#register trademark uk
regimarksia · 2 years
Regimark Make the Trademark Registration Processs Simple & Affordable
Regimark is an online service offered by Agency Tria Robit, a top-rated Eastern European intellectual property law firm based in Riga, Latvia with over 25 years experience in IP. Trademark registration online will allow you to safely invest money, time and effort into your brand development, without fear of losing it.  o know more details visit at: regimark.eu.
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regimark · 1 month
Why You Should Register a Trademark in the EU
Registering a trademark in the European Union (EU) is a strategic move for businesses looking to protect their brand across a vast and economically powerful market. The process to register trademark EU offers comprehensive protection, covering all 27 member states with a single application. This not only simplifies the registration process but also provides significant cost savings compared to registering trademarks in individual countries.
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Benefits of EU Trademark Registration
When you register a trademark in the EU, you gain exclusive rights to your brand across the entire European Union. This means your trademark is legally protected from infringement in all member states, offering a robust shield against unauthorized use. With the rise of e-commerce and the globalization of business, having a trademark registered in the EU ensures that your brand is secure in one of the world’s largest markets.
Another advantage of EU trademark registration is its simplicity. Instead of filing multiple applications in different countries, you submit a single application to the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). Once approved, your trademark is protected across the entire EU. This streamlined process not only saves time but also reduces administrative burdens and costs.
The Registration Process
To register a trademark in the EU, you need to submit an application to the EUIPO. The application should include a clear representation of your trademark and a list of the goods or services you want it to cover. After submission, the EUIPO examines the application, and if no objections or oppositions are raised, your trademark is registered.
For any business looking to expand or operate within Europe, it’s essential to register a trademark in the EU. It’s an investment in your brand’s future, providing the protection and peace of mind needed to grow your business confidently across multiple countries.
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sgiandubh · 5 months
Lallybroch: copyright vs. trademark
An excellent question was asked by our friend @rosfrank in the comments thread to 'The door faces North' post and given the cosmic amount of uninformed bullshit being ventilated for almost ten years in this fandom, I think it's time to answer it once and for all:
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Whenever we are informally talking about 'owning the rights to something', I think it's very important to bear in mind a fundamental distinction between two different categories of ownership rights: copyright and trademark.
The copyright is the most familiar one to many of you. It is what you usually find on those annoying and apparently useless first or last pages of all the printed or digital editions on this planet. Something like this:
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In the US, copyright issues are regulated by the Copyright Act of 1976, as included in Title 17 of the US Code. The US public authority competent for registering and managing copyright is, as predictable, the US Copyright Office.
Perhaps the most seminal US Supreme Court decision, as far as copyright is concerned, is the 1991 Feist Publications, Inc., v. Rural Telephone Service Co. In it, the Court ruled that mere compilations of information or facts (such as, for example, telephone books) are not protected by copyright, according to US law. In other words, the ancient legal concept of 'sweat of the brow' (which simply means the amount of work required to gather and compile those facts/information) is not enough to qualify a work for copyright protection, if no creative effort is added to enhance its content. This is why I have always considered absolutely ridiculous Marple's efforts to watermark public information screenshots: it is useless (to the extent that it legally protects her from nothing) and, as her timelines, a mere compilation of facts (legally ditto). A similar approach is preferred by the UK and also by many Roman law legal systems, such as the French one - just making things clearer, here, by the way.
See how 'Erself is roughly doing, right now, in this department:
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But I am rambling. In my view, Lallybroch, as a pivotal concept used in Diana Gabaldon's books, is protected by the copyright granted to each and every of her books mentioning it, according to the Roman law principle 'accessorium sequitur principale' (the accessory follows the principal). So it will remain protected for at least 70 years since the last of her books mentioning it would have been published under copyright. Unless she chooses to separately protect the entire finished cycle as a whole, once Book Ten (fingers crossed) is published, preferably during our foreseeable lifetimes.
That being said, that goes only for one copyright category: (published) text - you cannot copyright that secret diary in your drawer, LOL. This is why, the current US Copyright Office records concerning Lallybroch look like this:
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Sony Pictures Television Inc owns the copyright to the fictional name Lallybroch in the motion pictures category, as it is the title of the Episode 12, in Season 1 - DG has been handsomely compensated for this, no worries. And someone I have no idea about owns the rights to an original musical score she has written and titled Lallybroch in the music category, since October 2013.
Onwards to the trademark. This is something different and this is all about making your name/concept/idea profitable. It is all about branding it, putting it on a product and selling it under that brand. It includes all the graphic elements and the logo of the brand (accessorium...) - in short, its visual identity to the consumers. In the US, trademark issues are regulated by the 1946 Lanham Act and the public competent authority is the good old US Patent and Trade Office (USPTO).
Right now, the situation for the Lallybroch trademark is as follows:
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So, we see three different trademarks: two of them, owned by Diana Gabaldon, are classified as 'dead' (cancelled and/or abandoned) and the third, Lallybroch Spirits, owned by S's Great Glen Company is pending approval - he will not be able to label any booze bottle Lallybroch Drink Me before permission is granted by the USPTO.
Let's unpack:
Both Lallybroch trademarks formerly owned by Diana Gabaldon were filed at the USPTO on February 21, 2000 and granted on December 12, 2000. The first was aimed at producing 'tartan fabrics for the manufacturer of clothing' and it was abandoned in December 2003:
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The reason is that the owner did not file in any Statement of Use after the trademark was granted. She had three years to do so, and since she chose not to do anything about it, the trademark was deemed abandoned (Stacy K. Smith is the attorney hired by Herself, btw). That means she specifically implied not to intend using it in the future. As such, she may claim NO rights on a now free to use mark:
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The second trademark was aimed at producing 'clothing, namely, t-shirts, dresses and headwear' and also 'jewelry, namely, rings, pins and necklaces'- to cut the story short: OL merchandise - and it was cancelled on March 1st, 2013:
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The reason is that the owner did not file the Section 8 declaration (of continuous use for five years) within the allowed legal timeframe (6 months after the fifth anniversary of the trademark granting renewal). Her trademark federal rights are now deemed canceled (but not her state law and/or common law rights!) and if she wants to ever use that name again, she would have to start the whole process over, bearing in mind the trademark could have been granted to someone else, in the meanwhile (not her case).
And for anyone who might ask, 'Erself does not own any other trademarks whatsoever:
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The other (Doll Lab - LOL for ages) Diana Gabaldon is a pharmacist from Albuquerque, NM. Chill. 🤣🤣🤣
The owner of the copyright to the fictional toponym Lallybroch, as far as published text is concerned, is Diana Galabdon.
The owner of the copyright to the fictional toponym Lallybroch, as far as motion pictures are concerned, is Sony Pictures Television Inc.
The owner of the copyright to the fictional toponym Lallybroch, as a personal work of music, is Mrs. Kelly Ruth Davis, of Pennsylvania, USA.
The owner of the Lallybroch Spirits trademark will be Sam Roland Heughan, when that trademark is granted by the USPTO.
I hope this answers your question, @rosfrank. Thank you for asking.
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mlp-pic-a-day · 16 days
your Baby Sparkle Gusty is so cute but it reminded me of how like there is Gusty then a separate Gusty then another Gusty and how funny the early gens are about multiple of the same but also different ponies
Thank you!
I suspect - or I guess I should say I know - a lot of this comes back to registering trademarks and the huge assortment that was G1 in general.
Although... now that you mention it -
This is Gusty.
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This is Gusty.
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This is... not Gusty!!
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She is UK Starlight Baby Explorer
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melrosing · 11 months
If you don’t mind me asking what were the symptoms of your dad’s tumor? I hope you and he are doing okay, thinking of you. X
Thank you anon, he’s doing really well out of surgery (the site of incision on his head is a faint line just two weeks on) and has recovered so much of himself ❤️ I am still feeling shit lol but better than before 👍🏻
I don’t mind you asking about the symptoms and to be honest they were very difficult to call so maybe it’s useful info bc all our theories were wrong.
“Dizzy spells” - The earliest sign was August last year when he suddenly felt extremely nauseous, dizzy, and though he could talk and walk it made him feel worse to do so. He could name the prime minister (and if u recall, in UK politics that was a tricky thing to do in summer 2022) and lift his arms, so we ruled out things like strokes, and figured it was some kind of vertigo?? Then the episode concluded and he went back to normal. That one lasted maybe 2 hours, but subsequently it was a steadily increasing number of similar episodes that lasted much shorter periods, i.e. seconds. We suggested he get it checked out but didn’t worry too much bc lots of people get “vertigo”. Anyway turns out these episodes were minor seizures, just with none of the trademarks that we recognised
Posture & Gait: suddenly his posture was awful?? Starting 4 months ago maybe. He was hunched over like a man in his eighties, and even when we tried to get him to stand up straight he physically couldn’t do it. He started dragging his feet a bit and navigating whilst walking suddenly became a conscious effort for him 2-3 months ahead of diagnosis. A week before diagnosis he fell and couldn’t arrange his limbs to get up again
Stamina & Fatigue: his stamina got steadily worse. I went to visit my parents a couple of times this year and we went for walks in the countryside, and vaguely registered that dad was lagging behind a bit. That got more and more noticeable until around July where he would be trudging by the end of a walk, and then a week before we got the diagnosis he could hardly manage 200 steps without intense fatigue. Also for months he was yawning and napping within a few hours of waking up and then all through the day. All the housework he did was done extremely poorly and he often left things in a mess bc he couldn’t find the energy to complete tasks
Voice: dad usually has a very powerful voice, but it was gradually thinning for months till he could barely raise it. He also was less open to conversation, because talking was suddenly an effort
Memory: this was really hard to spot for a long time, but a month or so ago he would occasionally get the day of the week wrong, and start prepping food he’d planned for Sunday on a Saturday. He kept buying milk even though they already had bottles. He wasn’t able to follow the precise nuances of a TV show (though he’d normally have no trouble with this). But long-term memory was absolutely fine, working memory was the problem and then not always
Mood: he wasn’t low exactly, but just kind of absent - and he’s usually very emotive. He didn’t engage with things he enjoys like usual. His friends couldn’t get him to chat for more than five mins on the phone, nothing really made him laugh anymore. When he really started deteriorating we were like ‘can you not understand how worried we are’ and he was just like :\ very dismissive like
Right-sided weakness: a week or so after my parents came back to stay w me I suddenly noticed my dad smiling w one side of his mouth which is not normal for him at all. He retained full control over his face but at that point we clocked there was a distinct right-side weakness and took him to A&E
I’m describing things in this longwinded way because I think it was hard for us to name what we were seeing for a long time, especially when the changes happened so gradually. At some point or another whilst desperately googling his symptoms I did see ‘brain tumour’ pop up but I dismissed it bc:
He had no headaches or indeed any pain at all. He had nausea occasionally but apart from the first episode it was never protracted
His vision was fine
The seizures didn’t look like what I thought seizures were (no twitching or blackouts etc)
The memory issues were not obvious, he’d follow a recipe fine and not miss any steps etc
He wasn’t having any real speech/language difficulties
Mood/personality changes weren’t obvious, he was just more subdued
I think if there had been any fucking results on google telling me what these ‘dizzy spells’ actually were we might have got somewhere a little sooner (for whatever that would’ve been worth), and if I had known how variable the symptoms of a brain tumour can be depending on where the thing is…. etc etc. a lot of things feel painfully obvious in hindsight but they weren’t at the time: GPs and paramedics both were fixated on neuromuscular issues. But yeah tumours present in complex ways, I think (hope) that the reason we found dad’s so hard to define is because it’s actually in a pretty good spot (as these things go) where it wasn’t really affecting his functions till it was the size of a small satsuma. anyway there you go that’s what happened
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Who is Arif Patel? How the Preston businessman ran an elaborate ‘carousel fraud’ and counterfeit clothing import scam
The Preston businessman’s criminal exploits were laid bare during a complex, 14-week fraud trial.
To some, Arif Patel appeared to be a law-abiding citizen, running a successful sock manufacturing business. He once owned premises on Fishergate in Preston city centre and enjoyed all the trapping of a successful businessman.
However, behind that facade, lurked a scheming and calculating criminal mastermind who was using his Preston-based company Faisaltex Ltd as the heart of his criminal enterprise importing counterfeit goods into the UK. Patel, who was found guilty in his absence at Chester Crown Court yesterday (April 11) of a £150m tax fraud, had long ago fled Preston and is believed to be living in Dubai.
His gang, the court heard, had tried to steal £97m through VAT repayment claims on false exports of textiles and mobile phones. Co-accused Mohamed Jaffar Ali, 58, of Dubai, was also found guilty of conspiracy to cheat the Revenue and money laundering yesterday. He stood in the dock for most of the trial but failed to attend court on 27 March 2023 and a warrant was issued for his arrest.
The convictions follow a 14-week trial at Chester Crown Court. Jaffar Ali also laundered the proceeds through bank accounts he set up in Dubai and offshore.
How did Arif Patel set up his £150m fraud?
Arif Patel and the Faisaltex group of companies had turned to bulk imports of counterfeit clothing in 2004. During the next three years dozens of containers with fake designer clothing inside were stopped at ports across the UK. Onward distribution to UK traders was confirmed when a delivery to a Glasgow wholesaler was intercepted by police and revealed to be poorly made designer rip-offs.
He also used the business, from 2004, to make fraudulent VAT repayment claims on supposed high-value goods and yarns. In total, the gang fraudulently claimed £97m on false exports of textiles and mobile phones, but HMRC stopped £64m of the claims.
What is a ‘carousel fraud’?
The scam is known as a carousel fraud, where goods are purportedly sold to genuine buyers, but in fact the whole process is controlled by the criminal, who instigates a paper trail of alleged sales and exports in order to reclaim VAT. Arif Patel frequently travelled to Dubai to meet Mohamed Jaffar Ali and also made trips to China and Turkey to set up deals with manufacturers of counterfeit clothing. The profits were laundered by Mohamed Jaffar Ali through freezone companies and bank accounts held in the UAE.
Money was sent to British Virgin Island-registered companies, which Arif Patel then used to buy property in his hometown of Preston, including commercial properties on Fishergate, the Lancashire city’s main shopping street.
What was Arif Patel charged with?
Patel, formerly of Sharoe Green Lane, Fulwoood, Preston, who now lives in Dubai, was charged with:
Conspiracy to Cheat the Public Revenue, between 1 June 2004 and 28 February 2006.
Conspiracy to Cheat the Public Revenue, between 1 June 2004 and 28 February 2006.
Conspiracy to launder money, between 1 January 2004 and 4 April 2008.
False Accounting, between 24 March 2003 and 4 April 2008.
Conspiracy to sell, offer for sale or distribute goods which bear a sign identical to or likely to be mistaken for a registered trademark, between 1 January 2004 and 3 May 2007.
Arif Patel travelled to Dubai in July 2011 and failed to return. He was tried in his absence at Chester Crown Court where he was found guilty of all charges yesterday, 11 April 2023. He will be sentenced next month.
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whisky_ross IG - SH in an interview with Ross Barr whisky 🥃 specialist at Bevvy and Charlie Maclean, celebrated raconteur, and Whisky Connoisseur on YouTube posted on 24 May 2024.
All Scots will always ask him the same question: why the name "Sassenach," knowing that it carries a negative connotation? He talks a lot and doesn't know the proportions of his whisky because he's not the one who makes the whisky.
When he is unable to explain the details and proportions of his whisky, it becomes clear that he is not the one who has crafted and formed his whisky, but rather that it was created solely by master blender Michael Henry, who developed Sassenach whisky.
One thing is also important: Loch Lomond distillery, where Sassenach whisky is made, uses Madeira cask finish in their whiskies, so it's not just SH’s whisky privilege as he tried to imply.
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His whisky is available in the UK, US, and other markets that he cannot be specified, but not in the EU 🇪🇺 where THE SASSENACH UNIQUE SPIRITS trademark cannot be registered in the largest trading platform in the world and the main trading partner of 80 countries.
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Posted 27th May 2024.
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scotianostra · 10 months
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Happy Birthday Gregory Edward “Greg” Hemphill born 14th December 1969 in Glasgow.
I think the majority of us will know who Greg is, one half of the successful partnership with partner, Ford Kiernan that is Still Game.
The family left Scotland when Greg was twelve years old, and he spent much of his childhood in Montreal, Canada. Greg returned home to study at Glasgow University, in the Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies, graduating MA in 1992.
Greg made his acting debut at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 1990. His work includes roles in God Plus Support in the Theatre and Only an Excuse. He is a regular on the comedy circuit. He also ventured into radio as the original presenter of football show, Off the Ball on BBC Radio Scotland and The Eddie Mair Show. As well as writing for Still Game and Chewin The Fat he has written for Channel 4 programme Space Cadets, BBC’s Pulp Video and The Ferguson Theory.
Still Game has transferred successfully onto the big stage and has sold out countless times at The Hydro. The third and final run of the shows Still Game: The Final Farewell was officially announced on 1st November 2018. The ninth and final series of Still Game was screened in 2019 The show won an ‘Outstanding Contribution’ TV award at Scottish Baftas that year.
Away from his work Greg is a bit of a card shark, he plays in competitions, he has won over thirty thousand dollars in competitions and was third in the Scottish Championships in 2002
Greg has been kind of quiet of late, but the good news is he returns to our screens on Hogmanay with a new sketch show. The show is set to bring up all the biggest talking points of this year – from COP26 to the wild swimming phenomenon. The show titled “Queen of the New Year” will star Greg and Robert Florence along with Barbara Rafferty, Clive Russell, Gayle Telfer Stevens, Louise McCarthy, John Gordon Sinclair and Juliet Cadzow, so some familiar faces from Still Game and Burnistoun.
Greg is married to Balamory star Julie Wilson Nimmo, 46, they announced they are to their own production company launch Blue Haven Productions Limited. The latest from Greg and Julie who live in the West End of Glasgow, is they will be teaming up who live in the West End, are appearing together in Olga da Polga, the first-ever television adaptation of Paddington creator Michael Bond’s beloved books. The new 13-part, live-action and animation series is produced by Glasgow-based production company Marakids, and it has been made with the full support of the Bond family.
Greg and Julie have been married since 1999, they met while both were working on the 90s sketch show Pulp Video. Greg says of them;
“We met on sketch shows, and we always laughed a lot. We still do. There are lots of laughs, lots of carry on when we work together.”
Greg and his Still Game sidekick Ford Kiernan launched a whisky, named after their characters Jack and Vioctor two or three years back, and the knobs at Jack Daniels objected after the pair later applied to register the name as a trademark for whisky and other drink-related services. The matter ended up going to an arbitrator. The Tennessee-based company claimed the drink, named after Still Game’s two main characters, could confuse customers and make them think they were endorsing the Scotch blend.
The firm argued the name could allow the Scottish whisky to cash in on the recognition of the well-known brand.
Hemphill, who plays the character Victor, provided evidence during the dispute while managing director Justin Welch provided evidence for Jack Daniel’s.
Hemphill said Still Game was a popular show across the UK, particularly in Scotland, arguing that “Jack and Victor” has become synonymous with the BBC programme.
It was a great triumph for the small guy versus golliath, Jack Daniel’s was ordered to pay £3,200 to Jack and Victor Limited, the company used to market the whisky earlier this year.
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masllp · 2 months
Setting Up a Limited Company UK: A Comprehensive Guide by Masllp
Starting your own business is an exciting venture, but it can also be a complex and daunting task. One of the most important decisions you will need to make is how to structure your business. For many entrepreneurs in the UK, setting up a limited company is the preferred option. At Masllp, we understand the intricacies involved in this process and are here to guide you every step of the way. Why Choose a Limited Company? Before diving into the setup process, it’s crucial to understand why many business owners opt for a limited company structure. Here are some of the key benefits:
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Limited Liability: One of the most significant advantages is that your personal assets are protected. Your liability is limited to the amount you’ve invested in the company.
Professional Image: Operating as a limited company can enhance your business's credibility and professionalism.
Tax Efficiency: Limited companies often benefit from various tax advantages compared to sole traders or partnerships.
Investment Opportunities: It's easier to attract investors as they can purchase shares in your company. Steps to Setting Up a Limited Company Setting up a limited company UK involves several steps, but with the right guidance, the process can be straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide by Masllp:
Choose a Company Name *Ensure your company name is unique and not already registered with Companies House. *Check for any trademarks to avoid legal issues.
Register Your Company Address *You must have a registered office address in the UK. *This address will be publicly available on the Companies House register.
Appoint Directors and a Company Secretary *You need at least one director to manage the company. There’s no legal requirement to appoint a company secretary, but many choose to do so. *Allocate Shares and Shareholders
Decide on the number of shares and their value. *Allocate these shares to your shareholders, who are the owners of the company. *Prepare Memorandum and Articles of Association
The memorandum of association is a legal statement signed by all initial shareholders agreeing to form the company. *The articles of association outline how the company will be run. Standard articles are available, but they can be customized if necessary.
Register with Companies House *You can register online, by post, or through an agent like Masllp. *The registration fee varies depending on the method of registration.
Register for Corporation Tax *Within three months of starting business activities, you must register for Corporation Tax with HMRC.
Set Up a Business Bank Account *It’s essential to keep your business finances separate from your personal finances.
Understand Your Ongoing Responsibilities
Submit annual accounts and a confirmation statement to Companies House.
Maintain accurate financial records and meet HMRC deadlines. How Masllp Can Help At Masllp, we specialize in helping entrepreneurs set up their limited companies efficiently and compliantly. Our services include: *Name Checking and Registration: We ensure your company name is available and register it on your behalf. *Preparation of Documents: We handle the preparation and submission of all necessary documents. *Tax Registration: We register your company for Corporation Tax and provide guidance on VAT and PAYE if needed. *Ongoing Support: We offer ongoing support to ensure you meet all legal requirements and deadlines. Conclusion Setting up a limited company UK can provide numerous benefits, but it’s essential to navigate the process correctly. With Masllp by your side, you can focus on building your business while we handle the complexities of company formation. Contact us today to get started on your journey to becoming a successful limited company owner.
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littleobelia · 1 year
"Indeed, there is now an online fashion brand called Polari, which sells a ‘Polari is Burning’ T-shirt containing a small ® (registered trademark) sign above the word Polari. The phrase is a riff on the title of the 1990 film Paris Is Burning , which documents drag queens living in New York City. It harks back to an older form of gay culture, but it is the U.S., not the UK, that is being referenced here, so there is a kind of transatlantic blending going on, a bit like the 1970s British clone who took his look from the streets of the Castro or West Hollywood. At the time of writing the Polari fashion website contains slogans like dish the dirt, and no flies and varda that bona omi, and most of the clothes it sells are boldly emblazoned with the word Polari and are modelled by young, hip-looking twenty-somethings. Who knew that Polari could be so cool?"
Baker, Paul. Fabulosa! : The Story of Polari, Britain's Secret Gay Language, Reaktion Books, Limited, 2019.
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regimark · 1 month
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Europe Trademark Search
An EU trademark search is a crucial step in the process of registering a trademark in the European Union. Europe Trademark Search helps to determine if a trademark is already registered and to identify any potential conflicts with existing trademarks. This search also provides valuable insight into the legal landscape of trademarks, which can be used to make informed decisions about the registration process. It also helps to protect businesses from inadvertently infringing on existing trademarks and can save them time and money by avoiding costly legal battles down the line. Additionally, an EU trademark search provides important information about competitors’ marks that can be used for competitive advantage.
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sgiandubh · 1 year
You know nothing, Jon Snow
It's been a short night and a hot summer day in here. But I just received the last of the goods in my secondary inbox and am still unpacking, pondering and putting the data into context.
Work with me:
To begin somewhere, this is the exact content of the (in)famous Shamrock Anon submission to this blog, as delivered almost 23 hours ago:
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Put yourselves in my shoes and read with me: "the Irish based drinks company (not the one accessible to fans) is solely owned by him and DF".
An Irish company? "Not accessible to fans?" Owned only by these two people and not her, on her turf? Now that could have been a nuke, because hello, where is the logic in all this, and who does that, and yes, why?
By the time I wrote my brief Shamrock Anon post, in the hope of luring this person to share more, the same message had already been delivered to at least two other shipper blogs. That would make three of us: the controversial newbie (I am not blind, but I am not cantankerous either), the respected veteran sleuth and Super Dispatch, with what I believe to be the intent of pushing an agenda of sorts. I chose not to publish Anon, because: 1) I needed more and yes, I needed to check and 2) I felt there was something bizarre with all this.
@luhafraser published it and I am truly relieved they did. I posted an update that apparently got even more people confused, and carried on with it. It did not take off the pressure (Anons begging, pleading and taunting went straight to the bin), but it gave me time to start looking.
It took me exactly two minutes and a half to find the Irish company's name and registration number, as visible and published on the FMN gin webpage (https://www.forgetmenot.com/ and always, always read the small print).
So long for "not accessible to fans", BS Anon:
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Next stop, the Irish Company Registration Office's website (https://core.cro.ie/), where things went impeccably smooth. FMN Drinks is an Irish company, registered as "Limited", which would translate as Public Limited Company (plc) in the UK:
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Getting more data required a paid search and I stopped to ponder. Really did. Price was a trifle, but that was not really my problem. So I sat on it during the night: it is something I always do when I find myself uneasy or unsure about something.
By noon today, local time, I mumbled "oh, what the hell", crossed myself and pushed send:
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It took 15 minutes to get five of the documents and two more hours and 45 minutes to get the Letter of Status, certified by a living, breathing Irish public servant in that inbox:
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So (in)famous Shamrock Anon, here is my answer to you:
If you think a company specialized in the distilling and rectifying of spirits, with 100 (one hundred) issued shares, worth 1 euro each and with a zero euro declared account balance since last December is proof of capitalist world domination, you are an idiot, Anon. You lured me down that rabbit hole with the preposterous idea that C was not a part of this PO box company - which she is, as one of its four appointed Directors - to try and prove shippers are stupid. Which we aren't.
At face value, this is nothing to write home about. But I said yesterday the devil is in the details and was not disappointed, because you clearly are sloppy (again?) Anon and boy, you do have an untrained eye. It's almost like me when prompted to read somebody's blood test results, you know?
I am now faced with a dilemma: I either buy a cork board, thread and pins and start a trip to Cuckooland, trying to navigate my way across trademarks and trails of companies, and such other niceties that are boring as death. Or, I look at this completely uncalled for embarrassment of riches and let the dots connect themselves, in time.
I always steered my course according to this French proverb: dans le doute, s'abstenir. When in doubt, do nothing. Making sense of a document posted on a real estate company website is one thing. Publishing such documents, which are readily available for the private use of anyone with a credit card, and prematurely discussing them is a personal red line I am not willing to cross.
It would be pushing an agenda and, especially right now (*promo*), writing the script. Circus might be in town, but I am not one of the clowns.
Oh, and Anon: a company is an evolving entity people get into, then get out of and even maybe get back to, at some point in time. A business project is by no means any sort of evidence of relationship/marital status.
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
I found the following Pleasing information on a Tumblr blog. This is not my research: - Pleasing, the trademark, was registered in April 2021 in the US, two days after Jeffrey Azoff’s subsidiary Empty Leg, LP was registered in the State of Delaware. Jeffrey also owns the entity Emptyleg Manager, LLC - Emptyleg Manager II, LLC entity is owned by someone named Osborn Curry; will update as we find more info UPDATE Osborn Curry works under THE AZOFF MUSIC COMPANY LLC. Both entities are confirmed owned by the Azoff family. -Pleasing, the trademark was registered in the UK in May 2021 by Emptyleg, LP. - Pleased As Holdings Limited was registered in May 2021 in the UK, by Harry Styles, and lists himself and his assistant Emma as directors. Erksine Records owns all the shares to Pleased As (PLEASING AS IS NOT ASSOCIATED TO PLEASING, the Delaware registered company) Bases on this information it looks like Harry is nothing more than a brand ambassador for one of Jeff’s companies. Registering Pleasing As and sending out Press Release saying Harry was starting a lifestyle brand, him wearing the products, being a hand model and promoting it on SM was enough to convince his fans it was his company. He is a willing participant in promoting but it’s not his company in any legal way. This borderlines fraud if true. Jeff knows H’s fans will buy any thing he is associated with including $65 nail polish.
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hardmarketing · 6 days
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Are you looking to register trademark in UK, Europe (EU), USA, Australia, Canada, China, Ireland or London? We offer Trademark Registration in UK at very affordable price.
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qlocal-uk · 1 year
Who is Arif Patel? How the Preston businessman ran an elaborate ‘carousel fraud’ and counterfeit clothing import scam
The Preston businessman’s criminal exploits were laid bare during a complex, 14-week fraud trial.
To some, Arif Patel appeared to be a law-abiding citizen, running a successful sock manufacturing business. He once owned premises on Fishergate in Preston city centre and enjoyed all the trapping of a successful businessman.
However, behind that facade, lurked a scheming and calculating criminal mastermind who was using his Preston-based company Faisaltex Ltd as the heart of his criminal enterprise importing counterfeit goods into the UK. Patel, who was found guilty in his absence at Chester Crown Court yesterday (April 11) of a £150m tax fraud, had long ago fled Preston and is believed to be living in Dubai.
His gang, the court heard, had tried to steal £97m through VAT repayment claims on false exports of textiles and mobile phones. Co-accused Mohamed Jaffar Ali, 58, of Dubai, was also found guilty of conspiracy to cheat the Revenue and money laundering yesterday. He stood in the dock for most of the trial but failed to attend court on 27 March 2023 and a warrant was issued for his arrest.
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The convictions follow a 14-week trial at Chester Crown Court. Jaffar Ali also laundered the proceeds through bank accounts he set up in Dubai and offshore.
How did Arif Patel set up his £150m fraud?
Arif Patel and the Faisaltex group of companies had turned to bulk imports of counterfeit clothing in 2004. During the next three years dozens of containers with fake designer clothing inside were stopped at ports across the UK. Onward distribution to UK traders was confirmed when a delivery to a Glasgow wholesaler was intercepted by police and revealed to be poorly made designer rip-offs.
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He also used the business, from 2004, to make fraudulent VAT repayment claims on supposed high-value goods and yarns. In total, the gang fraudulently claimed £97m on false exports of textiles and mobile phones, but HMRC stopped £64m of the claims.
What is a ‘carousel fraud’?
The scam is known as a carousel fraud, where goods are purportedly sold to genuine buyers, but in fact the whole process is controlled by the criminal, who instigates a paper trail of alleged sales and exports in order to reclaim VAT. Arif Patel frequently travelled to Dubai to meet Mohamed Jaffar Ali and also made trips to China and Turkey to set up deals with manufacturers of counterfeit clothing. The profits were laundered by Mohamed Jaffar Ali through freezone companies and bank accounts held in the UAE.
Money was sent to British Virgin Island-registered companies, which Arif Patel then used to buy property in his hometown of Preston, including commercial properties on Fishergate, the Lancashire city’s main shopping street.
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What was Arif Patel charged with?
Patel, formerly of Sharoe Green Lane, Fulwoood, Preston, who now lives in Dubai, was charged with:
Conspiracy to Cheat the Public Revenue, between 1 June 2004 and 28 February 2006. Conspiracy to Cheat the Public Revenue, between 1 June 2004 and 28 February 2006. Conspiracy to launder money, between 1 January 2004 and 4 April 2008. False Accounting, between 24 March 2003 and 4 April 2008. Conspiracy to sell, offer for sale or distribute goods which bear a sign identical to or likely to be mistaken for a registered trademark, between 1 January 2004 and 3 May 2007. Arif Patel travelled to Dubai in July 2011 and failed to return. He was tried in his absence at Chester Crown Court where he was found guilty of all charges yesterday, 11 April 2023. He will be sentenced next month.
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legalmaxims321 · 10 days
Legal Maxims - Legal Advice in Dubai
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For those in need of legal advice Dubai, Legal Maxims is your trusted partner for reliable and expert legal solutions.
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