#regular show mega kranus
camilitamaellard · 5 months
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Ok so! @br333 made this like 2 weeks ago and I'm still IN LOVE with it!! I forgot to post it before but aaa thank you my friend for this cute idea ✨💖🥺✨🍭
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cartoons-edit · 6 years
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regular show headers, enjoy!
credits if you repost
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tt: @httpsbandito
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Today’s Autistic Character of the Day is Mega Kranus a.k.a Pops Maellard from Regular Show!
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burritodetodo · 8 years
A Regular Show Epic Final Battle part 3 review
Parts 1&2 review http://burritodetodo.tumblr.com/post/156043910394/a-regular-show-epic-final-battle-parts-12-review
What the fuck happened!? Is this a joke by CN or what? Why is The Power airing? I'm so mad... WAIT! Rigby is remembering the fight before hitting his body to the wall? YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF US! The episode continues with Rigby remembering all the events before the end and Mordecai incredulous, thinking it was just another joke of his friend. In the flashback, we could see the box set was finally buried in the park and not sent into space. So Rigby took Mordecai to unearth that, but his friend still didn't believe him... until he touched the box set. They both knew they were in trouble, even more because the other park guys were erased. It was a time glitch caused by their interference on the Big Bang Brofist that reseted time and space. Luckily, The Power wasn't erased so they used it to "take us to the end/take us to the end/wo-ohhhh".
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Due to that glitch, the battle between Mega and Malum Kranus continued. Mordecai and Rigby arrived, Pops was pissed off because all his friends were erased from existance. Anti Pops shot M&R to Lolliland and then he destroyed it, leaving our buddies in the debris. The evilest guy also sent Titan Pops to a worm hole that led him to... THE NAIVE MAN FROM LOLLILAND SHORT UNIVERSE! Pops went back to his normal form and escaped from that place while confused because his sibling was trying to erase that universe too. He went to rescue Mordecai and Rigby from Lolliland's debris, dodging and destroying Regular Show's logo letters while they are falling down on his way! The blue jay and the racoon were in a worse situation because of a blizzard of post-its with all their moves, a sign that the universe was being teared apart: "The fabric of time is unraveling".
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Pops remembers The Seer words about he could make the difference: "I should have been listening to my heart this all time", said Pops to Mordo and Rigs. With a positive energy burst, Pops goes towards his sibling and hugs him strongly. The only way Pops could end this battle and the destroy of the universe was sacrificing himself with his brother: "I'm not going to let go". Mordecai and Rigby couldn't believe Pops was going to do it: "I promise this is a happy ending. Take care of each other. Goodbye". Anti Pops, during that good feels felt happiness and relief for five seconds. Both died feeling goodness. The battle ended and the universe became regular again.
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FLASH NEWS! Del Hanlon announces the Spark came back from space after a THREE YEAR TRIP. While listening to her partner, Margaret rushes to the Park to meet her friends. The Space Rangers were recieved like true heroes while David Bowie's Heroes was playing as background music. Mordecai's parents went hug and kiss his beloved only son; Sherman, Barbara and Don did the same with Rigby, only that Sherman was wearing jeans and finally being proud of his son!; this was one of the most gorgeous moments ever in Regular Show's history: Starla goes with Muscle Man with a little girl: THEIR DAUGHTER. MITCH'S FACE WHEN HE MET HIS KID!; Techmo recieved Skips; Margaret went to strongly hug her best friend Eileen; Celia and fives did the same, but their love hug was even more pure; finally Applesauce/Leroy came to Benson. You thought it was enough? RIGBY AND EILEEN FINALLY KISS ON THE LIPS! But on the other side, Mr Maellard was extremely sad because his son sacrificed himself to save everybody. After that, there was a memorial service in the Park, where a Pops statue was revealed and Benson left flowers. The Park crew splited up. Mordecai and Rigby packed their stuff in their cars and, alongside Eileen, they gave themselves the last hug and went to do their new lives.
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The Future
Mordecai: He goes back to art school and graduates. He gets a studio in which he paints abstract art (Bad Portrait callback) where we can see CJ and Margaret paintings, but also one with him and Rigby. He becomes famous and has exhibitions, and in one of them he falls in love with a bat girl. They have three kids. Before that scene, we (at least I) notice that Mordo was kinda depressed.
Rigby: He lives with Eileen and get married. They have a regular life with two daughters. Rigby keeps playing videogames but with her eldest daughter. There’s a Park’s house picture framed in the living room. He keeps the moustache he liked on Ugly Moons and looks like Future Rigby from the movie. Benson: Stays working at the Park, like some sort of owner and manager because Maellard is dead. PAM GOES BACK WITH HIM and, despite not having kids, they adopt cats and Applesauce's descendence. Also, the crew he is with resembles the “best crew I’ve ever worked with”.
Skips: Also still works at the Park, but he has a car repair shop too (Exit 9B callback)
Muscle Man: He and Starla kept on making kids and now they're six. Eight persons living on a, I think, bigger trailer. He couldn't face the Sorensterin's hair issues and goes bald like his bro and his dad.
Fives: he moved with Celia to Prague and both became DJs
A 25 year reunion takes part on the Park. Muscle Man and Starla have a grandchildren, Fives and Celia raise a boy of their own, Rigby and Eileen daughters play with Muscle ones, while Mordecai and his wife ones are with their cellphones. Maellard got a statue too, next to Pops. There's a group photo and then Mordecai and Rigby go find old videogames in the shed "for old cart's sake", thinking all their puns they did 25 years ago were dumb for their 57 year old selves. Pops watches all this scene from another plane of existance, ejects the VHS from a Hanatronic TV with VCR saying "jolly good show".
The end.
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On one hand, the freedom the crew worked with in this episode erased the fourth wall from existance. They smahed it, broke it down and demolished it this season. In this last episode they went Anti Pops and erased it. They tricked us with The Power sequence, made Pops go to The Naive Man From Lolliland short (redrawn by the animators and voices remastered for sure), the falling Regular Show logo, the blizzard of post-its, or the end with Pops watching the show on VHS like us, the spectators! Speaking of the short, including it in the finale was to me the way JG showed us that he was closing a circle he started more then 10 years ago and led him to do one of the best animated series of this decade.
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Mordecai and Rigby being the key to save the universe were crucial for Pops to realize he had to sacrifice himself to save the universe. Both Sam Marin and Robert Englund sounded so natural, pure and peaceful on their last dialogue. The levels of emotion Pops' sacrifice scene handle makes, for instance, Steven Univese's or Gravity Falls' (at Weridmageddon to compare) dramatic moments tiny (don’t offend buddies). This scene also had a Dragon Ball Z influence with the messianic sacrifice of Goku on Cell's Saga to save the Earth and all his loved ones to be destroyed by Cell-bomb.
This finale puts the straw very high for Adventure Time, which series finnale airs next year, despite being already done.
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The arrival scene, with David fucking Bowie's Heroes hit me so hard I can't listen to that song the same way for the rest of my life. It was the most accurate tune for that moment. Did you notice that aging was cannon? At least Mordecai and Rigby were 29 when the Dome took off and 32 when they came back. Continuing, it was good watching Rigby making amends with his dad at last. Muscle Daddy moment almost made me wept of joy. The crew expressed that part so real that you can't get very emotional on it (in fact, while writing this lines I remember those seconds and I have a knot on my throat). The pureness of Fives and Celia hug almost hit a double death emotional combo, but the Rigleen kiss was a triple death emotional combo. The Park crew should have made a spot for our emotions before Pops' memorial service.
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And about the future: I'm one of the guys that is okay with Mordecai's fate. Despite being a Mordaret shipper, the bat fan girl move was clever and they showed us Mordecai moved on with his life, besides returning Art School and become a recognized abstract painter. Mordecai and Rigby quitting their jobs showed one of the morals of this story: moving on from an dead end job may improve your life.
I was glad that Benson finally ended with Pam, they had one of the cutest Season 7 episodes and they didn't deserve that end due to distance. Benson deserved to be happy at least once and it finally happened! To sum up, the future life of Park guys was satisfying and it was a happy ending, as Pops said before his death. I have to regret one thing and that's Margaret, CJ and Thomas destinies in the future. They must have had a second or two to see what happened with them.
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The bittersweet end of Regular Show confirmed what I've been saying these years: this is one of the best cartoons of this decade and I'm glad to be part of its fandom. My congratulations to ALL THE CREW for making one of this year's events. Seriously, thank you.
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camilitamaellard · 5 months
I can't decide :v (my mistake in first one, I mean "Yea they both live"
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camilitamaellard · 9 months
What does Pops think about being a father at his age? Is it easy or difficult for him?
At first, it will be difficult for him since he is childish too, he didn't think about it twice and he is so happy to be like Mr. Maellard, but when dirty diapers and nightless night come, he will stressed a little but this stress won't longer much because he is really happy to be Camilita's adoptive father no matter what ^^
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