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Today’s Autistic Character of the Day is Victoria from the Corpse Bride!
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pixie-skull · 6 years
I am hoping to do a speech (even saying this makes me bit nervous, in front of people for about 10 minutes) by early October (6th, SO TWO WEEKS D| ) on women on the autistic spectrum and also hope to touch on LGBTQ+ too, for society thinks autism does not generally think females (worse think only white people have it, NO anyone can have it) can be and I want to make a conversation. Please though know YOU could help, even if not female, please feel free to answer and share with me and PM. I want to understand this spectrum and those who fall on it. So here is my form, again please Private Message me, your answer as anon or open. I answer as an example. So form than my answers.
1. How old were you when diagnosed?
2. How has it made you feel? Example: A part of you, makes you feel worse or better about yourself?
3. What do you think about how media represent autism, especially film and TV?
4. A follow-up, would you want an actor who is autistic play a role or you comfortable with how things are now? Can be more complex, like you like it now, yet would want the movie team is more aware of autism.
5. When you heard autism the first time when applied to you vs now, how has it changed for you or is it the same?
6. What is your sexuality? Meaning sexual AND romantic orientation.
7. What is a stereotype you want to stop and why relating to autism?
8. How would you describe autism?
9. Do you personally prefer “high and low functioning” or/and “higher and lower needs”?
10. Advice to someone recently diagnosed and not feeling happy about it?
My answers:
1. I was suspected in preschool (which is suppose to be very early for females) and officially I guess in fourth or fifth grade, yet found out later.
2. Currently, a part of me, sure I feel bad how socializing is so difficult, but I have gotten better.
3. I think it could be way better. Like not just white males have it, as well not extreme sociopaths to the character Arnie from What is Eating Gilbert Grape.
4. I would be for it yes, as well better aware teams. Power Rangers I found was one of my two movies in recent memory where autism seemed not understood, yet again one of maybe two. 
5. I heard it as how people said “that is so gay” (funny seeing I am in the LGBTQ+ Community) and even now a couple people compare it to r-e-t-a-r-d and worse both people I liked and wanted to maybe date, yet hearing that hurt a low. I have grown see it as not that, yet does hurt feel some days not proud of it. However, with this speech, I feel excited. Like dang 15 google pages were found on “women on autistic spectrum” and 10 on “women who are autistic and queer” and only got a handful of sources from BOTH.
6. I am asexual and (even though I am wondering if fits as much) panromantic.
7. I like the idea of being “smart and autistic” as not a trained killer. I am intelligent, yet not want to hurt someone (unless in self-defense).
8. Lord how to describe it. Well recently in a poem I said it’s like struggling to sink to the bottom of the ocean. Society pushes the “normal” way and I seem to not be able to walk on the ocean floor, yet still, like an astronaut take great leaps of gravity and sink back down.
9. I personally prefer needs over function, for some days I feel more overwhelmed and could be seen as less functioning, yet I have the same needs.
10. Please never think of yourself as subhuman, if you were able to be diagnosed, I would hope you get it the help you may ask for and remember it is not an ugly word. It’s just like a body part, sure some are unneeded and bleeped out, yet it is still a body part.
@sailorzelda94 I would hope you could help, if not no worries, it is intrusive I know.
@autismproblems @autisticcharacteroftheday @autistic-culture-is @autismtypes @autismparenting @autisticheadcanons @autisticvoices Please reblog. :D
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urfavehasadhd · 6 years
Hi!! This is the creator of adhdcharacteroftheday (inspired by autisticcharacteroftheday) who abandoned the blog a couple of years ago due to being too busy with life stuff. I'm so happy to see that someone else is continuing the good work !!
yea im glad i was able to fill ur shoes! i know a lot of ppl wanted a blog like this again its a little difficult as one person but i hope to keep it running!! :>
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golestan-remade · 7 years
i love lgbt and nd headcanon blogs (like lgbtcharacter of the day, autisticcharacteroftheday, atpride, pridepoines, etc) but like yourfaveisantimap or aphobehatingcharacteroftheday is a bit too much
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sparatus · 7 years
Thank you, and no problem! So I've had a couple of different ppl (both autistic and allistic) tell me I should get tested bc I have a lot of the behaviors/thought patterns. I took a few online tests (the AQ ones, geared towards aspergers) and I got 37/50 ("very likely"). My question is, do you think I should get tested officially? What do you even do once you're diagnosed? Or just whatever advice you can think of off the top of your head.
tb totally h there’s this weird phenomenon i’ve noticed where like….. us autistics can tell when someone is either one of us or adjacent to us. it’s like gaydar but for autism. we can usually tell when somebody’s on the spectrum, and if they’re not then they’re displaying symptoms well enough to trick a very fine-tuned sixth sense. so if u’ve got autistic friends saying u might be on the system i’d say listening to them is a good bet, ur probably at least displaying similar behaviors.
also i applaud u 4 going for multiple tests, lord knows there can be discrepancies and inaccuracies in self-reporting so it’s good to check multiple sources. i’d also suggest looking up lists of symptoms and traits, both typical and atypical since atypical autism is a lot more likely to be missed!! my autism is significantly more atypical, so i wasn’t diagnosed until i was 15. this is a pretty good list of atypical traits.
honestly, getting tested is up to you. it’s useful for me, because i have a lot of traits and needs as an autistic person where being able to inform people of my diagnosis saves everyone involved a lot of unpleasantness. my diagnosis also brings me a form of comfort in that i can point definitively to it and say “this is why i’m doing x” or “this is why y distresses me more than it does everyone else.” it’s putting a name to a problem.
if you think being diagnosed could help you in some way, or if it would make you feel better to know for sure whether or not you’re autistic, then by all means, seek help. word to the wise, if you do decide to go for testing, you’ll want to do a bunch of soul-searching beforehand and lay out all your evidence. armchair physicians drive everyone nuts, especially shrinks. but if you don’t really think it would make much difference either way, then maybe don’t go for it, that’s okay too!! it’s 100% okay to just leave it at “i’m not diagnosed, but i do display symptoms.”
and if you do go for it, and you do get diagnosed, then, well, you get to decide where you go from there, don’t you? personally, i spent a lot of time digging through memories and figuring out how many things suddenly made sense in context of undiagnosed autism (spoilers, i started genuinely wondering how nobody figured out something was wrong sooner). i know a lot of people find comfort in autisticcharacteroftheday’s posts, because it can be comforting to look at all these different characters who are like you. i’ve submitted quite a few characters to it, personally proudest of saren, daro’xen, and thundercracker (of transformers fame) ;)
ultimately, if you do get diagnosed, the biggest thing is to just realize that all it changes is now you have something to explain “odd” or “eccentric” behavior. it’s not the kind of news where you have to move to a commune or whatever. it’s a label to explain how your brain is wired, is all. you may need time to come to terms with it, you may just go “ah, okay, cool,” and move right the fuck on with your bam-slam-oh-hot-damn-in’ life. there’s no one way to approach it.
(and, fun note, if you do get diagnosed, you can make fun jokes about it!! i personally love to say the grand high shadow autism council has claimed a certain character as autistic or decreed allistics can no longer do z irritating-and-honestly-offensive thing or demanded sacrifice of w allistic characters or whatever. it’s fun!! humor is a wonderful tool!!)
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nyaruhodou · 7 years
i wanted to submit tsuyu to the autisticcharacteroftheday blog but i feel like its not really my place bc im not dxed but do know that i completely love my autistic frog daughter
(mob from mp100 and masayoshi from samflam are also autistic fyi)
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lovelyquartz · 7 years
It fills my soul with joy that there are blogs like misophoniccharacteroftheday and autisticcharacteroftheday because it makes me feel more okay with my mental disorders
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littlepeacheater · 8 years
i cant believe i have to submit junkrat to autisticcharacteroftheday all by my damn self smh
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grey-eyed-fangirl · 7 years
My favourite autistic blogs are @neurowonderful @autisticcharacteroftheday @stimmysuggestion and @thingsthatcauseautism !! They are very informative, helpful, funny, and validating - which is so so great
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Today’s Autistic Character of the Day is Patricia “Peacock” Watson from Skullgirls!
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megagallade · 9 years
allistic anons: "ooook but as a REAL Autistic™ and not as those fake self-dx'd autistics your headcanons are hurting Real Autistics™ like me. every time I see one I remember how much I hate autistic ppl so pls stop doing this :) :) btw I'm a Real Autistic™"
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Today’s Autistic Character of the Day is Rei from Evangelion!
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Today’s Autistic Character of the Day is Dr. Julian Bashir from Star Trek: Deep Space 9!
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Today’s Autistic Character of the Day is Sasuke from Naruto!
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Today’s Autistic Character of the Day is Joseph Joestar from Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure!
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Today’s Autistic Character of the Day is Lain Iwakura from Serial Experiments Lain!
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