again. That's why he always asks if they already ate. That's why during the SG's test, one of the first things he taught is how to hunt for food. That is why eating is usually pointed out in the novel! It's actually a not so subtle nod to his trauma.
(Talking about Cale's behavior and trauma is another thing because there are SOOO MUCH to unpack I swear. The characterization in tcf is GOD TIER!) I may add more if I think of other food things in tcf!
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sparklijam · 2 years
An Announcement
So…a lot has happened yesterday, and I wanted to apologize for worrying some of you guys. But I will explain everything, and I hope that you guys will understand the situations and the changes that will take place from here on out.
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This will be a long post, so…
First off, I want you to know that everything is okay…kinda. I guess…
I didn’t realize that I was doing certain things…that made the people I look up to and admire very uncomfortable, and I’m so sorry for that. I was stupid and inconsiderate of their feelings, and so pushy and small minded. My actions are inexcusable, and I don’t expect to be forgiven easily. Or ever.
I have to work on that part of myself and be a better friend…if they still want to be friends that is. If not, then it’s my own fault and I will deal with the consequences of my actions.
Again, to the people that I’ve hurt, or made them uncomfortable and not trusting me anymore, I am so sorry from the bottom of my heart.
For the time being, me and Ame (and hopefully the others if they still want me as their friend again) are starting over. We’re still friends, just working on things and slowly reconnecting again.
Now for the second part…me and @ameliaongaku think it’s best that our ships that we made together…will end. So Crimson and Artemise, Draco and Kendall, Hexus and Raon, and many others will no longer be canon.
It’s sad…and it hurts, but it’s for the better and to start over. The last thing I want is to make this weird for her and not hold her down with these ships anymore.
In regard of Rian and Savana, they’re still together…but I’ve decided that Rian and the Heart Tribe will belong to @xyuniconnijix from now on, and that the wolfwalker trolls are sole property of Ame and Yuni now. I trust that they’ll take care of them all better than I ever could.
This also brings to the third thing I wanted to talk about. As of now, the Dark Arts Quest will be discontinued and not canon anymore, which also means that Torrent is no longer corrupted, and Crimson, Draco and Hexus will go back in being the villains again, along with the Dark Arts as their boss. Though, I still want to keep Hero as a separate character and still be the father of Torrent and Zips, so this means that Crimson and Hero are brothers, and that he’s the evil uncle instead.
Please understand that this decision was mine and Ame that we decided to do, so please PLEASE don’t harass her or anyone else for this. It’s what’s best for all of us, to start over and slowly try reconnect again. That’s something that I have to work on it for myself, and I can only hope that I can make up for my past actions. We’re still friends of course, and again, we’re just starting from scratch and will work on our friendship the way we had before. Only better!
Thanks for understanding guys, and I hope that I’m good enough to be a friend again. To be trusted again…
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